Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAJt. rTBLISHFI) DAILY. Kirrpt Snudar, AT THE 8TAK BULDlN(i8, 1101 P?m??TlT*ai* Art, ktw UU B-rMt. hr Tk? Ermine Star Newumwr Company B. H. KA T FFMAXS.JpraL 12 ben, In th? ^ by rarrtjr.. on th-ir own arr?Unt. ,t m ren'. p? IT, ' r*w month CnpiM At th* . OUn:?r -J ?,b* rn :-1 BS?? -po?T.w9 prepaid?4) centa per month. Ann po?a? ?iiJa?a/o?14* Sl-iX) par mi " w-"~ ?- c.. - W'"" ta V?"WT. *>n arriwi.* financial. COM p. 1M#J. T5J555m?!!!*?ii orricx ore -!TT'"*roI?*?' nrre;,???>?. Waalmutton. rt.. 19, injj. .Dy.*. -.ory evidence j frh uiwi o tn* *in i rsi*n?l, it Mas bw*n made to apj?4?r that '* Th? i**?* ot "^lu,h'"Mrton m the <-itj <?i ?hinKton and lnwtrv t of Coi'i.uina has couipiied ?Sir1 ?"**?vwM?us of the >t.ituffs Of th#? I nited r^air r.? '*?on.p.i^i with before an sssocia i5* authorized to ? ommence the business of 2Sf* ??w' tUr?for?. I. Kdward S. Larey. comp OKtTTwi*i5?/ T.1^*0* >"? ** bert-oy oeitily that "I he Ohio National Bank ot U i*himrton" in the <-:ty of *eah:nirton anoDistr:. t of Co uuibia i* authorized to ?pInm**n<-e the bu?in*?SM of l<ankimr ,-t* provided in sec tion hit y-on* hunur-d and sixty-nin** ot the K?-vi?w>d otatu-^9 of the t inted State*- In testimony whereof ^'*?7 iiend andaealof oflce this l! ti^lay of i eb xi^Li LS iA(?L Comptroller of the Cumncy. pRAXK H. PftLol Zht ?* LEtt F street. mk! sells all Local stocks and Ti^ndt listed on ?h.?Mbin,t<m stork ^ Tirov-rarhic. Menr.nthalar, Lan.ton Typ, and c*h#r un )?>trd s' ? ka ha\ :aif a local character. Lou* money on local ?i?m oe. unties. rmlahea Information on all local Investment! ch<)m.i> *nii * uui r , f*13-ltn J'lDNLITY BD1LDINQ AND LOAN association. ?13 1XD 015 r 8T. N.W. Baa the beat plan daviaed for aacurinf a Boom, SO AUCTION or MO.NET. 4naw.0,,filO?f^; ?J*7*bl<>?113p*r month on aacta f ad van* ed. S >ares, 91 per month rnatiiHni/ to lCfi montli.,, tor ?J?> I'r. n- ?<?. ' JJO BACK Ll Ktyl lttKD BTX FBK CKN 1' ivri RUl'l A LLuWEB ON _ . , SPICI Al. 1-AVMF.NTS. rald-np gmlftrat?a lor ?l(*i luuel at ?.'i0 par ataara: 6 SnLSISly1'*'*MU11' P*lJ "" prlcaavmj _* orricBBs D.a?m?n Pr?.. Alonio Tweadala. Sac. ^>.1. I-rea. Andrew Wall. MVr >mp??. T^?-r9Ti.Orn l J *. Smith. AW,. AMUICAN SXCIHITY AND TRUST 00. A. T. bnttia. l r*st. DIPOSIU'KY. cm thai, n amoral bank. Equitable co-owbative builmno Association, "BWIZABLX BLILXiINW. ? 1003 MaX. n.iiuouL OflW t?n from ? a-m. to 4 30 p m. a*lj. On the ftrat W*dn^.ay te eech month the efflce will be cpen from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Advances will be made pTomi'tly at 7 o'clock, lite ^utu laaue wa aiocn is UH eubacnption. Shares are fc2. .V) per month. ?1.000 advanced on eech shar* Pamphlets explaining the objects and advantages of tlivAMociftUoii are luriiifthed upwu application. thomas S4JMKKVI1.I F trm't. JOint JOT KD8UN. Sec'j. m L^TJ? ? JlWKSBI RY- V B. HIBBS. Banker, GuBroedw?y, X. Y. Manager. k^ember Wash iyrton Stock ^xcnanifew UT^TS O. Tt\l KsBURY k CO.. BANKfcK* AND BKOKKliS, I!tr> V ST.. HA?U1>U11>N. D.C., Btty and sell for cash or on rnarmn Stocks.' Bonds, faram. Pit;visions ijul (.HI. Direct pnvittf wu>-? to New York and Chicago. InttTe^t allowed <-n <teH*itii. Out-ol-towii bUhiii?-M? u spet ialty. All Lwai Securitits oe^lt in. Constant quotations aa market*. l telephone 545. I'HE WASHINGTON LOAN A>*D TRUST Ct>MPA3KT. _ ieii;|HTarj-o*lices . 1001 FSTnhl i NOKTH WEST, It* v,ous to ertft on ot oar new builcU uitf at the corner oi ;nh and k ats. n. w. Capital. *J.UUU,lMk e l *y? nr? real at 4 H*r cent. per nt li fer cent. ^ I rr cent. Accor Jin* to time of deposit. Interest paid on trances subject to rbe-k Eiecntesa.i trusts. Cail or ante ior in:, rmatkm. BR A I.N a KD h. viAkNUL fV-aidaMr JC HN JOk EDHON. Vht Pr^id?-nt. H iLLlAM B. RUBICON. tei*retary. wlLLlA31b. bt Ja24-lm J NO. m. CORSON. JNV). w. MACARTNEY, Member X. Y. Stock *y? rmt?WX k MACARTNEY. Wi)YlE BV1LD1NG, 14!i> k' sf. X.w.. Bankers anu Leaicrs m Government Bondal ?. Loans. Collectiona. I^aiirrsd stocks and B* not- and u;i seciulties listed on flit- exebanre* ox N?*%# iork, l^>aton and Baltimore u uvLt and so..:. ana A >i<#? laity ui.,de ot investment a?cnr*ftts. restrict ua* MifTk ^u Bt.i it.fphone Stork bongh; and?old.Jy 18 MONEY TO LOAN. \i t HAVI rat rvLLuniNOfit. Jls l HA "can *-.>)u?L'^5Ju*^d?'SfTw "* ?J-ouo fe-2(V;i? UttBLJC, Davis A CO., "*** . 1:MM F it. 810 0001? LOA!i (,s BEAI. ksi aTTTT -? "lz: IN LA4i,iL AND small 1.ttu-aowapprosed raai aarurity at lowa?t K ?,'." * ti.ravH mitral*. K. II. T BUU>. a. w. cur, l.ttli aad F ?, ,, w. ielj-lit M^'cir^?\000 AND u nhiM . Estate withm the District of Col 2roS?i . n*y Wh^ security is ap g?Mss.Vsr7wgyy';. y/iV.c aiu>*e\ ioluan u> ulai, estateuit oT'irr JJA w unty in wUl, 4;,? uu. "t Liait K A" PU 1'-A-' ??* W>N. Tlalo-lm Ul!> New Vork mr?. ^JTI THOUSAND To PI'j: oITT 1 MvFDI. **? ?" aurna to auit on kimkI real ,t* ?? , urity A""> to v>. B t LA.. r.n. -flO Itjuru O.Nt* TO LOAN IN AN i M *s Pt slu't .?> rmtf* 4"'uWr"t ?n ?i proTed real e*u?a ait tue Djatrn t oi tuiiuiUa, t.o aeiu'ia L.Tii ^.?*"*~ry :or of tltl, and pi^S amiun u( iai ai, L.J am1 h ^ TH08. J. riSHKK * CO.. i:tatr??. n.w. P lul- *ANT MONLV *L HA\L ~n Cli.v . to '?*n tn '*?*' or ?"'?11 amount, .pprujfcl-aacurt^f. current rates. LASlLilDA* 4 MAU.fcMl, tjtM r at., pai ifir t-jillin^. jaHl-Im 5l j^'A^-V'i Hut ONL MM OF 5n.d "*0,i?r ?f ?-V.UUU ?nirb w. will Y* ^e**) on Ur>NliM nnpr >yei! re*] aatate Alao aaawai ac^Lar auiu* Duiu $ 1, i M t up w~. **? B. SAVNDLK8 ft CO., JaZ71m l*):r?. a. w ^MffiKn^S75ilD. ioor r -.Tr VEAL B8TATK investment ?j* n. ?AfB 48 U- "? BONDS. ?LA Hk CliT, PAVABLA. Wl ABl'EBLZ. IN ?L^lb or AI.uuUl SMALL PBAJdll u\kAMti*U ?10.000 To tS.lMI LOAN HlS ' ON <x*> HEAL BSTA1E. IHl* E. WAGO AM AN. XffONET IN BAND lo LOAN IN hi'Ma to SUIT M?SUSXl?Sgi SAMUEL B1EBLB. IXtol at. n.w. OSBT TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SI IT.^Al 6 AND ? f* c?l?. im DjC. r?al Mrunty. flA>k T. ?A*U.\u?. Lteh. ara. tli*e Ar.Uiaton r ire Ins. lv. autfice.) OAE* TO LC AN ?* a?- Mjj FKOM ?UW UPWAHB. the uittEai i:aie ojf uimiir OB bbal bbtaik u this distbtct B. 0 HoLTZM AN. - "*i Cor 10th and rata.n.w. at,ttow*??UfOJiEY? I10 10 f tUCTO LOAN ' 'J*-?*"!" ?S :urulture, pianoa, horva. ^ 2LV __5lo*s k bitlee. nra.1.. I"?" i?aj5?TAlt' '* "AJ, ESTATE ob EIBST 04 o. C. UBEEN. 30B 71h n.w. ? 14K7 in. ?ab^s? Gn Tn Bear. ZZB COXCOBD LUTE * SPKCIAL NOTICES. BRYAN 4 COMPANY, IMPORTING MEN'S FURNISHERS. MADRAS. OXFORD, CHEVIOT. PEXANO, Are Damn given to material so popular for maklmr Shirts and Pajamas for spring and summer w.<A\ Our importation of these roods having sr rived. we make an exhibit of same before they go to the work room. Textures and patterns were never so at tractive and they are all oar own and ex clusive designs. Of course we make White Shirts to meas ure. too. and know how to do it and do it well. BRYAN * COMPANY. fe!9-3t CORNER ? AND 15TH STREETS. I M^sti a: , FEB. W. 1SM1. THIP PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Mrs. D. DREY FL'SH and L. PRAOEK. doing business under the firm name styled 1>. Drey fuss It Co., ha* this day \+*-u ?li? solved by mutual consent. Mrs. D. Dreyfuss bavin# , retired. Mrs. D. Dreyiuss. L. Prayer. leliKit* j ^SPECIAL NOTICE. "rleTnifd States Electric I.i(rhtin(r Com pany have completed this laying ol their un done round e?ectric light wires in that section of the city lying west of l3th st. and norta of 1 ? nnaylvsnia ave.. and are now res :y to supptj ? urrent in houses located within the district named. liavintr in our employe corps of skilled eie-tr iaii? and compe'<-nt wiremen aeare prepared to wire ?nd lit up resident es and other building* >o the moat approved mau n**r for the introduction of the current ior illuminating itnd other pui|>ose. Bui lain* a that are aires..y wired can now be fitted up with the necessary fixture* and appliances preparatory to turning on tiie etectrlo light current. Estimates furnished on spplication. ROYCE Jc MARFAN, Electric Light Contractors. 140S Penn. ave. n. w. Telephone Ho. 883. feiSK** I AM MAKtKU AT PRESKNT A bl'EcIjLL I to reduce stock of Artists' and Archi tects' Sui plies. Ten |?er cent will be al lowed on all ? ash Si?.?s of the alioye "in^s. including Picture Framing. On Decorated Goods. Fancy Brsse Easels, Pottery. Pic tures lor traudmr, Photogrsphu* stock. Landscape. Flower and Crayon Studies *JU per cent discount. Yhi* it an on ortuuity yon should surely embrace. At no other time have thrse troods k>een sold at such prices. Sale limited- Come early. FRED. A. SCHMIDT, fel4-lw 504 9th st. Branch 11SZ Pa. ave. ICE! ICE! COAL! COAL! AMERICAN ICE COMPANY/ Office 10th and F sts. n.w. Telephone 480. Bran h office.Um> Pu.ave.n. w. Te?epLone i>4. For entire season of 1HH1 Natural Ice and Coal as iow us any company in the city. Discount on ticket* sold at office. Contracts made for one or more years. fel4-dm 1 M. WILLIS. Vice Prse and Manager. I _^AN OPEN INVITATION! 1 GOVERNMENT F.MPI.0YES Are invited to inspect my larue stock of AMERICAN WA'lCliES for Ladies and Gentlemen, DIAMONDS I and FINL JEWELRY, which they ? an purchase on ea*> monthly payments and get possesion of articles | at tune ol purchase. " 1 A. L. SALTZ9TEIN. JR.. Headquarters for American Watches. '-3m 506 7th st. n.w. _____ DONNELLY A JENNINGS. I PCS 1 suits, Oils, ohiss. .'apans. Varnishes and Also Ready Mixed Paints. 1 lei 1-im* :*? Pennsyivaniaave. s.e. ! -^>DR. H. M. SCHOOLEY. IsST DEN 1 J ST. Has removed his office to cor. 11th and Fsts.. over j^srtz's drug store. Telephone 1387. le4-lm Die-k LL J S b. B^a.>s, DENTIST. Uaa resumed practice at 13X3 Est. (ft*ar frmi building). Porcelain inlays, crown *uq or i aire work. fe7-lm I ^ _5>Bn YOUR COAL. COKE AND WOOD from the reliable firm of JOHNSON BltO'l H MiS. the most extensive jet all dealers in the coun try. ; o4_ ?IF YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTELY PI HE I Cream of 'iartar Baalinc Powder buy the "PARRIsH." It doee not contain itiaiavNia or altar. Ja31-tr J-^^STORAGE WAREHOUSE. AMERICAN SECURI1Y AND TRUST COMPANY. 1144> 15tli st. n.w. 8tore your Furniture, Silver Ware, Pianos, Works of Art. Trunks of Valua bles. Carnages. Ac., in our fireproof building. 11:surpassed facilities for packing, moMSK.ud shipping uousehold gooils, glass ware. worts ol art, fee. Telephone. 4*?3. Ja!g-3m A DIFFICULT MATTER-TO ^ reach first hsnda direct for en graving of the letter class. Cor re i.} en-rrsved cards anu invitations anu superior printing made through out by GLDNEY A ROBERTS. Engravers and, )*$ Uft loth at. ? near Uaa UAce> I ^-^^IMPORTANT NOTICE ' GAS CONSl MERS. Arrangements have Leiu untie ior the convenience of peisoKs living in the eastern r.ud western sei tionsOf the city b> a l.u h iLey i ax. pay tlit i^ gas bills during Lansing nours at THE NATIONAL CAPITAL BANK OR i THE WF.HT KND .NATIdSAl BAXK. Pills paid on or t<elore the MU of each month. AND ] TRusF ONL^. eiil be entitled to the uiscount of 'Sm. ler l.oUU rfMc feet. o^l-lr WAdHiNulON GAS LIGHT COMPANY. BUSINESS CHANCES. rV'R SALJU-Al Asm KY PARK. N. J.. ONt I JT block Xr>m the?-<-e?n. on lid avenue, delightfully I located; house 34xt*i lot oOxl'.'H: splendid chauce for summer Loaning house or otuer business coin- | Itined. lerma easy. Full particulars of C\SNER. l:?37Est. n.w. fe!30-;?* RAUD TRANSIT TO Wk.8T WAaHIJiOTOX 13 | certain to !>rin^ ad\un<-e in valU'M. 1 he Washing ton and lieonretown lines and the Metropolitan lines, the Aruugton road runnina from the 1'entitylvanh | depot through ^est Masi.uurtou and the po?Nibi!itie? | of another croee town line are sure to enhsn<*e va u<? j 1:1 \\eat Washington Call and examine mapeot sev eral choice locations for ?ale by H. D. COOKE, _feHM* 6TK5 1th st. (np st^re.) P)U SALE-8PLF.NDID CORNER GROCERY AND [ provision store m central Part of norti;west. atocked wltn first-class go?*ls. rent 115 per month; very cheap to lminediate purchaser. Address M. A. V., Star office. P)K SALE-DRUG STORE: CENTRAL LOCA tion; well slocked. doing good l us;ne?i>. Price | <l..rfa>. no cash require*'. payments i'4) monthly. KENNEDY A FH KiEN. ?/Qr wtn a: n_W. i. ,iKk 1 WOULD LIKE To SKU. A PART INTEREST | in s valuable Invention. Call at 3&1 Indiana ave. between tiand 8o'clock p.m. feli^at* M. MARSHALL. LXJR SALE-GOOD WILL, STOCK AND F1X F tur^s of a first-cla>s wholesale and retail mjuor and cigar bas:ue*e combined .ooaled on l'a. ave. . one ot | the best nelgliliorho?ids in the city ; with a Long ie on the entire UuitO^atf or that part occupied by the siness. established over 50 years; profits now ?>.000 per annum, iil health and adv^n ml age of owner the cause tor sell in a . stock and fixtures witl in ventory near the price asked. Price. ?10 ?l0l>; a ill take part in real estate. GEO. u. IJNkfNS. _felS-lw SOOiythst. n.w. Ch-R SALE?HOTEL ON PROMINENT CORNER? I f northwest part of thecity; three years' lea^ . .?H U*d | I ruo:iis.'?ffii.e>. parlor, dinm- room. 1'ernia reasonable. Address Box ill. Star office. felT-Sw |>>R SALE?LIQtoR ES1 ABLiSMMENT WITH I r 14-room dwelling, all furnished: mod.imps. . long I lease, license apnn>v?d; stocX, fixtures and ^ur- | I mture. centrally located. T-4W Address Box 75, Star office. Vol* taee so ttiAXCE. X Ramsay cleans your watch for 81. puts in main spring lor 81. and warrants his work one year. We | ciaini to be the Lest and. chea^eet practical watch | makars in tk> city. 18^4 F st. n.w, JalO ENERGIZE MOMENTUM ENGINE. 1 he same horse power for on^tenth of the coal: 1 working at Benuinv. D. C. Thisentrlne was expected to tail on trial tnp as a wrong philosophy, on the | contrary it su?Tce-ded snd works spiendialy. lmnngeve will be prueecuted. JsSI-flH ORBEV CLAGETT, 344 D ST. N.W. Orphans' Court bwetnfas a specialty. Kcsident and noc resident estatss managed. In- ] tereets in estatee negottated. fe2-Xm ^LEANING WAlCHhlS. 75C 75c. Fine work warrantsd Pi MA MAIN nPRING. ??????vMjafiiJf! WOOD MANTELS-WOOD MANTELS. 1 am now snowing the laryeatj Rne of the latest dss^ns in W ood Maniela .n the city. Also an extensive line ol Mate Mantels ot my own man ufacture ts to be found ins sensrete department, as well | and fireplace fittin'.-s. aatiiee. gratee ? . All intvreetod are requested to examine c* t e?li^ial? liberal i.see and Mann. tore pioiSng t on ail orders ay goods and j M. ROCHE. SPECIAL NOTICES. C. 8TRAUS9 * CO. IMMENSE DISPLAY Or CUT FIX)WEES AT CENTER MARKET SATURDAY MORNING. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 8ATURDAY NIGHT. If LARGEST IN THE WORLD. ^-^S^HAVIXG RFPTRCHASED THE Brighton. 52] ??tH fltJLV.,Uad tk?pliCt now beimr relumislied and wel^ stocked with choice wines, liquors and cigars. I inv;te my lriends ant1, the fublic to attemi the formal openimr. SATURDAY, ebruary21. 1801. E. L. JORDAN. ie20-2f ?^^SPIRITUALISM - WONN'8 HALL, 721 ~ tith st. n. w. Miss M.-uflrie Guule. von Jertul test medium. FRIDAY NIGHT. During the day FRIDAY for private sittimre at Mrs. CABELL'S, ' 10 fel0-2t# ,JOURNEYMAN B A Kt'.RH. ?THERF WILL _ be a speriai meet n- of L. A. 2-'iS0. K. of L., SUN PAY, February 22, at 030 a.m. Every member reqnested to be present. By order of the Assembly. fe!9-2t gf _^ELEC i'loX Ol DIRECTORS.-THE AN nual meeting for fhe election of seven d? rectors for the Columbia Railway Company, to serve for the ensnin? year, will be held at the oih- e of tlie company, 15th and H -ts. n.e.. oh TUK 1?AV, March 10 proximo. bet we n the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock p m. Bo- ksfor the tiansb-ro! st-j 1* will be dosed from noon of March 5 to March 11, inc usive. folW-I.M . K. F. BAKER, Secretary. TRUST FES' SALE. The entire stock of Ready-made Cloth ing and M?n's Furmsnings con'ained in store (Tii IVnn. nve. n.w . is now offered for cash An opportunity ,? now offered purchasers of First-* !ass Ready-made Clothing for man or boy suitable lor nil seat-on*, as all the goods are exposed on the two floors This is a >-'o<>d chance for Ilanrains at :ully 30 i?er cent less than usual prices. For cash only. By order of K 11. CALGHY and THOS. MACKENZIE. Trustees. fel9-lw* ^?ANY LADIES WILLING TO ENTERTAIN quests during the coining woman's conven tion are requested to send their address's to Rev. \ \ \ \ SHAW, Hffifl Kt. n.w. fehs-3t* /^p^THOMAS M. FIJ I DP HAS REMOVED his law office from t) e Fendall buiidmx to 4?>4 Louisiana ave. n.w., 2d floor. felS-Ot i-^^A WORD TO THE W IseT Do not wait till SUMMER to order your SHiRTS. First, because a NEW S1IIRT is the most UNCOMFORTABLE garment you can wear in hot weather. Second, because w*? will be so busy that you may not get your Shirts when you WANT them. Third, l?ecause tiie most dr-sirable patterns in FANCY SUITINGS wi!l lie cone, ho pi..ce your order NOW with P. 1. HALL, Shirt Maker, 'JOS F st. n.w. factory on prennses. Ja21-lm FOR RENT 825 21st st. n.w.; 8 rooms and bath; two bay windows; press brick front; ftiod. imps. ; facing- park on Pa. ave.; very desirable. Kent, ?40.50. Also house No. 2031 H St. n.w.; bay window; south front, 7 rooms and bath; mod. imps. ; splendid home and very convenient to curs, schools and market. Rent, 50. Apply to WL8COTT it WILCOX, fel8-bt 1907 Pa. ave. n.w. SARAH BERNHARDT. SARAH BLrtNHARDT. See page 8. Amusements. fel7-6t ?^-jWEDDING ANP RECEPTION INV1TA icar tion8 Neatly printed in imit?tH-n of engraving?can hardly teil the difference?at one fourth the price. BYRON S. ADAMS. fe!7-3m 512 11th st.n.w. fe^^IK THE SUPREME COURT OF PENN SYLVAN I A, EASTERN DISTRICT. In the matter of the account of the Oirard Life Insur ance Annuity and Trust Company. custodian and receiver oi tne limd in the case c. Hop..ins & Jack son, executors ol T. R. Del any. deceased, vs. David Moore and Daniel S. Del&ny, surviving assignees of James Moore. No. 82. March term, 1814. The auditor appointed by the supreme court of Penn sylvania to report a s< heme of distribution of the bal ance of a certain iund raised in the abo\e cause in the huuusoi the Gir>.rd Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company, a^ custodian and receiver, wnl meet the parties interested lor the pur looses oi his appointment on frulay, tne i:,th day of March, A. D. 1*91, at 11 o'clock a.m.. at his otnee. No. 213 South tith ?t.. Philadelphia, when and where all parties interested are requited ioii;?^eand prove their claims or bede oarred lroui cumin* in upon said fund. bLssEA D. DAVIS, Auditor. NOTE.?The above notice is intended to reach tbe heir* or leerd representatives of the said James Moore, now deceased. *ho was for some time a resident of the city of Philadelphia. |Pa., and who about the year 1800 removed to Jamestown, Jamos City county, \ a. Ji23-la?lU* * -.i>DR. REELING HAS TRANSFERRED HTS olf\c?- ior eye and ear diseases to 1514 K st. n.w. office hour tevery Wednesday and Saturday lroin 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. iell-eOd.3w* flt"-^i>AlX INTERESTED IN CHRISTIAN SCf ence healiiw are invited to call at 1424 N. V.. ave., Room25. GfilceLours. 0:30to 12:30. Bibleclaas Sunday at 3. Talks* Thursday evening* at ti o'clock. fe7-liD* j^^^WE DENY NOTHING! i ne public voice is too strong. We accept the ver dict, viz. That our Shirts tre tue iinest ever atteinpte 1 m Uashimfton. All t ut and made on the premises. Perfection guaranteed or no sale. MILLER'S. Successor to ELLERY k CO., Shirtmakers, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitters. fel\-3m !Mli and 1 a. ave. flt^-^THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE st- ckhoMera of thf? Norfolk and Washing ton, D.C..Steai^boat Coaip:?ny wiii l>e l e.uat Loom i. CiUtral Nation., bunk building, < or. ?th aim Pu. ave. n.w., on WEDNESDAY, Iwar. L 4. 18M1, at 12o'clock m.. ior the e.e?'tionof a president, hoard of directors and such otLer othcersusare provided lor in tne by-laws and for the transaction of any other business that lftay come before it. Dyorueroi . WM. E. CLARK, Pies dent. JOHN KE^WORTH. Secretary. iel4loma3 PERFECTED PHONOGRAPH. ROSENTHAL'ft l'nexcelle?l jieisiers ciieft System. The Che.:p.?st. Ihost Practical. Always Ready. Tne Ideal i??u. ! ?r ot FOR EIGN LANul'AbKb. Ail invite<l to Daily 1 ree Lxiabltion al COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.. fel6-lm U27 E st. n. w. WHO IS YOUR LAUXDRYMAX? TOLMAX STEAM LAUNDRY. 401 to 4Uf C st. n. w. Quick work without extra charge. Try our plun. A postal irom you will LrlnK one ot our waKoii* to youi' uooa . T. E. McARDLE HAS KEliOVLD TO iTTfl CONNECTlCtr AVE. Telephone, 22Q fe2-lm* ^-,-^lF YOU WAX i AN ABSOLUTELY PURE PO? Cream of Tartar Ruuinu- Powder buy the ??PAkRiSH." It does not contain am.uuiua or alum. Ja31?tr ANNUAL MEETING OF THE sto< kholders ot the Arlimrton ^Ire Insurance Company ior the District ol Columbia ior the election oi nine uireetors to serve ior ti.e ensuimr year wdl be heid at the office of thecompuny, Pennsylvania ave. n.w.. lLESDAk, February24, 1801. Pol la open at 1 and close at 3 p. in. *a24-lm FRANK T. RAWL1NGS. Secretary. jp^^IEAD CARE III LEY. iiundreils of cans of a l akinsr powder, Isnrely sd vertised as cein^ absolutely pure, have %een returneii uyCdNi-lMKKS as UNFIT FOR U&E, beuqr lull ot CARBONATE of A.viMONIA. Consumers who want the ' 'BEST' shouio use ?THE PARRISH BAKING POWDEB,** It bclmr oom)K>setl exclusively of HIGHEST TEST cream of tartar, bicarbonate ol sola and a s.nal! j er ciutage of starch, scieut<ncally combined. Does not contain AMMONIA, ALLM or IkiPUitiTlES ot AN V KIND. Sold cn'.y in cans-by all ip-ocers, every can g-uaran teed lull weight and strength- ja31-tr DO YOU Ride, drive or keep s horse? Then you use a Carnage; may need ft If you dont you may want a Hlrness, Lap Robe. Whip or "svmelAin*" tor your stable. We have everything belonging to tfcs best complete outfit. ANDREW 9. JOYCE'S SOME. MMiMdlfltUCsuusm J; HOWKLL. civil kroixkeb and Pvf la rauond bi? otham to N.t.oul Lniun buUOiat. ?ut f at. n.w. phouBcil. 7U4 MIO-lni* TOC.WAKT AN ABMOLUTXLT FUii ?CS. C??.a<rfftoB.^iPowl?rbalrtt. It <low nK cctito fluhom, or je3l-* ? . babtlktt bills, dentirt! ArtlArUi tMKli liuwt?I Uuui^iaUljr alMr y SPECIAL NOTICES. ?-^a,THF.nE WII.L BF. MEMORIAL 8KBV i< *s held under the auspWsof the Ohio Re publican Association to the memory of the late Gen. Win. T Sherman at G.A.R. Hall, opposite Willard's Hotel. l'a.^ive.. on SATURDAY KILNING. ??lst in st.'iit. at 7:iX) o'clock. All friends are invited. Short eulogies will be pronounced by (>en. *. H. KO&ECRAN3,Hon. C. A.BOT'TELLE. Gem S. S. BURI>FTT, Hon.WM.Mc KIMjKY.Jr., Gen.C.H.GhO>\KNOR. Hon. A. C. MATTHEWS, Hon. T. B. COULTFR and othe.a. It - - -.-wANACOSTlA. !>.< ?. FEBRUARY 14.1H91. I hereby acknowledge the rec eipt of one hundred end twenty-one dollars from the Improved Order of Red Men's M utuai le.ief Association of the District of Columbia, it being the amount due upon the death of my husband, Ot?o. Ii. Baldwin. (Siuned) Mis. G. H. BALDWIN. ie*X-2t _ >LAST OPPORTUNITY 10 HEAR JOHN _ L. Stoddard tomorrow at ~:30, Music Hall, rhen he will describe and i !ustr:ite the Land of the Midnight Sun. Sei uro seats ?z on< e. It ^CHILDREN'S M ASS MEETING AT CON _ "rret-at'onnl Church ro V.ORROW AFTER NOON. 3 o'clock, chorus by 150 boys and *irls. Miss Willara and iliss Oordon will speak. MRS. WOOD, Dist. Mipt. Juvenile Dept. It4 SPIRI il Ai lSM-GRAND ARMY HALL Pv^ every SUNDAY. For particulars see this column, tomorrow s ?'Star." It* ^-?^.MASONTcT-A SPECIAL COMMUNICA tion of Li Fayette Lod*e. No. 19, F. A. A. M., will be hetd TON1GH1 at 7:3U o'clock. Members ot sister lodges fraternally invited to lie presnt. By or?"ier of the W.M. It JOHN H. OLCOTT. Secretsry._ STEAMER MATTANO WILL REM'ME 2KZ25L her regular trips on the Potomac on TI ES DAY, 24th instant. Days of suilin? and landings same as last year. For additional information apply to o. T. JONES, Agent, 1114 Pennsylvania ave., or fe20-3t 7th street wharf. s PROMPT BUYERS CAN SECURE GOOD |K^5nPR( - seats lor Yii. Stoddard's fare we. I lecture morrow at 2:30. Norway, the Lam' Sun. will Ik) described and iliustrat ?? >UNDER THE AUTHORITY GRANTED . .. l?v tub comptroller of t:.e currency. the Ohio Nat ion tl Bank o: Washington will op*-n for busi ness in its banking house,fxnner oi 12tli and G streets, in tue city of \vashington, D. 0., FEBRUARY 24, 1691. JOSLPiI D. TAYLOR, President. JOHN O. JOHNSON, Vice President. fe20-3t CHARLES U. DAVIDGE, Cashier. RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, Between Iowa Circle and 12th street. A well-built residence, finished handsomely and supplied with all facilities. It contains 12 rooms and bath room. Price. 110.000. THOS. J. FISHER & CO.. It im ? at. n.w. ARE YOU ONE OF THF.Mf (Should be Read Daily.) There are some men who like first choice or none, l aey can come now and pick out their Spring Suit or Trousers, as the new patterns have arrived. G. WARFIElZTSIMPSON, *'Expert in Trousers," Cor. 9th and G sts. n.w. fe20 J^^^SPRING NECKWEAR. BATCH NUMBER TWO OF LIGHT KNOT AND FOUR-IN-HAND SCARFS. Ask to see them when you call. 8.LIJ. E. ROSENTHAL. Men's Furnishings. Hats. One price. lj?24-3m) Ki2 F st. af-^i^HAVING IMPORTED A LARGE INVOICE Canton Preserved Ginger, we are enabled to sell at the following low prices: Laru-e Jars, tac. Medium jars, 45c. Small Jars. 25c. G. G. CORN WELL k SON. fe20-3t It 12, 1*14 and 14lSPs. sve. fcIF YOU ARE THINKING of buying a house in t!ie sub* urbs it will be worth your while to looc at a new eight-room cottage in Iiyatts ville; convenient in arrangement and lo cation and well wortn t'.TaU, the price asked?over 10.000 leet of ground. B. H. WARNER* CO., It DmFst. n.w. ^^p^BUY REMINGTON TYPE WRITERS. ??PARAGON" TYPEWRITER RIB BONS, our own manufacture, are by far THE BEST in the market. Sold ex clusively by WYCKOFF, SEAMANS k BENEDICT, Js29-3m COR. ttTH AND F STS. N.W. |f-^2*THOMA8 P. MORGAN, Jr., HAS NOT severed his relations with tne Mutual Life insurance Company of New York, but has had his powers enlarged, lormet.j he worked through the general agent, now he dea s direct with the company *t New York. Business solicited, liberal commissions paid. Office 13&i t st. (basement). fe2-im ARE YOU WAITING For some person to tell you of the ad vantages to be gained by placing the collecting of your rents in our charge? We, no doubt, represent some persons of your acquaintance and will be glad to give you references if you want them. B. H. WARNER k CO., It 910 F st. n.w. QUEEN k CO., wK unstsand opticians of Philadelphia, announce that their i;i>eciulist on the eye will be in my store next 1 uesday and VS ednesday, February 24 and 25. Examinations of the eye free of charge. GEO. W. SPIER. % Jeweler and Optician, fegO-Ht 310 9th st. n. w.. near Pa. ave. GUNSON, JUSTICE k CO., " Real Estate Brokers. Have removed from 1010 F st. to 1 fe20-2t Rooms 1 and 2, 006 F at. n. w. ^NOTICE _ Those lots on V st. between 13th and 14th and then give us a reasonable offer. HODGES k TEEL. fe30-3t st. n.w. ^--^j.BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OHIO NaT. BANK OF WASHINGTON, Cor. 12th and G sts., Washington, D. C. Hon. J. D. Tailor. J>o. o. Johnson. Hon. WM. LAWRENCE, Hon. C. S. BAKER, A. P. LACEY. F. J. DIEUDoNNJK, L. M. MAUNDERS, J. B. WiAiKR, rt. W. WOODWARD, D. F. SCO IT, V? M. maul, J. K. B?vOWN, W. W. FLEMM1NG, J. F. B^J cHELDER, T. W. TALMADGE. T. A. HARDING. OFFICERS. Hon. JOSEPH D. TAYLOR. Pres't. JNO. O. JOHNSON, Vice Pres't. CHARLES H. DAVlDGE, Oasmer. HENRi L. BALLENTINE, lelle: CHARLES A. BAkUi, lk>okkee)>er. The bunk will open tor buameas Thursday, Feb. 24, 1891. fe20-3t The vrather u likely to be increasing south easterly winds; ityhtly wanner; threaten itty weather and rain. THE McKINLEY TAX Does not affect our prices on Lumber. We intend selling at the old x?rioes this sea son and expect to double our soles. W e guarantee our Boards to be kiln-dried, game-sawed and the very best made. $1.15 PER 100 FT. UBBEY. BITTINGER k OT T M, Building Material. fe20 6th st. and New York are. ^rzr^THE FIRST REGULAR MKXTINtt OF ?CJ5l IHE STOt,T:aoLDERS uFTHI WASHINGTON PUL1F1KD MILK AND CREAM COMPANY, to elect a beard of directors, to make by-laws ana to tran- act any other business wbk'i may be lawfully done, will be held at the temporary office the codipanv. tfOS 13TH ST. H.W., THIS CITY, ;BRUARp^. llttll, AT4P.M. of \obtHj0kjju5>atricx. lelO-2w >THK 'VAHHWOTO;, LOAN AMD BUQIikD H. Vi Washington News and Gossip. Index to Advertisements. AWTSEMKNTfl Piun> * ATTORNEYS ram 6 AUCTION SALES Pie* 6 BICYCLES Pwr? 7 BOARDING P?*e ~ BUSINESS CHANCES f?' 1 CITY ITEMS Pure 8 COUNTRY REAL ESTATE P*?* 2 DEATHS Patre 3 DENTISTRY Pa** 7 DJiY GOODS PstteC EDUCATIONAL !"??? " EXCURSIONS, fcc Ni? ? FAMILY SUPPLIES Pw? 7 FINANCIAL w...Patre 1 FOR RENT (Flats) Pwr? 2 FOR RENT (OBces) Pw 2 FOR RENT (Rooms) P*? S FOR RENT (Stables) Page 2 FOR RENT (Stores) P?K? 2 FOR RENT iHoum) IVt 2 FOR RENT (Mu.el.MW0U*) 1*??? 2 FOR SALE (Houses) Pa*e 2 FOR SALE (Lots) Patre 3 FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) rav*e 2 GENTLEMEN'S GOODS I'atre fl HOTELS I'atreS LADIES' GOODS I'atre 7 LECTURES PatreS LOCAL MENTION Pa** 8 L08T AXI> FOUND l'aire 2 MANICURE Patrv 7 MEDICAL Pane 7 MISCELLANEOUS Pace.". MONEY TO LOAN I'ai-e 1 NEW PUBLICATIONS Pair* 8 NOTARIES PUBLIC Patre 6 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS Taife 7 PIANOS ANU ORGANS Patre 7 PERSONAL Patre 2 PRINTERS PatreO PiU IPOS AI,S l'atre 0 PROFESSIONAL Patre 7 RAILROADS Pnire 7 SPECIALTIES Patre 7 SUBURBAN PROPERTY I'atre 2 WANTED (Board) Patre 2 WANTED (He.p) ratre2 WANTED(Houses) Patre 2 WANTED (Rooms) Patre 2 WANTED (Situations) Patre 2 WANTED (Miscellaneous) Patre 2 WINTER RESORTS Patre S WOOD AND COAL Patre 0 Government Receipts Today.?Internal rev enue, 4315,859; customs, $312,505. New Banks.?The controller of the cur rency has authorized the Oliio National Bank of Washington. I). C., to begin business with a capital of ?200.()00. and the Berlin National Bank of Berlin, N. II., with a capital of 450,000. Bill Approved.?The President has ap proved the act to amend the act in regard to the forfeiture of certain lands heretofore granted for the purpose of aiding in the con struction of railroads. Naval Orders.?Lieut. Charles A. Stone, detached from duty in the bureau of ordnance on the 16th of next March and granted fur lough for two years from that date. Lieut. Nathan H. Barnes, placed on retired list from the 18th of February, 1891. Revenue Appointments.?Th3 acting sec retary of the treasury has made the following appointments in the internal revenue service: Henry Goeman, U. 8. ganger at St. Joseph, Mo.; Samuel A. McSheorv, U. B. storekeeper and ganger at Litchfield. Kv. The President's Callers today included Senator Hpooner, Representatives McAdoo, Bliss, Burton, Morrow, Cannon and Atkinson. Mrs. A. C. Allen and Miss Allen. Mrs. Bliss of Rochester and Commissioner &ason,with a large number of friends. Clowno the Departments.?All the execu tive departments will be closed tomorrow on account of the funeral of Gen. Sherman, and also on Monday, in order to allow the employes an opportunity to celebnito the anniversary of the birth of George Wuthingtc.i. Robert J. Fishes of Pennsylvania, assistant commissioner of patents, has been appointed general counsel of the Eastern Railway Associa tion in place of Andrew McCallum, deceased. Mr. Fisher will take charge of the office on the 1st of March. The Presidential Party Return ? The President and his cabinet returned to the city from the Sherman funeral last night shortly after midnight on the special train over the Pennsylvania road. Gen. Grant, assistant sec retary of war, who went over with the party, has gone to St. Louis with the funeral train io represent the Secretary of War. A Question or Ivor.Y.?The Treasury De partment has declined to pass upon the ques tion of the classification of imported pieces of ivorv, that being the duty of customs officers, but has advised the collector at New York that in its opinion pieces of iVorv that have been cut from the tusk crosswise only, and on which the outside bark or enamel has been preserved in tact, are entitled to free entry. Silver Purchases.?The amount of silver offered for sale to the Treasury Department to day was 1.058.000 ounces and the amount pur chased 851.000 ounces, as follows: 31,500 ounces at ?0.369: 121.000 ounces at 40.99, 18,500 ounces at 90.9*H,, 200.000 ounces at 40.99'i. 130.000 ounces at 40.991,100,000 ounces at fO.9915.200, 000 ounce* at 40.992 and 60,000 ounces at 40.9924. Not ChUbch Regalia.?Assistant Secretary Spaulding has denied an application for the free entry as church regalia of certain manu factures of silk forming parts of church vest ments intended for the chapel of the convent of Des Feliciennes at Detroit, Mich., on the ground that no articles except quel) as are completely made up are included in the term "regalia'' as used in the tariff act. The ar ticles were classified as manufactures of silk dutiable at the rate of 60 per cent ad valorem. Landing Certificate.?Assistant Secretary Spaulding has informed the Secretary of State, in response to a question raised by the United States consul at Paso del Norte in regard to landing certifiates for merchandise ostensibly consigned to one person but consisting of lots destined for final delivery by him to va rious persons, that in the opinion of the Treas ury Department a holder at the foreign port of the bill of lading issued to him by the common carrier may be considered as the consignee within the contemplation of the statute, and that a landing certificate executed by such con signee is sufficient. THE TAOAMT SECUKTARYSHIP. Gossip at tlx Department?The Nam* to Be Probably Sent In Tuesday. The gossips uptown around the Treasury De partment are scanning every sign that promises to reveal the identity of the successor to Sec retary Windom, but they are making little or uo headway against the mystery. They all have the name of Foster on their lips, as he seems to be the most likely man in light. Hie alleged conference between him and the Presi dent in New York yesterday has been effectually disposed of by Gov. Foster's denial. The President is certainly the last man to talk polities with any one, even privately, on such an occasion as that of yesterday. It is undoubtedly true that the President and Got. Foster met and talked, but not of political mat ters. Got. Foster is close to the President. Their relations are intimato and it is the most natural thing in the world that, being together is New York, they should come together. It mar be remembered that we President positively refused to speak of the matter of Mr. Windom's successor until after the funeral, and it is quite likely that he will wait until this sad week, ??"*?* by the burial of Porter and Sherman, has passed before making public hie ?election. He cannot very well make the nomination on Monday, which will be obeerved aa a holiday on account of the birthday of George Washington, and it ia generally expected that the eeeret of hia choice will be revealed very early nest week, probably Tueeday. IN CONGRESS TODAY The Nicaraguan Canal Bill Discussed in the Senate. MORE FILIBUSTERING TACTICS TODAY. Democrats in the House Leave the Chamber in a Body. A REED AND McMILLAN TILT. SE>ATK. On motion of Mr. Davis the Senate, after the transaction of routine morning business, pro ceeded to the consideration of pension bill* un objected to. There were 190 pension bills passed in the spaoe of forty-five minutes. Among them was one giving a pension of a month to the widow of F?ar Admiral Steedman, one increas ing the pension ot Brigadier Ueneral Laudruni of Kentucky to ?50. one increasing the jh usioii of a widow of a soldi, r of tlie war of 1812 and one giving a pension of f 12 a month to Mary Morgan'Edson of Vermont, si* of whose sons had served in the Union army in the war of the rebellion. All these were House bills. THE NICARAGUA CANAL KILL. The Senate then proceeded to the considera tion of the Nicaragua canal bill, giving the guarantee of the United States government to the company's 4 per cent bonds to the amount of *100.000.000. The bill having be^n read in full. Mr. Ed munds said that in the necessary absence of the chairman of the committee on toreign relations (Mr. Sherman I it wa.- hi < duty to take charge of the bill for the time being, 'lhe subject was not a new one. The natural importance of hav ing the kind of inter-st in the Nicaragua canal which the bill provided for had been fully dis cussed in the Senate two or three years ago. Besides, the report of the committee was so full and complete and condensed that he did not fcehcalled upon at this time U> taac up the time of the Senate in again going over the grounds stated in the report -especially in view of the very complete and able observations of the Senator from Alabama v,Mr. Morgan; some day ago. MR. VF.ST OPPOSES THE BILL. Mr. Vest, in opposing the bill, disclaimed any hostility to the Nicaragua canal project, al though he had favored t apt. tads' Tehuantepec ship railroad project. He took no part in the cheap attacks upen Great Britain and remarked that, while aggrandizing ten dencies of Great Britain might lie denounced, it should be remembered that the United States had the same characteristic com ing from hereditary and social peculiarities. At the risk of being misconstrued he asserted that no greater calamity could come upon the world than a war between the United States and Great Britain. It would destroy com merce on every ocean and would involve coun tries in antagonisms, difficulties and losses of life fand property which no intelligent man would ever wish to provoke. It was. therefore, of importance that in considering the pending bill the relations between Great Britain and the United States in regard to inter-oceanic com munication across tlie isthmus should be con sidered. It was easy enough to denounce the Clayton Bulwer treaty, and he joined in that denunciation, for he never couid understand why the United States should go into partner ship with Great Brituin in the management and control of a line of transit between the two oceans. HE AOBEED WITH DOCOLAS8. In this connection Mr. Vest read from a pam phlet giving Mr. Stephen A. Douglass" views, and said that there was now no difference of opinion between intelligent man in the United Su.tes us to the impropriety of Mr. Clayton's ever having made the treaty of 1830. But the question was not as to whether it should have been made or not. The question before the Senate now was as to the attitude of Great Britain in relation to that treaty and as to what would be the result of the United States, assuming the.treaty not to be in existence, and without any conference whatever with Great Britain, proceeding to legislate as if that treaty had never been made. If Senators would place themselves in the posi tion of officers of the British government they would appreciate what he said when he de clared that the question wa* a most important one to the people of the United States. In the face of the qusetion which he was consider ing it did not matter as to public opinion in the United States, except as to whether the American people would justify a with Great Britain in order to pass the pending bill. It Great Britain assumed that the < layton Bulwer treaty was in existence (and the Senate had no intimation that it did not I. then it w as fair to assume that the government of Great Britain would act as the government of the United States would act under similar circum stances, and if Great Britain should, in spite of the Clayton-Buiwer treaty, undertake to build a canal across the isthmus without the consent of the United States, the Senators had no right to assume in the light of history and login that the people of Great Britain were not as jealous of their national honor as the people of the United States were. On the contrary, the government of Great Britain was the most tenacious of all governments of national and individual rights. Whatever might be said of British propensity to aggrandizement, conquest and commercial and territorial dominion, it had to be conceded that no government had ever excelled that of Great Britain in protecting her national honor and the individual rights of her citizens. If Great Britain had, at any time, under any minister, ever conceded that the Clayton Bulwer treaty had been by any act of' hers abrogated and was now null and void he would be glad to have it pointed out to him. Mr. Morgan (to whom the inquiry was ad dressed) said that he was not aware that the question had ever been discussed diplomati cally and that there had been no occasion for having it discusaed. If the United States re mained in its present attitude it would not be discussed for a hundred years and there would not be an interoceanic canal for 200 years. THE HOUSB. ' The exceptional action of the House yester day in holding two-distinct legislative sessions on the same calendar day gave rise to some confusion this morning as to what journal should be read. A brief debate arose, during which Mr. Springer (111.) remarked that this proceeding was .in line with.the unprecedented character of this session. The Speaker?The language of the gentleman from Illinois during most of this session has been of the same unprecedented character. The journal of last night's proceedings was read and approved. Mr. Flower (N.Y.) presented a petition of H. B. Claflin and other merchants of New York in favor of reciprocity with Canada. Referred, til BIGHT OP CITIZKM TO VOTE. Mr. E. B. Taylor (Ohio), from the commit tee on the judiciary, reported a resolution call ing on the Attorney General for information as to what instructions have been given by him to any United States district attorney, marshal, deputy marshal or commissioner with regard to the institution and prosecution of any suits under the act to enforce the rights of citisens to vote in the several states. Adopted. Mr. Cannon (HL), from the committee rulea, reported a resolution for the immediate consideration of business reported by the com mittee on the Judiciary?the trst bill to be taken up to be the bill for the relief of the Supreme Court with Senate amendments, and next the bill to?x the salaries of United States judges. Mr. Breckinridge (Ky.) raieed the question of consideration. The House decided?yeas 11% nays 19?to consider the resolution. Mr. Blount (Oa.) moved to table the I tioau Lost yeas M, nays 19. mb. oumi's run sraimmrr. Kr. Gannon than took the floor, stating that say but a few words as to ths merit of Mr. MnMillie (Ten.) object of th? gentleman in urin( a few words *?? not to prevent the forty minute al lowed under the rule* after the previous ques tion wns ordered. Mr. Or.non replied that he wouM answer frankly in the tftinulRr. In vi?* of the mo tions already made on the democratic side. uii der the lead of the gentleman from Tei.nes^-e (Mr. McMiliin i. the republicans accepted notice that the gentlemen on the democratic aide did not desire to facilitate business. He w,.tild make a few remarks and then demand the pre vious question. Mr. McMiliin inquired whether it *u the gentleman's purpose to attack him and his mo tive* and then to move the previous question and cut off debate. Mr. Cannon disclaimed having made an at tack upon :?n> l*>dy. Mr. Mt-Millin miJ that this was a propositi.*) to the salaries of judge* while the ap propriation bills were still pending. Mr. Cannon replied that it wis a proposition to put the court aud tlie salary bills into con ference if the majority wished so to do. Mr. McMiliin responded ihst the gentleman had announced his program and had said that after talking a few moiucrts he would shut of! debate. If that was the program to he pur sued the democrats would mart it at every point. (Democratic api<l.iuse.| This *a< a proposition to take care of repub lican dead duck*, and was an effort to more*!* salaries while the republican party Was linger ing su|M-rriu?us ou the at ige alter the people h^d denounced it. THkkE mSl'Tia TO rtET HIS RILE OFT. Mr. Cannon said that he would yield the gen tleman from Tennessee three minute*. He wanted the gentleman to have an opportunity to get all tlie bile off his stomach. Mr. G. 11 Taylor Why is the gentleman from Tennessee ?o excited? Mr. McMiliin Because I see you propose to plunder the treasury. [Democratic applause and jeers from the republican side.] Mr. Blount ^Oa. 1 moved to recommit the res olution v.itb taste actions to report it back after the landing appropriation bills shall have passed. Mr. Cannon?The gentleman does not de ceive even himself by that pi o|Hisition. Mr. Blount?'ihe gentleman does not try to deceive anybody. Tlie democrat^ demanded a division on Mr. Blount's motion, and in order to save time the republicans called for and. on a standing vote, ordered the veas and nuvs. Mr. McMiliin naked for tellers ou the yeas and nays, and strenuously objected to the Speaker ? refusal to entertain his demand. THE DEMOCRATS LEAVE THE HOt'SE. The clerk proceeded to call the roll and (fol lowing the precedent set last session I the great body of the democrats arose aud left (he hall. The vote resulted yens. 12: nays, 150--the clerk noting a sufficient number to constitute a quoi um. aud tlie motiO'i was lost. The question then recurred on the demand for tlie previous qucs'ion. and having de manded the yeas aud nays, Mr. McMiliin. by a signal of his hand, directed the democrats who were iu the cloak rooms to come forward^ to his support. Having obeyitl the sigual long enough to accomplish Mr. McMillin's object, the dem ocrats once more disappeared. THE Kt1.ES HAVE BEES CHANGED. The vote having been concluded Mr. If cMiilm demanded its recapitulation. This demand the Speaker declined to enter tain on the ground that it was for the purpose of delay. Mr. McMiliin retorted that it was a delay that hud never been denied by any predecessor of the present Speaker. I'recisely. answered the Speaker, but the rules have been changed. IS HE A CANDIDATE? Mr. Cleveland's Frteads Doubt the Story of His Withdrawal. The statement published today that Mr. Cleveland has decided that he will not accept the nomination of his party for the presidency and that he will soon write a letter has caused something of a sensation. It is understood that a eery distinguished democratic Senator is authority for the state ment. This Senator has stated that Mr. Cleve land told him that he would not again be a andidate. It is not known that this Senator has seen Mr. Cleveland lately, and it is likely tliat their con versation occurred some time ago. It is re garded as likely also that the Senator gave too broad an interpretation to Mr. Cleveland's as sertion. Ihe report does not come from sources par ticularly friendly to Mr. Cleveland, and, of course, the anti-Cleveland men seize upon the story with great eagerness. Mr. Clevelsnd's closest friends in Congress, however, know nothing of any purpose on his part to decline the nomination, and do not believe the story. HIS LLTTEB TO MR. TRACEY. Mr. Tracer of New York had a personal letter from Mr. Cleveland within four days. No ref erence is made in it to any purpose on the part of the writer to withdraw from the field of presidential possibilities, though the character of the letter gives opportunity for such an avowal were it iu his mind. On that subject he says merely that if a ma jority of his party are opposetl to hi?n be is standing in no one's way. This may indicate an indifference as to the result, but it certainly gives no indication of a purpose to place him self out of the reach of his party if they want to nominate him. MR. TRACE! DOES SOT BELIEVE THE HTORT. Mr. Tracer would be very apt to know as soon as any one of such a purpose on the part of Mr. Cleveland. He said to a Stab reporter today that, while be did not know positively that' the story was not true, he did not believe it. He said he did not think that Mr. Cleveland was at all eager for the nomination, but felt positive that he would not decline the nomination if offered to him. Sometime ago, Mr. Tracey said. Mr. Cleve land had an idea of taking himself out of the field of choice, but his friends pointed out tc him that his duty would be to obey the commands of his party and be had agreed not to withdraw his name, but let the future shape itself. It is well known by Mr. Cleveland's friends that he will not seek the nomination: that be will not trim his opinions from time to time to catch the prevailing breeze, but they do not think he can withdraw his name from among those from which the candidate must be chosen in W. war CLEVELAND nocu BR A CAVDIDATR. There is a very particular reason pointed out why Mr. Cleveland should be a candidate if he is in earnest in his fear of the result of fres coinage, as he undoubtedly is. It is argued that to any one who looks well into the matter without prejudice that Mr. Cleveland can easily get the nomination. It is almost as apparent that bo other man who is openly opposed to the free coinage of silver could get it While many democrats in certain sections may disagree with him oa this question, the whole party is in accord with him. and he is their leader in the tariff fight. If Mr. Cleveland declined now it would probeblv result in the nomination of a fres coinage inan. This consideration would seat to put his declination oat of the qaestaon. EX-SECRET ART WMITXET DEXIBS TRR STOBT. Ex-Secretary Whitney being asked about the story that he had a letter from Mr. Cleveland declining to be a oa adulate in 'US, said: "'Ihe story is without -any founds toon of | truth whatever." 1 Protests Aoaimst tmb JfckBmas.?Tfcs I tary of the Nary has received petitions iped | by 478 sailors of the crews of six naval < protesting against the sen hie of naval vessels at duties heretofore performed by them be 1 ferred to regularly enlisted ear tigatioa shows that of the 473 the petition 187 only are ctUaeos of the United States, the others being foreign subjects or ap prentice boys, and that at the entire number 110 are now serving their tret enlistasent. The four and their crews aggregate 1,461 men. ft is said at the Navy Department ttet there is as likelihood of the si of the THE FUNERAL TRAIN. Gen. Sherman's Remains Being Born* to the City of St. Louis. NARRGW ESCAPE FROM A DISASTER. An Open Switch Discovered in the Nick of Time. SENATOR SHF.KMAN* DEPARTS, o* it* *r*r wnt. The Train llnrini ih. HrmtlM M Gsm. SliKnu.n la m. L?U Pirn?ar*o. Pa.. Fob. JO. ? All through the Ion* night the *olitary light in the funeral <a> burned |>IW the casket in which 1st Itu r? mains of the U.1 of the gi ?*?tt com <jf ^ th* reWllion. All uigbt long t im4i ?arj watcher in th< blur at.4 citmsonof Uw artillery uniform |.aced sil.itlv up and du>t i .""T*. f?P beside tlie casket lbrougk ^r,vmK wind tin- lon| funeral iiai*. rliml>ni the muunun (i.tes 1 b* trs.a ? a. slippery. but i(i. tisin kept stradii> 01. a< ? good rate s|*-,,t. Oalv imo .to.? made during U*. night at All..ona and Nr. r lur?uci?. Altoona wa* reached at 4 0.', o'clock There was a at..). ?f lUw five minutes and the cbai.g* Of engines wa. made. t. W < uli>. the train master.f the Pittaburg division. ?.?.k charge of {lie tram at Altoona. K. ? K j K, Uv of R?n* 1 ost. No. 25s, of Pittsburg. of ll? i.Kml rec. p turn committee Ixmrded ihe traiu at Altoona. although no one ?... U|> to mvivr |,iui. and he ?**" m"J "? the .'"nimitu* of escort iium littsburg was n*hf.l. A reporter ,rf the itisburg ! r>" also got on at Akoooa. The :lj' OUI of Altonns **? No. *13 illI charg. of iIt l> v l 'aa.i,l<. a metis her of the I noil Veteran U gi..n.<rb< uu tier (?ii. Sherman. U li |.,.n, aaa his tuan and I I'. Fogart) the conductor oho *?., thatrainiu, Chari;.. Ouly n? other at*. was mad. before morning. at ,V. Florenoe. whaie **w'f Ua? takt n. 1 ner. a it, no demonstration ther* and nana mark.., the (.a^age of train ^ , morning. tUv ioUuk >>f u u, ^ ^ t?o towns, 1 dgewood >a> rep lied lhe>? *.'*0f ?"??*? at;.ifi U. tag. on board IU threa chiidren ol lbos. W Hick. VKTKK*\s' all.EM 1 at HI T*. Th* Edgewood ti.A.H. post .a. dram ae along the I'lattorm. i'be vi teraiia au> k1 m lb* rain with head, ?c jam ad until the traiu ( al M out of the at.tion At * lilit.Rhurg Ik ir aa> a J.rend Ami.\ |<?ldra?n U|. on the i.4atl,.ri?. l?at the tuiiu uiNtlf no *to}? ill* rt*. is.11?? i-H trmlu ri,u*r^ Um* limit* ?f Iltwb.rfkr *i;.ii m+t+ fo aar.l bj the m. nil*i> ,rf the Sberniau t.nnlr to the car ?!.<-. the .a^et lar. I he g.,.r,l tired and left the family alone ailii Uie .l. ad ?*** I Hon fetation >w rca. Ii.-d in.-\ u lt the canket and reiurunl aith tear-ataiu. ii" e?e? lo their private nr. Oen. Howard am] Maj lUndolph antic,.t.^ the arrival of the train at I'ltui.nrg bv mtiM Ihim ilIvk. in th. diuuig ear. - ?? ri wa? HTveil to th. ui. 1 Cert w?. u.rt th. deu.? | ciatic c.'ti.traiut in th. dining ear that va lo have beeU there laM night, alien tl.? criniaou HVri|>e? on the a. I geauia .1.. a.'ai lt.| the golden epaulet* at ihe g, neial?,. ht btwrera of the caaaet h:,d ratin notiiii^i from I. o elut'k >?? iiioniiiig U:itii ti.. caaket ?aa placed on the train iu J. i-m v Ctt and when dinner a a. aerved ?? a. iiooara ~mm t the criuison aergcanta ?ere aluoua im hrat to be nerved. AHBIVAL 4T flTTMU KO. It waa a little after the hour fixed for the ar rival of the tram. 7:44, when it entered I'til'?? depot, ihe rain wan pouring down niluiut^, aa it had been all night an.l throughout tfee morniug. and through the tndroad vardaand u.e ntore crowdeO |*ru- ol the en; uiere mmn torn gathered along the track until Ute L nn u ataUoii aheda were reaeiied. a KiaaaTRH. The train came very near running into a niH placed nwtlcb ju.t eaat of Maii,.|ichl .tativ . "even milea weat of i'uialiurg. Ihe engineer diacovered the danger and Bkoi>p.-d hia train *u time to aioid an accident. HtlloNNTHkTloti IU niTwrui At 7:26 o'clock three tap. on the tire-alarm bella in l ituburg and Allegheny cttv ?? nounced the arrival of the Suernian funeral train within tlie eaaU'i n lnuitn of the citv. at Homewood f-tation, 011 the IViumyIvui.mi roh i. i burrii. fir?-Hihrin U liwnmi beli#oBi?uuiit-beii V ah throughout both citie. Ugan ? Momrtilnl ing. which continued until the -Taitti Co. ered train paaat d beyond the-citv coaina li* way westward over ihe I'an Handle railroad A aalute of 17 gunn waa fired at the Allt-gb. ? v national arnenal. while batu-rr If liren a lite ?"lute from High School HiII.'overlooking ti.a Lmon depot, while the tram w? |?.,?g trai? ferred from the 1'cnm.vlvauia railroad fla?a? and Inspected preparatory to the western lour nev. fiain wan pouring down in torrent* and nnd been fnlluiK continnouMlv Hince >0 o'clock laat night. The dl?^ble weather aer interrupted the demon stratum at tk. I nion station as had been contenn iated but notwithstanding several thou <i nd iieoi.1* gath ered unuer the platform sheds and ?t.??d with uncovered head* while the train n nuuned at the station. All of the U.A.K. posts in Alie ! *?5?y coont* were represented nv small de tachments from each post, probabi'v dui mem bers of the t J. A.K. and I'.VL. la-iug ltrm-i.t bringing with them and placing in tlie tnneiai car costly floral tributes of appropriate and t>. (juihite dttii^n. Several p...t? of Sons of Veternrssnd live com Eniesof the eighteenth regiment Paniisrlvai..a itional Guard, were also drawn up iu line at the side of the long luneral train. At K* o clock all preparation for the w.-atern trip aaa completed and the train pulled oat of tk? station. Just previous to it* deiiarture the children af Lieut. I homa. H. Kiu L and a f. w Ultimate friends of the Sherman familv gathered at t!.e door of the funeral car and 'there remained a sorrowing (frotip until the aoml?-r train ?.n lost to vie*. The train will nntke verv few stop* west of Philadelphia, probablv not moes than four between this city and Columbus. Ohio. At Columbus Senator Hhennan ieaves Ua funeral train and will not aocompasv the I. nisins to their d.stination. No reaa,,u for tb.s determination on the part of the s. nator could be learned, as be had not yet made his api>ear ance when the train departed. Kkcept in tn? press and otticer* car and dining car the cur tains 01; the coaches remained tightly draaa and no one of the funeral parti except th .ss wiiose duties required hud made* th. :r -??? p snoe when the train left t'mon Station. THE NEWS FROM mill Usstry. Lowixix. Feb. 30.?An ofbcial dispatch receive at the Chilian legation here today from HauM ago de Chili, capital of the Chilian rwpubU.. states that the revolution is confined lo th* rebel squadron and to the troops at Tarmpaoa The dispatch adds that the greater part of C&ili is qniet snd that toe regu lar troops and the national gut rd ars supporting the governm? nt. The accurav* of this new* is doubted among commercial firms in this city having large Chilian cuunee tion The private adrtces received bv these firms from their correspondent* m differet t part* of <*hih indicate that a prolonged strug gle is probable between the government force* and the insurgents. TO ATTACK OHMAM DIOMA. F*b. >0. Information from El Tab states that the Egyptians will march t tits this morning.expecting to ? na's forties there. A deserter i baa Mir hid El Tab aad reports tWt Digna'i forces ars drawn u> about Afatita. A decisive enconntar is looked forward tsL Tbe report that Tokar had beaa occupmd br tha Egyptian Iram Unremature. Offiiml Z. " * J??|? J?? tt?t^? *evs*s