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LOCAL MENTION. "ie Weieear. geWgr I" Xmirr P. . IaRIA. For the District of Celnabie and Marylan4 atbeasterly wain. later shifftng to lsihtly warmer .edt ; lelady wetber and sea tared leh-t reins. Forina, elowdy weather. with eeensional Ught shower, en the cemet: northeasterly winds, becoming variable; slightly warner and ges orally fair Friday. High Water. I Low Water. & a.m. 5:45 p.m.I 11:50 a.m. midaight. CUaviS AND PrI- CeuPLEuito aND BnIoNT Evv.e- how they add to personal appearance! Dr. Henley's celery. beef and iron will put map into the eye,. force into the walk- -in a word, will give you nerves of iron-you know the rest. All drugists. PA.,TaoOarzs. 25c. H Exmrt,Ea 453 Pa. ave. EvsaTmras HaP B1r Triel). Yot- RAT? Well. that makes no difierence except you stil suffer with piles. Use Ikiton's ile salve, price 50 cents, and be spee-lily radically eared. Is does just that thing. Ten Niw Fi.&twrE Soa. J. I. Freemans hana.'me new iower store. 612 19th at. nw. will be formally opened oa Thursday. Feb. 25. when a splendid collection of plasts and dower,. will be exhibited. Do not fail to see thi display by electric light. Allare eer dmaty invited. DowN WRINT McrGTT, Just like our 02 fur derbies. latest style. whihk weare selling at 01.19. best value ever efered. Faasc & sox. One Price. cor. 7th and D. Ran Boom formle: a.w. D. P. HAVsXaTitheL lnriarro 24iassa. Mai.Litmai. Fine jets will be used again this sessa, so says our Paris letter. We are showing some hatdsome new designs in jet hats, trimmed wath Aces, &owee and novelty goods for ea ring. J'AL.mI. importer. 1161s. CaRmes CLUAN K' by the ESpire Carpet Works. :i-3 Uass. ave. nw.. are made moth grow free of charge- Telephon. 42-. CA". AT TIS airtistI forist.' new aO. 13i Sstreet. A. Gros A BDo. CITY AND DISTRICT. AIIIIIUUENTS WONUM Ainawa', - Uadie Martinet in POpa dour." NaToSMA.1-. . Bothers in "Zhe Dancing Girl." Acanmrm or Musac -"Dr. BI." BanaR' Bao.--O the Trail; or, Daniel hoons." Kanas- LicaUM TnZATNa.-Willbms A Orr's Meteors. Wahmroyos Liaur IsraTrar Azuour. Esiht. of Pythias Fair. NAuIoNsa. BL,' HA..-Elks' Carnival of MasorIc Tasm.M.-Orient Athletic Club entertainment. Sr. Pari:s P. E. Curac.-Operetta, "The Voices of Nature." by children. Ono Fzswa' HALL gNavy Yard).-Enter tainment by the Y. W. C. T. U. of Ninth Street Christian Church. TUE WUEELMAN ACQtlTED. The ey RaMn Aganst te Otejelft a" the Mter Was siamesess. This morning in the Police Court Judge Miller heard a case involving a charge of as smelt against a bicyclist fot running against a emal boy. The defendant in the case was Harry It Baldwin. Jr.. and the injared boy was Walter E. Cogowell. The boy is eight years old and the accident happened December 3& ia front of his parents' home on Scott avenue in -he county. Walter and his younger brother were playing and just as the wherlman got in front of Mr. Cogwells house the boy ran out of the gate and the wiel -truck hin. His leg was broken. Mr. 1lldwiu carried the injured boy in the house nd went for a doctor. The uneatiu diicusel in court was as to the nearness of the bcycle to Mr. Cogswell's front ae. There is no paved sidewalk. and it was p roof that the wheel was fully Ave feet from the gate. uwl: the father of the boy claimed that from Mr. Raldwia's own statement he was Owenty-three inches from the gate. The itnjured boy when questioned an to his eompetency as a witness was maked: "Do yoU haoe what it is to ten the truth" --YT s, sir.' -What will becenae of you if yea dm't teD the truth' 1 don't know." -o, on know what wil be donse with you if you lei a l?" -yes. air.' What," '-et locked np." At the lime cf the aceident the injured boy lid, that he was running after hasyounger brother. Mr. Baldwin said that he was riding at the gate of Ave miles an hour and that he could hav, stopped has wheel within ten or Afteen Iset. He did not see the boy untl he ran s=is==t the wheel. Jadge Miller in disposing of the case said the ascideat was evidently unavoidable. The failed to show that the rider saw the ,' and in the absence of proof to show the asser disregard e. part ot the wheelman for the rights of others the charge cannot be nas toined. Mr. Baldwin was acquitted. Ws, Ibtel--' at svr Desagee. The easedo Mrs Margaret E. Collins against the Mesepstan Railroad Company is on trial to the Cirewit Court, Justice Montgomery, Mr.S U N enkle for the plaintiff and Mr. N. Wits.. for the defendant. The suit is for 010. m damges claimed by reason of a fall when haweng a car at 9th and F street. on July 3. MU and it is claimed by the defendant that te aecident occurred by the nlaintiff discov esing that she had got into the~wrong car and having it without notifying the conductor or Waitiag for at to stop. Thoa. Wite's Two WIlls. Two attested wills of the late Thonaa W. Wise Were Lied yesterday. The hrnt, dated tieptem ber 19. Ilm2, leaves his estate to his wife, So phia Wise. The other, dated July 30 last, pro videe thee his personal property shall go to Mary E. Ellsorth and the real estate he sold, and aftar the payment of det bts the balance to be divided between Kate V. Fegan. Emma F. Byrnes, James Di. Wase and Mary E. Ellvworth. A (emlasete of Lacy Ordered. Testerday Mr. F. Bagg e~r. lbanish consul. filed a petition by Coas W. Sponneck. ministcr ple apotintiary of the aingdome of Denmark, asing the court to appoin. a commimona to in qaire into the luacme o' Fred. Honses, a Dan., and lately a saduiter in the second cavalry. United States army, in order that if it be found that Hansen is not sble to attend to business a geardisa may be appointed to ele an ap paes ties en his behalf for a pension for She berneft of his peor ad dependent wire, residing in the kingdom of D~enmark. Judge Hagner ordered that the eommis-a-a he issuied. aeasie te a Neowshey. 3.ast seening a neboy, Willianm FrBil, living at MsF street muathwest. accidentally felU in the eenr et the Harris Theater building. He was taken to the Emergency Hosital. where his lajariss were feuad to be egt and wa met to his hoe. Lm.n Macag.L VstIa at Orsat's inn Thenlen.-LduL Duing the twenty-four hours ending aS noon today burial permits were ined from the haalth o~ee for the following: White--Patrick Cercoran, 05 years, eouges. Ron o etomgs; rLizi 0. Ellis, 23 years, yhthinin Arthar Vandsventer. 17 years. homi-ide: Mars L* Delb, 21 monthe, euvualoas; Bela . 3dm. 7 seoaths. eenvuaiia- Neva A. Fa M yeasmthenia. Wa.Jones, 23 years, tabereos..a. Debt. Whalen, 23 years. pleuro-pnemionla: James Wi~ims, 4 years. diphtheria: Casic Cates, 3S ameathae esmvisoms; 4ydi Whsts, I Was AnaS. Wh. Ca-runl eaoered, was asqoitted in thi lnal Ceart (Justies Dradley) yesterday es te eksegs et hensbeesking at the sable al hesenmsndams 3. A. Arnold on January 3 M. Ue~.e appenred for the -ls-eo-an=. Saie af the sapesae. Mr Geo1ge. liarries wi. delIver a heit va eeeig aS the 1. N. C '. bnldn Nbinast will be "The eporter. His Weal *. Nbe sUas. The leserer webe leis ~a... V. 3 unK T-m - COeU ITTED '0 JAJg6 Vluger Me sy NM by the s eman O the A NaKder at Astbur oaoeWvsmeer. Tesoterday afternom when T=s ran's report closed at the inquest held in the ease of Arthur g C. Vandeventer, who was killed by being strik al on the head with a pool one at Moran's pool I room on 7th street Monday evening, the pro- w prietor of the pool room was giving testimony. T He said that when Vandeventer got up after eA being knocked down he started to run after a McCreary. but the latter left the place. The in- a jured boy asked ome of the boys to go with of him to a doctor, but instead of going to the p doctor's they took him home. Witness was CA asked if the boys were friends and be said they T were. When asked if they had been drinking L he mid they had been out together and that he ti thought they had been drinking. WMAT JOUR mAnsoR saw. The next witness was John Pearson, a boy who gave his residence as 633 I street north- a west. He was in the pool room watching the c game between the prisoner and the deceased. au The deceaeed put in the last ball on the table q and McCreary commenced cursing him. Van- IQ devester told him to top curming him. but he P did not and Vandeventer hit him with his st. McCreary then ran toward the door, but Van- &I deventer caught him and began beating him. 94 They stopped fighting and commenced another d game of pool. 8ome others were in the gam.c 'ho prisoner refused to let the decease play ei in the game and the latter said: "All right, Il a stop." and sat down. McCreary walked over to & the chair and witness heardoins my, *Vande- w venter, do you manan that'" and the latter ti replied, "Yes." McCreary then hit him with the eo. Vandeventer was sitting on thea chair when he was struck. Witness caught McCreary by the lapels of his cost fi mnd tripped :him up, telling him b he ought not do such a thing as that. The in- th jured boy fell to the door. He was unconscious t1 and he remained so between one and two D minutes. When he recovered consciousness he ho saw McCreary in the crowd and witness said he th made a break for him. He followed McCreary bi to the door, taking of ais coat, and he went SO through the room. Van, as he called the deceased, did not get his coat entirely off and Or McCreary got away. A. I. NUnLBUTlr' EVrDENCE.a A. M. Hurlbut, another boy who vis the at pool room. witnessed a part of the occurrence. hg He heard McCreary say to Vande venter be "Hoppy, you done me a dirty trick." Ie re- t ceived no response and Mecreary struck him f with the cue. This witness also told of the in- ] jured man getting up and pursuing McCreary ro as far as the door. Vandeventer came back ho and said: "My God, boys, you don't know how M bad my ear hurts me." orwan wrrWssess Warren Hamacher was called as a witness, a but be knew nothing of the affair. He went to se< the pool room that night to meet a young man Sic with whom he was going to the Y. M. C. A. Of William Lochrev testified that he reached P the pool room while the injured boy was lying " on the floor and he saw Vandeventer run after !1 McCreary. Witness and Arthur Slaw went 11, home with the injured boy. On the way home Vandeventer told them how badly he was hurt, de and he said that McCreary had been a friend 1 of his, but that he would not be a friend any t more. He told witness he did not want is 1 Wie father to know he was hurt. on Charles Howlett lives in Alexandria county, Va.. and be was in Moran's playing pool. He told of the trouble between the boys, which started over a di ote as to who would break A the balls on the tatle. wEAr TEN AUTOPNT mBowED. Deputy Coroner 8ehaeffe- testified to the fai autopsy, saying that death resulted from cere- an bral hemorrhage, tha result of the wound on cll tha head. lfound several bruises about the re left eye and an indentatio.1 above the summit tic of the left ear. 'CaZAnY 3r1. The jury rendered a verdict holding McCreary TI for the killing and be was committed to jaiL ERIGHT YEARn AT ALWYT. ca th, What Prank Whitney Got for Sheeting John tal W. Weed. lig In the Criminal Court yesterday Frank Whit- |a ny. colorea, was sentenced to eight years in N the Albany penitentiary upon conviction of an th, assault with intent to kill John W. Wood by Te shooting him. The testimony was that Whit- - ney was making of with a ham, and when wk Wood pursued him the shot was fired.' The a- ye cused claimed that he had got the ham at his B home to show that he had something to eat at an home when he was charged with the larceny fr si and pursued and he then Area the shot, which d took effect in Wood's leg. Mr. Clagett, in his th< argument to the jury, in strong terms con- tir demned the carrying of firearms and expressed an the hope that the ale of Arearms would be Ns stoplpeti. 3Mr. Hewlett. for the defendant, claimed that p an it was the saloon which should be suppressed, ela that it was not the carrying of firearms which led to this case. In this cae he arged that the i defendant ired only to frighten Woodwho had a knife. * The court in imposing sentence mid it was one of the worst cases he had had before him. be Fire Las Night. About 10 o'clock last night a Are took place in the upper part of Nos. 411 and 413 New York avenue northwest and damage to the extent of m O0 resuited. No. 411 is owned by Edward U Hartogenesis and occupied by Rose Khepfer c and 413 by N. A. Poole and ocenpied by Mrs. J. L. Blanaman. Na D< Architeetarnls netety- at The new Architectural Slociety, composed of er the younger architects and artists, met last El evenuing at their roomns in the Studio building, il0817th street. and effected a permanen. or gniationi. Mesers. A. Bi. Blibb, Snowden Ash- es ford, W. J. Marsh, Leon E. Dessey and Gleo. th McC. bmith were elected as a directory to Ps manage the affairs of the society. and they will oj as once prepare a program of work for the cur- be4 rent season. Arrangements will be made to te5 hold a public architectural exhibition In the month of May, when a collection of drawin be by local and out-of-town architects will es shown. Cl .- Ai Loozin amusements for Orient's musicale.--C The Phase ruennss' Assemably Club. Pe A amoet enjoyable oscaslon was that of the to first entertainment given under the auspices ofd the Plate Prnes Assmbly Club at Concordia a Hall last night. The spacious hall was crowded at to the doors with plate printers and their is friend, and good humor and jollity reigned su- di preme. A program of manical specialties and dancing on the stage was gone through with,w every act being greeted with liberal applause. io Tne young lady pupils of Prof. CaldweU exe- ou cuted a skirt daruce and a sailor's horupipe In a. he most artistic manner. The character dance of P< Miss Emma Jleimranck. was very good an4 de- P1 serve, praise; a cornet solo by James Joyce, a er solo on the zither by Prof. Burkhardt, whistling i by John York AtLee and recitations by Nr. at Alfred Darker and Mr. W. V. Price, wore all af ~very enjoyable. A male quartet consisting of me Mesers. enuth. Fennell. Lowrey and Brosaan pi gave several numbers in good style and hearty t applause followed each. Other solos were rendered by Mass Clara Rosafy, Mias Cecella 3lurhy, Mr. C. F. Niler, Mr. Richard Smnith, Mr. B F. Taylor, Mr. Thornton and J. Taylor. Trhe accompanist, Nr. F. Cardella, was all that could he desired. The stage managemeist was E under the supervision of Mr. F. V. Price and N reflects credit upon that gentlemani. At the C1 conclusion of the maeentertainment generalw dancing was InduledIn by the audience until a shout 2 o'clock this morning. The success of this, the inaugurel entertainment of the as smbly, was largely due to the following om matte. of arrangemnents: James McQuirk, chair-. man; Charles Mauler, Edward Itan John j Mickey and Charles La Boyne. Den't miss the Orets musicale.-idf. es ah 'The Eba' Crnlent. e0 Last evening was German night at the Elks' e@ carnival. Rifles' HalL. The booth of the father b land, meharge of Mrs. I. C. Ford and her as sociatee was naturally the oenter ot attraetion. sI Mrs. Ford mang ambsaer et German ballads, the band played Strauss waies and attegether the a-*--ph-e was deeldedly German. A number of that naiemality were presont and sc enjoyed the eveaing. Ne rsord et the voting ea heeae yet been msade, bat the voting is piling it up in the books and the frlendes er the varnes d c= an-e are gtngin shape for the eeasest. Te theht the ledge will eene ever em a speeial ta, and It is ~edtht the j abei MG The f entertainimnt well ~ ase mss n ti eupested at e e heeneet e b a e - 5 asumiuL 22M OmE AT13Baw CLU, a ai meet Da w rstamtseaa Seesema sn a ew no" Althogh 60 general public have a fi Dod Idea of whata feet bal player is me"d N outside of the eolleges little or nothingI Wown her" a' the old English game of Rag hen the Orient Athletic Club was organis his was in the fal of 1S, and the memn this organization claim to have intoodue todern foot ball In this city. For mon 'ter their orgaiamioan they were, on eccol ther being no other club in the city to c0 ste with them for beo.. compelled to intent with praeticing among themSeh bey secured grounds Imameataly ,back incoln Park, and Is was there that they pr ced kicking and t ing the sphere. Another essential part of the racties te evening rums, which were ae two bree tines a week during the month imie ely preceding the openin the ss u these evenings Capt. W=sua and his = aid be seen coming up East Capitol or mi iy other street on (UpiBi sil at a rate sed which would justfythe astonished a aker in stopping and waiting for a porns mem of polemen. The next year. however, the pupils of Metic turn of mind of the Washingon Hi :hool came to the conclusion that they woa ) well to take advantage of the opportunit ,r the much-needed and health-giving ex se afforded by this rough-and-tumble gas ad as a result of their efforts the High echo ad Amateurs, for te club frona Capitol Hi Ls then known by that modest name, luet a geld of battle and about the irt rega ine of foot ball ever played in this ity v aeided in favor of the latter club. After holding the championship of the ci r nearly four years the members did a ,ink it right that they should longer rets e name of Amateuruand accordinglychang e name of the clab to Orient Foot liel Clt tring the pest few yearso however, the el as not participated in many games, most members having either married or enter asiness,which made it impraetimable for tih keep no their pracUce. Being desirous, however. et keeping up i ganization. It was decided, only very recent again change the ames to Orient Athie ub, and to transmute the organization ir association embracing any and all forms bletic sports. It is the intention not only ve a foot bell club, but a tennis club and se ball club, or any other kind of club whi e members desire to form. It is also the i uition to secure a room or rooms on Capit il and inaugurate a gymnasium and readi; om. It is to promote this end that the cl1 a arranged for the musicale to be given asonic lemple tonight. The committee in charge of the arrangemen mposed of Chas. F. Roberta chairman; IL elch, Arthur Copeland. Frank A. Carpent id Lee F. Miller, have been very succesalul curing soue excellent talent for the occ on. among whom are L=i=i Macnichol-Vet the Emma Juch Opera Company, who is esent sojourning in this city, and the Ph rmonic Quartet. After the musicale the r tinder of the evening will be spent in dan the officers of the club are as follows: Pre nt. J. M. Williams; vice president. Lynn outman: secretary, Arthur Copeland, al asurer, Lee F. Miller. The board of ma era is composed of the four above nam icers and Anton Stephan. PRO AZ NATA. Washington Organisation Which Is Beee Ing Conspieous Assng Womens Cuabs. "Pro Be Nata" bids for soon to be nous among women's clubs as it is uniq d useful. Magazines, newspapers and not abs have all been praising its work at :ommending itas a model for other associ s of cultivated and liberal women who d e to acquire a knowledge of parliamenta lei and ease and grace in public speaki. is New York Woman's Prese Club have pa ro le Nata" the compliment of adopting natitution and by-laws as their own. It i only woman's club in which no subject >ooed; domestic, social, political and r ious affairs are all discussed with freedc d spirit, but without animosity. It grappl eb subjects as "Municipal Reform." "0 Prchant Marino," as weU as "Co-operation a Housebokl and Woman's Influence on s operance Question." lri. Eliza A. Conner. a New York journal to has been a leader in the famouniorois I are, organized i'ro Be Nats with the aid eb women as Mim Clara Barton, Mrs. Luc Dunt, Mrs. Elliott Coues, Mrs. Ella M. Marl d Mrs. Jennie Moses. and it was a succe >m the start. Mrs. Lucia Blount, who b les being president of Pro Re Nata is pre at of the Isabella dociety and an officer B Daughters of the Revolution, has been ui ing ix. her work for the club. Mrs. Blou d Mrs. Hibbert will represent the Pro . ,ta at the Chicago convention of womea abe which will be entertained by that ente ising city. In April Pro le Nata will gi entertainment to its friends. of which t ab will bear the entire expense and make i invitations a social courtesy and not an c ion for contributions to its funds. Mi aunt has placed her homes, "The Oaks," = dsposal of the club for the event. T ughter of Mrs. Julia Ward .Howe and othe ve been engaged to speak. ANUISEENT, Ea[mxnx Cavacs.-An enjoyable enterta ant was given last night at Hamline M. iurch under the auspices of the Hamli apter of the Epworth League. The parti nts in the program were Prof. J. W. Basche srs. Frank Bxter, Wi. McFrland. Jo dlan, Frank Reeside, David C. Bangs. Misa abbina and Cora Boyd and every number w tractively presented. The applause wasn l: al and encores were frequent. The audis Led the church, and all were emphatic sir praise of those having the affair arge. Sr. Paux.'s P. E. Caracu.-A novel and ink bmg entertainment will be gven tonight e children of St. Paul's P. LChurch in rash building adjoining the church. eretta entitled the "Voices of Nature" u presented, the children taking the chara re of frogs, bees, bird. and flowers. ODD Fx.cowa' HALL-An entertainment u given at Odd Fellows' Hail, Navy Yard, il cuing by the Y. W. C. T. U. of Ninth 8trI aristian Church, in which the Georgetos nateur Orchestra, the Columbia Musih ub. the Continental Guards and others u .rticipate, and the progranm will conta any interesting and novel features. "Fanyu axmo Maynoime."-Miass Jenie O'Na >tter will begin her monologue at Albaug: morrow afternoon promptly at 4 o'clock. ainty souvenir program will be distribut song the audience containing half-tone 4 uvings of Miss Potter as the nursery que ad the grandmother. "Flirts and Matrom the brightest of monologuos, and is a a parture in that line of entertainments, siring eight changes of scene and costun me eight scenes, depicting eight stages ii unan's life, serve well to display hiss P< r's versatility, and the "Vassar Girl," ints a social reformas, and the "le," recounti ar conquests, are equally well done. M oiter will have the assistance of the pnpuj ailharnmonlc Quartet, which will sing sa ml aumbers between the acts, and an orch s. The advane sale Indicates a fashlonal sience. "How Ealvator Won" will he gis sr the monologue at the special request veral prominent ladies who have heard it irate. Tickets at box o0fce after 10o'elc morrow. Mr. James 3K Pagh on Toung Men. 'Young Men.Their Opportunities and PerIl as the subject of an address by Jamss agh, general secretary of the local You a's Christian Assocation, at Grace Bapt march last evening. Mr. Pugh's familiar th young men In his work gave him undance of material to draw from, but eferred to ake a seml-eerious commrt tween the young men of today and esa epic prodinhuman history a e privI seenured by residee la i aited 8tates over that is other countries. ted the many who have risen to distincti rough great diceultiee, ad clesed by In ating the mumboer oo posittons that ' a vacant about the eining et the twentli mtury to be dilled bteeansactive, 'geta, industians, pushing young -a ost Interesthng, humorous and lnstreet ist has been gives here recently. lie -seew Tessi.... Olle hewn was fined @15 by Judge MI day em two shargee et assault. Nary Beob isan Tems we emplaiantmesa wasd thatOie used a pair et si astng th Wba m paid the Amma Tan Oaman Deem Uaa,-aIMsser h lb ase ew asnasudr **na.==iss In th eet 5 e ofnI e1 ~.i TWw sein waaminrnu nd Uso 3S s -am-er mme rily Theme weas GeOW Wweh e hmgmd of with violations ete is judge mba'e somt m today, but ey w, net t resI imn, be by eases they were wIMthy e4o, to deposit a d. V sash to repesment them, and he mosy on era turned into the District treasury. ed The arst one in the procession was an md the man named Sai Herbert. He looked as if he ist had been out all night and a scar on him eheek m- made him appear as though he had been In a be collision of some sort. me. "You are charged with being disorderly on of Pennsylvania avenue," read ts clerk. "Are w- you guilty or not guiltyr' "Guilty, I suppose," was his answer, and Sh ue judge said, "Five dollars." Sam turned and went ddwn stairs as though he Was familiar with the Operations of the court n 'm guilty, too," answered John B John I on , who was arraigned for being disorderly in orthe county, and a similar ine was imposed. "I didn t expect you to return so @on," mid the judge to Rebecca Tait, a woman who g apes a large part of her time on the farm. " am afraid you are doomed to live in be h work house all 7our life." "I he not, said the woman. The judge gave her ninety days and the e Cerk informed the court that Rebeeca owed a Is ins from last week. "She was dressed fantastically in red, white and blue." said Policeman McNamara,when he Sgave evidence against Rebecca Ros, a colored a woman charged with vagrancy. A "24he was imitating the American ," re marked her counsel, Lawyer Ricks, law yer thought that his client was a patriotic Irl 10 and that if the judge would give her a talking to and let her go she would do better, but the ,d judge said he would talk to her to the tune of thirty days and then she could do better when ab she got oult of Lucy Worthington, another colored girl tried 9d for vagrancy, denied the charge and claimed that she had to care for four children, three of 'i her own and one of her sister-in-law's. be The Judge thought that ton days would do y her good, but before the procession moved out of court another witness appeared, who con tradicted the woman's story, and she then said of that she had one child of her own and that her t sister-in-law had three. The judge increased a the penalty to sixty days. ,h James Roms and his brother Michael, Italian n- organ grindei', were the only ones present who were able to furnilh music for the procession, but they did not do so because they were in for Lb ayg :n the street yesterday without first t ving obtained a permit from the chief of During recent years the organ grinders and a. other itinerent musicians have been driven from Or other cities and, in order to keep this city from being overrun with them, the authorities have limited the number to less than twenty. Jim played the organ and Michael, who is a C. ple, collected the money. The judge released the cripple on his own recognizance and fined Jim $5 or fifteen days. Edward Loving and John Lewis colored boys, denied that they were "crap sooters," but Policeman Heller saw them going through the motions of the game and a colored girl id gave direct evidence against them. She saw the bones and the money. and the judge, acting a referee, taxed the boys 8 each. Mamie Harris was given thirty days for va grancy. The last one in the procession was a colored woman from Georgetown named Frances Poin dexter, who has been a frequent visitor to the s- court for the last ten years. She denied the charge, but the court lined her 08 or twenty s four days, and the procession returned to the o cells on the lpwer floor. ad ANOTHER BODY FOUND. a- That at Joseph Ransom Taken Frem the a- James Creek Canal. ry Another dead body has been found in the g. waters of the James Creek canal, the South id Washington death trap that is unprotected. its This time the body is that of Joseph Ransom, is a cousin of the late Javes Brightwell, whose is body was found in the same place a few days e- age. The body of Ransom was so far decomposed m that identification was impossible and it was es 2r only identified by means of articles found in in the dead man's clothing. It appears that the so two mer. Brightwell and Ransom, left their home on N street southeast Christmas eve for Dr the purpose of purchasing some Christmas of goods, and there is no doubt that they were is drinkin and while on their way toward the le western section of the city to take the street as cars they walked overboard, and, being under e- the influence of liquor, they were unable to ex it- tricate themselves from the mud and were in drowned. There were no marks of violence on n- either body, so that there is no suspicion of it foul play. Their disappearanco did not cause to any uneasiness among their friends, as the po '5 lice were never requested to lookout for them. r- Today the coroner investigated the case bad re gave a certificate of death from accidental 1. drowning. GEORGETOWN. at A PLEASANT TEA. I Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Louis Mekall an d the Misses Mackall gave a tea at their Dum barton street home. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Matthews, Miss Saw yer, Miss Abbott. Miss Willet, Mr. and Mrs. n. Gordon, Miss Magruder, Miss Dorsey, Miss IL Gilbert, Mrs. C. H. Cragin, the Misses Forrest, se Mrs. Knox, Mass Stuart, Miss Welch, Miss i- Mollie Dodge, Miss Davis, Mrs. H. D. Cooke. g. Miss Hardie, Miss Owens, the Misses Stevens, n Dr. Toner, Miss Ede. Mrs. egester, Dr. eg as ester, Miss heed. Miss Mew, the Misses Glurley, as Mrs. Pulitzer, Mrs. John Trinmble, Miss Comp b- ton, Lieut. Knox, Mrs. Skerrett, Miss Edes. eo Those who assisted in receiving were Miss in Stanibury, Mrs. Henry May, Miss Christie. In Mrs. Robert Christie, 'Mrs. Henry Matthews, Miss Nina Bradley, Misses Simames, Miss Ir. Matthews, Miss Brewer, Miss Harvey and Mrs. iy Farnsworth. The decorations were elaborate be and tasteful and the orchestral music furnished tu excellent. ill Norsa. * The officers of the Georgetown precinct wil on March 1 occupy their new building, but no new furniture or gas fixtures will adorn it, as, et owing to the consumption of the entire appro rn priation, not an available dollar remains. al Miss Alice Payne of Virginia, who has beon ill the guest of Miss Claudia Stuart for several in weeks, left yesterday for her home. Mr. Robert Dodge is home again. ill Mr. Miller Kenyon, who has been visiting a's here, left on Tuesday for his New York home. A George H. B. White has deeded to S. C. id Raub lots 6 to S and part of lot 5 on the south n-. side of Water street. The considersation named an i 4,0.0 5" w Parlor Car to 0141 reint Comnfort. e- Pullman buffet parlor car to Old Point Com e. fort, via Richmond and C. and 0. railway, a loaves Washington daily, except Sunday, 10:5? at- s.m.; arrivee Old PointG625 p.m. e nt as gg- g maJRDre ON AN INVEITMENT 01 g, of Mr. W.1. EIhtroth. a estsemsd school tacher In in the town of Morrow. Ohio. staten his case ma clearly ok that no comment is necessary, further tha to may te these sun down and out of health. GO AND DO LIKEWJUE. ~"I* feel that I must ad my usine to the list of thoss E. who feel iraterui for benet derived from usingr Mood's t ertoparin. b ar been worth 6i00a bottle to me In the ollotaanihr, viz: I have been t.eac-hin 1st school for 3 years. Last fall I becames worn out. bad ty no appetits. COULDN'T MLEEP AT NIGHT, an4 be acain. so debililtated that It was ami..e to performt he my duty as tac.her. I WBOTJ MT ZUSamNATION ad To take eset in two weeks. but was permsie to try beod's bmrsaaarilla. Within a week I wee so me ge better thatS I coatinusd my schoel and am 1tt teseb ma lag' I have used two battles and test LIN.5 A NEW H AN ad have over !N eler tnesm 62 spent fo si Used'es arssurna." W. 1. ELTZMora. E- NOK THE SISTEES01 N mR. " We Sa Mood's seepeina to a aseed, uural ir, and valuebis mssea ame -em pe- - fa ye , West 4th at.. eO..d...t, Chin, & ebs bestblee tier. the bst gs.s .elloer, he'f the bert seve heber. w5 ea bsIa. in ud MOOD'S PILlSawe the bes ue eshaes adt liver nmsnam. smlessalbe.he m d .--.t.. ...s.e..iUse...,ewhs~... uat guminaesbm statagf it esse~man eeAstsims a I ea 4 -g estes. adbq y sb~eqgi p A E dp Waft s te AM1semme m01 Eas Nih-Vm Ms. 3manee me smf 40 biternem St grew am at I dose aun eaold e kesta Oh Gsao Ar er as dss~s et eeammader of as I putsent of the Peteesac eroppe so l evening at the adjeurned meatig at dhe emepmeat, At the Io sessiat s theral the electiom Of ecor was man ced a then an adjournment was takes Man I evening. There are always matters of be non which prolong the annual sessices, I when everything is Anished up them the nei elected obleers are installed. Last night, hi ever, the greater par of the session was 4 voted to a discussion of the electiom. I DinUMSore was elected commander over 3 Faunce by only six votes, and the friends Mr. Faunce wanted to know what had beco of the votes of several members whose nan wore recorded. The total number of To cast showed that all had not voted. The tell explained that some votes were thrown out illegal, but in the course of the discussion I personal feeling, which had become prel strong betweett the friends of the two can dabte, threatened to develop into personal 4 counters. There was some disposition ma feeted to settle differences in tho old-fashion way but the opponents did not actually col to bows. WRAr EM Drumoa sart. Mr. A. F. Dinsmore. the newly elected ea mander, in speaking to a Bran reporter t morning of the meeting said: "There is disposition on the part of Mr. Faunce's fries to contest this election. and publications that effect are misleading. The question issue before the encampment last evening I as to the difference between the list of th< voting as checked off on the rolls of the t campment and the number of votes report by thtellers. This difference of a few Vol was due to the throwing out of illegal batio The friends of Mr. Faunce, who were acting tellers, acquiesced in this action and signed t tally set. In my opinion the purpose bringing this matter up was to cast a suspici of fraud upon the election. There canni however, be another election, and the oilet announced as elected will be installed at I time to be fixed upon by the encampment. this election was not a perfecty fair a legal one, there has not been one held in ti department for the past fourteen years. T question of another election was not broach In the encampment last evening." 1S IT A MYTH? ASter Ferguson Sa7s Wilkes Booth Did 1 Cry "fe Seamper Tyranuls." The New York World says that W. J. 7F guson, the actor, is probably the only man I ing who saw the killing of Abraham Lined He was playing a very small part that ey ing and was standing in one of the entranc with Laura Keene when Booth leaped frc the box and ran across the stage. He pass directly between Miss Keene and Ferguc and the latter, who knew him well, recognis him instantly. Ferguson declares that be saw Booth frc the moment he fired the fatal shot until rushed past him and escaped and that he d not say anything as he crossed the stal The sic semper tyrannis speech, he says, ij myth. This statement, however, is denied by thc who were also present at the lothstreet theai on the night of the tragedy. W=LL you be at Orient's musicale?-Ad.. Ieward Univertsity cem=menementExerell The junior commencement of Howard Ul versity will take place in the college chapel i morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. Orations v be delivered by Messrs. & James Davidsc Cal A. Leftwich. N. J. Williams and N. Weatherless. The public are cordially invit to attend. Music will be furnished by the i rise liand. Oar'axV' MusicAs. Masonie Temple, at o'clock.-Adot. Her Daughter t Missing. Mrs. M. E. Thompson of 217 C strest nor east is anxious as to the whereabouts of I daughter Bernice, who was last seen abc her home Friday evening. She is a li mulatto girl of thirteen years. wore a blue a white plaid dress trimmed with black bra blue fannel coat lined with red, sailor trimn with black velvet. If you will spend three minutes Iahe kitchen and test (as bhle s the baking powdes you will use CLVIAND's and none but Cleveland's for you will And. free from ammonia and every other adulterant. ROUSEKwEPERS' TEST FOR BALKING POWDERS, Boil up thoroughly. in a tin cup. one heaping teaspoonful of the baking powder with one taspoonful of water. Smell the steam. The faIntest odor et m malsi condemns the powdor. FACE. BETORD UINE It requires espital to conduct a Credit B'usinees when It has saned such main maoth ptoportionsasours-we are plesaed tsay tat we have the bucssryuaitl I'erhaps experIence. quite as necessary as capatal-we have that. too-anore than twenty-five y'ears of it. It also requires extraordinary factitwa to handle such a volunme of business as we control, and we are asain p leased to say that our new flvetaory bulnding,. Sl19, 821 and iC~S evth ea. w. * I tet rnrest evr ese tdlu r nilao frtepume It further requires a weUt-esatrwcted plaas of oerwation to insp'ire the publie with, a feebaug of absolute safety In pur ston hold Our metod hae ied their confidence. and haviner gained It never fail to retain it. 'Asrequire no notes. simply your promise to pay. One thanw we ds require Is a .smal1 cad pay ment at tune ot purchase; the balance Is en araned in small weekly or built ate the aproved design o1 today -and our carpests are as well seeted and embody as handsome and desirable col ths atfy youself onat point We ar sailing a Plush or Katr Cloh PaloSult son Sli eah in ian cash. 64.b0 on imne Eight-loot Oak Extension Tallies. caesh. fiS em te.s Frty-poun rattress. 57. fl ensk,. utae. on time; agrain , o.per yard casa. 4Sit. on tinme, Ae arpets made ad laid free et eatra east. Ne obases for west. in matcehiag U AMOT3 C 0U EDI1T E O um. ,i3m SiS,i1 mAmth st. .u C12n, & LrD. New !teseeapm. goe d..n tt 30 3 Nishisni sbhyr Gmahems we es st 30s. pa Ye. will pay meefor these elewbese. a-eak sbah Otnbm st Us. ym& altesh Cta .eas in hasam sita, 33ge. pm'e n0n.. m5ersdoss asSth new t Ne NEW IUmAarZm Aa thsgsniuistiss emly 30ame 3s. ime. A RASBaIR. eaan ySe. b e~e (n.n'sesstWehl.i.amn~s. *ma m s~eams.a.. Vlow zMdf W~ 'I by the e s m agmm . . he deod iN" every laT- Ib wat my needed but to be kne 69 be a, eeIh-. li. N"t ' a eis himases bw aMh& to do gmid w a bes bee trie. The efect of the aubm 1p11 the hids*" is noticeable at es. DeO., ae aatoai edat prompt realte in of e0sog al troubles arising *am Urso4cid Dia ad theli. Some have declared that It was a dms est mIraculous and others have stated over their ,Nms-naes that are eslebrated in the fossio-that no other water would pro 16 them wonderful urens after trying thm all. y hut Bear LAthi positively would. Sold at - TUO oP.ONS Mayr's, Wai's Drug Stores and by Druggists generaly. it Kr. 511d Gold Initial Bags. .A WazaoeWas.* E- ava and Mocha Coffee.3. 3L lb. Msea's.1* so Ple.'s Relmedy for Catarrh in a real ie cure. Other remedies telL Try thi. 1 in " sure. Druggists. m0e. a Razors? My Jubilee and Star Safety hosed tree he aid exchanged if not satisfactory. aLro5Ds' I " rhe Cho' Tem. METaGea's, 417 7th.1 n- Tharp's Delicious Table Wimes a" HIS mI- Celebrated "Old Rye Uerkley." ed When you are in need of wines and liquora, s either as a tonic or as a beverage, be exceed ingly particular from whom you select te par chase these articles from, or else you may fal into a mad error and buy them from some irr. sponsible party, and obtain that which is aboo do y poisonous and deleterious to health, and no po blvy good manners. Good winesand liquors de can always be used in moderation. which is to benefcial, but when abused it has the contrary at efect, which is not the fault of the wine er as liquor, but the party who abases the privilege. me When you desire choice table wines or some of a- that Old Nectar-'the Old Bye Berkley" g ed direct to the reliable wholesale and retaal wue Am and liqor establishment of Mr. JAmes Twaas, ts. at 818 F street northwest. fe-Vf h Fity good Cigars, 75c. Mvmses's,4177th.1t1 of Read oolds relieved instany by Nascurs. t it, For Throat Diseases, Coughs. Colds, irs &c., effectual relief is found in the am of he "Browi's BromachiaL 2Voces." Price 2e. Beold If om in bozas. 21 md i Pure Old Bye Whisky, 75c. qt. Murs aI.1* be NervousProstratio.sieepa- = - Opium Id habit Dullness, Blues cured by Dr.' iles' Nervine. Sample. free at Druggists. Sir Philips' Digestible Cocoa, Delicious,easlly digested and highly nourishing. ot If you go out early in the morning yoa may catch rheumatism: Salvation Oil cares it. & r- Od Port'Wine,50.bottle. Marzeza's,7th.1* J. None Name It but to Prahe. Wheeler & Wilson's New High Arm N. I. n- A msavel of lightness and swiftness. 44 in Otice 437 9th st. nw. Im ad NEW PUBLICATIONS. U. ad em he id la .9 T z LAST POEM WRITTEN 3a MR. AMES or USELL LOWELL. entitled -na Bust of General Grant." Is given in the March SCRIBNER'S MAGA ZINE. Ready today. Price 25 cents. Head also. Paris Theaters. * Water Route. Chicago to thegas. Small Country Plases. o- Stevenson's Sorial. alt American Illutrates. Refections of a Married 3an. Speed in Locouoties. bartStore. Plei" of View. se. 36 [a 8 er MEDICAL, &c. ut ledtte DON Iondon. Eoxiand. 19116 Now Terk. iad W7M lign w Weina D ed Acute or Chraic. Hereditary or Acquired. Lack of energy. nerve tort. vitality, parta or c rle" loss,.1 vi -or, Is positivel7 restored in astew weeks - the Scientiafc appleation 0 local anedicaients and ectro-therapeutc naeasures, so saceessially appamed by Dr. Carleton. Failure imposible. Age ao un VARIC)CELE. STJCTURE. Kidney and Bladder ailaeut and al acute or chronic dimease within the range Of any Sipeclalty of GENI'Tto-UAlSAitY SURGERY treated with &kill and success. Privacy assured. Hours. V to 2 d to S. bunday. V to 3. COn Suitation tree; also m- new treatise. --Hambuery Uninasakej." tree at o or by mail. fg.-Jt PROFESSlIAL MA"SAGE TREATMENT CAN be obtained, With the best of asedicak refereaees. by Pe-4'114* 913 9th mt. nw. T''HOHOUGH FACE MASAAGE.-NEW srEAMING ptuessb-yertect-nottang like it Hours. I to 4 Pin. di treatmuents. t. Alwa general massage. Re. te" to Isjin. socaety ladies. dadC N.L. aveRooma 1M ROFE8IONAL MASHAGE. MRS. B. CAMERON, 1320 a at. n. w.. a rde. Face .=e'asp cxIly. SreV to umany of the nines ln--iad f EAD AND BE WISE.-DR. BROTHERS. 106 9 . a.w., appeared before se and anade oath that he is the oldest established exl'ePe ealsist a this city and will guarantee a cure a al disease of ame ad Iuruish nedicine. ornochiarge ; eonsultation saud advice ires at any hour of the da. utnribed and sworn to belore ne by Djr. IAOTRH'RS. KA UEL C. MILL , thisdda of aly, a i 3. fl-an ITHSNEVER BEEN CONTRADICTED THAT D.BOT HEliS is theoldestestalaahedadvertise ladies' phycictan in the city. Dr. ItRuTHERs. iUUs at. an. orty-he yeara' ess'ertenca. telI-an* .., , ANHOOD RESTORED BYT USING A BIOTTLE OR .5.two of Dr. BROTHERS' invigorating cordial. Wilr any case of marvous debaity. tU at. s.w. 464 C ST.. BET. 43i LD STE STS. N.W., The well-known ladies' phlaian can be consulted daily fromn l0te l and Ste S. Promapt tr"*tm*n* Ja0-4w* DR LB. 2 N. TIS 5T.. PHILADELPHIIA. Pa. 'lwenty yesrs' experisae.n head Ier book taealedl conanmng lull partacular, for ROUt. CUllE lreet chage. kloure 9 to3i-- top9evm..,. e o years' experleece in hioepital and practice. gruarantees a cure witt~out neercury ur caustic Inall diseases of the genito urinary orgas nervous debuaty. early indiacretiome, &c. ; recent or chronic eses post tiveny cured lt 3 to U days. Dr. R., meea.Nihme over 30 years at 115 N. 14berty at.. Raltianore. a be con sulted every Wednesday and Saturday at the above nonmber Irohn 1 to U All needing s.aiel advice and quick cure, should not hernatte to cell. te-3m' DB.MARTONS TEATENTEURTRECUE ofs ot anhooda a. kineeadsladdedise free, ecll-e a 'CU, IlPark phae, Meek r 'RE TE NEW PILL AND TONIC, **PSOSPUA AlaCump." by phnidas; siarae for heart and brass mt sa arrappe; Miiaaes .....b and liver; altersave and blood Parifier. Samples lree at SIMM'S. 14th and N. Y. ave, f2k-im* TR. M~I--En, leJ7ITE ST. 3.W.. TREIAn AI .5a renc i etis antdey.ertrat mg hears. to 1a.. and 4to7 . m. fe-lam* A VOID JEANS 0OF SUFFERING BY CONISULT 'A e oaiy trmaa.-Anaer-ara i h se States wn Is able to case ana eetse lndiesaueset be,. assa.. Se.d lee hook --1.uth...emp..e....s a.d 7.a.-NSm.Cam--. winde.. c. ....i., PROFESSIONAL. M. RAPAaL. EE CfrLEBRATED Clr. een t cahe seveath dner'-*-* mbors ath c y hats. DaSta asn intog gagy. =BEiT-TE CIA R OSTON. T.Ml .. daTtP. OMa . 3 s a - n ed-. u 'M. VEhCM, ARD EaDER AND RANE Rem, 5a~m. t Omadta ME. a301 mure T wbi~.n~ i4. DR0F. CLAT 15 TENEW RSTam.uma thi cai. Mmsgae -atmn as s.em amaseh vertim swhsjioma m 8missems ELK21M=2 W E)M EMa. Maar esseT CARNIVAL, NATIONAL E31 ' Ia" 1kam IRRKIART U iMAJBI a. =a A sewallos pecet. A ftillte NeWdSA. UNPARALLEE SCENIC KFFMCTU sadsm ad Coalvs Daserm VEAUTIFUL COTUO. A MOST OF PRETTY LADIE A i ohme e pleamw ~ag enma Roaded t MR. JOHN MAEEL. Tw celtbrated Carset Vet.n DMt Uie the Mcifty Club. The Womasafu Namse. &L Somm.. b ........ .. ........... -.414 Sftfe adsmlmo ..................... I .M-Iw-z N 3W NATIONAL THMAiTRL ruth AmaaSu EmmetA ef Mr. E. 3. SOTSERN. Unrw m masment of Mr. Damist Fhebm. TONIGET. alas Friday sand Nig - TRE DANCINO OIRL, ear,- Arth' JamI greatest dramma. as pe--ad b - Mr. BothUr thrM inemtha at the Lyceun Thaler. New Est, ald p1yed two .s----a in olMamd. SATURDAY MATIRNEM Last Time et LORD CHUMLET. NOe weak-"TE CRARITY BAz2.. @owls New on ale. SC5 AAt9 li Bs I L L Tem far vera10 remhtdy Gatdem Thne. New Yoak. II Ia reptite e Ourdam saw LAST MATINEE SATURDAT. West Week-DOCKSTADER'S MINSTREI. beats now urn ash.. KERAX'* LECEUM T EATE. A TONIOGTI TONIGETI WIEIANS AND OBRS METEORS. IdtArs coms. CTCLPS es. SEBASTIAN MIULE. Neut Welk--i --a a "NIGT OWLS." % DA IkVEZNIG.',MARC . EDWARD BAETER PERRy EDWARD BAXTER PERRE EDWARD BAXTER PEE! Ins PIANOFORTE LECTURE RECITAE. This will be the fourth ceeert of the Bschof Cowre mad Mr Perry's keez' d appearaace an Wamhiatem. TCka. with rtam:p. sent. 60 Coat, e a at F is NCj'~47'. ave. A. W. tl4w T (FL y THE YOUNG Ctatjesot Unity aacbrchtbh UNIIVERSALIST CH UCE. 1ith ad L et mw.. FRIDAY. FE. 2M. L , at S PM. Ada-issom c. Preceeds for tfi bsalt of building fund. Ticka ommalsat 9llhott'emmawc emeandB. Rstne booEg stoem. ,1* APATRIOTIC TEMPERACE EVRING T. W.C. T. U..of Nim'.tt Chri.....lie. . Thb eo rlwe y Amateur tkch a. Th. Columubia Mnwcaj CVlubI Bastiha Drilt. ksxlitsou Dril8 by Ccmti O"Mah Appi. Pary. jatamsaga kan Drill. Flaw Mur and Tribute to the State and Stia Tran sA Cheppars. PatriotM an hmsem Coppasa. Toiwwanc Cherus with m. i0ea. MAcitationaa Cburaas. &e. THURSDAY. Februry 25 at g eckpm. Mas. ave. cars pams thuoarw.) Odd re,.wle -N.., Taed Adults. 25 cents; chdieom. 15 cats. Tickets at Mesarott's and at the Hall. %e4-r LBSAUG'a GRAND OPKRA ROUSE. Euwy Evaaiaw-Maima e aeg. IMol I1i JOT ADEECELLENT COMPANT. a entirely" e mina ''POMPADOUR." **PMPADiOUR." "PUM PADOUM.' --,0.PADOU... bmaneda. gpecial dcsmxr a . U109- disetto G W lAdese an Joh& W. Net We*k-THE OLD HOMESTEAD. - SEATS NOW ON SALE. S&a. ALU"'S GRA&D OPERA ROU, dMay Matimes. Febmuast 26 AT FOUR O'CLOCK. MISS JENNIE O'NEIL POTTER Iabr saw Memoakwa. Ri Sad. hr .. s Ueen 0 -0 I FLIRT. AND MAT.ONSj The NuRaarQWam 2he aias, The Va r" Th Wiet. The a. The a e0eb.all .. The..Si..l... Ticket at Meassetts. 1-2 SPEND SATURDAT EVENING With MAGGIE GAULE And Other Rallable Test Mam AT RUULDERB' ECAiNGra E. Ticet. 01. at Metmett's.gaee Carcals.. t tmAcadem,. ,e .Ia HARM IJOU: THEATER. Ha-tP ItL. Ba..aT.?. Da.. NEET, .PECIAL. NgET. Opaming with aual udamti WASEINGTON'S RIRTEDAT. MONDAY. IER U, The nw "ON TEN TRAIL. er DAN'L ROOkIE."1 Eseg.i people for Ma paa----em A haul e lt mam. saanwseand Papees... A troupe et Edaeated Eases. A Grand Orehadts ad Trappeem' Qasqat. Staet patafest I neo.. Grani tandeameest s eet e thater at 7 p. as. Pedsantly everything ===.== hr ths peem. 4 earreade in Eroek 4ar Nest wek-lat Mn g ORIENT ATEL.,T.0IC E LIEI UACNICBOL-VETTA., PIIaaZUGEo QUARTETTE AND OTEE. eth a es.. THURSDAY. Daw B TscMaser at sem'. aa ASGTONG.T N. g~mrs4as- ATTRACT hi which wiN ha,. EAd TO-TEAT M I~9 D...... by..u. h.... Sma~le m. . m=.a... -.- . A -. pa Lei 3 9@62A36 ofU VUPO im& 13th sel L a. uws.. ?TrEaVAT. KAMMU L. M For SUlM IIJOAO F. Elk 1114,1. V. Sir ft. 690 E X C U I'.IONS. &c. iEAM SAIt, 14. W. A at cbtsixtr i's day. of OS The bet u-W mushil WO. I ~ i W'or..,eUUMi'e~~ IL-h p.. or 4oa. tow wi S1?bI A1.I.1 So) hi Ac..I ILA%D. MI 0S &111 u. . 111"s. sud71It afts. __ie W~.6" U~... and Cleb JobSs Dbid-t tam.s I& ZOtt ZW. LAw Park sdW*SUMh. bMN06 jaiil-l) LEAL NOTICM~ Vcb-ruary al M . a the muater amt ltem.a. 4. * t.rnpC. Ace.1t tile 1imatrutwtoi aat.a. &pmesd. N'o 4..1!. AdueA9MAslataoa tho-.*M 17. g: tL4,60ioo I5&a twM .will a" OOD riSad Wtuailla.=u a ~md q A!, peraieis lutowhre ams heeglip UtS&"le 4*ppm 0 this Court onl Ft'E.tbvth 11,41 dayp4W ftat*ulb to It 1'. .t.. how.awUasi & thmud W216 11Iteiatar s, tA.t 1: -talie of te moma&Md dasinomu lal twape.q. m.W"Iqr. eA-I'T~s thieiO be 05 gv U04 keine 1. it-.4m mmV p Weem s"d day. 1* he comit A. D. PAOXNEP11800laa csltvgea of~ Viar the 1.ttft cc Zoolub f.Or ctiam tiln A 7j lt.1&). &a # LS.I WZ Teisa 0a WS*S al iat).12 bi WIf ulH gi Au -T w Rutte. ae4 b- tva:ouu wile pruhtt*.hd t. INSa 2L.10 60iitn. I.. t W. Ioftt Gott so tat ths &n aeteea" ft ilnia s ,'t J.u WU . A.14.Ast It. te. 1046 MCW quit aik iit ,rvus s0 )ai * seae tl. li- cms illi be Si.'.edad itS, m a s .84&dom F- . u loINso t'sb seatu ats tfl ..rtnrs anda 111 , Liws otom... i m m, isa . e..n~ m BY Weo rt. Am.. ie~t.~ dAUN is (a. lied m.l BY1-.s is theA AN165 Asat.8 AS K. "I8t ur Virisi-,'.'t 4M Mit. 'Ki. ua.h. Ariwooj 1y. eM~ &tu. $1Ihtlek e Np . I. ILLAT. M. MAIt. 41*I. Tu ___~ v" HtoTEL Lt.erku mA WWt4~.~ NWIOL jT ar Poor May. I"me a the mnd estbal ft he cty. ask Oil elarsiel gs" U wm lia. Principa Plosmd elfsasmeM a" All th. 4 Geftats of uemr, with -ase elittiffil - ""msoon 4d ame in OWas cwma TIM GSTMTSVAT EMS116. UrMAWay. tfth onil IIIII Mosew now TWash. .. Sug *1 . CL LIeMtU rooms. WIs mi n t e. frt ronia.w4 -enmm euk Apwelsimfmu Ml tmldim no w13.e W. F. palms Cow CU" t. md Blw Tr tw. This howuline hm s a vrct ouuh as to a *wue forth als ecua-thm of tiscacec truaeamg e41 lap Wmartim. Mrs . J. WSLLL&. Iu.. r4aSu.wI pL 3351??T moves,. SWLTER -RFAIt. 1IB L IhI ?. *LTCY l ATLANTIC JL erlil. N.J.aLes aaedru cAnkvsmeaus 11,4Ia; vastr. Bit,. . 11l. LA N OK& ,f S. AVE ? . ATLANTIC CITY. Relf .quner froma thep bss.. A 4ka m aacw. - Thar Ae11113, ijasfathioughoU. t U. . MISUT. H OTIEI. 031L2.TAL. Itk"aa im 4at Vic~irmis sa.& Atuwr City. U.L Eajerat. Iam~e limm gin .t. a-I sued. exieea. Icros" AtE.& x MA&NUI 17"CUAMNM AIeAMC GASv