OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 04, 1892, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1892-04-04/ed-1/seq-7/

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It's All Up
with dirt, when A ar
mt starts for it. It
goes qui- ~ etly and
, but there's
no harm to anything else.
PAar/Ase washes clothes easily,
and cleans house thoroughly.
Itsavemwear to thefine things,
saves work with all thigs.
Get Pear/ine, to ge rid of
dirt;you get.rid of hard work,
too, when you get ear/.
Beware ," ,s..
t aa by
mas esy y a JAESPILl. New Ts.
I Cm f Fin n TW' Sta
ill CellItulj Cirid.
stateme e et
M Tmr AuveS,
WaNmeseS, A C., FOb, XUE
N0, 0n 11004 mrawest.
DaNa Sam: it in wh g pidnoe eat I
mto t beesleaut remits er yew bra
meat is my n.. Afte in frm N10
c-,b r fearIt-m years. attmeded wiA emb
oilt espereraifte and droppig in my threat,
I phied myesW maer year fteatmen ad m
plesemd to And tha I am cred.
Hetg tat ma.my oers my be he100t20
on I have been, I am,
Yewr. veOJ tryly.
A tW" V1
"Tio A.asre,"
Wamessess, E. C.,Uiok 6, mL
Mv Dan DO. lJeaman:
It Sim am g SIa to st s S
a a amamroaM feet da.m.amml M.
te eam In the em e my eamim,
C. ftem. ase that the se h
peed am peraem.. a it wse sdkL I fed
saae At 1t e- yer smkd aid my enis
vemid bave beam a dWf men ON - bb 3L
Esewing ef"emer s- e In whh yes bhs bomeb
equay m I cbeesy give yes lssve
to reser fe me at ay time, mA bae eS yew
Ie",isin Wamingtea wN geeWe a disma
Oe sem Yewn trily,
2. m. Rones
Map 1mwe, om Ot and Umm et the
1411 K ST. N. W.
033am e, Mu. EEACT LI 03
TEuE, TB am avuwo
wn. - TuM~ion T
mE amme-pmnas 01 11B Ca5
urOfn - ic. -NEMEE m m
Ishmuaus TIa 1=..= Si - ac
SE-CI mu *MEIO a&miu35
*3.=1w0m3 eioamm - m==e=
WBM O30T 20.0MUM106133
-a o a urst -a eeg
TM EAlL sei mz mastagy
m ?33 m erapr neas
Rossusea. Passaa & VU...
m..., a au
.oe.n. A, A A. UE,
2h . wove n wad a oadep a I "a
Sa ams" inhe ml : as i
1b...ebi mees. tamda e e.a sama
11.s ---.-- 31s wite....asm.d sn-.
pet..t.. i. tbeir report is bs ose
asy vole Is, as dm booms, w- . found
in very .atfie..y eosm e.., --amlwag
.Mtrab -o....,, tRd, .. swif tssl
SOM eelnL no a rm *ese"m uft on
b..r saiss to repored. selig wal. with
prfOsPs" Of 0 good wheat CGp6 211bs MM Of
A building in. .fe..d in ela. ad gamort.
.". --d-a. ne Jos . as visited ad
had t.s..eta twe...,. pr...., ..
whit and twenty se"Lm Iveryahw wa
fsad fn . ad tMdy order. Thejy
reasmid m bsrvm toot a mtl
usters. "a releroe t am esimeeloeut at
.elo ' .rd .-opu low, finevislaon amw &
bugs usiersty o.. Pr.sn.ment . de
t. re.ammenW do sta.n be as c-o
. rg mae . pmems s a.tem of saMne
am in As hem of Mr,. insiad t A
r .Pr :'s In a.110,"t ." j .e".
noe foieviog additioal sens hays barn
.:tItet .t. W. lmase; au.kr
. "e guilty. Stt. a ensm
T. = lty a.- a ome of ear
ilansh thre as. a", aXL Gen.
Cot. viat..r. of lpral opto i, thr
. .; guilty and gsoo .." t a
e a r.ah e Wst, he d W te a
Win. Oais be.s.gfo stae m rraingl.
wi *". "et uit r " T a. t
MmusStainiagL Joha
Wered asdl.
a"dto at asasmbof the ~ Tvim
VblhP D. Lain, redguad. M. PUte baa for
me time beenemplyed is d oies of .
clM.k or t w adI taking a reg
warn Cseo law ,s sdM.
A byg. S- of wNd .m passed over this
Pima tonight, making much a gy.~het as to re
eg Unilere attutis. edt..run club has 7
sily ban organizd hers 1Sem wrs
sha a.ough tsViewover d.ing tereo.
Mr JonA. Pllye has b. apoitd
..te t hn .nthir distis atn.
rJes CZ . e= bag oms. Wsd
Nighte Mr. W. A. 8=616t, baing 00 mse tor
Co building C. ome.
Barry, am of Mr. CMe. Kalews of Poolas
vilinLattemptng ahy days ag to explode
a y t gad ons at. is ands so badly
..es ampuado bad tr be re
worlad t.
hs2 C UM. caeadm.se rsaw usagsed
. nting ers of property prior to making
:: ar".aley for County xpses. Itiaid
tata Ow Waders will exceed mny prevous
. .ew . ofdocoutyan the
tazabe b b wi . b e aely lasa.d.
Cards be bes iued for ta.. ma .ige #A
the M. Wi Chu, Silver spring, am Apri .of
Mate L oyes a O td . D srwL Ater
.. arige poe.s, g; be a reptio ar ol1;
.he -pmlam Pa.. I Tdei.,r y1;e Mr.tE
a. Plae for a. mab of March we reported
8. fllw. by P : f I -rd., esu: Dsltv.r
Registared letter, aordinary letters. L7ES;
postal s~ ua~U eod,
Mdrd sad I nteu.-413 Pas .-1ol
Iscted,-Le ehter, 48; mil betters, 2,621; .
ealpostal cards. 26. madl -ota cards. 69;. sac
Good, thir MAd foerolk-clsm matter. 105 pics
Total number of biashudled, 14,415. hi
adae a graif isicreas aver Previous
so-a o~ a 0naugurtion of &be syutei
hee. ILA.. A
carv cowr-4udge Naslgmavv.
Unarday- 'dtai&Drippe afgaSi Acill;
mate fa. Pr newiaverrule. a Y g
IaM- TLodge, L of P.; demurrer to defend
b......in. .e. aw ""nhe;
' byt"C a"i condit.oally.
~MMMM to Bsek out meond
vsohe; aum Chuch Ready;
smek fornow et. .~trial n che. oaft b...
...ta~s.. s~har hear
eri. W. fo Wrke 86L X. Jacks; oder
far., gemed ..s.g. .C..ue
Roamn cousv--JwgiwB~
ietmony in hdelphionrdred, Xob
e., ..ea .s Withis"
is st. 4 6 e.. ...Cs
y .ppeited d uste.
Needs Of C&a*n NdWel; order roebeld.
Estat 69,864cooky; aminiore u od
lt of I.. & ellam; IL .HDltngane
let.e .. adminisradam; bend, O .ve.
eUe Wal re.. Wosi . oi.ed
omdin,. boulk SMIn we AnnaI-Ed~
W. Z. -eak guardlan; dere alaying a%
L fd will ded., adied in pIelaI
ml betsr netmentary to Margaret AA
Dwyer; bead, OM6 losae of Edward Quill
I=-pito of widew for, -sir of edminis
awMise ad Columbia Rled Crim p V &.-w
following additisma eOmtribsUia Joand mL
J. Wright, 0of; Ja. U. M'bosou, $Is; D. S.
8&wrt, 060; J. Ones Dorey, $2; two gavers
meat employ*@, $7; Bernad IL Green, *I;
Reary Beard , C. M. ighter, 61.45;. a .
Sgemaker, ft~ Palmer ltIsO, 0i; Mrs. ]L
L Ourley, 02; Mrs. J. IL Kelley. 62;
IL LLaddngtos, InJo. C. Baxter, SO;
0. V. Deanna, *115: friewds, 45: Capt. Mahon,
Otmk 81; Mms Wati 0136 Ma1 IL ugh
M f Mrs. M. A. James, Is; v I 2d T jSI;
Wf-. 1Mster, 625; M a -aiat -1 Tf. Eb. __;
Ese~as asettne
gemtep Mewm o eto nem-a-me
"Ma VM ~ 1% nSE ~ o
in no psiasewc pws In sMtsy
'as a lse. a at pa&. Themam
paetieal parime-pLIa, emeale ead
pepte.-ore - poiu serm aiwe e
pse, and ual t o"I emeft s t am wee
on and at sv be me am*s hdp oimetsi is
s history of oe sias.
A deteri efer ha M mhds by a w
premIse.' -me s te s " ek up setiment
far gsMater Kil fOr t L u, but t hms bas
almost *dute. EAmsanseey is ber
Grover loveland and the dlogaties to the
cuhae mvestie5 w be I --eted for
him. CaL W, P. Tomiagse. editor of he
RO ens, who ha been the bead?7
ma in EaUein for the pat nve ye ar
mitted te Tax ,m* at that the
Eun" delegties weld bhe fat Cleve
lead. "Al whop tE o" he said, "is to pe
vest Istrseee and et ons a few HI men.
The as dem11 crati s mittee In largely for
Clmveaed, and that body will we te machinery
Is his Inteesat. Noeother eudidasse are talked
of here. The nase of Gov. Flower, Gov.
Bome. Senator Phliaer and ex-Gev. Gray are
rarely mationed. The iende of ex-Presldent
Cleveland re rallying their fores and will
Send a said delegaties I* Chcago for him.
-auNLCals aLMOr A Um, IOs *An==o=.
There is a like ai.ty among the republ!
an. for President Harraoen's renominaties.
The party Is almest a uit for hi. General
Alger has a lew friends in Kansa. among the
leadeaN.IsA they recognise the fact that
'a administration is indorsed by four
Afthe *t the party. The convention to elect
delegates to the Minaepolis evention will be
held at Hutchimson May 8, when a solid dele
gates fee the Presideate renomination will be
chosen. Since the Blaine letter deelining a
nominatie the republicans of Ean=as have
termed to Kariono, and so am but BMaine
eald get the delegation away from him.
Ta2 33orms'e Paar.
The people's party leader are preparing to
make a vigorous tight in Kansas and, is fat,
ball the northwestern states. Sentiment for
Randdoes on their national ticket i not yet
erystalised, but whet talk there- In Is larel
For Weaver and Polk as the third party les
Informetios ba been received here that Iowa
mad Nebraska will be for Weaver and Polk, and
i is probable that leass will join them.
The leade of the new part are very Marn
gain. of success and declare ta la=== will
will give its electoral vote tothe people's party.
Thin claim in baset an the hope that the demo
erats will put so electoral tiket in the Geld.
but eimply vote the people's electoral ticket
and thereby take Kases out of the republica
solumn, thrw the election Into the Houre and
bmere the election of a democratic President,
TS coa Jster 0m cogean.
On this'(Vint there i a wide diferenee of
opinion demong leading democrats. Some of
them declare that such action would wipe out
the democratic party in eas although it
should sacceed. Other. my it' could not be
made to wOrk becase thonsande ot ez.republi
ce an the new party would decline to be sed
for such purpose. It will be impossible to ee
ee a fusion of the democratie and people's
on electoral,state ad congressional
= as has been proposed by eoaae of the
prominent democrat. If suc a combine
could be made and the votes all delivered there
would be a majority against the republicans of
over 580,.
coxonZolAm CA*DMATU.
It is probable that "Jerry" Simpson will
have the democratic vote SE hs district, which
will mahe the eauteet very doubtful. In Otis'
district the democrats wil nominate a candi
date, in which event a republican successor
will be chosen. Clover has lost friends be
auae he dodged the vote on the @liver bill.
Thi = '@ party Wil probably lay him out
Ad democrats wall nominate a candidate
in his district unlem the alliance will concede
them th candidate, which is not likely. Davis
and Bakes will prqhby have so democratic
opponents, but will have most of that strength.
Broderich will be renominated by the republi
eans, as well as Faunsos, theagh a determined
light wall be made on his.
The contest for the republican nomination
for governor is just now occupying much at
tention. There are four candidate. in the
feld, but the fight is between ex-Congressman
Merrill and A. W. mith, with even chasme of
Ireweest at River View.
Capt. . L. Bandall, the proprietor of River
View, is making notable and extensive improve
ments at that rewort. The large dining room
and pavilion, one of the largest and best
equipped in the counstry, is now nearing oom
pltela. The drawings were made
by Mallett A Co., architects. The new
pavilion baa been erected upon the
river cliff everloaking the landin
afording a magnificent view of the river in
direction The dining room, elaborately fur
nashed is Ge'gia is 110 feet long and 86
feet wide and ih by incadecent lights.
A ipeetone pdreh earround. the dining room,
which e t from It by g rmah.
The bankasedn to the river hae been
graded and eown with blue gram.
An exteave se wal has been built
at the base of the bank. and the beach a
been mproved along the entir river front.
A new Sies electrie plant has been intro
deced. whiah will reader the grounds and
Smiln. very attractive at night.
The awitebbeck railroad has bees re
built and lengthened and the race track
recenstructeL. Many hadomme shade trees,
ehrube and fleoe have been planted, and
wl bud- divee laid eaadding to the plc
turoequeness of the place. Te improvement.
hen ae dUv ,will cost *U,00.
It isMe tn of t. Randall to offer
many brilliant attractions drng the mummer,
and to provide for the large crowd. he ha. In
eoni ao the a. n J. !enta, the historic
Mr Washington sad a new eteam launch, re
asn built. At the 7ih street wharf new of
fiees ad grand entrance are in ouarse of
ereetion. A domne will be built ever the main
estrance Ibr the bad and the entire front
ade ernasetl and attractiva. W. E. Gar
ner isthe buder.
Rtia ouncil, No. W7, 0. U. 9., met'riday
evening at Concll Ball, No. 5ld 9th street
northwest. The peeeose of ImaperIal Cma
mler Themam 3. maset cnd lamperial True.
1ee Urank Pisher, both of Pbinnanaphla, Pa.,
dogreatoe tatrest of the mseeting.
ordme, new ims, the , sasneting
a ten ~of or--ni=treos.eu
WIU aeames II. Dmer.
The will et the late Jaae N. Rusher hasn
bees dled. Be lcavas his personal eostt,
with the eseaptis. of money due from hia
ledge (Cstenaal No. 14, FA.AM.), which be
direets the legge to setain, to Margaret Aa
Dwyer and mamae her as ezecutrix. Prenisa
N. 3 0 etrsetartheast Is left teL. C. Wii.
tie 1wormn who
ge- ise It% the
seoman who es'S
ase ad ent be.
Esse who ha to
An-4 ne-d
thM6% made SE
0~ w mlas. aerny
woas es
S sme siat as**
the ~ ~ M W amausde asmai
star afsdeia em aseta ag
Wedesslg, 4b~ e aels btW~
dsmsesnebaem a
e Mise gasnss ea
me %amn aee te nes begi Wes a
INt he 1 em. A
es s dat wts "a -m to aafla separter
S t* I ma e5.e. tso asOsmet A .e.satis
9r I ...g 2 me hbiNew merwes r de
year eDOW ame dS, s , 10111 pesde e ba.
001 e lear sides, eNEM, swn and s
ebaahbb. was awarded to die we.knowa 5ra
of L 0. Armer A Co. of et ago, It one
hundred and twemn themad peae t this
bacon were to "ATMsh Nab., by reg
toabeen dIdi by I tamspnrta.
ties to Fine Ridge to be dsrited as'
Indiane. . e at was mpes beton la
meant in Chicago ia x ehssa by
atraofthea.d itwas -
a to be fully Up to the ea et eo
quirements. C Sa Pemey, "ug Indian agent
at Pine Rgefsdto rglethe ameat em
the ground tiat it*as d rsy, rancid -and
nft for food. Ceunm 1, M ggan otild
the o tetors and reqested them to We
the bacon with better quality. The
represeatative of the fra, in connection with
bunator Cullo1i, caled upon the comsa sioner
and protested that they veon being Rnau"*
dealt with. that the bacon was an they were b
for it, and requested that final ae sheajd
be deferred until the matter could fin
vestigatd. Accordingly. Commissioner Mop
n ireted that what bacon was still remain.
fag at Rusbville should be Iaspeeted by the
shipping clerk, Mr. J. I. West, who was ap
pointed to his position on the recommnadation
of Senator fanderson and theother members of
the Nebraska delegation, who had asserted that
he was thoroughly competentaud trustworthy.
He. with the aid of two butchers and experts,
ispected the bacon and reported it fully up to
the requirements of the contract, Commie
stoner Morgan, In order to avoid any possibil
ity of doubt, relieved from duty the man who
had Inspted the bacon in Chicago and ap
pointed another man who was reoommen
to him as an expert and directed him
to proceed to Pine Ridgo with instrue
tiens to make a critical and ex
baustive examination of the meal and repor
the result of his fndings. He did so, and said
that he found all, except a little les than 7.m0
pounds satifactory. On this the- commis
sioner directed the 7,000 pounds to be rejected
and replaced by the contractors with act
able meat, and directed the nt to issue t
which had been found isfctory.- Capt.
Brown, who had succeeded Capt. Penney, in
sisted that he was not wng to is
sue the bacon which had been pronounced
unlit for food by his predecessor and asked
that It be removed and otherbacon substituted
therefor. The commissioner then directed
that, pending the final determination of the
question and awaiting a change in the weather
when the bacon could be more fully examined,
the acting agent should issue to the
Indians full rations of beef in lieu of
the baacc. Recently, on the resemaanda
"on of Gen. Cyrus ussey, assistant secretOry
of the inte rior a third inspector has been ap
pointed and is now at Pine Ridge engaged in
making an examination of the bacon a the
Indian oBe is awaiting his report.
she Is Iadieted for Mansianghter in Causalg
Her Daughter's Death.
The grand jury of Dublin county, Ireland, to
which the venue of the case of Mrs. Annie Mar
garet Montagu was changed from Coleraine,
Londonderry county, Saturday returned a true
bill of manslaughter against the accused for
killing her three-year-old daughter Helen. It
also returned a rn bill charging her with wil
fully ill-treating Austin. Walter and Gilbert,
her three eons, all of whom are under the age
of fourteen years.
Mrs. Montagu tied up her little daughter to
a ring in the wall of a dark room, with her
hand behind her back, to punish her. In
some way the stocking with whch the little
zI was tied slipped about her neck, stranglag
Dessaselese Condition of Esquimault.
United States Consul Myers at Victoria, .C.,
is preparing for his government a compre
hensive report on the sealing question.
Acording to information received by a re
porter of the Colonist at Esquimault that
place is defenseless. If the necessary arrange.
ments are made by Canada and
England strong forts will - ber built
either at Brothers Island or the
meteorological station, with batteries at Mac
Auley's Point and elsewhere. The guns now in
the navy yard are one twelve-ton Armstrong,
five six-ine Armtrongs and em of Ave Inches,
There are also sixty forty pounders for the
China steamers.
Waver Anmexation.
The exodus from Canada of Wreneh Ca.
nadians to the New England states has
assumed enormous proportions. Thousands
are daily leaving their homes in varxioes
Parts of t*e province and going across te
border. La Pairk, the leading Frae liberal
paper, declares itself strongly in favor al. an
nexation to the United States.
The stock barns on the farm of Mrs. C. m.
EAkin, ner Oalem, N.J., have been burned with
their contents.
Placed on the Retired List, with
every progressive man or woman in
the United States, or at least ought to
be placed there-that is the old-time
methods, pills and mercurial and pol
sonens lotions and potion. sold for
constipation, Indigestion or stomach
diseases of all kinds, and in their
place adopt the Carlsbad Sprodel
Salts. It Is the moat efficacious treat
ment in the world; a 'never-failing
remedy for bad breath. Makes life a
pleasure and you can sat as heartily
as you please. Try them. Eisner &
Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, liw
toae a I hEw. s...
Iseet eatleiseaehetrsesm
marte he, eme snst i meso dpe
see ass abesemaset htwhoseametmm
asbetsasse etee the . pim'
sesse ses e I de'
easeiseseMitm ssan to esse eb
aio-. -d m~sia di6Os
ase sInw l.assasse,. se
binsss ases 44, o. ba
es tie ne
ehe m y uhsplame.s evea
They have asocesdfUy utoi
an by the public; their viru
the unsCuputlous imitators 1
the reputation of Airxncz's
in them, and claiming the
stand to-day endorsed by r
authorities, but by millions 4
proved their efficacy as a hou
Beware of imitations, and do notb
for ALLcocK's, and let no olicitatio
a substitute.
a.'. 11.I'r tO afsia
WE&W- ~ P &T~ Af D1AZLF
To learn Prof. Li ot's Freach Mystem of Drew
Iel O ~hing. srngat
atmd copy lash"o li. Thavembitigp.1sto
No reattinc on any term. Tern dadlseount coft
The now Iem n, -uight and dun.
Goodse mledf .w ANTON VISC0E3.
and duliveie. = a ST. N.W.
mh31 31M PENN. AVE. ,E.
TEUESDAT. Mash1 an ud FRIDAY. ALU 1. at
LeeA. & MAvir.
Gate wih Sai. A. T. WhIts).
10110 st. a.w. mh2m6-1
GENT.. Sun
Zni"A. and Boom tes a I Ws S1111r1
A. F. BoaxoT.
Soethuamt ea. 171h and amirmom &e
3m3Chsotaas. Phnuaalp"L
113 S. 10th at.. Pusialphia.
163 Couabla am.. Philadelphia.
710 Market at.. Wilmincrto@. Del.
11th and 0 se.. Waaiuso.-D6. r 17
ot a an UI to
make aheir own dernis or 5i aa eor.
it. LW. .Ma
""mo"de0gom de'" a; v"t'k"Se". nse . a.
taiior-=rni alakoe. aM sesh. Darntsw
Ma. e. ol&i . G.W. C i t no m .
".Ane ."im mode '" 3.t
Prumptly atN1S. a a"
gm %iaat~am to order; 10 oamiso&eg beer.bl
or wt cloth or nwaloop
1 tL LA or oI 4T ST.
eLem as. oint 17 e a do e de a
off'otablshm=10 Now York ae.v la-.m.
lodlr and raokItr~ic~~
Ma" e Naos rissotmb m
J45l6 Loelamv. Wahno.J.. pradtor
c..t" o Da ef'-m 's"- e.
G0--- W. KE N
Ca. . caet n ojret pme. awa,
T.E LA.T CwT F0. T... S3a...
If pom aminuase et a 1o leata theensuea
Look aS the emis wse.eina 55.15.
Losh tthe etewreiemit7.US.
Mo'stams 315 shamse ses dee~ -e th-a
chamaela, 0.0. 6L75, am4.M
It will payr to tlah it aSuene bses pe
salssaes eplebm eb.e
An' pit wu weeMi huewmamesmsses
wea heseeam msesse e Seunssg e
ea mstm~as.asae ma mw, mi
asmagessestn w .
tiieteNga E ctie eigegreGgeaseg
mm uapca in
Ile uaety of om deai
8 have mwwe bee. equaled by
ho hav ugtt to trade upon
by maigPlauMM with holes I
- b jogt as good a
ornythe highes medica
of ratefid patients who have
By atre bywersmaloa Ask
or expaainibeyu oacp
7Xsomvswe~iniW pIama.08
=e7 ft a.
left s*iteeaF
-~ , rmuSha "W . rre
my wmemo~ A me~w =9 fmd pm*.
W~~03M wIN ov GOmde CW"b
bimeJfw D0 Wue ealgm
EMT DMOoMAT It~ la.sesa
SKOD-MD PIANOS. A la.ailel
mwbftw @boom emy mUwel ft. the
F.S.~I MI 11 PA. AVE. S.W..
bbhtabgftwme Oslebasd
b wp~ Z WM.
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