Newspaper Page Text
V0L 78, No. 18,074. WASHINGTON, D. C? THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1891. TWO CENTS. THE EVENING STAR FlBIJSIIED DAILY. Except Sunday, AT THE STAR BUILDINGS, 1101 ??natylT?ni? Ars, comer 11th StTsst. Vy The Evening Star Nowroaper Company, 8. H KAI FFMANX, JVss'l Tp? fT'I'l ST.*,. ?TT?i to subscriber* In the rny by trwn, on their own account, at in ? eras rer ?**^k, o~ per mouth. Copiee at the counter, 'J nw"- h By maw- ?ovw!i?rr m ths Uuited sumoi l'iuii?-p?iio prepail-Oocents per month. grmn'fM Mut Htab tl.uO ixr "? With furslgn poetsgs added. S3-COl (Entered at tha Poec Office at Washington. DC aa $m r.,i-cjaaa nail matter j tWAll mall subscription. Trust ba paid in advance r ? r?ier sent Imm thw psiifST FIN ANC1AL. V"** H. J-KLol ZE. X 1335 i strest. ""J ?"? HI Loca! Htocks and Bonds listed oa the WM^Bftoa stock fci'bnun. to Typocraphlc. Meryantbalsr, Lanstou Tjrp? end otiwtf uxiut"*) stocks tAnz^' > local charrcler. Loan* money on local rood securities. Furnishes information on all local investment* cfcaert ; ij and without charge. telS-lm J^IDELITT building and loak association, 1*13 AND 015 r ST.5.W. Baa tha beat plan devised for securing a Horn#. HO AUCTION OF MONET. Any ?m?T7nt loened. repsysbl* $13 par month on each ?1.000 ad van* ed. rti.aree. $ I t*?r month, maturini in IOC mouth*, for l*4JO. Front, NO BACK DIES KLVil llikD. SIX PER CENT INTEHm ALLOWED ON wPECIAi. PAYMENTS. HU up rertiflcatee r.?r $ 1?*? inum ?t *50 per ehare: 5 pw <er.t i?er annum paid cu purchase price semi _ OFFICERS Hani son Dingman. Pr*->. A ion to Tweedale. Sac. Ueo. W. V. Pres. Andrew Wall. M'ir'r. O T. Thompson. Trea*. Oen'l J.E. Smith. Atfy. TRUSTEE* AMERICAN 8ECI KITY AND TRUST CO. A. T. Brltton, lYee't. DEPOSITORY, fe?lr CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK. Eq CITABLE CO-OPERATITh BUILDING ASSOCIATION, "?^citable building.- iocs *?'t Assets $l.ieo.au8.21. C?ce fccnr* from 0 a.m. to 4 SO p.m. daily. On tbe firtt Wednesday tn each month the office will be cpentrcan 0 to S o'clock p.m. Aavances will bemads irompfey at 7 o'clock, 'ihe V*/U* *?<** u stvu* is CM* lor eutacrlptiou. fbaree are $2.50 per month. ?1.000 advanced on each eh are. Pur. phlets explaining tbe object* and adrantaffwof tie Assoeiauon are ruralahwd upon application. THOMAS SOMBRYILLE. Prea't. JOHN JOT ED SON. See'y. n? 1 rwito. xlwkkbt Ai. w. b. bibbs, JUlutai. SO Broadway, N T. Manaser. *?exLoer v.aahmifton Stock kuMiwa LKWVS 0. TEvTrsBURT k CO BANK ERS AND BROKERS. J33S F ST.. WASHINGTON. DC.. Bny and seL for raah or on margin Stocks. Bonds, I*rain. iToriait na and Oil. Direct pr.\ m\* wirw to N^w York and Chlcsffo. Intnr?-??t al]t>w*Hi <>n deposits. Out ji-to^n business ? s]** laity. Ail Loca; be?. uriti*<s deait in. t qnotAti^us aii marJttls. telephone54&> 1-tr r|'HE WASHINGTON LOAN AND 1 TRUST COMPANY. Temt "rury often 10ni F STREET NOR i HN EST. Prevu us to er<x:;on uf our u?-? build in* at the rurner of !*h and F sts. n. W. Capital. Pnys mtt?r*-?t At 4 percent. :?JS per rent. p? i- itut. ~ per ceut. According tu tii;i*- of deposit. Interest paid on balances subject to cheik. Exe<-utf-sa!l trusts. Call or write lor in ionization. BRA i N Ahi> H ARN1 ii. President JoH.N JoY LL>Si?N, V ire President. WiiXlAM U. ROB1SON. >^ rvi*ry. WILLIAM fe. Utid.hV. irraswrer. JaC41m J NO. U. COIISON. J No. W. MACARTNEY. kiemUr N Y. Stock ifx. rOBSON k MACARTNEY. HTOVTR Rl II.DING. 14I'J F ST. N.W., l>ankers and Dealers in Government Bonds. Deposit*. E*ri:anse. Ix>ans. Collections. raiiroud >:o? ks r.nd bonds and ail securities listed on 1b? exi*t amre? of New Yorm. Pniiadviph^a. Boston and ka'timore^bt and sold. A s^ iu'iy :uaue o: mvestment serrtritiee. District xct -ind all k < al RaUr^au. oa*. Ins urance and lele lh? Ut )Mock dealt in. Auienotii beii Telephone Stock bouarbt and sold. Jy 18 Special in Stw Jfcurniac Dress Goodt. W. A. Pierce & Co.. Soccaaaora toLQ. 718 Market Spica. Curaar Dih bin.L OUR WEEKLY REMNANT SALE TOMOB ROW. I KIDAY, Will ba umaaally attract i.e. a. you will har. a rhanc at imatrr barinlna than you har a had bafor. (*ood and naafnl baxvalna. too. When w. put tbe bargains out on tbe remnant table, they don't linear there Win." The Sllka and V.lTeta laat waek dtd not last bnt half of tha day. ao If you want a rlian.-e at tf'iocrrow'a wn-ninu you had better come very early. Look attbialMt. REMNANTS OF TOWELS. Lit 1 eonatata of eleven Damaak Towala with Rea bordera. knotted fnn?e. Rarnlar price 50e. Rauinmt pn< e:)A> . each. Lo? V consist* of eu-ht White Hnck Towels, Old Kuea bovtlera,knotted (rlnre. IU*irular pries K>tc. Bamcant price 37V each. I-ot 3 conaistaof ten l.tve Damask Towe'a. Red and Blue bordera. knotted trinjre. kwiiar price 02Hr Haainant price-tUr. eai h. Lot 4 conaiata of *-n Daniaak Towela, colored open work border, knotted frinn. Regular pni-e 50c. Remnant price 3rtr. eaco. Lot ft conatma of twenty four Hu-k Towela. White and colored bordera Regular price 33c. and 37He Remnant price iOc. each lot 6 conaiata of fcurt^n Extra Lance Buck To?e.a. Red and Blue bordera. Regular pries Me. Remnant price 33c. ex b. Lot 7 consists of aeTen White Hack Towels, knotted frtntrs. Regular price 60c. Remnant pries 3Uc. each Lot ? ccnsWs of 9 Hnck Towels. Red borders, knotted frtnes. Regular pries 63c. Remnant fries *jc. each Ws also bar. a large lot of rernnanta of Tabls Damaak in and 3 yd. lengths at correspond ing VlLTITl 1 lot of Handsome Black Brocade Vsl.ets.^on ??Ming eg about loOyda. tn different patterns. Regular prices ?a 3o and ?4 yd. ? pries 3Be- yd. 6 Sttus Of Saxoxt Wool Fla, not In Stripes and Plaids, all wool. Regular pries ase. Remnant pnes We. yd. These will b? on os? ismnant tabls In thscsnterol tbe rear room. Lacs And Dsafest Nst Kimnasts. Sgda. Spsntsh Guipure r.eusrlag. 40 laches WHs. Begular pries SS.7S yd. Remnant pries SS 50 for pises. SK yds. Chan Idly Tlonnring. 45 inehas wlds. Reguisr price Sl Wyd. Keu.nant price #a 60 for piece. 2X yds Chant..iy Drapery Set. 48 tncbee wide. Price$L75 yd. Remnant pr?ce?a.75 4H yds. Chantilly Drspsry Ns?.48 lncbrt wide. Price $1.71* yd. Rewinant price 4s. 87 8H yds. Chantilly Drspsry Xet.481nches wide. Rsguisr price ?2.25 yd. Remnant price S3.75 far piece. 1J* yds. ChsnUlly rioaactag, 45 tnchss wids. Regular price SI ? yd. Rsaanant pnes S1.40 for pises V* yds Spanish Guipure Flouncing, IS Incbe. wide. Regular pries . 5c. yd. Remnant Price SI. 25 for piw.. IS >Ja. Eacurial Flcuneiag. 30 Inches wids. Sagnlar pries 41-26 yd. Benin mt pries Tbe. 2 yds. Chantilly riounctng. 14 Inchee wide. ^WuUrprtcsiJOyd. Remnant pries SI.50 zor pieoa. 2V yds. Crsam Russian Net. 48 Inches wide. JUfttlsrprtMlI yd. Remnant pric 91.00for 2H Tim- Maize Rtis^an Ke?, 48 tnchss wids. Regular price SI yd. Remnant pries 88c. for >5 yd. Pink Russian Rat. 48 Inches wide. Rsgnlar price SI yd. Remnant price 2Ue. for 2 yds. Chan Russian Net. 48 tnrbes wids. Rsrtlsr price SI yd. Resunant price 7Be. for 1H yds. Red snt Gold Stripe Gense. 48 inch. Begulsr. price SI-25 yd Remnant price tWc. 1% yds. Gray and Silver Stripe tisnss. 48 }jyb.fWular pries SI-25 yd- RemnantprVw 2 yda' L. Slue and kllnr Stripe Gsnas as Wt Ssywlsr priceS 1 85 yd. Ram usnt price W. A. PIERCE k CO . ItsR. O. Dsris, SPECIAL NOTICES. ,WHY 8HOULD TOO SI BSCIIIBE* Bend for PrapwtM, mod. think moil then you will know. CITT INVESTMENT COMPANY. Capital, t.VI.OOO. Charter Perpetual. Shares. 110 each. S2 cash. SI per month. ? Bora, eel I. and exchange* BEAL ESTATE IN WASHINGTON CITY. District of Columbia. It lta on stock. with the consent of the j Individual stockholders. when to ordered by lta Directors. It paya dirtJeada setui-annually or oftener If thought | adrlaabia by tha Board of Dim-tors. It will szehan?a ah area of lta oapltal stock for Hoal Estate. FRANK E. CORBETT. W. MOSBY WILLIAMS. 1 r v. lent. Manager. JOHN BIDOUT. PROF. C. E. URN KB, Traaa. and Atty. Auditor. VIRGIL O. WILLIAMS, Saciatary. OFFICE: S17 E. corner Oth at. n. w. Talaphona call?1U07. BANKERS: Tba Columbia National Bank of Washington. B. H. WARNER. Preaident. DEPOSITORY Or SECURITIES: Tba Washington Loan and Trust Company, Chartered by Congress. fa!7-St I I AM MAK1NO AT PrSsENT A SPECIAL hale to reduce stock of Artists* and Archi tects'Supplies. Ten j-w < ent will be al lowed on all cash sales or the above llm-a. in<-ludin* Picture Framicr. On Decorated Goo?is. > amy Bra mi Kaae.s. Pottery. Pic tures for iraming, lliotograpbi' stock, landscape, Flower and Crayon btudiee a) per rent discount. Iblais an opportunity you should surely embrace. At no other time have these foods been sold at suoh Isle limited. Tome early. FILED. A. SCHMIDT, fel4-lw 504 9th at. Branch ITJS Pa. aye. .AN OPEN [N V IT ATION! GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES Are invited to inspect my lartre stock of AMERICAN I WATCHES foi 1 a'uss and ocntlemsn. DIAMONDS ! and FINL JE*ELitY, which they csn puwhsse on I easy monthly payments anl get pc as salon of srtioles at time of purchase. A. L. 6ALTZSTE1N. JR.. Headqnsrters for American Wstches, Ja27-3m 506 ' th st. n.w. ,IH>NNELLY k v?M??? KSi. a. a. lell-l? ?? ^ st-^^specj ai ?Ol Dr. VS. Merrill toss moved his dental office to 710 11th st. n.w. Ja'JO-lin* THE FIRST REGULAR MhETINO OF _ THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE *A>*HlNGTON PURIFIED MILK AND CREAM COMPANY, to ele^-t a U ard of directors, to make by-law* and to transsct an> other business which may be lawfully uone, will bo held at the temporary office ?IOKY b' ladd. kobt'j^J'hkVatricb felO-^w ?DR. LLL1H B. BLISS. DENTIST, Haa resuu:od practice at 1311 F at. (near Sun building). Porcelain inlays, crown and bndae work. fe7-lm fl^^^DR. H. M. SCHOOLED, DENTIST, Haa removed his office to cor. 11th snd Fsts., over Merts'a drug store. Telephone 1:18?. fe4-lm ?~^^BUY YOUR COAL, COKE AND WOOD PC2? irom the reliable firm of JOHNSON BROTH ERS, the most extensive retail dealers in the coun try. o4_ >IF YOU WANT AX ABSOLUTELY PURE Cream of Tartar Baainr Powder buy the "PARRISH." It does not contain aminonta or alum. Js31-tr THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND Trust Company psys interest on current btiancee subject to efceck. Capital *l.?JUU,000. Temporary offices. No. 1UU1 F st. n. w. BRAIN ARD H. WARNER. 3s24-lmo 1 resident. TOHAGE WAREHOUSE. r^8 AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY. 1140 l.r>th st. n.w. Store your Furniture, Silver Ware, Pianos, Vorksof Art, Trunks of Valua bles. carriages. Ac., in our fireproof building. I n?urpass?d fs' ilities for packing, moving and shipping household goods, glass ware. worasof art, Ac. 1 siephone, 4g3. jgja A DIFFICULT MATTER-TO VvISs reach hrst hands direct for en rrav;njc of the better clean. Cor rectly engraved tar*is and invitations snu superior printing made through out by UEDNEY A ROBERTS, Engraver* and Pi mterv, JaO 46710thst., near Uaaoffice. |^^2>IMPORTANT NOTICE OAS CONSUMERS. Arrangements hsve been made lor the convenience of persons living m the eastern and western sections of the city by which they csn pay their gss bUiS during Lanking hours at * IMt national capital bank OR THE WEST END NATIONAL BANK. Ellis paid on or before the 8th of each month. AND 1HOSE ONLY, will be entitled to the diacount of "Tic. per l.UUUcui iC feet. cXI-tr WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY. T. B. Towner & Son, DEAL.hllS IN DRV GOODS, LUC 1TH ST. N.W. New shades All-wool Dre*? Goods, 60c. New shades Wool-Tare l>ressGooi.s, ?)C. New styles Pla.d Dress Goods, yard wule. 12H and 25c. Wool Mixed Dtsss Goods, In all colors, extrs wide, r?*c. One case more Light snd Dsrk Calico, in remnants, 3c. Beautiful line Zephyr Dress Girarhsms. We are still selling Table Linen at the reduced prices, snd will us :ou? us the stock l ists. A large line Dress uinvuams, in new styles, S snd 10c. One esse Best Fruit of the Loom Bleached Cotton, 8/Kilow Casa Cotton. 9c. Best Bleached Sheeting. 2H yards wide. IV. Beet Bleached Sheeting, yards wide, *?2c. T*e are selling Air.oskeag ^ipron oingnam for Sc., usually aold for HJc. Bleached and Unb.eached Shaetimr, 10-4 wide,forlSc. Red Fable Linen, last colors. '?!*. Just receivetl s good Lsundemi >Lirt. only 4Slc. Boys* Knee I'ancn, 24c. Boss' Outing Waists, 24c. Boys' Outing Shirts, !?4<-. Men's Outing Shirts. 24c. Mens' Overalls. 4oc. felS r" Abe You Thinkino OO O O BUYING A NEW CARPET. 0 O BUYING A SUITE OF CHAMBER TUB OO NITL'RB, BUYING A SUITE OF PARLOR FURNI TURE. 1 1 BUYING A SUITE OF DINING BOOM FUBNITURE. OB ABE YOU TBINEIHO OF FURNISHING A HOUSE, THEN EEEP YOUR BUSINESS EYB OB THE CASH BARGAINS AT V. B. H0EEE*S. falS-la M and Penna. am Dbug Stobe Fob 8 alb. CoupalM by ?U baalth to abandon tba bualasas. a?y drns store la clmd for aala. It I* locate oa Dupont Clrela, la tha midst of tha moat rapidly crowlnc sao Uon of tb? city aad of tba mors fssblonsbia part of tba resident poyslatta. Tba store is aow ?s|l? n fair pntt, vltb a staadliy iacraaain# trada. Apply to W. a THOMPSON. 70S 1Mb St. fsl??t V. a THOMPSON. JB. SPECIAL NOTICES. OAMMA DLLTA.-THE INSTALLA tion of the Southern Alumni Aasoci ntion of tiii* traternity will be held at Hotel ltennert, Balti more. i llIDAi EVENING. February JO. Installa tion, 8:30; banquet. Q:.'iO. All Washington Deltas are cordially invited. L*r?re ciowd from Philadelphia and New York wdl be present. Don't fail to come and have a good time. feis-2t* lT-M>A1tY LADIES WILLI NO TO KVTKITAII ,ruests during the coming woman's ? onven tion art* requested tc send their addresses to Rev. NA SHAVN, 1400Q*t. n.w. fclS-3t* j^j^OKAXD MASS MEETING Ail Carpenters, both Union and non-Union, also all frifnds of the Isbor cause. are rest?e-tful I y invited to itt?nd a uieetlaar to be he!d.und?r the auspices of L. A. 174X K. of L.. on FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY ?JO. J89I. at CONCORDIA HALL, cor. of Hth and E sts. n.w. The meetinir will be addressed by tbe Hon. A. *V. WRIGHT oi the Oen. Ex. Board of the K. of L.. Hon. PAUL T. BOWEN 01 Washington, P.C.. and other prominent speakers. Bring your wives and daughters. fe14,eo3t % WASHINGTON AND NEW ORLEANS TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The annual meeting 01 tb? stockholders of this com riny will be held in tt;e Wtslern Union building, New , i.ra. on WKDNEsDAY. the4tli day of March, 1891, , at 12 o'clock noon. R. H. ROCHESTER. Secretary. New York. Febmiry 14, 18P1. tel ?-eoot fc-^j^THOMAS M FIELDS HAS REMOVED l is law office from the Fendall bui:dmzto ?it'A Lcuisinna ave. n. w., '-id floor. ielS-Qt if ?^>A WUhD ! O THE *1SE. Do not wait till St'MMEK to ord^r your su i UTS. First. l,evau*e a N EW SHIR T in trie most UNCOMFORTABLE irarment you can wear in hot weather. Second, because wp will be so busy that yon may not get your Shirts when you WANT them. Third, becau^j tbe most desirable patterns in FANC? 8U1TIN'.?S will be ^one. So place your or ler NOW with P. T. HALL, Shirt Maker, bOhF st. n.w. Factory on ijr?uti?es. Ja^l-lm FOR RENT 82?> 21 st st. 11. w.; 8 rooms snd bath; two bay windows; press brick front; mod. imps.; facing park on Pa. aye.; very desirable. Rent. <40..>0. Also houfte No. 2031 II st. n. w.; bay window; south front, 7 rooms and bath; mod. imps. ; splendid home and very convenient to cars, schools andmarket. Rent, $35.50. Apply to WE8COTT & WILCOX, fe18-m 1907 Pa. ave. n.w. , A CARD! The assignment msde by F. Garner, at 1216 1th st. n. w., consists! of s stock of groceriea and meata-and notcloihinc, j *Btat?Hlinthe "Star"?andin nowise concerna the undersigned. WILLIAM GARNER. Clothier. feI7-3t* 1026 7th at. n.w. jr^ SARAH BERNHARDT. SARAH BERNHARDT See page 8. Amusements. fe!7-6t aFOR SALE Reduced to 97,500. We offer one of those new 9-roora, bath and cellar bricas on Uth st. bet. L and M sts., Also One on L st. bet. 5th and 6th sts., fronting south, at the low price ol $7,500 each, on rea sonable terms. WYCKOFF k CAHILL, fel7-3t 810 F st. n. w. (ground floor.) WEDDING AND RECEPTION IN VITA 3 TION 8 Neatly printed in imitation of engraving?can hardly teil the difference? at one fourth the price. BYRON S. ADAMS. fel7-Sm 512 11th st. n.w. SPECIAL NOTICE. FOR RENT, Office rooms in the new fire-proof National Union building, 918 F at. n. w. Rooms all light. Rents moderate. Also a large fire-proof storage room; 24xti8. Apply at building. fe!3-lw THE APARTMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. The ALBANY. 17TH AND H STS. N.W. Completely furnished by the P. Hanson Hiss M'l'g. Co. irom special designs; heated by steam; supplied with elevator; rooms, includ ing tiled bath room, from $300 to $1,000 per annum. ADDISON * LARCOMBL. feC-12f 1304 F st. n.w. , ALL INTERESTED IN CHRISTIAN SCj ence heal in? are invited to call at ave., ltoom2&. Otticehours. 9:30 to 12:30. Sunday at 3. Talks Thursday evenings 1 ieT-liii toi Aan ov| ?? k7c?S: WE DENY NOTHING! 1 he public voice is too strong. We accept the ver dict, vi/: That our Shins are the finest ever attempted in Washington. All cut and made on the premises. Perfection guaranteed or no sale. MILLER'S. Successor to ELLERY * CO.. Shirtmakers. Ladies' snd Gentlemen's Outfitters. fel2-3m 18th and Pa. ave. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF 1HE St.* kho'ders of the N'orlolk and Washing ton. iJ.C. .Stcumboat Company will oe held at Room <, Central National bank builclimr, cor. 7th and Pa. ave. n.w., on WEDNESDAY, Man h 4. 1891, at 12o'clock m., for the e.ection of a president, board of directors and such other officers as are provided for in the by-laws and for the transaction of any other business that may come belore it. By order of WM. E. CLARK, President. JOHN KEY WORTH. Secretary. tsl4toma3 EDISON'S PERFECTED PIIONOGRAPH. *. ROSENTHAL'S Unexcelled Meis'era cneft System. The Cheapest. Most Practical. Always Ready. The Idea* Teacher of FOR EIGN LANGUAGES. All invited to Daily tree Exhibition at COLL Mill A MHONOGRAPH CO.. fel6-lm (tt7 E st. n. w. WHO IS YOUR LAUNDRYMANT TOLMAN STEAM LAUNDRY. 491 to 4i?U C st. n. w. Quick work without extra chaive. Try our plan. A postal Irom you will bring one of our wsgous to your door. Ja3-8u ,DR. T. E. MrAKDLK HAH TO Kill CONNECTICUT AVE. T?t?phone.J?fl) Wl?' ,1F YOU WAN i AN ABSOLUTELY PC HE t'nuu at T.rt.r (UJilnif Fowdt bur tb, "1 AKRlhH?' 1 not contain a miuunia or a/ma. >31-tr klCE! ICE! COAL! COAL! AMERICAN ICE COMPAKY, Oftce loth ::nd F sts. n.w. Telephone 4M. Brnn. h cAte.tkJO Pa.ave.n.w. telephone 64. For entire season of 1891 Natural Ice and Coal as ow ms any company in tne city. IMscount on tickets soui at ofiice. l.'onumts made lor one or more i ears. fel4-3m L. M. W ILLIS. Vice Pres. and Manager. ?f-^^TUE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PsS sto? khoiders or the Arlington Fire Insurun. e Company lor tie List net of Columbia lor tie election ol nine directors 10 serve for tne ensuing year will be be.d&t the <>&< e of ine < o;>:pany, Lalo Pennsylvania ave. n. w.. 11 LSD AY, i etruary 24. i?91. k oiisoi>en at 1 and close at 3 p.m. t RAN K T. RAWLINGS. Secretary. ^^READ CAKEr 1 l.LY. hui.uredso; cans of a Imking powder, largely ad vertibi ,1 t.i be in it ai^solute.y pure, have be?;n returnee by CGNSL M ERS ai? l N11 i' t OR USE, being lull ol CARBoN ATE of AMMONIA. Consumers wno want the * 'REST" should use "THE PARRISH BAKING POWDER,M It bain? composed exclusively of HIGHEST TEST cream 01 tartar. bicarU<m?t?of soda and a small per centage ol starch, siient hcaily combined. Does not contain AilJiOJiiA, AUM or IMPLRHIES ol AN i KIND. Sold only in cum* by all grocara, every can gtutrsn* teed tuil weight and sUenMVu. ja31?tr DO YOU Ride, drive or keep a horeef Then you use a Carriage; may need a new one. If you don't yon may went a Hsrneaa, Lap Robe. Whip or "eomeiAir^r" far your stsble. We hare everything belonging to the complete outfit. ANDREW J. JOYCE'S SONS, d lOSOCoan. ave. J. HOWELL, CIVIL ENGINEERED landacaj^e architect, has removed hjs oAces to National Inion building. 918 F a n.w. lala pbone call. 704-2 )a3Q-lm* _a?IT YOU WAST AX ABSOLCTKLY PUU a. CTMm of Tigtor bar tte It Aom not contain fn,mic or tUwm. Ml-b BAHTLETT BILLS. DENTIST. Artificial ttetb taturtri lBuiMxltat^r tit* SPECIAL NOTICES. *-^aMlSS FRANCES E. WILLARD. MH8. Frances J. B?rn?s, Mrs Kalhe F. Chapin. Mre. Sarah J. C. Downs and Mia* fin won of Parla are amty thqse_wbo wiUmake add:-??ea at tbe platform ,.n'.l.te flhVTO.T" at Foundry Church TO *?luH 1 ? wm. E. Cohen wlU open the service by an organ voluntary. Conic early to secure aest*. It |{-^s?3PlKITCALIa?l _ WOHN'8 HALL, 721 ,*fch *}? n- * Miss ManH* Ceute, won 5*"8L Iff*medium FRIDAY NItiHT. Dur'ng the ??KSPLDVS for r"T?,? ?1!<ln*aat Mrv CABtXL'H, HOiid st.s.e. ir^a?JOl;B.NEllMA>i BAKKlt8._THF.nK WILL *->V> ~ Iff ? KW'UBMtiM_crf L. A. 23X9. K. of L.. EUXDAY. February at 9:30 a. m. Every member "? ljjjt110 u Vr?mt. By order of tha Assembly. tar- -^election or niKtc ioi;i?.-ihK an nual meeting for th* *i* ti<ni of man di rector* for th* Columbia Railway Company, toaerre for the -neiiing year, will be held at the nih ?* of tha company, 15th and H ?t*. n.e., on TUKsDAt, March lOpr xrnp, betwa-ntho honraof 1 and 2 o'c'o <-k p m. Bo ks for the transferor Murk widbatlcaod from noon of March &to March 11, incus.v*. feltMSt R. F. BAKER, 8?retary. SPECIAL NOTICE. Thel'nitsd Ata tea Electric Lirhtin; Oom Cny hare completed the laying of their un nrroun 1 electric light wlr-s 'n that ac tion ot the city lying west of 13th at. and north of Pennsylvania are.. and are now ready to ?upply current in houses located within the district named. Having in onr employs corps of skilled eie- tri. inns and cuuil<et<oit wirei-ten wears prepared to wire and fit up res.dt nces and other building* in tbe mo*t approved n .in ner for the introduction of the current lor illuminating and otuer purpose. Building* that ire already wired can now be fitted up with the n*cea*xry fixturee and applian es preparatory to turnne on ths alectric light current. Eatimat** furnished on sppllcntion. ROYCE k MARFAN. Klsctrlc Light Contractors. 1408 rsnn. ?ve. n.w. Telephone No. 833. tellKR' BRYAN ft COMPANY, MPORTING KIN'S FURNISHERS. MADRAS, OXFORD, CHEVIOT. PENANG, Are names siren to material so popular for making Shirta and Pajamas for spring and summer wear. Our importation of the** roods having ar rived. we tusks sn exhibit of same before they fro to tbe work room. Textures snd patterns were never so at test tlve snd thsy are all oar own and ex clusive designs. Of course we make Whits 8hirts to nieas are. too. and know how to do It snd do It well. BRYAN ft COMPANY. felB-3t CORNER F AND 15TH STREETS. A CHOICE CORNER LOT At ths southwest corner of 10th snd P sts Thu frontage on 10th St. is 'JO fact and on P it. 125 feet, with an alley in ths resr. Ths location and dimensions of this property make it on* of the moat desirable building a!tee in the city. Price, to per foot. THUS. J. FISHER ft CO., It 1324 F st. n.w. THEIR SPACE NEEDED FOR NEW GOODS. (Different from yesterday's.) These juske excellent ImameM* Suits snd you ci-.nnot get the quality or work manship in the ready made for the money. Fin* Suitings that were S'-W. 830 and *36 nave been reduced to S23 and are m*ile up on th> premise*, not ia New York or Boston "*woat-*hops ." i. dropped the prices on these Suitln.-* aim ply to have the apace they occupy tor Bpnnr suitings snd Trotusrlngs now daily arriving. G. WARFIELD SIMPSON, _' "Expert in Trousers," Cor. Wh sad G sts. n.w. fslO UNSURPASSED. :-o: to siy unsurpassable, art our facilities ior collecting rents and managing property. This is our ?puds! uusmts*. You msy 1* going to Kurup*, the seashore or the mountains for the auinuier, and you < annot do bett; r than to Slace your property in our charge urmg your abaeuc*. B. H. WARNER ft CO., It UlUFst. n.w .FOR PRESENT USE. Another lot of new WHITE AND FANCY VESTS FOR SEMI-DRESS. E. E. ft J. E. ROSENTHAL, Men's Furnishings, Hats, ^On* price. U*24-:tan] K{2 F St. H B l'?. lHfJl.?THE PARTNERSHIP heretoforeeidstinir between Mrs. D. DUEY ?. urir:ii|iin*eMHlDr oeiween .*m. il 1J11 r. I - ? l SS snd 1,. PUAoLU, dt iii* businesx under the firm name styled D. Dreyfuss A Co.. haa this day b*en dta sulved by mutual conaent. Mrs. D. Dreytusa having retired. Mis. D. Dreylusa. L. 1 Yager. telO-3t* TRUSTEES' SALE. , The entire stock oi> Ready-made Cloth intr and Men a 1 nrnishin. s contained in store ttiipeun. ave. n.w., is now offend ior cash. An opportunity la now offered i un hnsers of First-class Hesdy-made Clothing lor nun or boy suitable ior all aeasous. as ml the goods are excised on tbe two floom. This is a good Chance for Uaigains at luily30 per cent leaa than usual prices. For cash only, liy order ot 1 . li. CACiiHY and THOS. MACKENZIE, Trustees. felO-lw" The weather i? lik'lv to 6* rot'n thie after ??? 'loon, yith a.ioiein thewmvntain actions: easterly winds; elijhtly wanner Friday. LOOK OUT. OUR LUMBER hns won its way every where be.alia' of iu unvarying high quality and its cbeapneaa. But look out; w* hav* been successful, and as a result there are imitators. They csn't meet the price, how ?v*r, <1.15 per 100 feet, and as to quality ssk your neighbor who haa used our Lumbar. LIBBEY. BITTINGEB ft MILLER, Gang-Hawod Lumber. fol9 etb at. and New Vortaia a^?^sIN THE srp::L>iE COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLTIMDIA. 1 >o dim-* a apecial term, prooate Jurisdiction. In re estaie of Viliiam N. Waters. deceaawL No. 3i<!2, ad. docket 1.1. It appearing that the or-'.ar paaml in tbe a) ove mat ter June *jU. ISlKi, b.ta not nern compiled with by tha cavea tors in that the imsiics directed to b* transmitted to the cin UK < ocrt for trial have not beonhledund dockuted, it is by tbe court this itth day of Kuhriiary, 1 ml I, ordered and der? that snd issues be and the seme are lisrcby bet aside '.11 1 qu. shed. -iiia u la luriher ? i- iei*.l t.iat tuo papar writing* ruipoiiiu'H to be the last will and tt-stamen? of William N. naters. late of tlda Distri I, de. oaa*d. 1* admitted to protiate i. Iters testa.ncntary issu* to tli? .?!*' utor thtrelu unuied. Mm as cause to the contrary thereoi be aliown.on l'riday, tba^Vth day of February, loll 1, at 11 o'cio. a a. m. 1-rovlded. acopy of thia order be published on e a w.-ok :or three ?.i.-cess.v* weens In the Wsahiiigton law iieport*ranuth*EveuingSt^rnewapa|i?rpr*vioua to said u.y. CHAS. H. CKAGIN, Proctor. A true copy. A. C. BRADLET, Justice. Test: L. P. WKiUM'i, Ueglatarof Milla. fei2-law3w ?-^SjCAl'TION.?WlbUIJIO ALL OF OliR iuA chines to give the hiirhaat degree of astis'ac i.on, we particularly i aution those Laviuv old oneaof our make agaiust allowing them to be itdjusleu \rhvrs than st th* CoMfANk'S OFFICE, wi *re non* bnti.-enulue parts are u**d. and only the most reason able charges, if any. are inada. Ordet s by postal will r?r?iv* immediate attention. VV HELLER ft WILSON MFG. CO.. f*3-t.tii.*.3ai 437 Mh st. n.w. .BUY *10.000 WORTH OF PROPERTY. ? ?? , Pay ?;*?> down, del tired payments (600 y*aiiy. deatn strikes you down first y*ar. your heirs suffer. l>ay ??'**) or lee* annually tor tlO.tHO in surance. payaolo any tim* death otvu.w. orcaah aett e Conteacta aacunxi by 8147,000,000 saseta. Aodreaa TbtUiAS r. MORGAN, JR.. f?g-Ua City Pot mac* or 1333 f si. (? 1'? REMINGTON TYPE WRITERS, BEST LIKEN PAPER AND ALL OTHEE SUPPLIES FOR TYPE WRITER OF WYCEOFF, SEAMANS ft BENEDICT. PEOP&IETOES, MB COE. STH AND F STS. M. V. Washington News and Gossip. Index to Advertlsemeate. AMTBFMINT* Para * ATTORNEYS I"*** " AUCTION SALES Pure 6 BICYCI.EH Pa?* 7 BOARDING .. Pa*? 8 BU8INE88 CHANCES Paire 2 CITY ITEMS r*?o S COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. !*?*? 3 DEATHS P<*? 5 DENTISTRY Page 7 DRY GOODS Pw* 0 EDUCATIONAL 7 EXCURSIONS, *c S FAMILY SUPPLIES Pas* * FllL^NCI.VL Pairal FOR RENT Pass 2 FOR RENT P??? 2 FOU RENT (Rooms) P?r? 2 FOR RENT (Stables) Pa?e2 FOR RENT (Stoivs) Pw? 2 FOR RENT (UoOMe) Pass 2 FOK SENT (Miscellaneous) Pw 2 FOR SALE IHonm) Pm? 2 FOB SALE (I4M) Pa?e 3 FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) Pa?? 2 GENTLEMEN'S GOODS P*** 6 HOTELS Pairs 8 LADIES' GOOD8 Pass 7 LECTUBE8; PaseS LOCAL MENTION P?*? S LOST AND FOUND Par* 2 MANICURE Paee C MARRIAGES Pas* S MEDICAL Pae* 7 MISCELLANEOUS Pam 5 MONEY TO LOAN Paire 2 NOTARIES PUBLIC Pa?e7 OCEAN STEAMERS Pairs 7 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS Pairs T PTANOB AND ORGANS Pyre? PhllBONAL Pairs 2 PRINTERS PajreS PROPOSALS Pair* 6 PROFESSIONAL Pair* 7 RAILROADS Pairs 7 SPECIALTIES Pas* 7 SUBURBAN PROPERTY Pair* 2 WANTED (Board) Pairs 2 WANTED (Help) Pair*2 WANTED (Hook*) Pure 2 WANTED (Lota) Pan* 2 WANTED (Rooms) Pat* - WASTED (Situations) 1 airs 2 WANTED (MiacslUueotia) Pas* 2 WINTER BESOBT8 Pas* 8 WOOD AND COAL Pass 6 Govesnment Receipts Today.?Internal rev enue, $262,857; customs, ?208,<J03. Boni>b Redeemed.?'The amount of 4% per cents bond* redeemed venter day was #7,200, making the total to date til,049,500. A Nrw Bank.?The controller of the cur rency baa authorised the First National Bank of Tupelo, Mils., to begin business with a capi tal of *60.000. Revenue Appointments?The acting secre tory of the treasury has appointed the follow ing internal revenue store keeoersand gaugers: l'rank A. Boynton, at Salem, 111.; O. F. High tower, at Lima, 8.C. Acts Approved.?The President has ap proved the act for buildings for industrial schools in Wisconsin, and the joint resolution to correct an error of punctuation in the tariff act of 1890 relating to binding twine, Jtc. Gen. W. G. Yeaeey, oommander-in-chief of the G. A. B., was expected to lead the division of the Grand Army in the funeral procession in New York todav, but was prevented by a severe cold contracted nt the funeral of Admiral Por ter on Tuesday last. Holidays A>k Not Included.?The Treasury Department has decided that the term "ten days after entry" in section 23 of the customs ad ministrative act regarding damaged goods re lutes to running days and does not inolude Sundays and holidays. Patents to Distbict Investors.?Patents have been issued to the citizens of the District as follows: Francis A. Flanegan, drill Jar; Ed ward A. Henkle and J. C. Fowler, apparatus for manufacture of curved linotype bars; Robert L. Beed, lock; Demetrio Prieto, deceased, J. L. Rodriguez, administrator, ma chine for disintegrating fibrous plants. An Examination op Firemen.?The exami nation to be held by the civil service commis sion on February 34 to fill a vacancy in the bureau of engraving and printing is onlv for persons skilled as firemen. It is not an exami nation for the register of skilled helpers. The examination will be of a practical character to test fitness for the place to be filled. Peusokal.?N. Newton Smith of Baltimore, John E. Voorbees and Charles Buss of Eliza beth, N. Y.. C. A. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Denison and W. Dixie Croslev of New York are at the Arlington. James Caskie of Bichmond, A. M. Thompson of Hazelton, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hemich of Littleton, N. H., Mrs. A. C. Kingsland and Miss Shaw of New York are at the Normnndie. E. B. Dorris of Philadelphia and A. Lawrence Batch of Boston are at Worm ley's. E. L. Meyer of Hutchinson, Kan., Mary F. Seymon of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller and son, C. B. Mackenzie, and Mr. and Mrs. B. P. March of Philadelphia are at the ltiggs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell and Sydney Butt of Suffolk, Ya., B. J. Moore and James A. Bryan of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Van Atta, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barley of Waverly, and M. H. Hazen and John II. Bower of Minne apolis are at the Randall. An excursion party on its way to Boston stopped at Willard's yes terday. The Philadelphia produce exchange are registered at Willard s and at the Ebbitt. H. G. Band of Halt Lake City, Dr. W. H. Curran of McKoesport, Me., Scott Green of Clarke boro'. N. J.. George G. Martin of Brooklyn, N. 8. Bandolph of Buffalo and F. B. Walker of New Haven, Conn., are at Willard's.? C. L. Potion and F. L. Baker of New York, E. L. Meyer of Hutchinson, Ky., C. B. Willson of Kansas City and J. W. White of Augusta, Ga., aro at the Metropolitan. J. H. Bonney of Furmington, Me., J. C. Nelson of Cleveland, Ohio, J. F. Ladcrer of Mci'herson, Kan., Will iam M. McAllister of Warm Springs, Ya.,and J. W. Warren of tit. Paul are at the National. Mrs. M. J. Wilson of Iiahway, N.J., Anna H. Green and Mabel M. Green of Germantown, Pa.. Chas. S. Arnold of Chicago, 111., C. N. Mc Laughlin of Memphis, Tenn., and Miss Ella L LaFetra of Springboro', Ohio, are at the Fre dor.ia. C. C. Hopkins of New York, W. Lee Bird and M. V. Cutter of Maryland, J. W. Gar nett of New York and Frank II. Harvey of Bochester are at the Hotel Johnson. Mr. rf. N. Lock wood of New York city is at 1421 K street. Mr. Byan, the private' secre tary of Secretary Noble, accompanied him to New York and will ulso go to St. Louis. Dr. G. Q. Col ton and A. J. Dam of New York are at Clinniberlin's. F. H. Hosting of Boston, Mass., J. P. Meyers, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Fishbee and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Boteford of New Haven, Conn., Bcv. H. W. Beed of El Paso, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. Bufns IVuley of Auburn, Me., Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mosser of Allen town, Pa., Woltor Q. Scott of Aubanlv, N. Y., E. F. White of Provideuce, R. I., and J. J. Kirwin and family, New York, are at the St James. Lieut. Schwatka is in the city and stopping with Dr. BracketClSlO Rhode Island avenue. ?. B. Perry of Boston, E. E. Philbreck of Grand Rapids, R. W. Dunlap of K-ntn. Thos. L. Woodcock and son of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Edson Potter of New York, C. B. Orcutt of Elizabeth. N. J., W. F. Ricks of Ohio, Hon. Thud. C. Pond, of Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hill of Pittsburg and W. A. Hitman of Col orado are at the Ebbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Hopkins, Mr. end Mrs. W. A. Mills and Mrs. Frederick Mills of New York. Mrs. Francis Cochran and Mrs. Campbell Tucker of Phil adelphia are at the Hotel Amo. Marriage licenses have bean issued by tl clerk of the court to the following: George Johnson and Maiisaa Jenkins; Rudolph Strother and Bertha Marshall; Win. 8. Newton and Mime A. Steele; George M. MeC. Bo wen aad Delia ?. Hunter; F. 8. Baxter aad Maggie V. Mohier; P. H. Hoff of Warren eounty, VaT, aad LoUis L Wilson of Fauquier eounty. Ya.; Richard E. Edelin and Boas Wards Jean X. Carpenter aad Mary E. England, both of Charles county, Md.; Alvis Fleck aad Ella F. Nor book; J. Thomas Vaughn aad Christine C. Kemp, both of JUebnoad, Ya MR. INGALLS RESIGNS He Will No Longer be President Pro Tem. of the Senate. ? A NUMBER OF BILLS PASSED TODAY. Mr. Springer and the Speaker Ex change Compliments. INDIAN DEPREDATIONS BILL. SENATE. Senate bill to increase the pension or Brig. Gen. W. H. Powell to *72 a month wan reported and passed. | Also Senate bill giving consent of the United State# to the erection of a bridge across Port age lake, Mich., between Houghton and Han cock. Senate bill to provide for the sale of a portion of Lire Point reservation, near Sancelito, Cal., was reported and placed on the calendar. the folic* court bill. House bill to define the Jurisdiction of the Police Court of the District of Columbia was reported from the judiciary committee with a substitute. The substitute was agreed to. the bill passed, a conference asked and Messrs. Wilson (Iowa\ Evarts and Push were ap pointed conferees on the part of the Senate. Senate bill setting apart and reserving a cor ? tracto. land in Arizona for Indian schools and other educational purposes was reported and passed. PLACED OK THE CALEXDAR. Senate bill authorizing the Secretory of the [ Interior to examine certain claims of pernors who owned or occupied buildings on the Hot Springs reservation. Ark., was reported and placed on the calendar. Also Senate bill to authorize the Fort Gibson. Tan]equal] and Oreat Northeastern Itailroad Company to construct and operate a railwav through the Indian territory. Also Senate bill to authorize the building of a bridge across the Arkansas river at Van Huron, tbade relations with c ax aba. Mr.Payne, in presenting petitions in favor of the resolutions offered by Mr. Carlisle early in the session as to trade relations with Cuuada, expressed the opinion that the resolutions should have beer, referred to the committee on foreign relations rather than to the select com mittee on trade relations with Canada. , chairman of the latter committee explained that the delay in acting ut*>n the resolution had been due to the absence (through illness) of Messrs. Butler and Voor heesand to the engagements of Messrs. Allison ana Hale in the committee on appropriations. He promised that there would soon be a meet ing of the select committee, although it was not very likely, he said, that action would be taken by the Senate on a matter of such very grave im portance at this short session. He had been informed that it would be debated very vx tensively when it came up in the Senate. The committee would therefore get the matter ripe for action by the Senate as soon as it could. Mr. Carlisle thought it probablv true that it would be impossible to dispose of such a sub ject at the present Congress. But he would be very much gratified land so would a great many of the people of the United States' to have a report mads, one wav or the other. ' Senate bill authorising "the Coos Bav and Roseburg Kailroad Company to construct a bridge acrose the Coal Bank siough in Oregon was reported, and, on motion of Mr. Mitchell was considered and passed. mb. Vance's cbedextialb. The credentials of Mr. Vance for bis new senatorial term, beginning March 4 next, were presented by Mr. liansom and placed on file. THE BEVEXt'E MARINE BILL. The bill for the adjudication of claims aris ing from Indian depredations having been taken up as the "unfinished business." Mr. Gray appealed to the Senate for an evening ses sion for a consideration of the bill to transfer the revenue marine from the Treasury Derart- J ment to the Navy Department. He s:,oke of the bill as one of great public concern and asked unanimous consent to have it taken up and considered in the evening session. Mr. l'addock suggested that the request be made at a later hour of the dav. He hoped that it would not be insisted on now. Mr. Chandler?Why not? Mr. Edmunds?I object to it. I'^dock?I object because we cannot tell how long it will take to conclude the con sideration of the pending bill. nfotft 'Am1 ?ust,^at. what*ver time, dav or night, the Senate will give to legislative busi ness will be ^iveu to the IndUn depredation claims bill unt.l it is disposed of. Mr. Edmunds?It is known on both sides of the chamber that an order of business has been agreed upon by gentlemen on this side and it w my duty as representing them in taking care of the order of business to insist that the order shall go on. I therefore am obliged to object to the request of the Senator from Delaware whatever my opinion may be as to the merits of his particular bill. Mr. Gray?I have not desired to interfere with the order of business, but it is quite aPI>a rent that within the eleven or twelve days that are left of the session the seven or eight dis tort subjects in the order of business cannot be completed. I have endeavored to make mv suKge.Uonin such shape as not to interfere with the order of business by asking the Sen ate to consent to an evening session for this special purpose, and therefore (as unani mous consent has been refused) I move that the Senate today take a recess from 6 to 8, and HL 2," .t^.r:,n aK 8eM'on th? revenue marine transfer bill be taken np for consideration. The Presiding Officer (Mr. Ingalls)?The Senate has already adopted an order for ? daily recess from 6 until 8. more on tbe conven lM J* ?exxa** revenue marine transfer bill be taken up for consideration. The presiding officer ruled that the motion could only be entertained by unanimous con sent. _*r: Chandler appealed to Mr. Edmunds to withdraw his objection. The Senate, he said was not able last evening to get a quorum to consider the Indian depredations bill but it might be that a ouorutn would attend this even ing to consider the revenue marine bill. At all events it would do no harm to the effort. The appeal was not successful, and the con sideration of the Indian depredation bill wma proceeded with. MB. INGALLS BEBXOXS THE CIA IB. Mr. Ingalls. who was occupying the Vice President's chair as presiding officer pro tem. made a personal statement. He said: Four years ago, on the 25th of the present month. I was chosen President of the Senate pro tem pore, and, by subsequent election, was contin ued in that station until the 3d of April when, under a resolution of March 13 pi*L ceding, I was unanimously designated to ore side during future absences of the Vice Presi dent and at the pleasure of the Senate?a func tion not previously exercised bv anv member of the body during the century of its exist Ihe Senate having been formally notified that my service here will end with the cloee of this ^ Congress, in order to avoid embarrass ment and to afford opportunity for deli be ra 11OW ?end*r ?.T resignation as Preeident of the 8enate pro tempore, to take effect on tbe election of:my successor in office. It would " affectation at indifference unworthv of aod naworthy of this occasion were I to pretend to be uncon scious of the distinction ?H has been con tarred upon me by the suffrages of the Senate. in sensibHUy sad destitute of gratitude w,? ItowithhoJd continued with which I have been honored by 1 * ? ^ At the eieee of Mr-Ingalle* i "*?ion ot tb? bUl wae proceeded with, the pending question being on Mr. Kdmunds' m? ?.nt w"tion ?? ?hich provide* that ennM ^iT Ind'*n* ?*"?" be allowed bv (he Indian.0" """***** " ?f " wb^Me??"*FT? ""a 10 ' ,on? <**?>?* ?? wuicn Edmund*. Dawes. How Me Jj*' *S? sP??ner areued in favor of Tht^L^8*1"*" Voloott- F??l?nrr, Dolpb and Turpie in opposition to it. Finally the rote ***taien and the motion to strike out was ?freed t^v*.., ST; nays. 14. ?Bt W" Mr. Hoar mo red to atrike out the clause nro r^ht?r. ih' ?!??*????? .nd ^T^nTTf claims bv Indiana who Lwe .uffered low of -Afr**" "*nment by Mr. Mondv annat the ?truck out*" ^ the XL Z> Mr. Paris moved to amend the fourth sec nrior? i ,>roviliM that "o claim accruing Le eonrtUkn"r-,L18S7- ,hlJ1 conaidered b? ^J. lSSk 7 ,ulj*Utuu,l? 'or tUt daU Janu ?om Speaker Reed having recovered from hi* temporary indisposition call*] the Hoq* to order this morning. Senate bill was ]>aued for the relief of eet tlers on certain land* iu the too them pari of loin. 1 ?J?sL called up from the Speak the u? * fcl" referring to tile Court of claim* the claim of the Portland (Me.) Comt*nv i!^inp ?ut of the construction of the double ended stoamer. Azawam and I'ontuuuc. MR. 8PBIXGER AND THE Sl'EAEER. Mr. Springer (IU.) moved it* reference to the committee on war claims, and after an argu ment by Mr. Thomas in rapport of the measure Mf-Springer claimed the floor. rhe Speaker The chair entertained the mo tion. but h is rome do ibt about the gentleman having the floor. W?! ?V,li'J?n^r."TAfter m-T motion to commit Tio,d ? Wl" "'titled to the floor. ?? -ri I>01 chair is in doubt about *i ? T ? llI in in doubt about do turns cftming from thn *ide of the Houn* thiZ^ker /fhm\i' * remark of Kentloman from Illinois, and is one he will never have an opportunity to reply to from the same position. |Langhte"r.J Mr. Springer?It is true, neverthelea*. *TR. SI'KINOKR h lfOTIOJf DKFEATEO. Mr. Thoma* demanded the previou* ques tion and it was ordered?yea*, 123 naya, 10S? and Mr. Springer * motion to refer wa* de flated? yeas. 106: navs. 124. y^i4'V?Vri"*d 10 * rWln? Mr. Cobb (Ala.) moved to refer the bill to ItucuT. 00 "" Cl"m'' With cerUiu ,u the bill PARSED. The motion, after another roll-call, was de feated, and the bill wa* then paused?nearly three hour* having been consumed in it* dis position. TALKING of monkv. **? Nswlsnd* Before the " ? 11 Committee Today. There was a very noticeable lack of interest today in the proceedings of the Mouse coinage committee now that it ha* been decided to close the hearings on the stive;- question to morrow and only three member* of the com mittee were present. Representative Walker (Mass.) continued hi* examination of Mr. Newhind*, the inquiry being chiefly on cor relative suljects rather than the direct issue involved in the silver question. OOLD ASD SILVER ARE BUT DROaa. In response to one question Mr. Newlands said that, in hi* opinion, both gold and silver, apart from their money use, which l-il been given them by law. custom and tradition were intrinsically the most worthless metal* in the world. That was. be added, perhaps an ex travagant statement. Deprive gold and ailver or their money quality and thev would be worth very little a* compared with iron, copper lead and other uteful metal*. ' PAX1C8 AND THEIR CAtTKBS. The recent panic having been alluded to bv Mr. Newlands Mr. Walker wanted to know if were there anything in this world with which man had to do which wa* not subject occasionally to disturbance. Mr. Kewland* replv was that he .I,'?v' no,w ^ *ny financial ayatcm which could be made perfect and would entirelv avert panics, but their liability to occur could be be lessened, and he thought one great cause of panics was a small volume of money. THE TALE ABOUT POOLE. Mr.Walker *aid that a* it had been charged that there were gold pools and gold bugs, who were seeking to influence legislation, he would aak if Gen. Warner was paid for his servi-os by the silver organization. The witness replied that Gen Warner wa* not paid for bis services. *nd that his interest in the silver question was en tirely impersonal, but he should decline to an ?7e? ooet.tions relating to the organization He hi'.dgivan his testimony in this matter befor* the silver pool iueestigating committee. Mr. Newlands said that he did not indulge in any of this idle talk about pools and moner or ganization and corrupt influence* on either aide He did not believe either side wa* doing mure than attempting, by discussion and agitation, to influence public sentiment. Tba teim ?ol<i bug wa* used, he thought, jnat aa the Wrm ?liver (peculator wa* u*ed on the other si da. ntDiA aa a "bike bole" for iilver. J. 8. Moore, the "Paraee merchant." ? ??!? a statement to the effect that it wa* not the de monetization of diver by the United State* which cauaed the decline in valu* of ailver but a smaller demand for silver in India and a larger aupply of *ilver, due to importation* and an improvement in transportation amont tn? ^dia prorinces. India wa* called a ank hole for nlver because, although great amounts of stiver were aent there, none ever came back. Mr. Bartine closely queationed Mr. Moon With reference to his statements of Indian s.TJr'crHK correct, nevertheless. CAPITOL TOPICS. umm for >? ???? Senator Davis today praaented ? proposed amendment (for Senator Farwell)to tba sundry ciiil bill appropriating 935.000, to be used in propagating and distributing the domestic reindeer in Alaska for the uae of the nabvsa. A HEW OFFICE PEOPOSED. Senator Sawyer today reported favorably from the committee on post office* a proposed amendment to the port office appropriation bill providing for the appointment of a su perintendent of the free delivery service in the office of the first assistant p~*nnni*r n at a salary of *2,000 a year. TO BUT BIEBSTAOT'a PICTUBM. Mr. Oreenhalge has Utrodaoed a bill ia the Houae appropriating $66,000 for the pvrchaas by AUmtT?ar^ ^ I?? Repre*entatire Kennedy (Ohio) has duced a Joint resolution which will ?r i paper fraternity in Waahington. It that asembers of the press whoa* name* an in the Oongr?e*iinielDirectorv shall receive bound volumes of the Record and at - pres* whoa* ?*?** are in ?ctory shall receive bound ? ord and at every doea it authorized to be printed by thia and r?l lino " ' Ta Preeident N. K. 1 at baas ball cluba and ot control will leave the "???iag far Obieago, to attead a hastily called meeting of the fetter today, ta. be Lid on (or tba purpose of km., WAR IN THE SPRING. It is Predicted That the Indiana Will Again Make Tremble. m>:ix TEE THEAIEB II HOIKS. Excitement in the Manufacturing Districts in Belgium. STOCKS DULL BIT STEADY. TROI'BLK IN TH F M'RINO. | Tke WteM INmiIiM Wllk tK. Their IjHrra Trip. Citctao, Feb. 1#.- Tb? band of Km?i ?U?i arrived here on Tareday on their Jounn? from Washington to I*ine Kldg* Ml far their in* nation last slight M>? Inline Ameneen Hone made thii aign.(leant JtrUrttton: '*1 signed the Riont rMemtion ceding kwlv, tint when I *aw bo* the south* of no t people were closed in KMliiuttoi I told the Utile Chief Noble that I would no longer be a leader of my people. bat would nntigle with them a* a warrior in the rank* rather tlian lift ?) tomw again in behalf of the white man " l.oui* Prima of the Standing Rock a|W(T and one of the interpreters of ihe part" said "In view of thk laat \ lait and the eiouauient laat fall I know and 1 am no aiarmiM tkai in the >prmg there will l?* trouble. At Horucult Hall in Philadelphia, where crowd* were pteacnt to *ee Uie Indian*, the only rliief that received marked attention a a* Iwn Sink*, WO* i* h -stile and always ha* hern hostile i be people crowded around him. shook hi* hand, showered cigarette* on l.iai and mad* the oM fellow weary with demaads for * fie* eh. The men who have stood by the f.trernmeat fur Tear* aaw thi* and kuew that ibev wer< Mtaored becauae the* were fnendliea. 'ihe ? fleet ww* bad. and not only had. but lastiug. I bex apeak of it t.xlay among tkrmwliw aud wonder why the white* ?bow no appreciation of the ma* who bare practically <wtraci?<d tbeiaaalvaa > from their kindred for the good of the wbitaa and what they belie* r-d ?aa (or the good of . their own race, i honeaUv believe that the attention ahown tlie actual hnsule* in the mm to the ignoring of the frtendlie* ail. work a* ! mnch harm a* the little ailenuot aliown t* both binitea by the otnciala at Mash' atou. Neither friendly nor hoauie ? aattalM /J this treatment." A TRI'UKK IN M-1KB. Dewtrwetloa of the <? Rorlkeeter 1 hi* Mnrala(. RorHESTta. Feb. 19 Ihe Grand Opera House, variety theater, owned by ei -Secretary of State Fred look and Jacob < terlinK and mas 'aged by John I). Ho; kinv. and the W in laor Hotel were deatroved by fire here thi* ro?ra>ug. An exploaion, the cauae of which i* unkuowu, waa the cau*e of the fire, it occurred about 4 o'clock. In a few momenta the building waa in tame* from top to bottom IV stage hanging* and acenerj are highly inflammable aoa acre *o<tn deatroved, ami then the body of the i.'Uae com menced to bum. Soon the gallery and liah-ony fell. Then the roof came down and after It a portion of n aide wall fell in. '1 he ilaa.e* then commenced Ui eat into Uie Windsor Hotel, nhich ktood m il to the street an I in a fe e moment* the roof of that builmug fell in. fol lowed shorUv by one of the two front loma. below Uie theater and on the street level were a number of saloon* ami a burlier ahop. 1 ue content* of these place* will lie a total !??**. TLe loan of the theater will la Hi-.OOo inaiir anee. t>0.<l00. Manager Ho;<kin* will be a In a\y bwer. He expeuded ? llM-HI in refitting the in terior laat year. Tin lo. on the bote 1. which ? *> not occupied, will ptobably be tll>,IWI. lu aurance unknown. I tic*. N. V.. Feb. IS.- At 12-10 thi* moming the Shaper block. in * ?na)obarn . waa found to i lie on fire, and losses amounting to over iltl - I 0<I0. with about ?10.0(10 in*urance, (vaulted. , The principal loaer* are t'haa. * . Schsrtf. baru i ware atore, ??i.OUO, insurance. tit.tsiO. t ha*. { Shape-, owner of the block. tli.OUO. in*nrauca, Vfi.lWO: Geo. O. Bergen. tl.JSI. insurance. *1. 000; B. C. Fox, law olHce, ci.500. iii*uranoe, ; ?1.000, and the U.A.K ^*t lo*t VMM. a It* lie aurauce of *200. EXCITF.M KNT IJI BKLT.ltM. ??? Ttee Raeervea t ailed Oat to I"reveal Trnable la tha Maaefact urlag IHacrwta Baramcui. Feb. 19.?The reeervea of U>* civic { guard have been called oat ia tie Kraal ihar leroi mining and manufacturing district. Thi* action by the government ha* created a tremendous excitement throughout the length and breadth of Belgium. The workingmen'a committee regard the and deu placing of Uie troopa under arm* a* not i only a menace, but a* an unmistakable indioa ' tion that the federal authorities are preparing | to maintain by force of arm*, if a am wary, a | refuaal to re viae the constitution in the direc tion of universal manhood suffrage To add to the excitement caused by the an nouncement of the calling out of tbe civic guard* ta the grave fscl that the wo-kinmnen * committee ba* addreaaed a fierce mamfaaui to the militia pleading with them to aide with their countrymen and felloa wageworker* m I resisting the attempt of the government to \ plunge the country tn civil war. HTOCKS PI I.U lit T HTI".AI?V. The Market Cloaes at Simi* ? lib InslgnlA ranl < liange* la Prtewa. Will BrmEiTT, New Iou, Feb. It.?Tha Mock market thin miming wa? a* dull a* uanal in the general Uat, but the atagnaUon waa r? lieved by marked activity in the corn roada and the Villardi. the Utter, in contraat to their late utrength, being Uie weak point in the market There wa* an irregular opening and considerable irregularity waa displayed la the early dealing*, but the general Hat allowed tome tendency to advance ia i-p'te of the diacounging railroad new* of the morning. The feature of tbe trading waa New > ngland, which developed marked weakness at the Mim ing and dropped IV per eent to 8ft. wbUe North American, which led the neat of the I Ml. I oat only \ percent The industrial* wera weak, however, and new augnr preferred dr< >pp?d I % to 85*4. and the others (mail fracUona. The atocka mentioned, with a few others, among which Ht. Paul waa moat nrominact monopolized the acUvity and when tVe declines were checked the animation disappeared en tirely from the market. At 11 o'clock it waa very'dull and steady, generally at Insignificant changes from the o|>emng price* Buriingtoa and Quincy and 1>i .tillers' Iruat ware both quoted ex-dividend thu morning. Money cloaed eaay at 2}+ per cent The stock market after 11 o'clock showed no change, and while there waa a drooping tendency ia Bock Inland and Builington, which were the only active feature*, the changes ia the reel of the'market were scarcely |ierrepUble and no feature of any kind was area. The market finally closed dull but steady to firm at I nifi -unt changes from the opening price* Silver opened at *>*; f-igheal gala, W>*i lowest sale, laat tale. Vty%. WILL riOBABLT York. New Toil Feb. 1L?The American Luaa and Trast Co., at No. LU Broadway, through the good offioea of Bsssell Hag* and some of hit friends, will probably resume business with la a week, bat with a aaw president and soaks m directors. In an interview this morning with a rspertst Mr. Sage said: "Home of my friends abd my self are at work on this matter and 1 think the company will certainly re*ume busiaeas within a week. I hare looked over the acooaats and seennUse and can aae readily how. if the aa contiea are aaraed instead of being italiatd humedlv, there will not he probata;v mora than half aa mock has as If estimated by the bank examiner Tbe companv baa loat tMk 00*. ar half of it* capital of tl^UO.OW. With aoaae money that we ahaU put late it to avoid the sacrifice of any of M securities which it holds and under tb management of a aaw board at directors 1 think the company will make money. Who the new directors are or how many of them thert will be I cannot now telL Tbe new president boa aver, will probably be James A. Blair, wh* ear mi to be a good man for tha pleas "