Newspaper Page Text
Va. 80. No 20,169. WASHINGTON. D. C. FREDAY. JANUARY 29. 1892 TWO CENTE THE EVENING STAR, PA.IT, axE r3 ...AsO AT TEE STAE BUILDJMI& Us15 mg.. A..k a. lub U .. L .L KAUTFANN, Le't Bar ink Osm, 33 Pesr 3sb T.. Eveme Spar t..twed I eF"rmama. Mty by earies. on their n at 10 et per ek. r 46 par imeth. . .e .ouster. 1 ememeb. By imasywhre athe 'rtean Use Ome-~pmsag epi r eeti per aiosth. Sayirvaa Qutasu.L SumT BAs $1.germ yaw; Wit I a pe.~i 9100 (-sea d az the PeON OEM eat Wasb..D... @eaoicm MM Atm. I W- AU Mi -.-,1. m..t he ,.t.. daeM. Maket adierttaisu mam kaown MP...ha- . FINANCIAL Tax WmamTe, LoA AoD Tam r COMPANT. PAD-UP GAPTA, 03E NU.L.O DO"A. bsemasny wee ..amahe fIe o Purpose at all Sa e s t a trcesm. lecsier. neosmal ovese. aw.. receive dapeelse osmey and pu e et theSeoe and to boom smoey apen mecrity. To do a GENERAIL SAFE DEPOSiT BUIN . lbs iuada-- he,. be. cn edaUy MA sn. Manly laio. In euemetseed 1mh d eanSt Pwumet 690sghahi Wsmisste has been is theb t bodam bahdiae Ut ew had anl the poteme of the esmmeepa tmeat amp emdity that bralus -d ameng e farihe. ae-ty SeSP.0o0 10el, been d 0pat with QT hmensry Dopmeemae. The Isiaowing as are teNu a am oleramede aOOeedmta ad the public: Jinuary 3 the depmstseugae W2.5'JQ. senta daring the yame o gn:.l4. sepromeld by 3.4i5 ler d-ed*"" 5. other Itstutlem er wemsgiea at the nmema l emptla ham had waah a Ths eay peae ment e depoSk Phm S1ap t adesamn is enie dapost department. Sewmbi smtsaimbed loda far the raics Of bumasa. DEAINARD N. WARENE. Pfetiden. JOHN JOY EDON. Tis PesienMt. JORM A. SWOPE. 2d Vice Presie. WM. 3. 3OI3ON. meatery. 1Q9N A. CARMODY. Tzeas . DIRECTORS. Mamko a anew. achm . Esnur. A. L Baber. Theedee W. Nera. James L. Barbew. John Ed.I. Wimai= V. BKe. 3.U. s. Wea. Chass. Bam. Ellim Spear. John I. Carmody. Frederack C. gm John M. CIapu Jobs A. Swop. 1mra S. Cuam lm J. S. Swerasate. J. J. Darlistatm. Gmpe Traedmi. John Joy Edsaom 3. M. Wartng. Alber F. Fos. A. A. Wilen. amm Feagm. Ramis D. WiNa. 0. C. Gbele. I. W. Weewai. Um. 3. Omlr. A. . WesthuSem. 2 Jobs A. mWom. MAT B SEE,.a Emt a seae depeelt hox in r ==w re owa= hrwiar-peef vault for the astaseepg et yoaro ocka, heads, ife and Are somersre seleles and other vaiuahe papers. The can is but a atrim. Uk:Je the low of such papers to yee mihta be very ieram. DoZe. I ST7.0, 610 to s0w pr pm. This sem-dear has me the lagest at M pbte In she City. AMECA SECUm AD T.U.T . O. 240& ot. aw. OFFICEES AND D13ECTORS. A. T. Eritom.................y e. a C. J. Bell............irt Vice Pseetedat. Reary r. B'Ant..Second Viemra. Pee R. Metarr....... ......Tresonur. 1t G.osse K. 9mmm........cretary ' B. GUILY. FEDEICE C. BTEVENd I e the wambasror tock E chaste. A otW LET A STE1 ENS Real Ster. 1surnwe and -tock B.etee. 1mFut. estae bosut. sold and retri. leal meruri a"e bWuerht andsi. h aleaed En lsted securi b"e and ROMi am"a h attensan as I-class ta, BELDING AND LOAN ASBOCATION Ike the bass plan devisd for ecaring a Mama. 30 AUCTICN OF MONEY. N0 BACE DUES N.EQUIRE-D. &r amnmat hmamed. repayable 613 por moath en einh 61.S advanced. bharm. $1 pmrmbeat. THE PLAN. Al poase should become memberaet the ISin Smedaag an1 Lwas Amuetation al W-ahltge. I. C.. ar oo ew amore of the icilowing reasona: Faat. Fur the urpis at iavesting their envitn t Where e donsr will ears am much singly a It it we I &;an or eth--a-m Our Building. Iman and avtag se sem. ifhtly characterized. is the asing murn a -q,-ambe . placing the prow m.... y ... y I.. hm a par with the -adisaas srplan, bewned. For the purpoe of batiuda or baing 1 baue. fur arovig poperty. or to rase mosey efr ordinary memgatle Pare. TAnt. Per the purPsm Qf -mMelng privat meet one" or -se a a hom that is atsedy mourtgased. The emaf Movely avis paid as a ertwime 4t ubasee will eame the mm. to aistue at ma tim whea the preesebh will cancel a private moetwage at weji - bough the martUse was held by the ...eaSm. FeatA. For the purose at acaualatiag a inrpim hr= the baee. et thes whoe - ash - them Ealb~1esm shaes -s tusend by this....sms.1 Ohe pmr valuset @:%#. Every member e.che =se ansumbirt t. pay 61 pmrm.....e each abae for a period met esceedtog 101 mesihe. The mectamid envims of aM meamber. and the geimmathey accrm -Slmasd to meal.-, dwiriag is par of estittg mortgages ot to boy or et hem.e. The minmEt is payable mestaly arnd a ahe is tsaej edtr ay deay in payment.thmmacrig the a bueeamt af the lunade et the --aeds at asthly esepe~ inasseat. whea the aecumulaiedsingso ..dte pre. thseamreacht.. m..e...l tee,.r paemede the hme in amy minime the eartggese the: baeem -s emaceked and nea-bosems ame paSe hi0m enth Share heid. TO ISTESTORM. WeeCMeeify Ini emsesdec g ggggem] eslhang a puetabia. tavet:aest t memy. We he. bees wee e~r lmer predtea es eemimaedi' aya ethr we with abaolute safety. 3. wma~t taee will risk la pri.cipal is..... *ises sans 0f laerbei A dsmara.&e Savestmeat am alvape haamie. hat if amis. the imager the bumbien the * AND30 E3 CEST PAID) ON DE1031T3 PEOM DATE OP D)E1OBiT. Moein Since.......... m OFFICERS. ANDREW VA.. ..Igt Vte Enetida ml Maan. 0EO0t03 W. LEACM............... Tes Psidmnt ALOEO TWEEDAL ........ser SEIA*E GMkO...............Temmet 160. 3. SMITE...........................Atesmag EDWARDS. YO3.E... 0 lags Despstmest For sephie ad inmare e ppiy t the omes, Eeder to Calamable Beak. 13 AND 35 IS. N.W. trmm5aMER=IwAS SECURITY AND TEU3T 0. A. 2. 331TTO3. Psmidsst- ___ T.E U.rE STATES 1313P 52E WAESlOO. D. C. 21mpe tasemt em ma ap-.t is amy amsne. 1. p-e..m..enmsp~a~ secaite ,se...h 1mt emma. V. 5 OGE aiet T. C. DANIE iMear. 5. - ho 3. Plieb, Gem.W. hess Ba3~x & CO.. BAUEERSe masmmamdetmemna -sss *S~~miasedd ae aomm em. -se seemil.aaambeambtendmiLa jj9I ? SAea Wata---E memnumos a isgsE bhome. asem isgWmmer em eds C. T. HA,.. hom lamse and ese aber,. semesi n. Asaasess ml ees aiewbamS. 3BmEMET -M hobdsm eame. am~hiemeb FINANCTAL Now a T= E TIME T U3UCSana. New sime (Sevetb) opeas cbhearys. 3M ZANmm NUILDIN AND LOAN ASnIOMaIOr Dma SI met we she. PROMI 32 PER CENTi PEM ANSgM l OmANI ANTIO N emmipe emmdedave d a Si31 mtium fmabbd. J. W. WEELPLEY, Premdent ...... so Eas (bltelt 0Eo. I. REPETTI. Vire Pfmddent...201 Pa. avv. &a RaENY K. eMveON a.tarF......:erpm.eve... JOHN E. NEtKELL. 'rSBure r.......SM Pm. eve. 36 AE . . McK E .....................6 13th wt. I. U. C . UTCD9...... .................. 3P1...... _~l H.IUTCINN ........i'. 90e ve. IL* B E WISE TODAY. DO UOT PSOCRASTINATL Ate" to your ife smareanc at oee. The Pnea Xcitte Psifry of tUw lqutabie in the bad Wrote to man and I wu calL. CHARLES L 6ULET. EqUltable Ias Annoaee Oacad. j@W20J lam 7 eS. IL.. WOODS a CO.. BANESSIL Minmb Sl'tum2n.bme m am. m* ahet f liedoW. &=& earpoaolome and eat. len aktuG& Ovirtecuttle are te bet. lmas med. en rem esate and the avalimble el lateral. Emshao. boh fa m and @ 0mb. iakm at evo. tomeary ---- Imtmet cSedit avaimbleInall lest at the widd S ]fgem heim any reasem for .ams= vow hmkwa eolet I s amas amy e. can a e . Coam WOODS & CO.. BANKERS. jlfter lATIONAL SAFI DEPOSIT COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, N. . COI. I6TE ST. AND NEW YORE AE. EARTuIEBD BY SPECIAL ACT OF CON11S JANUARY =. 1817. a.e--o aider ma Coegresm Octer 1. 3ML Tammene the budmaes at a TRUST COMPANY 3m an Me - basemsh. Also the hin.. at SAVINGosNAN SAnd at a XAFE 11EOIT~f COMPANT. Capta: ONE MUrL-ON OF DOrLAMN Acts = meetser. aimiate. samdin. of the an. ame91 itain, ---m *-ecc the Osmeantcc laMtic, ammme. and esecate trst amy end es Escriptica. -h. Wib heet widheet chane. 2selvememeL des e in a l TER CENTS ml apward ad afewstemet thnesd" . Memey d.eoted hef the art day amn the iat. mdaee thim daymet the a h w.i. aw followst em the ISat day. LnI pemk""a edd"o=em==amky. Salls Semret el easte and othr esurtis in ameo et00 ad upward. Beevee SIIVER WARN ad aD blab et VALU BLES epes deoi in epecieis ateea vaulle at - dryems and aity. SMALLSArALES I ENTREOMNeT12E 'NUN. Ome be-Da-y fr. SZa. . Bbbn. %. a untR Inerwise dase. in edditi., to the saler oee fu nMl H. l k p.m., a fo.ows: n t ar of emhm mAh. (On the te. mcdy ach at Shathe 15 lies ander the 3k de wBi be W ENJAMIN Z P. InTDB. Ca ARs C. Charls .Glet. SANDS N. JQDNtTON. Prae. Treamearer E.as74 JRA 4"l FI. Xfp ALI. T "TIQEVAIT. Imtemim P. Smpdir. 7*ea C. Robbines RIf L STrtyma. Adre Wi. J 'Aaer.0 BrPant w Mathe. w Ct. a lky. Mwl. ieCh a. . CheslaA. amee. ane:-Jhns. Charie C. elever Me lim . ParCo, Sehmha.5B taoway.N.o. Mianae. ember Wea etes Se E. L.EWIS 0. TEWESBURY & CO.. BANaes AND 5b1OKER. [J P ST.. WASHINGTON, D. C.. and muen en3 m arsia Sieek., 3mbda Number X. T.m81madJUL nMut wive wiase to New werhla Chcafge. Inteaet auowed om d-yonte= Depoits mwe a C03101M. AU aeed Boaurtie ad all Ia.r~ IO t euleatiaam GoNmaree. Telephem 55. ~ftecki NO. .ROT INO. W. MACARTICEY. Member N. K. Sleek Ea. 'rna3n1 & MACARTNEY. SEOVEN BUILDING. 141918?S. N. W., Omhe am Deel. in Goeamuent 3embN. BsdedraL EchJA2E IL Cal cti ed .m.te .ahe.. N.eeaw rues..d.I. uete. "'""''.etwe.t'.a.e,.,eurts.. Dietrust pheme Slter dm1 a. AmnersoBalkTeephemeSahhsh.tanueeldp1 IN~SURANCE. l'UTUAL PROTECTION FR NUAC O OFTB . C.-WILLIAM BALLANTYNE. resident. JAMES K. kITCH, Secreay. leenee oliceetnmualow rate demeh Innuer inheres a the pseote. Fr interanetan apply to the eace f tihe cesmpany. lE60 at. a. w. j:3l niLBOs The rsemats amd Bas emN ss CAS fIIONS Swrladliest aiet EMd. Duln Eid. CAS FILSON in eM styls et tee. meat eme S-CARS FIISON eble fr teder feat. yidateg m CARS WILSON unehis the feet, theemly shis to CAN WILSON wae f3r ten e at and esm. CARS 11L5ON Yes ea et e set in Sat...CARE WILSON eamities by wealte= the.. shee. CARS FILSON The rank we haes em these ee CARS 112.5ON pese that the Imbue eppsestae CARS ILSON the puhes. 41.80. Thseee m. CARS WISns speial Uhoa. Tem ml' heW ha CARS WILSON alwage buy them. CARS WILSON Oe 43.50 Seem Shea ae CARS WUraMn egmaly geed. CARS WILSON Our I4tmi Iat he a Sm CARS WILSON SItoS30emamtbheemee, Nay CARS 111.5Cm themadheeuieead. CARS W=.. & CA., .ar Sr. s.. WILL m~and~a w a MOMATED PW.ATES AND CUPS AND S*5. as.ATED 530035 AND ioam MIATED CA~nDLRSaSma DUNCE DOWIN mN @LASS WANE. N. W. BEVES2DN, miMsm Ou CINA, aMa ses V AND 38l 84 ea. I, mar s....YuSZ... abd.. ibe mm...e. - ""mjBEL/ mmm UM m eea k -. SPECIAL NOTICES. MOMAN Jr. McANALLY. lORMERLY wiD . J. ebsead & Som. Isew G toease tohois elimemoamdiei ..- -ME.TZ S- TAnI..IM 4YA. We ain te bp erw petedem tb asestmideo ibe. Jat new ear tie lasly inhom i min makin we Ieepim for the pMI Early you agsk my this-bl them we have to take time he the seleok. V. C. METE' Ibarfur flm B bId nthet. SAw. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES; aar .ts' so albomE CDt a.aeve. JB THE REST SOES MADE FOR MEN'S A ATAWA SOULE AND BA IN' 5 ".Wm'.'s eBIe . olo o a"'* MAVENE & DAVIS'. 3rztat m andsim F dt. IT RAS COME!!! Winter. I fmesn. and I am jiveared to keep you M with M'1i061 Ca. whkh I .o1!voro=puy. Nent dsm50efta a .$ atrn in cold weat Aer I good logic for a coal dnuler. Those who haven the Mock cannt avoidi. IL fe bRY of It DOVE. -m1t and I a. w.. 1206 Nm. w. and IM M s. nLw.- -dWI. jgtaDOOK. LEGAL AND JOB PRINTINO. B. L. McQUE. PEINTER AND PULURMM. Telephome-. ji UIsI ilub-1116 Ed. aw. DUZEEART'S CELEBRATED BURTON W'-~ Al.. India Pals Ale. brown Stoat equal to uperted ran be found at 4'. 0. CENRWr.LL & liON'S. hole Amsunts. ja7-I SZ8 HElR=YFO ENRAVING. mB D ST ALLEN C. CLARK ANNOUNCESTRAT AS Rzil. ESTATE BOKER Bae and Soles Realty. collects Rents. Nesotiates Tiame kAiiesfasane. That he has the co-operation of energet 35-im F t. nw. Wa Ass To vtees Sw stock of MEN'S SHOES with at delay. as it Is stic to Large. With that end in view we have cut down the pri0e of erw por e GENTS' SHOES In the store. We win Moll theim stead until the elock has been sat. deMu ared...d. 900 PAIRS Of Soede Ozssrd Time And Opera SLIPPERS. In all desirable shades. At ~reeti reduced prices To make room for Spine Goods, WM win eo begin to "Ari. We an &@K ea meaty on Children's end Mma=' BROES, as it Is to them that we epealUg cater. A farger assortment of SHOES for the younger geration Is to be fgend 9e. SATURDAT Is e-wege 4A RGAIJ DA r Uer tat Imiad t.oe . F1 A MM I FF AA MM II L j A Ai A ita H b" 8"8 H 0* R" "I 0 I UN 0O 8 E. R 00*? RE OT O0 RA PE 8888 T 0 0 Ra a. u 310 AND 312 SEVENT. ST. w-It to seded AV serhedy th t re Moe ereed ZZCL URI E elete Em Ameries. BOTSe CLOTHING. WREN YOUR BOYS NEED NEW CLOTHES REMEMBR THAT WE ABE BRADQUARTERS FOE BOYS' AND C1ILDRL'S GANNENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SUITS, OVEECOATS. ULSTEES. REEEE8, ODD TROUSERS AND SHIRT WAISTS. FOI SCHOOL OR PLAY WEAN AND DRESS-UP OCCASIONS. IN NODY. STYLISH PATTERNS AND DESIGNS. MANT OF THEM MANUFACTURED FOR Va EE CI.USIVELY AND CANNOT 3E O3 TAINED ELSBWHNEE. RONINSON. PARKED & C., A MERICAN CLOTNIERB, 1200e1202 &1204 FST.N.W. T.E SIENENS..UNGUEN LAN. Espeeialy d==e=nd for an1 itstee whoeIneressed inimtimte dodsed. Mos 8hi 5.000 et these Lms are now in as. Tedtimealis. sefuem.ees er may desired iomane wifl beserstlly aivea cm appieaoag THE GAS APPLIANCE EECEANGU. 3a New Took aws. nw. AB=AN-... Or T3. HA.. The esm. rood tasde must be m..a..a ga th. mater .f h..iddem. Do ..t blind, Sallew the fashion, het armses the heir in each a inne-r am will give the best shepo to he beam and fae. A lcagnoch er faelees dill eger br wesing the heIr bult up hg; absnd Laes lucks eill beeder by weas theheirleweatheSmoadhaeee. 10 P.m U..T Owr Fe. CA... ? 33maT 3.DUCUn. IN t.. .--80o 8. We haee=i=bel doweanessietest a am e t er An-see Udha. IN MME -assg at abhes MALl aBm s w b le sie thmea 3dsasa .4 e Ia umtsh ct n3anGaZmaSmn - ees eneppe. ~to. te etasseedsei. Weae anse emsm emr whets swasse. esseoe~ thema - .5 SPECIAL NOTICES. Oh wn TUAI.ILON J721 W TEE ANNUA. MEETING QF TE steckhcaLis et the he IEArt fo. 4w M MONDAY. auaIs walbehe d to ta ke ceaT .1 eSaturday. the 30th i=s=ant t lrawe fo the anope a to de creo the inet ~j~~issonrn~tDOMe has beenOPO et~m n W. T. RO ,ommissioners BD. jaTI-H W A ilI N O T OIN DIRECTORY FOE authoy of the roiameSdmety of the Dia offct luabla (at idel out and keep it for reiernse ) HE UNDRIGND. AVING QUAI - An THeD 1892 of theOL f I ons e. atnn deigasedhereynotile. all per win haican aantai st and alo presoh sae di erfe. o pyini4 m i1 ja.-RU WamhinCgmmC. D.'0. -ZBANJO PLAYERS WILL FIND A CON HUOWSHINGCTON I RE.TR FO sftoeMdcklScit of s~as disw f01 LeLer' banjo head. eanjse repaired. ja14 - 3 MONET TO BUY HOMES. o new plan. Doee not cat more than rent. Death termifnate all paymenta and thel home heiog.a to sur famly free from inun Btanes. Af yy yay oa erO ive t Ifonor twenty yeara as the applkant maey ONLY PRUDENT WAY TO BU A HOME ON tE INSTALLMENT pa LAN and seese b to your family n event of your death. hal' full peany fr.apeo Gen'l t. Unted ecuritLife Inurance ay aran C ve o f. Oapital 6I.000.000. lullpaid-14u a 1m~ PU01 prlulr paid to1-3 Urity and ulity ifatee "7 14d, 14th 3 T RNOW Than LAST YEAR, 011111111.00000 Probably'b BETTER YET NEET TEA. The STANDARD TYPEWRITER eep. onntlmy lmproving:mn practical qal thee, hence It constntly increaing popularity in the nearka of the world. WYCEOIF. E~AMANS & BENEDICT. rSTE AND F STN. O. ~nTE OL.D LAUNDRY A ENAa TOr-MAlI STEAM LAUNDRT, ei toma Ct...w. W.atfo..d deliveryunry. .O LADRT UITSFOR HIRE. 11m 414 9TH tiT. N.W. SSEE m=IY NORPRINTING. m8 D ST. EASTON & RUPP,. STATIONEBI. 421 U1T ST. N. V. BlankhBooh..Copng.Pre.m.e ta.. Xc.. Let.r Fa. Doc.m..t and Cub Bones. os n ixtures. Wedding and Wisiting Card Engraved and Printed. -rt Dli. JOHN A. DALY. DENTIST. HAS RE Ltan and F ata Teepnons No. 90U mi SNOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. "-. A. N PR OTT. CHA.C ONRECOTT. t ll an e o at he havethiFIRST partnershiip a REAL ESTATE BROEERS tad have succeeded to the business which bes been so ogand uccesfully conducted by the saer membehr kELOFr.GG BUILDING, 14135 F AT P. W. hrby strict application to and afrompt and faith netearneey solct ubli lavor. kn.AL ESTAI BUGH T AND SOLD. HOUSEM liEN TED RENTS COLLECTED, y doe that comma within the oope Mr. EDWARID N. LEWIS. who baa been theprn :ipal ealemnn for Jno. A. Prescott for the pawt pr . onnues with the mew Irm in charge o h S. W. DUE" A.PRECOT . Seal Estate Brokers. ja1-3m 1416 Na nw. IZ BP UBLIC NOTICE. W~*ASHI' &GRUPP.C..J5UUOrYLS I have thi day maoitjwith me In th 1eiRlt maaae n 42o. A. P T& Xm. M thanka are due anti are hereby extended to the u the very menero trnthe pest t aBhlfxes Af Fontuae Wadpdicgv and .IMUMeadia ie ai itt.W@ -1A P. PRESCO TT. TUO. . LUTTRELL'S fioan. Great insofe 3.16-2w 90th et. and P. ave, GEL & ROBERTS 00. DESIGNING. ENGAVING A PRINTING NOR SOCIAL AND BUSINESq USES. 710TH ST.. NEAR GAS OFTICE. j13 M ILLIONS HAVE BEEN SPENT SY OUR bys.i aeplicain friend aroseaine flam md nelea liann whe ther wesrd no a edsa ofi We av tied b thvey hope toomet iand doE aur naine printed on it in white, which is amsea to all ur uine nieats, wether covered or unoovered. Don't ag attache to them. lai dtt NOT CE. SNOW AND DIRT BUT Re sT Wodfrom.,. IN JOS. Ony tebest article and one to ceito everybo d ameeeomacwithine tto Meries. 01lWe6D LI. L aven. te at. TREADURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF heCom or toeCrf r the nc, v Lan, Janmary 1staL -Whereis. tlac vi rea"e presnte to the ndew amuin hase oy enhec nice oair ,o extend their corprate existence and fog other mis * wisreen a YNO A.PESCT CnS. Ct. Now. WASIXTOND ZMk 21X -em Ba - of~i~ wlih iis in the Sea ciOee )iht mson. hres to haeot uneonr the taeclJo.A Pofacone onJnay5 pifothe ery or essws pat peastles, d bal eas.A otiuace= n JXO A PZSOU Ra Estate, 11ar ][It 2-It-t SPECIAL NOTCES. CW-1DA1E"C' C~g~r Oldf Pam*S NORNI D LARNER bi itl StaM sh .te P. artes . Isarnmer mseay of W abvegenam earf1d'"umhos M sta8thh.. JO. 0. 1OTEA ~e (111111 N.a = 41=tr of t111e she Caused mm~a L-Ur tat"h ahoy. is tru, to tw bestei Q CEAJI.ES N. LARNER, Sworn and sbrb 1b met r 'eta. ..nuary. ... JuteaLJ TROS. . OUN NEW BUILDING ASSOC ATION. EARES 2.SO EACH PER MONT=. 1.000 IN FULL ADVANCED ON EACE lAam The Carroll Co-operative BuilIng Ausociatia of the District of Columita will hold its second le = meeting for the tayat of dues and akinc adv aneon MO0N DAY, le.brua.ry 1. 1WVl Mt 7 o'clock p~ t hall W!i F at. U. W. 1ation for share. will be received by the fot o er and members of the aesociation; - H nna ....................... 17 l ths at.n.w 1.1enr 10ncher..507 Cam. and 3WO N. Liberty Market DensCounell ......... ..... lot and H aml I. W John B. Murray.... Bureau of Engraving and Printing o .McDonald..................... K St. n. w Dennia W. McGrath.....5Wi Wua. and 451 Oat. I. w rt. Tracy.....................5 F st. n.w John .hughee .................1103 7th at. n.w D. A. Drsc ............ ....1 al Florida ave. n.w Hear W. IobonAttorn. Fendall b'd'g.344 D sLu.w Al R . Willson. TruateF............ .- Fat. n. W Henry C. Hunterm1an Trustee Room*?jUS.Pat. Of AJClark .......................... W, 1th at . w Meer ..e............. a. ~ DBADONAV AN. 21 ot. Yw. LA GRIPPE CURE." ' EDICINAL WHISKY. ive ly guaranteed tocure LaGrippe In oeweek. =AICE . SELIGSON. 1200-120|2 Pa. ave. nw. OFFICE OF TH E COMMISSIONERS OF the District of Columbia. Washington. an sary . 1892.-To whom it naay concern: The Cos issionera of the District of Columbia have received from Congress the following bills with request for their views as to thdproprety ofenactingthem. Before reporting on thes bills the Cumssionere deare to know what objections it any. exist to said proposed legislation. and for that purpose will hold special sessions at 12 o'clock an. on the followin das: Tuesday. the 2d proximo-A bill (S. 17h6) -to i corporate the East Washington Crosstown Railway Company of the District of Columbia." commencing In Anacostia at the intersection of Minnesotaavenue with Harrison street. thence along Minnesota avenue to and along Pennsylvania avenueover Eastern Branch bridge, thence westward along Pennsylvania avenue to 8th street east. thence north along hth street to C street southeast. thence along C weetwardly to 7th street east, thence along- 7th street east to Florida avenue. thence westwardly along Florida avenue to its Intersection with North Caitol street. U ednesday. the 3d prox imo-A bill (S. Lr) -*to incorporate the Georgetown. Arlington and Fal &Church Railway Company of the District of Columbia," beginning at the tenninusof the Washington and Georgetown railroad. on M street. west of 32d street. and thence along M street to and over the Aqueduct bridge. Wednesday, the 3d prom imo-A bill t8. 1887) -to incorporate the Washington, Fairfax and Alexandria Railway Company." Begin ning at the west building line of 17th street west at or near the centerof New York avenue. and running thence westward along New York avenue to 18th street west; thence along E street north. on both the north and south sides of Rawitne Square to 19th street west to a point where said 19th street intersects the center of New York avenue west; thence along New avenue to the eat boundary wall of the government reservation now occupied by the United States naval observatory. at or near the west building line ot :?id street west: thence across said reservation in the con tinuation of the line of New York avenue toapoint at or near the Intersection of the center line of New York avenue continued with the center line of C street north continued; thence west along and near to the center line of C street nourta to the east building line of 2tlth street west continued; thence in a westerly or south westerly drtion to the east bank of the Potomac river. J. '. DOUGLAS. J. W. ROuS. W. T. Huai BELL. Cornissionerb. D. C. ja2-2t THE TIME WILL COME WHEN BITES sz..- which permit of a bird's-eye view of Wash ington city will command fancy prices. Wes have a lot north aids of California avenue Washington Heights. commanding a delightful aud unsurpassed view of the entire city. which we can nuw sell below pricrs r lew desirable adjacent propery. ' shouldn't lack a buy or an instant. ltx a k-ROCTOR n Reel Estale and inuurance. - SEVERY FRIDAY A thorough ezameistim of the eye free of charge. G. E. Jacobs, formerly Queen a Co.'s expert, is at my store every Friday from GO. W. SPIER, Jeweler and Optician. Amu33109th St. nw., near Pa. ave. A CLERICAL NECESSITY Is a WATCH tew to the rond. We are just now offering to De partment Clerks and other responsible persons the truest WATCHES obtainahle. They vary 35 seciende in a ar. Prices are ridiele"sly low, and bas will be allowed if deired. A. L SALTZSTEIN. Jr.. Anetteguriw Jemeser, 311 50 Soventh St. BRIiMERIT MAKES VALUE. Brown Stone and pre brick; stone POSITIVELY Steps; 14-inch wan* to roof. iron beams; hot-water heat sanitary AT COST. plumbing; porcelain-lined bath: a nilcent mantels and interior decora tions; 10 room In all; 4 rooms deep; just completed for own home by promnet builder: extra care and cost. None ---ka will appreciate this projesty at rt eight located on 8 st. near 10th n.w. iou a buy it at For and ta lY ja291Mt 13|lM F St. aw. 0 1OMEI EOMES! Theeehoumsearereal homes, combining ole. ON gance wIth every con THE NORTH UIDE br stne ron OFfuycred MASS. AVE, eac for wihmspa cious halls and BETWEEN StaIrways give an 10T AND RD ITS. N. 3. intero. The inis FRONTING TWO STREET f natls handsome t i i nga . WIDE PARKING. There are annerous closet. coal vault as connected by esyered roif end oerzunlncates with furnace roan- alM ~nUt BLuHE MA3EH 101 GENESEE NATIONAL SAVINGR AND LOAN AbSOCIATION OF BUCHIEMTEI. N. E. MHARtEM. @100 EACH. Monthly payments, 00c. per shae. 6100 advanced us each sare. Proots IS per cent since orsandeatin=. March. 1Ip. lneorporated WASHINGTON OFFICERS: tander HENRY A. CADY. Preeldent, The Aaose Reel Estate. 7111ldthat.n.w. V the B. WARFIELD SIMPaoN. Vieslm' 5b'stf -', Merehant Tailor. 9thandGatenw. And GEO. T. PARES.Sen'yand Tres'r., Raifed Eal Estate Broker. 614 F Sta.. Eu the 030. A. PNETOST. Atanr. *e skn (Whitaker & Pretent. 610 F at. w) DIRECTOR. Wes C. Me. T Psita. .N Gea ee'-A*nin . FrAh ee lvei Ts es'r JER a --' "" esene hst 1 1..W SPECIAL NOTICES. ~W~ PTON wMmmm CONORE8A zw q- ervies TWO4 (FRIDAY) at Uh me 7:306e B~ ambbi e.. , ATTENTION. OURNELLIANS! The amoina...a.=of Carne Aors AAehl 111 wilt be held at the dub mom at theQu do. Club. 40 If& 4L. TEIs (ftide,) a"I as:;I ataktcr eirdaiof eeee. C. OU 2. L C.ARZ. f-m- . A. A. --A SPECIAL COMMUNICA of Lebanwa Lodwe. No. 7. F. A. W.. u"Mna TeM cr4 . 9th and V de n. w.. SUNDAY. Jaaaryat I oe1ock P.m. at poe attensdimir iunerat ar lawe fraternally tented to be retLB uwder.Oftwe worshDpful omir.D D 0. 1) Jase4 AT . N. ARATT 1 NO INGKR AN or 1 ; ad hasno audhorty te solicit stek 0gm.,, of L = md -b6I ConlbLAr e LMa M IUR TAI- M IIFORMING MY tore. MntUr control of th damesmer sehoo t ono k-a- Bet & Grewel. wh r will boeged. Docesac.wV1l Ibelsofrbopwmg It U, Cemmi-aanaal arga Sale Nmbegn. This wil be the entet aellie tlo mg have ever had. Evorythini in the way of Emmer and Sbaemia. tial Faatwear for men. wans and chlidrem at the ba qaaliy at the0loed peints the ty. AETEUR BURT & 006s 111 Fa. nw. Owsawaa-uamap.. WEST END PAEK IS AT EOCKVILLE. COP SAYS: 8e"NAm. e Ae hwg." se ways a geme...., wbo dam 28 wimh his wnm pubud but who wil gladly sde that RekviDe cored himn of a lonw rouble tha he had Vainly cought felw.t htem In Eruem Flira and Caked Copp Will tllyou his sammoan appucataf. "EVEBY3ODY KNOWS COP." It 'J EGETE ST. N W. K- im-2anTASXnn1 WORRY WM b. e a..d,,ytfrme. One dial may rudseur ow ue-,essabfu smur Ae=. A frnmae amay underhed or oe-vr hed or be variable is atios: may be aoleaa. emsnplaiatad. cod tl run eor desetve am. Mradion. Don't Ame e thrme ht Ad id. Get the *TORRID"-thbe.mhgad.... 4g gu - ao perfection. W6 emu 4. . I. BEEDD & RUO. S olt. .w. wOUR aaa TInwS-BICYCLE LAMPM, Jrday. Jeuuary 0. N *ARC" LAMP. Something new. Omaet Se hanma""*ye efead; bulle-ese 1mm eliding ie lights; nicke and emel Amick. and t be solda '--B41 DOtLLARS,. (Two dumle le than any ama. qualty ae...d GORMULLY & JETERY M70. 0. I=2 14th . . THAT NEW MAP OF THE DISTRICT. Haeyou one? Ckaprebena~ accurate and sharply outlined i T a pr trayal of the Diaret end daet "devbliu'eta. It7 1!~. toiyo''e. 2T'e. RED. A. .CHMIDT. Artistt . ArCsefie' mad Enaeuneer Requsah. 50 th eL nw. Ua9W) Branch. 17!2 Pa. ave. mw. STO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS. DES. TLI RANTS AN D EATING HOU Why not print your 'bill of tare" atly art eta-ally. orinay andvalieleveryWda strike of in one hour fr61. Wyozezkeso copjue of one onl It will save "a mamaplntra bil.came in& amp aied, them~m mmecawk J C. P ARER. he ndeu astisser. 9: TIME IS UP. Stop hse.tsta=. You nsed It and shoal have IL We rfr to that meal emag rapher-the Edison Phamon.p. Itisnw a9id, rested or =satom triaL TEE COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.. is 027E . m.w. &ZKL1-EVIDENT FACTS. You haven s iwea t the ameunt Did Of taeiring daWe hee LAberai bed nem m--thod.-pe wIth the Seedt aw ttig sarme"t at a fair, hosed roen are wno h woaeres. Just And Ved nowitimane eleam Black Diagaeod Coat and Vest to eder at SM. Yo 2b Order. pay the veady-made clthiese 6M end 609 far as inferior. Ore 6to cederameworthh f amacha ai. *. W ARBIELD SI MPSON. "perfarvemse." Cr. Othad~as. nw. jtS 3Z~~ET l At a triming esad I SOLD BY .otrouble. dirt or 0. A. MUDDIwaN4 bnl Old ISTR T. educed~ todby to Kave albe a fall theet Gee - latauee. Impae, e. See the Rea.tmo toy, formerly 09.40, new 03.3A 3F.LAAGAN SELLSn OENAMENTS, EVERYTEINGWARATE A RE I-TDo Only sold sueSt sold asoels. M1 Seveath street northwedt. ptgLw. UDDEN'S NUDNITURE DOURE DO0s YOUR ESAD sEm AC==W A~haees tble mtse ude~ RMm M eleledyen-mj uhawen I redeed the ee of a Mck Wabut Dad D.e.. sm beam S125te 6101# iteseeweleit to a ensaofe :0srai Os the ether tea Mitersef aidaema inbed the 6 reddcies mle he ad. et dimeos is net gene s heavy-.erewbg lesmele asmm th ~e e se. vanesa. Thisefedweiasede. by ma d the timetheindumo edsa e. ame'bdm tiUtdte f sesin e~aden5tehb YEE DamasL 60' 2B RAE. Enenore Re eds em heses M assresiho si ese et m aama s&a.w.3 go csauhu Wahingtm Neva ad 0.m a-a- eXXTS e........ .... ADTEOTRES.............................. Pase Y ATTO)RNETs--.------..-.---**n AUCTION --. T BICTCLES ............... ................. Pam a BOARDING...... .......Pa.. 2 BUSIXESS CRANCES ....--.... Pae 2 CITY ITEMS ........a TR REAL ETATE....................e 2 DENTISTRT .... ...... 7 DENTTRY =...-.-..............oome7 EDUCATIONAL_ _ _....... ...................P14002 E CURsIONS e ......... .. ............. Pase a VA I.T UPL= .................. pam S FINANCIALp It OR AET (Fl .t . ........... .a .UEG~sBEE ea...)..............Pase 2 FOR BENT (U ean an= ..a) .............h......Pag 3 VOt RENT (O . .......................... Pam 2 FOR RENT (Room 2 FOR OENT o ........ .................... p", 2 FOC RENT (Sto ............................. P.. 2 FOR SALE (-osh.., . ........... '%11 2 FOR SaLE (RT .............................. g 2 LOC AL E N TN .........-- . ... .....P am 3 FO SALE (liao ... ................Page 2 FOR SALE(M............................ Pae 3 EDIAL .............................. ..........e pl INCELLE O.................Pare S LADEW UBICAT N . .......................... page LECTURES ............ ......Page 3 LEGAL NOTICES. .O............Pge 7 LOCAL ME~u Pa LOST AND 2U.......... .....Ie 2 MAxIC AL ................................. Pae 3 PEOED I ONL .......... .. . .. . ....Pase 7 PROPOBLAL8....................................Pame 2 ONE WANTED AND TO LOA ......... Pos, 2 NEW PUBLICATION ............. . ..........Poe a NOTARIE PBLPE. ..............3........Pag 3 OCEAN STEAMERS............... ....Ise 7 POTOMIAC RIVEN foAT*..... Pe pss PIANOS AND 4WaA. ........ ............Pase 2 PEN AL..... .............2Pam 2 PILOFESSIONAL ., P .......... ase PROPOSALS.................~ . 2 RAILROADS ....................... .Psge 7 SPECIAL NOTICEs ......................Pa : SUBURBAN POP" ..................... Pase 2 WANTED (H,-lpj....... .. ....... pain I WANTED (RiOUSSOi .. .. ....~..._ .Ps 2 WANTED (Sooms)................. .pae 2 WANTED (Situatioal .... ...... . Pais WATDW"US08 &'d*ag 2 WINTER RESORTS ........................ S Govra'xcyT REcEIPre ToDAY.-Internal rew enus, P06,195; customs, 6562,85,7d BoNUS DEZ)mNn-n-The amount of 43j per enat bonds redeemed yesterday was eaUS, making the total redemptions to date 3W8,09s000, and leaving outstanding2,MtjL1. Naw BmNaB-The controller of the euney has authorized the Fourth National bank of Columbia, Ga., to begin business with a capital of 4150.000 and the First Kat""a heh of Caldweil, Idaho. with a capital of IMSS SBacRTART Fosrz.-Word hes been received at the Treasury Department that secretary Foster will leave Fortress Monroe this evening for Washington, arriving here temorrow morning. KNiTsa RErn's Brnonan REUMNATIO. A Paris dispatch Says that the report that Mr. Reid intends to resign the oes of United States minister to France is denied by the o9cial of the United States legation there. ToDAi's CanIsaT Macrm.-Today's cabinet meting was unusually brief, lasting but forty lae minutes. Secretaries Ekian and Rink tarried for about half an hour afterward. Secretary Foster, who is still at Fortreas Monres, was the only absentes. Ramrsow To Tax Boane or TnamN.-The President gave a special reception this after noon to the members of the national board at trade and made a neat impro , Men to the address made to him b rnley, the venerable president of the board. Tux PausrmnT's CALLE= this morning included Senators Palmer, Teller, Hiscock and Sawyer. Representatives Doan and Lind, J. I. Reed of Iowa, Col. S. 0. Magil of South Da kota, Depu Commander G.W. Wilson, a del egatton of Cr Indian= introduced by Judge W. G.Sayre and Senator Manderson, with COpt. Schley of the Baltimore. NAvAL OnoaU. - Past Assistaut Surgeon Arthur 0. Cabell has been detobed treen the Newark and ordered to the Kearesage. Amist ant Surgeon James Stoughton detehed from the naval hospital at Norfolk, Va., and crdsred to the traiinng ship Portsmeuth Asml t Surgeon U. S. =aet detached frees the navy yard at Norfolk and ordered ts dat as the naval hospital at Norfolk. Dmulawns Dama===-The enkeroar etthe currency has declared dividends intavnr of the creditors of insolvent national banks as fel lows: A frst dividend of 26 par cest in favor of the creditors of the First National Bank of Kanas City, K-., on claims proved, amount ing to P9,9W4. A.secoed dividend, Ia per cent. in favor of the creditors of the First National Bank of EUswerth, Kan., making an all S per cent on claims rved, amounting to 0111,41.48. A second vidend Bp per eant, in favor of the creditors of the Natieal ty Bank of Marshall, 0ich., asking. in all 1 per cent on claim proved, amutig to *lMs,oisi _______._ Psoa.-Joha A. A. Hall of Ipringlaid, Mass, E. T. Berkheiser of Phiisnlphin Dr. Jonas Jones of Rochester, N.Y., and Mra. L. A. Band of Mlddletewn C .are at the Fr. donia.-P. IL RigeyO .S Louis, Henry Sheldon of Chicago and D. 8. Marts of New York are at the Noramandie..-. B. Slan et Oswego, N.YV., Mrs. BuchannaSchi-yof ess town, Md., F. H. Rica-hrdin of mira, N.Y., and W. H. Barnum of Chicago are at the Cock ran.--B. N. Wood of Jollet. Il., Win. New- I comb of New York,Oear Chareh of Greenwich, Cone., and L. IL Moere of Newton, Mama., are 1 at the Mt. James= -August Kres of New York. 1. L. Tibbels of .New Haven, C. 3. Nomton of CI-OIma* and Morgan K . Mills ot Richmnd are at the Howad. Jan. D. Stmanahan of Harrisburg, Ph., Alex. T. slaughter of New York and Gee. T. Cilapp of Albany are at W~ied'a. Joseph H. Wilson of New Jersey, H. j. Bonavita of New York and Barton Piche. lug of Boston are at the BandaJL.--. T. E. Gordon ot Pittsburg, l. A. Brown ot New York, John C.Shaha= Ot Philtpbland 0. 8. Taylor ot Baltimore ae the -_a. I (L. KMass ofe New York, 3. C. Bnrf of Columbus, Ohio, and T. M. King of Baltimoare see at the Uhershess.-.--4Gem. Palmer of Albany, Balph F4id et Previdence, L, and William Thureten et Bauas see at the Ebatt.--.E.Mosseflebsterebrg.W.Va., P. A. B..der ot arement a~nd W.L F. Barnes of Orade, eseataesei ---H. W. Smit et Tr, Yhemes Pmsef! New York, W. L Adans No Mrth Care and 5. W. ator o et nemee ese at @eMae Nme wa eshied hers todip Of @edm a I EImnesr, N. H., peaterdag, of Men. Ons Bay, who hsemreps==nesess e of gm New Meesgehke asib in OspeMe dsbb asesanisie the ba ht U is m.. esmuwhatesns. Me, -~n hi kgtheir shgrnd eomsaeite b~sebi tnade sne en seana wh 5. ..pb..e ..e K7..*,. ==..0m----.= e m be eses I. e & hen an.e -y 1 FIVE NMIERS KLLED. Pennsylvania Republicans App0la1 the Pesidet's Chilean Policy. A MYSTERY IN DET2OIT. wad smam& or a PommmNe as so am& man coo Man. Sawtme. Va., Jam. U.-Tevowr4 m f teriame msaident eeened at 00 ae Nu -al unioms, Fayette essam., Va. Whee Am po Oam of bbastiag was geog as 6y snme bOWen restte a blast, owing to de eee lt emS BE espeetly . killing Aee amn -a -W Ing iea, They were all Pea-eed ambua The names et the killed are: (me-emem E49 Gteenvil. Agesta eomty, Ta., Jabh beer 49 Charltotville, Albeemarle emesty, Ta, and amnes Boketerf Ualtaaeeamty, Va. Th abr Iwo ae met known. The woanded ae: Aieander ORefOueamw Augusta county, brotheet airems., whe me killed; Deajali- Lbm of Midug county, Va.; charles Ectisg tes e place; Jack streart of Gveesvla. Agma eounty, Va., and Theomas mlires of Osme Draft, Augusta county, Va. Ten hands were einployed is the mines nd all were klled or wounded. T1ey ee w to Staunton last Right and willge to eka hoames today. The ca mine Ron Owned O Howard Elinger. he mearnest place to is in 3.d AM, ftEb Ase Cbermed Walk Lamfilg Comag Labnewas vnter s L~. New Tom, Jam. 2S.-& J. CeriS, sg 4f the Hamburg-Aserican eteahip MS, h been indcted by the United state. gyms jy at Treates, l. W ., fer uer bin bev been brought is against him. 3a is nqp& with allowieg fCOr ieslan Hebre.t$ eeepe from the stesamer Normemia whe and beesm do barred from landing on the ground et they were contract LIabo're- The ames em now working in a mine am West Vargimhil. Peter Wright, at leter Wrigut A Compaey, agents of the hed Ptar otesmeap has, ban bem indicted by the uated Stes graid jury at 1renton, N. J., for allowmg two psems, who had been debarred, to escape from the mmeag upon which they bad been pled te be mp turned to their home. 11e penalty 16 e3m far aech imes. WISTLVAEA rEB IAgeM The Stet c-mune- ebaeft assthancoml April W ser Se Oasmesmgeas. EnzLaBEEmna, Jan. 29.-At a meeting at No republhcam state committee today Ape n Run melected as the date for helding she smi es vestios at Harrasburg. IdAet. (ev. om A. Watee presided and the mesting man we on. tsnded. Samuel Bas.g at Combeuamapd at. tempted to place in memmnation the -amo 4t Joseph bidler for the vacant emptrmp sees judgeu-i, but was not recognea. A ntaea commnondang Premidest Ese. misu' ability an handling the tbda.e . was u-mmo-dy passed with another LLaarma Waues for his aervaeas in tes a caanpaign. No attesmpt wan made to behees benator Quay's ---ome m the a mel om. 3ETUOETs DARK IMIUT Ehe NWOMs leabtng Sr a Ues Ot "ae Iame Cmacamo, Jan. 2.-A elv MiS c Kh., paniM my&: Bee Barowitch, a pretty thiras-gme mid gKl left her bme Friday dresed enly in a Light calice gown ad with me bat. Gibee mb her parents have mss nothing of her, and es vigerom search of do polise has 2ed to Wn weal her whereabouts. A yung raiend of the giSt a story that adde much to the mysa ry hig the afair. bhe ways that on the might lems lets home do naw the musing gtsa era bones nestar by with two yoing amem.. l~e the eame maght the three wens@m to take a carriage and drive texaamd the river. In a sereck of dh homm, which had been re-ated aed is tfer'ised by do two young men fur 9wo wesaa 1e10 SOMA shreds of he girt's dree.. us te ser W se found several elaes of bleed. The young imen have nut returaied so tier adte. last Friday, and a search of the mi e to as weal their presence here. It a believed that they te gui bhe ether gearteru, anMareesse mred her sad them thaew her badt rewh te dee inmo the river. Time pAhoe are e s to unravel the mystery, bat have sa ammll mness thu. far. 3ndme Eapism and iAmed Osig L.o3nox, Jan. 3.-Mr. and Kme. Bstpa.4 Kipling and Mrs. Kipling's mahe and sitr wrill vanst the United liaites arty in lbe eing. nbs party willaemm afew ameaske to Aae= mind wall Shea atart ena tear et the wered, das. lug the coarse of whisk heya i u eahst Kema laveson. Pmarea, Pam., Jan. m-he lint -a worker., who atrack yelterday, ebtemed to werk this merning at msaeve sbe asl min vestigetioa et the treebh by a leamtesm mate of werkaa and rnmemauisn. ha lb meantime the ebsessers rule ,hiih tad to lb shie wall met be eefereed. mu..a atesb~e, 5. an., ams. Her lenmaas, 1. D., Jan. 3.-The dese o he FlaI Blest County Seek at Geeteh es desad yesterday. Zhe bank bee made an a.* to . L. Whie far the benS of l seditots, L...,=n, Jan. .mas the le..... who has eea atteampting a lity-twe days' at lb @ leyal Aquarianm, beke dews today and eam menad eallng avenges ade dishing hmme. L'he result was that he ma eed wi .se eat acenek of aishmes, and be ts new emd to ie is a aeial esdimsm. 1.iage ee lb erty4serth day of has beet, Ar~naer. N. Y., Jan. ~-ma..l.ymn M his merming todmeed be lb emgb l eebmd liquer emis. hU b~em lb card et ems poer to Sems e tree axiliMean.e.f bob Garebd ignu. e -oeta eshs te Esn ame. Oe (ann mas, Jan, 3-0ev. M~b m einfrem a emiedatacf m glb brnamh. Dr. E,3 V, ame, enaideas S agemes mae lbamvinas, Mim. Ja. -lhba ased ==-e- bab miwa esab lse ans bern he ysad by sa m me sg.ibh tder ad m easse Melato e a ml en Vspmlmm stommm