Newspaper Page Text
TH WAR OX POI.IIT MEN. A Shop RtiiM ami the Proprietor Armlcd (Itlwr ('mm. Ser*eant Montgomery anil Policeman Wee<ton visited John Ruekler's policy chop oa E street yesterday ami captured al>ont two peeks of policy paper*. John was arre?ted and a few of fbe twenty pereon* foand in the shop were snm nnawl as witnesses. When the cane was called in the Police Court today John's counsel waived an examination tnd (rave ttOO bail to awaii the action of the grand jury. F.dward Ingram. colored, who is now -erving a jail sentence for writing policy, was brought before the court and tried on another charge. The case waa sent to tie grand jury snd the prisoner was returned to jail to finish his sen tence. Scott Thomp*-,n, another alleged policy man. was charged witli a violation of the policy law. An examination was waived and be gave -300 bond* to await the uctior. of the grand J'iry. CLAKH DIMHAKUKU. The KcsuU of the Htsrlaf in the Hsbsss r. ryus faae KfTorr Jiul( J (.'??. In the Circuit Court room this morning tie fore JuJg^ Cox the habeas corp'i- case of George 11 Clark, arrested under t writ of ca. sa. Ms.led la the > ase of Samuel Carsou agt. George B. Clark, was tried under the i-uues as to whether Clark had mad* way with or at tempted to secrete his property to defeat the ? uilectlou of the debt. The defendant moved to strike out of the bill of (particulars the clause charging that ( lark in September. 1**8, being indebted to (.arson, deposited certain monies t il.xflO > to the credit of T. E- Clark, jr.: also the charge that r. K. ? lark. jr.. held the interest of George B. Clark in the partnership with his brother in secret Trustee. Mr. Cote, fc- the petitioner, snid that there was an equitv suit pending ax to th~ interest of ilwrp B. < 'lark in the firm: that the charge of wrntinft the property wna n?*t projierlv before the court and the charges were too general, .uid (hat if the allegation^ were true they would not justify a verd'et for niaintiff. He further ??id that Mere was grave doubt as to whether the law autborixmg the >|.sa. was now in force, 'ibia w*s the act of 1H44. but this act was "epenled in 185S. Judge Co* held that the act hat! not been repealed. Mr. Machey for the plaintiff said they charged that ( lark had made such disposition of the property as to hinder and delay the re covery of ibe ilelit. and if they could show that lie had transferred property or money into his brother's possession he claimed it would be a hinderauce to the collection of the debt and brought Clark within the anathema of the statute. Mr. i laughton followed for the creditor it arson i and Mr. t ook for the petitioner, ("lark, claiming that the bill of particulars should be stricken out Judge Cox sustained the motion to strike out the bill of particulars and discharged the peti- , turner. ANIKKSKMT!*. The Pianoforte lecture-recital by Mr. Edward 1 Baxter Perry of Boston at Congregational ' Church last night was a new idea here and its uovelty waa appreciated by a ' most intelligent ami critical audience. Mr. Perry's metnod is to present on the piano, ; specimen" of a composer s work and then, bv j lecMre. describe the man and his motive, his 1 method and his music. Mr. Perry's train was j late, but Dr. liist hofT at the orguu mule the j half hour of delay a nleas.ire. The Stoddard lecture on "Norway" waa re- ! Kted last night to a house full of people, j light the pictures of the Passion Piav will i will be presented. It will be repeated tomor row night, aud on Saturday afternoon "Nor way'" will be given again. Seats at Lilia' music store. l"he Oil* Podriilaat Mt. Vernon Place Church this evening will be literary and musical in ila character. Prof. Wilson, with stereopticon. will deliver the first of four Lenten lectures to be given in the lecture room of the Church of the Ascension :m<ler the auspices of the Incarnation Chapter of the Brotherhood of Sc Andrew. 'Ihe sub ject of this lecture is "The Cathedrals of Eng land " and it will be presented next Thursday evening aith ?. Tickets at Ellis". Bev. Frank H. Bi,'elow will lecture this even ing at St. Paul's. 2M street, on "Houth Amer Had It I'nder His Hat. A colored man named William Smith, alia* Levi Jackson. went into a 7th street cigar store yesterday and asked the proprietor for a car ticket, telling him be had a long distance to ge and waa tired. The proprietor gave him the ticket. Whiie talking the negro laid his hat on tiie counter over the cigar cutter. When he picked up his hat the cigar cutter disap peared. and when Policeman Parker arrested him he hail it under his coat. The prisoner's excuse when he appeared in the Police Court today wae drunkenness, but that was not ac cepted by the court, and a sentence of thirty tiays waa imposed. A Wife's Serious Charges. Elizabeth Burton, by Mr. P. B. Stilson. hat filed a bill for divorce from James Burton. They were married Anguat 5, 188V. lived peace ably. ahe says, until July. 18M0, wnen be became fa-lit finding, cross and disagreeable and slapped her face without any just cause: that he after ward struck her frequently: that in September he drove her out of bed and compelled her to sleep ou tlie floor two nights, kicked her on the bead, drew a pistol and threatened to kill her: that on October 8 he struck and beat her with his fists, struck her on the head with the Col. attempted to strike her with a lighted P- *? ^ _ Plead Guilty to stealing Coal. Fred W infield is the name of another enter- ' prising negro who recently went in the coal I business and did not keep a profit and loss ac count. His receipts were all profit, because he stole the coal. He sold it at JO cenie a bushel, and no one woulu ever have known of his dis hoiiest transaction had not his lather given him up to the police last night. Then he admitted ills guilt loday when taken to the Police Court he plead guilty. Judge Miller said be sraa going to put a stop to this tort of stealing, if posaible, and imposed a fine of (20 or sixty ' days Ml jaiL ?silroad Rate* oa Wheat ami Flour, 'ihe interstate commerce commission to-day 1 made public aa opinion prepared some time ago by ( ommisstouer Sehoontnaker, in which is announced the decision in the case of the Kauff luanu Milang Company of St. Louis, Mo., I against the Missouri Pacific Hallway Company and nineteen oth r railroad companies. 1 he rate on flour Iruu points in Missouri and hansas to points in Texas is 5emu higner than the rate on wheat transported between the same points, aud has been from 6 to 15 cent* higher lor lifteea year* or more up to 18Mb. sliea tl>* differential waa fixed at & cents. Malse on both commodities are grouped with out referent e to distance. The Complaint claimed that rate* on wheat aud flour should be equal. 1 he eonniMliiJ decide* that under the con ditions existiug iu ttie territory in question a rate of 5 en is tees per 100 pounds on wheat than <u flour is not unlawful, but that a differ ential exceeding j cents per 100 pounds works unjust discrimination and is unlawful. The decision onl? applies to the present situation in the territory lu question, and is not intended to lay down a permanent rule for the future, nor to apply elsewhere, s/.iestioas that may arise in vaee a uniform classification is estab uahed are reserved, and the principle is luid down that at present an exception to a general rule of classifi'-ation or rate-making may be jasnfieu by adequate consideration* in view of taaiauar condition* in difler*ut portion* of the countrv. and when a rigid application of a general rule would be injurious to Important C'llie interests. The opinion also states thai pow-i of ( ongress to regulate commerce among the states u absolute, aud rates on such i iinatr s mi? be regulated by federal au thority with reference to trade conditions and circumstances ol localities without infringing the rights or immunities ot such commerce under the Constitution. * oiumuaioner Morrison filed a diascoting ?pinion. T*? Wa.natM.iM Suuloy Urro Jt content of K^ularity among the boys and gins of the strict of Columbia, iu which the nret prize la a pair of ponies and a surrey, valued at *790. will close at I o'clock p.m. Saturday. February ??. and not at I o'clock p.m. en that date, a* ?as inadvertently announced m the reading eoluauie ef the uitrm* laet Mi a. lay. ? Hon. Theodore Boo??velt addressed a large audience on the "T'uties f ( ituens in Osborn H ill. Tale College, last nigut. 1 be committee appointed at the last session of the general aesembiy ef the Kntglitsof Labor to investigate alleged irregularities in the ac re?* ts of the see re tary trsa surer of 1MM met in executive stsmou m Philadelphia laM night for that purpose. WANTED -HELP. \l A> rED- lhl.r.h LM-UlltM hi) \ k. & 't ? ? makers. also two irirla to work on roata. It 9tll UlilUML D.W. w 'ANTED-F.XPF.UIF.XrKb WHITE i'HAMBKR rnald. with liewt n-ereo.e liltf K at. It* TOpANTED-A VMUTE WOMAN AM SEAMHTKKS8 ? f and up sfairs >rtrl: must have irood c;iy reference. Apply st HJEJl l.'itu st. n.w. It* | U'ANTKD A UKI f UlLE UHITE WOMAN. TO H do uo'ivwurk and assist in care of children. iiVJTl Oat. n.w. _felMT U'AXTCD AOOOD BARKEE^ER OF STEADY r J habile and irood referenres. Address Box :U. Mar oflh-e. It* l\lTANTED?AN EXPERIENCED WHITE STABLE ; v * .nan none u*ed ap|> y lint sa well ievonmiende>k. 1 J. X Y Ait NELL 4 SU.S. J and 4 Wholesale i ow, ? PCeftter Wirket. It WAITED- TEN INDr?TRIAL~ LIFE INSUR , re a nee solicitors; ran fwnbU .leidtsto men ol ex ! perk'uce. tf--d rhanreof promotion with rapidly ?rrow m--institution. App.y to 1017 loth at. n.w., between and ?! oVlork p. m. feML5t , W \n i i i? mi i t ? fin kixietNcs on 11 e ft (established 1?V?). cooks. chambermaids. nuisee, | laundress, man and boja l?u all Murk, rail, see what ; we bare. DCKAND HBACkUFORD. HUB E at. n.w. ; I fel -?t# - tl' ANTEt>?Wi'MEN CoOEH. ?Iolof75; ClfAM Imm "f bermaida, nursesand lanndrews. m ritynraway ; waiters, dnvftiur uriu hauos. colored i^u cooas. J HAJTL A. COOMBS. .*C7 UMkl. n. w. lelJ^t* : ANTED-AN IN l ELlJgKNT COLORED Of KL I atmlcrvaBu?lluiulrfM. Apply at hZIO lHth I { awi ^?turday mornlnjrs. !eltt-'.t* U AM ED I-GOES. ilO lint'.), LAl'NDKEsH, "? ?bami>erma>d*. waitress, Durws, seamstress. but- | ' !er*. ? oarhtuen. beLmen. waiters, all house worker* ! tor Jaruiliss and Hotels. DlCK'h, tola "im at. u. w. | l M^or \\" A.NTF.b A WAITER. AIXO * boy about the *f touv. Cell U?J4 14th at. n.w. It* if AN 1 til NUi.KliOiiS Fuh INDUSTRIAL "? Life Insurance; must come lecommended. Ap ply at t%ki F st. n w. fe!9-.">t \\' aS:i ?:i>" a Sf.aT asd tidt girl to ih> *' aauera housework in a small family. Apply at HEJ 4th at. u. a. _ _ ,t#? \\' AM ED - TWO COYtPKTENl BKKVASn, ON mi *? as? hainl?ermald and ^amstit-sa. one aa hoiuw- | ! ii. aid and *ait r*-a> . beat rel??reiur? required. Apply] j MureNuVlu k ui. l.kii Cvnua?-ticiit ave. faiy-'-^t* \l ANTED-A UiKL Full UhfthKAL MOl'.^K ?? work in a taiiiily of tour, one who sta>auitfbta j and briiA^a reieren?*e. Call at sl7 Mb at. n. w. Iell?-"J* ; W'ASl Hi A Wffft eiRl AVHO IS A OOOD j m rook tor irasii*-^rul housework , no waabiiiK' ve?-y amail family, reieren* e? re<iured. flUOMb st. n.w. j I I ?MKi tl'AMEB A HIUUNO. R*I.IABXJ: WOMAN * '<"?-c?n?nil housework. Aju'.y 4I.~> East I aiiltoi "? MlIKlt* \\" AN.Tri> AT ?*rE- TWO HOTEI. CHAMHKK ul 00 oth"r3 ut9d ?pp'y. Call.?.M4 lath st. \\ ANTKU SMALL CULOHAD BOT. TWE1.N E ' ' oi Thirteen year*, to attend Iront door; lauiUy of ; two; iii4?lerHt?- w??r^s or hoard and rlotbin*. Ai-ply tomorrow. Utwetu iU?ml it-'. I st. It' U AN I ID KXntl MPKhAlohHON OF.NEKAL H store aearuiK- Ste.tdj woru guaranteed. It* Bi.K nlVE. vr^?>7th st. n.w. \VANTED- EXPKKI ENlTTpWAlHT HAN DH AN D i! appruntire. one who ?an sew. Call, afu-r ?>. at | 1 t at. n. w.. npataira. _lt# 1 \LT A > T E D?TWO GOOD CANVAHSERH ON A tf nevv work just out. irood baiary to Kood uien. 1 Apply ai H?x>ui S. lOlU F <t.* j W A.MMJ "a 1 i.A.N? i>t\Ai (iMlHMAN j U in a patent attorney a otttre jt?oiii tummheil tree | and work paid for by tne pl?a e. t ail itooiiia 1 and j ' Vd tfoOr.titii 7tb at. lelH-'Jt* W'ASTEU"-10 <'HAMBEkMAIOS. T WATrEK.S~. | ' ? 4 roa< brnen, ? naraea. bell and ottre boys; beip j of al) ciaaaes HiiL<piieil. rren^ u alio b??uis>i i.eip hi- ; ?ay? wanted. LMl'LO\ MENT oFHA E. 4:iu l?irn | at. n.w. telU-IW I Vk' AN 1ED KDIHA1ED AND INTELLIGENT * ? ?ci-n?arrapi>er ami typewriter, owniuir machine; pleaaant othce. axreeaoie work; tertua immt be mod erate at brat. Anawer 1 mined lately. FEHMANENi'k, SUruflk'o. It* \t' ANTED?FOTU F1MST-CLAHS KEAL ESTATE ?? nien. Oood salary aud roiuiulaa.on. Employ ment w!nt?-r and >nn:ii.?r. Ue!ei>iR*e miuired. lelK-Ctt EAS1 hLDA I \ IIA1.DE dA>. ?K?> t *UU. w. WA*TU)-1 UEtvlH'l LKED DHI O rLEKK TO ?e Take rhanreof a store. Must i#? steady and have imexreptlouai rvteren? es. Ad*lreea. tfivintf a^e and ref?-ren? ea. i.lNl'Ai. star ot&r?. ^ felM-^t^ \t: ANTED A GOOD WOMAN. WHO CAN COME ?? well rerommemled. for general liou.>ea ork. A|> ply at im ii at. n.w. IelH-:tt W AN iED -*HITE mOMAN AH COOK IN HMALL *? tamlly; muat have beat reter?ucee. Aadreaa Box :L Star oflb e. ie!H-3f \Lf ANTFD A RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN AH ff . ook and tor ireneral MMRk in amall family livimr in the ?onntry . no wasttimr. irOvAl relerenres re ^uiivd. AiHiwiMw2. felH-:;t* U'ANTKD A A* HI 1R WOKAX, fUK GENERAL H housework and help to do ?. o<>KiiiK tor small fam ily. App.y 101'-? I at. n.w.. over pa)>er baiiKer'a. falHIu ^Ssrs^Zsrssis^^ i i-nnnw. U.W. AM ED-PANTRY BOY FOR HIJIEL WH >1 AJilr>m. box 0. HUrofRr.. \V fclMftLB W Ul I E MAN TO MILK Iumii?^lMji*u^lT"r7 watPon; required, inquire m 4U1 Maaa. aire. n. w. at ?.?.m. te i, WAMl ?AEkaEAl)lfc? AM) YOUJIO MAN ul_. 155 eiiwnrtt . in Ory (ooda lmsln*M ?P?oy*d and w?kw. Addm. W._A. I., ll-AVlED A HEALTHY, CAI'ABLE ANDIHcLT W01nf" ,0 lor I'nv.te lamlly. mu?t lui Uid LOOM wall ncwnaaiml. AOdm. X. Y iur umt,v fci'-at* \\1SIFI) 1 SALESMAN IS OCR HAT I)E ' ' ; of1* '?>"? ei|*rl.n. . .ud the b*st TZ? " 1"*ke ?PPlk?tK D Apply to MAS At.ER. Wttt Colupaajr. l.lT^lt it" AN TED-A PORTKB; OXE B A VI No HAD "'"?e eximrieiu e in a urm,- store preterred. Itef required. MEKirsTbanmiy. lHh and!' ** \1" AN TED-ALL WHO NEED EMPLOYMENT lO ff know we furnish it on honest pnnciplesor reiiuid money. Call and aee> ua; no trami>e wanted; brinir references. D1HTK1C1 EJiPl.01 jmENT AHHOClA? TloN. H*JU 17tb st. n.w. BOWIE. Airent. ^elti-' U7LNTKIM4U1CI! aUU COOKH. CHAMBkR m maids and house workers, also waitresses, but ler*, nurse ?nrIs. rab-ts. parlor and latiiea maids, farm bauda. Mc. < trunks storedlit'ltNHAM'S. 1110 G s n w. fe 14-0t* \V"anted- HEAEKAL GOOD PBITRBB oFlcl ?? waKon?. beat of reference required and stetniy worktru-ranteeil. AMERICAN ICE CO. fe!4-'Jw \k AN A EL?LAD 1 L A N A A?Stl.S lO HELl. '1 HE w? bnalyit, a devire patented lorliftimr and hoid imr tbe akirts Address DRESLVFT, 1:1 Preble at., lortland. .?ie. Samples ?k-. ; 3 for oik*. ; 7 tor ^1. Send for circular. fel:mt* \\ \ N 1 ED DCNDOREH EMPLOTMFN1 BL " reau. rondui-ted by ladies?men and women, white andioiored. for all kinds of domestic labor, rity and Mates, with references. Uemwed to 7UU Lst. n.w. fe7-DJt* U'A.AItD - AGENTH ? HELF- THUEAD1NG "? needle; preserves tailitiK >wbt; biK money for canvasser*. Sample pa? kapre. l(k-. ; dozen jmckagee. Tar. by rnalL stamps taken. HTAl N*.ti & Co., Proviaem e. R. I. tetf-lm \\ ANTED I .EAR N EBB FOR PHt>*. CHRIHT ner's international laylor system; with any inch rule or tai*e measure alone, aa all arientitc tailor* rut; patterns and material* rut and made and instruction yiveu oy Jinn. fcj. J. MLSSEU. I40ii R.l. ave. ja;i-^m' WANTED?HOUSES. f"-' "A.\tAK IMMEDIATE CUSTOMER tor thr^e small houaea that will pajr well as an in v^^nt. CHARLES CAMERON; with Jobn O. Joutsou, 12th and ij ats. n.w. Jel9-3t W??SailciS!Uisa.<22;y? Krteiawcft'iiiiss.'" ""-msr* YVASTF.D-TO RENT FOR ONE YEAR A HOI SE n.w.; not to .Xivrd ?4<| month. to * hrrt- i.*h teti ?V?hfhiwrhood* rXJ"B- in ???l1 'oiiditton .ndirood WIM-a' IUim I. XL. Htuuffln. Xl-ANTrD TO PI'RCH AHE TOB CABBrTplici .1- "*1 Prt'"? iroui CIO.OUO to ?j...!**). no Wflitl. Ad.lTM. HOPKINS P Olio. - N*W >ort- I.1IMA * HOt'HF. OF H OR 8 ROOMS 7 * >*i ? irood locallty at a rvasonabie price. Address ptaMnjr terma. 4r.. S. M. W.t star offire. felH-,"ft* WA5S a b.'n^ Won ~"J ",ru" \\- AMIU- BOlMKM FROM M.fioa TO mTouT ?? uulota u> \*aahii?n.n and Laui*r H.arhja' ACKER A OADSBY. ?alM lww *' tL a.?. ASr ANTED -ROOMS. IL'ANIKD ONI. ??u IVAOUikjMH. FCRNlHHED. ff tor lir>it .'ousekeei'inir by younic married *oui'le. peruuineut it suited. Address ?. M. C., HUr office. fsllKI' WANTED- B\ A TOCVO MAN AND WIFE,TWO U se?ond or third-story unfurnlaheil rooius. with heat and irsa. for ho.isakeepin*. Add.t-sa. with terms, I J. H. G.. Star office. lellRA* \trANTED TWO OH 1 HREF. RO?>Ms, I'NFV'R *? mslie* I preferred. central iy locsted. mith !>oard in hou** or trood ?*at??vr close by, teru.a must be iuoc. erate. Adaress CiXKK I . Star office^ lei!Kit' \1' AN 1 ED?GENTLEMAN AND WIFE D EH I RE. by April L '?or :< unfurnished 'Jd-atory rooms, anitable for iWbt mmaekeeftna; Um aiion bet. T sud L. iUfli aiid'JUth sts. n.w. . |<er;nau?tir it suited; be*; ot reference* jnven ana re*ndred. Addles* H A HOLD \.. Htar uB s. alilm twaa. fellki' \V ANTED BY A GENTLEMAN. A Ft'HN ISHED wf rooi?. north of Pennsylvania a* e.. where pr.racy >s aasure^t. Ad*lreM> WAUKiNGTi)N. Htar otti<-e. it* WANTED A HECOND-H'AOKY loom and If tjortrufor married couplt. permanent. AJdrese. statfnr tenns and t?srtb ulars. P.O. Box It* UTA.\'1?D- BY A YOI'NG MAN. COMFt>ETABLE ff room wit): irood board, n**ar Co.nmfiia Medical Colkae. Addreas Bn .V star nllrt ftellMtt* \VAXTED BV A lOCNG GENTLEMAN. A Fl'R ?1 uisbedor unfnrniahed rcom. where priva- y la aa ?ur*d. north of i*a. are. and weat of Mh st. .Vi?lress MARTINA, surofliw felH^A il* AN1FD FOR THREE PEKHONH. NORTH OF vf F st. ?nd weat at 11th st. n. w.. in rente*! neuh Itrnood. two ?ommnm- at;m* ro. ins on first &?jr, suitaUe for a puysu iai. ft ? ?. e, andtao rta*u a on s^osd floor. I or and with board. or. small lurniahed or uniurrUa^ed house. retereure* inven. Addrvis PH\n1<. IAN. sur oAc?. tel .-.'it \VANTED-F1B>T <)F MARCH. TWO WElX ' I 1 urn MArd Ir> nt rooui. with board loc thiwa ladtr. awl :iia>t. Ratarvn-M Uldma Mr*. P"MKR??y. l.'li gat, n.w. ??IT^A WANTED -LOTS. WANTED -SITUATIONS. W'ANTED-A OSiiMAX ?t,EL W 1S?KS-AJV1!" nation m rbatubeniinid. Inquire at 161.? Midi ?on 1. n.w. " ' . li'AXTKD A SITUATION A? CHAMBERMAID H or eeamatreeaa In a #rai*lae? tainily; ran ff r?oil m>ni> >. AddM 4*11 l.'ith M. tt.e. Mlt^ST \mr ANTED-BY ? A LADY. A PLACE AS HOCBE 11 ke*|.?r with a firat-claaa fandly; irood to r?. A.Idrrsa E. E , HUr frl?3A 11 ANTED M A TOT'KG MASI . TWETTT; tt ?vhi years of lire, whose mwltnci would benefit in almost any line, a rae<Wr othnan nature and a ftaent talker. employment. Address. witli ap pointment. WHBELMA.V, rttir <?^ W ANTKD?AT HEADQUARTERS - POSITION? H lor cook a. chambermaids. waitress. launare *??*? and nurse*. seamstress, men waiter*, cooks, cjj*4"": hun. but Its. S.A.Ct?QMBW.r>g710thst.n.w. teltt-'lt* \V AXTF.D-BY A YOtNO MAX. A POSITION Ah if an apprentice in a dru* atore, age eighteen years; twoyears' experience. Address A. K.,Htar oftt*. fellK.t ^ IV AKTMMiO TO DICK'S AGENCY TOfcCt^li. f f inahK, nurses, laundress, l:ou* work ere, but lers. coachman, waiters, lootmen, larm and d^T men:all ha\e lelereircea from last Place. t?13'ithst. fellHSt* WANTED-BY A COLORED OIUU PLACE AH r 1 <-ook and ri?*n-up, or wash an l iron for a smalt family : can lurnish the beet of reference lrom tlie last pu<t . Call at31? <: st. s.w. It W ANTED- A RESPECTABLE COLORED GIRL re de* rrs a pi are as ? humberinaid and waitress or nurse uitii some nice family. Call or addreae 1*.I7 13th st. n.w. VV'ANTKD-By TWO RESPECT ABLK COLORED If tfirla. situations; one as waitress and nurse, the other el Hiiu>eriiiMi?l and to do hotwework; wjil work *?-! ??mtely or together; good reference*. 1 'Sm Madi son st. n.w. ___ \\^ASTLD-A FRFNCH MAII> ANT) ?BAM ?? -trv?? would Ilk* a poaition In private family. IT:*) Pa. ?ve. n. w.' \1*ANTED -BT A KtRNT-CLASH COOE.~A PLACE vv in a private family; can lumiih reference., Gall or addrMi I at. n.w. K'l ft U'ANTtD-B. A YOUNG MAN, A LAW ?TU rf tfent. one or more hours' employment durinvthe day. Addreas C. A., Star office. iel?-3t AVAN TED-EM PLOY ERR FOR FXPER I ENCED r ? and roliU servanta. Also iioeitioua lor appllcanta lor clerical work. CITY IK rELLlGENCL OFUCE, DI RAND bHACRLEFURD. Pro p.. WJnEat. n.w. K'.-W WANTED POSITIONS FOR COORH. RUKsEH, if driven, portera, houaemen, ennneeW, waiter*, kitchen. larm and dairy hands: ?lw yvjitiif. (Hwe dish laundress, German cooaa.) BIRNHAM 8, 1110 ii at. n.w. fel4-dt* WANTED BOARD. WANTED- BY A GEN 1 I.E.MAN, MNGLEBOARD | r? and room between Penua. ave.. I, 1-ith and ?0th | sth. Address II.. MB 13th st. n. w. fel7-3t* WANTED- ?MISCELLANEOUS. \JL AN IED-Bk MAKCu 1, TORE , SIZE f? about by 40feet or iarzt-r, without counters; location on t4tu st. above Mass. aye. preferred; rent muat be reasonable. Address Bo* 1"*, btar omce. Iel9-irt# WANTED -A PHAETON IN GOOD CONDITION; If uin?t ?>e a Sarwalu for ?-asn. &CL Maple ave. It Vl'AMK!Ml,.r?l AT OM'E ON HOU8K AND f f teal estate s??t urity. Takoina Park P.O. Box K4, D.C. felKvSt WANTED -CUSTOMERS FOR LIGHT WOODEN ? r and paper lioxes ox e\ery deacription-oyster, randy, irloves, hat and vlielf l#ox?^*. l.iKht wooden buXff lor expr?>SM an<l mail made to order, any *iae. Potomac Box Factory. R t?t. n. w. te!7-eo 1 m U AM ED-VIOLIN AND FLUTE PCPILH BY two ex-IT. H. A. mnaiciana. Thoromth Instruction. Char?rea moderate. Addresa J. fc C.? Box TUB. i'ity P.O. lelrf-lm" AM ED A MILK ROUTE?FROM 10 TO TO gallons ; must be cneap for cash; only those uiean imr busiiifss need apply. Addresa R. A.D., Star omce. iei;-3t* . WANTED HIGHEST CARH VALUE PAID FOR 11 lurmturr, iarj**t*. >tovea. Unre ami aiuail ,to**ks ot lufn-Umilw, stor* ami ufficu rtxtur*. Caii Drutlan-ss A. t:. INS ION. >.:l' Itliat. n.?. _fel-? \T-A.^rKiTTAlI WANTIKtt PMOTIXIKAPHH. Tf i-al.iiwta. t: a dox?n. plMa^mi i>li t?r??; One wurk made in cloudy wither; a luivr i>uHire jm ?roiwl I.AKDNtH. 411# yb at., near Llmoln Hail. o!J4-3ni \* A>TtU KKBEL MONEY FdKUOOD MONEY, V* pun. Ued money. (Tol.l and lll?er liu-.urht. wedulur rliiKa to unier. rare mina lor sale: cat.iloi;iiea lOcrota. U. w. FECHNEK. >1u? WaUii K?i>alrer. "ill Pa. av?. ieu-:?ui WASTED STOKE YOl'K n'HMlCUR AT W FremnnnfcCo.'a. 1?K< I at. n.w. Sew ami old furniture, atovem, fc< .. lolurlit and aoid. rineup Loibtfnn^ a ?pe? ?aity. All kinds ot repairlnK. t.>-liu \v"ANTED TO KNOW-WHY DO YOU LIVE AND ll lie miDerablr when you can be buried in a Coles bo* loiimre? This l* a |*erfect lounge by day snd a per fect bed by nitfbt. and you cau put away ai inuca i lothimr or otl?er articles aa in tne average wardrooe, v ou ?r?*t tnree articles lor the price oi one. Mrs. Dr. lalma?ce aays these lounges are very, very bke. Price. ?1U. ?12. ?14. fM. 9X>. ?*'? T.rma 10 per tent diacuunt caali wit j orJer, or naif with order, balance <X) da>?. ALFRED COLE3. _ 620 Myrtle ave., Brooklyn, N.T._ \?? ANTED ? HOKSE8 TO W1NTKK. TWENTY H yMit1 eirenem-e, box .tails, irram ami hay aere uuiril. order box ail Utli at. n. w. . larm .th at. roaO. ? in Ilea out. O. M. P. CLAHE. Bluro. Md. o26-4li \VANTED-TYPEWltlTUth ?OH BENT, BEST > v mai hlnll on beat ternia: rent mai-uine to learn or [ira< tfc e to increaae ?p??d; abipiwl City or country. i?u. B. BEIFFEHT. QUIFat. n.?. dlu-dm_ \VT ANTED?LADIES,TB^ "OBANUE BLOSSOM : ? II cure, temal** dmeaaea,ona woutii'atraaUuent ?1. Drdera by mail ^>rvmpti> tilled. Mr*, r. A. BAILEY, Heneral Am-ut. 4X'.? P ?. n.w. oia-.mi \17aNTED - EVEBYBODY BfFFKHINO FEOM ? ujioky chimney, to know that i iruarant.. to cure them or no pay required rau?e?, lurnace* and Ififobai made to heat or no pay. V? .a. DAN IE. 14U 1 < th s?. n. w. 11' ANTED?STEAM CARPET CLEANING AKD ff lenovatinK works; fe*?ihers renovated, mattreaaea n.adeo\er. luruiture steamed and uiotha destroyed. F. H. YOCNGS. 140K la. ave. Telephone 10UB-... im SUBURBAN PROPERTY. P)H SALE- FOK1Y ACKES-i.T3U.000 8QUABE feet?wltldn ten minute*' walk of cable line at. -are. M at. n. w.. for only >10 i-euta per square foot, taay terma; the irreateat bervain in the real eatate Sifket B. A. PHILLIPS k SON, fe lVtn 1???L-Jr "*? fOB SALE?PALISADES OF THE POTOMAC r BEAl TIFL'L VILLA LOTS at irrtat barmilna if ?ecured at once. Apply at company'. o?o?. fellKtt MUf at. n.w. TOR SALE?BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED BUILD r iur aites nn the Condu'.t road. Buy now and ae ure BAKOAINS. Apply to . . PALISADES OF THE PolOMAC LAND improvement COMPANY. leli?J* 141li F at. n.?. UALISADES OF THE POTOMAC LAND IM 1 proveiuenr Co,npany offer chofcv lota on condttit road near dietributin^ rewrvolr ilurlnit tills mouth at 10 ents i*r loot. Secure one early, lietora ELEC1KIC KoAl*, kc., commencw to be built. Terma eaay. Dttice 141.) F at. n. w. feliKlt Palisades of thf. potomac land im provemeut Company, l'roixjee-1 WaahiuKton and lireut Falls electric road. Wasnunrton. Metropolitan, Southern ami Washington and CuiuU'rland steam raiiwaya allaurveyed throUKh the lands ot thia <-om pany. Lota on the Conduit road between distributing and" receivuiK reaervoirs, within two mhes ?n Waah trnrton and two utdee nearer the city than Glen Ecno. Lot* offered during February at 10 cents per foot. Termbeasy. . . . . Sec ure a lot before March, when prices wtll bein ma il Office 1415 Fst. n.w. feltKk UOB HALE?10 ^ ACRES NEAR TEN ALLY TOWN. F nixm electric road, suitable for aubdivision, wiu t? aolU as an entiret> by the HOlTtttRN 1NVR81 MENT CO., ;*)and ;il. Corcoran buildlnir. fe!8-3t r?OR RALE^-IF YOU DESIRE A PROFITABLE f investment buy one of those desirable lots on Ar lington HeiKid9 for sa!e by BOUTHliRN INVEST MENT CO.. Rooms :*) and 31, Corcoran building. fel8-3t F?R BALE?BEAUTIFUL BUILDING HITEB ON Arlington Heights lor sale by HOUTHERN 1H VE8TMEN1 CO., Room a: 10 end 31. (Corcoran bidld feltKit InK. 1,'OR SALE?HEAIKiUAB I'EBS FOR CHOICE lot. in BrookUnd. I niveratty H.lirlit.and vi. Inlty. ; Moat tliriviiur mtourb of Wanhlmrton. Everyinxiy i Imildintr. PV"ture*iue at euerj . Art aauiinary eotab llaiiwl Obaenatory affording moai extanaive view next to monun.eni. Irw ie<"t arvs at Unlveraity. I.levant new .tone .tatlou ou B. and O., heated by ?team *c. Every inducement to lo-'ute your bom* n^re aa It ia omy tnree milra out aud iu clone touch with'the city. Bellied by Lincoln avenue or el?^ric car. or B. ami O. trains. Dexia in beat Wal torui IM of cort to pnrckaarr* It you have huAners In thia ae> tlon put >t in our hand.. It i? our apn ialty. S. O. TRUBLER k CO.. fel7-3w* 313 F at. n.w. 1 Ireland ho cues and lots for sale on K*M ALL MONTHLY PA V MEN TH.-This beauti iuj subdivision is sit listed in Prince Geonre'a county. Md.. about H ui1a?-s iron? \?a?liinKton. on the W^ii. Br. of the B. Il O. RR. and on tne * ash. and Bait. pike, where an eiectric railroad will be built, in altitude it i? hWber tnan Wash., has irood drainaire. is ??rfectly li?*slth\ ana is adjacent to and aurround??d by < 'liarlton Heishta. ColKwe Park. Berw>nand the irouiulsof th*-Maryland AifTh'taltural College. It haa lo milee of wide, well *radetl aveuuee, on wnich 3.000 ahnds trees have been planted and are now beimr bg*ed.. " ??sa oark that rontains Vi* ai ree, in which there ia a beau uiul lake ot clear tresn watar 7 acres in area. It has a new Mat ion. where 'JO or more trains stop daily; ticsetsto V* asuiiurtonOcentsithernn inhtoyoiuinulee. | or about 00 minutes drive, lio nonsee are ? ompleted and in .?ouras ot evectiuu. 10 of whn n have Iwen aokl ami occupied witnin montha. and of 154o or more un iii.V-r?)veii lota sold 10 or l.> purv hasera will build aomehave already commem ea A scho*>l. mill, ice Loiua*. electric liarht plant, walk a, kc.. will aot?n be constructed. Churches, achoola. atores, Mr., are?-on \enient. Prices oi iota, fJOO to 4^00 4-ash and $10 ivr month, or ?.> per month on loU or less, l^ke.aud hss more lmprovemsuia ami oon veium? esMnd j U tur io*ated tuan an> other aubdi- . v.aiou aU?ut Waahinjrtoii ^ here lots ? an be bought lor .? ?x tnan double tht-se ](ric?a. 15 i-ondortable irame j ovkedinss with bri? k u nndutions. i>on hes, clanets. j outhmiamge, wsi*s, pmups. i-eliais, baths, neat, ar., on lota that averairo H acre, to be aoid to desirable j lanulies. aslolioers. li ?1.0U? * Al.'iOO. esch #10 cash it *10 per mo. 4r. ?J*1.4004. V?1,000, each$li? cash k pernio. 1 ?i.eum; i'.'.uo, wliifi*).-aaj-lKJUpernio. ;o4j?. 1 rVJOU*'.* -, "i00,e*i*liK*..*M-aah and +?> per mo. .'j*<r. 1 a;i. JU>4t 1 ^l.aOO.sach $30cash SM *-iO par mo .> i *r imt dim ouut wLl be made lor aL or part catn aalee. For lurtner }*srticulars. plats, free tickets. Itc.. sppiy to ED A IN A. NL* MA*, owner. 1400 Colum bia at. n. w. tbet. Utn and 10th sad O and P su.) from Rtoi0s.m. or p.m. . or st Lakeland from U!:30 to 4p-m. ialo-Jtoi _ "boarding. B^HoA*DlNu-Ol?-iAlViH HI. ROOJato, EN suite or siiurw*. w ithboanl. tel7-3t ?? HTV! EBSTER, 5la i:tTH HT.B.W ; RATES #1 1 i.i uit. waek, ??, htadqaaitata tor atoiitaeen: Li at?iass nonte ? mm.? . runs ataires dally to all points of Ull'ir Get The Best. 1HE COKOOED HABXEIt LUIS * fiia ave.. FOR RENT?ROOMS. P>k REXT-TO A GENTLEMAN. VERY COXY imnt room. '-36 bum, 3 wlm om. all mod. i-on vmirofi Very I'lnltsl. tl-'periwrth ta advance, rik'im a., bt lib ud)th *>. wl'ma* lnib kexi-form run kmnai j second floor: tnrnac* imt. In e*.-e 1*1 all ' invenleticee ior tooaakaepiau referent-*. tils pcnnaylvsnla are. a.e, F'oh UENT-tht u lttk PART OF A HOl'htz partially in.-nistied and rmtrally located. sicellfnt cianc*. aildrii* v. u.. War ufljn 1^1 >k~kkxt-t5t15th- St. n.w., one front room. inrn.shed. on mnl flour. hlmlt' Fir rent- lfcw n.y. ate. n.wt.ojie nicely bunidwd dcubie or unirlc room, with board. open jrratr are; iffarmo exrbioml. itltkft lmjrrent-a PLKASAM flrnished FRONT i ro?>ra, suitable tor en* or two pent lent* n. ()00 t*h st. n.w.. <*or. mh and Fats. felH-.'k* eh>R RENT?lsftl R ST. N.W.. 2d FLOOR. ELE , x irantly furnished bay-window alcove bed room; ni.l.. maaooable ratea. folu-sr Fib RENT-lSl4 E AT. x. W. TWO OOMMUXI ratimr rooms on second floor front, with hoard; | one tikiru-fttory front: al*?o table board. fell*-.'tt' | "jcou rent - VERY I>kmkable WELL-rik |-t nished rootn; :m floor; suitaue tor l^rty of two, with board;good location. tiki li st. s.w. fats-itr* ch)h RENT-TWO unfurn IKHF.D FRONT ROOMS r on 'ja floor , *as. heat and bath; $14 a month. 1248rnh st. n.w. felh-it* 1?Oh RENT -sever al NEWLY AND NICELY* _ J furnished id and .'id-story nxtun, wit* board. >o. , 1 location, convenient to two lines or cars. First-clawi table. atklrras o. <>. p.. star ofltoa |?uh' u'oii itent? r Furnished rooms. lavye and small, second and third stories, with first-* laas table board. Possession irivsn March 1. ill a st. n. w. fvlmol1 pok KENT - uc2j 1 ST. N.W.. handsomely a lurnishtm unite of parlor, chamber and bath On sec ond floor; honse and location strictly first class. Pri rate family ami motlerate terms falm-st poll KENT?lahoe FI'rnibhed ROOM WITH x board for two; private family. r,?li? k at. a. w. fel 7-rtt* 1,x)hrext- APARTM kn TS OF TWO OR THREE rooma; iuruiahi-i ur unturuiahed; private bath; sonthein euiosure; lirst-class table, 'lhe WOOD mon t. l*tth slid iowa circle. ^ _ i. ftkobinson. Prop.. dp-am lo yeata at wormler*s. FOR RENT?STORES. fall>-3t w. C. dl'VALL. ?i'> Fst. ilmlr RKST-beautifri, STOKE ON o HT ?mr for. of about lhilmi feat, al? trie car line v*ft?oths ***1 {e.,', ou:'l *<*>? apply to JOHN O. JOHNSON, rur. 12th and u sts. xel7-3t FOB RENT-STORE ROOM 1303 k ST. x. wt; newly papered and painted: all conveniencea; loca tion unci. ell?d. Apply to THOMAS if FIELD. 344 D st. n.w.. or GEORGE ?. urkamon i;**i k at. ??? f?b-lm j,x? RENT?SEW STORE._ WITH h1x BOO mx and batli abura; on New hampalilre ave. ?? - ? ? ? vi fe.s-1 ui waaliinvton circle, rent cheap. Apply EARLV, bui 14th i\. n. w. feft-lui por RENT?htobe8 1005 B BT., BETWEEN 9th and 10th *t?., opposite wholesale market, rent *?*) and $40. Inquire at MM) La. ave. Jal4?m FOR RENT?OFFICES. l*or RENT?ortlulss, ROOMS. -t suitable i ok ALL h RPOKES. ALL PRICKS. j R WIMER fe!9-3t wlmer bnildlmr. ujw. tilo l:Uh at. For bent-ofkiceh and booms; very ok ?irabla. 1411 Pa. ave. (alu-.1t* l^oh RENT ?OFFICE roomm FOR A PHYSICIAN *? in 1:ek? New York ave., lumnlied, with heat and aerrlce; for ainjrle front ruou.. <u0; for front and back rooiua, connecting, $HU par month. ^ JOHN B. WIGHT, moo 144mm i? at. LXJH RENT?offickb AT MM F ht. T. m. HAN r HON k. CO. fell*-:it* ix)R RENT-THREE RBIOHT '.'D-BTORY OFFICE ruyma in office liulldintr 1407 F at. n.w., will ba rented to a vood tenant at 440 |ier month tel4-lm \vm. u. hal'ndkum k CO.. 1407Fat.n.w. j'ok RENT-MS F ST. N.W . TWO FRONT OF hcerunnia; hanilauuiely paparad; auitabla lorattor ? ney, dentist or aalea rooiua. Apply to ]31S Fat. n.w. lall-sw* Ijh)R BENT-WELI, lighted. HF.ATF.D, VENTI latcd rooms over Da via' Sous hat and fur atore, cor. lvth and Penna. ave. Apply to _ JAMES y. DAVIS1 SONS. Ja3?-lm 1201 Penna. ave.. roc, lath at. Fjr RENT- DESK ROOM in uakementoffice ateiofat. n.w. o. R. SEIFFERT. dl'.'-am FOR RENT- STABLES. 1xir RENT - STABLE-1:11h S I ANTON ALLEY, bet. lllth and 14th and k and L st*. n. w. ; 4 stalls and au con veniem-ea. Apply at otlice of tle Portland, lelz-tft* l^olt RENT?!i-8TORY BRICK hi'ABLE RACK OF -a jul- Itith st. n. w., at $1^.51) i*er uio. Address EU GENE ARNOLD. 45s La.ank, oVUEO. fvmiuibin, ;ili?l'a. are. s.e. >^*l-lii! FOR RENT -MISCELLANEOUS for RENT?several NEW UPRIOHT PIAN?>?. r brilliant tone. flrst-.laaa wake, rente paid dur ing ihlil credited ix bouirht. 141 teat music only 10c. THOMSON'S ml'blc bl'ORE. f?ll 11th at. kis>-lm MONEY TO LOAN. xln oltil 10 koan ox REAL eb 1 ATE AT ?lu,uuo 0 per cant, no delay. WM. F. THomam, with John o. Johnaon, corner 12th and o m- n-?- Money to loan in laboe and small sums on approved real eatate aecurltj at lowaat rates 01 intereat; cnarpe* moderate. R. H. T. ltl pold, s.w. cor, lath and fata n w. felT-lm Money to <3.000. ?5.uoo and <h,ouo on Real F.atala within the District of Col uiubia. Money immediately when security is ap proved. Larirer amounts negotiated. OEO. W. linelnb, moo lllth at. n.w. fell-lxn Money to loan on real estate or othrr *ood security in atuiia froui $100 op, at lowaat rates of lntereat. R. A. phillips k son, lflo-lrn 1419 New York ava. Twenty thousand to put out immedi ately. In suma to anlt, on xood real eatate sm urttr. Apply to w . B-CLAUETT. tec-2w 310 Indiana ave. Money to loan in any sumb desired at lowest ratea ol interest on approved real eatate sit uated within the lilatnct of Columbia; no delay ba yond time ne>eaaary .or a lamination of title and prep aration of papers; commiaafcna reaaonabla. THOB. J. FIBHER * CO.. fe3-tf 1324 F at. n.w. Mc, IF YOU WANT MONKY WE HAVE it CON etantly on hand to loan in larre or small auounta on approved security . current ratea. F.ASTEBDAY k mallkuy. ?j4 * st.. Pacific bulldintr. Ia31-lm ONBY TO LOAN-wk HA* E ONE SUM OF 430,000 and another of t-V.uoo which we will loan without uelay on ftrat-claaa unproved real estate. Alao several smaller soma from 41,1(00 up. WW. H. salndelts it CO.. )aS7-lm 1407 F st. n.w MONEY TO LOAN IN BUMS TO SUIT AT CUR rent ratea on approved real aetata security, apecial prlvilekee re*pe> tini( prior payments. a^4-um* TYLERk luthtrford. 1307 fst. n.w. Real estate investment. bafe abu. s. bonds. b1e PER CENT, PAYABLE quarteelx. in SUMS of ?i,ooa SMALL PBEMIUM charued. ?10.000 TO LOAN 3.000 ? ox 1.000 REAL a00 ESTATE. n35-tr THUS. E. W ago AM AN. MONEY in HAND to LOAN in SUMb to SUIT on approved District real aauta. ALBERT F. FOX. iu0 k at. t. w. ja-j3-im MONEY to LOAN IN SUMS to SUIT ON Ap proved real estate eecarity at lowest ratea. SAMUEL ME BLR, jalil-lm i:tf> f at. n. w. \ionev TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT, AT 6 AND lvx o (i?r cent, on D.C. real eatate aecurlty. 1 RAN & T. rawl1noh. 1506 Pa. ave. lasl (The arllnirton lire ins. Co.'sofllce.) vioney TO LOAN OX REAL ESTATE. LOWEST ill HATEb. LIBERAL ARRANGEMENTS AB TO PRIOR payment*. NO DELAY. BARNES ft WEAVER, 1*20-1 in tti? r ST. N.W. ,m. urr.? S* Cor. i oth ?wdf** Money to loan-in sums of *200 up to t2a,000-on iroou real r ml ate. loweet ratea of Interest, no delay. oib-tr DUG an k BUTLEr. 000 F at. n. w. Money to loan ox real estatf. or i irsF class sacwrlty, at lowest ratea u! lutereat, no de lay where the security is rood. Til) o. c. OREEX, :na 7th at. n.w. vioney TO LOAN 1*1 In s'uus to suit, at lowaat ratea, on approved real >staie aecurlty. FITCH. FOX ft BROWN, 143. pennaylvaulaava. Money to loan on real estate at low eat Ratea. WAHH'N danenhower. bui-ceaeor to danenhower ft BON, ?w? 13th aula apr'4 PERSONAL V ot'NO MAN DESIRES THE acquaintance of a yunmr lady. no objection to yonnv widow. Address mh'IAL. mar "tti. p. jt? Auiikuiik.mi.11hs vtlih .hla>mll.lilk>.h the acquaintance at a refined youn? lady lor cotn panionship: staU aifa and occupation. Addmaa A. 0. w-. Star ofcee. fell?-2f | WILL UIVE ?r<0 AND UPWAUD TO ANY OXE x who will take luy claims and secure tue a place In anprjrovemment department. Addreaa Box lostbtar LOBT-fkttl'ABY ik, WHITE SETTEE DOU; Ifown soots on eare and head: leather collar, with 'af nu- lai. Liberal reward if returned to E. C. Baixaetxne, 13bm vamiobt ava. n. w. lellMt \jLT AN TED?by AN aqbeeablx MIDDLE-AGED it alrnrle (entleman. tlieactiualntaaceof aaintub teat lady lor mutaal beaefit and aociabulty: depart rtlvll SERVICE examination wuratioxs Vj aad anew en. band 10 cents to . *? wttlvnh, A.M., Ivy l^etltata, wmja bothweat oar. SMI and x eta, a. w. ATE DETECTIVE aoency. ? muvi Si alette we suits. SILK OR bitot FOR RENT-HOUSES. in Or 15 ?5 POBUIT- tWVS.Khat.4r.. i K? wmmlulii n mm, 22 httRwi at. ?r batb*ttma?-e.(4.150 Stake 1?1 Sal. 7r 'JB..0 127 Hann'acowr!. 4r ...11 HOI 25Uiet. 7r. ST. 1&?N ai JOlSO 2433 H at. 7* 22 10 Mbhler r.Mut. 4r t> ?TURKS. 1011 ? at. atora, fly- I liQV 14tb at. corwer torn, kr. $V> | WiUah flare, atora. s&S5r-Tr?n TX)R RENT?FVRNISHED HOl'SL; ?1(? P.MO.i X 1M10 o ST. JT.w. JtST VACATED Bf SECY FRENCH LEGATION. J. B. W1MER. (tip-tt) WW !3tb at^_ IX)K BKNT-Fl:BN18HKD OR VNITRMISIUX. ?T HANDSOME RESIDENCE. TTw. cok. south or DVyoJfT CIRCLE. JCST VACATED HT BRAZILIAN MINISTEB. If taken now by the j ear _ Verrlow rata lor rainmar uiontfca. i. B. WIM1.R. [leltKtt) <MK l.~tb at. F>B REXT-ELBOAXT HOME IS MUTTIFUL location, 182H M at., bet. Conn. are. and lltth at., 1J rooms, excellent order, only %?."> |>er month; 141'A Qat. n.w.. 14roo<ua, nice location. #05.70: V.'IJ X. I. ave. n.w., central loation. excellent aite lor botnttnr house, 14 room*, per month : 203 R it. n.w..newly finished 8-room l*y-window brick dwelling, i beap. #2*.'. 50, 1027 Bennmir roa**. <12. made floor, fti*> P it, rood northern Ibrht, #22. 50; suite oi comfortable. wefi-lirhfc-d ofice rooms, -Id floor, 925 F St., #25. W. C. DU V ALL, fellKM P25 F St. n.w. pOR RENT?923 12TH ST. N.W., NINE-ROOM X house. modern improvements, stable snd Uuye fJMVi; #40 per month. Inquire925 ?1MI F~ Ok RKXT 41.i4th st. n.e.,0rooms,all m.l.. far. heat. .#32..jO 057 bouth Caroline are., 7 rooms, all m.i 2o.;>0 009 23*: st. n.w., a rooms 15.30 403 M st. s.w., 0 rooms. It* ooloml tenant 15.30 BARN Kb ft W?A> KR. fel9-2t tfiBOFet. n.w. POR RENT-A SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE; water, trtsand latrobe. #09 K at.; rent 4?0. Apply 1100 Let. n.w. telP-3t? POR RENT ? OPPOSITE THE SMITHSONIAN A. /rounds, corner 10th snd B sts. s. w. . large rooms modern convenient es; #40 per month. xellMft i(THN B. * lOilT. 1408* G et._ 1XIR RENT A 23-RO< ?M HOUSE AT BRANCH X ville, on the B. and O. R. R. : 9 miles from Wasn injrton; plenty ot shade; water at the door; about three miuutiK wn.k irom the station: iaive irroun.ts; splendid opi>ort unity tor oue wanting to take summer boarders. B. H. PARSER * CO., Iel9?3t* PI0 F St. u.w. FOR RENT-720KTH ST N.W.; NINE ROOMS, bath; mod. imps.; in line condition. THOMAS W. FOWT.ER. ftKHH* 921 F st. . second floor._ EK)U REKT-THRKE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. A 11 rooms, all m.i.. conveniently locatedn.a* Rent, #52.50per iuo. ; stable can also '*? hud if desired. JjlMi; TYLER A RUTHERFORD. 1:*)T Fat. Ittlll RE XT :il3PVaav0rMw422.5017318o?ton.n*w,ar?J0.;? VI41 N a ?y. I)r. u.w -?i.50 5102: W at. Or U.:?> Z135 \'a av. Ur. new 132 I??t, iir 12.00 IcllKIt" FRIMTOEfc HIMPKON, V.UX F at. n. w. JWK KENT-UU4 XIW YORK AVE. N.W' 12 ruoina. praaa brti k front and all moil imiw. #75.1*). feltKk* FRIHTOE tslXFHON. i:cw F at.u.w. pH)B RENT?ON MARCH 1. LARtiE BRICK IVU J 10th at. u.w.. II rooiiiM, u^sv'htr with 4-rcom bitlldiDtr on alley. $tVi. Brl'i H) 1. ?t 1) w., T rooma; J'St. Brii-k U'.'.i 4rh at. n. w., Srooiub. BaVery, wvlliny anil ataUle, 417 Xli at. ?.?., $ 1"?. Stni? room 1245 7t6 at. ; WU. Ott<-? rooiu, lat floor. {In F at. n.w. ; ?12.50. Al.BEKi F. FOX. VM V at. u.w. faltKIt FOR RENT- 2?13 K at. 7r. w tin Ulti La ara ?90 22d and Pa are. balla ll'-KS Pa ave. llr at :*) ? 4thfloora . ?1U* 15 12:*) N H av. i*r,m 1.55.50 Store 21:*) Hat 14 K2A21at, ?r, nil 40 50 ?2X1 Clave av. rtr. w,k1:| 2t(il H. 7r. ui i S5.S0 lultl 2tltb, tir, w 12 Htorv Aatahla2204 14th.^5 4 MrC'uilotltfh. 4r. w 10 2132 Pa ave. 7r, ui 1.25.50 2512 L. 4r 10 2012 K. Mrkatr. w.if i") .50 21(? New York ava. 12 ?5110ti at. 7r. .00 Ntabla rear ]52t> L 12 lMltiR. (Ir, w 1K.50 241H 1 at.5r..? 10 MH N Have, Or. w... 10 50 i:!l?-20 L a e. or 2204 14tb, :ir, Utth..l5.:W VEST WASHINGTON. 3041 W it. 12r $35.50 1423 2Ttb. 5r tl2 2002 M at, dr. water.22.50 14l5;K.t at. atora 12 2H01 M st. Sr. in 1. ..22.50 C?iutl road. 5r 10 2S>lMOtlveat. flr ??.50:??) K. 5r, w 10 J214 O at. ur. w 15.40 2052 32d. 5r 10 For a lull Mat apply to WESCOTT k WIIXX1X felft 1007 Peniiaylvanlaave. n.w. t*OR RKNT-lS3li V HT , SIX ROOMS AND BATH7 X Iir1?:k bouae, all luod. linn.: reut, t'Zl; rood con dition. A. F. WHITAKER. I.ld7?? Fat. felK-:tt f^OR RKNT-1004 E ST. S.W.. 7 ROOMS AND hath, all in. 1.; 922 par month. J. HARRISON JOHNSON k SON. felB-3t 30(17tb at.a.w. h F2? ,H)K KENT - FURNISHED- PRETTY NEW house; all m.l.; !) rooms and bath; parlor and dlninjr room finished in oak , l>est location in city; $S0 a month; a bargain, because family leaver city imme diately. Apply to OWNER, 17:1^ 1Mb st. fel7-tji 'R RKN1-BY B O. HOLTZMAN REAL E? tate and Insurance Broker. 10th and i sts. n. w. HOUSE#. | 1238Mat nw.lOr . .. #150 14^9Pnw, Or... #'? :**) Oth se.llr 00 1431 D uv, Or 28 1422 W nw, 12r 05 14.Hd D nw. Or 28 20TCi P st nw. u<r aO 1412 Pler -e st nw.^r.25.38 741 litth nw. \0 60 l.*?4 E se. 7r 2* 1314 Rbnra at. 8. 4o 1300 E ae. ttr 18 1007 O at nw. i*r 4o i:*J2_E se. tlr 18 1011 O at nw. Ur 4o 710 F at sw.Or 16.25 2214 H nw,7r 30 OFFICER. 1211 F at nw. 3r #25 Eletrant rooms In "Sun U39Fst,lr 16 buildinJr,,' fireproof. 2 taMF lf> ele\ators. heated by 4<0La ave.from #10 to 15: ateam.irom #20 to #100 I each. i STORES. 1016 Conn are #75 i 1020 Conn ave #7.5 1018 Conn ave 751 741 13th nw 30 | felti R.O.HliLTZMAN.lOth and Fats.n.w. F)U RENT-NEW STORK AND 0 ROOMS ABOVE, with all mod. uups.: near Washington Circle; very low rent. Apply CHARLES EARLY, 003 14th at.n. w. Iel4-lm FOR RENT- Takoma Park. 8r #30 012 13th nw, 14r. #250 ;?08 N st. ldr 25 310 E Cap st, t.'Sr 125 015 S C ave ae. Or 2:i.Su 317-104Hst nw.3fir. ..125 4Or. nw. It 22.50 1324 linh, llr 100 11*10 L st nw. Or 20.30 821 10th st. fur 100 1550 :W st nw. Or ... 1023 N nw, lOr 83.34 Highland station.? 21 1027 K st nw, llr to. 7U Hysttsville, Or 20 01217th st nw, 12r. .. .75 441 s st nw, ti*- 18 120 D st nw. 12r 00 11M H st ne. Or 10.35 i 1830 i?th st. lOr 55 444 Utb at aw. Or... .13.30 | 514 M at nw. 50 511 Oth st ae. tw 13.30 I 8335th at nw, llr 50 2228 Cleveland ave. Or. .13 U43 Westminster at. Ur.. .45 1815 35th at nw. Or 12 11 E at nw. I4r 4 ? 50 V at ne. 5r 12.50 lttll Pa ave. 8r 40.07 12*? Bro<?ksct, 4r 10.3U GK1 P st nw, 8r 40 Conduit road, 5r 11 1013 20th St. Or 35.50 14 Fentcn st ne. Or . 10.30 I :i34 20th st, lOr 35.50 18 Fenton st nw, 4r 9 02 C st nw.Or 32.50 08 M at se. 4r 8.50 513 N J ave nw. ir.. .30.42 ! M4 B. H. WARKEP. k 00.. >16 F atji. w._ l?oK RENT? Per month , Ml 015 Est. n.w., 19r., m.i #05 lith st. and Jd.saouri ave. ,2 storea 40 and 00 10 Patterson st. n.e., 5r. br 13.50 1342-44 ?. nion st. s.w.. 5r. br 13.50 fel4-lm HElsKELL k McLERAN, 1008 Fst. For rent 1717 21st st. n.w.. 3-story Emrlish U.r^ment. ck. , furnace, hardwood flnlsU.per month #110 Park St., Mount P.easant, 10-room tr.ime dweilimr. newly paired, water and tfaa and atable (lawn lOOx 100 feet), lot 100x270. per month %tJ0 2239 13th st. n.w., 2-story brick. 0 rooms, all m.i.#20 310 H st. n.e.. 6-room frame, water In yard #15.50 ; 1002 Valley at. n.w., 4-room brick $0 3210 and :i221 Cherry Hill, 1043 Ciaael alley and 1037 1 Cherry alley, 4-room bricks, water in house and i eewer #8.30 ! FURNISHED. 1633 28th at. d.w., 10 rooms, all m.i., furnished, half square of cround #75 fel4-:tm DEEBLA.. DAVIS k, CO., 13l9 F? FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED. T cor 9th. .#50 L'iSBste.lOr 70 21 Iowa circle, 16r 150 1912 Sund'dpl, Dir. .83.33 19*2 9* at.. .12.30 2:104 Waah circle, 10r .#50 M near Oth nw. lOr 5o 212 N Cap. furniahed. .80 1100 Oreen's al. nw 9 1311 Corcoran at 50 Iowa circle, com p. fur. ; I Or. .stable; #200. fe7-12t* TYLER k RUTHERFORD. 1307Fst.n.w. FOR RENT? 951 R. I. ave.. 7r.; m.i #25 2239 12th at. n.w.. Or.; m.l.... 22 215 12th at. n. w., store; ;j stories 75 051 R. I. ave., attrte 80 4 office rooms. 517 10th st. 10 to 10 I Stable, 10th at. bet. Qand Rate 10 j Avplyto R. ('. CAMPBELL, fel4-lw 51710th at. u. w. POR RENT-2112 I N.W., NEAR PA. AVE.; 8 f rooma; larife yard, water, atable. kc.; *20. 205 ?ith n.e.; Krooma; all luipa.; K?l),. tH2, IM4. IHH l^ttte.t., near 7tli aud K s.w. ;o reouia; water; $10. E. A. MrlNTIRK. ^."22 Cn.w..opp. Trinity Church. fe!4-10t UOR RENT?BV THOMAS E. WAOOAMAN. x Real Estate Broker, 917 F at. n. w. HorsEs. 1311 Datnw, 12r ?150 1135 1Mb at nw. 7>..?19 IT:*! Fat nw.(tur).12r.L50 1S31I Kth at nw. 5r IS :W52 P at nw, (fur). Vji. . M0.1210 C at aw, 5r IS Oil 1Mb at nw. lOr 7ft;tfll I at ne, 10.50 021 F. at nw. Or 05 MIT-SOU 25th at nw. 4r.. 15 2135U atnw. (etaWei. 11165th ?t n?. Or 14 i:tr 50 115MaUiaonalle)*nw.r<>. 14 1703 13th atnw. 12r 4ft 211 :t D at nw 5r 13 211 A at ae. 14r 50;2d floor 017 Tempera?-e lllOTat 30; alley nw F.-.35 1412-1^Fla av nw. 7r..:l(l>1210;i5tb at nw, 5r 12 i.i.-ii zia a* uw,<ii:iH,i.Hun nw, ir IV 1*30 12tb at nw, Or 25.03 Jarkaon alley ne, i:**l4), at aw. 12r 25, ;?? ,...l6.30 lft-'7 12tb at nw. !* 2>'Re*r 112s 2:td at nw. Or. 10 2720 M at nw. 14r 25 lat at aw. 5r S S10_N H ave uw. Or. .22.5>!1S70 D at aw, 3r 8 1247 itlat at nw. Or. .".. .20 " STORES. Ac. Str and dwv 2112 M at , Str anil in 500 B it nw. 12r $7o nw.Or *35 StrfcdWK 1510 itb at Strand dwif 010 U at uw.ur 78 aw, 30 Hall, 2d loor, 410 12th Store room 1541 Mat at n.w SOi nw 1& Str and dw? 1407 P at Hall 13004), at aw 12 nw 40 Stobl, rear f-ktT Pat nw. 10 OFFICES. Central bid*, rm 18.. .<20 Cuntonbld*. rm 26.12.50 Vernon Row, rm 20k 21.21 (Itb k Pa ave, room 20. .10 40K La ave. lai'k room, Otb k Pa are, room 1 <. .10 3d floor 15 408 La ave. lack room. Onnton bid*, rui 31 8. 3d floor 5 Tbeaboeeiaunlya portion of tbe proiwrty om my tooka. lor lull Uat call at ofire tor bulletin iiauedon tbe lat and 13?k. [tela] THOS. E. WAOOAMAN. FOR RXXT-FUBNISHED. 1 low* circle. 14r. 1332 B at nv. lOr. all ?by year *3.000 m L By aeaMB 2.0? 1208 Hat De. ?r.all u.i.? L'NFL'RNISHLD. 112410that nw. 13r.aU 127 N at aa.Or ?10.50 ml. f7i> i:ttb at aa. fm 10 I XJOOtb mm. lir 50 OPlarr*', court. 3r....:?.fi0 1437 Uuw.7r,allm. 1.32.50 STORES. "HIS :>4tli at.. Oeorxw- 1821 14tb etnw.ator ' town 35 0 at, atora. bake: Catae,?r.all 1U.1....30 and atable. ...... Nat. a.,.. Or. 13 OKPICit ? ??!., ur. m urrii/b. J2 L watir 15.30 Baar 10 Iowa circia. tar I <?20 Brawer'a i-ottrt... .8.30 cuart. Illt-im 8WOBM8TKDT k BBADLXT, OT7 Fat. a. w. ?fOR RENT?U N FURNISH ED? Fl'RNlSHKD. FITCM. FOX k BMOWH. jaJP 14tf7jvaa. ee.. a.w. FS FOR RENT-HOUSES V'J.*,.,*-*Hoi he. huh ?f StSli.e, OVlUftl St.. Mt? hfMttt fi'i mr kim?i. AlTO?o J.KMItltl jV?D7iry?l JT MS-it' pom BJirr-rxn.RN 1 smeIT SB, 2i^#? *Z ._c ?>, ??? j.m nm KM nm.llr ...4H *IH l?tl. ? n?. 11 r ir. ?-'4JV l?th Kl (Mr 14<b X extended. l.'* rjr> MIT -41 at mr, ~.t 35 1417 Xuinu. Br.liV 1HW 71k ?t am. star, 13US H M n*. lUr Ill) aad dvelllnk V I.Ms Coun are llr. Wl.37 lolkiiMb ? u?. 7r......:i& iaU>C?BB.iT*.iar ...HT..V) lTiv l-?t u?. <ton llbiiPst aw, llr ...K1.X1 warviwti.B ''?"> i?i;S?tiiw. HIT i.v.'4-Jath si nv. iv -i". W?l*. OMnv, l^r........75 11 -i SliM ivp nv."r.v~..4* ?VU 1. M bv, U*- 7*> t*'hitwn) m u?. jr...U ixcjan, * 75 m* 14th rt BV. tot or? MVNiv lock.Tenwiirir. rvsmsiuED. HUlnr pUr. ?. l*r iij-j luth at ?w, V* . . .208 ?*1 ?t?i4e,. MOO kdi >n u lfit&i m, N H ,t? ni Duprnt llr- l*r .ltki.0T c>, 13r. 230 De Sales i nr Conn sv. RI av* nr likb. llr .300 lOr ,, 150 II ft nr Thomaa Circle. Cunn nr R st. I2r ? lj? .. 175 19th st nr <J. 12r 125 N H ave nr Dupont Otr- 213 K Cmp st. 1 Ur 120 cla, 12r 180 Eu?Md pfaco u?. lOr. . 1UU l}th and Corvoran sts. 125 2140 Florida ave, 7r 1?*? M st nr Thom** Circlc y at near 13th. llr lull 13r .ISO 1Mb tt nr S st. I5r........ Matur Thomas Circle, 2t*h M ur L, ?ir 50 lor 250 2UL st nr v. 10r. 45 The above houses csn be examined by permit from curo?ceoniy. 'lHoMAh J. MSHXft & CO.. ? Ut!4Tl. n.w. I^OR BF.KT-1.ABOR STOKE AN I* DWKLLIXO. 027 D st. n. w. ; all modern improvement*. in repUT-1 Apply to 1. C. JOHNSON, 718 13th et. n.w. DOB MJUfT- BtABLtt. r t'NFl'IwMSHED. Stable in mi bonurtedby I 122719t list 106.07 Conn sve Ik- Salee ISlONstnw 1*5 wdMntv $25 20 Iowa cirrle 1UU OtHi'L K< k?MH. 1201 ll*b et nw 91.0? 1108 F *t nw. first flo<?r lOUt; 19th st 7h and Uas? jurut $150 195AJ! st 05 1U?F st. ad and 4tb 18i:t 1.7th st. .70? floors. *.'*) sad 35 H st bet vflst and'J2d ?<* M FUKK18HKD. Conn are and 1 st (sea- Mass 10th and son; per mo.....**Sa.0B 1 lib eta *lt?.?7 K nr M< PUeraon aq 300 H st het 19th and2tHh Cor K and 1.7th sts, st* 200 overlooking MrFher- New lLuni>shire ave son Square 'oet K ana Late 150 K at bet 10t!i.ind 17th.300 New HaMpshi^e ave Jetfemon place and bet M and N ita. 150 19th at 575 De Sales at l.V? 18th st, overlooking 'I9thst bet (j and Ji sta. 12.7 Conn ave,bet M ana M at Let i?tu and lsth. l'j.7 N sts, with stable 2.70 19th st near 1 12.7 H bet 17 tii and 18th .. .250 220 st bet K sn<i F sts . 77 N st bet Conn ave ani 21 at st bet K and 8 ats.. 170 19th st .250 20th st liet K and L sts. 125 N bet 19th and 20th.208.:? Florida ave bet 21 si 14th st, cur L st 200 and 23d sts 100 Mass ave bet 14th and Delswsre ave tiet C sad 1.7th sta. 300 Dst?n* 10p 19th bet 1 and K ats. .200 l.'lth st l??t K and L ?t?.2.70 Conn .ive sdJscvnt to F st bet 17th and lhth l^Uayette Square 250 sta S3.33 . 19th at bet 1 and li ata. .100 Rh??de laiand ave t*t 1 Ibet 18th ami 19th 100.07 14th and 15th ata 250 j 1.7th st liet () andI'sts.. 105 Kfth st near Boundary .>0 BULLETIN8 C\K BE OBTAINED AT OI K OF ! FICE. IHKSK HOI 8i:s CAN BE l.\8FLCTKl> ; ONLY BV FLRMIT6 1 KOll Ol E OFFICE. iiill t Johnston. | )al5-s,tn,th 1500 Penna. ave. n.W. FOK KKNT-FOK COLORED TEN ANTS?UOI SE8 in Ward plare n. w.; and cold water. rent. $12.50 per month. Apply to JOHN BEAJ.L, Ktfl F tt. la24-lm FOR SAl^:-MISCELLANEOUS fMJK SALE - DIAMOND KINO; lll'B* OF 2S karata, aurronnded by 11 a-hite (Uaiiu n-la, .1 karata, ' KuitaMe tor lady or jrent; loan #-'10 ticket; $50, worth i $200. Addri as A. B.C., Star oflke. lt^_ VOB BALE-rsgiTAEE PIANO, III OOOD OR x der; stool and rover, cost $:UX)'. no ivasonable ? ?ah offer refuaeci. Address VOS8. Star ofice. It* L?oK8ALE> 1A8JK . JT luil-MtKid, doubl*1 Mexico for aale; can k three ?laja; .'all soon. CHJR8ALE? LOOK HEKE?I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL. P tnil-l?lood. double yellow heail youn*r parrot from Mexico for sale; ?-an be seen at the St. .Tames Hotel for threo <Uvn ? .'?>? ?~? It* *n?< . . H. W. READ, Missionary Evangelist from El Paso. Texas. Fok sale-from country, one very stylisl: blood bay. 10H banda, $*iU0;prompt, splen did movement. Iron tcray. 5 years. 1,200 pounds; atyllsh $Ul>; banrain. 1,000-pound bla^'k. verT stylish; (rood a?-tor. $135. CO()PER STABLE. l:?h and 14th. H and 1 ate. a iel9-.*{t" IjV)R 8 ALE - A NICE-LOOS I NO AND PKOMfF drivimr Imy horse, also m lame lior**. irood worker. Apply at 314 Pa. ave. n.w. tel9-.'lt* FOR 8ALR?ONE BREWSTER VICTORIA. SEC ond-hi.nd, hand^on.e desivn. in elctr&nt (Htndition. One Henry Hooker C sprimr Vh toria; >rood as new anvl a beautiful Job. Also a lanre variety of opru and noae<i rarriaKSM, ln>th new and aecond-fiand, at >er> h?w prices. DOWNEY'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. L at. bet. 10th and 17th n. w. feli*-3t l^OK 8ALE 110 YD8. AXMIN8TER CARPET -a for $75, oriKinal cost. $400; csruet c an be seen at I BERKSFORD'S Printimr Oft.*. 027 E st. n.w. fel8-3t* 14X)R SALE?A FEW GENUINE CREMONA VH> lins; very old; by Italian makers. L., Star office. fel8-2t* T?OH SALE-DON'T MISS THIS! PIAN<? FOR .T sale; half value for cash, or on time to reei*>nHibl* party. Apply bet. 4 and 0 p. in. at 925 E st. a. w. fe>8-2t" DOR SALE- FOU R M ULES - ALL GOOD Wl )R KERB, f rut WASHINGTON BlilCk MACHINECU.. fe18-2w 14th and Florida ave. n.e. "jrVJR 8ALE?$25 WILL BUY A WELL BROKE X two-year-oh I setter doK Address A. B. C., Po munkey P. P.. Charles county. Md. fe!8-2t* 1XIR 8 ALE - $20 nickel-mounted hand-made harness $18 $30 nickel-mounted band-made harness 24 $35 rubber-mounted hand-made harneaa 28 $40 nickel-mounted c-arriatfe harness :rt $00 nickel-mounted double harness. 48 $75 silver-mounted coupe liarn? ?s tk) Other stylas and irrades at eouall> low prices to close . out the harneaa branch ot my bus.ness. ie18-touih2U TOPHAM s. i2:il Pa. ave. n.w. XX>R KALE-ONE VERY LATEST PATTERN KX I X tension trout Brougham, utted three times, built ! by B. Mandevtlle A Co.,New Haven,tk?nn.; jrraat bar gain; also one aecond-hand latidaulet in ftrst-cla.-a order. JOHN McDLRMOTT 4 BRO.. I fel8-2w* 310 Henna, ave. n.w. IjHIR SALE?A PAIR OF 8TYL18H CARRIAGE liorses, lt> handa hurh ; will work sinjr'e or doubie. Csn be seen at stable in rear of 14 Lafayette square. le!8-2t* 15oi SAI^E?NEW BU8INE88 WAGON. THREE Kood Daytcns. liirht waaron with Imtent trear. jump seat rockaway. one hu#K) . All cheap for cash. BLCK BROS.. :kl aud D s.e. !el8-3t* CHiR SALE?IF YOC WANT A OOOD UPRIGHT X uiano for $150caah call at HUGO W OltCH k CO. 92a 7th at. n.w.( sole agents for Sohmer piano, tne leader of today. teis VOR SALE?A HANDSOME BAY HORSE, FIVE P years old; irusranteed sound and gentle; a nne horse for ladiea drivin*; sold tor want of use. Inquire at HOWARD HOUbLSTABLES, 4s.*.3s C st. n.w. fs!8-3T J?OH SALE-$3.50 HORSE BLANKETS $2.40; $5.50 horse blankets $3.07; $0 horse blsnkets $4. All other (roods in the harness branch of my business to oloee them out. TOPHAM'S, I felSto mh26 12S1 Pa. an. n. w. l^OR SALE-A NEW PLATFORM WAGON, CAPAC 1 P ity 5,000 to 0,000 pounds; suitable lor crorer or t p. e. HAINES, Anacostis, D.C. fe!8-3t* tH)R SALE-AN INSTANTANEOl'S PHOTO X frraph camera; cheap. Address CAMERA. Star office. fc!8-3t F)R SALE-HORSE. BUCKBOAD AND HARNESS, complete or separate; horse is aound. hall bred, a pleasant driver and excellent under the saddle. Address B. W. NELSON, care of the itoma. fe!7-:fc* 813 14th at. n.w. iXIR SALK-BY A. CHAPMAN. FHOM MANAS sas, Vs.. one very fine black horse, 10H hands I hhrh, seven rears old: weiirht, 1,100 or more; war I ranted souud snd will work kind in all harness. Can ; be seen at JOHN GHEEN'S stables, on G between 0th I ami 7th sts. fel?-3f 1?OR SALE-LARGE COVERED FURNITURE watron, horse and harness, to be sold cheap, as owner haa retired irom business. Apply at 200 4* st. | s.w. fel>:u FOR SALE-THK CONTENTS OF 1 HE BOARD imr house of the late Mary Parker. 210 C st. n. w.; I well filled with boarders and newly tarnished. Apply at sbove number. felO-Ot* IJKJR SALE?$10 MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL buy a Fine Modern Style Square Piano of the best prominent makes at prices from $1.70 upward. Stool aud cover (riven with each piano. Full warranty snd the prlvlleire 01 ex< Iwmanx back for a new inacrument at price paid. New Uprurnt Pianos at $10 lmyiuents. Largest assortment ot Good Second-hand Pianos in the city, bee us beiore you buy. THE PIANO EXCHANGE, fel4 913 Pennsylvania^ vs. 17OR SALE-FANCY CHICKENs7DOGS.CANARY . birds, parrota, do?r medicines, SCHMID'S New I Mtod Store, 71212th at. n. w. fe!3-lm tM>R MALE-THOROUGHBRED JERSEY COWS, youmr and fresh. Alwo tso prrades-in calf to ! AVauiajH>?sTsndson of Eurotas. JERSEY STOCK FARM.' 'Oakmont "bet. 13th k 14th ex. Box588. C. P. O. gwg r>OK SALE?JUST ARRIVED FROM ROCKINJ T huu fonntj . V,.. Lead of burar,: .oitable fur ,11 lniriHjw*. JOHN S1MMONH' Mix acid exrhantf, r.tti ?t.u. w. Fir sai.e?for a few weeks i will Re tail luy parlor turnitarc at vuuiMair itV-t.. Bed loons*., any i-uvm- deatrW, tlx* ? l.>. 4 IS. Bui luomnr.. auy rorer dnind. *1(1, ?1.".. i .11. tCT>. TnrklUi luun*e?. any wvu dadre >. ?;ai. *:'/>. ,-*0. Hrior suite., any covcr de^nd. ???'.. ?.?. ?U0. ?."5, ?V^ior center table, walnut or?berry. $3. $4. $0. Parlor center table, marble top, to $12. Waluut or cberry mirrors. $10, $12, *15. W alnut or cherry mirrors, marble piers, $20. $25. $30. 'l?ra*: 10 pot cvnt utocoBBt ciak with order or balf with order, talance lixty day,. ALFRED COLER. .VJ0 Myrtl, it,. , H13-1J Brootlya. X.T. Fir sale?baroainh?s cabu, i coufk rock kvty, ??> ry and btuuueM nrwu; boCii nmr and aKuod-ltaud < arrla?rra and bumrto, ut Ml kind,; atao liarurM ai grm.t tarialy. u*m tnnlu in the .it) t'arrtaif?* uul harneu r.|KMitory ot W. FTuEKEU. Fa. av, 1^-tr For sale?you need them and the plar, u, m* them ta B. D. HOUCX'K. Ull lOtli at. i.?. lJirtit and Heavy J etioap. Hl(fbea? nib pne, dl'?<tei LX>R HALE-8ECOND-HA2ID PIANOS. SEVERAL X splendid sqou? puno. or prouiiiunt ma*r?. Mtrl) u*v. will be soKl at truui ?Lm to txiW; culi ur aaay tenus. FFElFt KK * fO.slJFt , old 11U st. a.v. te-'KJ LOR HALE?IMPORTED CANARY BIRDS. F1KR IMOt-lM" VOR RAlJt-JUtIT AR&IVKD - * MKAD of r hum. BBOW tlMU Ob, ullisss md toll and a Mv Ivw-rrtni mm ; aim, -J ftn, j nn, *tmt mal<?. WtJ-v.. V U'UI 1 ? ?* -r* ? lew low-fwk-rtd Horses; alsu 2 flue i iimimIi?i i tTlifflEiriF: ria^ Sf. F. ?. SMITH, tMBVk. am ! FOR SALE?HOUSES. L> R su.r Bi n 111 I I uiri_um?iT r >OKTH HIDE KHODK 1M.axd AVE No. Kiik Im?o* for iV>vii-tovn lnwtefw Mb. Very hnrr lot. Driurhtf w. utiutMi ! ft If*-:* J B VMM!.!.. (!? i;?h? 1,X>R SALE- FLEAS ANT 7-~ROoM BitlCE ?.>7j ?4. *10 E ? . U? AND 4IH N E. $4.W CHEAPEST t"i rA 't IN 1 H IP* t^i AKK EASY TERM* faltK* J. B ttlMER. OOHl.ltbat. F? SALE -I OA* Or feb TOO ;:*15 I ITT at i ??r.ut Hi# boa* I?th . lot iHslmi to alloy Xauv otbera la ?U ? >n NUHKt t*ema CHA8 < AMI RoN. wtt! -John O. Jobneon. i jxh and G eta. a w. telH-tt FOR walk VHEAP 487 F*T l lTriKLVf room twftrk bourn*, all m?4. impe . krt SOhr 13?M< froud i?aved aJifj a irood mv*et,ieut. Prfc-*. $.V.^*J l"r Stle??b>-ap W K *? v * . 1i?-room l?rt?| b* us. . uMid. liui a. . tl.r*? atun . reaa-torvA lrwa?, ki \tlby ilt>to rood |?Tai al!ej Prut-. ? or Kale?< heap-^ aii-n*?ut !*???? lyxtm. SIS am1 SI"?I ?t. s. *. nine, |'i, IOO ?a*-b. twin*. ???) *or and ?w Mat. ?. w., rewtimr * $11 it. * bonee. Pilce. tv.tfca) For sa^*? a w . tw*We-roo.u bocl bouae. alt mou luipa Prk-e, $5/JOo O. H P\KkI R. ftli^3l Cor. 4 aikii 1 ?> * w. F>R SAIJE A iruoU bouae re.-e?itly built -*1 O *t Mwwu (Itl and 7th *ts. u.*\. east o Mv.4 ui Vjuar- 1m rooiua. tvo bath roon.a. lurw-*. r..iu?v. * * rv.uuy. ! ol tbe houae. 'A)tr*\. lot :*f*101 leet Price. flO.nOO lH?'h J. 1 1KH* U A *V.. feliK* R4 Y ?. a w j tv?!i >Air 1*4* WESTMINSTER *? ACE. *Fi I 4 .'Uatory uuJ ?t*llar bay-window lnni . l? mome aiu t batti. tumw^ ?itxakmv tub*-a. A<?. ?T.'.'OH 1 _ie!*>:tt iTOl] RUST * HI NGI'.RFoRD. ft*4 141h at Fl>R HALfi Vahublt hnoinm pMr?rtT on G at terweer 1411 and 15th eta. n w. ,'Jh lrvt 4 inchea ?n a deith o aNntt tC, f??et Cu U> |?uivha?ad for ant.Tit ?*>$ |* ?q.iurr toot. TBOft. J. F1HHEH 4 CO.. i:r:4 F at n w >)K NAJX?ON MT. N.F. iTeAK MAfts AM a tboirtijrbly wWl-built bontr. ?-?>tit?iuioc T rnnii an<l hatb; lot 'JOiHM f#et , liou^' m i^rt?*. t or?Wr I-ri.f. JOHN B \*KiHT. > 1M* U<?^v.*at. tva kalk n kt. bet. rrrw and ?th n u ?* M roou? aud both ; ianr?* VNttl to a lr> ea?> t??rui? $7.01111. JOHN B UIOHT. IMIM* I4??(lt(tat 1~7<Tk~HAI.E-Forn HOUSKV.4TH M bEl i ami H m w ; valuable prv>|tprt> . < !?>r &li ?-?ab Adurm l<H .Itk n.*-. I?X>H SALK-A NK? ?-MOOM AND BATH F>. \MI hoiia?*. alt ia. i. . t.ear!j . ou l'Jtb al. v e.. iii h brut -? laaa UburbiMHl. aiiiall i*a?h t?a> in?-ni |?rb*. t'.'.MUI. GfcO. A. JOhbiN. 1417 F wi. fVitt RALI* A &-ROOM BEIOE HOmE ON 1. KT . will sell on ??a'?y t?iu*: pnrf, ffl^lt liEi*. A K'KI' A N . MIT VM F LN>B SALE?NOTIl I 1 HAW HOI s*> IN Al.l ?E of tb* dt) and lianraln^ to *.fl>r . |*ra??n? wb? are think:tor <?f rvttinr a liomr w.ll do w??'i to ? all oi u>a bHorv |>imhuinv, A JOKl?AN. 1417 F ?t VOH, SALE - A VKEY KICE HOFhE OK OTH ^T J n.c. near t tt. , 8 rooma and tmth . all tm?l Imp* sklf HAd mar ull^y. l*rW $4.t?Aj . t^m.* t GEO. A. JQhl'\N. 1417 Fat. yn>K SALE ? ON WALL A<:H ST . A MX?NI) 1 aud Irtitb brit-k bonar. lot IhKWI. I mill anil t Km rroixTty rbatp. iifAi. A. J<>hD.ANL tMlKft UlT#" pt ^OK SALE TOI R HANDSOME BAY HINDOf U < x l?rick*. t? rooma. I?tb aud t-?*l!ar*. ri f you name ami addr**** and I will tell you ol! attoiit rbviit AddrvmOWNER M. ntar..fh.?. _ tellKft* I^OK SALE?CORKER HtH SE. CONVEMENTL1 liM-at^l ?.w. . <-ontain- Hrttoma and bath r<>oma(M all m<*d. tai|ia. 1Y1<*. $s,.afc; <as?!<) feltMJT TYLER A Bl i HF.RH'hb. 1?iT Fat. LV)K HALF. ? ELEGAN'i NKU Li.rVEN HOOS E bouae oo P nt n^ar 17tli n o . . buisi.t^i In ban wood; fine manU?;a. o|<rn ?rrat?a. electro tiella, fcr It THEo. A. IIAhi>INi.. ?*?; litb at. u.m. LH>K SALE BK1? K HOl'SE -St. W1H ST. S.E. A aia rooma ami l<ntb . ?W|? )<4 to a oW1e alley ? ALB 1.1.1 F J A . . i i. m it-li^it yH?K KALE?L ST. BET. t?TH AND llTlH ?T8 A n.w.. 47feet trout by rj(ife*-t to wkle alley, an provt^l by bou^ea MIS and Ml."?. muat be aold to . *tm an ?tote. 1-Jtb at. bet. M and N ata. n.w.. 25 by l.S5f??t. wttl wide aide aud rear allay, Improved by frani* tutuae. South front on H at. i*t. .?th andOtb ata. n. o.. lui proved by ^iotory brn k. $7.Ouu. fellMR ALBERT F rpX. ?30Ft. o.w. ifUR SALE14TH ST. PROPF.BTT NEAR E known aa Hamilton Anna . lot *J4 f-et b\ I'M feet very deairable prv|rrt?. ?/wuer nc4i rvaident. fellMit ALHEUT F. FOE. t at. n w. fjH?R HALF, WF A ICE 1NSTBV'C*TED BY THI non-resident owner of a bouac on l?t at. a.f. bet. 1 aud C ata to a?*ll the aame at tb^ low prire of $4.T.*i0 Tbe bouae 1* a tluoa Pop brick, v-oiitainuir nim rooma and bath room, ia in ?roo?i order and ia i*nw< to a irooil tenant for #:k? |*r moutl.; lot ia 1 h te^t b] l'JO feet to a l.Vfoot alley: ver> tuvorable t^nna o aaletn>en. Apply to ft+CH. FOE k BROWN. fe H*-:ft 1437 Penna ave. 1,?U HALE? A lanrt* r**atdenc? on M at. between l^b and 13tl stM.. one a<|uarv eaat ol Thouia? Ctn le. it <*otitaina 1' r\K;niv. two hath room*, uioilern labilities aud baa be] windows in rear and front. the frontal* i? -4 feet : inches aud there in an alley in the nor; prbf SlH.&tK) THOH. J.KlsHKRAOO.. 13^4 Fat. n.w._ >MMt SALE OR RUNT BRICE DVILUM, U rooms . S-room iiouaee; care atop at door, aud fur uished ?*otta#re at Oakland. Garrett county. Md. Appl] toC. W. HANDY, >rjl Fat. n.w.. WaMnturton, D. C., or Mm. E. A. KILBol'RNE. J?^aui>'a. Anne Arund* county, Md.. Waabinvton Branch B. and O. R. R IX>R HALE COZY HOME??'i.NUO EAHY TERMS ti rooma and bath : bay-mindoa bnck . parkinir eaat iront; l'itt at. n.w. Owner. JOHN MclLVEK, 51ti9th at. n.w. fellKR* I>)R s ALE- -$.*?. 5UU?N EW HOC HE- BRICE. (ON 1 tamimr 7 rooma aiul bath ; all m.i. ; two-atoty l>ncl stable m tbe rear. one of tbe lieat built bouiea in tbt s.w. sec tion Appl) to J. HARRISON JolINnoN i j HON. ;*W 7th at. a. w. felS^t yoR S ALE- *?-8TORY FRAME. 40S IKT. at. a.e. ; lot :tfx!?4. bouse renting for $S5 a month, under leaae tor 5 yeora. Price |4,3j( 2-at?>r> bnck. *5 r<M.m* an<l bath. D at. a.e. be tween .Id ami 4th. Pn<-e 3.501 2-atory and cellar brick, H rxw.u.s and bath. C U. u.e , lietween Wh and loth. Prn-e 3*701 A deairable buildimr lot. uorth aide ot M near 19th n w.; ^OxlOti to alley; two party walla. Price for lot 6,001 A nice lot on lHth at. n.w.; lS.SxlOM. l.*r Be^'jtilUt buLdina* lot. HUlyerav. n. w. .'JirxbO. 5..V01 Lot oaPit. uet. idtb aud i;tb n.w.; to alley. Sqiuiv fo*it 2 d( S.w. cor. *J0tb and I' ata. n.o. . HiixOO. lYi** per Miuare loot 5.01 E. T. EAISER. felS Room 4. Atlanta* ounouur. |M>K KALE-23 FEET 3 1N< HKS KWNT OX t f . dKI'. lmi>ro?ii rStori^brtTk ,*w 11 rh.n*-r unly Ki. :*ji, ? to mi linu.rm.,, ,,ur 4. J WTI.Mi.tu ?7 4h ? . . F?:. {?* a tf-,0x'"<4 fjti OOuUlllHkl?RVK,V1" and tguiuble bulidiii*. E'NR^ 1 ?"? J-I'tli, -vambj, -rtrw.T felKnit |.X?R SALE?INVESTORS AND HOME SK1EERH r If you want anapa call at tbe Meal Eaiate l x. hanirt of H. W. DOWLING. 100UG at. n.w. felSdt LXJR SALE-A BARGAIN f lu a liandaome home. For 500 we can aell j new 0-room brick, with every modern convenience w tirat-i-laaa aection ot northmeat; ternia, f'J.uni lial anoa remain for Are yeara. For j?ermit to iusj?? t apply to BARNES k WEAVER, fel8-4t ttF at. L^OR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOUSE. 7 r room* and liatli; all m.L ; cabinet naante.a. lu*.: on L at. n w.; muat be aeen to be apprei-iat*^l. prioc only C7.5UU. W. I. UOPklNH fc Cxi., 1*J0 T Ht LX>K KALE^ A SEW BAVUINIhiw BhK'K. M I rooma. cellar and bath ; all mod. impa.; eie# trb bella, Ac. ; tour rooma on a floor. elevaut io<wtioL northweat. 12 aold at once. *4.050 .eaay terraa. W. I. HOPE1NS k CO.. < 14? F at. CV)R SALE-EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. 71% i 7T4 aud <10 l'Jtb at. a.e.; ag from Pa ave.; S1.:W0 eat-b ; routed at $10 aud $11 each; V-etory brick wellin?ra, 5 rooma eai-h .email ceab down SWORMSTEDT k BliADLEY. KJ7 F at. n.w. iX>R SALE?HOUSES ON 5TH. 0TH AND 7TH ata. n. e. near H atreet <ora. aix rooma a nd batti, alley in rear ixicea from $d.uiiy to $;i.5w?. tenui aaay. To uiape.t .-all ou WALTEP A. BROWN, 14*1 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. . 1,^OR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY. K. m. on E. F, G, M. l?tb and l.lth ata. 8TE1GER k L1EBERMA NN, l.KUFi fa18-0t i|X>R SALE? A two-atory brick bouae containing 7 rooma aud a bath room ou N at. between 14th and 15th ata. Tba lot la !*4)fti.llU feet to an ailejr. Price. $ 1.500. THOS. J. FISH I'k k CO.. fe!7-3t !:t?4 Fat. n.w. 1X>R ^ALE? Jmt north of Farrairut Square on 17tb at., a atory bri k mrtdence <-ontofmnjr 10 rooma. t w? rooj^a and all conveniences. Pn^e. $10,000. J Trim wo bath THOS. 4. FISHER k OO.. lTM F at. n-w. pOR HALE?ONE OF THE MOST COMMODIOUS -T and deairable Enirliah liaaem* nt liouaea iu tbe Hty near Bntiah letration. beat construction lat and '.'d floor* fluiahed in Quartered oak and mahotrauy . haud aomely decorated and read> tor orrupen> > a heated by hot water; indm?ct radiation . .raa lighted b> ??ie.-trlcity; well adapted lor eutertainin* Pru-e, $:il.000. tel7- r TYLER k RfTHEKFORD. L*I7 F at. POR SALE-NEW BAT-WIND >W PKEftH-BRICE M: bouae. 11*J7 Jlat at. n.w.: 0 rooma, t?tn, laiye cellar, wood nhed and rear alley. Prv-e, $4.100. Apply to owner. ?. H. DA\1S. Cara Daria k Co., 007 7th at. n. w. For hale-elegant brown stone front dwellimr. Li rooma. all modern coo \ enieL.?e* an 1 in periart order; Uaa larye <*eliar and yanl. R at. be tween Connecticut ave. and ^lat at. a. w. Tor full partb ulara and permit to Inapect call on f?17-;? W. C. i UVALL. WJ5 F at n.w. 1X)K SALE-A VERY desirable business property uear Nortuem Liberty Market, on E at.; *lo?. '^0x100 to alley; can be loufbt at a retainable bfTnre. EASTERDAY k MALLLnY, tt.'4 Fat. Fik BAU-THKKMToaT BBICK DWELXJKO; 11 rooma; all mod. inane.: aoutb front; ?x?nve nlently located. nortbweet; baa< aiwy bnck atabie cn lot, with two atalla and room for S carri*re?; deterred paymenta at 5 :t-10 i*r cent Intereet: pncr. $8,000 A 110 TYLER k RLTHERfrORD. 1J07 F A. Ial4-4lt* l?OR SALE? f Handaome new liouaeon E. bat. 14th ani 15th ata. n.w . (x?u1d, rrau. tirtu two utt im? and ttinur, ruuui; SrK floor lkui.)t?l in <mA. tanlunw in Mt?ni woo*, kmmtmd by but mmUr. hM *Mr bail. ,ni all hkxVtt. improv.-Lu.tit. ituwr at thuM kutlKMur Lmm mi y. hM. 17th aM lttti (M. n.w.. brick and aton. iront,. <x*Uln ttnlw noun, kntkaad nmm rwaa. Iiaaian al) iimhii ami In ttwr way toimlw. iCjH Tat. m.w.. mrm Urfc-k >mi, Utw aaorr ami! nUar.ruataiiiiaitmi ronaia .nd teai; ? a. ?aly Uaaad; nnrMiMlait?,kaj4ikatia kriHBBii. trrU-* only ,wm. t?u mi . >or tali pirtk-tun uJ s wr^tt ra I m mcUkVt&Jb ll "MAIvHtLOEM. 4U-UUt[U UJT ?ITH HlAUlkiJUk taruap. iJ0Tr?> r am aortk atdr Maan FORSAIJs HOUSES. ?tu. m?n nnui: _ JoHS o.Joirwin*, <WHO *ATI> ?AL l*i 1 Oww? mhi i. at. (t oruMTt) rtlTY?t.i rcm TaMtUata . HI K1KFM MtorraTTCD n?r?h?am. K 11 DiK? La> 1ft . .^n OOI l-?Ail UK i Wa*nnirt.t Htaji.hl ??*? hlh.hi; jgssyes^it KA<V . H IR|W rfl IQMVr**' FARMS -ButwH KKI MMi H umip ?, IJ Ml . ^ a."**1? (Wrw* iTNt) Md ***?'*,. . Mumr. ?.wi, *.4. tmkmm* - '??*9 ?*???"?. i ?*? ll-~aa. _ _ ' Ik K Muuk W Pollwt ml. ?? rxtwM. rata* ROOMS ?>H KK> I ami" >. k | | snd |ii;a fel4l? JOHN ?? 1.?m>m)N l-.hlT.nd <i L?K **i r K f5o57sV.*T AmT \ aTVabTI r n*?rr )fxH?rrt? on 14th m u w. ,r 4\\ - ?4 Mr' i w.i u it t.i i t?i k*ork>. ianr: rm LN?h v.i ^ , v, ? rmSP ? fTt) . lit 1mm* !?S ?l?i. Oti iTtli M . Met ?nr?ft <| ay lv?i ii ?*? . at a vwanaftM?>* u. ura 1 \| FR ? kc i mkrford. wo; r at n ? Mi* f,?R lAIJt 1*41. CORNER 1<!TH ANI? T ftT* i?f of thr ft O* hemlanme lt<?ia*? m tba w.-*t I Era-i. 1. nn iu* t?ath mnni? <?<<Ui aa*mA I Hi* tihrtt ????la. a**?tr>. rm* li.rti:<i? an *. tiaiHl ?>w lUlifHif .us Aa^ .-atu*. mi | <rrr J ?oft vaft wait! > iTtiiv^i 1?*r ? pt< afctaai. |?m)w Um+ I I-iv* I ii lwirt(.4<tl . b) at?<au. o|?ft Jail, . lkU liMMh ut i Umv* F'^iiT^AlJ HftVKIUi riB?TV4.?Mi n?w ??f ?u|wri' ?r ? mI ix* t^mmr aii tbr t*lv?t iui|?v?r|irtiit? iu ilM U. tit* lMti?<>naNf wx-tlm, ??f Ihr u?*1ii*rtil For {irllNr |?r tb .iUr?ab<t i?mr. t?- ium^i ?i t?i '? < hi i hi .aHiKhT<'Ki nnr: ? m FMR KAl I ?tof Pk\mo rf.kt OWN Yut'ft Homp. on i?mU ti?ontbi> lK<aa? lifel.* ?n.l lo! 7 P at ft.*. A tan titter ,.u tHl ?? bar t ali.l Oti a H \ ^KMl l> Fat ft at ft.W. Alan thv*r ..n JoHS 1 . trl44tt KH> uu or r\?Ti*Vi.i snikti *?? i L>'h r l.' _ ..?l?? It.n.t l>VI. |.l.:>llll IB fW BUCthrart Ml*) < HAKl.r* LAK1.\. ??V. 1M? B * ?I4 Im I L<OkHtUOKHF.M TO CUmC Aft KBTATt. r l?r*? b- k l.otnr, 14 kk h * , ??hl? in <hrr.?r, wmtMk tmm. Ml Mai U ?. IttuHlfvM * Im- Ini1l*r frl4-l?* i lxwuTT 1 WORTH* EST ?mtc*!??IO?h ?. Iiil.t H*h at, lik. nil. l? U. 4 ami ii r ? fWVUHi lit it.VlMI KIT Ha ???.! Ii. fV ?T *i ? -t. Ii k.l?i I fci lt>< I'Hriru a '1KIML at. I k. <? ?k. 4r JII.UUI atft ?lt. uaaaraar KI.OlB I SZllltuttaM b unU- 'AT. ii ?. b h. ui t. ?rj at. hli. ?r all III.MVI l?? K.MO 'Jirj4 U. M4'.' K uuJ 11 ?-a I, ai. h L. MUI ar> a*,b all I.VTW Hvl Kiaater) at.IB, nil t4> t.ll N H aw III I. Nr 7.I0H auJ 4 Winiaa ..a K .* I at, bB.iu I. lit ? ill'l I m. b B. '.t CMu ' IT.Cih'lTM I ? Itr ?<.<>? WITi Mh a.Mi.wL IS*! 1 at. I k. .V K.mai Nr 4.7WI U.? to .ten H at Ilk. '?.'!! audi:< .that, .* T.OtiH Ii 4?V(> Ittti ii a. u ,.t*ai 4"'iN ?.? a.:? 4.?*>i CV to .1*4 Jai'kavB .Fia. k lilt :l.i?" Hall all.j l.h.4r H.'iVl I If "jmii at. bk, Br.I.Mai 1 tvtiallr> Ivt M ami Alir> la4 Vialatid'AM. N, r.tli auJ Mil Ml ii,(RI|l H aB-l \ ata. b k. Iiwiti ii.iIh'1.m?. t* ?.Mai fl..4r .... w?. ft, .* ?% 4:Ct t?> 441 Pral^ra IM]. I' at. fh !..*?? ?Ue>.l?li.4r ... li.iUm l^.li :ki at. ! I*. 4r l.o(M? 4?? K a*, bh. m i.t? 4..VM 1 lit* ai*>\>- m a |K>rtiun of the property oft bv UkokM he lull Hal . ail ?? ft* l*?lMin l?utw#4 ou tkm la> mam I.Kft. I0rt:?| ?Ata.AMAk I k HALK # s... , . |-W ! 1 I I\t, >. KtK?Mv 1 lifttli. Uut aiiJ ? iid aat?r. iiunii .*>. ?-ryatal ? liainlHU**T- . Wnl by tunia* ??. .Irj . i-uu* MiU ??Hla> . iaty? |iaiiTii*?. truui auJ UmI auara. ItH kV\ l?> MO 1ft. All 1> \\*r, l.vtli at u ar. f?*ll lui' LH? NA1J- IN LAi l h-11 PARE |t|:? 1^?? I atury hay-vrlndoa in*-*!! itn I |i< ua*? wiintoMia, l??uii:nil) n?cn4f>d ?-?ilar. uhm1. in.iv ; |inf. lort?T>n? awlAMKIiUW li MAI tilf. m V t. id*-la. LV?H MALK~l?CRIEAHLft KI'V r ou k at. tmr l.'itli ii.a u?t % It tr? ut,. uutaiiiiii* ?-J.44n fHjuar*- t??t . |?l?Bft a?*?a alJr> . t ut.4?? nki .a? l?H?t wkk* *u tIm* rrar . I'm* Tli As k M W MAN. kaai >jitaia br?ti*r. Ko.hh tf, Atftattr Ixi.Uiua. fai-Jw JVik HA1A- TMONC THRFJC HAKI^mi M W :i-ator> Imi boiMaa. i.*ua*>uir Ktoti* tniuuaiwV. l?t , n. i , rlwaiit.) l-ai--! r\\ a?k! ftmali?<l tbr<?uarli? ut . a|tu?t?*d un tbr v?at aiueiv! North < apitol at., ;u?t oft th** tua^nifti-. u* i a|>it.?l irri'Utida . tba uiiMt ?iraM? boiitHn m ?-|t> at tl* |?rU* aaiad Hl lskhl.l. ft M. UKIk, !>--liii ItHis Fat. it ?. hH)KN4LK iMH'mXlikAMK.'l 1 !.'? Ml H H i N R.~ rftitn at ."m |?r u?iuth. Km 31 'vMk? 4 . at |L'Ai l?^r t?<??t. iK.uMa Lrlrk. niauaar.l ^latr ro.4. a.r. mmar of fllti AiMlOa.t*. reutu at FJ?I |** ii.oi.tti fk\r t.'tM.uiMiiur lota id)uitiiiiir. M t*+\ ou *i. f?*-t ou tltli "*i till# ?th at a.m. . thivt--?tor> Iwi- k . u?-wt t?uil- hou?? in South ^aalitiurtiib; lo rtNiiu*. all utmbrb uu|?r*-\r ui^uta. ^klfaiul raai ali*?> . lot irtltf. #s.tHlii > M. a.ft. . tao-?tiT> i.r?. k L xiac. lot 3tt& VST,. ruxui Um-L t?-a'J(>foot lurlit^d aii?> ftua lol for two aud atablt*. <1 |?r foot. For tftrui> apply to oftfta la, J. U. ? KAlai.k . MVCat II W . J. B BAlLl.l.riir tkliaml l ata a v.. kull lft L C. ar. k. 1 a a LXih H&li A RARUAIN 4XIRNKH OF MTH AM? r T ?a ft.a.. nr* Roma. 11 ruoioa. lia h* lIV. l.ali l*olu**l\ l U|H Alaci ?? > ^ ?-*4n.>uatrt aT u.w., lo rooiua, k- lia^uirr of N KK. I.'IUMFu m JaV.lii LOST AM) POUND. 1U?I - U> KtBIII Alt) IK A HtK'kK I IV ink a baloMritur to f 1 ai lur, aitti Ulla ot tlir ata V. M lr>. rvward If left at 4M H ?. a. ar. | I'M IS THK Nl IliHHi iKHllnli I ?1 M H AND 1a Bata a (iiai-k ailk iiiittrn. I'mJar Bill in?r n-turn to 2u .">tli at a.?. If I OKI-os THAIS. MKTROPOLITAM HRANi H. a trida) pttuiuk. liua li banket with Kg ilravili/ lBMruiUflltK. re*ai\l. imlrn. ANION, HVar ?Roc. It* IOHT~IsIoHT TKMPLAR I HARM ~?2 KC J ward taiil br paid for ita rnturn Ui iKr.'tkli ar u ft.* 1Q?T-WKPKEHDA?. OPKJMTt ThPA?< RV i lH**ltuictil, Italuu^rryliouuiUii', ro(Uriiarinl tteo. W Adauia. 1'iltA K art*ra! rvaard if ?* turftrd f 141U lfRh at. It* LObi?PLAIN (M?li) 111 N??. I! AKKl.l' P J R 1x1 L R. Niiitahle r??%aril ivturniiuf aamc to PoR T Ni.K BRKW roMPANV. tfc'4 %'irniiiaavr kM* 10KT-T1KM>av P M , A KMA1X INMI VUM a Ion if bla< k Uair. ?-ollar and tar No. 4:c?n l^dirft to M'Mt PA^N T?Ci l."??n at. t.a., a&U r?r?"?* rr *?rd falKi* I oft 1* -OK 141H hi C AR. HLAt'k L? A1HI.R Ka pucAft la'i >k . ofttAiUiUar patera uo vailM- i>\4 to ownt*r. i-ftrda with iiioic J. Hruii haid b) rvturftift* aauia to MM h uuk>ivauia avc u. a. a rrward am Ur paid an i no 4iiaati??*> . ta.ft ^* IOhT-oK H hkl AKl 17. PRi'BABI^ tiN A 4 iVnnaylvaftfti avr or 14th at oar an .^pau fa< ? irold waul and <-Uaift and b*a\ > noid and oaa> i liua'. with aaw ? ftaaaaa iumiU- tlwr rln* #4(? rraard ?ill 1* l*aid au?i Uv ^ti.-at iouh aakad f?ir rbrir rr* ur? to WM. H AHMMH imv IMOLal. ft.w frlMt* ffOVSD IN AN A\ I Nl'K ( AH ON til KHAV rTrnitur. 4t |HN-kat %iool. ? hk-b ownar ??!. I ?v? by pn-vlftjr pro|wrtj and pa)ifta tor adt arttarn^i. At ply likYt Vt.ava u.w. fa>lr-Jl* RkWAkl> LOftT ON FLU ~h FMo Al~ AK w Muniaaf. a diamond about 1 a ar^o ui an i:i*ahn\" pawartl U r*turu*Hl u? M.DKMl I'M i'L TlfiCTIVK AiifcNOY, tflOMtli at ft.w. MTJT BUSINESS CHANCES. KAl ll> TkAathlT TotA l KT W A-?il I NOlON' IH crrtain to brlnv ah?n?* in valftra. U aaMitK too ftftdiy^arratoan luaa^i an.i tl?a MHr >po.l?an tha ArliUkTuii roa?l ruun.iuc iroan th*- Patin?> J .an?a <i?|M< tbn>Uftt. W?wt WaaiiiUtf-tou and tbr | ??*;!.l.iti** of atKdbrr <-n>aat<iwn lma ara Mir* to fuhan.v M.u <a in Waat Uaatiimrtoii ? ai. ana eiaudna tuapa ot ?mt tral oboitw lo. ati. >ua fur aak by H D. CYX>KF^ fcimt <03 1 "ith at. KUI autra.I_ Fm HALE -RPLEXDID <?RKKROIUM*KRV akd proviaioii at^ra in <^*ntraipart of northwaat . atork*ni with Rral-? iaa? moda ivot f IN par ti. nth . var> rbaap to itiatufttLftle purrbftaer. Aadl^aa M.A.l . Nui fallKit F)R SALE I?Hr<, store. CF.N'TRAI. lAK'A tiou . w?*ll atork?il. doinv arood i on uaaa frwa tl.."iUU, no raai r^uuirh.. pa^manta ft.A) u.ofttlilj. KXSfem-fc FlrKlXN. nor i4tL at B.w. trltKti I wocuj i.iw to nrjTTT?Hf iNTrkr>T X in a ralMabi* in\etiti ti tUlit Ct ludiana aa?. hrtwvrft Uan?1 hv'> k*> k p.m. t?HKtt* M MARHtfALL. pARTNKK WAKTFD WITH f Xai To 1 ARE OM IT naif inr?*nwt in a coi'ymrltt in-titution for tba I nitod Ktatca. baft uaoftry in it Adurwaa K . lHax oRi-a. talMt* FJb. SALE 4.MK)I> WILL, STUCK ANI> FIX turaa of a flr^t-iaaa wuolt*aala and rvtftll liquor and rbrmr buainaaa coiubiftiHl lo<-atrd on Pa. avt . uMof thr bract u?i*x burUouda tn tba city . with a Iook taaaa on tbrantirr >?i liny or tbat part oTiiyitorib) tbr biiauaaaa. ovar .'AI >?ara. p raft la now *o.<NA) |*r annum ill b^adU* auad adrai^wd m* uf oanrr tbr ran* for arlRtur. at-n-k and fitturra a 111 ua itorj nrar tbe |>ruw aakaai Prara. 9lU.(IM?. wtli tftk*- pftft in raai aatata. OLu b. LJbftlKft frlb-lw miu lMtLflt. ft.w. Fm sall hotel on pk<?minent corner nortbwaat part of tb*'*at> . tbiwr yaar* laaav . .Aabrd rooiita.oRl!j-ar.or, dumur rootu. I rrioa naaftabit. .Aadraaa Box 1 flV ?*?r oft. t?. faK ^w For sale-li^uob eki arlii?hmekt with 14-rooiii .la-ailiur. ail fumiabavi. uma! .u?pa. . Wftar Iraaa. hrrnac apuroVM. roUn atott.flt umattdjw nituiv. nfttnli) luatal bldnw lk>i U ttwoRja. J^-RT* rX>R SALE-AT A PARoATN TO AK TVWFDIATE A pun liaa?v. atock and ftiturra of rroiwir aaa?i fww> ?iaioft atocv Ift norti.araat; lx. rood loiwtloft afta 4oimr roodbuauaaaa > Irtraaa OHOCEbY AN I) Pka?\ lftioN. Star oft, f BalfjRJ I,V>R HALE?AT A GREAl ftACRlFU^l I>IKINu room ooanplrir ui a.i iu o^pTtaanif. doiaftr a lair bnafnraa. loratioft fto lirttvr; beat of rruaotia for Bali lnaf i4tnxm Mtb and B*u ft.t..naftlw fbK^R' r.X>R bALE -STUCR IX A PATENT boilfr. f rtorla any atftam boliar aiw ilivactad. AAdi* ftCOCtm, HUroirt. fl?i(Ht 1 kOWIE* CLAOKTT. :?4 D ?1 J t o . _ Clr^aiii Cm? LBaju.aaaa.Tk < <i4aI1M aillVB, ftL . BAin araiaa, ,?B. riaa awrt waat?tait. ><!?? (iaari SnT? Sooraa u? navu roa