Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENLNG STAW U3eU.mmU3- -AiLY, ?1XCUP aIN3AT AT T1E %TAX BUILDING& Im lmIylvanis Av.., cmwr 11th f. by The bnar Newpaper OmpW. 5. . KAFFFVANN, Pr'lt 2. Yak One. - Pete bcbbg -. . .... u W~* eq fr w~ twa * pme~ Eh .mett.the 9"l * i ".."".,,.'"|E'"' VO. 81, No 20.409. WASHINGTON. D. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1892. TWO CENTS. at Sea. FINANCIAL . IT ERT PAI r PION U EDpoSIT. 14M knhw hnw it in with a mbowhall. Ton It at th- ton .? a hill. ad routie down Sevtantlyt I ar:h'.hr t telf More snow and ha-nm-%r , wr.,-r and larmr 14- tt t. - ith or:3l. sa'agt . You start with a Mil s-ro n y r-...ntly a'liing to it the OA.onat --. o ar.Ir anl timr.r. Eery Sir uLet h.- a theqtnninr. an't nerly all erbh mo wer. n - j. er If y-t h-rin to save s71srnatt. &I ,. &I I prstetetly y, u will even Sually become r&. hi Thi pn> pa- interst upon4posits. Ntach ..$. It., 'tr- i-t t 4 h.-k asay timne. We W,u1d b pe#se t9 opa On geeuat WtA 11". AJOKT TRE roi:4E WAREHU1.FSE. We hav- stoawr scc.iimnolation for every Sthsa imnaamat. anl P.rtal.r The laor~ ultI.t1nia it a..ed to our strage war-huet X1--% s alu ot doub.e our formner Uf You ar"- iring to br,-ak Tp houselkeeping we will pat-k anl mm.. I-y mar rond .r store them tor a anOtuaal enrn, rei-ving of all trouble an eastety. W.- emzploy non- but '*export" handler, at parkir and guarantae the most -flrient sevil.-. AIRI1411 4FC-RITV AND TEr4T CO. A. r. PIR1TTON. Presdent. 3B1ZEI1 Ror'F. 14,; ST N. W. I RIAt0 WAREHO--4E. 1140 1"1rB ST. N.W. 1V4..T r. SAVE 'FCTAIN AW.ol %r EACI M4NTH' IF -T l. Kt 1.11;E FIOR SHAREN 1.% * t Filil: I I Y UT II. 1N1%. LOAN AND TN\I4 T ELNT A" K I%1l3-N. 1014 0 s r N A. TIT I -. 411 1i F MIN I It 'N EACH SHARE. . I :*.I ri% iti F IN lir: NI, 'NITls. 0200. "4'V. Y'I M'NEY T, INVFAT? PER t' 1i hN il-l. I-r N PE ANN4'M 000 I N '1 k iF' AI E T43 RE Fo.R13YEARS. I A 3t IVI. EN14T PER ANN1'M ON 1% 1. 1 1l' Is-IT OF 07, V. MOIltE. * . E WIIi'.AIN ANY TIME oN:3 %I,*s Ne-f T.71 1 M''NEY 1. ANI. ) TiO SHIAREHOLDER4 ''1\ VtN 1.1 I;lrIDATTHE RATEOF 913 IFR MI-NTII OIN EACH 1.r00 BOR Mil'AIIE 43-R TERMS WITH THOSE OF A N' I rr'ilEt; A.-)4 111110X. Co .to% LOAN EL' TO SHAREHOILDERS UP To vATE. sTOCK L-iCjRiFnON 300es 4 1E3 AI. THYE TIME. R4 T1AlKIISON DINOMAN. Pmident. WOOD & Co.. BANKUM. WASBINGTON. D. C. To.erl-ehbaviag idle funds that they may deglre Io Use 40 tYm1 we w.kul call spectaW at1.a to er Iateest ratsof 3 pes eepe anm em euirttaset de p9w~t. parab on demanl Thi lsavery 1eirabi&- way to deposit much funds. as you my wit'Araw them at amy thus, wtbot 0141ee. with intere. 013 TIME CENTIFICATES Pur rasoe we as folk wa. via: Ep able in three months. 4 per cnt. . . . 5 per ent. ne year. 6 per cent. Imtere, payable quarterly. soemi-aaaally ee ao desIred. CALL AND bEE UF. ftywr!' I' Close 4:3 Tramart a =.eneral leaking bu-m 1?1 F ST. N. W. ocl 'Ni LDING N4543IATION. he fI't ny t.-ti ef the mr'TrA F!:T;I Al. be IT%.. A4-'1.ATION will-he hel. ' %-;'. Cth a,-t F st. .w.. No-NIDAY ow .s, ,. ~h .r-en -.01 s-r ah..t. fea an.3 ' ' s wnen of i 'rumonth. 1 1 - te. .1 f -r a unonthly Pearnt o ttr. .. .. ~In The-mismerat'finte - - 1 1 .. .na.,. * $01(3) or lo're taai in a4 - -- r- n wb,, ran.,t a t.Ad th -I * , ' n.. fro,.At t o'- 1,k-L &.m - k : ws; F l b anh informs 11.1..- e n t 13 7 ot Ihst. .w. . , t '%sa -.- .-10 liJ t A w tory. 11. .: sat nw. - I- i.s .1S;I. nwm. J I Mst. s.w. . : thst. a.1 1- "r R, n ID Pt. I. w. 4~~~~..... .,......L.. s..... . . tony * I fi'TF1-. ni -* H-i. I I *14's t'14lJ-AN, I.... ... Us*- -- 3 - . -I* 4I -- an a-ter S -mi . a? e- . - . i.... : u-.... ia . avn fef ' - r - tart- a i . . -- . 1 - .a ..! les - -- -set ,fe n ov10 ) 'a a r= og- t -', - . .t .. -i~. n - - . ley sfvdet.' * -e-sbaa w'. .avhte34. .* -3 -l. *5r . ~ l ' -a to t ...-.......eel ir. .: ).tj n. of-a h " - ~ - teC .-; -e.. ea 4tns sara ta n6-L. * te Itat~rt.- -.-rql5t eMt:TaRl Sart- . -.rrn .at--?i.- -a -a e . .' in -4.r.a I~ w a??- 'ar . 01. art 01 ) ur ra ....aidnan -s. e m e ,:. It r l.. . ..?'.<.r 4.v-s t:n el 3.r: e - -I re In..aniSa-.tUalan F135 ' a 1.1''' * .A --4.S AKND LAOTOA IATL'. Lfl'' I c. N. M e 1t.l'i' - ~rY Ipeade. 1-.T h te - I' tre tir, ies e sa is-.fP -. h ---te - . '. y. ti Ha.& :.N -tm:.. n. 1.n W rne . ea . -i ls to f Li Te;-'.. . @. 3ness... - 1. l -e U.SI StOE3. r-er. w .--.5 e .N a . * .::a . - : , I N * N FINANCIAL SOUD. SAFE. CONSERVATIVE. PROrlT ART V STOCK IN THE CO.OPERATIVE TOWN COMPANY. You can ally yourself with the most promising land tavestment comr any In the nonth en easy terna. A small atuoust invested reaps the advantage af ecan btnedcapital. Do you know about Elizabethten. the future ma facturing and residence ity of the south? New enter priee are constantily locating there and prices are ad vancing. Every share of stock sold this mouth will reap the ben-Ata sure to follow. Perons of limited mean. should Investigate tde ofer. A few years of succom will make the holder Cf ten share. of this stock a wealthy man. Managd by the following board of directors: B Bon. JOHN 0. CARLISLE. Ron. ISHAM 0. BARRIS. Bon. M. C. HANBROUGE. BOI. RBERT P. POLTER. BOn. BENJ. BUTTERWORTE." Bon. LA)UIS L McCOMAS. A. T. BRITTON. Ofce hour 8:30 to 5:3. T C. I. MoBLAI. Agent. 61 N3 *Aileatic bia.ldin. W. S. HOGE PRes T. C. DANIEL. Sec. U SITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO CIATION. 2313 F at., Washington. D. C. I Shares. 6100 Pavame Is asffthly lnstallbnemta - which parie1pate is all profit and mature in S1 montha. Pays interest om money deposited in any amount. 5 and I per cent taterest paid on special depote from the date they are made. oc2S-tf A . CBIMOLM & Co. .BANKERS AND BROKER&. 61 Broalway. N. Y. RIAILROAD ItTfICKt AND B0NDM STATE. COVNTT AND TOWN BONDS (RAUN AND PROVINIONS And all securtti-s that are dealt in on New YTnrlh Chicago, an Franeta-o. Philadelpblaor Boston. icha bouht ant s.Id for cash or carried on margin. COMMI4-ION 1-16. Loans made on Railroad Stocks and Bonds, &. Interest allowed op balance. (Fptablibeed l7tL) head for Market Letter. no-7 __'_ 111REVENTION 19 BETTER THtAN CURL-LIFE rnceprevent saffering and destitution. but after an itlnces or Premature death it is too late for, or Mrrention and a cure is impoidblo. The Equitabl r (of New York I to the stronr.t and most liberal. oc1-3m CHARLES L GURLEY. l:f2ctF at. nw. BE ORIO NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON. THA Washington. D. C.. Conwer 12th and 0 aft w. 4Captal 42M00.) 3 Will tam ecrticatesand estimedeod On! 41f5 or more u~if fzamhag c!Uzperan . .. (1.. .....12 Pale deposit osa from 2In a. um. .tIm C. B.EPA"IJI. C -ahie. Tax NATIONA. sAN DEPOSIT. ? toi SAVINGS AND TRUT COMPANY ' hi Of 40 Diftet Of ColmbiA, at. P. CONE 35TI ST. AND NEW YORK ATI . Chrtmle 11 aped aet ot Congrm Jm....aad d. .Oct...n.d .b,.. WK 8e CAPTAL: ONE MILLION DOLLANS. W 3rentafemirom Sbieach upward per anmen (W1 0. Silver were end salatee takesnd tod. -E1 CZ1ENT so a0m aesested dg t .re~ n..e ....fel.t..e Ps e and boos Wisee of cheage-eots an us Col eem.AmmeAmore==, ed Trusbtes-executes Trade , ami he E I a . C CHAJN P. iNTEs PrN. j~NSN JO*PTO. Second ;1.ce I. FRANCIS RIGOR. Treasurer. ALBERT L. UTUETETANT. decretary. Directors: J10114111 P. Snyder. ~ ~ l Albert IL Sturteyss Aare pie e. Charles A. Jamea e MenryA A ilard. IFrancis R111s.1r0 Janee M. Johnstan. Charles C. Gover. s X.Ro r . John .Parke. WE Thomea Hyd. John F. Rodere. ,IA Wl taaI EClark. Uy 3M Thomas U. Jones. , a EWis 0. TEWKSBURY. W. B. BIBBS. lit Banker.O bndwi XY. Stock .ange. LEWIS 0. TEWEIvEURY & CO., BANNEW AND BROKERS. w 13:1 F ST.. WASHINGTON. D. C., Ba Buy and s%.U for vash or on margin Stocks. Bond.& m1 Grain. Provi'als and OIL. tal Direct private irest t New York and Chicago dr rt-et ,low-d on deposits. 0-- n-f-town hustness a ppfisty. bel All L--al Seurities dealt in. He Constant quotatiana all markets. Telephone-65. oe-!l-tr -- -_______________ !AVE A LARGE AMOUNT OF TRUST FUNDS r whichjr I can inan on reml estat ecrtty as 5 C1 cet. Address J. B.. Star oedce. C. T. HAVENNER. Member Washington Stock Exchange. Ral Estate and Stock Broker. Roon. 9 aad IL Atlantic Building. t@O F st. n. w. INVESTMENT sECURITIES. Storks. Bonds and Grain bought anad aold for ecsh or' on marin. Cotitn bought and sold in Nvw York or New Orleans. CORR&P? N LaDENTIB hJ. S. Beche A Co., New Yo.rk Stock Emchange. L4 L-brnan Bru,.. New York Cotton Exchange. I-bhaan.ftern a 4o..New OrleansCotton Exchange.4 L amon Bros. *.o., Chicamo Board of Trade. Pnaate wirea to New York. Chicago and New Or .lertne. Telephone. 4-.3. jel7-tr a CORSON A MACARTNEY. c SItTER IWILDING. 1419 F ST. N.W..I ankera and Dealer, tn GI.vernmeat Boas.m De-gestte. Exchange. Ioam. Collections. Railroad t t..eks an- t Itondes and all aecarities listed en b. the-tcang-.. of New Yo.rk. Patina.lpnaa. Boatom and Baltina .re bought and soid. I.ene 4tta k de-alt in.anTae 3 Ameriran ll Telephone Stock bought andaeld.jyliS SPECIALNOTICES. p. , RENk.W TRO"sEINOS. - i 3:st .enr'-l anotl:er .10 patterns .f Iiu." 'tnpel Wor..ted which w..-aJ aktos . ).y ahmure from 501'. I 1.. '. are exce.llen: and at traet!'. -trit'. W-- ruarantee- a terfect At! .a n and t zaanine then. J. **.1 ' 4.a ' 'E . h le '/ Kea's 4-N n!ti. .t. n.a , one do.r abov.time 'avenue." .3 THEi FALL. Oh ROME." -... tte - andardl 1t1n a.- m.natertally us. w e a a.,s a eename dieear e t) a.r ..a- frea mrtut.sneee' 3nures. I aar a tot? I.e. t here! Juerta e. c p - g asf ro.. a bre Geod. 'tor. ''Dae Cone. BA LL ANTYNE A SONS, cTI *C -.' . n iSt. nw r71 3ntUL1 DRlfnS hUlTS MO IME. se't~h 7t i t aw. TDEMOCRAT IC VOT'ERS. mei Pm All dsmocratte voters of the diferest statea es pge. Ch ceua crde. for railed tacke t. red-e reia bya applytog at Room 31. Waabingto 1am an d an buiding. cocaer 9th andF Ma a. nw. JOHN 5. MIIJr-E. Al eelS-l7t , Charmam.mae. ~ JNO.MOANUStPR ATE.~ :atr s aN cei. Teep ar . sl g OPE Fm=PLACE FO5 COAL. OR WOOD) AND BEAUS 605 Fer MANTER.. ANDen.E. HAYWARD a gS etme SPECIAL NOTICES. .jF MPORTANT FACTS TERSELY TOLD. n The Hon. Comfort we have the beet 01175 Gas Me" Stove n fAhe elt. Gee a a h w th nieak 7an ralons d the com. . tin p.lte on all o .75 stoves. geeis e~. besutyand throws out a os amount or neat for its sie. If t y thewo I rou wish to pay for a oeoS most redly buy the 0 . . * Hundreds evideitly reed our talk an the dosw. an Idea o ay people It to just s we stated-he sethat ever crossed a hardweare Counter. We will re a new one for every o1 red the lestwlse defectiveor Un It will utre about a fourth as much more coal heat your house without weather srips with 17 You se hi p a hundred-fold. testrIee are Zy will last an ordinary house's lifetime. a estimate on Felt-strippin your house. muRER & ROS sgders' Bardavre. )L. 11TH AND 0 STI. W. W. ni IMPORTED VS. CALIFORNIA WINM In buying Imported Wines you proetz calty par import duty. a premium on the label. sad pay freight both ways. You get no better wines and rarely t a. as the brands we sell. If have ying Imt d Wines atsangl1webthat yurwill imlofy try our* 'OLD ERMIA AGt pride I fornia Claret. 75c. qt.. 6per case of LI qta. )-KAIWN WINE OOMPANY. 4 14th St. nw. n31 Telephone. 90. COAL FACTS FOR COLD WEATHER. Coal is scarce, but we shall look out for our own custom era. Coal Is high, but it will likaly be hIgher-cartainly not lower. Bay not. Our motto is. *Conplete facilities. bottom prices. full weight and measure." and our sue cesa rvea the wisdom of our methoda. Ei ka ffirst-class fuel. BALDWIN JOHNON tr 1101 R. . are.. 511 A St. n.e.. 514% st.s.w. CAR LOAD OF HORSES AT CENTRAL STABLES, 3-34 400 14th at n. w. AS TUE MANUFACTURER OF THE BRADBURY PIANO. I can offer you special Inducements should you wish to purchase a high grade piano; you will not have to pay the pronta and commis stom ced by agents and dealers buy direct fro- Mrst as'e: no extra charwe for natural woods, all pianos sld on $10 monthly install ments; no interest. F. 0. SMITH. n2-M Manufacturer Bradbury Pianos. --- ALL VIROINIA DEMOCRATIC VOTERS are requested to call at 1420 Pa. aye 2d or. make arrangements for transportation. Rall 1n from 10 a.n. to 16 p. m. each a. 11-0l* RODT N. HA R. Secretary. BERIAr. SAVINGS AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. (NEW 30TH ISSUE.) 7he books for subscription to stock in the NEW IH ISSUE are now open at the ofce of the SERIAL SAVINGS AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, Kellogg Building. 1416 F 6t. Lw. SHARES 41.00 EACH. to back dues. Au per cent Interest gu-asteed on ek withdrawn and on loans settled. Four per cent erest paid on deposits In addition to the6 per cent stock. The t5fth Issue wa. the largestin the hi 7 of the Association. Matured stock was credited lh 11 per ceat interest. rhe rerular monthly meetinr of the "Sera" will held at its office In the Kellog building. 1416 F nIw.. WEDNESDlAY. lob instant, at 8 o'clock n.. at which time the new 30th issue will begin. but ick may be subscribed for an sday at the oface of the eretory and Treasurer. 1411 F St. n.w. lecsipt books furnished containin constitution. ROBT. 0. CAMPBE L. President, 51llothsft. n. ) G DIXON Vice President. gecom Genera's Ofice. War Department. DIRECTORS: 1. MAYRF, J. D. TERRILL. :). H. FRINCH. CHAN. C. HALL S. FIRIIN GEO. W. CRAWL FNO. A. PESCOTT. Secretary and Trteerer. 1-I8 Relcgg building. 1416 st. . W. theo tie toave yd "a well-known fact that a shirt d In the ie warur for winter and cooler for Sumner. We re one the bet equipped shirt factories inthe mtr. employ only urhly e en work s. and tee perfect-ttmng rts1 msde in the it emanner. If otherwise des t keep them. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. CLEVELAND AND STEVENSON. HEADQUARTEZtA OF THE WlSORY COMMITTKE OF THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLrMBIA. NO. 1213 F STREET NORTHWEST. tends of democracy and citizens who desire the etion of the democratic candidaty for the maidency and vice presidency of the republic. have entered on tb@ last month of the cam Inn. 'ermit the unersigned to remind you. h and all. that while many have generously ponded in sup- ort of the democratic cause. there P multitudes who undoubtedly desire its tri aph and would hail such triumph as a boon to all imrs of the people. but who have as yet rendered no towrd its accomplishmen'. It is believed that a Ile redection will convince all such persons that a oidential campaign cannot be carried on without rolingm a legitimate ad heavy burden of eznen e 1 that it is only just that this burden ahould be me. not by a sinale -lss, but by all the friends and U1-wishers of our rsams. ovntributions will be received by the treasurer. J. rrison Johns n at the rooms of the advisory com itee. No. 1213 St. n. w.. second Soor. or remit wee may be me to him by mail. If preferred. ad seed to Ick Sfbi W. ontributiona may Also he made to any of the mema ,a of theadvisory committee, whose names are pub bed In thepape of this date. Areipt will be ty furnished and will be fol red with acknowl uents of the democratic na Sal committee from New York city. MARTIN F. MORRIS sirman of the Advisory Committee of the 6emo ratie Nationa. Committee for the District of Ca mabia. 3-tr JAMES L. NORRIS. Chairman ex-offcio. WAS THAT BRIEF PRINTED COR reetly? Was Itfurnished at 90cents a page tor5O copies? If not let me have your next one. Promptness. Accurscesad Punctusmtv" guaranteed. BYRON S. ADAMS. Printer. Telephone 9lU. oe4l 5J 11ith st. n.w. -;FOR bALL-HoltlIE BLANKET - AND LAP UOBES. e-lankets for street use: "5A Electric.......................00 "SA 'mnitan".......... ...2.7 and 3. "5A Peerless'........... 4.00 use Blankets for stable use: **.A Baker"................................ 4.10 P Robes OfLU kinds..................O to 15.00 WODWR &on ~llir LOTIIROP 0 10 H. IITH AND F 8 rS. N. %r. oc18-3m 4i AMERICAN ICE AND COAL CO.. OFFICE e. w. ccr. 10th and F nw. Telephone 4M, It dlit? Ceale- A trecite, (annelu and N p!int. Iscements to eU saA cuseomers. Contract with tional Co-operative Aa~doa.n M-r--ctan guar leed. *?i40esouds to the ton. E. M. WILL.IS. ei.. Vice President and 3tanager. ~~snred is ~DENTIST. reovd i eo to c13-lm 1012lFst. .w. I'U. S. DENTAL ASSN. Cor. 7th and Dn.w. 'he ladng desit oegas.atn of Atmerica, corn med exelusively of expert .pecia11... Eztractingr.................i... 01 "with~eaor~onina... .5I3 Cleanlagr....................... .73 Eiiing with Silver. .......... .5 Platins............. 1.0 *Gold..seording to dae VERtY REST TEETHI ffell set). "wJ c21 Crown and Brdge Work a speeialty. CHAVE YOUR FURNACEM. ItRtIEB AND LATSOBES tln deir b comptn r t before the hbw P. G. BA UERO., c3-3u' 6140th ct. a. w. -TM AT E L . ANDIU4IW..FNEU 1ad H Mmb t. - zPENSION ATTORNEYB 1our aton Is celdto the NdsAt * Erh aathe(.tsmana use call and ezamOne.. noow. c:7-15t PobIShn.. D at. a. w. fiE PROPET ADjACENt TO THE ft or sest fh ame sted..shallstar ode...c. * S .Sr lgt .ter... itls d..irag to rent h, .gis.w san have A. H. SEMMES. mE e. - NiE - U ME. E. G ~Wheler has this an t initoss. *peraens havingelmine are e b t the..l .8 to hee.u..n 186 aininw.w whor:"r..a~er-'-C8~ m::---- t. SPECIAL NOTICE9. 8PIW fUALl8M. -Mi MAL40IE GAULE ofOwj~e~h wondrnul gifts& teat &7ev~j1 4.10 the day reea set V IL PUB CANS. -TRANSPOR A A O a be otained all day Pa. eve. RALP1ON. Chatrman. nad WASHINGTON D C..00 BRg12. SAt&ameigo the directors of the Eckin and sol ome a a C .held th day, it waordered: The et 0 a autlariled byoConerteaendthchlarterofthezEhiln 1 boo ed for se aC lt . e be given to the shareholders of the companyof mu binr at par, on or before the 10th day of No vember. 1802. on which date the prtvilere will cease. for 85 per cent of their respective holdings as they aad registered November 18bdt. Ten dollars per share to paid to I. Kertz John Wei. treasurer, 100 F st. u. w.. at time of sulmrlp 1ton and ? sabare on January 1. February 1 and Mmar d 1. tockholdeTa sW~ mathtc~ e apay, =anto and receive r o the payment 0f th m0nr c e, for. Autock not subscribed for by November 10 1M, will be offered for sale to any one desing the same as not leam than par. Shareholders will at their stock to the secretary for certilcation to treasurer. n33t JOSEPH PAUL. Secretary. CHAS. E. NAYLOR INFORMS HIS friends that he is now ssociated with Crarading cr lth and F ate. n. w.. and is prepared to show tem the meat extensive line ofnpo lar-priced Furniture and Draperies in the city. WANTED-4$0 LADIES AND GENTLE men canvacsera to sell the celebrated Pail lard nte Itoxew on weekly or anonil mni; referene- required. Cell at A. L SALTE~TI Jr .a, Diamond Pa ace. OME 7th at. n. w. n.43t " IFOR'RNT FINE OFFICE ROOMN IN MOST DESIRABLY TACATIONR. JOHN B. WIGHT n3-1m 1410 Gst. DR..L. C. F. HUGO HAS REMOVED RIS _ ofce to 808 17th at. n. w. al-ft & ;LO Ts MORE OP THOSE HAND b lsohe Cheviot nuits-colors. blue and black. ite of coat. double-breasted sack. :1 buttons. Style of veast, double-breasted lapel collar. 4 buttons. Roge of coat and vest are fnished with a single stitching. Price of suit. *30. Coat and vact. GEORGE SPRANSr. ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER. muS-3 436 7th street. TO REPUBLICANS.-THE PRESIDEN tial campairn of IM92 is now measured by a fe A chanare of 1 per cent in the votes of two or three states may turn the election. To get out our full party vote i Indis ensable to eucces. That re quires a heavy burden of loitimate expense. and the om n must relyu ua the voluntary contr; MIL~tonwho deir ts succer. All wedl-wishers of the republican cause are urgettly Invited to send in their cont-ibutions to either of the following members of the adlviso.ry cvmipittee of the reul national committee without delay: GARD ER U. HUBBARD. 1:2 Connecticut ave. MYRO M. PAtKER. 141H F at. n. w. FRANK B. NOVEN. 1101 Pennsylvaniaave. n3w. E. KURTZ JOHNSON. til5 lth at. n. w. HENRY C. WINSHIP foot of 0th st. A. B. BROWN E PaciAc building. HENRY F. BLOtNT. The oaks. Georgetown. D.C. I. a. BURDETT 2y St. n. w. A. T OMA l' 14 2h At. n. w. JONE H R&EL. 314 Pennsylvania ave. a. a JOHN W. THOMPSON. 61315th wt. a. w. OW JOY ED4ON. 1003 F at. a. w. IS T. MICHK4EN . Pacitle building. A. T. BRITTON. 1461 U st. n. w. HENRY A. WILLARD. All contributions will be promptly acknowledged b A. T. BtITTkON, Treasu er. and will be followed receipts direct to each contributor from the repub national committee in New York city. oc3t , ON AND AFTER OCTOBFI 20. 192. comuatation tickets. entitling holders to 1 rides per month, mood over both the end Trnallytows railway and the T lowad Rockville railroad. Uthh od at G w, for mach. 'hie Pre1ident Georpetown and President Tenall town and e17-1m Rockville Rail Company. OY.A SDCB LMRZ318 Suggs ad Overcoats. EISNMfSAROB. Here for asodetv. Herer low prices. tier-jer rei laitf . erer protecti on. KIREMAN BROS.. Cor. 7th and E sta. n.w.. oec17 ManufactureraClothlerc and Tallors. DR. LIGATHILL DEVOTES HIS EX. lumve attention to the cure of Catarri. Asthma. Deatness.Throat Afections, Bronchitis and Consump. tion. Oes 1411E at. nw. hours ronm 8 to 12 and 4 to M _ el!2-lm - YOU WANT FINE GROCERIES1? Cxandexamine our comlete and fresh stock for he fall trade. Residents of Georgetown. it will pay ron to open your account with us. oC14- d and N hts.. n. W. OFFUTT. BARBEFS, ASEMILY. K. OF I. IN vite organized labor to patr6nise barber a tht dsplay the blue triangle i o'clock closing Gd EO. . B OWN. x.W oeldtm* L LARMING REPORTS c ns relative to the Pearcity of coal. causedby ack uf transpo tation facilIttes. Dea;ers who depen lpon eurrent vai ment4 for supplying their trade are manble to fill orders for certain grades. I have theu lands of oena of coal, all grades and atzes. Th loreest ituck its the ey vawaiting your orders. J. MAURY DOVE. Main omoe. 21st and I eta. a. w. iranch Ofces. Wharvee. i2ti H t. n. w. Foot F an Gets. LE2 MSt. n. w. 2th and K ste. WARINGTON. D.C.. November I ISME. We beg to announce that we have stablied a FINE' GRiO11tty At No. 1&23 Connecticut avenue adjoining the PALACE MARKET. We have a full stock of well-seeltcted fresh goods. which we are offering at reasonable prices. Mr. Stake has been with J. U. Bryan Bros. for eich een years. For the nnvenience of patrous. orders for groceries !om us or for market supplies from the PA LACE WAUKUT an be sent through the drivers from either store. We esPeelly sictour patronage. JAMES E. STAKE & 00. Telphone 121g. n-lw C~BU TTER. We are offering a delicious BUTTER In pakagee ontaining three pounds and lye pounds sen. It is equal in quality to any print butter on the mar et. Pries, 35 centa pe poun. Tlpon.12 al-lw 1IE3 Connecticut avenue. 5 D. WM.R .KING H AN REMOVED ~hil~I omce ad reaidence to 1423 K st. : hours 9 1-addt ; Sudys I t 12 only; teephon IM U. JOHN THEOPHIL, eoved his cido to liew York ee .w Wo tours: 12-1land 44._____2___Mi___ * E~rRBURN LUTHIA WATER OF VIE ~INIA daU fresh trams Sprins. Nature's andea, freA.r 1 nhat .w ;Teahoe17 ~TWO NOYVELTIE FOR NINETT -TREE. DIAMOND RAarnLER No. 3. pmeur in to o aon incuigto eORUUL.Y & JUPPERT MPG.00.. W.C. MERTSS ThBrfAs New be esed with Femeahf. Wha we .. .g.. w. ...ethe e...t.- tP~ etd ths8....mi.. Whare a. es wee ses..e 46e celebrated --Mere...tsoew .... SPECIAL NOTICES. LSvatsratI musio Hall. SUNDAY, No Tom thi 41new home of thiefrst Naoal Assa elaton 8pkItuists will be 4deene to ritua baen. Hall of Chicago, the oloqunM po the a will be our Speaker for the Sundal* In oveniberh 1And age GaIRIS of Baltimore the me m re someth 1wderful. Not to hear Mage ll now that o nity oes will be 0 Indeed. m. 0 a= . .1 1:33 amtu ruh spritualim. .o lecta. nal GEORGETOWN UNIVKltST. sCHOOL or LAW. Ron. Henry B. ell=Inia Supreme Coart of th nited Ste e the introductorylorturp of his coure oil trraitspl aence In Uni versity Law bull 505 E it. mw., 0n MA TURDAYKEVENIUG mber5. at7:Mo'clook. Friends of the School nd othere interested aO cor diallyinvited to be present. S. M. YEATMAN. ne4-2t Secretary. W-, ,J ACKON DEMOCRATIC ASSOCiATIO. T association will hold its regular meeting FRIDAY1 VENING. November 4. at 7:30 o'clock. to Odeon Hall. Every member should be present. as important matters wihl be presented for consideration. At this meeting eards of admission to the parlors in Hotel Lawrence will be delivered to each member. at which place. od November 8. the association will we esive and announce -leetion returns. JAMS A L NORRIS, Prealdent. NAT. SARDO. Secretary. it DEMOCRATIC ADVISORY CUMMITTE. There will be a regular meeting of the advisory comnmlittee of the democratic national committee for the District of Columbia SATURDAY EVEadNG. November 5. 1807. at 7::10 o'clock, In the red parlor. Ebbitt House Ila earneally requested that each member be preeat and that every gentleman who was Intrusted with a subscription book will hand the same In at this metigaf. MARTIN F. MORRIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. JAMES L NORHIS. I. E. L., WHITE, Chairman ex-olielo. Secretary. n4-2t ab- HEAD UARTERS MARYLAND DEMO. critic Club. D. C.. 1213 F wt. u. w.. *"A Boor. r transortation of voters to the 5th and Oth Con istricts.-All voters desiring information call at once on the committee from 9 & n. to 10 p. m. OLIVER T. BEAU MON f Chairman Cam. Con. CHAI. T. CARROLL. Chairmant Trana.Com. n4-gt* MARYLAND REPUBLICAN ASSOCIA tion meets at 1411 Pa.ave..:k Bfoor.7 1hOC ER 4. Ibit. Arrangemients for transpra tiou for voters, he. [lt-] T. D. BOND. It. K THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER has no shift key. It ha a key for every character, but -ou have to learn no more than if two charactere were on one key. became the capital letters and the small letters are in the same relative loitons. It is the most modern machine. ON TRIAL FREE! HENRY A. CLARKE & SON. Agents. W35 F STREET. ALVA HUBBARD & CO. Put In the steam heating apparatus for ri. A. Haines' large store buildint. no4-Lm O1iee: Baltimore and Washinrton. DR. NEWIN B. SHADE. WHO HAR SEEN temporarily located at the "Lincoln" the past year. has removed his ofice and located perma nently at 929 a n.w. Odice hours: 8to10a.n., 2to4and7p.m. n-6t* The weathr is liketlV to be shourye; clearing Satur da afiernoon; toest grinde. Lumber is getting better every year. Better in ruanufacture.-lower In isrice. As a result the cowt of building I much lees. You are benefted. We started the crusade against hilrn prices for lun her and shall continue to lead. Klin-dried Georgia Pine Flooring. v pretty. all one width. 52.50 per 100.q. feet. Kilu-dried G(ang-eawed N. C. Boards only 411.I~v per 100 equare feet % it),-Thick N. C. Siding only 01 per 2W " feet. East Waihington patrons can order from our branch yard, corner 11th and Oss. S.e. Libley. Bittinger A Miller. Lumber and Mill Work. Cur. 45th ant N. Y. ave. n. w. Cor. 11th and O ts. a.e. *4 3 THE PHONOGRAPH FOR OFFICE WORK. No dictation I" too fast. no to technical but that the Phonra hear an. record every word of it ecItly as it Weon. The Pho repeats et whet DOLUTBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. 027Et. .w. It . D. EASTON. Fre. R. F._CdOMELIN. hc. COAL BUSINESS CONDUCTED RIGHTLY We would rather uaderstate than over r our ease. We can buy good coat as low as any oUter coal dealer and can certainly afford to melt as low. Rest assured that 's w1.1 not let others do letter for you than t'ureelve.. Buy now, as c"a will never be cheapeer. unecowl. i fright a, jot deliveryV. Main Yard. cor. 4th and I ate. n.e. Branch-Caywood's. Uth andN. Y. ave. a3-3m ON THE LIBERAL PLAN. There lo nothing mercenary about our bust ness methods. We can give you the best W aqa at the lowest prices and do the work prompy and ejrdently. Architects will do well in per mifting us to bid on their plans and speci-s. tione. We're "e"per' handiers of glase" in the broadet sene of the word. HAS. E. HODGKIN. * 'Expert Handtertit Pate Glase." h137th st. n.w. U4 THEY ARE NOT IN IT When they show you Heavy Clumsy I oes and call them Acme Welts. (Neaere of them; the are put together with metal staples). We can se on HAND-SEWED SHOES FOR 53. Which can be worn at all tiues. which are Soft. Durable and Easy Fittine. OUR :1.50 AND 04 SHOES In all styles. are pronounced by our customers as the f newt. neatest and best wearing they have yet seen cr worn. Do not buy your next pair until you see ours. WE ARE IN IT. ROBERT COHEN A SON, The American Shoe Sellers. 630 Pa. ave. n. w. (south side). - n4 Established TIM. A3 bECONOICAL AND SATISFACTORY. Garments tailored at our establishment are the cheapet in the end, to say nothing of the satisfaction of wearing Elegant TAILOR MADE CLOTHES, that distinguish the wearer and look well as long as he wears them. New effects Just received. INYDER & WOOD. [111 PENN. AVENUE (Barr's 04 "Stand.") ne I- WAITING YOUR INSPECTION -- That handsome line of INDIVIDUAL ' TROUMERINOS. If you like iomething dif feent from what is worn by thers. look these over. Latest cut.Jt8neet eek, reaesenble pricer. )WEY, the failer, 123 11TH ST REET N. not ~~SAMPLE PRICES FOR GOOD BOOES. "Ben Hlur" and the Louisa U. Alcott book.selnl for 51.50 ordInarily, but I enly ask 51.10 pr volume for them. In many cases I giea dicount of 3 and 50 per cent Izom list prices; in mnet cas~s at let 20 par cent. When you, eat bcoks see mC. n. PURSFJL - oekseller. 418 9TH ST. N.W. BIGGEST TAIL.ORING DEAL. YET. 'ehav not closed out from noe et the S3.,000 worth of Impote Trouerienga Sit ingm and Overcoatinurs at moet avnaeu pricie. These wI he placid on cale oimr row. It will enabe us to offer Fin,. Impte Trousngethat cell regularl at 10. SJZ.14 e F C v i, navy blue end black, which sell regularlynat 540 and, lor 53r5. This is lUeyo.nd queton the e "deal" we have med. tn ourhnieasI a~eand the moan 'sill be ezce y edto who cannot mow get suited an avefrg 5cn his purchase. L. WARFIELD SIMPSON. Tailor. Jerner 1th and F sa. nw. ad WOCA USED TEE RAIN? th ipuea to wbe eanmed the rein is soing on we shall continue to seml Mmni High clan Machintn~ha at W6.7. US and I.5l that are worth 57.30. 510 end 512. F. S. 'E EEL-en's &teuns.e il|e P. ave. n.- ad H5A E NOW IT MGr.r. & WhLLAOE, la I rir h undr the sectian at -n ==e"-n eaemJi .Se. Tour ee tetd andaat Gaeet anaes er lyeiossa. hB at -m e . - .-pa Igg Washington News and Gemis ROOsM to Adiooe~eens ACOOUNTANTO .................................Fs AWEWENTB... ................ Pluto AUCTION SAES DOARDING....... OORB AND SAIOE .......... CITY ITEMS Pg COUNTTy REAL ESTAT. EDUOATIONi EXCURSIONS. && Peg. FINANCIAL .pae FOR RENT (iata).... ... . .. P FOR RENT (Okeni pW FOR RENT (Roome) -.......................... IAge FOR RENT (Houses)n.-..................-..Page FOR RENT (Stwep- -.---............-Pag FOR RENT (Stablem) -.......... .PaF FOR RENT (Mixelleneo.) .P., FOR SALE (icye.) FORS ALE (1 Smm aA /aAs.s) ........... PA FOR SALE (Houue) .-.-.----------........--. Post FOR SALE (L,s) . ......Pge FORSALE (Miseen. . ...) p.. . FOR SALE (Panos) ..............P...........aFe HOTEI. .... ge LADIES' GOOD0S-..........................pwo LOCAL MENTION...............................ppe LOST AND FOUND .............................pag MARRIAGES ..................................... Page MANICURE. -.. MEDICAL .................. ....pFor MISC ELLANoqoU...............................Pe MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN........... Pam. NEW PUBLICATIONS ..........................Pas NOTJtRIES PUBLIC.............................Pam OC.AN STEAMERS .............................Page OFFICIAL NOTICES ........................Page POTOMAC RIVER BOAT&.....................Pag PIANOS AND 024ANo- ....................Page PER80NAL......................................Pare PROFESSIONAL...............................Pug. PROPOSALS...................................Page RAILROADS....................................Pam SPECIAL NOTICES.............................Pew STEAM CARPET CLEANING..................PaTe STORAOE...................................... Pam SUBURBAN PROPERTT........................Page UNDERTAKERS...........................Page WANTRD(Help).................................Page WANTED (Nonemp........................ WANTED (Roonmm)..............................Page WANTED (Situatless)...........................puge WA% LED Mtcellaneou..... ..........Peep GoTamZnw hRecruM TOALT.-Intern revenue, 879,912; customs, S509.005. Guy. W. S. BosscaAze is better today. 8EcaxTAnT TRAcT has returned to Washin ton. TEE KEmA=SAse has siled from ZaGaay to Trinidad to coal. DEPUTa CoMMISSIoNER WnAox of the inte al revenue has gone to Ohio for the ena paign. AssISTAT BSCRTART SPAULDING left t afternoon for Michigan. He win be abee about one week. AcTING SECRETART o TzE TzEAscT.-A xistant Secretary Nettleton will set as Secretai of the Treasury until the return of the Semtt after election. ASSISTANT ATronxzT GaaAL Tr=E= of U Post ONe Department will leave Washiugte this ofterseen for his hams in 1.41mm h Lanoarns CAN GET Tim PAT-The se end controller has decided that October 21 we a holiday within the meaning of the law as that laborers of the War Department can I paid for that day. To TEST Ammon P.A.-A test will be mud at the Indian Head proving grounds in a fe days of an eight-inch nickel steel plate, sample of armor plate for the cruiser New Yet which will be delvered by the Carnegie con pany. The company has finished abut 2j tons of armor plate and will have it ready fc delivery when the result of the test of tb sample is known. DIPLO AIM ON LEAVE. Fewer Leaves ot Absence This VOW Th Formery. The State Department desirgs to correct It impression conveyed by TEE STan yesterd& that Ministers Porter, Hirsch and Beale are I this con ntry to take part in the campaig Their names were mentioned among those < other diplomats who are absent from the posts. It is said that Ministers Porter and Hirme having resigned their missions cannot be place in this category. Mr. Bale, who was recentl in this country, has departed for his post. it State Department says that there are fewt leaves of absence this year than formerly. DEMAND FOE SMALL BILLA. Not for Election Purposes. but sea*s e Active Fall Bustiess. It is said at the Treasury Department th the treasurer's office is shipping about *=0,00 per day in $1 and 02 bils to various ttis throughout the country. The demand for theg is unusually large. On November 1 there ve W15,678,000 in 01 and $2 notes outstanding about $4,000,000 more than last year. There were also 62,000,h00 silver dolar ou standing. It has been charged In the pre tht the urn usual demnd for samall bills was moon-isuad b She inecesmitiss of poliie, but the Teu Departement thinks the demad is dus to th activity of the fall busineseas there is alway a cry for small hilas at thin mo~n of the year. Clerk. Geing Roems to Veto. There wana very general cearing out of go urnament employee from the exeestve depaui partmentm today for the far western states I vote at the approahin- elections and tom will witness the departure of several thorn.a for points in the estern states and in the south Et is estimated that 6,666 voters wBi leave a have left the District of Columbia to enseis the right of suffrage. Both of the greet petitisal pe~eare ver; active here Ia sendime voters hesand Co. amlttees maresouaring the city in the searekhe voters. The democrats are very aetive as t liew York woters and those who vots in the ad oining cogrmminnel diatreetsoft Marylad a irinaseerlthoma of wham -r en paged to b.4eses here. Maeatty at Eaboes n.snmu to the Weste' Emir. The acting Seeretary of the teasry hes ad vised the Departement ot Stats, in resren I i en..mmiedlie eevering am ingdy binth Daited State. oel geneanl at n.,i thatee hieats of Insperial Wrm e ho the identity of Gem.. tobores esamiag i this coinstry as empleo. ot esuaItse at ah world'. Culumbia eapeiUn ill b5e eide be amesseehankpe amss et eer perta Maaist nefdentyas to easeka hmee semue E e se i ea img to sis4 Uess M, m~~a Deans emesub (M. sakelesntm toeem s ebU su madsbnerwase h was a aN aei saatai pa - esessa u o.LMCAL. GesP aERE. aeseem Tracy ae EmUe agnm 1E paretms me to Rpbtera Presseets. SMMoretry Tm#Ay has returned from New York e and was at the White oesen early this morning 7 in conference with the Presidt. It is maid that he brought the President very eneouraging o reprs as to the itatiom in New York, and as g - 1 edbin that the republman national commit 10 s had good grounds for their cnidence in 2 thu result of the seletion. Ca Mages arrived in Washington this acm 7 Ing. He took breakfast at th. Arlington and 10 left immediately afterward without mstaing whether he would return. Up to soon he had not been to call an the l'eides=t or 8str. a Cameron or Quay. Magee seem. to be so, sue I that the reblien netloul tacket will be sue 2 ceasful In that he has encouraged the - rinds of the administration to indulge the hope that his lealcat-om will be veried. A conident repubcanhas left *Mat Chsn a beria's to bet as Mr. Harrisoe's eleetion -gs 2 Oral result-but he easts odds of 2 to L 2 A letter uan received this morning by a ,I prominent denocrat here from a leading bud 7 em man ti Louisville, Kv., who is also a dem 7 ocrat, in which the hope isrpresed that the 10 democratic managers have a better foundetion 2 for their claims in New Yot than they have * for the claims they ake as to Indiana. SThe writer my@ that he ha. just returned 7 from a b--inam tor through Indmmaa; that he 6 is interested in denoeratie -n-o-- and was 3 careful to study the situation, aid the informs 10 tion he got was vory discouraging to him. He ' say that he thinks there is no ress to doubt 7 that Harrison w'l carry the state. 3 It is stated that there is money at the Owes 7 Hous to any anannt at ten to nine that nar riso wil not win. 7 2 GOING TO TEXAS. 7 7 The Alleged Rainmakers Will Emese Waste 2 Ingle. This Evening. hey are going. 3 Like the Arab, they will fold their tests and I silently steal away. , This evening, In the duak and gloom of the ' dying November day, the rainmaker . the rest - disturbers, the night prowlers iho with Send ish glee made HafLeween sport with every honest citizen's windows the other night. will turn their backs en this cold and heartiese people. who refuse to mer-se their slumber to science, will shake the dust at the city from their feet and depart out of our coasts. There will be no need to take further steps in the direction of forming that vigilance com mittse which has been darkly hinted at. They are going to Texas. That is. they will start for Texas, but as they go by steamer from NYw York to Galveston ad serms ar numer r- ona at this time of the and the vengeance of heaven is said to see -well, doubtless they wil arrive there, however. will take eight toes of the component ingredients of Reeseite-it was Romellite that made al the noise-with them. and will coma pound their nomsy etplosive when they reach their dedst Wisely, perhaps, I= do not anoeme the si- lection of their of opaealo 7110Tey y my that they may operate aywee ftm G1 veeten to the Rio Grande and farn as Antoso to Albuquerque, N. . a wide ra eof empire. In the part, will be aj M . Msae., Elis. ruge. ladr and L. Ean. a The rainmaker. st il claim tht hy prodmeed a jain last Wessday night They my that for sd@, ba nB -,mfelS beomb e when S. the rain fell. ey T1y tht the eload were very dome to the earth, dusa acofuoti faciltie dforcryn the named into the etty. Tbst no body willdeny. They nyth@* in some Instances fourteen reverberations were counted following W DISTRICT GOVER NENT. k oLD MATERIAI. TWE DiSTRICT's enorgare. Some days ago cartain property ownes o T street northwest, where a new sidewalk is a being laid, combined in a letter to the Com mi-ioners claiming that the old bricks being taken up belonged to them because. as they al lame, t d for the same several years ago. attorney for the District says that the claim is naaimleible. 11e material a used for paving the street or making a side walk is part of the street or sidewalk. 0 and in the absence of a etatote making it y the property of the abutting lot owner. on repaving the street it belongsto the Dis trict. It matter. not, he says. dht the prop erty owners directly or indirectly paid for the material, as when It isonce Incorporated into r the street it becomes pubc prop erty, He mae, in Conclusion, that b the idea that tie old material taken from a d street when it is being repaved belong w to the abutting property owners arises so a doubt from the faet that by the act of June S, 1874, Congress authorised the boed of andit to make allonance for old material taken by the board of 1 111 works, but that law was proviional and - caed with the beard of audit and the aet.-e-t of the clamses of claims it was empowered to saomine and allow. SCILDINO rMEs. f Dulling permuts were issued today to the following: J.1. Buder, one frase dwelling on SPiers merest, in Garbid, county; cost, IM. I W. A. Heendereo, one brick dwelling at g140 e street asths; oost, 0, . Lmis Dar, one brick dwelling at g7 B street nartheast: cost * $,^. B. L. NerviNs, four from.s dw~e on 12th street extanded, in Trinidad; cu. - PA.00. C. Lightbrowa, two brisk dwellings at 1818 and 1815 43% street aonthwest; cost, rN. xMow mEletism P..ebta.. Aetuag Atterney General Aldrich maid this a morning that no new quatlas- Involving a con struction of the election laws hare been pro ested to the Departament ot Justice and added that he did not anticipat any further trouble . en that sees, now that the policy et the de partment is so well undestood. aciagumd Wea - SA dig-ia. from St. Louis says: Gustav Bay tma, ala 3.1 R.ose, anim George 3. Dey, formerly a proeeom asrehaet fCulumbus, Ohio, e..arrsted at the leu--m=Ret led. night on ehergss of hergery and attempted h aned preferred by A. P. WIlly, eseretary ot thr > emrgeef f"erny. Mo e was e net ya - d hy. an em snd by as tion bye yd who traed - Iase ete --- sis abmgd tant Uh~e i i, he dspdat hetsis under the ae E. De. aol . V. bn-m Dee. l-..-..d,..e .lybi ~ ehesr..m en W~ &s ibo ti, t emipera. The -me of ms3eaadester i amael - inmmns, eas Deen' Bae, asmgin e h hand adh - Acngeet toashe hee enena ea ler, a o f r elp bans 25. . Ensd a6 hE es hmou Iassym Ger seeeses ng o44i assessf OTHER TELEGRAPMO NEWS, IT WAS A g.Aao Ea. LesSer bed Mt MN te assm 18. segng to uMe. Oump. . LoSpoN. Nov.4. -Te geIer's ban 4et dlon et ber be satasey's Web eon of )eaaes agia crowded today with an enstafme throng. al curioem to beer lb cemetodis Of the celebrated Leade-dmyt use is action for daemge for shamesr brewgt by MtM. [iPOt. Leder agains Mw e. 3M GOs. Gibbons SmytM. 'Ibe later chsre that MEr. LEmer Nbe a visit to her house as ft' a., M, atole a broarh belonging t 1. = wh the latter deciared abe a--- saw as posed for Omae i a jeweler' shop. EUm. our r the brooch by to 6" aOICtiR4on agabt The aendee 111110t, ato Mrs. Unde-r. iwho was in Rtaftn ber huband. accesing bar at the taft A etatng that f she deired to avd Iaie Ase muat grad S gui to eover the costs of recovering th brewe.s Inated of replying to this later m*, Leader as anon as poesible after the weesp thereof ieatracted causmel to bring a Mt far damages for slander agant Ne. Snyt. Ee. lAnder acknowledged selsag a %ee 0 t 1e jeweer in wbame shop the alleged gtates armle was found. bet declared dht te bssab d said was her personal property. it haring bams given to her by a fiend -0mpt % --mme a wedding gift. A COO ow arecoT s. Today wax the fourth day of the Wiml. adme the case bag progreamOd interet hit emae and late oomer found is iap.san te gt Ago the cort room. When Justice Day had tan bb as as be bench and the court wan deciseed . Locksood. counsel for Mrs. ae. u the summing up at the point whoe bum to terrupted yesterday by the ad rnment ot be court. He reminded the jury the who sold Mr.. temyth the breath dhd e three e--inaiu- to ad hi puiatat me am the brooch r.eaed in oert, ue6eb wes te brooch Mrs. r had said. The umis Ao of the case being one of ide -d e eeime of this jeweber was absolutmlr to art of Me Leader. A bad feature in 4e linet datum ws the rpgupos Mr. LsAAwe amedeman With (,APt -Ireacm. Counsel for the defendant had eel 6e 1w to think lightly of Mrs. sear. Why we, these shaft te veled at Ms. Lander eare a were to hurt her reputation and wond the heart of her b--b---? sama have been the object of the do.maense In t structing their counesl to reser to ( . Tlems But they seemed to have fergetten l f Mre. Leader had been se friendly with apt. Iben it asde it a the more probable et he wead have west her a presemt s be Oeemden tfhr Be "A the Jury to enmae am s on sbitaof a woma t Msm. Lae er'a ton, with plenty of maW amd mis .lry. sealing a beoch of Minr webie *am 0e dressing table of her friMe w-e s Oft" was in the room. wearing ft on as mmm and sellag it within a seme's beewof 4 wamyth's bous. At this point the aaemsa Jume Day reama-4: "l she the vulgar personshe appinded sd etwe treating the court room am a p ohas et enterleAmment I uodd give m msa pamie mast me would puest Seass fr a hap peg from making simiear maine." Justiee Day then preamedie tg to ease. Me aurpei at ae am faes. ase der on a pvtoege esnadm have held that tha sn was in the abaseme of eOgefn - mawel. Bet the deeMs jen be dader and andertook to preve to the ema. tim of the jury that the broerhd beae ata by Mrs. [cadet from Mrs. hteb's rm.. a was a curious codacidence that these tOe bels' friends =bould mwsam b.ea of a patim from which te original saer bass af only nime being manwredm4 and flU It was also a crinos e ao.m. *th both ime shold eums to Pumme them at about the Nmm e w - Ne.. beyth loing bere and Ee . Mrs dit her. With regard to Mwe. Leede pashemE was important to remember that he was am want of money. wievtg am the evidmee be muet may that If the ases bad bea mahan tea criminal court be wesad Mot. an te esideema 4 Mrs. Amyth, have allowed the Oeage to ge b6 for jur.I was openO the pleet t malice in attering the chge cap TaneICT roe TIM esaMIwu. The jury retired at 1:10 and geatmued at 90 with a verdict awarding 3am. IEmem 00 damsages. T1e verdict was - 10 m -p& which the court nomedately 16e friends of Mrs. Lawe ad enth--asiioaly engnads hr. m waited in the court room emly st shake bands with Mr. L ud, aeco nmed by her husbamd, de kthrough the caridder anesee. A ur owd was blokng d wa ds Mrs. lj r, shea she as easegIN, 0 loudly chlesed. Tbe puaee eto to dem the street. but thew e-ert m aS after Mrs. oader had Med Ge. and Mra. yrh w~ Is to d o" rooma ntil the abed A= t the m ansh Seald a esu e tiM wil their n vwe atm m with comb and addbieomal e t dasdana wiR have to pay atsamat EUal AT ama Peebaip he gawma. Pazas. Nov. 4.-The n~a bk 3asamesN winch left phaa-riaeah-e-- hr Utmen, Fmmee, with a hoad et paelsam, ha bee. barmed is the Seine, with a her ot hr., ade probably tem, Uea, apa e.he ene t enad of the Mresses, hi .6th im sad both. eaved. Now the ese ouliaedif nat bae. UWes it as dimeeered if bad gehad ea headway and every efart to paesadM Sha oth e pabulum -m t o loved, and a Game eh bu me..e.. . Te ere. t m b.4 ee side and tmpelt ne e aiser. the erm. le ~r was ese se~yhemueel samn. of een b~ewale samnese. he be ivs ad meand ss m ~ hav~e gem to be bathem. Olm si esn e- bgb iee to e ust daamin. \q peV tN Qe wee dast.agee emise. Scenes, Net. 4.-Aged WEbe tog teades esarnS eass ems aseassad mapaped by Osehtr masbe me a~nenaer et ,issa ed ba itsns wet s amad tm - bnern. ym~amma~A EsiAdinIea insbas