Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY. Except Sunday, AT THE STAR BUILDINGS, 1101 Penajylrkni* At;, comer 11th Street, by Tlie Evening Star Newspaper Company, S. H. KAt FTMASS. Prf'L Tw* Et?*iw? St?b i* served to ?il.vri>i?T* 'n the rtty by earners,'? their own ? ? nt.t. at 10 rmS per Week. or 4a?\ per month. < t pies ?t the counter, ~ tents each. By mail-anywhere m the United Mates or Canada?postatre prepaid??ceuta |?-r month. fATvmr?T Qribicru ^hict sub tl..70 pn an. (Lntere.1 at the Put < ifllce at Washington. D. C., as U l?-? mail n atter. ] (F~A11 mail sill srrv<tions tr.nst In* p-ai.l in advance; Do parer sent loiurer than i aid K r, Rate* ?f sdvertis riir ma<> known on application. SPECIAL NOTICES. ,TU? AMLKll AN SECURITY A5D TRUST COMPANY. CAPITAL, $UtSO.mO. tJadar art of Congress approved iVtober 1, 1890. A. T. BBITTON. C. J. BELL. President. 1st Vice President, roci B. METZOER, A. A. THOMAS, Treasurer. 3d Vice President. GEORGE E. EMMONS, HtnfUrjr. DIRECTORS: A. T. BBITTON. JAMES G. PAYNE. JAMES E. FITCH, M. W. BEVERIDGE. W. 8. THOMPSON. CALEB J. MILNE. harry r. west, william m. coates. ROBERT DORNAN, CROSBY 8. NO YES, WILLIAM VERNER. JOHN E. HERRELL. HENRY 8. LOUCHHEJM. MARTIN F. MORRIS, C. J. BELL. JOHN 8. JEN Kg, M. M. PARKER. ALAN H. REEK, CBA8. C. DUNCANSOS. 8. S. SHARP. CHARLES PORTER. DANIEL DONOVAN. A. A. THOMAS. BENJAMIN H. WARDER. JOHN R. McLEAN. MATTHEW G. EMERY. HENRY A. W1LLARD, HENRY F. BLOUNT, JOHN N. HUTCHINSON. ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS OF MONEY, payable by check without notice. AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO ACT A8 EX ECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN. TRUSTEE. RECEIVER, ASSIGNEE. AND TO RECEIVE AND EXECUTE TRUSTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FROM THE COURTS. CORPORATIONS OR INDIVIDUALS. ESTATES MANAGED. INCOME COL LECTED. GCARAN"EED INVESTMENTS FURNISHED. LOANS b .""CURED BY FIRST TRUSTS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUM BIA BOUGHT AND SOLD AND DEBEN TURE BONDS ISSUED BEARING INTER EST AND AB. OLUTELY SECURED. WILLS RECEIPTED FOR AND KEPT WITHOUT CHARGE. ACTS AS TREAS URER OR AGENT FOR RELIGIOUS. BE NEVOLENT OR OTHER INSTITUTIONS AND AS REGISTRAR OR TRANSFER AGENT OF THE STOCKS OR BONDS OF CORPORATIONS. PAYING THEIR DIVI DENDS OR INTEREST, IF DESIRED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR BENT WITH THE MOST MODERN SAFEGUARDS. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR THE STOKAGE OF PLATE. VALUABLE PAPERS, FURNITURE. CARRIAGES OR OTHER VAL UABLE GOODS AT OUR FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. NO. 1140 l.YTH ST. N.W. CALL AND SEE US. INFORMATION AS TO ISVEbTMINT8 AND BUSINESS CHEER FULLY FURNISHED. .fii-rtt -0THK CAPITAL TRUST COMPANY. ? in< ori*.rated Septembers;, Wo. Autuoriaed capital, f Amount called in, S-K *>.(**>. Temporary office, .il'J Pa. ave. a.e. tr?w^nt. .iolIN u. SLATER. Vice rr?M i.nt. ( HAS. ClutiSTl ANL Jv-crrtar>, ilENRV K. SIMPSON. A..<>rary. WILLIAM A. GORDON. Weboy, s^ilnrollitrv. ? negotiate notes, se?-nfM l.y reii " >4 tie or <her ^-urit) . receive luoti *r oii de 1 ? sit. .?i. 'W:uir inter -s* the)eon. issue certihcates of ?i...-it. wit:i jui<;i-t .it appro.ed rates; purchase or se.i rea. estate, liM-rr^am-. l^aae, improve or in any wiMtiaai with tut* same. iL?* .u.~ I'-?? ir otti>'<> m the eastern auction of the. It} We -ae prepared to take odMLt^v ol ihe many profitableop)?>ituitUi?-a ?.tiered in this rapidly uu pnmiur porn. n an 1 we i i: the patrouarfeot ail who Mu.J need our Services, m any direction. DlREClOfS. John H., William A. Gorton. 1-a.Liua.k. Euwurd B. liitirhea. "i-ti D. v auipbeil. Ti.^uua J. k.ii-f Carry. h?ir) A. Linavr. A..r. n s. i ??? wr>o<l. Ar.i.iUn.l M. ill-achleu. Cuaro Ctir.sttum. '1 ^e. j-uiiK lioeaale. A;., a C. t iara. Jofen !1. ttotiiert. A;-pie- n Clark. Jr. Henry K. Siuipson. Milium H. Crosby. Joan G. Smtw. J. L. tifixci uatia. John Mc-t>re?ror. Jan es tru?er. Aw. taitrncad. Andrew 1 r--y. James L. Bar.aior. dlO-lm -?>THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOS, ?t<? kholdeptoi the Weal End National iiank oi ?? ?.-oltiyrtiin tor the elei-tion of dins-tors will la* i.c'.u on ll E.-?DaY, Janu^r) l.'t. Polla open tiotli 1-J to ?_*. CHAS. P. WILLIAMS, >llT.-.O.tu.tuk?at?jaiil^ Cashier. r ?^NOTICE. -3. The annual meeting of the stockholders of tne >e . ud National iiank. Washington. D.C.. tortlio ele. tKai .-t ihr.-c t.-rs *i.l la* l.e.d at tm* liank on 'IT ES DAk, Jani.-.ry 1:1. IKlsl, la-tneen the hours of IS oVlork o'clorit p.m. dia.-.U.-.-7.J?;^10 ll. C. swain. Cashier. .MAKE USEFUL PRESENTS. h:\vE yol* seen OUE NEW LOT OF LAMPS? WE HAVE CHOICE PATTERNS ' THAT ARE Nor SHOWN ELSEWHERE. LARGEST VARIETY IN THE CITY. BRASS TABES* ANDIRONS, SILVER TABLES. FENDERS. GAS HEATING STOVES. E. F. BROOKS, 531 l.YTH ST. N.W. re asonable prices. n8-eoim _ ^FQK I HE PUREST AND BEST C.VLIFOR iL nia th*' iui->ti>.i? na.ue i rit-es,kro to lt? SONOMA CALIFORNIA WINE COMPANY. 317 i4h st.n.w. di:t-l.%t (?- ?SaCORNED BLEF. '?*- COKNLD BEEF. *??.1-1 urwl Cornell liee' a'.ways on hand. A really choice ani' le of Plate and Brisket c? rn Beef only 5c. per pound. PALACE MARKET. ?tjeii lttJ? Conn, are. EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING A8SOCIATICN, ? EXCITABLE BUILDING.- 10UB FST. A*tS?l,l.V.,UJM.'JL OBfo hour* from 9 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. -tally. On the hnrt W -dn?e<lay in each month tlie office will be from 11 to S o'clw k p. tin Advances wiii be made |>rou-itiy at T o'clock. TLe UUUi issue ut Muck la fcpe* lot suhacnptiou. Shares are tC .V) per month. ?l.OUOadvaacedoneach shara. Pamphlets explaining the objects snd advantage* of Ua Ammm KtkH are furnished u;-on application. THOMAS SoMERVILLA, Prwt. JOHN JOT EDSOS. Sec'y. n7 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO GASCONS! MERS. Arrauremento have been made tor the ronvenienre at T*r?.na livitur in the eastern aiul western sei tlonsof tnecity by Which they can pay their .-aa biLe duruir t?"~lk THE NATIONAI. CAPITAL BANK OR THE WEST END NATIONAL BANK Bltla isu.1 on or t?fore the Nth of each month. AND THoSE ONLY, will be entitled to the dlaconnt ut Mf LlWi-Uia- teet. WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY. .CHARTERED BT CONGRESS 1818. rR A N K L 1 N INSURANCE CO. Of Waahunrton. D.C CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ?335.000.00 Baa never roltilut a loss by fire, bat always n-km I and liberal adjustments. Dr. DAN'L B. CLARKE. PreeC GEO. E. LEMON. Vice PrsM. CHAS. 8. BRADLEY. Tma 1. FEN WICK YOCNG. Secy. WILL P. BOTKLER. Asst. Secy. ?27^ta ,CU8T?iM-MADE SHIRTS.-WITH OUR tn- reaae.1 la, llities in this dejiartuient we are better prepare.. tLan ever to execute your orders far "caatoin-1'.aiie" shirts. Any stj !e tor ordinary or full dnws ix-caaiona u.a.le at short notx e an.1 aatisiac t*oil ruarantee.1 in every in^tao e Now is ?he la?t On e to leave your orders aa you a til find a siurt mors comfort a. ?.e lor suinuier Wear after beilMT worn dur tmu the winter. AnTaUw* ttrit" mw' > furcishlnc department. aT-am ' WOODWARD k LOTHROP. 1>OOKS FOR PRESENTS IS POETRY. HISTORY. X> buxvraphy, Ait r ani? ncrtos. PLAINLY AND ELEGANTLY SOUND. BOOKS FOB CHILliRLN OF ALL AGES. THE HOLY BIBLL IN MANY SIZES AND B1NDINGS. FIBE STATIONERY. CHRISTMAS CARDS, DIARIES ANb CALENDARS. C. C. PURSELL. ?lMKni. lp 41s uth st. n.?. VO CHANCES NO GVESNKS. EVEBY ON* i? GETS A PRESENT. Your .hok w of either a bean utul Box or a etockiiur for the little i?w Ailed with the attest ut Freni h Candy. Given free to every pur ckaarr of VI and upward. See the Poet. J. W. SELBY. *T7la*6 1V14 mi 1B10 Peonay 1 vaua ave. SPECIAL NOTICES. l Of 1 HE CONDITION O1 the NATIONAL 8Avinos BANK or THE DISTRICT or COLUMBIA, At Washington. D.C.. At tbe close of busm.-?* Decembsr 19, 1890. RESoritCES. Loan* on r?*l estate anil collateral se rurity stock*. se< nnties, claims, etc lm* (root 8* ?te Banks and latnker* < >tlier ml esta'o art'I inortrnis-es owned.. Cum-nt expenses and taxra paid Cbecas ami otbercssh items Billii of other lianks ta-lkail paper currency, nickels and cents Specie..... Lewai ten !er note* #7H4,rW.'t 53 K7.5IIO 00 .T54.:*r_' :c> 5.K11I S8 7.4J>2 T5 i.!iV? 41 250 00 m 05 5 .250 oo 5.850 00 Total ?1.252,12? 87 LIABILITIES. Undivided profits Individual de|>o*its Time certJlcstes of delimit .. $47/772 On .. I,2tt?,:t57 M 1,000 00 Total ti.aag.i29 97 Dl?trii-t of Colmnhta. county of Washington. s* I. Benjjinin P. Snyder. president of the al?>ve-named bank do solemnly (.wear tliat tl.e al/ove statement is true to tlie best ol ui,v knowled^e and belief. BENJAMIN P. SMDEK, President. Snfcacribed snd sworn to before me tills 2Ud day of December. H jjYEr.S. Notary Public. Cor?=t-Atte.t andkew wyU? M. G. EMERY, .Director*. It LEWIS CLl'PHANE.' >REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SATToNAL CAPITOL BANK OF WASHINGTON, h At \\sshin?ton, in tbe District ot Columbia, At tbe close of business, December 10. 1SBD. RESOURCES. Loan* and discounts ? 9419.239 Overdrafts, secured and unsivured liKl U.S. Iiondsto secure circulation 50,0*10 Due f"-oui approved reserve smuts IH.lltl Due from other national lisnks yx.KiTJ Bsnkinx Uoitue, lurnitare and fixture*... "t" Current ei|iense* and taxes paid Premiums on I . s. bonds , Check* ami other cash items Excham 'es tor ciwinnif house Bill* oi other Innks Fractional i*l?*r currency. nickels an.I cents Specie ??.K2!I Leimi tender notes 0U.K20 Redempt.on fund with I". 8. Treasurer (5 percent of emulation! 2^250 32.541 3.IK15 0,301* 4.CJCM 5, II15 785 447 8 00 ?^.1 Ml :>u :t: itu 52 02 00 ft'. 50 00 00 I ToUl $74?.5H0 t?> | LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid it #200,000 00 ?* 1ft iKIft lift Surplus fund Undivided i rolits Nat;i nal I ink notm outstanding Individual deroeiis subject to check Certified checks Due to other national banks 10,U*> 00 i7.:?n 4ii 4:t.:t5o no | 474.4115 -'A 2.?H(l 01 1.7*4 K"> | Totai $740,580 t*> District of Columbia. *>: I. W. 1!. BALDWIN. Cashier of the above-I nau.ed lark. do solemnly swear that tb? aliove state ment is tr je to tbe i est ot my knowledge and liellcf. W. IS. BALDWIN, f ishier. Snhscnhed and sworn to before me tins .Vlii (lay of ; December. 1SU0. H. K. SIMPSON, 1 Notary Pul >ic. Correct?Attest: JOHN F. HERKF.LL. SAM'LH. WALKER. THOH. W. SMITH. CiLO. F. HAKBWi. W. H. HARLOW. W. P. C. HAZF.N*. It Director*. tk- _i?A yl"AKTEKLY DIVIDEND Ol 1 PER i-ent on the capita) stin k of the Columbia i ill* inanr-m-e Company will l?- payable at the offlc* of the c -mpany on aii.i aiter January 5. lsul. 'lrans ier 1-coLs will lie clos- ?i Decenioer '?*. 1H4X*. if.'4-tt J. D. COCOHLAN, Secretary. ^FIREMEN'S INSl'ltANCE COMPANY. 1 'iti'-e ? or. 7th st. and Ix<ni>:.ina ave. n. w.. Vtaa'rmrton. D.C.. I>e?-eu.ber 2".'. 1H*I.?The sroi'k hoiders of the Firemen s Insurance Company of \\ aslun-l. n and Oeoiyetown wiil meet at this office on ?lo;,DAY, Jannary .j.betweeu tl:e hours of 11 a.m. and 12 in., for trie purpose ot electltiK thirteen di re, tors for theennuinir year. ,ti>l(K C. W. HOWAIU). Secretarj-, r-: ?COAL?COAL?Ci )AL. He have 1.000 ton* chestnut ar.i furnace coal which we will sell at <4.75 per ton deuv-ml. A* we h*ve to move thi* coal, we give the public tbe benefit of thi* reduction in price. AMERICAN ICE CO.. 10th and F st*. n. w. oCl-rtm HOOP*, ave. n.w. ~ ^WM. C. LEWIS A CO. HAVING MADE _ an assignment to us for tbe benefit of their creditors ot all their J'roperty. stock of lime, cements. At. , ail |<enn.ns having claims atrainst them are noti fied to prvwnt the aa.ue to us, anil those indebted to them will please make settlement of their accounts at uoc?. M. J. CoLBEK T, Sun bni'.ciinr, J. NOT A MitOILL. Atlantic buildimr, d2i-.*i?* A*si;jnees. ^ WASnINUTON MARKET COMPANY. T lie annual meeting of the stockholder* of the Wssh lnKtoa Market Comi*ny will lie held at tbe office of the compm.)" tn the Center Market,in the city of Wash 12 o'clock noon ou the FlitsT MONDAV, lieinw-the 5th day of Januarj . IMJi, for the i liolcc of thirteen diret tors tor the ensuinv year and to act ou any otber subject within the i>ower ot the corporation. sAMl EL W . Cl'KhlUKN, Secretary. Washimrton,Ii.C..Dei einlier 22.1SH0. d22-llt TRY OtR COUNTRY SAUSAGE. PALACE MARKET. lit!7 Conn. stc. d-svet f-^5, BRADBURY P1AN03 IN CIRCASSIAN WALNUT. ENG LISH OAK. MAHOGANY AND RO.-.EWIXID CA.-iES; SWEET, KINGING gUALITY OF TONE. AND PER1ECT REPEATING AC TION. MANUFACTURER'S GUARAN TEE. SOLD ON *10 MONTHLY IN STALLMENTS, WITHOUT IX TMMJCST. F. G. SMITH. BRADBI KY PALACE WARE ROOMS, d20-0k V??j PA. AVE N. W. DIRECT IMPORTATION. SWISS MUSIC BOIES. ALL KINDS AND PRICES. BRADBURY PALACE WARE ROOMS, d20-Gt 1225 PA. AVE dr. W. BUDINOTON WRIGHT HAS removed his uental oiSietolilO llitli st., w hen l.e has increased taciiities for the accommodation ol patient*. " _. _ ^^.ARTIFICIAL TEETH MADE BEFORE and inserted immediate!) alter tlie ex trai tiouof teeth, with lio waituiK al, ad. l>as a.1 uuniatefed. DH. J. BAR 1 LETT HILL8. Sieiulwt in Artibi lal Teeth, l^il F st. n.w. dlO-lm' -A NECESSITY?AN ENGRAVED CAKD correctly made show* refine ment ot taate. A present lor a tnend that will be highly valusd and last :ur year*. f*? oEDNE\ A HUBERTS. Entrravers, 407 lOUi st Mar Gas oHes. SI'ECIAL NOTICE. - FOR CHRISTMAS or New Yewr | n seuts buy a arood siniriUK ranrn and? a?feor iu aviuar.vtui witn importe-1 Jap^u | eaeiroHl bsn?s irom HCllMlD'S BIRD STOLE, lit, 12tli st. n.w. dlty " >NOTlCE OF HEMOVAL. 'TTTh PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION ia? iin.ove.l tn^u Ills l'.th st. to .4JU 11th St. n.w. Tbis jw. latum lw;s HVt, blX uikI TWKLVE per [ ceir inn re?t i<er iluuui. Every ? eml? is a share houlcr snd ever) aiia.enoider is a ui*'.nber. All the pn litsiro to tlie i..?i.ber*. Has l?en cstul uahedNlNE ye.i. Assets. #5UO.OIO- Ha? ? ?or|i;u? and interest tuml i f *i>i,<*<> Ui <,O.OIIO Advawes money only to memlieni st n?aooal>l* repayu.i ul* monthly. ABorua the lie*! l eans of .-vttiuv jfouii interest cn money or tor borrowing to bay ri-al estate C. C. Dl NCANSON. President. JOHN COOK. SwretsQ. d!7--w _-^DR. HAVM AkD. ?1*. 12TH ST. N. W.. ^. cures nervous aSe< lion* 111 male or leuiaie, rtieii , llb*i. neuraivia. siiatKa. euut. tumors, Ac. e.ivtrn laii and ? n.y pnyscian in city n^kinK specialty ol elei trie ire.iUi.edt. il2U-JW* BRUCE OKAY. Aha. nl Itl'T, has removed bis cfVe to tbe Adams bulldintr, _n'JS>-?w* i:*.? F st. ii. w. fc- -.ZLbUY YOUR COAL. COKE AND WOOD PCS from the reliable linn of JOHNSON UKOTH 1 hs, the miMt extensive mail dsaier* in tbecoun try. o4 .Omct OF THE MUTUAL FIRE IN .ursin e Oo. ot D.C. Waanlrurton. Dec-. 10. iMS*. - Policy bolder* are hereby nolikeu to renew Ibeir :D?urame un or before the LAST MONDAY la I IV. eb.oer. !"?), tor tfce )ear 1(4(1. Heaae renew eariy and tbua avoid the crowd ol tne Isat few tlay *. ilKuJom J. WESLEY BOiEi UH. See. ALL INTERESTED IN CHRISTIAN SCI en. e healinif are invited to call at 14-4 N.V. , ...... room25. Otti-sbouts, V 3U to 12:1(0. Btbieclasa Sunday at 3. Taiks Thursday evenuura at a o'clock. 1 ittt-1 m* af _^?WEjrr end btove and plumbing ?vA home. 2UM Pa. ave. Uaiurs, turnace and lalrooe orders attended to promptly. Work and prirea wul I* a.t:a:a tory sexton's Urand Latrubs set to beat two atones ?AI. Par:.* sun. Open of even i uus until U o'clock. Hesiiny >tovaa at can. JNO. I MOtCAN, -LM Pa. a vs. TstepUine. UM-tf. rV-lkli SPECIAL NOTICES. ,18 IT NOT TRUE? There we a very few men who cannot find use for *n extra pair of tronaers, especially in January. There are also a Terr few men who ran be decently fitted in ready-made trousers; hence, I have alao inaugurated % vile" of Trousers to order at thin seas.n of the year. The new pattern* are very attract.rely dressy and are offered from 10 to St percent below the price* asked by other first-daw tailor*. Notice the line at 410. G. warfikld SIMPSON. "Expert in Trotner*," 437 Cor. Bth and G at*, n.w. Kg ^jisANOTHEB SHREWD MAN HAPPY. r. took out a Ten-year Semi-tontine Policy in the Equitable Life Insurance Com pany for Ten Thousand Dollar*, and it mature* January 1. He * as 4SI year*of ageand has paid in $7,7110. He now lias the choice of accepting $8,075 In cas'i, which is #M~> more than he paid in (and has had ten thousand dollars life insur ance without cost), or he can accept a paid-up policy for $ia,.'M0. or withilrawthe surplus of in cash and continue his policy t?n years receiving 4(711 i*r year tor that period aiul the ten thousand do.lars at the end of the ten year*. Notwithstanding the spiendld re sult shown in this 10-year policy, u i>olicy for 15 or -M year* under the same conditions would have eclipsed it ccusloer.ib'y. Vou can be made equally happy ten years irom now by taking oat a policy in the Eqiiitslile at this time. BtfWEH it HALL. The Equitable Life Assurance Society, It No. lSB8F*t. n.w. THE IT* BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 913 and 915 F st. n.w., Washington, D.C., Has the best plan devised for securing a home for th* amount usually j>aid to the landlord for rent money advanced in one sum and i>aid back in small monthly installments. NO AUCTION OF MONET! NO EXORBITANT PREMIUMS. Any amount LOANED REPAYABLE at the rate of $13 per month per $1,000. Until the first of the new year only will * few more certificates of the "paid-up stock" tie sold. This stock is $50 a share; maturity valm- $100, and in addition to doubling itself draws 5 per cent interest, payable Bern,-annually. books now open at 915 F st. n. w., from SUIO a.m. to i:'M p.m. daily. Installment Share?$1 per share, payable monthly. Harrison Dinynian, Prest. Geo. W. Leach, Vice Prest. Alonzo Tweedale, Secy. Andrew Wall, Manager. O. T. Thompson, Treas. Gen. JoLnE. Smith, Atty.l I ^.^fHli CAPE OVERCOAT is a graceful garment und comfortable wii !j;tl. No wonder it i* growing a ia vorile. Moreover, theres no need ] lay ing a high price i or one when we soil them at $15 to f.t) in a variety of fancy ]ut terns and in Plain Black. The latt -r seem* the most taking. A'ly other sort ot ovcrtrannent can lie ? lected witn equal facility from our ?to. k of rightly made Overcoat* and Ulster*. GEORGE SPRAN8Y, ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER. d27 4.H 7th st. n. w. SPECIAL NOTICE.-ALL MEMBERS OF | ?- Planterers' L. A. It>44, K. of L.. are hereby notine,'. to attend the next regular meetinir of the As neu.bly on .MONDAY EV ENING. Dec ember 13). 18D0. business oi important requires your attention. d~tKSt By order of the Assembly. Jf-^SsCARPENTEHS. MEMBERS OF L.A. NO. SOS 1748. are requested to attend the next n.eet ing MONDAX. Decern t ler :j9. The election of officers lor the ensuin'r term will take place. A full attendance is desireu. By orler of the Assembly. d'jii-:it j^-^.Sa"THt A8SOCIATEDCHAKITIES"?'"B& VvSi member the poor."?"Now is tlie tlnae to rontiniute." 1'lease send your contributions to L. 8. Emery, genera! secretary, 707G st. n.w., or to Star "tft' e, so that we may be prepared to meet this and other emergencies promptly We are piepuml to administer th* relief with system and intelligently. d'ib-.']t HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholdersof the CMmnMa National Hand Dredgiirr Company will lie held at it* principal ofilce, -1 (> Noutb >? as unvton st.. Alexandria. V*.. on. the HEOOND THURSDAY OF JAN I;AhY, IMtl (being Januarys. 1801). nt 12:30 p.m., for the electiouof utneer* lor tne ensuing year and the traiisaction of litlierln.i'ortant husuiess. Byorderof CliAitLEs B. PEARSON, 1-resident. JAMES M. MILLER. Secre tary- d^,27.Ja3-3t_ ^Tat NATIONAL LIFE-MATURITY IN SL'RANCE COMPANY. A WASHINGTON INSTITUTION, MANAGED BY washington BUSINESS MEN. OFFICERS: HORATIO BROWN!NO, President. W. E. CLARK, \ ice 1 resilient. SAMUEL NUl'.MENT, treasurer. iiEO. D. KLDlilkOE. Sevretary and flonl Manager. V. s. RIDDELLE. M.D., Medical Director. JOHN B. LA UN Eli. Es<|., Counsel. LEON E. ALBERT, Cuiiuer. directors: HORATIO BROWN1NO of BrowninvA Middleton. SA.Ml EL XORMKNT, pres. Central National Bank. ROBERT f?o 11). Hardware. JAMES L. UAl itm R ot L. Barbour k Son. JAMES 1 .sol, it IS, Patent Attorney. W. E. GLAlK. i.ive Sto. k iiroker. 1 RANK HI VE, liroct*. LE\ 1 WOODBURY, Prop. St. James Hotel. ?SEV5.0U11 W. TI'LLOCH, Cashier City P.O. II. O. HOLTZMAN. Real )?'state Broker. K. F. BARER of iieali & Baker, liro-er*. JOHN H. LAUNKlt. Attorney-ut-Law. P. S. R1DDELLE, We iicul Director. OEO. D. ELPItlDOE. Actuary. BENJ. F. DYER. Insurance. More than $750,000 cash [mid to Washington Citizens In Four Years. LIFE AND INVESTMENT INSURANCE. Note our Investment and Life Policies payable by month) payments. All the advantages of Industrial I usursnce at half the oust, with i.uji.i dl.,tt' I'cueht. THE LABOEST LIFE INSI'RANCE COMPANY SOUTH OF PHILADELPHIA. $30,000,000 OF INSURANCE REPRESENTED. Agents wanted. Apply *t office. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, n-.r.'.-si.ufi,,-J7-ot Washington, d.c. ^NATIONAL BANK OF washington. . Wasiiin/ton. 1).C., December 13, 1KH0. The annual election tor directors ol this Irtink wiU tak* place at the banking hoiute an TUESDAY, Jan uary i:t. imi. Polls o|<en trom 12 m. to 1 p. m. CHAS. E. WHITE, Cashier. dl3,V0.ST.)?3.1l>-5t THE REtifLAB ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Oduuibia National ?ank of Washington for the election of director* will oe held at its nan?.tiig house ou TUESDAY, January US, between the hours of Vi m. and 'I i>.m. Jl3.20,^7,la.i E. 8. 1'ARKEB, Cashier. kg-^SaOFFICE OF RIOOS FIRE INSURANCE C<iu>psny, WaKhinvtoii, D. C.?A dividend of turee (3) per cent has been <b*aared, payaole at the ohe eof the company. i:Cil 1' st. n.w.. ou slid alter January 3, 1SD1, to tae sto<*kholders of r*s ord at the close at business en Dei-ember S,, 1MUU. The trans fer l ooks will oe closed trom De ember MU, iSIX), to Januar>- 'i, 18! "1?Isjth days inclus. ve. By order of the board of trustees. _ FRANCIS B. MOHUN. d^B-Ot _ Mvretary. *-^SaQU.AlL?ORoCSE. 90S* W HI sell irom one to on* hundred dszen iresh selected Waull or e.rouse at lowest prKes. Large suipments received daily. ^ _ PALACE MARKET. 10t!7 Conn. sv*. jf~._-~?I>R. NICHOLSON, AETKR PURSUING - - sfHrcial coll^/iate studies in nervous diseases flu treatment by electricity, ns* reinmeil, resumed ..n.l limits practite to e!e, trti tty, with which ne has achieved MJUiUtl succt ss the past six years m Wcsh mgtou. uBlce. IW4 l'Jtbst. n.w. dlU-ltu* l<sswi88 mTsica.iTboxes-larc.esI as1 | 4 Ujtue cltY at W. G. METZEROTT 'S, 1110 F st. n. w. dl7-ln? ?-^5>UNION CASH REGISTER COMPANY Have opened Washington office atUlOFat.n.w., where the General Agents are prepared to show THE BEST. THE MOST SIMPLE AND THE MOST ACCURATE CAbU REGISTER laths market. "A TOTAL ADDER" At HALF THE PRICE of otlMr TWlttan. Every merchant needa ou*. For full iliignnt Uon, prtoe. kc., avply to Y1DETTO * RAINIER, tOO F at. n.w., Owril Agsot* District of Columbia. ? ? ? Maryland and Virginia. P.O. Bos 231. i to suit purchasers. dlS-la ios _ __STEINW\Y and OTHFJt PIANOS. OB ATTENTION, LADIES! YOU DOUBT . leas are awarso* tke absolute nscsaaity at rtaxak Its ~ a Isi*ii*s wscsn* SPECIAL NOTICES. -2,vek?io.> i At*;. ohuistianchubch? _ P. It. i ower *111. l-re-: li at 11 and . ::i0. Sunday school, Amu ? jwle'e meetmir, 0::*0. Mission school. Odd Fe'lov.-.1 Hall ??>?? atp.m. It* *3* ..........? .-vice. Pre;vhtwr 11 t.m.. sublet, Beth lehem' Babe," and 7 :t0p.m , 'tw? Now." Sun 1:#(, Christian Endeavor, It -.Mr. ikopoli ran m. f.. church. cor. 4H and C ?'??. liev. G. H. Corey. D.D., paatov.?Pmw .urn-- tomorrow at l>) Uev. *Hi. A. Sjenc-r. D.D.. an<l ft 7::W p.m. by tbe pastor. Seobatli school .OuW a.m. Epwoitl: l.-nyTl<\ H:TT> p.m. Watch nurht ?rrkr on New ?ear* eve, Imnnninir with eervice o7 eonu at 10 p. in. AU invited. A union evnnwel istir temperance me^tinuat Metropolitan M. K.Church, 4> and C, Sunday. ;|p.wkMr?.;Biabop Newman, le^al sui?erintendent in tne vflria, W. t. l. UM will trynamther siHvialty-the sappresslon of tM mm trufli< in heath*u lands. Amanita tJnittli. for ten y?*ars missionary witii Bishop Taylor in Africa, will si>eak of what she has seen in the Dark Continent. Mr*. J. Ellen lohU-r wlil preside. All te;oi frame friends o* every union* society or denomination are cordially invited. l%_ i^--?^.KorxDinr m.e. church.-rev. geo. Kliiot wil'. prrurh a Christmas ftrmoa at 11 a.m. Kev. J. MrKendree Keiley, D.D., at 7M. Watch niKbt service on ^eilnesdayjiiph^. lt_ ^^ABOIITi\LAHKA.?AT WESLEY CHURCH, , ?*. -.'.nd F, an address l?y Kev. Sbelden Jack son, superintendent of Alaska schools, TOMOKUOW NIGHT, 7:30. JL arr^a?HAMLINE M.E. CHURCH, CORNER 9TH and P sts. n.w.. ljev. H. R. Naylor, P. P.. pastor.? Sunday school, 9:1?. Preacbintfby the pas tor, 11 and 7:i#>. Yi.unir people's ini eting. 13:}* Consecration meeting, Tuesday Prayer inaetinjr Thursday, 7:30. Public coruialiy invited. _ It ^~-^^.ST. PAUI/S CHURCH, 2T1D ST. NEAR Washington Circle n. w.. Rev. Alfred Hard in*. rector.?Services tomorrow.7:'10 and 11, and choral even sornr at 7 :-M> p.a*. All seats tree. It lOAY STREET""BAPTIST CHURCH. COR. .... 31st and N sts.?Freacbinir at 11a.m. aHd 1 :30 p.m. by Rev. J. A. Howaffi of ('amhridge.Md.It* ^DARLINGTON HOOP8, A MINISTER OF the Society of Friends, will 1 *? at their meet in* < n I St. between ISth ami llHh tomorrow ixiorninir. tUe *ihth, at 11 o'clock a. m. It 8TBEET BAPTIST CHURCH. E NEAR BOllL tJtb n. w..^liev. J J. Muir, part or Christmas service. ** _ * "* lebem' Babe," day school, 0:J Sr^^FOURTH STREET M. E. CHURCH, BOfi^Hev. Win. M. Feiyuaon, pastor.-*-0 a.m.. Sunday school at church and mission; 11 a.m. and 7 ;<U p.m., preaching by the pastor . Special subiei-t for evenin?* sermon. It FLETCHKR M.E. CHURCH. CORNER New York ave. and 4th st. n.w.?^,, sern:on by the pastor on the *4Histor>'of Masonry. ' A cordial welcome to all Masons; 7:30 p.m.. priach in*r by the pastor It ? -,,SPIUiTnALI8M AT GRAND AKMV H AI.I.. **. 141U Pa. are.?I.yi-eimi, 10 a.iu.; lecture, 1T-,;sCT a.ui. an'l 7:510 p.m. every Sunday. Momiiur ?abjei t: "Love ami .Mhrria^e Spiritual.y Uin?i-U-ml;' evening. "1 JKbt on the l*atli,"wtthre?uinf <>f replies to all questions, rtyrbomi'try if possiUe. I<est sun duy tiii? waaon to lienr Mrs. H. S. latke of lkieton, temple, tlie iriltfl aii'l eloi)iirnt tr?.n?-e s;va\fr. 1<?-. door < o!le. tion. No mwtinK tonltfht at Woun's llal', bat next Friday^ _ ^jTHK TOTA1. AB8TINKNC1. VNION WILL boliluvrinil puiiii'' teuiperanre luuet'iur at Carroll Ins>itut' Ha l, urj V st. n.w., on HuncUy. I)?-. ?.V, at ; :U0p.ii?. .V;l(lren?t> w.U be tielivyr. J on the temperanre canse by *"*!i1#?T Templar \rn Vleek and l>r. C. N. Whitney. Vocal and insinimen tal music. The public are i ordially invited to !*? pre? en. MitS. E. A. tUlAMUi- KS. ?IAS. A. KDWAliDS. Se.-. lit] ITee. aF~iS^MONVMKNTAL LODOl! I.O.O.T., IN . charge of the nnion public tenip?(*w*e iueetiiuf in t'labaiurli Haii, liuiO JL4tu st. n. w., at p.m. TOMOUHO*. Excellent program. All wel coine. It TKMl'LAK HALL. COHSKK OE '"5 4>i st. and I'm. ave.?"What Come ^e Out tor to See?" Sunday evcninif. in charve of W asliin^ ton Lod)--e, 1. (I. tJ. T. i"ir?t- lass s|?-a?-is will tell you. Comeau<l hear. 7.'Msharp, rt. ?. KCJWLEi", chainiian. It tfr-?_ ATTF.KTION. YOrNO MAN'. ? A MEET in.' lor Al'.N ONLY??siwi-iily younir men will lie held ill Hamiine M.E. Cburcb,corner Mth and 1'. stH.n.w., TOK1GHX at 7 o'clock. Come! It \V< IMAN'H CUEISTIAN TEMPEKANCE ITnion. Parli smentary drill liead<in?rters, Willi.Hlau.'hUM build.nv'. 14<?i O n. w., >IONDAr EVENINU, Uecemlier a>. at 7:;jO. Miss Cora B. Thomas, superintendent. All inenilters and Irienda, both ladiea and (rentleinen, cordially invited. lt_ * _ .Minomr ? rpecul communica POS, tion of Wasbinvton Centennial Lodire. No. 14 l. A.A. M. will be held at Masoni -Toiinde "1'IN DAY, 'J!>th instant, at 7 p.m. Work, iirst ,n*ree. Bn threuot sister loil>res are fraternally Invited to ?t tt nd. By order of the W. M. iK7-2t EMMETT C. ELMORE, Sei retary. r-^SaTIIE GUEKSlNd CONTEST AT THE llonuue nfal, !J05 rennsylvania av>. *.e., Capitol Hill, closed last eveninr. Virs. Mora mi, rJOH B n.e., revived umbrella. Ueans in jar. 4,:CI1; her truess, 4,^UJ. Miss Muria Mar>:s, IKllllle , i-'uessed nearest to tlic nii'nlier of rut-iplon weiU. 4V>, unil re ceive<l the iiiulller. 'the doll's name was ltosalie, iniiwd lij Mills JJIy Euehler, :Cill A1 ?t. s.e. It* ^--T^OSIKIH LOME. NO. 2?!._F.A.M., will meet in s|*v ial comuiunication ?t the Ca r IS1 >e<lral of tli.i fcM Ottisii Kite, on MONDAY, -.1KLi m nt, at 7 ,harn. Wore. Orst derree. . order of W. blaster. W11. USCAK KOONK. Jerf-r-t Secretary. j*-- ^j,TUE ANNUAL EtJiCTION FOB DIHK(% tors of the Citizens' Nation il Bank of Wasn ilisten City for the ensuin-- yeiir will be IteUl at their imnliinv house on THl'KSDAY. January ti!), I Mil, be tween the hours of l'- m. uud 1 p.m. <i^7-law/K THP8. C. l KAltSALJ^ fleshier. *FOB AN APARTSfENT HOUSE Or a fine renilence the trrouml at the southwest corner of 10th and P sts. is well ndavted. The frontwre on lOtlist. is 00 feet, on P st. l'?i feet, and there is a l.Vloot alley in tl;e rear. The price is re isonab.e. TUOH. J. FI8IIEK ft CO.. It laa4 Fst. n.w. af-riSaPOTATOEa. POTATOES. Sv^ST^ 1UTATOES. 3,000 BL'SHILH MORE OF THOSE CHOICE BLATTTY OF HKBHONS, BCl!BANKS AND EAULY KOBE POTATOES. IF YOIT WANT SOMETHING THAT IS REALLY FIIIST CLASS CALL. 911 B ST. N.W. It* G. TAYLOB WADE. 18 YOUB EQUIPAGE COMPLETW Wouldn't a new Whip or Carriage Robe or a handsome Set of Harm ss make a welcome Christmas irift? If you have not seen our stock of Whips, Crop, and Ladies' Kidinf Whips you are not ac quainted with Uie latest "proj>er caper." Some of them were on exhibition at the Paris exposition and all are very correct. ANDBEW I. JOYCE'S SONS. 10G8 and 10:t0 Conn. ave. d23-eolu ? ?^ ?.IN the SUPREME COURT OF THE DI8 _ TUICT OF COLUMBIA. I loEt>lNO A Sl'KCIAL TERM l'OR ORPHANS' COURT BCSINES8, Decemls-r 1WJ0. In the matter of the estate of Richard Tilirhluau Earle, lute of Oeoivetown, In the District of Coin:>ibia,ile ceased, No.4'J0K, adimn'.stnition diw ument lb. Application for the prol*te of tUe last wl I and testa meut r.n 1 for letters testamcntaiy on the estate of tbe said de<e?sed has this da) !?een made by lioliert *. I .McPherson.oneot theexe? utors nninwl therein. All persons interested are hereby notified to appear in this court on Friday, the '?!d day of January next, at 11 o'clock a.m.. to show cause why the srd wil1 should not be proved and admitted to probate and letters tes tamentary on tbe estate of tne siid deceased ai.ould not issue ns prayed. I roviued.a coi'J" oi th.S ofder oe i ut> ilsued once a week for three weeks in the Washin.ton | Law iiei'orter and Kveninv Star previous to th< said day. By the court: A. C'. BII ADi.EY. Justice. Xest:^. P. .? RlijHT, lteidster of Wilis for the District o; Co lumbia. dgr-lawilt ^.ijNOTlCK IS HEliEBY GiVi N THAT A S?dividend of :i p> r cent on tbe capital st?v k of tile Au.erii mi orai'l.opbone Company wili lie |iaid ut tlie office of tbe company, 1-111) vi at. n. w., on tile loth | of January. lMll, to stockholders of record on the oth I oi January, lb91. ' JAMES G. PAYNE, President. CHAS. J. BELL, Tre,?.ur.i'. d^T.iilj^Jl ,HOTEL JOHNSON CAFE ? DIAMOND | back terrapin, Lynu Haven oysters. (Geno me. ) It ?The treather i* likely Ut be/air; aoulAteeet _ irtp ?riiut*; uii/ht change* in Umperuturr; eulaer, f air Sunday. A FBEE HINT. QUESTION. ANSWER. Oar firm has met and answered HOW this Question for more than a year. CAN 1st?by *ellin* the best Boards at I CI. 15 per 100 feet ami clew N.0. BUILD Floorintr at per 100 ieet. kc. A 2d? By prompt delivery, not delaying HOUSE your carpenter and tfivin, satiafac AT tion to everybody. ? A 3d?By euiploylnv an architect whom LOW yon may consult at any time free 008TT of coat when you feel the need of advice. LIBBKY, BITT1NGEB k MZUA, MILL WOBK AND LUMBES, 037 Uth at. and New Tart ave. PENSION AND CLAIM ATTOlUmr' PBINT1NU. Level Briefa. 90 cents per pan. Mercantile Printing at Lowest llitee. BY BON 8. ADAMS. Alt 11th at. n. W. IE GUBTATU8 *. BliCTWH HAS BE " ?ms???'~~*2lsr SPECIAL NOTICES. if-i-^TRINlTY GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH J? - (4ttit.uuKQ.? .) Sunday services 10-.30a.ui. and M V. C. H. Lwbkfit, pastor. Second Sun dtyol rnrfc month Kar!lah ?w ??. 7:30 p.m. Oer ?:30 a.m. >aruc biai school Ave days every week. ^HOWARD UNI\ ERSITY.?PREACHING |KJ~, by Kev. J. I.. Rinkin. I> D., L1-. P.. the presid'TOf. ut oo'clo k p.m. Sin-'in-- by w students. Strancers ?re cordially lnvit?l to this service. It rT^jCHIXECH OF THE EPIPHANY. O ST. bet. i:'.th and 14th. Be v. R. H. MrKim. D. !?., rector.?Sunday services, S a. ni., 11 a.u,..4p. SB., i -SO p.m. All ? ilit tree except at 11 o'clock service. 1 tt"^5=.ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, GfXiRUETO WN7 cor. C> a ml Potomac sts.?Servit:?tomorrow: Hoiy communion nt S a.m. Mornaiv prij-?r and ser mon at 11. Evemmr prayer. 4:'.*>? \ eeted choir. Str?n>rer? always welcome. It j^-^^CHU*CH~or THE COVENANT (PRES^ byterlau), Connects ut ave., N au.t 18th sts. n.w.?SefVicesat 11 a.m. ami Sp.iu. Preectino.' l>y the Iwstor, Rev. Tennis S. Ha..inn. D.D. Snnday school rtV^ULDi. Christian Endeavor Society meet in* at 7 p.m. A New ??ar prayer meetine from 9 to 10 o'clock on Thursday momln-r. It Bpii^TABERNACLE. H^H AND B STS. 8.W. Preucliinjr at 11 a.m. ml 7:.'X> p.m. I'y the Rev. "Nathan Thompson of Baltimore, Ma. Sunday school at H30 a.m. Christian endeavor on TuewUy evening at 7 :30. It RLEY MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN Church, I<e Droit 1'ark, Florida ave. and 7th it. ?Services. 11 a.m. ami 7 30 p.m. ;rrn?'lilait by the pastor, Rev. Williams. Millar; Sabltatn ai-hool, 3-.:*) p.m.. uiiMrion^ry service. address by Dr. Sl>el don Jncksou; Ijideavor Society, l!:4f>: *?*k service Wednesday, 7 30. Strangers alwaj s wel come. It *~-^5?"AI.L ASHAMED" 18 PASTOR E. HKZ Swcili'i subject Sunday nieht. 7 :30 o'clock. PreachiM at 11 a.111. Iiy tlie pastor. Seats free; come. .Second Baptist Churcli, 4th st. and Va. ave. ?.e. It jt-r^Sat'ENTKAI. UNION MIS8IOH, KK) PA. ave.--lonvlit sontr service, < :i0. The Tyler Bros, at S. Tomorrow, Indies' meeting, 3 p.ui. Brws. Bailey and Havell at 7::#) p.m. Gospel services daily, U!m. and 7:30 p.m. Brani-h mission meeting's as usual. Kveryl/ody invited. Dear reader, come and m cept the world's Redeemer and iMvin the new year rlvht. It Jfr-^iSsBEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH. 18TH ST. I etwien L and M st*. n.w.. J. Milton Wal (Irou. (castor.?PreaclilUK 11 H-m., BiibJ ?< t, "Friend sliip with Christ- it* Conditions ..nd Privileges." 7 10 p. m , "The Security of <"od's Feople." Wednesday nlirht. 1) o'clock, Duceiul>er3l, wau u ineetimc and sernK.ii; subject, "Turnimr a New Leaf." You are c ordially invited. It* ar iSaCHrRCH "or OUR FATHER (UNIVUR a..list), 13th and L n.w . Rev. s. A.Wliit coml>,i>astor. ? Subject oi' iiiornij?ir dia twiw: A review ot the doMiiw yeur. In the evening a sone herv iceby the bundjv a'iiool.wlth rvsiH> rendine* nnd add.'. s.ies Sunday schoo' it H:4.> a.m.; ioun/ iho pie's inevtinv at i> :?> p.m. All conlially mvitetl. l ounir People a I'nion'lueeday evening at 1113 O st. u. w It S~ -Ti^CALVARY BAPTI81' CHTUCH. Ct)liNER ^ ? Hth und 11 sts. n. w., Hev. Su:nuel 11. Gn-eue, I'.tstor.?Sunday < ;.ool.!)::X) PreachiiM-- by the pastor, 11 a.m. and , :i0 ii. in. Itiiptism alter evening s r i.on. KENDA1/L CHAPEL BRANCH, >or. i:><* unu Dsts. a.*., Ue\. Themu Cutwater, jiaslor.?Suti ilay s-iiool, ^ ii.ui- 1-reai-hiii^, 11 a.m. and7:*K) p.m. MEMORIALCHAPKI.. ccr. "tlicnd Vsts. n.w.. Cliaiies E. l .uri.ian, supt.?SuimU> schcol, 3:30 p.m. All are cordially inv ite,! to them- sTvtitg. _ It i?-~C?=S?OBACE Ul.iUHkF.i l'Hl'U llTl-M'H ST. t"*t. H.l. ave. ..nd P st.?Kev. Walter E. Kre! s of Littlest own. !'n.. will i>reach tomorrow at 11 a.m.and 7::<0p.m. All welcome. It* ri,i?EAST CAPITOL STREET BAPTIST S, C!iurch (Baum's HhII), i-onier East Capitol nnd 4tii sis.?Kev. K. K. Crcsseyoi New Vork city will |>re;u'li at this church tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 7:.'i0i'.!n. All welcome. It" ?f-_^,EAKTEUN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Hth and F sts. li.e.?Prcacuinir 11 a.m. by pastor, ltev. Dr. M. N. Cornelius. 'Throutrh the Outes Into tlie City" Sllhjt* I i:.M p.m. S. S., !<:.'<0. 1-rayer meeting Thursday. 7::#l. It* .I JL L l li I'tU . Iti 'I EllIAN CHURCH, METKOPOLITAN PRESBYTERIAN Church, 4th nnd B sts. s.e., Rev. John Chester, D.D., paator. ?Service* tomorrow at 11 a.m. and7:30 p.m. Y. P. 8. C. E. Tuesday. Contrmm tloual pnyer meet'nv Tbursilay: both at < :30 It* aF^-iTWELFTIT ST. M. E. CIII'RCHTcoBNEB 3kJ25> of Est. s.e., Rev. Henry Baker. D.D., p*s tor.?11 a.m., "From Nazareth to Bethlehem;" / :30 p.m., "lTo.lii.-al s Uepartuns." It ..... :'UV.UD. .1IDU II 4 :.JU p.m., "Some Christmas Thoughts." Ann ml Christmas cele bratlon by tl.e Sunday school Tuesday niirht at 7 ::*!; simriuir led by Mr. Frank A. Wilson. Cantata of Frost (jneen rendered. It jK-iSjKKW CHURCH. THE REV. JABF.Z FOX~ iormer pastor of the so iety. will preach at the Church of the Holy City .Dupont 11 a.m. Sunday school. 12:15, evenlnv at7:.'H), lec ture by tlio ltev. k rank Sewall. " l he >ew Cliurciiman's Answer to the Qil^tlnn. Is l.ifr Wort'c Liyinf?" ^-.?..a"!* L1.E VIOMH LlVlNUr" A NLA' MKOE*. churchman's answer. Lecture by Rev. Frank Sewail at Cl.urch of the ho.y City, Dupont Circle, 7:30 Sunday evenin1.': all are invited. It ie~-- ^McKENI>REE M. "E.~CHURCH. MASSA cliusettsuve. la-tweenMl: and 10th sta.n.w.. Rev. C. Herlcert Richardson. 11 a.m and 7:'M p.m. t'csi>el revival service: Si:.*) a.m. Sunday school; watch iiivln service Wnlnes cay, 31st. l):.'H)p.m. It (if- _.WESLEV~7I'HAI KL SUNDAY SCHOOL." ?C- "5- TeacIters' prayer ineet,nif,ll:l."> Sunday school, ?::it) a.m. ; Sunday sa nool love least, 3:3U p.m. Members nnd tneiids are cordially lnviti><l. It* ia?wAUoH~MTE ciu k?:h73D anITa s"isT n.e., llev. Alex. E. Gibson. D.D., |<usu>r.? At !l.i.m.. Siibjoct, " 1 he Christ uu s Stoiy; 7:.'Mip. ij.. 'Clirist the Divicliii-'Line." U '.iop.m., jc.nmr |>eo|>!e's meetniK. Weantwday. lt:30 p.m., watch nu Id servicts. It -li-,CHrRCH OFT HE ASCENSION.-11A.M.. Kev. .Mr. Aspinwall will proach; 7:3(l p.m., seiiis .roe. Rev. Dr. Elliott will preach. It -^FOLNDltY M. E7 CIll RCHTREV. OE(X 2-^5. Elliott, pastor. ? Sunday school, S?:;10. Prei'-Linv at 11 a.;u. and 7:'H) p.m. by the pi stor. v.jt h nitflit Wednesday. Leymens prayer meetimc j'r1cl..y. It* T*~ ?-i?ASSEMBLV PRESBVIEEiAN"t'HI HCH. iZ corner ."itli and 1 sts. n.w.?Kev. Geo. O. Liil.t, lamtc-r.? a.m., SaL>c?d.: school; 11 a.m., "re.n |.!ii\r oy liev. Arthur M. little, <!::Uip.m., meet lu-_of .-ocieiyo. <;iir.sti.iU Endeavor; 7^*1 p.m., asin vei'Sjyof V. P. a. C. E. Mu..t uudre^ses by the; pas tor, .^r. W. H. II. Smith an I ot'ceis. Stronger* cordi ally welcomed to all the services. It ,V ^jUXI'uI,N MEMORIAL CONOBEGA j>-U25> lional Chiu.-h, 11th and It sts.- The pastor, .Cev. Geo. ?N.aic.core.will preach 11 a.iu.and 7:;<d p.iu. SUii'U.y Suliool review, Ci:..d. Soci -ty of Christian l cdc-avor, 7 p.m. Watch meeting December 31. Ail invit ".1. It* /f ^ VERNON PLACEM.E. CHURCH South.cor. !Hh and K sis. n. w ? Preu?-hinir oy the pastor. Rev. J. T. Vc urlitiiian. D. D. 11a in., * 1 i.<i Glory ot tiie I III arn.icn." i:Op.m., "Thaua to]s,sol Time." Sunday school, ;> :i()a.m. ;<'hr;?tian enueavor, tl.'IO. Watch ni'/lit VVednesday uiiflit 0:30. ^ oun? .Ven's S.? iety 1 cieaday 8 p.m. Stranxurs cor dial !y invited to ihechurc^. It* E r IO PO L IT A N WESLEY-ZION A.M.E. Church, southwest. Rev. R. II. O. D)x?n. pastor?Preechinir, 11 a.m. and 7:3Up.iu., by the pastor. It* MT. M ARK'S LUTH. CHURCH, liTTH AND 'J-?C sts. s.w., Rev. W. H. Uotwaid, pastor.? .^imcia> acnooi at i):.A) a.m. Preachimr st 11 a.m. and 7:30p.m. louigr people's meeting at ti:4i> p.m. Puh lic invited. It* a- ?isPIRST conori:gational CHURCH. corner 10th and Usla. n.w.?The pastor, Hev. h. M. Newman. D.D.. will preach st 11 a.m. und 7:3I)p.m. Both ? nrvlces In music and sermons appropriate to Chrisii I as. Music leu by Dr. Bis hoti, Sunday scnool, U:45 a.m. Christian En delavor Ineetiiw, o:4" p.m. It j?^_i^IIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH, 16TH ST. above Scott circle. Rev. t'u..r;es A. Stakely, D.D., pastor. ?Siinday school, I?::I0 a-iu.; preacldnir, li a.m. aud 7:30p.m.; Vounir People's Society Chris tian EndeaTor, B::*> p.t;i special selections will t e rendere I by toe quartet choir aa toUowa: Gloria in Exc s.a in C, C.W.Whitney Coombs; Lord God Al mbrhty, C. C. Stearns; Festival Te Deuni in E flat. Dudley Buck: I Wi.l Extol 'l'hee, O Lord, oratorio of Eli, Costai Bhssed be the Lord, H. P. Hanks. Crown Hun, Geunr-William Warren; I Know Tuat My Re deemer Li\ia, oratoriool Aicsaiali.Iiaiidel. Hurk! What Means Those Holy Voices. H. H. Danks; Mrs. E. J. i-er?imt. soprano, Mr*. E. D. Rheem, contralto; Mr. Aiexanuer at..s:nr, tenor; Mr. tthi.rits E. Rice, basso; Mr. P. 8. Foster, oryanist and director. It* #-^a?RALLY DAY AT PLYMOUTH CONGRE (rational Chon-h. curner 17th and P st*. n. w ? IT a.m., Xmas sermon by the pastor, Bev. Hterl iiiK N. Brown; < :30 p.m.. special s^rccon by Rev. J. E. Rankin. D. D., LL. D. All welcome. Vournr xut n, bear Dr. linn Win at eveninir- Choir, assisted by too "Plymouth Male (Jusrtet. It* Of ^3?UNIOH M. E. CHURCH, "JOTH ST. N.W.. . Rev. Joel Brown, )?stor?0:30, Sunday school; 11 s.m. and 7:30 I'.u.., i reachimc; 4 p.m.. Anas.onary; ?i:.n). Christian Endeavor. Watch nhrlit semi-ea W edlc -vUcy, 11 -.30 p. m. It* ?f-^iSaMETHODls FHOME, 13TH AND N 8T8. VvS _n.e.? Service* at 3UJU p.m.. conducted by iwev. ti. D. I'arrow. D.D., of Philadelphia, preceded by t short aornr service by the Kind's Daughters of Vcamrh M.E. Church. It ?"^5?Z10N BAPTIST CHUBCH-11 A. M.. BEV. Dr. Wm. Gray. Subject. "The Mercy .-eat. 3p.m.. communion; 7p.m., Sabbath school review. Revival Icepna watch-meeting niKht. Rev. W. J. Stewart, pastor. If ?^^ALL SOULS* CHURCH (UNITARIAN), VsS cor. 14th and L st*?11 a.m., Rev. R. B. snip pen, ssnoon tor the closing year; 7 :.'*) p. m., Bev. A. 1>. Mayo, "Woman in the Mew South." Sunday school and MUe class at W :45 a.m. All invited. It B-^SsAT THE T.M.O.A., 1409NEW VORK AVE. PvA n.w ?Gosp?l meetinir. Sunday, Dec. 38, iMiO. 4:30 p.m. A special service appropriate to ths last Halihatn of ths year, conducted by James E. Pntrh, peueral secretary. Every member should be ncaent. Good sburinK- Youn* men cordially InvitecL it ibis class at 3M p.m. _ _ It PIB8T BAP. CHURCH, 6TH NEAR a_ S. 8. 9 a.m. Preachta* by i wator. Bar. H. oo, 11 a. in. 3 o'clock, BlUe reading and ?owr service*. 7.30p.m., Bev. W m. Gray. Subjsct? "Faith to Christ the Work Ood Demanda.'' It (^-^SkST. PAUL'S ENGLISH LUTHERAN Church, corner of 11th and Hsts. 8. Domer. pastor. ?Sermon te ths moralnr at 11. Evsn ***&? ^-^SsASBURY M.E. CHURCH, BEV. t. W. E. Bon#? FheP., MfmoA Washington News and Gossip. Index to Advertisement*. AMUSEMENTS. .. Ps?? 1? ATTORNEYS Paw U AUCTION 8AUCS Pajr*?2and 11 BICYCLES P??* 13 BOARDING PM* 2 BUSINESS CHANCES Paw - CITY IT 11118 Paw 1? COUNTRY PEAL ESTATE P*-v - DEATHS Paw .% DENTISTRY IWr 13 EDUCATIONAL Tmgm anil 19 EXCURSIONS. PICNICS, ke I1*** 10 FAMILY SUPPLIES Paw 14 FINANCIAL raw 16 FOR RENT (Flats) Paw 2 FOR RENT (Unmi l>aw FOR RENT (Itiavilai ?oob) IV* FOR BENT (Oft, I'aw FOR RENT (Kootu?) Paw FOR RENT (Storoa) Paw _ FOB SALE (Houses) Pun 2 FOR SALE (Lot*) Paw 3 FOR 8ALE (Mto.?llan?'<.u?) P?W 2 GENTLEMEN'S GOODS rwLI HOTELS Pare 16 LADIES' GOODS Paw 13 LECH" RES Paw 16 LOCAL MENTION Paw 16 LOST AND FOUND Paw ! MANICURE Paw 13 MARRIAGES Paw h MEDICAL Paw 12 MISCELLANEOUS Paw 5 MONEY TO LOAN Paw 2 NOTARIES PUBLIC Pat* 13 OCEAN STEAMERS Paw 13 PERSONAL Paw 2 PIANOS AND ORGANS Paw 13 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS Pay* 14 PRINTERS law 11 PROFESSIONAL Paw 12 PROPOSALS Paw 16 RAILROADS Paw14 SPECIALTIES Paw 13 SUBURBAN PROPERTY Paw 2 WANTED (Help) Paw 2 WANTED (Hon*-*) Paw 2 WANTED (^aiscellansous) Paw 2 WANTED (iioou.s) Paw 2 WANTED (Situation*) ............l'as'* 2 WINTER RESORTS Paw 16 Govr.hnmf.XT Rkokipth Toiiat.?Internal rev enue, *301,769; customs. *411,6k5. Boxiw'The amount of per cent bonds redeemed yesterdr.y waa *3S.oO<). making the total to date ?7.H.^.(i00. Fourth-class Postmasters were yMtcr'Uv appointed as follows: It. A. Ragland. (Hen more. Vft.; L. Rovorta, Cylon. Pa.; O. Heillicrt, Mountuin Top. I'h.; W. \V. Davis. Tredyffun, l'a.; S. S. Lightbodv. North Vassulborough. Me. Dutiable Ballast.?Assistant Secretary Spaulding has informed the collector of cus tom* that ballast to l>e exempt from duty must he of an entirely unmerchantable char acter nnd that hewn xtone block" not being of such character are liable to duty even though used an ballast of the importing vessel. The Tcbkish Fez.?The Treasury Depart ment has decided that a head covering known as Turkit ii fez is properly dutiable under the provision for "wool knit goods' and not, as claimed, under the provision for "hats of wool. ' which latter provision is held to apply to hats alone and not to caps or other head covering Drawback on ALMoxniNE.?The Treasury Department haa authorized the allowance of the usual drawback on exported "almondine,** manufactured in Chicago wholly from imported shelled almonds and albumen, and rvrtiicd sugar from imported raw sugar, und also on exported sulphate of copper or blue vitrol produced from imported copper ore. Cadet Chab. de L. Hine of the graduating class at West Point leaves the city for the Mili tary Academy tonight, after having spent a three data' leave at his home in Vienna. Va. He will he gr.'.tefullv remembered by the nutioiu-.l guardsmen of the District for his careful in structions in guard duty at the encampments at Fort Washington hist summer and tlie year before, who will be pleased to learn ihnt he in tends to devote a portion of his graduating leave next year to the same work. The America* Monetary Union.?The recommendation of the late international American conference for the establishment of an American monetary union and the i sue of a common silver coin have been adopted by all the American republics, except Guatemala, Uruguay and Paraguay, which have not been heard from. The tir*t meeting of th' ut.ioi: takes place as the Department of State at noon ou Wednesday, the 7th of January. The fol lowing delegates have been reported: Argentina Republic. Sr. Don Yincente G. Quesndn: Brazil. Sr. Salvador Meudouca; Colombia. Sr. Don Climaco Calderon and Sr. Don Julio Kengit'o; Mexico, Sr. Don M. Romero; Veiiczu' ia. Sr. Don Etauislao Vetencourt Reiidon; t'lill. Sr. Don Prudencio Lezcano; Salvador, Sr. Don Renjamiu M. Gnirola; Ecuador. Sr. Don M. Romero. Delegates have been appointed from Peru. Costa liica, Honduras and Rolhia. but their names have not been reported. Mr. Romero, the Mexican minister, represents Ecuador as well as his own country. Ibc dele gates from the United States have not yet been appointed. Sea Post Offices to be Established.?Mr. Sachse the director of the jtost and telegraph department of the German empire, and ('apt. IJrook., the sii]>erintetident of foreign mails of the Post Office Department, have comluded, with the approval of the Postmaster General, an informal agreement for the establishment of a sea post, office service on aU vessels of the German lines idyii.g between Sew York aud Dremen and Hamburg. The agreement has been forwarded by Mr. Suchse to the German government for its approval. It provides thai each government shall furnish a postal clerk for service on each vessel, whose ifuty it shall be to assort all mails passing between the two countries. Contracts with the steamship companies have already been made whereby accommodations for the clerks and space for assorting the mails have been secured, the ex pense for the same to be divided equally be tween the two countries. The new arrange ment will go into effect on April 1 on vessels leaving German ports on that date and on April 15 for outbouud vessels from New York. Capt. Brooks expresses the belief that by the new ar rangement the deliverv of mails to the persons uddressed both in this country and in Oer manv will be so expedited that the scheme wiU ultimately be adopted on all transatlantic steamships. A buy Orders.?Brigadier General Adolphus W. Greely, chief signal officer, haa been ordered to proceed from this city to Jacksonville, Tampa and Titus ville. Fla.. Augusta, Ga.. and Raleigh, N. C., on official business connected with the signal service, and on the completion thereof will return to his proper station. The board of officers convened at the armv building in New York city by special orders of November 15, for the examination of officers to determine their fitness for promotion, haa been dissolved. First Lieutenant Montgomery U. Macomb, fourth artillerv, has been ordered to repair from West Point, K.Y., to this city on business connected with the U.S. Military Academy, and on com K- ion thereof to return to his proper station, army retiring board convened at the War Department in this city by War Depart ment order dated September 10, 1890, has been dissolved. By direction of the President an army retiring board haa been appointed to meet from time to time at the War Department in this city for the examination at such officers as may be ordered before it The detail for the board is: Brig. Gen. Wm. Smith, paymaster Kneral: Lieut Col. Anthony Heger, surgeon; lior Edmund C. Bainbridge, third artillery; Major Robt H. White, surgeon; Oapt J as. Ches ter, third artillery; First Lieut Constantine Chase, third artillery, recorder. Leave of ab sence for ten days has been granted Capt. Jas. M. M"-1"*11, assistant quartermaster. The leave of absence granted Second Lieutenant Geo. W. Martin, eighteenth infantry, haa been extended one month on surgeon's certificate of disability. By direction of the Pr aidant Oapt Thoe. H. Logan, fifth infantry, will report to Brig. Gen. David 8. Stanley, president of the army retiring board at San Antonio, Texaa, for examination. Cut Wm. J. Wakeman, as sistant surgeon, has been relieved from the farther operation of special orders of October SO, transferring him from Fort MdwelL CaL, to Fort Huachuoa, Arte. Tar., and ha will from Reno, Kev., to Fort BUmB to duty at the' " THE BELMONTSTABLE Sale of Some of the Finest Horseflesh in the Country. MB. OWEN MS THE LONDON "ME Gen. Booth's Scheme for Social Regeneration Attacked. GENERAL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS THOROl'UHKRRIts KKINO ?ni.n Aurtlon of (hp IUcf Horvt Rrloaflag to Aum?l Ifcelmont'? K.twir. Nfw Yori, Hw. 27.- The Halt of the race horn?* in training and the yearling Wl.nging to the estate of the late August M. Iroont loin progress at the nursery farm near Hat ylon. L.I., today. It is the most important Hale of thor oughbreds that has ever taken place u. this country and nrirks the dissolution of the most powernu stable on the American turf. For a quarter of a century the maroon color* i t nnr?ry stable held high ???v upon the turf except for a short interval, but its greatest 8ue<'0K8 canif U*t venr. and thin when th-< ! maroon and scarlet swept first |?nst the port in the majority of the cla -sic events. " hat was of most significance to Mr. Bel mont in the last two yearn of bin life wa* the fact that nearly all tin* turf victories were won by horaen of hi? own bnnliag, The suc cess.* of jiicvioUH year*?rich a* they were in merit ana mouev value w< re wiped out in memory bv the greet triumphx of the l?*t two season*. which were begun in M.iv. 1HS<?. with the victory of 8t. ? hi hi in the *41.000 great American stokfn, follow* <] a Khort moutii Inter by IImtIhihI p triumph in the Nuhnrhan handicap. The crowning Rood fortuue of the Kt.n.U carue last Se|>tcinl>e;. when 1'i.toanc und ..lasher r in first and mmond n?pccUvily in the ?7 j.OflU luturi v. Eotli youngsters were bred at Mr. itelmout * KnitucLy farm. Not a lio.\-e in training offered to*iuv in of in ferior merit. All have record* that entitle them to oonsidenutyii fr. in the financier* of the turf. The star of today's nr.le i? Potomac, the two-year-old hoii of St. ItLiiyo. H. won three tide* out of four starts end pat to the crtditoi'hi* owner nearlv vltM.tHM. He wou boih *hc futuniv and Elutuush a..,| i* a col. of rare promise mid rite jd. Opinion in divided aa to the next T?. st one among (hat have U-en raised. but the game ? i:d reliable filly, La Tosca, will prubablv t*ke second place in the sale list. Her *i>eed i* of tlie lirst order and her weight carrying ennaeity almost marvelous. IUc? lam!, tlic'niib u>ban winner of lHttt, shuwed at the recent autumn meeting of the New York Jockey < lab liiat ht hit?l all hih old-time speed bv (icitatiii^ the gallant Firenzi. queen of the turf. The other well-known horses sold to the highest bidder wore Prince Itovul. hero of u doze n of the finely fought turf b:;ttl<*; Kt. Carlo, victor in the great American stakes: Magnate, the vu tor in the Algeria (.taken; St. Charles. the winner of the classic juvenile: Masher. the nec ond in the futurity, and the moderate fillies. Beauty and Plavia. Beside* the thoroughbred* above are the yearlings, which will be two yearn ohl on January 1. It in conceded that for oualitv, breeding anil general good premise they ai* tin best coll "Ct ion of yonngsters ever in one stable. am] the bulk of them will be ntar per former* in the coming season. The gnmt youngster of the sale, aud probably the of (he lot. in Kt Carol1'*, brother to St. Carlo r. well-developed, muscular and sj* edv ch. *t '!"*? ,'lhe l^.utv of the sale in Magnolu, a bay filly ov Ihe ill used, out of Magnetism. The latter was M*\ Belmont's favorite mare. Mag nolia in In all rcKjM-ct*. both in nuiilitv, nub fctarice and general make up. uroluibly an grand a an wan ever wen on ttiis continent, and ?he hiw r rare turn of f>p?ed. an wan nhown in the yearling triiiln. I'w;? i neeial train* started at S:S0 this morn jr.g for the Xur<-rv f.r.m i:t Pi I > \ Ion. One train left J.or.K Inland City and the other went from tae r'latliufli Avenue St: tion in ltrooklvn. ' urfmen representing vwi.00<?.000 of capital' in racing venturen uud j>erhaph -a00.000.000 in per-onul fortune* were in the throng that went to the sale. , ^ Haggins were repreaented. Senator Ge?>rge Heai>t of CiJifiTi-i., owner of the Uitglity Tournament, wa* too ill to be with the party, but a repreai iitatlve euii-owered to act for him. Ihe stable of McLew<-e A Co.. controlled bv the sou of Oeo. Eh ret. bro'.htr of the brew ef w..s out in iorce: Philip a,.d Michnel l?wver| the m jut fiimoui) of American tn. fmen. were tlie**: no too were A. F. Waloott. *ho?e ?table vriil t>e no powei tul thin aennon: John K. Cump i;ell. I). I. I'liwicr. the owner of Ten Br: J4An. Mc( oriuiek, in the front ra:,k of owner?and traimra; Win. Ij.kelanii of Kvile fame. (>torg? rorbc?. Capt. Conner, a re; mei t uvc of \S ni. Actor and 1 oxliall het ne, who in in Kuroiie, and a hont of turfmen owning big (table* and stock farm* known to Uie couutr* wide. At the farm a luncheon w i* ene-d. aud utu ran inn <ection ot the home* Auctioneer liruee be gan the Hale. CRN. BOOTH ATTACKRU. A Reaction Acainnl lli. S<M'iallatic *f-hrnir? Swm* to Uave Set In. Diuilap's Call'.* Di*|?Uii to Tlie Kvenuur 8Ur. Lun'uon, Dec. 27.?The Ttttwt continue* it# onslaught upon Oen. Booth of the Salvation Army, the gravamen of it* charge* being that he purfKtaea to use the money contributed by enthusiastic reader* of "In Darke*t England ' for object* other than thoxe designated by tbe donor* According to the Tinu?' showing Oen. I tooth uoe* not play a very enviable part in the traiiHactions. Claiming "a* his own a book that whs mainly written bv another, he taken advantage of the success of that work to raise money ostensibly for carrying out the plans therein advocated, but really for further ing other and ijuite different scheme* of his own. As a matter of fact "In Darkest England ' ha* been the great succtws of Oeu. IWh'a ca reer. At no time ha* money been so lavished upon him, and to no previous call have the be nevolent of all sect* and opinion* ao generously responded. No sooner did the new proposal* become generally known than a "boom wa* inaugurated that carried everything before it. With Canon Farrar preach ing in their favor in Westminster Abbey and the greatest nobles of the land contributing to trial experiments of the fcin/i suggested, Oen. Booth for the moment rode on tha top wave of popular favor. This lasted for a time, but a reaction set in and Prof. Huxlev the archbishop of Canterbury, Dean Plumtre if Wells Cathedral and others soon proved the lauded plans were very seriously defective. Others attacked Oen. Booth's method of keep ing accounts and threw doubts on the sincerity of hi* offer of sensational rates of interest to in ventors, while claiming absolute security tot the principal. The present exposures ot the Ti nea, if thsy should prove to be well founded, will greatly stake the confidence of the British public in the leader of the Salvation Army and seriously affect the standing of the army itself. Mean time Oen. Booth can afford to treat with a cer tain degree of eontempt any bnt the verv grsv ?.iuir^S*' ?? he has obtained during the "Darkest England" erase over 4*0,000 (MSO.OOO) pud in and promised, a sum that will i him to carry oat his pet plans for i to come whether they prove to be ?scalar or entirely personal. Walter bnaatav K; Dnalap's Cabts Dispatch to Tbe kvsaiwr msr. Loxdox, Dee. 87.?A tslegraaa fraai Whitby, Yorkshire, announces tbe suicide ot Waltsr Grimshaw, tbe eminent chess player and eoas poeer. He cut his throa^^ismorning wlft n Cat., Dec. 87. freight train and two wild ?mflbly a slight I O'BKIKN ?** ** IJMHW < DmltP1* ChhW Ptarrtrfc *o 1 ?Uni?r> rwr pn^u , _ Lowaoa, Iw HnUi j*rtw-? to thr d libel rait, to he rntltled "William O* **? London TVwf," tr*m miHnIt in ml To the emphntN* amrrtion of Mr. O'Brier did not ontribntr wMt ia kmtie *> Tick PoH't IrtnH World. 4h? <**?" ^ ' . . mitrr*. ike Timt* retort* b* ^ ^ ha* in it* po*ar?-?ion a fop* of i* _ M. Nik.biUt II r<xi mining aa arttcto "7 . _ O'Brien'* mfti aurr and theiafofe malir tlw ?pnli>K-> lirnundi^. I""lp*_ cle and mgnarure arc ft titio.t* H i* j}~~ ... reconcile their ap|>ear*iicr in the Ibf Inah lender ? *t* lenient tM ?fc' ***2 tion in liar Time* la "en ttrocioW libel pure llgoMiam." WIph m th? Nonhn a I'arl#"" T modi. Wuii., IVc. 2". Tlif U'IbPM" wire* along thr Northern IVilr railroad, which were proatnited by a wind atorm < "hrtetwiae morning. aw all working todi.y. 1T? ?!'? through thr mountain* werr k< tiiiJh broh*a b? falling timber. 11?? grrateat velocity ? aiud reported wa? tw,nty a*??n uiliw <*ti hour Monmonlh I'urk Prarllrra M?r4. FtKEN?i.n. X.J., Dee. 27. Four of the Mot mouth l urk book niakera. Giorn* Johnaon. S. K. W bite. K. X. Mark* and William Hl.?k?* pleaded iruiltv to tin- indictment* f"<in>; aitaiuM them and were lined *:**' each and coaia A Kuthrr'i Acmliinic Hi* I.<xkmvr.\. I't., l>co. 27 ? Km ma Mather wiu> killed yeaterdav on a railroad bridge near Halifax in ? moat ahock.UK manner. Mir vaa lisilf ?av acroa* it when ""hi' heard a tniin f?u in*- Kfcr n-elirrd her danger and allfni'lH t<? drop through llir tie* into thr orwl below The * w? too narrow. however and while ahc ran trying to nqurrirr throngb Un nifiM ??truck ber. All b<T clothing waa torn fr.?m h>-r aa the locomotive |v)<whl her and <hf wee kilk-d matantly. Her l>ody dropm4 into thr creek and our of tin lm n who baupened M carry thr crnt-hed Ixv1\ to the *liore atopped to err if lie could identify it. HuiMrnly lif r* clauilrd: "My (Iml. it i> my daughter!" Tk* K>il w*? tweuty-thrre ye*r? old. A Jrwi-lrj (Tt-rk h IHahoweaty. 0hic4oo, Dec. n.-Ed. dullard, a clerk la I GiWn llroa.' Jewelry *tore. Ktatr and V'wkinK toii street*. i? In-M up at thr rcntral |m>Uc* Ktatiou, chaw', with htmiiTiK ?li.iluonda, wat?'h?? niul Miller ?ar<- from hi* rmplovrra. I Thr poller ha*r ?lr< adv ttvovelr.1 from th? pawn h!ii>p? ii >ut f I.."!<*? ?.irili of tli< atoh n properri ami lrli>w ?h t tb<- anaomat ?ill for* up WeTr than i?i>i' a* nn cli m??r>- h?*fi?r? 'b? * arc tl'r. Iitfh ?itli tlir IIIvrotlfTHtlon. Itnllwrd Ih'ithii In-: |Knlrtioii? o*? r n vmr wk<>. but waa not ?Uh[i,ct?'d until Ini>t a i k Trainmen ttwcf Morr Cm *oo. I<?'. 27. 1 t-jx^i i:?l ?iiaputi h Walinnli. li.d.. nayn: T ir i UKiiiocm of tbr Iia rimiati. Waliarh and iln iiiKun line arr prrjiar U'K to wail upon I' ? ?i li nt In^alU of thr lti|r I'our mu m aitli ?? nt|imt for an ini riaak' in aiipr* to tlir win-,nli p.Uil upon otlM-r part* of thr ?y.trm. Tin jNuuM iiKi r etifiuMn arr now nififitiK 2M criita a mik . anil Uicy amli an ad vaiuf to .1.5 <t-nta. with a cornxpondinK Ui cn?* iu the a'a^r* ol .n i^ht and yard ciikm ?er?. Thr?-w Mimarlt I u?t<-r thr Whorla. Mot JiT ri>;?M?MT. Iiiai. I v. rnilx*r Ui.- laft evming an ot tin itiHunr huapttol wan out wnlkit'i{ with a patient named hw? ilk. When thry wrre iir:ir thr r. il*.i> HU.tion a }aut mukiT train ap|M iii ? >i. ha ink In-cmut "n lulil:.iCe:ili|e. ImikC from the att.'luhuit wild threv. hmiM 11 m front ol the engine, lit- waa horribly mmigliil. He runuot live. Coulfln't "Hiilil I p" llili. far. IxMMtiiuLtii, 1 Mi., Iw-c. 27.?Mxmt 11 o'clock laat iiipht two marked men<mpted to rob a atri-rt car in the anlmrlia of thr city. Tbr. O'lWy. tbr ilrivrr. abut our of t)i>-m drad i utid wounded thr other. I ut not xnftn n ntly to prevent Ilia ?m-i?ii?>. Th> dead tiirfliaaynjaii ???1 an * * ' waa heavily arinc-i andon hi |a-rauii witt fraK mcnta of Danville, mi-ntMof paper* giving Uic nauie of Ulchards of " L 111. A l.litrman ItiwlU ttj a I4vr Wlrr. I>(NVi:t, I'uL., 1 *ec. 27. ?1? 'liarlea Mi 1 ouneU, a lim niriti employed bv thr clrctrh' li^'ht com )wny. waa inxtantlv killed lant m?;ht by coming in contact with a live wire, tie wm working on thr top of a pole ucur Istit aud Bliike atreeta, anil after receiving the Khock be fell acroa* the wirea. Inn hand (Trapping llie wira that killed him. In a moment the -nn-ll of bun.ini^ rteah waa illKtinftulsbed. and l>efor< he ; could lie taken down u In nine at'nnj^?r and a blue arnokt aroia from thr?<e place* on the |K>or fellow'* body. prodneitiR a aci-ne which eauwd the crowd to turn aaay with horror, lie leave* a wife and family. Hrokr Thrnurh thr Irv and Dravartl. MrsKKitoy. Mich., ls-c. ^7. ?t'Uude Met artfcy and John Mevhcr. nffed twelve and thirtoea yearn rea|irctivrly, hroke thr->u?rh thr thin icw | on Munkegon hike ? hile .k iting yenterday and were drowned. The bodH'n have bocn rwcor | ered. Ktwekaiiiith* at thr I'oltnian Work* Chicaoo, Dec. 27.?About S00 Mack?inith? [ employed in tLc nhop* of I'lillmau l'alace Oar Com|ia;iy atruck >eau rday against a new tcbul ule of price* ?o tMke effect January 1. redmmg , the e^rtii.iK" ot the turn. lre<irvi' W. I'ullmau *tuU-?i la*t ni^ht that tiie company diti not in tend to reduce wagea but *implv to readjust price* on piece wotk. 'I lie |.rupo?-.i rendj j<t meutof piece pi ice* alT<-<-in aliout l.."iO0 v> >ra men but only .MKt Ida, kxiuitlii- have faiktti .<K^ri>*-iva tueavure* no far. A confer nee vtill bel?l today betwreu a committee of bltu kHuuth* and tteneral Manager Si'?niuim. mxMew Ikrat h of ltu*i>aa<l and Wife. Ka?4* On, liec. 27.?A *j?i lal from Ok tawa. Kan., nay* Mr. and Mr*. J. \V. Strong had arranged to celebrate the ufty-tir*t atiniveraary of their marriage >ent< rda? and rrl,itiv?* wera preaent from \ariou* paru of the *(ate to par* tici|iate in the fcatimUee. In thr umruiug Mr. Htroug died and in the afternoon Mr*, biroug i)a-~,l a?ay Ikilh were apparently in rimt lent health and their midden deatha were a and nor pilar. Providlnr far KuiTrrlnr Tenant*. Dwilali'aCatile l>ia{>atrh to The Kv?ntn?- War. Dcnjh, Dec. 27. -Timothy Harrington aaya that effort* an- b< ing nia.le to prevent the tru ant* on plan of campaign wtatw from Buffer ing throuKh thr ai-lit in thr nauoiuUurt party, t'ommunicatiou* have pa**ed lietweeu Mem O Hrien and Harrington that have reaulted in an arrungemt nt wbcr<by Uie money in tba hand* of J4r. \lebh Kenny ahail be appiaad M the relief of three aufferera. CJrw. NWIverakofr* Aaaaaaln. Ron. Dec. J7.? According to thr Trtbmm, Podlew*ki. the aaaawm of the llmtaiaii potic* agent. Gen. 8rhverakoff, ha* beon obaerved ia the Victor Emanuel gullrrv inapecuag the work* of art there. 'Ihe Italian poliue ara making an active aearrh lor him, aud ara ?earthing the reaudenoe* of the Raman refugee* in one of which they believe 1'cidlewaki to ho concealed. A Wrll-Knowa Maaaarhiiaetta Man !*???. Boaron. Dec. 27.?Hon. Edward L 1'koaaa died yeaterday at hi* home in Brookline afver a brief illneao. He had aerved in both branchaa of the legislature and waa a truatee in arreral large calate*. He waa a native ut Cincinnati. I While Caicaoo, Dec. 97.?It ha* juat beru that Dr. A. Eelao of I'axton, 111., who arrivwd here last Friday night with M.000 to arttla a real eatate trwmwction. wa* ?andU?ged '?at diately after hi* arrival while hghuuga ciaar la of the lUinoi* Central daf'otand Van 6un ?to and robbed of *?.000 in oaah and a gold watch aud chain valued at t J00. The _ and robbery have been ?npprea*ad by the ] up to the preaent time. Dr. Kalao ha* taken to hi* home in I'axton aad to Mid to be ia a critical condition, hi* skull having haoa tared. There to no clue to the robbera. Cmcuo, Dae. 27.? Mia. i female* of aa Italian ?hopping yeaterday, lea nag her three childrea, the ywoageat two year* aid, la the 1 had aaareely gotten away when the children *taried a boo lire of paper baby. The haw commnnieatedto lag of the baby in aa Inatant and It enveloped lm a blaae Ai la her efforta. The Had it aat been for her childrea would ton |