Newspaper Page Text
THETVENIG MTAIL ne e Aens, offmreI. bney. &. I. KAUFF-A, .roeL Now yaek oses, as Esamw sdilap beokD ov*ja ar .evnAje omt waf da TBy Usd; h3- 10 te Uafuh bafe t---. ot " -. 3~o '. ia atU thr r.M t r. 2m ~w i t SWINJA QUAD.rita ILI toA Shot Fired at the Congesmisal 80. N WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1892T Excuuson Trai. F!NA NCIAL. Mon. Or "POOR RrCwAv- TAur .A.m .... heI . k .. hethow e eve mhewets. kswp his 00e a1 his Wie toThs grtmlstone sad die aot worfh a Sa St las. If yco would be wealth -. tmet. CCeA1 r as well as eaneg.: The bes time to beirin 6 ooe. ad you can deposit your noema to es eoUtes advan'ae with tise company. 1at0r es slowed om al d.possta, yet seh d99 may be withdrawn by check of say IMes. The capttal of this -Lepany is et milli" t.moouenred mnd Afly thoussad dellera. of which eme-fomrth, three hundred sad twelve thnooSei Ae hundred dollaze. to dePoeitd wath the , ontroller of the currency a security #O fthe aithf l parformancA at every WrO. T=E AMERICAN SECURIrT AND TRIUBT C. fema Bslendin. 1W5 Cm.m. 30 A. T. BRITTON. P#Veii~dgm W AMINGToN BUILDING ASSOCIATION AZZ SAVI%68 IFUND. JON1 I. OBERLI. Preldret. WN. W. UE Rflt". Vie h-ved01. X. I. AMBRAmK. irecetary. JORN J. O'C' !NELL. Tresemar. DIXECTOBS. Jh L charty. DAenIM Ramern. WIS. W. Merrem. John J. O'Comne. R. 3. Ambrose. L A. Littlefsid. F. X. Criewell. C. A. Davis. shest J. Mcim.. E. K Ramey. Win. C. Taylor. Camt- OA e, laS a. anwv. Tl me avester. the borower or the ma who dle meto save ad tamke money. thin aso-iation offers peculitr adv awee not found in ordinary buildim aecistion. ensbraiaq so it dose nasy festurs whrh s. et.ey .w and .u.h have .o r b. her-tetee ou4ed to the pubic kwr thir apsevaL. faft-liw T.3 W AS.NSTOW LO. AXVT=RT COMPA'T. (41a anldina). 9th and 7 8s. . W.. WaShiNgtON. D. C. PAID.UP CAIAI. ONE MILLION DOLLAM 3secss, witess. acto s evecator, siametrator. wrspes, gmon wand. semesni awent. israr. transfer gen, est r for corposatons sad --naatos. s .n enies havig in choase the afair of Cbiertscbhasbese at chew for caamme -ad safn meeld and p ar ~t payinir sene.--a. lns money em sarhe sad boadm ar reel este secUrity in the Distriet of CelambN: takos depoete subject to check ad pays beasses am me at rsef 3 pmer s pm embosu. an-meo dmpedifr a Mnod Ite boom"d UM e oid asfolows: Patr 3 otho. 3pm ~at pam am. Far g smeao. 336 par cmot pr anSam. For I year. 4 per camt per aannm, The flDepas VanJtoof this compa are the very bow thas mery mad ai can prodcea. They were commessed by the Bocar Lck Inspection & Guaranty CAemspay e New Tak t coam nctw wih Mr. James . ANi. the ,eeect et the dkomr Steense for sn ver was. rmWan. valubie papors. &c. Privae hoa. Swf ~ as poIes m $3 pr yer upward. fCE DOCRE. FON 9 A.U TO 4-0 P. . 0FCERS: L . WARNER. most. JOHN JOy EDSON. Vice Psedt. J"0. A. BWOPE. U Vice Prembta J30 3. CARMODY. Trmaurer. WI. I. g OISON. am toy. AMDREW PAIL Mm Awsi acesey DiarPTOSR. hoIes L Saefy. John A. Essnbt6G. A. L hrbm. John 3. Earner. jms L ENebom. Theodmee W. Nepm. 31Mmma K borker. John RSIm. a N. idel. I. U. Shea. Cehe. Baum. Elliskpe. Se John a. CarmdySFrdete 7*WC. Q 859100. John . Capp. Jobs A. Owep. Mem a. Cuomoga J. I. Swormo i. . a. taea. - G hrmatldn. JehmnJoy dm. B3. Warnr. Alet F. Ta. A. A. Wison. &am 0== LwAs D. Wine. 0. C. aream. U. W. Woodwad. WMi. S, 000te. A. I. Westhinstm. It T. NATIMAL SAFE DEPONT BAYINOG And TA1BT COMPANY Or TuE D13131CT OF COLUMBIA. cooER 3a3 @T. AND NEW YOEK AVL CEAZRTD BT WESCIAL ACT Or CONGAOMS JANUARY =. 2K. -mamwe ve6 r met et Comess Oam . In had a ad al Cnesn Febrarmy I3, Uam. cAPmTAL. o3 MuLON DO.A.Am AJossa ens ter. s aam'an ot the . Utoot inat oasumistee a the easeM of lunatim. seestem. masgnes amsease tressd any and every an"Fnm gaesc~ 9sa n m mob poasesad he as-map~s eemey. who 10In otp *-s-m- an& hep" vubht che,. WIom the esagesp oer-mede e Ir trge. Baseees ason depoelt a in sa of TEN CETS an upward a allows loeest thereom. Money deseated am or beftre the t day saen the ftea. .MGUesad thk" do" ed the aman" MW ws In sism h aw day. iam smes ~ ea e6t semdeotaealeearw. 3.8s be-attme real se ad dthe seerutam- in sa e -6 ad upward. Owm$me for BOMI-gS-B4142A0.n een -US'" "''" 1-7.-61OO--aad 613ea p eanese to ese sandlocatiem, *Proiedent. U2Ainl' Ir. aNYDEB, Vire Preencte. CBA4RLla C. aLtn E5. Itut. E. IRANCAt. iGB ALBTL STC"TEYAZT. Ni. Smyder. .ena.e C. RobbiS, A.lme a. Msetv-vs. Amare. .yae, leere U. Plant. Mastihew ti. Eniaery, 1-t C1=mae. Charles A. Jsaem. Awaryi A. muisrd. L. Francis ELr~rs. Jaanes N Jahneu. Char,.es U. st*r 3- iemos P-sr. Joiha 5,. Parie. Theaue hd. John I. liedgers. Wiltam K.,.iee. ThommeatJeme. ad M21.ING AND LOAN ASS0CIATION OF WA NI~eTON. D. C. 0mbad Capminal Si.MJS.N3. 6lar Omad paid em Ratular Pe--.m- n 10 Va Oms panden Deems list with th seaam* Owrl 1.. emasrew 01.0p bese am Rel Umlsesee lay and We is aek at the res of 633pmr manSh. We UM eer oam.-*r-- ha our 3Meshingst adm -wmi pmse thes We a do all we esses Ia. (Om1 am totamebead. IOat ^me ae Wtar tedet ear plea Why? Rases theu IneW we -e dees bsmse smmd basa sta and S3A F is. a w. Neat te Ceamaben Raaut Nmal . Moein bes..............~ anISBmW WaL-L-....3st Vise keeisem Mom --SO .9..a..............8ie,....d. a.....-TW6...... 830. 3. 03'5 -...--................... Atem EDWARW a. TowL... ..a f Ere sa.easa du ~of- sii FINANCIAL COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF lu the District cf Columbia. Ofc0-1419 0 street northwest. Caital k.ock --4141.UUO. burpus Duiler .t. 1mp1-10.'27.14 Insures prot ti the Dietilct of Colamasae lesa and dame y Ae. OJcera-F. b. cOUIREL President. C. 4. GLOVER. Vice Presideat. LEM TOWERS. Jr.. 4secretary. W. D. QUINTER. Assistant Sseiner. Trustees. C. J. BEL. M. M. PAREE A. T. BRITTON. JA. PRENcO' . X. I. )LE 1mIs). B. P HNYDER. T. X. 6ALE. B. H. WAit R C. C. (lI ER. (E. vi. B. WH TE. I. O. HOLlIZMAN. W. R. WILCOX. OWEN McCABE. IL A. WILLARD. F. . Mei.IE. fS&eO11M A LIMITED NUMBER OP BARES Or Tm CAPITAL STOCE OF TIM UCBILL13GER CURBING AND PAVIRO COMPANY In eed far gsa at its par valus. 8100 PER SNARE. At the Banking Honse O WOODS CO., 1. . m.. OFFICERSL L.. I. WRIGHT. President. JOHN C. POOR. Tice Preft s. E. T. WOODS. Trmmrer. I. J. McLAUGHLIN. ameral Maaer. DIRECTORS. L. . WRIGHT. Register of Will& JOHN C. FOOR. Treasurer WahmhtaGesIeMtO, I. T. WOODS. Woods & Co.. Bankere. IL J. McLAUHLIN. Contractor. 14110 aL. nw. H. I. WAINLWSIGHT. Chatcmtn. Waemhlom laa and Trust Bnimdln REGISTRAR OF CAPITAL STOCL THE AMEUrCAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY. The busaies o .f tempany is a well-known and lng -e*jba-d ens. Its operatioms have been cn ducted fog many yews a this city and nmerly all Iane cites in the United States. It hamlarge and pritable contracts an hand, and mew opertiems we almt daily pssmanted. It isthe inttos et the imanw to add to ie Smrlises at buiemss that of ASPHALT STEET PAVING. r emedm whish s will hew a new and template eutat of tools and macnemry. and will be fully pre. vaa'dtoesacutethe a ge =c*mbacathis reeeV - slale hans b.snes esthaares i thb smpany wmi ave a , laterest in a fully .amblishad busiamms. the .uese portion af which will be conducted in th city and under their own aperviion. bts operations darling the aenin yew abml be smmtntla lanIge to emais iS to pay to eshidme very JIberal dividends and add a largp surplus to us cash capitaL These isme ovestaume at prems a ed which prmheN so g*eat an inducement is the car. 1i0ity of early eturim in dividedm am aFlv advance is the pes o stock. fel-ti BE3 UNITED STATES SUILDIRG AND WAN ASSOCIATIGe. 1313 1 MT WAhBINOTON. D. C., Zmmm you to 81ias RENT Iby, 1OLM109mam to the PERCMaE of a 3 X pae tutwrms, an es deposuial it any &mont. 6 per cent iners epecal Smthe date they ae made. W. Rt l Pe sd. Je mT. C. DAN Meeeouy. Chan . Bam. im .A . Os41 V. men BELL & Co.. BANUEES. 140 a TREZT. DEIPOSI. EfCANGE. DIECOUNTS. A 1eslty made tasyment macaitism, reeam h..mseud. a. .ati. ^-ft el inm b-,m" and mg C. T. BAwNEI. moNebe Wbainplem Stek fthaemb.g mal NEtate and Stch Wrber. semas 9and 1. AMncm. builin. IK N street northwest. INVSTMENT SECURITIES. Mock%- DS a-d Grain boasht and saiM Wah er eminagei. Direct New York and Chime wisma. Telaphes dna, 47.f .Aw"Klis)a W. B. Hibbs. Mesmber Waietiam bc Wk Eham.m LEWIs a. TEWESBURY * CO., BANREIM AND BItOERS, I3 F ST.. WASMI11TON. D. C., Buy and sell for cast or On marin Stecks. Enaft Grain. Provismone and OIL Daet pnv.te wares to New Yorkand Chkom Interest allwed on dph.a.te. Out-of-town business a specalty. All Local becant..A deals in. Countant Qe-ams all marhete. leisphms adm ectl-ir J W. COMISON. JNO. W. MACARTNEY. Maber N. Y. stock En, CORBON & MACARTNET. GLOVER BUILDING. 1419 F ST. N. W.. Bankers and Dealese in Goverament Boaft Deposit.. Euchange. Loans. Coneetioms Railroad Stocks and bonds and all secruatise lii.d ON the ech. anaee of New l ork. kblladepha. Betebe and BaltimoretourLt and eu d. A1 mty made of investn.ent eecuritee. Dimtrict 2 = 1 Railroad. (ias. Insurance and Tel. epbtne Stok &maut an. American 1e1 'I esephom. Stock bought and sold.jylS INSURANCE. UTUAL PROTECTION FIRE INSURANCE CO. t OF THE D. C -WII.LIAMBALLANIYNE. Presadent. JAMES Z. kITCH. Secretary. lasses polaries at unhum.atly how rate, a.d each usaurer shares an the proats. For full itoriatuse apply to the oeo adtIsa pumPaST. 14Mt1Gimt. D. V. Wari-iy Tf. B. ItOWNnM & s0n. 1L16 7th es.a.w.. Have just received a new line or Imrhi Drees Goode is ens ad Modes. Sergee and Beariettes k Iieen 5. Black Gil.all wool, from 50c. to 61. Fruit f the Bleacheu Cotton. Situ, Madra Drapery, in all ehade. reaaacedt to he. Large lhaesnew Mamaburga In Ene qualities new en male. 10-4 Unbleached Sheetiner15e - 30-4 Iilenched nheeting, I/.. Meet Beomned Mncetaner. 10-d wide. Us. lilow Case tieton. Ia, 10. 12% and 15lc. lnLels at oat prices. Outang Nlammel in short lathe. Worth 32# Ml Black Cashmesse ShewieStraSI.Z0t. sa. tUr Euannant counter Ia very atttrctivs. AD aradse et Dec.. ( Blaa and caooe. ftem 20 toSyrs We have fast ot emed a mew line of Stamped im very astractive. L ahe Rasam Underwear in wse veristy mA bet Itr, p: aes. Reps' # ndser Ti... Rsuular Omar lb Bent's 3e-rfs. Weth 2me. th 115e~. RECEivED YESTERDAY nom Utrasburg a large supply of ASut etam Mty Terrains de Foise Grlas n traiso des Pearurd. and cem mall them at shout emethodse sa them thesinal pbris. NW. BURCEELia GETR&. . L.91 & MG. Emsa -e. ensEis eSaa Uemes. snaehmatbmmasaa N. W. MT IB asuserde se'mrAND soStms au ansen as SPECIAL NOTICEB. 081218 LODOI,,N0,O-& -~g of yS c e o h WN. AYEENN ZI3-M3 . TAS A -R Secsetary. ~.THE ANNUL NXZTIN.O Tax peny or thefdectsm ofonere. direetont to eure, thm gins yurWilheheA etohe t= e a Otthe Lith and B sts. a. a.. TUEDAI. March , The Will be evened at 1 and e at 2 o- for trazoofr of mtoebk will be -loIe fgro !::%tes thei Match 2. both Imaive, teletom 3. P BARR, Seesotary. WASHINGTON SAE DEPOSIT COMPANY. *18 and 18 Pennsylvania avenue. The vaults and apiertaenge for the a of valu -ae fe10fn MITONS HAVE SEEN SPENT BY OUD IMAtnfred for Ca a' rawe I= all We hav e vea M a to overcome thied cuety and have Sall adopted a blue oval tin with our nm tte aIn whV Which isazlw to all hee 2 I co or uncovereD be devd. vniinhvigol good. with this tag attache to them.-t WIENS-ONEST PRICES. T0-EAIN. ISas TELPRONE SO. 64 14TR ST. 0N14ECES ARY. as fatr..0Ys F - MOV- NP! L 1Ain Maker. W.-bes order now. 43l-3. IzW THAT VERY DNSrRADLr NUgINSgg P.roerty. sub lot da 18. equate . west ide af Idth s. a.w.. begiting 30.59 feet cesth .f0 etreat. Frontage 61- feet by a depth of oaly 43 feet to the wmive Porty tMll of the Americma Secusiy and Taa t baiding. Immediate pomemeam given.. Far sale am ay termn. See OWNER. en premisse MO 14th st. fe18.4* kTiinNONEY TO BUT HOMES. *Tnew plan. Dose notcost mete thn rout. Dea msall paymet and he home belaouu to your Sapily free from ncumbtancee. PA XtEi "a bemade montlily. quarterly. half yearly or yearly for a period of live. tea. or twenty years as the applicantmar choose. ONY PRUDENIT WAY TO BUT A HONN 0ON 1 BE INNTALL-MENT kLAN and esew i toyour famly in event of your death. hog full priuaea~t ROWT MO I. Gem'l Act. United WecritLie Insurance and eTa...Com..pany of Pa.. till14thk St. a. pawo1.006.000. Pall paid A16whll IT IAa CUMEXII Vinter. I man. and 1.!% tod eeou a with am C wF10 1411CiveSprm Jievsr daasgevm* a gAfrou n eed weather ta good lugic otr a coal aeele. Those whe havenet Jse stuck caafot avoid it Therefore buyof J. MAUR U DOVE C)aI 1mrhsi.L OfeezI xs and I a. w.. 126 R . w. and 10 M IS. nw. 481 m HATHAWAY. SOULK AND HAZRIN tea's Mena Shoe can be found at HAVEXNER & DAVIS'. jM-m SiM end a" F St. BUSIESB MEN I a TIS LOCALITY. who wih to meet meabere of their family it luncheon. will And OUR LUNCH ROOM a very :oavateat plea, It is well lthtedand vetilated and commands a very plesing view of She city and P* lemme. A eetncgietfrdeeeifeheen will he served presepfiy at imoiderate 0ast. SthiR &aer. Mbth e, butiding. Take E1evatmo. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. 664-a 10TI. 11TH AND 7 STS. N.W. MANTELS. ANDJIWIOS. FENDERS. Kk-Gratee. roaffht-Irct Ofte Pluturve. SIC. SpecIaa diount whio makirG changes f.3-l J. B. CORNING. Tew p.EAM Lith st. OUI INFLATED CUSHION TIRE. LX) IT HAVE A STENGER REO0MMENDA TION? What ts his ame tire Atted wWk an Valve S bei, sold by others aea pnau To be wse and tried at I=.14.h st. niw. GORMULLY & JEFFREY MG. CO. feS B~jTXE OLD LAUNDRY1 UNDER A NEW NAME. TOLMAN STEAM LAUNDRY, @1 to 400 C 8L n. w. We call for and deliver all lauandry. JM K NEW DEPARTU HE IN FIXE TAlWINO. H. D. BARR. 1111 Pennslvanla ave. suits from 3Mi up. Treumeos from 010 up. low price" from this date with high-grade art, jam A0 AL GLUE-ROYAL GLUE-ROYAL GLUE OO Y TOY A 0"" *0', I IT A RO G R LAAII. . L L U Ladies! Mends Everything Solid as U N Rock! Broken China. Crocke r alturt. Eid Glovev. PlasterIarta I. Far Torn Drease, Mairble. Jewelry. Shoes. Books. lric-a.Bac( ATolaeMand 12801 DamwdHusehod Artieles. Evear O entr tenacity! Inseparable and Unbreak- O Y able utways Liquid! Always Meody Y A LorUmel Ilk. OILGLUE. DAUG- A L 018TS. L L 0y 0L U U 0 U ES U L O0L rUEm GR R 000 G L ULLI. F33 IYAL GLUE-ROYAL GLUE-ROYAL OLU 0O.IVE OI.. FULL QUART BOTTLE. .L. Do not make the mtahae et suppcig ta the merit of the oil is is its cheapaues. Itis not bourkt eheaply and cannot he put In campeti tio, with cheap, ella. It is eesctea solely with resd to its superior qaality, a fact ot which you may he cnvincedl by trying a bottle. We gaaatee It to please you or the mosey will he .1 NOR A FULL QUART BOTTLE. W. S. THOMPSON. UB a. . TWEr PE3 UEE Dr.u0ouw OR RAVILAND rElAa. . To - as.embu U.e.. a l.. we w81 dams ent these dana-= . at a dseems at twy par ege. The - .esais .a aS .. WILmA.. & L...... - 1205 PE.A AL. .. esMM t te PAc0.r.? S.e R...aTN...d 1333 ...T3S.V..Mj...W.... RAIN 3303W MARIUFACTURNS OA. Z0.30. 3 - UAR.UT.. *2MUUL ....=eUN &#msa iamme.V.ema...... spess tte. SPECIAL NOTICES. m ~ MNA;AP16sedob Wem ajss t to ease seer. Wham we my we willl you Georia Pine Pwcr Iag for 0-50 per 1jP feet we mean we sail you 100 square in-,y luh of it. Searn LigewItW. Vtrginta and North Carolina lAs& Pins locriiar. a per 100 stnre test f Fair Grade Flooriag. S1.6 per 100 3. square rest. That's emongh to cevft you we sal Irm good to the beet luambe at the lowest prices in Washington. Estimates furnitabed fre. A glesto OW1i brbg us. Iame. utsser a No.. Lumber. Builders', -4ard . Mill work, &o.. Car. l a sew #.a.. r . W. 1: DJRES5 SUITS 1s-13m 414 TER ST. N.W. DURINO THE WEEK ENDING TODAY Ihv edfrthe Amserican Fraternal Cir COle 12 tor each weak disabillty Mrs. Sitbbe. 1134 Florida ve - I. Ri1rwalt. 17A 0 at. anc. Ben dricke. La15 W t.; & Erase. I=.~ Oth at.; W. Kaiy, 717 Et . 1219 ' Mrs. Stain. 447 H @t L. 11ss 1 5 rcict Ofd 1. Potter. 613 K aS L MUIDEIM. cor. 9th and E W. 102&W SmtBERt OF SOCHDALE SOCIETIES lius Card" can vrocure cA ticketaP at44rctpiea oft*c of Aminaon Ice and Z. M. WILLIS. fsNIS-t Manager. WILL THE PERSONS WHO WITNESSED the accident to a gentleman last MONDAY Ieiruary 15). about 2 p. m.. by being thrown of the 1'enuae'vania newe the intersection of 14th at. a ae ae. n. w.. please com -unnica ti ine andasddress to CARUSI & U.RM Attorneys-at-law. 4161L. ave. IZ- SPRING ANNOUNCEENNT CARDS. Taop es d w and beautiful deigns. at w Telepheme r6 2 H. . McQU U11Et. w. OFFIC & LEWIS. 9MD ST. N. W. WAnTD-LOOD walls in the cities of Washiastam and Georgetown for looitimato advertising. Pennsill vanis avenue walls preserred. Will pay liberaly or conspicuous walls. . _a22-3i S ~~*DID YOU GET A VALENTINE" 17 me than one HODGES' BINDERY. 131 . awl bin theam so 700 can show your children for years to coiks. lowi xzd~lLAM" OIL. -7 degress. Se. Ll.; Sa. Uss. GASOLINE. S VOL. M ~e. doldOMard TELEPEONE. 10A MUDDIMAN. 614 12th at. *123 SZ'EOCZDAL W40PE CTIVE 80CIET. INCORP'ORATED, 6e Psansylvans ave. 16w. sad H Hat. I. w. residence of the Secetary. O26W&sj. T NGLXY. Preiden. 812 A .t. n.s. bOlIW. HABSHA.SOcretsry.UosN MaInw. .. CAMTEE W ave. t Mc1ONWNL s18 ast. I"w. . MU S st. a.w. J. A. RANDALL. 04 tiht. s.e. i W SMITH 71 M at. sw. ftM..:YZATW&in6 stlt. vw. MESL cCARE 223dst. n.e. N~MJOHNNONN 1613 1 me. a. w. ToN IACAt 1 JI7ths. nw. N A INE 816 kt a. nw. 3. MI I 17thet. L. . W .103 Pa. ave. n. w. The businss at the1 company is a Vwlknows and 1oor-ustablishod one. Ito operations have been sc ceesbilly conducted for miany Feas in this city, pew clf: y s prst offIcera and difectors. -tf have been made with one hundred and Afty of the most dasashie merchants. dea.ra in this eIt ad Alemnadris. fom the present time to Apail 31. 1~I and Caoxs be=n the aiguature of our secre tary.John W.Rahal y will beremognised by theu. uur trade cards now ouatand b the srna ture of our aceay onWisssasi on number about 7 =1abu 6.A0Uofwich epire uby Ifitato 011 Apr . 1M1. These cards may be re newed amd 116 o our contracts obtained an r t t cond afte S .4L ~ iaowwdciCtad luks t retererce?& be ready about kebrsmy .17. snd can be had an appli Oation at on ea es or to any I es of the offce direct on. .oekhoteza j=1. ..ets'rth opany. A sav Initrmito V cumt "Oulsssh posisesiS6 cents a ton on coaw bovereimns of nastry e obtain saae upon pay Emost 126 ci ofa. and o..", ='0 1"" na insan*.''' Plans are nOW bimli foriaiaiaed oetend our ope ations in many Ways bioeewa to our Patrons. among which will be the worLd's . ne.t year. due notice which will be giyen. Intormation heerfully given when required. Ofces open from 8 a.n. to 7 p. na. fe2Mtit NuT ICE. SNoW AND DIRT BUT bdry Iue. kept under cover. is what tuygtwho buy their Coal and Wood froum V. IN JOH SON. Only the bet article and one price to everybody. Complete faeliaties. bottom Prices. full welfrlit end measure. clan fuel. rompt deliveries. cilwo l X. L avi nw.. 61 Ast. nae. and &19 4% at. a.w jas NoTIcE Or REMOVAL-MARTIN N. 2:: :vws &Co.. printers and engrravers, have reoved ther oee to JUg 1ltt.p w..serF. Print ing and engravinr in al its branches. fe20-lm* Ob-~--ATTETION. TENNE8EE.AS. TO TBE a-' Pure Lincoln County Tennessee Widaky rt onEaton. now ott sale at the lan-a OWkN HO BAn, 1413 Penna. ave. lz OEDNT A; ROBERTS Co. DESIGNING. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING FOR SOCIAL AND sUSINES USES. 407 0TR ST.. NEAR GAB OFFICE. ja13 HAVING SEVERED MY CONNECTION with S. Bensingrer In the horse business am tirlmred to iuniil ail kins of atock In the .erof of (i. n.w. HRossguaranteedaanrepresented. fel-lan* DAVID so VNIMER. JOHN F. SHEIRY. PRINTEM. Ftrs-clasa wark at moderate rates, Brise work. 9c. a page. 1610 &7;iFTNPMNOW Than LAST YEAR. Probahy BETTEMRYET NEXT YEAR. WTANDAMD TYPEWRITER se..ce..a.aty royg.... pm.ei ...u lties. hencsitac~matasely Ienreaing papelerar in the anarbets ot the world. WrCEOrP. --AM AS & ENEDIeT. ala. .rAND 12..N.W. WAANN NGT N DIRECTORY P0D Out thi e ed h o niersed b te SISlIMa .aw. aT-pa--e h as16 e toMe~geedtn a -...s.t hn..nES. Jast ..w -e Base boiisitaban up bm~ - U gesttoe a .-s NEsly pen esa ame aleh-&6 een we anse setes M W Q8Q8888. W. 0.3mfEMs ass - annaS..=~ m.IUA i lgins esse6 mn *.. aas sea ase3 se amamssgnss am am SPECIAL NOTICES. b'5T. MART'S CHAPEL. ST. JOHN'S PAR " h. 28st. between G ad H '.-3ishop 3 at 7,0 olck All at80ad t- the 'ha., ,r.t. M. SWAHBI1GTON I. A. CH APTER. No. 2. Asta- convocatin of thin Cbsterwillbe the chater chamber. Mt e o THURSDAY EVENING. Febrar 2S. IM. at, -36 cloL The Rs. A. dearee will be comanmd. Man bete of "reand Pa terk chapters a edtlher uve A nith Byordfthe a to . P. -tivS. oL SLATER. rlRsCre4ry. -R C AEEK PARK WITNESSE-AL. itneses who teaifed befote tha r-oi~s ,C yteSupwoem. 4iourt of theGbrko Co.t t. applOthevueo th lead takes fal Rock Creak Park are requeNted to s.. their aen - Ath theoet ofi e address. to o J. FId a Em . .t k e. Ditrict butdina e ut ca'r Rock rs Park Commsion)e SZMR ABILIA" CIGARS. FIVE CENTS HAND-MADE HAVANA ILLIt is J. R. MATT21RN. 435 7TH ST. D ENNO T IC T O F R ETOV ATL 00. T3 WORTHINGTON ba moved lie Seal etate Ofice to he MEVXNTH hT. X. W.. in the Sc Od NhoGRAPel Ban . bd 7. where he is pepered to a0 and efciently are hie friynds and perom. Wellw or, atREMOVAL NOTICE. BA EL NIERER dseereto inform his Is aeg tha,,nala public that be ban moved his ae to 60m SE "_NTH11S. .W.. in the Second Natioual Veank builigwer he will be pleased to oferve them In hie H rah N7tate. Loam and r. Isurance. -lw "MRABILIA" CIGARS PLEASE THE PATRN 0or THERIG Hle OUSE 10 STAND. it IFERENT FROM MOST TEN55 l~ie. RAPHlERS. The PThoseorephi sahes on band hieNo muomula%. tays laim bthat ou cal wansted. everleavte omfe for a faw mite" (ad Yr a .n hour or twol- iaesta when eer) and -ew asks you to *pleee r the last senten7. A As Wid. or sat ae trial. TH 'OApUeBIA PHONOGRIAPH CO.. ta 9 at. w. tfe2 AssAuortmentof dratiulfaddrawing papers. Wiothi n lacking that could? possibly be deemed ft to the 3oat coina~lete Outfit of any Sur veyor. draftsman. arsoltteA' or artist. Bach "the ifhtestof #14 ran& 1 Pries. did you ask? 4SaV down. FRED. A. SCTINTE t. N.w. f rech. 17.1 Pann. ale. an. w. f -.4 ~~MiRBILIA CIGARS. FIVE CENTS. TE REST "BR THE MONEY. is EDWIN K. LEE. tEw 13TH ST. S.W. llb--=IMPORTANT IF TRUE. The Bker Shoe traets t wene panY'a claim th" you Can go mosi style, comfort and we at 140 New York re. ashould be Inreeigated br every lovefl-beadi multi. 6 PROCTOIRABI ACIGARCTORCENTS. t 313 7T ST. s.f NOER WAS OTHERWISE. Tshae ae olwrbsn tohe 01sp0 ener Wetufa end e*Agtei. a new erig elser and aa.ativo of the Knor" .erb eleeall past; projucts, Letea atyleal sb97thats. 111. toI B. SE TINMS & S0S. to U 1237 P. amR and 40U 139b st w. To c~eas~n oodWkof pawsnt os a athi the nothweat and northeat whichs meal advantalree to farce investors andb==des W ould ruskesa stir-end wioneyt. Woul be glad to eubualt them to interested ietine. PROCTOR a PROCTOR. 907G a t. a.w.. Asel Rotate"en Inslaeer Bretevs.9 DOTE "FINL AND SUPERIN " The fine for business. the auperdme for OuIEDeuse. WRi R PapUat course. ti be latest tn tint. =hp wWigt. aim and eli qiaalftlea-4ee as ingen. Have you wants im"pope Itsl 5. C. PARK ER Bookseller and Stoe. 619 7 th at. fsw. amS lz MIE A IBI WI CIGARS. FV E C RS WE SELL 1 000 PER DAY AT TE It SUPREMECURT CIGAR STORE. 910 F ST. RSUDDENOS FURNITURE HOUSE. THEY ARE EASILY REMOVED. To clean woodwork of paint spots ap a thick oating of a mixture of equal parts o lime and mode. ea it o twebytourho e aterward. POLISHED CHERRY PARLOR SUITE six PIECES. 640-MOTTLED BILK PLUS.-W r REDUCED FROM 666 POLISHED OAK PARLOR SUI oil PIECES T I0-TAPESTRY COVERING REDUCED FROM W5 POLISHED CHMRRY PARLOR SUITE SIX PIECES 63U-TAPEETRY COVERING-IAO REDUCED FROM 6S0 JOHN RUDDR. I na.thw... 5.h ri .LaeaaVbs.tfl re eABILIA CIGARS. CENTS. 8az" ZETise. THAN MANY OhCeiIT CIOARtS. t FRANK PITM. W01Fa CAP. ST. THE NAME OF QUEEN and Company Is known all em thig country. MRL. .EJacohe. who is at my stafre every FRI DAY from I am. to -m.. WN ae now by imsef a smase reay t abbd you hesfia o Ps teamet for antobl thesaes yoreps sExsemsnfl f atm saaes -800ereineealsserempeg s envSme51. -t t w.metFee it.I L MsAGRUEm.10 P.A Sprun~in pMMatte - oinad 888 -btmw se.e. * WaUkgtoa Neve ud Gen A ..m.......... Pam AUCTION SAL* As T R iIN................................... == 2 art CA30muw "............... ........ Pl=an 2 ITEMS .................................1 e 3 a AU TIO T RAL . TAT.. ........ . . . . . a CCL ...................................... g 5 D&ATI3r.H.Y. ... ........ .e 7 . ED CATION(5 Pus 7 FORRNT C(AlmEsi....... ............e 3 Fi REN .Pa e * 2 T .... .......................ass 2 FOR Pam aom~ DOR NST (B....) ........... me FOR RENT ,So r~2 E D C A I N A . . . ..n. . . . . . . . . . . a s 7F ORS (Noa) .............................eass 2 FOR AALM (31069 - 2 S -L (l ......................... ... aw I FOR TALE (P e... ............e FOR RAL (Mamy . ''..... . . P*" g MOTELS T<........................ . a ISRAENT oN........ ............ I LOScTu ........ g....... ..... ......... P~ a AR OEOT b............ ....... Pame 7 LEAL NOIC& ......... ... LOCAL . .... . .- 7 MISCELANEOkUS............ .........pas S MONE .NTE . . . . O .....Pave 7 MAN SAI...............................Plus 2 rO****7*a*a*.,.,,se 7 MEDICALE.......... . ............_...,,ae ORSOAL.E "............... .Pwsm S NOTA L ..........................., 1 PRFSN AL.zk... -.raffi 7 AULROACE.........................Po 7 PIAO ANDOTIES ................ PIGS* I 1 ECTALUR........ ................... 7 2 RO A GO-..........................Pase 7 LE sMAL AOI ...........................a 4 LANENTIO............. pase 7 ATADoEa -.-.-..P... . age 3I SANIURE- -.o..... ............... .. Pass 7 SUMERREOS..~ - - - Em .......... . .. W WANTED .-e-om............................m T NONEY(oe WA .. T . A .D.O.A.A.........fts 2 NT ADaPUBICeel..............................FaAe 2 WCANTEA NERSm ....... ......................P"We T PWNANTED gOMGAS............aT PRORA~x(J0~aq r~... .........................ode 2 PROF RESORT .......................*5 7 GovusXMXT Rucna Tos.-nusrn ev 0336, 0160,P3B; customs, 4359U. No uTC...-Th. report .. .. . k.ase Of Gars. in discredited at the War Delpauteaist 883M flACx-TWeuty-two alia conati laborera have beensent beck to Europe by toe Immigrant authorities at Nov York. AroR roPET-..---.....ems has baun appointed k........ the ........g ..e t a t CA(e Arag .... .. WAS Cuns.. P.Z.... .....-Cap. A. T. Mahan has been ordered a. p.e.. . ial *e Warciksa BANE ( .....-T .. ..Su.t . 4.. Pper nt bonds redeemed yesterday sac S&ill, iaka dhe tota rd "..... to d.....agS le a aving oucanngW1tU otauxxt mre Tovebeenap Intea ol re coal, 31893;stoans I"000 anflo L A.- atnLeh Va, a Jd F.1.asset, GOLD Ho-DrQc-2he net gold adbalsa now isn6 th ian $s13,731,014 an inieeee 4 o er 01imkS -'lue the l t instanta N f & decrease dt irdat tme ar JaDary L4 TiO0i WI.RAw-Th o almendicntas orel, dpateent at Califor Eua. has bees th maqtad to withodraw ah New F Fr GAsom, Caltha-Smilitary pa having bea ba ed heDeprtment of te Inteir. Duonam ie 01 Caromm Ixrnay-The re cttrom custom at the port NowYork for te oa twenty days of tisanth were MAa6n1. a decrease of p64 an ompared with the receipts during the cespoding period of last year. A Pomo-a To o suatsauus.- Ta Some tary of State has based a warrat fo the sw render to the government of the Dominica of Cana.a f Thomas Williamon. charged with forging two mortgagee on his brother's tarm near Toronto and with raising money on them Williamson is now in custody at OMMrS. City, Nov. oionte Wamsu r.-The Treasur Depart.. meat has decided that rei paled wha ky should be a eed upon the tam quantity as ascertained by the metheds .md by the in ternal revenu et ce, and tha fecin of Proof gallons in each Package should be counted astnll alons, it onehalf gallon or ovbe, and 1 raered tlom than a half gallon. CmiX.. IN T"n Liour House DoAnna-Tha Secretary of War has coomplid with the re-q t of Gen. Casey, the chief of eugincera, that he be relievad from duty as a member of the ligrtk house board and has in his place ordered ( Lieutenant Colonel Gofn. H. Elliot of the e-nr gineer corps, now in charge of the Washington aqiodct, to tat duty, in addition he his yem an% work.9 CoAsnusa o IStanarx.avana-AnS-The Department of State has bees olany notied that the fith congress atiInterna sawigtos cree wto chengoveratiofn rhelDoieto the coanatrcn of canls anth m phrvemed wi StatesIntwoese on thi js rer' farte toteTooand oaraisn moey paon he Baruoaspu Warsar.-The aur eart stete has recied athsat rmthed winister hofl e ntdaes apo Athe hatiy pos shrale by thvi hd sed by thn tea heen. , caandrGi thartor hri.tions of Proofealle, in eiao h pcae shotements .ofnted Seowen a oe ifs onehal aeeo er andy wre fs the anb aehafalo. hSear of-Wa has comperd with theruast ofaGen. Ca, e5 Phefk of e thda d be elvdfrm duty a a eme ofth W Hght LieuteAnt Colonedll ero. .Lbmf the - gneer corpsa now i charge of th W sg-n ens work. a CO~om OPINT a. Jataa"m-N ___ thatthe Afhengso i nte.- enaldavgto wilb pnd Jul e at Paris Te cosrutono cnlsad imroesm of rier ndhabor . esathe Unte I A rOesLaw CAnglET CEASM . ienary Nebe Mo seesed Whilhaw Bad as Miisteor in Vuma I. A ramer was Ia eirculation at the Captl to my that leeretary Noble will @ma-sd Mr. hitaslaw Reid s minister Go Frames when the tt In his esmisemon. The impeoism ent to prevail that Mr. Reid c--templates handeming his post ad it is smd that Seeme ary Noble woald relish a foreiga mission and Ouid not hesitate to yield his pae in the abinet for much a billet. In fact. at is asemrted ecretary obie is thoroughly disrechanted Pit his present oace and has with didcelty oen prevailed apom to retain his portfolio. a the event of Seeretary Noble's resqgnation it a predicted that iand Commissioner Carter 'ill smoceed him as Secretary of the Interior. adge Carter represated Moutan. In the Iest 'engres He a warm pe al friend of he President and istaord by the corthweet. Be les am New Tot osmvetem so=t%& Mr. Ckeevinae. spestmative Springer, chairs to the losse cemmifse on ways and. .aM, who has mg been regarded as an earnest Cleveland Ban, will tonight formally afteanee in an in arview that he fevers Mr. Hill for the Premi lecy. He regards the notaan of the New York tate convention a settling Mr. Ceveland. Mr. Springer ha jun returned from Chicage, where he has bee having a talk with some of he bMes politiciane. It is believed that his iettm s due to the fact that he feresses that if he Cleveland folka fail to secure the moUMn ios for their favorite they will try to cowbe a Mrri*o-. Springer sad Palmer am o oed to anything that has in it a possible d rantage for Mr. Morrsaon. The Spr.ager folks hink that Mr. Merriom deeted Spranger for he Speakership. Tun BLAND SELVER 3UE.. L Day noty t April WIM rabebr Be speaker Crisp etured from Fortreseroe his morning smuewbat implrdoed by his Aew lays' rest. There wi be a meeting ct the asmite em 6le1, possibly late today, bat, at fertheat. rithia a day or two. It in evident that the ommittse have, individualy, desided that here is nothing to be gained by an attespt to mother the silver que--*. To do s would ie to stir up more rouble, as the saver msen te indiferent to eastere reasing. It is probable, therefore, that a resatels rill be reported from the commitase " raes ling a day fsr the consideration of the Bland IlL The silver men are indiferemt as to the ime sled; an they "at i to have it defais. 9hIle there some diurees of opinia em he subject it is probable that the e=mmittee rill give all the mouth of Marcb to the discen ion of the btrif, taking a vote en the Arat londay in April, aid that h Brat Tuesday in Lorid will be eat for the --sesra-- 0t the Gar bill. soeNW AWAY to MAgt. MW PresdeMas aed Famy Won as , Ver gltm seat. The President is going to take a sheet r fter about three months' uninterrupted hard too*. He and his family wil leave for Vir ;isia Beach em Friday. to tay about a week. Mrs. Harriesm and Mrs. Morse and her chB Irea will be ef the party. The tetp will be code b boat and wilL he very sint The resident Is dsr0 to got whoay away from di work, and during his saay at the e? he will avoid emasideraties of publia business as toesposslue. The present winter has been very is with the Chilea disculty creaiahi= y duties enormously, and since hs ducking rp in November he has been kept constantly desk. The party will be gene abemt a NAVAL CADETe AmPOEN3IM. ieut Presse assugt to Umar to m ame regaene. The Preideut has appointed the foewing adet-at-large at the United Statee Naval Lcademy: Paul F. Teameg John T. . Terry, Proak E. Ridgely end Riabard J. Oglesby, Jr. There were about Ave hundred applicants fer he.. places, mostly the o of e oera of the avy, and the competition was exceedingly rang. Great inuaence was brought to bear a order to secure the appointmemte. which we announced this morning. The member f vacncias to be filled by the President wse aumally large this year. The cadets rill report at Aa=pelle for examination ext June. Paul Teasig is the som of Lient. Edw. D. Tai, who is teent om duty In thip city in emsnection ri thepr tie of the naval exhibit at be world John Terry is the am of ;ommander SiLas W. Terr a wmember of the &val earmining bord. 'ohsrd Ogileby is be am of ex-Gov. "Dick" Ogeobv of llioeis. to lives at Decae. Il. Frank Ridgely's ather was formerly a cadet at the Navel ALmd my, but he did not coatinue in the navy. ae a new a cttinac of St. Louis. Me. Kew thie Ee ta Maed to Mag uM. WM The announcemenat made em behalf efth4e alefaam Lottery Came that nest year he headarters of the spay wifi he mu meyed to Niearngn iS leebud ups. by the Salei et the Peat 06cc Department whe eve charge of the emtoresset et the aul-lettsry lawr as prebably tres. This move will not make any chag in the ressat legal .tate et lettery mtt-r. Its r=n-mide= in the mdi. is peMga not mly as hr as the dementie meeleaessnd, et sime epplils to te faemg aes. Thi esrn lreesm et the law wa resebed at em eeety Isage thGe figh epis he lettery esespany.| Mar as -ss as the law wa eneted emasa hes etr s hmtea :yLa s..h..a~....s ti..i~e emp..f banmtwm I..... maa ha ete i s thiseetz It me menay, who dele . asvhUub and hewhr her.a 4UWa M iitedssas ised to eestableteuy mhan e haed hir ed whene -0ese of the lette emnee h.... p...toe.. eempset'. a ininhge h me tseaMaimasm batr sa he o fhl mae Oseet t a ot er wh a es hr to ewesse I eumbe mShee - ~hase ema g hes ~mer . me es S-ham thm re te@@ a t-b hrd~ amaltsenesareas ssegala DTER TELEGRAPHIO NE WS. smnei ?amwsgs mw-m he ter's rimm Fsed a ga1ge a o Paam, Feb. S& -11 thft of dyrmnmn bem Abe es esary has had the aset of wke. ag the peliCe up to the fact that dhe amftehsts wre makig early preprtse ftr SaW lay. It in Ue4 known whether do lynemise stales from ase stt be ory ha bee= recovered. ht the bems to bseme esparb condected by the polies e owsed i the dasovery of a somber ot dy avae. ereridgee a the possanse th anarchi. The. eartradges ae Iae a have bee. stole. reendy feo the beoe stoneee ame. ad the pow 6bee Jat the object of &he aarekase a g e Psploeive was to use it eimr ia Stag property o May day or to Geome espeiesise hat would endanger ise As order to asiage heeasives for the garroeung of the bar s archaets at arm is sipa. '1be domacalary wiaste which bgas jensr lay in virtue of am order assed by a magi WaLe were oatinned today. One of on aome vaited was ecupied by a Upm4 amed chaltwt, who has boosmeder p bs mervdl--. for som time is assequms f " oft-is repealed rees aa the authoritam. bs pobse had, however Iteo mothiag to lad chalbeet to besine ta he was a otsject of teiar partiewhl sgd, und consequendy be took ome o avoad tem. %A en today, wO: the police made a raid mia s. duelg O* rem rewarded lar beyes their meat esMme bapoecataas. , hey bad beliered bat they smigh ftise lence that would lead to the detemties of te p- or ljacee where the stats. dsande and lynamte eetiradges were cosembed. ba flo es smrcely prepared for en great geed me Lune that wan an state fur them. Concealed &a daferveat parts of theopm accputd by LuaLbret thtere ma eSa a ieUatItY of emplosives, wich. had gay beeS &t oa through a-adet, would base hose nUSaeSa to Wow thsalhee's piee mad go wajacent be'Ah.mWg to sems. Wh te Nearch was cocasuded the pes. hoad ia aes, pos"Wnom forty-oargo dyuemitse1 tye bisoes coaasmg ataer bigh seademse iasaerof fums. ttwas very evIs Wo o br"s had no &As that he -vsaespested of medstaaing murder and paikega, far wh"a 0 phoe aretiid at him hems they @*um m iAera. Me was take tse casdy. The ra.mAcaes.o the asuhatm we fsund an have spused toa mush l em "S than the believed, ad a in thought at met boom Sr do Latherities harmig of as ozmposm et the plot deporable "eal4s weed es ttiemded the mee--ua-al.. of the oesqames, asmong the aerohiess who have bliss eate Mm heade of the peies se e ama who Myd as Lavallee-lsrret, ra aerther embue of ses, batmide dh city. In ham boos were amed a tumadly of arms ad as" somber e s fto Lad asn sermal mmi.. 2he Ax Aekemor Saok says that do gnaW part of the eartrege saes frem the gemeers wre boesd the roa-h of the Frukch pelas, op hey have alresay boe eeried dee 40" bya Spa i ro l ram" Tpn Sn G etes.. in me eprtes tha the sarm ife t iseed me asspt to Mow up the Samah Seay in I, ad they have eeqs tly pieced alms game bt that beilding. Any oe who is the&am$ suspacaom am hie msanr or Octans is a" as. kawed to st the embassy or to ester is m vacamsty until he has f1"y eaded* hepe that has beaasae weraants ha pse, nEss Kafter bm"eothe a em am s. B ftamu. Feb. IL-ne bawer ha fthas ge Nmal Dome of te herble develepmosa Magdearg and ha& b dosrd he ..imi. of justice s direct the eUfsst 110e In ferreting out the arime eherge afs ft Erhe and the womsa Dorehy bmegfe. lb is now mid tat the pai wee amd iaw thom Practice of enteing ad manderg by the amrosvelations o seia Bantrock foliewed the "m ue iW as &h-a-de an Austria, the womma seeng the girls to a lamely spot is the woeebe the premise of takng them is e :0% situation and Erbe thea 44msg Mm wisth whose olotinag and mesy were ad h two wroleee. JA doe Not pear that aboeed the boding as -Sea.,r g, M woanaU having esenssed, thme oemeaum and e@scation of the pair is earase.. Two ime ore known, Emma hastem and Dmes E 13Mim At Tun OS==min==,= A Nelalt Dome. t assuesa a Memne so umseuesemias 11-za, Oao, Fob. IL-Az ome of As n fm the Pennsylvania railroad bsmmtm W OMa guemmoe from bsceg== t Washiegeest Pamme through here last sighs esoms one od a huba through a cr window. No es w !mj but thee are asasay pseulatise s e o ,P potraesr of sd the ameue 9r m deed, Eho Whie Seer samme 34gss - guick san oeems onesemnea. New Yae. Feb. 3L-he Whe Oamu steMm. 1ip Majest, OnPL Peed, Oiveld 4g so part this morning. hawing ambde a 9u6060b ruan in poes of speed, on, as - i-m- emb. lasee coveed, he beems the reeer. On her sevenelseth vepage Mme ilm. wee Ave dses eihs- bheES m mtalues, she thee covemed 2,11 a . time tume of the paamage jesa.psam a Eve daye. twety hours e ad 5westg-ewe mia its, and the dis...mos eered 2,6 g mghty-oime male. more besee Mme sns. eroysg. being eqal, at th et eemme, is et roers ad twesty-slgest sames, ets iwould ema her tie tese ehert em ge lays, itste hese se And 8pbger M m insad eve mude. hmus, ne3., Fob, ia-b mee BM, is-er im em 'sIeI l s. e le pesss se ~alamer, she me ehmag w@ @ Mm smase t Dr. naerad assemsey is Mm sfuls=' admgog bs dae~me lher -n quased at Mh nt sem of eams M BMint was ased 'e Mm de ub M, hsher 6miled him ems anme rm astid che heebee5madd hoesa h n mehas ses?' eaie ess" Atsh~ broedbewear. mi'and be hed Mm e is bet mea B. auseg e NeAr~ em e~ E 1~ lbsju e bm e ra daam impssast eis's e. det Misesps m_ tme ie ha ese egmd es mA - t Msewg s'mi yo s n d amnsels M- b m