Newspaper Page Text
M. A IMa KKA ILfA. he spo c 3wr Nowspaw OW, * TheA Rea gpn Raching -.AL KAUV.,AN 21, WhWA.AT pea~~~~~ 091 asTuiho JC. Tr vmUm yiA mU1m d I UJ L Iage I..Won amq. so OIMS L nags2,9.SINTN .C9,FEA ,FBR A Y X 19 FINANCIAI, 31,250,000 CAmaL M AZacMA mCUmT TwumS 00PANT. 1ms emma t meemt wih a esm "m. eme lomnat s"en the mamm. amn yet check agaist a win. 41mmaAsef th asm ty Iai. OWuma -010V~ oft . oow r"ndv im" "ml Pieue Iikd .&c.. ma dspmts thst Ime wt ~cmien and semose intemen amem. am& fma a d to chck at ay , 3m fl won Rom Est0 aml caie A. T. 3ITTO3N. JPOUML Xs At sIassboamdg. m @ f. a . 3 P w AL B Nw ASSOCIATION. PO te .o . yes. o.r mbers. ftrenl... the Vmle have beo araomi to hearang from me thh theealumn of THE *STAR" of the gradual Pm mad deveslo mot of one of the beat -m=ed a"nmt builin= ---- me in the csm Ify. Wenmenot alvaerriaw fos wblne-me- i I M ofebiale of what we ae dotag. The 10.00 Seple who ne pecanlarUy Istoested wth am s alemtisg and ec--meaia as that our baesm Is iall atmlly by abe meiate e our system a fast s we a e . Durtng our term of life (1% years) we hee hlledl 2.?2.7 .13 of ereiata. Or gonnma ate 0756.-11.73 So have Pa out to im ~moea toeset 373.431.37. and owamt e errpinan smossi to 07.I0.33. The egasse ia al that tine have beenmi omy SIIt,. 3o 1hm .sOM pr Year. Our bueisag- hmownw tenm ehm 2. MR. eCeived in the amt meath, to 47*,tN. seesved leas mouth; our lat monthly serept O tgeaSet beiMowe 04r,00. andk the esmeArn rach We My 4. 6 and 12 pr cam str anum. We we new smIns eor Jrs. imered sod third erle with 12 pm east pma mman prons. Our dAft eries i beiog Iensmt at t full amat uring value; that in to say. for 9ft paid Ia at ee dollar "mnthly we we giving S110. er of 01.240 Paad in am te shae. we arm giviNg 2.603L1, We ae payinr 6 per emt per an am er meral paymenta In advance am sthae. bat the hms of director. have had to lmit the special pin-meb to amt mre them "5.010 from any one mmher. with a Prospect that we eball have to asu fiarthor reduce the li. Our leras ow ataseing mouwy me essenmi"M ail heotal if the entseme and ae as foUows: 1350 for 02 mathly. ori* for 010 monthly. 1.A:0 f$r 014 sn"ly. S1.SIMN for ::. 42,100 for V28. 03.00 far oft moty. These pay-mtselad. prinipal and usea. am "ae m pe to ram 100 mothsa. or Ob yean, with priveNe of 2e emtag the dbt and ve ducla the mebtly payments as efnes deated by the repayment ad cancelatto of one or maoe ad yauft- at a time. r the whole of th debt may be ail atm wheeor Comvenient to the borrower. Memember. we have no -mcea In sth. wm of seoromy to Ie maag m r satMbiliy er1 -6 ow1 sreepetA. Or bhea et aivming of moem o dead I1 the Mrt" of Calumbia and almost Ihat to the ctty ef Washitgtem. whmos we a hae fal knowIlede and ospervion. One of tot greatet advasntaee al eet the oit eames of ow expemsion hs bam the petuleeet jam he or ameci-niom at moy tme wihout the ematcm ad havmor to pay bark dev. . Our oe.Me, al M13th M. ep M em sa. m. to 9 p. U. C. C. Daammeo. prei amt. Imin Absham. vie pe.-em-- F.0. sentes. tearer. John Coo, mae smary. 316 11th St. Cm F. .es. athemp. Eosem 70, Corouras boidiag. W. I. Good. Albadw las, A. X. Meebe. Win P. Sevifle. Chim. Sma. Cham, W. SebeU. P. W. badlesag. Win. A. DIB pm. C. easbee artebeo, darteo.. MsIM CAPITAL STOCK OF 1g3 SrU-as IaM CUERING AMW PAVING COMPANY SeOd OW age at 1ta per value. 0}PE PUASE, At the Seakhg Ses of WOODS & CO.. Nw . V. OFFICrma, IL P. WUIGBT. Predent. JOin C. obs. Yim Prendlam. 3. T. WOODS. Temmomr. K. &. WAINWRIOBT. Koosegayr. U. J. NCLAUMI.N. Geral uMafam. KEGISTRAN Or CAPITAL STOCE. =A AMIERWAN SECTRIT AND TRUST COMPANI. ho bena t the oempany is a was-knows aml Gemn-eaobiaad eme. It is the ha-mann ad the msm INS, toa to Ils maw now of bestinms tht cc ASPBALT STREET PAVING. 3beaml whiah it will have maa and eope Dm oftembs ml mmaery. and will be ftuy - -aie to euetwe the -*--*h this "g hgehat a- bus---. 4093CE OF TUE COUPANY. I36.b 1413 6at. nw. ANA1uNUTON BUILDIJ36 ACMIA TON AND MAVINi* PUND. JOIl 3. OBERLT. Pesidset. WI. W. REKMON. Vimrete lset. N M. DAMIJSSME.Seretary. JOEN J. O4uNN. Ireonotoe. I Ob.rty. b..s. asmoy. .L. A. L . Ti me eeter. the borrower er the am wholde Mus to ae amd mehe aeer,. thae eaertasen efer .dve. hA ...d la dn liaun m-om. eombmgresag -at dose amemy instages which mse eatisoly new and wbht have aever bem hroieejead St the g..i. in th.. .ppleve.. C. T. BAV3NNUN. Umhbe Wamhingtem Steek EaM Peat Estate and Stork ebot. faemesand13. AsMmaar 1m ttlN ma ethwems. DIsert New Teoh am l me wen M. m. mmLEY.FREDERCE C. STEVENS Nembate of the Washinmeoc cheA-.. SUtLMLEY A aEVE~s n~~=ineurare and steeh 3roeoess lopat, euateebeusha. adid ad sead. Loral aose. Member wmagem se0mb smaa 3.E31 0. TEWKitSU3Ya & CG. 3ANKER3*A1D BaeEE3g, M F ST.. WasHINoTO3. D. C.. -m ,-own hemeo -.miah..... lasL.r. ai~ed om de-sa ema ews........e... es5. e I 10umas ZeimheW. M Ba... & Co.. Bana*a3e ?edlsma, weamte seasaeaseef mlesbmentaii ** m inna-secaaiesaam...s -a asC LDSMe, se 1?. 3. 3.. FINANCTAL FIDnI 3mLNG AND LOAN AUSIOATION Or WA*13GTON. I. C. sob-aham Ohm t . 61.4mo 4 Par Cam$ goid am asIe Depemla, ame 3w Par OsM PdON Depgte 1b wiM h the an- for 1om Te %m bhesw M 3.momas emS ed masmr or mad pae s beck at the aeo 133 Par asnh. Us 17th me Of shook s am e a r tis. O..maupm..dietei ppea.,...emm... esmbiwed with aset eseemr. Esemi ansoher teafomkm aet t ~ No Maid 91lt. a.w. Jus to Calambfi Ndkmalmb. OFFICE38. MA3330N DINGMAN....................P @sia ANDREW WALL.......t Ts Pa"rsmS an" MamaMe 60039 W. LEACE.... . Vise PVsident ALONZO TWEEDALE..... GROOMG 013W0 ............................T2 mme JNO. I. SMITH .. ........................ ...Aftormer EDWARD 5. YOR..... Manager lIan Departamen T.. Na.A. SAFE D310r3 SAVIXOG And TaveT COMPANY o Tza DM2BwrT Or COLUMBIA. CORNER 13 ST. AND 33W YORK AVE. CEARTEE JY SPECIAL ACT OF CONGE3 JANUARY , I07. so-u1a. mAW ad of aee Octe 1. m And special adO Coames February I& S. CAPITAL. ONE MILLION DOLLA r Aete a esulnr. ajmianbamter. mudika of the s-. tale mince,. -uma-te thesoesaee lumat "etier. wmnsee adm aevs of my aid every Wlus "Vowed by as @stes auteney. who bin daty- man ad bosg Ithaot shows, whem the compamy is iamm esecotr Or truste. Receavem, ncueg deposits - m of TEN CENTS md ,pua and Siow" tates thereon. Memsy degted -a- orbefore the Arst day and on the 04t. snca and third days cc the meath wlu diaw 1a be" bum the ae day. Lecans mener pvnreal estate a" coUsteralmceart. bsa at-elmae seal e&te a" Other mcuritie In omeofMa upward. flen difee for 3046---10-.411J - | GM-W5-4O0--and m125-each Per mam. auea to @s and lathia Manmemt. E3AM P. aNYDER. 03*32km C. mi~. .t JA3918 M. JOUNtITON. Secomi TEuMAS IL JoN~a. Tbivv. X. FRAICan RIGGS. AL.BERT tEY ANT. pd. .. ..C. A.Jamem. iT=s b IT .."'t. SUILING D IA A CIfON, lEmea yeato Y ' WPeiin RTON. D. Cpmuignm to the PURtEI Rt r MB. Pasibe an deete sany amnt Lade T.C. DAmi P" P e LUMBiA lR .U NCOMPA Y O ce.-14190 bste. mmthwed. Taxle UNcmITED ST.E krn.petgA the LA CIATIOIba Mci WYI. Peidet. I QIVERLme~eesv. S O. A. PAIL 1313. 7I T. WAIIIG. N SND. Come yu to S2?.. r U.N tAR ygigna h 0 AO U. R.3 WILCoX E3 SA E, . A. WImLA4D. CA., SUALT COANY O ISLCRZTYIJMJAJT P D TURDA CIY. CATUoDAP. A A4.uOOO. TUA Pmmmiml PeNN. tmK co. ay W. ie 'ATU AT. __ ga Ay car- Ctpue owl e. e A. TU DARDOO & COc AT. -A. SARtAY. FATU!DA. I BAUDtAY.i AIURDa TO A.. TUDA. ITMh AmogMAy. r.ULA J. u a.mem.. A SATURDAY. M SAUR A SJ AY L .wshr e "... .C "" M."*L- 12. - N)X SATURDAY. ind~ 55 and -DT L C. A.A l Dil. un Dtu. 'To"e. n AY SILA JZMA. W. nec wCk 2baTU AehaSL S4AUAY. .AU1D.1 .A.D SAT AE. K WILLAA . SAMMTREA SATUIDAY. ...1..I Ol-.G.Ul. Fo a etbe aMall noa - hi AUI po .....t.-- t 110 A M . A,.. . - "TuraI SATURDAY. SATURDAY CA. A~x BATUDAY RAJ AY.WS EN. mIniR W SATURAY. SATURDAY.I SATURDAY. IDY Pea's Blow ...... SSActa-14 ! "TUIDAY. T... L ...... aa... . mummaem badm Y. su ........ 7C SAVILAY AwLA a 1 O 2 8PDCTAL NOTICES. 8 TV ONNI ALZ72 ser st evesry Caal'. 11 A . F tMASO1NC-A STATED COMMUNWA h.#.A . 1101001 T=peF DA Ib pas Srtheetts 7ie'ds dir.ctor t rd.te m ~ serwil b hldated. oe ofe eeey s C. FL e poary l-* ie mug" RCo b eves d=Mtors tMrethe will he o at an e loesat2p.m. Bos h. forth. lstock Will e closed I ebrua o M10111111 beth- ,oiiv A 7. BAE. Secretary. Y WARN THE PUBLIC NOT TO yabe e e mny dts contracted by her. O0. A. 28 MEM s 03 AMERICAN NRA. tOrn Cble.-All miembseu disatisiled with Ei. cbweIn conation "Ad in favor ot wiadig up the ore plese call at tut 1reuua. ava. an s Om Ptito or send name .. ., f, .hmber ofCommeaee. 8*1114N* Baltimjos, Md. lzi*fb L AND BE3 OUR NEW 8MODEL IO'M The 2 EINOTON 82AZDARD TYPEWRITER Meop 1-setastly iproving in practical quael stmcs, hsese its constantli laressipularty IShe mRibete Of the world. W CKON. SEAMANSI & BENEDICT. 11110-4, 8T AND N UTS. N.W. S1SYOUMAX'S NEW YORK SPRING STILE SILK AN DERBY HATS NOW READY. JAXMS Y. DAVIS' SON8. fe8-tr 1201 PENNA. AVENUE. TRE1A HOUSLS AND AGAIN TEEARtE IIOV8El. You know how a beautilul picture is made Slittle parts, whihb. in hani.onizinv. muake Qo da effect. 'Ibhis house com bines a atest modern convenIences wth a highily iaished woodwork. wals, COWl~ug ciandebiers. Ec.. pruduuc a mao.t chariauu efect. The number is 1 lon aecticut ave. Ills inmosbe to state here the alvantaee his property. latereted Partie are ite tocal! and inspect aare patrs. iflogi-Atioa about price. teiua. &c. O OR at. n. w. 1e ~WAS INOTON D. C.. FEB. 4. laM. it knbown thai Wi utua consent WM. It. MA A E 8 and PHIL W. CHXW. dolta a weal estate buss....a MAT NEW a CH IE. have this t ain ed anrh P. bnes o becon. saesme s1 t. S. WM. B. MATTHEWS. fet24- PHIL. W. CHEW. ROCK CREEE PARK WITNEOSE.-A.L z~&wilea who testuied before the eioaaplese by the Supreme Conr heoan thestt fof Col aato apaise th value of the a taken fo a s 1Wr wearequested to send their uba ass wth = 1160 c .to0. J. VEK 0 en buildig. e. Nr OTICE OF REMOYAL .awe 01ce to EV KVNTUaT. N. W.. i t Bee cnd 3Ofiatel Beat Buosdn. w he Is prepared to Iaithfull Isad sellcetu iw ehlmd "Aw Saroe. fe*24-lW a- REMOVAL NOTICE. hA UEL t Is, the111110-.7s N k build he to serve themn Is lit v- WASMINGTON .AFE D!NOSIT COMPANY. ve and 918 I'Masylvalia aveaue. The vault and apartanese for the stor of vslu ab*e. . e'i..d sa.''. " uer an f "iure wesekn.dry. A". sal burg proofl. me mod Ste. fe10-Um SPECIAL RATES TO CASH CUSTOMERS. aw Satisfactiu anae or moy chearfuily returned. AMERIA D COA OMPA Main olee B. w. cor. 10th and F w. Telephone. 4M6 eall red vercona forr land coal orders Brach oce: amU Pa. ave, aw. M. WILLIS. Manager. jaId ILLIONS HAVE BEEN SPENT BY OUR KWm1esfaiat teemde for Cessard's Flus Kanuo Bad when they were at Cammarda at all. 'Ae hee ried m* seeral p.... tW evereet ls di culty ad have nual adopted a blue oval tin i our name printed ot in hIte abtch is sil toall our meais :1 w ethrvers& or uncovered. Don't bedeved. lsast isaarnvia culy goodswith this taar attached to theta. Jal-tr Bz. kHONEST WINES-BONEST PRICES. TO-KALON. fe--211 TZIrPBONE 9O. 614 14TE ST. l~b.-7 COMMENT UNNECESARY. 0.1u- 21IL:3 Shirts madl. at factoi y. NO N at. a. w. P. T. HAL. Shrt Maker. ,"P0lace order now. di,1-:m BUSINEsS MEN IN ThIS IACALITY. who wish to me memet rsof their family at luncheon. will Ad OUR LUNCH ROOM a very cosvesient pIace. It is well lighted and v.-tilated and coimladad 6 very pIeaSig view of the city and P. toniac. A atrUpAref-iea Lueshe"s will be served premaptly at moderate 6oit. a mh eer. 10th it. ahsila. Take Elevatesa. WOODWARD & IOTEROP. fedem 1013. 11TH AND F STS. NW. MANTELa, ANDIRONS. FEllDERS, Oraes.N sugh-IrnUse Fixturs. &c. Specal diso snt whileai Gaans ure, c f.--Im J. H. COMING. Tile h.01 et. URINFLATED CUSHION 111RE. O hIT HAVE A STRNGER RECOMMwnA,. TiON? What isr fl his ne tir *tted with bg others me a ine tie Burej h~ a TYe he sen d tatd at tin14th ut. a. w. thORMULLY & JEFFERY MNG. CO. fed :v~ ~U D113 A NEW NAME, TrLARma STEAM L.AUNDRT. ml to 0 C a. aw. We mflBer ad delteer atlaandr. NEDEPARTUtE IN NINE TAILOBIUG. B. D. tARR. 1111 ?eaamylvaniseave. Suits free SB ap.. Twemmee Irwin 310 up. low poises froma this ilate with high-urade art. JW20 INSURANiCE. T 1UAPRa T 3 A SUAACE CO. -tepredle. u aply to h e ot see ----resy. N1se Gt. asw. iT DinR'T . MAZE MUCH DINNFERENC wbms ghs~ limbdeer What Imulrsto btoether mimee ides it eempweentes: ?f so eee lisle well. weas well sad Is eanfortable, that's thee wersulehegSe. ende If the m s s a bed as a semush lawr them me asmDFaseted W dealms Sr alue qualsities. then is the tea it he. e-esmesa Neerdesmenm to talk eheetitsae Is em.we eam. me tospeak. That's etwhat hap ueseo e ie bog to the masamai Umat hes t. wedsumdbtI by MUmWLON A CARB Thee nSo S Wit masbw. bothese * to a Ieseesy h SWr -endar Sat, end thawh ewasshb swes d er lasM . .lamis en well9 adbaiesa -ss dest th- dea a to amme~mer QuM seemssastaa- M assato pas aseseVieamast atbsehaaL amset SPECIAL NOTICE. . -L fe VIA 111 41. of experes ford a ren for =~::ojrace with YOUR Kainuatlonf$te he enu de ter wen. 0EO. W. AtR Jemeler ad a 1 a. .. a RION GRADE PLUMBING ONLY. We can mention many ownes of privte red. dances where we have done plumbing. but pme for not to print them in a pubit advertisrment. Below are names of a few of the pnblio biMings where you may And our wek. Relmember is have newr et* been eSaled upsn to *de eer" any pluangIerigi~llydonE batus. Seine those herewith maentonAeise jal ene sling: Georgetown law SchooL National C pital Bank. Metropolitan OWtel. National Hotel. east Washington High Sehoel. Boaneopathir Hospital. Apartment boase. M. B. and o(egon'aneft I. . SHEDD & BRO.. 4.12 9TH ST. N. W. leS -PON-Z-N-NA. The greatest complezion beauttier ever in truduced. For sle. LA1 NBURG'8. Ire" teat at 2 I St. u.w. f$BWE. l- CALIFORIA WINES AT FAIS PRICES. Par of the as UNOMA CALI 0 NIA WI~i COMPANY. 317 Pth St. n.w. HARRY I. CONUA1, Manager. f026-Il "MERSTE'" MODEZRN IDEAS. The pape...m.s ae out our new furniture will all be completed in about ten days. However,. our range of Spring Stylee ion em -hibition-and we feel war -rantedinaeying we are in a position to Inist your ex -actingcommandi. W. 0. MERTZ'S Ieering Shop. AM nth St. n.w. MSe T A weoath, r is like' y to be cooler. clearing; wiids becomno' rth. y; conesiderab.g rr ad Sanr and probably sunday. We sell you direct the best lumber and charge you less for it than any one else in Washington. . Not a board leaves our yard but what We is band sawed. smooth and even. reedy esa to be set in position. The snallest or f/rnish dera are as carefully looked after as the eerytAing. largest. Estimates furniee d.As. A portal will bring our estimator. We can furnish you everything that entets into theconstractionotabuilmiae. Libbey. Bittlager a Miller. "Leaders in Lumber, Car. tib and New York ave. a. w. fe6 BZRZ DAMP DAY. You need a Gns Heating StSve. Pliee. 6.9and 8.M and 63.79. C. A. MUDDIMAN, f2 614 12th t. "W ANTED." A CONTRACT FOR RIND 1.4 (10 books. -nee Accordi, to wi. Apply to BHOIJUL NALIONAL BI RDN3. 1204 F St. Look out lor the rush and coine soon. laws DuEmb SUITSFOR BIRE 1023-lan 414 HIR8ET.X.W fe25-1m 414 9TH liT.' N.W. M -.BERS OF ROCHDALE SOCIETIES holda *b . ur can procure coal Cks a t American Ice and E. M. WILLIS. fe23-t Manager. &W-_-TAILOltS. ATTENTION! 8PRINOANNOUNCEMENT CARDS. New and beautirui deeins. Telephone 7&L (f2I H. . McQ1 EE. .1QE M.'n.W. OFFICE_ B1OCHDALE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. INCORPORATED. (M0 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. and 0j5 H t . n. w.. residence of tube Secretary. OE0ees-A. T. LON4,LI. President. 812 A st. n.e. JOHN MOliltitoN.Treasurer, 415 1tst.n.w. JOHN W. HARSHA.Scrtary,905Hst.a.w. Directors: J. B. CARTER, dbW Penn-ylvania ave. J. C. McCONNELL. 1.01d at. nw. L. F. HUNT. 1310 ast. U.w. J. A. RANDVALL 204 that. a.e. H. W. SMITH ;l'[Bat. s.w. WM. . YEAT1. 05 lth st. n.w. JAME. E. .ucCASIE. 2:mi at. n.e. JOHN JOHNSON. 101:1 st. a.w. BUCRTON MACA. EE.6-17thSt. anw. JOHN FINN. 545 *3d at. n. w. E. L. MILL.s. iU.. 17tn aSt. L. 0. WARFIELD. 1013 Pa. ave. n. w. The business oi the comipany is a well-known and long-estabuslihed one. Its operations have been suc cesalully conducted for mnany years in this city. prin cipally by its present ofilmra and directors. contracts have been made with one hundred and ifty of tbe most desirable juerebants, deales in this city and Alexandria. from the present time to April 3U. INK, and cards heAring the sirnature of our weere tary.John W.Harsha.only willi be recognised by them. Our trade cards now on-stantung bearing the ergna urm of our secretary. John W. M eare iwnoned numbers about 7. 0O, about 6.00J ot wich expire by lilamtation on April SU. Str. These carde may be re newed and tme benefts of our cotracts obtaineduo pregnrtation at the conmpany's olk. on and ist that date. Our new trade cards and books of reference will be ready about February -27. and can be had on appli. cation at our ofces or to any one of the omoer% direct or., stockholders. tr aaents of the company. A av ing froua 5 to 2 per cent on all cash purchases and 23 enate a ton on coal. hovereiras of Industry can obtain aside upon pay ment of 25 cents. a e propose to do busanees upon buiness p Iple. and ltr the beet interests of our and de. Plans are now being lornaula to extend our oper ations a many way. betmelcWal to our yatrons. aUon wich wIl be the wor's faar neit m.ya tdns notice of which will he given. Information cheerfully given when required. (O11les open ITum to 7 p.m. fi2n.1 fr-,Fj WHERE DO YOU BUT YOURS I Not ace. Snow ad Dirt, but Clean. Dy Fakee undier cover, Is what they get who burte tCoal O Wood from V. BSALDWIN JOUIMMON. Only the best article and one prica to everybody. Ceapeeacte. bttomm prices. full weight anid measure, she uh 00Es--111 E I ave, nw.. 511 A sh. n.e. 1 4deat. sw. a NOICE OF REMOVALs-MARTIN N. Evns & Co.. prntera and engravers, have remaoved their oILb. to tlS13th at..n w..near F. Print ing and engraving in ab is tasanchee. feilO-Ia* SATTENTION. TENNEA8EAIU. T1 TUE Pure Lincoln County Tenassee Wty from obn Eaton. now en sale at the led-inm O0% EN HIOi SL BAh. 1413 5em,. ave. it.EDNEY a ROBERTS ca, DEUIGNING. ENGRAVING AND PRITING FOR S00IAL AND szINEsS USES, doz in 0B8.. NEAB GASQVtIQ. gig ~~HAVING SEYRRn ONEEDO ih .emngee in the a~eem ge~sred to aurnah sal kin-in of stock in utaaret a- nw.Horesgantee assrewet. S J HN 1. SHEIRY. PRINTSSe BiBD st. n.w. )'rat.claes work at moderate raite, Ikrsf work. 0Sc. a pause. $ B~jtYON. S. ADAMWp aA~SO3 ..R... .?AT.. M1 UTE ST. N. W. &c.. I~dw I~m. Derueetend Reneese. men. Wdam ant W~singk O es nsendl~wan . en I~ b r .. .m U... b. *. a~ - -- SPECIAL NOTICEB. EVANGKLIST BICHELL AT LRTOMR Chael.4thsad Now MAsk awe.V wel on-vice- IIt at 7:3. ad we wIB be ivsi with a solo by Aoung IO. She s a d O thea city. TRE NEW ~A~MPOIR PEOPLE IN WN'lue'on teder a recoption ad o EV911IN1 to GOT. Totl. sad staff =in"th eeuitthepsrty as Willard Hall. Everybody from New a=ehel invited to a ticaz. eomacee at S o'clock. N .m It Chairman. MRM. X. Aj BALLINGER EQUEST! the no-ocifical mebers oft -ase ME of the Dauglterof the American ..outius he . .w.*emST WDVY at N o foe e t THE .ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the National Life Issea anee Ca y of the United State of Amerka for the election of directors of aid company for the msuing ~ Will be held at the ocre of the company. Re d . 11h F sn a.t . aW .. MS-id "M"ch *. I.E....r. WASEINGTON. IC.. EBRUARYa. iUs. oEA the Dtctbof ot 'Will be held at the comapany's ofk in tho b 11hit. a. w.. ona SAYU31)AY;w In."th t i of February. 1. at 7:30 'lock. The object of this meetinr is to consder and deter. mia Upon propomatiosa lor a ohange of businea. amount of ca tal stack. ale of the sete ad righta andothermale affei the interit. of the co . WRIGHT RIVES. President ALBERT RAR ta~wry~. JAMS. * LLI.MON. Tremor~r GEO W.W C . BUNDY. Truateme. it NOTICE Is HEltEBY GIVEN TEAT A meetine of the stockholdersof the Arlinarton enuance CoMpaar I or the District of Columba for the election of nine directors to serve until the 24 day oi February 8liG will be heid at the oice of the compan 1505 kean. ave. nw., in the city of Wamh Ingion. District of Columbia. fn MONDAW. March 'i4. lIlI? Polls open at 12 i. and close at,! Books forlie transter of stock will be clomed on thee 4th day of adrch, lMI. and remain closed until the Mah day or March. Isml? By order of the board of directors. FRANK T. RAWLINGS. feRS-tm2Sin secretary. TO WHOM IT hAY CONCREN.-I WILL W... not be responsible for say debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. ). b. Fuller. February 26. 1n9l. [feO-3t*l D. S. FULLER. 0P-L-.~IRON RAILINGS. Send postal and we will do the rost If you want any kind of iron work. GEO. WHITE & SONS. fe2S-So Maine ave., bet. 4M and Ith st. 8 RBUDDERN' FURNITURE ROUER. A RELIABLE METAL POLISH. Oxallo acid, one drachm; oxide of iron, three ounces; rotten stone. two and a half ounces; palm oil. einht ounces; vaselime. four drachm. Mix thoro hly. The oxide of iron and rMtS ite m0t tree from grit. six PIECES-CRRY PARLOR BUITES-SILK PLUSH WERE $M5-REDUCED TO S* SIx PIECES-OAK PARLOR SUITES-TAPESTRY - WERE 545-REDUCED TO 00 SIX PIECES-CHERRY PARLOR SUITES-TAPESTRY WERE 0a0-REDUCED TO SWB JOHN RUDDER. 513 Seventh strset northweet. REDUCE YOUR PRINTERS' BILL. Get a Mimeograph and print your bile. Circulars. bc.. quicker, more entlefactorily snd at about half print.s' eharges. J. C. PARKER. Sole Asnt. Besteetier sad Stationer. 61957th at. n.w. 902 NOT EQUALEn IN WASHINGTON. There are other patterns just ascaptivatbg. no doubt. but I have yet to meet them. Cor tainly in Washington there has never yet been shown such a nobby and beautiful lin* of patterns for spring trouserings ad suit igs. And I tailor them from your measure into the richest and tastiest suitst prices one-fourth below other grst-ciass taelors' charges. 0. WARFIELD SIMPSON. "Expert in rowsrric. 186fg Cor. t and G at. %.w. [ : PUT ON YOUI THINKING CAP. You want your redidence to be the Snesi your means will dmit. Nothing addsu more to its interior and exterior beauty thou large, handsome plate gLass windows. Ise' this sot We make a specialty of the AmeAt French plate glass. We are "experts" in the se lection of the quality and the Atting of glass. elimates graM. CHAS. E. HODGKINS. ",'pet Handler Qf Gise." 913 7th at. n. w. #Me SGREAT DAY IN THE MORNING!" W'.. -Dunlap's celebrated Fifth Aveanu Spring Black will he issued tomorrow morning. the date died for pacing this Hat on s~de throughout Anerica. It Is a great day and you are especially invited. WILLETT & RUOFF. Leadang Ditetct afare, feS ' 5Pa. av. .w. TO ARCHITECTS ESPECIALLY. Every variety of Draughtiar and Copying Papers. Each the Snest of its grade. ull sets of Drawing and Surveying lustruments. FRED. A. ICHMJDT. 504 9th st. n.w. Branch. 172 Pena. ave. n.w. 9U WE PUT CONSCIENCZ Iathe Emesom Shout. We make them ourselves and ler mew only. sell them direct to you, with an fremaed guarantee. Jumersen esoss esnsedfes. 3. B. GROVER & CO.. oIse NMre ad SeLturs #the Eiseesa Skees. 11UB Pa. ave-next to Star oce,. feE In ARE YOU READY TO BUY YOUR SPRING "nox." Spring Woms all em male. Newer ad "nattir thas ever. Ipina Hats. SL.50 to SBA U. K. STINEMETE A SONS. 1227 Pa. ave. satdi 4135h it. aw. ISi AEIDSGREATEST FAUL.T roUs on anami h neet"o oa is the yeeet of tomorrow We Iprov ad ruet woldis toveine before the other helf it aare .f it ealtece o with the Phomse=h. thus acmapllshng dse t* seerb h(f 'cad CLUBA PHOOGRP (XC.. i. a.w. ~,MORE ABOUT TER **MIRABILIA'" CIGAR. Eery matebrpseeheam daa. *-recslywhew itoemhinaeagaedeimgbe with a mnodeate pria5. The "Mirab~h" bee achieved enasses entissly rpem its - I own --i-aa .e Nava S0er. Bret Beeta wraper.he MiallMa"nd luren befame the pubhi today the amet prgperm Cigae &-cet ciga made ad nms Se the Msde. lT10est ag=t. - AWtia wGil evin esu i5Rt emm-e meat itsnot e=... .a Te"Misslila" is etbshabe it % - ttewn Ma ansth the B3n. S.00T T B 530 .. 314 STE ST. N. W. Gedmi M .e - -se weeads-. a. w gum ma - 0 e a e s Wskingnam NM ad Geip Aba~a esm@e.....e ATTORUms ... . ........................ese AUCTION ........ .. . 7 AUCToaS .... ..P. ......................... ICLES.... ........ ..... Par 7 cm mPaue * COUNITR Ma2. ATIL...--.7.'7"''.**'.PVAge DEATIM ...... .................................Page a DRSTISTRT..... ................. * 7 EDUCATIONAL .... . 7 EXCURSIONS, s........................P11108 FINANCIAL.- - -- -Ps Po5 rmann. Page 1 rnRENT( an.................Page g FOR LENT (130 e1 a ... .... . ......... , ....E.T ....... ................ ......... P s0" ZEN? <.a. . ........ m e n amNT < a.,..* ... . . .....P e 2 S.........._ . V'L *ALE<(Las aif mE"'...P.3 "A SALE ( FOR SALE .. . .. 3 rnOTEL............... .. -... dNSUfANCE,...,....... 7, . LOBAUEFi ............. S, 3 LOAM 0000l .... .......... pfa I LE A ...T....................... .. ...........ram 7 LOCAL MENTION................................Pae I LOST AND NU.................-Pe a MANICURE.......................Pa 7 MARRIAG3.------........- .-. Page 6 LEDAL o.. ......................... O ANTEOAND TO A .Pa. 3 NEW PUBLICA.ION. ........ . Page NOTARIE PUBLC.............................Page 3 OCEAN UTEAMERS .........................Pae 7 OFFICIAL NOTICES ............. ........ Pam POTOMAC ..VE . BOATS ........Pats 7 PIANOS AND O T OANS................Page 7 PERSONAL.........-..~. 2 PROPOBALI..... .................Pase 7 PROFESSIONAL .................... Pace 7 PEmCAL NOTU .........................Pace 7 SPECIALTIES ....... ...............Page 8 PUBURBAN PROPETY...: ...............Page 2 SUMOER .ESOLT...... ...Pae 2 WANTED (r ..... ............................. Pme 7 WANTED(LOe)................... ......Page 7 WA ERA S................................. %8e , WA LE O(TICE..............................Pag I WANTED (KelSti) ....... ..........Page 2 Oovsamanw Rncaifte Tosay. -Internal rev enE, 86ss,76; .stom.. ..,t...9. Turn U. .. 8. B ..o, which he. bee at Canno, Peru, for some time, has sailed north, under iatioagns to atop at Panama. Muon WU. F. Tcsna, payfater, has been granted leave for three months, with permis aion to go beyond sea. AproIwrmD BoAawa*.-The President hb" appointed HughD. Sweeny a beatswain in the navy. BasloNATro.-The President has accepted the resignation of First Lieut. Edward . Far row, twenty-Ars infantry, to take efeet on the 24th inst. Fornv=-CLas* Fouemastara.-Fourth-elas postmasters have been appointed s follows: Virginia.-W. H. Sasd, Fayette; L E. M2as, Grizard. Aamirat 8aSrcaair NTmavow has game to Montclair, N. J., where he will deliver an address on the subject of immigration before the Outlook Club tonight. A TazPonAar CoLuxcToz.-Deputy Cel teeter Chisholm has been instructed to take temporary charge of the ofee of collector of Internal revenue for the district of Louisiana and Mississippi. vice Mr. Wimberly, remoed. Picrman Fanua DurTiaLa.-Acting Secre tary Spaalding has informed the collector of customs at Pittsburg, Penn., that it in the practice at other ports to access duty on frames of paintings Imported by American artiste. A==UsTED ix Maxico.-The Secretary of State has applied to the president of Mexico for the extradition of H. H. Wandell. now un der arrest in that ceuntry, and who is wanted an Texas for burglary. APPOINTED QUARTsNAmatE.-The vacancy in the office of quartermaster and captain in the marine corps has been filled by the appoint ment e Lieut. F. L. Denny, who ie now in the oftice of the judge advocate general of the navy. Tax Bosox Oanzxran To'Famco.-The See retary of the Navy has ordered the United States steamer Boston, now at Callao, Pers. to proceed to San Francesco, touching on her way at the principal ports of Central America and Mexico. BILs or Lan'ro.-Te Treasury Depart ment has decided that the indersee of a bill of lading of imported merchandise drawn to "order" or to "auligns" is entitled to make entry irrespectave of hi positioneas original or subsequent indorsee. APnavxn.-lhe President has approved the joint resolution toreguite the issue of licenses to proprietors of theaters in the city of Wash ington and the act extending the priviletasof the immediate transportatio at to Sanduaky, Ohio. Turn NetemI ADt EwnrmITIo.-The Depart emast of State has been offecally informed that artiste desiring to make exhibits at the Munieb internatomal exhilbitics mast send In thair work between tha 1st and 30th of April next. Circulare Is thd Enagliash language givtng fell information as to the exhibition and formes and instreettens a. to the prper mode et smak ing entries may be had by Amrican artista upen apliHalas at the Department of Stats. A NAva. OISaCKS Ix Tmaea.-The Usere tary of the Navy haa ordered a esurt of inquiry to meet Taeday, March 1. on heard of -ofe the Urnited States moaltee new lins the James river near Biund,V h pisefoetgln hre on the part o et mrit ae D. Graham, co--ma-ding the. este tau growing out of alleged lax methods gQinaseosate and thehsseof tera. The rhe court is a. follows: . ept. A. P. Cask, president; Capte. Battlett, 1. CaemeeB and W05 . Sumnse, mam. sband ieat, (mares, Pmenae.-Jeab Emine of Johnstown, Pa., C.EB. Sn~f Norfl, F. W. Goddard et Bshten, V. U Gn et dmahnW. e.En Pbiisddpt~M~ A t V. o== etet Idverpeol, Ohioand0. Wlehbt Tf1rent reat Wliard'.--M. V. Raker Nw J. P.S Va Yef 'kevins A . hlms, S. membr af ,and Ater sea the efadmB er iei Wa. et and bMtt. 1 ZsU, Mesa, VS. -S. ash F. eW E almle o & assisaan TE M gLg. PSSaE. C What is 1s.. hpra 3s ntses og so now Tests a. The bisds etof beater M in Congress ate a muck elated over him omse ae Albany that 0 9 is ay te gather beri teir emuaesese what heir hope is with reusd to as demoeratie iouventlons In the eher safs. They epemly V leelare at sm for late OesventiosU C asewhoe. They bb" that ftl d te for the actia t New Yeeok ri a be there"ghly dIgeSted in A1 of its bearings 4 must be give. to the desmoeraey west ad esath. e hat atio. they assrt is fraught with inval- l able instreatiem to te party throughout the whole country. and that not until the a ef Now York toward mater a i and Mr. Cleveland is eliry underseteed V sill the democracy of the other states be pre. pared to act consistently with the c--.e=I that the vote of New York is necesary to lem2cratie soeonse at the November eleation. The *ave an stated by the Hill ma is 8 IWing like this: Mr. Cleveland' in the atoritory safely domocratac under iream. staneas was established some time and a iter eoditions that no longer exists. Is is composed largely ofadiats ror an honest man sad offsmah for a defeated ee. Ho went down with the party's Nag in his hand and that bee served to keep him in warn remembrance. Ali of this, the Hill men my, is well eaougkbut it most not be permitted to bland the party to the needs it the present hour or to the leader, of the hour. Senator Hill, as they point out Is, in the largest measure, the product of the three years which have elapsed mace Mr.Clve land passed into retirement. At the close of the last national campagn he was knows only as a capable mesa, who had successfally admn istered the affaire of his state. To-i day, they claim, he stands without a rival as a party organizer, an astute leader and the meater of the national situation. He ils t the public eye. He han wrested the leadershp of the party completely from Mr. Cleveland an the ant important -ectiou af the pivotal ter ritory. and for the party outside of New York to undertake to shut its eyes to this fact would, the argue. be criminal bhadnes. The Hill people, therefore, are now the ad vocates of a late expression of opinion a the part of the democracy of the other states, I They concede that the Cleveland seotiment outside of New York is strong. but they iansist that it is founded upon a miataken conea tion of the real situation. The p tope of senator Hill, they believe. change al this and bring the partyat a diancemintoose plete accord with the party in New York. There is no demand for a surrender of any admiration felt for Mr. Cleveland, but only that the fets be reOgned that Senator Hill as now the leader of the party in New York, and with him alone they clam the party can hope to win there next November. WORK FoR ILnL To D0. A most interesting feature of this program is the work cut out for tesiator Kill haamself to do. If he followe the advice of his fasnuda hero he will be absent a good deal fiems his S.nate rial duties. They have it in miad to intro duce him it person to a number of states before June. An a starter he is to be I vailed upon to accept the invitation of the lois leg are andaddress the m*mer. y. This invitatio was extended several weeks agM and ha remained . -- swered because of the great pressere I oR the benater's tes. Now that he has a breang spell I"e admtirer expect him to gote"aa.s and give the democracy of that state, and threg them the democracy of the surrounding stoles, a good, sound talk en the ham et the hear. They behave that each a visit would have an excellent effect in creating Kill sti ment in the south and a te ta already in existence. There willbe oppertuntie for the bomater to other sectious and so Ie n Is peommiset with those lecal leaders of the paryte whem he is now personally a strnger. The friends of Senator IIE who "has sort of thing cont the Ra ggestot weald be uneealy in a man aspering to the proei dency thus to neglet his duties as a Seamier. lie will net be called upon again, they my, to abmst hiaself fromn Washingise flr so long a time as he has just Opent at Albany. The rip to Jackss and the trips elsewhere can be arranged as that he will not miss say important vote is the Senate or fail to be on hand at any importst party conference. For the rest they declare that the yarty at large will indem a coures orn activity on Snator Hills part. He is an avowed candidmate fr the nomination to be masde at Chucage, and, hav ing serious opposition to overcome, he mast bestir himself to the atmost, they my, N he f to hope to wan. TEn sILaEn Qunnio. It Was noet Made a sammesate bess at g Mistats 4masses. There is but one thing that the an ever men may congratulate themselves en in eon nection with the caucus lest night It is at silver was not made a pary quesatism. There appeared to be strength nog for silver in the caues to decare in favor of the passage of the Bland bil. Tha actan woulid have beau more serious tthe dameoratle party than the pasae of the bil, for it would have made Is a party mnesare and e the plat Corm. What was done, however, was to emi==f the fact that the party is kopem divided, and that members will vote en the questies without reference to the party, bat by their In dividual prefereoe. as they might veoe os a public building or ether bil. Of eoeme th couseqjuence of passing the diver bID opanet be avoided by this peetatiou of the ese. bat ItI is hardly asbm aas lt weldhetohavee the party pledgedte bill as en egmi ie. The 6th ergthof April wIll prehbhy he es for the easideratios of the hand hiS, and U wall undoubtedly be toe up. -a aTa WaL iseuw. The anst.eller mm ae fh of figt and de clare that they will yet hiBl the me=====, bath I is a desperate fight they ar ombig Theme will =-d--heay be a Silbester and en inle number of -----amen- wEi he e~wed. There is em en-e--- whisk It is pe -ea to oefer and whish thsenmi-Ise ee a ame believe te s have adeptod, would pcealdeeiroy the -eseand anselead s en==Is . e minst be paid in if eedne demand It. The eMedy Mae M a suu -e vtsgam u.m nher------l . e'eoek thi mesin by war of es A--~e osasie, en rente se Vii aamh. They men prsbid eand Mrs. m.-=, m.s pen..ak Mr. .eed, the e. u.m shadum, too mdausend a s., m. Nem.m I masempamenl a pise to as ai end base I tai.. ....e..e.. .. e p......,eb....e ...,....o. m s bass meat. teh se etn S ebater uc m he.a hoes to --- Ibem te et as ea m.mai---a Mam bbt tea d an Igli Iahmhna amn 'RISIS IN GUATEMALA* wU& iamme won winmu meu8M, -m e as C""% CL. WMn es asm prisu am of I"& emn, C-a.. Feb. 1M-4heeds IO med ft mcsaaing w vieae from ever, put of .ose to atead the am dnof sftftm had tO wy. At 2100 ed Yesteu4ay 1t Waft W& Ved Ie,6 Gov. BMWt and eer tamt M& ei. eftls Wan omriod GeaeeGmss* ith every slab " sa oeea aM anding roem as a pmism lba. iken. excito-mt meva meong aem qe who have e nder Wane td ode impro Lied Ibreoa a mdi ad the acbeti of eabe in damosd is m mortaia terms. the b aS the whtoe stat my as ad Ie a bi1le which may be go A S . ethig side thm Wmihaeatbm 0a-i-d Mitilames can give pom..d-- One ad wo lmern wl oeseas delivery of do dit. At a @es' meng a eeming, Wil M r npeoa relubost ino adaptd a" --stlae wee uuthl t al aminimu opeed values. as. apml a pdia m and that the tol aeel be @ea rtial mtidem N - a &- tede J IAVUUY WILL TUT IM huemets Ws e ' (p b ampt to fus a Pam, Feb. U-. boergeisi has abmdai bs attempt to ferm a amiem and Proideos arnot has new eammmemd I. Lemblto mnden bA the Sk. It is reported that aa meting f the oem or of the party of the tigtt I w dcid to modify the con rvative polley, to the L.public and lemeoafri to cornS.. u mndividuak and the condet of the eanutag maistry. A general metang o the party in giected to make a deela es to "is 4eet, osaan a toe aiXstl. lie Aret stmae ball of the seson was gives, b he president and Kim. Oret ism %ghL h in tiamated thast 5ve thomsand guset wene reent. he apartments e the Palace Elyos ere msprbly decorated. Ie owe would have apposed from the chetart aspect 'reudent Carna am the appearanec Ie. festivity and joy that a menteried riia gtll prevailed and tht Framce was trteualyitout a g.OormWmiL .e ball wIND a W the end without a hint of treeble. B00 et was a great deal of qet talk in tha Wmoking rem. and Coeerms of the psb". er be pitueal Mtation. TBe ea t twebd hat K. do Froyciset and M. Iabotweid wet ater a eaibses ceammitted te a rnesal mwe ;an, and that K. imargeois meot ed in fea ag a cabbia because e am agee to I. hbet' foreign poucy. 3&3~M* ILAUM Mom a ino 2%ft hat wil van... the WeMfg Valley Owmkaemu. Wu=amana, Pa., Feb. 3.-lb Sending m11ead, 1tem am appeoanee. has come to andertaling with te imdividual cad seas mim tis city ml regiW ". A rater eo aa0 ti marg nht a anm oer dIvidemi centere ae t be eGasd est to the .s.adig wisth the ast law lay., It is known that the Red Aik Oa Cam iay, the largst andividmal plan$ is dis te i9a, clomed a bargaa nemorday withte Med ge Company fe the the badimrto so to adA mamd by .hm. on a basis i poert, The mamgre of other imdmvhdent oempa1mm efano to my aytbing at promeat upons e d set. Tey wa r am ra mer , bow oer, that napettioam we Pending. o eas hams will be a god thgar go regins. If do Beading of Coal at todid&wMa the = = pevnter wil get tha4fbe, wbic a lAsed ipe as a law prien. entoeidWal epaness pay me tW. mask vaso gaIekea grmi nawg f lminega S- he e-s mStme aa U Msem. to ona@ma Bax Faanceme. Feb. SL-Tb Pacid. Id Domp.' utaamo City of New leek wtived from Pen. and way ports yoeitrday. Whoa ihe eamor Was in tbn J e, sti mna., oe electn was juse ever. no emi m --Ondidm for the prenymeree Likanedst and nile. Amcordag to do Waamenab mhe by pamsaagere the mermur On Bseved the eo and wa. d..llad ,lad, bet aman-o to hand e~ s roia f g 'nme to b. bh exeem was sat the esmarwv my mecb diwssveed, imd. as "wmble was eaposaC it would be en Schag to geowmeaet at Qon ime. . that iani umly wam WOme to ad oat te.d mianst of I be reeps wil ade wak hit m a m Nwm Fame to remn. A alwaImw 4W VM 3*... Rema ofa Mew Uhbat s o m s. a sotmir Fes at Ileum. Kaucaarm. IS. .. Feb. .-Me eMd e6m Snertim bare am engaged in vonedifg & mystery. oiertly beotee New tow d a b6. her Was meded to a lady to fuemksb. f um made up of ltae cut ftrm a mewqpaper m a mamaged an te ad: "Wl yeaemmsh esem Wie you a appNew Tr." It oseesked , LR m 't mowy in am Mite grambaa be llyto whao umen -. kemed aetamld to resle ut ml ao -esemae be lad litia oa., whem ito $11rni -ie for ime--ag-ma- Uaiu e ma samm ithe manaey wR be banamedm aubs Lassne to a washaSam me Ken. Pans, Sam., 1mh. 5.-lb. oisdibam Washington emstoaemteewuletk ml sau Emae asenad - nte a lidsemi 16e4Ti e'eate mi maiming at tot. phuem b - m W lm m uLe He. Pamr. KMa., Esh, U.-UamyVas,4 m.. hasi ei .117 ,dhleg. daa pa.hMw of the adel ags imd by mmml hanga. in tha bathee. EDsaS es Wisma elala he aambd: "Wh.4sboesteismass ---abdn- betueaa vear Bies n m U. Imee and hin and hew ling Um B ho hmm be Kaetharm ambis weR ha seei a ess msmad km bum U.s - fseml me U ne "Wed," Mr. 3m I '' oI - -, m e mlbae- s nua ma as ma ba, UM M s, amb. -Us eum -siu eade Qe annlwnMa meel b msy a mQ R M mm, ME4ee meseta s pma, ease &Bu wm --- a-mm