Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL MENTIOK Th.- Wese'e. eMMAr TlL 8 P. U. SUWDAT. P te District of 'ohmbia. imaryland &2W Vitkb. jir Sanday and! Mor.dav and prob aMy Tueuday; warmer snuda: high north easenty winds beeoming variable. eoW7rON 4 IF TWE WAFaL T tare ad condition of water aI A.: ageFals. temverature. 50. condition IN feealing reservoir. temperatere,54. Cow *Mer at north connertion. 36: condition a canh meuse.n.ti, 9; distributing reservoir 0 : a oedition at indseat gate hee, ; emet gat house. 36. N Me. I Low tide. T am. 8:0 p.m. 1:11 a.m. 2:18 p.m J3mu Lasenos wid offer on Monday a t New verb Avenue link the following Un pus-leent bargan: W yd. 6-4 Ble.hed sheeting. 10. @L.S Wesen Wire Led Snrings. *250. 93 - Dining thair, for 70. 60 3 k Rug Conche. for 014.50. 46 Fiee Woow Blanket* f or 04.60. S.A Print Bad Comfort.. W0e. each. Wardrobe Folding Beds. 2.L0. 02lid Oak Tabies for t0c. " llid Oak Tables for $1. Up kI 1 Rockers for $3.25. Oak Arm Rocher for f265. 30 pe f ef all furniture assept the above, IStI CheniDe Table Covern for 01.71. 035 1L. Brasslb Cartains for ft. , White Figured Swise Mua.. M. yd. 4 0 ew Ptfled Swine Curtains, 64 per estr. Jecszs Lanuam n, N. Y. Ave. Rink near 14th at. MI V. . Lowasan denire to inform his anosufe that he is no longer connected So rea of Famion. He will be pleased t a"t them at Mos. T. B. Eaans's. 1329 3 Wus deking to buy the best value of the hat a" healthiest Wines and Whiektee. native ew mpted, Judge them by the standard of 1oo eleoen with the diaerimunation of expe ukme saw at the nd..etablskhed warebouse of a Zanass, 967th at. smen ArmekhoEyes. HNoo.a's,463fav. hi~mem. Old California Malaga. Samples Rane. of persmal nestuese grew into a part of ams~tr. Give the little people a tooth bt b and Mmo' Dentifrice; it ease many a edmite hil. Me. everywhere. NEsneimic Em~as, begaaruma, 106PaNave. Tf InEWsoron, 141 K s., in reope for se seamptiem er geet. la OWe" coma Svr. A magicalremedy. Ifc. km~s.e order for a barrel of "Star oi the SManorat 05.25. Mouey refunded if not eandsetery. Small . C Damse, 123%e. J. T. D. Prma 424th at. .. Ea.acaIncLaere.wiring. Ac. J.B.E Luxnamo. A DxA, Bar ENwen ow OL90 Hat and other at "two FaAc A Soy. One Price Cor. 7th and il. Caneomm Oasaxom by the Exria CaamT Wmas, 41-4M Noa ave. n.w.. are made moth pseef bee et charge. Tekiphone 4352 Owne for hire. J. H. Krnzwae. M. VA Papran. Window Shades, 1om adbmd mInteatrior Tinting and Decorating gt R. W. Mwramson'a, 1113 Fat. 8 E. "t MaNM st such bread A my mother de" in what is aid of our "0t4d Time" Flour, owester and meao antritious thn any other, S.U per bhasl. J. T. D. Pyles. 412 th at. a.e. ieS Gaa.. GaN01.zn. 6S. MUrDDnaN.614 12th Gena,n.. iem, speaking tubes, 136 Pawave. CITY AND DISTRICT Ammuna!ITS TONIGMT. Asemoe Orana Hores.-Mrs. Je. hown toarh Zen'. "Theseme." New [wAveuas. Tnavwn.-"The Voodoo, or a Lamby Chrw." Acanami or Mtsc.--"The Tar and Tartar." Mammn Bao Tonaan.--New York Day by may." Knm.,LvSsen TaRAim.-Hyde's Come Tan mas er Gayrurnune--15th street and Mooe ew'a Nimse =Ale. -The eve Ages Coof haE lhaa CONENSU LOCALS. ft. Gamms's CNazar. in Prince George'. eamey, Md.. was iovenated Thursday by Shop Esses. lew. Dr. Addison of thiiety abted in tes services and the sermon was e'uessed by v. W. G. Davenport, reetor of P... I frb Anarostia. Tm bemmat subeeriptios hop given at The rtemm beat hose last evening was well aesded. A few admie of Capt. Zappone adeo IS the ma-m to pesent him w3th a as m ld medal. Mms J Voca t of thin city has Imonimed her eatrical engagemento and is mae- a company of her own. intend gto ar In1al rian play%. TOM MenEo about 1:30 oc'ioek an employe of OW bake re and thio railroad bad in asm inmred while working on a train. inry was damsed at the Eergency Noe Ga.' a No. 110 cm the Washington and Geogewen sireadomu conlided wash a carriage Sea S ad x .treet: esterda? afternoon. The eciai was demcolished, but the ccupanta smaped wttheus being injured. Emo. Pass.wrem. colored. dropped dead to burnst h is home, No.. sl0 Half stri'S soudh mast, heta t. He was 61ft. rears old. Dnaat deeme eas probably the canae of death. Lamr Naomi about 7 aS o'clock a horme at thehed te a caraeran away in the $uansh enian graumid. ihere were three mien an the wuhbcle at the tinme andl 'o of thema, Robert ea thremw to the yrond andt injured. was nt to hi. home. Neo. 44i8 6%. street s-Swat. Ema Jnissa of No. 718 5th street soatheast Isated from her houue last evening to attend to a ebee., and1 hke many other Itadame she had her pohet book in her hand. In the book deha S. Later ini the night a unknown nereed man hal the uae of the money and now Ga pallee are louhiug fo'r him. An Omsnan em posted in the Polic. Court Puaterdagwruang. porme..a that selrcting busi see er ayersor "capping,'' a It to called, an be p..and by Sne or impraoment. Tumna Wana twenty-nine pernm looked up .a the eun of the Pohece Couirt this morning. Jlesrn Seuunan. a c'lored man, for asult tag Omer Dabt while the latter had hism under anres, in spending au aontsha in jail. whore he we as by Judge Miller. Ata RaOrt..*a Uan-r, of Ire. Grace Ledge, 30. 18a. G. t'. 61. of 0. F.. a vote of Emahe e tendered to Pat Grand Master Win. 3. A. temag. ehateman of the radcommnittee et ermngemests far the sith 3M. C.. for bin latful ad ating effort. and the snamtl amngmmat and termmnation of an evest a tthe Misory of Odd Fellowship of the De Nor Dui a deller' worth of feattare Stest ata inspacting the sgfiees etock of tes A esasg. seaer 13th and F as-e.-s Cmase re Sawn Nossi.- Beginas Moa $ny, Newar 7. and cootinautuga td stes. JEnlm ergh will a~o. a diacea of Spe en es aM furniture seseys the email 3 em - et * "peue) with a thehums t ir eis ie and has abuesed 3m et popula-~ furniture In Ama." flew Teab awe.'" " mer18th is. 3bapety perler seute as Craig A Nerd Swk t ogeete r ussau carpet, 76 wa eesa. Rug parto, emite riest et jiathus Japs. and a mt eh ed. (New god- ) namans Noass auset meah ' urn Ca.. babhean, pap blusest at te et ef tpe eensper esm es eartietee of ~edt~qubbdeemed. Ipeui rates 9Sa e -def. G. Amae.e 5watma been bnet mas ma "=a an et flanee. V e- mtae me. .a..a.. .. a Seo ALaroun's.-C. B. Jeferson, Maw & Er langer's "The Country Cirel." is aest week'. bi at Aibaugh'e. This show. which combines both play and arenic performance. is tainmed to be the "biggest indoor entertainment in the world." There will be given two acts of a pretty saral play. followed by o speetmaler mustration, conugned to the uZite af the stage, winding up with a genuine ring pro gram under the tent of a circus. The beet per formers in the circus business are employed in the production. with an excellent coot in the play. Over 600 people will be employed. Tues day night the theater will be kept open all night for the benefit of thos who wish to bowr the latest election news an cozv turns will be read from the stge during the progress of the play and after the perfor=nnale In over. NATionax. Taxaran.-Benem Howard'g new e0medy, "Aristocracy." wiD be givens at the New National next week. AcADrXT or Misic.- "Held in Slavery" will be at the Academy of Music next week. Tax Nzw Yoax sMupgouy Uncs35t.-Tbe Pymphonv Orchetra of New York, in conjunc tion with the Choral Society. under the direc iton of Walter Damroemb. will give the firt of its series of concerts November 16, with Emma Jach as the soloist. HAnase' Baou TzATan.--Tbe comedy drama "Fate," which Bartley Campbell is add to have eosidered his best work, wbl he given at Har ris' Bijon Theater next week, with a cat that includes such names as George W. Larsen, Cora Van Taseeli, Emma Saulsbury, .1111. Chame bers and Wilson Smith. The election returns will be received by ial virm and tho an dience will be enab not only taeujoy the performance in a csy and cohafortabls theater, but to keep posted as to the latest returns. UnamAa. -On Monday.Wednesday and Friday of next week the spectacular novelty "Urania will be repeated at Metserott's Music Hall, the subject of the scenes being a trip to the moom. Lunar landscapes and a number of beautiful terrential phenomena will be exhibited, the sees being remarkable for their beau as well as for their fidelity to fact as reve by scientific research. The Urania entertain ments, combini as they do educational with popular interest, have created an impr which lsas general as it is profound. The sat isfaction that has been manifested with "From Chaos to Man" insures a warm reception for the "rip to the Moon." Glosec-rowN OacassraA.-"'he list of pas ve members of the Georgetown Orchestra. through whom largely it receives Its financial support, is nearly eompleted,' mid the secre tary of the institutice to a STAN reporter re eentv, "and it shows that we have a strong hold I on the music-loving public, in that we lose few , from year to year beyond those who leave the eity, while with little effort their places are a filled by new member.." At Messerott's, wben subscription. for the winter seris of concerts are received. it is considered as reflect ing high credit upon the work of Prof. Ras pr and hin enthusiastic musicians that te name people who purchase tickets for the Boston Symphony concerts very largely patron is the Georgetown Orchestra. The series of concerts for the coming season has been ad mirably planned. both for instrumental work and for distinguished soloiste. Eman Juch has been engaged as prima donna for the frst concert, while the program shows orchestral numbers of a high degree of excellence. The continued existence of the orchestra during the pant thirteen years in spite of no substantial support other than through its own nnaided ef forts is a proof of the fact that Washington has both the executive and musical ability to sup port a first-ca.g local orchestra. The new mupic hall will afford an opportunity for larger audiences than the various churches which have been used heretofore. ALF.XANDRIA. ALL MEN 117y DIE. There has long been a traditionary assump ben about the aarket building that the janitor, Mr. John Nighteigill was immortal, but he is dead. A fabulous age was jocularly attributed to him. but he carried equally well the weight of years and jokes, and although he was a very old man he seemed never to have passed middle life. and a few years ago married a wife and could jump and akip with the youngest. In these last months, however, misfortune has laid a heavy hand upon him. IHa wife sickened and died, two sons grown to manhood fell suddeily from life to death. but he maintained his fortitude in the face of mis fortune and did his woik cheerily until a few days ago a violent pneumonia seined him and L esterday afternoon the old man breathed his at at the house of his daughter, Mrs. Craven. Mr. Nightengill was the only citizen who was acquainted with the jail when it stood between the Potomac stand and river, at the foot of Wolfe street. He was one of the assistants there seventy years ago, and has been in public employment more or less ever since. POLITICAL MEETrNoS. The Alexandria democracy came out in strength last night and packed the opera house with a crowd which its walls have seldom before i held. Gen. Fitz Lee addressed the assembly and was followed by Mr. J. M. Johnson, and the addresses of both gentlemen celled out the party eathusiasm and the house rang with ap plause. The Harrison and Reid Colored Re publean Club, which has just been organized, will hold a meeting near the Washington and Alexandria railroad depot tonight. Fiusn AL OF .J.iDeo . The remains of Mr. J. B. Hudson. formerly a in business here with C. J. Miller A Co., were brought here from Harrisonburg. where he Jisd suddenly, and this afternoon his funeral c took place. Alexandria Washington Lodge, F. I A. A. M., ad Lee Camp. Confederate Veterans, t attended the remains to the grave. Iora. Considerable numbers of Alexandria.n went out today to witness the athletic gammes at the High techool in Fairfax. It a understood that next week the court of, appeals In blchmond will take up the appeal In the case of Jeff. Phillips, under sentence of, death here for the murder of George Smith. A house and lot on the east side of Uion street near Pioneer mills has been bought from W. H. a Brown for *500 by the Messrs. Aitcheson. The funeral o'f Richard C. Cunningham ofa Washington came over the ferry yesterday e afternoon and the remains were interred here. Mr.. Mary M. Smayth. a venerable lady, long resident here, died at her home here yesterday. J'rmlts for seven r.ew were issued by the auditor yesterday. Sebbed Die fneSt.4 Daniel (layton, a colored man from the rural - districts of Virginia, came to this city last sum naer and s i.ted William Campbell's family on L street southwest. He had not been theree a week when his sudden departure ex plained the absence of a watch and chain and a quantity of Ca.mpbell's clothing. A war rant was issued for his arrest and it was not un ti1 yeeterday that detective Bosrdman arrested him for grand larceny. He apperdin Judge Miller's court this amorning adplead guilty to the charge. Judge Miller committed him to jail in default of *e60 bail to await the action of the grand jtary. Held ber the Grand Jury. Isaiah Washington, a colored man, was triedI his the Police Court this morning on a charge of snatching a pair of opera glases fromn Mrs. Eva Eiridge ef Portner phace. and Judge Mier held him in @1,000 bail to await the action of the grand jury. OF OThER VEDLCINES ParEn hUT POCE BOTTLgS OF hOODPS SamSAPA. RIL.LA CURI.D. Far all diseses er ase--em gamed 4p hmpuse hisud or law stets of the systsam,'ssamarinla is nsanled. head this: '-t is with pleasse that I tell et the gsta bemeb I dertved ferns Nese'. arsasril. lr is yeas I hare been bety aaktsdtsh ERTRIPELAS. hesagr<e with rualaw amas dusteg het mamr meattie. I have sammetimas not bas abs te mse myr Mobe far two maths at a tems. taese to try hood's assatna. I e n bottle leat es.g eseamassi er M s et se sh better, get twe bet. ties,.e tosh thema desas the amr. was able to deany beesrh. ad. WALE Two 1rr. which I had met dian se als i'm Ttta I a mes of eryjpaa ad resemmeed amy 3uee e sed tene 5 lmeteeha'.ddamesearnsaan ser e -r este I mahit ebetbleed -oe Mes? Um . 5. S.W g immh m . a..... in aa me aue.s. - =. 3E 113ED @OWW RE PISTOL And 1e Was nSesmed to Two mU tbe Is 41i1 1 ee r . Tom Rremey's rasy cneeks this morning were not due to the stae of the weather, for when he appeared in Judge Miller's court ene charge of concealed weapon. he bad been looked up over night in a police station and had spent the morning in one of the ourt calls. Last evening Tom caused sme excitement on Capitol Hill by discharging his weapon several times, and when Policeman Meadenhall arrested him he accused the officer of having put the weapon in his pocket. His statement of the case this morning was that he bought the pistol, and being unable to get the bulleta out of It he went Into an alley and fired in the air. "Where are you from?" inquired Judge Miller. "Waynasboro', Pa.." replied the prisoner. "What brought you here?" "A train." "Oh. no," said the judge. "I mean why did you come?" "I came to see my friends." "Who me some of your friends?" c "The O'Briens, the Macks and the Me Carthy.." "Where do they live?" "The most of them live in Swampoodle." "Where are you stopping?" "This side of the Capitol." "On what street?" "B street." The prisoner then explained that he was em ployed on a farm near his home, and he said he ht the pistol from a man on the street last mght. He paid him 02.50 for it. "Did you bring much money here with you?" 6he judge asked. "I didn't bring much," he replied. "because I spent it after I got here and now I have less lhan a dollar left." r He was sentenced to two months in jail. ODD FELLOW VISITATIONS. Isand Oness Attend Columbia Ledge-The 1 Program tm Be Carried Out. 8 Conformably to announcement the officers of Ihe Grand Lodge visited Columbia Lodge, No. 18, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Thurs lay evening. The usual ceremonies of introduc ion having been gone through with a brief C ecess followed, after which the officers ex- h bnplified the work and showed a marked pro- v Icliency. The reports made by the grand sec- 7 retary and acting grand treasurer showed the odge to be In a good condition. Remarks of in interesting character were made by Grand is gaster Crawshaw, Noble Grand Morrison, h 3rand Warden Mead, Grand Secretary Hunt, Leting Orand Treasurer Andrews. Grand Rep esentatives tier and Allan. Grand Chaplain Lucas, Grand Conductor Jones, Past Grands a delLean.I .kelford. Past Grand Hughes >f Wshig-n L adg and !'a Grhand Mastere eiften and ran d . Much interest was nanifested in the proceedings. Columbia Lodge is over fifty-two years old, having been 91 natituted July 16, 1840, and contains on its .ollp some of the most active members of the >rder. At one time in its history it was one of It he strongest lodges nutuerically in th juris- a liction. There will be no visitations during the com ng week. it having been deemed advisable to isve an intermission midway in the scriec. 1ionday evening, November 14, they will be re- P iumed, arid a joint visitation will be mado to Bieacomn Lodge. No. 15. and Excelsior Lodge, .o. 17. at which time an unusually interesting lathering is expected and to which all members >f the order are in ited. On Tuesday evening, November 29, Federal City Lodge. No. 20, wi I risit Independence Lodge, No. 77, of Baltimore. y rhe officers of the Grand Lodge have been in- i, rited to accompany them, and the grand master I". the matter unaer advisement. CAn LOAD OF HoRs2s at Central Stables, 400 y lth street northwent.-Adr. Poarriry SALE of horses and mnles at Lati- cl ner & Sloan's, 1407 G street, Monday, at 4 p. d n. ADi good workers. Also a pair of dne T Irivers.-AdrL b ti in OF U8 AFFLICTED WITB CRUSTY. SCALY SKIN DISEASE. IT TORMENTED US ALL. ALMOST DROVE MY WIFE MAD. )OCTORS AND MEDICINES FAILED. INSTANT 8 RELIEF AND SPEEDY CURE OF ALL BY CUTICURA. Three years ago my wife, four litt', children and t4 nybelt were afflicted with a crusty. scaly disease of )A he kin. It tormented us all. Such a plague I hope rill never again visit imy family. My children'% aes were respectively nine. seven and four years, except he younrest. who was only two months old. Of all S er snfering my wife sufered the most. It almost at rove her mad. The disease Arst made its appear- w nce on my wife's back between the shoulders and el pread across to her breast. It looked like it was cov red over with little scales. I first bouxht of a drug tore medicine for skin disease. which failed to do ny Pood whatever. I next employed a doctor who Is see relief for a ,.hort while. Afer trying him for L tuits awhile without effecting a cure. I calledIn nother doctor. who proved to do no twtter than the rst. Afterthie I bought CUTICUIRA REMEDIES I Messrs. Purcell. Ladd & Co.. Richmond. Va.. ti aving read of them in a newspaper. Relief followed he first application, and five or six sets cured all of s. I do not know what the disease was we had. it E feeted us all alike, but I do know CUTICURA cured E e of that skin disease. Rev. J. N. WOODS, ti Aven. Nelson County. Va. CU'TICURA MESOL VENT Sbe new Blood and Skin Puritner and greatest of Humor temedies. cleanses the blood of all imprurities and p'ol- ii onous elements and thus removes the cause, while UTICURA. the great skin Cure. and CUTICURA (iAP. an exquisite skin Beautifier, clear the skin 0 ad scalp ad restore the hair. Thus the CUTICURA D LENMDIED cure every species of itching, burning, et ualy, pimply ad blotchy skin, scalp and blood dis eases Jhen the lheat physicians faiL. Sol everywhere. Price. CUTICTRA. ick. : SOAP. Sc. ;RESOLVENT. S1. Preasrned by the POTTER IRUG AND CHEMICAL. CORPORATION. Boston. r "flow to Cure akin Diseases."dte pages, 50 Iius rations and testimonials, mailed free. BABY'8 Skin and Scalp purifled and beautified by rUTICURA SOAP. Absolutely pure. RHEUMATIC PAINS IN ONE MINUTE THE CUTICURA ANTI-PAIN 'LASTRt relieves-rheumatic. scistic, hip, kidney. heet and muscular pains and weaknesses. Prises.25c. ni2-we TEE' ARREW SOE HousE. 1115 F STRETN. W. We hav. reeived three .elos..f M..'s Genuine. Ireneh Pateat Calf Dais, that were made up to silfar 16 which we are snb at PU. per pair, a prims that annot be teuched by ay other sheealetr in town. U Also sver eaes of Ladles' line Butte. ad Lace beoes that we are asening bemw mesacturess' whes- A U ale prices. Ourpie. sras enmS1.1te. 0. whie he rsulersgeei rase frm UM.5 to 0. Thes ese mample shoes. aome at et the gleas - SaadSj-A, 3 aed C weahs. @ We have emothsr let et Lames' f es., ba le the tsudeas "e4bs ede e **biehe san." thbsresalnesetess sf them sees am53ssss see P809 8.These em bas t enodeeetmasbed sush ises Tu.. Waum Urn Sinmmi rim 6T AND SANESi LILLY' CAUOLATRD D3NT1131CE IS 9 Etand sqet tee~oth swepiaha evr weS hra so esir whitess No teeth. bt 14t emate a< iAUGE eime to th hegmah. LILLI'e CARUnLATED DERTIFEICE toa e irely free e sawid. casp and grit. and so far fbel upairiag the -e-me- aetna,; preserves it WM rhueatmir ad cleemairm the teeth. LILLY'S CAREOLATED DErNTWI t seeka -ima br all kediar deattis. sad It 1vt00. sardsi s the sebst and pleasmatent Tooth Wa mie Drastisis, dry goo&e and motita hess 0e samere isse and ethers sell it. N. I.-4o far the "LILLY" rass mmh am eve lttle. Name enuine without it. LILLY. ROGEES & 00.. Patetges and so)e Pegriete EItfmosv. Nd. CITY ITEMSi "The People Are ot Idiots." It is conceded in all seto of the Units tates that the people of Washington are abo so average in intelligenee. Notwithstandin ils fact one would sup from some of th fnouncements ap ian the newspaper "om day to day that these intellent poop onstituted a community of ""so a nowledge of the value of Furniture, Carpots c., is concerned. Competition naturally teod > reduce profit. but no sane merchant will ruel sadlong into bankruptcy in order to asb bch of his patrons a present of s on a .o le. I am "not built that way," but I Ad a rofit In the smallest possible margin over cos Time' payments. JouV RUDDIX, The Aecommodomor. it 518 Seventh street northwest. Wedding Invitations engraved. HAAS. en rover. it* A Spoiled Dinner Breeds Il-Humor. If your dining table is served with bad Cofei )ur meal is spoiled-that you know. Wh: in this risk when you can get the very bee om us? MR ONUAT ATax'raO AND Pacmo TEA Co. 501 and 508 Seventh at, n.w. 120 14th st. n.w. 8104 M at., Georgetown A H St. n.e. Stands in all market. Nuweos H. BOWMAN Telephone, 848. [11] Manager. Visiting Cards printed. Has, engraver. 1 Guns and Rifles at reduced prices. Dol lars and Pocket Knives engraved and Razor aned free. Surgical Instruments and Tram holesale and retail. .WALmomn's, 477 Pp. ave slephone, 176L its We're Not Doing This For Fun This ad. is here for a purpose-that purpo. to tell you that our $1 Underwear in camel' Lir is the usual 41.45 grade. ftAxc & Sox, One Price, it Corner 7th and D. Villette's 4 Oils guarantees relief for Rhen atism and all Nerve Pins. At druggistslt Monograms engraved. Haaa, engraver. 1 Razors!-For perfect ease and oomfort i anving,"The Jubilee." WAtron', 477 Pa.av. No Balts Offered! No articles marked al sathan cost unlessdamaged! Ourgoodsoffere ; fair, honest prices. Responsible parties de ring credit will have no difficulty in obtaining and not as installment prices. Pending the dull time preceding the electioi wecial inducements offered to our friends t< art with their money. TuoMAs D. SINLCTON. U-St 415 7th at. n.w. Haas, engraver; 28 years' experience. 1* Lowest Prices on Wall Papers. Mouldings iterior Decorations. &c. A practical man. sevei ar,' experience. The largest and finest stocl i northwest. C. E. KING, 14th and 8 sts. nw n8-w~slt* You need not despair! Salvation Oil will heas aur burnt, arm without a car. 25c. 6 Deserving Confidence.-There in no arti e which so richly deserves the entire confi mce of the community as Brown's Bronchia roches. Those suffering from asthmatic an conchial diseases, coughs and colds should tr Lam. Price, 25 cents. nSgogt Crests Engraved. HAAs, engraver. It* 850 More of Those Fine $2.50 Saxoni 'ool German Hand-Knit Jackets, sellingsm pidly at #1.49, at Auzasica's. 7th andH omestic Sewing Machines and Pattern Rooms oot25-eod24& Marvelous Fuel.-estalit-No smell. n4 is, no chimney, no stove pipe, no smoke aid by HoraINS. 933 F at. n.w. oc29-no8&5 Notice. Although obliged to discontinue the Carpe epartment for this season, I am still prepare Spromptly fil all orders for remaking an ying carpets. TuoxAs D. 8INOLToN, m3-3t 415 7th mt. n.w. Art Reception at Auzaacn a Domeath awing Machine Rooms, 7th and H. Handsoma uvenirs given away. Made on the D~eestig hile you wait. Admission free. Open every ening this week till 9. n2-4t Greatest Bargains Ever Offered. The entire stock of Fine Tailor-made Cloth g will be closed out at 60 cents on the dollar DxDox AND LrvAarooL CLOTHING Co., 7th and its- ocS1-tf Button Holes Made to Order at Domes e Sewing Machine Rooms, 7th and H. ni-9t Buy a Machine with a Reputation arned by Forty Years of Faithful Service camine our New High-Arm No. 9. Its sileni tary motion free from the heavy, rasping ao mn of shuttle machines. WaszLER 4 Wrraox Mso. 0o., je4etr _487 9th st. n. w. Phillips' Digestible Cocoa, a very nu Itious drink for children. 2 Men's and Boys' and Children's Suits and vercoats at 60 cents on the dollar at the Loa )N AND Lavaaroom CLOTHING Co., 7th and C oe51-tf 10e. Royal Headache Powders. eadachee cured "while you wait." Druggists an12 S. Heller. 73 7th at. n.w., is matring a sa alty in Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutt ad Shampooing;_also cures Dandraf. oc7-ti Elixir Babek cures all malarial diseases None Namne It But To Praise. Wheeler & Wilson's New High Arm No.19 A marvel of lightness and swiftness. j.27 Offoe47 9th st. n. w. 'E LARGEST STOCK FINEST ASSOETMENT EECLUSZVE MILLINERY Can be found at 18601FST. N.W. MOURNING GOODS. DRESS CAPS. REMOVAI. we med tie n ew buln.=.atasthets. 1110 F ST. N. W., Wmll fow bastassoo is h W. G. METEner & Co.. ... 111OF ST. N. W. VE.EU.T Beu.Ea 01 W.RH. I.. STE ANDI8'EN. AYE. -EA TW~n Ut ee3adesbsese 8ss Os, talesMdtim wee ease er e-a - -r -0se a ist.sad haa iha a AMUSEMENTS. 70 NUSIOIANS. WILiks CLuB EMMA JUCE. J. P. LAWEENOE Ad leasdr rI. Grheeptios. 3 cesnests, fti at METEEROTT 1892-93 1892-9 r TWELFTH SEASON Cribs BISCHOFF CONCERTS * ....0........ ......e. At the 0ONGREGATIONAL %CHURCH. 71" . on.... .Five Fril 1803-Apr. 14. ....... .REASON TICKETS................I i.... y 'admissions............50 cents A fA rerts will be nae, he immediat. din Ition of , hN who will appear ineach, aestt i~t~~k'tF AB E t Ellis & Co. . 837 1d moi. S ook. Season Teeswl be'sold. 55n Given by the LADIES OF CONCORDIA CHURCH. At the WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY ARMORY MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBEN7. 1SU. Tket. each erson. 80 ..ts. Pdevoted to the ftnd for the li tiso a. th churchdebt. AI"AUGs GRAND OPERA nauWh TONIGHT fAT 8 LAST APPEARANCEOF MRS.P MRS. POTTER AND R. ELLEW. Under direction of Mr. John Stetson. In the y discussed and y se Casal new play frome thePeah ZOLA'S8 THRAR-82. ZOLA' TRURSE. A PLAY OF THE 19TH CENTURY. THAT WOT4 liDOS OT EXI THE T oF VE Y DRAWIN ROOM. Next week--The Country Circus. o0=49 A CADSEY. .11 Tonight at 8 last time of The Glorious Comic Opera Success. TAh AND TARTAR. TAR AND TARTAR. TAR AND TARTAR. TARl AND TARTAR ~AN1AD TARTAR. IAND TARTAR. TAR AND TARTAR. Inustrated by the Beat Company Ever Seen in the Opera. ANNIE MYR1h WN. PRUETTE, MATILDt COTTRELLY. FSED FREA. RO W O fH. M. RAVENSCROFT. Grand Chorus-Enlarged Orchestra. Monday. Now. 7- *-Held in Slavery." Rest. now .Wle. 1 NEWTATIOXAL THEATEIL . Tonight at S. Iast time of Frank W. Banger and Gus Bethner's Great Coned Success and Mirth Provoker. THIE VOODOO; OR. A IIrE Y CHARNI. THE VQDOO; OR. A LUCKY CH ARM. T E 1.10130; OR. A LCI l THE ; OR. A LUCKY C1AM T M80; OWA L.UCKYIN BY F. a. GIBBS. With the Celelx-sted Irish Comedian. THOS. E. MURrZAY. And a Great Company of Funmakers. NOTHING BUT LAUGHTER. Monday. Nov 7. frst time on any stage. Brons How "ARISTOCRACY." fiea now on ad ERNAN'S LYCEUM THEATER. Pennsylvania ave. and 11th s, TONIGHT! TONIGHT!! HYDE'S COMEDIANS. Under the Personal Direct From Direction of ydo and Behman's Mr. James Hyde. Thater. Brooklyn. MISS HELENE MORA. The Fatmous Female Barytone. Next week-Rose Hill English Folly Co. oc34 METEEROTT MUSIC HAIL. MONDAY EVENING. Nov. 7. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Nov. S, FRIDAY EVENING. Nov. I SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Nov. 1. I*'t Rspresentation in Waailnasto of the Wonderful "U R A N I A" Spectacle. O0 A TRIP TO THE MOON. 0 .No opera pormances in America. nor Europ =onvnatUyeth. have ever had the hepeat ucb It NO thorourbly artistic scene eects these."-Sew Fork fte~ing raft. "A revelation. "-Boaen t n'anseript. "A wonderful spectacle. flortcusly illuminated the electric Ihadbatf1 el tg cn combinin th vry perfection scenic art. "-Beet "Homething absolutely new to Boston. 8orealist a anot been witnessed upon the stage. BetHerald. A FAIRY TALE OF SCIENCE G bicaly xpained b Illusated With beautiful seer and marvelous light end mechanical e ect-. Poar 1cee-t~. Sti..T. a"dSI festa now on mt ROTT'S 1 t. . oc28-12t "A TRIP TO THE MOON." T RALL. RUTGERS COLLEGE* And COLUMBIA ATHLETIC CLUB. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 7. ein. NATIONAL BALL PARE. Game called at 4:15 p.m. ADMISSION. 23 CENTS. I fARRIS. BIJOU THEATER. Mrs. P. Hauue It . tton adT . BDean. Week eosmncing MONDAY. NOVEMBER?7, BARTLEY CAMPBBLL' BEST COMEDY DRAM. "FATE." Nest week, a5-0ZEGRAY & STEPHENS. ETEO:'MUSIC HALL. DAMRGOCH CONCERTS. SYN O ESTRA ~Et D4M-C STMISONY ADOR'T O CERTS Asfollows: NoEmma nek.er___'_ AILNDR C. MUELLi.Ta INSTRUT M~If ..dN d.,.rt...t .. tha U, S.a T 4BA. Ermesr.f h . esean~ aid Thew~enth hneai THlE WAR LBUGe'@ GRAID OPERA UOUSE. W.. of NOVENBRa 7. Beranlg Meday Night. Vkha Prseentatios here of the 6G4e 1 seersk. . I. o.e. . Eine a abaceri As La Emmibous N I 9OiOne T2BIOGEST i fTAINNENT IN bO People In toa e ai 7A more" and 75 feama61 (id;t.inltn=ot fIeat now on a.;. toenckIs Tuoesday niht ne3-4t BAN BANJO? BANJO! i vaoiequar;g07 gurntee to lech te a Iseet am y- m0i p to P14Y a prftct tune h les The&'@ a thig Park op.. all the winter. from enaltwn mu-ibm etheu boar end f !bow. 'd L.astcareaves park at 10 p.a. Dancia hall free to 3;atMilnt fbdelt own musaic and special let- carI Bowline Alley always open. artS, -SP^NISH COURT MINUE THE ONLY RE L n ket; all others are modigioations, _ a .rt M&taVirh etthe M TE ORATORY. 614 12th %t. Also Pnci Phyetal Culture, El Oratury and the Drama. LECTURES. G ^ARD SCHOOL OF LANGUAoES. FRENCH and OnRMAN. NiWy Noveme 10th pm jbectnow h Stdo} Languages Can ipt Imend and Mee Fa !!dna tional and Fascinatan. Loturere- . 0 R0o. A t 11ee anauthor e p. Mueller. auor oft.Vo, n.I. EXCURSIONS. &a. FIST GRAND FAMILY OYSTER ROAST (Oysters 4tstmed) Of the JOLLY FAT MEW'S CLUB To SMITH'S POINT. On SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 182. rain or shine. The steamer Samuel J. 1Pets will leave her wharf at 9:4 a.m.. returning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets. admitting lady and ent. SL Each ad tional lady or children over ten years of age. 5W. No ob.ectionable parties allowed and positively no gaanblin~of any kind on beat or grounds. Lndles expressly invited. Third Artillery Band will acoompany excursion. Bring your knife and fork. n2-i" MOUNT VERNON. HOME AND TO"B OF WASHINGTON. Steamer MACALESTER at 10 a.m. daily (escept Sen day), returning to the eity Ar 2.30 p.m. TN. DIRECT ROUTE - NO FERRYING - NO TRANSFERtS-TRE QUICK ROUTE. FARE ROUND TRIP. 750.; CHILDREN. 5. WPLFASE NOTE. -Ov, thejo aL. at of the atemer nacaleter t9 wout n a by this direct tomb only the ticket cove the entire rowand trip to and ine uitav admiesen to the masi. and M und. of ut Vernon. the vidtor being thus free rmvxanu ttsnaferand aeknn"Ooying etra coot of htful rif teen-cnlo. trip down the famous ins e. ruac without chancr tr1tfer or extra sa~ft pe Men route Alexandr ounTFoote. For eSitg-I y Steamer Macalester to river landtags as fer down as Glymout daily except Sunday at a. n. Freibts Aa passengers. _ oe2S-tf M T. VEltNON. TOMB OF WAsINoTON. WASHINGTON. ALEXANDRIA AND MT. VERNON LLECTRIO RAILWAY COMPANT. Picturesque an Beastiful Reute. New mard dagnleest Oar new rinitafy I ALEXANDRIA direct to the Gets of the MASIO ON m to vsitCHRITCOUSCH MAW I BB 8 ADDOI S U adn places of historo interest in ANDRIA. on Take ferry stem foot of 7%b st. feid exser a. don ticket. 30w- entire round trip. Counecting also with trains of Feaneviventa raill. road at Alexandria. Take cars ' t | t teetpt In defereae to the wishes of the Ladies' Mt. Verno Association ga stop on MUNDAY at Little Runting creek, one =Ule thin side of Mt. Vernon. the grounds belair closed on that day. ee28-tr F. A. RED. @ust STAGE EXCURSIONS. E OUTHERN TA THO COACH LINE. 511 C ohn . 2 p.m. ; 50c. to reund trip. All visitors shouM rids on our getaE NEW PUBLICATIONS. T WO UNUSUALLY GOOD OFFERS. REAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. FIRST-The great Holiday rumber (enlarged to 256 pags) of that brirhtest of quarterly publieations. 'TALRB FROM TOWN TOPICS." Out December news and book stands and railway trains. Price. 60 cente. Will be sent FREz To all who asend 1.00 for 3 montho' trial ebscrip tion to TOWN TOPICS. The largest. raelest. stro o amoot warie and en 108" from date until Jenn-r 1. e; 5 Nos. Who th inimtable quarterly (ro =.50) and 1 o th of the greatest of family 1 - tregular price $4.00 por year). NrTake one or the oter ofer AT ONCE and remit in postal notes. orders or New York Eachanga to lt TOWN TOPICS. 21 West 2d at. -New York. N W AND UTAA D3L BOOKSo. N see Prske iine. Ewald's Diseases of the Stomach. Fch's Text k of obelry and many others-Appleton's Medical LilU."enire set r. on an ethlypaynzl nd = I address for a-ft D. APPLETON & o. .54 43 d th s (2d.sor). Wahiagto.D.C. "WHERE IS T OFCE OF TiE CEN "WTA DICTIONARW T Cal and nqair. - Room--9o. BOOKSANS FOAND N STTONERY.ION Y. e andecose Caad Ingure.n-adin.,s* e..11.4rl EDTON &R. ainea. Cbe. n.a..ed~t -nveo...ame.. .. utn 515Sn r. Stampn. W. -f DOLLAR41ZXZH MANCLCM A Nsw C*Tn.N MIL. WITH A PAID-IN CAPITAL OF ONE EUBMED TROUBAND D0AM IMING EMPLOTMENT TO US PEEONS. This. to metike to ottv inAustries alreyr mated. e created a boom Is real estat4 ELIZABETETON. W:b sae of real estas iaresad, ma'mmftettaem staing and Prosperity unbe==M O the walktwo -,a ray. o& is the CO-OPERATIVE TOWN COMPANY aemnes the beat investment an the market. $1 h per hase ah. 01 par har. per month for forty motLs1 tfthe coA of this neb. ( The bolder of I she.% of this stoe will, with rem- F tnued ProspetT. In a few years be well to do. 308per cent Per t Is not too much to aspect am mnally when thk ecnterprime is rally developed. For particulars. C. . MeBLA KR. ALeat. 3; Atlate bhLdam-. Oehoe 6:a to 5:3a DO YOU WANT o O Mv A CERTAIN AMO'NT RACH MONTE? IF YOU DO. srBICRIBE FOR SHARES IN THE FIDELITY BUILDING. IA)AN AND INVESTMENT ASOCIATION. 90i-o1 0 ST. N.W. DUES. $I PER MONTE ON EACH SHARE. w MATURITY VALUE IN 102 MONTHS. OWL a HAVE YOU MONEY To INVEST1 PUR. CH ASE AN 8 PER CENT PE ANNUM COU. PON CERTIFICATE TO RUN FOR 3 TEARS. WE PAT 6 PER CENT PER ANNUM ON SPFXa&L DEPOSITS OF 05 OR MORE. CAN BE WITHDRAWN ANY TIME ON3 DAYTP NOTICE. MONEY IAANED TO SHAREHOLDERS A ONLY. 04N BE REPAID AT THE RATE OF $13 PER MONTH ON EACK SLOO NOS ROWED. COMPARE OUR TERMS WITH THOSB OF ANY OTHER ASSOCIATION. 90.000 LAANED TO SHAREHOLDERS UP TO DATE. STOOK StSWRIPTION BOOEL OPEN ALL THE TIME. S.4 HARRISON DINGMAN. Presideut. b r. WASINIGITON REAL ESAT E CO. CAPITAL 4100.0R. FULL PAID. )FFERS FOR SALE AT PAR ITS 6 PER CENT GOLD DEBENTURE BONDS, 0100 AND IS EACH. Thee bonds are par"ble In gold cn May 1. 1oe?. ut subject to payment at any Um after lay 1. lNS. It the option of the Conpany. They are secured ay trst mortrage 1ate. on Washtteom city rel esate. 'eld in trust by the WASHINGON LOAN AND rRUBl COMPANY. trust#e. whkchrtiSes to each tend twessed. *ad that securitie ezareediag in face 'am.e by 10 per cent of the band certiled have been lepiouted with It. The notes so depo4ted represent wiy about tKr-fAhtds of the market velns of the rel etate upon which they area ASet lies, smakig the mcurity of these bouds unquestioned. :NPORTANT ITEMA FROM ANNUAL REbORT. JUNE L lo. rotal Reesouree. 40r.. i 73. Total Receipts. 6137.6W.02. Real estats en Hand tactual cast. e100.100. DEBENTURES. *c Debeanture are valuable to persons who de mt eo- l ire to be eneumbered with the rare and remposafiitty ,f keeping the various papers becesary to the proper tiom and serurity ot a real estate loam. It reteeves he person acreting the debenture of the reompama. AlIty at looking afte- the payment of tases apon the aroperty ad the ammoyarm of a collectr at o nteresa JOHN H. WALTEM. Pesident. 1001 Jr t. m. w.. Washings. D. C. BANKERS. Second National Beak of Wainiagen. The Washimten Lam a"d Tret,. n3th.tu.*4m WOODS & Co.. BANXIMm WASEINGTON. D. L, Topartlieeang Idle fudes that ther maw deire to ame at aIy time we womm ceR siecial attestien to our interest rate at 3 par eset per ammum em ceratioes at de poilt. parale on demrad. Ts Ana very deirable way to deposit smeh fueS as you may withdraw them at say time without intice. with btere- . ON TIME CERTIFICATES Ourate are an fllows. Vin: ftyable In three montha. 4 per esuaA '' ".eyear.peroma. Interest payebuequarterly. esei-amneany e amany, a- desired. 34 CALL AND SEE US, Open 5:0. erns.m2 Tra=.- a inemessl baing bume. 19i F ST. N.W. ec27 V~aable ead.saad silver mime, located lb a eurvanla, showtn65 peenta ea et cet lith djotdownrisht ehaft ad seveeal lee rue Geeses vein. now lb operation ad opse fer lb-= sto. Wad e ono a~eynuouey wit hulaaspa. Pa. nt-w&h EWa BULING ASS0CIATION. ERAL BUILDNG ASSOCIATION will heheld i Shares SI pe mouth. The sum of 000b mar he advaeed an each dare 10 Int"'s..t h ra a..eren aelo..d ar trbnae sad Te seB sae t 'tg T. md a. pertars wh h mst. amedte. i.OE.PETT th nmauer...lrer.vedm ~t....s ebOnB Bes. CSFi. m. rmeie m .6o'lk sm . .il.. * eh t.-st --- PTT ees----ee wn -E IN sw FIWANCIAL SUDMaZi FMRT IROS1486 IRITI. EAIRVIAND OSTTL OMtPAWT. PRINCIPAL AND lWTIST G-aEAWTVA of P5UUBTAXb ITI rL 4N)UPAN5V IX(TKftFT I&Tas:.y VtarimT I & AU6113? 1. IrITRACT PROM Tar vo: TaAnw Ib; "n4pal And bfev 40tmninl a,. tto lnaqe for m. ofThe -40*0. t..1 of 4iveI'm aw tto I . ocaow r the Ow" S low, epa4 4~et q~~ Maw 1133 vtu aw~nte '1. lltheP mal pl CW.4TIAP. W~ y "mtoft het4 afe ,e , 1 .eame .1 ,.. ' 4111 i o'V '1w tvit k I "!; at NI m pv ", a ENTd ' 41 '*? "01 '00 t.vad am 'lh ni ian -to )w4~.* hru." . IvT2an-% wIwta.h rawi.l. U tel r i red IOS .,unn its I ad. Waaatum. I Ihetes. OflIt. thek I nott-4l Oetal' kv-iw& 01111111440 sb a -c41 Ais ft.. . moo PE_ 1 . AID t 01 .TII rtP% ANII 1.4NA CTATId flNT 1A13.I) attwi. 11 '.1 ~lk gnia,0e. abm au teal ii a" K. ti Rar e Iilimets me I I IMal F an' nu imn a (at --r.. . psaw im t_ I -f SIRlk~dwa. U V.L C1TATahie 1~W1 AN iTOM% 1u mk4 -%1l.. RAI- AN put.14 A anebruifts tht w,A I t Aup. "mttea o mmo's,.. li0 . i ~l he p.~It IAMMI~t vm* 4mftI-dmu-. ad ye..-t 1111 HOfaRI.Ftwe . balomm. (FftYdw1"S )P ItA fur MOrPlE Its (4 innld at tepeil af h:Cmue e van. * li 1.em l i at O. . 1Ljj~ aIt Fe , Oubr tath Ta 4l %,memisie. taes 1m Aapedt MAUE MUY ml Iu4 ewttl AN 'p I SL Fa~~~CArq.44 OFF hea. Tia ematcbs um " %as NATI ONL fskvc tmt Pe. - eeften iff Platni vw Pate Sl esn lent ClETShe up rarkedan eema plom mindbow IND rom c elar..'w Su W. 4MABLVA ~ Jist C.40 k iX%? Prs. #AKER U .1IN1sltl. %3.Q I.-HR~ Damker.51S a.a. " TUisaeg1w t . w L.tsi aALa 1W! I t.l. WAK hleflt! . .C Ambil aIL ft ash mit sAu~o "am. D ILe Pletat. nl t.! . w 6 or. E EvqZ .r..i aor44. a. 11r.. t MOST% AU latal ae~url . f ca l ige aSWIG . .. Kiterk .I I*o tea.4 C~~is. TW"R A~ 410F.. rai. miltkte d Oal.jattt. i eu . Difft' EatSete a A N-W Va-k 0014 .L..y' IU flu. S ad owed -ia,i il~ig rtat~amb a liaght aisalli 1.'irk t .,rI4 ia LbcbIama m 10mw. G stow l -mkaw cliac i- at i s it. ta jat, %- I ,~ l Icr. att u w Ut.. m Sdp an d 1.. A 4 mai. bu .17 ii I~hI.W.OOB Sao F got. f. W. Atf.b ftnleo Bodo ad rai lwaba u.i I. uOa W~ 'i W V S 1Ki'I L I U . 141 14 N . W W 1k. andb 4 . Dle.w ii.c mi.. k maea wml. lms a t. N~aew V.w 4or L ie. I~t.-t