Newspaper Page Text
THE EV ENING STAR Fl'BLISHED 1HI1.Y. K\<fpt Suutlay, AT THK STAR BUILDINGS, 1101 Ave, ecraer 11th Street by The Evening Star Newspaper Company, S. H. KAUFFMAXN, PrrsL Tmr Htab Is served to subscribers in the city by f iif>. on th**ir own arrotint. st 10 rents per + or 44c. per month Conies at the counter. '* ? ^iK-b. By nuii anywhere in the l"nite?l States or post**? yrepaid?CA) cents i?er 1111 ntu. Saiibimt Qt ai'Rl plc Shect Star *1.30 per an. [IpIiiI at the To&t < >ffice at Washington. I>. C.. aa r-?-? n?:-??!:?? inaii matter, j WA11 mail sabaeriptioM mnst be paid in advance, Do paper sent ionirer than j?a:d for. i f s'Iv**rt ??? n?r rr ivle Vnow.T on application. SPECIAL NOTICES. -^^.BROUGHAM WEATHER. A nu USE. ALL SIZES AND SHAPES. At ANDREW J. JOYCE'S BOXr CARRIAGE WAKE BOOKS. Upland luJOConn. m P.S.?A complete Mock of Bob? suitable for klelxha J^iMW TEAR'S AT CENTER MARKET. OpmTURSDAY. DEC. JU. From jLiu until 2 p.ta. OmW?lXt.Hl>AI. DE<". :u. Prom us-iu. until 11 p.m. At the request of dealers the market will bo closed New Year's day. PRESTON 8. SMITH. Clerk. d^3-3t ,T1>H RENT-FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. clufia. l?si*es or any i ii" desirinir to rent i..n.e nails or imwrw will find *tie floors ideate,! tor. '.tb .nd 1> ste.. above H. llame A Co. s jewelry store, the most central ana >nrable in the eitv. r'or rent by tbe year ?ery low. Inquire ot R. HARRIS & CO. iCJW-ot ?^.OIIDKB HAMS AND TONGUES FOR NEW ?C3t Icif i from W. F. NASH. 5<jO Center Market, cooked or raw. The cbotoeetcoreii meets in America. i?3t-a' otMk ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockhchlcroot tbe Wee? End National bank of *ashinirt<<u tor tbe election ui < lirect rs will lie ?ield on TtiiUDAT, January la. 1KH Polls open tiom RitoV. CllAS. P. WILLIAMS, ill i.'JU.tu.tbAaatASmnl*; Cashier. *"^^>Ni>TICK IS HEREBY GIVEN^THATA dividend of 3 i"er cent on the capita! stock of t?*" Amem-an Oraphophone Company will le paiil at the oflli-e of the ixmipany, 141!' G st. n. w.. on the l."?th cf Jamuiy, lKil, to stockholders of record on the 5tb oi January . 1M*1. Transter hook* srill be closed irom January i? to 15, uulasive. JAMES O. PAYNE. President. CHAS. J. BELL. Treasurer itr;.:*'Ajl USEFUL PRESENTS. haVe yoo seen OCR NEW LOT OF LAMPS? WE HATF CHOICE PATTERNS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ELSEWHERE. LARGEST VARIETY IN THE CITY. BRASS 1 ABLES. ANDIRONS. 6LLYEK TABLES. LENDERS. OAS HEATING STOVES. E. F. BROOKS. 5al st. n.w REASONABLE PRICES. aS-eoSm ,1N THE St PREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT Ok COLUMBIA, r a aperl-il term for tue i ny bans' Court I nslnins IVi-emter lit. Issue In the matter of the .state ot Anna M. C. Smith, late of tbe District of Columbia, deceased. So. 4.1UH. trati. n document 1<?. App:ii-atM>u ior the probate of the last will and t,sta ll]. ill and ior letters ti ?t;kii:eut:iry on tbe estate of the aa>ilie,c;.--s*?i bus this day been madr by H.nry Wiiie Harnett and Samuel p. Lei!, executors. Jennie >':U conerof New York ilty. :>ndal! pers* ns interested are b"i'et?y notii:-sl to appear in this.ourton 1 rviay. the lUt!, day of Jrnuary. 1KH1. next, at o'clock lu., to Show cause why tue said will shin ltl not be prove,! aa*t admitted to protieie and letters testamentary on tbe estate of the said dis eased should not issue as preyed. Profiled, a copy of this order he published on e a week ior three week* in the Washington law Reporter and Evening Star previous t -the !?ui ilay B; the court: A. C. BKADLEY, Justk-e. 'lest: J. p. WKIOHT, l: neter of Willa for tbe Dutru-t of Columbia. Ajn-turlw l^oIBE AMERICAN SECIR1TT AND TRUST COMPANY. CAPITAL. ?1.250.000. Coder art of Contrreaa approved October L 1890. A. T. BRITTON. C 1. RELL. President. 1st Vice Preaideot. PERCY B. MSTZOER. A. A. THOMAS. Treasurer. 3d Vic* President. Gi.ui.OE E EMMONS. Serretary. DIRECTORS: A. T. BRITTON. JAMES G. PAYNE. JAMES E. FITCH. M W BEVERIDGE. W s. THOMPSON. CALEB 1. MILNE. H IRY F. WE><T. WILLIAM M. COATES. Ho .IET IMJRKAN. CROSBY 8. NOYES, WILLIAM VERNER. JOHN E. HERKELL, HESKY S. LOI'CHHEIM. MARTIN F. MORRIS. C. J BELL. JOHN ?. JENKS. M. M. PARKER. ALAN H. REED. CHAS. c. DINCANSOS, S. S. SHARP. CHARLES PORTER. DA51 EL DONOVAN. A.A.THOMAS. BENJAMIN H. WARllER. JOHN R. McLEAN. MATTHEW O. EMERY. HENKY A. WILLAKD. HENRY F. BLOUNT, JOHN N. HUTCHINSON. ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS OF MONEY, payable by check without notice. AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO ACT AS EX ECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN. TRUSTEE. RECEIVER. ASSIGNEE. AND TO RECEIVE AND EXECUTE TRUSTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FROM THE COURTS, CORPORATIONS OR INDIVIDUALS. ESTATES MANAGED. INCOME COL LECTED. GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS FURNISHED. LOANS SECURED BY FIRST TRUSTS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUM BIA BOUGHT AND SOLD AND DEBEN TURE BONDS ISSUED BEARING INTER EST AND ABSOLUTELY SECURED. WILLS RECEIPTED FOR AND KEPT WITHOUT CHARGE ACTS AS TREAS URER OR AGENT FOR RELIGIOUS. BE NEVOLENT OR OTHER INSTITUTIONS AND AS REGISTRAR OR TRANSFER AGENT OF THE STOCKS OR BONDS OF CORPORATIONS. PAYING THEIR DIVI DENDS OR INTEREST. 1F.DESIRED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT WITH THE MOST MODERN SAFEGUARDS. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOB THE STORAGE OF PLATE. VALUABLE PAPERS, FURNITURE. CARRIAGES OR OTHER VAL UABLE GOODS AT OUR FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. NO. 1140 15TH ST. N.W. CALL AND SEE US. INFORMATION AS TO INVESTMENTS AND BUSlNLsSCHEElS FULLY FURNISHED. dM?w Jf ? - DR. w BUDINGTON WRIGHT IIAS PCS, Moored his dental ottti e to tflo Li!!* st.. ? her. He has incnwerd laclilUre for the m colun . ?lati. n o! patient*. dl.i-im >ALL INTERESTED IN CHRISTIAN SCI ?*nt? L? Ai!:ur *t?* iBV :t?ni to ?-all at J 4".'4 N. 1' u\e . rijoti. JO. UfticlMm, !? ^uto ll' Lableviaaa Mundaj Ml A. 1&.JU ibarMlay ewuiLKs ?t so'cloifc. tltt-liu" #- ? ?Ol U COAL, COKK AND WiX>l> from tb?*r< luJ>lelirnj of JoHNSON hht'l H tbe UaO?t eitensive retail dealem in Uiecoun 5L *>? rH^^Cl'SToM-MADK SHIRTS.-WITH OCE la* iliti?*s 111 tik tlej?arta. ?! ? are U-tter ire pared tk an ever to **x?-vi*te >?>iir t?r<t?*r?? tor "lOXom-maJf" shirts. Any style i?>r ordinary or toil dr?M? asiouji iua?ie at sti<>rt uoti *? atnlMktiafai tion iruaranteeu m every lnntaoie. Now i.-? the l**at Oiia*- to leuve y oar orders as you will timi a stirt uii>re cou.!urt?^;M iur miLiiit* weux Alter U-auc vtorn ilur 1M?* lUe waiter. L#?your orler at men's furmatuax depairtment. fin* flour. Lrat acaet ^ WOODWARD ft LOTHRUP. IJOORS FOR PRESENTS IN POETRY. HISTORY. ?"?JS*a>-hy. ART AND HCTION AND ELEGANTLY BOLND. ^ , yti..'."'LL'UtS OF ALL AGES. THE HOa.Y B1B1.F. IN MANY blZES AND BINDINGS. FINE STATIONERY. CHRISTMAS CARDS. DIARIES AND < Al.t.M)AH8 _ , C. C. PURsELL. ?l?*Hm.lP 41n >j?n <t. n w. f? B. Towner & Son. DRY GOODS DEALEB8, 1316 7TH ST. N.W.. Haea for (one time felt tbe neeeaatty of men room ta ttawr lanrs and yrowtur business, and in on>rtu met that want have deckled to boild an additional Mcvy on the billUi nif they now i* cupy, which will kive an ini'ri eai of It urn 31 feet in width by 100 in depth. Thle improvement msxwutatee room and dirt, and the only way to make mom and avoid the dirt aa U clone oat oar entire stock of roods. We will commence or MONDAY". December nail all woods st and below <xwt. Everything will U lednwd. This la at> ahaw. bat a ponuive sale. <tT7 SPECIAL NOTICES. ,A gUARTKRLV DIVIDEND OF 50CENTS . j?er share on ft? capital stock of the Capitol, North O Street and South Washington Railway Com paq will b* paid at the office of the company on anil after January 1NM1. By order of board of directors. It H. K. GRAY. Treasurer. #2r AUtra :>FOR THE NEW YEAK. All brands of Chocolate and Cocoas. Finest quality of Jav* and Mo ha Coffees rested. liiJl>or??il Wafers in *rrwit variety. Pickled Oyster* and uysu?r ( n?'#. tilai -e I rnitc of all kinds. All the leading brands of Chan.pawn. s. Von will hud all you need for your re^ption at C. C. Bit VAN'S. It 141M New * ork are. ^MITHKAS LODGE TTf PERFECTION will hold a sj?e?-ial meeting in the cathedral of the Scottish uite, on Tl'ESDAV. :Jifh instant, at 7 I p.m. sharp. Work. 4th and 5th decrees. By order of i veu. masier. AI.EY 11. HOLT. i*?d ueicree. d',w.W-ret ary. ^^-^A~MEBTING OF THE stockholders <?f the Washington and Georvetown Rail roadCompany,for the ejection of directors, will be held at the offi;e of the company. Geoiyetowu, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of January. 1HS?1. The polls will be opened at 10 a.m. ana closed at 12 m. Transfer books will lie cloeed on the 7th of January, ltJbl, and opened on January 14. 1JW1. H. HURT. President. C. M. KOON ES, Secretary. d2B-14t I NEW YEAR'S CALLING CARDS- 1 50 for 50 cents. 100 for 75 cents. Call eariy. BYRON S. ADAMS, Printer. nO-Hm 51211th st. ^-?^(lyncii of rigos fire insurance P05, Company, Washin*rton. D. C.?A dividend of turee (3) per rent has I wen declared, payable at the office o! the company, UfiJl F st. n.w., on and after January M. 1H01. to tne stockholders of record at the clone ot business on I>ecember *J7, 1MJI0. The trans fer looks will be closed from December 29. 1800, to January ihS*l?both days inclusive. By order of the board of trustees. FRANCIS B. MOHUN, d!.tu;t Secretary. AIL-OBOUSE. til sell Irotn one to one hundred dozen iresti sele<-ted guail or Orouse at lowest prices. Large shipments received daily. PALACE MARKET. d2H* 10& Conn, ave. -^FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, BC*. office c?>r. 7thst. and Louisiana ave. n.w.. Wasiiimrton. D.C.. December *J"J. 18W.?The stock holders of the Firemen s Insurance Company of W ashimrton and Georgetown will meet at this office cn M< >NDAY, January between the hours of 11 a.m. and 12 in . for the purposeof electing thirteen di m-tors for the ensuing year. d^HOt C. W. HOWARD. Secretary, COAL?COAL?COAL. J-^^COAL-COAL-COJ We have 1,000 tons chestnut and furnace coal which we will sell at <4.75 per ton delivered. As we have to move this coal, we give the public the benefit of this reduction in price. AMERICAN ICE CO.. 10th and Fsts. n.w. oCl-3m 000 Pa. sve. n.w. y-^^HAsHlXUiO.N MARKET COMPANY. 1 he annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wash injrton Market Company wi 11 be held at the office of the company in the Center Market, in the city of Wash ington, at 12 o'clock noon on the FIRST MONDAY, beinwthe ,~>thdayof January, 1*4*1, lor the cLoiceof thirteen directors tor tne ensuin* year and to act oU any other subject within the power of the c orporation. ?AMl EL W. CURRIDEN, Secretary. Washington. D.C.. December IMA). <)2S?-llt r^. ^ _^,DR. NICHOLSON, AFTER PURSUING ~ special collemute studies in nervous diseas* s ami treatment by electricity, has returned, resumed and limits practice to e!e triclty, with which he has achieved so much success the past six years in Wash ington. 1?thce. tXM 12tli st. n. w. dll>-lm# ART IFICIAL~TLET H MADE BEFORE BOS. and inserted immediately alter the ex traction of teeth, with no waiting at all. Gas ad ministered. DR. J. BARfLETT HILLS, Specialist in Artihcial Teeth. l.'KIl F st. n.w. diO-lm* IT^WM. BRUCE GRAY, ARCHITECT. lias removed his ofhee to the Adams building, l.'?if> F st. n.w. A NECESSITY?AN ENGRAVED CARD correctly made shows refine ment of taste. A present for a iriend that will be highly valued and last for years. See GKDNEt Jfc HUBERTS. 10th st Fliers vera, mix Gas ^SPECIAL NOTICE. - FOB CHRISTMAS or New Year presents buy a vrood sintring ? anary and cage or an aquarium with imported Japan ese Mold tishes trom SCHMID'S BIRD STORE, :>17 12th_st. n.w. dltf-2w* NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION Has removed from HIS 12th st. to 50tS 11th st. n.w. '1 his association pays FIVE, SIX ahd '1 HELVE per cent interest per annum. Every member is a share hohler and ??very sharvhtdder is a member. All tne pr. rits ho to the memheis. rias in-en established NINE >ears. Assets. $.*>4N>.(mo. 11a? ;? surplus and interest tund of t'? g?O.(1U0. Ativan* en money only to ? :s r*v.?M'hai?le repayments monihi). Atlords tite Us. means oi ^ettimr >ro???l .interest on money or fcr borrowing to buy real esiab .' C. C. Dl NCANSON, President. JOHN COOK. Secretary. dIT-'iw f ^\5*>R HA*MAUD. HL"? l^TH ST. N.W.. 3^^. cures n?*rvoua sflet tioos in male or female, riieumatisui. neuralgia, sciatica, gout, tumors. &c. Oides: eie?-trician and ? ni;. )>hy?ician in city ma?ciiiK st ts ialty of eie?-tric treatment d'^i-1 u fi^^->THE CAPITAL TRUST COMPANY. In-orp? rate<l September !?7, lHJiu. Authorized capital, 1.1 HUM**). Amount called in, *:*MUJ0r. Temporary < ih. e. ;jix! Pa. ave. s.e. President. JOHN G. .SLA'lEi:. Vice 1 rexiaent. 1 HAS. chkistianl Secretary. HENRY K. SIMPSON. Attorney. WILLIAM A. GORDON. We buy. s**li or otherwise negotiate notes, secured by real? >?at?- or ?*tLe: se .irity . rec eive money on de losit. aiio^uikr inters: therein, issue ceitincates uf de}>i>sit. with mterest at approved rates, purchase or sell real ? *iatr-. mortmain-, lease, improve or in any otlier ?is?* ?i?*al with the same. il?\inv loc?i?si our ofhee :n the eastern section of the city ?v* air pp-pare?i to take uuvantave of the many profitable opportunities offeml in this rapidly im iroMix^e p >rti?>n and we s>ni. it the !>atrona?eol an wno may need our services m tiij dinvtiuu. DluEi i?ihs John H. Busher. William A. Gordon. John Cactniack. Euwaicl B. Hushes. William D. (,'ampbell. 'i*ho;u.^J. kin.. Albert t arry. Henr> A. Linger. A?ron S. Cay wood. Ar, .uuaM M. McLachlen. Charies ('unsiLiui. TheopLiius E. Rotes!*. Allelic. Clark. Jo nil. Rotnert. Appieton P. t'lark. Jr. Henry K. Snuj son. Wli.'iaui II. Crosby. John c?. Slater. J. U. uremr Cuatis. J'.hn McGxegur. Jaa?es i r.*ser. Aai VVhitehead. \i Ur* I : j . Jai::e? i . Birl our. dlO-lm jj- 1HEPI RES'l AND Him 1 ALiFOR nia win* s,at the iiiostmiM na!?!e pn?es.iro to t?. ^ON< MA t.ihllottMA WINE COV1 PAN i , :;17 !<h s'.n. w. di:'>-15t S*- -0C01t.MJ) BEEF, CORNED beef. W?AA-cured Corned Beet always on hand. A really choice ortu 4e of Plate and Brisket Cc m d lieef only ?*' l>er pound. PALACE MARKET, d^>tH 10^7 Conn. ave. UNION CASH REGISTER COMPANY ii-ve opene<l Wash Inwt on office at 010 T st n.w., where the General Agents are prepared to show THE BEST, T11L MJST SIMPLE and 1 UK Mubl" ACCURATE CAhli REGISTER In the market. ?*A TOTAL ADDER" At HALF THE PRICE oi other registers. Lvery merchant needs one. 1 or full informa tion, price, be.. app*y to V1DKTTO U RAINIER, 010 F st. n.w.. General Agents District of Columbia, Maryland anfl \ irgmls. P.O. Box SB. Terms rnadg to suit purchasers. dl?-lm ATTENTION. LADIES! YOU DOUBT ?vC25 lessaie aware of the absolute n?H*e??ty of urn*.- strictly pure *ani in the u.aaimr of hre paatry. luMaid's l*rd .s ahso.utely pure ana tree from aU chemii ais. lis use insurer suei-ts?. d^-Lm flf- ^DR^GtS'l AVI b "K. BROWN HAS RE n.oved ins ofh? e to l5Ud Pennsylvania ave. cro^n and t ridjo* work a specialty. dii-liu* r EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION. -EgCITABLE BUILDING.1* 1008 IT ST. Assets $1,155,308.31. Cffce hour* from 9 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. daily. On the hist Wednesday in each month the office will be ci en from 0 to S o'clock p. m. Advances will be mads mr-.> at 7 ? c^ock. The JOth lasus wi Stock is open lor subscription. Shares are ?2.50 per month. 91.U00 advanced on each share. Pamphlets explaining the objects and advantages of tL? Association are ioruished u|xtn application. THOMAS SOMERVILLB. PNrt. JOHN JOY EDSON, Ssc'y. wff IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO GAS CONSl MEB8. Arramrements have been made lor the eonvenieaes of persona living in the eastern and western sections of the city by wni? h they can pay their gas bOisdnriag Isnknttf hours at TME NATIONAL CAPITAL BANC OR THE WEST END NATIONAL BANK. Bills paid on cr be!ore the bth of each month. AND THOME ONLY, wul be entitled to the diacount of !J6c. per 1.UU0 cubic feet. o^l-U W AnUINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY. SPECIAL NOTICES. ^WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE Union. ''Prayer for piibiv awakening against social wine drinainar." conducted by Mw, Anna C. McDowell. idiln? by Mrs. Mary E. Grif fith. Wiiuodaughms bui'dimr, 1400 0 pt. n.w. Mr*. O. W. Clark. superintendent evangelical dei*rtment. All friends invited. TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) at l.Wp.ui. 3t a-^i^HKAlXJUABTtlUS U. S GRANT POUT, No. K, IVMTtaient of th? l'otom*r. ??.a1T. Washington, D.C.. IVr. *X?. lKW'-?Tlieofll rrn&udcouiradMi of U. 8. GrankPost, O. A.R., will assemble at Grand Army Hall. Pa. ave.. on the 1st proxirio, ?t 11:30 a.m. sharp, in full uniform. for the iiunM?se ot vintiiu the President ot the United btafes. By order of VH. A. COOK. Commander. J. THOMAS TURNER, Adjutant. ^-^S^LINOOLN POST. NO. 3. O. A. K.-COM 9v2> rades of the post are notified to meet at the hall. <th and 1- sts.n.w.. January 11 a.m. sburp.for the purpose ot paying their res^-ts to Com rade lien. Harrison. President of the l nited !States. Comrades* should turn out in uniform, if possible, but at letist with the badge. By order of J. C. DePUTROW. Commander. H.H. MARTIN. Adjutant. d:*V-t - ijTHK NATIONALIST CLUB. NO. 1. WILL , give a tree entertainment atOU9Fst. n.w. WEDNESDAY. December 31. IN41, at S p.m.. con sisting of a varied musical and literaly program. in coming verses by memteis oi the club and a diaioirue on "1 he Servant uestion." d.'W-'-it ?^sTHK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PvI2? stockholders of the National Bank ot tue uepuoiic oi Washington to elect directors lor the en suing year will be held at their (tanking house on TUESDAY. January 13. 1801. between me hours of 1 and 3 o clock p. m. CHAS. 8. BRADLEY, Cashier. d30, Ja5kl2 *0 ST MARKET WILL BE OPEN WED ^ NESDAk, December 31, from 5 a.m. 10 o'cioti p.m. d30-*2t* af~^?THK CORCORAN OALLEliY OF ART. The quarterly exhibition of the drawings made by the pupus oi the Corcoran School of Art will be held in the rooms of the School on W'EDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, and FRIDAY EVENING of this ween. Entrance through the Callery. The U.illery will be open on FRIDAY EVENING from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. By order F. 8. BARBARIN. d30-3t Curator. fe~~^?GEBMAN-AMEKICAN BUILDING AS80 POSfc CIATION, No. 8. The members of the above association are hereby notified that the first annual meeting Will be held at Witthaft s Hall on THURSDAY. January 1, 1*91, ?t 7 oVIock p.m., tor the payment of dues and for the elec tion of officers for the ensuing year. Also a projvosi tion to amend the constitution will be brought before the meeting. _ WILLIAM WITTHAFT, President. d30-3t P. VIERBUCHEN, Secretary. DEAR SIB: With the opening of the new year we also open a new feature in our business. We have for many years past been conducting a large and successful shirt business, but have been laborifig under the disadvantage of hav ing them made off the premises. We have been so for tunate as to secure the services of the most successful and well-known shirt cutter, Mr. C. W. Hutchinson, late with Mr. P. T. Hall, he having successfully fol lowed the late Mr. John W. Amer and his Palmer sys tem of cutting. Mr. Hutchinson has also had some fifteen years'experience with some of the best New York houses. Mr. Hutchinson desires to inform his friends and the public generally that he will appreciate any effort on their part to forward his interests. Our shirts will now be cut and made on the premises, and we promise you fftore expediency and a better fit than ever before at tained in this city in the shirt trade. Hoping you will kindly bear us in mind and favor us with your future orders we are. Very sincerely, Tour obedient servants, H. T. MILLER, Manager. C. W. HUTCHINSON. Repairing of all kinds a specialty. d30-3t_ ^OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF the District of Columbia. Washington, De cember 30. 1S00.?To whom it may concern: The Cominissiouers of the District of Columbia have re ceived rroiu Congress the following bill, with request for their views as to the propriety of enacting it. Be fore reporting on this bill the Commissioners desire to know what objections, if any, exist to said i*roposed legislation, and lor tnat purpose will hold a special session at 2 o'clock FRIDAY, THE SECOND PROXIMO, to give hearing to parties interested: (A MAI, U.K. ) * 'To authorize the Washington and Chesapeake Railroad Comiuny to extend its road into the District of Columbia.Retraining at the southeast boundary line of the District oi Colombia to a point on the easterly shore ot the Anacoette or Eastern branch of the Potomac river south of the northeast boundary line of the District of Columbia and north ol 0MMPT point; also to rroes the Eastern branch by means of a bridge ??> be constructed north or the Anacostia or Navy Yard bridire. thence in the city of Washington, along and across necessary streets, avenues and reser vations to a terminal |?o;nt or place therein practicable for -taid company and most convenient for public busi ness and travel. It ^ ' ^FOR NEW YEAR CALLING. Elegant carriage and fine teams, experi enced drivers, with full liver} .furnished ior any *ength of tune at reasonable terms. DOWNEY'S STABLES. d30-'Jt Lst. l?et. 10th and 11th. ^->A SPLENDID BUILDING SITE. At the southeast corner of Sixteenth and S sti?ets.frontingJH feet 0 inches on Sixteenth and 10\! leet on S is of fered for sale. This is one of the few large corner properties in one of the best resident localities that is sfill available for building purposes. Ad joining the corner we have for sale five lots, each fronting *35 feet on Six teenth street, and also five lots each fronting Ii'i feet on S street. This prop erty as a whole gives an nneqiialed frontage, and will be sold as a whole or according to the subdivision we have made. The price is reason able. THOS. J. FISHER k CO.. It ISM ? l>. nw. --^.HIGHEST GRADE TAILORING. Tuesday, lie* ember 30, 1800. Why not do as a great many other men are uo ittC Put a dollar or two more to the amount you have l*-en spending for a ready-made suit and get a good suit made to your measure by a custom tailor. 'Twill wear you double the time and look a hundred i?er cent more pent eel. I have never before turned out as satisfactory work as ut jmsent. Take the igS. $10, $12 and $14 Trousers to order I am now making up dur ing this "special sale." No other first-class tailor can duplicate them for less than two or tare*' dollars more. I have the facilities for do in-c the very fin? st class of tailoring at moder ate prices. g. warfieliTsimpson. **Lxi>ert in Trousers," d30 Cor. Mb and O sts. n.w. i^^DAILY RE MARKS ON LIKE INSURANCE. TUESDAY, D?x*ember 30, 1800. How brief the life of man Jlf i,.< lii* trrintr wlirrimaoe. That the atrctcl mj ,r a n buckle* in hi* aulit t/ H'jr. A 4 You Like It. When you consider the importance and abso lute ne. tss.ty oi Liie Assurance as the ? heajs st and iwst ]*ostioie means ot protection to the family .t is certainly very ?tr?nge that there are yet in*-n who do nut t arry a doilar a worth oi as surance upon their live*. Anl many of tnein men with large families. You are about to enter upon a new year, and it it is possible that your life is not insured let it lie one of your first 4 'good resolutions'' to attend to this iminirtant matter at once. If your liie is insured, are you carrying enough? BOWKS k HALL. The Equitable lafe Assurance Society, It laNIFat. n.w. ^ _ ^.VbAbMiNOTON. D.t;.. 1>LC. 'St. 1MM>. We. the undersigned, have received of Mr. A. L. Salzstein, Jr., the jeweler of .h.'> 7th St. n.w., the 14-K, Oeuta* Gold Watch and 14-K. Cents' Chain, which we have guetjsed for, the number being 0,787, at his k u? ssin-r ccuttst. We hereby extend to him our than Its an I wish him a long and prosperous career. We aiso extern I our hearty thanks to the committee, consisting ot Juessrs. Ju.ius Lansburgh, N. H. Bow man and Capt. W. Gibson. Signed: WINDSOR P. 8TODDARD, Manassas, Va. J. RIEHL, .VU H st., city. Witness: J. Riehl, H. E. Rklenonr. d30-3t ^TO ? HEW TEAR CALLER. We wish to call yonr attention to our Prince All*rt and 3-button Cutaway Suns. For style, fit and finish we thick they surpass anything we have ever had the good lortune to offer. $t!0 to $3T?. See our Fuil Dress Suits at $33. Coat satin lined. I later and Cape Overcoats to go with Full Dress Suits, $10 to $35. GEOROK SPitANSY. ONE PRICE CLOTH IE*, 434 7th st. n.w. vemther i*. likely to W wmrmsr u tuUs ?h jlimj to ovMtlurly. HOW TO BUILD AT LOW COST? Are yon ssklngthat question? Well! our low prices answer it. The best Boards st $1.15 per 100 fsst, our iroinpt delivery not delaj-ing yonr cari>enUrs and giving satiafaction to everybody. The services of an archi tect whom yon may consult st any time free of cost whsn you fssl ths nesd of advice. L13BKT. BITTINGER * MTLLXK, MILL WORK AND LUMBKR, 430 Oth si. sad Nsw Xsrt seo. Washington News and Gossip. Index to Advertisement*. AMUSEMENT J . P?,~s ATTORNEYS Pmtb" AUCTIC MALES I.?., ,""j BICYCLL Pa*rp " BOARDING pTL r, BUSINESS CHANCES p.?, 3 CITY ITEMS jC.! L COUNTRY RKAL ESTATE Pat-9 2 deaths p^e6 dentistry p? 6 education ai piw.7 EXCURSIONS, PICNICS, PaireS FAMILY SUPPLIES Patr? 7 FINANCIAL PaifeT FOR RENT(Flat.) pT^ FOR RENT (Oarm, .. Pass 2 FOR RENT (Kookjs) Pairs 0 FOB RENT (Stores) paire ?? FOR RENT (Honses) Pair* 0 FOR SALE (Houses) Pare 0 FOR SALE (Lots) Pave 2 FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) Para 2 GENTLEMEN'S GOODS ' ' J>we n HOTELS p^T, k LADIES' GOODS P,? 11 LECTURES Pljre u local mention Pawes lost and found Pa?. > MANICURE pTL 7, medical miscellaneous p.?-. money to loan p!~o NOTARIES PUBLIC P?? OCEAN STEAMERS ' p* - POTOMAC Bivftt BOATS. . Pans 7 PIANOS AND ORGANS p?r PERSONAL * pZ! i printers Ptt^, r, PROFESSIONAL p.? ? proposals p*?o RAILROADS. pM1M SPECIALTIES WANTED (Help) Pm * WANTED (Houses) Pair? ?> WANTED (Kooii.h) Puire 2 WANTED (Situations: Patre ** WANTED (Miscellaneous) *....i!.Piig? 5 YES, IT PAYS To advertise in The Evekiho Stab. We pay advertising bills more cheerfully than any others, knowing what full value we get for our money. Libbey, Bittikoek A Miller, Lumber Dealers. New Yeah Receptions.?Tn* Stab will on Wednesday publish a list of New Year recep tions, for which there will be no charge. Per sons wishing to make announcement cither that they will or will not receive on New Year day will please send the information properlv authenticated, with name and address, to The Stab offioe before 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Must Pat Dun.?The Treasury Department has declined to authorize the free entry of a pump and sail imported from Canada for use in raining a sunken vessel in United States waters. New Flao Staff fob the White House.? A bright, spick-and-span new flag staff was to day raised over the White House to replace the one which was snapped by the fierce gale about a fortnight ago. It is somewhat tutler than the old one and is furnished with a larger gold ball on the top than adorned its predecessor. Amebicax Cob* Free of Duty in Mexico.? The bureau of the American republics Las in* formation that the president of Mexico has ap proved the bill recently passed by the congress of that republic admitting c/'irn from the U mteil States free of dutv. This is a very large concession, as the dnty heretofore bus been one cent per kilogram, or about one-half cent per pound. r A New Estebfbise in Mexico.?The bureau of the American republics has information from the republic of Mexico concerning the proposed establishment of the first perfumery laboratory in that rvnnblii-.the proprietor being a New York man. Most of the perfumery used throughout the world is made in southern France, but re cent investigation has shown remarkubic facili ties for the manufacture of this article in Mex ico and the neighboring republics. Prxsroxs fob District Proi'LE.?The fol lowing named pensions among others have been granted to residents of the District of Columbia: Original invalid. .Ioli, Berrv Philip Brucc (Garfield Hospital). Henrv Mc Cann (Soldiers' Home). James MeCarten'. John Agan (Soldiers' Home). Wm. D. Bull and Win S. Gordon; increase. Wm. /. liall; widows'. Marion P., widow of Jas. Hubbard. Esoineeb DeValin Better.?A private cable dispatch received yesterday from the surgeon of the United States cruiser Baltimore at Nice, France, states that Chief Engineer C. E. De ?aim, who had a stroke of apoplexy 011 the I7th instant, is slightlv better and will t>e transferred to a city hospital today. This is the first favor able news received mid upon it Mrs. De Yalin left the city for New York last night, whence t-ln- will sail tomorrow on the steamer Alter en route to Nice to remain with her husband. Private O'Ktbne's Christmas Gin.? Clement O'Byrne. a private in company H, second infantry, but who has lately been ferv ing a term in the Fort Leavenworth military prison, has just received a Christmas gift from Uncle Sum in the form of a pardon, to dute from the 'i>th. This was done on the recom mendation of the fominmdant of the prison who reported to the Secreturv of War that 015>ri;c had the most fuvoruble record of conduct at the prison during the past vcar. 1 his is done each )ear, the best man beiiiir grunted clemency. Naval Orders.? Commander James H., ordered to hold himself in readiness to com mand the Monougahclu. Lieut Jno. C. Wil son. detached f'oci duty in charge of the San Francisco and ordered to continue on dutv as a member of the board of inspection and "sur vey. Lieutenant Commander Henry E. Nichol-i detached from duty on the const survev' January 6. and ordered to duty in charge of the Son Francisco rendexvou;!. Naval Cadet D E. Dismukns. detached from the Yorktown and ordered to duty iu connection with the preparation of the Newark for sea. Personal. H. L. Fairchild of Rochester, E. B. Shelden and E. H. Fiskburn of Chicago, O. H. Ten Broek of St Louis,Miss Augusta Wright of Obcrlin, Ohio, Mr*. C. K. Howe and family of 1 liiladclphia and C. W. Gray, proprietor of I,,n'" of.. J?ckson. N.H., are at the Ebbitt House. H011. V. A. Taylor of Ohio has returned to the city and is at the Ebbitt House. Chas. S. Dakin of Carlisle, I'a.. Jas H. Bell of New York. W. A. Nimocks of Minne apolis and W. D. No.t of Winchester, Va., are at the Hotel Johnson. Melville D. London ? K? of Perry, N. Y.. are at Willard ?. Jos. H. Wilson of Belvidere, N.J ?? ,^",f Chic"K? and Messrs. H. 8. Gabs and *? H. Miller of New YorkareattheKandall Chas. Khoads of Haddonfield, N.J., Kamuel Morris of Philadelphia, Wm. Evans of Morris town, N.J., and Judge Harley B. Morse of Denver are at the Riggs. J. Snowden Bell of Pittsburg is at Welcker's. Mr. and Mrs John W. Denny of Milton. Mass., and Edward V. Morgan of Cambridge, Mass., are at Worm le? ?? J- 8- Fullerton of 8t. Louis, Ballard Smith, one of the editors-in-chief of the New York World, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8. Fech heim and family of Cincinnati are at the Shoro ham. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stuart and daughter of Manchester, England. Jas. Martin of Phila delphia and D. H. Bates, ex-president of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company, are at the Normandie. Mr. and Mrs. jTs. Hanna and Geo. B. Newcomb of New York are at the Langham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M. Babson and t. Howard of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. H Roberts of Newark, N.J., Miss Alice Wheeler of Haverhill, Maaa., ami Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. M. James of Wert Chester. Pa., are at the St. James. M. A. Dolan of Parkersburg and J. L. Stone of Battle Creek, Mich., art at the Na A. A. Chapman of Richmond and C. W. Osborn and C. C. Frasiar of Wait Tb^'nia ?rs at the Metropolitan a*-u,a rwo VIEWS OF IT. Senator Hoar For the Election Bill and Senator Wolcott Against It NOTABLE SENATE SPEECHES. Galleries Crowded With Teachers From the North. HOUSE MEETS AND ADJOURNS SF.NATK. The Senate met at 10 a.m. with hardly a dozen Senators in attendance. Attention was called to the fact of the absence ef a quorum by one of the two democratic Senators who were present?Messrs. Gorman and Faulkner. The roll call showed the presence of only seventeen Senators, and the sergeant-at-arms was directed to request the attendance of absentees. The Vice President remarked that Mr. Ingnlls was absent by leave of the Senate and Mr. Cockrell suggested that an.exception should be made in his favor. It was 11 o'clock before a quorum (44) niw secured and before the jour nal of yesterday was read. TftE VI8ITINO scnooi, TEACHERS FRAYED FOR. The galleries, however, were all the time crowded n ith visitors, principally excursionists from among the public school teachers of Sew York and Philadelphia. Their presence was recognized by the chaplain, who, in liis prayer, asked a special blessing for the "great army of men and women gathered in our schools and col leges and tcminaries." During the long wait there suddcniv came from one of the galleries a general hand clapping, such as in a theater signifies impatience that the performance is slow to begin. It was quietly rebuked by the Vice President, and there was no repetition of inch a violation of senatorial decorum. SENATOR DUBOIS' CREDENTIALS. The Vice PreFident laid before the Senate the credentials of Mr. Frederick T. Dubois, as Senator from the state of Idaho for the term beginning March 4, 1891. They were referred to the committee on privileges and elections. Mr. lteagan gave notice cf two amendment* to Mr. Aldrich's cloture resolution. MB. BOAR QCOTES APPROVINGLY A CHARLESTON NEWSPAPER. Then (the morning hour having expired) the Senate resumed consideration of the elections bill, and Mr. Hoar continued his speech (com menced yesterday) in its advocacy. Ho quoted from an article in the Charleston (S.C.) A?r? ami C(?trier. condemning the "eight-box" law of that r.-.te and characterizing it as "a politi cal trick and subterfuge intended to get rid of the constitutional rights of a majority of the citizens of South Carolina." Nothing (Mr. Hoar said) had ever been ut tered in the Senate by the most extreme fanatic imparting one-tenth part of the severity of the statement of "that great leading democratic newspaper, the guide of public sentiment in that state." He re minded southern Senators that they had pledged not merely their official oaths, but their honor as men! that they would give their devotion to the constitutional amendments if they were only let back into their old condition in the Union free from the consequences of re bellion. And now they were denouncing those constitutional amendments a* "a stupendous crime and blander." CRITICISING THE MISSISSIPPI CONSTITUTION. Mr. Hoar went on to criticise the new con stitution of the state of Mississippi and to argue that under it there was no appeal in that state from the action of election officers. He was interrupted by Mr. George, who in formed him that the constitution of Mississippi did provide for an appeal against alleged errors in registration, so that if names Were on the registry illegally or if names were excluded from the registry illegally the error might l?e corrected. This was regarded, however, by Mr. Hoar as only "another step in tbo sub terfuges" of the Mississippi constitution. It was "putting one democratic politician behind another." The peonle of the United States, he said, were not blind" to the objects of the Mis sissippi constitutional convention. If they were their eyes would have been opened by the declarations of Judge Calhoun, the presi dent of the convention, avowing the purpose for which it was gathered, and who said that | if he were asked whether it was the purpose TO RESTRICT NEGRO SUFFRAGE I he would frankly answer, "Yes; that is what we are here for." Commenting upon remarks in Mr. Pugh's speech, made some weeks ago. as to the ignor ance, barbarism and criminality of black , voters, Mr. Hoar said ?hat the gift of suffrage to the negroes had been the act, purely and simply, of the white democracy of the south ern stales when their constitutions were revised. If the negro were ignorant, barbar ous and criminal he should be denied the suffrage. The states had the full constitu tional light to deny it. All that the Constitu tion of the United States said waa that if the negro be found in all other respects tit for biitfiage. it should not be denied to him because of his race, color er previous condition. TREAT ALL ALIKK. Make a rule (Mr. Hoar said) which, under precisely the same circumstances, and under precisely the tame condition cf facts, will deny I the suffrage to the white man, who lias not got | what you think the proper qualifications, and that is all that has ever been required or de manded of you. If ignorance is a disqualifica tion in the negro is it not likewise a disqualifi cation in the white? If criminality is a disqualification in tho negro is the white criminal any better ruler of states. So make your rule "as broad or narrow, your lines as high or low as you please. The only tiling that the Constitution of the United States savs to you is that if you find the negro in all other icspects tit to vote you shall not deprive him of his suffrage because bo is black. THE COPIAH MASSACRE. i Mr. Hoar recalled the Copiah massacre in Mississippi, the murder of Fred Matthews, "a kindly citizen and an excellent neighbor, in the J act of casting his ballot," and the burning of his widow's house, and said that within the present Christinas season, in the time of "peace on earth and good will to men," that widow's sou, the republican postmaster, a young man of twenty-one, had been shot down in the streets of Carrol ton, the home of Senator George. ?'now LONO, OH OOD?" How long (Mr. Hoar exclaimed). How long, oh God, shall the blood of these martyrs cry for vengeance from the ground? How long shall the murder of men because they are republicans be the only crime to which repub licans are indifferent? The Senator (referring to Mr. Walthall) thinks that the era of these things is pasting by in Mississippi. Let us hope so! Let us hope that when it'a dark and bloody history is written it will be recorded that there was at least one manly voice in all her chivalry that uttered the indignation of an American freeman at the outrage on Americanism and on freedom. "ALIKN FORCE" IN DELAWARE. Passing from that point Mr. Hoar proceeded to comment upon a phrase which had been used by Mr. Gray in one of his speeches and which had sounded to him (he said) Terr un pleasantly. That was that be (Mr. Gray) did not want any "alien force" in Delaware. The notion (Mr. Hoar said) that the govern ment of the United States was alien and did not represent the people of the United States, as the governments of states represented the peo i pie of such statea, was entirely erroneous. The Svernment of the United States was over all e states. It was of them, and in separable from them. It was in its home, and was obeying the will of the people in the exer ' cise of its constitutional power quite as much as any state government and a great deal more any petty local election officer. It waa TBI SAKE FALLACY that had appeared in the statement of the , Senator from tlsha? (Mr. Morg?n)jrhon^he i,toU* not ? ??rJ in the *r Hoar said, more itu?' as2?!fa!? r.?,? ,?C(rrlZe the fluctiona of amh^ior "rLmtr1 SUto" th"n Reword , A..tie"aU?r represented a* com Sn 'i ^T thoroughly and owed obedience MPi-v ?.1 y ami "* property to the people of did to^L 8ta* ,of tLe Cn?n ? he The people of his own state. a itai. u - l^e legislature of ?tato could instruct a Senator a* ?> hl" ??>??** was cx ?Jr Th?? g- , be8t constitutional authori ritfct P*e If-KiHtiture of Delaware had no more of& ^ 'Uetra0t or OI"der the Senator 7*? ' tliinV ^i'T j ^a<! appe>ntedhim. to do anv ' k"F *^h. he d?d no? think for the good of tlie PrtsldenetOP / ?? ,e, UniW Sta"" Ulan the k^Ucc of thl <S Statp* had to order ? tn rV.nH^! mt' Court to render or not appointed 1?*'" Jadgnu'nt h* ??.d TBI CONrEDEBATE OOXSTITrTlOS. Mr. Edmunds reminded Mr. Hoar that the riew expressed by Mr. Gray had been embodied Itates Wn,ten con8titution of the confederate to^that^r.lM'* ?"?? But let ?? do Ju.tice Even then ?k" misguided people, tution nf A ey Preserved in the consti prov.?ion J Confeder:,te ?tates the Son. of our constitution that the the ^ee?/ongOTf rBIUent ',honl,1 ,,lke or',er for ' ? ,el.eet'?n ?f representatives. And thev went larther. Thev declared the qualitica' Dhrir"VOtenL 1 C no objection to the der^nH -TereP Btat<>-" 1 neT''r could un an^.n orTtvV.\. "T.\ C,0t Properly applied to ii( iti, r,!ii i poirer ?ver "fe n,i<i tinna.' '!4 contracts: over marriage rela estates Bnt th convc-vancc """I distribution of not exist ?n '^' wwrwgnt;v of the state does to thnsl / h,ere 111 anv relation that it has nt^^Date The 8?vcnitmtv of a state i* ? n?,/0n8t,"fat' indissoluble part of nother stronger and more august sovereignty? the sovereignty of the Unite,! State. crfAmer AS APPEAL to SOCTHERX SENATOR*. In conclusion. Mr. Hoar addressed himself directly to southern Senators and said- Vou have tried everything else why not try justice? Th'i ?JrriMt2IaUSted eVeTy P?lic-V ond 1H1S terrible question will not down Yonr people have listened too long to the evil coun t n to ^ra r in to m - into rebt11"1" *"? ?ato poverty, into crime. Let them listen now to the counsels of the greatest Stn^f ant,(luity: "Justice is itseif the great nent dfn^rtCV ?\ ?oc'etv- ??d "nv emi Tw" ces Piil. ?e a I "? und, r an? circnm policy *t ijj." thC ,U,Plcion of no ^OLCOTT AGAINST THE BI1X. 4k ; !;olcott ^ nn animated speech neaintt e bill, attracting the closest attention from its first eentence to its last. It was. he said, a to1nfr,.rf regret to him to be ,-aUed upon partv and * t f"V consi<iorable number of his th, .? i t2<iecl,Ii? to take the path which the older leaders pointed out. tLat ,be which im pelled that difference be fairlv stated The tune V "0 Lili "P" d was not <'.pp.,r! tune. Nearly one-third of the session was Wa" n?t visible. There ^fore the senate measures of vast im portance that would fail, for another vear at least, unless they were now acted upon. HOl'SE. After the chaplain had delivered a brief prayer, in which he invoked the Divine protec tion over the land during the coming vear. and after the journal of the last dav's session had STtU ST appr?red' the Ho?" adjourned THK NKW TEAK RECKPTIOX. Brilliant and Novel Klortric Lighu for thm President's Bouse. J* ^UbUri,i,,8 tb?- electric lighting Jfth H0U4,e U pu?lie.l with vigor in order Uut the lights mav be ea y for use day after tomorrow during the reception should it be dark enough to require artificial illumination in the i<arlor3. The Hue room has been quite ready for some weeks, but roomgr^T *nd rPd Parl0r, and the east oom, the main corridor and the fover as well as the private and state dining rooms' rfvo^ <lelaveJ more ?r less by the non-ar " 01 ""trials. The corridors an,I the green parlor are now quite ready, and the red room wUl doubtless be in such a stage by Thursday that the light can be turned on. ' UOHTS FOB THE BED BOOM The design for this room is thoroughly nnique. departing entirely the old rule, of candelabra, to indicate bv this term the art ?! , i >? :irrangenient ?f lights. Tl-e treat M;; "ss?s"t -ir sa Ss. ,2 SU ssJ~ the distance of about six feet from the walls / l^e rods coming much neurer to the fl ",r than tlic ordinary fixture hnvp m ?Ti.i j ? ? * ^?V^g^ '-^iiece iS A TRIAL ILLCMINATIOX. The ciA-rent was turned on over the wires T\ <i""t ^noT qu^ite t^en finished. Lach chandelier con tains a systom of lamps. while the ceiling glows with the light of iiVuJ,? concealed above twelve glass -guns " tK thl l?ZiU efh 8ec,ion of the room, th^m - north and south sections containing twelve i" the center ho'd bnt suns pUcedinthe ?nteS.?' Ult8t' LTOHT8 FOB THE DIKING noojf ??A "7 handsome electrolier has been de gned for the private dining room, but this mav not be put up in time for New Year dav it is of a beautiful model, slender and graceful" the mam motive bein* a small or cherub holding to a rod coming'down troin the ceiling with one hand and swincinc the lamp rods ,n the other. The sarau motive is utilized in the design for the side lights. OTHER BOOHS. In the blue and green rooms, the corridor and the fover an effort has been made, with marked success, to harmonize the old chandelicrs with stxsrsa: room will not be riHed untU nextyw^ 8 Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued by the clerk of the court to the following: Hugh Campbell Wallace of Tacoma, Wash., and Mildred Fuller of Chicago, III.; C. C. Smith and Artis liluut; Edgar Walker and Sarah Willis; B. H. Waters and Frances Stimpaon of Winchester, Ya.; N. M. Solomon of Loudoun county, Va., and Martha Walker of Alexandria, Va.; F. M. Davis and Gertrude Rebecca Debring, both of Balti more; Edward C. Potter of Enfleld, Mass.. and Mary Dumont; John M. Johnson and Martha E. Roberts; Walter N. Bland and Bachel E. Payne; Boy J. Gyres and May Davis; Thos. J. McHenry of Wilmington, DeL, and Mamie L. Joy. Mnt Clean Off the Bssw. Another batch of warrants were issued from the Police Court today against persons for fail ing to remove snow from their sidewalks. Bifisn ArronrrazxTa. -The Secretary of the Treasury ha* made the following appoint ment* in the internal revenue service; United State* gangers?Wm. 8. Rutherford. Harris burg, Pa.; Wm. Gundersoil, Minneapolis, Minn United State* storekeepers?Horace Morris, Louisville. Ky.; H. F. Jacob*, Gale*bnrg. HL; Henry Howard, Harlan, Ky. United State* ?torekeepers and ganger*?Geo. W. Justice, State*vilie, N.C.; rto*. B. Oienn, Atlanta, Ga. William dfoor*, for stealing a **t of harnM* from Bernard Kilmartin. was given sixty days is Jail by Judf* Millar today. FIRE VAINLY FOUGHT. A Conflagration in London That Burned Itself Out. DAMAGE CAUSED IN THIS COONTBY. Capture of the Man Who Commit ted the Broderick, Pa., Murders. STOCKS QriJTT AND STEADY. FIERCE FIRE I?J I.ONDON. One of the Wont 4'onltagmtloaa la It* Hit ?ory KtKing. Loxnos, Deo. 80?A terrible conflagration broke out this afternoon in thu city. The scene of tbe fir.' * as iti yueen Victoria and Thames street*., near Black Friam l-riii^e. N'u men us warehouse* werc blazing and 1a ndon seemed to be destined to gutter one of the lar gest ami mo?t destructive fires in it? history. Fourteen fire engine* were noon upon the "pot and the firemen did their utmost. but with little success. to check the courte of the flumes. A high wind was blowing and it materiallv added to the fury of the fi.mies. while hindering the firemen in their efforts to nave propertv. Terrible sheets of flame and cloud* of stnoke were constantly whirling over the struggling firemen, who met with little or no *ucce?* in their battle with the fiery clement. The large wholesale far manufactory of Bewllon Freres. extending from 127 to 141 Queen Victoria street, wa* said to 1* doomed shortly alter the fire gained strong head war. > I.AMFS SPREAD BAPIDLT. Following this news wa* the information that a large paper warehouse, a number of fancv goods stores .-nd the Gulcher Electric Light and I'ower Company's building wore also a complete prey to the flames. The flame, spread as rapidly on all sides as if there were no firemen or fire engines present. Immense crowds of people gathered on tbe bridges over the lhames an.l in the streets running .to,-,, to the river, where a (,-ood view of the conflagra tion could be had. The housetops seemed to be alive with )>eople bent upon teeing all they could see of Loudon's latest wholesale destruc tion of property by fire, and tUanv people ex pressed the hope that this disaster would at last bring about reform in tbe Ixmdon fin brigade. THE KIBE WAi HIKES CBITICISED. It seems strange to many people, in view of the terrible fire of a week or se. ago. when nearly a dozen buildings were destroyed on I'raed street, that old-fashioned manual fire engine, should still he in use in the London fire brigade, while the steamers oi blT^i 1 "?K,ne* in u"? "?-m to Ik- utterlv behind ?hf times. As the lire pmmm-,1 it spread to the headquarters of the Sal ration Army illuminating that red-painted -blooej ThV SIT 'U1'"'"8 a most om,nou. manner *?"*?* like beaver- ... the lr efforts to place the record* and othet propertvof the army in a place of safe!* before it is too late. the etbe *soisw rsn.Ess. 4 90 *?*??At this hour the fire i* rapidlt spreading. AU the building* from the eorne", of Bennett s Hill to Xo. 135 Queen Vi. toru street arc either blazing fiercely or else ar< gutted, smoldering red ruins, with scorched blackened shellj arouud them, and this ruin | has been done and much more is being done tc all appearances, unchecked, in spite of th. presence of twenty steam tire engines, two tin escapes, and a large number of old manual tin I engines upon the scene. T'te Utter how ever. might just as well he in tbe Bntisfc a a thi'iiIU ?S operatln8 nPon "uct a conflagration OBIOIS or THE FIRE. Cpon the authority of the London fire bri gade chief* upon the scene of the disaster it ii announced that the fire originated in the build ing occupied by O. Davidson A Son. ,?,per and paper felt manufacturers and paper bag man ?feature?, at 1'.) Queen Victoria street The building extended back into Upper Sham*, ..fcTl' "'V * larK' structure and was com r. Bitted, as was also that of Adolph r rankan and Company, manufacturer* of pipe* ami importers of tobacco at 121 Ouei n Victoria street. Old St Bcoet ? Oiurehbe j '""J' l*PlH'T' Thame* street, a famous Welsh church, also caugtit fire it? blazing steeple forming one of the most strik ing features of the grandly terrible *cene. The ! tire-men at one tune managed to obtain control of the flumes at this point and the e-onflaftra | t.oiiso far asSt. Benets was fora time arrested At the hour of sending this dispatch what *,T t ^ .t1''rT<1 in Vork four large blocks of buildings arein flame* and burninc steadily. The y will all. to indge from present appearances, be gutted by the flames. THE FIBE EritNS ITSELF OCT. At 5 p.m. tbe flames had won another victor* over the firemen and St. Benet's Church wa, completely destroyed. Ou the other hand the the liremen nt that hour managed to Have the Salvation Army shed from destruction and it wa* announced that the members of the Lon don hre brigade were once more happv and in full control of the situation and the ruins. In other words, the tire had about burned itself out and the fire department and twentv-nine engine* on the spot were pouring water on mountain* of smouldering debris. A rouch estimate of tbe dim*-, done places the amount at ?300.000. or tl.HW.000. but this is Sh! to be under the real amount. Two million dol cost of '^e^llre m"V tren,U,Ulv 10 ^ the THE FARM AT TUE WORLDS FAIR. Secretary Rusk'* View* on <?>vecnmeat E*. hibiu at the Exposition. Chicago, Dec. 30.?Chairman Buchanan of the bureau of agriculture of the world's fair recently wrote to Secretary of Agriculture Busk regarding the work of his bureau.Ac. The Secretary ha* replied.placing at the dispo**l of Chief Buchanan the best effort* of hi* depart ment: Mr. Busk add*: "Tour request for mr views gives me warrant for saying that I hold that to he the perfection of management and organ ization which lends the most encouragement and afford* tbe greatest libertv of ae tion to ^?*en*n??e that "to aiid regulation* ahould be invokeel only so far as mav be neces sary to exclude unfit material and nnworthv designs, and secure *uch installation as will render the display available for studr and pleaaiug to the casual visitor." llr. Busk says the government exhibits would not come in competition with the state corporate, association or individual exhibitors.' Ihe government will confine its exhibit* to its function as an investigator and experimenter as promoter of new and useful lines of arri cnltural industry and as disseminator of in formation. MeAalUTe Retuiai*( Dnnlsp's Cable Dispatch to The Eventar star Loxdox, Dec. 80.?McAuliffe and Us trainer Mfdde"- ^Te for Liverpool todav and wili sail in tlie Britannic tomorrow. 0?c*r? of the Cspnkkt Bostoh, Dec. SO.?The International Copv right Association elected office? yesterdav a* follows: President. Francis A. Walker Vice ErVnf-J** Lore"- w. W. Goodwin ugh ton: treasurer. C. C. Soule; secretary Dana Estee; assistant secretsrr, F. W. Chaplin an<J. .8. T. Elder. Hon. A. O. Piatt SL5?!; Simoods of Connecticut were elected honorary members on account of their efforts in Congress to secure the posses af the copyright law. HMIMM HOCkK* ?CI**t?. Oar of I He M>?l llrrt^.1l<r rti-rai la llogloa *?? n>?? '? *???? Brai4*jr?>*. low*.IHh- ? Ooro: Uwt ilntrui'tirr 6"*? ?hicli has ottotM it this rltr for a unnh r at yrars itorM I*" ' '? the furniture bow of Wywn * l^iid*. u4 before it CUM l? gotten iii'l" fl*l'r"' Itutlni tlic building ?ml cowannirt^ to ? Ix'ltwlr tin >ar<' and stove ??et?bl#?????* ? ! Kri? Haum A U?w. okirii wlfrtM- * j uumlfr of olher building" ?w ? '? <i ill? ? moans 'I ho has* oft Wy?ran ? lUr.'N will hr over *|0<t tstO *Bt' on the building ?*? f.Hl.tSW "I be other liionii will amount to a total of sa??re than iJNO.UOU A nnnitaer of peopii ??!? ainoisiy injured hy falling bn<k?. Fortunately tb"? iri? no win<t III-??tug or tha- fntir# huaanrsw |?>rtion of Iturhngton would i<s?r been >lo stroyed. It>le to wo?i? Itpir"1" aa t<< tbf list of lu?sr* ar.d iliWOTB'* IV latter will Iw about half. Acunrra Ml.. IVc. SO ^inrnto lliul. a p* it* building on W ater rtm t, owti?l b? *? * ? Owen, buruiil tlii? morning. Tbr tbirJ floi* *? until a? an opa r? hi uar. tbf <rff.nil b? city govrmum ami Weeka A lUnucUard. at* the fir*l by M . C. 1 'art riaige, drugs. wbaa * mm 111 ?timi for sfT.sM. II. A. Ilah A t o., grow*. 10 surance IU..MI. S. S. A Mil gno-ora, insurance ?J.iUKl Total low ntaout ?iifl.'WO; i? ??r?ii? on tbt' building ?17.SOU All thr city gmemnn i.t'a dni-tiiiii nu wa*re woil. New hnatl I N J? lire. 30. Tba hand some inininc rnsdeaer of W in. MeHrath at Highlaud Park. this city. to^rtler aitii th* furniture thi la-tn. wus loirned thin n.ornuig. Thr loss ii ?*>.'* I1. pnrtiallv covered 1'J insur ance. Thr 4rr ?? cauml by au o*rrh?a?sd stove. Outrr, Il*_. Dee. Noble. a vtUsgr right mili'a *wt of hrre. Uaa born |tartulli dw*U uy*d by flrr. "I??vto*. Onto. IVc S?.?Thr Genu City rtott worka wan totally destroyed by tin- at 2 o'clock thia morning, l.oaa. tso.Wl. Hoona.Tci Dec SO. A apri lal from Saa Aug untitle ptrn thr particulars of the buruin? of thr entire business pottionof that town Loan. $100,000, about one-half covered by itn* a nor. rora penaoxa in t cn. Niw Yob*, lire. SO - A building at 29th street anil l>t avenue, which was bring rebuilt this afternoon collataaail. killing four prraona and injuring ail. The fln ni. t; arr at wjrkin tbo ruina looking for morr bodies. Thr injured taken out thua far have been removed to HeU* vu? Hospital. IS* THK KltH k M ARKI T. AI moat l irrj Stork Traaled la Nhovrwd Ciataa la Ike Morning. New York, Dec. SO.?Owing to thr railnal rom|>licatii>na ovrr tlit Ouiaha bridgt. the open ing of thr atock market showed rather a reactionary temper anil final |irior? w?-ra quite irregular, the changrr from laat night a figurra bring from to *? |rr cent either way. fractional conceaaiiMM fruai tbeae figuren followe.1 in many of tbr leading ?bare* anil St. I'aul retired _ and Iji -kawanna but tlie atrengtb and activity of la?t even ing aooii ra-aMHTti'd tbt utaalvea ai.d aim out every thing trailed in ?aa tdaCeal ujaoti a higher level than that of tlie ojiet mg rnm. St. I'aul Uiareitpnu nur ft4 and Iji.-ka wanna 1'4 Iroui tlir lowawi pointa. whiia Tenneoai ?> conl iliajiiaTiHt n|M-cial ?tr. i.gth. ria ingl'.from it* opening |.nce, Sugar certifl eatea. however, wore wewk ar t a!t?r opet ing at SJ", agaiiift m ' ' fell aaav to St> ? uat evening iht-y , ? recovering only a fraction. Thr buauneaa done waa very evenly divided between the dozen a>U i a atocka. and ?lulr there were a large nunilierof atock* traded in the generi l liat waa- dull and niiinteresting. The ?trmig tone ra-uiaiita^l nn til the end of the hour and at II o dock tba market w?> fairly active and atroiig at the beat prtcea reached. Money ia cloac at C and 7 per cent. In tbo atock market after 11 o'clock tlnTe waa but little further progroaa made in thr upward direction and pri<-ea noon Ik gan to give way, everything retiring tractioi .lly before noon. The ouly feature of tbr de.dmgt.. l?jwa war, ww the renew cd weakm-aia in iiugar eertificau-o. which fell a way from SV11 to 5k. Tbr market at noon waa quiet atid barely ateadi. but KtiU at small fraction* better than the ojw .ing price#. Silver apentd at 10S: hu:he?t sale. 10S*4 : low eat Mile, 102J,: last aale. 1(M t. DKMKK HIS MILT. The M*a Saayaretral ot thr Bradrriefc, P*., Mnrdena Prutawta Innaarena-r. W;lke*b?hki.. I'a., Dee. 30. -Juan Trella, charged with the murder of Martin t 'uriey. ht* wife and a IJitngarian at Ptodtrt 'L * ya?kr > day, waa arreated at Jcrmin early ti.u morning. His coat ud vest were covered with biood ?tains. He told the story tir?t that he was in the l>ar room when Curley and the dead Hun garian atarted to light. He got scaled and lied, thiuking if he remained m the pla< i the popu lace would think be waa- the murderer and lynch him. lietective Phillip!- says there is no truth in the niau ? *to.-y. !!? !>? cut tide lit lae la the murderer. From another noun* il i* learned that Trella has m.ule a fall conlesaiou. nr. At niKTi TKAcniT. Somethlug of thr Anta^-ralrnt* of ( Union B. tVtlliama, the Muntrrer. liaLTtHOBF.. Dec. 30.- Mr. F. C. W .llmm* waa seen thin morning regarding the shooting t4 Foster Sherlock by Clinton K. W illiams in Au gusta. Ua. He said that he ha* a son natuaad Clinton I'. Willi tnH, who It ft Baltiiaore on 1 "ecember 16 to go to Jacksonville. Fla., with a ?porting nitan. ami that he was to get ? week as dealer in a gambling bouse. Ob December Ml, the day after Clinton* twenty-fifth birthday, the father took hi* w?'i trunk to the depot and shipped it to hi* desti nation. He as id lie had oftt n given thr laoy good advice apil was in bodies thai be would Umd a better life in the nouih and leave fast com panions alona. as the young insii had coat hi* jiara-nts considerable money by bis conut*clioa with a set of vouug men in south Htdtim ar* kuown a* tiie "Dirty Down." Clinton baad seldom worked at a regular occupatioi in Bal timore. Mr. F. C. Williams has never been in thr city council of Baltimore. He la a rea|M? trd nw? ilent and i* agent for the K. A. luamsav ratal* of South Haltimora'. Cliuton'a father and mother were grtallv shi* ked and grieved to liear of the Kboaating Tlae father had In ggwd ilie boy not to carry a pistol when he weal south. VICTIM OF THK WIKK. Saxunel Kerns llurard to Death bv an Kleetrlc Light Current, PatLiDELPMH. Dec. 30 Samuel Kern*, br ing on Federal street below 11th, Buffered death this morning in a most terrible fo-m. tba current from an electric light wire paa*i>g through bis body. Hi* face au burned aad discolored from tlie current and the sleeve at the coat was ripped and tort: from the arm which came in contact with the wire. Ke was fixing a crane on the roof of i ne of buildings of the Maldwin locomotive when his atta iitiou, di-tracta-d for i mo* he thoughtlessly rrasjieKl an electric Jigbt ta Instantly he was thrown down. his body twitched convr.lsively as the fluid pa***d through it. and in a moment or two hi* agony was over, although it was some time before Li* remain* were taken from contact with Mb* AWAITIXU THK KAI! Crowd* Flacking to Ik* Montr Carlo. Daalap's Cable Diaat li to Tbr rvrntoe *??, Kick. Dec. SO The weather clerk her* ha* evidently beard of the proposed visit af th* Emperor of Germany to the Kiviera and da cided to br less unreasonable. During the past three weeks the temperature has renundad vis itor* of changeable Pans, although th* BB*r cury ha* not fallen below 38 degree* Yaoter di.v it worked it* way up to M and English Americana are now flocking to tha variou* thermal station* along the coast and will Ixwii the New Year with many feativitMa and elabo rate social function*. Cannr .. aa nanal. thc load aa the most anatocrmtie of tha Utur3 recorta. At Mont* Carlo matters are oomjiarativalT quirt, the reortpu at th* gaming tab.? fallinw much below those ot lout year. Indeed, hsavw play seem* to have gone out af fashion, bat tha Casino is still haunted by a greedy crowd uC parasite*, who manage to exist on tha small sum* they pick up. It is this class that tutaa the base ot the "administration " whirh has UUlv taken a nergrUt measuros w.Ul a view of reducing tneir numbers. To tka. - ? order was made a year nent act aued for was made a yoar ago canoalK.--Ti . ? for 18f0. The rule Ui worked ? ? ^ during in dole* far niente. hav* ^ H is, of coarse, for the interest a# ?nt to har* . fr??h ^ oTZZLl