Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAK. WASHINGTON: *wwwW>AT rehc?ry 1*. INI. IHOWItY H. >MY K* ' UMw. Til fc ETEMIMI1 <TUhulW lallm l.ecal I Irralaiiau at nmy >rH*faKr in ibr *rl^ a to) a- an UirrtUinc Mediant Is vxirih mere lhaa all Ikr Mkrr patera hMUwO la WaaklaiM*. > of ths Philadelphia papars now say that that city will not only not get the propoaed new mint, bnt may be required to give nj> the pres ent one. There is. as the Stab mid lest session. ? verr itmn( feeling in Congree* and the coun try at large that if a r.ow building is to be erected it ahonlJ be located at the national capi tal. The statement that the opponent* of the kill hare agreed upon a sort of compromise by which the mint will be removed from the old to the new enpital of the republic <loea not therefore excite snrprise. It would be. Indeed, surprising if Congreae should not take advan tage of the opportunity to correct the accident by which nearly a hnndred years ego one of the government offices waa left in Philadelphia. Every consideration of convenience points to the city of Washington aa the proper place for the location of the United States mint if a new bnilding is consid ered necessary. The mint win left in Philadel phia, among several remons. because the build ing for it was there: if the building baa become nntemiM*. or otlierwise unsuitable, and a new edifice be indispensable. then let that edifice be located where all the other great federal bnild ings are erected. Why keep the mint at Phila delphia, whan tha buraan of engTaving and printing, tha treasury of tha United States. the Secretary of the Treasury, the treasurer and the director of the mint and all the other offices and officers of the financial department of the government are in Washington.' The Diatrict of Columbia has gained in per centage of population in ten years, according to the census bulletin Just issued. 29 71, while ita gain in percentage in public school enroll ment is 39..Ml This compares favorably with some of the states. For example, in New Hampshire with a gain of 8.51 per cent of popu lation there is an actnal losa of 7.51 in the nntn bar of pupils enrolled in the public schools. Vermont shows even a greater lose?namely. 10.42 per cent on a gain in population of .04. The greatest relative gains, as was to have been expected, were in the south, where there has been a revival of interest in educational mat ters. due to recognition of the danger of the cloud of ignorance prevailing i'i the commun ities lately under slavery. Mouth Dakota's gains both of population and school enroll ment are phenomenal. The percentage* there nre. respectively. '234.6 and 5?>.V26. The newest great states and the latest enfranchised of the old states show the chief relative development. The greatest progress h*a been where it was needed most. Articles of impeachment against Judge Alexander Boarman of the district court of the wsstern diatrict of Lonisiana have been pre pared. These articles charge corruption in office in the use of public fundi and the accept ance of bribes. It has been a long while since a United States judge has been impeached. The last cases of impeachment of federal j officer* were those of President Johnson and Secretary Belknap. In this republic the House of Representatives impeaches, the Senate tries the impeached office-holders, the Chief Justice of the United States presiding over the high conrt of impeachment. These trials are of impressive importance from their gravity and infrequency. It is perfectly legitimate and honest for the House committee on elections to postpone call ing up the remaining contested election caaej until the last day of the sesaion. provided the cases are to be decided in favor of the present holders, bat it is neither legitimate nor honest to make changes at that late date by which two salaries are to be paid, one of them an absolute steal of $10,000 from the taxpayers. If busi ness methods were pursued in this matter of j contesting elections, the expenses to be borne bv the loser as in ordinary suits at law. and the salary to be paid only to the rightful claimant, there wonld be a clearer perception of the real rights of a claimant before he made his claim and there would be fewer double sets of Repre sentatives. Loaded down with amendmenta the interna tional copyright bill passes the Senate and goes to the House. There the chief tronble is prob ably a recommitment, which at this stage of the Congress wonld be fatal to the measure. The friends of the bill, however, seem to be sanguine that they can secure a conference committee favorable to striking nut the amend ments. They also expect that the Senate will recede from its position and strike out the ob- j ?tructive amendments. In the interest of hon esty and fair dealiug it is sincerely hoped that these expectations will be realized, although the situation is not altogether aa bright as it ought to be. The Toronto Entpirr, a conservative news paper. makes the following lucid comment on an item of news: "Mr. Blaine personally hopes that Sir John will be defeated, is the message the Washington correspondent of the Montreal Star telegraphs. Of course he does, which is the very best of reasons why Mr John should ; be sustained." The A??iy?re'? sole argument j and the sole argument of its party is, vote : against the Americans. Thus it is proposed j }(Mar after year to subordinate*local good to local prejudice, which, however, is fast becoming 1 '.laaa prejudice only. Our semi-national Zoo will not be open until ! after the world's fair matter is settled. The I l>ietrtct M holding back its end of the double tree lest by some conspiration of Congress we will also have a half interest in the fair to ' carry. Really this embarrassment of riches is j embarrassing ^ ? Tha Cincinnati Kn<fmr*r has discovered that when the High Steeple Presbyterian Ourch ir that town received ita corner stor.e. there was a mock burial of George Washington. rr.d a coffin containing a dummy of that illustrious ciojen was |iiaced in the store. 1'iie KwfHurrr. of course, vouches for this story, and the ques tion cornea from this end "What had George ever done to Cincinnati/" Senator Quay Comparea ni* case with that of Alexaa<ler Hamilton. Bnt Hamilton confrsaed. while Quay denies. History in it* estimate of the two men will be likely to detect a few other alight difference* between them. There is a peculiar ghastliness, which grows ot. one. about Representative OFerraU* refer ence to the majority in the Honae aa "the presence of mi many of the pale facea of polit ical death." An art dirawioii in the I'rited States Senate has never yet been clnsritied in "Sfhool Speakers, because no one is quite able to de termine whether it ia "Didactic." "Serioua" or ' H-unoroiui." To say the least it ia very fuuny. Vw York may get a new <-us torn house, bat :n?oming passengers will swear none the less aulphumusly at the d jng-^rable inspection of uietr effects. Ki-Seoretary Whitney during his revent visit to luis eity did not annonmu in stentorian tones that he wa- "not ia it" for lew. silver will not be quoted below M, and next year's candidates in both parties are requested by the political miners to bear It in Mind. It wwuld appear from a collection of in ter ete wa on the i levelav.d letter that there la an aonect dollar aad a political dollar. The third great Union general, like tha first aad second who died, had a ? iiatinguiahed con federate officer for a pallbearer. Senator Planib of Kansas may yet beaabae sador front the United Statee at the Court of 1 liaii *m a r y mm ** -? P. B AA U IT JlM.MM ? g ^ n, ^ 8,? gva nan a a vv ill is POPVLAR SHOPPIXO PLACE. ?KVENTS STREET. ITT naa RRR FKH A n a n r r. aa <? RRR FR A A T n aa r k r. aaa t OGQ It B r.FK A A T t*\ r* RRR KK B R R R k KRR BARGAINS FOR TOMORROW'S ELD TICKET DAT. Kach department will give tts share to the grand | total of the year'* best bargains. I-PHOL8TER Y DEPARTMENT. 3 pair $7 Chenille Fort:eres. Red Ticketed $3 fl8 pair H pair Turcoman Portieres. Red Ticketed...?*. each IL'i and $15 Friaired C'ltmilla Porttma. Kcd Ticketed $7. *10 pair 1R pair White Lace Curtains. 3fc yards Ion*, were $1 50. Red Tk-keted $1.18 pair 15 and $fl Fine Lata Curtains, White and Ecru $2.48 pair $2 Plush-top Table.brass riuia. Red Ticketed ft*, each 50c. and Tor. Kpriiur Roller Window Shades. Red Ticketed. # 19c. each Ratteen or Silkollne Covered Down Pillow. worth08c. Red Ticketed.... Me. aacb STAMPED LIKET \ 23c. Drawn Work Unen Splasher*. Rad Tlck etail 15c. each 25c. stamped Buresu Scarfs. Red Ticketed. 15c. each :Mr. Stamped Bureau Hi^arfa, 54 and 72 incbee Ion* . 19c. each URr. and 75c. Stamped Bureau Scarfs, 54 and and 72 inches ion* 48c. each 76c. Satin Daiuaak or Hem ft itched Traya. lied Ticketed 48c. each \2Hr. Stampai Biha 7c. aacb MILLINERY. Balance of French Felt Hata and Bonnet*?19c. each | 98c. Black Ostrich Tips, 3 in bunch 68c. bunch 38c. bunch of Roses, all colors. ????..21c. bunch EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. 12*c. and 15c. Cambric Edflmrs 9c. yard *J5c. and :<Sr. Cambric EmbiuMerfaa 19c. yard 12JIC. Medici and Torchon Laces IUc. yard 3c. and 8c. Narrow Torchon Laces 3c. yard Ml SI.IN UNDERWEAR. CORSETS AND IN FANTS' GOODS. I 50c. Chemises. Drawera, Gowns. Skirts and Corset ' 44c. each Inf arts' Short Coata. Cream and Color*; were #4.50. Red Ticketed $1.98 I 59c. Infants' 1/onir Slip* 42c each 65c. Childrens' "Double V'* Waists. 25c. each 75c. Corsets, large sizes 38c. pair DRY GOODS. 30c. French Satteens. plain colors 12J<e. yard 15c. Figured Satteens. Red Ticketed 9'?c. yard 75c. Frocaded Silk Grenadines Red Tick eted 50c. yard $1.25 Brocade<l Silk Satin Stripe Grena dine $1.00 yard LINENS AND DOMESTICS. 7oc. Bed Spre:ids. Red Ticketed G2r. each "Fruit of the Loom" Muahn. Red Tick eted ?V. yard 12*c. Linen Crash, twilled. Red Ticketed. .1 Or. yard | 75c. Napkina. Red Ticketed 59c. dozen | JEWELRY. LEATHER GOODS. FAN8. 25c. Brass Photo Frames 9r. each 48c. Brass Photo Frames (laive) 25c. each 25c. Cut Sterlin* Silver Stick Pins 9r. each 48c. New Plated Bracelets 25c. each 75c. Sterling Silver Hair Pins 50c. each 12-row Silver Bangles. 9c. each 5c. Stick Pins 2c. each 8 styles of 3Sc. Leather Purses 25c. each OSc. Real Seal Purses 48c. each $1.25 Novelty Gauze Fana 98c. each CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Ladies' All-wool Flannel Braided 8uita. were $a :*> Red Ticketed $2.50 each | Ladies' Black Jersey Cloth Coats, were $3.75. Red Ticketed. $2 48 each $1.25 Calico Wrappers Me. each Children's $3.50 Dretses, in Checked and Plain Cloths. Bed Ticketed $ 1.98 each | 35c. G'nscham Shirt Waists Ilk-, each $1.40 Children's Gossamers 90r. each HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. 50?. Indies' Heavy Cotton Hoae T*., 3 pair $1 25c. Children's Ribbed Wool Ho*?. assorted colors 10c. pair | fiOe. Indies' Swiss Ribt ?ed Wool Vests, White or Red 35c. 85c. to 50c. Children's Merino Underwear? Vesta, sir*"* 10. IS. 20. 22; Pants, IS, 20. 26. 30. Red Ticketed 21c. each PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. $1.25 Zylonite Comb. Brush and Mirror in a bo* 89c ! 10c. Pears' Soap.... He 35c. Lubin's Triple Extracts, all odors 29c. o* \ 15c. Cooper'* Phrosteen for tha skin 11c I 15c. Wire Hair Bruahee 9c ] TRIMMINGS. LACES, ke. $1.50 Steel 8*s. 5 i?iecee $1.19 j 36c. Black anu Gold I>oop* 25c i 30c. Gold and Silver Trimmings tie FURS. % . 1 $10.50 Black Lyni Sat (muff and boa) $10 $&50 Silk Hare Capea $4sach | $2.50 lint. Seal Muffs ...$1.76each NECKWEAR AND VEILINGS. $2.98 Feather Boas, all colors $1.50 each $l.U8 Feather Boaa. all coiora 98c. aach $1.9S Pompadour Ruchimrs 98c. yard 40c. Pompadour Ruchimrs. Black and Silver. 25c. yard 48c- Embroidered Chiffon Laces, all colors..31k*. ysrd 15c. He win* Silk Veiling 10c. yard BUTTONS. lOr. Pearl Dress Buttons 4c. do* | 10c. Silk Tailor Buttons, all colore. 5c. doz 25c. Fancy M*tai Buttons 10c. do* NOTIONS. 75c. Hllk Garter*, fancy metal buckles, in as sorted design* and silk ribbon bows, all siiades. lU<d Ticketed 48c. pair 15c. Imperial Dre** Shield*. one piece .....9r. pair j :k . C. B. Daniimr Cotton, all coiora lc. ball | 25c. Raven Gloss Shoe Polish 15c. bottle I Sr. Attachable Corset Steels 4c. pair J "Star" skirt Braid, all colors .4c. piece HANDKERCHIEFS. 7c. Colored Bordered Children's Ilundkerchiefa. 3c 25c. Hemstitched Embroidered Handker chief* 21e. aach 10c. White and Colored Bordered Hemstitched Hsndkerrbiet*. 5c. aach GLOVES. $1.50 lO-button length Mousquetaira Suedes. T9c. pair *1.:*) 5^button Black Kid Gloves $1.37 pair 75c. Plxskin Gloves, eizes5$?, t5 and 7 49c. pair UMBRELLAS. $1.25 2lMn h English Gloria Umbrellas, nat ural eticks, silver trimmings $1.05 $1.50 2H-wch of tha same $1.19 $2.25 Silk Gloria Umbrella, silver handle* $1.59 MEN'S GOODS. 12Hc Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs. ,.9c., 3for 25c 75c. Unlsumlered Shirts, plain irfMoiu* 5I>l* $1 Kid <*lovee, slightly daiuage?l 39c. pair 25c. Fancy Half Hoae. sizes 9, 9)v and 10 15c..pair RBB A V U MM MM "? 8SS KB AA I V MMMM - 2 ' HUB A A I U M MM M aHKfl H H AAA t U M M M > S BBB A A UU M M M mb&B POPULAR SHOPPING PLACE. SEVENTH STREET. It The Breath Op la is * THE AIR. Tim. to Kirlr, EAHTER KTR10. to II IK<4? S.u.1 .or our > au> Lim of ( wols, Anlhnua, kr., or fi?r l Allt-iitl,, (V.. 5ft-. till.]. Kuul.:. wr Our ijatrt ua.riiw t Ltr.. 41.44 U'*.). > unuta l>jr L.?i* MISICAL 8UCI1.T1KS Sh. aiJ * ib.1 up th? w,w>u ( 7 i>n>'t:rln* >ork r?n K. u 1>> u Muni<> H1..IO. tliju dux. I. 4 ml u( I. v]*i i Hiu. ,iii? , 40 dul l. Baliur l [s?wl fur our !.:?( of l.'O?inutu J FAIRN ANl> UH1B1TIOX8 An luadr wmtfnj by mmdvliw ml CantmUa.llk, Itmtrj Haul ? [KU .. *!.(?> dot. I. Lawia. or Oaru.Ti sA Mwrlti/ >Kmn [4tt-.. ?a.iJUdoa.l. otMttm be* > vat it a. CAA-.. (1 Laaria. BOTH AND UIKLM Wbo aiiu. will to JalifkM to Uk, part Im tto bftllteltt lonr.-uiUU.5vi> FTora'ar>M>\al (40i ., ilTwitWz. I. S.W Fkown I Ml* . 40 dur. ]. kUMrluai of ?<**' ('Jfti-.. IH ?iox. J. Gt|iay gami tWv., to.?Uilo?.]. thtul lur Iwu. Hock Attract It. rxkiMttoa Haatr la Wvmm* la aekMl OaUMlMa. CUMna'i MkmI ?oera [*k-.. *3 Wlotj. Ooldra Host (.V0r. L cbarailBf atloa mat lir Mm. L. U. Ctont. Km ItoialaMmi liaaitU.TjOc. . ?a >lo?. j. An* Bnak natM. fot^aM. far nMI r*m. uuvu sinos compaxy. aovro*. ?. K. DITHOH * Oa. ^^nuTiM ?t . niuounu OCC A ? U AA V A A C C AAA (XX) A A *r A 5" - in A A AAA A H HH 8 n I: IT* MATT RI, SYMTTOM9 A*D C0K8I QCENCIS. 9 BY DR. A. P. LIOHTH1LL. Th* earliest. tr.o* pnminent ?nd characteristic feature of Ctinrrh I* a discharge from tbe head, csu sitting sometimes of a clear acrid fluid, but oftener of ? thick, fotid, purulent. yellow er greenish matter, wbtch la usually accreted la exc***l?e abundance and discharged through the nostrila or throat, and fre quently by both channels. Tha nature of thia dterhargevariea in different run, and even in tba aama Individual at different time*. In *cme it la copions and of a looaa or laid character, whilst in other* it is very viscid or minimy, adhering to the diaeaaed membrane with glae-llke tenacity, and removable only with greet difficulty-* condition mora particularly noticed on riainff in the mominr becanee during sleep the purulent secretion hardens and accumulates with greater facility. Frequently the offensive matter collecta in the noetrils In dry, hard masses or crusts, which obstruct breathing. and are very difficult to deUch, their dls lodgment often requiring violent efforts, Rometime* these incruststions consist of small whitish lumps, or frei-ments of a ileep green tint, but occaaionally broad and flat caata of a notable size are expelled, on which 'races of blood may at time* be obaervad. Thia con dition la very liable to lead to aerlou* ulceration, involving a Ioa* of the bony structure of the noee, and a subsequent disfigurement of the face. The naaal membrane la often thickened and con nected, causitw the no*e to he stopped np, sometime* on one aide, ao met lines on the other, and often on both, giving ri*e to *dis*gTee*ble. atuffy sensation in the bead and occaaionally to violent paroxysms of sneezing. A feeling- of fnllneaa. heat, irritation, aorenesa or P*ln is sometimes experienced in the noetrila, near the root of the noae or in the upper part of the throa: and a distressing sensation of heavy weight or corn preeeion is uaually complained of over the forehead, especially In the region immediately above and be tween theeyes. Sometimes the pain ia olfatlnately flxed in some particular part, aa in the temples, on top of the head, at the back of the neck or behind the orbita. and occaaionally it manifeata itself In the face, of so severe a character that it i* frequently mistaken for neuralgia. The voice la generally affected and becomes hoar**, weak and uneven, assuming a naaal character or an unpleasant sniffling quality. Cough of variable se verity is not unfrequently one of the aymptona and re sults of Catarrh. The breath is tainted, and assmnej at time*. n ex ceedingly ftstid and aickening odor. In some cat** it become* ao revoitlngly offensive aa to render the suf ferer an object of diegust to himself aa well aa to other*. The sense of amell 1* generally blnnted or antirelv lost, and a aiinilar effect on taste may be occaaionally observed. The eye* are apt to become Irritable, and disposed to water exceaaively on expoenre to the cold or wind, and a sense of wearines* of sight I* usually experienced after alight exertions. Hearing becomes frequently more or leaa Impaired or Is entirely de stroyed, and noisca in the bead very often add mate rially to the exiating distress. The stomach generally suffers more or lees, and he come* weak and irritable; the appetite I* capriciona and nearly always bail in the morning. The blood be come* poisoned from the morbid catarrhal accretion*, giving rise to laaelt'Hie and fatigue, or incapacity for either physical or mental exertions, and a constant dis position to drowsiness and sleep. The mental facul ties are clao sometimes slightly affected, !osa of mem ory being not unfrequently experienced. Catarrh may prove fatal, either liy debilitating the system and wearing out the patient or by traveling downward and affecting the lungs. The** sad result* tak* place ao frequently that all e?|ierienoed practi tioners now look upon Catarrh a* one of the rnoet fre quent and important causes of this complaint; accord ing to our extensive observation it should always be regarded as a premonition and one of the very earliest manifestations of Consumption. To the careful study and scientific investigation of thia pernicious disease l>r. Ughthtll has devoted hie eiclnsive attention for over thirty year*, and has suc ceeded in formulating a system of treatment which 1* abeolutely painlraa. prompt in its action and positively curative in ita effects. From the first application great benefit la experienced which continuee from day to day until a final and permanent cure I* the mult. A. V. LIOHTHILL. M.B.. SPECIALIST For '.be treatment of iH-dness, Catarrh. Asthma, Throat Affection* and L-seaees of the Bronchial Tubes ami Lung*. ha* eata'ubaued himself perma nently in Washington aad can bo consulted dally. Iroai S until 13 and innu 4 to ti, it hi* residence. II 1411 X STREET K.W. "D.? Nnr Bi E. P. Mim TBDUDAT. FKBSOAST IB. Dp roar hath tequiai tea Md rertenieb & Kirji aell the beet for for the loireet pig CjLkoor !?r. Pan Violet Toiiet rtoep. Boturbt tod ranch of It, to down roestuft prt<-m. Mo?t trayvr* *r* Uktar a box of it. Hvob a notp chance won't occur again. 'Til ? pity tt r^'^sbc.78c MERTX*8 DBCQ ItOM, W 8.#. cor. 11th and Fid, B. 1 OGG I. OO V T FFR ?M_ 0 G I. Q O V V K (i l o o v v rr. "sl t no i o o vv r. Js GOG LLLL 00 V EEC ?bSs AT SPECI AL PRICES FOR FRIDAY. FFBRCAftT SO. AND SATURDAY. FEBRUARY SI. REMEMBER THESE TWO DAYS! Our SI.50 Freuch S-lmtton Mousquetuiree, SI. 10. The* are far superior to lujr of the Lambskin OIcvm of which Ibis city It flooded just now. Wo St ours to tbe hand at onr risk and warrant them. 4-1 mlton Fren< h Kid Glovee. in dressed and un dreesed, Black and all tba n?w abadee. Regular price. ?1.25. But tomorrow and Saturday at STo. 8-bnttou Dreseed Mousquetaires, all colora. Reduced from SO.40 to *1.02. For two dajr* only. Vary boat French S-button Suede Mousqnetalrea. no abadc or size mlaatnir. Their tisusl price *?36. Prlea for tba Best two day*, SI.ST. F08TER HOOK GLOVES. ?Vhook Drnaed KM. worth SI.35. at 86c. 7-hook Dreesed Kid. worth 81-82, at 81.48. BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY. Oar SI.63 7-hook Foater Lacing, Black, only 81-37. 1 o??o n vv vv n gE? I: 8 8 ? U W n SB LLLL OO UU V K R FKR OGO L OO V V F.F.K OOC OO r. oi, oovve c c o O G L O O V V FK O O 0 G GO L O O VV K 0 CO 0._? GGG LLLL OO V FFK CXXJ OO -7 It Oil PENNSYLVANIA AVE. 911. . our liAsr C hance Onr great cleaiinir aale will positively terminate Sat urday nik-bt at 11 o'clock. For tba remainder of the week wa shall offer tba fol lowing unprecedented bargains. "ft". Baliy Shoes reduced to 35o. 75c. Spring Heela reduced to 4i?c. SI .50 Misses' and Boya' Shoes only flSc. S3 Ladies' Kid Button, all aizee, only Si.34. S3.50 Ludies' Dongola Button only SI.07. S3 Kid Button, all atylea, reduced to S1.9R. 83.50 Ladiee' Boots. all late atylea, only S -.48. 84 Boota. the beet atylea in the market. *.?.DM. 85 La Toe.-a Button, all tha ram, only 83.50. IN OUR GENTS* DEPARTMENT. S3Genta' Shoes. button, laced andcomrrea*. 81.98. 84 Grata* Shnee. all atylea and Hires. Si!, let. 85 Gents' Shoe*. every pair w arranted, S3.45. OUB SLIPPER DEPARTMENT. We are offering some rare harvainsin thia depart ment, including aome of tha very lateat aliadea and atylea. Call early and secure the choice of the lot. FFP A MM MM II T. f* a\ m i i YY am m if e "y" M M II LLLL Y .S8r H H OO F.KH C Li* 8 8 f.K . i{ H H O O R "*8S H H OO KfCR ?? T o??o V\ V* H8o T O O RRR KR . I T OOBRK m Buss t oo b r kkk T fel9-3t S10 7TH STREET N.W. "Good Things Come Slo<v.? THE LONG EXPECTED ARRIVED AT LAST. In last Monday a Star we said WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR A LINE OP LADIES' CORSET COVERS. And. owing to the alownes* of our VERY ACCOMMO DATING railroad companies WF. "bare been wait ing" EVElt SINCE. At last they have arrived and to morrow will be placed on aale. The largest line of CORSET COVERS aeen in Washington. We couaider tbem of an unuanally good value, not alone on account of the low prtcee placed on them, but for the rnaay merits which tuey pusanw. First-THK WOK KM AN SHIP. Secoad-THE MATERIAL. Third-THE PERFECT FIT. There are 5 different lota, and on eveVy Cover that" you buy vou are juat saving a clear 30 per cent on the Investment. 35 dozen Cover*, either high or low neck*, made oi good quality mualin, pearl battona. :t! to 44. 13*c. 35 dozen Covers, either high or low necks, made of good cambric; aome edged with lace, others with Hamburg < 18c. 30 dozen Covers, either high or low necka. made of Lonsdale cambric, either edge or lace trimming, pearl button*. Me. 15 dozen Covers, either high or low necks, includ ing some V shapes, made of Berkley cambric, lace or nainsook edge, trimming neat, patterns of Hamburg. Sue. 10 doxen Covers, either high or low Becks, Including some V shapes, made of Berkley cambric, lace and edge trimming, narrow or wide cambric. Just as you 40c. Every one, more or leas, has advertised this claas of goods, but we can aafely aay that no such value haa ever been placed before the public. In addition to thia It has often been remarked that we carry tbe moat com plete line of medium-class goods, each as 50c.. 75c., SI and 83.1* Gowns. Skirts, Chemise, Drawer* and Corset Covers In the city. We have tbe finest room in which to exhibit thia claaa of goods of aay house in the District. (Second floor; take elevator.) Oa this floor you will also flnd oirn CORSET DEPARTMENT. OUR LINEN DEPARTMENT, OUR INFANTS' WEAR DEPARTMENT. OUR WRAP DEPARTMENT AND OUR CHILDREN'S TAILORING DEPARTMENT. TIB il?IB??MA ma AND F STB. N.W. Kaufman * sickle. At Actual Coat. mbbmT/T mow. -iariKSs,? MUSIS ALL OVER T SB r T HHH KK ? 8 I Irk 8.8 8??8 H Q P fi B ?oo8 uoo8 ?* I? r wrv* 5 ever bees bo sot. era losses ask great, but the goods move. BALE OOMMENCF.8 FRIDAY AND CON TINUES FOB THRJCI days. FIRST floor. CURTAINS AND UPHOLSTERY goods. LACES. 7 pair Lara, 4 yard* long: were $8; now ?4 per pair. 4 l"atr l?t, 4 yards long; wnr $8: now 44 par Pair. B pair Lace. 4 nnla lone: wer*#0.50; now ??1.25 per pair. 12 pair Lace, 3Jt yard* lour; ware <6. now <3 par pair. 8 pair Frilled Lara: were?R.50; now flpalr Irleh Point Lace. 4 yanla; ware 47.50; now 4.">.T>. 4 pair Irieh Point Lace. 3)4 yarda; were ?12.50; now BT.oO. flpalr Irish Point Lara. ;M yard". ware 418; now $12. BILK Cl'llTAIXS. 4 pat? reduced from 40.r>0 to 84 par pair. 4 pair reduced from VIS. DO to $8 per pair. Soma odd pair* Silk Cnrtalna at one-half of regular price. PORTIF.RM. 7 pair Velour Portieree. Reduced from 816.r? to 8? 0O. 4 pair Shield Portierea. Reduced from 822 to ?10.75. Alaoaliont 200 yarda more of that Sllkoline, 40 inches wide, reduced to 10c. per yard; former price, 23c. 1.000 Samplea for amts and back* of chaira at lb, 26, 3S and 50. each. CARPETS. Rl'OS, Be. SECOND FI.OOR. no 4x7 best quality Smyrna Hurt left. Price for one week, to cloee. 8<J- 05. 200 Moqnette Ottomans at .IV. 150 Moquette Hassocks at (15c. 200 Linoleum Mat*, at 30c. 100 Linoleum Mate, 2 feet 0x4 feet. 75c. 1.000 yds. Remnants Oil Cloth and Linoleum in 1 y<L . lJa yd.. LV and 2 yds. wide, at uue-half price. Beat all-wool Ingraine, made, laid and lined, at 75c. par yard, for on? week only. THIRD FI.OOR. Followlnjr Carpets are offered at the annexed red wed |irtcea. The irieces will not bt cut. tho entire piece must be taken. 10 piece* Best Quality Moqnette Carpet. Re duced to 81 per yard. ?'**. 1?,\. llCi. 71. Oft*. 07. 37X, 40. 21* and 13 yards each. 12 pte.-e* Best Five Frame Body Brussels. Re duced to 75c. per yard. 43*. 51*. 57S, 1*1. 55, 5C. 55)4. 20,>4. 'MH. 30, 20 and 23X yard* nacu. 12 pieces Best Quality Tapestry Carpet. Re duced to 50r. |ier yard. 5NK yarda. 45 yarila. :CTV< yards, 2B* yards, 411k yards, ?*?, yarda. 34 yartls. 28S yarda 42 yarila, 44J4 yarda, 54fc yarda and 4UJ# yarda. Also large number of Rug*. made up of rem nants of Moqnette, Body Brussels and Tapaatry, at le*s than actual coat. FURNITURE. 1 Standing Parlor Cabinet, aolid cherry. Re duced from $.V> to 8%. 1 Solid Cherry Standing Pallor Cabinet. Re duced trotu 840 to 822.50. 1 Music Stand and Cabinet combined, 5 drawer*. Reduced from 8:15.50 to 820. 3 Solid Oak Chiffoniers. (Idrawere each. 815. Foi mar price $27.50. 1 Solid Oak (antique I Sidelioard. bevel plate irlaes. drawer* lined, very handeoute. Reduced from 838 to 824. 1 Solid Oak Book Caae and Writing Desk com bined. Redwad from 84* to 828. 1 Imitation Mahogany Cheval Glaaa. Reduced from 840 to $25. 1 Solid Oak Desk and Chiffonier combined. Reduced from $45 to $27.50. 1 Gold Mantel Olas*, fine French bevel plate glasses, $1:15. Reduced troui 8210. 1 Bamboo Rocker, allk pluak cushion. 80.25. Former price, 818.50. 1 Very Fine French Brass Sewn. s!ivlitly damaged. Reduced from 875 to $20. 1 Oak Parlor Cabinet, bevel plate glass. Re duced from $24 to $12. 1 Oak Mautal Cabinet. Reduced from 850 to ?25. 1 Ladles' Dreeaing Table, allk plush and allk. Reduced from 827.50 to 810. 1 ladies' Dressing Table, ailk pluah and silk. Reduced from ?23.50 <n 410. 40 left of those Hlpi* i*ur k Solid Oak Rocker* Reduced to 82.85. 280 Fancy Rocker*. Ptnk and Gilt, White and Qilt, Blue and Gilt. Reduced to $2.25 each. 22 Silk Plush Silk"Tapestry Rockers, new shades. From $13 to $H. 18 Bilk Pluah and Tapaatry Rockers. Re duced from $10 to $5. 1 very fine 4-plece ? ?Over-stuffed" Brocatelle Parlor Suite. Reduced to $145. Former price. $225. 1 "Over-stuffed" Parlor Suite, silk pluah and tapestry Reduced from $185 to ?115. 1 Gentleman's Reclining Chair, covered is silk tapestry, slightly damaged. Reduced from $4A to *20. 1 Vary Handsome French Brine Screen, slightly uauiagod, $20. Former price, $75. 1 Walnut Sideboard. Krearh bevel plateglaea, marble top. Hednoed from M0 to $4'.'. A Solid Walnut Suite, marble top, ?23.50. Reduced from $40. 3 Antique Oak Bed Room Suites, lam* bevel (rtaaa. Reduced from $42 to $85. 3 No. 128 Sixteenth Century Finish Oak Bed room Suitea. chevaA flaaa. Reduced to $20.50. Formar price, $40. 1 French Inlaid Gilt Side Chair, hand-em hroidered allk pluah. Reduced from $85 to ?30.50. 1 Oak library Chair, wood seat. Reduced from $15 to $8, 1 Oak Colonial Chair" Reduced from (IS to ?10. 1 Lar*? Oak Chiffonier and Wardrobe, bevel Xaterieaa. Beduocd from ?55 to $32. lTnttkltek*. From $37.50 to $20. 1 Bronsed Battas Chair, with auk pluah cuahion. From $1S to $T.S0l J Five-piece MM Cberry Frame Pkrtcr Suite, covered with ?lk tapaatry. From $7S la ?38.50. JULIUS LAW S= BURCHr MB an An r nt A Ftm? Ik P?m At the ? Da.1 cut in Panta hmMa "t*>r -*w*Mr ? ?ln of (wt* Tb?y in WOKKIKQ FASTS ?STOCT. HARDT WEAKF.K3 - Jti?t what yon tul If >? an out ud about at all aorta of Wort. They'll taad by you lika Iron. Tboaa that war* U, Nowt; Tboaa that *m M. Scwr.'.i?v Those that wan Sow *> HP. Thorn that went t'.' nH, Now $2.13. Tho* that wrr? Now SI.US. Sow VIM. XowtS.SK. that wan S3.30, Kowr*?. that waca t3.M. Now S3. l?, at wen r:.."iO, Sow Si.96. '?Wbacauntb.y ara Wortin* Pasta doat put them down for turly. oaroath vat Urna. They're ant. The co'ora ara dirt de Sytnr. Tha fabrica ara wear-reaietin*. Tha fit all you could aak and the priwi wreck, of ?hat they're worth Then an aboat seven hundred a a d fifty pair*. Are > ou >u (or a ahara? SAKS ASO COMPANY, "AT THE CORN CI*" pennsylvania AVEXCE AND SEVENTH 1? STREET The Other IIKi.r AT In this morning's "Post" we published s "Notion" list nesr!y a odluiuu long. That. together with this cataiorue of "TOILET NECESSITIES" and bits of "HMjWll CONYKNILNCE." will rover pretty thoroughly all your likely "small ware" want* Of coarse you have all got brushes aud combs soap toilet t?t?l%-nwcft aented extracts?purses, kc. Wt don't expect to And any of you completely "ashore"? but would not you like to change for the better? Are j'ou thoroughly satisfied, 11 xWl as you are? Satisfac tion is such a cheap commodity nowadays it hardly pays for folks to punish themselves by enduring any thing of an inferior order. A prtib tonmie and a jrautiy label may have <onquered your better Judrment heretofore?and it is awful hard to ret a burnt child to play with fire a se<-ond time. But where is the relief, is your inquiry? Below! BRt'SHF.S AND COMB*. Engliah Tooth Brushe*-10c., 12.1*c-. 16r.. 23c.. 25c. and .Tic. English NaH Brushes-25r. and 40c. English Bristle Hair Brushes -3Mc., 43c., 30r.. TV.. $1.25, $1.35 ami $1.51'. ?-Clothes Brushes 4Ur., Mr. and ?5c. Hat and Velvet Brushes with celluloid backs? 40r. and 75c. Infants' Brushes?25c. Whisk Brooms -15c.. 18c. and .TOc. Dr? ssiiiif <!ombs in rubber. f reu< h horn, xylo nite, in all widths, from the narrowest the barbers use to the wide, heavy toilet couila- 13c., 18c.. -JOe.. !?ic. up to C5c. TOIIJET SOAPS. Lookout for Soaps. There can l?e more impurity and deceit compressed into a cake of toilet soap?injurious to use -than many doses of medicine can counteract. Toe si-ent is the bait you are cautrht with. Here is lust a suggestion or two that will not s|*end sny more of your money and still guard you against any disagree able results. Pure as (rood ingredients can be com pounded : 1711 White Rose Glycerine?14c. a cake. 4711 Lily of the Vally Glycerine-14c. a cake. These Soaiis we will guarantee to be twenty parts glycerine?and that ia in fairprojtortion to Ineffective. Low's Wild Honey and Glycerine? 10c. or 3 for 23c. Low's Orange Blossom?fie.. 50c. a dozen. Turkish Bath Soaps, Cat meal. Honey, Glycer ine. Rose and Brown Windsor-oc. a cake. A half a dollar a dozen. DISTILLED NATURE. There is nothing bints at the vulgar more pointedly than loud and extravagant i?rfumes?and we know you want to fly-lit hs far a Way from such a plane as pos sible. LUNDBORG'H EXTRACTS are as delicate aa nature herself -mildly penftratiiur, hut with lastimr life in every drop. He makes such a varied collection of sweet odors that your whim is won at once. Two sixes?05c. and MOr. They *'double discount" most others. ?Lundborg's Lavender Water?40r. and 65c., ac cording to size of the bottle. Lundborg's Rhenish Cologne -4iV. and $1. 4711 Florida Water-oOc. h bottle. 4711 Cologne?2 ox. bottles?:J0i\ -?4711 Cologne in lonsror short 4 ox. bottles?40c. 4711 Cologne in * ox. bottles? #1. Nothing native ataut these. They are the genuine imported "fragrant*." A first premium Bay Rum?4*5c. and 73c. a bottle ?according to aize. DO YOU CARRY A POCKET BOOK? Of sny sort? Don't you think Jt is % jr*?d idea? The ' ladfea do, we know. The men-some of them. These i are interesting items to purse pun baser-*. Our prices I leave 31m something to put in the case after you buj j it. The latest fi si don's fads are among them. Ladies' Purses in < jozo Calf and Alligator at 25c. Indies' Rer.l Alligator Purses-with heavy double nickeled frames?45c. Ladies; Seal Books. Purses snd Cart Caws -50c. Ladies' Seal Books and Change Purse ?*ombiaed? 63c. Ladies' Seal Books -73c. -?Toadies' Seal and Ante'.ope Purses?7.V. Ladies' Morocco B^oks with corner ornameats of metal?$1. Ladies' Seal Boo*a with metal corners and clasps -ii. -?Indies' Seal Books with visit card pocket and heavy metal clasp?$1.25. Ladies especially durable Seal Books?$1.30. ?--Ladies' Seal Books with calf linin* -$1.7.5. Ladies' Real Seal Books with sterling silver clasp* ?$2 to $:l Ladies' Real Seal Book* with sterling silver cor ners and clasps?*3 to $:i.50. Seal and Alligator Card Cases 50c.. 75c.. $1 $1.25, $1.50, $1.73and $2.25. Gentlemen's Wallets in Seal, Morocco and Alliga tor from $1.50 to $2.25. All we can do is to spread tha fact. You must taste the f weets for yoursel vea. Don't for jet to look up the ? Notions'* in the 4'Post." Tag your selections out of this collection on to that list-and "kill two needs with one visit.?? Money in pocket?beside a "heap" of sat isfaction. BEATON PERRY. -PERRY BUILDIXa. NINTH STREET and pennsylvania AVKNI7E. ESTABLISHED 18*0. 1* Listeb'S Dentifrice. Tha propar can of tha tseth ia Dot oolyaaure Indi cation of re Alien: act. but fthow*a proper appreciation of the lnipurtauce of rood taeth in ui.lntalnuii.-tbc bo-iily baaltk. In aalartinv a tooth powder aouia dia crinimatiun maat be naod. Neither a fancy label oor a captiraUnr odor ahou'.d betny your judcaiant. Tha Powder ahould not only have :ne, hanjc-al fri.tion for cl?nainv tha teath, but abonld aiao poana thoaa haalimr aad anttaepttc quaUtiea that an ae?ladfor proinotitur a haaltl.y condition of the iruma and for deati oyinv aa> uuxioua aecntloua likaly ' nata tha breath. LISTEB'S DENTIFRICE, aa |ta nama inipllea, liaa barn formaiatad to maat than n qnlmnanta, aad wa rent on to aay thai no Deotifrioa of thaoMaehoot oaa compan wtth It. Prtca, Soc. a V. ft. THOMPSON. FhanaarM. >tt 7?i Kith at. - gHOM STTLtt JTTST UCtlTD IS I MATS AXB OOR BATS. BnwwuftAwam muuywin OOATS. ?LS-siuumMftftom. w oodward & Lcmntur. FEBRUARY 1?. MM. ?pktiAl revxtkt dai } Tomorrow. Prl.tar. will w ? ftcertal tng ?ant dif. Vob recall the nn .jrr.nk' af t rwapienf inliartia I'pbolxnf amta, kr.t ?'eha\erv|.areda..iuettj ?* forth!* a.l. tus* willprwre mark mot* inkmtiw and wlil ?rlipae the former one. We l?mrM fpmr. aa ltul?>rW all Ma ? -ftampla End*".* miar-*." "l?r?." .ul "h-Tlm" Curtain* and --Cnrtala Ptere Oooda." tn iHeraa trcn: !2 la -be. un U, half mrtata 1mm. and will ut rr them rn.u > morula* at ui? k>w prioe. at*. ifie 1 ib the follow,n? in* tiortliw with thrw w? haw a lot of reuiuanta ftwa ny. nlar apki mrrj atork to ro tu at about half ?*>?*. t'cr "Hample fad" lot 1a aloat mil tiuiaa aa ur*? .. i tor tonMT urn*, wnk h w? rloaed out aarly in the forw.h* We a l>i>- aa rmr. j .-all. other department* pmni agnaliy aa good value*. extra afav wil'. ha !??.<*.! to thi. M> ?nil *ddtttoaal aii??re<>|.le to wait upoa yoa Pfoatftl)-. Upholstery Department. 1,000ten to twltf iik'li eqnareaof rmi scou-h in 'y??tn and colors. fur ftt* cushion Gown. Bureau mat*. fhair Pkliea, ftr., bwnnint prw lr each WWlanrer* reJ square mm! ob!o*e Remnant* Of b?al Heot?-b mulw. iucnptm ami <-oior>. ? Renin vit Price :lc. eacn ? wo Remnc. ta of White and Brru Loco, in 1 jrard to 1 yard lenirth*. Remnant Price Hr*. each ? 300 Maura* aod lmt Curtain En?ia anJ R-in nants. Remnant Prire 1*2c. sorb. ? 203 Renn-ntA of Wbite and K-. ru lm it 1 to 1 s- yard kactk. extra quality, Remnant Prfc-e. Mr. ??ach . :t00 Madraa Curtain lino* in Cream and rotor*. \to ly jmi length*. Remnant Prire. 2&r. eerh 100 v hit* bn 'i frVru k>)ttiiurhaui lar? Cur tain Fn'am i ^ to ?? yard lenctua. Remnant Price, :>7c. earh. '-iOO Wbite and lxru Noitiu/hmr. and cn??o ani Colored Madras tlmain Kn?l*. in l\ to2 yard lenirtl *. Remnant Prire. .w. eorh _<4tli floor, 11th ?t. bnildimr ) C'lOAE D LOAK department. 2 blak 81rtlian Cloth miort Wrapa. lined throughout with *urah ailk. size :i4, ?Original iticetlo 1x1 -?Remnant Price 9t>..*i0 - 1 Fine Plush Now market, foil i*mrtb. Land touiely lined with *i1x. ?t ?rtrlnal prfc r #40 00. ? ? Koiuuajjt pii<<e ? 1 fine flnali N>w:narl*t. haodaomely llacd Villi qulltod aatin. sixe .*h. ? OrMrlnal prw#4o 00.? -?Rouiiiaiit prt** fi"?.00. 1 Fxtra Fine Flnab Newmarket, aatio t??1. VOal seal ollrra. fnll ?k?m, Kiz# :w. ? <?rir5n^l hrv-e #ttll.<?*. ?. Rfiuti*nt lyio** *:i.> ? 1 t^u A?vordiaii 1 laited Oa|*f. black 2ac0 imertm/anrin.- weirtit, Orliriiiaf ? Remnant Price f 7.1io. 1 Brown Br?>Md?'k>tli 4m-k**t. Tan v?*rt fn?nt, an tin iadiuco. trimniod wHb !ar?re pearl buttoua. bile 40. Ocitrlnal Prire 910.00. Remnnnt Prl<?e $ j. , it). riFxtra fln- Broad< loth j?-keta \?*?t front* ?atitched m&reo- aatin fai-inws finiab*-<l witb nnepejtrl bnttons-1 ftrvnru b ar, 1 hn?uii blua and 1 nu<lf mm :h an?l 36. - t>TNrin*l Price fl.VOti. Remnant pr1?-e iVtlO. 1 Fine Lt. Tan Jacket voitm *l?*eve* and col lar atit< lied edp>? -natin !? inr> Hlce jtt. ?Orklnai lti^e #rj. .*a>,? Beuinaxit hi * $?..'ai. -? 1 Tan Cloth jacket tailor made reefer stylo ?velvet sleeve-lined tbrouirbout witb aotim Rhadame. Kiw.lfl. -t>rirlnal Price tlr00. ? Remnant Pri?-ef 1<m 10. ? 1 Fine lmivrted Novelty Wrap tirtit &tUu trinimed with 1 'rencb Seal ? Orbrinal Pri. e $.V>.tJ0. ?etiiiitnt Prire tl.~i.u0. (3d floor. 11 tli wt Maiding. > menu kiknishiso dkiahtmlxt. underwear. 10 Pair. Cartwriyht and Warwr'a Whlto Dmwrra full rnrular niadr-tii^. .#?. 40 and 44. ? -Ori*ina' phr? (a..v) _ .. . Kni iunt prw tl.Till. .1 fnhft A Hnttrtinr. Natural tlray all W(h)i Shirfa full ntrular mad*- ?i?w .14. 42 ?nil 44. ? Original Prlr* t4 .">n.? Remnant i*ri<? (2.u. '.1i Pirr*a Furley A Buttrutu'a ?"ht*? Shirt. , and i>rawvra full r?mi!ar ina<l< XizH?:t4. 4" ami 44. i>r w. r? mik > :*>. .t. :m. :1<j 4Uaud 42. Shirt., man :14. 40 and 44. ( TWillal hit. <4 'Si i Kemujtnt Prire (ki. f> Pair* White i'aahi ere Dr, wer>-Oenuan nuike fall r?*ular uiadr. Num. :m, :o? and Original Prire ?4.on. ? Rei- tiant Price f i ."iu j '2 Pair* Natural un> all-wuol Dnwen-bMt Geruian make. Mae 44*. Oriirinal l'rlre rt 2t. Remnant 1Vice ?1. ,"i0.? Glove Department. _ 1 P*ir ladies' .Vbutton linked wrist viray Real Kid Glove*. Hfoe Orurinal prm tl .'io. ? Ren,iu nt Pri?-e ?fic.? - Pair* ijuli^!i' 4-button Real Kid Gloves in Rtsblisb Tan witb toatlier ^titrb embroidery, biae ."?h. - Oriirinal Price Re 11 Bant Price Tor. (lut fl(k>r. lltbst. buiidiiu'.) 1 abi.f. Cover And cidy department 1 Blue Chenille Piano Cover. < oriirinal 1th-e ?<; (h). Remnant Pri?-e y.vou. 1 4-4 Pink plu*b Table cwer. with tinsel border. -Oriirinal Priceflo.00 Remnant Price fl*^.o0. 1 Pink Plush heart, with jrold *nl tinsel \ ends. - Orurinal Prv e $."1.00. 1u Fiit-il.^5.? 1 Flimred Mohair pi\\*h Table Covsr. flnisbsd with frinve. tlrurinal Price is. SO. ? - Ret. .nant Price $1.00. (2d floor. 'Jd amvea. > Dress (ioods Department. tbi* deiaulment pecoents m iu.naua!(y it* tnn five line ?>t hnmunn tlite week. lteuinaiAt* of Plain Materials, endiracinir *??je o: tne new *|>rin?r aliaie- of t'anhiuere, herve. camera H*ir. Henrietta, ik-noiliiie aud m?'ii:ur in ienytb* from j to #iyarui>. KeuinautH t?f Pro??i?'lotb- ven ?temira)?w for spriu* wr*i?h?lemrtha Horn 1* u? .*> yarda. ja?'ket Lemrtba in Kprinir co.onnra?i to 3k yard*. ALL AT LOW rcmxant PRIt'ES. (l*tfl<h?r. 10th Kt. bulldtntr.) Skit Department. 1 liv'bt Blue surab Silk Wai?t. tucked yoke and sleeve*. Kir- :*4. Orimnal imcefm (o.^? Uemiiant Price $o.00. ? 2 Slirbtly Fsrte?l i 'alkx* m rap|<ers. Siso 36. OrWiual Price ?i av ? Remnant Price 7t*u Gray Strii?cd kerve Wrap|?*r*. plain Gray rol# front. Hiaes cud 1*4. ?Orimnal n>ice fis.uo.?? Ke;i.naut ptk-e |k.(i0 (Third floor. 1 itn st. t>uildiujr.) Children-* And M??kf.r' Department ^Children a ali-wool Fancy strij?ed Lnrbt weitfbt Ciotn Coats, hiie 4 yearv - ?< *rimnal Pri?e #?l.00. Remnant Pri<-e f' rio. ? 1 Children's hlo tric Blue Hilk Plosb Suit, with vest ot Gohlen Brown faille Mlk. Wile 8 >WAr* - -Original Price m.00. ?Remnant Priee #.">.00. ? 1 Misses' Liifht- whurht Bmodcioth Jackets. 1 Navy and 1 Green. Tan vxota. hie* iu y?ars. Oriirinal Pri.e $10. (It. Keiiinaut Prn-e fluv 1 Misses' ben?eut Green Beaver Cloth New market. trimniod with 41k irimp. Sii* 14 year*. Oriirinal Price *t>.00. Bemnant PrioejiT-oo.? 1 miasms' Tan Braver Cloth Newmarket, triple cape, bound with Black silk braid. Mios 1.1 years. Oriirinal Price 916.00. Remnant Price 1 Misses' Berpent umti laiub's Wool Cloth Newmarket, vest front ot hosvy brticaded trimmed with lfcrht monflon fur. hii* 14 1 ?*?" ?ortrtaai fri? $a->.oo. ? Remnant Priro 410.00. cid floor. 11th at. buildme.) _ Handkerchief Department. irt Men'a hrujatiw-heii Han i^iuhmkkeiwd Initial Ch E.2 ~ " itial All-lint n Handken-hieta?4 V*?. 3 k'a. Remnant Price 21v-. > a.-l. 10 ladie* VnlMiuieml Heniat trtMd Hand euibr.nd?r, j Initial au-lta jl'a,!!qa.2Paanl."tt a ?Ueuinant Prii. lor. anrh. 10 LKllea- Colored Emtvutdemt au-linen Uaudken-um. - Remnant Pr iRnl loor. 3d annex. > mcauv i- kdkrwiuk Department. 3 CMnhrtr CkntiM-mnn )-oke of PUtt V>l?riennea l*iw-ne<-k and aluea. .itwi 1 yrith larc-lnttbed wiO. harrliw-ixw knid biae 42. ? Flaa nwh Aiirooe?euUroldery at hoi Una m( ikrhn deev. aau iiliitihi) on aMkar loor. 10th at. mlmtax ) F iaa?el Depabtmext m 55S5*: A W imp A porr Swn?L Soj? Aa the orwrluaaw <rf 'ip^H altf' la W.ahlWaa nWIIM i?M Uai we ahwald n I yoa M Ihr lAaiaifre tftmr ' l|i?l?|[ MM" Mi aat ?>??< ?< Kltadla ? Ml* i?lr *b? it mat to m tnaitace newaooda. whaa nw iadar?uaa la praeaa mmaltlorlkrteiiKikiiMKiM a. k><? rmr ?Imiil ?u> )<<?? Tti advarfUareotaay. we |w thaai on is yon at aa w?IW nail witk at i?t*. Stwciml ml'* ntk awarr tkmfvrlmff 4rmrm*it ? 1 k<?v unatmttntm. mm (Ar aa'a ?r r. ?M?a THE PALMS KOYAU (Coatlaaad below ) SprrikL S\Lt Or H okttry lima How H< ?r that at* dyed la IW r? an 'I renai va. but ?lUml'.) aatiafartur) We would make afrwbandred uea |atraa fur oar ttn4)al Faat Hark Roar that are retail at Au data T aparaal aala price will be 4U oeata. < ir -arw will pleaae M aak lor than one lair 44 reata (or Oood Qwallty UH t?d I Jala Thread 1 I* low. rainarkah ) low aim the eery Uuat tar Mr tlatagfOraya aul Taa> mat kr hail A rnultlM^ ahorrlnc tour win rowTtatra j >?i the (aavaillM prw? Is .*4) caai?t a |alr. Tomorrow V awrlal aala prira. at the Phlala lioj al. la ualy :i& rente or 3 pair* for II. Rai mora tint tltnr lain to My oaa naornw. SR-cant Hoar. with aarranted Faat Bit. * faat aad fancy ui>|>ere gwW; and air la naathrW 'bar ara a barraln at 3.% rente. Tomorrow a eam-tal aala rrlca only ? caata. THE PA1.AIB Kt/IAL (Continued below. I Special Sale Or I m>ik?kak Tha IIlata object of thie aaia la to ?tilrkl) tmrudare thla tr iimlnr'? arrival, i Ir 7a dozen Ribbed Silk Vaata WARRANTED ALL RILE Cream, Pluk. Ulna. Black and U>raiW All alaaa, froo, aniallaat to lanraat l-.?ati?ely worth 7ft canta each. The iverial aaia irln la OXI.T :*> CERT*. We would rralad yi?u that Milk and liale Mliad \ rata, luokuqr aometblu# Ilka thaui. ara to ha had wa have thrm al 4'. raata each-hart thaaa A1.1 .-MI IE VFKTS AT ?> CENT* arr a liarnaln aa u.n.1. auparior aa ? a wuua at?ia, aala aa run pared with a borua oar. 10 |?r cast of aiarked prwa nt all other Milk I'ndrr wrar. RovalUea aa ekpeaialte a* $'< *JU a |?ar haaw J Hat am \ ad Mr. R1HHHI BAL VLKTS F"K ?4r. JiiaMliewetrbt turthla aaa .on All alraa. and a* Cusd a jU . garment aa |v>ait4e to diet. 3.V. RIBBED FAST* FOR Sh. Tbaaa a ara made to retail at JKJ .-ante. tart beiav la f?e-tor to tha aauip'a friiui vliik thajr arrta oniarad aaa rlainiad and fwiatvad a ralata IV gualltr a But qidta au vund aa ahoan in tha \rata, tint tha) an chaap at .Vi oauta. a tanralo at t'l mta COI?RKD 8RIKK KIHbl lt VESTR. Pink. Rlna. Laua*. Oraaui. R hlta. In N-rlae aratefc" i udaraaar Tha fulloa iimt awiaj aala maa "ir quality Vaata for IHr quality Vaata ft* 'IV. .IV. quality Vaata f<*'Mr. WA11 altaa and all atylran. thaaa lota, a hlrha* all nrw cuuda. only lalaly ra<-at>ad THE FALAIS KOVAL. (Conttntiad hrlow. I Correct (iloveh 1" or Si-kino I'ndrt an 1 or Anada Rid will unduulitadly ta naatly worn. Auathyat. Huntar'a uraaai and I'larhmaaa Drab ara tha lataat (ad Ik Luudun aa raaiarila omut * a hava all thaaa aliadaa. tha uaw t'.uta knaarn aa Moda^ Inrlodliw Raatl. aud oilier to ha faalaoaalda coiora. wlah'h ootua la llnhwrrMabia ahadinaa frou c'booolata tn Fawn Auotliar faaldoualiia aladr la Paarl. niau ? kite. Or atrrrt wear. Re hava th>aa rlvvca a Itli aellatlt t?d and Hlai k -atltrhad baa ka Row t liat lad tea lndul?* ao mar-h in likri-Uaar. raltaar and driviiqr tlaauhjwl at aultalda dona laaallha a rtudy anb theai and na. Ilia lataat a a ratal let rlovr arttn Inarkakla palm and doaakm ba> k. aaaal looklna ami praoth-ally Indaatr ulit.i. a-? va We'll ha |>laaaad to ahow y. n anyr of thaaa ara Mm and will tt a lair to yoar band aud aot aak iwrtpart you tn buy. Re will twrkon oa au Iniiavaalnir >?u that yon'U \r a future aaa* I be tduaiw ??rti-e liat aritl la- batter aiiiwmateil after you b#a aaei. the tllovra. ao are lr|ral we'll la only too rtad i ahow >o? thrutairti the new ajTllai atia k. Toll kbw our rlaitn la that oatrraali buaiueaa eaialdea l ha ai hag u? the very bera Ulu\ea at lower |>n.-ee that, uaoah paw rail price LIST PALAIR KOV Al. UUlVUi. I IV~Fiao' pair a an aa tad. M-Tried oa at oar tiak tt on I'ndt i aand Rid. plain (Impair 4 liilttoci I ndnnail Eld, amlawldr'tv I 91 .Ijair K-l<utio:i l ial i a a d Rid Moim|iietairr> . .. 91 ? pair 4-button Rid. ana I <r?Mdarail *1 I pair K-Lutwn lit i na id Kid Moaaq uatalaaa. ?l k pair FAST blacr KIU OLOVEB. 44>attna l udii aaal Kid. plata tllb pair 4-liutton I nJrii.l Kid. aml.rutdi i i-d a ?RUpalr H-buttua I'ndraaaail Eld Mouaqaatalna aK'i |jalr Dn anl Eld. tdaia. IE- pair 4-botton Iiraaaed hid. atnlmildareil t^Upair Miutuai Irraaaad Eul Mouaqiaatalraa ttiialr rUKTI.K UOOE RID ULOVER. .Vhook Duaaid Etd. rood quality...^... I pall ."-book Dmad Etd. lawt quality ?Mpa? 7-hook Dreaaed Eld. beat quality *i l|?V Bill!Ml. DRIVIRU OK bictcuru UU>% Earliah Doa-akia Haunt let oloraa *1 :&atf Clievratieaudisantor baave: uaonllet tiloira ?1 TlaK Btt kakln (tlo\ea |I.K>M Buckakin aad iHarahin ouaitdnad |I Ri|R THE PALAM boval (Continued ball a ) Some Krliable Cheap (iixjvr*. of I Wa o?rr oar UKXl IRE PIUHklV MOI ?ylt T AIREE for HU iaaaaad irf Ml aaata llariua tkh^alal (Coatlnnad balow. > Tn SciniH Or Y. WRadawaat knoaraf the "Palaaa Royal V Me. 1%.