Newspaper Page Text
A N EMPI R TME 001" OF 3DM1)1eD H, L1OTAM. SAT1N JUDDN -- - 4 T RBB A N I NFPIR 133 - OW los for &DV H.vmnak o LiesOP of AT1I iN PERFECT TASTE. The Woman Who Dresses to Suit Her Individual Style. PATTERfNs FOR BELLES. 15 *3e bew Ilwsseasahima for L.ades ft n ety-f*asty TrImsampba. a ilhtaery-?er he Name style of Gtwrvl- ey Kae sand mu rt1 CeegtMamam-.m n The EvenlIrir Star. Nrw Y ma. Noember 4. 1892. Y kEA['ER TO TIlE niniber of halt a dozen hae a-ked why I do not .:he faohaon sketches of bsacks an well a front. so I do. every once in arvhde. and right here I show two views of a new housme guwn. It may be taken as a model by those who make their own dresee and hbo want to see how skirt are now (be-ing et and draped. A pleatng vaety er de cernable in the newet doe M&geO for thetumem and while there are several smoal eange. to be noted in the length of s4ad es hammatag of the bodice, It may he egly asered that If each womaan will wear be'daaIid t the so"e that site her best she wel be able to indulge in the pleaeing convic Me ta se dressed in the moat perfect teta Tibl ruapp to all acasone, for there h n mse haheigh: than a woman coe tame areoedag to the latest mode when thin partiraher etyle des aot suit her sgr rcm Die you .upl.aere gia gi.5 up dolle with short dresse Weil, thet don't. To be lnte, thee sail them "pettern Aure." now. but they are veally aab. anid the girle care about a's much for thems a. theyv nseetin to it tle whilje rago care fut their dI.a 1khe rim ?izure.. have a h.ger u in i n dili ever hag. Ia taet. the patterni L. ia uamn.i gowns ag its ewaer. Mass laomeb.a can,>.t spend her time besg ltad. .von know.. 'he ha. mo manch to de. mahaneen anti th.-ater anJ team. and "cir reea ad calla and goa andn Ioandway. and me oe to 'he *ktcheie her miea of the gown eh want., and tesm .keth. o an? to the dreus mermad li ke wi--e s. the. 1atterr.. The pat ter a de..e.I anon-dng t. the akech, and if the .hres site tli-- Ite..i' I -he sribnitsm he sweet eal to. the *Ire-maker hand. If th dress doe.s not suit at I. altered e . . , a barsta ausat. It dose.- 31 when Mis Rosebud westo show her friend. Mime Blue Beu,. a aca gown of her repertoire. abe dloe aageme rulgar a.s tin dimplay the dre.. itself. Ne heised; ihe tourhe, the little silie r beil and when Besn appea she I. directed to fetch & pas-en ith achea suach a gown on, ad fershwth s appeare. Of course all than se avey beausnem-lske. but don't believe & the gie. don't vreIY piay with the pwanmd get gs ane fua out of It as they' of e their dul~. a nmemem. Ie panse device as les of a lazary and of e a masetty to the overworked sejiety wmma and eted heNe. sach a one has a ai d ieer emasagh to drene the pattern, and &bmse ths lastera goes to the dres er evem ncos te a Paresa Iram. Miledi deamt emaat to ths anie .4 ttIng hut eens, Ote the Sambiing temehes. The drem. Itinyomt medelad t en the pattern, de M immaemeat. to aboot a *----a er mes e hee. been give et mdmms peepine.. and traited skiN has a at hs gewn, so mn dSting Ab~ h etb ai sm se sh. I ef one I.Jhuaad wh. hans eats Ebds eseste hi wife, a periset *ase an s oMsue and ese stss hIs oe espied ad @e se md inte a "peere - M hace Qe e ma- ' E TOILET. W'T 'LEVS OF %BOT GREEN VELVET-CAS O f UVAT TWTOM OF SKIRT 1 OREN adorers who have exhausted the prevent list of gifts and now nigh for something new to bestow upon the beloved. It will cost enough; that is onie thing to comfort them. 31allinery is the subject of three pictures In this article. The bonnet shown is a dainty one, made of the silvery green that comes only in oat . The sheaf is made wreath shape and lies ein~ to the hair, the metallic vet soft threads of the "beard" of the ontm mingling with the hair as it waves from the face. Through the crown the hair shown, or, if you prefer. the @pace can be quite filled by the'perky little bow on top and to one sidle. This bow7 is of rose colored satin. 'Somehow the sight of it there brings to mind "the little pink dower that grows All TAT. said the he,"and then you deide it was the face. not the bow at all. that brought up that line, and yon fil out the quotation: "And, oh. *he looked sweet'" So she is bound to, or it isn't the bonnet's fault. The wreath of oats stops either side of the pretty knot of hair, and from hare narrow velvet tnsaedrawn to a knot under the ear. The strin iare on one side. just the shade of moss green t t looks prettiest in velvet and That best harmonizes with the silvery green of The oats. The reverse side of the velvet is rose satin. The bow under the ear. of course. shown both shades pret tily. The ros4e color amatches the pink tip of the dear little mr. mad the green just brings out the blue of the eyes and the pals yellow hair over which it has crossed. It I* all the better it the hair is the sort that will bnighten against the silvery green of the eats. A brilliant yellow will seem a little vivid. Red dish chesitnut is charming under this bonnet if you are careful to get just the right rove color. For a brunette chanige the roe color for ocar let, and make the blonde feel herself beaten on her own ground. It is so nice to beat a person bat way. The familiar hut with a twisted brim, while catchy ever sme faces. is not becoming to all. Such exceptaons will find a welcome suggestion in the hat of my fourth ent. The brim rolls evenly up a little near the edge and is a good deal wider in front than at the back. The crown is very small and narrows toward the top,. after the manner of the sugar-loaf crowns. Thii one is not absurdly high, however. That is a charm of the model--at in extreme in no way. The under t>ide of the brim is light brown, the upnier tide and the crown is dark brown. A soft light brown scarf is knotted to '7''N adhrer. thoe glyaconesi thi pretlt hat upnakst the eerI alconst eougth; hager je thn o honmboe. Thm. if ite ete o)Iy bingr s otthe sbeofs thre rcuin lin madte the rygenthtcms nyl oa .The shonf tods maeet shapean prois f-oe the har, ste oftagicri-t sot trebrow spofw e"ofn-the deatr quaingod whotna eoer todls and uponi]. Thow theo 'qran g'l-wrge. saty-rgehingh igd of iat thean bereing to mn"the little pike bownerthati growh miw the heat; tand ne the vno d thens. thel fac or ohe bown al.hatrurti hu thant dwn ander i ouing qbrain: Andth ohesw ae loopsert' seig bnd oor tl Itraigt thee!bWenlttheruli That wreathe ofou stopreeithe skno fthw.etykoto hir, o ad rnt mohereo arrott w g vrletr singths ast dawn o a nt under Iths eark lfl. The stinsn, n ne as deepust thed ofrmoss reeatn thaplos Iretteat vet arnl thaes harmonie with tied wiver g renht eatin ibn. e bow h ado hore ensoa bth sbe areofthenly, n The roeclr thesv te phak tieof the d of ltte h. a is tagred justhban brig ht lu ord. eve s notte al ayellor, hig ovti nrer whc theoadt t beekl then better if roteac hair is t tart l willo watc your little ivid, d -is childnu ilas charmin bde r ti bonet ef le sad maew thes blnd ee herself beae nd heat wa. nto lay rt n bi.Thee is hat thg twisted brimthwhile eatli oer soe fesi tlecing to al stuc elSotiyeif n woe ysuggetio notheers hat fm o bt. Th ae brm ols evnl a ttle nu e the egek andt is a oo de'l wier? indfon th sno a the bekTh crn i ver semtha ad narwnd wrh tate t he ar e ofte stmlaf crown. 'r onesno abs ura shig, hoeer. Tha isatharm Jof te mo el-siti temi n wn ar. Th ndrhieo the bi s lgh brwnth ure aiendtee crwnie ar bron, ir'oft ih brown sca - Ikntedt the front oi sheeonis psspeadig wel towar th edg of teM wid frn n h ITS PURPOSE MURDER. The Head Oenter of the afia Society 1 in Sicily. q CAPTURE OF THE LEADERS. The Accidental Way in Wetek Evidenee was a Obtained in This Couatry Against the London of a -ead oAss.i..-The scheme tar Capture. t GREAT DEAL HAS been written from time a to time about the Mafia. but a great deal more 0 has been said, especially q since the New Orleans I V lynching affair in d March, 1891. The pop- ii ular idea of the Mafia is that it comprises a set of men who are sworn together for murderous A purposes. Perhaps nine I out of every ten regard the maed Italian organization as a society b which had its origin some three centuries ago e in Humbert's dominions, and as only partially 1 tranaplanted to the United States within the t last fifteen or eighteen years, or about the time that brigandage had become so tremendously outrageous in Italy that the government finally p determined to exterminate the gangs of thieves v and murderers, and efforts in that direction II were. in the main, successful. b This is the way the Mafia is looked upon I mostly on this sicle of the Atlantic, but ask any a ordinary Italian of the middle class or lower 1 who has temporarily at least become a resident 1 in the United States, and the chances are he will sneer at the idea of such a society existing r in America. Ten to one the answer you re- d ceive is: "No such a thinga as de Mafia." Your o informant will in all probability be a Corsican, an Italian proper, or the lowest type of peripa tetic Sicilian street organist. But let him be I one of the well-educated and more intelligent' men who claim Sicily as their birthplace, and rq your answer as to the existence of a murderous organization called the Mafia is tolerably n certain to meet with assurance in the affirma- n tive. - Especially so if the Sicilian in qun-;tiont I happens to have eniglated front his former b island home since the close of the seventh decade of this century. At the time Chief t.ennessy was aesassinated In New Orleans the detectives who attempted to run hi4 murderers to earth thorongbly satis ied themelve-q that there was an "rganization extant in that stction answering the: popular description of tlbs Matia. Evidence, such as was secured agvdst the accused, implicated mainly those of Ricilian birth. anid the idea gained ground that the New Orleans Mafia wa1s composed to a m ejor degree of that particular n class of Italian provincialists. That may or may not have b'en the case. But it is a reason able certainty that the first branch of the Mafia in this countri -it any others exist-was estab lished in NewOrleans. For just what purpose cannot, of ceurse, be known. Yet it is a cer tainty also tast the first known lanfia enmbassa dor to the United States came from 'alermo. Sicily. that. the step inally crushed out a band of murderers in the pretty Italian city, and the five ackmuisleudged leaders of the Mafia in Europe twenty ye:srs ago are now serving life sentences for their crimes. THE RAMIFIcATIONs.n Washington is the home of two Sicilians, brothers nam*d Liv igni, who years ago became naturalized citizens under Uncle Sam's pro- F tecting wing and amassed a respectable cot petency as well as an honorable i-tand'rig since. taking the oath of allegianco. And an interest ing story they tell of certain cxperiences of their own with the secret band which one time, a anyay, terrorized all Italy. and of how the N Italian authorities unearthed the villainous thugs. who practically did as they pleased to any one of the 150.000 inhabitants of Palermo t incurring the displenasure of the Mafia through t a single one of its members. From letters and s doumentvs which fell into the Italian govern ment's hands it became possible to run down the ringleaders in crime. and the fact was also developed that at that time the Mafia every- 1 where in ehe world acknowledged allegiance to t a parental society of 300 members at the chief city of Sieilv . It was some time early in the seventies that the Italian government became aroused to the alarming inerense of brig.ndage and highway murder in Sicily. The groat percentage of such crimes seemed to be comnitted within ten or a dozen miles of Palermo. but no trace of ife offenders could be obtamed. This state of things continued from year to rear and still the brigands went napunished. Murd-rs within the limits of the city itself became more common and dozens or persons were re ported as missing. In the majority of capes no clue could be obtained to the whereabouts of the latter. and had it not been for a peculiar accident the source of many of the crimes might have gone undiscoverd. A MAFIA X1EMAoE. The brothers Livigni were both professional I men, and one day in JunIe, 1878, the elder, An tonio, became involved in a petty legal dispute with the elder of five beath sro named Amorosa. who were the owners nd proprietors of an im nmense orange and lento p!antation four miles beyond Psaermo. in the open countrv. The dispute ddnot amonnt to much at t'he time, Ibut he professional m-n received a somewhat startling message in writing several d'tvs there-. after, All of the Arnora-,a brothers were well I Fknown to him. and whil' standing at an uipper window of his residersee in the evening he noticed an Amorous sgddenly dash up to his 4oor on horseb'tck, throw something at an open casement of he dwelliug and as suddenly leave again. The peculiar action was invenri gated and the "something" thrown through the window found to be a missive signed 'Mafia'' and warning the recipient to leave Sicily within two weeks or his life would pay forfeit. The chief of :fenidarmies was communicated with and inforined of Livigni's suspicions as to the authors og much of the crime then infest ing Palermo. A trap was also laid for the sus pted Amorsisas, who were believed to be lders of tips band, but they seemed to have been infornmd ot the scheme and kept close to their farm. Evidently the trap had one good effect, however, because neither of the Livignis was molested and both finally emigrated to the United States. Meanwhile the Italian anthorities somewhat relaxed thejra vigilance and the list of crimes was being a agmented as rapidly as ever. The most persiet tnt shadowing of the Amorosas dle veloped no'hing tangible to inculpate them or their associates, and beside two of the gen darmies detailed to look after the supposed a criminals also joined the list of missing. A 1 well-known priet who asnounced the brigands from his pulpit met with a lake fate, as did the daughter ofa merchant to whom one of the five brothers was paying his addresses. The girl was supposedl to have been betrayed and mur - dered, but no evidence could be produced. This crime wasn committed in the fall of 1880, and the warnm months of the followIng year at last saw the toils tightened about the assassins. It needed a case of yellow fever to do the work and in a foreign cit at that: but the New Orleans type 4 the 'ies helped in a good causs for once, and the affair came to a head in A, zur o32maa8 cLUE. Sicilian maamdCaarelli, and according to the report mande to the Italian minister at New IYork Cattseli, who semed a wall-edsseated and intelhgessa mag, requested of a frind just be fore his death that the latter should destroy a Spapers to be found in Caffarelli's trunk. had become aequainted with this frisnd, hy charace, and informed hima that he was tra n Aseric forpleasure. The friend, ' aree todesroythe deuments, but on ~zmbnmg themate Cafarslli't death found s any quaskv of letters from Niaermo. which ha ben rttem by the Amerosas. showing he to be the leadese et the Nala in Bicily and es hhn=W Oer owin instruasentahty in a member e beimsemanitted around Psalerao Idurtog CasretWa absesa. The naines of at least tweltythre oshers were also mentioned in the tese, but apay of, these were meter fae obecofthe-lost eilaeof . Doo tog a basmeh in 16ew Orltar ere also In - ma carmn.. Marii, at. n alf Mc~iint ease seat the in eimng letste to the Italian ..ata.r-at New Yo.k andthe haer fofuarded M to hi ~~eci.3wep e - absa to ma.the bsse datesm = he, a aa risoner or prisoners could be safely jailed. At he same time the other criminals might succeed a making good their esca after having been arned by the fate of tir fellows. An at bmpt to capture the Amoross at their farm rould undoubtedll prove disastrous. becausm le suspected bandits had an immense numbet f servants about the plantation, who migh elp their masters stand off the gendarmes in s eneral ight, and the police officials were in a nandary. The prosecuting officer of the district ai Ingth hit upon an expedient which proved a inning combination. A government attacha ras sent from Rome to Palermo and he pre ented to the Amorosas a document which pur orted to give him authority to negotiate with be murderers for the purchase, on behalf of he king, of a portion of their plantation, trough which .it was desired to run a line of silroad. The Amorosas at once fell into thi rap and fixed a price for sale. to which the ttache agreed after considerable parley. A my was deterutined upon for the signing of the ecessary deeds and the Amorosas were told to resent themselves for the purpose in the palace r justice of Palerrno at a specified hour. The olice secured a large force of gendarmes. who nietly secreted thernmelvea in large rooms djoining that to which the bandit6 had been irected to come. Every preparation for maak ig the capture successful was carried out :rictly and then the appointed hour was waited. All unsuspicious the Amorosaswalked into the sareand the five leaders were bagged and con ned behind dungeon bars, but not until more tan twice theirnumbershad been placed horsdu orbat, either killed or wounded in the bloody 2y which followed the surpriie. Each of the andit planters wore a coat of armor under his lothing, as a search proved, and the oflicials ere positive of having captured the right par. es, particularly when a search about the farm rought to light fourteen bodies of persons un. uestionably murdered. The imprisonment of te remaining score of suspects w-as accom lished more easily and the sentences meted out ere alike in every instance. The trials lasted i the aggregate a period of eleven months, at all were found guilty and decreed to pass ie remainder of their lives within the prison Termini. where life convicts in Italy are Pnt ever since capital punishment by the guil' tine and shooting was annulled. The Mafia in Sicily at that time received a rushing blow, but no doubt the same blow rove dozens of itsmembers to similar branches r the society in the United States. nmethling In a Name. rom the New Yor in'. A certain business man in this city has good asson to believe that there is "something in a me " For many years he engaged in busi isa pursuits here under the- name derived om his father. The name was an honest one, at not particularly euphonious, and Its bearer >und, after ranch energetic toil in several aids of industry, that it was tIarren of talis anic influence in businoss. Although a man fine presence. good manners. industrions abits and personal honesty. this gentleman as unable to win succoss. He. tried venture tier ventrure, with fair prospects in each ca'e t the outPet. but failure came with die eartening promptnes. His peculiar name on business card or appended to a letter ever seemed to have anijy weight in busi ems circles. After a great many vicisvitudes e reluctantly came to the conclusion that it as his name which brought him bad luck. He eolved to try the effect of a change, atd with ie permin.ion of the legislature lie simply re ersed hi-i :me. For the cake of illustration, apposing it wa Abel Smith, he obtained the :gal right to change it to Smith Abel. The lIeet of the change wva- magicaL. The hitherto lu1ivesucess cod the new name 'assidu usly. that h3d fallen liat before ecnme ro.ular ard prosperous. Old debts ere speedily paid and a new bank necounit rew to very ihealili proportions. The gentle ian grew rn-h steadily% and hi, name is now on ic list of the colid men of New York. About Even. rom the Bneur News. On the steeple of an old Univorealist church i Bath, Ilo., there is a wooden figure of an agel. It is not a remarkably tine specimen of ,t. and has always been somewhat laughed >out, especiaily becauEe of its high-heeled iwes. The Eath Enterprise recalls the story tat a former pastor of the North Congrega onal Church once accosted a devoted Cuiver jist with tie question: "Mr. Itaumond, did you ever see an angel ith high-heeled shoes on its feet?" "'N hy. no.' answered Mr. Itaymond, "I Can't that I ever did: but did you see one without A Sad Investigation. I i -4. Wtilli- sren-"Dem's ti Vinet trained mice T'eacher-"I saw you, Willie Green, put anething in your pocket. Come forward and ring it to me." C Teacher-" Well, if Jon Vill not hand it ost I hail get it myself." Blackwell's I "Great Bull Flovemnt." BULL 0 Is a mild and pleasant stimul and in no way excites or dc respect it is distinctive. It fort with no unpleasant effe Blackwell's Durham Tot AUCTION SALES. THIM AFTERNOON. THOMAS DOWLING & SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEE'S RALE OF RMALL FRAME HOUSE AND LOT KNOWN AS No. 410 THIRDSTREET NORTHFAST. - Under and by virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District f Columnbia. uittinar in equity. in, a cause wherein James E. Garner is comnplainant and Samuel Hawkins t a rt. r defendants. beingr etity cause No. 13:,Oil. the undersi.ned trustee wi on SATURDAY, NVEMBEk FIFTH, Ism' at HALF-PAHT FOUlt O'CL.OCK P.M., sell at pub1lic auction in front of the premi-es.that lot and pa-el of rr:mind situat. in te, ity of Washington. istrict of Columbia. known as parts of lots lettered 0. P. Q and R in James C utchett's snbdivi'-on of lots in square seven hundredl and ifty-lvea (7-... having a front of eighteen leet hy a depth ofabout seveny-fix feet. more rarticularlv d-scrit ed in said proceedizaus. improved y a two-stor trame I wellinir. Termaof ale: One-third of purchase money in cash balance In two equal installments. raayable in one anA tw. year". re-: ectively, secure, by the notes of the I- ser and a &-ed of trust on the prlsanela. sold. or a! I -a-h. at ptrchas,-r's option. All conveyanci'ne and recordrw at Inrchasr's cost. A ldopt)it of 4100 re nh.Termsfsaletobee-on;'lied it. within tifteen days front day of sai.otherwiae the trusto- raselrve- the right to redel at the cost and risk of the defaulting aurchaser. I. F. LEIGHTON. Trustee. oc26-dd Offlce. 4tt Louisian ave. nS. HOMAN DOWLING & SON.Au on T t"n2 E 'St. n. a. PERF3NPTORY SALE (* TWO NEW TWO-STORY. NIX ifINS AND IIATH HOUt,.Sft No,. 919 ANDrtt0F I'lWt II Iii tE[T NOa-TH AST. We wil sell at public auction in front of the -r-i-l.on SAT IT DA, Nv IMBE-;R FIFTH 1NSF! A THA Li- PAST FP ;I O''LOCK P.M.. late No. 7 an-i "S. in 4,,r'Nia. -Iiys tubdivlsiou of cr. tin lots in q rare 775 Mbject to a deed of trust for d, ft on ear !i.t ), intr-eed a. al-ove mentioned. A dosit rf *t0 will I! requirwl upon are-ptance if b'id. e'r.s o: -le naal. known at titne of sale. If term-' f l.e are rt corplied with in t-n da-, the I property %ill be- !resld at the risk and cost of the de- I . atinc Pura er. oI3-d.d FUTURE iAYs. 1 ATCLIFFE. DARR & CO. AUCTIONFERS t b'0 PA. AVE N. CHANCE Y SALE 01- ALAIABLE IMPIOVED i-AL ESTAT E, llING PREMISES NO. 190S K NTR i-t N (l THWI.T V. By it-tue of a dr-ree of the Supreme Court of the Distric:t of (tu:r aauassl tin equity 'use nuum err.-d 1401I. ulwhr.-in Vharle H hau, '-i al are coirlsrama:ts ant Whitfi-ld Jacks 'net a.L are iefend anti. tihe u-l-raiartied. ;s trueese. will -ffer lor sale at pdlie au--tion. in ftont or the premnises. o I-It 'AT. THE JE LEVN Il DAY OF No. VEM1B2.H. I892. at HALF-P'AST FOUR O'CL'CK P A.L. the followinr descritud real estate. to wit- Part of lot numober-d 10 in equate VG twieinnin for the san- at a point on N.orthR street datiant --venten (17, lait west frn, the north east emn r of sad ,t uate.-n <16, anei running thenc'e sest eight-n tilife-t. thence soitth foret-Aye(4.i feet, thence -st te-liteern ON) te, t thence north forty-fe (4.5) feet to thbe pis'e of inning. Sai tesI state tstroved by a two-story briek dwellinw, eivibt rm:ns. aiit ( elar TeIrn.s osaas presArbed by the decree: One.third h money in -ash. balan-e in two equal instalbre at one ard iw,. jears. with interest fron tl e flay of sale, to be Ird y de-d of trint upon the p'roperty sold.or all -ash. at the option of the pur eiaer. A de-it t 97i00 will be required at the tiue of sal- All enveyancing. recording. *c.. to be at pIrch-,se-'s tost. CLAII--NCE A. itANDENB'RG. JAMES F. HOOD &125h.nw oe3l.no2. Pacific bld.. ATIMEN a bLOAN. Auctioneers. La 140 St. CONTRACTOR'S SALE OF HORRES AND MILER. On MONDAll NOVEit E! S.VENTH. I1. at FOfit O-CLoC' P. M..Iu fr-t t os -ir sales roomsa, 1407 G street. we will sed for a c ntractorthe follow it Stock: 1 Pair Bay W rk Horses. I Larre (tra - W, rk tHtrse. I Pai.r Oo Ad Work iul"s. I Pair Fine Blac-k Horses. These ar. all rood workerm. and the p.r of b'acks wou l trina a Olne -an-' tesn. hein:, of irood size. ati lie and fine movers. bale it-sive. 't- -ash. LATIMEl & SLOAN. Auctioneera. jORTGAGEE'S SAI. OF VALUABLE LANDS SIN "L Ctv 'CUNTE. ION SMITHS Vh-EFK AND EN("WN AS THE JUTLAND By virte of the 1-iwer vested in ' as attorney narujed In the i oa-w gire ino, Williatm . Henderson awl, wife to Thouman. N. Wood, su viving-. xe,.tor o: William W. W. Wood. dated) the 1:mh dAY of Noven her. 115). oand recorded amonw the land reords of St. Marv's coumat. in lAi.-r J. F. F., folio 3W0. kc.. I will offer for sale t i the hirLest idd.-r. at the co':rt housa door in Leonardtown. on MON DAY THE Svf5NTH OF NOVEUKiEP. 1h.r. AT ELEf;ON O'CLOCK A. M., all that valuable tract of land called tor known as the JutI nd -state. on Smith' reek arid near St. Inwao's lost oth-, and about tw, mile- from Jen-s' wrarf. and particularly described in the mortarmae abtosve refrred to. and containing 730 acres, more or less. ALSO All thtt tract lyinr about twa miles from the above described tract and knsown as part ft. Elizabeth's Manor and part Stony in. which is also described in the mtonsgage stove refeard to end 'ontaining 290) acrres. inore or lees. The Irst mnent oned trac-t is hm proved by a sanhstantial frame dwelling honse, large stable,. corn cib, bulacam,.rith shop imnlententshed. 3i large baras. casttle shed, mule stable. overseerM house. 1 brick dtwellin'r homte. boat house. &c.. and is in a go'd state of u-u'tivatl n. The second of said trats as inmproved by a an'>stantial iranae dwelling hoise. Termsa of ate: One-third of the purchae money to be pid in cash on ratificati 'n of vale, with interest from day'asale. and thae taalanie In equal psments in sad 12 months, wit h intereat, or all cas. at the ott tion o~f the purchaser; the credat paytmentstohebe.e cured to the satasfaction of the uinde-sirned. Taxes will be adlusts u to dyof sale. A deposit of 1500 will be required at time of tale. IIICHARD)W TEMPLEMAN. Attorney and Arent oc18-!hv.ids 22 E. Lexington at.. Bialtiurnore, jd. ACLII"E,DARR t& 0. Aucts. TRUSTEE'S "ALE OF THitEE. ACRES OF LAND WITH SMALL BUILDING THEREON, O* BI(ENTWOOD RtOAD BETWEFN E.CENmTON A ND SOJUTHI BRtOELAND RUBDIVISIONS, IN A RAPIDLi IPROVING LOCATION. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Ctslumila, passed on t'e 28 h day of Oict - ber. 1S.f. in eqiy canses No.1d1:5. Jones vs. Taul mlan. te cnderuned trus~tee will sell at bulic auc tiotn in front of the premutses on WEDNEND AY. THE NINTH DAY OF NOVEMIBER 18112. at FIVE7 O'CLOCE P1.., atract of isnil of about th'ee (3) acies fr-ontins on tihe Brentwouod road between Patter. son aven ue t'n theasouth anel South Brookland subdi Wtion on the north. formerly the prpryof Dove D. Taulmnan and mtore particulary m'netes and bounds in the 'rineedng in the above-entited cause and in a t!eed frm John H. T. (Iroshons to Di. D. Taulman. recorded in the lam di rcords for the Distt ict of Ctoltimbiatn Liber 1512. folio35. Termst of sale, as prescribed tby the mild dceare: One-third caish, 'ne-third in one y-ear and one-thr in two year, with interest from day of sale, for which the notes of the purchaner.secured by deed of trust on the premises. will he taken. All conveyan -Inc andI recordinar at purchaser's coat. If the tern, of sale awe not comnplied with within ten days after sale the trustee reserveg the riarht to reedvertise for lye das and sell said property at the risek and cost of the te faultin aurchaser. A denesit of one hundred and fifty dlars will he de'tred at the. time of sale. EDWAED H. THOMAS. Trustee, _c2 __d 9161 F aL n.yw. virtue of that certain deed of trust. dated the Pa o ebruary. A. D. 1i1 and recorded in liber 1511. folio&)9 et seq.. one aTteland records of the District of Columnbia. we will sell at bulic sue tion. in front of the mraises. on WRDNE DAT h 1. FFE TH DAY OF NOV EMBER. A. D. HALF-PAST POUR O'CLOCK P. nm.. the followinst described seal estate and the imnprovements thereon. situate in the city of Wahinerto District of Colnum bila. to wit: Lot numbered one hnedand forty-tms (1!. in the Natinal Capt al Inveetament Cotupua y ad others' subdivision inequare nunmbered eht hundred and sist -one (061). sa erpat recorded in liber 17 folio M.of the we ort rthe murveyor's offce of ihe District of Columnbia. Terms of sale: One-third .f the pmeseb mener to be paid ins resh and the balance in one and two peare fromtda of sale in eqal instalmins , for whle the, noe ole cher muss he ive., wth interest payabl s lany at the rtofsix f 6 per centam per sist nti ad and surdom t ro cold.,ertetbh.iao of the p coy, at dretst at pue e as. A G ote il he required attetime of mels. 1 sale4 ra ctot pedwith within ten of s t esegryve iht reel th urertyat rihrad oafte dfut ,preg sr aftr y p..ree .aes. I. th. JO C5. f1JTrustaem. OEO. W. STICKNEY. Auet. ad-eebda LATMER W8LAN. Asetameessa1407 0 Sreet. firI.' .5B lull Durham 2 Smoking Tobacco Made a record long years ago, which has never been beaten or approached. It has not, a good second in popularity. Its peculiar and uniform excellence pleases the men of to-day as it did their fathers before them. Sold wherever tobacco is smoked. URIHAM ant which quiets the nerves ranges the system. In this gives the most solid con cts. Made only by acco Co., Durham, N. C. - AUCTION SALES. FrTVRE DAYI. RATCLIiFE DARR & CO.. Auctioneers. TRUSqTEES' MLE O SEVEN DWELLING m HOT*'S ON B O TREET NORTH BETWEEN TENTH AND ELEViNTH HTREETh E4NT AND THREE (:t HorsE, ON TVNTH ITRFET EAST B-T106EN B AND CSTAEETS NORT . -!i tu- a d.-ed of t ltat to u.. 1.1-d April K. 1S: . recor'lei Lib-r u67 folio 243. one of the I land records of tha I 'istr ct of Columbia. the 1tnderfiarned trustees wil! soll at ri ane- t, tion'T in front of 't ruises, on MO\DtY. til: iiTrr NYTH 1.ltY Oif NOVEMBER, I141. AT FOR O'CLC'K P. M . th- aouth 1a feet by the width lots 2' and :0'. all of " 'ota 31. 32. :o. 34. 31. :1; and :r. and the south 17. TI feet lof :1 ino 1.0,.ies" and P111111 aubdi, vision of lots in square 1114. in thi-tt, of tamsio'.0r ton. D C. Each ... *at I lets. and each of sail arts of lot., is Imnroreil by a hn-i.- .lw.1lnr . t la-I. Is house. with the lot on which it is built. will I. *,,.. separately and wil' be a .14 ubject to a prior deed of trut.,Viz: of O*:,. i0,0n part 't 109.oft3.,00n part lot 'li-otf '.- on each af 'ta :1. .X1. t ni :94. of t *4.:.0on lot :.. and1 ot '2.SIO on ,. a t of ]-- :*i. :17 - and on arid p.rt of I t :4. wi'h ,nt-r--t on -ach .1o .aid arountsa trolt Se.ptentr 14. I1!Z a' the --at- of 6 i-er cent "r anntrn, tavahla .o -annually, the a 1rintn-napay fsi won en ab litr tiv. years Iro~ at, I4 I W(.1 a Termao.of sale.One-balflcash. bl-alte in soft Anwael'. mon.ths. or all c'. at r*on -f urchaser D. ferred partnleito to he re-reoortt-At to rote. "f f'r ebaser and to he secured by d-.1 ..f trust at to bear Interest from rlay of sl. A *teoi-it ot 0100 -ill te reqired on es-h hous.- wha hhi is aw-h- t--d If termsof sale ar- not -orn-lt.l with in t-k I n% a the treates reserve tih. rit to resell at r:s4 an I cst .)f defaulting purcltaser. $ E. EDNMoNISTON. Trusto. .t0,h at. a. w. HtNRY K RIMPIN. n4-dkde :sy I ea:,y a anta ae. a. DULNCANSON BIROS., Anettori. A ITH A ND D STS. N.W. TRUSTEFS' SALE Fp At.ttltLE tMPROVr n RE4li0 I STATE. SITUATE N t=1 I STREET NOltTHEASI. By IL r.. e f a dbid I triit l-ain, late %p*ember . . 'nd orered in Lit- : f Iho 1". .f the laIn 't ei. o: the i1)i.triwL of . and at the rI writ -n r-quest t f ti rarty seen--d tih.-rty, we will ft et IIt ,ohi1e a-wtion in trnt' ,f th- pretin on , TUESf)AV. NtiVliB1lt FIFT EENT rI 18', AT FIVE P_.. , the follow-ov descrith-l I tn-rty Lot nurnoe-md oiventy-naitt (7'. '1f telot Ihart e-I tsttt di vii!n at tot'. nuuttitree t vent y-tw.''.y:2' ter '-'ree t(O. twentty-tour iO anit ta.wen-.- e d.r .f Kelly's utotvttttn O0I 'qr-r Itandta-,-r.i -;.rbt hirdred an. fitty-%-V.n (o.7,. Ia,twn a frontage 't i .t I~ a depth ol 1-tt ee:. wit it mrovemnts r-i-t:n:: of C % two-story brick dweliinm. containinir six toni, and bath, lwodern mr>u ee~ Terms One-thi:d caslh; alan- in 'ne and two - years. with interept at 6 iwr cent I-r ann:u. in ter-st payable a-mi-anrtaisly. Conv-yanftr and 8 r,. ordinjr at purchaser's co-t. A dep..sit f C-400 S will I-' requird-t at ttme vt saile. -lernim of 8ad.- to lit emplied with in tan Ia. froni a of a'e. otherwise trnstees reserve ye riarLt to tee -11 the property at ti e ri and cost of the defaultinr; pu ehater or purca-r. It THOI. G. IIENREY. I d n4.10t CHAS. C. PFIE.C'TT.j Truste. UNCANSON~BROS., Aucta.. 9th and D sta. w TR!USTEE'S SALE OF RERTAURANT, POOL TABLES. &c. NORTHE4ST C-ltNI It '17 sEV ENTI AND1 i TdIEETI NORTUE E1T. By virtloe of two. deeds of telust.recordedi reat-pectively in lile: 1(;4. folio :?24 et o-q mnil -olo 2 et sej.. ut the Land records -.f i- Visrict of tolutmhir. I wliel- 'ontihe ;remisee#.0N MONIAY.NOV EMBEIC U SFVENTH. A. V. 1I0P. ATT%.. EI.E (iCLOC K M. all tb, cooas and chattels mentioned and de% rihed in SCHEDUL E markedi A ' and aeanexed to -aid deeds of trut and centained in rretise, ro-rtheast c mer of E 8-renth and H streets northwest.Wasington. D. C.. and consistine in ]a't of e Tw.' Pool lables. Bali and Cues, C *wo Mirror. Cat! dTables. M41ow case. Chairs. Bar Counter. Uhiiklteq, Glasses. ke., &e. Termncasib. no-.dte GEORtGE AUGHIERTON. Trustee. UNCANSON BROS_ Aets.. Uth and Dts. n.w. TRUSTEES' SALE OF BRICK DWELLI. No. 10!1t MADISON STREET NORT1lWEST. By virtue of a dee tf trui-t bearinar date on tue 29th day of Arril. 18[L recortabl in Liber 11;77. folio - 49 et seq.. of the land re-ords of the District of 4f.t u . ba. aett at the reqnest of the pa-ties, secured thereby. we will sell at public auction. in1 frontof teei on THURSDAY THE 'iWEN ITH DA U Or TOBElt. A. 6. tt19-. AT HALF-PAST FOtR O'CLOCK P.M..the tollowinr pieee or parcel of lat.dt situate in the citv of Wsahint.1n. twine lot number -4 seventr-thr-e tt3). sq'tare numbered one hundred and eaiht (1S3O. naving a frontage of '24) feet and 4 101 inche" by a depth of W12 feet and 6 In'hes. togethe with the lyoprovementa thereon. rousistint of a two. n s'orv and has-tent brick dwelling. numbered lt(St Mad:eon street northwest.and a two-etory brick stable in rear of etid dwellin. Terms of sale- O'ne-third purchase money eash; balance in six. twolve and eighteen month-. with in terest at ti ier cent per attnum, interest payable setai annually. secured by a deed of trultt on taw prop -rty b sold. A couveyancing and recordinr at one-chasrfe ceat. A deposit of twolhundred dollarit*300 wril b al required at the time of s*ic. Term. of sale to ba compliedl with in ten lays from dote of sale. ,ther- it, wise trustees reserve the rigrht u, resell the property at the risk and cost of defaultinr Purchaser or ,ar- I chasers. C. U. WILLIAMSON.) W E. EDM-ONSTONj Trustees. I oc4-eo offie,. zub athset. n. w. WTHE ABOVE SALIS POSTPONED UNTIL TU'ESDAY, THE FIRST DAY UF NOVEMBER. - IW.satne hour anddplace. oc-21-eokds W. E. EDNONhToN.( "ste 15THE ABOVE RA~L. IS FURTHER POST edutlWEDINE-DAY. .NINTH DAY OF 'VBE.A. D. 14112. itam- Itour andt place. C. H. WILLIAMwiN.l n2-eo&tts WV. 9:. F DMN STON. I Tr"0ss' PROFESSIONAL. TyALTER 8. ELDRIDGE. V. D., HATTIE N. ED iE V. D.. clairvoyant, magnetic and mental healers. 103::~d st. n. w- n3-2w. IRB ~ELlWORT1LCIlRVOYANj MEDIUM ~V.and healer; treats all nervous ailmte amarnet ically ; massage griven. 110 K st.. Bear 9th st. n4-:Xt lMME. RAPHAEL. CELEBRATED CLAIRVT YLant and astrotorist.bhotn with a ame. - and lucky date., tells how to retain husbaard or lover:~ Irives for a short timne a chat on p'almatrty to all con suitingr her. Room 10. 910 F et. n. w. oc21-w* te DR. LORD ARRIVED. MONT FAMOUS SUIE I. tifle. astrokosr of the'I1'thcentury ; teilltlp truthfully ;trever fails; convintes the most setcl having been attested and approved of by the e ec I rnapers-World. Nellie Bly. Sen. Jaoural, &c. 606 c 13th at.n.w. o etci.gve.og LiANTLERtOY THE ANTROLOGIRT, TELLS ALL* the events ek life. Fee. 30,. .Hours. 10 ant. tao Srp. In. 1211 Delaware ave. s. w- c-m DROF. CLAY IS THE OLD)EIT EUTABLIttUED I s dvertistny clairvoyant, astrologer and smediuma n 1' it this city. Has. wonderful prophetic srift et seomd e sight.. Reveals hidden mystertes. recavers bat or :: stolen property. brines eperatedi emnees sjpeedy maarriases, gives maccaes in -reasoves family troublem~evil Iitenes. Strangers fbotheres dutes and all in trouble will save tiene and moessy by I noming to the right place at one, as he cenaedsO where others have failed. Ceavins moat skeptieal and advertises only what he cam do. All bedases not Odential. aeraction snant onr Cc 0 Roifs. 91to9. en Sundays. asa- g'~ bst.4land h . sE..a* EFRANICIS. CARlD READER AND TRANCE .medium. life Liven fromn eendls to grave,. let st. a.e. ; hearsfrom n a.ut. to pm. a.Ep4w* t4 DcbgARAvnTOT. PROM DOSTON GSub meiae btsi and ec1-dy5* B ETOCONSULT EMMA. EMMTg U 'S. FL- RENCHRC HTO o~x ramsTr.end~ h nem.medint ao efrien EAE.THE ONLY OPrLEBRA is p . M1 1thme.a.w. mib; N iag..a aEs -d aiav p_ _ _ _ e_~~w SLADIE54' GOODSi. ODI8T LATF PHILADE.1LFI. V II. p The dre"Stania heml3 lun i garnoentes dt gaateed. Prces oderate. IVtO t I W .IE AND ILACK I.AeF* TV%- t-i 6'E vB's-elo French style. White ami Rau~n tirsmma. he- w-tro. W ea55sn ren Cell at b AZAE 'ALMOT oid stan 1. 1A I11th &L .w. IM6ES Bt'TLER 7"- l'TR RT. N.W. Ju'iT I ' eftetslir from 4-w Yor w- ar repared I, too. 1r Its all inta nle 1)"-.' amsj -*et cStumeqe L Uer n.ede.n all the lt'at) I... erfect at ni Iu* . MATFRIAIN F MAKte PAII-, a itaaead vore, ru. i pa n'I1::t2la-deu.atp PECIALTY. dl Infanti'tiand Childrena's Out file M ae to or4er call 2 et n.w a.t.D-Vlt* IRC'k. R. IiV . ! F ST - W.. 11 A%%iN1.- Us ' III . D S- a -kee r air -J ait r.!ined. Isa and ap-e made., i ordr. carrage r-h re. aed ad repa ired. .r:.; m' J. BEJAINilN 0. Pratical fiarrier. IAIaes' furs atered and re filed I t new 1612 5th t. a =o.3-inm* IR . C. BER~..ti R. 'At-t1. Huk 1;F lnotved her a tnnun: pr It.,!i 11 it1. 11I tgt. n.w.. wim-h-- will b-- p eaed :.*~ 1.--*ha W 8 f.!N AN 1 tHi-.4I<>N' .2R F t' L4R'OWSE.,.N ii .kVI 'q*ttd'r IN ety'.* . ilh an-1 rilTH .AP. HSCR4. 111th -t. iat--af. an i ,iter for It *w r. Mt,.. B. I c L; ... r:,. IME. CAMII.EF. I I'NO'-H rl ISSMAKER. 11AM removed f r". IM' t, t. th on. o W ItS E. CUNNINGuI AM. FURRIER. _At t., %, aind 0 a W. 'HAT FAbI.D TAN PlING PRESS WIL, 14,f a rt.1ich res. tak COome early and avroidthe rink. De't Tark To!r licht-11, awa. gentleman: it W1.1 ,oe food for miot.s. ir ied iaol be ervceable i at weetLer. ANTON FIRCHER. WI 1.L iLw. F 314 P a kk-k wF BIcat. the. S-epskin rugs an I whit t.-are rie.ann liN EAFFT.ER. '. l-ITH FT N -T FtR M- V Aerly 4f R H torn'k. 14-tn. ha%, Io- her tabhlihment foorwa ipi nd-tesA ZZpaterr eof Washingito- T : 'ri- --.'-. rt - - R ' -oNs n-N iyNi(li. AN intr ;- tabliv It. 146 N-w I'.-k rlra First-dass dies' awnd - m raise- ey . tin Mont. She- lar 1;us w!, Whit-- Vnr cioaa ANTON A.'D 4* ". IN '.X 1 Ioritnely With 1-1tor an, I Nli n I r-'.. IIrl. In%! 1H: FXI'EII NE P ITT A ML adPI.II:ENtE F flI- Rs 1. MT be ,f *.MI .in. to Vo* a :- y roTaa t hnuv a P- A NO or G -WAN' 1,- f-.. 1 .r ti.- en tIe 1-new a at.d are in yoaltio, ti, - ip. u. l it ox t** , it t e de I -- t . ls- te V1 Na I "I 1:4. INs. b' ,"?I m:r rasr, n,,- -n the matrk.t. Thv'lre all al.'t .a F *n o r"M , A. r- e:. aro": %%-t_ . De i-r ,to. -a- her. 1 -Y. Ivt-man t Pon-t Piane.aAndtbe F Este. Or-% kDEhs & STAYMAN. Isrka Pevr "re. *toW F ST. X. W. Id 13 N. 4-harlet.. AIqttr.yr. -13 -3m 'INE AND RFLtABI E A '. ANT) * Il: * at :t, g>-* KVIHl's I !AI LE IfF i1, 121 ', a-. Piiwa tutrved. rertiaited and F I ALIF V I'it VI .1i;H" IIAN--Fitt F vwe-nu Z. artistw I -ah. dira" iti. in raled. WhIlsit- rie. an- ital t.-rn. , pn-s for fit a bpel'ft.tlk, AA ry,11 ll %Ih t . w m 'TNINGIi AND .FIkl-Ns. -,hRE ELY pitano hk. ttr and :epairer, lat -irtitam are with U .. kist r.t i ,!esIen-, *e Ih It. a . .. w.rk.hop in th r.-- ' rj- rea -i. :n eaWorkL.j1anvarta,!bedAand p-!,hat.A Ian . ailt Tk.A-.siTl.SIbh 4l~t. TEMNWAY. P"qAF. '. Aii, entyt1g Pg&hMA urgans audl .E11iana f or 4.--t ot., n'1-. Pa. Lee. S TTT it vE FF1 FF" T it V F r T ii Fit F- Fx ,. r tt V. V V io T It EFF F F ~ Prire mestal Part' I pI I. I-:5 first pr-minT C deried j-y .. ; .w I. -I. an' -V.--. r fr irabili v. 4 i-i !.iZt S ' l s:.- The, t %. itihit (haI. -in - Ib.- II.., nid '!-Or PFi-rr--A & ('4L)\ IfF.41, 1tht. w. K K NNN A BUB PF XX % X N AA t I K NN'q A& A lIB E K K N NN AAA Pi BR t K K X NN A A iBBM EE 1' I A NA $ ", NEQ-ALED IN -lUN' . T''U. H.WORKMANSHIP @ AND UtR iLtLTV. p-a-ial alis-iti . ie" uLam-.- ivitd to lth-ir a Newv Artisti - t I-." h tillui In d-irnre ,f Hit Hi- a sT Dr''n c i iT I.n r -t ELCOND -lItND PIANO-. -A asrten'. P imprisiilall .ir o- -r wS i* ln- isabl in the % 'untr., it thrir rpair. will be. "IS1 ou at V 14 w Iur. M.IPD t 'LI IN Sl.i O'EMIN! it-tt prie- and in trm. 'teh Will Ia msan'- ,n EA% ti ON IIL A IALLMEN I N te.n d-i'-d. el de. Vi arke-t -4pace IR DENTISTRY. NIE EVAIS IJENTAL PARLOAS. 1217 Penn. ae. .w. Doyou wear a partial "et of artiflal isath with the a 4-fashioned plate. or have you !,.t ewe-al of your ltural teth? W-' can Insert at'tif-ial teth for yon by IF sytem of bridg"e work and tk us avoid thc use of a at. with all its discomforts and arnoyances. Have f on broken one of your natural t-eth so that it cannot te Alled. or have you a rout in your mouth that may 1cessthis winted? Haveit treed and reatioredt i former usefulnes by one of our ibesutiful rold or IminIR crowns. We perform ail oera'ion* per- I Iaing to unr professton. Fine gold illings. artifcial ath on gend. platma and rubber. kIagacng with - t pain- 3-1a* U J . DENTAL ASSOCIATON.C & car. -t n es .w The tesmat orgautantn devoted to high- 'I elaeetal practies in the world.. 4. Tiugtes ta. prossetes V eilbMef a. dBeletitrat asedera.t, targm. 1: 8ee priee liat on Arat page. ere7 e RORHON'si DiENTALIPARIAtiFsT ABrIs~H I:D E ItC 7.1.*I08 14Ih et. n.w. Ftall sets *7. 612 and - I' '0. Old rlates mad. now. Opum day and nuarbt and . maday,. Filling EL t up. O)ld and new prueesses umed. R3. 5. PARONN. R. F.. 003. WTH AND E TR e .w.--Plitng amspesiatty. Ashin, and ulrerat'-i2 sth retor-d by the rowneysie-. A locelstxetheti--l i'liedtorumns tleviate peiza beazracting. Ali mache of Jenstaitry. ee 8 tIER DENTAL INFIRMAIA- TEETH FILLED' and Wfs-incia teethi inserted witheuet charte ewropt Ii at of rmaterial at 1325~ lt. m. ..dentsl departmient S teColumbin Univer y. fram j to:. p,. an. .iiy BuStnday1; ..actom fee.a inflrmary open from ___ to___un__ - ___._____r_ 'Ii-tf 1 NTAL INFIIIXARY---NATgINAL liNfVES. -Bh er. th and K ats.. w. Opec 2 to 5 aLl i, arteil.feWro~r s HEOTEL.___ 416 K BT THE IININGTUN. [s now open Mr vecepridn of ges. Bonale e suit.e eingie. Tels m3-3 n EEX GMEECY.' WA3. Wire arverment aee.. OPPosite the Arlingte.. V Cln eneaveeiet caeas et seemes ftma4 mutt deuirabi.- tenant. rtaagmute. '53 per day. feh rothytes. beboard. egg.1m [OrTr.'LNFANT. car. lOsh ..d Me.... abea emoeu and re 1isd throaghest. ~~ imrn~~totbeteb e and aeretes. Ul -W ea~nts. D. C. '| EB31TT KOUSE. - WA.EIIGeO. ... OCF.AN STEAMERS. a. rALT AND ensamIuted hi.r. Imewe via 2 ~ a U ((forut in) AiE M. ea* bh -e. .a I~aam~aae .I I RAILROADS-. AFLAEAKE AND qMt1O K- 111,1. UCREt*I. 3 1 FFFE3T t (MingU Ml e daily ftem Ilos aft" " % fIheutr Ui. mret esam la emintuan Ad -oat and :.7t cousbt. id .5t s.r, m. Waehitartc.. 511 3' to deaii '-'ieatl aed *. . L. . i Gl a. - i .-it AI. . bsttrai . - tdtmtatir -a t e- are V aasnt.yit 1- 4Con -ana ats Agiives . ,1 ' Ia u intieis e I1 :1V am., '. 3. l ' . c'hceio N%:4 in It At,% i . ias T.-famous ''. F.T. wsool1 A s'ib ui" in with A,'stg egr lgt " 'Llo, , -r ' ', in n. .U. I .111taartaa. Inte"lev te 1" 48 , I lo and Sfi i . w Aitaet esit. -- 1E ldei A nI f't A; i ,m. l.sIA.tnrt At 101P fn.. 1.'ub. * 1' *'I' ni.. Iti.anatita tI4. t M.. (te a n . . , 3 4 a n - IM a 1111,abm If- a 4. o. r - - titsal.l 1t0. lI.o. a..eard. 1itautu i ote. a: lfresrtaf smust. Amiy. aCetet Ita , tocatione &nd etchens at ('6emm"' e1brema, SAn 14 **-as Ms ai I' - I. tin' PtSinge Ag~ Rr OIRFAT 'FC"4''1fX3AEIA Bo:LTE TO THF W.o.111 WLEt 1 a 4,% P rUo m f til'lmi- Tmot at alLt %tit' *.M rLL I l. . i g-'.-" In @ete An -ueW lt, law. RINS L.F Ie % NJ _%,; . -k im pTAirogo dist itIK AN I tI A i MI AtA'tw Dr P1"". .Ire 4ad tie '-..a 'enInerIeafia IAUssitd SIe. I u;: map Vvoiifl iw ee 'ali at toI 6 i, da. 1. kam 1.0n. 10 No a s. daily to ('humu e..:a,,tan, an st I- e=,. o 1th I-arler car hal. laston to Har: sebur. a,..! H rreSbuarvrte Puaer-s and oe'ringf "'Arm ron, PI ,tr~her to t'olsmeu6il 41oloot: 1 amt4 i e I.o A f -at Ktes it 1l . 'In f'"nt anrnatt aprrvee.t l daiipl I. s. w -''ar ntl u a-e t Har i . marr-Ite t'u'g t. " i.uI an 'anetinatt. and mieg C Harrmet rt 1. fo 1.. -.11e% Ia -. e d l .t t- W: * rw -. '. '"r SaIt. to 'a. &f. an I b: oz '.r *Earristeug lO C'oo. a., V% --e wn I- L--1. atl 7 4t 1, tu dat % . wttL ol-. C'arM A aalattal.t.1 1., 4*'eseeems. -eneo.ctiea .r al~esr with lat ueh nitoespa.r ter "ttew a* 's'tasi-ant Pis..,-n p noss.. l %it P'.taks . a i's. a,. " the-et. -. Lba-r... 4 40 1 1 atly f..s I tatabu rg. . u s. n.a insati. Indtssmag :1. moompi'l4lo S A . 1114 ot maht *t.-= Iini ir * asum,ton~ to s' Lita. N *'.e srag He..e .. t- Ml.-mi ha. 5 insta ar A1 '...a t.. hi. u la-i pem 0o 40e1, m das'$ t..r PtItIk iw a the'"--e'. Sih t. WA th1~ier to Pattehts,, as hirebu-611" tto trae II hA... ans. taP. sR N..lhestr ant Wtagaes Fa 4a,,. r. --1 to, o rl a . : a io or V-,. ''newItanr asn. f(,h-ecer tot mo f . t 4L [aan an. . i se.r ss. e . . 'a ' . * P. It, . woh . S 5' eB-* n*, n -'. 5 s it ict h r Itn N iastara a %is . -I Tg, -tis-di. s . 1 .i It (i s ar - shitniitonto lio '...r Sw i. s ri. Iie.n' atd tulter at 1t . a te. dat4. .. e.; I Nusststas . )M t *iS %I'P 1414. NIW 10RK -AVD TW3 EA 1 . a ' se i1 .' 1. : oi. - _ 4'It l' GOf an-1 I n..,, -1.en .is law -4 I 4) wi . I -, 1. . 2 t . :t 1.',. 4 '.. s w l IA 1 o Is ..In I 1.1ttet Pull'.'an 1o-t, . " . -.low s.. .-tibsce P.-.e-utirr 's-- m i - ismsag Car. 4'ia. m ..- t.i Ith fams car fro-, Daltuti.o. '.r leo 0i Sf da h .t r Plita l i'h e ..e das -0 : .eng.a r l' eSia taa. ea. .'Sstb S'ret station. Phtblfehtlaa. for Jatrset *5 tI. otuR I HILAUF 1kHIA I%*ILV lot Aitipre. o 'Wa. A. wrea daos. a.4 3.6 8 4,. In isa - "iy. 7 .0a twa .l2 a n . 41 in. d. ls, r'ton wi'h l I!hani. 7' yes dae 'r II .. , N 5^ . at: throsch . At.e moetmet t. .*- Pty 1kth l..,at . It- .1sk n nnet. W ingc it.r. trsan..-: t.o IulI..e.'-ewt.awoidlagdesbj or A, ijnz - ta). 1I 110a in.. l. 3' Will ist, at, It to51 oniie i, .r l i i'ore .41, 41 .5ti. 7 '... 7 .11. ft. * . 10 1 1t . . i -0 1 1 iN) I ;. I I i t it. M s. 'O Au :t k *,. :. 4 (WI . 4t, 4... 4 44 J . As l 14. ~ 44, 104 I i Al II I1 7' maid I I W' , nt, A: a a . . .1 -1. 0 is -10. 10 IM I* a1 lM s I . I'. : 1 .1 3 1 '.. ' 4 4-. 441he .stnitd. 4 1...4.j 4. a s g III (Ito ad I1 Is , I, I >r . .- .. I.-lie. 7'40a a and 43 01. eget Sim lft or Annaas-ol: . W. ) and It .f a " . 0,1 Ai aio etst :11n1as. isaenaya. 9.4 a.M ant 4 21 pIli tk I1. IANRIA AND TlE ?lOUTS. or A,- L .n . oA-. 4 .k 0:. 3 4. It 40, 1 4. W.6 a 1r, . V! 11 9n. n, 00 It, - 3 1 . kg 4. 4 1o 5 :. i i. foI!. %.n., an4 11.314 p.m. OnuS d.1at 4 :ts : 4 - 14.4.'-. 10 4' a.m.. A. O. : 3a. s.. g.. m .'u f-n . VO,5ntb...7 dbur. . ,r It haitr. an-I the, itaith. 4.3 ad IG.5Tg.m. .-aI, 7 inr. -L- Las . Ptl. leas.- WI.s-re trasr Washigi. &e.7. b 0 1. if 10. 1t A .F. I1 17. I1 401 an.. I . t '1.h .: 4%.:, U.. ,. 4. 46. I. ; 47:. 011? t 1 A~sh t .. f. I: N At y at 4 10 1. 1:. lt a7 11.44ai~lu..' OM.:s.U-..0-. 7.40. 11.11, it0 '1 k-,.s aiti mtformtnaison of the oMS's. atuIthe" car -r 1:til ,,roei ant vil' atiia a n....ed = 4at att int. vi ti- e . i % - an t c ltr t tr ,b. 'ise-kiwmr ,varrs. t. 4.-..- . A&n fr.,n. hols and r.ds.-ew. H Ail I. PI'*.N. J. t 4A00a. usoemmrl Itanageor. 1a'*'71 S..eal P 010aLawue A , ' M AA tL2 0 .11 Pchedule in.- .ruhe. I2. All train, art e alt Leave at Iemgayla5 -r 1 a Inn. 'A ahas.rtn. EI V. .10 a t - leacy 'ai t-a LyntebibW ad an C. tn-.e at Mtaa 'toa hir thsatkeGauaemd ur. d4r.eo u v 11. .0 afns.--ita is. as.ttaM Luast fu a acus on Ntfnk aid Wsut ren troed ur ir.I .Iut,.i sounttt alt b.Vtaae;545 M t t'ruid. %-.sAi. Pstiitua. tmsa pr 1W est Al -aasimsertm t. 'flanta. cashnhmetane 1.ete ..-per e- NS.a rl an. via M.u . sonened tas 1. via li'na . . U.tiie as LARV e-r I.-* AUstato mind at Gosrebat-Iau' Wesik * . ai.. 4. s. in. . Pailyt fo Waret"a adl -- i t rain Itn J-rca .. e r- urbtran fr-rout ite)al and Mrmn .-lt SnI.ay. 1 -4, 1,101. [tail, WiliqlINGTOW &NMI 0GUT ISth t-l;N .1] b; ill'ID LIMITT D. o aae 3 y t P'ult" Be, )te-per, tiattit. Usai'.rsad .r, and rus to, Atlauta( .suae is booml Wth - .n tl.--r sthroie N..a Vok and Muift O ew ('t..-aa. vi. -r and UW SO .-m si, ,. vilB Uesitn -v . iANt1~ 1 V11 B t t. 14n r all t ep. as s Ichn.'' n il nd taval." tunteni. I'ulhmam "me. * b 1, *.od I.,sare ", h alria4% Will16a110 So. and Washitomizn to. itainta. rL4)1~ ii" UN A-MINSTue, AMD 0130 lmbt ae Wstapntrtoin at ie. IIs 4 .t s. as. d.11. A! t '.~ . in.. except INustcda). kuitreine .hat1111 n .10 a.s. 7 . p. no. daily Ad ... -i; Is A.. dal). "u-1a Nutday. TIria aahmon ts 2.,-. it tarrtm anli Tamm..emg slday. rUn. to aset frs-n M.-.-! 0 afl A hra-rit rasot f-0n tnh w..sith rtfal sn, a. if, . 141 . ad. it.' a 5. . .n. 4 ti1ad 14111. I1 s-kets. NI...- lint 'ar -..rVatina5 ad inguemt .irAhbe a1 n I.0tt Isau2Awbisaaa ad S I~ ner Statas.. MAta * - Ia. hi. *'. L A. BROWN. lsem--ral Arest Paesiamerf IVl. W. A. 'ITiK. G- -rel Pas - ,rer Agent ALTtisuiLF S U.111u LAIL0IJAI. 01erhsiouto in eofe., ay 2.. lis mave Washleinlva treim,, alton estier et NeW ain avesse amsi 5' *strvt. For "iig.oandi North. -Wt. Ietaba1.i bi Ma ..'ra.- It 1 K. I:,te s damiy. F..r I ' nie-mntar Nt. L..siss seed la.M el V. iled I.ji ..ii .:I :4. eS;.r. te II : o.7, I' . d ty. For l'ttr sad CIeve'laud, eag.erui dalil AL.Ma asd 51 4:s , n For IRs.-tong and iltant... 90. 40a. m. FVr is,. hs.-r andi wa'. ,tals..'. t:,.'K0 s-r.. Fo lisua . Na iurat fIrIltr. Mtuan.aau. KsgW:. tittaiiis -a atedMeit Atasss. 46..: . sn., il.5 in. 'I ; arisr ar t. Itiosuke ns nminart traim. -~ er .r t hesu rib to Ms.eeekss un sigh~t train. In ItGtsalinw. weak .tay... 4 .:. a.34, 2R . 41M sl.. e550. 4. ii te. 504 er. N :t. sO :51. , IdhS. 4 M, . mst.. at l'. Ili -. 10. s2J a'.40. s:.iA. 3.. I '!8. 4.:1. arh '.1. ':., a.. :16.' h i. M .q a, t1.41. ,.0-.. sht'~a. all.:131 II 't's i. S. . y :>1 :E' 51. 4 . ii.51. s mnue . a~s. n:60. 54.. (tl sitiet.') as. . 1341 Ih 1. ' 150 ml 29 Isor Anns-elia. 7 S andl 0.3 a an.. 12.I~sad G.M nsa. stndIay. N.:n, a. sa.. 4 .:1 t. me. For. l'r dieack ti:. til.;i. a am.. Il.15. 94.. hitp ms. I sr Hw.rratowu, 910 40a ain and *4 Im pm. 1.: ttrova un-I way- .tita. S 443. use Fos t enettel-~.Iururanel say geosnas.tfl 2!. * 4 410 am S4:.. ti i.. *:. 45in, t4 iL1. *:. :6'..* 4s. 43335 sn. 1 i .e. trama. '4.sier at gwin--steil etatiees )-. *Pi -i. 110.40 a.n .i * 4 :10. 9t.:s II. ai JA-AL tILL E LINE: rs NEW 15.9*1K AND l.UMp sitDELasl1. lIt".,Nf Pat1o Car. Ihm anera t r a n..'.Oisn. -lst Ik.iso. fa4t i'a. (itIt.ti lultati.3.1eo Ser. Ut-ns at .int kl. For AluadelphCia. 10.110gt and aseter 6 agge'e rnaied th g ti-n with Sta a Pousersb 'ui Trie- saner pa'se inerS , Frk~ Anffic. City, 1.15 e and atmos dt 5. Ic I-setELLy 'DMir. '. SadEr . Gem. Managsg'. (pgM 0U. hSk POTOMAC RIVER DOAT8. IEOPLNILZNF. NOR~oLaK AND WAUWNlGTOW. [anremed fveiert accotnetiase and q& 3 rem 66 . wharf. Wasaleuta. rovreisza wnsmcolo. s v*a ozs - fEE AND -RIG O mLee,.in W ausmwE dadly .1 . ~ 5S 4. - wR TRiwa ONa5E en ThmelernsefaEC aBM MI. ad essrsmee made Onsda as mlyaWe:* t. En1 sa.... OS* - ~2 - V