Newspaper Page Text
?as EVENING STAIL _________ m 3PT. axs mUNAT A .. . ;; D" LD"g K. A. AUFFMANN, ~Ls aml .THE EVE OF ELECTiON -- --ll -w -vmn - - - - -068 -m... ea u u ~ . - "u -ADN.i a h tOo soma Yw osa "mis aL 81, No. 20.4 11. WASHINGTON, D. C.. MONDAY, NOVEMBIER 7, 1892. TOCN&Piii~ FINANCIAL. B411 A B..z Aocouui d#am"sevepermalleanwbut essentually ft a&pe bank arcount A bestanlsr San so n aeeary. a the sallee angos ibn lf &@ as Ircentive to further saga md vol make you ambttoue to at *& Mf pew do soe become rich or 0 bm wel to do. It s yar en falt. oonse" tosew jdarusoel to the only emSW vsebs -e ee beecss wftL-encept V" me beim nw andepedt year b M abe cOmpany? We WGI be M60ege e e mt wtt you. and pay glob p@sU are miware walleet to Mes mab vetivaled aenmm for oft e et hemdehoed etet, s i. lUr os faft , ran befr-a-bene. pan A The bge beaetag l aded to ow a wesehsen givess calast double Vves bese anythl" whtch you wish to Slm us and w i Val parh. move "466MUer yem at a Se-al- sum, re alm sf Io an micstey an to te Safety. 60. 'tkw " packa. moers and AiM30AM SNaMTT AND TRLUST CO. A. T. MUITTON. pree4.dat. SAWUN 14 0 ST X. W. m S WAZOUrM. 1140 13TB ST. . W. it EME.aMWIAL STATEMEST 1ARTLAm EUAi CMPANT OF -a--e e w-t-. ..f -e a CA1 XP. CAPkA1 ST OCE. anm *ease'l... . . $10.0 00 Anal of 0a40A slack Iaid up In .............. ..... 100.00000 ANSET'. s mau d the slec-h vars loy.1o -ouwan6y r .eUMOKLe ) m he.,kt ,alue . WA..475 25 Mon bosomi Maa Poo gea-la"r A ,mn mean and d aans o -s 00 .e 0- aceweed And aPaid ...... 9:7 30 ba. 6 tsa . .......... ..! Ml . 1 .& 44 W ma a alere of collertsmn (Ions ea aa . etmat-d.... ......... 9.500 00 aw.0 quacterly preftldam W cet). .alMG10d . 31.. 000 @1.5%.0W 38 LI ABIITIE. ~asieparebno *25.081 e 2.4 66 be ad .@3410 00 eeved.. 4 W e=- ............1.' 21 ininM NTs DUING TE M NTE1 ... b . .. ow0e *V tof S............ . 22 L ENRY R Rai T secietary. ..........S SO7 ?.We syo FEL I 46FLIA A N., CTnr ML WEE A wArn-is cAPrrTAL oF ' OErUNDED TEOUSAND DOLLraBS. 66TING EMPL.OMENT TO 1.W PERSONS. warn mate af seal .meses tarbesag. m uatories amissespetty ubomudi he Walauga i emch Ia the C.O?3E.ATIVE TOWS COMPANT 5eeses beat iveUtamnt upre the market. 61 3e~ e S1 per bas er am*ah for forty amihesbhe oees of thia stoca. TIhaeede 10 sharee of thiaatockuwtl, with con 3Mat e y. in a few years be we..l to d.. Epeapr..1 ta bo tou much to expect an y etn bt enterpriama fuly develope. '. 5. acl.AtI. Agent. ir.'.Atlasat beldha. W.. &N Co L. =S S CAIAL amsWU TOU. D. C. e pese healter 'die funds that ther istdeire Ge ame at amy time we would call *ameate, to be mW atiestate of 304 turwen maima em ehrtlaeagea et is. am peae ob demisd. Tis toa ver ombe way to drets emeb fmsia. asMan Sirabduaw 'hoes at any time W amb l" masr . th ta m. 03 TIME CTWN CtyCAN w m mie s a' fenlewa, ae: aw abb e ba se meath. poste na. ' -' e1W If . 6 pmr lmf. s m . Os stck. CALL AND SEE US, t- immeselmting expms ca Cww. ft. W. A 'N' IUAYULA30AOE OF TRUST FUN~le C. T. HAVENNIE.. EsBEtt W ae Sab aee. Em emi ani1. AilamAkt 3Waaan. m Fet. a. w ~ybmiam s bemebs ad e teu cash alr t aminlett New Te rk er Seer Ora.... h& O6.. New Tes ssB Eme. * MI mn. ew. os5etm bate * 60.. aesamttTe. 60DsNe M , M ss Rev 6p. FiNANCIAL Do You WANT TO SAV A CERTAIN AMOUNT SACE MONTE? IF YOU DO. SUBSCRIBE FOR BEAES IN TUR FIDELITY BUILDING. LWAN AM INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION. 93.014 0 ST. S.W. DUES. 01 PER MONTE ON RAM SmARKE MATURITY VALUE IN 102 MONTHS. "M SAVE YOU MONEY TO INVEST? PU CHASE AN 8 PER CENT PER ANNUM COU P03 CERTIFICATR TO RUN FOR S T3M. WE PAY 6 PER CENT PER ANNUM ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS OF 05 Ol MORE. CAN 23 WITEDRAWN ANT TIME ON30 DAYS' NOTICE. MONEY LOANED TO SHAREHOLDERS ONLY. CAN BE REPAID AT TUE RATE OF 013 PER MONTH ON EACH SLO0 DOR 3OWED. COMPARE OUR TEEMS WITH TROE OF ANY OTER ASOCIATION. 90.000 LOANED TO SEAREROLDRR8 UP TO DATE. STOCK SUBSCRIPTION 3008 OPEN ALL THE TIME. HARRISON DINGMAN. Pedseast NW BuD.xmo AsoCmwnow. The at monily of the 310TVAL SERIAL BUILDING AS TION wi be holdt t.Domie's Ba1L bt and :P t. a.w. MODA November 7. at 7:3ap.. shares. 91 opr mouth. The sum of 800 ay he advanced a esab shote for an additional payment of 41 per moth. -1.000 may be .btamed for a monthly po rt 610. Interest at the rate of a per csst o en withdrawals d settlements The sam rate of hbta . will be on ..m of 4100 or vaid a Wance. To accommodate persons who cammet attend the meeting the treeur-r will receive dues at the oee of Johnson Brm. 1206 F 2t. u. w.. ftro S o'clock a. am. tes 'clock m. daily. Sftork will be received and tanformo -LII . R Presden.t. l7th wt.w. J. DERM V. Necrtary. I Sth et. mkw. O. K. PETTY. Treasurer. 120 F st. a. w. And the followinar directors: JOHN B. BRADY. C. I PERSON 390 w B s.a w. 61O LW ago. W. DANT J 8ONDBFEIR. -40 7thaOL a w. 5WC 7th Ot mLw. JOHN FINN P. SMYT1. 52 mat. ". w. 123DUsawm. And ROtElRT McDONALD 428 K e nw. And FILLMORE BEALL. Attorey. oe31-7t Pendell buiing. $15 FIFTEEN DOLLARS $15 Will oI-ere ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS In stock of the Aret imane of the GOOD HOPE MI ING COMPAN. a abiort fame only. wAm the prie vlt be isrd locae In Catr em y. worth. Besn Eaton and other aine already famoa for their lure products of rich i~lver-bemr ore. The mine is developed by an Incline shaft 100 -est deep sad by two levs of 50 and 100 feet to aively along the vein and showing an excel. it of pay ore. The C tupiny Placed r-0.4") ars. one-tenth of its stoek apn the market at the low price ad 1.5 cents a abare, for the %P,C of p'eari macbinary "a t"oror: eiwnrthe amno foir operation, &ad but a o =-mW-d these shares remain unsold. The me chinery ls now on the rround. the to the .ae weWI advanced and t.,,d"ef. d ayO . tar o etB aoo rcommnce. 2 Is1iopportay to smake moner on a D1RE0CTORN: lION. 7WNS 91McEE C. C. CLEMENTS.VDT X Aho. . VAN MATER. Omre: Room s I68 and Trust huflnWaeb lairtom. D. C. lartbia~normation cheerfully urnilheed by F. S. W-u M 6. Mmic Tamale Draw Store. 9th and s. m. w. o.191U 8 PER CENT BONDS $10 TO $100. PAYARL EIN 3 YEAR& INTEREST QUARTEBLY. The Industrial Sawiae and Lean Aineea tison of the District of Columbia ta itu =aM~r reut Intrreat-beann 4 bond ndnat from to 6100. Thaseboede are severed by Real Esate. Isveetmenta. Deeda of Trust. Investment Compaiaes stock and ther ped scarities. TRI INDUSTRIAL 1T111 AND LOAN ANO. CIATIO. IM 7 5T. N. W. ShftmL *A 0na03mied July 2. 117. 3N IN. SOULE. Preident. A. r. CHILDS. Vite Preideat. THOR. 0. lSET.seretary and Manner. COLUNDIA NATIONAL BANK. Depository. DIRECTORS: JOHN H. SOULE THOS. G. HENSET. A. F. CEILDS. L. D. LANDON. oe12-e@dh U. H. RIDENOUR. W. a. HOGE Pres. T. C. DANIEL.Sec. UNITED STATES BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO CIATION. 1313 F at., Washingtom6 . C. Shares. $100. payable in monthly installments. w'ich participate In all profte and mature In 8 -noatha. Pays Interest on monerdepoetted in any amount. 5 ad i per cent interest paid on special devoelts from the date they ara rwade. oc2s-tf a .CHISOL M A Co. A. . BANEERS AND BROKERS. 61 Broadway. N. Y. RAILROAD itTOCES AND BONDA. STATE. COCNTY AND TOWN BONDS. GRAIN AND PROVIsIONII And all securities that are dea t in on New York. Chicago. san Francia-o PbIad-e'phiaor Bostos. Exchances honrht and .,I.d for caeh nrcarrted on marrin. COMMtNIS-103N 1-11. Loans made on Railroad Stock and Bonda. Nc. Intere-t allow.d on balancea (Fatabliahed 1875.) bend for Market Letter. - orz-7t, __________ ".E NATIONAL SAFE DEPoer. SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANE Cf the District of Columbia, CORNER 3512 ST. AND NEW YORE AYE hartered by epeclal act of Coamres Jan..1867.and arts of Oct..130 and FWeb. LIM CAPITAL: ONE MIL.ION DOLr.SLa Rent. infee fro 3 each upeard pem annam. ..lver ware and valumblee taken emdepeits. * "EJ CENTS and upward raeived en dapest adn e-re- allewed en -om of not 3ms tha6r6 Pepares and keepe Wile free of chasm-m a Es erter. Amat r a. Tr-2- -- Treela AMA. JON NSTO . BecefhA T39 . JONES, Tira Vice Prse Dicectane Beaaema P. Snyder. besa C. fibbias, . John . ThenIs . Jeba 0 are Wilhaay E . Ety____The__me_. LEWIS 0. TEWESRURT a 00.. BANEERS AND BROEERS. 1335 ST., WASBINOTON. D. C.. Bey and well for cah or on mauin Slocha. DBed brakn. Provi does and OIL. Direct private wires to New York and ChIcago. Iatereet allowed on dpen. Out o~owu businemas apeiaty. -lt oala maerbtedt. lptm DIEFUN'DS D NwmTWHEN EG - td ta . ondes a=t.. o= end tme certaemaefdaeoetbdelse.o where. OOB&C PLt.hI w. eas4_ Gemeral km-n-. - REVENTIONl In, BETTER TatAN CURE. -.LIF . nitsrne peevenue e onregmm iame.. bet afser an unsjees ar smresasame dec ta tee late fr evnta ar~ acare, iampoestble ~ aie .xl-3tn CRAh -Est O. UBLY. 13 1 s t. m PE E OAT NT BI N KOVFW ASomrGTON. - Wabihtraxe D. C., W~ll iCapiat. 6800.000 ~.... .''.I '' 4 '' ' Saedptt besse from 631 edOl C.. OOI'00N.eN JR0 003035. . W Bleabase Deoisse. a SaRVhe een.. SPECIAL NOTICES. n"Z . "f"a"rislsta"' es:Tpehe lowstr.lwrInpie the g i h forlam pretty all ens wdth. K O am wed N. C. Bo4 904C W. C=.Mamr 9 1 per horm oa |'r r t'ia. Oas.a me. ibbey. tgwr & Mie. Lumber sad Mill Work. Cor. th and N. Y. ave. ILw. Car. th and Oa. Ia.. oA FACTS FOR OLD WETHER Coal Is scares, but we shall took utito f our own Csom iam 0061 Ishigh. buit Is ill likely be hligher1-crtanly not fulweigtand Me andsure, .ven =. wisdom our methode. ~3-tr110A. I. ave.. 511Ast. a.e.. N$4* 6 eLjw. AS THE MANUFACTURER OF TUE BRADBURT PIANO I can offer you special fad:rIs ouu you wish to purebas. a high planotyo will aot have to pay Ih rft at d cmia stoa oeegd bsew ad d.. ba irect woos all old on monthly Install luibta; so It~M F. O. surrB. %2-1m Manufacturee Badbury Pianne. SERIAL 9AYINGS AND BUILDIG ERAA>CIATION. (NEW 30TH ISSUE The books for anbscription to stock in the NEW 30TH ISSUE are now open at the offico of the SERIAL SAVINGS AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Kellog Buildiag. 1416 F St. a. w. SHARES $1.0 EACIL Igo bak dues. Six per cent interest smaranteed on stock withdrawn and on lon settled. Your per cent Intores paid on deposits In addition to the t on stock. The OKIN Issue we. the largest in Teh t the AmociIon. Matured stock was credited with I Iprcent Interest.p The r monthly Met" of the "*w wil n behl tisofice In the Kellogg build'ng. 1416?7 at. a.w.. WEDNESDAY. 9th Instant, at 'Chwk P.m., at which time the new 30th issue will but stock may be subecribed for a day at the o the secetar sod Tteamurer. I16 F. u. w. Rebet h furnished contatn leg constitution. ROBT. G. CAMPBEL President, D. 0. DIXON Vice President. 51 10th st. a.w. Sirgon ( aiwar Department. DIRCT0RS: W " MAYBE J. D. TCR.I ILL 0. RIRMN OEO.WV. CIA III.. n1-Pt Kelg boildina. 1 F at n.w. WiR"I WOODWARD & LOTHROP*S OPTICAL DEPARTMEN4T Is under the direction of an experienced ocullst's optician. Your eye* tested and a pair of Solid Gold Speclaclee or Eyeglasses. -8.00. steel spectacles......................50 Black Zylonite eyeglassee....................50W All fitted with the seat periscopic lense.. OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS FIL.LED. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. ul-lm TEL-PLATE CALENDARS FOR '. 8=0m 1-08s now readF for eamt"Atioa .L. E Prin and P s Telephone. _c3l _1108-11 n.W WM. EL G HAS REMOVED HIS LF.ZN-odce and residence to 1422 K at b ours 9 to 102 and 4to 6; sundaya 1 to IV only; 61 bposs. call SO. Diseass of eye. ear and throat exatust4ey. ME1W8 SBIRTS TO ORDER. Now Isathe time to have your Shirts m d Fr well-known fact that a shirt mabde in %j 11al9i weamr for wftlst and cooler for summit. we Ve.19 OVA O best equipped sitfactorissI the eo.nt . p .o.yonly t"orouh, .a* e cod work m and garat ere ftth o d s in the WOODWARD A LOT ROP.' 1::Rn CLEVELAND AND STEVENSON. ADVIDO0I OU" Fred sr2mcrc nd cilles who deafreI eleton a the democra:ti cndidatee for t. gosdeec and rfe presidency of the public. 4111ed moau of the earn. . Permia the und erPened remind you. Vi &IL alsat wh e mny have grenerousy eeoddto sPr art of the deroqeratic Cause, there ae multitudes who undoubtedly desire its t.i mph andwould hall such triumph as a boon to all ae o hpeople. but who have a Yet rendered no aid toward its acompl~ahen . It is believed thata little redecto. will convinceal such persons that a pesidential catpain cannot be carried n without Invoiringi a legItIwate ail beev harden of expense and that it is only ust that h burden should be ,n by sle lass. but by all the friends and b we oiseraow'our -ansi. Contributtons will be received by the treasurer. d. Harrisan John* n at the rooms of the advisory oou saiitee. No. 1213t t at, w..* second floor. as remsit-I tances may n to him by mall. if preferred, ad d:ressd t!Lok Box tR Contributions may also be mea to any of the mnem s of the advisory committee, whose names are pub w~din the papers of this date. t Receipts wil be rom tly furnished and will be fol lowe" with a g."'ow soh of the 4eocaic. MARTIN F. MORRIS Chairma of the Advisory Committee of the Imo. National Comnittee for the District of Co ocla-tr JAMES L. NORRIS, Chairman ex-officio. FOR SALF-HORSE BLANKETS AND LAP ROBES. akets for street use: Ofi ~4.00 Horse Blanke for stable use: ' ' A Bae,......... . 5 LP Bobeof all kinds .V.-. . . . .50 WOOD WAX & LOTUROP 10iH.11T ANI Wis. . . ocs CAN ICS ADt) COAL. CO.. OFFICE s. w. cit. 1th ad? a. w. Telephone 48&. jtef &eee-A nhracife. C'e a pN to eh customers. Contract With ti As Hatisaectlon gut ZM~~ ~ Mosbl oh o . WLLIS.1 onCK Vice Pres " st an anai. iDR. H. I . CMOOLEY. t eclo 1rmv hi t. nw. 8DENTAL.ASS'.. Car. 7th and D a. V. Th.eding didetal organtestin of AmerIca. com Extrating............................4 "wtth Gasorssmi--... .:j ea......... ..................... .D lngm with Silver............... . " "Plathne............ .0G -... --.... ............sdl.utos. VERY BEST TEETH (full set). eed1 Qown end Bridbe Wetk a speetalty. B.~AVE Y1dR IjA ES. NAGeRS AND en 48that..w. ~ OVMB3I 'I 18W - R. E . ao his ps ryan dects frthe eeai 2e n tpeet thesm to mwtht al. 5FULI DRU SU1TSTOR E .RE TODUMOCRATIC VOTERS. AD amoastis rotera of the dieesitae eni ma Vi- i cese edess Ser smiltad Uahets at smemmad rates y apelyag at Reama U. Wstme lisa and Trs buildin, issnes Ithandr ats. aw. JOHN S. MWlER.s ee1.-1t meas Oediss. EDIEN SSom 3 3 4. SPECIAL NOTICES. "RIZST TTPE" IN TAILORING. If you would oboose froam the lawsost M handomest variety of fablri In this eity If you would have the newest and best styles-1f you would have the highest clas of workmanship-if you would have a per fact At and If you would have the highest typeof American skill in am taloring and a willing to pay what it is wruth-go to Keen'. Surh tailoring cannot behad for -song.'' The best Is cheepest in the end. KEEN. 12 F st.nw. n p DO'T WANT To GET RICH QUICK. We are not aking SIadWor h because we casn sl them, at 2 still make a small prot. e are not trying to get riquick. hence we am asking but a little lacre t the cast of materiala and work. See our line of Trouserings from 85 up. .RD GATOREL (s8t 4f Kaen's). 09 15th St. n. w.. one door above the ** venue." 117 E ST. N.W.-"YES SIRi TREY ar Art-elast Printers. i have always d A oh c n A Ene at (bwwill make no maistake by leaving your to US8. order with them. " NotAin fee large er too smalljbr us to print US Dl. ELMER ROTHORON HAN REMOVED i o om and reeldene from 9?5 2th 5t. .W. I IVJIISt. a. W. toffice how* 8 to 0s. L to p. m. Sunday 123D to 2:30 and6to7:3p.nWw THE ACME STEAM LAUNDRY HAS R&. moved to 106 F It. n.w. (the Merrick dg) whor they will be pleased to see their cu. )moma ar quarte; better factities, oo ro. Collare. 2c Cut. 40.; Shirt10. C ans On. in~t ELECTIO RETURNS RECEIVED AT A Restaurant. 1708 0 st.a. w. TURS 'iIM OHT. bk r- FAME AND FORTUNE FOR DRUG GISTS. Ifyou druggists wish to make uielveg famous for the a quality of yo r W to Cocoa." Calisays. of and Celery and sub wine preparations. you should use our Sne grades of especially prepared wines. We are t caL' es tIrogrista who buy fabul.I us s It you sample and price. 0-KALON WINE COMPANY. 14 14th at. a. w. In1 Telephone. 119Q. ND . NEVIN B. SHADE. WHO HAS BEEN temporaril located at the "Lincoln" the at ar. lisa removed his vfllce and located Lerma OMice hnurat 8 to 10, 2 to e aud 7 p.n. n4-0t* COAL4USINESS CONDUCTED RIGHTLY We would rathet uv-derstate than ovor S ueoucam,. good coalmalow% anY other coal dealer and can certainly afford to sell asl1,w. t-st Assured that us wil not let others do better fur you than -urselve. Ba w. as coal will never be cheaper. coal. ,uriA a erompt delfrer. ARTHUR B. S KIm. [ain Yard, cor. 4th anl I its. n.e. tanch-Caywood's. 9th andN. Y. ave. a30-3m THEY ARE NOT IN IT When they show you Heavy. Clumsy S oes and call tbem Acme Welts. (lriet r f rhe; Ael ara put together with metal staples). HAND-SEWED SHOES FOR 03. Which can be worn at all timeslawhlich are Soft. Durable and Easy Fittir. OUR 43.60 AND 4. SHOES ln all style. are pronounce our eters mte Anet. neate I and Iet wearing they ye yet seen or worn. Do not buy your next pair until you see ours. WE ARE IN IT. ROBERT COHEN & SON. The American Shoe Sellers. 63 Pa. ave. n. w. (south side). a4 Established .I18. IFOR RENT FINE OFFICE ROOMA -K MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION. JOHN B. WIGHT. U3-1M 1410 G at. I :DR. L. 0. F. HUGO HAS REMOVED HIS offce to 0e17th st. ny. . _nl-t* zMTO BETUBLICANS.-THE PRESIDEN tial campsirn of IM2 is now measured by e Ye. Achare of 1 per cent in the votes of two r three slates may turn the election. To get out our all a ote Is indisenimble to success. That re r bode of legitinote epse. and the arty maneers must rely U10 me vclwetsry coftrt a 0, tbose who earn noquenes. esen are asnl RDI rG. NUBBARD otave, MYRON PAREER1 141 1 st. n. w. FRANK B. NOYES. 101 Psanylvania ave. a. w. E.E URTE JOHNSON. t.5 15th at. a. w. E RY C. WINBHIP foot of 3th at. . B.ROWN? PaciGi building, HENRY F. BLOUNT. TheOaks. Georgetown. D.C. S. 8. BURDETTE., 925 Fet. u. w. A. A. THOMAS 1314 12th st. a. w. JOHNE. NERIIELL. 314 Pennsylvania ave. , a. JOHN W. THOMPSON. 0113 15th at. a. w. JOHN JOY EDSON 1O3 Fat. a. w. LEWIS T. MICHENER Pacide building. A. T. BRITTON. 1O054 st. n. ow. HENRY A. WILLARD. All contributions, will be promptly acknowledred y A. T. BIITTON. Treaau er. and will be followed y receipts direct to each contributor fron the repub can national committee in New York city. ocil -AND AFTER OCTOBER 20. 1WO. commutation tickets. entitling holders he to 60 rides per month, wood over both the coretown sad Tenallytown railway and the enallytown and Rockville railroad. wi be sold at e Power House. Georetown. for $3 each. "his ril enable holders of tickets to ride daily from eorgetown to Bethesia Park and from Bethesda ark to Georgetown for 3c. each way. BPENCER WATKINS. President Georgetown and Tenallytown Railway. JOHN E BwALL. President Tenallytown and cl7-1n Rockville Railroad Company. BOYS' AND C.IIl.DRXE''S Suite and Oorrceis. RIS.MAN BRO. 17ere for eerfel. Merefor low priecs. Iar Jor reliabilitf. Her; or protectio. EISEMAN RSM.. Cor. 7th andlE ts. a.w.. el7 Manufacturers. Clothier, and- Tailors. I- nDR. LIGHTEILL DEVOTES HIS EX. ave attention to the cure df Catarrh. Asthma, 4afness. Throat Afections. Bronchitis and Conaunmp. on. Ofiee 1411 K at. u. w. Boors from 8 to l2 and 4to. ce12-lm DYOU WANT FINE GROCERIES? he flall trde Re te ofGogtwp. it wl a oc4.m i an N ste. H. W. OFFUT. ~3ERi8 BI.Y. K. OF .. t't dala I ebluer -e afLanNNG REPORTS ckotiethe sarcity o caaed b noa corc Allor en for spplyin thi trad are cede of tone of aoal, all gredeas and sis.e lar gest teet in ZAr et awaiting yeorde J'. MA-URY DOVE. Mianohfie. 21st end I eta. '306 H Ma.w. -Footks nd G sb. Ms. n-w. 26th and E eta. WASHINGON. Wr one..b.t.Novs,,e,..,e, e aeg o foaett we he -eelse Conenechticut ver..nt..W At No. PALACEMARn~ E.sTAKEi the0 rhc wer finga treealprinee, romu .rf nmaetylefohe TWO NOVELTES 3. STANE TCOE. Ta IAMOe 213 naiarnlw 3 estacia he ond n v.p ek SPECIAL NOTICES. HE ION RETUNS WILL BE S ~ a the Columbia Athlette Club by a ietrtebenefit of membersan ELOTION NIGHT AT THE T. M.C. A. Retu received In buildnir New e el s. meeting at o'clock. less o nl early And hear the returna AS me the exhildtion in front of building. n7.2t IOEL N RETURNS 1tPCEIVED BY wire attFRITZ REUTERS HOTEL. I% Pa. *ve-s72. ALVA HUBBARD & CO. HAVE OM pieted the steam-heatlafapParatus for Sthe new dwelling which Dr . K. Butler erete . O0ces. BaltimoreandWashington. no-l. K ~ FOR SPEED Practical teste have vroed that the SMITH PEEMIEB TYPWRITEIRS lead the rest. The world's record has abeen broliei on a SMITH P o IERl 1U2 'ords a Minute was the raptiitatned. Your own interests demand that You T the SMITH PREMIaR On TRIAL FOR THE ASKIN0l BENETiA. CLARKE 4 SON. A9oint. 95 F STREET. h. WILL NOT BEOUt FAUI with the five-thousand-dollar purchase cam^ three piecs of the finest Black Broad clothe. two of Doeskina. and about thirty Fancy Imported Vestings for 'extra" vests In nest. styihab tterns upon black and dark ground ah ee. e This fve-thousand-dollar purchase was equal to dumpitr one of New York's tout est tailoring entablishments right in our Store. We think that Washington should have the handsomerst and finest tatlorint estab lishment in America. and it will not be our fault If it has not. 1. WARFIELD SIMPSON. 71tor. Deoraer 32th and F st. n. w.3ni WHY YOU SHOULD USE THE PHO NOORAPH. You shou!l use the Edl. son Phonograph. not because every ''ilv'' bust ness man is using it. but because it i, guicker. w9ore accurate and in every way eeperior to the old methodsof dispatching curr-ep ,ndone, and literary work. It will lighten your work by lust ohae A old ot #asy termes. pOLUMblA PHONOG1RAPH CO 627 E st. n. w. it E. D. EASTON. Pres ft. F. CtOMELIN. Secy. GLA84 FROM FIRST HANDS. The inability of other dealers to meet our prices as 'lue to the fact that we buy direct Iran fCrst handstti large qi-an titles. Aecurin. the benefit of the very be-t cash dls ouonts. IsN't 1h-st Plain enough. Our assortmnt ex:ends to every vartety .t viss ruanufa. turel. Pror t and eticieut sersice guaran stimoates free. 'HAS. E. HODOKIN. '"zperl Hardterof Plate Glaae." 113 7th t. n. w. n7 BARBElt & :tOii' TRADbL TALK. guoranne of its manifold advantages t. about the oriy reason that every house in Washington hs-n't weather strirs. Felt weather strip" (the only kind worth usinr) will saveenouih in a moth or two's coal it I to ray for themselves. and yet Felt Strips uid la-t an ordinary houses l, ftirte. The increase in thesale of Felt V-ather Strips irn 1rate- that rner, are srowing wiser. Let us bell you your Weather btrnps. These little "'Home Comfort" Oas Heating Stoves make up in heat-prorticlng force what they lack in size. The size at 02. 75 il unques tionably the best in the market today for its price. price.. . . . A word about Your boys. Doctors will tell you that bt itinz l- one of the must heilthful and exLilar-,ting of all ex-irciss. Ice skating isn't always to bo hid: hince the titroIurtion of Itoller ka'. s. Get your 6my a pair and let them enjoy themselves and gr>w stronver. Nickeled :xtAn-sbor, Skates as low as 1.215. and better for httle ior- mnere Wvod-bottom Ioller Skates. all sirzns, f1. Wheels for fixing up the old skates. 25. verset. RAPBER A ROSS. Ruildert Hardware. &., 'Olt. 11TH AND 0 ATt.N. w. , n **TWO TIMELY TOPICS" AT TEEL'R. It will reuinire an -oth~er three stocks of n's Gloves i the city to equal ous. Fifty sorts isn't stretchinar the variety a hit. Gloves of cotton. wool. yarn. doeskin, leather, kid. &c. Plain and fur trnmed. lined and unlined Gloves for street, drivinor an ! "dress." Prices start at23r'. And run to $3. -A. Men's Excellent Kid Gloves at01. 41.15. 61 .0. 61.75 and 4*2. Itie wast n money to tuy a p or Cardi-ran Jacket. A good ore te a "wealth of warmth'' ad a luxury, and y-t the i-t ones are not ex expensivte. ous are froi 6$' iu. '. . 'l EEL-Neon's Goods sa Taiorin. KIS Pa. are. n. w. n7 K iEERSEY OVERCOATS. These are the favoritos now. Cur stock is uncom taonly large and choice. At 415. V20 and 922 are remarkable values. GEORGE SPRANST. ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, se293M 434 7thstreet. 1:A'.CHEAP LIBRARY. Birt'- P'o;ilar 75-cent BOOKS. are &- lug here for 5 ('sats each. Thev're all well biond book,, and there's any alund snee of subjects to interest you. A box of rood quality Paper andi Enivelo e. for 25 cent.. for .ehool.' ppligss. V. C. P%. RS~LL.. E-kseller. 41H UTH ST. N. W. se29 :iam Ie W. C. MERT2'S are Tailor ing Shop. makers of garments for men qf taste. Our undivided attent-on is devoted to the con struction of api ar.-l borth beautiful and weara ble-oor price, are beyond a doubt considerably lower tlhan preval - we suaiolt our frenty-Jfre do-far-ur~ade-otmonasure-h'insa-awhj as an il lustration of hopr mAch tai uring we can give you in return for your inoney. 514 Eleventh oCT27-tf Street. W. H. KING& CO We have pur-ased the stock and fixtures of he L. D. ftone. der-ied. cor. 14th and B sts. w.. where we lios oe to earry a full line itf Sash. iori. Binds an-t itli - rs' Suppliest. u-s Increat nw our facilities for supplying promptly our it, rear no trade in this city. Ystimates cheerfully given in a] kindsofnitill work. Hard wood aspecialty. n7-6t* W. H. KING & Co. STHE ORACE AND ELEGANCE OF FASH ION. If you want a st ylish Butt of Clothes at a price con latent with its quality and value we offer the very latest nd most approved designs in CHEVIOTS. Engrlish nd French Worsteds. Fine Cassirmeres. Neat Plaids nad Checks e nd other desirable weavings. Prices for all-wool Stilts range from *20 to *214. They're equal a cut. fit and designing to tmade-to-order garments. A. W. FRANCIS, Successor to Noah Walker & Co., n7-St 023 Pa. ave. n.w. NOW BEADY. "PENSION AT TORNEY'S GUIDE." Call and examine. JOHN 1. BREIRY. Pnblishsr. SAaGREAT MANY BOOES ARE AFFECTED ercent liseet weare si.Onthese .for instanc: Prescott's 'nust of Mexico' it vols., leer te. ,Weyuan g b esme Is Itmycost less than son think. I'M. BALLANTYNE & BON. IkaasA'Irser., Stmesa.'.. r event at. n.- oe27-1m LLDERS SUITS FOR RIRE. u54m W. RORM a5-ine $23PIemn. eve. n.. OGUR SPECIALTY. Making up adsmefatnics fin assicaf m pstaarma. tailored in the Snet Maner after' the very latest smade. is er sedeilty. Re m3 11TR STREET N.W- nos' a~lmt~ tot~ anow A omne w njm s.s Ise - mne "WeDONy sPECeL minasm Washington News and Gaimip. . a Imfax e Ad Ue--n AOOOUNTAN ' A MUSEWETST............ ...................9 U ATTOR ET ............ . ................... P AUCTION SA.E.....................Ps 3 asahI O ARDING....... .. ........................... Pam I BOOKS AND STATIoNERT...............o1 SUM E8 CAnEES ............ .Pmg I CITY ITEY ...................................... 340" 2 COUNTRY XRAL ESTATE ....................P011 I DEAT8 ........................ . ... .. . A DENTMTRY ............ . ...................... F EDUCATIONAL........ ................. .Pae 2" " EEOURSION, &.............................. Pws 39 PINANCIAL ............. .......... ..............u s I POR RZNT (lats) ................ ..............IVA" FOR RENT (000)s.....4. 1 FOR RENT (Boe10 ... .. I FOR RENT (Heuss) ........... ......... .g I FOR SENT (Stsmi . .......................... I FOR RENT tb) ... ............ Pg1 FOR RENT (Wisesuaness) Patg. I PORSALE (Biercles) ............. I FORSALE (reises imd Vegismi ..............PC9 I FOR SALE (Lous................... ...........Pa 3 POR SALE (Loat) .... .. .P..age FOR I ALE (Kiaeellams6s.---- .Pug. I ORSALE (Plane. P&" HEALTH RESORTS............. ....... 1 HOTELS. ....... P i LADIES' 00oo -...............................Pae 1( LOCAL MENTION .............................Pas 11 LOST AND FOUND .............. ........Pas MARRIAGER8 ....................... I MANICURE. .............. ...Pg MDICA L .................1...90 MSELLAN U............... ... Pa i MONEY WANTED AND iDA.....P%" I NEW PUBLICATION,........... ....Pae 1 NOTARIES PUBLIC ............... . Pa 1 OCEAN RTEAME .... ........Pas. I OMCIAL NOTICES ............... .........Pag I POTOMAC RIVER BOAT.... . .......... Psg I PIANOS AND ORGANS. .......-Pa" 1 PERSONAL . ........................ . ..........P v 1 PROFE, IoNAL ................................ ,Page H PROPOSALS........................... ......... JX* I RAILROA D . ........... .............Pe 1 SPFCIALNOTICES..............................Pag I STEAM CARPETCLEANING................Pare 14 STORAGE ............................... .......age. 3I RUBIRIJAN PROPERTY.......................Pas. 3 UNDERTAKER4...................... ....... 2 WANTED(HelP....................... .......Ps 2 WANTED (oa)....... . ......Ps I WANTED (Rooms)...........................Pave 2 WANTED (Situations)..................PIg I Wea ... ........... g statement of the circulation of W5E ETENING STAR for the week ending NovembettW 1J2t MONDAY. October 31, Ian......... ,......34,6 TUESDAY, November 1. 189.......+......34,742 WEDNESDAY. November 2,182 ...4.......34,6 TH URsDAY. November 1892 .....34."1 FRIDAY. November 4. 12.........6......34626 SATURDAY, November 5. 189 . ..... 40A Total.... ...........................213.761 Daily average --............. .. ......3,S1 Corresponding week. 1801......... 5.61 I solemnly swear that tine above 12 a true and correct statement of the circulation of Tus EySm ING 8TAR for the week ending November S. 19I. J. WHIT. HERRON, ('ahler Evening Star Newspmper CA. Subscribed and sworn to before methb sevento day of November, A. 1). lt. W. P. VAx WIcE.E, Notary Public D.C, ELcTION Nzws will be announced tomor. row night from Ta EvgxzNo STAR ofce b3 means of stereopticon and screen. In .addi tion to the regular press service Tzx STAs mil receive special reports from every point of tn terest, which woI be napidly buatsLned. Al are invited to come and get their news whilii is fresh from the big screens in front of Tua STAR office. GovERNxzNT RacEIPTB TODAY.-Internul revenue, 6763.873; customs, 606.766. Tar FxaN has arrived at Portsmouth, Vs. ACTING SaCRETARn OF WAL-3j. GeM. Schofield is acting secretary of war. HENRY A. EILIas has been appointed an act. ing gunner in the navy. SECRETART TaACY will leave for Brooklyn tonight. TaE SECRETaRY oF WA bas extended thm time in which officers must provide themsefres with the new rack coat until May 1,1893. LiPOT. H. C. POU7NDSToNE has been ordered to duty in connection with the naval exhibit at the world's fair. TaE CoxcoaD left Colon this morning for Key West, Fla. She will arve about Thor day. RECOGNIZED BT THE PRsIDENT.-The Prei. dent has recogniied Hermogenem Rivero Sal. divia as consul general of Venezuela at New York. A WAR CA*m 8STTL.ED.--The Court of/ C'lai today gave judgment for $80,340 in fairo 01 the Winchester and Potomac railroad, now a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio rairoad, om account of iron taken fromn it by the gorern. ment during the civil war. CANNOT APPEAL-The Court Of'Clabms hedea refused to ailow an appeal to be taken In the case of John B.Snonacas for fesfoi service. for Sioux Indiana-on the groarnd that the law does not allow appeals to be taken from dee' ' nof the Court of Claims in the eas el cls- a referred to it by the heed et an eusoc tive department. MOVEMENT Or SXvEn-The he..fa standard Eiv~er deflare from the miats anhd tresmnry off&e during the week enedn !ovember U, 1892, amounted to 0755.896. The iese far the oespoding period of tast yea anna SaaU '11fra' teof siler fer the month ofOstober, 1863, was gLIneIIsS. For the correpeding period of last year, *i,675, 133, ad from November 1 to th-6h $316U8 Balmy Weeat fee Ebetiems. The weather ap showe a large area et dea-. ocratie weather prevalling, aoeurding to the democrstic notion that rain is hellifal toeba ty. The prespeets Indiests an esteados .f aratomorrow. It is raiaang mow as see westeas the Missouri river and from the greet lakes theD . Theriy arsseapm et The wathner burena faeest for toenesee ' cta rain also in New Egad, Nae ok, JesyadPensylvania A Wew TNeat Awesieg. This moerning, in the Cos In Geme.07hem, Jddg James deavesad tea epidm et 6Os esmet in the e-s et Esige aga eae. the as tiea wa bregten aS notygiv by the plintii, the esidnummabn khig an inemn in an anaged dlima tr a paa. Th tti ewphdeee. eee., 4 dd defm b the secinste. Mstes ph em t o a T s e dasmee e et, "w F eo "I& Wblesg~ (rofo r The day bee d bl the ba comm - der-la-o a. so ..d. ebb his d a In es White Base e Prest. dea is today stmdytag the pelitleal setmtim wah conree hbi. Wi th a e of ta 1.1 egraph tastrment ta the eppoits em he ..r eye a. fer ere of .he lad. ... Paf naille ot every souse am is tsdh with him n he elas te b- oling of bas -m Po-ideal easdron. bight and a marat Name Mr. JeIast th from.. ida es A spesial wire cmeotm tis ease With fe maint eM" et the Weastra Untoi Company And gives eommuteaeti.m tween the Uecutive Rmo. and any city. Assp wir also ran lto wasry s et the part the Presidest ear nd the instruass and, with Mr. leuuemery aid. carry on a coverenatien with hIs Ise ants In any partot the hnd. By the time the Prese hs mabed his after-dinner cater tomorrow a"ddI-ed hise eaSe ot melr the tasregmn u Its flateful eiciag will bring I or C t t the White Eowm. for the news of e'"od will 60toe ta. Then there will be interesting times oar d the MWam-- he buetsa which win mss, over the wireU of Western willon wa e Patelf in the White House emes. where Mr. bbott and the clert weill compute Is bes ingoas Theresutt. in addition to thee wi cone specials fromaty manaere, who will be den to get earliest news and wO q to advise the Preideat. Peole who see the President say that if he feels any great amount of anxiety be does not show it. e and collected and betrays no sign of worry. He goes the even tenor of his way and whes .% the beenest interest in the situation does u appear tn fear de feat or be unduly elated over proepecte of victory. In fact. his ananer is consistent with his character, calm, patient and dignified. MI. GORMAW SWELES. se Says Clevelsand t as Geod as ueesed Wow. Senator Arthur P. Gorman was In the city today, seemingly just as placid as he might ap pear were there no presidential election within two or three year%. "I shall be at home until after election," mid the Senator to a Bran reporter who mat him on the avenue. "I came home as soon as my work elsewhere was done, and tomorrow I espect to vote for the next Prmint." And be smiled a small, modest, Cleveland sort of a smile. "Yes," he continued, "that remark might be regarded as indicetive of csrtainty on my part as to the Identity of the next President. Let me say very fiakly that for two wes0 there has never been any doubt in my as to Mr. Cleveland's sucosm. beyond questien he will win. "New York is sure by a good majority-I am not dealing in fgures now-while both udianna and Connecticut ate eqally safe. "West Virginia? It win osttinue to belong to us. We hen not lose a sotasera vole. Under Nome eiremmetoans the republiean might have gained temporary advantage in pices heretofore demboeratic but for the action of the governmnt in offensively enforctng a statme which wil per mit the employment of deu marhi at the polls. That gives h pee a penetiel idme s to what might bee*peed ware the fore. bill a law. "I shal not attempt to tell you what eer New York majority will be, hut yma y be sa--eM with the asurance it n gaing to be large enough. Cevelnd ies sgoed as eeted now. IN TEE SVUREM COE. Opinan- ammined inn a usambr et~ee Tman. The Supreme Court of the United oues headed down a anmber of opinise today, but did not tocb the migage lake front case. Justice Shiae deiersed his maiden decisions in two Ptilaelphia custom hows appraisement case. Justice Blatehford affirmed a decision of the circuit court of the southern district of New York in No. 90, a custom heuse ease, with regard to sporting guns imported in pinces. TMe chief justice announced that in cases 987, 90 and 9m from the state of inis (Robie et al. i the mo tion to dismiss for want of jurisdiction was denied and the judgment of the lower court was allirmed. In the celebrated Michigan election case already decided by the court the chief justice read at great length the formaal written opinion of the court that the district mode of chooing electore was not obnoxious to the Constitution, but conformed to its original purpose. No other opinions were rendered. mE. XIEAER WOT APPRKEUENOVr.. The Attemeey General Dee net lek fie any Tremoble at the Polk. Attorney General Miner heo returned to Washington. He ,discontinued his eg'orts in the Indiana campaign lat Saturday mid the same evening took the train for this city. Coincident with his return the ssatesment is authorized that United States deputy mardhals will not wantonly force themselves behind the guard rails at election booths in New York city and will only go beyond the limit pre scribed by the state law in order te smab. at rests or preserve the peace. To a Siam reporter today Atterney Gemees Miller explained the caus of his return. "I thought that I msight be of more use here than in Indiana," he maid, "in case et any an usual events occurring anywhere.' When asked If he really aacipated trouble he replied that he did not: that he relied on the goo sense and patriots et the people in charge of the polling phases to prevent riolh tions of law and beaes- ot the peae. 11he United States deputy marshal. are sopposed to he good estises. and their insteatione esu en ~ct--eet to be aggressiv, or to provebe bee Attorney General Miller amid he laes sure thaitept marthmi will not isnde the poll IUO5witheat earnser eadeavor to chow a ereeetamthmetty. 3.1sme el On--n aStammes. Acting' Seeretary Netlam teday laephed the eossor et eaesemn at New Yech city .s fellow: "If yen &afl he entlead that Immnigrat by bamer sh.--- EMB we beohed and Mort of eambarhation pr- te Ip tember Io rea permit entry ofvta Otherwiss report afaets to the deprent." Be ala. at th felleuing tehngra em in.' to ateame 1, yenm aenthored to psmi entry at the vessel when relsmed frees heesi qea-entin-" Ulinmea=th-etty te soar wa lsesi in theen ot the.tmnr Aller. The fen~suing ebsas her, hemn ade in the Depsrtmesat o Inteuier: VEt s m 3- e tos: Nitheime 3. Gaest,. Jt, of Indiana, essed as.sitmem imer. 1,.d end Withia ries ergf s. Ehaden e~ate- - sas Mada T. U et Na**m='. W. 3 l et -- .- Preameiar C. Osalsmae mai as Metsm 1.Meel etMa lse, W-- n- -- . U sed 3 3d aM. Me Y t n n - a d etA s et Lh o fs ~ IM FRIC EllI 8TIE3. Estmates of the Leaem of Bodo Parties. WHICH 8I1 WILL WINT Btate Chairmen Of All Parties Give Their Figures. EICLTEBM T IN Tag &mm. Ne emste 3mcema e Wseete m Sae a Pemderese. heM a fteff onaedpea of The tNW. New Toga, Nor. 7. I. he leader. at both natomal hadquarter ae ibedtely in the dask s to the evenlta of to morrow's electiom. Clai.s end premitaans bem beth iM em maade without bamn. 16e b-Mg is abeoloetdy valseolss as n sac-i-e of p.ehilt of reselta. The whole thing s a pable of the pager earl. LIem a fag bank of velu, both in this state se in the ether fiubtful states, through which one ee a. Mh democrats ens nearer feshig conildeut abest Indiana than they do about New Yok. Lad meither paty has sny bat. for confidente it ether. A esafdential and freak ctAelament en eitbe ide beoew that the Seader" ad thesioelve a mueh in doubt s is any privete citsa. and whatever prediction. prove true it will be aut m account ot knowilege or judgment. but by be accidenlal coincidence of their deor. oand resmit. All claime are bad on hope and not 3a intearmaton. If (lvetand is going to owrry New York no one has any information today e indicate it. There i, the ame abeenoe of indi eations favorable to the other Pide. No one peeme ecrt information to give him aa Ideace. but each argue. the natter out eoaord Iag to his idea of the lugic of the etaties. Ne ainpartial mAn, with all the ifurmation the most wise have. would uenture a predictien V be vaned hia reputation for judgmaet. Joux P. XIu.en. IT to ANVmISOn'S MOST. e Seeret MMa~ Ualee fesessbie en Aeremeo Feawsmt. ieseria Obestch to The Eventa Ster. New Voes. Nov. 7. As the attatin it viewed here this afternon by the manastepers mend politiciams of ech side It is "aybodye Ight." While the Mem ar tinaming rietary, a a stter of cource, as a aater of feet neither HartIty ear Carter Cleksoan mar tiekuion. tGoimaa ar Mniley. Ibitney ar Plet rally knows bow the cetest eIUl result. AM is in doubt over tat ate1. 'he chif reason for th loobt is the secret beliLt. As Besuem"etve J. J. Belden ways. who ma tell what a man will do when he get into ae s compertment where no ons ae waMtch There will be tota of vmeos a Aseties dayeast by ptp who will not fieally Isnde til they get Into booth, comnsquentyi It is beyond ite power at wins to fotreat do -esit.' UUmetie., eeitter aenSaAmi com mitten i heowiag sway a trick. coen a theu late day. They ae watehing each ether miemdtely. ned If one miakes a move. he It e~er me enight, the other soft hara of It sed mikes a counter move. Tie meet he imed at in mo campaign hem the -meegeme af each cde been mere et-eent. The ePec ame able uken. fell of vemseree aa eebwmg Whetereer e iss M butoki rbea eT found 14h teS maVAtM ese e. I cis lik e a csse of billad there enet be a draw. end in these ae country will be ste anyhow. WMrMar TUr cmarNt LEn. Pube eoatimt 1Erlftfif 9Sigtett tewawi tese 11mgntisisn. Special caupatch t. The EV-Vfin Mar. Naw Yoas. Nov. 7.- The c<oing day of the rampaigm ands public cettiment driftin idghtly toward the repuleheis. A stad of Ieo chimes made by ereee-itatire men of both par ien shows that the ehamwe oeu to be ei fe wer of espublican ueveo. I'nles there s sense unexplained landclide in the wretther.ahlimam can win by carraing ne of the State a4 mittedly clme. %bile the denocItS to we Must earry all. here are to oef those state: New Vork, [ndiman. Daelaware. Voauecticut and Went Virginia. To put lkelaware Md Wast Virginia doubtful iis unucuud. taut thmv is so doubt that repullicaun chanosp of succm e thaw are tily a good A. deomocactic. ]hS a sepecicalr true of lIsle. are. Clarks. Mauley mnd Harrity give their es mates and it to apperent from a study of *hm that unless the demsortat. gel New York. Ida as ad at kast one of the other thees hey cannot win, %bile New 1ork. or ladiia. or S0 three smeler ones would elect Harron. TIRE SITM MAUTLAND B0t't0UC'. Nmth McK01ag and WWotee-e % Fa (lamin 21ewr MrCin. geeil b4wAeteb to The- E i.etar t.ewr Raowasrowx. Mti.. Nov. '. 11he pAitciess, Ma well as everybody else. me at me as to e result in this the uiath district of that slaw. The emacpaign, which clome tonighst with sevieral aseetings by both juarimee in that entende diestricte, he. been a tie one. da~id, how ever, of the puerceenalite dhet characined many ;.rce~ding..nee. 'lie emocrutm elaam the election of McKaag for (cmgrese wtal a doubt, but with.a samall smargin. The republacn-- do not canrede thic and me mnyfreely onethe electadan of We:ling ton. ah bt be fered byveuthseademeewt or repablican att psgromptly covered. Ti was demponstratedt on teturdany nighst. whae over SI.5S in various eaounts were waee. Con servave demoacratecimim6450 mjrty - onam g*aycontty. 'e in Frederick end Wi t Wahgton mking a total of m8 and es. eediug Allegemy to Weliagteaa by 5S mse Giareli by 1no. heng a mejsriy for Mc~Ect et ISI Itepebite-m- wheo heve not run wild rte assh=e=y for Wellungton by 7W0. (Gnrest byg 2MS, conceding Mchaia1 Gam in tgmery, with Frederick and Waedagtem coenedee men etmad of, lnsering the electium of their cami Thee caurpet.. in store foe comme ose. ad whe It shell he cannot be ciphered. Tedey e ed ectivita i. being chow. by beeth partie, Owin tee a iessch mlet h b ar-a Camp len, fhem 3attimoe. thate emplee had -.... ...erel hundred ..ree *hts In end voter. freme hem to their eet th rpeueasin eamele.' eb a euieavote tha thmy d es get esame yeare end whiche ast es ay demneceie veem Um eiemme get ubs be -a me ----aid. Toe.eShea In ess resh.aa.. ssn Ueesn ess s is.~ massr, who it bas, amse a e hstia en eteeo da hs a e atn g steen m taisty-seot SMe cam I gm Qe pQ i aemr. .U Qe ~~beqpmhasdm~ mee waE: inus ha - en mbe db II SI S Aeasae