i/or Kii*. ? ISION AM? i.lgi ok
I ktonkt v *-v >*in* to tad hemth. |<r* e.
J. IMC. htorollki*. it'
l>t>k SA1X- TWEN iy fivehhakrhof "SALEV
i in*p~oven ?*nt 4 ofnpajyr*" atork. thl? ?ti*k 1* |?m
aud t :?? o-.|*an\ iwi* <*rlar.-d on?* ?1?t>??*:?.1 of SO
l^r i-eiit. and )>kf*<?>ui ?7I0.4xh Worth of kit* tlurimr
ii w? willaellata low tWure if sold uetore
j. nuary .!. ?*'!
For furtiwr information ?urw
it* STOCK, Star
? f * w?*> i with $1 "lo capital to rv tn irood pay
A.??!r- 4. W. . Star ? -flb-e. it*
igh?!s sm.. :p?> mt utgagft.. bear!5tt 7 fk.u
.t ?-ent jiitwrr.t'ii 'ar ; i rupwty in c?.:.n?y.
k.?n . with :l year* to rin. andrew* Box.*;!. m*r
. tfi ?* (clkl*
cirr. i *v kmtmivi partner w i?h capsfal
w4dtnl :b ? numi^lml aik tk n in>l i-oiniiii?'ca
fcolae %* .UK ?* *??od lua.n?*s? aiw?r*:s* k A. k.. .mar
office. d'j^jt
kak'b chahct TO INVEST !* A paving
b:iiun> A ?*?-:??? ianntry tor *a)e tio.ftjr a *o??d
immimi. fvrrytliiikir rooii^tc. i rood r*-uf?? < \\+
?. i 'ft. inv^'iuhii nn>-v.4;i'.*?t ?:.i' tory lor
? .in** a<ur>? i LA >1 l\l m'kv, w.?r? h??v.
. \ BA ROM N kfc VOXl> A Ik >1 bt?a
r <j; ft in.* rimtiti rou.c ???? ttir?.wlm.irt an i ?!?? ntr a
r? :? for aeiiinar ?? make* i.*n>re
u: iwu. .i. li I li ulil; a
*' *t. u.w.
3i ( m wju hl'Y THE stock. fixtckes
0 f " an?. -*' od v. .j < ' .i 't>* ?-rv ami |>n> vi*.,ou
tii ro uuiiik i ? a?li > ii!iin> w. taj at il???4li si.
? wl
Fv>?: ?a1thkei xotkm bkaftlxo (}
prrn ai ia.rosl. ronn luroo*. twoaiest irr? > rap?,
rtspecfiv. |>. h^. ;redb> n.t tii***! itnpn?vednt> pro??
erty in i^irthnrm. .\< .iiw? 1*. i*.p., mar ol&r. laxskst
>tock. * ixrrisks axdgoodmtjll i
1 <?f a ?-i-:if a?l tolmirokr:- lioti^r a -*< **i ' "iam* *s . !
? ? nfraily w* ai??l. Ap|>i) (o alt ull) jnmwku^a.?.
cor, et luti* m-. a.w i
'rat phvslogxoillcle HAIR cftteb is TO |
A L- round .t .'kc. 14th*?. a.w..
Easi **? 1#. oppowt* V liotfl, ai4*v?- Pa av?.
Hair ? ittiib', .n-t miaif imom
iii tlm?us: uuhw7t. illiu-.'ft*
l ur sal>~
fnrahharf lketw ?**? ??r?vi. i;>l 1 f. m.
n w <p5?-lw?
? ST IS compaxv ]>ks1kv.s TO mklt A |
hjtcil atf?nl . r r-^ ? mi4 it), with <-u|'iu... to
i<*i n-nrut i]f itain-sv iu w ur.? ^'?> ?n waauixwtvft. [
A ..ur? >?>.*...*?., >**w vork a'jveh.sin-' .u^ni y, |
v* kv?r?t ;
axlij \u?Mi
? f ;n -ft o.v*-? &tul>i?ai?v il. luvt> abit well-j jj busi
i ;.?? bu- n-?^ jon- tlifj* i ? ar and th* net proflM mad?
Mf tfcr |;,o"t ttsn.lilft. it ? Jft
. . jii i i ?'? m.r> ? ? :? mmt ? ? nfbleuce.
k.ll', .,-lt?VUI}. a .ur?4?? l>o\-ti,' Star ofb?-e.
?? liiat nos:iitr.i building * i? ?7th at. nwr for |
k .mr wl: wi.l tuke a left*.* joflx O.
JOH.njsox. ft 17 * *t. dltt-cjt
'|*hk ixdekslgxtd WAXT8 A HOI'se IN
i n?'rt'iw?s?c. vu ?? .<*?.(*?? i t- will pay
i 4i?-u.iii ?- i>. in., th >* an. alitor ?u? n::i i ?r.?in e.
iwblf ? i ? -a" i i. ; .*r.|. i r??- ??! ail iiv'iirii
i :n a- -jrm ? ?r> ?t. i .-aj>.tal ol ?h*-sti?te;
i'i. . a- rv.iivii. e ai?u * i-ur^.nu --.vvn lor a quuk,wlllual ft.w..
iv^-st* orouftd Aoor.
vil masai's
o 14-Karat V?atr?,o?
>r?.ai 11 *? u|>.
AH *?trhr* ^arumfwi.
d1_*% !-r;4 r ?>*. n.w.
. i ? a>h ? k ? :.!1'm " itlb vlc'hik 1vpe- |
? 1 ?* *utrr. iu>< u.) |?rih-ti; ai 1'ti?- voldilor^l.'i.
.? *.**?. fi .r*. ^ r*. >.^t,<?aetiou ffuaraiite*-;. <? n trial
jr^ 4 ili m i \j* ?>.. 1-4oft. liio.. i>tlanapa.av.
Ox A J. ? i.A? sliou ca>es. paktils i
u\:n.'?mi ir .ijtf broken :n their sbow caaea tall '
ttr ???fir ivinimt ?t mt rt uotirf a:
jtoolxshl a LEWIS*
svh l"uutin^ ajua oiaxift^' eatat u.^iiilent.
uc-liu u.-9h l? at. ft. w.
i^t'irfei miaid l T.
LX k? 'ilnteu OF
feiviau 1 un tin.-. ?>| |x>*i;?* City llad.
i roi?af?>? ? <.r ouhtim utii:uftt.<?t?'. !t?.?ndtrinir f
rut. *. fii4? :r.*u. ^ u ty. lwai >*>? anti*-^ u-iurht '
hu?. m'iu. lftvrstibclita audi-. .vlvliey loafteii. ui-liu i
t i L. jt< ocl.fs.
11. l i.ixilii axp priiltsnf.r.
; !??*-11 !?: t S i X. v\.
?'r*b-r^ for li.ujika ,.nj ?"o!iiin*-n*iaI or Prof#**
r*i i r^nt.ft-.* i-r ?m | i;y eju* ur?l f xt*-usiv?? uneo(
>.? t .*?-i .;n-.* lnvitatiok*. Menu*, order* oi
ivaii *ti - 1 o!d'-ra. *??. Aft i!i*<i?et th>n !ftvii**d.
k iS i. b- oa AND jol? i'ul.mlnu OXLY. ?yS |
. . v i LL? v . ^ 1 -i N. v... 11.KA1S ALL
1 ' r< ni?- al?* ui/ts oi tt.v eyr% ear. tkr<ut. Innr.
Jvr. kin**-;.. strict urea and uruiary aiaea^*?. t'ilkv
imn l?h t! ait. wi4f 1 f.b. jmfc*
pa hft. ud u my
a tr*-;?* . t?* cy ?i^tirity in aii ri?-r*< a.* tliae&^ra.
la'T.oia. ?!n? ;t*r*-t?. a^?u? jo*-?. )imI rr?-*:uiant;^.
a>u. w. 11a a \fc all>. m.% lx'lft at- U. W.
15. H. snnemlrz & s053.
1ist Peoaa are. tlrou^li 4u 13th st.
cent lei..?u'? slf.^lin* cap*. Fur Mufflers and ?
bargains FOR TODAY.
! gentleman a lined Oren oat. $140.
1 siberian S<iuirre:-l;ne?i cttvtliot. f'ia. woftli #40.
~iiilrriaa sioiriv! 1 :ie*l cirrtuan, ^."j0. worth $75.
1 mmk- ir.fd cin-ular. #1UI?. worth 41au.
1 piu>h l ister. it?: worth i4.V
1 lot of clota l*!<tetv. f4 . Worth $ i'i.
P.um1 S*u que*. ?i;i. a..rtli
P.iu?h jacket^. ^s. worth 4u<.uu.
b?.vl jackets.
SEAL sacqck8.
si* ixhin* Kobe*. fv. fs. $10. $!:.'. Ac.
i'oa Chapped Skis.
There is no brtter r*iw for t h^rped skin than
It is perte< tly fcatu.l^-?* jnd i> a v.-doable toilet reqal
fmhly mode and iai-orted.
crcl xlek ckeam.
bktliam a glycerine AXD cl'ct melb
JELLY of k08es AXD glyckri5s.
W. 8. TH0?PS02f. pl-nnactat. 70315th tt.
i" OK new v EAR S.
LADIES' r.etfition SHOES. oxford
tlfh ASD si-ipi'ehs.
MfSS PATENT leathek SHOES. ix
cgsgkess. button ASD LACE.
imported FASry VEST1SO CLOTH
hoover k sxvdkr,
olt iro 1c1t ??.
UK ew 1 ear.
ASD howls, all sixn.
j'< i:celais. BOS BOS DISHES.
:-is NEK. DEC ax 11 ks.
game. tvubleks.
? UEAM nsgkk KOWLES. be.
?im I'm* PLATED walie
1ISE plates. mi ci tlekv. *11 of tiw
lfefiuma, ust riMm tiki at iu.rat
* W. BEV^ridgl.
louo j'rtinsj'vaiua
haeomss is Seal sux.
OCR jacrets. kacqces ASD 8hovlder
C.u'w> is MEAL SKIS will u- oil'ml at a ml art ion
fu*uw. a ianre stock pur? naa?il t-<ore the autaik-e we
are prepanm to srll them u-lo** th?* ?. banned lit
>?-w York. All reliable at iow yvicea.
vlartea. a&:r&-la 11. bfliter. petaian Lamb, Wool.
h*ai a?dl o?i^f capvaat m>w pnr<? .
A ftw Oaru.cftta m pluaft at piuam coat. MuHa to
auau-h at
i x?r Tnuiwms in every variety.
vvbrellas AXD canes.
W1LLETT * rcoff.
mattlks and rurkikua,
41ft sogitbaijltaliat*.
Oldest /
Largest /
The Evening Star
is the Oldest and most firmly estab
lished newspaper published in the
District of Columbia, having won the
high position it hoH* in the confi
dence of the people of Washington by
forty years of faithful and unswerv ing
devotion to their interests, without
regard to any other influence or con
sideration whatsoever.
The Star is the Largest paper
published in Washington, with a
general equipment and printing facil
ities three-fold greater and better than
those of any other Washington paper;
and, having the full Day Reports
of both the New York Associated
Press and the United Press, supple
mented by an unequaled service of
Exclusive Special Dispatches from all
prominent points in America and
Europe, it prints more and fresher
Telegraphic News than any other
Washington paper can possibly sup
ply, furnishing at the same time a j
greater amount and better quality of
Local, Domestic and General Intelli
gence, and a larger quantity and
higher grade of Original and Selected
I.iterary Miscellany than any paper
in the District.
Being delivered at the homes of
regular subscribers for the trifling
sum of ten cents per week, The Star
is much the Cheapest paper published
in the District, quantity and quality
of contents being considered.
The Star's circulation in the City
of Washington is more than three
times larger than that of any other
newspaper, and the num1>er of its
readers more than five times as many.
It is therefore in that (or even greater)
proportion the Best advertising med
ium in the District. On this point
there is no ground for argument or
doubt, even. It is the common testi
mony of the business community, and
generally admitted.
Note This Point
The Star gives the exact figures
of its circul'tion every week, and
cheerfully opens its books and press
and delivery rooms to any person
having interest in the correctness of
its statements, so that its patrons
know precisely how much publicity
they are getting when they buy space
in its columns.
t } ? I f f f
j 1ST A'<* other daily newspaper pub
\ tST Ushed in Washington dares
1 Mr subject itself to this decisive test.
Drug News- Bt E. P. M
ETeryVmdy buy, dnura. A rreat many people
pay entirely too uincb for tbrni. Tet it in their
fault. At considerable expense we have pnb
Melied a complete ratalotnte with price list of
all the <!ru?'s u-iially found in a fir*t-cla?e drmr
?tore. Kou:e druorists. in a feehie way. have
attempted to nwrt oar price*. There are yet a
T":,t many who se'l at our pricea oniy wien
compelled toby the customer. Von do not I ke
to safe for rliiture when yon are o*eiv!>anfed, ao
yon auHinit to the extortion. You are sure of
the lnweet price ami save all this tTouhle in
buyitur here. V\ e liave a xpeciH.-d pri<-e tor each
article, the aanie price to all. and we will Kladly
mail you one of onr catalogue* upon request.
It abould lie on the library* table in, every bouse.
It S.e. cor. 11th and F st*. n.a
A Chance Seldom Offered
.7 a tttt cco h h
U T C 0 H H
W W A A T CCD 11 H_.
As we take inventory next week we wiali to clone out
a lot of OENY'S SOLID GOID WATCHES, hunting
caae. stem windera.with llrst-rlaa* Elwin and Waltbain
movements. These Watches liave eletrantly enirraved
cases. wajTantcxl solid pt-td throughout. and the inovo
meut, wo guarantee accurate and will keep their in re
pair for one year free of chance. They are watches wo
have teen selling tor $2T>, $'1S. S:tu and t:?>, and we
have put the entire lot at tbe uniform price of
4 ~22~ ,h rrrrr was
.r* u ?7 ?
?II ?
a?r j} a "&
ut Z v ~
Tbe firat callers ifet first choice. Tbi? is the great**
drive ever offered In tbe Watch line.
d20-2? Cor. Tth and Data.
Philadelphia S
To close out balance of onr Ladies' Cldth
Jacket and Astrachan Capes, will sell them at a
Balance of Holiday Goods?Dolls, Toys, Al
bums, Writing Tablets and all Fancy Articles
will sell at a big redaction, as we will not carry
any over.
A few dozen Men's Fancy-bordered Handker
chiefs, pnre linen. Price was 125 cents. They
ara rumpled and massed, so we make the price
12j* cents. They won't last long.
Ladies'Fancy-bordered Linen Handkerchiefs
that were 25 cents. Now, 15 cents.
Men's All wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers,
Price was 81. .'>0. To wo st $1.12*. .Size of
shirts, 30to 42. Size of drawers, 32 to 38.
d27 028 Tth st. and TOG K st. n.w.
(The Court Almanac of the World.)
Just imported and for sale at
BKALL'S bookstorz,
d^fi-Ht 405 Pennsylvania avenue.
Run Mad.
Borne of our competitors iret mad and say uirly thincs
about me because I sell KubUrs for ?J5c., J.adie*'
Welt Shoes for <:i, when they jret 84; 82.fi0 Shoe ?ame
as they get 83; Edwin Clapp's Men's $5 Shoe for 84.
Now, I am Just trying to run my business to suit
purvbaaen* and not dealers. 1 don't care how mad you
get or what you say, as ruy customers tell melt helps
me every tune.
Cuine early and get the bargains at
918 Tth st. n. w.
?*<&'' Domestic Sewing Machine to he given away
at Willis' Shoe Store. d!2-lm
Geo. T. Keeh,
414am bt.
(*. Pebsagno & Sons,
in h mt. n. w..
Dealers in
L. Lab.-rnl Mellni. Firenze. It ily, CHIANTE WINE,
Awarded Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1881).
Also Lfuhriina Christi Spumante and non-Spumante,
lfoecato D'Aste Spumanteand non-Spumante.
Barolo. Barbara, Urate hetto, Capri, Mamala, Fer
net Branca, Lucca Olive Oil, Panneguiuo, Gonronzola
and Boiuan Cneese, l>ry jlushroom. Macaroni of
Kinds and Sizes.
Agents for G. Groesinger Yonntville, Napa County,
Tal., ys in** and Brandies. Airents for J. H. Ropers *
Co., Maysville. hy.. Limestone Whiskies. d8-^Ut*
3Jrs. M. J* Hunt.
1300Fst. n.w..
Offers her entire stock of Fancy Novelties in Baskets
si.d all Holiday Articles at ACTUAL COST, to make
room lor other goods.
spei laity of Ladies' Cat*. d2-3m
-Mis~ S' li lK Coata from f.' IW to $1.5a
i-aoit* Coats irom to *4
Heavy tubbed \. .sis troui U3f. to aSi-.
nt-au &Wd Sx'urlet Shirts from h.v 7ft*
Fill .LIS-a PALAIS ltuYAL. 914 Tth st, bet. I and K ,
bU- n w- ?127430-2t I
Oernian rruits and \evs-tnl.lis in Ulamt -
11..uUvren, hiniien. Uurken-salat Ue
imscnie Ueiuuae. Ueniis hte Krucbte.
Zwetaijien. Itiraii he in Cismac, Kirrben
Obn- Kerne Lnliieeren. .lunire Bobnan.
Morcbeln aad Mixed iv*le*.
*- *. BU&CHELL.
A PBMliSiT. Vourchoi. eot either a beau
.?<ll IV>\ or a aUs-ltutif for tbe little onee filled witu
See the Poet.
_ 1014 and 1910 PeunsylvlPm^ave.
iw you know him and his termaf If ?sk tout
frienos aliout him. '
^lth W. 8. TAPPAN. eo?Am?.fEW*LBrot 0-Cm
' )*> ulJ IBf; liue lanintt. ail aixta;
f, lluiidin* 1'aper. Lime, Omenta, i'elt lltcu.
Tar. UoaiiiMl C'kairoal. OaU 741-u'. .dVi
1e!e?bon.!;^-^1'',^'V"^"' a A,
101-PENNA. AVE. N.V.' '
perUJO 'rum your pUte^&e.
-Ell Perietal." la T*wa.
Hel?i!lp D. Landon of New York, who at on*
time, under tbe nom-de-plume of "EU Per
kin.," managed to achieve a certain aaonnt of
fame aa the moat artiatio profewional liar on
earth, the Baron Munchausen of joornaliam,
?track town thi. morning and registered hi.
name at * illard'a. He talk, politic* nowaday*,
nothing but politic, and hi* old time art aome
timea come, to hi. aid to help him out when
hi. .object matter foil* him.
Tje Colombia Cycle Club will give it* third
"Smoker' tomorrow evening at it. club room*.
301 New York a venae. There will b. mtuic, re
citation*, a.
L DlniHT in the Cardinal'* Honor ? Teas
Given Yestentay? IVntonsl Mention.
Mrs. J. Mamicville Carlisle gave a dance last
night at her home. No. 173* M street, in honor
of Miss Gilderslceve of Baltimore, who is the
danghterof Dr. Basil Gildcrsleeve of the Johns
Hopkins I niversity. Mm. Carlisle vutiwsigtcdin
receiving bv her daughter. Mis* Carlisle. a de
butante of last season. Mrs. Carlisle wore n
handsome costume of black ?ilk and velvet and
8 ''Tliitje wan in h (lancing toilet of white
silk nn? I tulle an.l carried a bouquet of Ameri
can beauty roMcs. An elaborate supper waa
served at nudr.ight and the dancing continued
until an early hour this morning. Among the
?rst" were Mi"s ? ameron. Miss loiter.
Miss \Vlnte. Mian AtKienreid. Mian Johnstone,
Jtiaa James, Miss Bancroft. Miss Hunt
Miss Drexel of New York, Hiss Card. Miw
Ernst, Miss Riggs. Miss Dahlgren. Miss Carroll.
Miss Ashford. Miss Everett. Miss Wilson. Miaa
(ox. Mi as Phenix. Mis* Edie, Mian Brooke.
Miss Fuller. Mias Condit Smith. Miaa Fleming
Miss Trescott, Col. Turnbull. Mr. Wm. Acklan,
Mr. Arthur Briee. Mr. Chas. Sherrill, Mr. ( has.
McCawley, Mr. Chilton. Mr. Ijegure. Mr. Tnp
pan, Mr. Lee Phillips. Mr. Jo up Blair. Mr
Montgomery Blair. Mr. Van Ness Phillips, Mr
Horace Washington. Dr. Chopin, Mr. Wood
bury Lowery. Mr. Woodhall, fir. Calwell. Mr
Rodgers. Lient. Alger, Mr. Grip. Mr. Joseph
Letter. Mr. Remington of New \ork. Mr. Lanz
Anderson, Mr. Clark of Boston. Mr. Martin.
Mr. Erie Mr. Fraley, Mr. Haines. Mr. Mc-1
Kinney, Mr. John Webb, Mr.Hunt, Mr. Fleming
and Mr. Paul Andrews. h
Mr. John W. Thompson and Miss Thompson
have issued invitations for a reception on Wed
rtCVoJi?i1oV,/anuary 7' from 8 to 11 o'clock, I
at *0. 14191 street.
Mrs. Thomas Riggs has invited her friends to
a tea at her residence. No. 26 Iowa circle, on
Wednesday, January 7. from 3 to 6 oV ?k
when she will introduce Miss Kiggs, her daugh
Ex-Surgeon General and Mrs. Moore last
I night gave a dinner in honor of Cardinal Gib
i "ons nt their home on 16th street. Cardinal
was the prevailing color of the decorations and
the menu cards bfcre the cardinal's crest, his
name and the date in crimson lettering. The
?? *?.mt i-0?'." j4"1' th? cardinal were
Gen. and Mrs Butterfield of New Vork. Sena
V ;ander8f;?- the Chief Justice and
rln \ri Dr. and Mrs. Hammond and Mrs.
Gen. Miles. After dinner a company of about
sixty guests joined the diners. Mrs. Moore
pre.~cntcd each new arrival to the cardinal, and
at a later hour supper was served. Among
w.nig, oWere ?' McKee, Mrs. Dimmick,
Minister lloustan Mr. Boenfre, Senor and
.M, KeeJl"n'TJ' P18hop, Ko"n'-G?n. and Mrs.
Mcheeier, Senator and Mrs. Hale, Adjutant
H?"eraJ Helton, Gen. Sherman; Jus
tice and Mrs Held. Mrs. Condit Smith. Mr
Drinh"'* M fe ?*?&?? Senator.and Mrs.
Dolph ex-Marshal and Mrs. A. A. WUson. Gen.
and Mrs. Benet, I)r. loner. Gen. Schofield.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Leo Knott. Gen. and Mrs
Wilcox, Mr and Mrs. E. C. Hallidav, Gen. ami
Mrs. \ an Vliet, Senator and Mrs. Cockrell ex
Governor and Mrs. Carroll, Gen. and Mrs
Mrn,0j \nin?r al,d Mrs" Wolcott, Gen. and
Mrs. J. Mills Brown and Gen. Williams.
Miss Fisk and Miss Flannagan of New York
iJ'w. MSorf Orange, N.J., Miss Wood
ruff of New York, Mibs Weber of Brooklyn and
Miss Swinton of Port Jarvis. N.Y.. who are to
be Miss Mildred I tiller's bridesmaids, are now
the guests of the chief Justice's familv, an.l
will retrain until after the wedding, which will
take place on January 5. On Friday evening of
this week Mrs. fuller gives a dinner party of
twenty-six covers in honor of the bridal party
and on Saturday night Mr. Wallace, thegiooml
f, ee ; fWT i ne 1,18 U sh.er8' Mr- 11'omas Wal
lace of rakoma, a banker and brother of the
groom, will be his best man.
Secretary and Mrs. Bluinc will give a cabinet
dinner on Saturday next to meet the President
and Mrs. Harrison The Vice President and
n?r"lMorton will dme the President and Mrs.
JanuarvV cabinet on the evening of
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mattingly gave a vonng
rtreet' " P*rt7 n'8ht at ,heir house" ?" ?
At Mrs. John Cropper's tea yesterday after
noon the hostess wore a demi-toilette of mauve
crepe, with a tea jacket of mauve velvet. Mias
( ropper. her sister-in-law. in whose honor the
party was given, wore French grav silk and
brocade. In the tea room Mrs. Henr'v Johnson.
Mrs. McLane. Mrs. Staunton and Mrs. C C
Olover showed hospitable attentions to the
guests. Among those present were Mrs Mc
kee. Admiral and Mrs. Crosby. Mrs. Dimmick.
( o and. Mrs. Parker Mr. an.l Mrs. Alexander
falls. Miss Breedin, Miss Wartield. Miss Shu
feldt. Miss Grace Davis. Mrs. N. S. Lincoln.
Mrs. \ ,e1e. Mrs. Poor. Mrs. Wm. Johnson. Miss
Johnson, Miss Shernll and Mrs. and Miss
Commodore and Mrs. Walker gave a little
folks' tea during the early hours of vesterdav
afternoon. - -
The marriage of Mrs. Sarah Lee Woods and
rhnUi:KN,/ln,R-8 N'.wiU tak<" P'ace at the
Inarch of the Covenant at noon on January 29
Mrs. Wm. I!, liiley of No. 7 Iowa circle' has
issued invitations for a tea Tuesday, January G
from 4 to 7. J '
Miss Nettie Shepherd of Buffalo ia in the city
on a visit to her cousin, Mrs. T. Pliny Moran of
Menduin avenue. Mount Pleasant.
Miss Mary Cuttrira of New York city is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. L. E. Morison, at the Whit
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flir.t are in the city for
WnT 'ia>M tljC ?"cfV of Mrs- I,arre" and Miss
Plint on Massachusetts avenue.
Miss Littlewood invited a few of her young
friends Monday evening to meet Miss liarbev
of Boston. Dancing was followed bv refresh
ments and each pronounced the hop'a success.
Among'hose present were Mioses lilrton. Stf
ton, Wilev, Pope. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Wilev,
Mr. and Mrs liow^ey and Messrs. Blackwood
ltamage Barton. Hart Mack. Cox. Moulton and
lope. Miss Barbey will remain to assist Mibs
Littlewood m receiving on New Year day.
A pleasant social gathering waa held last
evening at the residence of Mya Lillie Wohl
farth, 161!> Madison street. Among the manv
present were Misses Itiggs, Austin, Wahlv and
tJje,M,?rc" "o'1"; Messrs. Clifton, Shattuck
W. H. Wahly and L. Stoll. '
| Mrs. Augustus P. Crenshaw and her daugh
ter. Mrs. G. Richard Thompson, will hold their
first reception Fndav, January 2, at No 621
19th street northwest.
Miss Bessie Thompson, daughter of Prof.
Thomnson of Annapolis, is visiting her friends
Miss Mamie and Ida Brown of 41 c street
Miss Lvdie WagenBcller, the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. John A. Wagenseller of German
town. Pa., is spending the holidays in Wash
ington us the guest of Rev. J. J. Muir's familv
ut tueir residence, 514 3d street northwest.
Miss IJelle English of Brooklyn, N.Y., is vis
iting Miss Cav&naugh.
Mrs. Wm. Bruce King will be at home on
Fridays in January after January 2.
Mrs. M. E. Plummer of I street has returned
.from a brief visit to New York and will give a
o^neing reception on January 1 to the guests
of her Corcoran place houses.
Miss Feilding Roselle spent a short time in
the city during last week.
Such graifying accounts of her daughter's
convalescence are received that Mrs M II
Martin may be expected to retirn next month'.
Miss Wun has been spending a few davs with
friends in Montgomery county.
Misa Bertha Lee Jenkins from Baltimore wUl
be Mrs. J. T. Hough's guest for a week.
Miss Kate M. Greene entertained her frierds
at her home. 710 13th street, last evening
Music, recitations and dancing made the time
pass pleasantly and refreshments were served
at 11 o clock. The Miasea Dobbins contributed
tolos, duets and instrumental music and Mr
Pouter recited "Eugene Aram's Dream"
Among those present were Mr. ana Mrs. Theo
dore H. Cunningham of Philadelphia Pa. ? J
H. Jordan of Norfolk, Va.; Mr. Richard Greiue
of Brooklyn. N.Y.; Mr. Chas. H. Jordon of
Buena Vista. Ya., and Mr. J. Emmett Olmsted
of Denver, Col.; Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gra
ham. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Goodman. Mr an.l
Mrs. Corridan, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Greene the
Mwes Greer, the Misses Cowling, the Misses
Dobbins and Misses Isemar., Jones, O'Laughlin
Love, Greene and Mrs. Dillon; also Messrs!
Domer, Campbell, Lawrencf, Blackistone.
Greene, Sterling, Foster, Heilig, Clark and
The friends of the family will be glad to
learn that Mrs. Sophie Mallory's condition is
much improved and that she and her boy babr
tie doing well.
Mr. John H. Hopkins and Miss Mary A Hol
d in, both of Booth Washington, were married
at St. Dominic's Church at 5:30 o'clock yester
day evening. Rev. P. A. Dinahan performing
the ceremony. Mr. Eugene Porter was best
man and Miss Lola Hopkins acted as brides
maid. After the ceremony a reception wai
held at the bride's new home, 1811 <tth street
The presents were numerous and costly
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. John
Hal den. parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. J
B. Holden and daughter, Edie: the Misses Hoi
den. sisters of the bride; Messrs. John and
Charles Holden/Mr. Will Hopkins, brotherol
the groom; Mr. and Mrs. T. Iheadore, Mr. and
Mrs. Hon tress and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Place
Mr. a?d Mrs. Hammock- Misssa Ma?u
M. Murphv. K. Rong, A. Noebe. Walsh. MrMr?.
Jones Horan. J. Kenny. M. Shehan ami
Mr. and Mrs. Cabell's reception to the Amer
Ai?ocmtion and their frkndj
will be held this evening from 4 to 7.
The proposed reception of Burnside Belief
Corps. No. 4- W.ILC.. to the commander and
comrade. nfTfcnrnside I\*t. No. 8. and other
friends on New ^e?r day will be postponed on
account of the suddrn death of Mr*. Sarah E.
Armour, a member of the corps.
Mine Lou Pevcrcin and Mix* Bfra Effan of
Boston are spending the holiday* with Mm.
frank N. Devereuxat her home on I utreet.
Mr?. T. B. Chillis ind Mr*. Joseph H. Vendig,
nee Mamie and Sadie Glover of New York citv.
wui be in Washington today and remain until
after New iear with their mother, Mrs. M.
Glover, 902 O street northwest.
Mrs. Commissioner Douglass is suffering from
^ZrJd ald Til1 unable to receive on
New l ear day. but the honors of the house will
land? " daughter> Mr8" Henry Macfar
The Secretory of the Treasury and his family
will receive callers on New Year day from 12 to
o o clock.
Mrs. B. H. Warner will not be at home on
Wednesdays this year, as heretofore, untf' Feb
ruary on account of extensive alterations that
are being made to their house.
Miss Hattie D. Plott. daughter of Lieut. Bob
ert Piatt. United States navv, has returned
home from a two months' visit in Salem, Mass.
Mrs. J. J. Albright of Buffalo. N. Y., and her
three children arrived here this morning for
the purpose of attending the masquerade to be
given by their cousins ?t Belmont/ Tho partv
will be increased tomorrow bv the arrival of
'l1,"'011 Curtis of Yale College and Mr.
Frank Bainy of Winona. Minn.
Mrs. Barry Bulkiey will be at home, 1325 80th
o'clock OU Wedne#day in January after 8
I Miss Mollie Owingg of Frederick. Md., who
Miss Marie Harrington, will
return to her home on Thursday.
Miss Flora Lighter cf Washington county,
Bpewd\1g tb* holiday* with her cousins,
the^Misses Motler of New Jersey avenue south
the anxious silver mew.
Hard Nuts for the Senate to Crack-Ctoture,
Election Hill and Free Coinage.
The Bilver men are growing more and more
impatient at the delay in reaching financial
legislation, but their leaders are not yet con
fident of being able to hold together ail of the
silver faith in any radical movement.
It is said that thero is being some influence
used upon certain western men, but that it is
difficult to determine what is the character of
the influence. It is suggested that the- ntima
tion has come from the east that if s too rau;
''relation is insisted noon some
uer1' broke? and speculators will
find it very hard to get money without paying
an extraordinary interest and furnishing un
questionable security. This is suggested as the
very natural result of free coinage
,vr,atthl! fe",ins HUch a ?bane, how 1116 leading silver men see that thev
"ome action promptly or else wait
for another Congress to pasa a free coinage bill.
Tliej find no promise of speedy legislation on
finance in the adoption of
This rule might insure a vote on the election
bill at such time as the managers should deter
mine; but if it is not applied promptly the
election bill may stand in the way of silver
legislation for some time yet without being it
endangered by the defav. |
fhe managers thus far have given no assur
ance that if the cloture rule is adopted the1
election bill will be disposed of at once.
Silver men therefore feel that they will have
wn'lhavTm',n^bV th? adoPtion of cloture, but
will have put themselves in the power of the
anti-silver men if they assist in clearing the :
way for action on the election bill. Without an v
assurance that the action will be had at once
theV hi ve "Ve ttband0nod *boat the only weapon
Bome of ^e leaders feel that there '
they Pron?pt action on their part and that j
What they can accomplish depends upon their
success in holding their own men together.
They feel that every moment taken
Up. ,n .tbe. consideration of the election bill
puts additional difficulty in the wav of free
the election bill were assured there would still
be Senators who would endeavor to keep the
question before the Senate as long as possible
to prevent or delay financial legislation.
Agent Royer Reports the Killing of 300 In
dians at Wounded Knee Creek.
The commissioner of Indian affairs this morn
ing received the following dispatch trom Agent
D. F. Hover, dated Pine liidge Indian agency
December 29: '
'?On Wounded Knee creek this morning while
the soldiers were disarming Big Foot and his
bandjafter their surrender a fight took place
which resulted in the killing of about UOO In
Idiaiis and several soldiers, including Capt. Wal
lace, with a number wounded.
"Two Strike and his party who were camped
on White Clay creek, just below lied Cloud s
house, opened fire on the agency from the hill
tops opposite the boarding school, wounding
two soldiers. The police returned the lire
killing two of the Two Strike Indians and
wounding two oth. rs. Two Strike and his
band have retreated in a northwesterly directon
from th.' agency, ami it is supposed lie is try
ing toI make his way back to the Bad Lands.
Thus far the Pine ltidge Indians have taken no
active part in the war. but Big Foot.Slow Bear,
Kicking Bear and the Two Strike bands have
been and are active in the disturbance."
Official News of the Massacre of Capt. Wal
lace and Men Laid Before the President.
At about half-poet 10 o'clock this morning I
Secretary Proctor took all of the late telegrams
from the seat of the Indian troubles that were
in his possession over to tho President and
officially communicated the sad news of the
death of Capt. Wallace and his men to his chief.
There were no particulars in the
budget to add to those already
published. The officials concluded that inas
much a* Ge%. Miles has alreadv been given am
ple discretionary power to act in anv emer
gency it is not necessary to send him any fur
ther instructions. The Secretary had alcon
ferenco with Geu. Schotield immediately after
his return from the White House, but no new
action wad decided upon. The Secretary will'
not express any opinion as to yesterday's light
while Gen. Schotield merely says that the
treachery of the Indians, which led to the skir
mish, was to have been expected.
what adjt. amy. keltox bats. *
Adjutant General Kelton remarked: "It was
not to be presumed for a moment that the In
dians, accustomed as they are to strife, would
consent to lay down their arms peaceably and
without a protest. There is nothing official
here yet in the way of information to indicate
just on what terms the vidians consented to
come in the second time, but I do not
believe that thero was any mention
made at first of surrendering their
arms. They probably came in with Uie belief
that they would be allowed to keep their guns,
and when the demand was made on them to
give up their rifles and other weapons they re
volted. It was too much to aak of them. I do
not suppose that there was anv positive plan
for the attack1 formed, but the matter
was probably talked over among the In
dians before they reached the camp. Tho
Indians are well armed with Winchester hunt
ing rifles, and at close ranges are better shots,
as a rale, than the soldiers. An Indian's shot
must kill. He cannot afford to miss, for en his
ammunition depend his life, his food, hia
safety. He has all of the instincts that tend to
good marksmanship, a quick eye, a sure touch
and nerves under perfect control. He never
loses his head and, under the most trying con
ditions, amid the greatest danger, he isalway*
An Examination Waived.
In the cases of Frederick Dreuke and Frank
West, who were arrested yesterday as policy
writers, counsel waived an examination in the
Police Court today and gavo tSOO bond* in
each case for the action of the grand jury.
Married st tbe Court House.
In the Circuit Court room, in the pineenso of
Justice Montgomery, Clerk Hodge* and.a few
others. Rev. E. D. Bailer today united in mar
riage Mr. Samuel J. Fones and Irene May
Travers, a couple from Alexandria, Va. .
Good Cookiso
Isjone of tke chief blessings of every home. To
A Hearing Before tlw IMrtrW Cmu>l?lowr?
A BCOunTU) ?DWCCWISfl THE (il'tt"
tio* or TU-iiriv, motive power, etc.
~ Pursuant to their KlvortMHBfiit the ( r>ra
missioners dcToteil n large portion of this
morning to a hearing on lioase bill 127.4.which
has for it* object the amending of the charter
of the Bock Creek Bailwey C'ouii>an.v. The bill,
as stated in !?* 8tar, allow* the company lo
ran its tracks as follows:
"Beginning at the intersection of 18th street
north and Florida arenne. thence south along
18th to P street north, thence east along P to
15th west, thence south along 1Mb to 1 street
north, thence east along I to 15th street west,
thence sooth along 15th street to Pennsylvania
avenue, and also beginning at the intersection
of D street north and 14th street west, thence
east along U to 10th street west, thence south
along 10th to T street north, thence
east along T to Florida avenue, thence alt ng
Florida avenue to New Jersey avenue, thence
southeasterly along New Jersey avenue to 15
street north/' There were present at the hear
ing Messrs. Francis G. Newlanda, president of
the company; Edward J- Stellwager.. the vice
president; lien. A. J. Warner. ?uj>erinteudeut;
W. K. Sch?eppf, engineer; Col. W right and Mr.
John T. Arms.
The latter was the only objector present, al
though Commissioner Douglass read serersl
petitions against the road. One of these peti
tions came from the residents and property
owners of 18th street, who thought the street
too narrow to accommodate a railroad.
Mr. Arms said, when the objectors to the bill
were called for, that his objections were con
tained in the petition read by Commissioner
Mr. Francis G. Newlands then spoke in favor
of the bill, giving in detail an outline of what
the rood had done and what it expected to do.
He said that already the company had shown
its good faith by 'expending over *200.000 in
grading, and had contracts let for bridges
across the Klingle , ford and ltock
creek aggregating ?150,000. 'lhe road,
he said, would be running about
the 1st of June next. ilr. Newlands
then explained the desirability of the ro'Ad and
the route as proposed. He was not wedded to
any one route so long as the company had
termini at Biggs Bank and the Capitol. 1 he
main object of the road, be added, was to get
from the center of the city a direct line to the
Zoological Park.
Commissioner Douglass desired to know if
any provision had been made for transfers f rem
other roads.
The conversation drifted th ?n to the general
subject of transfers.
Commissioner Boss desired to know if the ex
isting tracks of the Metropolitan railroad on
18th street or the Washington and Georgetown
tracks on 14th street could not lie utilized:
Mr. Newlands said that he had conferred with
gentlemen interested in both companies aud
tound that there was considerable opposition to
anv such arrangement.
Gen. A J. Warner, the superintendent of the
rocd, explained the route and exhibited map
showing the lines as at present decided upon
and the route proposed.
Col. Bobert asked if the company proposed
to lay a double track, and if so who would
widen the street.
Mr. Douglass said that a way out of the difli
cultv might be for the compauy to run up one
streef and down the other.
Gen. Warner said this was impossible, as the
cost would be too grea'..
Col. Bobert inquired what motive power
would be used, and Gen. Warner said that
outfeide of the city limits the overhead elec
tric system would be employed. Inside of
the city the motive power had not been de
cided upon.
Col. Bobert paid he was in favor of the stor
age battery system anil believed it was only a
matter of a few months before a system o!
storage batteries would be perfected.
A general discussion followed on the needs of
Washington for additional railroad facilities,
and the conversation drifted to the advisability
of a cross-town road.
Commissioner Boss called attention to the
fact that at present the High School had no
railroad facilities from the east. All present
agreed that a cross-town road along 8 street
would be the most acceptable.
Mr. Douglass said that he was of the opinion
that this w.i* the most desirable street for a
cross-town railroad to pass over, as it was prac
tically straight and did not interfere with any
circles. It was thought that the road, as pro
posed, interfered with the route proposed bv
the Fast and West Washington traction rail
The bill was sent for and it was discovered
that the routes were entirely different, save be
tween the Baltimore and Ohio depot and the
Capitol along New Jersey avenue.
Mr. Newlands called attention to the fac1
that as there was no objectk a to any portion
of the road save along that part of the route
on 18th street between Q and It tho Com
missioners approve all the remainder of the
roatl aud allow the company to further amend
bv coming down 18th street as far as S. thence
east along S to 17th. and down 17th to connect
with the proposed tracks on 1* street.
The Commissioners promised to giTe the
matter careful consideration before reporting.
the rock creek park.
The Surveys May All Be Completed in Janu
It is probable that the work of surveying the
land and laying down the lines of the Bock
Creek Park will be completed during January.
Ccpt. Bossell has pushed the work so far that
he has now laid down on the map all the exte
rior lines of the park. The work of ascertain
ing the exact boundaries of the different prop
erties included in the park is going on and is
rendered somewhat slow by the difficulty expe
rienced in finding old boundary stones. The
exterior lines as laid down as the result of the
survey include, as it is estimated, 1.980 acres,
or twenty acres less than the maximum limit
allowed by law. On a map prepared in Capt.
ltossell's office this park of 1,980 acres is
shown with an irre^lar-shajied lake
about 100 acres in area in the northern part of
it. This lake is supposed to be formed by
damming Bock creek. The present park com
mission, however, have nothing to do with the
future improvement of the park, their duty be
ing to secure the land to the government.
Alter their work is done the care of the park
devolves upon the chief of engineers of the
army and the District Commissioners. When
the map for which surveys are now being
made-it completed it will be filed in the re
corder of deeds' office aud constitute nnder the
law the first step toward the ap
propriation of the ground br the
government. The Commissioners will then
endeavor to settle with the land
owners by private arrangement, offering them
what they consider a fair price. In the cases
where no agreement can be reached the matter
will go into court for settlement. If it be
found that the whole 1.980 acres cannot be pur
chased within the appropriation of ?1.200,000 it
is probable a new map will have to be pre
pared, cutting down the dimensions of the jiark
to fit the appropriation. After the park is se
cured there will be considerable work to be
done in the way of assessing benefits to
property in the vicinity. Capt. Bossell,
in speaking of the matter to a Star reporter
today, (expressed a doubt whether the
.'ork required to secure the park would be ad
vanced far enough to justify an appropriation
for the improvement of the jierk. He thought
the first improvement called for to make the
park available was the construction of roads
and bridle baths. After that money conld be
spent to advantage in building bridges.
The Conrt Orders the Husband to Pay Ali
mony and Counsel Fees to the Wife.
The case of George T. Parker against Ellen
M. Parker for a divorce was before Judge
Bradley in the Equity Court today on the
defendant'amotion for an order for alimony
and couael fees, Mr. Cook for the defendant
and Messrs. FielA and Bell for the complain
ant. The complainant opposed the motion and
an affidavit that by reason of the unfaith
ful conduct and scandal incident to the in
fidelity of the defendant, and by reason (as ha
is informed and believea) of her false repre
sentations to the firm employing him, he hat
lost hi* employment from which he had derived
a good income, and was for sometime oat ol
employment, and has but quite recently ob
tained emplorment on commission, and b?
statee Us inability to pay alimony, Ac. Th*
qmtI horror, made the ordac payed tec.
rtprn BfiJ ml Wmml h? IW twrlnw
IrtiMinlr Ami Itisa.
Tbi^KU mrfinoj iMM>!i>r.un rtt? i?t
iul DirnusT nuDroiiin-Tii ui??a?*t
rou or iiDrmuL tvn iTiai-m ijmit* '
or rt?ucm-KCSk'iru ov>uu>mr or uu
The third and laat <lay'a wwion of the Awr
ican Economic SmorimHtm was lwl>l thin morn- j
ins "> the hall of the Columbian l ?wr?(i. ,
The attendance was not quite a? larye as at the
previous mwimn. IV first subject dw
I'Oiwfd vm that of technical eduction
and ? aerie# of report* on that subject
were nixie by tbe members of tbe committee to
whom that topic bad been assigned. The dis
cussion waa opened by the president of the as
sociation. Prof. Walker. wbo is also the chair
man of the committee.
THRtr. kksiys or ixpnrruiAL M>rcAnox.
He mid that in the diviaion of the aubject he
would consider it fraai th? point of view known I
as the South Kensmpton. The meaning of tbe
term industrial education w applied to a wide
| variety of schools. There was. in the first
place, the schools of applied science, which
sought to train engineer*. architects. chemists
and others tor the life work.
Then t!if re were the trade achoola. which pro
posed not to train men to investigate tlie mate
vial resource* of the country and to develop
them, but to ft ire them the training needed by
actual workera in tbe industries in other i
worda. fitting men for the trades which will be ,
their future occupation. Thi?form. the *j?eskcr
aaid. waa what industrial education it tieially
assumed abroad.
The third form of industrial education and
the one that the *|>eaker proceeded to explain '
was that which did not seek to lire pure men for '
technical professions or to tollow any slier ul
trade, but which became a part of the I
general training of the scholar. In- |
Ftruction of thi< character ahoiild lie engrafted
and made a part of the achool curriculum, so
that the student could gain, in connection with
acquiring a general education, the ability to
use the hand and acquire the training of the
eye. He believed thai auch an enlargement and
enrichment of the pre-s. nt course of training
would make better and happier citizens, elevate
end dignify labor and enhance the productive
power of the community.
PKor. patten's views.
The same topic waa discussed from the stand
point of consumption by 1'rof. (Simon N fat
ten. He pointed out that the older economists
had thought that the solution of the problem
of the improvement of the condition of tlie
working people lay in tbe increase of produc
tive power. The present day bad wit
nessed a great increase in" productive
power and still the problem was unsolved.
Then the importance of distribution was c-m
pliasizcd in the solution of this problem, liut
tbe improvement of distribution, the speaker
said, had not resulted as expected. He
called attention to the fact that \.<ulc
great care had been exercised in the
production and distribution of food pro
ducts yet after all this care when the
Kjduct reached the consumer it was wasted,
e waste of consumption, be maintained, had
increased, and by far the greater part of the
food products brought to a great city was
wasted. He cited the case of shoes, which, he
said, were lost to the consumer simply from
i tbe fact that they were purchased by persons
| who had not the judgment to know the
| proper kind of shoe to buy. He also said
' that while the methods of making shoes hud im
proved constantly the quality had decreased,
so that now the suoes on the market were lower
in quality than was the case years ago. Hi- at
tributed this condition of affairs largely to the
fact that the members of the families were not
familiar with the methods of production, such
as making shoes, cooking food, and as
a result they were not able to judge of the qual
ity of the articles produced, l'oorer shoes
were purchased becaui?e of the ignorance of the
buyer and food was cooked in an inferior man
ner for the reason that this work was left to
| the ignorant, and they were without proper
I direction and supervision because the
persons upon whom this duty should
devolve were themselves incapable of giving
intelligent direction. He pointed out that this
ignorance on the part of the people of these
practical matters it as the cause of the waste
that was now going on. The lack of knowledge
of cooking on the part of poor people had the
effect of limiting tne article,; of food There
was no country, lie caid. which produced a
greater variety of vegetables than this
conntry, and yet he knew no country
where vegetables entered so little into the diet
of the people. This was liecause tbe people did
not know how to cook them. In his opinion
this view of consumption had a direct sud
important bearing upon the present condition
of the people. He believed that American society
needed this kind of education more than any
other country. There was in this country a
great ignorance of the art of preparing food for
the table. He also spoke of the ignorance of
people about m< tiding clothes and said that it
seemed to him that the object of the poor men
waa to buy a stocking, for example, that would
wear out so quickly that it would not need 10 be
mended. ? This state of affairs resulted in the
production of the cheapest and the poorest
quality of clothing. He thought that wliat was
needed was the development in people of care
ful. intelligent habits of consumption, and this
waa the key of the entire situation.
tbainiso of returns arm in*.
He spoke of the effect that the training
which the standing armies in European coun
tries had in giving habits of care and at
tention to small detail*. While he did not be
lieve in large standing armies, yet the lesson to
be drawn was that the teat her in America must
do w hat the officer does in Europe. As soon as
the teacher takes hold of the s holar in the sys
tematic way that the army officer does the re
cruit then results may be expected that will im
prove the habits of consumption.
Papers by Dr. N. M. Butler on technical edu
cation from the standpoint of general educa
tion and by Prof. James MacAlister on its
easy adaptation to school curriculum and man
agement were read by title, as the authors were
unable to attend the sessions < if the association.
An interesting discussion followed tbe reading
of these papers, which waa generally partici
pated in by tlie members.
The next paper was on the limits of publicity,
by Prof. Davis B. Dewey. 1 he speaker spoke
of the growth of publicity in different direc
tions as illustrated by tbe census, the Amer
ican system of taxation, exhibition of corporate
accounts and health statistics. He thought that
further extension of this system should be
made in regard to the health condition of the
population. In another direction, he said,
further data should be collected lu regard to
the demand and supply ol products.
An interesting paper on "Municipal Owner
ship of Gas Works in the United States " was
read by Prof. Edward W. Bemis of Yanderbilt
University. He said that of the nine cities that
now own ai.d operate their gas works in thi*
country one, Hamilton, Ohio, a city of 20.000
inhabitants, bas begun too recently to enable
results to be given. The other eight,
Philadelphia, Wheeling. W. Ya., Bellefon
taine, Ohio. Henderson. Ky., and four
cities in Virginia, Bichmon'd. Danville,
Charlottesville and Alexandria, after a fair trial
of many years, have recently refused to enter
tain good" offers from private companies to take
the works off their hands. There is most dis
pute about Philadelphia, which began owner
ship in 1841, and most foolishly placed the en
tire control of the works till 1885 in tbe hands
of a sclf-perpetuating Ijodv of trustee*, who.
being free from responsibility to the
people, a primary principle of public
finance, naturally abused their powers and be
came a corrupt body. The bad results finally
led to the overthrow of tbe trust in 1885 and
the restoration of the works to public control.
Since then the city management has steadily
improved until, in 1889, the cost of over 3.000,
900.000 feet of gas. twenty candle power,
was only 74 cent* per 1.000 feet, no al
lowance "being made for interest and tbe
taxes which a private company would have to
pav. Allowing 5 per cent interest and 3 per
cent taxes on the cost of duplicating tbe works,
very high figures, the cost of gas would be only
$1.02. The city buys some water gas of a pri
vate company, but could make it nearly as
cheaply if allowed by the legislature to raise
monev" for constructing the proper works.
Bichmond, Ya., with a ?population of 87,000,
manufactures gas at 76 cents a thousand feet.
An allowance of ( per cent for interest and 1
per cent for taxes would raise the cost to only
wnnna arvxs tu bht ebscltb.
Wheeling. W. Va., with a population of 43,000.
does the beat of all the cities owning their gas
works. Its output of 115,003,000 feet in the
burner costs but 43 7-10 oents, and is sold for
7ft cents. A liberal silo wanes for interest and
taxes would raise the cost to only 70 cents.
Wheeling secures bar coal for about 17 cents
per thousand feet of gas is the burner. Most
other cities in the east have to nay about M
cents wore for ooal, bat by-products are earjr
low in Wheeling.
I In none of the other five ciUes does the pop
ulation exceed 1UN and se the cost of pels
at leant np to 1 ?? *> ?*? f??t a vrar. wMfc In
crease in leasata|tiea. ftlt "II o( <fcr?* cttiee
bare done very soil. ll? c?et of making,
e?en with allowance f??r ia:er?wt and Uu?. n
imh tfl.M only lu tii (Mr #f Unrdlr. Va.,
? krn rim] ia a ton. or orrr ii reals ? Ifc*
ssnd fwt ?>f km >n the burner.
In imrt of the cities o?u in; t nir own i
slightly higher *?(? are |mM<! for
lain r than in private-?nm-.J work-.. wb* n nm
may lonM.ter a (ind tbu.g. ami there ia a tnd
rm > to?ar<1 emplovmg m> nitw.-a ul the domi
nant politiral partv. Rut tbi- baa rwdt (one
ao tu. irim ulli; it m-enl ycuia. a? to aflecS
the positioua of snpermti ?.<l? Iand otbce
skilled oflii-er*. IV anfier.iiicudcnt in Rich
mond since IhhTi wa- nwaun*. sniaTintewd
??nt for th< preruvQi. futn'ti years. The HU|ier
intendeiit in Ikanvllte kw hail bu other for nl
teoti ware, in Henderson since the citv took
charge in IW?1. in Charlottesville mik* IMS. I*
Alexandria the superintendent t<o* In charge
lias been out .if ofHo onl\ twoyeura in eight***!*,
yet in all the?e placea there tun barn a ca
aional change* of th?> party in poaer
A studv of these fairly n priwitatirr cities
proves the rontention of IVof Jamn Ui4
other* that in tin I IIh? rtrroluif 10 000 inhab
itanta tin cost of tlie entire plant t> tna thaa
I* for every 1 .OW feet sold dmiiin the Year,
and from M to in moat oit?e? of ow MVtW
The capitalisation nnieb in rl."Hw of this. imk
mon in American cith-a. and aon? tini<? two ta
four fold, on ahnb ilivsdeads ure piid. n rmla
the 110110)101; profits of |>ri i atr-owaed gas
A i.unilier i>f interesting paper* were on tbe
pmcrani to lie read at the m-wion whir a ?*>
belli thil afternoon. The final liueutm of ik
association will l?e held tlua evening It will
I* in conjunction ?tlb tbe Ame-irau Foreatry
Association at the National Museum
THE tltXiUNiirn aOCIKTT.
Intereattnc Besetoas Today l<i|* Jti
The Geological Itociety of America met for
the aecond day's session this morning ia Ibt
Colutubian Vim emit v. There was a large at
tendance of the member* and gen-ral satisfac
tion waa exnressed over tbe rotnpletenasa of
the arrangements of tbe local committee, af
wbicb Prof. Gilbert is chairman.
TUB roLU>TIMl HUM H ?TU r*l?*t
George F. flecker, J. H. Chapm. Mcridea,
Conn., United State* geological survey. W illiam
B. Clark. Johns Hopkins University; F.<lward
D. Cope. Philadelphia. Nelson H. Darton.
Washington. P. C.; M. H. (Vamp. I tow ting
Green. Ky.: William M Parin. Harvard Tnlcec
al tv ; Joseph H. Dillcr. Washington. It C.; Ed
win T. I'limtile, Anatin. Tex.; (its. H. Pldndge,
United States geological survey; Itcntamiri K.
F'.tuerson. Amherst, Maw. , humnd F. 1 inni .ma,
Washington. D. C.; Herman I. Fmrcbild. Koch
eater. V V.; Crow K. Gilbert. I'nited States
geological survey: Koliert T. Hill. Austin, lei ;
Charles H. Hitchcock. Dartmouth College,
Jedcdiah Hotchkiss. MattBton, Va , Harare t".
Hover, |>. I)., Bridgeport. Conn.; Kdwin -
1.. Howell, Bocbester. \. T.; Jimsiib F.
Junes. Washington, I). C., W J. Mcfiee.
Washington. D. C.; Frank I.. Nssnn. New
Brunswick. S. J.; Udward Orton. Columbus.
Obio: Joun W. Powell.director of United Stales
geological urvey; I liable* S Proaaer. I'tuievl
State* National Miim-uhi: Israel C. liuaecll,
Washington. 11. C.; Jolm K. IVoctet. K< ntn. k?,
Joseph W. Spencer. Atlanta, tia . J >hn J. Stev
enson. N>? liTk; Henry W. Tantiey, I'niard
State* geological survey; Warren I pmari. Som
ei ville. Mass.: Charles l>. Wale ?tt. I'nited
States National Muse:'m: Israel) Mink-. Mor
guntown. W.Va.: Cbarles A. Wlnte. ('-aita4
States National Museum: George H. William*,
Johns Hopkins Vuivenitv; Henry S. W illiaiaa,
Ithaca. N. V.; Alexander Winchell. Ann Harbor,
Mnh.; Newton H. Wiluhell. VniiHwpjtis,
Minn.; G. Frederick Wright. 1). I', ti' nrliu,
Ohio: Henry M. Ana. ttttasu. iknala.
tleorge H. IV.rlon. lloston: lU.bert Hall,
tlttawa. < aaada. Franklin IV t arjx-ul.-r. Kaput
City. S. I>.; N. II. CanioU II. Utingtoi, \a.;
Charles W. Croa*. Wiu-lungton. I'. ?tieorga
M. l>?waon. Ottaaa, t'anada: Arnold Hagne,
Washington, I?. t'.:Charles W. llavea. WaA
ington. 1>. C .: Edward V. H Inville rs, Phila
delphia: J. C. Iddinsf, t'. S. geol'jgicai aarswr;
Daniel W. Laugdoii. jr., < mcuinatl, Ohio;
Arthur Keith, t". S. geologx-al survey; Cbariaa
| K. Kcyea. Johns Hoplui)? l niv. r>ity Frank H.
I Knowlton. National Museum I. Imdahl.
' Springfield, 111.; Henry Mct'ulley. Alabama;
Othniel C. Marsh. New Haven. i'iiim.;P. H.
Mel!. Auburn, Ala.; George I*. Merrill, IT. f*.
National Museum. Waltii H Weed. W istuag
ton. 1>. C.: David White. Washington. D. C.j
Italia y Willis. Washington. D. John K.
Wolff. Harvard I'niveratty, and R. S. Waois
ward, W ashington. D. C.
rinm trin this nmMrt
The session this morning was a general ana
and the following papers were read: ' Notes oa
the Variations in tbe Tertiary and Cretaceoua
Strata of Alabama, by Daniel W. lancdoc: **Oa
the I'tobabie I ppi r Jurassic and Ilasal ; 're
taceous Beds of tbe Texas-Arkansas lU-giou.
< oastwar<l of the Present Paleoniir Anas, to
gether with hemarks on I're-ciisting Condi
tions and .subsi-quclit 1-ronlon. by 11. T. Hill;
"On tbe Structure and Petrography ?f the
Piedmont Plateau in Maryland," twer.ty-*?e
minutes, by George H. W illiams. "K lieolngml
Section Across the Piedmont Plateau." ma
minutes, by Charles E. Kevea.
5cw rttxows Ei.ti Tv.ri.
The following new fellows were elected:
T. Nelson Dale, assistnnt geologist in the
U.S. geological survey: Orville A. lierby, ?ti
rector ? f tbe gcographicni and geologicaal sur
vev of lira/:1. I*. S. <?rnnt. klinii?ap<Wis. Minn:.
F.iiniumi Jussen. assistant geologist. I insed
States gi ological survey: Will I". Shrtzer, Sagi
naw. Mich. <HSeers acre ilecti-d: 1'ri'iuiient,
Alexander Winebell of Ann Arlxir. Mn h.; vioa
presidents. K. K. fiilliert, Washington. D.C.,
and '1". C. Chamberlain of Madison. Wia.: H.
L. Fairchilit of IUK-hester. secretary; V. S.
Williams, t'oruell < ollege. treasun-r; iu< ubera
of the council, (i. M. Dawnon. Ottawa. Canada;
J. C. Brinncr. I.i'.tlc I!o< k. Ark.: A. W Cl^pola
of Akron. Ohio;C. C. Hitchcock of Hanwa,
N.H.; I. C. White of Morgan town. W.Va.; J. J.
Stevenson of New kork, tailor W. J. McUee,
Washington. D.C,
tbe anxESoo* srssio*.
The society met in sections this sftc raoon
and the reading of papers was continued. TUia
afternoon at S o'cloca the members will al
down to a banquet at W illard's. A sessioa will
be held this evening and three aeaaion*
Lrxnr.!? srmEr.T ftmce i? ix uboit pa
Tbe fence across Linden street in Le Droit
Park a as the subject discuasrd at a special
meeting of the l>oard yesterday aftemooa. Mr.
A. S. W'ortbington. the coanu l for tboae who
objecUil to tearing down the fence. s|ioke at
length ou tbe subject, calling attention to the
fact that shell the subdivision ?as luade It m
one of the conditions imposed that the owner*
should inclose it with a fence. I'mcroxman
Butterworth spoke wannly on this aide of tli*
question. Gen Biruev gave a detailed hiMorv
of the fence and tbe litigst>on connected with
it. The < 'omimssioners will give the subject
careful consideration before coming to aay
Egrrtr Cocbt- J*d*r Rrmtsy.
Today ?In re Apalonia Heller. Kojihia 4. (W
tis. Mary A. I.earmour. W. A. Schoenbora, CL
A. Cobourn and W. D. Pearce. alleged lanaMaa;
inquisition confirmed. Thomiiaon aft FiaA
ley; sale confirmed nisi. Mi Master act. llo
Maater: com mission to get testimony ta Hew
Vork and Salt I-ake. Mengert agt liarna; O.
, C. Stale apiHiinted guardian ad htem (W
mun agt. Eusards; J. J. Johnson do. Ilk ua i
agt. Painter; purchaaer allowed certain <
The Army
Oca. Vilas la Xortk Aasrtoaa Beview.
While the Indians have been ta
affected condition and rearming and t
ing. the little army that ia the only a_<
between tbe unprotected settlers and the i
hordes has been emplove l Int
its supplies t
enlisted inei
ploves. the 1??? ? -vi aim ute number
of mules and tbe limit is what rn^fct be re
quired in time of peace rather than what ta
actually required in serious warfare. Oee
groaa, however, haa not limited Indian wars.
This neeeeaarily causes mack embarrasMMt
to the United States troops, yet it has baa* ??>
experience of tbe army of tbe United Mates ta
cope with tbe lane number of aav
experiencing all tie dangers and w..
war in which no quartet
officer and soldier who
paign realises that unh
naught awaits him bat t
No one who 1
"?T ?? *ts yean at etwrWwT^Yji.^ 'mr
froquently ta the
-rth?e of ooantry,
north; ywt y?*r ?* ?h* ort??