Newspaper Page Text
82 faNuO FU ..r. THE EVENLi NG TAkl ersIosawS AIL , EXCKW laceA1e AT THE STAX BUILDINGS. 1101 Puseyleamis Avema carmer 11th k. by lhe Eveing Star Newspaper omupuay, L H. EAUFFMANN. Pce'L 1ew Yak 01m. 88 E str db. '3e3 Evelmes Iasa is -wri to aberibrstna lhe Ily by caruers. , thbqr own arsumit. at 10 - emta par 4ek. or 44. per moneth. .,a at lhe qcomte. 2 rwwtme wrequict per mouth. JaTrma QcaDuarce Saar stamf 1.9par yaur; bh foreim w-etaee add-t. SM 00. (EAMe.t at the Pbut 00" at Washitem. D.C.. as nrmew-rlm ma matte.) Big All mail ambertpiom mest be poid hI vmm. Salmsef vae !t made knowa em asgag kaN . FINANCIAL. NATIONAL. 1OAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY or WASHINGTON. . . OI 157ST5W. AND NEW YORK ATE. emARTENRE BT SPCIAL ACT OF CONEEMX JANVART '". 1M7. Im.p u. samdr act Camorse, October 3. 3O Trumme the beiad t a TEEUST COMPANY j all n Vartenbr handies Also the -----a t GAYINGS DANZ Ad of a sA5* 3PS1T COMPANY. Capitals 0=3 m1LLIO OF DO.TARU. Acts aaswiem . m-adnmi; ster. media et h a baosf mmm, casmmittu ot the aowig la is. rWe, -g aVd ,nhsaow trams Ofa aM d SrY Villa prepared by a emptemt ettemu mi hpt Vttheet chas., whim th. compy is amm& esUer or Nrmaa ceiem smeary d in isrUU of TEN CEmT" mt epward and allow* iateet thereen. Moay desmAted beforeThe &0.l day nde0 the *rst. Wenad amd thud doa ofe msath wlaw INTO sida m the Am day. LeAns memey Wpen red nald. au eollateral zearty. malls, Sare-clas real etat a" d a" h assartimA ti noset30 ad aped. Nfertva SILVED WARE ama ubl ind. at VALU Sul Fe apes depao empaeama soma alm ae rmmeddroymoa and mwr . ThI tempmy'geqaipsanl for thie SATE DEPOSIT PUSIS1M boag the outgrowth of a qater of a C0 tar'empodmass. is met ismed " thi District. Sb.~a samted fer 65-441-h7t10-31.5-5 in-4W-6100--aad *5-emch par OMaS. mbms To Sim and localism. Oaee beses-Dady from 9 aM. to 4 p. in. aMd maWt lhormste ordered, in asiditMi to the rsfulma odks boal "11o&o'elch P.m.. as follows: Us =15th day of each amoth. On the Ila. ie se day of each xr outh. on the am. nmed ad thud days ofet& hmoth Mb-. the 11 fakea Sunday The 4th da wil be Nanm t: DENJAMIN P. 1STDER. te Presdents. eMAR.zLE C. LoVEE. FrLM. SAMb X. JON~STOS, Hecomd. THOMAS I. Joss. Thand. I. INANVa 0IGG. ALDErMT IL 'TATEVANT. Dwetrm 9m10m 1. Sardir. ZemasC. Robsima, Aben I Sturtevamn. Amdrew Wylie. Comatgv H. Pat. Matthew 0. Lkmery. j~'liChalas A. Jaien Charl" C. Glover. Bees %rry.John 0. Parke. rV ,b John F. Rudastr. Wghman x d a Tbmae I. Jonsm. 91 FDEL.TY SCELDIN AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WA$HINGTOII . C. subscribed Capital 61.000.0eA 6 tr Cent paid e Deaular Depsats. a" 10 34r Cam pM as Deos lM with lho A--ation S 5 we ToN 4m henow e3.m40 mm em 10 011 i Eeal sAW.R - by and ay It bank at thPassg 413 per mouth. No tuinu ow oblisae- to owr Membsu and em aoy woes that we eda all we asse ts. Cal ad be reonviae. Oithe. Amseaaa me rye . tadopt ow plan. Why' mobam*W w hnow we ae duims ba m a ser clasme am other tiformathss apply at e.6m. 10l and 91'5 F me. a V. Dost be CUlaaba Natmal Ransl. Amoea m sm............ 5A6 OFFICLES. gAaRION DINGMAN... .............Pedemt ASI EW WAL r... st Vice Prie sdet a*S Mmma., GIUSE W. LEACH.................21 Vice Presidenl AIOZZ2o TWEEDALE.---............... setary S)I4E GIIU................Tras J-0. EL 9MITE........................... Atterm ADWARDI. YORE.....Massagert Lam IDbpartmit A IJMITED mDEm Or sua"R OF TEE CAPITAL STOCK Or ngg CeIRUnA-GEA CURBING AND PATIUB COMPANY I a.s 9r sle a as per vales. 019 Pr SEAE, At The aktw Demo er woo" & .. nu F. n.W. 3. P. WRJEBT. Premieau. 1051 C. P0OR. Vice Preml. U. . WIOODS. Truammer. K. 1. MNL~AEEI. GamislMa-. 2.. . WRUET. Diesiaa et Winn,. J-B C POOR. Tineasmse WahteseeiIM Cm. U. T. WOODS. Weedis AC..1am = 3.1J. MULAVUEL.1M Casastr. 110st 3. 3.. VAINWXZGUT. Caatracer. W late BEOIMYSTAR OF CAPITAL STOCE. 333 aISteAN&1 SacrmT ANDI T30W? COMrANT. Wibhajmeus of the yemenpn is a weB-hnswmand h--- -- m--a em.. Its eparatoms hae bee corn Gesled 1r my year in this city and mnasty all laree las hi lhe Umites tilessa. It bhimss and pshltabis 5-*--* em haal. ad ew epaarn ae almoit daily geiamted. It is the atntiss et ths-n== hi adhisMabumer lime of hnaim-- that af AEALT STEEET PAVING. Wersemetta wbh it willhive a mwandessale oa ot seelS and anachinery. and wil be fully gi. basal ts mnmrat the lasgges nacts an this wiry perf Perchemsmet abeSe, ina ta eomwvay wilt base em baMan imatally --*-bb-ed 6ea--=--- the msemter gestiam of whtch will be cemndced i this lay ade ander their een empereiuLes heeartime ermrthe cwom i e a ahM ha Smrisntly ham laseembhiet it hi p to shambhda very liberal ~idendes and add a hms surplus to its Sm c euplaL These is me hiwaimeat at Wrst ofeed Vkltchpreamise. aegreat am hamai= hi theecar batmsy of early returas In diam ade auuipesbee advamce bi te prire of Mseeh. 9.1-t iAha, AMA! I)01.10 A.S TZuEAT .Q~LI Lb -iw edh-a~ ~ e...r tam may:c" m - ht may lwi ea bhia **RADLES L. OURLET. 12Mg I at. m.. C. T. BIAEMME., WEmne Waahaastoe aSlch REhM ea. Est. and Stickh Sebar, Remm hand I3. Alamtae &aImg. amaeses mshwest. 2WYESTMNTSECUE3IRE EMseet Dew Tast aSg e7-am Membwe Wambiem Slabk 3.EWU e. TEVESDEar a ca, DAaEEa AND manSEma P ST.. WamISSwTON. 3. C. e~m e a em MM l&ab man. uiuateahe New Ttand j1 lmmas aledendesessen ~ ~maibnbrma w aima.msei ewesasE F[NANCIAL PCE AuwAz TECam . Am TaUS CO. 1wG 0 ST. AW. CAPITAL *1.250O0. Pa"y Interest. Act &e esecutor. Atsa amaaiac Acts -tratee. Acta guardia. Acta a recetier. Acts an trea.rr. Atan amga... Aets - amasenee. Acts me annetai asset% Furnmishes invesen-ma loan. mainey. Cellecte tceme... Neats saf. deposit boaes, AEords sorage accommea"tk, Draws wills free of charge. Rni wi free of cherue, A. T. rttenm....... .Presidnt. C J. Bell. ........... rst Viee losident. Henry F. Bount..Second Vice PreAlont. Percy B. Metaer............. Treasurer. It GOM E. Emmons... .. ecretary. NOW IS TBE -I1E TO SUBSCRIBE. New Iat. (Seveuth) opens FlwUary3. 1 EASTERN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Dam I monuth pmr share. SNM advanced on each shame. PROFIT 23 PER CENT PER ANNUM SINCE ORGANIZATION. Subecription received awd all informaNaio rnishud. J. W. WHELPLET. Prekent ......8 EatCapitolat E*EO. R. REPETTI. Vice President...=%. ae, 1.e MENIY K. BlMboN. 5scetary ...OPa. eve. s, JO1. E. HLERELL. Treamurer ....9 Pa. ave, e.e OEO. W. McEE .........................3 12th t. s.. ALEX. MCEENZIEL .......................1dth st. w.e C. C. HEA ".............................. 101 4th at. n.e JAS E . E T C . . . ... . 63 P si IL* W . B. UUkLLY. FkDhLICKC. STEVENS Memaber% of the Washington Stock Eachansa. GORLEY A Ma YEN Real .E.ta. Insurance and Stork ahLe. 1385Ft. Real estate bonWLut, sold and rented. Local ectu ties bught and muld. -Noney lemed o listed ascurl tiee and real asal Srecial attention te Srat-clasin. Vesmets. Npg ma, J. ael, Jan. E. Plith. Ge . ows BILL & CO.. BANKE2s. A40 a STRT. DEP06ITS EECHANGE. DISCOUNTS. A peacMi mase el lavea-m; swearitles. Eg aesachaae issued o a pmi . jama elnd alarne' bobSh and odL W ODS a CO.. AN KERES, I= Ft. S.w. Aeemmals aer hmide. bas. rporattows ai espl asts solteted. Our facilities am the best. IeawS maie an eal eane and othr availablenci learal. Enhamm. beth tesei sml memai-". dhawa at ev Ieltame afredit availabeallgarteat the wumlIfa. - y ave any e Oemsr Is anuw yew bk w canamassean. WOODs & CO.* BANER8. *26& Tax UNITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 13131 T WAbHINGTON. D. mabies you to STOPayuRET ' I ' la to the PURCRAME of a BMOV a dot m any aount. ree cent lated dote they ane mass W. Os rea jat3ha T. C. DANI aeerery. INSURANCE. f UTUAL PROTECTION FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF THE D. C.-WILIlAM BALLANTYNE. PresideaL JAMES I. FITCH. Secretary. Issaes policie at umsall low raes and sace insuter share na the prtota. For ltalrmanaos apply to the ote cc t& ampany. 1406 t. S.w. jb.2-ly 1WIt of eleaded by wbodw that W we the laeges 255CAUl VA etse if AuAwsre. O T ENeOA TS. AY OF YOU KAVE NOT YET PURCRABED A WINTER OVKA COA. DO NOT THINK THAT YOU WILL AVE NO USE FOR ONE. FON MOST OF oUa WIN TER IS TET TO COML YOU WILL FIND BEA A LARGE AS 90STMENT OF THE PROPZr STYLES OF OVERCOATS AT ROrZA PRICE&. .EE THM. ROINOzn. PAzKER & Co.. AMERICAN CLOTHIERS. 1200.1202&1204FST.N.W. RR OLAn --A WONDERFUL SYMPUONT rOA a a pley ay emitho.n without the kewleuige ofamsoc New style" j sweived. bANiDERS A STATMAN. T1E SIEMENSLNNEN LAM. Especially deerned for all attuatipas where Innemesad iluintien Ia deeired. Mes than a 0.U0 et these lasay. are mnw an na6. Teetn.nela=. referenacee or may deJired infermaton etB1 be ceerfully gsteen on appas'ice te TRE GAS APPLIANCE EEANGE. I 42 New Yoch ave. a.w. TAMAS 'AatveTERPRI 'aery asseeable totaketer cONSTIPATION. IN13133 Iaelpeie~j e A~ IL TO ATTEND OUR 5505 MAIL. ?AF ENTERPRISE, 2n2004 lllh1th t. m.a. ..-bi.,,.....-.. W00TWEAR pea mha m deags 121 Ps... AT..b aMe SPECIAL NOTICES. SAlO1'NAL..T CLUB N-. 1. '"I Y 14T. 3. w.-W. l. Towantvd will speak TUES A VENG, February .. on *Sis of Pree THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockboldom of the Washington Gas Light Company will be held at the ofee of the company. No. 413 10th at. t w on MONDAY. February 1. 1, for the election al directors to serve during the temow ear The polls will be open troum I- o'clock EL tolIo'clockV. m. Jal4-15t ('HA%. B BAILEY. Secretary. NEW BUILDING ASSOCIATION. SMARES V-50 EACH PER MONTH. O.W IN FULL ADVANCED ON EACH SEAwM. The Carroll Co-operative Building Association of the District of Colunmbia will bold its second reirulir monthly mieeting for the payment of dues and making advances on MONDAY. kebruary 1. 18M9. at 7 o'clock p. in. at hall 0-l F st. n. w. flubecri ieo for sbates will be received by the fol lowingr ofers and members of the asoilation: Edw. J. Hannan Prm's ...........7 1 th st. n.W J. H. Buscher. V. en. &:0N. Lberty Market Dennis Connell............... ......... 1st and If sts. n. w John BI. Murray.... bureau of kngravin: and Printing Rob["t McDonald....................... -! K wt. I. w Dennie W. McGrath.....tN 10th at. and 451 1st. n. w bur it. Tracy.............................. 2_5 F st. n. w John Nhurhire..........................1103 7thst. n.w D. A. Driscoll................... Florida ave. n.y Henry W. Sobon,Attorney.Fendall b'd'r.:44 D st.n.w Alfred R. Wllson. Trustee..... .........ttI'5 F st. n. w Henry C. Huntrman. Trustee. Roon223. U. S. Pat. Of A. J.Clark ..........................7 er .th at. a. w Meye Loeb............................t912 Fat. n. w ..Coyle................... 715 WSbat.u. w DANIEL DONOV AN. Secretary. ja29-ft 1011 st. n.W. ''LA GRIPPE CURE." MEDICINAL WHISKY. 1tely guaranteed to cars LaGrippe in oneweek. From75c. to gper quart. pItS. ALICE K. SELIGSON, . ja20-3t 100- 1202 Pa. ave. U.w. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES; large stock; lowest rivces; full lius of Rath sway. Soule and Harrinton's Men's Shoes. M. STRICILAND, 302 Pa. ave. ja2U-3m lw - THE BEST SHOES MADE FOR MEN'S wear. strilsh. durable and comfortable. are UA'A AWAY.300LE AND HARRINGTON'S.d31-3m HATHAWAY. SOULE AND HARRINO ton's Mean's Shoes can be found at HAVENNER & DAVIS'. jW23-3m 19214 and 930 F at. DUEEHARTS CELEBRATED BURTON Ale. India Pale Ale. Brown Stout equal to i tled can be found at 6. 0. CORN WkLL & 50 "'. Sole Arents. j7.Im BE SHEIRYFOR ENGRAVING. 63 D ST SPECIAL RATES TO CASH CUSTOMERS. satiefaction natAnteed or money cheerfully returned. AMERICA. ICE AND COAL COMPANY. Main omce: S. W.cor.10th and F n. w. Telephone, 48. Call red wagons for ace and coal orders. Branch ofilce: tim Pa. ae. n.w. E. M..WILLIS. Manager. Jal BANJO PLAYERS WILL FIND A COM W. late stock of strings anl trimmings at HUGO WORC &CO.'S MUSIC STORE. V2h 71b st. Rogers' banjo heads. Banjos repaired. ja14-3m IT HAD COME!!! Winter. I mean. and I am prepared to keep you wariar with my Family Coal. which I deliver promptly. Never disupovrt a saitan in cold weather Is good logic for a coal dealer. Those who have not the stock cannot avoidit. Therefore buy of J. MAURY DOVE. Coal Merchant. Ofces %ot anid I a. w.. 1206 n. w. and 12G M at. A. w. d21-lm BOOK, LEGAL AND JOB PRINTING. H. L. McQUEEN. PRINTER AND PUBLISHER. Telsephe1aa . tia1i9 Ilub-11145Est. nw. TO-KALON. 5Rfh grade California Wines and Brandies. Purity and quality guaranted. Gseeal Agents for Ton"c Waa. 614 14thst. in16-Im RESSUITS Ja12-1m 414 9TH %. N.W. SEE SHEIRY FOR PRINTING. 611 D ST. l R EASTON & RUPP. BTATIONER, 41 11TH ST. N. W. Bmak ooks. Copying Presns. Stands. hc.. latter 1fes. Docaument and Cash Dozes. Oflee Fixtures. Wedding and Tihin Cmabd Engraved and Printed. 081 jrE??ER NOW Thanl lAST YEAR. IETTER YET BEET TEAIL The XXEMNTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER Reeps temtantly Improving Din practical qual tiesm heure itscuseantly incremaing popularity in the na et of the world. WTCEOFF. AamAXS & BENEDICT. ja1-tr STH AND F ST. .W. - WANHINOTON DIRtECTORY; FO1 Nurses, 1446J N at. Reorganized by the authority of the Medical Society of the Dibtrict of Co. lumbna. (Cut this et and keep it for reermos!) Ja21ilai "MERTZ'S" TAILORING LORE. We am so keep or clientele posteden the newest 1d I. tailering. Just now our t ne larwely takes up in making We pespautio for the spring. Early you a"s. may think-bat then we have to take time b the 1es011k. W. C. mnz's faisrue SAepi, ja &14 1thast. a.y. SDR. JOHN A. DALY. DENTIST. HAS RE moved his once to the Marts building. co. 11th anY ts. Telepbone No.9010. a12-.Ln* G~1EDNET b ROBERTS CO. .DESIGNING. ENGRAVING AND 131NTI30 POR SOCIAL. AND est 10u iT.. EAR GAS O111CR. MIs ~MILLIOIS HAVE REEN SPENT MY OUR whartntriesa tag Caement's line Hames -~le Baecm when thyware not Caeserd's at a.l. We e to..veream....adi.. caity and hw ell dp a blue oval tin ag, with wn memspeiatd os Bin white which is aisa to all wa seea whether coveru& ur uneored. Dun't he daeeved. 1n ns hawn only god with thIts tag...-cedithem. istr SNOT ICE. SNOW AND DIRT BUT dr lel e. ums ce. . whe BADI JONO. Only the beet artinie and tane prace to body. Complete facilatise, bottom STS EASUR DEPRTMIT. E OF heConallroiler et theasig he un.. ,ed hasa be. .aa wise- e heir t e sielei and theg t .o ett.d t .meaet .. - ,....m s ohe Wneai .--I.r l~a New.. titas t am o ~ ~ v t~ annd Mee R. ej . in woh.m",i|"....O""'" p". E ."She ga.. n thenDe. n at A.. A.. On em. -s. SPECIAL NOTICES. HAVING SEVERED MY CONNECTION wat h . Benaimrer in the hors. businees am pr Psed to turnish all kinds of stock in the iarof 61-011.116w. Horses gaateed as B zl- ai' 1A9I 50. DMI 5Z3IT IssEa TO BUY A LOT IN WEST END PARK ON MONTHLY PAYMENT8 OF 65 THAT WHEN YOU HAVE DONE S0 YOU WILL WONDER WHY YOU DID NOT DO IT BEFOR. Get partaulars of COPP. *Everybody knows 0opp.C it 706 EIGHTH S. N W. Is more essential to a ie. man than a WATCH that is always rfltd Not hinig can please him better than one of those WATCHES we are selling on fiasa payments to govergment clerks and other reseponsable persons. They vary 85 eonds In a yer; you may feet them. The prices ae the Very eseet possible. A. L. SALTZSTEIN. $r.. Manau/eturing Jeieler, fel 06 Seventh at. POINTS ON PLUXBIN. We have bee In the Plumbing busines for yea- We have yet to be called upon to do ovw any work originally done by aSfea record to be proud of. OnW more point-4w eAres we not sesaes. . . sHEDD & BRO.. 4M2 9TH ST. N.W. gl " TIMES HAVE CHANGED." Tifte o'as -hen A e iailes0r as ex. The ensives. That time IS past. Almost every season I And it possible to either flames quote a lower price or turn out Suer mar ments at the old Prices. Just new I am aes making a run on Trouserings. Would you believe I turn out more Trousers heaNged. than half the tailors in town added to. gether? Why not; with such patterns and such perfectSitting garments. A line of $7 Trouserings have dropped to 41. G. WA RFIE SIMPSO N. *Espert in Tr-r." Cor. 9th and sits. n.y. fel NOTICE OF REMOVAL.-TO THE PUB lic-It is a source of wrraticstion for us to be able to state that the continued increase of business in the line of ''our speciauty." East Washington prop erty, neoessitated the transter of our ofce, to our com niodio corner bunilding. 400 PA. AVE. S. E.. where we can be found from 8 a. In. to U p. in., well prepared to attend to the wishes of our callers. jasI0JA WELLER & REPETTL SPECIAL NOTICE!-A CHANCE FOR A COLORED MAN TO BUy A HOME Un I1th bet. h and T sts. n.w. -rooLa and bath brick; all mod. imte. : lot 17x1W feet to alley. Price. .700. Termsees. lII A WEST. ealEstate and Insurance, Wjp 718 15th at. n.y. AfND w have a larg lo OAM FIXTUE to Riable wsorkime ahenya reudy to vgnipij All Ga orde. In the leaver of Hll Li~gAfs. Aide Brachts, CAfaaeoers. C. A. MUDDIXAN. &c.. this store cannot be ex. 614 12TH ST. DROP LIGHTS, REMOVAL NOTICE.-I HAVE REMOVED to any new ofice. 3014 East Capitol at. op 'ate my old businee place. Call in. 3* JOHN F. DONOHOE. SJ8 East Capntol at. HAVING PURCHASED FROM WM. Jewell & Co. the entire ownership in the business conducted at 2106 Pa. ave. n.w.. and known as the -Grotto Cae." I will continue the same in Brst class style and furnish unesceptionable tare at mod orate priesa The best table board. $4 per week. Oyster.a Ash. chois and steaks prepared by artistic coo an erved promptly. Private roous tor ladis and fami lies. May tormer patrons, as well as my friends and the pubic, are requested to call. Ja3-39' WM. JEWELL. SMISS GRAHAM'S DANCING CLASSES removed iromu ltl00 0 at. n. w. to 514 th st. n.w. (second Boor). Mondays and Thursdays, at ternoon and evening. Private lessons If desired. ja'49.lw* 5.Z NEW DEPARTURE IN FINE TAILORING. H. D. BAR. 1111Pennsylvana ave. suits from O3l up. Trousers from *10 up. Low prices from this date with hirh-girade rt. JaW OWN! AOMEll Thesehousessaresre ik, H 30 hom11 . combining ele ON rance with every con venleece. irst story THE NORTH SIDE brown stone; front teps of same material O tastefully c a r v a d. KASS- AVE. eae flor with spe Clows halls and easy BETWEEN Int ha an air It W'. -frt to the IST AND 2D STS. N. . interior. The Anish Is Of natural woIs. FRONTING TWO STREETS, wooden mantels handsome t I I i ns. WIDE PARKING. There are numerous closets, coal vault is connected by covered roof and communicate, with furnace room.- jam-64 b-AL.r.N C. CLARK ANNOUNCES THAT AS n Iar- EMTATEa ROKER He Buys and Sells Realty. Coliets Sieats. Adjusts Pars. That he haa the co-operation of energetic and ezna ssisate. Js6-las ' 03 et.n.y. b LETTER AND NOTE HEADS. CARDS, CIRiCULARM. Ac.. ritdin Brat-clam manner at loweat with good workmanship BYXOI U. ADAMS. JOB PRINTER. Telpoe D 6111titat. n.. ~t MONEY TO B UHO3NEU. A new plan. Does not cast mnses than rest. thtrnainates all payments and 4he home loest orfamily free freesncnen.ences. PAaMENATBcan heia menth tly half yearly or yearly for a patd sAe ,n nfteor twenty yesrs as te alian ay ONLY PRUDENT WAY TOBUY A HOME ON THE INaSTALLrMENT PLAN and eesa Ntoyu fail ievent of roar death. FRofni patcarT aaisto'.G sl Uimitd S af .......aca. cpetal 61.000.000. Nulle pai..'las-3 SHRS 610ELR Monthly paymenta. uS.n per ha 0100 advaeadon esakshe. 1,etts IS per east sce .p..c.e.. Mech . Ineerpsesig WaSHrtNGTON OFFMCEEsO Utais HENRY A. CADT. Preibeme Nsaa meal EsRsi. T113ihat.a.w. fV fhe B. WARNIELD SEMP30N1l3egbaa an ZM Y. Naeamt And RS0. T. PARURSesam Tess ReieiNal EsaEhe.6Idet-a.y hthas BU0. A. P33VenT an..u aSb hemS (Wiber& bwwwet~SltayW. esag SPECIAL NOTICES. MRS. MARY McGK SNELL OF MIS sissippi will ak at First Wy' tist Church. loth and 0 ma' , at 7: THIS EVEN NG. Prof Per, y .. Foster will sing a solo. All iriends invited. I "SECRET CO1FESBION TO A PRIEST." The-ce!ebratedeox-Roman Catholic. EVANGELIST LEYDEN of Boston, will lecturm THIS(Menday) EVENING. 7:30 o'clock. in MASONIC TEMPLE. 9th and F s. nw.. to MEN ONLY on the above Interest taw subject. Admasson, 25c. No true American cltiest should fai to be piessl. it* 5tan MASONIC - A SPECIAL COMMUNICA tion of Columbia Lodre. No. 3. F. A. A. 1L. will d at Scottish Rite Sanctuary. 1007 G at. nuw.. TOMORROW. Tuesday. February 2. 18W. at I L .m.. for the purpose of attending the funeraror our -to brother, Clarence De Montreville. A full attend n-e isreweated. Mentws of sisterlodgestraternally invited. By Order of the W. M. i W. S. MACGILL. Secretary. W. C. T. U.-MR.S. M. M. SNELL. NA tionaltvanrelist. will speak in the church co ner of North Capitol and K ste. TOMORRuW (Tusday) at 7:30 p.m. Everybody invited. North Capitol W. C. T. U. in charsre. It* ---TH E ANNUAL MEE I ING OF TH 6 WASH &...itngton City Kennel Club for the election of officers for the ensuin year wl!L be held at the rooms of the club. 711 1th at. n w on W1.DN. SDAY. February :. 1Il9. at 7:30 p . our presence is re quested. also all sportsmenE wishing to becol.e mem bers. F. IL WEIIST Lit it Secretary. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. . Miss Gussie wishes to inform her customers and t..e public that she has removed ber Milintry bus iness from 515 to 521 11th at. n. w., over Thorpson's music store, and asks for a continuance of ther kiud patronage. It lW _RUDDER'S FURNITURE ROUSE. WHEN YOU HAVE A SORE THROATI Mae a gargle by thoroughl nisng ateaspoon ful ofchloratof potash andtwo tablesipoonuale of Flyoerine ina half pint ut water. Use six or egttmsa day. Are you thinking about refurnishaing your parlor? I can supply nearly everything necessary for producing a pleasing effect combined with comfort or eves luzu riousuess. So far as the extent of outlay Is concerned the *slump" in price, I have brodght about will enable you to make your selections at an average reduction of 25 per cent. What do you think of 30 SLICED OFF E85? That Is what I have done with a Highly Polished Cherry Five-piece Rug Suite. Pos-dbly others will follow in mny wake before the month of February ia gone-but I am the Aret to make this advantageous offer. JOHN RUDDEN. 513 Seventh street northwest. J.s..w.j ft - OF OREAT INIEREST TU DRAUGHTS MEN. A RCHIECTS. hc. The latest is amber trane t angles and curves. Lines aiways =visibe-naone covered up. as with wood and steel angles. Angles tranapsarent and curved designs-clean. al nost unbreakable, enabling you to tray one parallel line &bowe the other. More about t1ein tomorrow. FRED. A. SCHMIDT. Artists. Archtects' and Enginiers' Requisites. 50t lt. a.nW. s(ft Branch. 17Z. Va. ave, n.w. YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE To secure a more commanding resi. dence ait on Washington Heights than the lot we can now offer you on the north side of California avenue. Bean talul bird s-eye view of the city. Under price. Must be oULd. PROCTOR & PROCTOR. 9D7 0 st. u.. Real Estate and Insurance. 7l. FOR ST. VALLXTINE'S DAY. A rich collection of handsome valentines mounted on cream-white lace-edged and sin bossed paper. Rich and original. quaint and dainty. Select while they awe yet untouched. J. C. PARKE. BokekatLer and Slatioor. 619 7th et. a... feL 06 OFFICE OF C. A. SNOW & COMPANY, A ttorney.-at-Law and Solicitors of Psents. 730 8th at. m.. Waskington. D. C.. Jn.8 AM. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., 627 Bat. m.. Gentleman: We have two Edison Phonograpks, which are used constantly and exclusively by our Mr. Sligers in attending to our us*l heavy cor respondence. He has one phonograph on his desk ready for dictation at all times. while the other is kept constantly goains by the typewriter intran scribing cylinders. We dnd this to be the moss successful way to use the phonograph. One does not have to stop the typewriter in her work of transcribing in order to take down new dictation. 'Ihis feature alone should conmand itself to all business men. Itis not only saves time and money. but the correweedence is attended to with less dotay than oem a stenographer is out Steyled. embw Yours truty. it C. A. SNOW & 10. 5~ OUR BABGAINS-BICYCLES. Monday. February . IM. New patterns of CREWCENT.JUNO.Boys' and Girls' JUNIOR% now ready for inspection-all fitted with cushion trea that are wired and cemented n. Prices run from 3 up to 4O. and quality is good. GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. CO.. tel I=25 14th is. aw. FOR RENT DESIRABLE OFFICE FLOO3 FOR DENTIST. LAWYER. CLAIM AGENT. Or others deM saveral laege. brigh. com.m i front roonas on second door with steam heat; rent only tsw per mouth. LCHELEN BATCHELDER. fel-ft Cor. 10th and 0 sts. w. THOROUGH EXa2miMATION OF THR EYE FREE OF CHARGE. If you have headache or a tired feeling over the eyes you evidently have some eye trouble that een he relieved by wearing properly adjusted glasses. Mr. G. E. Jacobs, formerly Queen & Co.'s espert, is at my store every Friday and will make no charge to ex ains your eyes. GEO. W. SPIER. Jeweler and Optician. fel-if l10i iths. n.y.. near Fa. are. Bz~fl aoetr is iky to be 'wer: suthertty uensd veselfar saasther; ineress anti tinsss and igh rusi Es probsbd. T'usaa seaia. A rae ef Vtates. Time was when the pine of old Virginia ruled the market. Then the snountains of North Carolina. Now the deep forests of Georgia have ousted both witua a ar suporguality. Yetwer'ssei ing the lineet Grgspnserig seawse yoe ess obtoa th et Onetine else wrhere. Otherschru...Op 100 gest; we0, e butga pwi"reriapne oo~eader in Du"dineadaardmth. Cor. Sth s. andl New York are. gal SOFFICE OF .TRE ComminnIoxERa 01 the Dietrict of Opienden Washington. JAN asseio tes Ditrctc Calumba haesetw t:h.. as i wng ii. with re.... fat .h tepr. rt It a ese tsont histbill -t mnsm..gstagse bjcon.if any, exist to aid proposed -enslsa tieo nd tar that puros will hold ssi.amaesessma IS eioki.c the t whe mre avene of intsete: 15 s- e lease. mihaid Washiugton News and Gossp 101des tf Advesmm . ADVPTin . ....... .......................9= 7 AMUSEMENTPe....,.......................... I ATTORNEYs ... ........... . i.t 7 AUCTION SALES...... . .....e 7 BICYCLES.......... ... .............Pare h BOARDING....P 3 OE &NC ........................Pag 2 CITY ITEMS. .......Pa COUNTRY AL ETAT ............... pa 2 DEATHS.. .. a DEN TISTRY.......... ......................... Pg EDUCATIONAL .............................a 7 EXCURSIONs. .. . .. Page S FAITLY SUPPLIES . ........... Pa7......u 7 FINANCIAL ................. . ........ Pase I FOR EXCHANGE ..... ...... ....... Page 2 FOR RENT (F ) .........................Page 2 FOR RENT (Xljwe~ajaEous FOR RENT (OMisem- Pag 3 FOR RENT (R na) ............................a e 2 FOR RENT (Rou-es........ .......... Paes 2 yOR RENT (Storm)"" 2 FOR SALE (Houssa) ....................... ... Pame a FOR SALE (Lot)...................... . 2 FOR SALE (Bores anh Vehicles)............. .Page 2 FOR SALE (Pano.......................Pmge 2 FOR SALE (E "*alUmsuo ................ Pass 2 HOTELS...............................Page 7 INSURANCE. ...... ......Pagg. I LADIES' GOODS ........................ Pa 8 LECTURES .............................. ....Pa 8 LEGAL NOTICE.........................Page 2 LOCAL MENTION....... ....Page 8 LOST AND kUDJA............................Page 2 MANICURE...................................... Pass B MARRIAGE&..................P'm MEDICAL . ...... ...............Page S MISCELLANEOUS..............................Page a MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN ..........Page NEW PUBLICATIONS............. ..... ..Pace NOTARIES PUBLIC............................Page 2 OCEAN STEAIIERS ............................ P1e 7 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS ....................Page 7 PIANOS AND UO.AN ............... .Pa e 7 PERSONAL.............................P........Page 3 PROFESSIONAL ......................P 7 PROPOSALS..............................Page 8 RAILROADS...................Page 7 SPECIAL NOTICEA ............................. Pa I SPECIALTIES . ...................... .Page 7 SUBURBAN PROPEUT .................... .Page 2 WANTED (RerP)................................. Page 2 WANTED (Ho%)..... .. ............Page 2 WANTED (Room=)..............................Pag 2 WANTED (Situations).........................Page 2 WA. Iktl. (Miailaneons...................... am 2 WINTER RESORTS ............................Page 9 Statement of the circulation of THr E iutw STAR for the weet ending January S, lit MONDAY, January m, 189............... ,743 TUESDAY, January ^, IMS.............. 36,i50 WEDNESDAY, January I. 135.......... 3W6 9 THURSDAY, January A. 15............ 3633 FRIDAY. January 21, 1..... .... 738 SATURDAY, Jamary slas........... 4,S9 Tota.................................Ss4,7 Daily average...................... 37,0" Corresponding week 1801................. 36,700 I solemnly swear that the above is a true and correct statement of the circulation of Tan EVa ING TAS for the week ending January *S, IW. A. WHIT. HERRON, Cashier Eveming Star Newspaper Co. Subscribed and sworn to before Me- tis s day of February, A.D. Iss. JOHN T. C. CLARK, Notary Publis GovSuawax Rzcawter ToDA.-Internal rm enne, S0,m; customs, $725.93. Tzn U. 6 . Coxcoan sailed from Bhlia, Brazil, for Montevideo on Saturday. Tim Paismze's CA.=z= this morning ia eluded Speaker Crisp. Secretary Rijnoe, the Attorney Gencraland Senators Sherman, Jones of Arkan==, Cockrell and Perkina of Ksana. NATAL Onnzas.-Lieut. Wm. . Hogg has been ordered to examination for promotion. Gunner Wm. A. Ferrier detached from the Jamestown. and ordered to appear before the retiring board. Gunner Asdrien Harmian de tached from the Minnesota and ordered to the training ship Jamestown. Tun Paonucr or Cowvwcr Lanes.-Tbe Tres ary Department is endeavoring to check en tirely the importation of a certain African fiber known as "crin vegetal," in whole or in part the product of convict labor, and has invited the co-operation of our consular officeft in Africa and elsewhere to accomplish that par POW Movuxur or Sn.vzn.-The issue of stand ard silver dollars from the mints and treasury offices during the week ended January 30 was $235,409. The issue for the corresponding period of last vear amounted to $363.57& The shipments o' fractional silver coin for the month of January. 1892, aggregated $59,182. Panwom CAsza.-The President has granted a pardon to take eafeet after fifteen months' im prisonment in the am of John D. Nichols, con victed in Michigan of violating postal laws. The President has esamuted to four years and six months the sentence of ten years imposed in the case of Bobert Judge, convicted in Michigan of selling sUve certi eates. OmrecAL Rcoan Booa.-The books which have been prepared to record the daily official conduct of the clerks In the Interior Depart ment have been distributed S. the various divisions. The record begins with today, and in accordance with the recent order of Mecro tary Noble all proesotions that will be made hereafter will be based upon this record. Puaoiar..-William G. ill of Philadelphis, W. G. Gambrull et Maryland, 8. M. Challis of Ohio and B.3B. Kirkpatrick of St. Louis are at Wilard's.--Cales A. Zeller of Now York, A. N. Coyle of Balthmore and B. N. Collum of Philadelphia are at the RandaiL.Jossph Serp of Peaumylvanla, J. W. Attwill of Lynn, Maa, W. S. Johnson of Milwaukee, J. K. Begor of New York and A. B. Pillsbur of Boston are at the Riggs. -w George Rdn Powell of London and Dr. 8. . Dawso. of OS ta ring s eammissnues, are at the Ar n-J.C. Ptti of estOrange, N. J., James W. Gss of BuhJ. Hodgkina of Chicago and George H. eto Boston are at the .loea.-Gog King of New York, W. I. Kerr of MrldT. A. tewart of Toronto end N. T. Bryan oet ess r at the EbbItt.-F. B. Doberbems of Dayrtoe, Ohio, C. A. Dodg ofalt C StyadC.. Bolteof et e se at 84 James. J. G. Coves oeteds.- ad 1. A. Tits et Brooklyn, MY., ame at the An.--Aaeri esithiet endmat Ai. L. Carkda York, J. H. Chenille etC~se and A. Mindagas, of Huuw= ehh rn at the Nm. sasnda.--MG. Iovye muf N. Y., 4L P. Cesley ot Wasm s . W. Beatiee ot h..S... ... bae se ihstm 4MEsmv bess.--Mr. ofEM s f m eke basa nned e 18smet as ehar Mg. James asW~ se~ o ase af a en POUNDING ON ROCKS The Steaship Eider Agroua Nar the Isle of Wight. ENALMThTED 1YE EUID LE Life Boats Succeed in Taking Off Thirteen Passengers. MANY LVES IN GREAT PERM. TUE EEDE RUNS AGOMUR. She TrIes to Pass tMe sle of WIgt on Use Eart listead of nor eigt. Loxiox, Feb. 1.-'ie steamship Eider of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company, Capt. Heinecke, which left New York for Bremen on January 3 went ashore during the past night on the Atherfield rocks, nine miles west of Ventor, Isle of Wight. The Eider lies in a pretty comfortable posi tion, in close proximit to the coast guard sta tion. The coast guardsmen noticed the fog whistle of a big steanship blowing during the night. but as there are so any vessels passing up and down the channel no danger was antie a ted until suddenly rockets were seen to upward through the night. mist and fog and then a steamship's whistle was hcard blow ing the long, uninterrupted note of distress. The entire coast guard crew was immediately summoned and the neighboring stataons were promptly notified to send reanforcements to the spot. The life boat of the coast guard sta tion near Atherlield rocks was then manned and run out through the surf. by this time rocket after rocket was being sent up by the stemanlip an dia tress, thus guiding the coast guard fe boat to the spot where she was ashore. A tre mendous sea was rurning as the lfe boat pat to sea and, in addition, it was bitterly cold. the wind freezing the water upon the ife severs* boat oars and oilsk ins. The sa was so heavy that, as this dispatch is sent, the lire poat has not succeeded in reaching the steamship. As the fog began to clear away this morning the life boat was seen still struggling to reach the Eider, over =hc vessel the foam of heavy seas was breaking. It is believed, however, that the life savers will be able to rescue all the crew and passengers even if the steamship is unable to get o It is impossible at this cabling to ferm any definite idea of the amount of dasage dome. Nor can the situation be more accuratel summed-up than to my that the Eider I ashore on a dangerous coast and that every thing possible wil be dome to assist her. now a3m Et35m, TKU UoSr. It is eident that the Eider missed the Needles light while making for the Solent or water between the Isle of Wight and the main land of England. The Eider being bound for Southampton, directly behind or inside the Isle of Waght. she would Arst make the Needles light off the western extremity of the s of Wight and would then leave it on her starboard side and head for the holent and Southampton waters. Not making this light in the darkness and fog, and perha being slightly out of her reckon ing. the ider must have apparenty left the Needles on the port side sad have continued heading down channel until she brought upon the Atherfield rocks, which, as already stated, are nine miles westofVentnar. but as Ventnor is about the most southern extremity of the Isle of Wight and thetieedles are about of its mast weaterly point, at will be seen that the Eider must have been much outof her course to have run ashore where she did. ha other words, to explain the situation in landsman style, the Eider passed to the right of the Isle ot Wftht instead of to the left of it, quite an important difference, it will be admitte. GALK ANCEMAXIM. Iater.-As this csbe message is forwrde the gale is increasing in violenes and heavy ease are continuasly breaking over the Eider. Several tugs and life boats from Vetnor, Yar mouth, Chale, St. Catherises and other plas have managed to reach her and are doing everything possible to assist the steamser; but her situation is becoming more critical every hour. The tugs and life boats have managed to take off the mails and have landed them at Atherfield. From this fact it as beleved that the passengers are all safe. The Eider is 2,Wt0 tos and 5,m her power. She was built at Glasgow in I=6 by John Elder A Co.. and is considered in e way to be a Arst-class ocean passenger e She has four decks, is bark-rigged and was lest surveyed in February, 1891. Ta wmAsc or Tu UnreM, The spot where the Eider Is ashore is not far from where, in the autman of 1878, on a eAO Sunday afternoon, H. N. I . Eurydice, a British government trainig ship, while ret.ars*ag from a cruise in the ac and West Ladiss, capsized in a sudden squall and drowned MM men. The Eurydice. when the squall struck her, had her portholes open on account ot the An weather and was so close to lad, to use a amman's phrase, that you "eouM chuck a bis cuit ashore." yet near every soul en beard the ship was drowned. Particulars gathered during the day in re gard to the stranding of the Eider show that she ran on the rocks at about 10 o'clock last night. At that hour the ma was calm, but the fog was so thick that her officers were amble to see half the length of the ship shoed. The lead ad steam whistle were he ad the engines were slowed down un tea-m-higp may be said to have been feeling her way toward the lights she wanted to mnake before beading for the Molent and Soutampo waters. It was while hunting for the Neele painage that the Eider without ay warning suddenly shook from stemn to sten, and then,with a long, terrible, rasping, grating cuiver, brought up on the Atherlield rocks as sray stated. The suddenness with whIch the ste-amhi ran ashore een be jadged fromn the fact that the band lead was kept going on in the waist while the pan lead washoveovor her quarter and that bohreported plent of water until alamos the intans thestasi A aess oW Tusno. Them a sene of terror felleowed e pen seae rased on deck in thair pght eteos er partly dressed, and wore with donig esh..ed by the ship's onesm, whe assored bsm that thore was no an er. ien and ehi dem erled ,ieni n the ml were mualarmsdbut Uwte S pe6i4 o roea to thoir eshina and @ preparaions to abandon the sh agehZ a..-. be found n---- .r In the manawhile (apt.smok had endead the mrew to heat quarears and saw thee smaB emalt were get rayfar Msasb a G Aahinip ammae or he the sme and et ositioa n whi e rested shed OSt was essd ia the sech. aheat am fsma the shsreaden -ne dapng Sad -h nn daen ofme Th Ahi4m eoms g-e me hs 4. MoibyO sue met M es inefl i M uo ~ s - ot et b semammn...m or ether Ns bem sht e Mmbhs esmu essaned IS anew some or ism s dee end tOteen af the se we" e* e " at A iensed n helm bsM ane 00406 en0priesO asmong es eMOS ohme that they see met M yto OW so reemaiader et their lives. The be eo tesed aboet likea eerk. Nor pamangerse Mg crew were repeatedly hal drbwoed b a* the create of teworing br"er A al Were VW pestely lot to view freom 6e abip and ts the shore. but the life boat vim se em handled that the thirteen a1d s crew of the life beet were now d coast guard state-, where theme See ere* of people gathered, attracted by the spread news of the wreck. no dem half-drowned pasmngers and itle esvers wo heartily ebered uree loading ad Asesd every assistance froms theme gathered ft se come them. Three m* life boats by the time the d. bec pameegers were landed bad made er & Eider. and several taos were al ste is to her, but the latter were usable toe = near esough to her to be ot any amm"t % owing to te fact thet the seam ip ifam died an aspot arrounded om alsdeab on rocks which were so elom t 0gter even the light-draft life boats epern-eed 4 utmost difficulty in getting near emtgh o th distressed vessel to permit of pemneugse aad sail begs being snung of into them. As 4 was only twelve mal bag* were got of at 4 time this me-age =s sent. th preeme imler onaomt cabled to the drect ta al the moo were seved having been baed en arreseee W formatie. AN arrAL FOR um. The Eider eson after signaled that the waer was rising fast in her hold ad appealed for more help. Everything poss-bs is being desm for her. More tugs and life bees are et glin to teaek her. but the erel erts *be" her. cosmbined with the heavy we and tne*fib wind, prevent the"e craft from reaching her and it ,s now feard that the Eider me deemea to destructio end that there wid be ersees lon of life among her pameages ed eser unless the gale soon abates. The scene of Atherield is greaely tor log On a reef of rocks. surrounded by asabe 49 of other rocks. lies the steaasshap d er. her signals for assitance dettering an thme as am alter wa breaks over her with fefully pased ing regularity, and so shaking her Ftamehat het bottom monet be slowly but surely g111% to pieces. Lpou her decks am a het terribed pasweegers and the crew who, wia the 00icers, are doing their utmost to meIn order among the steerage passengers, of whem there are about 20 on board. The caban pas engers are few an number, according to tepart. Indeed, it is said that there are not mere thm OWuople alU told on board. 1 ider's cargo consists of a large e .ses agent of cotton for English and German mame incturers. As the day wears on the news fom te Eie becomes more and more erious. Ube is am Brang rnute guns of distress. C)n shore the coast guardSmen hase repeat Cdly shot the rocket line ball, chain ad4 am in the direction of the steamship. but sek one the line has fallen short of the mark. This fai.ure to throw the hne ever te steamer is due not OMly to the disaoe ohe hs of shore, but to the strength of the wind, mi'ek is blowing deed n the teeth of the. ift eSe. ASKING s asa. Assistance has been telegraphed or so en Beighboring point* and the North Geroman Lloyd agents at Bouthamptan am eaerftg themeelves to the utmost N their aors to move the lives of the passengers and emew, and, if puble, to save the ship ead her argo. Several powerful tugs have bee dis patched froms bouthampton to the sceos of No wreck and two of the most powerual ge ims ment ocean togs have been seat from Porte mouth by order of the admiralty autheries and have now reached the rocks ga thoe Wms which the Eader is beang slowly groud t . struction The life boas throughoet the msering oef tanUed theirgallant edorts to battle encenday with the wind. waves aad recksa. and at least one more boat as nowknown to avse mau eg" " get alongede the Imperiled -esmr. mi bosts are "aking the greatest risks in their de termaination to approach the Ahr and sme in constant danger of being stove ia by the asarp Panted rocks, or if they escape this e bng crumbed to pieces alongede the they are tryaug to assast. 'The atteampet pssathe rocky barriers alone Is a maost hazardo underak Mag, as time e has not up to this bwe abated in the dightest degree in violemsa. TEE O"T oerrgE @as 080t4muter dom Neslee t ee W ft l ementisn Wea a od Plhme. A hole is rapidly being dog in the equw. ea which the new city post udios is to be bgf, Contracter Uasecna having began work qsr this morning. The soil is atm mae *sm the recent rais and amew, bt as shortness of the time in whis the work isl to be done--two senthme-suemes it imperative that every fair day sab 6em lsd to the fullest extent, especial as th chaese am rather against good weaher at this time of the year. Ablt the eata..- las premised the governament that he WS have the hele ready fer bding operations by April 1, sad S an earnest of his intention he had S -ssa and seventy bones at work by I e'oleek g mering. The heroes were gaily deckd wit Mw Americam fags in homer of the ebaracter of the work. before the teame had commm-end heat ing the dirt away there see two or tree ham dred me.a at the gates and an the seere seeking employameat. bat Mr. Gimssam had made all ot his plans amd had hired all his hoi e a. eming his ee stock and alar heedsjt now, bet in a few days be probabnly be able to doablee his force when the ground has bseen smoosthed af so that the carts can get an and eat eadly, and then there may be oampleymeat for eesa and carts The fore mew at work emims~a of ifty maa em thme ground, thirty earts and eighteen wog ems. heedde. two pg alo ndm a famse of about a does es at theLog huipg whess the dart is being d--pe-a The soil en the square is meily 6lr m little of at being the origimal serfaee at will he veedy exemvated. the ata ddiculty wl aries from thme ries, attihe large sewer that runs through the emm S yrosbly aee for all the --e---sdrimgv The fence as ahmost Baiod aeed the are being hung with all possible speed, hi contract can easMlybe Eabed byts end ot this week, when heim allowed Mr. Wahme expires, amhens thmere should he en em parsed ot rsa or ee. Nb bisiau. bg, lse ted.. essem ggeme Omeet Ia Vnlaer et hegi. The United States Supreme OCort tek 4. oidad In favor et Beyd in tm Nteasee ge. erserasip mas. All the justinee easeps Fil encsed in the ose-miseo et eeseg that Bloyd was a aelt- et of tha C ed lik andl entheeinmefgeersrfNhna uestioseH Berlan, Geray end ome esemse In that pert et the opinion whiskhbeld tha Bloyd asa eltiasa becau-- from esed in es t mast beesmsd as.aeama ~ e db fathsr havingeosrteised ad eof a dm had In feet in -es be eat his adm mam the sened of me s eat d..s..ds.. ppm The esert ase held that thee wa- uc act ineben~s --f.Msbe at of a th '-r-e--t eta Mea det ism eta their liZet~ Deyd'eesam enriens his intemtiems h es a isinem. Opideca by GifJ s me Qm eu Qd~ thee Cid ediga emi is Qe Med mf Qed tem Q cah er ne ame ei aes a a a o es m eim '"Le1.'E .*" e.... .f ....irs e...e.