Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON: TTWDAT . ..DtmabfrM, l?fH>. OMMT I*. IW?CT.7T. ?dttae. THK KtMllC MIM kae Ike l.aewl tlwhilw ?' ??* >*???? ner III Ik* War 14, aa< as u MHtmn I* *mrih m?rr thai all Ike elker p?pm J m Vt uliiulx. When the republic tm forming, and after ward whan it waa developing into sturdy mtn hood. it waa important, not to say necessary, (bat there shouiu be the greatest stimulant af forded to the influx of people from abroad. The rnitfd States needed population. The population acquired at that time ?iu mainlv of the old stock of "kin beyond sea." The Eng lish. Welch, Scotch and Irish came and with them the Dutch anil Scandinavian cousins and the Huguenot neighbors. This large increment waa wholesome. and the elements composing it measurably homogeneous. Time healed any little diSerences of race or religion. All the conditions of immigration, in the light of sta tistic* and of published facta other than statis tical. appear to be undergoing change. Dr. Hamilton s report, commented upon by Tiie Stab, presented some facts and suggestions worthy of national consideration. A crop of newspaper and magazine articles speedily fol lowed. In the January North American Jievtrv Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge writes a thoughtful paper on "The Restriction of Immigration." in which he draws upon the consular anil other o4cial reports of the government for support of his position. Mr. Lodge finds that the immi gration from 1H74 to 1&9, inclusive, has amounted to 6,419,633 persons, and that the average annual immigration has peeo 401,164. In these sixteen years there has been ? decrease of 19.1 per cent of im migration from Franco, but every other country of Europe shows an increase. Norway lias tiie lowest rate, cr 59.5, while Huugary makes the highest with 476.-1. The nations that contributed chiefly to the upbuilding of the original thirteen states of the I'nion and which have heretofore supplied the bulk of our re- ! cruits are thrown into the background during ' the laat ten years, and while the mass of the immigrants still come from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the empire of Germany, the tigures show a steady gain by the Slavic countries. Hungarv and Bohemia. Not to speak of the ultra socialist, anarchistic and vagabond elements thus derived, it is well to note that all the sources of supply that show a steady incrca-c. are unskilled elements inferior ; in the essential* of citizenship to the elements heretofore incorporated. The typical mail of the new immigration is the Slovuck, who soaks himself in whisky. works cheap and crowds out better laborers. In many parts of the country, a* Mr. Lodge shows, the struggle for existence in large cities has become as fierce as in the old world. The overstocking of the labor market means a tendency toward decline of wages which implies peril socially and politically. In a country where every man a vote and where government is for and by the people it is essential that the rate of wages and the aver age of intelligence should be high. Hence the necessity for additional legislation by Congress imposing safeguards on immigration that were not dreamed of or indeed not necessary in the days of the fathers of the republic. Then the nation was famishing for population. It was all bones and no fiesh. It could digest anything. Now it* hunger is largely satisfied. Its appe tite is more fastidious, and the more objection able food thrust upon it. undigested and unas timilated. threatens blood poi.-oning. The discussion now going on between actors, whether an contended for by Coquelin the feel ing should only N) simulated or as insisted upon by Irving and Salvini it should be a gen uine expression of the emotions portrayed, is none the less interesting because it is not novel. The contest opened in the magazines between Constant Coquelin, the eminent French artist, and Henry Irving, the distinguished English actor. After it had proceeded some time the great tragedian of Italy. Tommaso Salvini, was moved to enter the lists on the side on which the intelligent reader would expect to find him ? with those who hold that the artist on the, stage should really feel as the artist in the studio feels at the moment of creation. Coquelin had maintained that the actor should remain per fectly calm and collected, however stormy the passions portrayed, acting with his brain and not his heart. To tits theory of acting Salvini in ?n article in the December Century opposes another to thin effect: That the actor who does not feel the emotion he portrays is but a skill- j ful mechanician, setting certain wheels and springs in motion. The bystander is tempted to exclai: i: "Ho* marvelous! Were it only ! alive it would make me laugh or weep." He j who feels, on the contrary, and can communi cate this feeling to tlie audience hears the cry: "That is life! That is reality !** and the sound ot sobbing or laughter. But the Italian agrees with the Frenchman in snyitig that the actor, up to a certain point, must have the gift of im passivity. He must guide and cheek his feel ing. It is interesting to have Salvini's own words as to his mode of interpretation. "I | simply try." he says, "to be the character I am playing: to think with his brain, to feel with his feelings, to cry with him and to laugh with him: to let my breast be anguished by his emo tions. to love with his love and to hate with his hate." This is finely expressed and correctly represents the school of tragedians of wh'ch Salvini is one of the greatest living adherents aad examples. It is thus that nil tiie mighty spirits of tiie sts^e must have felt as tbev acted. It was thus that Garrick and Edmund Kean and Macready. that Siddons anil Kachel and His tori interpreted to the audience the meaning of the tragi-comedy of humanity. There is no simulation of feeling that is not itself founded on genuine feeling at least, there is none that is high acting in the best ?euae of the word. The low of ? gallant officer of the armv, Capt. George D. Wallace, and of a considerable ?umber of the soldiers, and the unrest caused by the fight in which these deaths occurred, maf create farther trouble in and around the Iiad I .and* The Indians had pretended to surrender, and at the moment were b? ing disarmed by the ?eventfc cavalry. This regiment, or a part of it. was cut to piece* at Rose Bud with Custer. The present affair is not likely to increase its regard for the Sioux. But retaliation which takes the shape of indiscrimin e slaughter of ? everything with a red skin, without regard to age or sex. is the revenge of the Indian and not mt the white man. The eorrea[>ondent who sends the details of the occurrence seems to be doing his best to moderate the natural beat of American indignation over the death of white men thr ough Indian treachery. He states that l'JU partly disarmed Indians insanely attacked ? 4V cavalry, that the battery then Ari d upon Indian men. women and children, that the soldiers are shooting down the Indians when ever found, showing themselves "heroes in (feed* of daring." and that it is doubtful if by ugii'. "either a bock or a squaw or.t of all Big Foot ? band will be left to tell the tale." American economy, history and geology are in season where they ought to be. at the fed ami capital. This is the natural assembly place at ' ? 1s societies of learned men and Whoa a hostile H oax my* ha surrenders it ie evidently beat mot to take his word for it. bnt , ta hare him plsr.t rifle, knife and tomahawk | where they will so hini Ism* good in a ' 'rush." j The Senate ta an active "old boy" these holi day*. The young boy a* the south end?wall, hoy* will he boys. vfl ha Iti*aa?7atel*arwhcai* will ha I I party m a long time la coning oat to to *edsly. Debutantes of tfcia sort have mot j ? 00/. Ihi Lait Things Buou HEW TEAK'S, AT FPF FKF RHR RRH T T - .SH. Pppp Ik M ?rr* W " C ? 2fk g 8 8 5 ? *3 The little thine* are of u mnrb importance as the N* ones-yet they are po easily put oflf and nerlected until the last moment that we want to hint on these that are part of the rec eption necessities?particularly Sew Year s Day?for on that occasion society takes a new lease of life for another season of gaiety and every thm-r starts with her. All ttw c?t?utes anil toilette? make their ilrtfflt n< if proper ULuVKd are letking, the FAN isn't Just viut it should be, or if the HOSIERY is a shade "off color," It would ruin Vhs whole effect and your pride into the henrain. Now, liare you attended to t&9 ULOV1H yet? If not, here is a cluster to pick from. WH-Uvstton Mousquetsire Suedes, in Grays. Tans ami Black*?the afternoon shades * 1. 50 a pair to buy, 4bnt ns nTrowr as any *1.75 Gloves in quality and finish. HTA finer trrode. aisoH-bnttou Mousquetsire lengths in Unjrs, Tans. Mole and Black. They are but t'J. fir~r~?-b?ttutt Mousqtietaire Kuedes? best quality? anil in the "evening" tints~ Pearls. Grays and Delicate Tane--)r:.rjO. f F~ltf-b?iton Mousquetaire Suedes?same ah ad? Mine quality?#3. rr~\iM>ntt?ia l?*nirths?$3. 30. *#-J4-button ieiwths?#4. V*" M-n's .'-button Full-dress Gloves?White?$1.25. l#~ Meu a '.i-buttou lean, with Biaak stitching? *t.r>. W Men's 2-button Pearl, with self stibhing? ?1.5.1. liTMen's 2-button Suede in light Tan shaden? *1.75. If you want the ?'correct"-take It from theee. The prices must appeal to yo.i satisfactorily?we know the qualities prove them^eiveaso. A GLANCE AT SILK HOSIERY. nr-All the "evening" shades in plain and pattern ellert* from $1.50 to 43 a pair, only our reliable qualities. TOE FANS? That combination of comfort and cutenesa. If you are not carelnl you can make a serious mistake in the selection of a Fan. The character of pown governs to a '.Teat extent the right and wrong in this matter. Our advice free. This is the cat&lotrue of *'allowables which suits your requirements? tor White. Gray au<i Blocs Ostrich Feather Fans. C**~Bla k Gpuse. with gilt spangles and lace. tif'Cla k Gauze, hand painted. hn *o.?uze 111 pi.?in Biack. Cream and White, g-r-Black aiui White Satin, plain and hand deco rated. IiT'Bla.lrGanze. lightened with pansies or violets. 4^Shaded Game, in Brown. Green and Gray tints. C'?<?'" Lace-edged Colored Gauze, * 'hand touched." |i<" Biack Gause Fans, with gold aticka and spangles. ? iC"Hlack and White ?tetrich Plumes. Fnn;i 51 to $1;"? runs the scaie of prices. You have "insurance" with every purchase you make of us-you are ruarded in quality, fashion and cost. They are your interests we are serving in serving our own. Yon have tomorrow left to make these final arrange ments. SEATON PERRT. "PERRY BUILDINQ." NINTH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. ESTABLISHED 1W0. It W . A. Pierce & Co.. SoccMaora to E. G. Darla. 719 Market Spac. Cur. 8th at. A "MARK DOWN" FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS.-Tomorrow we will place cn sale a small lot of Children's Hats, all of the newest style*, well made and in good condition. They were Isjinrtt very late and have been in the house only a short time, and consequently are fresh and new. They are suitable lor children from II to 10 years of aire. They are made of Surah Silk. Felt and Velvet. In Black we#have reduced the $5 to $3.75 each. 1 Br? *n H?t. Regular price, $5. Marked down to &"5.75. 1 Brow :i Hat. Regular price, $4. "0. Marked down to 1 Dark ?irf en Hat. Regular price. $5. Marked d"**n to 7.->. 1 Terra Cotta Hat. Regular price. $5. Marked down to ?3.75. HARK DOWN IN CHILDREN'S COATS. Child's Fine Cashmere Coat, handsomely trim med with m<?ir*? rib)i n and pearl livkle. Reg ular price, *S>. Marked down to $G. 75. Child's Eider Down Coat, trimmed with An pora Fur. Regular price. $0.75. Marked down to <">. Child's Corduroy Cost, trimmed with hand sou ie silk braid. Rejrular price. #10. Marked d< wn to $7.5.' K This coat is suitable for a boy. We have the hat to match, if Child's Elegant Cashmere Coat, finished with drawn work done by hand, Regular pries, $7.75. Market! down to $5.75. Mussed And Crumpled Handker chiefs. We have Fathered to*rethfr a lot of Fine Linen Handkerrhiel'a that were slightly crumpled in Holiday crush. They are embroidered, hem stitched, colored embroidered, fancy hem stitched, scailoped ed.:<-s, Ac. These are our r*-KTMlar 'iV. iroods. We have pinned them to r in MM "t throe and marked them 01c. lor lot. In other words, you ?-et 73c. worth of Hanakerv hiefa for 01c. Quite a saving. Mark Dow* In Statioxkbt. This lot of Stationery was bought for the holi days. We have quite a lot of it left over. There are 50 Envelopes ami 50 sheets of best quality >ote Paper in a box. We sold it for 25c. a box. We are going to clean it out at lUc. s box. Redi'ction Is Ettoio Fans. Handsome Ostrich Feather colors of Pink. V hite. Nile, Cream. Regular price, $5. Keuut-ed to Ostrich Feather Fans,combination of Red and White. Regular price, $J.'J5. Reduced to f-VX. Black Ostrich Feather Fans. Black sticks. K?-cular price. $5. Keiiuced to Handsome Gauze Fans, with goid-drop beads. Regular price.^4.50. Re. laced to Bla<k Gauze Fans, with gold-drop tjeada, carved -old sticks. lie<ular price,$5. Reduced to #:>.??. Band-painteii White Gauze Fana.with hand carved ivury nticka. Regular price,45.50. Re ducetl to 94. *^5. guilt Feather Fans. Nile Green, with gilt sticks. Regular price.75. Reduced to *1.UK. Haa i-t au.ted Wniae Oauae Fan. R -^ruiar pnee. 4~- i?euu* ed to S 1. JS?. A very rich Bisc* Gauze and L?s Fan. em broidered in gold.uan?t-<-?r>'ed stick. Regular price. $?"?. iiedut ed to Caruiiial U* ami Gauze Fan. hand painted, gold sticks. Regular price, #4. Reduced to ^ hit* Crej* de Chine Fans,hand painted inn delicate tracery ol lerns. Regular price, H Reduced to x de bok* Fan. in Moss Green.embroid ered in gotd. wiih t rencli oak sticas, hand carved. ReguUr price, #4-50. Reduced to W. A. PIERCE 4 CO.. Successors to E. O. Davis, 7iy Market Spac* It Oor. Sth si. Annual Sale Or Ladiev COTTON t'NDKKWEAS AT PH1CE8 LOW EE TLao hantotoce (or tb. QCAL1T1ES OFFEBED. ToUun. who are in tb. habM ot bujuur oar liMa at Vutamir th. uwwt at tb. aai? will b. aofl cmu. wtdl. to thow who ha,. B*nr OH>d th?n aeev dial luvtlation ia .xt?Dd?l to call ami exauilB., at tMr coot 1 ?lira, th. STTLES. QTALITIXS AMD PUCES. Thf Ub. comprtw: CUtMlSl-S. DBA WEES, SEIBTB, SI0HT """? COUIT COVEEM, fee.. DOOOLAE fe U0L. unmit, <130 nrTEE-OCEAM BUlLDOfO. Dun Scr-a: WE ARE 8ELLINO KOBE FT71X DEEM scrrs this season tha* eter be fore. THE STYLISH DRESSERS REAL IZB THAT IT IS EXTRAVAGANCE TO FA* THE EXORBITANT PHIC1.S CHAUGED BY THE merchant TAILORS WHEN THEY CAN COME HERE AND GET THE SELF SAME GOODS, CUT. MADE AND TRIMMED IN THE LATEST 6TYLE AXD PEUEECT IN FIT, FOR ABOUT 40 PER CENT LESS AND WITHOUT THE TEYATIOCS DELAY OF WAITING FOR THEM TO BE FIN ISHED EITHER. BUT THE COMPLETED. PERFECT garments. BEADY FOB IM MEDIATE USE. WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES, FULL sr ITS OR EACH GARMENT SEPARATELY. ALL qualities THAT ARE RELIABLE AND OCR Of ARAN TEE WITH EVERY GARMENT. BOBINSON. PARKER k CO AMERICAN CLOTHIERS, S.E. COB. SEVENTH AND D STS. N.W. d3Q?o We clou at *?'clock mnine*, metj* Saturday*. rHE Bon Maeche GLOVES FOR NEW YEAR DAY. LADIES', WE SHOW ALL THE PROPER LENGTHS, QUALITIES AND MISSES'. COLORS IN LADIES' AND MISSES' GLOVES; ALSO FULL LINE OF GENTS'. GKNTS' GLOVES. QrALITY. PRICE, AND GLOVE WARRANTED. FOUR OSTRICH GAUZE AND S1TIN FANS. HOSIET.T- -FINE SILK HuSIEBI AT LOW PRICES. 110 *10 ?10 910 $10 $10 $10 110 *10 (10 WILL BUY CHOICE OF OUB >10 $18, *15 AND $13.50 110 PERSIAN LAMB CAPES. 110 WOOL SEAL CAPES, 110 BLACK OPOSSUM CAPES. 110 FRENCH SEAL CAPES, 110 ASTRACHAN CAPES. 110 $10 110 BUYS ANY OF THE ABOVE; WORTH 110 $18, $15 AND $13.50. 110 $1$ $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 16.48 Genuine Monkey Muffs .$3.48 17. Genuine Marten Muffs *4.OS lo Genuine Aatrachan Muffs **-2.1)8 u~> Genuine Red Fox Muffs $2.08 13.48 Genuine Gray Fox Muffs *1.(18 18 Genuine Beaver Muffs .*4,116 Children's White Thibet Set *2.i?S Children's White Thibet Capes $4 alul $0 $S"CLOAKS._A tVCLOARS.^* CVCLOAKS.^cJ tVCLOAKS. -ft* tWCLOAK8._e$ For tomorrow ws put prices on our NEWMARKETS "hat onght to (ell them rery rapidly. If Interested It rill pay yon to look throuifh these prices. 113 Newmarkets in Tan, Brown, Gray and Black. Fine Beaver, silk braid bound?double breasted. At *0. 112 Newmarkets made of fine stripe iflace with re veres. Very stylish. At $7.98. $20 Newmarket?Fine Black Beaver, with biffh leeves of silk velvet.pocket flaps velvet, velvet revere. At $11.98. $10.48 Newmarkets of Fine Beaver In Dark Green nd Black Returns silk braia bound, finished crochet nttons. At $0.08. ODD GARMENTS. GO Black Braided, size :?l at $10 15 Navy Cheviot, size 38. at $8.50 20 Navy, Tan trimmed, size 34. at *9 22 Dark Green, aatrachan trimmed, size 34 at $15 18 Dark Green, braided, size 31 at *9 Navy and White and Black and White Striped New iarkets. Size 32 and 34. At $3. AT TTT H H FEB BBB OO NN N T H H K BBOONNN T H H H KF. BBB O O N N N T H 11 F BBOONNN T H H BEE BBB OO N NN ?M MM A RRR CCO H H PKK MMMM AA RRCCHHK. A MM M A A RRR C HHH KK ? M M AAA RRCCHHE hi M M A A R R CCC H U F.F.K . 310 7TH STREET NORTHWEST. d30 i\ m. H. McKnews Daily Letter. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 30. 18001 The ?tor? will be closed all day New Year's. Tike response to our January reduction sale was immediate. Customers know when we adver tise reduced prices that reduced price* have really been made. Juthrin* iroin the numbers who purchased the reduced prices were a de cided attraction. We have culled from the stock all tue s.ow-seUiuir styles?especially in the Navy Coats?and dropped their price, making them deemed bargains. Vet the reduc tions are heaviest'In Lon* C.oaks. These gar ments most be sold at once, and extraordinary bartrains are now obtainable. Another beal ?kin Mactiov was tnnd yesterday and only tnree now remain. 2 bea.s*in bat 'jues, v.zea 34 and Jtt, reduced iroAU $.i.> to 1 aacque.sUs W. reduced f rom 1187 to it is almost a sin to sell them for so little AAJAii CLOAKS REDUCED.-In addition to tht ota auvertASed yesterday at 4o, $7, 410 and $10, we oiler iu? louuwiug: 5 i-auiru k m* lirocue Long Cloaks IB Gray snd"browu elivcLs. suzes ?uui Mi. iUxinced irotn to 9i.>. 1 ..Aatell i?ss and bilk Velvet Look Cloa*. rkCMij trimmed witn black lynx, bize 3b. i.eoucwd irom to $7o. A superb Cloiik. 1 Lacks' Seal flush Newmarket. Sise 36. Reduced iiuii. *4, ..V> to *3j. El.fcl.AN I MLk WAl.VrsKEDUCED.-Ws have .'on.-iuded to close out the balance of oar shvk ot l-iemnt Silk Waists In eveuuw shades, and to Uiat end quote the loilowui* trreatiy rs dtv ?d prices. a liui.s' Silk Waists?1 ."ink, size 34 in.; 1 Kile vir.-en, size i.oiuced troni *15 to $Bi. ?J UJm cream silk Waists. bizes J4 and 30. lied lb -etl iro.u * .1) to $ 15. 2 Laduv Cantonal Utk W?tata, Mack lac* and velvet tiimndmr. hues 34 and 3b. Bsdnosd from *1R.iO?o?1.'i. DA1N r\ 1EA OOWNS REDUCED.?8 In dWt uie Sluinrkai silk Tea Oowns.eUborateiy tniuiurU with lace, uubunand velvet. Colors: l*ui?-, LtKht Blue and Lavender. 8lae* 34 and 30. heduced lroui *!JU and *?1.50 to $15. BH.IAH1.K KkCEfi loji ULOVES.-Oiwraa for New lear day and other social oocssions. Ws have every desired leuvth. made from the hit finest Krade of aofenor seUctsd kldsklns Gloves irved on and warranted. S-tmUon?$1.25, $1..V?. $2 and $2-2& 12-batV>n?$ 1.75 and *2.60. HI title $1 20-button?$3.15 sad $3.75. 30-button?*4.5U. Ours is the oldest Gkm Mouse tn ths ntty and has si ways had the reputation at carrying tfc* bsat and most rsUaUe (iiovaa. WILLIAM M. McENEW (Snscsssar to L H. Taylor), Cixumra Sale * A* t. 8. WILLIAMS * CO.'8 For till* week only of til odd* and ndi left over from our Holiday Good* we wUl cloae aham out rettardlaaa of coal. Be ion to com* mil look at what wa bare to offer. Ton eu taka them horte at your own fifnn. aa we span each season with freah and novel irooda. Soma of the thine, we have left: A few Pot Ponri Jara and Vaaes. which wa will aril at a bariraln. Also a few Decorative Thermometers very cheap. Alao a very few Odor Seta, Smokara' Seta aad Cigar Holders. PLUSII GOODS. la this line of Frooda we have but two or three pleeea each of Toilet Brush and Comb Caaaa. Manicure Sets, Intent*' aad Shaving Seta and Thonnometere, which we will sell at a aacriflce. This Is an opportunity seldom offered to buy holiday rresents. Come early before the best are gone. t. 8. WILLIAMS k CO., Proprietors, The Temple Drus Store. Open day and nifht. dJO-eo ^ e Append Below A Condensed SYNOPSIS OF SILK WKAV K8 SUITABLE FOR EVENING WEAR. 20-Inch Canton China Silks, evening shades. 50c. 27-inch Shanghai Silks, eveninr shades, 85c. 28-inch Japanese Silk, extra quality, evening shades, $1. 24-inch India Silk, extra quality. $1. 24-inch Crepe D'Cliine, $1.25. 27-inch Crepe, ? 1. *25. 24-in-h Figured IndU Silk, White and Cream, $1. 24-in< h Figured Japanese Silk, White and Creaui,$1. 24-inch Strired India Silk, evening shades, $1. 21-inch Striped India Silk, evening shades, 50c. 24-inch Striped Crepe, evening shades, $1.15. 24-inch Jai>ane*e Silks, Cream, 75c. 27-inch Japanese S 1 .s, Cream, 85c. 27-inch Japanese Silks, Cream, $1, 27-inch Japanese Silks, Cream, $1.15. 27-inch Japanese Silks. Cream, $1.25. 19-inch All-silk Surahs, all evening shfU?*s, 03c. 10-inch All-silk Surahs, ail evening shades, tWr. ?JOinch All-silk Surahs, extra quality, all evening shades. 75c. 20-inch All-silk Satin Surah, all evening shades, $1. 24-inch All-siik Satin Surah, all evening shades, $1. 22-inch All-silk Faille Francaise. all evening shades, 85c. 20-inch All-silk Faille Francaise. all evening shades, $1. 22-inch All-silk Faille Franc* *se, all evening shades, $1.25. 22-inch All-silk Faille Francaise, White and Cream, $1.50. 22-inch Ben.--aline. Cream, $1.50. 21-inch All-silk Kegence, Cream, $1.25. 22-inch Faille Francaise, White and Cream, 75c. 22-inch Moire, evening shades. $1.50. Brocades in plain and two-toned effects for evening wear ranrtng in price from $1 to $2.u0 per yard. Parisian effects for fronts and panels in a great va riety of shades and patterns ramon? in price from $3.75 to $15 per yard. All exclusive designs. Satins to every conceivable shade Iron* 35c. to $1.25 per yard. Satin Rhodamee and Satin Merveilleux, In all even ing shades, at $1 uni $1.25 per yard. All-silk Grenadines, 24 inches wide. $1 per yard. Evening shades. Crepe D'Chine in figured and embroidered effects. Fhrured India*, exclusive designs, at $1 per yard. Evening shades. Cream Embroidered Mouslin D'Soie Flounce. $5. Black " " ?? " $4.50.* 4H-inch Mous'.in D'Soie, Black ground, colored em broidered figure, $2.75. ? 48-inch Satin Border Gauze. Cream. $2, $2.25. 48-in< h Polka Dot Mouslin D'Soie, Cream and Black, $2. 48-in.*h Polka Dot Mouslin D'Soie, evening shades, $1.85. 48-inch Figured Stripe Mouslin D'Soie, evening shades, $1.75. 48-inch Tinsel Stripe Mouslin D'Soie, Cream and White, $1.50. 44-inch Satin Border Mouslin D'Soie, all evening shades, $1.50. 44-inch Satin Border Mouslin D'Soie, all evening shades, $1. 48-inch Mouslin D'Soie, all evening shades, $1.25. 48-in h Mouslin D'Soie, Black und White, $1. 48-inch Tinsel Figured Gauze, Black and White. $2.50. 45-inch Stripe Gauze, all evening shades. $1.10. 48-inch Plaid Net, all evening shades, $ 1.25. 48-inch Point D'Sprit Stripe, all evening shades, $1.25. 48-inch Stripe Net, all evening shades, 75c. 48-inch Fish Net, all evenimr shades, 75c. 72-inch Brussels Net, all evening shades, $1. 72-inch Tulle, all evening shades, 00c. For your convenience a gas-lighted room to see the proper effect of eveninv shades. We have now ready a lull line of Eveniiur Gloves and Mitts suitable for ojKsras and receptions. 8, 12 und 20 hntton lengths of .->ue.!e Gloves, in Pearl, Tan, Cream and B.ack, at $1.50, $1.85, $2.40, $.iand $.1.50. Gur line of Mitts is complete in Jersey und lace, in all the laahumahle shade*, at $1, $1.254$].50, $2 nd $2.25. i adies wil. do we 1 to call .<nd ex ?iiiineour stock, as they cannot laii to be pleased in every par ticular. A Handsome line of F ans for even uv we ir. Amon? them wc can ive you a Gauze F.iu, pu.nted, urved sticks. i>8c. to $15. Colored uauze, painted and sp .n*.' ed ebony sti<-Ls. *lored Gauze, iwonted. st> id v st. -ks, ..4 . Another is ? repe D*Ci.?ne, nan.-p me , carvet. v.-ry s?* s, om j 44.118. B ?*ca Gauze funs, si> mried in -ilt or silver. n y st? s. * ^ 4. US. B u? - and c*i.t ?,i. uzt painteu, 08c. to$.?.-ls. Bin* Ustricu ieati.ereu Ian. to $j4.U*. $8 iS.1^ ' '* * **' ^ 3 t4,l,?ivory *tlck- ?n,y Tue La ToS a, 7 plumes. tij?s, shaded plumes, $ t2, Ad more . uj> n t ?? twenties. Fan Dep.iriuient?Center .us e. L A Iflf If t. AA NUNS'* I A A N N 5 S8- "* L AAA N NN ? * A A N Nil "as?* SB1 H P. H*111 000 H H UURROO H H H RRK. ? HHH RBUURROOO HH BBB UU R K GOO M H __ I1BB RRR OO AA BBRROO a"/4 K n 8 8. AAA' BBB R R OO . d.10 4U0. 483. 4^4. 436 HKVENTH ST. Rubbers-Feather Weight. Beat Ice Creeper ever niada. Tineat novelties in Slippers FOB LADIK8. Elneat noTeltiea In Patent Leather Pun pa for ratlemeo. Perfect Fitting Blochen, in patent leather and calf akin. Ladies'Satin Slippers, White, Pink and Bine. All patter na made to order. WILSON A CAK11. CUSTOM SHOE MAKEBS, a? r st. *.w. s Store. 4 and 01 Ahb&icah But AMD OTHXB FIBST-CLA88 BOSKS COT EVERY DA* rmBMAHD AT MODULATE rMCXS. AT ITCDIt'l. \\ OODWARD & IjOTHEOP. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1SBO. WOIR STORES WILL BK CLOSED ALL DAT SEW YEARS. Permit na for a moment to call your atteiUot from our wand "Clearinr Sale" now in pro rress to our superb stock of KVBSTSQ RE QUISITES, which embraces the Unrest, and. in point of variety and style, the beat erer offered. FOB LADIES: Fans of Gaoit, Oat rich Feathers, Lace, kc.. Half Ornaments, Silk Hoae, Gloves, Brooches, opera Glasses, Lace and Gauze Drapery ftivta, kc.* ka. POB GENTLEMEN: Full Dress Shirts, Neckwear. Cuffs, Cuff Buttons. Studs, 8ilk Suspt nders sad Half Hoss, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Silk and Satin Chest Protectors to wear with full dress, kc., kc.p jadies' Reception And Evening GLOVES. This rlua of Olores was selected with stn dious care and particular attention iriven to the choice of material, shape and finish, only the "best" beinff admitted to our house. As to the prices?you will And them as reasonable as those asked by many for an inferior article. Amontr a late arrival there are Ladles* 12 and MMrotton-leagth Mousquetaire Suede ii loves in White. Cream. LemoQ. Pink, Lavender, Black and assorted shades of Tan. 12-batton-leafth, $2.50 i-er pair. lG-button-len>rth, $3.00 j>er pair. Ladies' 20-button-lemrth Mousquetaire Suede Gloves in H lute. Black and assorted shades of Tan. , ?Pri~e $ I per pair. LADIES' EVENING MITTS. 12 and 1G-1 utton-!emrth Jersey Silk Mitts in Cream, White. Pin!r, Blue, Red. Nile Green. Tans, Lavender and Black. 12-button-lemrth, $1.00 per pair. It {-button-lenrth, $1.25 per i?air. 2(Vbutton-;en^h Jersey Silk Mitts in White, Cream, Blue and Black. ?Price $ 1. .">0 p* r pair. ? (First floor, 11th street building.) jadies' Silk Hose For EVENING WEAR. This stock of ffoods was bought with special reference to the social season and comprises an assortment of the very latest styles and colorings at minimum prices. Ladifrs' Silk Hose in all shades to match ths slippers for evening wear. Colors are Suede, ? Bronze, Tans, Cardinal, Gray, Gold and Whits. ?7oc. to $7 per pair.? Ladies1 Silk Hose in plain and drop-stitch ankles, full regular made and elegantly finished. Shadings are Lavender, Pint, Sky Blue, Nile Green, Old Rose, Light and ? Dark Green, Canary, Straw and Yellow. ?$1.25 to $3.50 per pair. Alsoamamificentline of Lsdies' Black Silk Hose in plain and drop-stitch ankles. #1 to <5 j>er pair.? (First floor, 2d aim i. > Now I F \ OU W ill Accompany Us for a short time, we are sure that you will be fully repaid for so doing. As Wednesday is the last day of our stock taking clearing sale, we have reserved some rare inducements there for. We catalogue a partial list for your peru sal. STOCK-TAKING REDUCTIONS IN FANS AND LEATHER GOODS. FANS. 1 Hand-painted White Satin Fan. #3. Former price 16.--? 1 Painted White Gauze Fan. $2. Former price $4.50. ?? 1 Painted White Gauze Fun. $ 1.50. Former price $2.75. ?? 3 Painted White Gauze Fans. |L Former price $2.?? 2 Painted White Gauze Fans. -r?75c. Former price $1. LEATHER GOODS. 3 Russian Embossed Leather Photo Screens, slightly soiled. $3. Former price $5. 1 Russian Embossed Leather Photo Screen, slightly soiled. $2.25. Former price $4.? 4 Embossed Leather Collar Boxes. 50c. Former price 90c. ?? 3 Portfolios. ??$1. Former price $2.? 3 Eml>ossod Leather Traveling Cases. $ 1. Former price $2.25. 3 Seal Leather Pocket Books. $2. Former price $3.50. A small lot of Emliossed Leather Card Cases. 75c. and $1. Former prices $1.25 and $1.50. - (First floor, 11th st. building.) High Class Bric~A-Bhac In Our ART NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. APPROPRIATE NEW YEAR GIFTS. 2 Hungarian Vas^s. ?f 18. Former price $25. ? 1 Hungarian Vase. ?$&>, Former price $40.?? 1 Vase. ?$10. Former price $13.? 1 Hungarian Vase. $3.85. Former price $0.?? 1 Vase. . ?$ff! Former price $11.? 1 Hungarian Vase. $12.25. Former price $25. ? I Teplitz Vase. $ 12. Former price $20. ?? 1 Hungarian Vase. $8.75. Former price $12. ?' 1 Egyptian Teapot. $25. Former Price $37 1 Japanese Kora. $1J. Former price $25 1 Majolica Clock. ?$30. Former price $45.?. 1 Teplitz statuette. ?$ 12. Former price $20.? I Hungarian Rose Jar. ?$12.75. Former price $20.? 1 Teplitz Statuette. $ 1 \A). Former price $3 25. 1 Teplitz statuette. ?$ Former price $3.? 1 Iiumrari .u Vase. ?43. Foriaer price $5. ?. (Secon ; floor, 1st ||dM annexes.) Stock-1 akino Reductions In LADIES' COLORED JEltSEYS. 1 tin" ul Extra Uiu'ity All-wool Gray Jwwys, WitL Vt St. 41. ."i0. Former price $!>. 50. I llnxo Eitr. liui.ity AJ-woo. Br.>wn Jcr seys. witu u .ndsouiely tucked yo.e and aiaevta. ?0 Former price t4.50. 1 lint* o. A.l-wool Navy Due Jeraeys, with handsome j- tucked yoke and s.eevrs. ?*:.'.50. Former price <4.50.? 1 lint- ol Superior Quality A:l-w,>o] Jerseys In Nary l?iue and Brown, witii vtst rent. 1~. Former price 42. 50 1 line of Misses' All-wool Jerseys in Brows and Cardinal. SI. Former price fl 1.50. Two specialties in All-wool Black Trimmed Jersey* in seven different style, of bntidinc. Very stylish iroods. Marked down to (3.50 and *3.? (Third floor, lltli at. building.) Japanese Department. All the chipped and darn aired prods which w. have in our Japanese stock, comprising China and Lacquer Wart), he , kc., it a great sacri fice. Don't miss Oils opportunity. (Third floor, irct annex.) Infants' Department. " Plush Tom O'Shanter Gape, 1 Nary and 1 Mahorany. Marked down to 1 Plaid Cloth C<M with Velvet and A: trimmliMr*. Slae two yeara. Marked down to $&50 1 Nary Bin, Striped Cloth Coat. Bin, ?Marked down to flkcond floor. 10that. extension.) Men s Belongings. n-s NWrtit Shirta. aU White. Q A V ?7S AAA Y _ ?SS8 A A T .. hyyw tedtvratr-lv?r??ti. Bit you wanted one down Wta? for S?w Tear. Say yoniaw 53 styl?u Say they only coat a quarter. Say it waa at 71 h and H sta. n.w. Say it waa The Pair. Say you ventured to buy a doaea. Say you liked them wall. Bay you tol4 your frMa. Say no rr.err, but read the following list of remarkable prices. GLASS VARL Wine Glass**, 2Be. doaen. Oval Nut Dishes, on stunil. 19c. Pretty N*?w Shape Wine Glasses, 55c. doxen. Crystal Punch Mum, -V. each. Handsome Engraved Tankar?l Jugs. 49c. Cat Celery. "rvek and star, *jnc. Crystal Mustard Pots, 5c. Patent-t??p Sirux> Pitchers, 39c. Crystal Cake Stands, llic. Crystal Fruit Bowls, !>3c. Crystal Nut Bowls, on strinds, 17c. Crystal Breakfast Set, 4 pieces, 4oC. Crystal Claret Tumbler, fx*. Crystal Banded (joblet. 5c. FANCY CHINA. Solid Color Canaly Shai? After Dinner Cup and Sau. cr, Wc. Hanrfn? Soap Dish and Brush Stand. {V*. Decorated Gold-lined 1 i.uer and lea Set, worth $19, for fl.YUK. French China Tinner Set, neat decoration, worth for Handsome I>ecorated Dinner Set, 135 pieces, worth ?45. for $37.98. New Shape l.ntrlish Tea Set. $2.98. I>ei*orated and Gold-lined Bone Dishes, 7c. each Jap.ineae Oyster lk.w is, 10c. French China Decorated Cream Pitcher?, 9c. French China Decorated Fruit Sau era, canaly shape, 6/or 00c. Decorated Gold-'ined Oyster Plates, 4^. Fren h China Decorated Oelery Trays, 79c. Decorated Shaded Mustard Cuis, l.V. Decorated French China Individual Buttera, 4c. each. Larjre Size Vases, assorted colors, 49c. each. Oatmeal Sets, 3 pieces, 49c. Handsome Decorated New Shape Chamber Set, worth $5, for So.'.IS. very Handsome Gold Decorated Chamber Set, worth $5.50, for Oxidized Trays (large aize), IQe. TTTT H H FFK FFF A If RRR T H H K F AA II K R T HHH Kf? FT A A II RRR T H H V V AAA II K R m T U H KER V A A II B K . 7TH AND H STS. N.W. It (IRANRLE k CO.) kUhVVVt UUVt UVU. jv i Vt V VK Vv. ii J* A sS8s nJ1" nDD a v y L AA k T D T> AA V V {' ? A ^8 I 1> I) A A V Y I. AAA s 5 T I) D AAA V I.I.T.T. A A SSSS T DI>1> AAV OF 1800?SPECIAL BARGAINS. For tomorrow we have quite a number of Special Bargains to offer you in seasonable iroods that we want to unload previous to taking inventory. ? ????? SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES' DRESS SLIP PERS. French Bronze. Suede and Patent Leather Slippers, about *iU0 pairs, at $1.45. Fine Suede and Russia Leather Slipper*, 4 different styles, at $1.95. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIE8' BOOTS. $4 Straight Goat Walk fasts. #2.90. 6 different styles Hand-made Button at $2.90. 3 kinds of Hand-welt Button at $**.45. 5 styles Dongola and Kangaroo Boots at $1.95. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN S DRESS SHOES. Best Patent Leather Ties, $1.45. French Patent Leather Shoes at $3.85. Custom French Calf Shoes at $3.85. $3 Enameled Leather Laced at $^.25. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S BOOTS. Custom-made Calf Boots at $3.75. Morocco Leg Fine Calf Boots at $3.40. Fine Calf Fair-stitched Boots at $2.85. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BOYS' SHOES. Boys' Stylish Button and Laced, $1.45. Youths' Good Real Cnlf Shoes, fl.'JO. Youths' French Enamel Button, $1.(15. Boys' and Youths' Patent Leather Ties, $1.20. ? ? ? SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MISSE8* SHOES. $2.50 Fine Dongola TTeeled Button, $1.80. $1.75 Pansy Patent Tip, Sprint? Heel, $1.35. $1 Child's Hand-made Spring Heels, 73c. ? ? ? SPECIAL BARGAINS IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR. Misses'and Child's Arctics tomorrow, 45c. 100 pairs Misses' Kubbers. Reduced to 15c. Pure O'lina in Plush Bags, 00c. Thee* price* are reduced for TOMORROW ONLY and are made to cut a big hole into our stock before taking inventory and also bring to a fitting c-ose the greatest busineas year we ever had. WM. HAHN k CO.'S RELIABLE SHOE HOUSES. 81G SEVENTH ST. 1922 PENN. AVE. 231PENN. AVE. S.E. It N tw Year Reception REQUISITES. A COMPLETE LINE OF FURNISHINGS FOB NEW YEAR'S CALLERS. Full-dress Shirt,, open bark tni front. 2100 linen bosom, hand-worked button bole*, foritte. Full-drew Shirts, open bvk and trout, embroidered. This Shirt is made of th? best of muslin, 3-ply 2100 linen bosom, hand-made button hole, for $1 4K Full-dress Shirts, open back awl front, aii-ortr em iToidered, new effects, the finest of the fine, for tS.48. Full-dress Scarf, White silk. White satin. Black silk. Blsck latin, in puffs, four-in-Lands and Tacks, ? of the best of silk, for 50c. Full-dress Silk Handkerchiefs, embroidered in new effects, for 88c. Full-dress Bows, new sbapss. for 10s. Full-<lren Bows, the imported quality. 10 different styles, all nsw shspes, far 35c. Full-dress Gloves in Whits sad Blsck. ths Utest stttehiar. the best of i CL4K. Full-dress Suspadara. Black satin, with White satin facing, for 88c. Full-dress Socks, s Blsck 40 gauze. splicsd tos, double hseL Hennsdorf dys, 3 pair for tl Full-dress Studs sikl Cuff Buttons, wishshls quality, far 08o. 3-pty All-lias* Osllars, all i For bsttsr roods ws csjtt ths Oooc OoUsr, 3 tor fife. A Hnrt To V isitom. Oar Hew Tori visitors aim late psiJn'* are Invited tomorrow to the rran 1 *xhll<ition of aoveltlfa for th* New Year A stock is here. on the se,-onJ floor slooe, that more th?n eqns's that of the \>w York "fittia Royal." while on t>? rrnm! floor is an esfciWt 11 which for variety challenges comparison with tbe larger atom of Nrw York. ppp Ah a it ?sa? HP AA L AA II ? PPP A A L A A II P AAA I. AAA 11 K 2 P A A 1.LLL A A II SSS8 RRR OO T T A L KROOTV AA I. KRi: n <i VY A A L K R O O V AAA 1. _ r n oo v a a nil, r CORNER 1MTH ST. AND I V. AVE. PALAIS ROYAL PRICrs srtll h,? favorable com Parian with Xnr York ;ti n* ' *? the r-:i?..n that We buy of the same importers and waaafa-tuna* aa do the New York merchants ..n 1 . :.u afford :.*s pn fit wht-n wn- wll, lw-an* oiir.jrt is free from the extra expense and KM att. ndiBK a credit borf Bess. ? o* that lOrwcTtl 41a -mint Tm |vr cent is al lowed off the matted prior* of Seal riaah pnil Cloth Jarketa. Tea Uowiw. Jm-jw and Warin hkteta for Ladle* and flatera, J a. kets. I'.u* :i Capaaad I'n Underwear for Cb.ljrea w.-ur. .us* .id la claiming PRICES LESS TliAM VLoll.U IX NEW Y> KK. '? OO V V UK I. O O V V V b K I. O O V V KK *SS. O O V V V . * LLLL OO V K?K 8ss" "' It la a liold assertion, but one we make with con fld.nce: T1IK PALAIS ROYAL GLOVE STOCK T* r\ CEEDED IK SIZE ONLY BY TWO STOliEs IX NEW Y'OP.R ANI? THE rH'CTB QI'OTFD ARr LOWER THAN PREVAIL THERE FOR THE BEST KID GLOVES. And so it la with KFF A FP A A F AAV XX X N If X X X M X X X K NX Errors rivia" details of Glove* for the n?*w year let us point to tin* Fan stock. Here's a list of Hire extremes, a hundred and one Intermediate |iri<*M?. Lace Ftcs from ?1.06 to ??0. tare and Gauze Fans, *4.48 tutlO. Gauze Fans, 73c. to itlNeacb. Quill Feather Vacs, 25c. to $5. Silk Fans, TV. to |3.jO?cL Oatriclj Feather Fans, <1 to $30. Ostrich Fans will be au fait for 1SS?1. a detailed price list i.? therefore given. White Ostrich Fans. (7. fx. #10. Pink and Blue Fans. 4.1. *7. *n. *io. ' Yellow Ostrich Fans. #8..VI. (10. Gray and Black Ostrich Fans, $1. tl.YI. $3. $5, SooO. *?. $7. fK.7."., $12. (J.*,. $2<1. f?t. 4*Xi. t3t"The Black Fana at if :i hare real tortoise shell sticks. OPERA FANS. These hare a sin.-le stick; those at 15 being com posed of three ostrich pluims. with aigrette, ivoroide ?tick. The more expensive have five fine plumes, aigrette, mareb ut filling and carved i*<ari stick. AT $5 EACH we aliowtbem in link, Nile, Blue. White. Cream, Yeilow, Lavender, Black. Other I'ncca, *a, *N. r.?. <1(1. *L5. aioe^-h. THE PALAIS ROYAL. (Continued below.) Correct Gloves For 1891. The Palais Royal Glow stock for the new year is now complete. MEN'S EVENING KID GLOVES, plain. !INc.; embroidered, Every i ^ir w .rrant?d. Have a pair trieil on at our r. sk and thus lie gssnre.! of Gloves that will 3" |>en?ct:y when the time .x.mea for their use. W HITE L AWN OR SATIN BOWS for '.>Ic. that will cost 2.V. elsewhere. Embroidered and plain Fl'LL DRESS SHIRTS, oivn back and front, ai..j0 each. Identical to tlioae uruaily r-taiied at <2. I-iadies' Evening Gloves. Selected Cadrnasd Kid XoaaqnsMn Gloves, in Wliite, Pear!, Black and twelve new tints of Modes and Tans. In some instan?; s sjiecial price* are quoted for tomorrow's S|>ecial sale. We would hint that the price reductions are not the only advdiitatre offetwl. If you will allow us to try on the glov*?. atenr risk, you will Is-as..ured of j-erie.-t tilting <Mrves, au ad vantage that will lie appreciated when the time cornea for wearing them. 8 Buttons. I ndressed Kid Mousquetaires........fti.s.7 12 Buttons, I'ndressed Kid Mousiiuetaires ...1*1.15 10 Buttons, Fn lressedKid Moust|u*-t tires ..(-.'.iw 20 Buttons, I ndrvssed Kid Monstinetaifea ^ ~r 30 Buttons, I ndressM Kid Mous jni-ta^res ?4.7.1 At* "The $1.K? Gloves will lie i ll red this wtvk at ? 1.73. Tlie pri.-e reduction also a;>plies to those in street shades. Of cruras EVERT PAIB WAR RANTED. as usual. --?PPP AAA tl aaa i! ^ pPP aV. !? * * " "ss, P AAA I, AAA II K S V A A UJX A A U bit ERR.. ??? T. Y Ah IS 11 O O Y Y AA L RRK O O YY AAL R R O O Y AAA L R R OO Y A A ?1.50 rSDP.ES.SED K K 11 HDD K K II D l> KK 11 D l? K K II D D K K II DDD ?? f OO V V FEB ?SSs GGL OOVV K f s G L O O V V KK "UK. V;G LLLL ?00? V EF.K "BB8 f|< ?U 1X58 II !! Z "? APAIB *1* 111 I AST THERE GLO%"E8 ARE KNOW N ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AS THE BEST QI'AI.ITY KID GLOVES SOLD AT ?1.M. EVEKY PAIR Ol AR ANTEED in the fullest sense of the word. Allow us to try a pair on. at our riak. and you'll appreciate the marvelous fit of tbeee Gloves. We hsve sizes to suit all shapes of hands. Evening and Street Shadea. asirs h ^ *7* c M MM M II T T "88? M M M II T T K 2 _ M M M II T T b?iBs ~ All tbe new evening shades and Black. FLAIR JERSEY SILK MITTS at tba following moderate prices for the very beat quality K-button length, TP cents; 12-'<ntton. OS cents. 10 batton, $1.95. and 20-button, ?1.48 a pair. LACE-TOP MITTS. *1. ?l.tM and fc!.3i. The last quoted reach to th* aboalte and lis re tbe new style puff tops. P p A Jul AAL A A t^A LLL^ ROYAL (leaking Sale Or Cumii at p I A ?> I/ C: *?oE LU4. /n s e t\ 73? r? rkventk rr a w. Otrmotoof Mnrk rlwfw ? m ?nWnittl a>arrhanta U* k oa la tbe n" pa} on~a an- that It bar* at a aarriftxa. Ka-'k M at the nv<a ?.*1 M Inwr ? IV Plnah J?-k?* at f> ? ? 17 P.n.h Krefer. at 7.Y ? lt> .Ml llwrti lW>r. at ?10 ?. ? ?_?: I'.uab \ Jarketaal ?1? SO ?V7 l"u?k Fnr Aatra- ban Mall ia kna at # III *> in h riaah Ha. <iue. flit fnrtaar prtra. *17. 4\'-ln a llua i *a.-qi?. (14 tea una |*V?. f."?. 44-ltv k ITa. . ** -qua. ? l*t .'a' |Te-e. tn Fir Aatra. haa Truiiiuad Kartata. SIX. arid m For \?'r i.-han \aatfn*t Jarkat. ?12. a .Id M ItiMi Thr >N>trt*> Mi ai? <nmla(<( #?ial raaattoa ? e lu? CUT oor #7 and #?? Jaokato to naa l>? at AUoar r.>. ?1PuJ?1I ,'aMri mi CltEt'l, r.M-7:W HI N W. J. \\ . lioTEI.ER hi So* Allow a DISCOUNT (FOR < ASH OXLT) OP TTK PER CENT OS BRIC A-BUAC AM) FANCY <KK'DS OKNUUT FOR THE ENSUING THIRTY DAT*. I. V. BOTE1.ER ft HOB. <L*> lm RSI J Von na. tKS AXD COMPANY. A *OTHER U\\ EEDIXG Oct.** V'D COMPANY. ? ? ? a a An (Wp aayoa know we #o when vrart aliotlt It. thaaa entail rurprin* jrno. ?>?? hare thmwrb tba I alba Uouta and Kll|i?rm fmm Iwiulv la ead anil ftarj tbiiuc that ?aa thr laaat hit waak cm at? Ml tatn our "ATTER THE HOLIDAY BARGAIN BANKET ." We'll tell yon tbeyVe tba rbolrnl rfatiuflktM aon. thr mlmtkoi niadabyaoma b<>uaa*loo< to yon Ilka rbtld'a flay* Their WW a*a im to br to cm jam moivh to rot tin- name of It. ?t doot make Vui (or tbe aake of luakiar tUa. Ita <.or a?j ft puablntr t'Uaineae and ear* time Ita worth yoor while to aenoualy ixrtiwiler what we'rr dolnc. Til ear are t b? kind of aalaa that mean aa mora to Tor than tliay do to aa. You'll rarognlze la aat k iuoj a favorite at a ' etmure'' prtca. U'atll Hat or day atrbt tbe M* |?ioae ruia. LADIES' DOL DONGOLA BUTTON BOOT*. r*TIL In tlina ali^paa- Hi. iimond. 0|*>a 8ATI RDAT and Couinion Sanaa. ?r imarantoad ftl.TB. tbam at t-' .~>0^and do at tba aa* pricV aaaaaaaaaaaa LADLES' rNTTIt OPERA TOE AND COTfMOX 8 ATIRD AT SENSE KUI'l-ERS. Wa varr proad 97c. of them at (l.oO a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaa* LADIES' PARIS KID Bl'TTON BOOTH, la nttt four My Ira?0|>na, t'ofig, Haalkan- BATt*RDAT l>haat and O'liuioa Srnae. Tbaj 'ra 92.87. sold at 94 and (4 50 ? ? ? ? a a ? aaaaaaaaa INDIES' TAN, GRAY AND BLACK KLL1.K fKTIL SI.IPl'ERS and ONE-STRAP SAN- BATCRDAT DAL8. They are rtular tC M ftl ?7. and $?' qnalitiaa bnik bod fortblaaala at ?l.K7. ?? a a a a a a a a ? ? ? ? ? a a a LADIES ENGLISH WALKING BOOTH, made fNTTL on tb? "foot form" la? a abape that SATTItDAT has eurned pvpnlarlty by Ita aitreiu* S&. comfort. $4 and $4 .VI have Imc tl? former | TKea. aaaaaaaa ...... ? ? ? ? LADIES' WHITE. PINE AND BLUE KID UNTIL ONE-STRAP SANDALM. A out- SATURDAY, time frvm t'J '*> and $1 to (1^7. (1.V7. #aa a ? a a a a a a aaaaaa aaaa LADIES' ERF-NTH KID HAND-TURNED BUTTON BOOTH. Tbey are .Uapnl UNTIL on the Opera and Comiaoo-artiaa laata bATURDAY. and ara worth art*") caat ai $4 and ft^.M7. ?4.50. We'tra r*-du.*d them to ?a.?7. a a a a aaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaa LADIES' PATENT-LEATHER TAMP OX- CXTU. FOiiDS. mitii Tan buede louu. SATLRDAI. Rrdurad liutu ??'? and S3..VI to ? I-Sk. (Lllk ??? aaaaa.aa ? aaaaaaaaa LADIES* ENGLISH SERGE CLOTH TOP L'KXll. BUTTON BOOTS. Eitbar tba opara ort* 'iaa? Uata. ]>atent laathw U|a SATURDAI or ..'aln and r.wmar. ?4 aad (4 .M raduoad DU aaaaaa a a ?X TAN AXD BLACK OXPOEIM. with BRK Silk CYoaa Bar*, blrb Frrte li he-la. Oneof tbamoal atyliah ??-> ta of tba SATURDAY wboia Mock. Tbay wara tH-UO and ?4-vadaoad to ?S.7& a a a ? a Now maka tba tooal of thla rWbt < loaa to yon a (tad* a( t bat ara naafal ntm. Yoa m? aat PEN KSTLTAK1A ATE AND I