Newspaper Page Text
24 EDITION. =IfIE -H 52 PARE FUMT TELLS UDS STroxT. 'in Orssm Serve at the man Who Tried 6e slb an Espreas Car. Escaserm, I. T., Feb. 2.-A Post Mlpress werter ha had a long interview with Oliver rl Perry, the train robber in jail at Lyons. The prisoner mid: "O the evening of the mbbery I went to the theater at vracuse. About midanight I went down to the depot and being emed until thirty-one eame n. I mersbed the mesenger's car and saw there wee a fa in each end and one for the way business gw the der. I knew the safee in the end nehsmied money aNd was sre there wae some oSey in the other. I went up in the freight yard anda the expe pulled out I jumpea en the we @bond cf the messenger's. I erawled over So brt our to elerney's car. I took out my W e-trs of Are-escape invention of my sen. I strapped the big frontier revolver. ghich I always carried through the weet with my rtridge belt, around my overcoat. The reovolvrI pas in my uyer overcoat withis easy reach in em dropped the one. I got upon the platform raiBn and pttlg y hayd on the roofs of the two cars in" up to the top. I attaehed the book on toreef t the ear and peeked down over the 041 to se f the messenger had taken any absro. Be was al right. and I swung down in Uy rope emddle over the edge. Both hands usre fra, and I tried to hold an to the edge at th ear roof. but the rain was gloig lfty mleasn hour and the wind was and I was blown away from the car times and once I narrowly missed img a bridge. 31y hands became so numbed that when I drew my big revolver I jild I could not cock it. I rubbed my hands ad slapped my sides with them until they Blw warm. "When I got inside the car I leveled my gun al Menerney. and as I did so he raised his re ver and held it leveled at me with both hands atame' length. He ducked his head as I fred and the ban graced his forehea. He dropped his revolver and reached forthebelcord. Vlbenhe had pulled the cord twice and whle attempting to pull it a third time, I fred and shot him in the arm. He stepped over to where his gun c lay on the Soor and as he reached for it, pay tog moatention to my command to throw up I h hands, I bred again. the ball striking him daewhse in the leg. ' I sWiangD OF A FARM IANa 1 Eomnin min man=s isMnser White to a Via af Melnchely. esta Nboatbh to The Evealtae *ar. Faunmmcs. Mv., Feb. 2&-A young man by Se time o Lewis Martin, aged about twenty yems, whe has been employed upon the farm et Mr. Cornelius Zimmerman. near Phlager's mil, this county. committed suicide yesterday ae soon by hanging himself in he hern on Mr.'s place. Mr. Zimmerman was in this city yesterday. asetompanied by a sister of Martin, who is al:o employed by bins. On returning hone they fund Martia's lifelem body hanging in the barn. Martin was frem the Emmisburg district, Unmarried, a son of James Martin. anl this ead ending of his life is mid to be dae to =m-sy. When Mr. Zimmerman and Miss Martin left te farm yesterday morning about 10 o'clock j young Martn was making fence and appeared a to be an a cheerful humor. Bis sater sold ham' a that hiedianer had been fied on the table and a when neon came he could cat it. He gave no r intention ad his contemplated deed and it wa a great shock to all when his body was found in the barn. In hanging himself Mlartin tied a rope to ee af the rafters and standing up on a cross plaesjumped of. falling about ten feet. It is upposed tAt his neck was broken. Timber Men mm a Setet. A Jhen.. Menu., Feb. 5.-Eight hundred mber men from the Ashland, Norris. East Q Morte and Pabet mines at Ironwood are on a o strike. They demand an additional 25 cents per V doy The companis will not yiek. It is D le to reeWit an a general strike, evering the 1 Gigabie and Ihenokee ranges. A om- Cbarud Wash Fnerteh. Loanos, Feb. .-Carl August sam=s, the Amricau "sareng man." ma formally charged f a ring at the Westminster police court I With esmbemlam jewelry and meney from Ma, j erNstein. mn wa icharges he was recently 3 sillgh- to eeemtry on extradition pro- N Emmen, Fek 23-0. and G. . ead, bank a% having hramehes in Sussex. Surrey and $ Zint, have sepda payment. Lloyd's bank, 1 Untied et U mbard street. F C., are ar to tam Messrs. nod' hebtaledie, which S to be small. se to the Psogesed Leswn wment. Leau, Feb. .-The 3. Jnws Gaatue, e lbef OMapape itself faWver the project, to- 9 A l a letter protesting against the at Mr. Stevens that a fund be " form An erseties of a monument in r -* Abbey to the memory of James 1 Los The writer in the letter savs SeW mseke Abbey ehould be reserved for ,F." h s Mheuld we crowd the poet's bl e trbutee to foreigners who would 1 -at s been so henored had they been Eng-1 SThere was no room for a monu- - Mm to Mr Jeha A. Macdonal because he was I a gams. Why ent of our way to lick Mrv lena, Feb. 5.-Ea=ina=tion Into th b Ueeleeniltn et Edward I. Field, the head C ef Ge defnct firm of Field. Lindley, Watchers II ms. a centinned this morning. Fleid staf a pesente mm appearance of imbecility. F. Fisher - & Wh ' .ene of the state emaeminere in ~ haasy. that he examsined Field in a ggemmsty an eaneidered him a l===tie. h 'Meeie Lits Men at 3====e. SerrazoK 3., Feb. 5.-At this amorning's .1seme the eleetric light convention the lIt- Ii erary featues were concauded by the reading i and diseasen et several papers. I. F. Peck s1beh~ emd a paper on "Overhead Cen-a LLALedlieef New York followed with en a heeseing paper en "Operation et Nigh Ten- 3 stem Curens Underground." a Deasme token until afternoon, when general a team wiN he rmiced and the convention .5 esee with the election of oeers. James L ofre Ut Louis to maid to be slated for A mebt Mure aa N. Clue. Kaneas Cmr, Mn.. Feb. 25-A special to the a Tim from Dolden, Mo, mays: John and a Wim Ayler, brothers, weve murdered at Sair hems, five smilee north of ' 4y~le Tueday igt. They lived cans, both eing ammled, and the crisme wae not dat. easisd ntil yeeterday morning. when aa Sweat to the homse to transact somme The bedse et the two amen were r hsee in a front room chopped to g ga.A bloody axe was found in the room. ' .brothers ware well of and thosee ' who eamaitted the amurder donbtleie did so wit the mative of rebbery. The brothers ware beth shnt men, which leads to the belief that mesa m -n ma eenoerned in the mardec. Rose me es to the smurderers. Ubtet Tuat theae Maine. Ws~mnenon, Dam.., Feb. 25--The Staping Shefa new prepefler steambsip Ialme left. Ma meuth et the Christiana sbout T this sme. I tog en her hinl trip. Sike has ee board a m.. her et eethl and guemia. who left this city in a tw at S:S a.m. to berd the steomier at hepa01e departnre. Umm==z.- Feb. 2-The C'apeta. mi-- fl gareskting cones teek placee in the 'Yiet Blah hat eening. The cess pete.were Maes Ralseneein, the C.=ndi.n -psn J. F. Bseon of the Arlingteu Beat the1 Desien and A. Dlamas 0f Montreal. ~hamwe. mmd Boen wadjaudged M Esh Fe -While tuse them drin -~m- d em-ed te..' his usm ee.s bst a eacving amc. Jar. end Man Mage, et whame heme Ma. Seey -a mer attempte tsm . ad~he de a lemp whiec h e'-aa de iteujy ashm d i * 1Sie to est Mae ahed et the ~and -ess bed wesnmmms nQ d ho V1131 rimE In 11a1121 commosg Up as les1 camse tw w Ba.Tnwean, Feb. 2L-The s e 4m 60 Abel building, which was damaged by AM yes. terday, was as follows: Hanover at New York, S10.000; Continental of New York, 6eUU; Ollifornia of sem Franeiseo. O1,S German of New York. 3,0W; Equitable of Dq eore, $10.000; Ol Town of Baltimore, 4,K TotaL 'The Freidenwald Company, whih safered eonsiderably by the Are, have been for several years the principal publishers of the numerous periodicals, circulars and re ports of Johns Hopkina University. Among the univerity publications that wuil be delaved by the Are will be the March numbers of the following journals, the, printof which was nearly completed: The American Journal of Mathemats a quarterly magizine. edited by of. Newcomb and Craig- The American Chemical Journal, edited Ly Prof. Redsen and appearing monthly during the academic year; the American Journal of Philol ogy. quarterly, edited by Prof. Gildei leeve: the alnletin of the Johns Hopkins leospital. which appears freuently lint irregalarly. The "iullabalo," a - sual of the senior clan of 'f2 a volume of )ver 2W pages, was seat to the printers over two weeks ago and may be delayed by the Ae beyond the academic year. A few of the plate and drawings of the book were injured by water, but the greater part is inhurt. The Friedenwahl Company were also rinting several theses for students, who ex met to come this year as candidates for 1 degree of doctor of philosophy. k portion of one of the Boors of the buildi Vas used for storing hundreds of unbound oPims of new university books, most of which rere ruined. Several hundred volumes had Maen sat down from the university Mbrary a lay or two ago to be rebound. The total los to the John Hopkins, in addi ion to the forced delay of several weeks will mount to several thousand dollars. IN WALL h2aEST TODAY. tunmas mad Pelredleal aNlls Marked t1e Market. Saw Yomx, Feb. 25L-The market was dull ad displayed considerable strength at imes today. The dealings were unusually arrea of feature. The Arst prices were gen rally a small fraction better than those 4 last night and a firmer feeling marked the dealings. Ts strongest stocks rere whisky trust and Lackawanna. The for mer advanced 1% and the latter 1 per cen. ;hacago gras was hammered to a considerable xtent. L ut only yielded 9 and recovered a por ion of that decline almost immediately. The ther stocks strengthened also. In the second tour some weakncass was developed. but while iew England was one of the stocks subjected o a vigorous selling it only felI % per eat. Toward 11:30, however, there was nother rally. Baltimore and Ohio was specially strong and advanced 1% to 97%. owa Central advanced 8 per cent to 54. '11e market at noon was strong with prices slightly iigher all around than last evening. A thai rrating (1:30 p.m.), the market is dull and not o steady. Saee to noon, 142,C00 shares. Money easy at 1,,a2 per cent. Exchange niet; posted rate. 486a488%; actual rates. 85s4&4.5 for sixty days and 487%a4&7% for de utsad. Governmkente--steady; currency 6S.109 id:, 116 bid; extended 2s, registered, )U bid. Ne Verdiet in the CurtIs Marder Case. 8.a Fawtersco. Feb. 25.-Up to midnight the try in the Curtis murder trial had not reached verdict. It is reported that they stand Ave t rr conviction and seven for acquittal. The D tor and hIs counsel express no fear of the b suIt. a FINANCIAL AND COMMEMCIAL. 1 c lip ,101wl ame Theconsist an1 e Soek Market. as yI bre It, Coesa And 3Macartuey. 14110 sueet. s | . No= c.f C-ms c. eh .3 K & W. Vm... ...... 77 ena ... N. J.n O...... 1 Mh 138)4, an. Mout.... O% GM X. W. pr... ...... ...... ..B. ag...le 10e% Norethwest..10 an.Pac . KmA law N. Azasarts. 1.} 153 t ". Pe............. ...... . Pa . . .50. . O4!4 se . . 6 & U.1 bi I L 61 61% :- .i.'.. LtW. ... .*% lat Oil.......... lhie .rL 1130 'ac. Mail.. ... 3 .aa... 173 l e araii.z... 5 4.. .. 4 turb. er. . Itisas is F1' d.-k 4&% Ieck IWalad... 36.' ri a rie .. . 3P ka aliver c..... t 3b I. WuetCgs. ..... ...... t. Paul..... 7; 7 I kng Val .. ; %. Do..... 1 I,- r 1.v n ..... ......... bt. P. .. ...... 11'2 b4 hok. i .h......... r . 3 ha ahe dis& ..... ..... ':. .sr. amasitea.... 114 1 T4% &Z .. o. Par ..... 6. Uj TAn. C. C.. 45 e wrb-Cea..... ......u....i.oS n .. % 4 . V. ces .... 13 i: Walash . 13 1.% L ad Trust... 1t 19% L. No. % - 01 -..E&.L... 41A. 4Pa West. U1610un.. 67 7 Wasbnete. steek Eseanama. Sales-Itegular call-12 o'clock m.: U. S. 49, reg., d .$%)Oat 1146%. D.C. 3. 14,4A0 at 1I1l". Wash iton Gas, se at 44.. U. '-. Electric Light, lu at 436: 2 at 145. Washington Ias and Truss Com. g Ly, 1 at 1M63. al toverntment Bonds-U. . 4. registered, io., b 6 bad, 116% asked. U. S. , coupons, 19W?. 6 bid, 11lth asked. District of Columbia Bonds-Market stock, Is, Ve, currency. 1w0 bid, - asked. W-year land, ' 100% bid.- asked. U-year fund,fs,115s, 0 Ad, 106 bid, - sked. Water stock, Ta. cur- at Scy. 195, 11 bid.- asked. 30-year fuadsm.god, a Me.115% bid,-aked. Water stock, ;&. C Acy. IT3 bid. -- asked. 3.60s. I9. fund, cur 'scy. 112% bid. 113% aske-L 336, reg *-61 Ias 01. 109 bid. -asked. aileroad nonand-Washington and George- 1 wn -ailroad 1-a, Es. tvi bid. le asked. u ashangtoa sad Georgetown Railroad Converti e Es. NOe bid, 1he asked. Waskington and ecrgetowa Railroad Rights. 110 bid. 1s asked rahisgton Mariaet c ompany,Ist es.115 bid,-ased. tl ishington Market Cosmanlny imp. 65. 136 baid,d asked. American Security and Trust Corn-d may,. ,esO bid, - ased. Washington Light inh- Ii ainry 1st mortgage e5,1sea, is bid.- asked. Wash- a gloa Light anaatry 1da.96 bId. 10136 as~ed. Wiasb- n gtu 4,as company, series A, Es. 130 bid. - asked. t fashi Gnas Company, series B., Es. 110 bid, - Washington ~s c:ompany Converti e es. 151. 135 bnd. - asked. Eckington Rtailroad t 6. se6 bid. 1iW% aked. Caitol and North 08tryee i mdrroad 1stmortgage Is.1t94,bid,ii, asked. Met- U pontan Maaroadi convertible 5. Ils bid. 1*t ti ,aed. U. If Electric Light convertible is. til d d. 112 asked. Aniiaceutia Raiuroad es. 102 bId, asked. Chess eadu Potomac Telephone 1st urtlgage Es. Uls bdi 1sj% asked. Masnic Mali As. ,e.a4m ,U5., 10s 05.d. - as54ed. National Rant Biocks--Bank of Washing*.a. 410 rd. 411 asked bank ot Republic. ISe bid. 5)lo E lasd. Metrospoltan. IE5 bid, tie asked. Centrsa. U u bid. - asked. isamets and Mechanics'. Ise *d. - asked. Citizoas'. lIe bid. 1b6 asked. Cuisa a. 153 bid, 1t5 asked. Capital1 li bd. - asked. I 'est End. 1ii a..i. Ia-.askedk Traders',112bad.lls 5 liedL .lncoin. 106 bid,1056 asked. Ohio, 155 bid, - U med. becenid. - bed,U15 asked. Railroad stacks - Wasungton and Georgetown. < 50 bid. SIC. asked. Metroyaotttaa. 10t bid, liw Medk Columbia. S bid. 1s ,askted. Capel sand orthi 0 Bireet. 40 bid. - askedL Rekngton ea huiern ilome, U tad.~- asked. Georgetuwn ad Tealeytown, 46 hId, 46 asked. Reck Creek., Pubd. -asaed, d lsranee tuehs-firemeu a, * hMd, 5 asked. c raa.iln,& b ..6 asked. Natioinal Union. 1ug bid, lj% asked. Curcoaran, 6;ih bid, - asked. Clumbia, bed. 16, ast'd. lautomac, is bId. to asked. 1 Igga, -. bId. * asked. People's, 5% se. askedt. incan.65. bad. - asked. Cumnmeresi, 4Y. bed,,, inked. Arlingiom. liU hd. las asted. c 'fitslesrace Stucks--Ifeat* state Title, lit a Id. 13. asked. -olumbia Title. 4% hid, T asked. Gasan Ee4a ih btucks- Masiingto Ua.E ia asked. I.eorgeioern &,a.45 ba.-asked. I, Tdephonehtochs-Chesap.a- ani .Potaonise, 51 C d. S6 asked. inen can tiraybophone, 636 bid. Tj4 aked. Pemnsylvana Telepbune, is bid, - saker e Miscellanus Storks -- rneumnatic saun Car age. * bi. 6 asked. Ituti Man Panoraima com. may. is bad. ri asked. Lincela flais,6 bid,-U shed. ashngus Maret Comspany, 16 bId. -g las Dseposit and Tmst companies - Washing- I It Loan and TIrst .ompany. 156% had. 10?% shed. .ameriaca5 hecursxr and arus 'oa,.. . m0tj ind. ima asked. Washtsgtmm Meas Des oapany, seid - asked. *Ez. rights. DAI.TINORE. Feb. 5.-Flour dell, umakangma -hcis.1,0 aree:shmp..met. sassg 1erI mles,~ esbrets. Wheat easy - No. 3 redd,1 pot. 1.UxaI.15: eb%; y MareS. .es6a~ea; May, L.0ea1.s36: Seams.e. 3, red,. .Su-receipts, 54.15 bumbl- .mpm-nm. iT,s mhnets- suck, 150*4 -hhe- sales, 114555 hush. i. loutheva wheat irmer-FasIa. 1r .*aaL~E. Cora streag-mixed as o, *36; exhua'. Ja36% March. *a53: April, jg:May esemer. mind,4Jg6%-e eps. Ls.6 sheta sipments. 5S.s6hsea loch. l,0,ei bahel sles. lis,n bashets. inahern ewn-white eser, se: yelw arer i,. (I ele ad week-Ns, 3 wm Ya5 en. sjaar Not. S mined westera hnss-re teady--1a.9. ee 931 basbetg aseg 4, ahum to ra-edE ehste timehy. :L~e.SSUam.s gralsadum. CWeta mnminal - .dema. 3rmer, a. :bngd. Eate arm amebisaged. M nss ted eI, muidese-M4 Caees steady-gle lab rm s, a1; h ,e, 6. Ar-. MALTIMI, EP.Um- snss.... am Obwe beieis segIS Ubes esra seS, Un M mtu ..., ------a m tua. u2 but a, se thiag. Memia Tembery Re 9 s , h assr t a bstaso s..s ---- he te eae the s part of the osp ageat the m Dartet of Agriculture spa Se euperebosts in the pre ducties of rninhl Ben. . G. Dyremferth, who was in eharge of the experi mnts, in samaigr up heir results, mys: "The few experiments which have been made do not furnish .Se"data from which to form definite emclueiene Or evidence upon which to uphold or condemn Ae theories of the articial production or inerease of rainfall by ooncussiob. Experiments extending over a period of only a few months can scarcely be sufcient. It Is only by large number of tests, with accurate noting of di lions and occurrences,that definite eoEusions can be reached as to whether or not rainfall will be induced by explosions, and whether iuch production of rainfall can be reduced to an art, so as to effect preeipitation at a pre determined place. What has been done so far is altogether preliminary. but with the benefit A the ex rience gained I hope that the sub lect will pursued." In prosecuting these investigations there has been expended about e17,000. Ot this amount be government has contributed about 9.Q00, the rest being given by outside parties inter isted in the prosecution of the nvestigations. THE TELLOwTOXE AuE. Mr. Charles Gibson, president of the Yellow itone Park Association, was before the Senate tommittee on territories today and made som statements in favor of the bill introduced in he Senate to incorporate the Yellowstone Park Company. This bill Proposes to give o the association privieges to erect iotels, build electric road@ and erect elephone and telegraph lines in the park, in *eturn for which the government is to receive he sum of $50 a year for each of ten grants of en acres each for the term of twenty years In answer to Senator Platt's question as to that interest he had in the park Mr. Gibson aid he represented an association incorporated nder the laws of Minnesota In,188, which ranted the right to the association to build and perate hotels in the park. His association, he aid, held six leases granted by the Secretara of the Interior, representing six acres of lan he leases to run for ten years, three of which ad already expired. In further answer o several categorical questions by Sen tor Platt Mr. Gibson said there were our or five other leases of privileges n te park, besides those held by his assocIa ion; that all the important papers were owned ov his association and that he had had a epn roversy with the secretary of the Interior in egard to certain matters pertaining to his bases. Senator Plat asked Mr. Gibson what was his lolitics. Mr. Gibson said he was a democrat, but that any of his associates were republicans. He bought that politics had entered into the ques ion of granting privileges in the park. Secre ary Noble in his letter to Senator Platt, chair man of the committee, who asked his views on he bill, opposed it, and his judgment i is opposed to the public good, is for private iiterests only, and is in every way pernicious. Mr. Gibson has replied to the letter. At the suggestion of Senator Platt a sub ommit tee was appointed to give Mr. Gibson a arther hearing on the bill. MississipPi ivun IMMPovEMZNT. The Senate committee on commerce today stened to statements from Gen. Comstock, resident of the Mississippi river coutmission, nd Capt. Web Samuel. representing the city f St. Louis and state of Missouri. in behalf of he pending bills for the improvbment of the [ississippi river. Gen. Comstock indorsed the ill reported by the committee, making a total ppropriation of 015,000.000 for that purpose. n said that the main difficulty the commis ion had experienced in the past in the dis barge of its duties had arisen from the fact Dat the appropriation for the improvement ad been intermittent. During long periods of idleness the works iready constructed had been injured by !eshets and the working force had been scat ired, so that heavy loss and delays had re ilted. Capt. Samuel briefly hescribed the needs of te communities he represented for better ater transportion facilities. AOAJsT nnTVunNNG THE FLAos. In the House yesterday Representative Me leer of Pennsylvania presented for referenco t protest by the Scott Legion of Philadelphia ,ainst the passage of the joint resolution to iturn to Mexico twenty-one flags captured in attle by the United States troops. "No valid oen,' says the protest, "has been advanced show why we should surrender those blood arned trophies, and so far as we cnn discover te attempt is without precedent hi the history 9 strife between foreign powers." NAvAL ENoINEEBs. The House naval affairs committee has or red a favorable report on a bill providing kat the reduction in the numbers of the en- c ineer corps of the navy, provided for in the t of August 5. 1882. shall be considered as ting ceased June 30. 1891. Mr. McAleer will d ake the report. The passage of this bill ould enable the corps to be increased and ould also make it possible for a number of lieers to be promoted. The construction of f :ips for the new navy has largely increased the i tual work and responsibility of the engineer a orps, and many of the officers are overworged. C )me of them have resigned to accept more icrative places in civil life, and these facts ave influenced the committee in its action poathe bill. TmE TTPNUB-IxcmTD WNIGRAN70. Representative Stump of Missouri offered in t ne House yesterday a concurrent resolution mrecting the Senate and House committees on amigration jointly to inquire into the recent Imisson at the port of Neow York of a largo amber of European immigrants infected with phus fever; also to Investigate the workings the various laws of the United States relative immigration from foreign countries, thet sportation of contract laborers to the United intes and the expenditures made In connection erewith. The investigation is to be con acted at such times and places as the com ittee may deems proper. TUE VPam INDtesTaJAL esassTIAN nons. A report from the Utah cemmission sub nltted to the House states that the expense of naintaining the Industrial Christia Hofie In tah for the benefit of women who abendon olygasmy was $301 month and that the rerage admissions were only fourteen per nonth. In this state of agfairs the commission ibmits to Congress the question as to whether r not it is worth while for the government to ontinne to extend aid to the institution. AoAiSST DzsaCiiATING TuE PLAo. The House judiciary committee today or ered Mr. Bynum to rel~ort with a ree mmendation that it pass the bill to prevent asecration of the United States flag. The bill rovided that any person or persons who shall s the national flag, either by printing, ainting, or affixing on said flag, or therwise attaching to the same, any dvertisemnt for public display or private sin, shall be guilty of a niadenessor and, on unviction thereof m the district couirt of the rntted titates. shall be fined in any sum not sceeding *50 or imprisonment not less than airty days, or both, at the discretion of the curt. rusLiC a.Dno 'oLuCr. There was a longs end esrnest discussion to-1 ay in the House comamittee on public build agseand grounds with reference to the policy in be pursued loward hills providing or the erection of new public buildings. t was evident that a number of mom -r of the committee were strongly opoes m the viewsexspressed by Chairman UanShn ad other members of the committee to be efect that no new anbllc buildings hould be provided for. Teopponents of he policy advocated by techairman Insisted hat the comumitteshou' not refam to eport favorably hills for public build egs where it could be shown that the' mstrests of the government weald be dvanced by the erection ot publie snildngs. They proietdagainst a sea olicy adverse teol reoe new pbi suilding bills. There was a very free iee ion, but no couclsen was reacdt he ern aittee adjerning hati bnterday wishaoat inking a vote. What Uesseuas Netie sees, "I have net bought a trench ditionary yet," babsevedi leerehry Neblle this merning when afaing in a joking way about s russer -that ensesed his msewit- the appehet mas he the Preach assaden. Me nedee, bewever, in a serieus ~vein, that 16is ehane had net evqbeen tob h sahe hade ae thme s~e nh -ghe asae ser 11e af Wsweh rhe r eup~d *Re esams Whas s beus nd as m-s a bm as a w mn sow t -e eeiyes i we ty t m Ad to gqwrwt e . su rb - several hundred emp of the germ Wh egO.ernaeoe the night ferc have i led a t Jab aggregatlofl a tgrapl ltoe the sitatio. A gre mt newspaper mea, printers employeden new papersand telegraph operators aloe signs aomorial, The documents will be presents to the Senate at she rtopporunity by Senati Hansbrough. It was expected that som of th street railroad people would be at the Cait this morning to argue with the subcommita as to the necessity or lack of it for such an *: tension of business hours, but no one appeSr 'rhe Congressieal Directory. The third edition of the Congressionai I rectory is expected to make its appearAnc about the end of next month, but up to th time the committee on printing has not d termined what shall be done as to publishia r not the maps of congressional di triets. These maps were printed with the fin &dition and were well received because the presented valuable information in condense rorm. When the second edition (which we mapless) appeared there was a good des of inquiry as to why the new and populb feature was missing. Two or three menbei of the House had objected to the ublicatio of the maps, but their kick had nothing to d with the committee's action, for it was n< believed necessary to put the maps in the sec and edition. A new plan was being formt ated. Now the maps and the statistical is formation are combined, each state having page to itself, and instead of these pages bein iggregated in a supplement at the end of th locumeat they are to be approprately distri outed throughout the autobiographical portia L few other changes are contemplated, whio will result in a compact volume. Edito dichaei is at work on the condensation now Then complete the book will show at a glane he public history of a Representative, tho bape of his district and its population. Th mublication at this edition is being anxiousi, awaited. PVresidential Noninations. The following nominations wore sent to th lenate by the President today: Poetmasters.-Thomas W. Pierce, Morris own. N. Y.; Eugene A. Marsh, Groton, N. Y Tharles F. Hopkins, Boonton, N. J.; Henry C doulthorp, Conneautville, Pa.; John Schiller jumberland Md.; Joseph A. Worshan lenrietta. 'Tex.; Fanny W. Byrd. Eutaw, Ala lmore W. Griffith, Ozark. Ala.; Sena Gidle ialvern, Iowa; Thomas A. Wilson. Lebanon IL; alph F. Bradford, Pontiac, Ill.; Edwin ( rborp, Litchfiold, Ill.; irA. Lizzie M. Calde Villow, Cal.; John A. Peron e, Lonoke, Ark. WASKINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP. ROxas rox AccPT.-The resignation a ?irst Lieut. Edward S. Farrow, twenty-firat in antry. has been accepted by the President I ake effect February 24, 1892. DuawBac.-The Treasury Department ha uthorized an allowance of drawback on e: wrted incandescent olectric light swithe manufactured in Philadelphia from importe hina ware and domestic material. REIMPORTIRD Spiis.- -The Treasury Depar1 sent has decided that reimported spirits pay ng a duty equal to the internal revenue ta bated on their original exportation cannot b rented as materials imported within the mean ng of section 25 of the tariff act relating t irawbacks. CArr. CanALzs B. Tuoursox, assistant quar ermaster, is relieved from duty in the office c he quartermaster general and will proceed t ladison Barracks, New York, and relieve Cap1 leorge E. Pond. assistant quartermaster, ofhi Inties in connection with the charge of con truction at that post. Tzn PzsmenwT's CAr.LZ.-The President' allers today included Senators Hiscock, Dawe nd Aldrich, Secretary Tracy, Acting Secretar paulaing, Attorney General Miller. Bepresen %tives Goodnight, Cate. Pickier. Carutb nd Grat, ex-Bepresentative Prosser of Wash agton. Mr Enoch Pratt of Baltimore, Collec or Devol of Kansas City, Rev. J. B. Dunn c "oton, ex-Gov. and Mrs. Gilpin of Denver o1. Erzcuurva CLEamxcr.-The President ha ranted a pardon in the case of Tan, an Alas an Indian. convicted in Alaska of petit lar eny and sentenced December 23 to fvi sonths' imprisonment. He has remitted the ne and costs in the cass of Charle lhite, convicted in Indiana of passing ounterfeit money and sentenced t< iirteen months imprisonment and to pay a no of 81 and costs. The application for par on was denied in the case of C. A. Gildes, con icted in Texas of embezzlement. A Nuw Maxicas CANINXT Orrican.-Letter rom Mexico announce the promotion of Mr 'ernandes Leal to a position in the cabinet a scretary of public works, colonization and ommerce. Mr. Leal has been for fourteei ears chief clerk of this department and ha eon acting secretary for several months. No nly is his promotion well deverved because o is long and faithful service, but it will be i rest gratification to every one interested im be development of internal improvements Ii lexico, and particularly the citizens of te rnited States who have made investments ii lexican railways. WzsT Ponir Canzrs.-The following hav< sen appointed cadets at the United State llitary Academy: M. J. Hough, Jr., fifth dis rict of South Carolina; J. B. Allison (alternate ) fth district of South Carolina; H. 0. Wilhardl rst district of Montana; C. J. Dolman (al truate). first district of Montana; D. P. Hall bird district of Ohio; P. B. Lukener (alternate) bird district of Ohio; J. C. Work eleventi istrict of Illinois; 8. B. Kenworthy. (ad irnate). eleventh district of Illinois olin F. Zeigler, twenty-eighth district a ennsylvania; Gilbert Chase. first district o irginia; D. B. Powers, Jr. (alt.), first distrie SVirginia; W. G. T. Schley, second district o laryland; E. C. J. Mier, Jr. (alt.), second di riot of Maryland. TO FRGHT ?THE GAS TRUST. adigent Citizens of Chsenge Form an Or ganssarson. Crcso9, Feb. 25.-Three hundred of th Itizena of Chicago who burn gas held a meet og last night and protested against the prie hey have been compelled to pay recently fe he product of the local gas works. Wasi lagton Reaing was chairman of the meeting. teversl speechspa were made, when one * hose present, Alderman Goldsler, sus ;sted that "instead of fighting the g rust with gas something more sul tantial be used." The suggestion wa cted upon and a "Municipal Ge aegue" was formed and its constitutie. doptad. The latter states the object of ii rganization to be "mutual protection agatim he Chicago gas trust and the use of all hono: ble ameans to obtain legislative enactment eg aewering the city of Chicago to establis aunial l s works." g1JUL13 JOMbON'S CASE. Isgumeut Made Ragarding Rer Releas. Bat. Msniss, Tanx., Feb. 25.-ather Veale e Ir. Henueg were the oly two witaseases ei amined in the Lifle Johnson inbeas corpi ses this mnerning. lather Veale testified i ser good charaster, and Dr. Hennag said if at emaneda for ayny t of time inthe jail B misfnsmeat weuld hMher. Attorney Parse. them spoke In behalf or Ni Fohs The atorgenraa made ae si mak sa hn thateutetrial s kibee Uttebell he weald try ULilejemeem. Durlas as speech making the seaugledy' she scold be hearl taroughout the oe room. Judge Dahose maid he woald deouiio* sat fadmItting her to ball temorron ndodedheprisomer to be tahs. heck I lai isJohnson could not rise' free hi moat, and was marred from the comrt roe.m ie insd toddy as felleols N. W. Neuh see trem dwelling, Promt etreetTwielag smm Ahaw, feme beuk dud ifes abo ist g,mag ftrmmi to Wa.g ftm -_ilras sitiegeg. uesed to dsp - dta Sd %pt 6 AnSerss Ineh e by I. 10m1211 -'55 Is * hse dare be beINht " mWthego mtories weof bruaght I @Iad 6Cm10miSeaer actsr tatisve to the wholesale . pleader by Camediase of the Vine forestw Is y Mieest alo"g . the flanadiag fregtar. - se at oeme ordered am investgation to be smade of th truth of these statements &ad so fets elited have beets inerporated is a re * port which will shortly be sent to (loagress 4b It was lesrned that millions of feet of vals e able pine Umber has boom out on Amerkan L soil and thOn Boted in the creeks L to Raisny river and Rainey lake, these bodies of water forming a portion of the northern boundary of Minnesota, and in . this way to the Canadian side where mills are : 'oraon engaged in the manufacture of It Is mid that these depredations have been going on for several years, and while the tor Sveto have already sustained great damage. yet it the measures suggested in this report are Adopted by Co rihely tthat the Canadians ill tbe oblIgedlin the ft turetoget theirlogs from some other source than American territory. The comemis s r recommend that special agents r be located at one or two points r along the border and that they be empowered to exercise police duty and drive off and arrest ros oare unawfully cutting trees on i o Secretary Noble has approved the" reeommendations and adds some of his own. PHILOSOPRICAL AND SCIENTIFIC. Th. General BaNchorosom .t the Western . Mendephare Ineerporated. A bulky document was died in the recorder of deeds' office today after it was exeented be fore Justice L. L O'Neal by which "The Gen eral Banchoreion of the Western Hemisphere" Is incorporated. It recites that the objects are the propagation and government of Bardie institutions and interests for the institution and examination in literature, philosophy, sciences, arts, law, medicine and other professions and industries of Druidism to in vestigate the lore and disseminate knowledge. confer degrees, Ac.. under that name. The articles of associasion are included. The Incorporators are James Davies, John Herring Davies, Daniel MilesPratt, Maximillhan Edward Muller, John Abraham Kapp, Edward Joseph Wall and Daniel Hill Owen, and the establishment of a university in which teachers of classes shall be known as professors and of individuals as teachers is provided for, as well as the conferring of degrees, Ao. SHE WAS CONVICTED. mary Stewart Stole Clothiag and Jewelry According to the Evidence. f Mary Stewart, awell-dressed colored girl, was tried in the Criminal Court today for the larceny of scarf pin, dress, gloves, Ac., valued at 136, from the residence of Brandt McDowell of 1401 31st street northwest on - December 5 last. W. W. Johnson and W. H. s Arrington appeared for the accused. The testimony showed that defendant was employed in the house; that the pin was missed with the other articles and she was suspected, - but denied any knowledge, but subsequently - that she had taken the pin and wore it to I church and throwing the scarf on the back a of the pew when she picked it up the pin had disappeared. It was in evidence, 1 howevor, that the pin was in the scarf when she left the church and that the missing clothes were found under the bed and they had been altered and worn out. r Charles Hackerson testified that he went to church with Mary and she had the pin in her scarf and did not take it off; that Mary denied all knowledge of the pin to Mr. McDowell, but . subsequently owned that she had had It, but lost it. The defendant testified that she had worn the dress and-coat and the pin: she wore the latter to church (Mt. Zion); that Hackerson sat be side her and admired the pin. It was warm and she took off cost and muffler and when church was out Hackerson handed her her muffler, but the pin was gone. On cross-examination Mary denied that the articles were found, some on her back, as r stated, and insisted that the pin was lost at church, and owned to having borrowed it three times before losing it. The dresses she had borrowed and returned. I A verdict of guilty was returned. TE COURTS. Equrrr Counr-Justice Hagner. Today-Cullen agt. Branduff; restraining order discharged. Maddox agL Kennedy; au ditor directed to allow counsel fees. Degue agt. Bridwell; motion for receiver denied: re straining order granted. Hayden agt. Gor man; rule on defendant grante. CIRCUIT COURT-JUStUCe Montgomerij. Today-Collins agt. Metropolitan I. I. Co.; i verdict for plaintiff. *2,000. Armstrong agt. Worthington, do.; nominal damages. A. B. Cleveland Co. agt. Glover: stricken from cal endar. Jones agt. Metropolitan I. I. Co.; on trial. 8@4d for Violatlag the Humane law. A colored woman named Julia Williams and a white man named Benjamin Wardwell were charged in the Police Court today with vio lating the humane law relating to children under sixteen years old. The child In the case was Bessie Taylor, a thirteen-year-old colored girL. The man waived an examination and the woman was tried. Judge Miller held them in *1,000 bail each to await the action of the grand jury. The Charge Not Made Out. Susie Williams Is the name of a seventeen year-old colored girl who appeared before Judge Miller today and accused a colored boy, named Buddy Williams, of having assaulted her. ILawyer Ricks questioned the girl as to her reputation and habits, and when be asked her if she drank whisky she replied in the negative. "How nbout bepri" -"I don't like it." "But you like gin?" "I know I does." Then she denied that she used snuff er to bacco, but then counsel asked her what she hadlin her mouth she had to admit that it was snuff. "'Have you ever been arrested for vagrancy?' the judge inquired. "Yeis, sir." "And been in the work house" r*"Yes, sir; I got sixty days." . The charge against the oywas dimse.t. fWaiaige Licensee. Marriage licenses have been Issued by the elerk of the court to the following: George IR. Iteynolds and Mary Louisa Ellis; Win. Tibbe and Lacy Thompson; Sidney J. lianeraleif and Katie Owens of Alexandria, Va.; David. N. Gee I and AgnesCarroll; Oslas S. Websterand Julia S. BeSith; Frank Generals and Hattie Walker; Joseph Morgan and Anna Sampson: L. H. - Jackson and Nary F. Payee: Jamee W. Waugh a and Mary E. Brooks; Stephben C. Shaw of P. W. county, Va., sand Besse. Davis; James NeGiven and Mary Maxield: John A. Coleman and Nary Et. Mlaxield: Edward Roes of Louisiana and Carroll Colvia; Win. Allen and Louisa Haberle; C. A. Crampton and Exle A. Eemp, both of Frederick county, Nd.; Abrahama Casmpbell and MAii Capid. rasse et Real Estate. Deeds in fee have been Sled as fellows: T.S8.Tucker to Mary L. Raga, see 14sq.u358 38,6S. G. Trusedell to J. H. Lae, lot 28, sq.I 6, West Eekington; 01,366. A. Delta to W. C. Nos'ris, lots Wiad 161, Leug Meadows; W50. - Mary J. Wagoper to A. Barrett, part 1, eq.715: r sig atR N, 0450to C.5,Dueketa a4 ese4bsvey Farm;UL00 F. N. Gunseil to . C. GOanuel, let d, Weodley;$-. E. N. Dodesricki to C. 3R ;pr Peters Mill8eat; WU3. D1. O to Cass toes1,3. 13 ad US. uis .Cai, sabe 14 t 10, 4to0,90,e .L' toy M. L Weiler et t B 8 an'ddsq.gUW 0,di. G.ErDsmer L.Da eetet,lhM.U4 Mesidien Bit, ~sW, Sa!lne Awasen .g ~Soa mauet Comrt this afttees the Jury a*e smindsd amamin i.mms w e u st . A. a. Mmiss. - e Mr. L. laseek vie ems ese edS m & . dates 1e s se" e d" tmet smmasr A as meat eleetien er hd Deparetmeut et & Pemteas, 0. A. L, was by a ran repolter lale this afterne and Abe whether he had anything to my as t the aeged doeailes at the senm seinting lnes itt. Mt.. Fauan said did m" ease to be quaoted is On 10ater at all as, i his opinion. the ts O thb Grand Arm oqght not So be mS. n n"ews mr. e dealed that there wira ay Oabresof fraud or ballut boa etun at the OW06E. and mid that the whole diffic mes ftrus a clet Seal error. According to Mr. Faumee's friends the ttel fnumber of members present at the election wal 29t. Of this number Rine did not vote. Five ballots were thrown out on account of in formality. The total vote for Dine more and Faune was 21% mahlng 15 In all. This left ten ballets -aoeeuned for and an effort was made last a ghtto accesnt for them. They my that there no motios introduced to recoasider the recentelectionand so far from say charge bei made that there were more votes cast there were nmes on the tally sheet, as was stated Ohio morning. they my the only difficulty arose from the fact that there were not enoght votes counted. No attempt win be made to contest the election. The statement that there was considerable surprise owi to the fact that the o1cers ware not last nightas had been eipected, weserre as it is the rule not to install eloers until the last ng'ht of the eseampment. 'here is so doubt but that Mr. Dismere will be instaled all right. NO HAITATION. There can he no habitation Ia tblod er hl S posotnons aiterobas when swift's mesti- SWANm the systems. Ii chages the ahacr et the blood as that the gerns funst either perish or set oa, and of coarmes they leave. S. a. S. sea formse out the psison which the alcrobes have left hahd. If there bearse er ulear the poison mines Ogt thsegh tha. etherosu through the skin. *-Battg "asoed nmch bem esatesag bsd poison. after using half a doon battles of Swift's Specifc. I wasreetored to psrfeat health. and an ernp tive sores dieappeared.-J. CROSBY BYRON. M SA avenue. Pittsburg. Pa." Treastise on blood and Skin Diseases maied free. a SWIFT SPECIFIC 00.. Atlanta. Ga. WATER! WATERc cv-ue Fi.tOrgandis .;. fe't AlF'S ENTERPRIISE.1111 th t. .a. DuzzE SEm Weae repeedtoewtheltst urad tieasby FRENCE. ENGELI AND AMRICAN FACTORIES. Call and look tham over. I. W. BEVERIDGE. Importer ct POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. 1215F a" 1214 G . *17-e4r GZNT- SUITS ZCOURED AND PRIMSED FOR G3. Coats. W0&. Pants. 25c. ; Vests. 25e. Alteringm d uu sie an baft nmannor. Goods called tar a ,IAiHN. - tth at. a. w "aM And " h. k:w at..1L m .. U. WIEm CARRIAGE. A lull asoetument of Carriages for wanter lae. -esuprisinig ai:op thyMa'aa * uoha. Ltension - froat BIusLania. lIeji uauahe lier Lno Coaches. CUeps ko.kaways. kxtendion-arunt uchkaways. bax V=Iro Viet=5F) blerand Mail f'haetuns. The presaainw styles and asle. latly o ar ar.t stuck shown sOuat, at Itew I ora. % ery iuw pras for plgmpt cash. ANDREW J. JOYCE'S SONS. Omee and factory. Ware RBna. 413. 414. 416 leth st. Dal-Gei ' li.100 Cunn, av. R C. GARLAND AND FRANK R. GILLIS ARE a each out with a new pasoe--'Frieehi Yorke.'' by uaraand. atd ''Lauaiaar Waters leaaa.' tr Gibsya. Ia ytu want the newest andprtt agt the asove laum "NX~i W11,Lk. V~ia fa- 431-tw Go diret to the FACTORY For REPLATING a FINE ELECTRO SILVER-PLATED WARE. EANN & SUNS' MANUFACTURING Co.. Factory. Bala.. d. BRACE, 5g1 7Tg ST. LW. jaila TAPEWOK CURED IN ONE HOUR. C17RE GUARANTEED. No charge unless the worm Is entirely removed. For Pariculars addres bPLCIALIbT. cae er carrier Jho Z3. city Pont osce- te::24A,* ao a27. L Roc e slid GOODYKAR z t R orweeg BUbb * * * Are the latest and pertect *O T * styles or Ladua' Clu.e-nt taur (.Ieth-erfaes Meet 3W Ota st. a . S9th at. * * %e have a marifrcent smortacent of these gar Mevii. Lindese * * ents tresh fran ourtee. , , tory tan. .3.** to s1 will maom * Ie you a choice of a"ty . . ,patterns. Our O~ EAess ae Pem Gnet and we have SU eman Una4 at) 'sin. Taa 'ield .*sim" Mare Snail quhd ltr st.asadeeetiry PETAEONIAN MINRALr WATER Kidney. Liver andlotkher abdjonsnal daeses.AaT~ to the inas and a issery to those that are well. Cur sale by grocers andl dairtas. Whoeaie ate de 4 1hat. mw. War. * 8 C. te npaooch Clark's Op. Vs. a TitE (AS APPLIACE EXC.ANG.. of Washingtaa. 1im Newr Task ave. n~w. All kinds of Gsa A vpvfensmfan- demndia. emsm. turn end Scientiac purposse. fe A FAMOUS FmECu C.EF O..swroe. "-ne vwry sal f ...un i a te s. p.t..end te----ta---- P.s ERaIIT O0 BEEF. Gemalas oaly wath skatmn. Invaluaule .ia tmpsused and esesedm. eakher. For 'ies. bell-h.tu Issande edeshe U is im..fa..ed sepowder....b aswen witM the knowled.e oft abe'ms". y haradses ant with *eect a peamags t ees whether the patient is a -..o.....t e an slo h~abe wreck. LI has Lesa wive in ---a't -me andamsevery isesance apIsteat cms baosnwed. It sea a bhe n amaea Fo~r-~ l~~a of - .e O h had at F A ass'Sie os anten. D). C. W rR W A Ta! hesinow O. t. anta. Thn. b mw ahaa, am e s 1= RM1 Eh. ave. Shbmet Me d PNEUMATIC T aMw.. go oy i aiog PAB00ml AUCTIONSALES. TOmMaOSw. RANILES W. EANDY. Mal gagt "g Ia., SUCTION NALE OF D%*IMAA ~ %ID LOT IN T 24il B *bT FDA r MaN.f TWmTIETS STRAET BETWEEN X AND f. OPPOSITE BENATOR MAU YES'S E EIL & . DKIM0G I.JS TS'L3139711 STEART fNuMTM. Wk.%T. We Will tf~ Uauctionoan 11DAYTE TIMTY uTM DA OF FEBEUANY. I AT M . PAsT POUk O'A3CR P. M. let N. e qie I t4 be-h a temamime 311 feet. rummani to pubac alley am ear. Tet. O .t; balace ia .. two me MATOLIFI 0 = 50.. s23-d4" Auctaoesses. 0 FUTUZE DAYS. Saa ms Aurtlsm.s rammGTONm OUSE AbDCAMIAGg NAgAA. 90 A>LISIANA AVNUE. PEREMTomr ALz FO 1 EAD OF RGB5 MANES AND 1.LE XEETII.AT TEN O'CLOCKtytu head p -aAm 1d1 M0le.. the let Will be hmamstable erg em purpose weremteesIu in& sevga good Muha. rue the D AT ELEV~h o'LM M.... riot * Whbm it " *prcmma o a 2 Ne-M 1 New bv=m 1 bev 3ccu 11-laffom -kie, eto-a baam h.ags famam. Mc.. Mc. "2tblbuk. e2~ Autaomme. L AED N & L'AN. Zimm BEGULAN SALE OF RUOUENOLD FURNITUBE. FINE MIMMO~a AND OTHER AkTIC14.S OF VALUE ATOU RNEWAbIDELEANTAUC rION 90"N"~l. 14(n % lU MA IION MTMhb FMIUUARY [WENI-v8 m NTN ISO AT TEN O'CLOCE. ALSO A LOT OF CIGAUS AND TOBAOM ALSO. AT TWELI KoVLCE. IN F3FT Of OLM AUcTWX MO rnE BROWN MORSE. FIVE '9AMM 13 HANDS EGIL MOUND AND LID U.1. WoMlE Il ANY HAUNRSSl. IJNEI)EML&&*TMkOUGSAM. SIT COUPSHMANER IS Fizz CoNDIn uN. ALAO SEV XAL COPE SvictoMiAM. aBGem AND WAGONS BY DEST MAKLILS. 1. B.-I. the fItor all man mt boseam M4ar Irar aW.iIVW rnide In hem at aw action tmuum. (las uf A1VL&*kkE. DAME & CO.. Aucta., frJ l'ennsylVani Sae. aw. REGULAR SALE OF FURNITUR.s. CARPETS. PARNLO. DINING ROOM. LINEA&Y. CRAM RED AND KITCHEN NUNITL.ME AND NECESSITIES. AIMO UPRIGET PIANOFORTE. LANDE NEW TOK CROP MOUSE RANGE. ISON SANE AND A GENERAL AbOETMENT Of GOODS Too MUMEnOUS TO MENTION. TO NE ABSOLUTELY S0L WITHOUT I0STPONEMENT YOU ANT CAUSES ON TNE FIRST AND SECOND FIOOS OF OR LARGE AND ELEGANT MALES SOONS, ON PA. AVE. S.W.. On SATURDAY. FERUANRY 27. 10 BEGINNING AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M. No aued displayede e the met. Everythng m withis doors. THE MOST COMPLETE FACILI. TIES IN WASHINGTON. 011ef1l Md pMenoAl dt bantion gives a busisma. CONSIGNIMNS RE CEIVED UP TO THE HOUR OF SALE. SATCLIFFE. DANE & 00.. is--24 930 1%. avw. amw. RAICINE. DANK It CO.. Aluear. R an65 Paufse. a, I mW. ASSIGNEE SALE BY AC TE LCAgI OF THE LANGE STOWEMO I SEVENTH STREUT A.W.. WITH LAN"E 61 ASIA IN THMM RE-AR. On MONDAY MORNIN. FEBRUAR TWENTY NINTH. EM&l. at ELEVENOCIAICE. I wil mrU by public auctiae um the above preeamam tae -asui o themak pomme llc mm.e mim heom Jamm. 1001. WK. TWOMNLET A.... feM 5a . a4 W w. BMALL STOCK OF MUIJNEY GOODS. TRINNED AND UNTRIMMED MATS AND B PNNETT. SOWCASES. LUOEING LAM&SA. cOCNT.X AND SHELVING. mEADSE AND CURTAIN8. Me., BY AUCTION. On MOIAi MOUNINu. frBsUARY TWENTY NINTH. latM. BEuINNINO AT ELE% MN O'CLOCE. e will Seli by 13, . at the m AerY aore No. K31sp 14tu set sortliweet. the mumollr elf muek. k auture. &e.. s.stad themes. te walch we Invite atteton EATCLIFE DAM & CO.. fe25-3t Aethakn--* 'EMAS DOWLING & GON. Ametama.eer. If to3 E e. aw. BEOUL AR SALE Or HOUSENOLD FURNITUmE. ROBBE". CARRIAGEJ. &c. WITMIN q.t k NALES 1.0d. 612 K STREET No RTSWKEI-. ON NATURIAI FEBSUARY TWEXTY-SC.V ENT. 3IM- Air TKb O'CLOCK A. X.. EM BMACINU IN PAMT Pier and MaStE. Mrrors. Erlor F4muitae is %mas "a amparat. Wti.. (~ambhW Furniture is wa~maM mad oat ates. Oak A Walnut Wardrobe. Hair a Mosles and 131lee. W. W. Sprlaga. Mc. il e~Lt ek Tle..Com..eaul L C. 4. Chaara.Mam.Asone Wajnut ad Umb Mail Mack-. one ..heagand C. a, tovea M.ett A - eus Essa. Drawiag ad Tracas kag'er. Wltbais our new hem=. tw (25 SRam ea Car ai BetswALSO. AT TWELVE O'CLQCE. breram, Caruassem, Emam c. Ie'l.-2I TOMAI, DOWI.ING & SON. Aam 1'SUMA. DOWLING S.ON. AUCOeMMMm.... 612ME a. m.w. S COLLECTION OF ASCEERT GOODS GUNS. 0."ut1UDA. P* S UMn"TWNTY BEVEN TM. lant, am MaaA-AMT EsLEVEN CLJCE A. 36., we w~tI mell with. em awrti. rou5-24 aamfat 3 l nny(o .--ud iMaynardc Msta. Wmt dwe lmes. aml Colutu Reo. h am e emiaes tj-eme an twsu rsmatitY. aealt m, the ab.y o dta: n TaestothdMer he . A well, Ani1i.dem "SE' WAN. Ammam em NEST.-OPM~ b|''*eN3wEat$ $*1" Ny dectametet tWl~eabMme INI.A MAI-PAST VO& ABBKP.I. h S~ am e p.w dhem Iwets'.s _~W w ULY PU SAUMTON_8ALES. a" mesa Wva NONE Vowa a amUU Thbbeuas U At TM ORCRdbAt wase Sm ws "lnanu "ML oFr VA=IAP~ 0% n VIN HO OgU&a OF Pk.,W. DY WHet. lato inll ofd "' ati atm *raAd in the..-&Is of the Deorlaterea a tM ~ EhAbtrt. is U'WIo No 2*. folus lot. wtU ME suite ast pubti 5at"u" to tat of the 3. eS* usla. -Iou'la" d--a r'tad r ge. dd tmcout.11 .4 Ift ftble" Dkeatmt of Uslait. 44 tlw dlst" lwtrd to WIM MAU~CH. A U). IMY.. at Fot Rt (4) 'ox F.. sill that .1tnalass r.* ears 1at ed Stg sad b~ Is this o%;Jyt al lolatrkI ct~vs: "new pearto m a bhe silus at a oeus6asawg.te 1 lea.. .4is a u inak.. on th. plat of a seve aged.i AjatI 11. AL W Most. said froms Ibss wite 1% dwaweea vrbi flitiamug sorts f * a s.e b0 pull. I.A. I -.t 111tv k--- %.beg turnpie. tbeau wnth iill pik.. auth at.%4lg.r~g eseat. I tw..b bs tharsessm rello~U 474e deer . 0616-110 prfb (e... itsvaw maWd rusad. imwsib Xgym =p~ 46o I*Tthe to the pltum of hegnaigejmpr -asatir O~. -.osaud I -.Lis.ot imad. smstl~a em h Mal.00 A.D. N~i, tedAhma 14. 1mM.% and is t Is. id re orsd, of sad Ihutrut ait Viullsbef 99 tr %.. 4*% fto.m:kkea st liter No.. '.elAt u 441,'.. w Lkbaeft...g... a b9.t4 had asdmveeoh lJrv.'d lb) a ijasse dwatlaa5 boom. tbas @adt outamUd Al a ls wh an day all heM~a fo (441111 uo'c;oh p al.. I sil ouff for smal., too f..llowtv dll.. is-rated prurty to swit Ali that 94"mo slits cc IM-14r.1.w fi lia Ilog ms thm 40 ofq at skmuew .I'd Duenut ft 1 , .am. s nlt Itmas.,sulber sont of 4 (tat * C f-od * t- ~ p~ bvines o w llam-ft theumGt eel. .t the,. tk..-&WHIP * 42 auth ass. rlv: .. t. N Ie bid aus".n a said lobe. said ruti3% t ratialli. 3 %Lm-34.3 *4W.1". to the .-eam~e, a-..wma.b relied ib- bask nuie. tsisl i witki me l d twit eos as-nit 1:9% 'trove gaw. .aqwsedeat-.g. 14u tla .h -,. aeree .-t 41w -bee, to maid L. uil . ee."4h the. fteth this 8Ml 11hes 10sti. lsodlmyusp. G"t 43#6 NoI Sftm to taw- katrftlast. 4 *.u emmu e fit & 5-s i f. mor 141,1011 p%.-qtaetu& boewvqw. tlerui.u, ta as mer- whi-1ews vft~ev.d 1.1,a m . eigl 0' 416ellft a his U.-timesseto Amia.- C. east... 1-1 .&ud mIewdd Is the morn- rv.~ok a bltqr W,% ItC". at tolm. *W bter the ste pr". envy slo-11 aee -.ol-ee to Ume a" baumu-I U. tae b) Jonathes Uwustbt A r erewd.d its ti.. aav i...rd.s litas No. ;-t. 29 bWis of t he o il,161 e 11,11" Ull liftl bae ts smat impteeir cad 9te-eserd. larmai oft ese far sh of the arleme 49 Ph"q tv: Oak-atiwa 11111m49 me 5we.-) a cash. vow tid to' -. as ae yer. a" em-sil (%I ON tea. yie [sum tueI 414W or & it coi ea. at taus uttioug -4 the pur-igse. She l-,swt& tspop se eedbi se of "ape 1 the reel meete Ald. afte Us. draw heeWu law. "If he re-geard 44 theaw 4mm.- st at i or -e 1mA e isd ow., at Utila 40g ii ~m@ t"l to ctap witaitr em -0a. sa le wilhs We aw saw Isdm.* the samlderred rqls w,. #%*a ato Eselat the stlL as& c" as Use dofsai me-ee For latber sitarmatm sA plesat s b s?4 103414if S0.equma MIA a itlpret. CATAIADULK 16AL G a Taludft olwmad %sob S.4" T0LVM or Ehxsvubl ?311. Axanso Kluts Tirsale Is SurMis ad is l0. Seat. Vagmat1111 Dbesirry. st.M" lehv "Mats sa --Wa ig at soAsnatkms, filuomtlall N Ratml Mftamey IbUlge).ulimlkomuiy -id lledslg*p A UCAL U3SAMr altIar Vale*" ad UNbWN "AW DOOlM ro a MMt Ou eNw sad Desis R" d (The NDsk UfierNt. answd trbw% XOIMAl4N13G T1KM1.AV. NAM* fMM. UK AT sitrKwu _-cK