?be MIatur euOVI ftrl oh
Other Hie of the liver.
sise .m e%0rw. Wm . Wawe-mew
um esimuMM asen 22-- 0t Tt zaamb
e-TeSOm -iMseet the Ow" Th08 U mpI
aSmws-Ty*asW assei-Thle mom 111bua
end st the lmag bridge
is sise at *a szest re
markable emmumie
to oe found asywhere.
In the eme et the
pa few yearetherehas
grown up aroed the
a sth end el the bridge
- a ee tkis o beems
.that ae now pud to
mrviee in a bainem
e that is strily febid
den within the aity
go Out of te mime buildings that
esaitft this unique settlement there is
a-y one Am is used for legitimate par
peasea The other eight O given ever to
theme who fenow Ackle fortune on the green
hle sdewSh so that now JCksMo4City is better
knews. perhaps as Monte Carle, and is a resort
g, gamblers and those whe are identlied
in ~ way or another with gambling hoses.
Thie these who de not admire this sort of
m atbebment to Washington and the bill re
sandy intreodued in the Virginia gislat,
to a stop to the emterprise of Jack
we CMy. aSoOsed a uW iNterest in this
mm* 8- 0CM~
assaomices s ene.
EFm emiderabiv more than a year past the
business that is the mainstay of this small
tewn has been no scret, and there are f
people in Washington who do not know wha
and what Jackson City is. At one time it was
thought that there might grow up there a re
epeetable and attractive village, but all such
hoehas lng been abandoned. The town was
du laid out years ago and named in honor of
the iluserions President. but it failed to grow.
and for many years there was but one building
t he m en the long level stretch of land that
sanm along the Virginia end of the bridge.
jMcxSo cly's stDExn oowTE.
Suddenly and as if in a night there grew up
a imbroa village that. to my the letg, has
alrendy made itself famous. The reason its
being was a simple one. When the pod shope
were run out of the city for the first time it
was a eemparatively easy matter for the book
makers to move their shops out on 7th street
Just beyond the Boundary. and there for some
semsiderable time they did a thriving business,
soming poes em the various races at the differ
ent race tracks. and many a r man and
ebirk en a msall slary had to walk
frthe simple reason that he did not
have the primet a street car ticket left after he
wet threngh buying taseis eM the wrong
n-e sonm wTns.
Iesme. Then a bil was passed in Congress
1erhdding e eling of pool on the races
p withim the Disict. except in connection with
legateMAt racing at the local tracks, and once
mere 6e men who draw their revenue frm
those ether men who think they know what
hers. cam go te fastest were forced to betake
iemelves to pastures new. The laws that
gevern pee selling in the Old Dominion are
ae t te atrctest and nothing could be mare
sipeeafor e enterprising bookmakers
to hethemselvse acrese the Potomac and with
e aid et a blackbeard and plenty of eddle for
~sste open up for busmueee at the new
This was ezactlv what they did, and it
was not long before things were running at
fulB blest and with all sorts of accompanimsents
o e way of ether little games calculated to
proe beond a peradventure the truth of e
end tha refers to e foel and him meney.
Tun vansems eama
Ifyemnast fend et fare thenltjaneemggy
mattsr 9e yen to take yeur pick ef any of te
aher gamses that are knowt to the epring
snv, for they are all to be found at Jakson
ity. If yen are not an expert at erap then
ye. are at liberty to satisfy all your wishes
with aback-ed-ach, and if by any possibilt
you have any meensy left after you are throug
,I. er m m nes erie i nothing to prevent
paa hem dmpesg t it all at rae or mwat.
*3 ase ese to be famed m au-e and ay
so em a dimese can bele en e turna
df a and er thelif thedas. Iantruthitis a
emy elm. pines, epecialy fer those pepewho
heri e -amen.! than they ne whtto do
uth and msenaisuto get riddet saseseea
~aSe Capt.N$ash.smember t e leg
1 Aleahh sheuld attempt to put
a t en a leadable indsry by meas et
e em seer sde of e rier ac
% is of mensae emothe jurisdletlen af me
ha h l psbemnge is made ahead
e~r fthem. who ge aeem b i
em ensamneen end -sm bush -am
-m -,s amh ese io the afterneen
er Qe eM MesaeeathQe
sehest Me em amy par of teay
e ad me a ammhr et e athmeen
Q m esy -we amey 4mg heg. ed em Q
- pmlbn whisse peeebehe -~d
aW sss n. enha and
ich who aser sm m c
oma mo's m.
em en week a gbaa wme ends
en f ISm bsat speel 1m aet ek ma
seems a- smsiene st em -n
te e dm not , -and 60eme -
emb ee hee em e samm am -e
Gemb s nded. Used nes here to be
Qui e ba togeb 3 he a
=m a a nnem mansm. amaen
not tee late lr the s-em sth are no as e
"winter Ieebe," and ber whish tehiaphie
are eived at aB te peel em s
at e eemary. Thse e te seb
na hererane see n-r al thr6ugh the
winter whee te r Iawe aet tee p wit
mow. ONO of these in at Gttsmb g a e
swere for the sports Iem New Yrk. and the
ether slat G.uss. and des a be kindly
servie. far the Quaker aft.
A eab headed toward Jaes Gty in te
afternoem i in the ehetse diseet of the bA
trnity, "a dead give away." aml any number
of remarks were overheard on the way to the
efeet that 0-e laid. were goinover in
style, but that the abaem were ewuld
have te walk beek. Me rears were, of
George, rde and unealled for, bas the amber
ofIe who were to be eem the bridge
t ity endea foot shewed that
under ddb t cire..smo. the eenmeae=t
might have been mot without foundeties.
n mamons er mOnom CAa=
There is nothing particularly impsaing er
attractive about Jackon City and the average
viiter Is Net likely to Carry away very pleasant
remembrances mingled with his feelings at re
gret. On the leflhead *ide At the wages reed
to the railroad tracks and on the right is a
straggling line of two-story buildings. For the
meet part they are of frame ad on the outside
look not unlike the ordinary road-hoome w
loon. Inside things are quite differents though
ver of the houses are without the bar at
From within may be heard e ..merr, rattle
of the chips and the mellifluous tes ot the
marker as he calls out the odds on "that Ame
horse, gentleman, that ran such a good rame at
Guttenberg last week and is very likely to pull
out a winner today. Step up, gentlemen, and
make Your bets. for the horses are at the post
and all bets will close in a minute."
There is no deception here and no effort is
made to conceal.what is going on inside. There
is no lynx-eved keeper at the door to scan the
applicant for admission and pas upon his
merits as a member of the charm circle.
Such an institution may be a necessity in
gambling rooms in the city, but across the
river all is open and above board. and nothing
more sibstantial than a swinging door sepa
rates those within from those without. AU are
welcome, and one man's money is just as good
as any other's.
There are several places where books are
made upon the races. but two of them are
larger and better equipped than the others, and
these have the call on popular favor. Back of
that part in each where beer. whisky and other
beverages are dtispense&in orthodox fashion
runs a large. well-lighted room.where the races
are played for all they are worth and more.
Along one side of the room is placed upon
the wall a big blackboard, and on this are writ
ten the entries and the odds on each at both the
tracks where winter racing is carried
on. It is cold work going to the races in mid
winter and lots of ople who follow the sport
for revenue ony find it much pleas
anter to do so in a big warm
room than at a bleak and dreary track.
In fact it has often been charged that these
winter tracks are kept at work in the interest
of the pool rooms. and the character of the
racing itself is not always above reproach.
till it all goes and these rooms are never de
sorted. It Is a lively sight and a curious one.
Ras cnown.
There are no distinctions made on account
of clas or color, and the dapper government
Clerk or the clubman out tor an experience
stands a very good chance of brushing up
against the boy who blacked his boots earlier
in the day. and the one is as likely to "make a
winning" as the other. There is a vast deal of
good humor shown on all sides. It is a happy
go-lucky sort of a crowd and there is little of
that tense subdued excitement that one is
familiar with in story book descriptions of
gambling houses. There is no visible feverish
greed for gain, though occasionally when the
wrong horse is telegraphed as the winner one
hears remarks about "going dead broke again."
or words to that effect. There is a good
deal of talk about probable winners, and when
a man has a sure thing he goes way up in the
estimation of the crowd. Sometimes his money
goes with it and he mutters some remark about
has hard luck and starts to work to pick his
horse for the next race. No sooner is one race
run than the betting on the next one begins,
and there is something to do all the time. The
interest is not allowed to sag for a moment.
RoM -rN BAcK acac.
Off in one earner of the room i a telegraph
ticker with a wire direct from the track, and
by this m..= the erowd in the pool rooms
knew Jistaes well what is going on at a Gutten
Ierg and 4floncester as if they were there in
persee. They knew the eodtio of the
weather and of the track, and they are
able to follow the race in detail from the
*,ne the horses are called to the poet un
tl the winner and the time are an
nounced. At this timae of the year
the track is pretty aura to be either hard
from froet or in a very muddy condition.
This Is noted on the blackboard along with
the odds, and after all the tickets for the race
have been bought and the book. closed the
ticker begins to get in Its work and the
operators' monotonous voice starts in with
the store of the race s It is ocecirring several
hundredi mile. away. "Tlhey're at the poet."
A minute or so later and he calls out: "Now
they're off, with Mackintoeh in the lead." Then
he follow. theme around the track and gives the
positios of the horse. at the diferent quarters.
while all the crowd stad quiet and listen
with eassest atfention. Then comae the final an
nouncement, "Overshoe wins, Umbrella second
and Mackintoah third." That section of the
crowd that had the ferseght to provide thems
selves with tickets on Overshoe, always a good
mud pnimaal. move es up toward the desk and
eash their tickets, while those that put
utheir money on Umabrella wish they had
paed hias for place. The winners on Over
sheare jnst as likely to loe. all their winig
em the next rae., so it is all the emme lath
end, and it is a noticeab'e fact that the beak
smakers are the best drained amen ia the mued
and meet of them wear diamonds.
aama wrra cairs amaasm
The seee are net the only attractitem et
Jacksem City, however, and alt the rem ewe
fitted up with weriems kinds af tablem whie.e
eme may wee the Gele ~athreugh the
medIu et iryq es. pltaseied
ese em @see en - p het
us.e.ne ue e p~ e sehm~
dealerfim, aut maeq vMmi, eSwthes
m M A ot bemaie hed e st an
&ymaofhm W iGy em "eanfbambm
am bet Teto thbas ma
44 1100. AN ad&s ss
Noy uember of Omk inwe lse pakenised
11 40Intervals bessa es s*aeew and
whea aa had mae a sabe em te hesse
he vea dsise a bold maY deble It an
0h ess, mad whem Ik.811d kms1 favor
abey the trask thM the ear weam
by to win bask his leessen the gree eet.1
t was aD the same, and heemaama di
the bamber. rde balk tothe yin m a
while seese at the others, who dinot have se
turn dmbilb, walked bek t the ely across the
Loug brige in the gaaert ge of as win
erm Da-apmen== 1oft. Mest 4
af wil boakegs mod week sad by a
Above em. et the pal roes is a large apart- 1
mst whare the maee amhna.o. my struggle '1
with the tigar in bba lair at fare and roulette. I
Rare the smaflesa" hm reta ast2 sats apiece4
and the game Is -d-a mere respectable
hom the standpoint of es. The room is oom- I
fortably furaisW and lighted, and a large I
sideboard at cee ad of it is stocked I
with hquers that are at the service of the I
patros of the hoas. This game is the one I
most popular with the late stayers and with
those that aome over from the city in the I
even to while away a few hours and dollars. I
When T am man went in things were rather I
' for the evening's fun had not yet begun. I
ware two men playing faro at the I
time. Apparently they were mechanics, but
they were not green hands at the game and 4
what they did not know about it could not be
lfargd for a dollar. A few minutes later in
came a yo man, about twenty years of age.
He was wel and seemed to be a young
fellow who was Just starting out in the world I
and was rater new at this sort of thing.
Some day he will either be a respectable
and substantial citisaa or he won't.
The choice lies with him and he
probably mesane well. He bought five dollars'
worth of chips and by conscientious playing
and strict attention to the game he managed to
loe it all in about ten minutes. Then e got
up and started to leave, for it was all the money
be had I
*Won't you have a drink before you go?'
said the delar, politely. I
"Thank you, I think- I'R not take any. I I
don't know. though;I believe I will take a little 1
whisky." The sable attendant Aook a large
sized bottle and a small-sised glass out of the
sideboard and the young man poured out a
drak that would have answer every pur
pose for an old drinker. He drank it down and
water came Into his eyes, for it was more than 4
he had ever drank before. -
Then he started back on his long, old walk
home, and he wished be had never gone to
Jackson City and he vowed that he 'would
never go again. But he will.
New the wrsugs ot a Chissge Man Were
Frm the Chicago Tribune.
He hated the business man almost as much
as he admired the pretty telephone girl. He
had been trying to devise some method of mak
ing trouble for the business man-of torturing
him as a man only can be tortured in acivilized
country in a civilized way. Barbarians do fairly
well in their rough, ignorant way, but it takes
a few centuries o civilization to bring people
up to the most Sendish torture.
"'ve thought of several plans." he mid to
the telephone girl, "but none of them is quite
horrible enough. My revenge must be eom
ILAt me see," she osid. "His number Is--, i
and he has a telephone on his desk."
"Yes. Eve mn it there," said the young a
"Leave it to me, George " she said as she I
looked up into his eyes. "I would hesitate to g
do it ordinarily, but if he has wronged you. j
George-if he has wronged you-I will steel '
myself to the task. Ask me no questions, but I
wait '
The next day the business man's telephone t
bell rang, and when he maid "Well?" a sweet t
voice replied: "What number, please?" I
"I don't want any one," returned the bui
ness man. a
"0, 1 thought you rang," came pleasantly I
over the wire. 1
Five minutes later the bell rang again, and 1
the following conversatiom ensmed:
"What do you want?"
"Nothing. What did you ring me up for?"
"I didn't. What in thunder did you call me I
up for?"
"I didn't, you inspired Idiot. Ring of If you
dont want any one."
"Ring of yourselfyen essence of lunacy, and
make sure of your number neut time before
you call for it!"
Both rang of, but a little later the business I
man's bell started again. He nearly made him- I
self hoarse yelling "HelloI" before he was I
softly asked:
"Are von waiting?" a
"Waiting !" he roared. "Waiting for what?'
"Weren't you talking to a man in Hyde
"I don't know where he was but he didn't
want me and I didn't want him.'
"0. it must have been a mistake, but you
should have rang of."
"flay! Hi! hi! Hello" But there was no
answer. He gave the bell a vicious ring, trmly I
resolved to have the last wdrd, and when
"Hello!" came over the wire in afeminine voice
he barted out:
"fee here. Ive had enough of this!" '
"Sir !" returned the femmnine voice.
"0, none of that!" he roared. "You needn't
rytoooh we down !. I'll report you I"
"How dare you talk to me that way, sir? r'l
find out who you are and my husband--"
There was a click as the connection was out
of, and a soft. pleasant voice asked:
"Did you get your part, sir?"
"Did I get-did I-- He was to. full for
utterance, and before he was in a condition to
talk intelligently he was suddenly switched onto
a' 'phone through which some one wan ordering
"those groceries" sent up at once under pen
alty of losing some trade.
The perspiration was pocuring down his face
as he made one last wildI attempt to get --that
girl at central office" and found hinmself talking
to a lumber merchant on the West Side. and
well, the revengeful young man and the tele
ephons girl are to be married, while the bus
iness man is booked for the Detention Hospital
if the young man doesn't get the telephone
girl eut of "central" pretty soon.
mtta tar The tEsming Star.
However good a man may be
Or noble, brave or kind
However great his charity,
Or sacifce deigned,
He eets for self and self alorne
And not for man or frueem;
To pleasure gain or pea diswu
la but his seiasb end.
-Cureme Dewana.
Wlsm.n January ii, ises
In m W~s, thomaea, ar,
ga mmaa ws e n Neer. e ae
huam anthe News.
Orne hundred ad forty yas age a Beugali
pet eangof the koe et Vidyn a Bndaga.
Eis wark isa mne of infesmaloeme. some of
the seetal onstem et ear suntry In -hi. time.
In a eartaim soese he deribee a number of
Hind. wmas bealing their misrias In de
as DIge-em esses her fae as the vistia ot
$mbhad' sistr).
* Ths g-a pcevelkmee of the methar-ilawns
pe..rma--m meadae has ebaiet sash
aem the sebmiguat of Buhantki,<orethe tar
mauter et a dtri-a.We hays ladeed
t~ mherin mewse methrl than
== mthes butby ite
estmas ashmbiats-ek espasises in the meat
eri eels In the eetiagaeso eta peat as
wael as the amansisme et the risk these meastasee
amos the ir deva -enk wi
L.. "wiae, whm. -sn beaume
inused Is them, .am ,~br aind Gies. of a
esmiti,. nd deliese name oss h.
The e uaa t isuh teiree whieh so
tatess dato i erias, heddhag, basi and
and nea maeisl, ad ~es dep of
her seabhI m, I is ea~y whem h
~s o a s ein essies
astat ofismtenes ne hemisnds r ar.
asr, wa skm~ t rem ines
smas tanda tg isomaek emese~
int. etee utmis gema
2BB ~ = T Wgammm% se
Sm am a "u ows -
A 1 11 Wo I= - m
we sav m maunanm ae s oum
V=e SAVE = ouna
2he geat bisek fag bearing a while griirem
whis hew ever 6e Auinglmtsieday mandt ft
he Satens Gidire we M he tes
eventh annivuerary dinner at *e Arinsem
his eveinhg. The Gridire Clb ba gives
may brmant dinners but that which is te
Wsr temight promis.e to be the meAt smark
his in its history. This nigueelubhas -a I
a It sewsn yew life how to give the meat
iquei dinnern in the United States, and
his year the preperastion are nader
t1oed to be mote eareful and elabo
ate thea at any former ihme. The
lab eatered upon its eighth year maet pro"
rously. slartd most tentatively in 1885
Afer other dining clubs bad failed, especially
hose founded an this was by Washington cor
'epondents, it smed not at all nliy that
he predictions J1 failure made for it by car
anm prophets would be justified. But it
grew with what it fed on from year to year,
tuil it is now one of the institutions of
Waskington than which there is certainly
o be tter known the country over,
or It has cshallenged the curiosity of
be United States. itssecrecy, which is
perhaps its most important ebaracteristie, we
turing, as it does, absolute freedom to its
ruests, and therefore securing their wisest and
wittiest contribution to the table talk, has
>iqued the national curiosity, at the same time
naking It impossible for any one who has not
teen at a Gridiron dinner to comprehend all Its
lelights. When it is remembered that its forty
nembets are all newspaper men with
o keen professional appreciation of the
great interest which the public would
ske in what is said by the famous men,
who sit around the Gridiron board the fact
hat the confidence of the club has never been
riolated is an eloquent answer to the loose state
ments sometimes made that newspper men,
ike women, cannot keep a secret. As a matter
of fact. oitcourse, all the secrets of Washington,
ike all the secrets ef the rest of the world, are
ooner or later in the minds of newspaper men,
who have proved by a thousand instances that
hey are then morsecret than ever.
Naweprta win wino zzkr sous.
As confdants newspaper aen are rivaled
only by the confessional. So it was not difE
alt for the Gridiron to accomplish the para
lox of giving a public dinner privately. What
tver self-denial was involved has been richly
tompensated for by the eloquence, the wit, the
immor, the reminiscences which have Sowed
o freely under the rose. It is, of
ourse, to be regretted by those who have en
oyed these delightfpl dinners that an invisible
)homograph could not have recorded all that
was said for the benefit of posterity, for there
would probably be no better way of giving the
wentieth century an idea oif the cleverest tIble
alk of our time. As it is, about all the gen
ral public ever knows is that there has been
I Gridiron dinner, for all that ever
oppears in the newspapers about it is at the
nost the skeleton of the feast-menn, decora
ions, music and the names of guests. Another
md only less important characteristic of the
dub is indicated in the other branch of its un
written law, "the ladies are always, the re
>orters never. present at Gridiron dinners."
'or the Gridiron protests, not only against the
edious formalities of conventional dinners,
out against all the old dinner traditions which
nvolve "stories that are as broad as they are
ong." There is much fun at Gridiron dinners,
out it is fun pure and simple. It is not strange
hat such a sucessful institution, which gives
linners perfect from every point of view,
hould have many imitators throughout the
ountry, but none of them really rivals
he Gridiron, which continues to be sui
eneri. Most of its rivals indulge in practical
okes as well as formal sneeclies, all of
vh .ch will be published in the morning news
Papers the next day. Thieir entertainments
re very funny, very picturesque and very in
erebting to read about, but they are not like
he Gridiron dinner. The Gridiron idea is to
oroject the cleverest private dinner party on
hescaleof a public dinner party, keeping it
till private, and adding to its witty and
tumorous table talk conventional and uncon
entional music-all carried on with grace as
well as genuine vigor;and this is the way it is
lone at the sign of the Gridiron. The Gridiron
lub has no other avowed object than the
-promotion of good fellowship;' yet, perhaps,
ecause of that fact, it has an influence such as
to other similar brganization has ever
ad, and which has enabled it
o render signal and substantial
ervice not only to the whole corps
of Washington correspondents, but to news
mper men everywhere, by tie promotion of
etter relations between public men and tWe
>res. It as not too much to say, considering
he importance of these relations, that it has
'ulflled a patriotic duty to the whole country
y so doing. The club as a club makes no
uch pretensions. its only boast is that it gives
he bust dinners in the country, its only ambi
ion to give better ones from year to year. It
s in the line of its pleasure that it has aocom
ilished its duty.
Since February 28, 1885, when its first dinner
was given at Welcker's, with Vice President
lendricks as the guest of honor, Maj. Ben:
erley Poore presiding as its first president, it
tas met on the last Saturday of every month
luring the year except June. July, August. Sep
ember and December. with a few omissions
or special reasons. Maj. John M. Carson was
ice president during Wne first year. In the
econd year sMr. Fred. Perry Powers was resi
lent and Mr. George W. Adams vice preen
Fhey were followed in the third year by Maj.
Lohn M. Carson as president and Mr. A. Wt.
lyman as vice president, and they in the fourth
rear by Mr. Fred. Perry Powers as president
mad Mr. M. G. Seek~eudorff as vice president.
n the fifth year Mr. Fred. Perry P'owers was
mece more president. with Mr. Fred. D. Mussey
is vice pres.dent, ad ini the sixth year Mr.
'red. D. Mussey was president, with Mr. Henry
3. F. Macfarland as vice president.
Last year Mr. Macfarland was elected presi
lent by acclamation and Mr. 8. E. Johnson
rice president. In December the oilicers for
8:2 were elected as follows: President, Mr.
enry B. F. Macfarhand; vice president. Mr.
l'rank iattoti; secrctary, Mr. . V. DeGraw;
reasurer, Mr. George H. Walker; executive
ommittee. Glen. H. V. lioynton, Mr. E. (I.
LDunnell, Mr. W. B. Stevens.
mEN wino MAyE nEEN oUnats.
Among the more prominent guests enter
ained by the club during the pest seven years
havo been Vice Presidlent Hendricks, Speaker
Jarlisle, Speaker Reed, Speaker Crisp. Secretary
layard, Secretary Fairchild, Secretary Lamar,
tecretary Vilas, Secretary Endacott, Attorney
'ieneral Garlaund, Postmaster General D~ickin
on. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan. Secretary Win
lom, Mr. C2hauncey M. Depew, Glen. Greedy,
Lecretary Foster, hlear Admiral lialthsar de
tilviera of Brazil and suite, Mr. Henry Watter
ion, Mr. Willim . Mingerly, Mr. Melvin E.
itone, Mr. William V. McKean. Mr. Walter P.
Phillips, Mr. (le e Alfred Townsend, Mr.
rrank A. Richar son, Mr. S. H. Kauffmann.
Kr. William Dorsheier, Mr. Theodore WV.
iloyes, Mr. Jesse Metcalf, Mr. R. 5. Howland,
Kr. Theodore Roosevelt, Dr. Geo. 13 Loring,
Dr. M. L. Ruth, Mr. Bernah Wilkins, Mr. Henry
Wolcott, Mr. Melville E. Ingalis, Gem. Fuller
tea. Gen. Putnam, Glen. MacCauley, Magar
F. W. Powell, Mr. Linden Kent. Mr.
Fohn W. Thompson, Commlssioses Webb and
Douglass, Mr. Hugh S. Thompson, Mr. Win. L.
l'reuholm, Mr. A. Leo Enott, Mr. Adisi E.
itevenson. Mr'John B. Henderson. Mr. E. W.
5alford,w LJohn 0. Burke. Mr. William I.
oie,.John B Hamilton, Speaksr J.
W. Basted. Gem. RasseD A. Alger, Mr-- Warner
miter, Mayor Grant of New Yerk, Go,. Vismais
if Missours, Cel. Osear 1.La. SehrWa.
B. Barrett, Mr. George L. DougasDr. Ed
ward Badjes, 0ol. K. W. S..mer, r.T. 0.
Drawford, Mr. J. Lewuis fll, Mr. Steels A.
Brown, Mr. John Tweedale, Ctapt. 1. 0. Aims
worth, Mr. James S. shaMr. m.a..8.
Bradisy, Dr. George OiGaiMr. Daniel N.
lanedail, Dr. F. 0. St. (iM.Jeba Addiss
lortsr, Mr. GereW. Mqd.r. James L.
Eaytor, Dr. W..Bishard T.
merek, 'n.." asr(uCem, JndeMeat
~"3afs ' " Mr. LE M pad r
wi. . Day, Cel. UV. Uheim,. Mr. V.A.
Preset, Mr. Edward 0. Osavae ILiet . N.
Desms jnMr. W. 5. IM. Samse W.
FeGa.. de Nesis, baer daeJei
ksthte a-- PhisGseda.
M'iner, Butisr. Aldrieb, Jaies e ada,
Ebsesh, Jon ms b bthes et
hims s u Wnss, bses
if Meihdlsb emm,
Eaviqp, WadeV~eS~lap
UWm L U m
IL ~rlwj ha bs been 'by
as oevor ah, by the -e-te.. aId
stalhes who bad bn its g up fi
b Ges.F a Agrn as bLa *i
ar Admir.1......ae d."i
i a dinner be gase inters for in
e esrtes extsmee s him. at qsmeatm,
br by dhe aamilmCb OR
e veabr 14last and it ms 1 eA Oer
vitation which it has been amaw to asosp,
2 02 paseem== =
S feiewing wre the reddest nacve mem
bers: Wi. I Anat, George R. Appersn. IL
W. arrett, Davi . Burry, Henry V. Boyaten,
Frank G. Carpenter John M. Carson. L N.
GerEH.. Clarke,*=. E Curtis,J. A. Orwi,
P- V. w L G. Duansl, A. W.Dusa
Lou Gar, E. J. Gibson, F. A. G. Rad
P. andy, Frank Haton., Perry .
Frank Hoeford, . E. Johnson, Franwe IL
B.M.Larer, Henry 1 P. M... a
. Ntthews, Fred D. Mussey, D. I. Me
Richard Nixon, Croeb u. Noyes, J. J.
Fred Perry Powers, L.G. Seckendorf, J. .
Shriver. 0. 0. Stealey. W. S Stevens, A. J.
Stofer, Jr., G. H. Walker, Han L West, E. B
#Wght, i. J. Wynne. James R. oung.
he following are on the "limited" list:
Edwin . Hay. Hub T. Smith Job Philip
Sousa. Herndon Morel, M a Cshng ama
Henry Yamder.
It Is Detter Is Keep Dewn Upon Yeur OWa
From the Detroit Fe Prom.
"Kitty, what have you been doing eM the
The young housekeeper bad invited a few
friends to take dinner in the new oosy little
home. It was her Arst experience in a com
pany dinner and as for Kitty she had no ex
perience whatever and had to be drilled in do
mestic tactics like a raw recruit.
The wedding silver was brought down for the
irst time, taken out efitb pretty cases and laid
upon the sideboard.
Then the little housewife went to decorate
and straighten up the parlor. It was fseinat
ing work and she lingered over it.
In the meantime Kitty, left to herself, pro
ceeded to ianspect the silver.
When the young mistress returned to the te
gion where the one family servant aes GUp
posed to be making things happen and found
nothing done as she had ordered, Kitty said:
1 had to scrub that dirt of the spoons
She had so red of the oxide from the wed
ding spoons. \
It was interesting to see the young husband
taking soup that day. He raised the spoon to
his face, then looked at his wife, who sent him
a little telegram under the table, a kind of sub
domestic communion of souls which he was
just beginning to understand. somewhat awk
wardly, as is the way of a man.
The dishes for the different coursee bad al
been arranged for Kitty to bring on at the
Proper time. The moment the little bell on
the dining table rang Kitty seized the pile of
dishes nearest her hand and. rushing with
them Into the dining room. held them up be
fore her, and with a questioning nod of the
head from the lady to the plates and back again
she ascertained if they were the proper ones
for that course.
After this pantomime had been enacted sev
eral times, the mistress answering by nodding
yes or no, as the case required. trying at the
same time to conceal her annoyance as well as
her amusement, she fnaul broke down and
"made a clean breast of it.'
"There's no use trying to be qualityandhave
a dinner in courses with such atservant. I may
just as well 'let you in,' as the boys say, to the
iun of it."
Whereupon there was a jolly good time, and
the young husband declared that their first
company dinner as housekeepers would live
longer in history than if it had been according
to the regulation and no mistakes.
The spoons were sent to be reoxidised.
Good Drawing Essential to suemseefil Aft
Allston' Advie,.
From Seribner's
- A painter may be blest with every gift of na
ture, but unless he has acquired the art of de
sign he can never express himself. If you
would not be tormented by a consciousness of
having noble and beautiful conceptions to
which you cannot give birth, you must give
much of your time to drawing. For this pur
pose I should recommend a course of study
somewhat different from what is generally
pursued. I would devote my attention prin
cipally to outline. It is perhaps well enough
to learn how to make a finished drawing, but
when you have once done that your time had
better be spent in making drawings of
the fgure in highly studied outline
only. My own practice is to make a
finished outline always before touching
the brush to canvas. I draw the out
lines of such figures as I intend to drape, mak
ing out the figure as nicely as If it were to be
painted naked. I take a large, rough piece of
common chalk, which makes a broad mark,
and then with my finger or a bit of bread I can
rub out a portion and thus get a little more or
little less much better than by using a fine
point. When I have arranged the contour of
my figure or head I trace the final outline with
umber. I would recommend your studying
your outline as highly as if it were not to be
distur bed, but when you paint use your brush
as freely as if you had no outline to go by.
Tisii is the only way to avoid the hardness of
effect which is apt to arise fromi a ciose study
or the outline. I frequently paint my figures
over the outline and let my background en
croach upon the contour of the ilgure again
several times ini the course of the painting.
The process of shading with chalks or pen
cils is, more strictly speaking, painting, but it
is paintmg with the very worst of materials. I
know of no better exercise ini drawing than the
study of Fiaxnman's "Illustrations;" and I would
make it a rule to copy two or three figures from
them every day. ibis, of course, I recom
niend as an initiatory study. After you have
acquired a readiness of giving the air and spirit
of the iigurc. preserving the proportions, you
will then have recourse to nature and the an
tique with great advantage.
Needed Reot.'
Prom Judve.
In Paris.
"aell we go to the Wagner opera this even
"No; I have been inspecting a big boiler fee
tory on the Seine this afternoon."
The Fasret and the Fars.
1k, di
0@111 ab a t seetmsoer to OBVlsme 00
GwSTA tim . W
S- e heaa e,
ams sems -en s ee m -- -
"e . enmatea in m -asi e b amasea"
Gwe*mUm a..*@ Mcl.WOC
beM - .m Teeg, Jan. U, ma.
Th hndpekwhith Gamee I is mkin
a eaptere the tate oenaien ie de
"rate. aenvenes is the hlus ing topis may
he peltesy eemlsei her e the ensladies
even et ~ theaa sembeele. Eeey, If eve,
ha thse been sa an open dadast ee
n made by the ----tan to esh dowsaeD eppe
etios and eses .-a. Zowever we may
regand the bmeriu t the .o.a.as r-In =
t's have ct aeow thne eTae diary
ability he shews as a organiner an la.e.
The ms astt and werful demeetie pei
tielaes eq the stat lnd s iman.-abha. So mes
headway against him, and pusrferee do his bid
ding. There isa great amoeet of edesera15 sa
load but en" bet thee, prTbabs. Mr. e
would rega siapil as c pImentary and
would o be eanby them, withey be
hmb "acticallcy evenlet. The dinner eq
T y night at the Manhatta Club proved
Hills strengt, while at the m tiee it dis
eloeed certain element. eq weakness whie may
aake themselves felt later en. The abenteee
were almost as sigalest Sshthe co sy pre
ent. All the levead element, m very few
excptions, saeaway, a t.saqslc
hot much this lac qatenin and faolures*
do obeisanCe on realy means. I
the Cleveland meen sale have genuine
tre gthn hereare efeetthe
'xr wig costo -,uht -Te otr
As atter mitt o e haeo ahrae
Ho was vey
It may be that opnd maager will
get over their in ' yans and do comme
thing, despite Bill's gbut they have aos a
moment's limne to 1*,and they at ehow
mnore "gumption" h~ heretofore or their
effort. will come to amaght. They must real
ise by this time that they have one of the mesi
subtle and audacious opponent. which political
warfare has ever developed. It locke now as
if Bill would go before the convention with
the support of the New York state delegation.
The state convention aseets in three wee- and
the Cleveland forces are still uanorm
while ll'. machinery iin perlet working
T1s ranw -
The pacable outlook in the Chilent mattes
Is accepted here as practically closingte "in
eldent." As I wrote a fortnight ago, s onto
here has really talked war or believed tha
hostilities were imminent. A few -hot heads"
have tried to inflame public sentiment, but
with a complete lack of success. I have yet to
hear a sigle man say that he wanted war with
Chile, and am sore that any such war would
be profoundly unpopular. fhe universal ox
pression is that Chile has takes a line of on
duct which we must respect, and which pute
her betore the world iw tully as satisfactory a
light as our own government.
Two or three weeks ago I spoke of the prep
arations which the Trunk lines were making
for accelerating their passenger schedules.
The latest development in this line came to
the surface today in a dispatch from Washing
ton, saying that Vice President Webb had
called upon Mr. ]ell to say that the Centr.l
were willing to put on a mail train which
should make the time between New York and
Chicago in seventeen and one-half hour.
Practically. this would be to extend the present
time schedule from Buffalo westward. It would
mean an average speed of fifty-two miles an
hour, not counting stoppages, and would push
the record ahead of anyihing done yet. Ihe
only thing to compare with it would be
that short spurt over the Pennsylvania
system, to which I referred in my
previous letter. The fast express service
between New York and Buffalo has proved
completely successful. There has not been ai
accident of any sort, and the motion is not di.
agreeable. The service is well patronized
and evidently the schedule is popular and
destined to become a permanent feature. We
may, therefore, regard ourselves as within the
epoch when a mile a minute is the standard
rate for the best express service. As I re
marked in the previous letter this is by no
means regarded as the acme of speed, as all
the Great Trunk lines are considering seriously
the practicabiity of an eighty-mile-an-hour
speed, while a speed of 100 males an hour in ne
longer regarded as absolutely absurd.
noXaICK o* A M1 scow.
We do not look for much romance en a mud
scow, but the adventures of the poor wretches
who were blown out to ofa in last Tuesday's
gale on the "Dumps" were as thrilling as any
thing which Clark Russell could Uagine. The
rescue of some of these Door fellows made the
whole town happy today, but there is the great
eel anxiety to know about those who are still
missing. The probability is that some, if not
all, are lost. Even If they are finally recov
ered, their sufferings will long remain a tradi
tion of horror. A leeshore is supposed to be
the most dreaded danger to the sealaring man,
but it now appears that an off-shore gale has
its victims as wel as one that dings the salen
on the rocks.
A LZAno Oam ii TEN NOaST woo0e.
Quite a group of eapitalists, newspaper men
and others leave tomorrow nightfor Delgevile
the picturesque little village on the south face
of the Adirondack wilderness, where Alfred
Dolge hem developed hts wool-felt industry -and
put into practie his famous viewa on the die
tribution of surplus wages. Every year about
this time there is a notable gathering at which
Mr. Dolge announces the reeult of the year and
distributes his awards with a kind but diacrim
inainig hand. For it is the very foundation of
the Dolge syatem that the laborer must earn
his extra wage by superior excellence in
the performanye of dute. It in just
here that -ir. Dolge carefully diseriminates
between his own system and wfaat Is known as
profit sharing, he taking the ground that undeir
the latter system the indolent and ignorant
share in the rewards due to their more indus
trious or Caliable co-laborer. He has there
fore devised a science of wages which rewards
the laborer according to his reeord, and the re
suit has been quite remarkable. The systm
however, does not depend entirely upon indi
vidual merit, as it is supplemented by comma
nul features, such am public acho'ols, museus
and tho like, which. is Mr. Dolge's own pharase,
are part of eapital's insurance against ilao
deprc'ation. The Adirondacks are scarcely
a pleasure resort in midwinter, yet this
annual gthering is so unique and en important
as to cect generally quite a notable company.
Mr. Dolge himself is one of the most interest
lug of men, having risen by his own eharatmi
and industry froam a poor and obscure insmi
grant lad to a place among ths great emptainm ei
labor. The lo".ain t Dogvis wspad
choses becase of the sueirquality of the
spruce in that neIghbohod eal guastitss el
which Mr. Dolge manufactures for the s.mul
ing boards of planes, se that is is trus, aswas
lately said, that oftea, did we bat know it, the
winds of the Adiroeacks breathed in the
soundin boards eq the gadpianes wheih
give onutrmole kegs raw rooms.
'Yhe Qseet etqa QUsd MUoom.
Whatever may he ead i regard to a.sme
the memnery it must he re.m..bin. that mnsm
ery is set, as used he he suppoeas isde
peadent deeult etth mid @ms aermme .
tertings wey ayr be disey iesgtened by
enseuss. em the blact mems hi
ass at that smeasry em smne is dle t
the pls7eq nerve aekse end htes
armews eess ht whi thin
-teir Ame- mas
ase~ end tat ....M..tesd..a
Japes ~eatenas seek em0
-ein et 'nerve meet s eg m
eempilseeat eq ise s a e'mells
-nkesmn e a m
whaser is - a he m estsa
~h ese m n hg4
Ga toereha ~en
o T= a MalT OwS Ta
Waf - m Le0 Ftairfaz. Bsev of
CamS teN the iwas 14et e V1rgta.
leowns e m fles, is tva-e. Cs"ed 1em
two with Utrat Esseaia, ae 141
Med, ecls, by .3. Tm. .k Almny:
ae,s tw..er. w bt ei "It ea
am IDIOM" . New TIManm..tag
New P--hasg ca.
TRE BOOM: A Stedy lt as l Rt1tery. Ny
Wi.H se s iEaT FIawm, C.K., Director of the
ette Rarat was..y M m, etl., ec.
New Yerk: D. Appleton A 0V. WaI..Ig-S
Bast leen.
A MLTArY GlU& t of Ama Del Carretl
O aertand. C tid it Family Records
ftoe eetepy.
eral CasMe M. Wtcoq. COsMled by hs
Miece, Mary arbst W"leex. Wal-gten The
church News Fbitehtag 4.
Eusiant WASS, author of "Robert Elmer."
New Yert: Macmillan a C. Washington: W.
3. LowdermIlt & C4.
POEMS. By JAn LwiA. lillustrated by
Chares Sne Medi. Washington: Woe.
FAWCev. author of "Am Ambitem 'ema,
etc. Chicago: Laird A LAe.
NEW FRAGMENTS. By Joss TTsaa. F.R.5.
New York: D. Aggcton A Ca, WaMnagtoa:
Robert Beat
LOGURAI. San Fancie.' C. A. Nrded
A C.
ALL POETRY. A Selection of RgMIlh TWn. By
CUaNYS n.., n.. ea.d.L The Tiae"s
gme 3meS Waskages nee.
The History of the Meaican War by Gem.
Caldmus M. Wilcos, referred to in the se l
mans not long ago an shortly to appear. is new
beke the public, and proves to be a valable
contribution to our historical literature. Gen.
Wilcox devoted to the work many years of
faithful labor, ineluding a careful eempartsou
of the ocial records of both the United SWIae.
an# Mexic.. governmeste, and Isepections of
the principal battlefields and ...es described
in it. A perusal of the book cannot fal to
awaken freak interest in that starrangcoutest, of
nearly halt a century ago. of which the present
generation know. se little, but whome fruits
were of such vast advantage to our country.
But this t not its only nor its chief Value.
What will epecially interest the readers of the
present day is Gem. Wilcox's graphic account
of the subsequent career of the young ofico'e
who participated in that struggle, following
their ourne 'aithfuny from that time until
they won new 6A wider reputatAone as leader
of t os forces in the late civil war.
The volume is profasely illustrated with per
traits of the principal participants, and piane
of the several batte flekta, and contains, more
over, a complete rsoter of all the Amermcan oi
em engaged in the contest, whether in the
regular army, the volunteer foroe. er the navy.
Kim Sidsmore, whom book em Alaka is
become sa inseparable companion of every
body who visits that wonderful coantry, he
furnished in her "Jinrikieh. Days in Japan" a
volume which bids fair to be equally Useful and
attractive to travelers to that most charming of
all the countries of the far east. and which is
every year becoming more and more an object
of antere..t to suriats of all nationaities. Mis
Seidmore does not attempt to be profound,
but contents herself with descriptions of the
country, its people and tieir daily life: and
herein lies the charm of the bu*, which as
bright and entertaining from tLe firt page to
the Inst. Its value is enhanced, too. by a num
ber of illustrations which add greatly to the
interest of the text, and a oomplete index.
A substantial service has been done to his
torical literature by Dr. Tor-er in the publica
tion of Washington's Journal of his Journey
over the Mountains of Vu gin whale servey
ing for Lord Fairfax, in 1747-4. The task Dr.
Toner set himself was to reprodue the Journal
with literal exactness as to abbreviations. the
ma of capital letter., punctuation, spelling.
etc., and it has been performed with intelli
gence and Adelity, and Lhe vaLue of the work is
greati increased by copious note., which
bear evidence in every line of patiens research
and a thorough comprehension of the matters
in hand, He was fortunate, too, in Anding a
publither so capable of ccondang the pureone
heohd in view, so that the volume is attraclive
in a double seuse-for the matter it contain,.
and for the mann.r in which it is psumasted, as
well. -
A charming lile volume, to literary etyle as
well as in typographical apvearanc and lillas
trations. is "One Summer in Hawaii," by Hales
Mather, an aecoisplieed lady, now visiting in
Washington. The author spent several months
in the mandwich Island group, with exceptional
facilities for seeing ats scenery and etudying its
people, and the result is a series of graphic
and delightful pictures of life in that attractave
"cluster of emeralde, rimmed an by turquoise
mas," where, like the fabled land of the Ate.
esters, it seems always afternoon.
An unique sook-book he. been publiehle by
Wimodaughis-the National Woman'. (ub of
this city. It Is nt the product of one mind,
nor is it made up of the extravagant fancie. of
profesi-al gourmands. but contain. the favor
ite recipe. of well-knowun ladie, of this contry,
including Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Morton, the
waves of the several cabinet oflicer. Mr.
Potter Palmser, Francees E. Willard, Pundats
Banmaiba, Lady Henry Somerae and ethers
hadly less prominent.
3163T WeREK TEE gera3ar
A Itae Wers em the Wamat Map tamw the
1ne of theera~m.
Prom the adford Er.
"There's a flat wheeles thie treek sder ti
end of the car," said an Erie omelal who est in
the back seat of the rear ear of a perneeager
train. "That amint be taken eut. It might
wreck the train."
"What's a flat wheel?" aked the eeribe.
"'Listen," maid the radlroad mn. "Yes beer
that rapid pat-at-pet of the wheel? That'.
caneed bf' the flat wheel. On a spot em the
eurface of the wheel a flat pas worn. It
naav be done, and is generally by etting up a
braike so tight that the whoe slpnthe rail.
Let it sdip but the least, yet a samall place no
larger than a silver dollar will be worn on the
wheeL. The next tinme the brake is eet up hard
the wheel etope with that me ple em the
rail end it ia worn larger.
"By the time It iSea couple of Inchee to dime.
eter it beginet ound every time the wheel
terse. Instead 01rntga true aiSele am 't
revelve. the wheel strike.Sa em the raM when
the Set spot is reachet The eeneegeeme. iS
that when the flat spot be. green to he three
or Sear inches acros it to a very daru
'hefth wheltl ehl tbesk ewhl
end ith the trals."
Arudthes n me M eyr arp
ma .se.e. Am.....s..tosdi..aemeed te
eti 0 wheels afeeted to tahen ent and esot to
Se Jnk alkto be omet tote new ..mam.y
weald h sy hejugi' h muedt
he.........se hoe ..e .,.
meet dsmgseue 01 -...ag.T yet
msen eam
Dimmte eeete.s M..
IS appems thst e Ds ema t ase
easem ste -e e e em be ashsas
pa- et mofa at ma e -as to Otw
het emr aend els me~amst
seutsms wemaehe ad Seem tunee noat
De wak 0f eiam h tio - Gee aefe
- to p-lehatemeest ale i emf
siSi amnn of Qa end
be inmsr bed to mteA m and mase
embeete e tam- t o agend th
saw scene
at~ra" - *
uaas nsagmr
e ,sasess a
I M atfiw 1asades samm
weseft Z~ W208mW
Se 1WA Omega. us moe" qa f ft
Eu- ved Guassir a 'a . 3
Ucren disess Ad a konsp gn & m
mom in an emrt. of reatl, he ads a
crioas analytical stdy 4t 60 mead dse
olea Of the IevI Oy de Um.. W hgg
elmaeatesed *een* Ia viahI et whi of
suicidal smas. Te twe's geesbp as te
whether the e1teate iafare War web.
lagf presented the peneed eye p.
eanitery made of a edsamed WiAd, Dt.
Garaier had aue h-*WAashn: A-m
yes-" n'Te prtecipal inteb als asinhesh*
iategory, that in toy, htI have ea em
Xauapa...as pea during e vw y
are -ot~e c.Sr," "&A Ma. --
".Auberge" and IA Mnk" It ins he
last named that the &m bin
most striking instrati 'Nes" bling
that evil spirit, shot pba et teeter, h
hasting presene as tormenged saer tenne
fora, a amar veo pow oelgusge, t"ah
Pages of hasngr"weomw ae . "I gen, eg maG gee
ductaou lr. Garner smp: 'ias t I thwh S
would be insmposable for a mam mnda to ehe
and put en wene asbisg phamoa of bahe
canation. but only on eendation that thaes bad
developed thempaves eatside he ander's be
ing -that Le had -tadied im in anmm te
'eon. or thatthis istter had dietated them to
Dim Koch does net ma to be the ase wie
Manpamoasu I beie as the e 01erv, 1h01
be ha. found hi. ea hame. h in
in this tale of the 'Rora' a incomparaby it
tense descraption of the ha=ca=aesry delarim
induced by into tmient. No elarel '
ast P4nuld have detailed sere accra do
anguish, the Setter, the illsemna ftein
tion of naiad."
I he following passage is Cdted spedalip
"As the sbade. of evening draw on a deg
Jar feeling of inquistude takes Of
me as at use night covered a misne
I an oepemd by a fear that is eagei, yes
oarresabe-fear to seep, a dread of my very
couc.L 64arcely within mAy chamber I deahis
lock the door and push the bolts. a am sfraid
-of what? I open the wardrobe easeta, peer
Under the bed. I lisen-lar what? As ineus
le being. a sairt, As unser my roe. washis
my chamber-yes, and comm at dead of n
to drAik the water from my earafe. b
an pomession of my sofa and veras it.
'1 victim of thi dread X =lcaminent
see, from this haunted dwelling. tinkang e
have imnprisoned therein has amis"e asay.
the "Huria." Ue seeks to dimeroy it by owning
Sre to the house. Than doubt ream and
with It the old atsiety, the "h terree. ''It A
at dead? 'llen-1 shall have te bo mymaift"
buck is the prophetic endanget - 0
ainister story, which he ha just 'tisist' f
the letter in attemptang Amt be iew out he
brains, then to cut his throat, t esae 6
*Horma" of has dieased imagiastsae.
From the tume of the pubiacataem 01 thebeek,
Dr. Garnier declare., Ase author's appre-ae
fate could have been, in fact was, am monen
whiapers, predicted. And that ''meedsame
for luamey ' was the me alarming ros the
strikang contrast presented by this em wea*
to the work. which had eddit from Ge
seme pen-so sane, so 4. en aboeding a
lite, in calm obwervation and thought.
''A hecce thais sudden and patiful nmdser
mationt From intoucatiom and over eseit.
ment." Dr. Garmier says. ".Nch dimmer is
the fatal prie of unnatural preductie by thi
aad of stiamuaaaaa, the imnevetable result et a ee
tanuous lalngof the brain to fury by a levered,
inhataable ambatan. It As well known the
Maupa- at, lake Rtandkire before him. was a
s. Ave to has.W-h, besides haring for same Yom
past abubed ether sa remedy tarsme er ei
uaaginary ills.
It as curns to notmein the wi of S
thors who depend upon tme use of tonic ss e
Lints, whether alcohl oluaum, cemame, haai
or ether. for their anmganatiis team de Cere
these effects ot originality, of strangeness an
utten ol tartling verasmanitade which perhaps
con-tatu'e taaeir chIAefsuer. " and charem. uea
indeed. a that vivid ueasabiity which gives to
the poem, drama or tale the poigianey E.
page torn from inte atseaf. BuL it a net the et.
coume of a normatl corbral coulatia. LatD
by little the sensiabulity etalts steelL tram
snomentary it becomes pernsament. and Ie
sensurial vibration as that of derangement
It would be an interesuang psydhelugical in
qary the Piecaahat sggeata. whether the an
her depictig a maan. maLaes him RemanS,
talk, and act like a v.rstable aimdanr. or
whether he is nt simply embdyang his om
indiadual senmatioas and alease [a oher
words, is not the pretended dCtion a trincrip
tion of has own sual? and. is esaying the por
trut of an imaginary madan., has he ae gavem
ila own &moral photograda? The cm of hdgar
'e, to go no further, weld ceartainig so tO
bear out this theis.
Neverthelese, be eelades, f i s menst Ie
generalize: and. while dafieult, it may net be
wholly aampemihale. for a lIterary work 01 pOe
that a to say, ene-imaganatom . pe4et1i
Wrs and elact picture of mem alsm.mu
ntem the Landon liMe.
An American lady, a Climfernina man
the proud distinctaen of beiang the GM te eMnar
the pit for the opening perfoermeos Of "Seury
vuI' at the Iqem. Asked bow dessesa
plished thin feat, she replied: "I edt a tId
went with our eamp stools GCr. teek Om ples
next the door at 10 o'clock i the morning. We
were provided with a volume of ' 1erpe1
Magazine,' a eiech book, writing paper end1
fountain pea. earieatures of Meary Irving and
mauch patience. A newspaper spread under
the feet and a japaese ma warmer. W"
sand iches and a betUe of wine, kept - Oem
fortable. 'Iwo ;&dim were the seat comon and
abortlya crowd began teCetieet Ilealammungb
was, but not very elegant. After aheut two
hours Mr. Bram "taker Came and h aed lsek 4
mu, said the barrier shnould be ptup, an
cheered our hsena by telling muas tea said
be served 1rem the neighboaring madoom (psabil
hoese u. A newspaper aman enlightened ear
naag'habors on thu er and immorelly in the
inwery at lien York. 'i ~y I ammsred up
courage to say, 'Guses yoe dadn't msemay
Amicanas there' *he,' he was teamed he aeply,
at which I snailed triumphantly. At han inI
o'clock we ware rewarded for am by
gesting seate in the front rew. pa n
superb, and the audience-wdl, avear e
lookmed as If he hdoe s--rn "
t4ems the Provitence JinraL.
The origin of the tug-ot-war is ededs in G
mistset thme past. The pealer isa has beam
that it originated with the Gees, and Nlathe
hel Leae'edt-aaedespeims,"Wh Geek aitn
Greek, thea come the tsg-0t-wr," has aluapa
been -cepe withoat -nseeig Te
lines mus have been twineed hr tulsahvpeahe
s, or else the anther teek adnmm ng 01 thm
libetis of poetie hacees,. ah..ane lved and
wrote ahout se41, and, an ths Is ae abse
record of a tag-ot-war estin ffty yaure inter,
at could hardly have bean headsd dewa baa
the i..nhaiants 0 Geoisa elles, GeM m
p-tr cai ele aete bleed emurmed. the
teg was doesees basewn i Nah-de Ge
but the birecaeerd et aesmIse one
between two beet ews et atya
- -et-war Titme, eoadastd Ia Ge asy yes
at Emisghad. hA ald welter, ea
deatly en adnter 01 Ge spest, muae m@
simate ever Ghe esen "Wham with aleug aN
01 the maarInas and hes menbin t thei
and then saong themmer ser osmad
they had aM i 01e the rape and mrm ad
annendieany. It in sn had le bns
thi te pea eignaet mu Ged. i
the.rigI..,1 t. .t.g whe mm,. eap
e-m eatablished. gaied - r
enty wth csea end leaim, dG
mthe hinmery 01 nmatr eat ein . Iin-e
endana e I et
U et beWht etnei deh
urn, Nmbulam heamage naGs~
e...4 sh en whim e -ae
etand -ed hes Go imU edg
base, hean hUe he5 &
og &emg
hoi.zA wa
tsn ad Qeg
3was u.. a.. a.s
nusdsle am
---C,- ' - a,