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THE PROPOS THE ZOO BUILDINGS BEm Provided for All 1in &a c Animaa. SOME UNIQLE DESIGNS mee, 1e1ig Uem.e for the odom non A edov for aeme Li-n--Tbe Carmtwem ems ad Other B tIdage-Flome see th mm Umeeway. ROVISION 1I. BEIN mide at the Zoologica Park for the suitabl hou-ing of the animal '-ome of the structure have already b e e e rected, other@ hav ben designtd. and it i .ntended that all wi: l vafdoi be of an architecture character to harmoniz f wuth their surround T; inga and with the pmu I~on for which they ar I Los I Jisat .0i he but:.nm of the old quarrr road ih. r- a: ent*i - 'h 1 ..4 gr.teway i.p proposed I. Wi:b a greteriIh tile reo 1..- Iar-e, of. itr. f bIax.z cured to harmoniz U:th .doi. In thi.. will be a room fo %-o*- ':.t: .. I isenW for -. 1, ,in I: .g . Dog f- .:, -. ght.-er-.. tnl t.'a, l * f beog Alloni e , the crom. i . ..iN l - d ir> I I-:.dl houte !ii th i'r aIr. l the park. Thbi ineces , r- . ' . .. ; ai ..d anirmal. atr fr gver-A e.. : th .gh- -i i dog an-l .,r- in dar r, of inju Ung ta e anl.ea it. Le;r efforts t g. t awun 4 .n the left .f 0-e ra war, are the bear rite gs 1.ri th %P., n:: old quarry and it aO? 2111- or - anITvOaA Norax. Weei tos. rockv bank.. running well beel %to hill. was cornid-red an ideal place ii hee ft blamet caves for the bear to ma bhame is. A mail railisg ourroundh tbe preiles. thI bees f qib are bent over and end inI ugl spmw e a to prevent the occupants from heving their ewa front yard. A plunge bath ii peeed in eh of the be&- yards and a truan eta tsee. t which the bear, can climb. bask i1 e som and avaid disagreeable asocmites whei * ol se inelined. &the eron of the hill i located the carni ver hoe. the meet important building a peent In the Zoo. This building on thre s=i 8 balt of blue ginewen. The rof wil esestumely be tiled with a grayieb tile. Two of the permanent age. are completed i te bene. osee of which .v uoccupied by French T h ne A eme lion. who i now two years old. This heiluing cotaharas the major part of th amimi that require their hoones aruiciall wReT UND 01 CaUNrT-1tA nore:. A Steam coal L. !ocs.t.d nr the cellar. througl shib the warmta re-h sir i. alriren by a fata The es:iaited ar a- -uken .t ,-ea zr the flooro th camagaa by heatedh ti. A, omihiar, heat er-e bet water radato:-. are II-ueed in tae esa madl wens end.. Any -.t at :t.rm!am h-ght wool, Imaagn.e that a .'emlo<.: f'. ,r a. (l11 be an idea fran auitatel eage* .. at enn be mu enail laheet ad .cr -:bbe4 otf. A.. a mratter of fac a loor *.f tha' 'e . - an' ttloor that: wil qatekiy abeorb lbhe Lear f r'nn the body,. will de4 * T H F B F. esideand iseustam Theeat reci sa thar ca a srsch 9erd C d e n r n w-r:~a - erca + amcae att or; esenIeg'e-c he beean to~l. oel ~gadgo Z ,eysd nathetn.teri. cade Uhier. A aah 10, byl Mw. feets. tober lead as maee 'ratand ofr t esetming ase *em-ar quothe..for th truen1-foo alg ua gere bgenie thred atthm Zo Ahef whe comelr intill hoe id mmab omhe 1.4 qt er. reen gruer stre. r. Sets, Aea IM bvSet all tareacte brad meneb ee te Teotalsttoer heape r fett eie at te~ Zote...p ,Oetindth lar i thiky hue m 1 -wB e 4 a ml s1he at me ema ED GATEWAY. this building. The elephant quarters Is imt a temporary oclegon building made so ti these tlack-skin animals may be kept wa and not suffer from winter blas to which they are peculiarly susceptible. Th stand on a heavy wooden floor, their front I being chained to a large stone let eight feet im the ground. When they get &eir permane SONE or TiHL auLOWA SMLL. quarters they will have a large roomy e g with a yard and a plunge bai Now it is necessary for lr. Blackburn to ta them out for a constitutional walk when t weather permits, and in warm weather th have their bath in the creek. This bath is w worth seeing. The pleasure they exhibit and t antic they cut and the tricks they play s each other will pay for a trip to the Zoo. The buffalo house is a quaint log structi forming a shed into which they can reti dnrmg very inclement weather. wh-n the si e is onpressive or when they are not feeling we Half of this building is now in the possessi of the American elk. The combination of lo4 with overhanging gable. is quite appropria for the surrounding. and for the animal, hone therein, being sngge:stive of the wild west. A*,~ LLAXA norsE. The hay on which the buffalo and elk are f is Ptored in the loft over their heads. The ground north of the carnivora hon broadgenis out into an open --alley, white t cr-ek winding through on the north is a b with pictureiique bankli. Together it won make a line picture. The llama house is located in this valley. in built of open framing undressed timbe lined with boards on the inside. The roof covered with a straw thatch. The effect unique and it does not seem to be out of pla with its surroundings. The Lama& have dirt doors for their still while cement floor* are laid where the pub are admitted into the llama house. The Hlam have no privacy. A thatched roof is a novel in this section. Being a foot or more in thic F e"s it protects the llamas from excessive he in snmmer and extreme cold in winter. The Volveis and foxes, of which there a several varieties, Russian wolf bound, the pe carie.s, muskrats. beavers, raccoons. badgei 0op;7am. eagles. owl, hawks and numeroi other animalp and bird* are now resding temporary, incomplete ard improper quarte awaiting the time when Congress wll alk them sufficient accommodatioge. The prai dog town is an interesting wailed village t houses in which ar below the surface. It w icvesary to build the wall surrounding tk settlement dt dhfeet beneath the surface prevent the inhabitrnts from burrowinig b neath the wall and departag. These little villager take much interest visitor and haveacae wa of sitting on the arendmted cino theIi hodson one 1idea h areno"cy Ahehairedfs aetngoqei this dsectonlBing afo othoe indinbo thic n ues tpets the tlndama fhromceofive occ i pnt. Thu oer prem oedin oficncter. tgbiesIoigtero vragn 1 rces ie h dao olesadqi A R D E5N33. Th e wolves and fthesnea ofg whih ere , seer arities wuin beo hoaid the old eca'eiu thererswraccoonsf thadea - own wimh eaglpls ak n ueo oThe animar d obrire a enwa retrb Stencokaiomplewite ad Itroer uartis tm ufcntaccmoain. Therrer. do townraisaachitterestang wellednvellate housesbinawhichare belo tesnfdbyce. Eta - seceef arr-ton biThe wsen soundingrniv houttleen eigneed beneath thctorfanel - Th noth ewenio. l and prfthe go , t.The itte lagrhtetasdskehiteresti tte rbu and haeer house, who ichtiag oen a ig rou ad mhe a to sgaeWat y want?" Th Urire dogs areeting. u fr te owbt the a(e o Jorale ae r to keer them dcorp in othern Mares not prtty gdw ol Ding alnin bull,- or eicla agoan hellko. hasbeen adowtedswhi hadgeb the iFortuIndea coharacteera of is oc paitesi. ad loe ofrthe being coart wai 1.-bs endotiong the broof sterhadgingh -La-ke - gis e iodea of coolnesnd qul.y heThe seie indmw are, geen til rof ,,I' be .r s g s in e w ithe-ted g ,ea ein -- hleh is UNCLE SA WS CA TS hree Hundred of Them Employed by the Government. WHY CATS ARE OF USE The Aft ept at the Past p1eas to Pretee the Matie-Departmental Cato at Washing o the wiht. e.s-ct That swaam In the Ca,toL H RE E HUNDREI and odd cats re main tained by the Umte. State. government, th cost of their suppor ly being carried as a regn at lar item on the accounti in- of the Post Oce Do 'y' pertinent. They ar et , , distributed amonj to about fifty post offices at and their duty is t4 keep rate and mic from eating postal mat ter and mail sacks. Their work is of the utmos importance wherever large quantities of mai are collected-as, for example, at the New Yori post office, where from 2.000 to 3.000 bags ol such material are commonly stowed away ir the basement. Formerly great damage was often done b mischievons rodent., whih chewed holes in the sacks and thought nothing of boring cleat through bags of letters in a night. Troubles ol this sort no longer occur now that the official te possie. stand guard. Each city postmaster i, h. allowed from $8 to 040 a year for the keepini te of his feline staff, sending his estimate for "cal is mest" to Washington at the beginning of eacl ey quarter. Care is taken not to feed the animal M too high n order that their appetite for liv< W game may be keen. It is laid down as a rult mn that no meat shall be given when there is i mouse or a rat to be caught. e, * IN THEovERNMENT BUILDINtos. re Cats are kept in all the government building Ign at Washington. In that of the State. War ani >n Navy Departments they are employed not only , to protect the priceless papers stored there. bui to to guasd against fire. Twice the War Depart .d ment has been set afire by rate gnawing ma tche, -on one of theoe occasions in the office of th< Secretary of War, in the middle of the night. A year ago the treasury had nine cats, but the. made themselven obnoxious and all were giver away but two. These are as wild na pos-ible, getting a living by foraging for themselves. Mice are notoriously fond of chewing up money, but they have no chance to get at Uncle Sasu* paper cash. which ia kept in rooms with iror walls that defy their teeth. Rats occupied the pen-ton office in grent numbers while it was ir process of building. taking up their residencE In the walls and floors as fast as they were pu! up. Two years ago four cats were introduet I there to guard the re-ords of the old soldiers nnd they have driven most of thA vermin away. The besi rat killer of the quartet not long ago. be ing frightened at something. fell from the sec ond gallery fifty feet to the tiled floor and was killed. The White House has two cats. one J ge black and white female, kept in the kitchen, xe and the other a black Tom. which belongs ir ill the stable. Mrs. Harrison had four lovelv Mal id tesc pus.ies. btrt they all disappeared-stoler very likely. r. AT THE CAPITot. is But the Capitol is the greatest place in Wash is ington for cats. The huge structure is fairl* e aswarm with them, and at night they scampej about in troops. Nobody knows how many ol s, them there are, but the watchmen reckon then Ic by scores. They are all vagrants and nild a, to hawks. In summer thev are scattered aboui ty the neighborhoed to some extent, but in wintei " they gather within the building. At about 1H at o'clock every night ther begin a mad racing through the empty corridors, which are mad( to resound with their cries. ' he acoustic ef fects produced are astonishing. Let a single grimalkin lift up his voice in statuary hall. fa mon& for its echoes, and the silence of the nigh is broken by a yell like that of a damned soul as loud as a locomotive whistle. A favoritt place for cat concerts is the whispering galler down below. known as the "crypt." where the feeblest round is magnifne- into a roar. In. agine the demoniacal ensemble of half a dozr feline songsters in such a spot. IN ENoLAND. The British government pays certain sums, regularly passed through the accounts quar I terly. for providing and keeping cats in rublic office, dock yards and store houses. Pats and mice used to do great damage to paper in the imperial printing otlce of France. but nor a sum is appropriated yearly for maintaining A re staff of cats there. which are fed twice a day and carefully looked after by a man who is paid . for that service. In Vienna four cats are em is ployed by the authoritie to catch mice on the in premi.-es of the municipality. A regular allow. rs ance is voted for their keep. and after a reason w able period of retive service they are placed -n is the tetired list with comfortable pensions. Ihe ie Midland railway of England supports eight cat' !a at Trent, which are borne on the company's Is pay rolls for milk and meat. Thdr duty is to to guard hunlreds of thousands of empty corn 1- sacks. and the importance of their work may be estimated from the fact that twelve womei are in engaged all the -rear around in darning hole ir eaten by rats in the acks. dwur cArs An.E 5NvatrACt.. It is probable that railways in thia countri la would find it well worth while to keep cats al c. their principal stations for the protection o1 y perishable freight against rats andt mice. Pei Sple who are given to running down the felin, Itribe do not sealize how valuable the ; us-ies hare to ma:ind. In truth 1hey are indi.. nf pensable. Were it not for cats rodent foe t.would overrun all houses, buildings and culti re rated land. They are invaluable to farmers, protsecting the poultry yards and guarding the crops against vermin, which would otherwise devour .the fresh-sown seedt in the fields and eat the grain before it was ripe for harvest. USED As cLOc~s. The Chinese utilize ents a clocks. They say that the tupils of their eyes grow steadily' mar rower until 12 noon. when the are like fine Ihair lines, gradually dilating after that hour. When a Clhinamcan wants to know what time it is he picks up a cat ard find, out. 'I here is an ohl story of a surgeon cotufined for debt in the Fleet prison of Londen. who only escaped star ration by employing skillful tabby to catch nmice :or his food. Notwithstanding the aceu ration of selishness brought against them,. cats are very affectionate animals, ustually attachin themuselves to one person in preference to all others. ATTAcnNENTr ron oTER ANeixALs. Cats often beceme very much attached tc dogs, horses and even cows. Tney will some times rear young rats, rabbits, aquirrela, pup pies, hedgehogs anad pigeons. There is record of an instance where two cats were brought up by a female dog. A cat has been known ta m sake friends with a sitting heii and to hell - keep the young chicks warm by permitting ci- them to creep under her. The fact has yet tc be realized that the cat shares with the dog the ginstinct to protect it. master's property. A' di cat properlr trained will not touch tamo rsb bits, though it kills and brings home wild ones, at; and its appetite for birds pauses at the domes. tic chickens and ducklings. Pussies are used of jfor a peculiar kind of sport in Belgium. wher, they arc tied up in sucks and let loose simul in taaeously, the one that gets home first winnuir. a prize. It is recorded that in one such cai r-race the puise was wcn by a blind cat. acAT sows. Teetshows frequently held in England ahare dome much to develop popular intereet ii mi eats. Finely bred anials command at preseni or very high prices. The various breeds are as p- weil recognised and the points for judging them as eatefulrdetermined as with dogs Ihere is a stnigo~r now of 20 guinm for a maletotos shell. Oddly enough. tertoise shell eats seem always to be females At all events only one male ot that kind has id than far beetn known of in England. It should abe borne in msind that this relates to the sort ol tortoise shall that is biek, red and yellow ii ' Within the lst few years anwredof eati hashbesn imsported into Europe Is isth e sual eat of Siam. Per eentarias pas the 5 steek etthis ars hs h.. sept ee toth plae tthe ainmmb ingeandthe s e at Jealous esre has bees uas to preve.1 to dseh esbs' abs ba's hest .es en u Dta AND E TAILLss CAT&. It is a ery'curious fact that white cate of the short-haired kind with blue eyes are nearly al ways totally deaf. Sometimes those of the same' breed with Tellow eyes are shnllm-y affieted. One migM suppose that such a da feet would be of no consequence to the owner, but the fact is that, because their deafness pro vents them from hearing their own voices, their mewing is intolerable to listen to, taking the shape of horrible yells. Such cats are only suitable for deaf old ladies. The 'algin of the tailless cats of the Isle of Man is a puzzle. It may be that they were derived from ancestors who happened to have their tails cut off. Such mutilations are sometimes reproduced by hered ty, as has been the case with the short-tailed sheep dog. The cats figured on ancient Egyp tian monuments are supposed to have been of the same variety as that which is common in Abyssinia today. It is not possible to determine tils question with certainty, because, although millions of these cats have been preserved as mummies, the color of the hair cannot be dis I tinguished. Tax wIZARD BLACK CAT. Black cats have much more electricity in their for than any others. This may be one reason why so many superstitions have attached to them. From time immemorial popular belief has attributed to them necromantic power. They were supposed to be employed by wizards, whose martyrdom in flumes and by drowning they often shared. Their apearance has been I thought toeportend death. and to this day chil dren in Germany are taught to regard them as omens of evil and to avoid them. Unquestion ably a black cat with its coat and tail "set up" and its form distended. its round yellow eves aglow with anger, presents an uncanny appear ance. Sailors' wives used to keep black eats to insure the safety of their husbands at sea. Faith in their value for such purposes rendered them so precious that they were 'commonly sto len. Another odd notion was expressed m verse, as follows: *Whenever the cat In the houe ig black, The lasses of levers will have no lack." A story in told of Charles James Fox to the effect that %hile waking up St. James street from his club with the Prince of Wales he offered a bet that he would see more cats than the prince during their promenade. He would take one side of the wny and the prince the other. the latter selecting whichever side he chose. The wager being accepted. at e end of their walk Fox had been thirteen &ts and the prince not one. Fox explained: "Your royal highness, of course, took the shnd- side of the street. I knew that the sunny side woild be left for me, and cats alWays pre fer the snshine." Archbi. hop Whately said that theonlynonnin the English langiuage po-s.'sing a read'vocative case wa. cat. the animal being usually addressed as "puss." IIENE BACEE. SNUFF INFORMIATION. sneeze Statistles That Tell About a Profita ble Industry. From the Cincinnatl Co:lzner, ial-Gazette. It seem. surprising to learn the fact that twenty years ago 4.00.000 pounds of snuff per annum were consumed in this country. Much more astonishingis the circumstance that during the fiscal year ended July 1, 1892, 10.000,000 pounds of snuff were used in the United States. Yet how rarely is it that one sees a pinch of snuff taken! The mystery was expl ined yesterday by the New York ngent for a great snuff-mann facturing concern. He says: "Nearly all Italian and Ge-man music teach era ue snuff. Likewise the loman Cathilic clergy. The priests say that they get into the habit during long ses.ion s in the confespional. where they mut t-it for hours together and take snuff in order to occupy thenselves and i keep assake. avoiding sneezing. The itrue snuff taker does not .neeze. Old-fn. hionrd Germani. rh, came to this couctry a long tin- ago, al most invariabl" take snu:ff. In her -aloons where people of their race cm gegate you will commonly see on the counter a box of epuff for general use. It is ,I blaok snufi that I have spoken :hus far - highly scented with rose; bergatnot and l:ungent odors. -But the snuff that is chietly used and mann factured in thin cauntry is of the yellow or brown kind. Some of it is salted and some plain, but very little of it i scented. It is used to an immense exzent in the south by negroes and poor whites tor 'di;ping.' The snuff dip per moistens a lit'le stick in water or alcohol. dips it in the snuff. makes a little ball rnd puts it between the lips ard the teeth. The habit is an unpleatant one. but is nracticed in the sou h by women as coicrionly as by men. In fact, the consumption of snuff in this country is chiefly by dipping and the bulk of the tobacco manufactured in this -hape i' consumned below Mason and Dixon's line. Yellow vnif is used largely by the Canadian French girls. who com pose a majori'y of the enployes in the coton mill1 ll overtle United Slates, particularly in New England. "Snuff shouild be male from the ISaf stalks of the tebacco plant o:lV. thougn much infe rior material iA nited wnh the cheaper kinds. Havana and Sumatra t.atccu are preferred. The flavorings (mployed are kept strictly se cret. Much care has t)be taken in the pro cesEes of cou.peul.ding. as no clues of tobacco consumers are see fastidioun as snuff takers. The Scoteh are great users of snuff. It was a Scotchrnan who once asked a big-nosed stranger if he took snuff. and receiving a nega tive reply remarked: 'What a pity; you have such a grand accommodation." Forlearance Ceased. From the Tndth&n po J'eutmal. "See here!" velled the wrathful man as he took off his hat and showed a head as bald as a cang nign lie. "Yes, I see." said the druggist. "Did von ever try my unparalleled carillary renovator?' "That's just what I did; anwered the bald headed man in tones of wrath, "and here's the result." IThe druggist mused a moment. "tors that way sometimes." he said. "The hair grows so fs t, you see, that it pulls itself out by the roots. Now, if you wiU only strengiheni your scalp by using a few bottles of my acmeistical scal p baelm IAt this poi::t tiey clinched. From theltetbos':er. I.I REAL ESTATE GOSSI] A ropwoed, inr Ita. south. Seotion of the Gity. SOLDIERS' HOME GROUND A Proepstaen Whie May Add Th6 Eer Areas to the Park Faciltlte Ot the CiW Some Cuwrrot Primce of Smiding 800m-T Nw cres== Art evaugery atisg-od OR A NUMBER 4 years past the residel in the vicinity of I grounds of the We ington barracks, arsenal, as the p used to be known, hs been in the habit of sorting there as t0 would to a public pa There is no other p in that locality, and the authorities haveI interfered in any t with the legitimate use by the public of the tractive lawns which fringe the river's ed almost to the point it has become a great res It seems probable that this property will be , clusively devoted for park purposes. At Is that in the proposition and if all the details e be carried out no doubt the southern section the city will have a park. As is well known. 1 barracks is now an artillery station, wh at Fort Myer there is a cavalry pc It is propoed to enlarge the grouti at Fort Myer and establish a p, brigade, bringing on for that purpose sevei companies of infantry, which. with I artillery and the cavalry, would constitute I propoeed brigade. There is no infantry a tioned here. and it is deemed important t there should be a well-equipped and disciplir body of men located at the national capi representing these three important branches the service. In the event that the camp Fort Myer is enlarged and the troops remov from the barracks some important changes s be made that will necessarily effect the val of property in both sections. Unless soi portions of the preselt Arlington reservati it utilized it will ho necessary to acquire a ditional land in the vicinity of Fort Myer. When the barracks property is transform into a park there will be various changes ma which will add vastly to the appearance of tl locality. It might hasten action in regard the James Creek canal, which is now an op sewer, and during the summer season an fensive nuisance. Up t0 the boundary line the property changes have been made and a now being made which will greatly improve I appenran-e of things. The power hot of the Washington and Georgetown Comva is a decided improvement a.s compared w; the appearance of the square before the bui ing was erected. Then opposite on the otl side of 4,!- street the Metropolitan Compa is clearing up a square that has been a desol waste. The new power house that is to built will be quite sightly. Other chani would soon follow. and the approaches to I new southern pLrk with its green lawns shad by fine old trees would be attractive. THE SOLDIERS' HOUE PROPIRTY. There is another park for the city talked although the property in question is now a has been for some years practically the oi park that the city possesses. The questioE being seriously considered of removing I Soldiers' Home to some place farther away fr< the city. When the property was acquired was considered far enough away from the cil in fact. quite remote from the center of pol la ion. But now it i" found that the land on sides is being subdivided. streets are being Is out and at the present rate of progress it d< not need the eye of a prophet to foresee that the course of a few years the Soldiers' Hot property will be in the center of closely built-up territory, or, in ott words, practically in the midst of a cil Those interested in the home think that t best interests of such an institution are serv by a location somewhat remote and retired. is realized that the property has enhanced value and that its full value. if realized, wou fuinish a fund for securing ample groun elsewhere and for the erection of perhaps me suitable' buildings. Of course, nothing cot be done without the consent of Congress. b still the subject is being disecssed a good do by proserty owners, the officials of the hot and others. There are several plans proposed for disp< ing of the present property. It has been asu gested that the entire area could be reserv as the site for the much-talked-of priva residence for the President. Then again it proposed to continue its use na a public pai while others favor the sale and the subdivisi, of the property into building lots. It is claim that there would be no difficulty in gettin purchaser for this property at a good rou sum, but property owners and others interest are of the opinion that the property will nei be used for anything except a public park. SOME CUnnIENT LAND PaICESa A recent sale of a lot was recorded during t past week, and as it is always interesting feel the pulse of the real estate market by lea ing the prices obtained at current sales soi mention of this sale will be of value. T ground was located on Massachusetts aean between 17th and 18th, rather nearer to the lati than the former street. The dimensions we 27x120 feet to a ten-foot alley, and the pri paid was $1.390, which is at the rate of 84 per square foot. A few squares to the son for the property fronting 102 feet on Rho Island avenue just east of Connecticut aveni recently acquired for St. Matthew's Churp the price per foot. counting the propertt vacant ground, was about $7.20. But on 1 basis that the Dunn house is trorth $40,000 I land would then be rated at about ?-5 per squi foot. As the dlepth is something like 160 feel may be readily understood that this propel was not.exactly given away. TPts OF FOnEIGN AncuITEcTtnE. It is hoped, of course, that the French min ter will succeed in carryitig out his plan of hi ing a legastioin building in this city which will the property of his government. In the era that he ii not able to find a house already bt that suits him he may buy a site and erec1 home. In this connection it may be well suggest that such a house would be most int esting if in addition to its being the home the representative of the French nation ati American capital it should in its architectu form rep-escnt the best expression of Fres taste, if the house were thoroughly French all its characteristics, standing as the type the best in French architecture. I6 woufd a source of instruction and informati that is usually only available fori uiitraveled at national expoitions. '1 building, occupied by foreign nations the Chicago exposition are built by art iteets native to the countries represented and course are typical in character. Something the same sort might weli be kept in mind wh a foreign legation building is erseted in i city. Instead of employinr American arcu itects. as was done i the case of the Engli and Mexican Iegaion buildings, the leadi native architect would be given an opportuni to represent his country by putting up a chi acteristic building. No doubt it is a comj meat to this countr when a foreign cound selects an American Yarchitect to do its wol but Independent of personal reasons the ogi plan would result in giving more chpractsr the Igatconbulli ertiny two be collected not only the best esamples American architecture, but of all foreign corn tries owning a legation building. T3U NEw ConCooan GaLLUSmT 3B5 LDINO. Plans are being prepared for the new ball ing for the Coreoran Art allery, which is to ereted on the square now owned by tha el pioration jiut west of the State, War and Na Deparment beang, at New York avene a 17h street, A unber et architects have be invited to enter a Himlte eelltion and I ktreos will select the betdeignT architects in this city whoareta the em=.k" are Homnbkmwer & Marshal, W. Brese O and l J. Ps. A dem etNew Y archieets is als o the centst. It tsp to' lerest abalding to est sheet @ ad it the san be is puebable that bai p reatie""s be .slhat i:s.. Se hemsy 5f the ugesel des. M4t aes Sestnsc e -a 'sthluwnla i. abmeet raireeds with Glen Ehe and probably iGabi John bridge. 7T n and Rock .ville railroad. whbeb now runto Bethsda. in gaods to build a connectien with the Rock Ceek railroad. e i along the line of Bradleyn. It i ohle that arrangement M will be made to auly the Giet Echo road with power from the powar hoom of the Rock Creek read me well as the Bethesda branch. The Zoo braneh of the Rock Creek railroad ha been completed and for the present car, wil be run from Florida avenue and 18th street to the Zoo. It is expected that the contina tion of this road along IU seet to 7th street will be completed gae time next mouth and go than the Zoo cars will rus to 7th etreet. -- aftats Laew TEAS yoT3r 13r wIrE. he Within the past few days the budding in er spector ha been called upon to baum permits for the building of houses upon streets less than forty feet wide. During the letter part of the weak the Commissioners were called u to R decide one of these cases, and the. did o by requiring the owner to comnmence the dwelling ite a ufficeient distance from the street to mabn he the latter forty feet wide. The building in - tor, however, is not satisfied with this ac or , and he ham requested the Commissioners to get an opinion from the attorney a to the W& exact construction of the act of July 22, 1692. Ye This act, it will be recalled. provides that no re- dwelling house hereafter erected or placed in any alley shall in any ase be placed ham than twenty-ire feet back clear of the center line of such alley, so as to give at least a thirty-foot rk roadway and five feet on each side of such a" roadway clear for a walk or footwar. kot The only question to be decided is does the met above cited contem plate street. lees than ay forty feet wide. It is di4tinctly stated in the at- act referred to that this wi-Itb applies to alles, ge and the building inspector says he does not rt. think that streets can be so considered. If it ox- is decided that the law relates to streets it Wet will work a great hardship. as there are a large number of suburban streets that are not forty an feet wide. of TUR wxrxm' KaconD. he li, The record for last week'@ building opera st. tions is a good one. The feature of the week dm has been the number of permits tahen out for >8t rows of small houses. '41 During the week ending yesterdar permits he were taken out for sixty i ht dwellings, ag he gregating in cost 0215.475. ihis as divided A among the several sections as follows: at Northwest. 28 permits. @151.500; southwest. ed 8 permits. $3.900; northeast. 8 permits. @24. tal 300; southeast. 11 permits, 05,500; county, 18 of permits, 025,275. at Ed SOME NEW BUILD11oR. ill There is a handsome improvement being made ue from 2000 to 20a0 15th street northweet. A. B. ne Hines is building there a row of six handsome 3n three-story brick and stone dwellings. Each d- house will have a frontage of eighteen feet six inches by a depth of forty-five feet and pro ed vided with all modern improvements. The de front@ will be of brick and stone relieved by at square, octagonal and circular bay windows. J. to W. Serrin is the builder. an Ground has been broken for the erection of )f a two-story and basement brick duelling at 916 of Maryland avenue northeast. The house will re have all modern improvements and it@ front he will be of pressed brick with a square ba win e dow running two stories. Alexander Sciarper 3 is the owner and August Getz the builder. th Waters & Thompson are adding a handsone d- improvement to It^ing street. Georgetown. in er the shape of four two-story and cellar brick ny dwellings. The fronts will be of pressed brick, Ite I with Hummelstown stone trimmings and each be one will have a square bay win-low. 1*9 A row of seven two-story and cellar brick he dwelling* is being erected on 4th street north ed west by Edward J. Tolson. They number from 1615 to 1627 and are to be models of conven ience, containing all modern improvements. 3f. C. Jackson is the builder. nd The foundation is being laid for a handsome three-story brown-stone dwelling at 1002 H street northwest. Mrs. V. B. Stephen is the Ie owner and Ed. Magee is building the house he from plans prepared by C. M. McClure. Pn Three magnificent brown-stone dwellings are it now in course of construction at 1710, 1712 and y. 1714 P street northwest. These houses are to u- be models of completeness when finished and all provided with the latest and best ideas of ,id modern improvement. Each house will have *s a frontage of 21 feet by a depth of 70 feet. and i square and circular bay windows alternately ne will relieve the fronts. They will be heated by a hot air. C. Mantz is the owner and builder anl er J. S. Simmons is the architect. y. George S. Cooper is building a row of si he three-etory brick dwellings, from 633 to 648 4th ed street northeast. J. H. Huntt is the builder. It -Jno. Cooksey is building for himself a row li of Ave t wo-story and basement brick dwellings, Id from 1610 to 1618 let street northwest. de No Hebrew for Finnish Odeials. Id From the London Daily News. A somewhat singular case in now occupying me the minds of officials in Findland. Every paper entering the country has to pass official cen a- *ore. and if deemed dangerous for the peace of g- the land it is confiscated. A gentleman at Hel ed singfors subdcribed some time since to a very to peaceful periodical in the Hebrew language. is The first copy reached the censors the other k,, day. and these gentlemen not being able to >n make out a word of what was said. simply con ed fiscated the print as being "unfit for reading." a The addressee, however, was not content with id this. and has brought the matter before the ed higher officials and before the Finnish public. er . - Prees Cycling Club of Boeton. The new rooms of the Press Cycling Club of be Boston, near the foot of Warren avenue, are in to every way suited for the uses of a cycling club. n. The building is detached. and in consequence no privacy is assured. The basement affords ample he room for the storage of wheels. eOn Election Night. re Fro Jutdc. ce r 75 -~V th asj - a'e it fi I'll be prepared for those scampa this time. to Least year the judge said I hadn't any evidence.' r-so he couldn't punish them. but I'll hv ro of enough thin time for him." in j, d'" - of -. he at of . of - ag ''Say boys; let's take old Granady 'rabisy's ty gte of ike we did last year, and p'ut at on the Ii- "All right; l~e. Ad - of '4 a i- Wr|ECL.A 'r -s'* be he ad be sh A CEURCU AxnuTmaim. Dart siseetat tapel to moee a wsteoe- W ts Them meew. Pr as L1 twranumrre wsirostr aTawmtxe oYn A QVaT3E OF A CXnVTr--ZAULT MIsION jo WoRK IN A CAR sTattLE-oOV. SVaPS..3Dp- fr cLase-TE3 raEagwr UiLrmmit AD cow- et eUZOATION. A THE SILVEr. ANNIVERSARY Or THE C Sunday school of the Gurley Memorial te Presbyterian Church. Florida avenue near 7th " street, will be celebrated by special servieo. c which will bo held tomorrow. Monday evening , there will be a reunion of friends of the church. w Aid teache- and schAlars of the Sundar school. ti b program in detail is as follows: 1-4 arr. a 11 amL-Review of quarter century by the 1i pastor. Rev. Win. S. Miller. ri 3:0 p.m. --Address by 11er. Wm. Alvin Bart- b ett, D. D. Reports of officers. &'. fa 7:0 p.,. -Judge Andrew 4'. Bradley will pre- f dde. Addresses by Messrs. W. B. G arley and i . A. Robbins. former superintendents; Mr. As. H. Merwin, superintendent. Mxi',taT. I' 730 to 8:30 P.m.- treetinge from other v4 yhureheq. Rev. T. S. Hamlin. lD.. presiding. Cf 8:0 to 10 p.m. - Reception by the teachers to C m former teachers, scholars and all friends of the il school. This annive-vary occasion has been looked !orward to with a great deal of interret h% thoae who are or have been connected with this flour Phing and prosperon church organization. [ts history i4 one of peculiar siguidesnee a showing the value of leraistent and faithful Pfort along the lines of church work. From a rery humble beginning this chttreh has grown to be a power for goet in that section of the ity and with its present equipment is able to ceupy the field with efficiency. THE B1E[INNINQ V TOE UtIacH. In the fall of I67. just a quarter of a eeu urv ago. a small party of friends met one even ng at the residence, of the Rev. T. I. (turiev )a I Street between 12th and 13th. Dr. 4-urle,. is is well known, was one of the promineilt ministers of the Presbyterian tiinomnatun and for a long period he was 'astor of the %ew York Avenie Chnrh. . any 'ill as 'ociate him with Abrahem T.tneoln. home pastor he was and at whose funeral be officiated. Ihe party met to considor ih. project of estab isling a Sintoday ehol near th' intersection of *th street northwest and Bouzi.ary. The war had recently cloq-ed: tim. great car Llry camp on Howard University Hall as it is i at ha ftu b, ca ca at Ol i th P' m or: tL dt, --- th THE NEW Clitats. 01 low known had been abandoned, and the great war hospitals so numerous jut north of the !ity were gradually disappearing. Near the w lorthern terminus of 7th street there was a ittle group of houses, but for a long time after not of the eurrounding territory was devoted to market gardens, and the plans of Gor. Shep ierd had not yet redeemed "the marshes." It was decided to undertake the work. the ieighborhood was canvassed for scholars and a lack room iin the second storv of what is now o. 1825 7th st-eet northwest rented. The V louse wan then occupied by Mr. Keorer as a )umpmaker's shon. The school was opened be he first Sunday in November < i.e.. the 3d i by a C lartr of nineteen teach-rs front the New York krenue Church. with Mr. Benjamin F. Winlowb ts their leader and surerintetident. The num- th ier of scholars was about sixty. The region 1 ha acluded not only some noble. refined Christian co nen and women, but al-o some rtetty rough specimens of boys. Th! ideal6 of :h', itter were nuch more nearly met by a cowboy thean by a Christian gentleman. en th at ki - se ur 'I ho 1 in ur be THE OL1 Cit'nei. They were in for a frolic on every possible sti and the rough prantks of this element of made life ahlnost unbearatfe to the teachers ril antil suffcient time had elaps.ed to allow kind- he 'teas and refint nent to bring forth their t aatural fruit in more orderly conduct, bi MEETING IN A STABLE. r A few weeks late~r through the kindness of ~ hr. George Gideon, p'resideint of the Washing- th on and Glergetown street railrontzl. the .,chool, tas granted the use of a good-sized r'oom in *T he second story of the car atabl. which the-n tie tood at the southeast corner of 7th street and" Boundary. itere, a'nid the flies and odors of ~ he stable, with prayer and hymn punctuated K' yv the noised of horses and men, they remained ta or about two 'tears, of Alter a few' wecks Mr. Winslow. one of the th ~entles: and kindest of men, but c hose health s-as poor, was succeed'!d in the superintendenere lia yMr. H. C. Stadleyt. now toller of the Soci-tr or havings at Cleveland. Ohio. About this tme Alexander R. Shepherd, the governor of " the District. vi-itedi the school one afternoon bil and tried the experient of tesching a class of fo' troublesome boys. The organizer of the aes.. lem of improvements which has made Wabh- e Ington the moat attractive city of the land waso Iistinguished as a man of indomaitable energy, lut he found he had on his hands that after loon about the largest contract he bad ever andartaken. His ability td' reclaim the waste ireas of the city was undeniable. but his ability th to reclaim that httle gronp of its young citi- w lens was at least que.stionable. He'signalhzed his visit bg presenting each boy of the clamss with a Bible and showed his appreciation of the~ we haithfnl and heroie work which was being done "1l by the ereetion at his own expense of a frame' It hapel on the northwest corner of 7th andI W Bonary streets, on the site now occupied by W Eoss' drug store- cAPE lna The chapel was dedicated January 9. 1879. Lhe seron. on the occasion was preached by . he Bev. 88. MiEtchell, who on the death of Dr. W lurley had become pastor of the New York Ave tue Church. 'The Rtev.Oeo.A.liall.genieral secew lary ofthe Y. M.C. A.. alsotook jrt. On the fin semoval of Mr. Studley to Cdevat-d Mr. Was. L Gurley, a ean of Riev. Dr. tirley, al thoh Ipits a 7o0rng man, became serintendeunt. a today one of our pr-ominn.. aa- men, a ilder in the New York Avenue Church and has seen for several years the energetie presdet if the!Y. M. C. A. By this time the little hand thoe t it the *eamn=s a ehureh, and om the 10c of AurA, 1972, the lireshytery of Washington city orgm nod a church of seven msembers, with lavid A. geNair and J. darZug as elders. The Bev. Em. E. Lo dwhohadhbeen rnhea h lmpel ine. J y 1 praoe-Ma&Pfwas Gen snter. Mr. oanhaving besa ea~ed to (r id, Pl., hise tmeas ermn Jety A, 374 after taiw eeiv sheet forty perems ame mghIemini. s new paSter et the Pghern atPrimasam Anne, en the ainer shore of Maryland. Es wa miA mi 1e. . N. Rmee, -ew of Bees Barer, ,.horeaieda B Oi ie4 dI.Teameeheense m og omhebed it ws aedes to hugEresa msessee ~ east~ , ein Qtd aseen apd, even after -a mg e Ie S a in at. As some was empesit to euriag the based grnd It was sedn too* veat loration of the areh. an FWhlea enoe about a square eas of 7th steset, whse lot within the present 1A Irst Park I ..a.... %% purchased from Howard ruiverstg,. ia 40 a brick chu-eh was erected by - ibeei ne n New lork Avenus Chureh wi"h as At we room sating aobet a and additeed om. for elsases. Mr. Wm. Obempaoa, Gen. McD. McCook. WO. BalltotTa. Dw"IMe rLAnd and N. A. Robbins were the imattee and Mr. J. R. Metiall was thu et. 'ne erection of so large a building mA far froem any largw body 4 populatao eM Inde ned b. aiant, as a needless thers maintained that the city grw it to it. The building coat ab6et g06 U. Ut hic 01.W was raised through a 1air held far ree night ain the naflumbed aedlenre OMs. >on after this the New. Ward IietbAter wam,- the minaiter at the etek and I the sers ace of the eburch ews ened o0, it new nebers were received into and ear. ,.1 on the rolls of the New York ATena. 1aurch. A rert considerable cngsgat9en ws lilt V. but on account of sickness in him mil . . itatchelor was odagd to seAs da rent climate and treigned.4He died Gnddenly Mexico some two or three rears since wh-de a a scicutific eipedation for tie groleakel ar 'y. .Rev. IL H. Flemting was called rom the reabyterian t'ureb at Wondstock. Va.. in We anber. le*4. but after a few mointh. be ac 'pted a call to the old and eouridbifg mtoemi4 aurch at 1.ynchburg. Va.. where be OWM to bins. He preached has Last sermon in Wash gtou August 14. 1"-,. but still retnias his is reat in his former charge and is e a i"teW - sent tisitor. art. w. s. atLt~tea. An interval of several months fellowed. 6 iuary 22. 10*. the present pester. Rey. WU i %ydney Miller. took charge of the wist. ife 4unda achool had never easud to grow. l ti building which eight years peeriosely d been ihk-d on as too larg.. for ea is lure use was now too eiall to condenabW >1d the mcmbers in attendance. It was d* led to build an addition of greeter asating pacitv than the original edife. and mose ound was bought. lIanis. whach for thper we are not sursaied in the eity. were seured d the new building de-diated free from deb January IS, lIW. I he interior of the or0 .I building was remodeled. the whole being rown antot one room. It was resented and we rnieh.d at a total cowt. including additio"e onnd. of about 010.200. Fvery east in th0 wbnildiingwassocnoccupied. Onemrafter e arrnmal of Mr. Milers noaw Gutrletmer'ma -e-byterian Church was organiAed with 10 Lnilbers. of which 19 lwerediswaissed bya sig tter from the New York Avenue Chureh. -twithosanding this heav loss at the end of .e year the nother church %a able to report at it had nearly regained it- former member ir. Since that date the turley hureb ba ubted its membership. A very recent aeve owing much forethought and guneremity an e vart of all. and especially on the af ie of the trustees. has been the -- e of *10 %quare feet of ground adjoing the trch on the east. Tkis secures air aid light .d apace on which to erect a large cheurc senever in the future it may be ne-essary. nie December 14. llb%-. Mr. C. IL Merwin his on superintendent of the itunday sehel. A BATLENNAKE lPg.A*UI. aStreange Eatetien oet a ngiem f Mv Od Westh oste. oM the Wilistaarton Msownswr. rwo gentiemen of Wilmington, who boe en down in Shallotte townmbip. Bro1iA unty. :bout Afty-lve mike from aft oy ing the news that there is moek aem in it township over a rattlesnake plagoo. The.e a been very little ran in h auss so f Mtiy and a bay in the vicinity of Mr. Tefs * Smith's plaee has e-eme alamen &y. us bay is infested with the meedtr same akes so peenliar to this suction. and they bhe me out of the bay and crawled ae M e neighborhood. Within the past witty days ee agrees d one white woman have been hittsn iam lied by these venemous reptles. besides ores of horses and cattle. Er. I. C. @mith it a fine utle a few days ago, and many dogs se alo been killed by the bite of the Stter. W sniakes crawl into the re-san=e is many stances aid many have been killed in and der the cabins of the esgres. Th whtwe maan who wa. bitten heard a alse in her use ant got up to see what it was and was ttea as soon as ebe got on the oer. 11 die terrible agony within a few hours. The ality anmong cattle is cspecially great, end the ople hae to keep their cows peoned up at me to prevent them from grating 0 the rd'rs otfthe bar. A nutnber of persos have bee-me So icken ad msosed away fromn thecid the bay. which i.snear the Waeama-s rer. People who drive along the rend s ar the wicked singing of the sashes' nalss an e grass and busjhes, and meaw large smaks te been killed in the roads. 'Tbe informant., the .M. a nypr drove along a portion ot the ad near the bay- spoken of and they bae reral jak', rattling as ther vehicles asnrel em from their lair. ,Some of the snakes in this sectis aseof "rmo us size. anad the Ilve-Eeaoedadt ret r. kiih-d two miles trama time city a day er twa o. is a pigmy aloit ide of some o ethGem Alltie reptiles. stotd hy th Sw. nitlemen is true in every respect. eseept that ey c'annot vouch for a statement maer by eae the residents that a huge rattler with aty ce rattles and a button eas killed these e day. ago. 1his was told to them by a S. ble man,. and af this in tree this as the oldEst ske ever heard of in this part of the coumy. statesmnt. howerer. that four puerse.. se ibers of horses, enttle and dogs hare bean ten n nd killed is abcolutsdv trues and veed r. and there is no diasculty in -e e~It en everybody know. what ensrmem hes ate often killed eien within a e Wilmington. Meer Gaine Wild. Wee steme. am the Dlublin ligaro. l1bs O=slanac fleisy was a litsry estesinb I Irish capital. Dr. Wild. (aftereed Mb ilis= eas a msember of the Osaias an be s one day talking with John O'Ddy es erk which the eociewa aboep0s s he Adrentares of Ocar et the Flery fie' ide. thinking and thng eli day ahm mee the infant shoeld be Ils d.y meaulted O'Duf-y upon the po5Ies, 0 answer, -Why net call him 'Osareth ry FlaiL."Aaduech is midinbs be bWe fi atnMc story of the ing d Mr. M Ida. Moders etyta. am the Fassesnde Statter.