Newspaper Page Text
r THE EVENING STAR h BUSHED DAILY, Exccpt $ub4by, AT THE 8tak buiumsos, 1101 Fmutitmu art, eerier lltk stmt by ih? erf niii y Star Newspaper Company, h. H- kal KPMA.nn. Prrt L ^7*x1jz8 *2 ""'h?tlber? tn the tlfz ?T ran *r% cn lac u own wonnt, at 10 owa nmr we-k. or 44. . ,~r mouth < ?P1 j? * y"-'it* " th? r""?l aute'or uiitda-pcttan >r?p*'il?*) rent* per month. ^tupo qcidictui sn?.ki s>rAB?l.uod*r m With renuru -..oetave added. ?3.00i ' itmarad ?t ih? peat (iac*at waabluatoa. D. C *? ?b^nd-claa* mmU matter., w ' *?r~al' n,*u ?n^rlvtvm* timet be paid la *lvaar* r< peper a?nt louatr than :.*id for. aavauce, ??-wn .nrmra.w,. SPECIAL NOTICES. CIVIL. kmjintm AND i *r*p* f'bj'ert. burt'i..>v?l hi? ?o lujcn btiurtin*. Mis f k. n w i?ie f?**"- ?** i?:m-ltuj fc-^s??p ton want an absolutely pur* i-nan of Taitar laltm* lowuar buy the . _ "mkhish." 1 ?"* roauin a??.?.mo or mi**a. l^l tr IHE WASHINGTON LOAN and ,T"*? Coiavtuf para mtral am ??*r?bt belaace* aameol tocri-ck. ? ?_ a.iv>.noa jtawiparary o?cee. No. 1001 f?t. a.w. bra1k akx) h. waksir. kh-1*k> plmhleut. stobaoe * A rkhocbkz AMEJUCAH BBOT'RITT AND TKCST company. 1140 loth at m w b*nre roar furnuun. mu??r Warn, platoa, vorkaoi Art, iruakaof yalu*. blea . uriaaoa. be.. in our flrarruof buldntr. i nan. t'l?ti (*cllttle* for parkin*, ?jovuxraul iliwiiw louaahom *ooda. *uv< nr~ worlta at art, Ac. y'lajuoua. 4?a. , A dirrtcttlt MATT**-to nach ftrat hand* direct for im fr:.nn* of tiia better ciaaa. Coc i*tij tu^reted caida and invtuttum ali J mipaflor prlntlu* made ttrough tiEDSEY * bobtjcra. m ?jrts2^rs!i^2,i3& i ast *oj'cb . ?A? oonbl'mubl have been ud> tor tba at g?? .1wm h tea aaaum and entna aactloaaof unksw^sowaat l**1 tll*'r "" feeadtmn* ruS: national oapitai. bank ob _?wthb west end national bank. Beta paid c?u? bafora tba hth of aacb month. AND thi 8t ONLY, artli b. m,auad to tba jiacouut it a& lar l?0 cubic feet. y?-?r ? a8hu.utok qa3 LIGHT comjaitt. FINANCIAL. pba*k h. pklot^k.^ . Buya ami m!la all Local stooka and Bonds llated on tb* waalaxlrton block kxcluaga d:fl^tt0"*7 ?* loc*1 ?achiull> cood. bad and la funiiahe* information on all local intmtmmta ctmctfoiij and without cnar>|?. _ p?? no< *|h>int?r? on tha markat. Doea not proni:9? a aarw jtotii on purciiaae# ma<l? by bim. ke qnirea a 0?i oait frum strau^ars. *oid not aiwayi *^ tu# top a*acuua ordara. P*ideutt bcildrnq AMD LOAN association. ?u AND u15 r ST. h. W. ba? tba Wat plan dcvlaed for aaconn* ? Horn*. SO acction OF MONET. r*^j *l''e ?l3 r-r month on fecb i si?ar^a. tl v>er nioiith.maturina in luti u.udtii?, lor pront. au* ><> bvck 1>cks hkyt IKED bl* PEli can ( IN 1 ?ki..-> 1 Al.lwwed OH _ SFECIAL PATMEH18. Paid-up caruocaira :or ?hv iaaaa.1 at ?f? per aLare 5 per .-ant per aunuiu paid ui purclum pnea aami annuaujr. ??. m_. okp1ceks: n dtmrman. iprw. Alonar, twaadale. swv. ^l?ncli. v Praa. aj..lrtv? Wall. m'l'r. Bottpeon. lryl"(STE^ulJK' ttultb. atfy. am?KICAN 8ECI kitv AND TBCBT oo. A. T. Bntton, Prca't. OKPO&i'i'obv. f?9-tr CENTRAL NAllu.lal BANK. eguitablk co-opuut1va bulldinu ahboclatiok* "xqcitabla BtLLDINO. ' 10u8 ebz. Aaaau?i.lii,ajk*L oflea boora frwr p am to 4 ,t0 p.m. dally. 0b tlaurat itadsaaday m aacb muntb tba olbcevulba ?i an trubi ti to 8 o'clock p. m. adwanoaa wm ba promptly at 7 o'clock. li?? 4k4 ummm ?m mpnir ia ebaraa are ?2.fl0 par moath. ?1.0w> advanced on each ikara punrbleta exj lainicr tba obiecta and n liaaia i< tta aaawoetioa an iunuai.ed upoa api .icatlou. thomas homajivllle. Praat JOHN TOT EPSON, see'y. a7 1 nr?g. TEWKSBL'ht. w. B. HI BBS. linker, mu bruadaray, n. T. juaiiatrar, "uu? haaiauru* Stock ? i. n.nae. trwrs o. tewksbcbt ft ca. banklkb AND bbokekb. 1S3T. V ST.. washington. D.e. Bay and ??n for caabor uo tuarvin otock<l*Boada. ttiiib. htittamu and oil. laact private anna to New York and hilqmn liitarvat allowed on d^injaita. Ont-uf-wwu luaui?aa a apecialty. au tot al becuritlea dealt in. cobmutt qaotaouns all market*. lalepbon* m& washinqton LOAN AND tbvht company. 1001 T btb^lt^jjobthw'est, ?>"ioua to ?m tion of our new build ' ^ner an i F *ta. u. V. Capital, *1.uuu.uux ?y? intt-rcat at 4 par cant. pei fu o pvr wut. . fpari-ml. aceeratnv w of depoatt. n? paid on balancea autdee* to caa'i. esecutceall truau _ _ CaU or write lor lni^ruiation BBAISABD H. waknfck, wvi^am. juh n JOY cd.SoN, vica j'wakicnt j?a w-cob^n. j?oj^cabtnjlk <?B*oh a macahthht. ?tx)VEB BITLD1 no, 141? f ST. n. W and paelia m ttovertimant Bonda! ^ajglmsea: S=52S-S!k aa^rtcea Bali laleghoae BtocA bonaht aad aold. jyia & l EIDY. offfrins ih nu linen ? ECK towels. 1. *?? 18x38. nrular price. l?he. Only ^ 1#?40. raraur price, 14c. Only _ *?: r. "tl?*4"- ?xtt* <m??ty ??<i fnUy ?g*1' ?- Oar patee for tbl* lot only -j&c. * r ??<* the jtt-iacB wool Cbeck* Dnea 50-ta?b All-wool Ladlea' Cloth, all the i?-.n-r jhadee. al ate., tjc. and $1 per y.tnl. bb-taoh All-wool Henrietta* ia all the new (fcaya aad l*as, *xtra nood value. ?aljftoc. a yard. * rwnrh h?rl?u. ^khalah. all the aaw ahadaa. ranular blgooda, Ladlee' Balbrt?**a Hcee, extra tae rause "> nil only 13>te. pair. cabhabt A LEIDT. >88 7th and t08 K at*. a.w., philadelphia STORE. warn of c OOA. utedica offara notlasc * ^5g?a l*av#a that *e"^"">* part o* soath an^nca ahare the plaattetadlaa .ua. Ita ae.^ stain ?arn*ya with eoatpara tea^ply theplaraof foed and i tb* WINE ofooca. which *11 the vtrtawof to* f? iaaaaeaai ' v. 8l thompson, hiww, wt TOD lothak. pl0sim OCT At 008T " S^" M?wl,'0"r 5?? SPECIAL NOTICES. AisOMtf. -A SPECIAL CO.MMlNli.A V ^ ?L L?,iyr,,,e Lod*? "?? ** held WED "*"? ?* *??oviork p m. MauibartM invited to attend. ? JOHN H OLCOTT. Srretary. ?WHY SHOULD YOU SUBSCRIBE? Sxiii for Prospectus. . tbink sod than you will know. CITT nrVMmZJTT COMPANY. Capital, *50.000. Charter ParpatumL tuw. ? lOeaob; r! rub, (1 per month. Bar*, will and exchange* REAL ESTATE IN WASHINGTON CITT. District of Columbia. It i idiirat its own stock, with th* consent of tba iudlridual stockholders, when ao ordered by ita Directors. ?*F* dirldands semi-annually or oftener If thought advisable by the Board of Director*. It will axohaag* shares of Ita capital atock for Haul Estate. nIANE E. CORBETT. W. MOSBY WILLIAMS. President. Manager. JOHN RIDOUT. PROF. C. X. URMER. Iraaa. and Atty. Auditor. YIKGIL a. WTLUAMB. Secretary. omci: 517 E. corner 6th at. a. w. Telephone (mU?1107. BANKERS: Tha Columbia National Bank of Washington. B. H. WABNEB. Praaidant. DEPOSITORY OF 8RCUKITIE9: Tha Waahinirton loan and Trust Company, Chartered by C'ongTiss. ft* 17-8t ,ajmeeting OF JHE SHAKEHOLDKKS -r_>?? ?*'(" *?arican EnsriOiar Manufacturing fXSTSf' wirnvs2W.,?1'!Htn Hotel, at tmiinSth* KHDAT. F*t?uary IK to hear tha faport of the niuia??> on tha euccaaaful worlnna of th? Large uioiu*ntuin *tik1 tie 'altKtt 11 C. fOI-E. Praaidant. OF GLYMONT STOCE J?TriTTfV? M*7r ,w,il ??'?nua until further notica *e?Jm?a9 f:LVc2?"rMb*"d * ? W .arary vkkPNK&DAi at *:JU p.m. lor buainva* of vital importance. All memtjera are urged to attend for their own banaftt. lt*l?-:tr) MANY STOCKHOLDERS. "r.T "?? Wc.HTH OF PROPEBTy: down, deterred payments A:A) ? dS~ K?K** TO!1 ^' *D rtr*t y?ar. Your hatra tUm 69mth ***?or cashiXlSi-* f*?1, C.tyP^^gr^TO^^t a1 AM MAR1NQ AT PRESENT a ni>B!i aP a to reduce atock of Artiata" and Arrhl twta Supplies. TVn par cent will ba 2 Jowed on fil cs*h sale* of tba a bora Una*, inrlinting Picture Fremiti*. On Decorated Gooda, taacy Brass Eaaeia, Pottary, Pio tuiea for 1 railing. Photographic stock. l lowtr !>fd Crayon Studies 3ft per cent discount, fliis ti an opportunity you should auraly stnbnua. At no othtr tiiu* hara these good* baan aold at souh Prices. Sals llmitad. Come aarly. FRED. A. SCHMIDT. 50?aUi at. Branch 17ZS Pa. sra. fc-^ALI. INTERESTED IJTCHHI8TIAN8CP leT^lJo" TbaniUy araiwigs at bo'clock. ?WE DENY NOTHING'! .,[}** ('Obllc toIc-j is too strong. W? aocapt the Tar dict, ni: That our Shirts ara tba flnast itv at tamp tad fa r *"ll^IQ*Tua- All c ut and uuuUt on tha rrrn mi Parfaction gnarantaad or no aala. v MJLLUt'8. InrraSM to ELLEBY h CO.. ?Mrtmakan. Ladies' and Oentlsmen's Outflttart W?*i 1Mb and Pa. ava. m/e'ting of the n, J Iorw wect^JO Of a presideat. board oC director, and auch other oflloers aa are rro^ldad for in tbaSSSra JOHN ??TW0R1H.I^L^LAKK ?,?u?VTBW?frr*i> phonograph. Fraa^ihlbtaon at ^ ?o Dauy faJS-lm ?OL Blji >??Oa|A|HCO.. ,WHO IB YOtTR LACNDRYMAN? TOLMAN 81EAM LAUNDRY. - . . 4U1 to 4l? C at. n. w. Quick work without eitra clurg*. Trr oar plan. A postal from you will bring on* W our wagons to your door. *^S?DR. T. I. McARDLE HAS KEMOVKD TO CONNECT1CCT ave. _Tel*pnone^?jo fe2-Im* S^a^-F YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTELY PURE B^STCr~u> of T-^^tmt Powdar buy tha doa* not coo tain flteinvsis or aisn. J*31-tr ice; coal; cqal~ Offl- ICt COMPANY. OO'-* 10th and J its. n. w. Telephone 4Sa Branch oSce.tkM Pa.ase.n.w. 'ielephone ti4 1!?" Natural lea acl Coal *a any <x<n>i?ny in tha city. Diacount on ? S?i*"Jiii ? Con,~-?* ?"??? for one fal4J.ii L M. WILLIS. Vice Pre*, and Manager. Mk MAHi KLLU8 H. GOOD. U^XTT.oiIJj 1^?!* i aplHJ.!nt^ ??neral A^t-nt of vt a MS^1 In?.aranie Company of MontiM>ller '?r Maryland mid the Djiinct of Coluinbia M'[M o?a?iiUSr^li"S *' *?h hwld olhre^or tha praaeni at No. Si 8. Houi.laj st Baitiiiioiv. Md. Fairaarr 2 Itaii t-HAS D^WiTx"Pr**ident. JaKuaryg. IMB1.] Montfelier. Vt. .APABTMENT8 FOB GENTLEMEN. tE ALBANY. 17TH AND H 8T8. N.W. Cotnpl*taiy lurnlahed by tha P. Hanson Uis* Co. trom apecial deai^na; haatcid by staam . supplied with elerator, rooms, lnclud Ing tilad bath room, from 8ae0 to ?l.OUUpar annum. ADDISON k LARCOMBK. lJ04F*t.n.w. ,AN OPEN INVITATION! ' GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WiTi1iS,Xlflf,l?."T laiws at.*k of AMERICAN A. L. 8ALTZ8TE1N. JR.. Haadquartar* for American Watcba^ SO* 7th at. n.w. W?da, ?S^?M?55SSltti?^^?2 "?s^3Lr!"'in'"' w&ur:z;^ * JFJf.MNGS. ; Varntshe*nnd fall-lm 3m Pannaylaanla an. *.*. Sf - ---^ H pre IA L. zi?hx b?****** "*? IliiGULAB MEtTlNG OF P^OT1^ ll^llfET^^cBEAM c. H. BI BGESM. 1; it flOBSiRR J. B. WIMXB. BOBT J EIM3>ATKirK MTOBY B. I.AUD. f.i MT^^VJJ.a' , BABTL1TT HILL*. DiSTlfr 5^* Artlfl.i*l ts*th inserted immediately after aatrei'tio? of teeth and nnrliI iHvmfi m rectlagckiidiaa'.dltKhi^ ELI.I8 B. BLISS. Di .STUi. Hu rasniua.1 pra. th e at ? . ?M '* 'War .-.uu ouuding). IMisna mlaya. crown and iiuWa work. fsT-lm B- M. SCHo?)LBY, ??? IKiS ^ DENTIST, Maarrmfn* ?><* o%* to cor. ilth aad FsU orar B?tsa orwg atora lakapbwsa 1W7 ll?ll carefully! "iFuisiWda of cans of a bakliv powder limlv *a THE PABBI8H B A El NO tOWDU." I oenpe**d sxelwatTsly of HIGHEST TEST ._?'iS&?^3aSE2$B aBUY YOUR a !TooUh*rJUabla YOU WANT AX ABSTlCTELY FUR* - - bv o!arM SPECIAL NOTICES. ? ^i>ANV HDIF.8 WILLING TO ENTEKTAIN w?^ tracts during the cviuintr woman's cuaven VSR*-* reuu?s*sd to their sddresses to Be*. ANNA BHAVV. 1400 Oat. n.w. It* *-^a?OHIRIS LODGE, No. 8U. F. A. A. *1?A stated i-omijHiDi.-Minn will be hold at the Ru l?y ?'H'?< Wrdnssday) fcVF.NING at < .10 o'clock. Wot*. sr-ond decree. It WM. OStAR ROOME. Secrel.ry. I GAMMA DELTA?THF. ISftTALLA 8o"?l'-n> Alnmni Aseor-iation of this fiatm-ruly willhe Md at Hotel Hennsrt. Balti 'aore. FRIDA\ EVENING, February -JO. I lift ft! . ft A-' ii ! \*"Lin*ton De.tasare SSHSiivS?"1-.! > r" "ow? ,rom Philadelphia and New \orli will be present. Don't fail to roue mid | "*v* * time. fslR-Vt* VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY, a?t. bet. 14th and 15th aia. Thin pror-*?y hat th? rtdvantagaof ? wide frontage and is quite (hallow. Tbe dimensions aru 1<S lcet 4 inches by a depth of about 87 fret. The lo cation is one of the I vat I ui.ud blocks in the city. It ran be imr chai?l for ?Aft,000. which la ,t the nta of ft tout i'.li per R<i uarr feet. Til OH. J. FISHKK A CO.. u 3|K4 F at. n.w. STILL A FEW LEFT. <Tliia space chamred dally.) "tu a aplsndid ssaortmiut left of the buititui) mid irouseriugs which I re duced a few days vro. a.?/*' f"'?* ,ru* *86 Snitliivs are ? ??. 1 rum (1 to ?4 off the Troussrtnga. Mw 8Prtmt Cloth* an not Included. if you want your new edit for tbe first warm spell, pick It out now. G. WARFIELD SIMPSON, ? t-apsrt l? Trousers," Cor. Mb and O ata. n.w. felg SsTHOMAS M. FIELD 8 HA8 RF.MOVED * 'tis la* oftti e from the Kendall buiUi.n* to 'Uislaiia ftve. n. w.. 2.1 floor. lelbSt unlaundered SHIRTS. ??? Tonr time will not be wasted by looking at ? o?? UTICA NONPAnElI?lsoo "??n fSlly Reinforced Shirt for 7/>c. BIX FOB FOUR DOLLARS. P X. k J. I. ROSENTHAL, Men's Furnishings, Hats. One price. . (Je24-3m] jqu r st. WORD TO THE WISE fuiS* W1^,,w,lt "" to order yonr^-,"5w SHIRT <>"????( 5*rn.?it you can w??r in Lot ^ on<1' will be ?o busy tliat you tiY i ?i ** ipnr Shirti when you WANT them 81'It)nSs(Ihii hi "ZOU I??ttern? In FANCY ? 'jRarswrt ?& ,now Factory on promise MW r .LARGE WHITE ASPARAGUS. Choicest packed In America okrmX* asparagus TIPS. a a r.i. ??au2l.?d <UUe>OM f & W. BUBCHKLt, KW6Fst. fslS FOR REST? S?5 -1st at. n. w.; 8 rooina andbatb; two bay windows; press brick front; mod. imps., facing park on Pa. ave.; rery desirable. Rent, S40.50. Aleo house No. M0S1 H st. n.w.; bay window; south front, 7 rooms ?nd bath; mod. Imps.; splendid borne and vary convsnlent to can. Schools and market. r.ent. ?33.fi0. Apply to WESOOTT ft WILCOX. f*18-at 1907Pa. are. n.w. ?10 loaji on mil niAii, ? IS,000. ?10.000. ?7,000? ?4.000? ?8,000? It 8WORM8TEDT It BRADIF.T. 8K7 F st. n. w. fc HtolvUi bejatr; icindt tii/l LOOK OPT. OUR lumber baa won its way every where because of its unvarying titgh quality and its cheapness. But look oat; we bars bsen succeaeiui, and as a nault there an imitators. They can't meet tbe price, how ever. ?1.15 ,?r 100 feet, and as to quality ??kyour u?t|fhkxjr wboliae used our Luiuber. UBBXT, BITTINGER ft arrrrww, Gang-S? wed Lumbar, M7 6th st. and Naw Tort ava. Jr^5> * CARD! _ T^1* asaiimuient made by F. Gsrnsr, at 1216 ."noiT^fc Ssi.^uNh^' ^^nS^ nowiwcout erns the undersigned ana in ^TtSareARNER^oth^r._ Itgig SI2SS _8es page 8. Amnseiuents. fsl7-Ot ^>FOR SALE- " 1 heuueed to t~,000. ?-foo?n. bath and oallar br^sas on 0th st. bet. L and M staH Also Oae nn L st. bat. 5th and 0th sta. fronting sonabU*tsrms!?W ?f on rea fal7-8t Hvnra3?rr * CAHrLr 810 F st. n. w. (ground floor.) WEDDING AVn^BECF.PTlON INVITA T~"y ITinttd in li.iitiition of angnvlng?can bMOiy toil tbe dlSeranca-at one fourfh tbe f.1- fc? BTROK 8. ADAMS, tel .-An >1M lltft st. n. w. DO TOO Rid*, drivs at keep a horse? Then you nss a Carriage, may naed a Mm It you don't you may want a Wsnisaa. tup Robe. Whip or "eoawU.<*g" for Ve hare everything belonging to the BOSS complete outfit. ANDREW t. JOYCE'S SONS. Win UNk and 1080 Conn. ava. SPECIAL NOTIO*. FOR RENT. O?r-e rooms in tbe new fira-proe. National Union buildlofr. SIM F st. n. w. Rooms all light. Rents moderate. Also a large a re-pro of storsaa room; 24x0b. Apply at building. foUt-lw fcJKnr REMINGTON TTFR WRITXR8, BEST LINEN PAPER AND other supplies rat ttm WR1TRR OF WTCXOFF, SRAMANS ft RENRDIOT. PROPRIETORS, COR.STH AND F STS. N.W. ?ae-aajgist T. UVUtMi Washington News and Gossip. Ib46i to Advertisements. AHraKMEHTU. ATTOUNEY8 ?^"7 AUCTION SALES P?*?n bicycles ??7 BOAKDINO p"~" 3 BUSINESS CHANCES...".!!]" p? o CITY ITEMS p!l! Z I COUNTRY REAL ESTATE^""" Pan ? DEATHS - dentistry EDUCATIONAL .... Pure 7 EXCURSIONS, kr p?. a FAMILY SUPPLIES pi. 7 FINANCIAL 1E.1 Fob KENT (Flats) ' . p?..? 2 FOR KENT (Offloe*) Fan 2 IOR RENT (Rooms) Piure> FOR RKNT (Stable*) Pas* 2 FOR RENT (Store*) Pur* 2 FOR RENT iHoaacs) Pan 2 FOR RENT (Miscellaneous) Pure 2 I OR SALE (Homes) Pan 2 FOR SALE (Lota) !.7!.Pa?* 3 For SAI.E (Miscellaneous) Pan 2 GENTLEMEN'S GOODS Pan 7 hotels " ; p??8 LADIES' GOODS pure" LECTURES p?,*g I LOCAL MENTION Pan N LOST AND FOUND Pure 2 MANICURE pur* 7 MARRIAGES " p^J MEDICAL Pan 7 MISCELLANEOUS ..".7.117"."." Pure 5 MONEY TO LOAN ' Pure 5 1 NOTARIES PUBLIC * Pair* '? NEW PUBLICATIONS ' Pur* 8 I POTOMAC KIVEK BOATS Pan 7 PIANOS AND O KG AN8 Pan 7 PER80NAL p^Lo 1 PRINTERS Pur* 7 I PROPOSALS p^n n PROFESSIONAL p^ 7 RAILROADS p? 7 SPECIALTIES .. p,? 7 I SUBURBAN PROPERTY ...7.7..7.7.."7.7. Pure 2 WANTED (Board) Pan 2 WANTED (H*Ip) Pan'' WANTED(Hoiises) .....' ..Pan 2 * ANTkL) (Lots) Pair*" WANTED (Rooms) pZT.] WANTED (Situations) ' p?? ?? WANTED (llts- ej'aneous) Pan J WINTER RESORTS . ?? r wood and coal 777777777777l?? 31 Govehnuekt Ukceipts Todat.?Internal rev enue, <847,897; customs, #983,782. 1 Movements or Natal Vessels.?The U. 8. S. Baltimore arrived at Gibraltar today en route to Valparaiso, Chili. The D. 8. 8. Yantic sailed from Newport, R. I., yersterday for a cruise to South Carolina. The Pbesident's Callers this morning in cluded Senator! Stanford and Plumb. Repre- j (tentative* DunneU, ODonnell, Carter, Struble, Burton, Cogswell. Yardley, Bergen, Wilson of Kentucky, McCreary and Rockwell, Gen. Ma hone and Rev. Mr. Sanderson of Iowa. Parookbo.?The President has granted a par don in the case of Lem liurch,indicted in Georgia with Wright Lancaster and others for conspiracy to murder. He was pardoned because of aid rendered the government in prosecuting the The Fish Commission Steameb Albatboss, Lieutenant Commander Z. L. Tanner, U.8.N., I commanding, reached Panama on the 17th in stant with all well on board. Her address until i March 1 will be care of the United States consul j at that place, and afterward, until April 1, care i ?* L nited Htatei coiuul at Acapuloo, Mexico. , | Tn floTumsi to Appeal?Attorney Gen eral Miller has directed the United States attor ney for the southern district of New York to ' | appeal to the United State* Supreme Court I from the decision of the United States circuit I court of the district mentioned in the case of Ballin, Joseph A Co., involving the proper | classification of worsted cloths. Imfobted Gun Stocks.?Acting on the ad vice of the Attorney General the question of the classification of imported breech-loading shot gun stocks U to be taken to the Supreme Court for review. In the meantime the de- i cision of the board of general appraisers at New York of December 22, 1890, wilf govern in the classiiication of such articles. Natal Obdebs.?Civil Engineer C. C. Wol- ] cott, ordered to temporary duty at the navy yard. Washington, D.C., 25th instant. Civil Engineer George Maekay, detached from duty in the bureau of yards and docks, navy yard. Waahingtou, D.C., and ordered to dutv at the naval station. Port Royal, S.C. Ensign Friend i W. Jenkins, detached from duty on the coast survey and ordered to hold himself in readiness for'Orders to the Marion. Flobida Fibebs.? Mr. Charles Richards | Dodge, expert in charge of fiber investigation of the Department of Agriculture, is en route to Florida to study the distribution and char acteristics of the fiber plauts of that region. He will visit both the east and west coasts of southern Florida and the islands of the Key West g.oup on the south, and will explore the i Dr. l'errins tract near Biscavne bav, where plantations from Centrnl American sisal were made more than fifty yean ago and described | in a Senate report, 'iliose plan is are still grow ing wild there and have been carried by ship loads to the Bahamas to advance British fiber growing interests. Pebsox ai?A. J. Wright of Springfield, F. J. Barnes and J. D. Stearns of Chicago, Mrs. 8. G Witherbee, Miss Witherbee and Mrs. C. E. Hall of N Y., and Mrs. Chas. W. Pierce and Miss Elizabeth Pierce of Boston are at the Arlington.? Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Martin, L. S. iillint and Mrs. A. C. Kingsland of New York Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 8miih of Worcester, Mr' aiid Mrs. S. M. Brandt of Maine and James ? arkil of Richmond are at the Normandie. M. A. McDonald of Pittsburg, E. S. Rogers Mr. ond Mrs. Wellington and Miss Young of PLilal delphia are at the Riggs. Wm. J. Bovd and C. Ld. lionaall of New York, Limit. Col. Connolly of Gov. l'attison s staff and Jacob Johnson of Easton are at the Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. C. F. Demorext, J. H. Main and Chas. W Kattell of New York, H. K. Wagg and ft. Houghton of Bostou and Hon. Walter C. New berry of Chicago are at Wiltard's. Mrs. Bloia of New York. Mrs. A. V. Le Ran and Miss Le Bau of Massachusetts and Aluiar Hall of To ledo, Ohio, are at the Arno. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Craus of Middletowu, N.Y., Mrs. Dr. J. 8 Beer of Camden, N.J., Mrs. Maud ilalliiiKtoii llooth and Miss Elian 1*. Vickory of New icirk Mrs. Sarah J. C. Downs of Ocean Grove N.J ' and Mrs. Geo. W. and Miss Mary T. Eider o'f Lewistown, Pa., are at the Fredonia. J. J. Hoblitaell of Pennsylvania, C. M. Curtis oi' Ciucmnati, Frank A. Lee of New York and E. J. Hopkins and L. C. Stow of Grand Rapids are at the National. li. P. Chattield of Aiken S.C., and 8. B. Curaoy of Norfolk are at the Metropolitan. H. T. Hawkins of Pennsyl vania. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Howard. G. V. Jerri gan and H. F. Cunningham of New York and Miss O. Mills of Worcester, Mass., are at the Hotel Jchnson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walker of Taunton, Masa.. Mrs. W. F. Draper and daughter of Andover, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. RE. Bisbue of Lynn, Mass., C. D. Hall of New Haven, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Howell of New Brunswick. N. J., John Wright of Trenton N.J., G. C. W. Fuller of C'ambridgeport, .Vlaas Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Gordon of Omaha, Neb ' Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Love of Kuoxvule Teuui' and L. A. Decker of Hartford, Conn.' are at the St James. GOME TO THE FUNERAL. The President, Mnabsra of Cabtaa* aad Con. greselimal Committee Leave for Naw York. The President and the cabinet left the city today at 8:30 o'clock on a special train over the Pennsylvania railroad for New York to attend the funeral ot Gen. Sherman tomorrow. 2he train waa oompoeed of two Poll '*> Viee President Thompson's private and a dining ear. The President opiate oecnpied the prtrMe ear. Gen. SchoAald and his atteT one of the Pullmans, and the House -mi sseinnsl oom mlttee the other. The party^riH reaeh S? York tonight and will leave tomorrow afternoon at 640 for this ' * - IN CONGRESS TODAY The Copyright Bill Occupies Most of the Senate's Time. THE BILL WITH AMENDMENTS PASSED An Amusing Colloquy Between Messrs. Wolcott and Plumb. A TEMPORARY SPEAKER. SKNATK. Senate bill confirming to th* Kansas Central Itailroad Company the right of way over the Fort Leavenworth military reservation was re ported and placed on the calendar. The conference report on the t>ill to incorpo rate the Washington and Arlington Railroad Company of the District of Columbia was pre sented and agreed to. A motion to reconsider the vote naming the bill granting right of way to the Metropolitan Southern Railroad Company through property of the United States in Montgomery county, Md-, was made by Mr. Qorman and pat on THK COPYRIGHT BOX. ? The copyright bill having been taken up as the unfinished business, Mr. Piatt yielded to the request of Mr. Davis to allow some pension bills on the calendar to l.e passed. Mr. Paddock notified Mr. riatt that In view of the very important bill next on the order of business (the Indian depredations bill) he (Mr. Paddock) would have to insist,unless an agree ment could be secured for a vote on the copy right bill before adjournment today, that that bill be laid aside uud the pure food bill taken up. He recognized Mr. Piatt's great anxiety about the copyright bill and the labor bestowed upon it by "him: but it looked to hin i Mr. Paddock)?as it looked to inanv other friends of that bill?that the question had de generated into a wrestle between those who speculated on the brains of other people and who were determined to get advantage one of the other. Mr. l'lutt agreed with Mr. Paddock that the copyright bill had occupied a long time and had been kept before the Senate to the exclu sion of other matter*?very much to his sor row. He was as anxious to get it out of tho way as Mr. Paddock in, and was as anxious as that Senator could possibly be to come to the consideration of the pure food bill. He as sured him that he would do everything (even refraining from discussion) in order to get a vote on the bill, aiul did not think that it would occupy over two hours more. PBKBION BILLS PASSED. Rome dozen pension bills were taken from the calendar and passed, including bills in creasing the pensions of the widows of Gen. Custer, Admiral Wilkes and Gen. Daniel Uliuiitun to ?100 a month. The first was a House bill; all the others were Senate bills. When the bill to give .*100 a month to Mrs. Custer was read Mr. Plumb inquired if Mr. Davis, chairman of the committee on pensions, had considered the question of increasing the pensions of the widows of private soldiers. Mr. Davis informed him that when he (Mr. Plumb) introduced a bill to that effect it would be considered. Mr. Plumb?I wish to know what the oom mittee has done on that subject. Mr. Davis?The committee has not had any occasion to express an opinion upon it Mr. Plumb?Then I um bound to suppose that the widows of private soldiers have not yet com* within ths purview of tb*t com mittee. THK SHERMAN AMENDMENT. The copyright bill was again taken up, the peuding question being on the Shermun amend ment as offered yesterday by Mr. Power?to admit copyrighted books. Ac., printed in foreign countries on pavment of tariff duties. It was agreed to?yeas 3?. navs 24 -as follows: Yeas- Messrs. Allen, Allison, Bate, Berrv, Blackburn. Call, Carlisle, Cockrell, Coke, Cullom, Daniel, Easti^ Faulkner,George, Gorman, Uray. Hale. Hampton. Harris, Inealls, Jones (Ark.), Mitchell. Paddock, Pasco, Pavne, I'etigrcw, Plumb. Power. Pugh, Ransom, Rea gan. Vauee, Vest, Walthall, Wilson (Iowa), Wil son (Md.)?96. Naya?Messrs. Blair, Casey, Davis, Dawes, Dixon, Dolph, Edmunds, Furwell, Hawle.v, Hig gins, Hoar. McMillan, Mandersou, Morrill, Pierce. Piatt, Banders, Sawyer, Spooner, Stan ford, Stewart, Stockbridge, Washburn, Wol cott?34. Mr. Frve renewed the amendment hereto fore offered by him (adopted in committee of the whole and disagreed to in the Senate) re- J quiring maps, dramatic or musical composi tions, engravings, cuts, prints, photographs, ' chromos or lithographs to be printed from plates executed in the United States. A TILT BETWXKK WOLCOTT AND PLCXB. In the course of a discussion on Mr. Frye's amendment a somewhat amusing colloquy took ; place between Mr. Wolcott and Mr. Plumb, the former intimating that views which Mr. Plumb had expressed on art and artistic and liter ary propertv might suit the ideas of the state of Kansas in these latter days, but were not generally accepted elsewhere, and I Mr. Plumb retorted that such a remark did not I become the Senator from Colorado, and that when the time came for them to hang out their soiled linen on the national clothes line he (Mr. Plumb) could say as many mean things about Colorado as Mr. Wolcott could sav about Kau nas?even if the majority of tLe population of Colorado had come from Kansas. "Bui thev have not, ' said Mr. Wolcott. "I should like to know that they have not." said Mr. Plumb. "I like it, too," retorted Mr. Wolcott, and the galleries indulged in a laugh. The vote was taken on Mr. Frye's amend ment and it was agreed to?yeas 41, nays 34, as follows: Yeas?Messrs. Allison, Berry, Black- I burn, Blair, Call, Onrev, Casey, Coke, Cullom, Daniel, Dawes. Dixon, Evarts Farwell, Fry?, George, Halo, Hiscock, Ingalls, McConnell, McMillan, Manderson, Mitchell, Morgan, Pad dock, Payne, l'ettigrew. Pierce, Plumb. Power, Sanders, Sawyer. Shoup, Spoouer, Stanford, Stewi -t. Turpi*, Vance, Walthall, Warren, Wil son (iowa)?41. Nays?Messrs. Bate. Bntler, Carlisle, Dawes, Dolph, Edmunds, Faulkner, Gray, Hampton, Harris. Hawley. Higgins. Hoar, Jones (Ark.) Morrill, Pasco,, Push, Ucagan, Stock bridge, Vest, Washburn, Wilson (Md.), Wol oott?24. MR. ISOAIXS' NEWSPAPER AMENDMEKT. Mr. Ingalls moved to strike out of section S the proviso allowing the publisher of a news paper or magazine to import two copies of any newspaper or magazine published in a foreign country and to insert in lieu thereof the following: "And except in the case of newspapers and periodical,!, which are hartby exempted from prohibition of importation. Agreed to without division. ?ORE AMENDMENTS SUGGESTED. Mr. Daniel suggested an amendment to sec tion 3, which requires a printed copy of the title of the copyrighted book, Ac., to he sent to the librarian of Congress on or before the day of publication in this or any foreign country. The suggestion was to make the section read, ''within six months after the day of publication." Mr. Piatt deprecated any further change* in the bill. Mr. Daniel then suggested a recom mittal of the bill so thst the committee might respond to the sense of the Senate on the sub iect snd prepare a bill in conformitv with the udgment pronounced on the pending bill. Mr. Piatt thought that he could hardly^* ex* peeled to mak* such - a motion. Of coarse he eonld not prevent its being made. Bat every one knew that a recommittal of th* bill wonld be the end of any hop* to obtain a copyright bill at this m suon. Mr. Daniel?Then I offer th* amendment which I hav* suggested. Mr. OarUsl*, responding to a remark of Mr. Plait's that the provision which Mr. Daniel sought to amend had the'approval of all the AmerieManthon exoept on*, read from an ar ticle In the Stew York Tribune of February 10, advene to the Fit* amendment and declaring thatfe ]>ropoaed to MCrifle* the inter sets of art Hp alio read from a document issued on the part of the Author*' League expressing sur prise and regret that the rery first response of the Senate for copyright should be a sweeping denial of it to the painters, draughtsmen, etchers and engraver* of the world bccanse that would inevitably be the effect of the litho graphic amendment.' Mr. Carlisle clotted by an ring that he would hare to rote against the* bill. ?a. Daniel's axexdxext befitted. The rote was taken on Mr. Daniel's amend ment, and it was disagreed to? yeas, 17; nays, 37. txs bill passed. The bill finally passed the Senate?yeaa, M; nays, 14. lorn In the absence of the Speaker the Honse pro ceeded to the election of a Speaker pro tern, and Mr. Payson (111.) waa selected for the honor, and waa escorted to the chair by Mi. McKinley of Ohio and Mr. Dockery of Missouri amid the plaudits of both aides of the cham ber. A conference waa ordered on the District of Columbia appropriation bill and on the Military Academy appropriation bill. THE INDIAX APPBOI-BIATION BILL. The House then proceeded to the farther consideration of the Indian appropriation bilL Mr. Perkins (Kan.) asked unanimous consent that the reading of the amendment to carry into effect the allotment agreement with the C<*ur d'Alene and other tribes of Indians be dis pensed with, but Mr. Turner of Kew York ob jected. The reading of the amendment consumed over an hour and a half, and it waa then agreed to. The bill was passed. On motion of Mr. Funston (Kan.) a Joint resolution was passed appropriating rlOS.OOO for printing 100,000 copies of the report on diseases of prepared under the super vision of the chief of the bureau of animal in dustry. post orncr. appropbiatiok bill. The House then went into oommittee of the whole (Mr. Allen of Michigan in the chair) on the Post Office appropriation bill. THE VACANT SECRETARYSHIP. Cannon Oat of the Kmc*? Ex-Uov. Fa lielleved to Have Keen Selected. Mr. Cannon of Illinois, it is said, is no longer being considered in connection with the sec retaryship of the treasury. The appointment of the Secretary will be made this week, and it is stated with positiveness, on what ought to be excellent anthority, that Mr. Harrison has de cided to appoint ex-Gov. Foster of Ohio. He would not select a man from the far west for the reason that he did not want to give any sort of countenance to the free silver movement, and the selection of Got. Foster is in part due to the fact that his record on the money ques tion is sound. When the inflation craze had a hold on Ohio be made an issue against the movement and was elected governor of Ohio. FINANCIAL PLANS THAT( FAILED. Representative Wade on the Situatloa?He Applauds Cleveland's Stiver Letter. Representative Wade of Missouri says that he thinks the shipping bill will pass the house be fore the end of the session, but that he thinks there is little hope of any other legislation. Mr. Wade is one of the southwestern men who does not believe in free coinage of silver. He has some very positive convictions on financial questions, and they do not accord with what is usually regarded as the southern and western sentiment. "There should have been some financial leg islation^' he said to a Stab reporter today, "and there would have been, had certain mem bers of our own party acted squarely. Mr. Harrison did all he* could in the matter and there was everv reason to expect that a proper bill would be passed, but tne action of those republicans who have gone wild on the silver question has destroyed all our plans. I should have to use strong language to express my opinion of the action of these men. "The bill reported bv the Senate finance committee should have been passed. only that there should have been e3W),OOO.COO in stead of r200.000,000 ia 2 per cent bonds authorized, r.nd the national banks should have been authorized to usue currcn-'v to the pur value of this deposit of bonds. This would have been done but for those gen tlemen in the Senate who are bigger than their party. The public debt would have been refunded with these bonds, the national banks would Lave issued currency for the full amount and the increase of the cir culating medium that is necessary would have been had. The talk of the free coinage of silver furnishing the needed relief is absurd. It would not in crease the value of money if it is true ns the silver men claim, that foreign silver would not be sent here, for we already consume more than the product of the American mines. The refunding of the public debt on a 2 per cent basis and the enlargement of the national bank circulation is what should have been provided for. The banks pay a tax of 1 per ccnt on their circulation. This would practically put the public debt on a 1 per cent XL. Cleveland's silver letteb. Speaking of Mr. Cleveland's anti-silver letter, Mr. Wade said that he thought the writing of that letter was an act of the highest patriotism. "The democratic party," he said, "in trying to follow the Farmers' Alliance, is hurrying toward anarchy. It is patriotic to try to check them in their thoughtlews course and to try to preserve the countrv from a great danger. The whole country is menaced by the wild schemes that are being agitated, and patriotic men of both parties should join bands to stop the frenzy." Mr. Wade says he thinks Harrison will be re nominated and that the republicans will be vie- < torious in 1802, in spite of the injury that 1 been done them by men within the party. THE DISTRICT APPROPRIATION RILL. I It ia Seat to Conference?Mr. MeOmaaa* Views aa to the Probable Result. The House this morning sent the District ap propriation bill to conference, Messrs. Mct'omaa, Clements and Morrow bemg the House con ferees. Mr. McComas to a Stab reporter said that he could not Judge how much time would be required in conference, but ha looked for an early report. Likewise Mr. McComas was retioent as to an opinion of the clauses of the water main and zoological amendments remaining in the re port and passing the House. "Speaking per sonally, however," said ha. "I have always been in favor of the Zoological Park being en tirely paid for by the government, and 1 hare not changed my views on the matter." MR. McCOMAV EXPECTATIONS. He Kamn Mstklag sf Appointment Bald to Have Been Mad* 1 Among the names of republican Congress teen who hare been mentioned in various way* for appointment ander the gorerament at the end of their terms in March Is Mr. MeComas of Maryland. Mr. McComas has been spoken at for several pod Hons In the District, among them being that of ctril service com missioner to succeed Mr. Lyman and the dis trict attorneyship, rendered vacant by Judge Hoge's resignation. Mr. McComas said to a Stab reporter, however, that he had not ap plied for or been offered any position. He in tended to remain hare until the 4th of March and attend styctly to his work ia Congress. After that, so far as ha was able to my, ha should retire to private life and by the practice of law at his home try to make some money. "I appreciate," mid Mr. McComaa, "the good will of my friends among the newspaper men in picking oat these various places for ma? bat I am entirely ignorant of the matter." The Michigan Baggy Company I attachment papers against the __ Wheal Company of Chioago on a sett far $51, 780 for non-fulfilment at eoitrast ia fsrntsh iag< " CARS IN A CRUSH. Disaster on the Illinois Central Bail-! road in Tennessee. BIDED TO DEATH Dl 1 TEMMEKT. Danger of Serious Flood in Pitts-1 burg Thought to be Passed. SENATOR-ELECT KYLE'S CASE FATA1.LT CltlSHFD AND BCRNEI). Mur Uvw Lost la > DlnHw la | St. Lorn, Feb. IK.?A special from Jackeoa, Tenn., says that i fearful accident occurred on the Ulinois Central railroad near that city this Morning. Several persons are raported killed and a number wounded. Anotlur report from Jackson, Tenn.. says: The south-bound passcuger train on the Illi nois Central road jumped the track about forty mills south of Jackson this morning. 11 vary couch wan overturned and before an approac b ing freight train could be (tagged it crashed into the wrecked trair.. setting it on fire. It is said nearly all the coaches were burned and over a tiozen passengers killed outright or burned to death and a number injured. Two bodies bar* been taken from the wreck. THEIR DKLAV Wit FATAL. A Mother aad Her Childrea Parish la a Burning TeiirrornL Kkw York, Feb. 18.? By a fire in a Brooklyn tenement thin morning fire persons loat their lire* and one man wu ao severely burned thai he will probubly die. 1 be fire started at 4 [ o'clock in the ten-, ment No. 170 Ho;c kina street, corner at Delinonico place. It was caused by a pot of fat boiling over in the basement, which, with the ground floor store ia used by Fred Boldfua. a baker. There was a very thick smoke, and in a few moments the flames had reached up through the hallway and the inmates of the double Oat came pouring down the stairs. There were nine families. Ail of these eeca|?d with the I exception of Mrs. John Henry, a widow living in the third story, who stoo]>ed to dress her three children. She stayed too loug. and a hen she finally attempted to get down the stairs she wu overcome by the smoke. When the fire was extinguished it was found thut the mother and the children hnd been burned to death. The names of the dead are as follows: Mrs. John Henry, Julia Henry, aged nine: Harry Henry, aged eleven: Woodsey Henry, n^-ed four; a baby. Jacob Enrich, ogedfour.aho was employed by the baker and waa in the base ment at the time the lire started, was probably fatally burned. Ho far as yet known the Are was purely the result of accidcnt. THJC WATEU FALLING. naapr From Flood at Pittsburg laid to Be Passed. PirrsBcma. Pi.. Feb. 18?The official report from the United States signal office in this city at 10 JO o'clock is as follows: "All headwaters of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers are falling. At 10 o'clock the official gauge re corded: Monongahela river, thirty-one feet four inchee: Allegheny, thirty-one feet five inches, and stationary in botii rivers. Thia is the highest point reached b.t this flood and by 12 o'clock noon the waUrs will begin to recede. It is believed that all danger from the flood ia passed." Rivermen claim, however, that the thirty three-foot gauge was touched during the night KYLE'S ELECTION QIUTIOKU). | It la Claimed That He NkoaM Have Re ceived Tea More VoVaa. Pierre. 8. D.. Feb. 18.?The question has been raised over the legality of Kyle's election to the United States Senate. The claiia ia made that constitutional requirement provides that the majority of all the members of the legislature is necessary, which would necessitate Kyle's receii ing eighty-five votes, whereas he received only seventy-five. THE LOTTERY CO.'8 CASE. | It U Called For Argument la tka Louisiana Supreme Court. Kkw Orleans, Feb. 18.?Yesterday in the supreme court the mandamus case of John A. Morris of the Louisiana lottery Company versus Secretary of State Mason was called for argument. This action was taken by Mr. Morris to compel the secretary of state to pro mulgate act No. 21, known as the lottery amendment. The act proridee for the sukuii> <ion to the voters of the state of an um ndment to the constitution by inserting therein an article relative to schools, levees, asylums, churches, drainage, Ac. The bill ps.ssed the last legislature by the necessary two-thirds vote and was vetoed by the gov ernor, but both branches of the legislature re fused to consider the governor s veto and ordered by resolution that the secretary of state should promulgate th amendment. This be refused to do, and Mr. Morris sued out a writ of mandamus to compel him to ao H>. Ihe case was tried before Judge liuckner of the seventeenth judiciary district court at Baton Kongo. The case was submitted without argument, and Jndge Buckner. without giving any reasons, refused to make the msnaaaius peren^itory. The case was then appealed to the supreme court, where the case la now being argued. MINNESOTA'S FIRST GOVERNOR. Gea. H. H. Sibley Passes Away St. Paul. Feb. 18.-Gea. H. H. Sibley, a Min nesota pioneer and first governor of the stale, died at his home in this city at ? JO thia nor ing. He been lingering near the verge of the grave for some time and for nearly sixty hours prior to his death waa unconscious. Death came so quietly that thoee around his bedside scarcely knew whan his soul was called away. R. aad O. Railway ] BtLTiaoRX, Feb. 18.?The directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad Company wers in regular sesaion today. The earnings aad ex penses for January, 1881, compared with Jan uarv, 1890 (January, ltfJl, approximated;: Earn ings, IBM), ei.SM.7W: 1B?1. ?1.884.4*; de crease, *40,232. Expenses, 1890, al.360.CSA: 1891, *1.416,"J13; increase, *66.278. Net, 1880. {*664,123; 1891, *467,613; decrease, *96.610. Earnings and expenses for the four Months ot the fiscal year 1890-91 compared with the sons months ot the fiscal year 1S8S-8S (January, 1891, approximated): Earnings, IMS, *8,SS7. S82; 1891, S6.136.149; decrease, lltMSI Ex penses, 1810, 66,418,2*8, 188L M,7?1,1S1; in crease, *342.908. Net. 1890, St.848,468; 1881, *2,374,018; decreess, *475,441. A Wealthy I Cwcaoo, Feb. IS.?'Wm. | stock raiser ot Bareaa eounty, DL, I I since Satarday. Mr. Harsh cashed a draft for *1,40* at the stock yards had tt is fsared by Us friends that mss oae whs the traasaeuoo followed him uatil they aa opportunity to mardsr aad rob him. ?r*-tatvwmrh to Tte 1 Ru mm. xh, Ta., Feb I* -U wbo cloaed I dnimtK I n.|iM>a1 at Ma Academy Ust night. left today '?* SvrfatL, bet be,"r* doing *o we* Ml artor In * bvelr It 111 ?l th* Hotel not dowa on th* billa. l**t rilrbt after tk? plkt Mnt Mr) ent bov* and ni Bp until ? l*l? how. He had to be nIM for an eartv breakfast. and *ith?r from tbe e?e-to of lb* ntfbt . frolir or the early rising ibe bit Wlo? n>u. uu?rr*4 **?? ??'?J ?W b* rxart* ha* upwrmiM down state*. II* bliwternd out artfitl rnuk remark* u be entered tbe nfr and wblW? ?lttiug at a table nj'prd ..ot ? ??tt epithet at hi* *-al?er. * Uliam Miller. a polite, coe! black aegro.a little ?l*>v* medium ?utni ljun k a* a Saab tb* Baiter raeen ted th* un provoked insult ba hurling a coffee pot at Sulhvau A bead. hullKaa dodged the pot sad juui|MHl to hi* feet Tbe table ara. between the nam and th* pugiliat and a* aoon ae Miller lrt i> th.- Utiia veato'l be grabbe.l op a chair and wa* al>oat to lillrl f i,.. _ t .. 11. k. .1 _ a . burl thai at tiuilivati. l>ui a* tb* toiler i _ acioa* the table Miliar con.iuoed suddenly that discretion wa* the batter I*" raiur and made a hurried *itt through a private door. He ran up to th* top of the b >uar. whore he bad uuui hi* rrteada communicated tbe intelligence thai Huilliaa hau left for tbe de|*>t lb, ijueato of th* hotel who aaw tbe row a.\aipauii*?d a lib lit* waiter and had Kullivan aii?>M has wart reada ta take the ?aiUT? part. Tit FBANCB. The Bank mt ?n?la?<t lUpaya Mm 1 Ilium > rane* Horroaied W nt> lateral. <^abl* LaialrL U? T?e*aias Mar BoCLoaxs. Feb. 18. lie third and laid ta ?taUmnit, compk ting the return of tbe T.jM.tW franc* b .?row?Hi by ibe bank o( F.ugland fiotn *-ai.k of France in November la*t to the fcrater over tbe rrioi* occaaioned by tbe trouble, of tbe Bariag Brother*. arnvtd here JMarday Th. transfer of th* bullion wa* attended by *n*.-tal precaution*. tbe ?*m? of tbe Hank of KngUiui. in ?rtu?*e r%r? th# car was placed. being acroani-anied on tbe lour Bey beta.-en lxnidun and Pari* bv a targe '* of detective, ai ailed to tbe mm tb. Altbo<i*ii the money *.? nol uaod. hatug returaad It tha lender in the "ncjgiil j*. k ge. the tnlare*? charger umoaiited Ui .Vij/Mii franua. or i *112,S00. ?CAU'EB *V IMIUM. A Farmer Uvlag Near IV KMp Mi b> a Hand of KovImc Holliea. Muxnnj^ i*eb. IK.-g apacad t iu l>w buqne, Iowa, to tbe Tn/mmr aa>a I be relnain* of Anotlir I >? witter, oni-e a resident of thu oonuty. arru. d at hi* former borne in Liberty tuwiiahip Moiuiar and ?t-re barted yeaa*r*ay. A few year? a^n In removed with hi* family to tbe vicinity of Flat ha.ige. h.I). About a ?e?-k ago he waa kilted bj the Indiana, acab^d and bis bfsui severed from iiu body. It u rt | ort?*?l tliat three of Lip chihtren mere m||ed Htt ?lfe and hired man eat-aped. Ilia murderer* aie a cuikII band of roving ho*taie* nut vat aur reijdeied. UIVKK CP fir hid fatui:h. Vo""? t>pelman Klafced Ilia I.He lu Jumping From a Trala far NaXhlnc PkiWA. lu.. Feb. U - lounffJohn Spelmaa, ?h* *on of Ki-tdier Edwara hpelmau, ?aa marched to tbe jail thii- nauriuug by hi< father, where be now it awaiting the pleaaur* of tba government officer* from whom be eacaped by kaping from a t? ifUy moving train a fea da. ? *inoe. For several day* be ha* Wa i?vtn( short viaita to tile father * lionu in thia catr! but alway* an the aliaence of Mr. Nfalm?a. *r Iba* au'irning. however, when hiauthn laid era oa, he Krablnal ham and mui ched bun ' (roa his reaidenix, about th oe block* di iant from the county Jail, and delnetwd ham uilo (ha hand* of Sherifl lierry. The Imprtaoiml Irtala I'alrlota. Special Cable Dl*a?t. b U, Tbe l.v?m. LboNBaa, Feb. 18.?William O brien to ia good health and occuplaa an ordtnarv oell in the jRil here, bot Mr. liilloo, on account ut ia. dirpoaiiion, ha* been removed to the i?ri?ja aai timi'.ry. Hotb priaoi.era retain theu van clothe* and take nirdi in the iaal ?ard apart from ordinary cnnunala. , 1?_, Hmcui Oabl* bxpah-h W Ik* Kveoin- Htar Paata, Feb. i8 hoart, i* auaburily fur gka ?ta'eiuent that lYlnce Hiraaaack. in view of tli* threatened proceeding* a^aiuat ban. ha* aaal to Iximlim four tarn caaa* illed with iamri ant doenmenw. Winter Beantie* of the Blue I Spactr.: Cable Uiaawk b to The Eveainr Star Tnwi, Feb. 18 - For tbe j.aat quarter of* century the Danube ha* never been froaaa ever to *ucb an extent a* it i* at the preaeol time. Ice ha* formed over the entire distance frma Melb in lower Aoatriu, to the frontaec of A.O* tro-Hungary. or neani 10U mile*. On "t frontier the ice ha* -unk aud lift fragment* along either bank, ah.cb by crumbling and bureting have produced eltiaordanaly f.irma taon* like Alpine glaciers, and the blue waUa of the river lloaing underueaJa ftlieen feel of i ? ha* all the shade* and rare coloring *a*n an ere?? Plan* of Mr l??rdon t ummlng. Hpactal CMil* Inaial.ta to rb* rvenins xur. Lohdox, Feb. 18.?It a* stated that bir Gor don Cti:.itning contemi .late* a jonmey to Ma deira and may aubaequeiitly vaait hi* brother, who owns a ranch in America. He will not re turn to London until just prior to the data tiked for the hearing of ha* ?uit for libel atfauiat hi* fellow player* at 0a< cant. Want Partite MorunMraa F*n iln**d. Likcol>, Km,, Feb. 18.? i h* senate ha* passed bon e concurrent resolution and memorial demanding the immediate foreclosarc of tba luibn Pacific mortgage^ by the government. CMkeon Keltwxd on MUM rail Cbk'aoo. Feb. 18. ? E?-**ecre?ary Gibeoa mt tbe wbiaky trust ha* given UW> hail for bla apuaarance an April. Jin* Ball Gives aa t iblbltton Ra* Faanuiacn, Feb. It.?Last night at th* California Athletic CI at Jim Hall, tb* newly arrived Australian middle-weight pugtbat, knocked oat an half a round Ale*. Oreggalaa, a Pacific-coa*t amateur champion. Tomaa, IU*., Feb. 18.-^^ilTto>MU^rtM women to vela at tbe geaeral elecUoa* aad lo bold office baa been defeated tn the ho effort wi*l be mad* to have the vote a* Site far Uae ?.rM'* Mr. [ Chicaoo. Feb. 18.?Tbe formal contract antk McArthor Bro*. for tba grading of Jac4*na Park in preparation for tbe world * Nur will probably be drawn ap and atgaad today It will provide among other thing* for tbe pre lection of American labor and th* mayor ha* promiaed under theae condition* to farmiah police protection from outside let Fire Caaaaa ?1? PiTraacao, Pa., Feb. Traction CoMpaay'a power bona* at |m Venue station waa daaaaged by >r* last alght and tbe eurines and ayuamo* ware rained. Ib* tre waa cauaed by the exi.tuaaon of a girir lin* lamp. Tbe luaa will raaca tlUU.008 OomriiTiioru, Feb. Ik.?A last night for tbe beoeftt of tbe Hebrew *mm pitaL under tbe patronage of Mr*. THm||T fta wife of tba Tnited Ktale* minuter, wa* a de cided aaccea* socially and ttuancaallv Tk* were crowded with tbe member, of tba "Vr niauc curpa. Tbeaullan *eat a special raprsaaato atiae to tbe ball, wbo bore a large donation ta tbe fund. Tbe commotio* aad offioara of the Japan ea* beet aba tea tbe cuiled Hiate* aunistar od datacday. Miniaier Harocb retarneu uie ?Mt accompanied by Mr*. Himcb aad tba staff ?r tlie legatioB. Tbe party waa received with great ceremony ^ Cm. la*., Feb. 18.-Three he atore of H Utter laal forced Mr. rttar'tT"cyea ^gha abTai