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BEAUTY AT THE BALL ow It in Mad Sb11 Eoe &ManJiflm by Erqssite Toilet. nZATHERS AND FLOWERS. vew .es sa Casesr of Emblew -some Ie samw vsegw of Dresem for avestg Woes oe Teest am aon, Go3me-The Uee of MCsMeemsmeer Ths Evnie Nr. Raw oan, dameary, A AB1S NAY 3E TER reeognized ester of the world of f-amiss, but It isnolenger trees as Mrs. Trollope ones remarked, that it is neery lego there to e the perfectly dressed woman. There isquiteas much wealth and luzary, quite as mueh wlnement of manners and physelal grace in the'apital of the new world as in that guy ad frivolows city, which oOnetitutes ""the noes of theme who .40 pous, Pleasure s a @wet of e'AL. The fashionable American Srarely willing to necept the latest French without considerablechnge and Modi Avaties. This fact proves New York to be a genuine eSpital with modes and mner Of its own. Now that the eose is at tin height the seman of fashion is to be seen at her very beet a"d I sa't help noting that ball, dinner and reception dreae have steadily maintained their simplicity of make-up. relying upon the elegance of material to attain fine efects, In the initial illustration. for instance, you will it bestruck by the simple style in the gown is rnitured and set of. and Set the efect is together charming, for it would be difficult to and a more lovely gown than this very oue-a pale blue satin with a ellar in pleated cream silk gauze and raches el the same on the sleeves and bottom of skirt, the eisture being of cream satin. Besides Stime Louis IT broeades and the heavy Louis XVI inls. are extremely modish for evening Wear. Those elegant fabrics are often set o with frosts of whtte tulle embroidered with Bave silk or with multi-calored pearls in 1yantime style. The overskirts worn with -estames are either of silk muslna in tw m black or white tulle. sparkling with qanlesr stcc s, or eI ganze dotted with metal 0 SAL.L TouLr FoM YOUNo PRasoN. For yeMg persone crpons and Milk musins imed hm whwith c e t n esin lares aidelicate tones are in great vogue. man instance I saw an exquisite toilet for a oung persom, which. contrary to the usna! that dowere belong to ti o twenties. feathers to the thirties and lace to the fertims, was beautifully trimmed with a ligLt 1afy feather rieh encireling the bottom of the gown and running up the mida to the waist. At the shoulder there was a bu--e' of the feather riamaing, which was in cream white, whale the ,a itself was in a delicious pale green. The ioral ornaments of ball gowns are usn ely granimas. Persian lilac, heather. eglan Use and hydrangea. When I hear the men failing the elegance of our toilets I am ' of the Abbe Gobelin' protest again" te beautiful gowns of Madae de 3aintenoa, who however. was not vet the famous woman she was destned to become. but plain Widew Uearron Paid the abbe: "Tou should drem mere simply and in thid way overcome year Inordinats desire to please.' To which the body replied that she was really dressed as piuly as a little country girl. "I couldn't make my eestume any plainer; there is not a ibboa sor a piene of ince that I could do with eot" bat the esafesor refused to be eon. vinged. 'I deo't know what it all is," mid the priest, as whem you come to eeufeesi.,s I ese a amme et meterisl sink down In frow', o: me, and it is tlogierlo graceful and beemes yes too T eeera te that fscinating' mubject. bell bmwn and their co omta its. I shouldn't fail to remind you that ps arts have been all the saethis sas. If you eann afford the reel a s much the better for you, but the lei are good enough for some of us. Any way, yes can't yery well -s too many of them. They should he worked into the bertha. and telt of thin material which are apled to the sees of soesges and they mtay aobe sown ever the dem iself. A per necklace made uP of three or four aluea is very good in ite wa, but the modish thing is the dogecollar,and t brnsot the beauty of a fine skin In a moat delighfu smanner. I ~don't ouppose I need Wra the brnettes against the use of pearle. They are the exclusave privitege of the chil dren of the nortaa. with whese blue eyes and geblsa hair they accord dselouly'. 3 emu ams natsa. naama The thesi Illustrals pletamus another shamiag ben gown, msade up Ia erepe de e~ne ndi eanared wath rakben. Thoee asse he a foundation shirt of tsfet or elk of De amm celer, cut very bias aad limed half way spatS elaor a thin woelen elef. The eepe bln is cagh upen beth s e shown, wismaai boets.The shirt is with mseet of the gabmos aste bek.Tho puffed ofhl as et the etirt is amae hm4I elope doe hima, gathered aeth d ,edu p wtt reversed eam. The sh a fdo the Uslgseered em ase pa..d .....ri., .he de. ahheing edged with a emai sh. sade et e head ot the The shes.Ma has a bow, the left a mme bhe. 3ms emenuase to heid Uspe ass ai&se anbsodse tm anderekt bbmed wit Ys.a im..a g6 full beas isa ine am i W the eaims is insiste as bleek secking b;Q = 6'VW'v seel leeA For dvsu eems dem aa love i feIe er bestemssa ge a of as r 1ar vihsi. Gls wskare Wera a sniss hae is in their faver- They sound abseaistel a a Imy eaurthN yUbla ea WS "a ed meated t" eharmig 0186 N n so e a dinne dress and the ese *a s ht a b *A. let Thedner dress imd afn ins ash 1l11% wil p pa fgresover a ilk tnatisu. There Isadesa-trana, whikb I trIa wim a rasebe gathered In ths asd ad feastend at the top and bottom. The shirt is eaugh uias seek a way as to produc a wavy effet T e prage is pointed lined with lak hoed as bask, eat sqamrs in frest and eenl7So eed with a velvet ,g=ar - apik feather trinning: short velvet Missves ear those of tabe. The fres of sdo fise ae boeked to the semegem d eiS"er ea tsle part of it or be pat eanyesinly. The bal costume in made up in ?ela llie mnat, a shade of pink aima The h brineI Sur is in silver embroidery, m Bat m w tUsed to the neek with reversed The tablier in in ilk mlia sat with ilver and is seved en en sedand hebed ow the other. Tbe Ikiler alse form aepa tron. It is lined with wite ilk thd scollops at the bottom are ornamealed with a Uevw fringe. The Wag train has a ksnasm of flannel or thin woolen stuf between the xala rial and the silk foundation. The girdle is of silver Algree and has two long peadand sob at the front. It has long been a noeted question whesher a lady of fashion went to a rand dinner to plase the host or bw*L Coatinlythr a' SALL CO*TUWI A"D assenae sasa is no particular pleasure in attending easch an eutertainnent. Rather is it from start to an toh a stiff, ceremonious and unsociable proceed ing. interrupted b awkward pauses, long waits and the arrival of trghly indigeetiblo food. Therefore would it seem more logical to claim that the lady of fashion goes there to show her dinner dress. a gown which. barring the low neck and short sleeves, often surpasses the ball toilet in magnierence. Even if you never have an opportunity to wear one of these elegant wne known as dinner dresses yet you willnot disinclined to examine the beautiful creation pictured in the last illustration. It is the genuine thingrich. haracIous and intricate, and is made up as follows: A straight skirt, a corsage with paniers. both richly em broidered, and a traia trimmed with swuns down. the corsage also being trimmed with the swansdown, which frames the V-shaped est out at the back after it leaves the front. The embroidery consists of an applique and gold stitching. The folds of the train are supported on the underskirt by a ribbon bead. The train Itself is made up of the back pleese, with the round sides turned toward them, they furnish ing the requisite fuliness. The Wattea fold Springs from the middle of the back. The pointed corsage books in the middle. one side crossing over the other. The leg o'mauttos sleeves are embroidered at the wrists and are tight from the elbow down and pufed at the shoulder, but not much raised. The band of swansdown which ornaments the side that crowne is not "ewed to it, etherwis the Ior=g eoul:1 not beot on, but It is fatenedat h loerpat hewaet I pttngonth pas th ad tsande ee(h N n b n A or~3 bW iny.o Thoses intsd ttw, therwise th ec co y nottbe puat onl butiti atened t h lwrprt o th waet. tro pattsogen h drs gp hebn oe theaon vrh Whiche way tare wid daeh blw Tohart stormad calo ane wIt o; i Wthn blit setgheast rblwtest The n hatower wind ha 1. A, tehousnd etfomver ns Artditwbo eatstabd itest, Tniw or mae were avoing Ie~ Neht dhicao uer, Tribhasho The a somred hie rock. veel Andcerd sd ntr o pra "If Imdes to and m you igtl, wa g, " Uega lnave ith a vgieroeeeradmr nTimat alaios i no sre hat imieerm Who tanoedm barkewill ekiswith . Tha re, strm D am,and will not ng W hmatean. ezsmypmaal ithin is hereinig, heejelm. ei nghen whateer win ay. b heow, methea frt is l to o hait Iuadhoe for d, d bfre t rest. The blow s it e e These what hatlos atende winy set. 1or sethe iagn o amrebnenMa he yung an. wirledhat awId aidleared so toitefB n emletIunesandyowit " all "e eethat th frt sus os te.Inhane of ou ae yslaelf, with ya aiest e hesime n It rhalom ien thae ftur bnpes "If that r your ase, ereindus. in hs atte hrwy Ipes uer theet atthia po f et ht ubit. eI haf hps neeas thviaatenes, sr and labet our AequlElscea oe Jieeflss' e,"ent onisere apoftlya, whee baamas dssi e.Ih heee in eemi raptseire MIe m e m eelty.helf. wmeih as reurasiheesban mas a e up e we l emsssste slghly ave been--abl I poeeayf einesh tag eye s; ays es's ama Is aseaa em f hemIsy s a-r-tt- er bit ir"edet Ihes whebs seess Wever mi eshs eh~~m th sk af asbass ps~ne a b sl d~ e EARTH'S TUASURES bmJIhule af1edem Natal. Whsk Iaie laesn Kisada, 1AVORITES OV FORTUNE. New a baphed afswered ass Biheft um -o tern-The eM eelF to hnsme ala-A Wg ees a DOW slosUo-A LamP Of 0ier Worth 616800-" Isa" at Gam. OST G 'AT DISOV Sris of the precious metals have been made by ehamee," said a learn metalrgist to .a writer for T=n ST . "Shepherd., poor Is borers and sometimes even chdren have been obese. by fortnue to And immense treasures in the earth. The ms. famous mines of Peru were rst come acroes by an ignorsat fellow, who, while leading his Gek to feed on the slopes of the Andes, lighted mos brambles to prepare a frugal repeat. A pebble, heated by -flame, attracted his W"tse by its -ini carried it to the mint at iAme , ,tb W tested and proved to be silver. The ine thus struck was worked and made lb discoverer a nillionaire. 3W fAMU1oswts. "The rich geld'eldsof Calfornia were found by a Mormon labser ' ' Marshall. who was employed at a saw ea the south fork of the American river. In January, 1848. this aman was engaged in ng a race for a mill, when he came across e small bits of yellow metal, which he and his fellow workmen sup poed to be gold. The swift current of the mill race washed away a good deal of earth, leaving coarse particles of gold behind, and soon a considerable quantity was collected. Pretty soon, having ascertained that it was in deed the precious metal that had been found, the men at the saw mill abandoned all other work and took to washing for gold, of which they could each obtain an ounce or two per day on an average. Rumors of the discovery sp and during the following jear people k to California from all over the world. It is estimated that in six months 90,001 per sons arrived there by sea or across the plains. and that one-fth of them perished by disease during the following six months; owing to the hardships and privations to whick they were subjected. GOLD IN NT5 CAnOLISA. "Toward the close of the last century a squatter named Ileid, who had been a soldier, cleared a piece of land in the county of Cabar ras, N. C. He built a but of logs. but could hardly Bnd means of subsistence. the country being albost a desert. gn 1799 he married, anid a few years later three of his children, while playing on the banks of a stream. Paw a big yellow stone. They took it to their father who did not imagine that it had any value, ana he placed it on the Iloor near the door of the hut, which is served to keep open or closed, these good people being so poor that they had no latch to ineir dwelling. One uay Rleid, at the s=ggestion of a neighbor, took the stone, which weighed fifteen pounds, to Fayette ville and showed it to a goldsmith, who pronounced it to be gold. The gold smith asked the old soldier what he would take for his pebble. and the latter said he would ac cept 43.25. which the dealer readily paid him, thef nugget being actually worth a good deal more than 04,00. The mountain at the foot of which the yellow stone was found proved to be enormously rich in gold. Tn DIsOCovaaza zomRo Waovrs. ''he discoverer of a mine seems seldom to proit by it. In 1659 Marshall was forgotten in California and had become poorer than ever. The richest veins of silver in Chile were found la 1831 by a mountaineer named Godoy, who hunted guanacos in the Andes. One day, being fatigued, he sat down under the shelter of a huge rock and was struck by the color and brightness of a projecting part. He chipped the stone with has knife and Anding that he could cut it like cheese, to use his own expres sion, he took a specimen of it to Chicago. Mineralogists to whom it was submitted at once perceived it to be chloride of silver known otherwise by the name of 'horn silver,1 because it has the texture of horn. The mine, being worked by Godoy and a moneyed part ner. developed sAlver in masses. Great profits were made, but the discoverer was so foolish as to sell his share, dissipated the money and died without a penny. T=3 LUCK oF Two aNoTsaNs. "Among the persons employed at the mine discovered by Godoy were two brothers named Dolados, who gained a miserable livelihood by carrying wood on the backs of asses to the smelting house. One day they came across a crevice in the earth, opened by some earth quake, in which was an enormous block of sil ver ore. From this block more than sixty quintals of silver were taken by merely remov ing the soft crust from the mass. It was worth altogether about 0701.000, which the brothers squandered in gambling and otherwise, being finally left poorer than they were before the discovery. 311LL.o03 7303 A IKaLL iEctioN LEFT.. "In 180 two Irish miners named Gould and Carry went to Carson City, Nev. They were working on a reef of quartz which gave little le From time to time they journeyed to Faciso to procure provasions from a groeer who trusted them, although they had no money. Instead of paying cash they made over to the grocer a foot, then a yarj of the lode, until at last the latter became proprietor of two-thirds-of the mine. Une day Gould and Carry plaed their handa on sucha a block of area the brothers Dolados had found In Chile. Only a email part of the mine remained to thoe; the lucky merchant held ncarly all the shares, and yet the two mIners secured millions fer their own portion. 1373 T1531ata ecmas. "On a sertain island in the Indlan ocean yaeanie lava, ones erupted from beneath the bed of the sea, extend. along the coast in the form of sand and shingle. Aamong the grains of pand are numerous gold colored erysal of ehUyselite or 'gold stone,' which glitter in the e. Mere than a century ao a French noble-. maa went mad. Struck wit the brilliancy of these little pebbles, he mistook them for gold, picked them up on the shore, heated them in a ormeible and fancied that he produced ingots from them. Hlis family allowed him to amuse himself in this manner, even providing him with a laboratory. "All this was nearly forgotten when, about thirty-Gve years ago, the experiments of the amad alchemist were revived by persons who ached the Freach goernament for the conoss elms of the gold mies on the slmad referred to. Shareholders locked together, great per asese interested themselves in the matter and tons et sand were carried to Prance, gold alwy being discovered in it. Silver andi patam were also found associated with the gl.Eye-witneses declared that 109.000 men wrigfor the same number of years would screyexhanst even the surface of the maine. In s ofec falure, companIes interested in the develepe t this wealth .dll euisk. It is all esnmnname os enaa mssn mermaa miners have many stmrdiaary ssmdes, whish are hade dews by tea Mlen and firmly believed In. 'They Imagine that the subterranean desmanes ase ruled by goodmatredand benevolent gods. There are cefytwo, one being good ad the other bad. he lemris called lechels ad the ethier Eo bell. To propitiate them their mamaes have hess gives to tes metals aiehe nd cobalt, which wer cs ml eovered in me meimes et haesy. eyare the who all or es elede, and wh Meear~e.s as ith iremoed. ala. ashea h blep hpeed themgei ~mrw imdown thee e M seen aM m 5s' aseses s sense as ase ens.shes s esale r denmassa. mee n wa lah e elssns h A 1e of dmo. and CA o Beeh a1mt o base ew mate et sheet 3m,m0 eet e abhedty Pounds is"ht "The ao for geSm is met eardied on t Europe Inthe some syntmme ammnr as in Bamil, California and India, but by simple mountaft trueers, a eredulous, psevering and hardy?.., whogive themeelves up to the budness s collecting. Prompted by a art of Instinet, they wor Ml the and quarts, either by = r the pick. and very often om upon magniseeat gmedes and dee pechets In the reeks, Maed with arnadtp gleaming wihthe o given by ature thousands of who they were formed by her i mystereus eankes." rUTE AND TE nsA31LT. A Gro Mule Whose only cemem We Ise Me messeors Saaey. inem the ourlsregournaL Some year. age I was the owner of a large iron gray mule named Pete. Peto was the pride of my heart, the apple of my eye, my spoiled favorite. Pot, and I were traveling over a spur of the Wahoatch mountains, and not having anything particular on my mind I was enjoying the scenery, which In that region is very fne. Pete may have been occupied for awhile in the same manner, but if he was he soon turned his attention elsewhere, for his whinny reminded me that it was dinner time, and both Pete and I were hungry. Accordingly, when we came to a nies grassy place I tethered Pate to a tree, allowing him about twenty feet of range, and, taking some ham and crackers out of my haversack, sat down on a fallen tree to eat them. While I munched the ham and crackers Pete cropped the fresh grass, which grew long and green. Suddenly he reared up and snorted in a man ner that very plainly said: "Look out." I sprang to my feet, atrd it was quite well I did so, for it saved me from the embrace of a very large, very hungry and very ferocious grizzly bear, who was standing erect ant pre paring to throw his paws around me. I rushed for the nearest tree and was up It in the wink ing of an eye. I have often thought how kind it was of Providence to put trees in the same places that he does grizzly bears. I was safe for the time being, but, alas, poor Pete I The bear went about things in a very cool and complacent manner. He must have seen at the first glance that Pete was tethered with a strong rope and could not escape and climb a tree, as I had done. So he sat down on the trunk of the fallen tree which I had just left in such haste and began to study Pete. Perhaps he was endeavoring to calculate the precise amount of flesh on Pete's bones, and at what point it would be best to begin his meal. I could see by the expression of his eyes that he was taking Pete's measure, fur he cooked his head over on one side and assumed an ap pearance of great wisdom, as you have seen critics look at a picture. He also licked his chops in evident anticipation of the repast in which he was about to indulge. Pete's behavior, much as I know of that re markable animal, surprised me. When I was safe the alarm that I had seen expressed in his eyes disappeared altogether. He dropped his head and began to nibble the grass again. He went on with his grazing just as if there were no such thing as a grizzly bear in the world. He would nip off the succulent green stems and chew with great steadiness and regularity, and occasicnally I could hear his contented snort as he struck an unusually delicate bunch of grass. The bear was as much astonished as I at Pete's absorption in the business of eating and indifference to danger. Evidently he consia ered such conduct without a parallel, for he looked harder than ever at Pete, then scratched his head and tried to think out an answer to the problem. But Pete calmly went on with his grating and looked neither to the right nor to the left, while I sat in my tree and stared. By and by the bear arose from the tree. He knew that he could not size up Pete's conduct merely by sitting there. Then he made agrand circuit around the tree in order to watch Pete from every angle and point. Getting no satis faction out of that mode of procedure, he came over to my tree and looked up at me for an answer. But I had none to give him, for I was na much puzzled as the bcar was. Between the bear and me we began to think that Pete had lost his mind. Perhaps fright at the ap pearance of the bear had so bereft him of rea son that he continued to eat grass through the mere force of habit. Soon the grizzly got tired of the endeavor to decipher the mysteries of a mule's behavior. Appetite was getting the better of curiosity and he prepared for work. He went back to the log ngainst which he had first leaned and made a critical examination of his destroying apparatus. He stretched his front paws and saed the muscles of each with the other. Evidently he was satisied that he was in good trim, for he opened his mouth and ran his paw along the edge of his teeth to see that they were slarp. Each claw was inspected in detail and when all was over his bearship appeared to be thoroughly satisfied that he was us to demolish a whole drove of mules, if the opportunity offered. These things done the bear gave the signal for action. le opened his muouth and emitted a serious of growls which made my deash creep and my hair rise up under my hat. But Pete, as before, went along with his, grazing. His countenance expresed no proof that he had heard the growling of the grizly. The latter dropped on all fours,with his hungry mouth open and his great teeth disclosed. Still Pete made no sign that he either saw or heard, but confined his attention strictly to the business of finding dinner. The bear, also having the latter end In view, rapidly ap proached until he was in striking distance and then rearing up prepared to disembowel Pete and break his neck with one blow. Down came the outstretched paws. and at that moment Pete seemed to become aware for the first time of the presence of te grizzly. He sprang forward, the paws struck only the air, and then I saw a gray form double itaelf In a ball and bound upward. Out of that ball flew two legs, which shot back and forth with the rapidity and force of piston rods, going thump, thump upon the body of the grizzly. Up and down went the body, and back and forth went the two pile drivers. The bear oas. struck all over, on his head, on his shoulders, on his side, on his paws. Hie fell in one direc tion and then in another. He was kicked into the air and pounded into the earth. The breath was driven out of him and life followed, and at length he lay upon the ground a shape. less mass, every bone in his body broken, while Pete had quietly returned to his Interrupted grazing, without a hair Injured. A STREET IDYL. "Only te seNo ees," and the Youth With Wistfl Eyes, From the Detea Emral. A street band, eonsisting of a harp, a lute arAd two violins, mnade such unusually good musle on West street the other evening that a great erowd was beguiled into stopping and listening to It. The musicians seemed care ful to suit all tastes. They played "Maggie Murphy's Home" and Mendelssohn's "Spring" Song," "'The Party at Odd Fellows' Nal and "Love's Dreamlandt Waltzes," "Whgtl and Wait for Katie" and the "Prison Song" from "Bi Trevatore" with equal ferver and impartiality, and after every three or four tunes the ehief musician eanvassed the erowd, hat in hand. On oe of these rounds he was stopped by a tail yeaug fellow ph. steed In the sadow of a store doorway. The young sman threw a eela into hi. hat and whispered a lew words to hiand the taast after a meesente thuhnodded his and wenerbhesto hi NE gave a shet ordartain an tee wa tuniget ahhpnd the stmand thea n e mit dauy ad eeiv e sme the stain to See There seems teo som tousk of nature In the made of the son. tmanstal old agthat teaches the ao mae and brnsaisatasp late his traand *t had lb e n the erewd, less of ee whoe bear t almdal ema tellee aba st egbed at 4 u h al thems __ delie ee. ..r: . ee..te e. se sM eu QW tQWB to pbhemlam GRA-1IE T A LK. as No A a red a ]b Ap. MABOULDT DEBUTANTES. Thea Gmee in estmaifm as.uM Vme Th0 Og the Teems met Whism She amase Se eets asIes Tham tNme Masont sed teir- 1attes U tM. 0 "t a WO CRAPPIM W obsvdby a ftan re poter walking down Conneetisut avensu the Other day. as ehappi.s walk-tat i, lazily, as if heither had ever had anything in the world to do. That both had been hard at work all day making the where withal to support them "IVe" as chappies Was a fact which one would not have been apt to infer from their appearance. Arrayed with far more elaboration, although apparently simply, than Solomon in all has glory, they, neverthe less, looked as though they had never toiled or spun In all their lives. The gentle stoop to the shoulders that both had looked quite elegant and English, and who had a right to suppose that it came from bending over a clerk'. desk? The chappies walked along quite silently. and this was right, for the chappie code requires that the chappie should sak seldoim and with evident effort At length one of them broke the silence. "JIa-aw-is--aw, dancing gQod exercise, do you suppose?" maid he. I His companion struggled with the idea that the question suggested for a few minutes and then, by one of those happy flashes that some times lights up the,brain Of the man whoseldom Pays anything- clever, hl replied, "I hope so, for it is all the exercise we get ' DoN'T SNOw WEAT REAL ExZnc is18. Poor old chapple. He bends over that desk all day, he dresses himself up and lounges all the afternoon and he dances all the evening. The brisk walk in the country the exhilarating swinging on the horizontal bar, the manly bowling of the heavy wooden ball, all these are amusements which he does not know, but an overheated atmosphere, an orchestra to play the music and a partner to keep him company in the waltz or polka-this is the way the chap pie takes his exercise. Yet dancing must be good exercise, it stands to reason, for it brings nearly all the muscles into play and ought also to be good for the ings. The only objection is that is is indulged in at a late hour, when sleep would be the best thing for one, and in a room where the atmos phere is not usually good. There Is, too, con stant danger of cold*, for the dancer gets heated and seeks relief in a draft and in the drinking of cold water or iced punch. The ways of the society man and woman are strange. Like burglars, when most peole go to bed they start out into the streets ie owls, they Plume their feathers in the (ay time so that they may look sleek and unruMed by night: like "coons" and "possump," they feast and enjoy themselves when other people are wrapt in deep slumber. The African lion roams about the plain and jungle from dark until dawn, and the society Lion disports him self in parlors and ball rooms from 9, 10 or 11 o'clock until midnight, 1, 2, 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. It is a strange life indeed, and it has strange effects upon the people who fol low it. TEN MASC1ULTNE OP DEM3N? "What'sthe maaculineofadebuntsnte?" This was the question that one of the ehappies just described asked his companion after he had. received a satisfactory reply to his inquiry about dancing being a good exercise. "A darned fool!" repiled the other instantly. "What !" said chapple No. 1, -you don't eall a lebutante a darned fool, do you?" "No, of course not," said chapple No. 2. "but a he debutante-a fellow who comes out into society regularly at a certain age, as girls do. is an ass, whom 'twere courtesy to term a darned fool." All of wJich tends to show that chappie No. 2 was not such a nonentity as he appeared to be. A debutante Is properly a person without any corresponding creation in the masculine sex, for a man becomes a society man gradually, white a girl "comes out" at one fell swoop, bursting her shell of girlhood and appearing with futtering wings as the equal of other young women who have been fying about in society for some years. She gets as much at tention, generally, the first year as she ever gets afterward-sometimes more, and what a remarkable thing it is, that. having been a little girl up to the very moment before she "came out" and besme a womanshe nearly always be haves herseltwell and carries her sudden honors gracefully and without embarasment. If the young brain gets a little flurried sometimes, and the young head is carried a little too high in the air, it is no more than as to be expected. Imagine an ordinary subject in a monarchy suddenly placed upon the throne. imagine 'a tussian peasant suddenly made czar, and you have some idea of the sudden and high eleva tion which a young girl who is beautiful at tains after she has made her debut. DIr11aENT wITH A KAN. But with the man it is entirely diferent. When he arrives at an age whet he may prop erly go to the balls and parties of grown-up people he begins to be asked to them. He as very bashful and self-conscious. He makes blunders all the time. His embarrassment is often so great that he sometimes doesn't go to a pty where he would like really to go. He has a hard time generally. When he is at a party he receives little attention. The girls prefer older men. It takes a year or two be fore he gets into the full swing of society and before he enjoys it. No tea or german Is given him when ha'comes out," he hiss no managing mamma to maneuver so that he shall receive all the attention possible, he Is east upon his own resouroee and must makeehis own way. After a time he may develop into a howling swell and then the pror petting that he gt speedily turns his had, for It can hadybe questioned by anybody who has obeerved care fully that the masculine society head ts lighter than the feminine societ head-that the howl ing swell is more eoneetdthan the belle-that he has less brains and more affectations. He is very ap to become mercenary, to drop his old fredto become thoroughly unpopular and not to care if he Is so, 3o33 moRE BAIna-a TAL.L A little more chappie conversation may not be mss hersa. laid ehapple No. 1 to ehappie No. 9: "Going to the Blanks patold ma?" "Yes, gesso," said ceapple No. 2. Bthouhtyou hated Mrs. Blank," "So I do, adshe hates ebnt I don't mind that. I go toher parties hc ae' "Can you reconcile that to your ese.eism=== hre'said olapeNo. 1. 'y what"si e~~ No. 3, Chappie No. 1 du tpto epanwhat a eonscienee is, for if a man ast got sue he never understand a denition of ens. Noie. 2has, Ofeourse, a conscience, and whnah summer eomes and he is not atay fashionan resort it aserts itsfbut In winsr duigthe season, it is eepletely muld ad its vesselis vrMa.It u se. erally so with the es who aambit for seeiety heoos. The desire to be resident eften cases a public nmn to septo sme se tiewhish ha weuld nothewieeemmi .nd the dsre for inesstleuss haq~uybs a she Mlar Iime a e the engwsewhale nature hss sdwith the deietobe ausen eM nd aho gsa M ianything bae Th sntin ends reptais In hi pertiemersa ese et gees aa w ee who sek eafhin an =ndWease wa atoasthendtsu a m ie W as a hamsandho w ser h wbas asese les stian pat ad past * -te di-n -sss o - . asee and I ensa he h anse ,n a on men. Good leawe so , mereover, 1ay sa a" oP * . They ha= W e 6sb te a hed of re=ag . 3aI as the n weaen e- an to do butats's oheeks wear OR. taft eos and hen 6sament awe her inevitable k, but 9 s mser aneows haremt any nos Ihe will so be am 4d treetiv a4 th eae of 60 seasoen ft e As r - th e Let her star et hem same ad and ke heeta anher e and when she shows heRself ts wl be as a blooming ran inessed of So pearanee ot a faded GOwer Ate 4 stem. Furthermore, a. wil sjherss much mere, for it is =!eg en" t 6. body is worn out Atga. AT TIM 1144E7 NAWNUU Why Miss Prim Was 1hoUMI Ae' MOMS a Keemleg Os. Item theChisage Time. "Well, here's Mrs. Sough's; gasse r en and sell her a tcket, as' be mes to buy," mused Miss Prim as she paased ee e an artistio Queen Anne oettmge and eaght her breath after a long climb up the hi1. "Hoopla. 'ere we go!" aboated a ehildis voles from the regions et the bask deor. Kim Prim ermaed her long eck and was hedmed when she beheld the three little hav- 9 ing a merry ride upon the clothes real ad 0 kicking up theik youthful heel in an atiandon of delight. "Little varmiats," am Miss Pim, "if they were mine I'd fx 'em; that elothes 1 rool will be broken, and the expense-but them I it's none of may business." And with this land able decision she proceeded to monat the ste and ring the door belL Rtattle-te-bang ! came in hollow lonse from the interior. Mis Prim had broken the bell with her energetic pull and now found hereslf standing with the greater portion in her head. Nothing was left to do but to knock ti her knuckles ached. and at last, after repeated ef forts, her patience was rewarded by the appear'. ance of Sally, the maid. "Good morning. Is your mistress iaP'hed Min Prim.F "I'll mse,* ma'am. Step inter the drawl.' room-" and Sally snickered as she tried not to look at the broken bell. "The bell eame off-" began Miss Prim, grimly. "Lawks, yes." said Polly, with a burst of mirth and con fidence. "that's some of Master Jack's dOi's. lie broke that 'ere bell this mornin', and he fixed it all up ag'in so as the next person letg would think they done it. ir se that his pa is told." With this Sally vanished. Miss Prim ganed about. The parlor was furnished with great testo and elegance, but, alas, it looked as though a cyclone had swept through it. A a of. apples stood on the piano with a 'he apron thrown down beside them and a paring knife on the Boor. It seems illy, who was preparing the apples for a p-M' preferred to sit in the "drawin' room, where she could see her beau, Tom, the de livery boy, as he drove past. A broom lay in idle luxury on a plush couch, with its head on a gold-embruidered oAshien. Before Miss Prim's shocked eyes had time to ob serve more Sally returned and ushered her up the stairs with: "Missis will be pleased to have you step up to her room." Mhe as cended, but the way was fraught with danger as several of the stair rods were half of and seemed demoniacally beat on tripping her. The delicately frocoed walls were further en hanced with sketches done with burnt oork. Mrs. Slouch's room was in fine disorder; Nh toilet table was heaped with faded Bowers, fans. gloves, perfumes and powder; the combs ad brushes had overflowed and lay with a pair of slippers upon the door. A dainty tissue ball costume lay In the corner, where Mrs. Slouch had stepped out of it the night before, and the chairs were littered with hats, parasols, dsh, gowns and books in a onfused jumble. Mrs. Slouch herself lay on a lounge among a dozen or more Auffy silk pillows. Wen Miss Prim entered she threw down her novel and exclaimed: "I'm so glad to see you, Miss Prim: I'm half bored to death, nothing to do b'ut read, read, read; I danced so much lmat night it gave me a spell with my heart, so I don't dare move today. "I m sorry, im sure" murmured Miss Prim, sniffing, as she sought in vaia for a place to sit down. "Just knock thoe things onto the foor," cried Mrs. Slouch easily, "and stay awhe.l" "I musin't staylong. I only-" began Miss Prim, when she was interrupted bf a tap on the door, and enter Jane, the colored maid. "Please, Miss' Leah, Marser Jack's deas gone fall into de swill barrel, and I wants a clean pin'fore fo' him." "Heavens! Jane, don't bother me, but look in the closet there. I dare say you' fAnd plenty." No sooner had Jane toahed te handle o the closet than the door eprang open, as i b magic, and out rolled a medley of apareL tweed ulster, mud-splashed, comrtd with a white cashmere morning gown; a pair of rab her boots fell out with a ball dress. u "There, Jane." said Mrs. Slouch, "Jst see how careless you are; look in deeper and yen'l find some." Jane thus incited vanishdA from sight. burrowing like a rabbit. and tossing eut 3 article after article as she oleered a pathway 1 through the mass. Mrs. Slonch viewed the , proceedings with interest. "L! Jane," g o cried, "there's my Madra shawl I lost two t years ago; let's se what eleas in "the "Moseberting" eme in mufe toese from Jane. "Here's a pillow, Miss' Leah, and W a silber suga' bo'." Mrs. Slouch was convulsed with laughter and, sank down upon the nearest chair, ershing her new fail bonnet as she did so. "Go en, j Jane; it's just like a grab bag; whet meat?" "Marser Jack's shoes what wins loe' is' t spring--an' Ia! if hash an' yo' ptMes. wif de poin' lae flounce what yoss allowed was * stole!" "Good gracious, Janet You mast take a nay and go clear through tat eloset. Did g you ever see the beat, Miss PrimP' Peor Miss Prim had bean a shocked eetir to the proceedings, the eqmalof whisk amen-. tally declared she had never seen befere. fihe c opened her lp to speak, but that is an hr as iq she got, for Jutthea another tap eare en a. 1 door and Hannh the eek, entered. "Lawks, Mis' Slouch, If we ant ond the capt we lost last horenieaning time I" "Did we loss one? I'd forgettaa," am Ems, * Slouch, who was amore interested Ina. elet a than the recovery of lost creo "Why, yessam, and I'll jutbet yen eunt i gues where it was fud" emid eek, her "That trash Jima must have lai i e t te well curb after it was folded and sum et them j children must have pushed it I.." "No wonder the water toeand funny," sted Mrs.8Slouch amerrily. "You'd think so If you'd sa what I se. * Theman got ua dipper, a it ffhaises d 1 forks, a dead cickn, a.-"a "I mst Mrs. Sloush," said Niss Pa s vnthe inducement eerud Ma.tso I goig through all the sleestos' them had s no attraction for her. As she went dowma. frunt staps a. ehB- t drum, whe on since had beebe. a. elethss I rere tahinea frost et ahemss wIth dow happened to open. 1 That was one too mya her lossm~ a ahe peasd to rEmeastrats with thems, ono ,s have her words resved with hewisef dobs. "Mercy mnet" mmsd EMis Pa.. 'm Gam- I fuDor thm ever at a. lard M m - fit, tsmake amena neat he is mel N I I didn't ferget to sk 'heeweauas a ticket Ior the losro Mender m Al" e wener. ._________ .___ a I Item Ltth, e*Dd -' ye a. Qe ~a M M Q. MMt a~ed os.a WUU r'," se oatodis -wen uts'sesetetesmmseom~ass ss der haasses WORTH IANY NILUONS atU~~ Un i dob ffsU * ..aaiatk... EOW HE EADE A FARM PAT. hess a e he 3. =k--l Sma Me anesl-2ese eon=& Ensemme VVass1afts Smer an VP in ames w .mb- .aIM R E to We Ein a Veer Em. - -mn m1u E Tm Seaen, a M to the * at t t ,paber. every day M vaquierly s the mahegay esck UAr the eagle morik the hear 1, a steel httle gestiman when ea- ilee wih il busby bard am miid brown eyes behind ganeoe. Oma would daMoe a royal od fellow anywhere en earth. As the grind t dally buner hour after hocr. 's andrvfrd~d"'OM~M^Page after pace o n many letter. that a Vongrema rise If he in so do hie duty h hi--sta-ab row and then ho lav* down e b the Issues ftb Upward toward t= =Oakr .d he atee. the thead of the maing baminess of the Houmse. Bos the pea i resaimed and the letter-writin begins again. he hoars pam, the Hoase adjo ue. and the member with the brown eyes and the heavry eerd hastn aboat the ebmabr. eieferring rith other members on the share of the work f the Honse or of his o-mi=Mee that fa"ls to im. Him morning has bees spent in errands mong the departments and nightfall hardiy ampl him from the manifold dean of his e goes home to e ca" ape by eople ha never saw. who ask of hum alm mau er of possible and impossible thing. This buy member in John IL Mtehell. the lehast au no theaaeemn in the Boom. rorth turON.M ei desug the drudgery. ay after day, that in any ordinary eerOf ife wculd be done by a SIM cleft. =eis the hly eon of Alexander Mitchell. the founder of he Chicago, SL. Panl and Milwaukee road. one f the grandest personal fore the busineas eTeopment of the grat northwest has known t r felt. Now, in his forty-eigth year. ha Irongly reembles him father in person and is haracteristics. Aeck Mitchell all his life rare the manner and the speech of a AScotch I man; the ee n unlike the father inthem re pects, but wonderfullyyrodsoee himn In1 re, eatures, mind eet aracter. The amae sturdy frame the mme ay ealty nature, the same frank i euos. dlm.a trof. the sam e g tohcioumess firight-minMedthought anad action, followed ry the respect and affection of him lows. Iesovations have not bad time yet i this oAtr" to ehow many ochk pe ohe at ink father and kon. "AMW 01altoel b the &mvah pie. ere of the dortwata in 10k wam hm baet ttyt Milasuhue t e d b t 1, .......s....f . ..t . |ni bet 1. popl. Cicago was ISO larger than al Avgkee and th tog emmd uite a kely to become te e a eeL A cluhter aongt e ver ~a"i twoeorthoos e w nges boleding ot ever dVLy ket h at Milwaukee as hoat thse. r pesp e dromed in e ad fax. The "Trd plemear had net - --e---" wt e . wa teays achi nw and ofatea a eer Qe MlaeenleQen ad he aereeohsh erl d.y.. th aevtra lahe Mitehend case4 ths estas th teener w imera t he emeier T.eStle heamas coma s tealf eterybet m4e e mmo m m h .sbe. JonIakste a Nil mas J Kaehe. e ign e - e kew.hmmne .am 46 do W"se meus& ke .bee. .e Pies o se he IN as eem Mitbell is" his amMhe4 as methes is so Txemmy- mh e am. Job. IL Unith shsetd at e01h a. fm ether a I r.oe a .et war* his "a weal. b.l the t1 elmpe me gamel nMM ebieh ad bw .saimdss to.gbeome. e his 11461. The eas see00 -e . ius. Nom bfam hukg a"m red emeam anon tm.-d :.4 h e 'ad a od t@ -- ctvi~g "Ott sel amde. Ni L beshed so Inweve. omers, To the* I Meet Sad adets he 'Ni 011deed boo the ml f h .-- - of the ' e wot"" su d ..' i ad efoe bad laet bont d md low Ibisod. MAd beassl m father md me had alwaye eSimmd s u sse ofecios. Their biosi Owies Ombe took o am aminvh am asamaa ss a.t Job MateheB's ta won a. aet me. he ebeoe a as, ss disomud bF as Ib I in. enres of 6--*=.. Ris 111ae give. him early i. hm Career a&.. e .et a. ac te mubube of Milmebo& whm he .ith ...r..t..'= is bed, = ..V His maamb beeght ha.m full reward. Ein e. hones are estill the pride of the legian.d hlis throsw of his es the . bms, The smm. who hem to for his doily been&. I tau them.' em Mr. Mitchm g . hiM farming. "that I he.made ma @s ofmy farm than amy framet I e~erk.. i a trlcely eeme.nam. although IS e s oa r the plaoe inresd e.pidy . val. a" wbe. the .od~e M o m lemed A Soldt 84 acoo igure. 4 I tether tkink I mAs baie.g aside freom that. I No i It is the only whe.e yo. cm lie with the fulmel W th, bet Ime an-e e adib mlthe ssesmyes. of %he good than"eof this W&s A ebeei w l-to-do farmer is usually he " W O, ammom. Ad wh- ehouds he ha"? Mik mare" of the wome 6 business amd it king 49 h ow. time and work, with abUttle eampieabe him that is all ham ow. miwahtertg the ee your round to hi. eupport a"d bamlkt h if bedy ad mim4. of hamelr md hm b a LOTe. Or masenee.. Mr. Mitheu is a lower of paieg.. w mother ya.0al may yreeago tar her ee. eceio. of rare a.4 costly weas t at Mr. Matehem hme t a large oesetes., be a ft .oehle i. the value md waithO t may e 680. lemt representatives of the bet arit of do coutury. Amorg bas man souble es a0 what is uadoebtedy ase seet = of Jlae Bhres. to be esu i. Ameule.. I in the "Evening at Fminmtere" which he = at the Sloeey am". It wall be remembered as the M male Aeumfaml oft ftMilead dS4.0. Mr. Jamese in. the It. Pau. tame.4 amagonee, mad his old framed md m cte both wanted th bei. wholly amoras .f t. .ehr'. w.. .. n.. meato, therefnem, bid esmeely s.o& ther and ml. .mm, ,All.i. . 'b*... may ritise may in the .. .h UNION& Mr. Musit, whom be -h eI rm eM eesar.e Jim Kil, c..mb& o--.t. h eWrte o td .e..e..ea:.,... Ms. im he e sd knw Meaim" be gw hed. am Mr. AMU would ma"eeat~J ="~~ ~ "more "B" sasat" US tha"," . Pa me" i. se M s dsO me,ea me. .o. mlg h'.tesie.a~.'"; e.twemp.s:em Slast ~ ~ ~ ~ ln Wo sNm oo WL I= owr Mtla togihe sam 91mete 00. duh's. - s am;'.lhea e Mr ifthymho ehe t- ONba mmVmwi " ...e...ree.gM1W.e.,.e....q e-a111 . em. e a.."-... ......... In at letter e a pe. WAM aeesh ~, thn ., eth . Mm h ato rw. mo eeed --- m Deoede w a . . .. ..... Ihl rtta g " ne e Md his h iso wm er ft S o. oia hdo theme . es ee M hY eAs the lo . nem 1 h .. pictso. Many ther solae.4, am egen. mated in Mr. Meel.'eg ma.Um beauti .. V .b .e.. ..i . .se. e sd a a."', re"'' th . boo ". tudd~eram stoasdta& emisthta i..:d i*o eeL Is es:ms. .t t a" mhe .omeaeen he limrimimma sem. semsa, Caee mld a U0et046 ethe of how! beliess in as eud i m so the. aleeit Emises pl "etth t.. 33KW Does "o Im. Year is Wat- -g@1 Mr. ma"~i am m -t a N oa m.:m '*" s .ime, ad bb me.t . deer Neighhor ft SOb. WWW W1116 shmarmiag wife "Ad hit rs hemmheaepofi his dememeit Wis idmaW how. Nieimm-, here.. .yemwthe Immilyhame ..edrais order tam Mr. Mitchell a i a booMm" the hea esulitt S he bed. The - - . .m. =1amdus. .ma I fega. mis a ofk e hi r eb he eab .mim m. ineligible o the pe.e0ea7, m 1 were ho. is. may Ye ms. ft mm in ae nIesa whi .. living s oh 11ed ...s ahet by e ecermim. GO at. am" aer e. . hit me se aen -... 1161 s. withwo it 6 a lb Name ea sm r h esa e-.. i"d M''I* whimd me oe e t o m mmbsa elm equ emme'e me be larget oenesem a..e. enmoma o redes.eebametsemltewn.ce th iedbde... miTte .. e a -samm u se am eeig me lh seisI