Newspaper Page Text
TRIAL BY Jt'BT. ' Court Convictions Certlflsd to the Court in General Tarm. In tbe Criminal Court today Chief Justice Bingham certified the case of Stephen FanMin to the General Tana to be beard in the first in stance. This caae cornea up on petition for writ of habeas corpus, Mr. Prevost appearing for him. Fauldin was arrested in February taut on three separate charges of larceny. and. being convieted in the Folice Conrt. wm sen tenced to 1*0 days in jail in each case, making an aggregate of MO .lays. Having served over 300 'lava he now claims that be whs not ac corded his lawful and right of trial by jury: that he did not waive that right, and. the Police Court having no power to try by jury, his commitment is null and void, and be seeks his discharge. He was released on rJOO bad pending the hearing in General Term. The respondent, Mai. Burke, the warden of the jail, having made his return, the chief jus tice this morning certified the case to tbe Gen eral Term. In tbe case of Rrit* Heriog. convicted of al lowing a gaming table on Ilia premises, Mr. Lipscomb bas Bled a plea denying the power of the Mice Court to convict or to require bim to appeal the case.and the chief justice has also irtified this to the General Term. Ss New Trial. In the Criminal Court today Chief Justice Bingham overmled the motion for a new trial in tbe case of Luzie Williams, aliaa Eliza Fry. convicted some weeks ago of larceny from the person. American Moor for Cuba. The bureau of the American republic* fnr nishes an extract from an editorial in El 7m- ! parcia!, a newspaper of Madrid, which, while opposing the establishment between Spain anil the Islands of Cuba and l'orto Rico of a system of coastwise trade, shows that American flour could be imported into Spain direct from the 1*nited States and then reimported into Cnba or Porto Kico as Spanish flour and yield a large profit to the reimporters. American tloi-r baa to pay in Cuba, says El Jntpnr<-ut!. a duty of per barrel of 100 kilograms, which re duced to Spanish money make *."> posetas Hnd 20 centimos. Now the same flour taken from the United States to Spain pays there only 8 pesetas and 25 centimos. The difference, namely. 26 posetas and 95 centimos (*5.3!*) would, if the coastwise trade system should now be established, not only cover the double freight and expenses, but al?o allow a large proflt to be derived from this trade. Latest Army Orders. By direction of the President Lieut. Col. Chaa. C. Byrne, surgeon, has been detailed as a member of the army retiring board at San Antonio, Tex., vice Ogden Rufferty, assistant surgeon. relieved. Sergt. Maj. George R. Gar nett. tenth cavalry, now on furlough in this city, has been discharged from mrvii j of the United States. Post Chaplain Henry H. Hall has been relieved from duty at Fort Custer. Mont., and ordered to duty at Fort Robiuson, Neb. The extension of leave of absence grunted Maj. Stevens G. Cowdry. surgeon, has been still fur ther extended one month on account of sick ness. The leave of absence granted Pest Chap lain Orville J. Nave, U.S. army, has been ex tended ten da vs. ALEXANDRIA. THK SCABTE-WKlOHT HOMICIDE. The mayor and Justice May heard this morn ing the case of Frank Scarce, the Washington janitor, charged with killing John Wright at bis own door on Christina* day. The accused was represented by Messrs. Hunt ami Green anil Attorney Armstrong appeared for the prosecution. The evitienee tended to show that Scarce made the lir -; attack, and that when be had tired the fatal -h it and was wiping his pistol to put it away some one said to him, "Now don t yon think you've done a dirty trick'/" and he answered. -I do not knoa' but what I have.'' Scarce was committed to jail for the grand jtiry. TWO Laws FOB THK SEW TEAR. With the coming of the new year two new laws will go into effect here, one of the com monwealth of Virginia and the other of the corporation of Alexandria. The new state law i requires that lire escapes si.all be pnt upon ' all hotels, manufactories, school houses, bos- ' Vital-, ,Su .. that are more than three stories in j height. and on all theaters and place* of amuse ment. end directs that the city council *h;:ll sele t the most approved style of fire escape of modern design to be used tor this purpose. The owner of any such building has the t ight to compel, by mandamus, the city council to make the selection >f a proper fire escape, and : aft. r the 1st of January a tine of not less than Vii nor more than ?100 per month is fixed as the penalty for non-compliance with the law. The other law to go into effect at New Year is the city burial permit law. which prohibits the brir.ging of a corpse through this city or its interment here without a permit from the auditor, and requires him to keep a registry of interments. Ihe latter law meets general approval and will be rigidly enforced, 'ihe city council has made no selection of any fire ??scape device under the new state law. and it is not likely that its provisions will be promptly enforced. There are few buildings in Alex andria to which this law wonld apply, and there is only one fire escape in town, that upon the old cotton factory on North Washington "tret t, owned by the Garrctts of Baltimore: but this factory has been unoccupied for many years. ICC AND SAATfS'). The skater* aa well as the -leighers have op portunities now for their ..port, as there is thick lew on the river edge and Hunting creek on the south anil the poiels left by the abandoned ca nal on the north side of the city, but since the introduction of roller skates tbe older diversion with the Lushing steel upon the smooth ice has ceased to its former attraction. No ice baa aa yet been cut here for use, although it is sereral inches tnick on some of the ponds. Sot-ae of the ice houses expect to harvest soiue domestic ice this season. SOTXS. Tbe temperance love feast.given by Talisman Lodge of Good Templars, at their lodge room Ian night, was uad-> a most pleasant occasi ?n. and the program heretofore announced in The Stab wm carried out to the satisfaction of all who attended. The audri?us of Dr. L W. kirby and several other prominent temperance tpiata rs of thu city and Washington were aiighiy appreciated. The hall was handsomely and tastefully decorated and festooned for the occasion. The si; gi.ig by the trained choir of the lodge, led by Mr. Horace iiauiey, was ex cellent. At tbe Catholic Sunday school festival, under charge of the Sister* of ihe Holy Cross, yester afternoon, tableaux representing tlie scenes in bethiehein. from the cno of the Redeemer to tbd coming of the wise men. were exlubitad. DM. DIXON'S BKBLIN TBIP. It Telia of HI* Visit to Dr. Koch-HIa { Opinion of the Lymph. Dr. Samuel O. Dixon, the bacteriologist, re turned to Philadelphia yesterday after a most successful visit to Berlin, for the purpose of in vestigating Prof. Koch's discoveries. Dr. Diauu is a member of tbe Academy of Natural 111 mill where bis bacteriological laboratory | ? located, bnt he went to B? rlin as the special rwp reectitative of Jefferson Medical College, as tbe latter institution wished to get an expert opinion, as it were, on tbe value and li nil Wi lsons of the new cure. Dr. Dixon spent three weeka in Berlin, where he was most cordially rseetred by Dr. Koch's assistants and by the ' professor himself, an honor vouchsafed to no ' oUier American and to few foreign doctors. Or. Koch is described by Dr. Dixon as a man ! a# extreme candor and probity and modest ai- ' I to a fanlt. He discussed his new discov- j > with his American Co-la borer, and among i r things spoke in a most hopeful vein as to \ tbe value of the lymph in treating lupus. ?u- ! perflcial tuberci.l>>di: and laryngeal troubles, i Dr. Dixon was invited to the private clinics of l>rs. Brrgniunn. Kwald. Koehler. Frantxel and Goltdammer. and was allowed to personally ex- 1 amine the patier.U and make a most careful in- ' ?tv<n of the effects and symptoms of the treat-sent. He sino attended Tirehow's post mortem ex amination and secured many interesting pathological specimens. He received speci of tbe lymph tbe day after the interview *"* Koeb. After completing his investiga te** the doctor stark-1 for home on the Aller, wbteb arrived in New York Sunday night. Dr. Dnon said he did not care to make any ????emeat ?' present except to say that the iU? undoubted value in cases of PJJ*1* 'tis mm s of the joints, but that the waaone of the most powerful poise ns j '*? effect on many people wonld be IMM, owing to the violent reaction it sets up. , m*-t caption should be exercised in using it as ? '??touy and also as a diagnosing agent. f?8owinf additional subscriptions to tbe c,nb luive been received: A Ltttu Friend, ?: C.S.8.. #5; Miss Mvra WANTED?HFT.P \V*ANTI?I) \ KK1 I *hl.?.. CUMH. I l.M WMITr f v girl for?ren#ral hoiua-work forfaiuily of two, must j have ex?-ellent reteren. Apply "!\Y?Z S at. n.w. It* W MM- HLM.:\>sM\\r' 1,1 I.IMM' 11 us. MOHAN ft CO.,tK AtUnti. T\" ANTED- A TOriKO MAN ABOUT FIFTEEN if to eighteen years old that wnt?-n a irot>d fends light wage* and long h'lir*. uM tUat aauta a home. A.l.tnw HAI.KT. Mar A ??. It* ll'ANTr*)- A 4'OMPFTENT WHITE WOMAN ?? tor ?'h?T?ifr tn<l i-eneral housework for a mnaU family. no children a HUtUble i?er*ou will have a good home. inquire .VJlMfch st. u w. ?UMV.*t 11' VN i 1 1 INum.i; THREE Yt>V\G MEN TO | ll ]e.?ru te!-gr*phy the eveumg hour*: in itrn?tlon? h-st-cho** lor terms, Ac., address MM M.ui> - ? -r m ?? If" 11" AN I K.L> A KEKPECTABLE WHIT E BOY if ai?out 1?", of M*e to make himself mrfQl in j the store and run errands. Apply at iMM?th st n w^ IV anted cooks.?!?? to"ira umrnnMi, if chandiAu.aida. ?aitnw, nnms, seen, stress. but ler*. roti^Rien, U-hmeu, waiter*. all h?n?e workers lor families an-1 itote;?. I'li K \ 013 7th at. n.w. ?tio-<?* _ W'AXTF.D AT UF KlMJlTtK TERM POSITION* 'i J? r . ooks, chsmtierm&ld, waitress. laundr?*s>* s and nurses. *Jin?tn *?. uiru waiters, rock*, rosn l loan. lutlsrs. SAM 1, A. ttMiMilb, Y si. n. w. ?t'#k'4# 1%'ANTED *J0 WOMTncHAMBEB %ND LIGHT if h?>u*ewurkefn. without washing; several men andl.js. i"all early aiulpi. a your p.aces. Wages #10 . .i!i lNTi:i.LIGKM'k ofcHi'F, IW K_it | W'KNii:- n>y THAT HAM A LITTLE KXOWL> ] f f wis? of the shoe bwsines*. Also a good errand boy AmU umterMaiiiU the eit>. irjft > st. n. w ?i:n?-:tt WAITED SALESMEN TO HELL I.INK OF ?? ircntx tiimifiiintr^xluni) loiituii^.^n in Mary land an 1 southern slates. lielerences required. Ad dress WM. U. KM MM. :tt N. :V1 at.. Philadelphia. Pa It UH1 I*ANTED A YOUNG COLOKED MAN WHO under*! and* Uking car* of horses. mu?t tiring nmmutrtttlation; Mhrr ti?? per month aadbmra. Api iy .it i?ase:iunt. 47l> Louisiana ave. n.w. It* 11' \N 1 1 l ? lOiNG MAM WITH HOME FXPE ff riettce ta the drug bus. less. Address, gi vine ref erenee* anl general partl-utars. BUCHV, Star oflic*. d.a?--.i ANTED?A W HITE BoV IN PHOTO STUDIO; f ' < -lie with s*ouif ? n*in*-m ?*xi>erirn<*e; r?ferrnre re quir^l Apply41S*!ttli ??t. n.w. It* 1 W ANTED OOli?ItED A OMAN WHO VXDEB * ? >t; u > w.T?htn-'. ironing aiul (nuenl honarwtjrk; sm.?ll tai'iily . n*t?Trwf r?-?|Uir?1. ll i'2 14th at.n. w. 1 j 11' ANTED A EICENCH MAID TO DOCHAMbFK ? f work n?l to hiivc ? ar?? of .?* iittl** urirl; aiao a com- I latent white woman to do cookintr and laundry w^?rk for ^mail lauiuy. Call betwttrn u:;k> wid 7 at 1710 j i'once. tii tit ave. diJO-t^t WANiED GIBL FOB GENEBAL HOUSEU OHK. I ? * A| i ? i \ ?Tjgi Sjffio ?t. ,L> DruH Ifeft. tflO-'A1 \\* ANTEI \ ..inl. FOB HKCOdiU WOBS IN A * ? small lamily. Apply, with rflerenoes, at A ! st. a.p. lUKKB*^ \v AN 1KD-AT OJICE-K1VK BRIGHT. WKLL ?;r **id boys. A, piy at oftlt es of ANALOhTAN i H RL1SH1HO IP., om National TbOlW. It* VV ANTED-OMB OH TWO WOODrtAWTKBS AT If IX K <*. n.e. V. BALDWIN 40ttN80X, Co*l ? I Dm iLttK* j \V ANTED-MATURE. WHITE. CHILD'S NLKSE. ? ? Training and eip<rim? e lor aelirito ?*hild. \ fry be>t p?'rsoual rvter^rw-ea. N?>ne othmnml apiHv. fall so?>n. V?to 10. or writ**. 17?C> Mass. ave. dflO-Ilt 11"ANTED-G<HID WHITE GIBL TO DO OEN ? ? ernl housework in a small family; to stay n'.rhts. Call a that. a.^ d^0-3*_ , II ANTED-A RELIABLE MIDDLE-AGED GEN- 1 f f tleinaa for a i>?*ru.anHnt pla? e with its; city j{en- | tieman with MrrwutH jT?-terre<l. Apply Hi rT. OFFICE. 1307th at. a.w. It' W ANTKD~ H \!.F-(.Kl)WN GIRL AS NVRHE FOR i o child two years old. Must have reference?. Ap-j ply 619 I m . It \\ an uDA omrnKXT nrfu.H" aFplv ! o ?? K'l'.'N st. !*etween the hours of 10 and l'i and i bring- city ref? ren?*es. dlXKit* J VI "ANTED A E1RST-CLA88 BOX A FU>B CA>I * I vaeser iIobi ?*. Aihlr* ss F.8.. HteoBri. JSMf I 11"AS!ED iOLORED BOY ABOUT SIXTEENi *? t<? 1m? generally Jiseful al out the honse; w*?r? * #10; ctty r?'i?'rr*n? ?A:tnte<!. Call between ti and H p.m., j New Jersey ave. s.e. (U?!*--?t* j 11" ANTED?AT T.C, KtTH BT. N.W.. A GOOD ' M cuok and to do wt-neral housework ; i?o washing. ??ne tl'.at must stay at m- ht. reierencesreqniml.d'JJKr ; W'ANTKIi A Wi'M VN TO ? 1?>K AM) I?l (.I N O eral housework;u>utrt stay at nitfht and brimcKood t r? ferenre. til!,' H ft. n.w. du*-t!t' U AN1ED-A MIDDLE.AOED COLORED MAN i as buiir-r and hous ? servant; go<nl reference* re qtiirrsl. <'ullnt ?:?.T Counerti* nt ave. between ?? and h A*riork in the even bur. <BMr 1\* \NTFD ? A JM1DDLE-A*iF.I>TOLORilD MAN " to <lrive ? arriau-e and assist in rieanm/up house; irtKvl retereni-es required. A. 13. WEBB. 1:00 A at. s.e. <?5Kft* Ur ANTED?WET Nt'liHE. All'LV TO DB. WALHH. lo.'S New Vork ave. Apply between 0 an l 10 aij't 4 to p. jii. tL'SK'tt* \V AN 1 ? !*- 1 > MEN ON PIECE WOMB; NO e\jir*^u?e; v'o<xl pay. Call 13S5 F St. n.w., studio. se< ( ud story Imm-k. d'JlKtt \\" AN1T.D KXl'V ltlENCED Nl'USE TO TAKE " *-arec' child. Apply at l'MTt lotu st. n.w.. from lio:;p. m. _ d .. 11*ANTED?AN EXl'EHIENCED WAITER*"WITH !? it.H<d r?-leren?-e>. Appiy at 10 Lafayette sciufere betw*s?n S and!?oVlo k p. in. <lLV- -l* \t"ANTt.!>?two SAI.F.SMLS IN 1)1* HAT DE O I'.rrtr ?- tif. ?>n.y th?.se with a tborouirh knowledge of the busint-ra nfl I the i est of reft rente? neeti aj?ply. NAks AND CO.xFANV. daViW \\'AN IED-OH1CE ROOM ANI> W EEKLY OOM t? n will t>e triven for i>srtial servic es of I J> pew filer. Boom OJ. Atuntii l>uil?bnx. d'iT-lJt* " ANTED aTVoCNG MAN FOR~OFFlCB WORK; t? must be ateBograplier and tyi??wiiter, and will in.r to m:;ke hiinaeiiirenerally useiuJ. Apply at onre. li. Bl'. ? \L1 AHAN. lUthanlEsts. n.w. d27-3t_ \vANTED- A SETTLED WOMAN (WHITE PRE 1t ierreil > to do general housework in small family, at Cyat;sTiiIe, M. .; wages |t0 in?r mouth. lutiuire ' H ?t. m. w. tlT/ .-t* 11" ANTEa>~? gl'ICK* C<H>KH! OOOBS! MAIDC o *TUb worcen.d'sf wash.-rs. wort!mrho?sekeei?ers. waitr**>ees. lious -workers t?-iti*? m l eountr> >; highest wnges. trunks stored. Bl HNHAM'S. UiOGst. n.w. d-,;-?#t* \%' ANTED - DCNlH-iRE7!*-EMPLOYMENT BC tt retiu.?* ndiK-ted ? > lultea?men and women.white and colored, lor ud kinds ?>! domestic lal>or, city and stated, witd referen?-^s. Beu.< vod to 7uW Lst.n. w. o 11-731* 11" ANTED A VtK NG MAN. IS OB *J0. W ITH t! twoor three years exjwien? e in the drug business. 4H4 Pa. ave. n. w. d^T^tt W ANTt.D-WoMMr MEN, BOV8. GIKL8 NFED ?? m? work roil,,'to fc^n.t Jj iuem ^ "Itnations fr?Yn?^: lithst. n.w. J'rmrnt." JH)?1F.\S iko - ? ' ' ' <124-1 m* \\ A.NT 1.0 SALESMAN TO SKI.!. OOUbH "to n'T*/:- ^ l-y ti work^ aiw trjHHis peru*^neir situation. ?Kirn.In Ml 'UK!. Mru. CO.. South BrnJ. Ind. _ wANTED?SITUATIONS. 11 \SkkA> I* i A lkEHPEC l'ABi E iifcnjih ^ < lore,l woman, washing ami all kin.N of deankiv cl a WVwl!al.?.'r,i'*.L'W2i*8. W?XK1?: ....v -i r?o ??/\i ir.K, rUKlKK. 11 ? v4U-hman or hostler .fimt-class reietvu<-es. Ad dr?^s SM i 1 HI-.. t^4 Ma>?s. ave. n.w.. city. It* \1* ANTED - Bl A ?Ol No LADk. A PLACE TO t? sujH-nntend house for bachelor or widower, no obWtton to ?midren. Address A. K.. Staroflk-f. It* | \\" AXTED-A LADY OK HFFINEMENT WOULD t f like to keep house for a widower without children or a bachelor. Addrses Mrs. Ci-AYTON, Star otftre. 1* 11' ANTED GO TO DICK H AGENCY FOR COOKS. t1 maids, nurses, launur-ss. houseworkers, but i . waiters. !?>otmen, and dairy nien: ail have referent t-s iroui las; idace. tlo'.thst. t'UO-'-it* \\ AN rED-WoMENCOOKH.ttO TO |75; CHAM t t beruKuds,nurtM s and laundresses, in t ity or away;L. ? -iters, drivers or farm hands; colored men cooks. ' \ UliH. va Fat n w. lUKKit* WT ANTED-Bi A BEHPECTABLB CULOUCD vf work in ?rr?)cer> or private family and take 1 care of iiorae. good reterem-ts. rail lor turee days. | 17(?< Kigirsst. n.w . bet. I and V sts. It* \t" ANTED? BY MIDDLE-At*I D MAKK1ED MAN. | t? situation or some kind immediately. nine years' ! espenent-e in wholesale grocery. Address C. W. Ll CK i, Star oflke. d30-!.*t* Vl'ANTKDbV A FIRsT-CLAftS COLORED CoTHT ll a situation in a private tamily or Loardimc house; beat of referwnees. Apply 1'fJON. Y. ave. n.w. It* WAN TED-A SITUATION AH CLERK BY AN M w vi\^. intelligent, induatrtoos an<l educated young wi.ite iuan. Addrpssbox 14. Starofllte. It* \V ANl KD?EMPLOY LU8 feOK KXPEBiENCLD ?1 an.I j-o!ite serv nts. positions lor applicants forcleri.wl work. CI ? ? IN t ELLKiEKCE Ui KICk, Dl BAND bUACKLLl OHD. I*rop.. 'JUS E st. n.w. dlKMC | Ik ANTED A YOUNG FRENCH GULL WlHHBtt? If situatM n &9 maid for yonng lady or growing chil dren . good r -i'Teiu e. Addr^se i.. B.. star oft-*? .^J-:it* W'AKTED B Y A K ESPECT a BLR WH il l G1RL, ll situation to ?'.o piam > t-okin,* or as chambermaid, waiting or nursing; retereoce. Address Box Id, r>tar o?i-e. 11 * ANTED?BY A YOUNG M AN WbO lUNDER tt vtarut--* his business,a place ?n t l*nvate faun.y ss \ utler i ?-si ol re.erenee. lu*i.iireat 1.101 Lst. n.w. 40b-m* 11 ANTED-SITUATION 8 FOR RNGKNEERB. ! ll drivers.firemen.maids.porters, watchmen, nurses, hostlers klUhtn hands, cooes, waiters, housruien,atr. VAI: supplied.) * d i. ?* BURN 1?AM'S. 1110GSI. B.w._ ' \V ANTED- A YOUNG I.A1>Y W?HHES MTUATION 11 with a Urst-t lass dressmaker. Address E. G., Starolhce. U.^7 -Tit* AN I El>?YOl No SWED1HH LAl?k l;).MhW 11 a situation in photograph:* vataUiaiii.?ent; experi ien? eln reto-.tching; moderate salary. AJdr<?rs s.G., i H\ar o?. ?. tti7-.V J WANTED ROOMS. 11 AN rED ? 1HKEE UN Ki K.MsHKl) KOtiMH w,th h.*st and light lor rerv light houaekesi ing I ' *"K uUtA prelert* d. Address* J j?' ' ?tar ofnee. '.fT? It* \KVAN 1 Eli BY A YOUNG MAN. A COMEOBTA ii fclj turn-shed room, with or without tioard, with ! a i ;*ssanr laanly . answer^ ci-ntalniux price and par ti. uars will only be not wed, motWrate prices. Boa 71. ~>tar otfh-e. lt# U'Ul lLii-tl OKSTLKMAN AND WIT*. TWO ll !um.shed mt?u,s on se.-on I floor, witli use uf hath . no IhjsM. Addreas SECOND FLOOR. \TU1 Pa. ave. d'.tt-Clt* A.N < ED in A YOl Nti COI H?? h\ JAN. l.>, two un.ur. tout. ruou> . set ond fktH*r. suitauie lor asskseptog; between Mnd :otn and M nud H sts. a. w.. owner |>r*f?rr?u. Addr%as, ?'atinr teru-a, C.I .H.. HUTofl?f. _^ \V ANTED-BY GENTLEMAN AND WlFK. TWO ll siiik'.e i?ed rooms; nd 1 s?tt?ng room ensnfte. and 1 led rt oii; lor tr.irse and Infant. sell situated and in a good kx a.'ity . m? als aervr4 in private setting roou., nurse exr^|?tei!. Adtin ss. stating terms, A. COTr LE. Met omaa' Drug Store. 14th and Lsta. n.w. \1' ANTED?FURB1HHED BOOM, WHERE YOIOR If ? uitur?? will uot be ?>6jet-tionable; convenient to State, War and Navy l*efH*- >1 ?wr line or otherwise ani nested l.y store. pries not to sacssd $12. Address W E. M . Starottu e. &?*7-ot* ATTORNEYS. tl If. Attora*y asd CooBMikir^t-Law. oro^^c^HaU. 4^U"mUS,'JS. P?MU CAHtUXOl-OK, ATTOH1TKT.AT.LAW buu-uwr. Mi Dm. - - li 1>C. Irt?iwi,.? 1.U1 WW. a-?. 7,-^> WANTED?HOUSES. WAKTKD-H1X Rixm P. B *A*-WI>*I>OW j II home all modern lo? tion near lin* care or herdirs. n w. preferred; will jw cast* Addr*?? PURCHASER, tinombst^n.w.?MJ Jt w anted rom a cljrnt. right-room if l?4t-k house west of 14th ft. Jt*-,B^IJ? tHKrt otft JAMES F. BAKBOttt. ai^lltb nt. nw. a***3> \V aktid-hqvsiJ from ?4.ano TQ ie.?oo; KM * m. ?.?. W ANTED?BOARD. 11* mnn,Riinil) BY A GENTLEMAN AND >V *11., permanent 11 suited. nfarau-e* required. Addrm. statin* terms end lull particular*. lk)X 'JO. StST office. A* WANTED MISCELLANroyS. | U'A!ITU>~kllX I.KT FKBR lOAOQOD MEAT i H nHifr my meat s?*nd and IMWI '? *VTT'[ ?turn; must corn* well re. uiuujended and be ?Wj.lfi keep a irmd Muck. Addresa C. J.O.. wviift t.MWr 11 AMW A POIkiTEB IXH1. TRAIN F.I. TO W point an 1 nMm partridre. ?iw?lli. iWEteolor preferred. A i>,y io M l>. H.. 1111 l7M> ?*. w.d27-r W' ANTKD~H. BAl M PAVf THKM1BHMT rf?il II prices!..r 1 urntlure, can-ets. feather Imls, ofit* an i store lixturea. Entire households a specialty Ad dr<* ;il4 Hth at. n.w. w AN TED?HIGH EST CASH VALUE PAID FOB II turolmr*. .arrets. <??". '"** "W stock* ot men handle*, and yflW* Mturcs. i all or Midr*i? A C. *|jmi?ll.w> 7th ?? ?.W. d27_ MTAKTED-TO LEASE STORK WITH KWOJ | II sbov*. before February 1. on F ft. bet. ?*"'[ Vrtt. Pa. ave. '*'? **1' and lftui. "r <*? be<- Faud j Pa. are. . rent nut to excced ? l*' per month. Address * .A. A M , >?HW* Btarolftr* | 11* A.Nfr.D -AIX WANTING PHOTOGKAI'HS l) cabinets, a doxrn this low rat* a>few itejr* lonjrer, to jrtve every one a chance; larxe picturepre sented. I.AKDNKK, 4i0 WL rt.. near lJncoln Hall. d'M-^m 1\' AN I ED-l.ADIES.TKY "OKANOE BLOSSOM II cur- S tenia le ilix-w*<* on*1 month atreatuientwl, order* by mail promptly tilled. Mr?. K. A. DAII.Kk. Irtin! Ai.-fut. t JU 1-at n.w. ot.i-^m VV'ANTKU TkFKWkJTERM ioK KENT; BEST II uia?-liln?< nn l?>t terms rent ninrlitn* to learn or practice tu in- rv:iw- ; slui'it^l tily or rotintry. liH). Ii. M^IH'hKf. tilOFX. li.W. div-llli I W AKTtl>?UUUbk* TO bl>ABl> \? At li.y iarui on Little Kiicr i urnplk?. near Alex andrl*. Fainax county, Va.: withpieufy of Inl and i nn>t-<'iaa ?ab ?. 1 wUl l*?ril hotws at #? or ?It) per uiontb. act i riluxf to attention required to be in*e?. ( 1 lie :.e?t U uii.]uvl..n iiiil Altai nana tvleren.^a?nv?n. | fUl-lui* AildreJl BEAT 1 IK. Alexandria. V?. TI'AXTEB- WILL TAKE OKDEKM FOR ALL 1 if artist decorative pahitm-'t.deeums.slimacai ^ial). Apply ( MAS NAi', Altiat U'anai. Kapley'a bulldintf (National 1 beaten.P^.atre..l:?a>m t .'Jd 11-.ur. gil-lm ! 11' ANTKI' Hll.riKST t'AKU. I'KIt'EH FAI1> FOR ?i wond-hand luinitnn* and stovot*. Ala*.?la(iAtfS an* iiri ? lotiuu* tnUKiit and ?old. H.K08EN11EKU, ttaiil at. u. w. : (U-lin j WANTED - EVE BODY SVFFEKIKG 1 BOM lY ainoky chimney* to know that I (ruarantee to rure then, or no pay required.ranfen, lnraacea ana latrol?? u.aj? to Lent or no pay. V>7*. DAK IE. UU at. n w ??? iLSrtr j \\: ANTLD-OLD GOLD AKI> SI^VF.ll FOH CASH. ! \\ WILLIAM KRIKDKRICH. HOi?Tth ? . orpoaito patent once, kiaaeuient More. Mannfarturer ot s h iety uedirea and medal*. Fine dock and watch repairintr* j K>tul>lisne<l nlj-'-Aii* V\TANTEI> - Ht>RSES TO WI5ITKH: TWENTY | t\ rears' experience: box stulla; (frwn und hny aft re- ; ouiretl. Order Loxltll Gth at. n.w. , farmith at. road, hniiJea<ml. O. H. f. Oi.AKK.Wlyo. Md. o\U^Uu* \\TANTKI>--PABTiiKICATOEN. BKALK'S 8TOCK I lann, the home of lnnce i>rlcff aim \>ilkea Stal- I lion Truxtoo; 7 miles north of *uahlnjrton irood ata \Minff and feed in winter, with careful attention at all tiinea. Urdera left at fiarke a Uvery Stable. 1^'4 O at. n.w.. or Ma*rrath it Kounell>1 ^ iH'f.viv 1 will be invmptly attended to. Ofc.V- C. DVUJiO, Aianawer. llyattaville. Md. oV?hn j ANTED?STEAM CARPET CLEANING AND renovatin* worka: feathera renovated; mattreaaea made over; lurnitur?- at earned and motha destroyed. F. H. i'OCNGS, 14(?i l*a. ave. Telephone lUUb-?. n:i FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS i-'OHHALE- 4-I.ol'ND-CoRNEK syl'AUE I'lASO; X overatrunjf b-isa, carved levs, oriKinal cost, ?!5??.*>; will aell for <110. a hamleoine instrument. 1 all. after 4 p.u?., atSll 1> at. n.w. _ FOR BALK-A MARE FIVE YEARS OLD; GOOD utork. eentle an<l sound, fine for txnAiy u?e or store; day ton wa^on and harness. 1021J 6th at. a. w. .KM FOR SALE- 8I.VERAL FINE D1UVINO HORSES, amomr them one fine ?*y mare, 15H handa hwrh, aound and kind . tady can drive her; one sorrel liorso, lti handa. can trot close to Ii minutes; also several low rriced ones. To be seen at A*K* 1?? Htb ?!. B. w._ I-ytK 8AIJ. THE PRIZE PONY. CART AND HAR ni s? i.warde.l by Xuka* Co. can be aeen at 1. 0. Ho*en'astable, anil U.1* New York are. n.w. d:il)-:!f CHARLIE F1I.1.ER. 101:1 lltli at. n.w. 1>iR SALE-FURNACE IN F11MT-CLAHH CON dition. wntti plpe^. made by El *-rly i In ua 1 only* one aeasou ,1U' 1 ITuve perie, t aatlstaotion; have moved fioiu cf.y la reanon lor sellln*; it luuat be sold aud no rea ?t<nit>le otter reiiisetl. ,, Apply to E?EHLY fe SON, 718 ?tB ?t. m.w . for ?U information. d,10-gt rvin HALE AN ELEGANT OAK DINING ROOM r set. incln.hnif side I ward, worth ?li?; will sell for ?Ik). Can be seen at 4'.'4 ."<tb st. n.w.. basement. <taKJ" VUB MUM PA1B BAY COBBS, 1.V1, ? AND 7 A years old ; 1 pair chestnuts. 15.2. r> and fl yeara old, 1 pair l(J.!i.U an.l 7 years old, one >rray and iviy; 1 pair 1 0 and 7 yean old, *ray *nd i>tv andaeveral fine co.ipe horaea. B. F. McCAULlA. j;nyjt Oft. bet !Kh and 10. F^OR SALE-A BAY MABR SIX YKARH OLD; perte^tly kind and geotle. Apply 12** KM. n.w. I/OR SALE--PTOt'K. FlXTtRES AND~GOOD f wilt of a neat ?T.?ery store, located on Htlistn.w. in a thriving neyrlilK?rhoo<l, cLeai? to an immediate pun-hair. Address Box 12, Star offlce. ?3?-2?* r(>R SALE WANTED BUYERS FOR SEVENTT~ r live hestiu* stoves at c<mt. At OAhl KEI.L S. ?1.> 7tb st. n. w. A tfood [strobe to heat two rooms (or i d21MB I/Olt SALE-A NATIONAL CASH RFXIISTElt; liuve si.-.'. ncany new ; used but few months. regis ters from 1 cent to ??;<> will sell cheap. InquireTjf Hol.MES A HKo., 1st and E sta. n.w. <121> Jpi|?K*SALE?A iSE( OND-H AN1) N ATION AL CASH recister; l?een used l.nt a short while, owner (join* ut of bnsinees. Address CASH, Ktsr ofnee. dl*<-dt F ii Vale-a good house suitable for _ either work or p'r^aure; ia iearle?*of steam cars ,nd Tpl:,Tn oy 'aS&bon nailor-8. ill . ' Cor. 14t '1 and E *ts._ tdor"hale OR HIRE-A FINE family MAKE. A perfectly trusty: irentle and sound. Reason for aelliznr owner wishes to keep one horse only. A written guarantee tfiven with horse. Address Wi> Mi-.ryland ave. n.e^ d^< XiK SALE-PIANO CHEAl*-#10r>; t25 CASH OR ita equivalent and $10 or $."? monthly until paid. And lor rent, furniture complete lor nine or seven room houae. Address UOD PIANO, sn*r ottace. OUi-.l t I.H)R RALE- . _ 1 on y |1 horse blanket for 70c. 15 only $ I .*J0 liorse biantets lor 80c. l."?only 01-4O hone blankets for !Wic. ft only Sli ."?a horse blankets for 0 only #ii.7.'? 6a horse blankets tor We are determined to close out entirely our line of horse blankets; thla explains the exceedingly low pricesfquoted above. <ither horse Roods in proportion. d27-lin TOPHAM'S. l'^ll Vs. ave.n.w. "13uK WALE? A fevn more OF T11USE KXCKP J7 tional cash bargains in line Upright and Square G. L. VS TLD * BROS*., 7007th St.n.w. F I'Olt SALE- . ^ . r A irreat .|uantity of all styles of Sleiirti* at astonish '"i'.io'aTaive ssomien: of Lap Rolies.Hoije Blankets anil * hips and JAI ants of all styles of Uarftesb. Give ua a call. W. F. GEYEB. n21-tr Peun. ave. n.w. ruK SALE-HPEC1AL OFFERINGS IN 11 KIGHT X pianos; I^ar.tilul styles. hiifh*<-lass and me?iium priced; new upright planes st special low price* loi cash on aiontnl>' payioents. lhe i?est vaiun driven fo. other Pianos, <?ld aquare or uj riKlit. aa part payiartit and any Lalance can he paid in any au:ount n.cnthJ> as desired. Come in ami talk exchange with us. $10 monthly is our popular installment THE PIANO EXCHANGE. ^24 US Pa. ave. |5oK KALE-THE HANDSOMEST Horse IN THE r Distrft-t of ColuiuUa. aired by * ?Canton." lull brother of **HarroUi.'' out of a Gold Duat mare, never | haaoeen trained, but can trot easily in tf.H0; arentie aa a child, yet lull ol apint; only tnxee years old and in the hanas ol the |iroper party would develop wonder ful speed; price *KJ0. Address JtiHN J. STl^PHKN- I SON. sun huildin/. Washmt-ton. D.C. d^4-St ] LH>R SALE?NEW lTkIu 111 PIANO, FINE CASE X and sweet tone, worth $3o0, only t^lO each. HUGO WifKCU ft CO., ?i5 #th ?l. ?.W.. Stdimer I'MsUO agency. Pianos aud orirans rrntea and ao.d on instaliijieut*. dXJO ?OR SALE?O) HEAD OF HOUSES JtST AR ? rived irom Georiretown.Kj. One peir bay horses 10 hanos hnrii, 10 ? ouie horses and saddle horses;, a:so 1 i a> ti.are. can trot a mile m three minutes, and 1 bay hoise that ?. an trot a mile in dt>-im JOHN SIMMONS. 311 12th st. n.w. >Oli SALE-RAPID PRINTING COMPANY. 1S11 i.*th st. n. w. H.indbLls,4xt>. ">.000. $*'. Mze0x0, 4?> to 7U-. a 1000; 0*Df. 0T? to WA-. Envelope*. to uU*. a 1000. Drop postal and atfent will call with i samples. dUP'^7t_ on sale? Pull and complete 5tiazk op i street und siabirblanket. Remember your hoise ! while makinjr I'hrtstmaa iTtsmts. Hiflpv cash pri< e i lor se<-ond-ltand harness, b. D. ilOUCK, J01 10th st. dll-Clm yoR SALE? Full Si*e Fancy Wool Lap Robes. $1.50. ? Y ?i: Size Japanese Goat Sienrh Robes, ?3.75. New Hami>smre staole Blankets, 'iqc. Kunsiaii \>ooi l.oad Blankets, ?~.50. Baker Patent stable Blankets, H We are acknowie?.!wed : HEADQUARTERS FOR HORSE BLANKETS. WOODWARD k LOIHROP. oC5-am Cor. 11th and k ate. n. w. 1.VJR SALE-FORFEITED PLKDUKS?GEN T8' solid r m>Ul watch, ilOiOenU' 14 karat hmi ati?en?l caaa wat. h, #s. iady?.solid fold watctl,w,; boys' anU tfenU' ailv.r watch**, *2.73, fsl dwt. IB karat E. Howard stem winder. frjO. All warranted. At KX-LOAN uF F1CE. low E*. a.w. dl-lnt FOR SALE-IMPORTED CANARY BIRDS. FINE simrers. cheap; bird food and ca*res. At tue Bird Store. 11*17th st. n. w. hi EVEN HARTBRECHT: n^-toi* tfOK SALE - SEVERAL GOOD SECOND-HAND IVano.Mpr.uilnent Ki^^hor^^r, a, tU7 tlUllikit. n.w. "Ch3r SALE? r rrLLVALnt oryr* Foryonr old square pis no in euhanM for a NEW BKADbl'KY Li-iUuHl, balancepayau*tlOnaoBtnly or cash. oti"> V. a. SMITH, r?OB SAXJI rfl AflKl, WAB ! r tries on essy terms; 100 jobs to r tries on easy terms; 100 joto to ea COB 8ALE--OTTO" OAS EWINM. BOTH Wlir call^?1 **D*BAl3?AL".,AjI".'7?l 7tfc.k. ?-W. kll" ? ? ? ' 1 ? OO tWl . or*} ATAEM UtOBY ?0 Plauwrt trrV 6 InstanUy relieve* sad sar? ~Lgpa ~ suidby C. CHBISZIAJii. ?l ' klMa FOR RENT?ROOMS. F)R RENT-1?17 17TB ST.. ONE ROOM: OAS and heat; furnished or untarnished; 1 ball room | with board. if-Jt) near herdi?-s. dlU-^tf j 1~~FOR KENT-WH 14TH HT.. OWOEITK FBAXK i lin Sqoan, nicely mrftished alcove room with bay I window. lid floor front Afso .id-floor front. .with without communicating hall room. datKtt "jnoR RENT-ON* LARGS UNFt" KNTSHED ROOM ; X 2d floor; l>ay window. one furnished. also om tow 1 urnisbed room on 3d floor. board second door; reter en?t-s. adults. 1448 (orcoran <? " inOR RENT-ONRLARGE NICELY FTRN1RHED .T front room; :J windows; no objection to light honse- i keeping. Molltii st. n.*. IVOR RENT?1U?4 7TH~8T. N.W.. THREE CN furnmhad bed rooina on 2d floor; gaa and water. dau-ttt* TOOR RRST-33KI 0 ST. M.W., ONE LAKOX FUR. 7 nisbedfwm ? flm floor; with heat and rations or two gentlemen. "C<m REST-u?Fin5i*nrn ?si k st. s.w.. A second floor, three rooms; also basement dining room and kitchen; at reasonable rataa. boose and^lo cality desirable. I t^oITkeN*r~rApfr<)L "hill-three orT<>i k F cozy rooms, with or without board ; good house ex cellent neighborhood: ra!! ftltfT * p.m. , vary reason able. i:i iitli st. s.e., near East Capitol St. It . CH>TTrrnt two beautiful fubnisbij) or r unfurnished rooms in a nevr bay-window house, with heat, pas and bath; convene ut to gvveruinent printing and censns ofl^-e*. Api'.y UCi A1 at. n.e. It f^OK KENT private family-laroe.nicely fur., -M st.irv, front, ttty-wlucJow room . bent. ifaa, and kith aawe flour; rent ?ll>. jO p?r month. 4U7 lM ?t. B.W. 1? |JoR RENT T\V<> rXFt'BXIMIED ROOMS AND r a kitt'lirn on iirat floor at tfin X st. n. TV. d30-ift T?OB RENT^ROOMS, 7J7 l-'TH ST. N.W f newly ; in: furniahwl, with Uitii. *iu> anrt heat. convenient to .11 ear* and hprdlcs; prices reason ably dl.-lln' T*)R RENT -R1S I2TH N.W. ?KLWIANT1.Y M R* 1 I lushed roonia; w-11 heated; with flrst-iiass t*.aril; nar.or ..u 1 h.itli privue'e; central and convenient, t Table boarder* ??**Hitin?*ta??4. _ d:nl-;tf , 1/yK RF.N i?FITRNIMIED-A LAROK HKOOND 1 ft.t. r tn-nt !.*>-Wiivli w r x>w ; southern expi-iuir?; private fuinily; reftrencet required. Addn? H o.o., I bur om e. J.HKIC | ITHill RENT?710 L-'TH BET. O ASP 11 STS.. I I I: 1 n's.ied tri ii' bull room with iaiv'e closet; private ! house. rent re#soa.it4e. dalKR j IVwTKENT?M7 rLVfH NT. N. W., 01'1*0MTE I shon'tiaiu.* Uau! aotvecoititi.uuicalintf i>.trior, on lirst flo-.r, ^itit.ililc ior enter" .iliiu1-. alKi riMh.s on sc-ond llo<tr. Sinirie or ?.ii s.;lte tt^fii tirea. It* "l/on liKN I KUKJJi 1. il MM I I'N FIRST J: floor. well i uiuia::. d ?? sittiiu- and lied romi,. loca tion centra!; board next door; t."M, heat, bath and at temlaa. e. llfe-i I. st. il.w. il:.n-'jf 1??JR RENT?THREK VSFURMSUEll IMH1MR, snital.l? for IR-ht housekeeping. Apply to It. L.. lOOTt North <'an?li?a ave. e.e. d*.1*-:tt UH>R KENT?AT~404 1ST ST. N.W.. A COMFORT JT ably f uruislied room, with ?roud board, to a m-nUa man at <!*? l~er lnonlh. dx1e'_'t LVHl RENT-NEWLY Fi RKISHED AND r.NFl R A nislitsl niotiia, ulao in Lflkct* room on first floor M Ml G st. n.w. d:.H-:tt 1 >011 RENT-NICELY FURNISHED SbccNl' atory rooiu at reasonable pri?-e; board if desired; in private family. ( ail alter 4 p.m., 13Utt R St. j 1X)R RtXT-A LA'RtiE FURNISHED FRONT room, with heat and gas. 1147 17th ?t. n.w. ; Gentleman preferred; reference required. cfcilX-t ___ ISOR RKNT?ONE LARGE FURNISHED Rt?OM , to a gentleiiu.n of good references. 13DH Nst.ii. d^-!lt* J" ?OR RENT St h st. n. w., second and third story front room; price $1."? and &J0 ; with ?ood table board at $1 o in?r month. d^T7-^t 170R RENT-1H04 It ST. N.W., A SUITE OF 3 a roouis; rented singly or en suite; liath room at tached; iurnlshed or unfurnished; all modernconve nient-es; l>oard il desired, private lainil). d"^l?-i'?t*_ THH)B KENf -OURFURNlflHDBOOM, LABOEAND X tomloitnble; second floor back; cheap; lioard if desired; one small hall room; hotisekeepimr allowed. '^Ti E st. n. w. ?W HE NT?TWO UNFURNISHED OOMMUNI eating rooms, with heat and mod. imps. ; 4*1U; bay window, southern exposure, electric tars pass the door. Apply to OWNER, W N st. n.w. rcw-'Jl* UOBUKNT-liSttN ST..COR. 14TU NEARTHOMAS X Circle, lurnished. south-irent *Jd and IVl-story rooms, l>ay windows, with lx?aru ; single or en suite; furnace heat. betcrences exchanged. d*JOj*t TT^oR HENT?NKAli THOMAS CIRCLE, PLEAS P ant rooms witfi board in private family. 131H M n.w. dLIMt* I^oli RENT?1 l-.'l 17TH ST., 1PLEASANT ROOM ??r lloomscn hr?t flo??r. Call after 3 p.iu. d2JK? i3or RENT-NICELY FURNISH 1-D roomsnear census, printing; and pension omces with board. ;au;i g st.n.w. T5or rent-to a gkntlemav. a THOR-, J: oughly comfortabla room, in refined family; near j Washington Circle; reference? exchanged. Address B.O., star office. _______ _ 1S0E KEN r -U10 L ST. H.W.. KEPT BY A 1 HI V ad** i>lda lady, lar^e parlor and bed room, adjc'.n ing, on first fl*?or; furnished: yood home table; no small chintn n . outside table l oarder* taken, tlx:* -Itt |X>B Ill'.N 1- '.fT E 8T. N.W., ELEUANT UH X furuisl.etl parlors; boat, gas, large closet, fcc.; ; also lurnished rooms and ^10^ dx. < -'it F' OK RENT-A BEAUTIFUL THIRD-STORY; UN lurnis-iwl. heat and light; jht month; also nicely lurnished rooms and flrat-cJass table boanl; no children. Apply in st<?re. ihi4 14th st. n.w. a v. i -tt |>OU REN 1 ?401 H SI. N.w., TWO NIC ELY JL fumisLed rooms, communicating; 'M floor; also 3 rooms on .kl. suitable for housekeeping; heat j.nd gas; southern exposure; near census, patent and j*en siontilices. d' IX)l; RKNT-1.T4ALBT. N-W.. ELEGANTLY FI'R nished perlois, bedrooni an?l private bath ; en suite; first floor; every con\ anienco; central location. near ell principal hotels^ cu.?<it ?? ITOR KENT?TO GENTLEMEN ONLY (UEFER 1 ences rcijuired)?1 urmshedrooms; all conveniences; no other rovnuer* in house and no children; south tront; 1 square from l ennsylvania ave. ; terms very reasi'iiahlH. 1 st. n.w. 170K KEN '1 - A r ISM STM ST. N.W.. TWO JT handsome newly turuished nwrns. front and back, communicating; tnw dn??a of t ars; six squares north patent olii< ??; hre and light. d'J~? Ij^jR KENT -LARGE HRlGhT SUNNY 1UK)MS, r lurnished ami uniurnisheii. convenient to Capitol and pension oihe-e; relerenc?'b required, iibii C st. n.v 0Zi-M I TOR KENT?1404 L ST. N.W., HANDSOMELY furnished parlors, single or en suite, with lirst-class table, or boani without rooms. d'^7-^t* h ? 1,H>R RENT ? LAK<?E, CHEERFUL ROOMS, Jl single or en suite, with or without board; house delightful; located :?kf >7 1 at. n.w. IOR REST-BY OWNER OF HOUSF. LARGE, comfortable, newly papered and lurnished rooms steam heat; mod. improvements, inquire 211 4^ st. n.w.* 1?OK KENT-NIC ELY FURNISHED ROOMS; MOD . t-m imps. , with or without good^board. At 14R57 irth ?t. n.w. X)R RENT-L.\RGE UNFURNISHED'aD-STORY _ trout room, with buy window and alcove. l<rJt> Sth st. n.w. d:.'7-:>t* .VoR RENT?13iil L ST. N. W., FURNISHED _ second story beii room nnd parlor, to those looking for a quiet, i>ernian? nt home at moderate iTice, south; em exjHJSure; gtn?d ls>ard in the m-l^httorhood. |5oB RENl on WTH si N \s . HAKDSOMKLY X furnisiietl sui?e oi two to throe rooms and private bath on flooi , house and location first-class; very desir ?ine for gentlemen, at low prices. private family. d27-:ir X?0R RENT-LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED J? rooms wi 1 l?e re.wly lt?r occupancy January 1. IK*!. #lhe osroi.NE CAFE, 724 LJth st. n.w., formerly Brcuninger'-t. dii7-;it" OR R* NT ? TO GENTLEMEN. PLEASANT. ? nicely .urmshed south-front room (Urgt enough lor t^o), 4n private family who own the house: homo comforts, terms reasonable. 13Si7^lt. n.w. d?7-3t I KKN1 HIM BBODE 18LAXD AVE.. TWO r caeerful rw>iim. lacing south, lor gentlemen or gen tleman ami wile; taole board : house is first;dass; lo attlondeligUtlnl. referenceaexchanged. <127-31' f ?OB UlkKT - KICkLk FUBMIhHED ROOM, J light and heat. <i<>. Si."* 11th at. n. w. o^Mtt* Vol; KENT?CHOICE liOOMS, NEW Fti.Nl J: ture, with boaiu. Also labie bo^rd. LW4 ^ en*nf!it ave. dl>--w* ToK KENT?'1 HE CAMBRlDt.E, ( oil Ol A X ave. and 14tu st. n.w. ; entirely new aim Misto cratu . the best m every .?i ponitu.< nt; ti cse set a luxurious borne will find it at '1HE CAHlllahuL dO-lin* Foil RENT-APARTMENTS OF TWO OR THREE X rooms; tdrn.sbed or unturnisl.ed; private bath; ?outhern exposure; firsts lass taole. The WoOD MuNT, lath and Iowa circle. J. F. ROBINSON, Prop.. diKltn 15 >? ars at Worn. ?T'l_ L^Oia KENT-LARGE II AN Dm 'Ail iThMM.lL' jl doub.e i?orlors; aiao iaive '-d floor . rent i ed room; centra.;> io? ated. cars pata diH.?r. suitab.e lcr m. c. hUo litu st. n.w. . d.>-lm* LUR KENi-A'l ?*'! I1E IRMNOi N.' I41?? K T st..spat iousand SiSguntly ;uinw iu roou s, with l oaru, in suites oi t>*o, three or biiv -i. with l nvate bat n. niN-~ui FOR KENT?FbATS. IH)R RENT-A WELL-FlUNIhHED 1LAT ON 14th st. near N n.w., with bath and mocera im provements; no small children. L. H. H., Star office. VOK RENT?HANDSOME FLATS, FIRST AND X second Doom. ait mouemimpr-eeir.ents. earb have large nortu, south and east winuows, caterer in Iioum or housekeeping ; teruis raduced to deSiraoie. L'OIS K St. n.w. d'JO--.?w FOR RENT?OFFICES. L,'OR RtNT-lUJiuAiiT o* t i?-E KOOi<n, u.iH r iH-at.uii ilKht. a< L 21 F at. u.?.: rxaiooaWf trroiK. Vi M. F. iiOl.TZM AN. Kt-'l F it. n. w. d.Ju :lt UENT- DEhlUABLE OKVICR ROOUK JN the LenuuUi Imliain*. ^ \ Lt-valur, .team b?.t, irooil liu-Ui *n.i ventilation MixWraU "~t. A r! tXJUMBE. lii-.N. l. av.. (UlO-llu I>OK RENT-UH F ST., TWO LARl.E FRONT ' ofict., *lOe*u itTOconununfca^fjoiu^wivna floor.^'J; one thlrd-noor room, $ <. M. D.^PM^jL, X)R RENT-LAROE OFFICE ROOM OORNEROF i 14tl> aoU r ata.. b?t l<?^tinn in tb. i-ity, vary cliwj'.g KEN NED Y k FlCRLEN. ttti 14th M. n.?. I T5bu RKNT-DEHR ROOM IN BAREltltNT OF X ftee at tilO F at n.w. O. R. HEIFFErT. d!3-lm F FOR RENT?STORES. OR RENT-17U) F 8T. N W , DKHIRABLK ?ton with .-?lla? and a.vera) atorwre rooni?: ali ion tuUIt? U ?ff68A5^HER k CO.. d30-6t l:?4FM. B.W. tX)B HtWT?2112 M BT. H.W., COR. -<- H. AVE., r store and 10 rooms, suitable fix- any kind of tmn MM, io? roati tTO iw month, o*NKU, Mooni '. SlU<tk?t. n.w. <l-*>-2t IXIB RENT-aTORM 10U& B ST., BET*EES fS&iu BICYCLES. FOR RENT?HOUSES. For KEXT-ooa f st. n.k.. hR JB.> l>?2?tli nw. Hlr . ?4."> <W> F n?, Kr 9T. 10 t?7 Mratuiintster. t?r. ..4.V IWllMtn*.)* : <l?Kt? WRIGHT ft STOCKETT. K10F at. n.w. F KIT Wratuiintoter, l>r. . ..4.">, 1KS1 1Mb nw. ur :? WB "*? ?)R NKNT-NKW HOVSE; K HOOMS; PAFC&BD. ? Kr. ; Mapl* av?., l*Drmt l'irk. nwr tith ?u-l Boundary. #:tii p*f montt. Apply op | Mnim. d3Q--t :Eh)R~bh>t ? BKAirrirci. new sise-bihim T BRIOk. FT'RNACt; LABliE YARD ASD AL LF.V, K\ EhVTHINU NEW. 010 T ST. *.W. KEY at drru-E. SorcKi) to ?4.->. d30-4t BARNFH i WEATF.R. JM? T. fX>J! KENT t?JH -r.lV ST. S.E.. 5-hOOM BRICK ; MOD. IMPS. #15.30. d::<HI B ARNES k WEAVER, ?J3> F K.W. F F? OR RENT?VI RN1HHED OR UNVVRN13U ED? _ a lovely house for a small famdv; location the beat; will rent lor six months or lonjrer if desired. d:?Klt E. T. RAISER. Room 4, Atlantic 1 nihlli*. IN1R RENT-80CTHW KST OOB. 3D ASD B ?rHC n. w.; new; rent reasonable. Ward place n. w.. 2 new handsome bouses; meh $ .VI 1 107 C St. s.e., 3-story brick 40 :U\ floor Pa. ave. and 12th st. n.w fiO I 12:18 13th at. n. w. furnished or unfurnished It F.. T. KAISER. Room 4, Atlantic building I.V>R RENT -90S M ASS. AVE.. COZY NEW HOI*SI" 1 lpr. and bath 900 1017 12th St. n.w.. 11 larre rooms ana bath UO Several new j^tty coay bowM near Washinrton Circle. 1 wo 1 rooms ;tn<i bath. $25; three tt rooms and bath. $23. KENNEDY ft F1CK.LEN. dHO-at 0us_14tb st. n. w. 'R RENT?BY CHAS^ E BAINS. 14TU AKD Fl'RNISHKD. ? "" rNFrRNISHFD 2 Iowa circle, 17r $250,910 Mas* a v. I3r. ..$s3.33 2017 Mass ave.llr 225 1705 P st nw, llr?S3.33 1519 R I ave.llr 225 19th and Tor. sta. lOr ?0 1012 Hit hat. l?lr l?J5;l919-23 L at. lor 40 R<M)MS. j51H Spruce st, Le Droit Nw cor 7th and D. lark, Kr ?35 2d floor, per year WjOIO K st nw. Or 10 3d floor per year 500 ]4<*3and 144*) H ne, tSr.. l.? 4th floor. |?r year .350 13 P sr ne. ?Jr. l.VWJ Basement, perl year. .720 17J9-11 Runmnw. Ik?14 dUKU i 1?M)U RENT- THAT CONVENIENT NEW SEN EN X room liay-window brick, all front rooana, modern appointment*, nicely finished. g-oo<i location, corntr lat st. and North Carolina ave. a.e ; per liKmth, $27. If A. S. CAYWOOD. Wth at. F"~ ORRENT?BY TI1< ?M AH E. W AGO AM AN. Real l.stute Broker. 917 * at. n.W. HOUSES. 1217 N at nw (fnr), s| l 25th ft nw. 4r fl.r? 14r #250 I24f:ilet st nw. tfr 20 :mW>2 Pst r.w(tttr). lor h? 11 H?."th at ne, tir 14 211 A at m-. ?4r *:*> h? Myrtle U ne. ,r 12 j lvtct H nt n? ?iur?. sr V- N nw. 4r 12 : 12:10th at n*. Hr X* 4:'0:t?l ?t aw. Or ?.??? ?fA 1510 Nth st nw. !?r :;i ."??? ? ' r plain ave nw. .*..10 i 1017 22?1 at nw. it *\5n?M? Florida avenw, 4r..]0 1 pu r part 141* p 4.?1 N J ave ae, Or 10 nw, 7r :?) P.'10 Dei ave aw. Or 10 I :*i7 1. at nw. ~,t M.5 11 Mnd 17 Cheater court 2720 M at nw. Mr nw. 4r 10 ! 1124 N l nw. sr . . IX111> K ?w, :<r ? 1 MOMUm-uw. Or. !?.* .V. 4 7 i erfU'^' <*t aw, 4r .?.:*> I irjo E ?'.-\pil..l st. tir . ?.*?? 12:11 1 etnw.Jr 7 li:t"? lOtn at nw. sr l!? i..4.>and 1347 ? at ae.5r. .8 120lid st se, ?r is KTOKEH. If-. Btr h dwjr 1100 10th at btr * dww 916 G wt sw, nw.llr *75 Or $30 Str ft tlwtf 1519 7th st ?Sn>re room 441 G at nw.Or 75 nw 15.20 Hull, 2d floor. 419 12th stfrre room 1541 M at at 50 nw 15 btr k ?iwy * 7th st Hall UWO 4% stiw 12 sw. Or 40 Stuole rear tJ27 E st nw. ..S Str & dwp 500 R st nw. Or 85 OFFICER. 40S 1a ave, 2 front 1 Gnnton btlildteir. room _ rooms $^0 20 $12.;i0 4?JS Ia ave,4tli tloor,:ir. .25 lith k Pa ave, room20... 10 4l>S I^i ave. back room, 472 La ave, 2 basement 2d floor 15j roon.s 8 430 7th at, 3d floor, 40N I^a ave? 3d floor, front rooms 15 backroom o The above is only a portion of the property on my books. For lull list call at office for bulletin issued on the 1st and 15th. d30 THQ8. E. W AGO AM AN. 1?0K RENT- 150S 13th ae. Or $10 74.'? Ttli brick. rJ104 2?i brick,Or. 12 7r.; m.l ?20 1?V?H 12tli nw, 7r.,m.i.l7 747 7tb ae, new brick. 22 Hoj?e ave. s^. 3r 5 7r.. m.i 20 13102d se, 4r., each 2 9011 se.Or 12 dSMKJt T. 11. s ,'AIIL, 4.?K IjoiiisianH ave. OR RENT -215 A ST . CkTTtHIRTEEN ROOM S all in iroo*l order. Also :t41 D st. s.w\. with stable. Roth with all improvenu niS. By owner, P. COR CORAN. 224 1st st. H.e. dlMKU* FOR IIFNT?194015th st, 227 14th sw.Sr k sta. <21 I4r.2baths,iuma* ;'.$ti0 Tukoma Pk, ,r k sta 20 1919 14th at. store Mid 30 Patterson st. 6r... 15.30 tir and eel If. r 45 J250 3d at ae. tir 12. SO 927 Westminster st, 12^1 N J ave se, tir 10 J*- XT ? ? " brand cell-r 45 i'iTitilklat ae. tir 12.SO RJ7 Westminster st, 12K? N J ave se. Or 10 ]0r, furna< e, Ate .. .4# .50 21(CI D St, 4r 9 d29-:tt RUST k HTJNGERFORD, 024 14thst._ FOR RENT-1227 13TH ST N.W. ; ELECTRIC l-olls; s|>eakinjr tubes; newly papered and grained; 5 rooms on fl(H?r. arranged for entertaining; rent iTo. Inquire on premises or 478 I^a. ave. N.CARISI. d*a?-2w* F ^OR RENT?RY li. O. HOLTZMAN, REAL Es tate and Insurance Broker. 10th und F sts.n. w. HOUSES. 1228 M at nw.lflr .... * 150 229 C st ne,7r f25.40 330Oth so.llr ?*4) VAA E ae, ,r 22 741 13th nw. lOr 50 IXth E ae. Or 18 420:id ?t nw,9r 50 13t>0 E ?*?', t>r IS lt*?7 O st nw. Or 45 i:i02 E sc. tir .18 ltiUOO at nw. i*r 45 422Vi 11th sw.Or 10.39 1011 o at nw, l?r .45 310 at n?-,7r 10 1013 o st nw, Jfr 45 710 F st sw,Or 15.25 1212 Pa ave. 9r 28 30 Fenton stne,5r 11 1412 Pierce st nw,7r.25.:lS FURNISHED HOUSES. A choice corner house Vt ave nr N,12r .. $100.06 nw, lSr,j?er an ^jtl.OOO Wli above K at, l4r LjO Maaa aVtt and Thomas N" near 11th uwv12r... .125 circle. 17r 300 'inh bet g and R.lOr. .1U0 ^onn ave nr N st *150 Conn OFFICES. 1211 Fstnw,3r..495to35.KleKant rooms in ''Sun Gitur 15 building*" fireproof, 2 4t0 La ave.from 910 to 15 elevators, heated by I steam,trom $25 to 9100 I each. STORES. 1016 Conn ave 9751 1020 Conn 975 1018 Conn ave 75 t I8TABLEB. 1020 Conn ave (rear>. .$25! 140:1 H nw, rear $20 d29 R.O. HOLTZM AN. 10th and F sts.n. w. rV?R RENT r 40.3 Oih sw. lOr, mi.932:007 H sw. 8r. mi $:ui 10U0 4X sw. str&dwel.. .30 31!) I sw. Or. ml 15.30 1351 C sw, store room.. .1." 458 N sw, t>r, wr 14.50 6 L se, 5r, wr 13..*tOj335 M sw. 5r. water 12 120 Madison al nw. Or. .13 ('or. Untcii and M sw.Or. 12 940 F sw, 5r, water. .12.5 1214 1st s?-, 4r, stable.. .10 1211 Del av *ve. 4r 10 205 t aw, 4r 10 922 lat se.4r ^ i27 L aw. 5r H Rear 008 F sw. steble... .> 1210 1st ae. 4r 8 d27-3f C. H. PARKKjC. c >r 4^ and E sta. s.w. 1X)B BENT -FBOM JAM akv 1 TO MAY L AN attractive fumiahed house of eight rooms; 980 per month. 520 '~2dst. n.w. d27-3t l>OR KENl-lO-ROOM WELL-LOCATED HOUSE; northwest; two rooms rented to pood, permanent partus. Address Airs. K. T. M.t .Staroflice. jBMr /OR RENT-NEW KTR-UmM BRICK' WATER, fcc.,434 O st. n.w.; fO. Six-room brick, newly F 4!C*' ''v"V 1. F. 11 *l.TZM AN, 1.T21 F st. n.w. I'Oil UK NT-A W ELI.-LOCATtD SIX-ROOM house, 524 4th st. s.e. ; cas, water and two iatrol>es; a rare 1 nance, rent only 910. Inquire J.T. D.PH.ES, 412 4th st. s.e. <127-;IT FH?R RENT 622ttfe at. s.w.. Or 915 Cor. lltli & C sts. s.e., i?r 20 319 F st. s.w., 5r., with stable lj> 008 V' st. s.w., 4r 10 d27j3t* ;B. LEONARD. 407 4H at.s.w. L'OR R*.NT? 522 hth ?>t ne, 7r 92.) X 310 E Cap st. 28r.9125 I928!fth st. <r r?.8o 1324 loth, llr 100 21 2101 P at, 9r li*> U-23 N < Hp st. or 20.-HI KJ1 19th st. lur 100 Hyattsviiie. or 20 1923 N nw. lbr Ki.:i4 123 L st ne. ?5r 1S.:{7 1927 E si nw. llr. ...75.70 1930 9th stnw. lir... IS. :iO 012 17th st nw. 12r 75 1530 5th st nw. tlr...l0.:s0 129 1? st nw. 12r 0T? ::4,.t?lTosj-eit ave.. 12:*) N H ave, 9r 55 449P st nw. 5r L">.30 510 yi si nw, Wr 55 5<>91 st ne. tir 15.:i0 1114 5th ?t nw. Str all 109 N st se. Or 12 1*43 Vtstminsb rst, l?r...45 1815 .'Uth st nw. Or 12 11 E st nw, Ur 42..H' :t20 L st sw, 5r 10 so 1911 Pa ave. sr 40.b? 9 iint?.n at ne 5r... .10.30 1728 14th st nw. .r. Gordon ave ne,4r.9.:iO 712 N *?t nw, lOr 32.5u 4.?2 K:nu a- urt, 4r...8.30 1424 L si nw, !lr :*0..? ? 3.4 9inst se, .?r 8 TaconiU 1'ark. Sr i-0 1 L^O Hail. at se, 4r ..0 15:^ Oth st nw, 7r S lOi.ES. ^ ??;>."? i st nw. Or. .. ,.25.40 91021st st 10.SO d27 B.' h. V. ALXER k CO.. 910 1 st. n.w. l?OR REN"l-i:k?7 3D rti. N.v*., 14 RlH>iib... .$30 J? ;j*j5 C st.s. w.,U roo*.is iiO d2.-3t 1. . ? Ob- OK8.01012th?t n.W. "toh RKNT-FURNlMiT l) Ci MUM ' 1/1 AND | X handsomeiy (with or wit hunt rv* stal-le), the ele- 1 ir, ni residence ul !<e|.T?Svu'.:diVe 'UutiU 1 or. 3d and | E. st ? pilo. st.-. . evtryt. 111 ? n-.'w and complete. house 01 en lor u;S| ? ?. tu'n irom > to ;2. d27-3t* ^ .VUR EE S I ?212 ! M K N A A VE. , 950.75 PER MO. 1 JAR. H ktARE, 5 d27-:? UOR RENT?911 It U ST. N.W. ; 14 RS. . $00.75 V 43 N st. n.w. v OftK s v.iJ 4254th S . S.? . ;orou s 13.?iO 2 .23 :iti st. n.w., 5 ro ..??s and cedar 12 *<0- ? St. u.?- . o fot s 10 7i / a n s . n.e. . . up s 10 A ?. v- D k, o iv EiT, 13th na N.V.av.nw iToR RENT-002 R SI. N W., NEW BblCK; ALL X niodirn iuiproven en!a. eiyht rot>>s - eUar, hath, e??v tni; beiis. sj e??^imr tulies. <*abtnet .l UUleis. newly p..p? ied. App.ytoA. V^lLKlNs, 4-i Now jorkave. n.w. 1, OR EENT-DLS 1 ABLE DUE.i.lN H USE. X 1100 New \ork ave.; wed built .,u n t oromfhiy pood condition. W. E. ELMU.\8?TOK, 424-Ot 5iXl5th st. n.w.__ F^OR RENT?1829 M ST. N.W., BET. CON necti. ut ave. and 19th ?t. n.w., beautnul 11-room bay-window dweilintf; comTeted cellar and large yard; 920 Massachusetts ave. n. w.. elegant new dwelling-, 12 rooms, every convenience; $K5.33. Store ( orner .>th and a sts. n. w.; $15. 1 ntirethiruflooroioffice building 927 F rt. n.w.; only $25. W. C. DUVALL. d^4-5t ?Bd5F?t. 1 For rest? 1 itlJ lM?h.l0r.mi.rr0.50 J316r.?t. 7r. w k r..?18 hlu 1: ?b it, l(lr. m l.W.M 2V.M au<t 1'* uvr. U?li? ?v*. llr mi :U k ?uHours.110k $15 la*) J. 11??. i.U.<% ^:..i-17<l. .">r. w l4.:? au31 a,'r. in 1 40.oO Stonf.'iyw H it. 14 Store 1<4U tfm?*?....55.!W *.'1 \!4tli. w l-J.JU iiaLat, inr. mi....37..V) 13& Frtrtocrt. 4r, W...11 1IKM P. .vc, Vr. m 1. :n. 50 HUbl* rnur 2U12 K st ?1*2 M4Bn, 7r. JlitU. flr..........jO.S# 1U14 R. >*, w 'JO. jO Hew 11-tl'JOth, Br... 10.30 ??( N k ive, .V iA'.aUiJlOS l u.ou v?nrt. Br. _ 1WWR, Or. * lH.So! w 10.30 r.i7 ?-'?Jtn tt, ?r. w....iC3o^lU!t-7 K?w York 1001 lAJUi?, 7r. w..IS.Oil ?t? 12 and 10 VEST WASHINGTON. 3041 R ??, 12r......?3f..u0^80UT,rt. flr *20.J0 For . fuU 1M apply to V KSCOTT k WILCOX. fc4 VBtiT fnaifltttii?... n. w. f OR REST-CNFVRNISHED X Th? Windsor." cor 1447 Mia K?w fork a*, and itilaH at Ma. SO to avttfii H It. a.. (ator.), S Fl'BNIHBKD. Mm are tat 17th and Qnaar 18tta st....tl00.? MB.3 H?n. BrUtth ?t. 4 > aTa neu Far at}. .?X) . * y^iwi. itv. a. w. nrrr mtii' ?t'Miag u w. .4axgM.rn.w OBBAMHT Mx-rooiu aad aH ua? re FOR RENT- HOUSES. F3 OB rent-cnfr*xished. a 1329 M si aw. ink i al nw.l 4r. t83 33 i ISr ,fj0(L33 ; uit u?. 12r 7.". 141.'t mash ave. l,r kb l .'mr; km aw. 13r atabie 900 h^.'Chapnst, llr. . ?i0 i l:tt7 m st nw. l't l\7 m si aw. pjr .*4) 1h23 M fs? aw. lur l-**> 14<>4 mowmoi *t. mr . :<? 12x* M at aw. !>. l.tu 2115 b st nw. .* (iat>.45 l:??*?m.k td ul?l? . 40.50 14th at ?-*t*-n.k>d. l9r..125 ]??t cbaptft st. or 40 1417 maw ?re aw. 12r. li*?? till vt aw. atur? 13hn H st aw. l2r 115 ami dwelling. 35 i ?? 14 'J!at st aw. 14r lt?0 1.y309** a* aw. 7t itt l.'ilm'ona sve, llr. 9E."?7 ituopst nw. store and 1713qstnw, llr... it) wamui.n*. ? 35 1715 u ?t aw. llr 90 1*?11 n * ivfnw.!irfc?tt.:w l3ei Conn ave, Kir k7.50 1.VJ4 29tb st aw. ** 2.5 17t*?V?st aw. llr k3.33 |l:i muw ave*?>.50 17U"> 1 st aw. llr kl.Si 14a2 10th st aw. 7r -j) 410 oih st nw. Mr.. kt :?i k- :i rotamvf st. fir 1? rih.MSHKD. Hillyer place aw. 17r m st nr Thomas Cirri#. aud stable, *300 15r $XrO N u avenr Dupont cu- M st ar 1' cux i*. cle. lV.. .tt!^ W 1 Ar w r 1 are ar 15th, llr .. 2uo dux ltfth st aw. 20r 'juu ii st ar thomss Circle, Mass sts ar li>th at. Mr 17o i2r 1HH67 h H sve ar Impont Cir- IV Salea st ar Coua sv. els. I2r 1*0 lOr 150 17th au?i Corcoran sts. llio 11hb at ar q. 12r 12-? Euclid plaro uw. lor .100 213 E Cap st. ldr 120 Conn ave ar it st, I2r..? 507 mapte ave, 12r <5 o st near l::th. llr 100 l*th st ar n st. lor ? 21 40 Florida a vs. 7r. 100 2ikl at nr L. rtr t7. 50 ljr.'j I st nw. ??r 2mb st nr q. lOr 45 Tke al o\? houaes ran be exauun*l by permit from our oftn-a onijr. ihomas j * lsii>:k * CO.. d22 ix*4 F st, b. We lhju KENT TWO mx-ROOM BAY WINDOW -t hon* s. .">4 and th? O st. a. w., #10.50 ta advance. Keys next door. el< >n tobr1ner. 32*3 AS st. a. w. i <u23-ot* ln>k '^klhsished. a T cor.nth .$50 vi lews rlrrle.lftr . ..#150 13sbste.l0r 70 *?104 Wash circle. lOr .? luth <cnw 2s ushval<>nst. rtr... 12 . lo ir^j M st nw \*0; 12ii2 l aiuu pbwe. 5r..V.'iu 1^150 t'nion st 11 i M near gti( nw. lOr 55 Iowa rlrcl*.ioxup.ftu*. ; itir. .stable . $*j00. <tejo-l'*l* 1 n i.kk a m'thkbhtrp. ,:iic hh)B klm i nri bk18hed. i nu BNISHED. llOH.'kh at aw f50 m3 vt ave *1*0 n at 40 ltltiuthst; siablkh. wjv! farrairnt eqnarr Stable in s i i.onadedby lhlonstaw 1*^5 Conn ave. l?e sales vo Iowi circle 100 an lmst?< . 425 i'-vl l!h!i at nw 01.07 oi l u a. BOOMS. 1X17 X. hi nw st :u 1108 F St. :ul and 4th l!r.t> 1st 7t? fl>*?c ^an 1.35 l?h?ti 1:1.? st 75 DV< bihilis. lttxi 1 st ??5 suite oi n>o!tis. front ^nd 1715 u at t>t? ne ?>r. 34a>s. H st bet y 1st and 23d ave ana oth si 48 ?ts 45 fvbnishkd. Conn sv? and t st (sea- Vermont ave bet x snd iH-'D) i?er mo $ijt)l?.t>g low* Circle ... ifoort K nr Mcpherson s<j ;*a) I bet 18tL? .?a i ljwh lt*?.07 C<?r k and 15th sts, 15t!? st l>et O an i l*sts.. 105 over.???.i int' bacpher- new llaiuiishrre ave st?n siitiiin? lfSR.K\ let K nnd >? sts 150 K st let 1 otr i-.ttd 17th.3b0 New llai; i*?lre sve Jett??rson place und bet m and N sts 150 imu st 275 1h s.->s st 150 I8t?i st overlookilkf llhhst l?et and it sts. 125 Conn M ana M st i*-t ittii and istn. 1*j5 n sts, wltnstable 250 likh st m-r I.... !'-? H l?t l7tu antt isth 250 2^iat t:et lukiFsts ...75 N st bet Conn ave and 'jlst st liet it and 8 sts. 150 11th st 250 ynth st k and l sts. 125 N l^t i'.nh and 20th.208.>kl .lefl. r^ n t?l l?et Conn 14th st cor i- st 200 ave and 10th st?108.33 Mhss ave l?et 14tli and florioa ave bet 21st 15th Sts . .300 and sts 100 ll*th b**t 1 and K sta.. ..200 Delaware ave bet C and 10th st b?^t u and ii I)Stai^> 100 sts 10c.G7 13tl; st it* K an-1 l sts.250 ave l.>et 14th and F st bet 17th and 18th 15th sts 100.07 sts 83.33 Conn sve adjacent to 11 st l et 18th and lkh l^afayette Square 250 sts 125 ii st bet 10th and 20th bli^xle Island ave bet sts 200 14tli ami J5th sts 250 10th st bet 1 and k sts. 100 bulletimk CAN bk OBTAINED AT OUB OF FICE. THESE HOI SE8 CAN be IN>i'KCTED ONLY BY PERMITS from OVR ofticf. 111ll k JOHNSTON, _ dl^ 1603 P? nna. svs. n.w. t^or RENT FTR^TSHF.D. a i lows circle, 14 r. 1332 R st. nw, lOr. all by year $3,000 in 4115 By season 2,000 1203 H ? ne. ft. all mi.45 unfcrmshfcd. 1839 10th st nw, llr, all 013bremrer'scourt.4rtS.30 nil 475 store4 DWELLING. 330 Oth st se. 13r 55 1k21 14t?i st nw. su?r. ^40 h2smttti st nw.8r.all in i.35 2252 11th st nw. store 401 12thst se.wr.m 1.20.50 and 4r 25 lo:i3t>tnst ne. <ir,uii.l8.50. OFFICE. l:*r? 1st ae,?ir andc.. 12.50031 F st nw M3 N se. f,r * ?e?lar ...12 STABLER. 127 N,iir 10.50 Bear 10 lows circle, by 120 N st se.tJr 10.5O ynar. . by inth..?:? 434 13th st s^. 5r 10 Rear 9151 st 10 9 Pierre's < t.iirt. 3r :t.."?<> uvlu. hwobm8teD1 ft BRADLEY. m7 Est. n.w. F)rk1 st RTORE. 191 " penkbylvavia ave., 4 r.. #?*?"? soo H st. n.e.. s? r.. 1?*?; 19th St.,or..$28.60. GEO. W. eink1ns, dl9-*jw hwn and la sts. n.w.ft FOR RENT?by C. H. fickling. 1204 32d st.. w^st wushinsrton, D.C. ]:v)7.'fc-m, br hotel.. ..$tio 1502:tjd,t>r.0r.uii..$lr.45 .*101 ( O, hr. i'.y. mi,sta. .75 1241krjd. E list. 5r .1 ; :j0lm if, t?r. 12r. nu 5?? 1249 :c.m. B flat, i3r 15 13is:v4th, br. i2r, mi ..35 1520:-td st. l?r. hr 15 3324 Pros pert av. br. In Tenieytown. D. C., Sr. ini 30 fr. Or an-1 oa?*res 15 340U m. !?r. Or. st. ft sta.. .30 3^10 1* kt. tr. t?r 11.25 25 l4*j?ktt;th Or.. .lo.25 35?i O. iir. < 22.80 1420 3l*h st. tr. Or. .10.25 3510 o. br. Or, mi 22.80 .'1228 K. wareii ft wnart .25 This is but a i>ortfou of the i*n?perty on our books. Call b-r bulletins printed weekly. o4-3m C. H. FICKLING. For bent-a beautifully fibnished hous?*. within one block of Dupont Circle.!.>w i?n--e, 4125 month. Apply CHARLES EABEY. tsu> 14th st. n. w. b*lia i j LOST AND FOUND. Ioirr-06 bi'wabd will be paid roj: THE ?J return of, or for information that wiil leao to the recovery <>f. n?y dark red Irish setter char: chain col lar; tair. No. 50m>; lost Sstar?la> evening. deieuil?er 27. IRA W. PACKARD. 22>6 Etth st. n.w. if IOST-if THE YOI NO MAN ? mo TOO* cti 1 ? j anl < uff but?v>us from the m ash room of the Ad ams Express t.fHce Seturdsy las* between 4:30 and 5 o'clock will return them h* will savetnnibi^. it* IOST?TESTE >iday, DEC. 29. 1S90. NEWFOCND J landdoif: bl.u k and white lace; nnswers to the name of Rover; ta?r. No. 040; literal reward if re turned to 420 4vj st. s. w. it* I08T?BLACK A8TBACH AN CAPE?ifthf. LA DY .j who took by mistake on Thursday, the 18th of December, from 1714 Connecticut ave.. a bla? h Astra chan ca)*e. pleated on the shoulder. Gunther's name inside, will return it to the above address she wi i i re ceive her own in return. <L30-3t* I08t-A PEG DOG ABOrr 8IX MONTHS OLD; j answers to tlie name of jn ure- has black spot in forehead: hsd on leather harness and blue ribbon. A literal rewanl will be paid if returned to 301 Maryland sve. n.e. __ FOUND-AT ANDREW GLEE80N*H 8TABT.F. A small bsy horse. The owner please call at 718 North Capitol st. n.w.. and pay expenses. d:i0-2t* IOST-ON THE 28TH INSTANT,GOLD-headed Id cane, with nameitnd address of owner mttaved. Liberal rew.ird if returned to 1213 k st. n.w. d:jo :{t* 108T?$15 REWARD -EVEN I NO OF DEC. 2?l J small bracelet, emeralds on-i diamonds ala?ve reward will be paid uj?on returning to WKLCKE?i S H< >tel. it* Iost?8i NDAY. DECEMBER 28. ON KOFTH j walk. Capitol ktounds, s plain wold rfBv. II. W. i), and F. A. G. ennTaved on inside. Liberal r? ward if returned to DOWNEY'S stables. L st. bet. lOtl. and 17tli. it* IOST - DECEMBER 30. LARGE jet BLACK NEW J foundland dotr, 22 months old. Lit eral rewrd on return to chief jl-STICE Fl LLElt, 1801* >'ass. sve. n.w. d30-*?t* t OfT?ov DEC. 24. ON 7TH b1 : L AND O 1 i sts. n.w.. pocket n?ok with sum of money. j-1n br will receive suitable reward by returning the same to 1813 Vermont ave. n.w. it* v GST - ON """MONDAY EVENING, A BLACK J i poodle dew, full irrown. findt r please return to 1322 18th st. n. w. and re. eive reward. drue^t* I OUT-a 8KYE TERRIER DOG; OWNER'S NAME ion collar. Return to jos. E. BisBEE, oil 1st e; . n.w. ad rrcerve rwnal d.;o-;u ]< >8T?an OLD PUG DOO. HAD ON COLLAR -i and taif No. or 583. Answers to name of lu-v Suitable resrarl ?1 returned to 1110 N st. u. w. d^?-:<t* I OUT-LADY'S POCKET BOOK. BROWN. CON -j tainin-* ? n?* *20 oill, on<- *1 oili. one dime, one street ? ar tare aud nur:it Key. b-tum to B. 11. W all M..; 4i CO. and re-eive r?w:ird. d*i7-;tt* ! r6" my ifotsi.,"three weeks ac?o, Vv lar-re mastiff do>r; owner picise call, pay costs, prove projertv :^nd take hiiu away.' g. w. bl'ck man, corner.?th un-j I sts. n.w. &27-3t* MONEY TO IX)an. u ^"n ?"{-.{.? 1- a.n ... Ai tl I pnnteurt m-.i wtijit- i'tioi- uui-?.?,{?. l> ? 1 ?mt? mtlfii rtukd, i;:07Frt.n.w Mokev tu UtAil om estatk: hwitpt attentu.* to a,, am iir.tions. ' m1 1 "" " ' "st ' n , h . ml t.a 1 .a . k i v k.i 1 , hafe AH i'. S. BONDS blx l'kh ct.m, kaiahlk lit bl i.3 or ii.uuu. s1ull fttuat/h uuamiild. ? TO Loan ON UAL ?500 KM i A i E. ?c5-lr _i ;lof. e. w AGO AM A 1 iO toe WART 5osei<- f.O 1xj ?1(xj i'oloax I ' at low lntcnvt on luruaur**. i :-u?>b, lhh~ar^ waf-oua, h<>a?h>i.o.a koo*1# ur "ti.i-r ich^ua. prcrrrt) . i r.t: li al auj ilutm J)a>-b.e m jun-kly ur luuciluj i'aj ii.t-Dts. no rvii.ovu ui itovhia troiu rtrtiiqettl., uu puoik-lty. adiirt*.s Box ;ih, ttar otbi*. d 1 1 u.* Momkv TO LOAN in kl'mh FROM ?t>00 cpward. AT thk lu?ui KATE of ik TEH EST. OK SEAL ESTATE 1* THIS DISTRICT. R. 0. HOLTZMAK. n2I Cor. 10th aad p au n w. "jlf oxkttoloax. STOCKS, BONDS. oommkr Mcuu^ux^t ^g^ccjornsah dmb Car. iati> and F ?t?. Money to loan-in sums or fcioo n> to w6.000-<m good Ml wisto: fcimt tmtm at intrram, uo delay. _ oib-tr duqam a BUTLER. 009 T <. n. w. Monet to loan-43.500, *2.000. ti.aoo. il.qpo, toOO and fuoo on buprotm city real estate. Loaoa of larver aaionnta mkotut-td. oeo. w. lineims. 1mo luli ?. aarw. mat Money to loan oc approtfd n of Co'uilua. in aaij an Inter* at. ?17 . . vi on MY TO LOAN OM MUX ESTATE OR FIRST. .'1 . lay awnrlty. at loweat rate* of amwt. bo d? o. c: ?mEEN. am tu ?. n.w. AT5AKI> jy?oart to 1 uklu. FOR SALE -HOUSES. LH I* Kl' r 1 Ith st n?ar M. WnvrN.48ft> Ls*. near ?ir. ie. 7 i\w*o?s<4Mk .Y?*** I e Droit Pari, u**w-. 7 n*,u.:? >4 i?>. . W.IOO 1 ivp 14tU ?'mI I :i i>) 4.'**? T st. hear H?th. I Ost. near 17th. lOr?*> *??!'?" 1*,\.*?4W> Wntl* h at l.tth ui??l 14t0. root m ? V*b 4.1*** Qst. l**t. ITtiiUkllMh, Ll toub.?(4HU\ 14..W ! Call f. r l>u Mm M M I AKKH. 4>m* U1SFH. |>>E M4U;-roR thr. nexi * i w imvs'i wii l i a aell a n??arly n * 7-roou* b? k b* n> . m Ual'a h I ) 1??* >t 14. tSUl A L.? is #."*? M*!ow wtu-t tb<*eh< i'*es I Wave anM for M y i'AUKK.U. 14I?frf d?MB I F>?R HU.I * n \ ? F VI Mi !JIT\ 4?N H?th st. N*t Par 1 Q kv "J.'.'ixlUi to alley . i:u i weml by l*ick bo-riae. stories. cellar si*t bark t?ulld J Mar; in *,ood repair . only ?'.?..'ai: I It lvnvil? l> BTtiWE W??rat n w. f|V>K HMJl A BAR*. M>' II A TINK HKK'K K?>l dfto1? ii IhUi * iini tw ut ?r?. > rv* It- I dnced to #ti.oOO. w<?tli #7.."a*? s r-??niis andltath : w?4l : bulll. lot lbxio. ailey. DAVID D. 8lO&K.(*Ri ( at. I u.w. It CV?u"SXi i a''io-i .h?m nivMK h - nsfw ! r York ave. no-.- Mb -1 ; * : TilOO. alle> . f 4.?"?**?. FOB T4t;i at. n.w., n<od tratue iu'M; lot 'JDslOO. wide alley, ? h* tp at #4.AiI0 FOB HALK 4 wwd )4t?n*Mu tram# kn?: lot 3Hxl05; ?>n 14th tit. a. * n^r li. #'?.i*a? ? v II' P H7 iSK.MPJr* n * L"V?R HU B- 7TH HT. kV. NKAK K. KlX>ki AND 1 a dwelluu.. brick $4.Mlo. ' I'OH s.Vl.E-A st tv untl d well in*-corner-on TW1 st. urn reprenrta '.on u' l. r | V> i iu..r'h lYw*. $4.."?00. DAN ID D >?< NK, *?*? F wt. n w. It IJHlRsALF. H??l >F> t*AVlN<? tiOOD IN . ? on toe amount in\?**? On*** iirb-k bo s*-a n? ?r 11n*Af M? tr?>|x^ht*c t*ara. rviitiiiir lor a itHmth . |Ti?f for ikl'. #7. '**'. l-n. k houtM-s otx st ii'.rl .th ?? i. ^ uto n?*: pre** hiick froTit>. tor *14 a n??ntli. I'riff. n. ?i, |1.n)i Writ ;f?vni? nta at i^r rrnt a Q?*w t>n- It if ar 'dli hti.i Mu.? . rwituy tor 4.V a ii.djtli | ji.- * ?.?*??? ?>nroltise hf-*- ?-r<H>.n l?r??*k b?'ujv? in f#ntoa at.;; rent* ? l.Vi."*V i "J ?>ti? k bourn* aiirtheawt; r?-ntitur for SCO.31*. 4 ti?*w brk*k hoijM-ji m 'ikl st. . f? room*, mtf and i frs*. rt ntin*r lor 914.1k> >*acli. ^1.n.'?> It I)AV li?I>. siuM.. KWFat. n w ?toB MAI.K?A 1>F>IHAH1F. RF.Sll*} >i F IN \ x t?KaKmaMe nnd cf trral i?x nti n . u i r??t?j%? I> *\ e^s**t t*-r;. ? ever rflcirti. K .-M???!?. I t*T i.<?.?r 4t\. :i st? -,? ?* ari l?j**r'fitt : i?4 \?fx!?*?. ? 1.4**1 : i?*h. iialni: uth viil n ut hT #4? ati.onth. i K^?od loc?tK>n for rnoin r?ir'.i^. . i ri ??. > ...??>. [ It I>A\ li> 1>. IS i'cM.. N*l I at. n. w. ' 1/. K BALI H.M WIIJ ! i 1 \ li \M?vMF. r newn>un ? i u,, wind* *? hoti^ n?-rthw? > . on un?> d rurs. t* ii a nttti*' r?< Iroui lrf<aa'iry LH'j t . Kruuu* - It 1>A \ ID D. hK'.NF, KQb Fat, n *r L'< '1- S.U-I - liar aw. b b. SU'JGK aw. bh.Tr *k.;k*) i^r rr?.ooo r^rj i at b?. i b. I sail to -Jtf4ii ltltk p* r K<W nw. lib i\000 14-1 Ikly at nw. 1 L. ] todU'lirit u i? court ft 7,100 nw -JU.000 .'CtJK toitt^l'at U*r. t?l?i to <?:?) Md a\?- ??b . . 7.000 nw, bb. 4r 1H.OOO ltc*l O at nw. b h. I !5slU to ^ Hcly ?t sr T.OOO nw. bu JtJ.WKJ :> i at nw. t.b, llr..?,fll*t , 101.1 lOtbat nw. bb. I I Hi T at nw. b b. Hit l.'i.OUO 7r 6,000 : 1711X I st nw. bh. ,ltof? alley \~\ l'Jta l iu 1.-..000 Miji^t.kuui x *14 ?- ** * ? ^ i h "* fl.oon , 1.1. TOP ll". 1.. 44! ; , ?vS <J% at ?w, I nl>j p, (TO l i ^-iT . .!*?? ii'*;..4 in.. ! Mo mv nw. b h. | laJlth J'lr 10.0(11 ^T.t) M ? uw. b h. 14r 70 000 I 11:? lWh at nw. f h. I r- ar 10.001 | 1 ??<.< to 1T4.1 K st nw. ?*r 9.001 atTO at ? L I0r k (?)< ll'JSOtb st nw, b h ?.C*> . r^mr <1.000 4f*;.sii.l -ION 11th at WW. b h U.t*l0 ^Bi i:tl? at aw. b b. &.000 ?W K at nr.I. b. r^r 4..V*i ? H? .?n?l tills Marion abey nw. .2.000 .'JlClto TJlii .M>th at nw, l? b. r?r l.Mio ' ?V?iw.fh..V !..'??*? Tba wbova ia ooly a portion <?: tbc i<ro,vrtv an my Nm??n lor lull nat i all at i Ll 'f l<?r t ;n j-*u? d ? a ft.-Ut an.i I.,?b. ^H.,s !.. \UoCAMAN LV?I. - \J.| V \ A: . .!.,; ' I.N ? \ I ri l; 1 \ a on 14th at.n.w. ; riccot lot iitimiVMi ? y two bri?k bnilUitira ?Mvnpi*?l by drtur an?l st?>r?*a; rfntjtiu-ft r <<l.Mii! a >' ,r. Thi** |?rt?|??Tt> m>l ???<) at aiicb a fiinir.' ;hat will pay a no*xi inU*r?-*l uu iuv?*at:i>rnt. lb- iu !c?r two botiara in tb?* i*?ar. A|?|(l> tvDAVIb P. h* ti F st. n.w. It I |^>H KALE I HAVJ~T?a:LY CALl 8VnBlOl>t* ! in tii* ii4?rth and soutluast, W:i?f* ?<n'.y a >.uail amount caah ia required and ?? ?; i? ?? ntbly i > ments. #AMKh k'. i^Al.liol U. d:??-:? r?ll lltbat. n.w. f KAI.K A Nkrt SlX-Ktx>M BKH K II^KIX f in* on S^ylle at. n r. ; unt? r anu w?>; lo-* ??t ??a\?-d alley in rear . now renting fMier i:.<?ntb . r? v f .. V.MI. JAMriJ 1 BAUI^HK. ?i:yv t .'>11 1 It Ii at. ijr. L^>li >ALK--7-KtMiM UA\-V.IM?.?U It Ii 1 < K A dwelling on L St. n.w. i^t. N??rtn l'.ij?ito! and 1st. lot to aliej , terms ea-y. : ii ? . * T?*? james i h^ruocr, (LKKk (No. 47) .ill 11th at. nw vhjiTisaIT a A jn>4?.t brirX >jotis?? r?-ntsin'nr 13 rf>oma. on r??nn nylrania ave. belw?-L *.'!at and ?*:?; ?!a !!??? !??-iw baa a xronta?re of : *^t ?.n I :saarr.ied with ??i! ? ??n ' v?-ni. n1 ?:?? Jot I.a.- .t de)>tl* ol hli !<*t to a 'J0-(ooi alley, i'rfoe, *10,U">o Til OK. J. FISHFR A CO.. dlSV.'U 1.1.4 F ?t. n. w. tV)U S Al.F. - A t niv*--a:ory tnd baament brick houae wit!i browM-at? n?- trimm.uya <t>ntainimr 11 on ?*"i 1 at. lM-t?-en H wild 1 sta. li t . ?*?e rooica iiavt* o|??ui rtref?la?*H. rsHttf? luanfia an a*>* dnts!ie?i in iiatnrai , wood, bireet cars run ??n M >t. i n- ??. * .i**>. 1H< ?s? J. ^ IMfll I. a. i-O., dai-lt i:c:4 F at. n.w^ 1.VJH SAI.F? | On N st. iietwe^n 17th ami iSth at*., a V: r;?e-^r?>ry ' aiitl Iwia >m<< nt br?4-k boiiM* -n ;? .? w .r h u.< jti:j?r? ii,flits . ii 1 . ? titiunin* eiK^it rouoaa auti a baO room. Prit e. 8i0.0ut>. THOK. J. F1SHFK * CO.. M 1 Ml n.w. CH IB HALK - 1 A tW4 -Kt4'i-\- frame dwel'in* ?>n Pierre|4are twecn 14tli a ml 15th . ??? iitaiii'iiv ro4ui:s ;.nd j I liuth ro4.m, Kent* i4 i - l.: ^(.OUII. *11 J. H.^HKU i ? ??.. d2JV.'tt i.'!.4 F at. n.w. 1"76BhALE^ MAssArin sftts avem e NKAK THOMAS 4'lBCl.E. A moat deairablr reaidi*n<*e. Situation one nf the la*at in asbni.-ton. 11 u> built only two years airo lor late own-r a ,a*. upaiK > . Tix Uwaii estate this j>n?:<erty will be aold for aev- i eral thotw .n t dollars 1? sa th: n its4-. st. For luriLcr i>urtirul.u* .md i?eriuit t<> ex.'.udne at? 1?1> to IhO.N J. FlsHF.U A 4X1.. dXSMJt 1X'4F at. n.w, L OB HALE-1IW T HT. S.V.\, AN Flt*UT-ii?m ?m -T iTkk.all mod. iium. Inioire of owner <?u |?r- :i 1.?U HALF?iiILT* KIKU: F Jsf~ FKol hK I V. NOillH SIDK ItE'l. WT1I AXbl'JTH s'is.N W., OKLV 0V1 1'KR F?h?| 1'i.h F<mil'? lIKAI'Fi. THAN ANY OIHFK F SI. f'hOH.liTV IN IHI MAIiKl.l. FOH FI LL 1 Al. 1 H i I \i; Fl>. 4. ii H A 1(1.. KOI Fat. I'- .. BALE- I liri?-k. n.w. cor. Nth an l II ats. n.w. ; $f?0 .$7,000 1 liricic. K n.w.. north Bide tween Mth and 10tH . ??.?.") P-rirk. now. .1th la-t. Land M ata u.w "... N, v o ! Urit k. ll story. ."?tii newr F st. n.w ."?.:?*? i Itn- k. M-at?>ry an i ? I'-ir.'t! u?- r H st. n.w Irt.t* u liriek.^! sUiry ami baa**i: "i.i. t.tb n**ar i^at. u.w ?;.-?*?{ liriei; alio ?iwi e, uvst t\ .* !*tr. ii??ar H st. n.w l.'?.r.t?l i - . .. u< .at ll 1TI . l, nun -?! 81". U.W J*t,-- -? llri' k. story. ."?tu newr Pst.n.w Itriek, .H-atory an i ???liar, i-th u?- r H st. n.w Irt.r Hriek, 12 story au?l l?aa?*.! i.i. ?.th u?-:tr vst. u u t;. linek and Jrai e, *"est si.i* it:, iit-ar H st. n.w . I.10 liri?*k. -story, s.w. cor. liltb st. and Md. uw. u.e :t/jno liri< k, o-story, s.e. cor. Sth and h ata. s.?. . ti.OUO liriek, li-stor^- and cellar, 1 bet. Snb and lUth aTs. n.w 1J.500 E. T. KAISER. ?U*7 Room 4. Atlantir builditur. Vhi14 HALF- AT A SAI 1 11 H i., lO-iUJuBl BKK'K JT dwellinir (new), situnte on a ?t>rn? r in a ?t?-*ira. ?e i ? eutral 104atM?n. If aold by January 1 |Tit e only *7. i."Ml. 1 or laurtk-uiars a|tply to MlANCls HI t i fcwl Fit. u.w. u :;-4t LXIK HAI.E A 15 A!?' Al N ' *<1.1*10 IF SoLU ATI -A ? nee. worth 97.^410 Hal mj hh new bn. k . nine | r.'o.i.s, e?.n; rete < e.i:.r. Iietb. i try, cabinet u.unieis, lurumf auti oj **n iiivs. <les*>l> i4H'at?al uoctbw.-st. Ajdrrsa own. r,4i.M.F... .*?ll ;tbst.u.w. ci!,'7-dt* HALE? i>D 7th st. near Boundary, two brick st?-iva and | dweiliuww. each renUU- ior j?. j r mouth. l*rice ul | each <f.>.OOU. 1HOS. J. FiSHElilt Ul., d27<* Kfctt f it. n.w. i UK .sALK A kxhkI * usineasstand on 7th a* N-tween M and N ata. l.?a a three-atory bu.ldiu . ? on^ ??n?fi< 14 nmi in- I cludimr tb? store on the rtr^t lb- r lne lot ib 'JhllO I feet to a teu-.oot al nuw mivier rent o: $100 per month. Price. TIl4)g. J FISHEU k CO.. | d!J7-.'It 1334 F st. n.w. LH)H SALF- A MUMHniM HoLsE AT ltlOHlk" F land; ai! mod. lull's . ter:..? very eaay. Ai ? > to catvi'l. A. THOMAsi (PTT-'it* 1U0 Ooroorau buikitflf. LX >B HALE?SOrTH KIDI U HI BE1 M -a lith sis. u.w .. tkneKktyaBil cellar br..-k ;l?r>n iu a; 1 new; lurnv-e heat and a?i m?Mlcru iiui>rovem*-uts. 1-Ti.e ?.s..aJ0. ki. H. HAKNFi; * CXI.. dX?7-iit H10 I st n.w. |X>K SALE 0TH i 1 BETWEEN VYESTMINS I LK X and I Ms. u v., three-sto^y ?: loa?- :.?nt t?i?.k. new ..ud\ery cou vlete; Iuina4 e hc;.t ? fl. r w :iii?. i. U. U.UAKNl lUai.. _d27-nt HH> F at. n.w. LOB HALE- BY OWNER, BRICK HOt sE; SEVEN X rooiiis. Fat. n.w. near N.J. a\*\ . always rent?<t. I lo: Hixl . .? > . wortli pri *?. ? .. m*i Box 1 til, Htart fii -e. dti?;-0t* IjVlR HAI K? A we 11-apiointed and finely fttrrisbed tvai?lence on Bbode lai&na ave. let. !4th and l.'iih sts., coutaimmr 11 ;4 4?j;ia, en nil laiory. .arseceuar r?n?iu. trnuL eh vator and otbar convenience*. The lirat il?M?r is x0 le*rt lou?r. 1 tie front ia t-ru-k. with bruwn-atoua u-uu I numra. Price, $*JU.0U0. IliOH J. FIbHEP. k CO., d*24 1 :gf4 Fat. n.w. I,"X)B HALK-MONTHLY PAYMENT*-EIGHT AND aix-room botsaea. l?> window; all m. i. . ku?d loca tion. Can be lx>uirbt at your own terms. For pnea and terma apply A. LAMM ANN, liU! 1 at. n. w. dJO-Sf JX)B HALE?OB BENT-WE CAN OTf F.R A BRICK bulldln>r for buaineea purposes on l~*tb at n w., only about 100 feet north ot o st. n. w., with an alley on thenortli Tlne.^ivlmr llrht and ottaer alley faciMlku. U Ul leaae lor a term of yeara with pnvil??.-e ot such alterations the tenants may wish. Tbia property, beinr so naar, offers the same auvantairea aaii it were on ii st. ftnd at a much miuoed coat/HILL A JOHN&ToN. lAKi Peun ara. _ 1*)B HALE-VEBY Vtl E RESIDENCE ON M 8T. X n.w. bet. itith and l: *ta; 3-?tory preas brick; 11 rooms; 2 bay windows; finely finished.i?ri4-e, A1S.00O. Apply to W O. DEMIwus k <*?.. test ^< ? w d . 10TH A*D T ST8 N.W.. One of tbe moat bandaotua bouaw In the West End; twelve rooms, two bath rooma. cedar cloaeta and thoroughly complete in every parti.-ular. lmlndixur b .naso i.e interior decorations; heated byateam. l n?-a $17,oOO. Open dally- WltrlnuH iu < haxv?. d'Jo-lm I F" OB SALE?DEHIBABiJE PIECE OF Bi S1NLH8 property on 14Ch st. u.w.. south of I at. PrW, 0L<50Ul lB50.> TYLKB A kt IliLBFOBD. likJt Fat. rfiri-w dlM?* "ALf?TH'WS HAaMOMK HOt'SKS OH * th*. ?mi n?I? North C.,ntol at., jo? aC omX<'>1 Wtmn.ta.ttay^tt'n Imr win.'.iiw; Wiwun.^ nwata knd trininnnya. lu rouma and hath ?rH all mod ern improvements ;bUktouua>.y decora tad mtierad throturtM'U'. Dcn't buy a Louse without aeaunc Uisas. toMfcKEXiLyiCEkRAH. WW F^. ^SA^fTSl?,19 Fat. FOR SALE?HOrPBB. HA1.B- A BAK.-> v ??" Wi I kl ? W, Al * !?i, ? 1 *1 yt>-?TIB kT.. *r." AST' WVl T *t n w all kr* Boi miTS, Wa r A kchmici. ii \ g i -irk urn* \i ?.i.i?kt !i < ;?-u? Fv >k n\u-rtti vrui r? ITUi r T. rmt I<* .<*??) ?til Mil far tl^ 1?'W f.'?.!'?'I^ir iMHIt^or vtU MimrME. AitIj OlARfy* KABJ.l. ?i? l?tL at ail la Fxb saij i m f r.ritiiwi ait k ?ji aid bath t nara in N. ? VI<M*r*trtr? ?w iw VmHh^ me i irn# #*. *?? M.\anjm rmt it* M per month. Appt> t H A kiJt* KAAU.I . 6U* 144k ? FOR SALE I/ITS. F1 ??? (\?K N4i I WH1 HI 1 ITIII A*D 1*TR ... . 1st \w* 1?A?t aalltlh. ?P*I*?<*?I. VW*? r '.'W ?t iwi n it.l", ,un5 (JWL. prtri .... 1 k. i4 m. h* vi*t and -?i. i*v* 1 14 I7*h at. brt Mm aw and F at . WlJ'JlM Ml. |TK* ... SW L'l* at het. ft* and Mm* 09*. ft?x!40 iirJII. !"?? (\^vr?n?? M. lTth Mi?t N. 11 ?v*., 'JUV i:c? e 1 Mm ??-t 1 ,th aud l.ttt . .ttix'M }.r in* a rti Hithat i ii:? ? l*? it- w. a Piewe at. lief l4thandl 4h. price 1 ?Jim at. het. N and O, *IxlU? <lw'. l??*e 1* <W ?l. ? >AMK|L. d.'?V.H 141* F*. I>OR RALK <>n t >e ?*?t aide of 1.1th at ft ?n1 T ?*a a 41 fe?4 v if! b> I'M teet t. m .??!?*< alia* T? is l?* ?? w*|| *4*1 -Wd tor the ??r,lirii ot hti?ar? on l*o?ta tha Otnrt mhI ?.#j THos J I lt*H t'H A ?*> . d.ll>-:tt l.Wi .1 n w. FN?K k.\I R t?t) the *? *t aHet*f '.rvi a* be* I. anil M ata . half ? HgQATv n? ftho! Ua*\ , i, ,t ?"?r, |e ? ?? t s iu nea >?$ r.*v! i?rt t?* a .fa* t.?-4 afv\ rhtri1 ia a alley c n tL?- aide. lTi.-r a j i?r TKtii J F1XWT* ton. l.r*4 ? ?t n.w. "p?h mi i* I \ *r< - * <n dintr lot i>n tlie are?t aidr cf 7th at lwt. I aim X >> n ? *V\nu !i*-t ii .,n %u. i i!-??<? Itioi kf twm tin *rtTv?'t far* l ?'k*? i*r a*, t 1 H (Mt. J riattli U 4 ?M . i.C.4 1 at u m _ 1>'it HAi r % ,.r tb** vast ai<W of lHtli ?i tiA V an 1 K *;? . A?al 1U t**?t t all I rl? ??#" . **> I lion J I I Ml I U 4 ? o.. d??-:? i:wr?t ?? r? n Mil )<? n i ;\?. mi ON M HI \H I t v?tit?*??"?. lit a\*- ? it 'Mit iiiif M. %?tw* - .. .** | .) t. ? H N i h. ?? M !ti? If J4v >k s ki V ri% v u>t :u i v pt.-p r . 5V#tori trrmt. u.ttiifi ikr** m\nnr*+ tl.a (*a|ttol mi ppv?Hj I y fYjitne ?>. ii%- r tit-vie f?*r flM I rVa il *okl at <n?.*?. f.iay t?mia. I?A\ 1^ li ?'??.. 1'itHil Atturoajra. thrt Tth at. n ? d*,' .'ft* l^oB SAI ? I That I.:m* ItniiiHna ?it# Rt tha ?<tithw?* i?4lwt uf Mna. avt.Mid lith *tfront'u^r .*iti T iii?4??a V: a? ?v?>. i.v?1?*?\ ia**t n '"tliat Tim-w la uti aiiejr in tiif ra..r. l'n<*r raai? >nal>.?* fum. i. riKnEE 4 ci?. 12C.4 I at n w tH ?K NAI I A A lot f.uiHj Kw?tod at tb* rom-r Hti, and L a.*, n.a.. i??t to i?n &1W. in.** TV . i*r i.?a* 1 H??* J MHHKH A . |*M r m - n ?. rNlH SAI.I ??KJHR U?T. Ai.l IH??N I. ^T?? vm I ?4 II. Ml iocttHd m at'iit'. wi-m ?n k tt id I *? I a iU4r tiatvain at *Jiir i*rr f?*?t A dr- I". ^ J . star ii-n?' |,N?R SM? h Ml'.\ "lU SltAHIi .'la A1 ? lir-^'Hat i . ro? d n . ixmv?u?? nt to ata,i?>a j'lia riatrh 1-h. and 1?? if a??ki at oner ttKA<'l M "IHoVAH, KMi . n jwp tuikhiaf dVT .h' 1.v .. SA I i ? N \ i ? 1 It I i A\ i m;ak~ n hi tt a . In nts *??*?. i n 'flr at . i>cW |*r ^ItH?t #4 (II RoutI: ?*i ii? \ *t. |*?i wi ii 14th j-tid 1 "?tli at? n a , MhliU n (o*JW"<'t ?lk) ; |?rW p? r iw?t. ... 2.10 A * t .uont m\?*. and Itlth ?t u.a., Jl. lhiffl; | rva l*tl'"-' 1 .Ml Ni u u\-. I? t a??an I'andtiata. in.. x I l?U?. ;*.,? > . jt*< ?? ]<-rf ?ot l.Ofi V Wtiwi 4tn nt??l ftth s ??. H.W.. ".'Iilt^ifr alley . _ prt?* i??r ? ? ?ot 1 0f? I- ?*,tvti*ii *, Kt ?t nu'1 Miuijahlrvavi'.u.*., ???'xVil. |m*|arfint 1.217 ^Ktii ?*. \.. M -a* i4 litiftpfta ?Vf. and N *t D.v.. (Ril'Jll: nia 'w t*?'' .1.00 V m. I***w?iii Ititii mil 17th n ?.. |T;f t?>ot 2 7.1 C? rn?>r -,'J snd M ?s. u.? ., 1n*7T?. prl?* par l<"?t ? 2.M H II ?AKM K 4 IX*., (177-11 MO F?i B v 1>>K RAU-THE OdUU Ol' 7TH A*D U KTH A n.a. . iV |?3 1 l?i. mill ni?ik?* Htirht tr?H?d h?ti. and i? th<* i?rHtti**at km .tlon In that aai-iiiin !<!jr? ?*aj it lifti.?<?a) T.?{.bk?N?KH.tll?fl'.th at ? m dC. lu. hAl I rn F1 ? T FUONT ??%? 4TH *T.? i:.? atvitit ? :i> aiuan* *ri>ni Mantoti l*ark : ? >ul> K~? <-ta , !?"* <"tj*. i?ri?H.t bnkm it? \ %hta. i-a??\ tarniH d.*7-l.?t I h. Hi4*M>k*.tn<l i:.that a w |3l?k HALK Hi M l/?T* i*S L M . NKAli, 1 ViniMtit ?%a..#.'11?ar ?-*|nai?fa?t L<4 ?Ik t?at lr?>nt Oil I' M n a U't :tl*t id fJW m* . ttnrrmat i?> lark* i.HnfiirtalJa h?'U*w l^'tn ? ti > Kt l**t l.tth an -. ?-tHh. th* p^r *? i'umi- loi't !?> a? raa at V% nidt;anV !"*tata?n, Mctmrnlit K H. arra* on want and ?iarpnm aa** alda . t i . .mart. V'th dvaiHor "titl barn. Ma;*> 1 ml and \ trirtnia tin * foim<tr> n.ilts lataM mi IToyM uia. hin* n'. aat?T |oa?r. I^ota 1 and X Work 7. Oxi'Uad lld?rtit? View and Fairvtaw. r. L MOO HE A T. JANM.V MmiH, fltSi-tr uunrot. m.w tH* SALK THItr.r I>iTh tIN M AkVl.AM* A%t. r nne n*-*r I dii at n.**. . tea i.? atumf ir rmall at<<as in t'.j** n<>rth**nat. |'ri<*. l.'iO for all. T.k. bK? k ?lkK. ; tilt; l'^th at. n w. dU^liti 14>?k Mi l "oNfcof THI- OHOK-WT 1/HV I* ti;* ? it> til l?*t by lt*4. aide and i?uralley . ?a> M at. near 7th a.v.. suitable f?ir nnvafta r s. a-n.ea ?ir w? uJ 1 n nL#? a Tl^ndld acartuifiit livuae in a laaiity vhorc u In liitK h i.<**ded. tv. i'wn<*. dl^ia 1114 Iftk at n.w ?k ^ M l ACkMi I k?Kl kOBTBEAHT. :?? a l'-t*. 17x r4 <e^t to lO-foc^ allQ . Ko oii.i r?^;uir?ni ir y? u tun Id kriiud Loiuna. be? ri H. MAUI a. 4.X 1 ' ? >'' ?t*?-1 III 1,>?i: ^\iJv ^okTH rt?!ft*iDKkiNii mtoinu lor a leir lays one of tLe rnet?t i n iertM? ??n V at. t.. xv. for *. o |n-r aquavv tuot 1 hit. la a rar?* ?||>ortu | ii!t> to a ft an ?* Mtioii!i?*al hit i??t a fair .^??e 'Hie ir? M-ni tiiii n>\eiueui i?)> a lair mt? r**? Vi* laraia. . aiM'ly to At kKU k GAPSbT. ! dti-lm 100b V at. n.?. ^%OA4 bALE I \ I; i \ i N *?? 1% I 'IS IMVKKS1TY HKIGHT*. bk? a ikLAN D, flOl'TH bk'M.hl ANP I hare a larre nuu.liero! lota in the ul?o*a ?n*.dlxi^ ions a luck 1 ?-*n ???11 ver>-? hea|'and on eaay ?iaa. II a pi NMfki rar> rapidly in vtlwaul the l**at suburb ?>t U ;i*.|uuyt??n to Imy in either f?T a hi me or a quick turn at a advance, tor plata. i .. ea, fee.. caii on kEMXiUD w m Al.KI k. d4 1 vn 10MU? ai. a. W. L\>K bAlJ^ I BLOOMTMiDAlX. North Capitol at. and Florida are.. 100 lota. HOilOfl, en North (Capitol st .. Florida av?*.. H. S and T ata. . |?n?-ea 4t*? . to ?| f?#ot . lanra |Mirti.>n |?%r *h.ttf u.? ney iour years at "'l^r <-rnt. 11 at nt'a b?-inrf i a\ -.i aith asphalt and will have a*at#?r an a??wat; Nortii? i:pitol Uuiiff improv?*d by tt:e ? ity andeh?m r..iiaray ; other buproeeaaattta iii For plat. 4 . act 1> to A. L. bAkl.1 M A O'., d\M in I # I ?roit buiicttn?. FOR SALE LOTS. |30i bAL*~ r you ni;? not KN?im vor COl Ll> HI V I.? ' I s i koH #. i:? T<? ?Mh?? And Uj aard in ?wt;t of tiia CAHbiLOX WAMBINOIoN ? 1TY HTI:FPT? Jh xtended full width, and have ALL 1HK Ml MM 1 I Ml'IfcOV I.UkKTS. lncindinsr BRKK PIPF^Al.Kh. K'loNF CTKIM. OKA?*TX liKIVi > i.d sHAl?K I Hkl n lurui?h?d i?* lb* jin s* n: a.a n.-r*?. and sK'A I'.RS aii ! ^ ATKU conteiupiated b> the 1 ?!?.'.ri. t autlioftUaa STkFF.I CAHK Tt paa? the on<j? rty In the sprinr !<*.?. ateu interj*ei tu?n "1 UlNNhS<>l A AV|.. A' U IIAKklM>k ST.. AN A(H?hl I A, P C. Teti-v Jitf.-fcttrth ? aah . I aiai..-e eaay Title par fe?*t. Atatrart free No irouble toaboa pr>|>??^y. A or plaia. pn?? bat un<; luU |>artv ? ait .iivn MrUCHLKS ft BMi'HH llk. .. j 1 Confer l?ith anu O era. n.w BOARDING. I VI I |M..\? IIKMl>Ha>IIMK\?liU lOll U> .nl. in a nioe ha-atniii. oppuaitr V r At k I in laik. leri .a : - ^H.>n^ble. O^g' N LAR-FA 1 KN 1, t'kNSCH AMD HClMlMtl (?!? fcwa. ii umunuai:**! rooin*. u.'*lj laintvd. litu Ur.*e b&y aiudow ir? ut. h^au. ?raa. r*4 l*atti. Ian ? cb s mb are taole boarders wanted. K&l N. Ca|. at dilK'tt hkht-clZhS CATF.RKR from 1HILAIH.S, il ptua arili mrre ineala tofaniiAi? attb?4rrea^an?-?-a. ? rl 1:1 Mili.i.M l'!MN(i Ro()is*|TiK LAlHts I aixltreir. it men OiiKt tit xt door to the >bureLam.' l At t un>m<NJatM>ns irn- /??> i unuaiitU roou.t +*? for t*til. Mrs. *1. 1. MUITHAI.L <if? lBr__ 'I'MF.iEl^lkk. olA 1S1H HTTn R ~likik*> 91 1 T<er day. w??a. bti. baa4iqnart?rs tor aurnuaawaj trntla-aLoiW) 1 ' inuaeat. f| bk-Al bl'kN. COR. *jei> BT. AM PA. AY ft. 1 n.w.. lanre. aeii-iormahad rta*ina and laat<buB Loan! at luodaraia |rk?a. iranalatu dated. THE LITCHFIELD. Mai 141 U 8T.. 1 la now read> lor the reception ot tooth IrawftR* >rriK??I-' * " Mr. D B. BTOCtHAM. CX)l*NT^Y REAL BSTA1H1_ pui mrmn T?r the moiit dekiilaw?ji itst-t* laeror 1MXI FAUM8 FOK hale IB Ali. PART* OT H.n )?n.l mkI Mr Otmmrt of Culotul?A Opporf? uitt..!orw^ ui?Uot; ?Ttt>uur firniitii ml bu4 lor mir. JuUX bTEPHUT. 473 ?? Ia. sm. dl.i-lm* T>)R RENT AT WIJTUOf BUOinVinct dKKu.thlimilm L. ? LOOMM. ItOTUMAf KIVES AKD CH Eh AJtAJLK BAY 1 terr^o Am amita bwattfUlf kxelJTeejtiieod of n?t. Ojratan aad mux. Q II * co.. laiorat. 1?AR*f!. rAKMR. PABMft. FAKMH FARMS, r In all pan. of Mairland trmm 5 to I. duo arm. i lrou 91U to AMirrrarw. Kuv la tin* MM V I -^tT. TSTVT" <a<! 1.1 (i at. a w. 1MTUUTED W UKD IK MoXT PERSONAL ^iirn. ??.*nor ciamihatton 1 Aimoitun mVATi WUtoiTS. Ua; K ow