Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR. Fl'BLI^HF.D DAILY. Ex<i>pt Snndaj, at thk star buildings. 1101 PcausyWaai* Arc, comer lltli Street, Vr The Eyeninaf Star Newspaper Company, S. H. KAl FTMAXS. PrrtL Tft Fvr>*r*o ST%*t? served to subsrr<h*r% In the rit* by or the-r own arrount. at 10 -entii per %erk or 44- per r ? nth. C.-.jnes at the annter. *J cent*'**. h. By iii*il -Mywliw m the Unit i states or fftVili | ? prepaid?oO cents ier month. Part *t?*v gcmrru shtft Sta* il.cO per yw With tore urn postare ?kH f d 00. I Entered at the Poet Office at Washington, D. C.. as fm nd-cias* mail matter. J \W~ All mail *n'wrr1ption* mrrst b? paid in ad ranee; to paper sent loinrer than i>nid tor. Fa??? of adT*?rt*.wtnr ttijk''- known o^ xrr^^tlon. SPECIAL NOTICES. ?THR AKXVAL MEETING OF 1HI _ . stockholders of the Norfolk an'l Washing ton. D.C. .sreaml>oat Company will behekiat Loom i. Central National Bank buildintr. <-or. 7th and Pa- ave. l.w . on W FDNESDAk, Mar u 4. 1H8?1. at 12o'clock ii'... for the e ection . ?l a president, hoard of dir?**t?>n an<t such other offi< ?rsasare provided for in the I y-lawa and lor the transact!-?n >f sny other business that may com* before it. By order oi \\ M. F. CLARE. President. J >HN KETVOBTH. retary. fel4toina:t J^^^STORAiiE * ARlillOUSE. A^FKICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPART. 114<> 15th st n w. Stors four Furniture. Silver J*sr?. Pianos work*of \rt. 1 runss of > alua 14~a. ? ari^a*-*, Ac., in our flrepn?of l nsurpassed fsrilities for parkin*, ?ao^in^ and ?hippimc uousehold irouds. ?las* ware. works of art, Ac. Te.ep'bone. 4t*i. ja?2-3m FINANCIAL. V*iM H l"llLOl Zt r 1X? e ??ri*t. Bnr. and nil* .11 Local wtock* and Bond* listed on tli. ? a*ain#ton Stock Exrhann. I tn Typographic. Mrrrta"haler, T*nstoa Type ?nd othet tlnlMted atock* ha*mn a local chantcMr. I. aaa moMT on loesl wumid, *ood. bad and to different. Furnishes information ??n all local investments cheerfully and without cnaive. I>ce? not irive "pointers" on the market. Doe* not promise a sure prom on purch ?*es made by him. Re quire* adeposifctrom sti-amrers, ana does* not always en nAtoiwt the fop prices when he executes orders. leia-Ht F IDEL1TK BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 913 AND 915 T ST. N. W. Baa the brut plan devisel for securing a Horn* SO AUCTION OF MONET. sreciii-iAVjiEJirs. Paid-up certificate i-.r *1U) uwuf.1 at ft. .n per .hare; 5 J?,rm jkt annum paid on pttrchaa. I'nce aemi OFFICERS srrK^: O. T. Thomp&on. Treaa. t?en 1 J.E. Smith,Att y. IhrSTEES AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST CO. A. T. Bntton, Preset. DLi'V>si 1ORY, f^-tr CENTRA1. NAlluNAL BANK. Eqfitablb CO-OPrBATIVE Bl 1LDISU ASSOCIATION. ??*.1,1.11 ABLE BUILDING." 100SJ MHZ. Aivet ? 41,155.208.21. rfff. Ji?nr* fmrn 9 a.m. to 4 ^0 p.m. rtafly. On llrttrrt ? ?lneed?y in each mcnth the office will b. rpen from C to K o'clock p. in. AUeani*. will be luad. jrcicptly a: 7 o clock. ?1?? "? - v ft ?iA am aubacTiptiun. Ft ares are 92.50 rw month 11.000 sdvanced on each share. rsmphletP explaininjr the objects and advantages of tie AaaociaUon *r?: lurniM.ed upon application. THOMAS SOMLRVlI.I.r., Pres't JOHN JOT EDSON. Smc'J. "7 Lew is g. tewesbuby. w. b. hibbs. But?, 50 hruauv. av. N. T. Manatfar. wtiiiivr WA9binfftcn Stock kiumwa UTT"5 O. TLUKSr.I P.Y k ca. HA> REBS AND UhOKtllS, JS35 F ST.. WASHI-NOIOS, DO Eur and ?ell for rnhor on uiannn Stock* Bonds. Grain, Pn^ isior.s and Oil. Lixect pnvatf wires 10 XeT York and Cnicagix interest allowed on deposits. Cai-ot-town busme*e a ?p?? iait/. All L4^-ai *!*??_? unties dealt is. Cotstant qnotaiioua ail awurketa. 1 elephone 545. <gl-tr T'HL WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Temporary offices 1001 rSTHELl NORTHWEST. Previous to erec tion of our new build- ? in* at me corner of i?h and ? sta. n.w. Capital, $1,OUO.OOO. Paya interest at h per cent. liX per ctat. i er rent. li I>er cent. According to time of deposit. Interest paid on balancis subject to chei-k. Executes all trusts. Call or write lor mtoruiation. BRAINAUO H WARNER. I'n ailit. JuUN Jok EDSON, Vice President. WILLIAM B. RoBISON. Se- retiary. WILLIAM B. (itttLKi. Tn-as*arer Ja?4-lTn J NO. W. CURboN. JNO. W. MACARTNEY. Member N. Y. htocE Ex. rtm*oy k macartney. rr.OVT.R BUILDING. 141U F ST. K.W., Bankers anu Dealers in Government Bonds. Deposits. Exchsmre. Loans. Collections. Cai!road Stocks and Bonds and all securities listed on tbe exchamrea of New kora. i'hxlaalelplaa. Boston and Baltimore bowrht and eoid. A specialty made of mveetinent securities. District Eonda and all local Railroad. Gas, Insurance and ieie |>>Lone Stock dealt in. _ Au.encan Bell Telephone Stork bought and sold. Jy 18 15 Feb Cist Discount. IoPebCt. OS THE FINEST STOCK OP SHOES, SHOES. SHOES. FOB LADIES. GENTS. BOYS, MISSES and CHILDKES. ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS. Thla ml* is to closa oat Mock prerlon* to enlanrtng cur *tor* to mnt ih. requirement-, of oar buain***. HOOVES A SNYDER. fe3-3m 1217 PuuuylTants it* Cheap* (^heapf.B! (cheapest? PTK E-i WAY DOWN. As we hare determined to enlanre our place of bnsi the MUhs are urmntf as to let them commence worE at ( Die. in order lo do ?*> we will have to parti tion off about one-third ot our present room ami move the .rood* into the other part ?>f the aiore. U**t will overcrowd us To avoid that we have determined to cut pneee more than ever. the tfooda must *o. bee our prves Ammonia. 5c. a bottle. Chiidreu'a Yam iioods. worth from 25c. to 3;jc. Bow 10c. Med;< a*ed Re?i Twilled FV**. worth .Tic. .now'iic. Be?t Calico. Biaes. Blacks. Pur;-?sand Colors,only jc. Good Calico in remnanto uUiy :w. Bleached and Unbleached >ueetmx. 10-4 wide. lSc. Betet i ru:t of the Loom B4ea4-i!?-?l Cotton S>tc. Be?t il>-4 Bleu* lieu Slieetinrf "-V. Best i>-4 Blea? bed Sne?*tia?r All Dr>*t? Modsatoost or ?>elow. Boys' Windsor 1 .?:? - s . n tii s. And lOc.. red to 5c. ahiLk K. anlu. lui>t!i ifood Corsets lSc. Drssa Buttons "jc. ?tos- All Remnanta very cheap. A few La>Iiea ."Short Coat- -t . ?,-?r T. B. TOWNER A SON. j?28 l:>lt> '. 1 11 m N.W. Geo. T. Keen. TAli-OH. WIN! Li. ?TOC& Ki'W ht.ADY. tlaulUsl. JsiK Drc VT MO5TEBTIX0 (? HAMPAt.NE). A? tni* Nuperh!iH-con tains only twel ve per cent ??: aiconoi it n? at;r>u-tm?( ^.tent.ou or puyaa cians A. W. BtftCHELL. Many Ladies Have B*< utiful handwritinr and. ev*n if not. It is an eaay n*attrr to ]xk . i ?ta? i off m-'i ir.t a.s. A tarsimileof ii.e?u ?nvr?.\?-d <?u >uel njac- # MaAiij ;iur ;ueu. in ?dver ou note mmt coeta 'Sir. pet ?iuin?. ? me ?iuin* anu nacE o: nte note pa|?r and envelopes voet 5G-. Thus t v ui is enouxn. ana any numoer ot a<uiitM?iial <*iuree cat be atauipetl lor ?j(. ta^ h. ROBERT F. MILLER. AND ST AT I OXER. gl'.Mtn biSO 15thst. V ekv aNdTengSa \ EK ASD"XffHOUBAPHES; IV luMtHSSJL. AVE. 'WWCnhwawmairM pmlM SPECIAL NOTICES. GRAND MA 8 8 M li i. X 1 K U Ail Carpenters. both FnU? and non-1 nion, also all friends of tne labor ctOM. are rMpei tfolly invited to attend a meeting to he held.under the auspice* o.. L. A. n-lh K. uf L..OP FEIl'AY EVESINM, TEBHIABI J?. CONCOUD1A H ALI.. cor. of Wh mn.l L M*. n.w. Thr M*r.Untr will Uaildrt.wd .?y th. Hon. A. VS. V KlliHT of tar li*-n Ex. bo?lilo. tbr K. ofi~, Hon PAt'L T. HOW EN of Waot.imrton, B.C., and otb**r prominent ,pr?krr?. linn.' your *iT? iind rtnu-ff,trre. fel4.ro3t HiWHlTAL AND D1SPEX ?OSr^ saKV DONATION DAY." W tlTSESDAV. TKMHVAKY IK, l?Hi. from 10 ?.m. to .*> p. m. A call is made on the |?eople of Washington to supply the articles necessary to equip and sustain the Woman's Hospital and Dispensary, ihe otJe<M of tilis institu tion is the free medical and surgical treatment of women and children. The things most wanted.sre furniture, bedding. house lin**n. drills and surgical instruments. Contributions in money are re quested. _ COMMITTEE Mrs. W.n.H. Miller. Mrs. A. C. Tyler. Mrs. Wanamaker. ? lJr. Jeannette J. .?unincr, Mrs. Wilinerding, Mrs. Be-?ie ate wart, Madame Romero, Mrs. Ackiey, Madame Guzman, Mrs. Tows. Ma*tame Mendonca. Mrs. MrCammon, Mrs. liaw.ey. Mrs. J. Tabor Johnson. Mr*. Hubbard. Mrs. Aimed* B. Williams. Mrs. Graham bell, Mrs. James Kerr. Mrs. Francis B. Loring, Mrs. Philip Phillips, Mrs. J. C. Breckinridge, Mrs. G. W. Harris, Mrs. Newcomb, Mrs M. J. Stroud, # Mrs. C. J. Bell. Mrs. J. R. Bromwell, and Miss Fuller. I .a dies from the committee will be at the hospital, ?nd Maryland ave. s.w.. to receive the con tributions and to conduct visitors over the wards of tjie new huihiimr. __ fed,7,14.17 ^--^?TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Lost, anor about April 1SI*), two cer tiftcate* of stock of the American Security and 'irust Company, said <*ertificates l?earinir date October \*K*. and nmnliered 184 and a?, for ewht s:ian-s each and issued in my name. As J havo applied to the American Security and Trust Company for a new issue of said stock, all persons are cautioned against nego tlatins' lor the same. ALBERT GLEASON, 738 14th st. n.w. Feb. 10, 1801. fell). 17 ft .'4 a^ -^ NOTICE! MK. MARCEIXU8 H. GOOD rich has lieen appointed (Sonera! Ayent of the Nationul Life Insurant e Conipanyof Mnntijener. Vt., for Maryland and the District of Columbia and will assume the duties at once with head office tor the present at No. 'J2 S. Hollioay st., Baltimore, Md. ('HAS. DEWEY, President. February2, 1H01. IlelMitj Montpelter. \ t. WASHINGTON. FEBRUARY 14. 1801. UNION CREDIT COMPANY. WASHINGTON BRANCH: We have carefully examined your original and effec tive system of LOCAL CREDIT REPORTING, and cordially commend it to the business community of this city as worthy of immediate attention and sup port: Jas. L. Barbour ft Son, Wash. B. Williams. W. B. Moses * Sons, Geo. E. Kennedy ft Sona. Libbey. B?ttin*er ft Co.. Robt. J. McLean. E. E. Jackson ? Co.. Lansbunrh & Bros.. Pabst BrewinjpCo., W". H. Houghton &Co.? Saks ft Co., Thos. D. Sinsrleton. Joseph Anerbach, T. R. Marshall. Gibson Bros., Frank Hume. Wm. Ballentyne ft Son, Fred. A. Schmidt. Arthur Burt ft Co., Ramsey ft Bisbee. L. K. Devendorf, Chas. H. Raubft Co. And many others. ? Onr subscribers include scores of the leadinsr mer chants, physicians, retail dealers, proiessional men and business houses in Washington. COLLECTIONS FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. CALL AND EXAMINE. BANS OF WASHINGTON BUILDING, 7th and C sta. n. w. Telephone 1083. DUDLEY ft lOCHNER, DANIEL MACAULEY. Attorneys. Manager. fe7.tufta-lm ?CAUTloN.-WISHING ALL OF OUR MA , _ chines to irive the highest degree of sat is: ac tion. we particularly caution those having old ones of our make against allowing them to 1* adjusted else where than at the COMPANY'S OFFICE, where none but genuine parts are used, and onl>'the most reasc-n able charges, ii any. are made. Orders by postal will receive immediate attention. _ WHELLER ft WILSON MFG. CO., 4:r7'.nl: st. n.w. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ~The"Merchants* Mutual ITotective I nion was ortrnr. ized lor the mutual protection ot its members airuinst that class ol persons who can. but will not, pay their bills. The meinl>ership, which is composed of our best merchants and tradesmen, is larve and rapidiy increas ing. Its objects are to assist its members in collecting back bills and to report to them monthly tne names of persons who do not pay. The annual tee is the monthly dues uO cents, to be paid on the delivery ot the rejK?rt. All persons indebted to members who fail to make satisfactory arrangements with them lor settlement (after luvuiK been duly notified) their names a ill be Clished. so that they may be known to other mem and credit denied them thereulter. For turther miomiation call on or a?ldress J. B. BKO\^ N. General Manager, Room 15, Central National Bank miildinjr, Ja24-?fttu-4kn And 15*J6 14th st. n. w >DONNELLY ft JENNINGS. _ _____ Paints, oils, Glasn, Japans, Varnishes and Brusues. Also Ready Mixed Paints. lell-im* I Pennsylvania ave. s.e. li^_^SPLClAL. ^ Dr. . Merrill has moved his dental office to 71U 11th st. n.w. Ja^O-lm* .Til FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE STOCKMOLDFKH OF 1 HE VtA?HlNGTON PURIFIED MILK AND CREAM COMPANY, to elect a board of directors, to make by-laws and to transact any other business which may lawfully done, will be held at the temporary office ot the ivmpany, <** Li 1 H Si. N.W.. THIS CITY. I- EBKl AB i .?>. 18*1. AT 4PM C. H Bl RGESS. F. B. HORNER. J B. VUMEK. ROBT. J KIHKI'ATRICE. SToRV B. LAPP. telO--^ ?'^^TO CAREFUL DP.ES-FRS. POi Call and examine our new importations of > ANC V SHIKTlNGs*. ? omprisin? the choicest fai?ncs in MADRAS. ZEPHYRS. CHE?IOTS and SILKS. 1 hey are in KTe?t den.and in Paris, London and New i York, and judtrimr Irom the manner in which Wash ! in^touians are placenur tneir onlers they are ai?pre i luted here al>o. l*hoi? ?-st patterns moving rapidly. P. T. HALL, shirt Maker, J4JhFst.n.w. Factury on premises. Jj^;i-lm_ ^-"_^DE. J. BARTLETT HILLS. DENTIST. #C2T^Anilciil te?th ms*rtea immediately alter extra* tion ol teeth and spei-tal attention given to ror ret t.u? children's teetn. l^Sil t at. n.w. dliKlm* ?DR. ELLIS B. BLISS. DENTIST. Has resumed practice ut lTTr 1311>' st (near si.n b tildimr). Porcelain .nlays. crown and bnitre work. fe7-lm V" . Ilk. H. M. S( H' H>i.EY, DENTIST, lia^ removed his offi? e to <*-r. 11th and Fsts .over uert/ .- drug store. Telephone i;H?7. ie4-lin ^^^KkAP CAJtEF t LLY. Jlimdredso? cans of a liakinr powder. larrely ad \ertis"d as Leina absolutely pure, have been returned by CoNSI MEKSas UNFIT FOB I'hE, ??ing iu.j of CAUBoNATEof AMMoNlA. Conaumera wno Wiait the "BESl" saouid use ?THE PARRISH BAKING POWDER. It b^inr composed exclusively of HIGHEST TEST < ream ot tartar, bi?*arbo!iate oi sods and a email rer centa^re of starch,' ally combined. Does not con: .m AMMONIA, ALl'il or IMPc'RlTlES ol ANY kiMD. s<?id only in cans by all procers, every can guran teetl IwU UfUlit yuu Ht:rii^. tl.. ja31-tr J. HOWELL CIVIL ENtilNi.ERTND landscape architect, has ren.oved his offices to National t nion bunding. SUft x at. n.w. i elc pbonecall. 704-^- Ja^iO-lm* _^1F YOU WANT AN AB?v>Lrl LL\ PURE i.ream of Tartar Baking Powder buy the ??PAUKIMI." Tt does not contain nm w?w >a oro/tim. Ja.'ll-tr i?-"_^BUY YOLK COAL, COKE AND WOOD Ps^Ttron the reliable firm of JOHNSON BKO'l H vhe moet eaten?i\e retan dealers in thecoun tr ] ?1F YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTELY PI RE Cream of 1 artar Baku.- Powaer buy the ??PAKKISH." It uo*-s not contain am mania or fli'tns. 3a31-tr WASHINGTON LOAN AND Trust Company pays interest on current U.iances #uu>- t to check. Capital 81.UUU.000. Temporary offices. No. 1UU1 1 st. n. w. BRA1NARD H. WARNER. Ja24-lmo 1 reaident. IMPOKTAKT NOTICE TO OAS roNsi yrna A mmrrnwats btt. b?n tuadv lor tbr fwmlnm of rrM.D. hTlwIalb. mtm .ml wntrrn mUoniof L. niy by vhtrhtlM) ru i*y Umit m. bateaimuf I. Loura at TBfc NATIONAL CAPITAL BAKE OK | THt TOT t>D NATIONAL BANK. BIT), i>ud on or tMter. iW Mb ot lachnonth. AND , TBOHE OKLX. will b. ?UIM to th. diKouut of -Jjc. 1 ' mu'-u^ V^JULlk WTOX HAM LWIT OOMPAXT. th< SPECIAL NOTICES. |-^aWHI sn0dj> TOU SUBSCRIBE? Send for Prospectus. * Bead, rwon, think and then yon will know. CITY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Capital, $50,000. Charter Perpetual. Shares, $10 each; $2 cash, $1 per month. Buys, sells and exchangee REAL ESTATE IN WASHINGTON CITY. District of Columbia. It redeems its own stock, with the consent of the individual stockholders, when so ordered by its Directors. It pays dividends semi-annually or cftener if thought advisable by the Board of Directors. It will exchange shares of its capital stock for Real Estate. FRANK E. CORBETT, W. MOSBY WILLIAMS. President. Manager. JOHN BIDOFT. PROF. C. K. URNER. Treas. and Atty. Auditor. VlllGIL G. WILLIAMS, Secretary. OFFICE: 517 E, corner Oth st. n.W. Telephone call?1207. BANKERS: The Columbia National Bank of Washington. B. H. WARNER, President. DEPOSITORY OF SECURITIES: The Washington Loan and Trust Company, Chartered by Congress. fel7-3t ypr^lHE SECOND CONVENTION OK THE Department oi the Fotouiac, VV.R.C.. auxili ary to the G. A. K., will convene at G. A. K. Hall, Penn. ave. n.w., on TUESDAY, February 17, 1S01, at 7 o'clock p.m. fel6-2t* SCOTTISH RITE?MITHRAS I.ODGE OF Perfection, No. 1. A stated meeting will be heia at the Cathedral on TUESDA Y, 17 th instant, at 7 p.m. Work: Fourth and filth degrees. ALEX. H. HOLT, 32d dog., feltt-2t Secretary. t^SsA MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS of tne American Ener>dzer Manufacturing Company, limited, will be held in Willard's Hotel, at 7::t0p.m.. WEDNESDAY. February IS. to hear the report of tne manners on the successful workmv of the lar.'e momentum enxme. felO-;?t B. C. POLE, President. MEETINGS OF GLYMONT SKX.'K holders wiil continue until further notice at GATTO'S HALL, corner Sth and E sts. n.w , every WEDNESDAY nt 7:30 p.m. lor business of vital importance. All members are urged to attend for their own ?*nefit. [felrt-.* it * j MANY STOCKHOLDERS. ^?BUY $10,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY. PCS pay $"><*) down, deterred payments jjf?00 yearly; ueatu strikes you down first year, your heirs suffer. Pszy $.~>o0 or less annually ior 410.000 in surance, payable any time deatu occurs, or cash settle ments f-ndTi, 10, L* or 20 years. Contracts secured by $147,OOU.OOO assets. Address THOMAS P. MORGAN, JR.. fa2-tm City Post Office or 1333 F st. (basement). tfc- . K(Ut THE NEXT TEN DAYS I WILL ofler the following Pianos at greatly reduced prices, as I must make room for spring stock . 7?? Octave Square Grand Hallei Davis Piano, $200. "< uct. Square Rosewood Stein way & Hons Piano, $250. 7 Oct. Square Rosewood Cbickerin* Piano, $175. 7 Oct. Square Win. Kuabe At Co. Piuno, $100. 7 Oct. Square William Miller Piano, *JX). i>j Oct. upright E. Gabler & Bro. Piano (used one month only), $325. Oct. Lpngnt C. C. Briggs & Co. Piano (new), $37 ?). The foregoing Pianos will be sold on cash payments of $."? to $25 and thereafter $5 and $ 10 monthly. No interest 11 notes are paid promptly. Call early and secure the best bargain. E. F. DROOP, in id-; ,t 985 Pennsylvania ave. REMOVAL?REAL ESTATEOFFICE OF JOHN O. JOHNSON removed irom 0i7 F - NTH AND G. iel4-3t I All MAKING AT PRESENT A SPECIAL Je to reduce stock of Artists' and Archi tects' Supplies, 'len per cent will be al lowed on all cash sates of the above Iin?n. Including Picture Franumr. On Decorated Goods, iancy Brass Ease s, Pottery, Pic tures for framing. Photographic stock. Landscape, Flower and Crayon Studies 20 per cent discount. Tnisis an opportunity you should surely embrace. At no other time have these >roods be* n sold at such prices. Sale limited. Come early. FRED. A. SCHMIDT, fe!4-lw 604 9th st. Branch XTXl Pa. are. ?-^^LLOYD'S 25 CENT EXPRESS! 9x?S To my patrons and the public in general: 1 hgve moved my office from 003 13th st. n. w. to my new buildimr, 1330 G st. n. w., and am now prepared to Btore household goods. *c. JOHN C. HAWLEY, Proprietor Lloyd's 25c. Express, fe!4-3t 13:10 a st. n. w. fc^^&ALL INTERESTED IN CHRISTIAN SCI ence healing are invited to call at 1424 N.Y. ave.. Room 25. Office hours. 0 :J0 to 12:30. Bible class Sunday at 3 Taika Thursday evenings at S o'clock. |^X>WE DENY NOTHING! The public voice is too stronir. We accept the ver dict. viz: That our Shirts are the finest ever attempted in Washington. All cut and made on the premises. Perfection guaranteed or no sale. MILLER'S. Successor to ELLERY It CO., Shirtmakers, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitters, fe!2-3m ISth and Pa. ave. APARTMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. ALBANY. 17TH AND H 8T8. N.W. Completely furnished by the P. Hanson Hiss M*Tg. Co. lrom special designs; heated by steam; supplied \?ttb elevator; rooms, includ ing tiled bath room, from $:t00 to $1,000 per annum. ADDISON * LARCOMBE. i<6-iy 1304 F st. n.w. > AN OPEN INVITATION! GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES Are invited to inspe<*t my large stock of AMERICAN WATCHES lor indies snd Gentlemen, DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY, which they can purchasa <>n easy monthly paym ents and get possesion of articles at time of purchase. A. L. SALTZSTE1N, JR.. Headquarters for American Watches, Ja27-3m 505 7th st. n.w. DO YOU Ride, drive or keep a horse? Then you use a Carriage; may need * new one. If you don't you may want a Harness. Lap Robe, Whip or "$ometkin{/n tor your stable. We have everything belonging to the most complete outfit. ANDREW J. JOYCE'S SONS. Ja28-lxn 102b and 1030 Conn. ave. SPECIAL NOTICE. FOR RENT. Office rooms in the new fire-proof National Union building. 91S F st. n.w. Ri>omsall iight. Rents moderate. AIsj a large fire proof storage room; 24x08. Apply at building. fel3-lw >BUY REMINGTON TYPE WRITERS. BEST LINEN PAPER AND ALL OTHER SUPPLIES FOR TYPE WRITER OF WYCKOFF, SEAMANS * BENEDICT. ? PROPRIETORS, ja?0-3m COB. STH AND F 8TS. N.W. . A DIFFICULT MATTER? TO reach first hands direct for en gra\m* of the better cMm. Cor rectly engraved cams an J invitations anu superior printing made through out by GEDNEY k ROBERTS, Engravers and Printer*. 4if, UAL at.. near Uae uflh* unreal lb.couiput}-, 1.1U6 H ?n. a.m., TL'fcfcDAV, rt,tut) H. UW1. M 1 uulckM,t 3P.U. _ WM-la ImXK T. UVU1M, SPECIAL- NOTTCER i-^SsMAWXIC.-A SPECIAL COM VI SICA ffrrt.A.???,u?ii%St% S^A'ic'TKvipJi TOMORROW mil iniitlnt. ?t /p.m. f. mttend thenmmral ol our .ate brother. Henryc tis o'l-rorf"ih"w M *'"U" kxW"8 '^'^yiuvi^l. l"y " MUUU1 ft ?OH Rotary. ?C^i=>IJ,EAr,9,ARTKnS DEPARTMENT OF H^nM Ire n wW' 0rand Arm> uf *>? Republic. .... . . JVjshin?rton. D. C.. Feb. 17. 1891. which w?i to be (riven this .vnr.rnr by {?birfvH?. Ooiiiniand.-v-in Chief ?eazey at rtonnley s n.?s (tKn postponed ??n ac connt of the death of Gen. W. T. S erL.n Due notice will be given when it will take place. ? A. HART. Chairman Committee. ?^^aTEMPEKASCK MEETING-THF. Y.W.C. T. U. of Ana<-ostia, D.C., will ho d a public meeting on WEDNESDAY, the lMn instant, at 7:30 p.m., intheM.E. Church. Mrs. F. J. BARNES, tionai Superintendent of Youmr Woman's Work, will deliver the address. It" VANGELIST HADLEY OF THE JERRY 3v^i McAulcy Mission, New Yortr, will hold his "Farewell Service" at the Centra! Union Mission. !K-iU Pennsylvania ave., THIS ? TUESDAY ) EVEN ING at 7:30 o'clock, to which the pu'tllc is cordially invited. Sister Jennie Smith of the W.C.X.U. rail road work will also be present and sj eak. It ^2^11110x10. a mcuL oomirirTCA KS?~ tion of Lafayette Lodge will be held WED NESDAY, February IS, 1S91, at T:MO o'clock p.m. Members of sister lodures fraternally invited to attend. By order of the W. M. felT-'.t JOHN H. OLCOTT. Secretary. fe-r^&MIUTARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES, Headquarters Commandery of the District of Columbia. Washington, February 17, 1801. I. The following" telegram from the Commander of toe "Commandery of the State of New York" is pub lished lor the information of the Companions oi *liis Commandery: "New York, N.Y. February ltj, 1891. MAJOR W. p. HUXFORD, U.S.A. Recorder, Washington, D.C. Loyal Letrion will iKiraue at t*eneral Sherman's funeral, assembling at the "Armory". Boulevard and UHth street, at 1 o'clock p.m. Thursday. WAGER SWAYNE, Brevet-Ma.jor tieneral. U.S.A." II. It Is desired and earnestly requested that such Companions as can consistently arrange to do so will Join with the Commandery o: the State ot New York in tins last tribute of affection for and respect to our late distinguished Companion. By command of Bvt. Bruc. Gen. C. F. MANDERSON, U.S.V. Commander. W. P. HUXFORD, Recorder. fe!7 ?^>ANY ONE HAYING BILLS FOR 8ETTLE ment agiinst the estate of the late Ge< r^e Bouidinirof 4U~> New York ave. n.w. is hereby noti fied that the will made t?y him will lie contested in a court ot law by his heirs here and in.) udsonia, ArK. It ROBT. BtfULDING. A CARD! The assignment made by F. Garner, at 1210 7th st. n.w., consisted of a stock of *rroceries and meats?and not clothing, as stated in the 4'Star"?and in nowise concerns the undersigned. WILLIAM GARNER, Clothier, fel7-3t* liTiU 7th st. n.w. I SARAH BERNHARDT. I SARAH BERNHARDT. See page 8. Amusements. fe!7-6t ,FOR BUILDING PCRPO8E8. The ground on the west side of 1st st. between C and D sts. n.e. The frontage is lttHJtf feet, the depth 120 feet. One square north of the Capi tol grounds and one square east of the Metropolitan car line. The larpre building of brick and frame will be sold with the property. The price is only $ 1. '-'0 per foot. THOS. J. FISHER k CO.. 1 1324 F st. n. w. ^^8EE THEM. IF YOU HAVEN'T. (New talk every day.) The Indian relics collected by Mr. Geo. H. Harries while war correspondent at Pine Ridge for "The Star" are noy/ on exhibit in my large show windows and will remain this week only. This will be their last free exhibit in this city. * f?r~Sprimr buyers have arrived with the Sprintr Trouserings and Suitings. If yoa are looking" for something new and elegant in this line it will be well to come i G. WARFIELD SIMPSON, Expert in Trousers," cor, trth and G sts. n. w. fel7 HATS. In * 'mucky" weather wear a Crush or Pocket Hat. | They are not high priced. B. E. k J. E. ROSENTHAL, Men's Furnishings, Hats, One pries. Us24-3m] 9B2F st. r^?FOR 8ALE neuu. ed to $7,500. ir-a We offer one of those new O-room. bath and cellar bricks on Cth st. bet. L and M sts.. Also One on L st. bet. 5th and Cth sts., fronting south, at the low price ot $7,500 each, oil rea sonable terms. WYCKOFF k CAHILL, fel7-3t 810 F st. n. w. (ground floor.) mmther if MMy to be tair;fr< ah smith icrmUtlu iciudtt; dfculrdly cuoier tonidht. The temperature will jail about 16 dei/reee by H ed ucation inorinuu LOOK OUT. OUR LUMBER has won Its way every where because of its unvarying high quality and its cheapness. But look out; we havs been successful, and as a result there are imitators. They can't meet the price, how ever, $1.15 per 100 feet, and as to quality aak your neighbor who has used our Lumber. LIBBEY, BITTINGER It MILLER, Gang-Sawed Lumber. fe!7 6th st. and New York ave. It $3,000 CA8H, $3,000 in 1 year, $5,000 in 2 years Will buy and pay for a snug plect of property on 9th st. n.w. be tween G and H sts. 8WOBMSTEDT k BRADLEY, 027 F st. n.w. ?-^-?WEDDING AND RECEPTION INVITA TION8 Neatly printed in imitation of engraving?can hardly ted the difference?at one fourth the price. BYRON 8. ADAMS. fel7-3m 512 11th st. n.w. H^^aAN UNPROFITABLE ivST INVESTMENT Is s house that does not yield ft proper return on ita value?maybe has a bad tenant, or needs modern izinir. Do you have the facilities for managing tenants and keeping property in order? We have these and more. Let us help you to make your proi>erty pay. B. H. WARNER k CO., 010 F st. n.w WASHINGTON AND NEW ORLEANS TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this com pany will be heid in the Western Union building. New York, on W EDNESDAY, the4th day of March, 1801, at 12 o'clock noon. R. H. ROCHESTER, Secretary. New York, February 14. 1801. Iel7-eoot a^-^&EDISON'S PERFECTED PHONOGRAPH. ROSENTHAL'S Unexcelled Meisters ctieft System. The Cheapest. Most Practical. Always Ready. The Ideal Tea* uer ot FOR EIGN LANGUAGES. All Invited to Daily Free Exhibition at COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.v feltt-lu ttJ7 E st. n.w. ,WHO IS TOUR LAUNDRYMAN7 TOLMAN STEAM LAUNDRY. 401 to 400est. n. w. Quick work without extra charge. Try our plan. A postal irom you will uring one of our wagons to your door. fc-^^DR. T. E. McARDLE ?Ov . HA8 REMOVED TO . 00**KOTICUT AVE. T.i.ppone. JMU frt-lm* aiy YOD WANT AM ABSOLDTKI.Y PURE Crewn of l ?mr B.tmK PoWd.r buy ,U. It dow not rooUto ammonia ur mlwm. Jtfl-tr ICE! ICE! COAL! COAL! AMERICA* IC* COMPANY, i , , Ava warAAI. OfBr. loth u>d F atB. n.w. Tatophoo* 486. Branrh oDlre.tWe Pm.?T,.n. w. T,Mpbom OL Kr^ntir. wu of IWlNuml jj.aaM u low ?. .ny ouupuy in tb. ctty. Dtacount on tW'ket, wid tt oSm. CoatncU iud* lor an. Washington News and Gossip. Index to Advertisement?. j AMUSEMENTS -? Pw?* j ATTORNEYS P*1? 0 AUCTION SALES Plrsfl BICYCLES P*?* 8 BOARDING P*? 2 I BUSINESS CHANCES P*"1 2 CITY ITEMS 8 i COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ?....Paire 2 DEATHS Pn-e5 | DENTISTRY Paire 7 EDUCATIONAL P*** 7 EXCURSIONS, k;- !"?*' 8 FAMILY SUPPLIES P?? 7 FINANCIAL Paire I I FOP. KENT (Date)....,. hw 2 | FOR RENT (Offices) P?ire 2 FOB RENT (Rooms) Pmiro2 | FOR BENT (Stables) Pw! FOB KENT (Stores) Pwre 2 FOB RENT(Honsss)... 1W 2 FOR RENT (Miscellaneous' P?*? 2 FOB SALE (Houses) P?re 2 udS FOR SALE (Lots) P?*e 3 FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) Paire :i GENTLEMEN'S GOODS ...? I'atre ti HOTELS Pan* 8 LADIES' GOODS Paire 7 LECTURES PaireS LOCAL MENTION I'atre S LOST AND FOUND Pus* 3 MANICURE Pare 0 MARRIAGES Page ft MEDICAL . Paire 7 MISCELLANEOUS Pure 5 MONEY TO LOAN Paire 2 NOTARIES PUBLIC Paire 2 OCEAN 8TEAMEKS Pwre 7 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS Paire 7 PIANOS AND ORGANS Patre 7 PERSONAL Paire 2 PRINTERS Page 7 PROPOSALS Paire 8 PROFESSIONAL Paire 7 RAILROADS Paire 7 SPECIALTIES Paire 7 SUBURBAN PROPERTY Piure 3 WANTED (Board) Paire 2 Tt ANTED (Help) Paire2 WANTED (Houses) Paire 2 WANTED (Lots) Paire 2 WANTED (Rooms) Paire 2 j WANTED (Situations) . Fm2 WANTED OiiM-ellaneous) ............Paire 2 WINTER RESORTS Paire 8 WOOD AND COAL Pmre 7 Fannie M. Stephenson was yesterday ap pointed a fourth-class postmaster at Wilson ville, Va. Bonds Redeemed.?'1 he amount of per cent bonds redeemed yesterday was $148,000, making a total to date of $11,042,300. A New Bank.?The controller of the cur rency hap authorized the Joliet National Bank of Joliet. 111., to begin business with a capital of *100,000. ? Important Bills Approved.?'The President has approved the act providing for the transfer of retired officers of the army from the limited to the unlimited list, the acts providing for public buildings at Worcester, Mass.. and at St. Paul, Minn.,and the act for the relief of the sureties on the official bond of James D. llevmert Army Obdem.?The leave of absence granted Capt. Rufus P. Brown, fourth infantry, is ex tended one month. Capt. Edwin F. Gardner,* a-isistaut surgeon, has been relieved from temporary duty at Fort Riley. Kans., and ordered to return to his proper station (Fort Porter. Buffalo, N.Y.) The following-named second lieutenants of cavalry and infantry (re cently appointed from second lieutenants of signal corps) have been assigned to regiments as follows: BenJ. M. Pursued, to the fourth in fantrr, company I; Fielder M. M. Beall, to the fifth infantry, company II; Julius H. Weber, to the eighth infantry, company I); John P. Fin ley, to the nineteenth infantry, company H; Frederick R. Dav, to the twenty-second infan try. company f; Jas. Mitchell, to the fifteenth infantry, company C: Frank W. Ellis, to the second infantry, company H; Jas. A. Swift, to the seventh cavalry, troop H; Robert B. Wat kins. to the first cavalry, troop I; John C. Walshc. to the 'entli cavalry, troop K. Personal.?E. 8. Heilbrun of Boston, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Hirsch of Chicago, Frank E. Simpson of Boston. Parker Walters of Pitts burg, U. E. McClellan and Wm. McClellan of Harrisbnrg, John D. Younan of Philadelphia, Col. Thos. J. Hudson, Col. Chambers McKib bon and Col. W. C. Connell of Pittsburg are at the Arlington. Walter Shetland, G. B. But ler. L. J. Hatch, Harper Pennington. K. M. Robinson and G. E. Miles of New York and A. M. Abbott and H. W. Curry of Pittsburg are at the Normaudie. Mrs. A. J. Phillips and son and the Misses Phillips of New York and Bishop W. H. Hare of Sioux Falls, S.D., are at Wormley's. Edwin S. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keim, Mrs. M. J. Princhard, Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Philadelphia, Robert Scliuizel and Mrs. George 15. Schuizel of New York arc at the Biggs. J. 1). Bradford of Indian Territory, W. D. Craven of Maryland and John A. Wolston and S. E. Hudson of Philadelphia are at the Randall. E. R. Brainard of Chicago, William A. Park of Pittsburg. W. C. Benedick of Providence, W. C. Hopkins. Loc^ Haven, Pa.. Adolph E. Kahn. J. Marx. Robert M. Smith and Mrs. H. M. Sim monds of New York are at Willard's. Louis Cabot. Brookline. Mass.. Mrs. L. McKean of Philadelphia, I'a.. Miss Alice Grant of Philadel phia. Pa., and Sir John Spoonerof Manchester, tngland.are at the Arno. CoL and Mrs. Birge are at the Fredonia. Ex-Sectetary of the Navy W. C. Whitney is at ( hamberHn's. M. k. Fatrut and George Weaver of Indianapo lis. P. J. McCarthy of East Boston, Thos. J. Steers and Stuart W. Walker of West Virginia and Albert F. Kuhn of Rochester are at the National. James L. Tanner of Alabama, Benj. K. Bryan and Miss Bryan of Charlotte, N.C.. L. B. Morri% of Lynchburg and William Patrick of Stanton are at the Metropolitan. A. L. Evans, ugent L. 8. ,T. Co. of St. Paul, R. F. Hatfield and Miss 8. L. Hatfield of Fort Hamilton, N.Y.. G. B. Weiser of York, Pa., and Horace B. Pucker of Philadelphia, I'a., are at the Hotel Johnson. L. L. Leggett of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Goodick and A. J. Forbes of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. P. Paul of Trov, N.Y., A. G. Courtney and Wm. H. Lyon of N'ew York. M. A. Butrick of New Haven, Conn., G.|B. Lupfer of Springfield, Ohio, and P. A. Snell of Salt Lake City are at the 8t. James. THE OENEUAO DEFICIENCY BILL. The Last of the Appropriation Bills Com pleted?Items for the District. The House appropriation committee com pleted the general deficiency appropriation bill?the last of their bills?today. The total appropriation carried is *36,574,308.09. The deficiency appropriations for the Dis trict of Columbia make a total of $42,260.51. The pension deficiency is over $20,000,000, which is the large-t of all the deficiencies. The District deficiencies provided for are as follows: For contingent expenses?The register of wills office. $375; for printing, expenses of parades, rifle practice, Ac., $250; for clearing camp, building rifle range, Ac., $3,358; freight and transportation. $642.35: labor and trams in breaking camp, $600.35; witness fees Police Court, $3,000; public schools, contingent expenses, $5,000. To supply deficiencies in the appropri ations in the year 18S0?Assessors' office, $1,80-2.52; attorney's office, $60.50; improve ments and repairs of pavements, $1,960.17; for streets, $647; for public schools, fnel and printing, $261; L>r the police conrt, $660; miscellaneous. $560. A great many small items, many of less than $50, go to make up the total for the District THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY RESIGNS. HI* Resignation Written and Forwarded to | the President Today. Judge Hoge, who has been confined to hi* rooms for some days, was at his office today and he wrote and forwarded his resignation as district attorney to the President. He stated that the facts in reference to his resignation were limply that the Attorney Gen eral informed him that the President desired the place to lender to some one else. In com pliance with the request he had forwarded hie resignation. He was informed, he said, that there were no charges or criticism of his course, and he would leave the offioe with the approval of his eon seieace that he had performed Us dot/. IN CONGRESS TODAY Lively Debate in the Senate on the i Diplomatic Bill. j SHOULD IT BE ENVOI OR AEAS3AD0R? m | Mr. Plumb and Mr. Hoar Talk Pleasantly to Each Other. ixdian approriatiox bill. SENATE. The credentials of John A. Pcffer, a Senator elect from the state of Kansas for the term be ginning March 4 next (replacing Mr. In Ralls), I were presented by Air. Ingalls and placed on file. I Also (by Mr. Turpie) the credential* of Mr. Voorhees. amended so that the governor, in stead of using the word "commissions" uses tbe w ord "certifies." ^ U> cstabIi<l? ? United States land court and to provide for a Judicial investiga tion and settlement of private hind claims was reported an,, placed on the calendar. nniTli? bii' ?PProP?ating >75.000 for a public building at Bismarck, N. D. 3Ir. Morrill, from the finance committee, re ported back adversely Mr. Stanford's bill "to provide the government with me ns suiircient to supply the uaticna! wanttof a sound circulat or medlum- aml U was I'laced on the ealen ISDIAN CONTRACT SCHOOLS. Mr. Dawes offered a resolution (which was agreed to) calling on the Secretary of the In terior for copies of all correspondence between the Secretary and the commissioner of Indian allairs and between either of them and perwMu representing different religious denominations 11890* 10 lndian contract schooln since Julj House amendments to the Senate bill for the | relief of the administratrix of tiie estate of i ueorge W. Lawrence (in connection with the building of monitors) were agreed to. I -!?. conference report on the bill granting I ?J wav to tlie Junction City and Fort lUlev Street Railway Companv through the rort Huev military reservation in Kansas was presented and agreed to. 1 THE DIPLOMATIC BILL. The diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was then taken up, the pending question being on Mr. Dolph's amendment to increase 'SoooEym.m. min,8ter 10 PortuglU from Mr. Hoar spoke of the necessity of the United States conforming to the diplomatic usages of n Everybody understood (espe President'who h"d experience of it) that the custom of nations, established for centuries in their diplomatic relations with each other placed the government and citizens | of the United States at a disadvantage. ioreign governments treated eacu other not according to their rank or importam-e. but solely with reference to the question of dinlo I ma tic position. A minister ol the United Sut-s having to discuss a matter of high importance with the prime minister of England or of r ranee would be kept waiting until ambassadors from such countries as Siam or Havti or Servia or Bulgaria had had their audiences. : 8 question of the common law of civilization of nations which no single natioa could put down or depart from, except to its own detriment. To show how the matter worked Mr. Hoar sent to the clerk s desk and had read a letter from Mr. Smaller . correspondent of the Xew York m&u?e. describing how Mr. Phelps, the Amer ican minister, would see the backs of twentv three ministers and seven ambassadors Kfo're be could enter the audience room of the British premier. MB. PLCMB HAS SOMETHING TO BAT. Mr. Plumb intimated that Mr. Hoar had not strengthened his position by quoting from a person who had un-Americanized himself, who could hardly speak the American language und who was a professional snob. What had hap pened he asked, when Franklin was at tlie court of France, at a time wlen names were not things? Had any one degraded Franklin because he was a simple citizen ol a struggling people seeking to emerge from their original condition? Or had any one spoken of Mr. Charles Francis Adams when he was minister to London during the civil war as le-s entitled to consideration than the ambassador from some pumpernickel country in Europe? The ii.tef.-sts of the United States, Mr. Plumb said, ?i! * n<i.t- ,<,eP?nd upon considerations of tiiat kind. The men who expatriated themselves, as newspaper correspondents did. were not the class of |>eople who hied the policy of legislation for the American Congrew. Public sentiment no longer rested in the eastern corner of the country. Jt was going to be fixed in the interior among the people who. as Mr. Seward had said in one of his greatest speeches resided at the sources of the great waters. The letter which had been read to the Senate re minded him of a society column in The Wabh inqtoh Stab. MB. HOAB 8TASD8 CP FOB XB. 8HATAET. Mr. Hoar thought that Mr. Smallev's letter was a pretty good specimen of racy, idiomatic, sparkling English as it is spoken in the United States. It was almost as good English as that spoken by the Senator from Kansas?and that was saying a good deal. But the fact was just this (and it could not be rubbed out or answered by sneers at the societv columns of The Stab or by talk about the dignity of this countrv) that the United States had the right to say in what order its business should be considered at foreign courts. When the United States used the word "envoy" or "minister," it was just as if it mid Jills man whom we send to you is to rank No. 50 in his title to have business considered" But if it used the word "ambassador'' (even though the pay was not raided or the man changed) that meant "we think that our busi ness is of importance enough that our minister is to be considered in France or England as No. 1 or No. 6 (according to seniority)." And that was all tee re was in the question. Bosnc LIYELT 8PABRINO. I In the oourse of a further discussion Mr. Hoar sug,Tested the idea of a western diplo matic representative appearing at a foreign court with one of his trousers' legs in his boot and perhaps without stockings: Mr. Plumb in dulged in further sneers at eastern refinement M/;, ..rt8 ,made * "tatement in corroboration of Mr. Hoar s views and Mr. Blair humorously asked to be excused from voting on the ques tiou (conveying the idea that he might have a personal interest in it.) Finallv. on a point of order made by Mr. Hale. Mr. Bolph's amend ment was ruled out and a subsequent amend ment offered by him to make the salarv of the minister to Portugal ?7.560, was, on motion of Mr. Hale, laid on the table. TH? HAWAIIAN CABLE. Mr. McPherson moved to reconsider the rote adopting the Hawaiian cable amendment, so that he might move to reduce the annual allow ance from ?250,000 to 9150.000. Mr. Edmunds moved to lay the motion to re consider on the table and the Utter motion was agreed to?yeas. 29; nays, 25. On motion of Mr. Sherman the item of *6 500 for minister resident and consul general to Greece, Koumania and Servia was changed so " , m*^e ,reV "toT envoy extraordinary and minuter plenipotentiary." houbk. In pursuance of a written designation by the 'Speaker the House was called to order this morning by Mr. Payson (111.). Mr. Thompson (Ohio), from the committee on the judiciary, reported a resolution for the impeachment of Alex. Boarman. judge of the Statea district ?ourt for the western dis 1 crimes and misde ?rd?y* Prau,d and recommitted. 7:,.* ?*"*? (*?>?)? from the committee on P?Mie lands, reported a bill forfeiting certain railroad land granta. Mr. Adams 7nL) raised the question of, ?{deration, and the Honaa havinc consider the Mil, it ?u withdrawn: Mr. Brewer (Mich.> presented. and after a brief debate the H<iu*e sgi ?>ed to tue civfcr enoe report on the fortification appropriation Mr. Rpooner (R.I.) railed ?p Senate bill in creating to 1100 a month the pension of the widow of Admiral iaaev. upon which nieamire tHe prevMMU <jut**tion wai ordered last ae*4oit. *>me disposition heme ahown to discus* the mil, Mr. Cannon of Illinois in the interest of the appropriation bill. asked Mr. Spooner to j ?Undraw it; and, mating with a refuaal. rained the question of consideration. the INDIAN APPROPRIATION WtUL, The House r? fused ?aye# 102, navs 114?to consider the bill, and immediately went into committee of the whole (Mr. IHnflej of in the chair) on the Indian appropriation I i.i. Mr. lerkins ^Kan.) in charge of the bill of . j ? 1 a 11 iiUi '?*?" *'t lor the <-*r: \ l: g out <>f the allotment agreement* with the Hisneton. Malipe to l, (. ?? ur d AU ne. t hevetine, Arapalio. Pot tawattamie and Absentee Shawnee tribe# of Indians. IN BF.HALF OF SILVLK. Ei*Confr???niaii Warner lleforr the Ilowar Coinafe Committer. Mr. A. J. Warner, formerly a member of Congreaa from Ohio and now the head of the silver national executive committee, made a j vigorous argument today before the House committee on coinage in advocacy of the bill j for free coinage of oilver. He firat di rected attention to the assertions of j the anti-silver men that gold waa the least variable of nil measures of value. He de- I clarcd this statement to be just the reverse of j the truth and insisted that gold and not other articles had changed moat in value. Since | 1873. he said, gold had increased 50 per cent in purchasing power. He granted that since that yerr there had i en gr<. t improvements in the nn tlKMU of production, but this accounted for a small part only of the difference in value*. There had been a double increase due to a change in the measure of value as well as in the supply aud demand. In the laat seventeen years tnere had been but little change in the m* thods of prod.icing wheat, corn, cotton, to bacco or meat. There h id been no increase in wheat production beyond ihe increase in popu lation, and vet the price has laiicn from #1.42 to 97 cents. a coNTiNrors decun*. The decline, although not regular, had been continuous. In all the staples it took three measures to obtain the same weight in gold that could be obtained formerly with two measures. No. the change miia in tlie gold. The annual average production of gold had fallen from ? 166,000.000 in 1K73 to * 1O5.<<N).60O last vtnr. In 1?7.'J the population of the goid-u^ing coun tries was 75,000.000. There was then no g?M in ermanv, in Italv. in the United Sti.tos in Holland. From 1H73 to 1S81 thc-t four countries took from the gold using countries more than of gold. In the United States there were 65.000,-, 000 of people; in Germany, 40.000.1*10: in ltalv. SU.OOii.OOO. and in Holland. lO.ftM.oOO. More' than twice hh many a. in 1873 were row Using the limited .,.1-intity of gold. The law of supply and demand made' it impossible that the purchasing nower of gold should not be in creased by this condition of things. IE ATTACKS THE COXFIDESrE ABtlrVENT. Mr. Warner then attacked the argument* of those who maintained that it was not money but confidence that was wented. and that the credft system waa the thing to keep unshaken. Mr. Atkinson, he Bald, had stated that credit waa from thirty to fifty times o? great m cur rency. That would make our capital between aev enty-five thousand millions and forty thousand millions. A pretty fair leewav for a scientist. He believed in credit, but it should have a souud basis, and was not as good as money it self. In what did this credit system differ from the wildcat, red dog nnd swamp angel money issued years ago? It waa very good to have confidence, but why not make that confidence legal tender. fYid go a atop further and adopt the suggestion once made in the South Carolina legislature that whoever wavered in confidence should be sliot? He protested againat a con tinuance of a system which brought everything to a standstill every few year* by a collapse of the credit system?this confidence money, l'eople asked, he said. whv tuonev had fallen from as high as ISO per cent to 2 per cent He answered that when the collapse came there was not enough confidence monev to go around and there waa a desperate scramble for it. The collapse of credit dammed up busi ness. prices were fulling and as nobody wanted to borrow credit fell to 2 per cent. AS TO ECBOPEAX "ILVBa. He then ridiculed the statements that lilver from Europe ami India would flood this coun try if a free coinage law was passed. The for eign ratio waa from S to 7 per cent higher than ours. <o that silver could not come here. It was time for the United States to make a declaration of independence and say to Europe in what the balancea of trade in our favor ahould be paid to us. The United States had power enough in the commercial world to main* tain the purity between the two metals. MB. waleeb'b examination. Mr. Walker began hia examination of Mr. Warner by calling attention to the fact that the same number of buahels of farm product* would now buy more of everything the farmer needed than in 1873, Mr. Warner replied that that might be ao as far a* an ex change of products was concerned, but that the farmer when he went to pav his debts and his mortgage bad to pay the same amount of money and in an appreciated standard. Mr. Wilcox also suggested that the great advance in manufacturing ha* much to do with the question. Mr. John Warner, Congressman -elect from ^ew 1 ork, who was one of the delega- I tion sent here from the Cooper Union meeting, then protested against addi- I tional silver legislation. He traversed the statements of the preceeding witness and asserted that the decline in the price of farm products was due to improvements in pro duction and in transportation the world over The decrease was not as large as he would have expected. Sir. Hartine asked: Suppose the people had twice as much currency in their pockets as now; would not their prosperity be greatly in creased? Mr. Warner?No. sir: it would hare vsrr lit tle effect Mr. Warner asserted that under free coinmre silver would come here from France, not from individuals, but from government of France which had a large stock on hand. The French government could get gold from the L nited States in exchange for sil ver, and with that gold it could buy back silver if it were wanted and coin it and still have a large balance of profit. Free coinage would put us in the position of Hutch inson in Chicago cornering wheat The United States would be compelled to take all the silver the world offered, just as Hutchinson had to take wheat from everywhere in order to keep up the price. THE BIOCX SITUATION. Who Think Was a Hollow "A hollow mockery" is applied to the alleged dis Sioux, and the condemnation citixens of Dawes county, Neb. demon presented the memorial this ing in which these citixens demand an immedi ate and thorough disarmament of the Ogallalas and Drulea. The memorialists charge that the promise of the govern meat made to the settlers of Dawee and adjoining counties, that the In dians ahould be disarmed, has been fegrantly beinff ?* .. "The army and the government" aa/ the peti tioners, "hare been justly made the iaturhin* stock of all who have knowledge of the actw state of affairs, and the Uvea and property of this aflicted commt " more Insecure at this < signal of alarm was sounded." In oonclosion: -We demand that element of the Indians on the tion be placed with the War l be removed from the fteld of i FOR BELGIAN TRADE. Minister Terrell Begins Negotiations for a Reciprocity Treaty. FLAliOT THE IEISH CAMPAIGN. ?Mafia" Threatens the Life of an Italian in Chicago. A PROPOSED NAVAL DISPLAY. K?'( 11 1 ? ITH Kl'Uilia. lullrd Mate* Nlnialrr Terrlll r>rtM|itNI In an Important Interview. gpselai I'lbl. l?*p*i h to Th* r.m<u Mar llM'ntu, Feb. 17.?The Hclgian government hap begun ur^oluliOM with Id* in H Terrill, the Americaii minblw. looking to reciprocal ruatonio c?n?wi> w <? the part of Hrlpui ? nil the I'mtnl Slate*. I lie outlook !? ?M ?idercd favorable. Mr. Terrill h?>ln( had an intrrrm wnh ilir g.irminrtil this morning. T1IK rurjutix AtiAIXST I'AKMI.U Mcfarih) Ites'Jnbilant Oirr Obtalnis troi of " (lilted Ireland." S|ierlsl Cable I>i*|-*t. Ii to lb* I veninc Mar kmm, Feb. I".?The chief interest in lilt pending Irish ilupiite now center* arotind lbs campaign to be o|vened in Ireland, for wh?< h the Mft'arthyite* have al>out completed their preparation*. The authorized re|>orl of their recent meeting hardly convey* an adequate idea of the result of their deliberations. Al active, vigorous campaign wa* decided upon and will be undertaken in advance. It will ha well maintained, even if to do so it is foilnd nceeasary to ileplete the Iri*h bem-bee during the diseuaaion of the lri*h land bill. iictweeu twenty and thirty iiatioiiali?ta, in cluding the anpopular Healy and the popular N'lton. leave Loudon at once to luaure for there orator* a titling receptiou. The prieata 4uvc Urn communicated with and full direc tion* Metit out. The tight against Mr 1'aruell a ill lie hitler and uncompromising. tin law editor of CniM Mi.tmi Imng sately jailed and unable to take pari in the <\m|NUgii. It a urged that Mr. 1'urtiell ha* not heretofore *(<ared his opponent* and probably will not do mi in the future. I-Mt evening Mr. Par ml > In 14 a long and significant interview with l>r. O'lieilly of IHPtruit, Mich. lately the treasurer of the National Ix.igue of America, in the *moking room of the house of common* It i* umU r*t.?o<l that he side* with the ex-leader. He aaxK'iated last evening alt.igether with me Paroellite*. 1'he Hot Hrthvite* are in high feather over the receipt bv then leader of a power of attorney from Fatrick tgnn. transferring to him the control of 'J.'iO share* of the capital stock of ItaW iiWdat Thi* give* Mr. Met arthv con trol of a majority of the shares and open* up the pmsja* t of very lively time* in Ilublin. a* the new leader propone* to do a lit tie eviction on hi* own account aud be*tow on the diluted journal an editorial stall of hi* ow n way of Uiiitking. AI'KAIII Ol THK MAFIA. Tlie l.lfe of a ( hi. ago Italian Made M1MI able li> 1% anilng Note*. Olirioo. Feb. 17. ?A crowd of Italian* cam* to the oSice of the ihief of police laat nl^ht to a*k for protection for one of their number, Jo*. OuumIo, who had. they Mid. been con demned to death by tlie Mutia. (iazcolo for merly kept a fruit *tand on Madnum street. Several mouth* ago he wa* notified by th* proprietor of the properly that he must leave within a certain time, lie then aold the aland to tti.lio I'*. lepresenting Ui the latter tlnit iie had a year * leave. 1'ei lltta soon found out the fraudulent nature of the tr*n?action. (iazinlo ha* lieen sbscnt from the city for acme time. hiace hi* return a week ago be has received three my*tertoua r.oiice* written m red. notifying him that he had been tnea by the tribunal, "and unless be made amends for the swindle wiihin a given time hi* life would be taken.'' These missives were signed "Matia. ' Gauolo i* afraid to atir out ol tha I house unless accompanied by half a friends and wanu the Mutia hunted down. A GRAKIt NAVAL lilRPUV. The Route of Columbus la 14M to Mm Fallowed. Ciicmm, Feb. 17.?At the world's fair di rectory's executive committee meeting last night Mr. Alex. I). Anderson of Washington presented his viewa regarding the organisation of exposition headquarter* in New iork to I look after eastern affairs. He laid I before the executive committee a plan [ providing for au elaborate uaval dis I play by all the navies of the ' world. In a general way it design* that s grand international Beet shall cruise over the course followed by Columbus. Item hpain to the West Indie*, the skirting ot the Atlantic coast, making all the seaports of any importance from New Orleans to 1 >o*t.m. In this way the souili and east would be brought into more inti I male relation* with the world s fair, and such a magnificent display, in which our own navy | would particulate, would lend a dignity and value to the enterprise not otherwise ontauia i hie. The committee was favorably impressed ' with the scb< me. In the city council a resolution was unani mously adopted calling U|kiu the dire'tors of the world's fair to silence reports of tack of harmony in the uianap ao nt by formally recognizing Director General I>avia as the supreme national a* well as local executive olb eer of the exposition. CONCRFSS OF SOCIALISTS. American Delegate* Invited to Attend tbe (?Ml lieriag at Brussels. BttmiA Feb. 17.?The workmen's council has issued invitations to the socialiauc societies throughout Europe snd the I'nited Htates to send delegates to the International congress which is to be tyened in this city on August 8th. The cougrekr will sit for a week. In view of the action of the chamlier of dep uties in refusing to grant the peopi.w demand for universal suffrage, meeting* of workmen with the object of organizing for a general strike throughout Helgiuui are l>eing held. The workmen have also liegun to collect funds, the object of which is 4b enable tne strikers families to holdout while the men ars out Ml strike. THE CRFDIT OF KANSAS. It Will Re Maintained lly Use Senate of that State. Tomi, Kxjs.. Feb. 17.?The house ha* passed a compromise bill appropriating 4*0. 000 for the aid of destitute settler* in the we*tern counties of Kauaaa. The senate has agreed to concur in the bill. The aouey is to be used for the | urchaae of seed grain in cons ties where the crop* last year were destroyed by drought. The following resolution ha* beow introduced in the senate and will be adopted today. having lawn agreed upon by the repub lican* in caucus: Whereas, the iiassage of the House bill, com monly called the Elder tax bill, and other* wf like character by the house of represent iuim of this state ha* caused great apprehenoon stwt distress among the holder* of kanaa* se.-unties, and is, as we believe, doing the |?ople of this state great and irreiwrable injury by causing the withdrawal of all foreign capital fiorn our state, thereby rendering it impossible for the debtor class of oar people to renew their mort gages or even pav their interest acenu^ thereon: therefore, be it Hesolved. That it is ths sense of this senate that no wild or nsiouar, measure calculated in it* nature or by it" provisions to injuiiooMy affect the people of this state or the credit slf the same can or shall pass thi* body. A rORLlUN Rl'MOR Turn, Feb. 17.?The Patttiemi Cm 11 spiind ener publishes undsr reserve a rumor that It has bees agreed by the governments of the United States and Great ISriluin to sabatl the Bering ssa qnsstaoe to the arbitration e# Ik* king of Italy. Rnnsrau, Iu., Feb. 17.?Governor Ftfsr baa issued a proclamation prohibiting Ik* im portation of cattls liable to cosvey Texas fever br