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SUBURBAN NEWS BROOKLA5ID. The event of Interest to Brook land yester day was the picnic of the M. E. Sunday school In the shady nook adjoining the driveway near the east gate in the grounds of the United States Soldiers' Home. E. S. Morgans business wagon went out from the town hall about 10 o'clock In the morn ing. gaily decorated with flags and laden with little folks and comfortable looking lunch hampers. Hammocks and swings were swung among the flne old trees, and a quiet social time was enjoyed during the D.omlng, varied by an exciting "tug-of-war" contest, engaged in by okl and young, and promoting gol>d appetites for the noon Knch. In the afternoon a large number of tne guests of the school arrived. Another in teresting tug-of-war took place, led on the one side by Kev. R. It. West and G. B. Johnston, and on the other by Israel P. Hol ton an 1 P. H. Johnston, both of the latter gentlemen being beyond three score and ten years okl. and great were the manifestations of approval when the Hollon-Johnston side von the contest. Among the many In at tendance were Hev. Church Tabor, with his baby boy and an older son; Rev. Mr. West rnd family. John B. Lord, sr., and family, Isaac Quucker.bush and family, N. B. Ma lone and family. E. E. Cissell and family. Mrs. Rudolph Johnson and children, Mrs. I. 8. Hollidge and children, R. 8. Wolfe and family. Mr. and Mrs. William McCheaney, Mrs. E. Simons, Mrs. Charles Simons. Mrs. E. 8. Holmes. Jr.; Mrs. Brewood. Mrs. Henry Brewood, Mrs. Schwler, Mrs. Rhine and Mrs. Brown of Washington, with repre sentatives of their families. Mr. Eastlack and family. B. E. Murray and W. F. Rob bins. Messrs. Clcsell and G. B. Johnston, superintendent and assistant superintendent, exerted themselves In every way to make the affair extremely pleasant. Isaac vjuackenbush Is rapidly recovering from the Injuries sustained by having his ir.llk wagon upset upon him In Washington, the latter part of August. Mrs. Benson Is visiting her father, J. B. Lord, sr., at Sunnyslde, Michigan avenue. Peter Garleln of Sargeant road will Im prove his home by the erection of a com fortable barn thereon. Rapid progress is now being made in lay ing the Brookland water main. Almost the whole ler.gth of 11th street Is completed, and a large force of workmen a^"e engaged In putting the ilnishing touches along the line. Now. a further Improvement of streets and sewerage Is desired. HAGERfTOWS. A defective flue Is responsible for the de struction by Are of the residence of Mrs. H. Moore, in Blair's Valley, tnrev: miles north of Clearsprlng. Dr. J. Henry King, at one time a Wash ington "specialist," well known to the po lice, has been convicted at Chambersburg of bigamy and sentenced to one year in the genitentiary at solitary and hard labor. ince his conviction it has transpired that he has no less than live wives. Judge Lewis E. McComas of the Criminal Court of the District ot Columbia, who had been spending the greater part of his va cation at his home here, has, with his fam ily. gone to Island Heights, N. J., where he will remain until the court reconvenes In October. Rev. E. C. M.vkasky of Washington Is conducting a protracted meeting at Har mony Methodist Church with great success. The annual meeting of the Ministerial Institute of the Maryland conference of the United Brethren Church, which had been In session here for several days, closed yesterday by electing the following officers for the ensuing year: Rev. G. J. Rouda bush. president; A. M. Evers, vice presi dent; W. L. Martin, secretary; 8. J. Evers, treasurer: J. T. Spangler. C. I. B. Brane and A. M. Evers. teachers. Walkersville, Frederick county, was selected as the next place of meeting. Miss Sallle 1. Fechtig. daughter of C. C. Fechtlg. merchant of this city, was mar ried on Thursday to Lemuel Shelter, Rev. 8. W. Owen officiating In the pretence of a large number of Invited guests. ? TAKOMA. The Presbyterian Church was filled last evening with the members and friends of the local Y. P. S. C. E.. the occasion being a book social given In honor of the Y. P. 8. C. E. of V.rmont Avenue Christian Church of Washington, among whom were the following: Misses Speare, GUI, Peterson, Olive (.ake, Mary Sperow, Stella and Viv ian Bridge, Nettle and Julia Piper, Emma Toepper, Susie, Meta and Julia Moore and Messrs. Moore, Sparks, Davis, Spcncer, Piper, Gray. Saum. Schell, Hahn, Barnes, Buchanan. Maxwell and Thompson. A musical program was tendered at intervals during the evening as follows: Piano duet. Miss Meta Moore and Mr. Sparks; vocal solo. Miss Mabel Finch; recitation. Miss Olive I .ake; solo, Mrs. Depue; recitation. Miss Peterson. Refreshments were served In the lecture room. The tables were in charge of the following: Blue table, decorat ed with whrte asters and for-get-ine-nots, Mrs. C. M. Heatoo. jr.. and Miss Edith Burrlll; violet, with heliotrope and passion flower. Misses Jessie Lewis and C. M. Sum my; red. with carnations and roses. Misses Laura Skinner and Kate Adams; yellow, with marigolds. Misses LUIle Kahlert and Nettle Whltmer; green, with ferns and smllax. Misses Maud Watklns and Maud Sleeper. Each table supported a banquet lamp, with shade to match, giving an artls tic and pleasing effect. The books were repres-nted by "The Woman In White," Miss Alice Bailey: "A Knight of the Nine teenth Century." Miss Maud Sleeper; "Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag." Jennie Jimmerson; ?The lamplighter," Miss Laura Skinner; "Red as a Rose Was She," Mrs. Depue; "Scarlet Letter." Mrs. Morris Blen; "With ered Leaves;" "Idle Thoughts From an Idle Fellow." Ernest Burrlll; "A Better Land," Arthur Adams; "House That Jack Built," Harry Keefer; "Wing and Wing." Edith Bur-Ill; "The Cypher." Katie Adams; "The original Belle." Llllle Kahlert; "Pickwick Papers." Miss Mabel Peterson: "My Novel." Miss Longfellow; "Twenty Years After," Miss Amy Parkins; "Fern leaves." Miss Irene Poler; "Innocents Abroad," "Our Mutual Friend," Miss Cora Skinner; "Over the Tea Cups." Miss McAlester: "The Tiny World." Miss Mabel Bailey; "Lola," Miss McPherson, "Fatal Boots." Miss Susie Moore; "Aunt Jo's Scrtp Bag." Miss Julia Moore."Chain Bearer." Frank Moore; "Rags ?nd Tatters." Mr. Barnaelo; "Little Wo men." Mrs. Jimmerson; "White Feathers." Miss lice Jimmerson; "Heavenly Twins." - "Hani Cash." Mr. Gray; "Silver Cross," "My Life an Open Book," "The Roses," Mrs. Keefer. Miss Maud Watkins was awarded a handsomely bound copy of Whit tier's poems for naming the greatest num ber of books. The usual fortnightly dance at Hotel Ta koma will he omitted this week. Invitations having been issued for a dance Tuesday evening. Miss Summy entertained with a luncheon rn Thursday a number of young friends, vlx: Miss Margery Hedenberg, Miss Janet Strong and Joseph Hedenberg of St. Joseph. Mo.: Miss Pauline Marsh and Miss Edith r Miller of South Bend, Ind., and Misses Amy and Mary MacLeod of Washington. Jno. Joy Edson returned Thursday from a trip to Boston and Nantucket. Mrs. Edson. with Miss Bessie Edson. will return from the former cl?y on Monday, having spent the month of August at Nantucket. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Berthrong. with their ?on Fred and Miss Edilh Heaton. have been guests at the summer home of Mr. Edson, during the heated term. Capt. J. H. Bltzer of Leesburg, Va.. Is visiting his daughters, the Misses Bitzer of Oak avenue. RK*Sl\tiTOX. Active preparations are being made for the ministerial convention, which meets In the St. Paul M. E. Church, Kensington, September 24. 2T>, 215. AH of the Washing ton ministers of the Baltimore conference will be present. Kev. an l Mrs. James T. Marshall and Mr . J- W- Townsend have been called to Philadelphia by the death of a brother. Mrs. John L. Lewis is visiting her cousin. Miss SU-Ma PerrVj Miss Laura G:mtt has returned from a visit to Virginia. Miss Nannie Wheatlev of Washington Is visiting Misses May and Eva Lewis at Oak Knoll. Miss Gertrude Ward of Washington is the guest of Miss Nannette MUllken. Charles R. Wagner Is spending a week at Mominl Creek. Va. Mrs. Joseph Murray of Hancock. Md.. is Visiting her mother, Mrs. Florida Hurdle. Mrs. Wm. <"alhoun. Misses Oda. Nannie ?ad Sallie Calhoun and Miss Helen Chew have returned frem *' month's sojourn at Washington Grove. Mrs. G. W. Bswan and children have been spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Naylor at Laurel, Md. Mr. Charles B. Ford, who has been spend ing the last two months with her parents, has returned to her home In Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. 8torm, Miss Mamie and Master Ar thur Storm of Meriden. Conn., are visit ing Mrs. E. J. Hardest}'. Miss Nellie Connolly of Washington is visiting Mrs. Thomas Holbruner. Rev. R. M. Moore will preach In the St. Paul M. E. Church tomorrow morning. The Dorcas Society of the Warner Me morial Presbyterian Church met Wed nesday at the home of the president, Mrs. A. Hart, with a large attendance. LAXGDO.V. Carey Taylor of Stratford-on-Avon, Eng land, was a visitor at White Oaks, Frank fort street, yesteiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walton have return ed from a vacation of several weeks at the mountains and seashore. Sam O. Wise and Robert L. Dutton of Washington were visitors to the meeting of the Society of Christian Endeavor Thursday evening. Both gentlemen ad dressed the meeting. ? The family of William Page of Cincin nati street rejoice over the recovery of their young daughter Ettie, who has been suffering from an acute attack of diph theria. Prof. Frank Foster of Avalon is sojourn ing at Boston, Mass. Rev. R. W. Graham, late of Saratoga, N. Y., has commenced the erection of an eight-room cottage on 2!d street below De troit. Miss Lena King, who has been the guest of her aunt at Rose Lawn, yesterday re turned to her home In Philadelphia. The failure of the District of Columbia Suburban railway to secure an extension of Its charter from Congress was a keen dis appointment to citizens In this section of the District. An effort will now be made to secure an improved train service from the Baltimore and Ohio Company. The abandoned school house on the Queen's Chapel road near Langdon will again be utilised by the school authorities during the coming school year. The build ing has been put in repair, and the colored school which was last year removed from this point to Ivy CHty, will be restored to its former quarters. FALLS CHIKCH. The afternoon session of the district con ference of the Alexandria district, Virginia conference, M. E. Church, Thursday, was called to order by Rev. 8. P. Shipman, P. E. The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. C. W. Ball. The Rev. W. H. Mc Allister read an Instructive paper on the subject, "Is the Kpworth League a Neces sity?" taking the position that It is a ne cessity, after which the paper was dis cussed by Mrs. S. E. Bailey, Rev. D. L. ltathbun it the Presbyterian Church. Rev. S. P. Shipman and others. In the -vening Rev. C. W. Ball preached to a large audience. At the session jeMerday the additional delegates present v.-tre as follows: Rev. W. T. Schooley, Herndon, Va.; Rev. 8. P. Eaton, Falmoith; Rev. J. E. Allender, Lees burg; lay delegates, \V. H. Steely and Thos. Harring. Rev. S. P. Eaton, for merly of the Methodist Protestant Church, was received Into the membership of the M. E. Church as a local preacher and di rected to appear before the proper commit tee for examination. Rev. 8. P. Shipman. presiding eider, read an exhaustive report of the condition of the district. There are in the district JIM probationers, 1.140 full members; number of Sunday schools, 31; officers and teachers, 384; Sunday school scholars, number of churches, 32; value of churcnes, number of par sonages, 8; value of parsonages, $13,400; amount paid last year for building and re pairs. $3,280. Rev. W. T. Schooley made a lengthy and interesting report of the condition of his circuit. Rev. S. A. Ball made a full re port of his charge at Falls Church. Rev. C. W. Ball reported on the Herndon dis trict. Rev. C. 8. A. Heavener made a re port of the condition of the church at Ma nassas. supplementing it by an interesting address. Rev. C. W. Ball read a carefully prepared paper on the subject, 'To What Extent Shall We Furnish Entertainment for Our Young People?'* In which many of the social practices of the church of to day were severely criticise!. The paper was iiscussed at length by Rev. S. P. Ship man. Rev. W. H. McAllister, Rev. W. T. Schooley. J. M. Thome, esq.; Rev. 8. A. Ball and Rev. Geo. McCart. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Ball for his able paper. Rev. J. E. Allender preached the sermon at It o'clock from the text: 138 Psalm, third verse. At the afternoon session de votlal exercises was led by Rev. N. S. A. Heavener. After which reports from a number of stewards, class leaders and Sun day school superintendents were received. Rev. J. P. Feltnor read a paper on "What are the best methods of securing the benev olent collections," followed by a general dis cussion of the subject, participated in by the presiding elder* U. S. A. Heavener, Mrs. S. E. Bailey, W. T. Schooley. 8. A. Ball and Mr. Steaty. After the transaction of some routine business conference adjourned until 8 p. m , when Dr. McAllister preached an able sermon on "Methods of seeking the lost." Tomorrow Rev. 8. P. Eaton of Falmouth will preach in Trinity Church. Alexandria, at 11 a. m. and M p. m. The Arlington appointments will be filled by Rev. J. E. Allender. In the M. E. Church, Falls Church. Dr. McAllister will preach at 11 a. m. The Rev. U. S. A. Heavener will preach a special sermon to the children at 3 p. m. At 8 a. m. Rev. O. P. Wanless of Roanoke district will preach. Rev. U. 8. A. Heavener will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church, Falls Church, at 11 a. m. The confernece will be In session until Monday next. T. 8. Luckett. the station agent at Falls Church, has returned from a trip to Luray and through the Virginia mountains. Mrs. J. C. Robertson of Charlottesville and Inez Daniels of Washington are visiting Mrs. C. 8. Lashhorn. Miss Mary J. Munson pleasantly enter tained ii party of friends from Washington and Falls Church last evening. Farmers in the vicinity have begun cut ting their corn, and the crop is found to be much better than was generally expected. HYATTSVILLE. According to the annual statement of the county commissioners the amount of tax able property In the county Is $S),404,2tl3. The tax rate Is 77 cents on the $100, making the amount of the county levy t72.412.82. The state levy is 17 3-4 cents on the $100, amounting to $lti,(K), a total of $8S?, 105.38. The exependltures, county and state, amount to $80,134.61, leaving a surplus of $2,000.77. Mrs. M.H. Kearney and daughters. Misses Grace and Lizzie, have returned from a pleasant visit to relatives at Padanaram, Ohio. Chas. Williams of Columbia. 8. C., was arrested by Bailiff Barr yesterday as a vagrant and tried before Justice Carr. He promised to go to work and wus released. Rev. Theo. C. Gambriil of Curtis Bay, Anne Arundel county, has been called to the Plnckney Memorial Church of this place. It Is thought that he will accept. The case of Geo. W. Richardson vs. Wil liam Gifford, distraint for rent of the George Washington House, was tried before Justice Hurley in Bladensburg. Gifford refused to pay the rent oil the ground that the prop erty did not belong to Richardson, but that the hclr3 of the late John Heard of George town were the rightful owners. On motion of Dr. Rcgers.the counsel for the defendant, to quash the case on account of the papers teing illegal, it was dismissed, with the costs against the plaintiff. Emma Vaughn, the little daughter of Rev. Alex. Vaughn, colored, while fishing on the Arch bridge a few since, was struck by a flying piooe of coal from an engine and knocked into the branch. Mr. E. A. Fuller nas returned from a pleasant visit to Front Royal, Va. Warren Post, No. 45, G. A. R? of this place gave Its annual banquet last Thurs day evening at Union Hall. The hall wus artistically decoded with flags, bunting and flowers. Recitations, readings, vocal and Instrumental mu?ic formed the even ing's program. A sumptuous supper was provided. Among those present were Capt. and Mrs. Bartlette, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tlse, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gulsta, Capt. and Mrs. P. J. Duffy. Mr. and Mrs. Aaam Gelb, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. McFarland, Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Buck. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Crutchett, Mr. F. J. Gramllch. Dr. and Mrs. H. 8. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Baukhaaea. Mr. and Mrs. Neale, Mr. and Mrs. Linton,- Mr. and Mr#. Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. Mecutcheon. Mioses Narnle and Edith Gelb, Daisy Bartlrtte, Kerr, Barton, Lee, Cartwright. Maile Crut chett, Mamie and Natle Tlse, Agnes, Alice, Fanny and Maggie Duffy, Eliza Baukhages, Edith Gallant, Corlnne McFarland. and Messrs. Percy Rose, Lonny Buck, Wlllette, Baukhages. Payne, Hall. Elmo Gulsta, Paul Crutchett and Peter Duffy. ANACOSTIA. A skiff belonging to "Win. Parsons, who resides on the Christie estate, was stolen the other night. The theft has been re ported to the sergeant of police. A robbery took place on Jefferson street last night. William Edwards, who resides at 5'.!S Jefferson street, was aroused by a nolce In his rear yard. The sounds came from the vicinity of his hen house, and soon he was able to distinguish the form of a good-size colored man coming out of tf?e shed, with a sack filled with something. The Intruder, when he saw he was dis covered, made off as fast as he could go, carrying with him his plunder. Before Mr. Edwards could get down stairs and out side the thief had escaped.Mrs. Edwards found at the shed door a brace and bU, evidently used to effect an entrance. Over a dozen chickens were gluten. Miss Lottie Simpson of Congress Heights Is U1 with typhoid fever. Miss ejnnie Gatten of St. Mary's county, Md.. is the guest of MiH. Oden Bell of Con gress Heights. Mrs. Louise Williams, who, accompanied by her nieces. Misses Marie Heft and Flora Giddens. has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Giddens of Silver Hill, has returned to her home In New Jersey. The attention of The Star correspondent was called this morning by a resident of Monroe street to the dirty condition of that thoroughfare, which Is one of the principal business streets of the community. It Is paved with cobble stones, and could easily be cleaned by the straet sweeper, which, whn It comes to town, makes Harrison street its only object of attention. Partic ularly Is Monroe street In need of cleaning In the vicinity of the car stable of the Ana costia ind Potomac River Railway Com pany's stand near Jackson street, where the horses are changed. This will form a special subject at the next meeting of the citizens' association. Dr. G. W. Fisher of Jackson street and his son, W. W. Fisher of Monroe street, have left for Pittsburg to attend the en campment of the Grand Army. W. W. Fisher will represent Ar.^jostia Camp, Sons of Veterans. Miss Eftle Darling, who appears as lead ing lady in the Galley Slave Company at Butler's Bijou Theater next week. Is the daughter of J. A. Darling of Anacostia, iird was for many years a resident of this place. She was last seen In Washington In "Tangled L'p." Mrs. Carroll Smith, accompanied by her sister, XI ins Maggie Keating, and her brother. Howard Keating, are visiting Rev. Edward Smith at Watersville, Md. Mrs. Fannie Duval, formerly Miss Gar ner of Anacostia, is ill with typhoid fever. This morning the Anacostia police station was the scene of a sniall-hlzcd dog show. As the result of the efforts of the police, the number of dogs In Hillsdale and Ana costia Is decreasing. This morning about a dozen canines were tied up in the station yard, and on the arrival of the poun 1 master were turned over to the driver of the wagon. Mr. and Mrs. William Page of Jefferson street have as their guest -Mra. B. Page, trother of Mr. Page. Dr. William Green, who has been Visiting his brother, A. M. Green of Jefferson street, has returned to his home at Wilmington. The bouy of Mr. I.eepoyntz Weedon, for merly of St. Elizabeth, was Interred at Congressional cemetery today, funeral serv ices having ben held one day last week, and the remains lying In a vault until to day. Iudnatrlul Development of the Xegro. To the Editor of The Evening Star: Will you kindly allow me space to sup plement the articles in Monday's and Tues day's Star describing the dedication Exer cises of the Manassas Industrial School at Manassas, Va? on Monday last, l^abor day? It was, indeed, an interesting occasion, proving when a woman wills, she can. The woman who wlllel was Jennie Dean, and what she can, or has done, is to raise the foundations of an Institution destined to be a permanent power in the development of Virginia industries, after the thirty years' inertia attendant upon the destruction of the old slave system. Nothing could be more appropriate than that the foremost man of the race, Frederick Douglass, should deliver the oration upon the setting of the foundation of this school of modern Ideas on the first battlefield of the war, where the old regime received the iirst of its death blows. The exercises of the day were under the direction of Geo. C. Round, chairman of the committee of arrangements, whose carefulness of detail made the day con spicuous for its conveniences. Mr. Round is a prominent lawyer of Manassas, who undertook to aid tne enterprise Ihrough personal friendship for Gen. R. D. Mussey, first president of the board of directors, and has continued his interest and faithful services on the merits of the work since the death of Gea. Mussey. Representative E. E. Meredith of Ihe eighth congressional district, whose home is at Manassas, though not recovered from a recent ill ness. made one of the heartiest speeches of welcome heard by any one. "The old com monwealth of Virginia," he said, "welcomes you upon her sacred soil, coming as you do to perpetuate the principles of liberty she loves so well. You have come as friends of the humblest of her citizens, to educate their children for active, Intelligent citizen ship, and as such I welcome you again in the name of the town of Manassas, the county of Prince William, and the com monwealth of Virginia." Cheering and ap plause followed Mr. Meredith as he made his way through the crowd to return home and to bed again. That the colored people have the co-opera tion of their white neighbors in Prince Wil liam county could not be better attested than by the addresses of Capt. R. H. Tyler, an ex-confedtrate soldier, who made the flag presentation speech, and Dr. Clarkson, county superintendent of schools. Both of these gentlemen represent the typical south erner In family associations and easy-going culture, and made stirring speeches, show ing them fully alive in the newest and best educational ldea3 of the day, as well as genuinely encouraging the progress of the negro. But no remarks were more happily receiv ed than were those of Mrs. Orra I,anghorne of Culpeper. Va? herself an ex-slaveholiler. In a sweet and touching way she told of the dear old mammies of stave days, of their affectionate faithfulness to their fos ter children, and of the many tender memories In the hearts of both time could not efface. Her words brought tears to the eyes of some of the "mammies" present, and one near me murmured. "Bless h"r heart, she's the right kind." But, how ever dear those memories, Mrs. Danghorro said, she would not have slavery again, and her pretence was to encourage the In dustrial development of the negro upon the broad and noble lines of individual free dom. The building dedicated Is the gift of Miss Emily Howland of New York state, and will be known as Howland Hall, hav'ng been so named by the board of directors In honor of the donor. JANE E. THOMPSON. Japanese na Gardeners. From a St. Luulx Exrhaige. "The Japanese are expert at gardening, and give such Individual attention to each blossom that they obtain wonderful re sults," said Prof. L. E. Holloway of Wheel ing, who was at the Southern yesterday. "No matter how humble the little home. It Is brightened by a vase, with at least one flower or a spray of autumn leaves In It. Their arrangement of flowers Is always lovely, being models of harmony In form and color. There Is no stiffness, for they try to imitate nature. I examined one rose bush in the process of development. and found that almost every twig was tied with a fine thread and bent in the way It should gro.v. The entire population turn out to honor flowers, and they frequently write poems and tie them to the branches. The Japanese term for picnic signifies 'to go out and see flowers." " Hon to Reform n Man. From the Atchlfon Olol?e. Every woman who "Jaws" a man Is a fool. Women cxnnot control men In that way. An Atchison woman took a wreck of a man and made a good c'tizen out of him. She never spoke a cross word to him. We know another Atchison wife whose hus band was drifting off. She set about to save him She did It, and he loves her now as he should. She never spoke a cross word to him. It Is easy to be a blackguard, but It requires genius to always be a lady. flN MUSICAL CIRCLES (heat Things Arc^ Expected of the lev Tarary Opera Company. ?? I ?In Lolta Mill* Hna Been Enftaged by Seldl mm* Will PI?T ?? Hla Qn?ert Here. Great things are expected of the Tavary Opera Company, which will open Its season In Brooklyn on Monday night. The organ ization Is a particularly strong one, and has been formed by Mr. Charles H. Pratt, who was the acting manager of the late Emma Abbott during her entire operatic career. After Miss Abbott died Mr. Pratt went out of the business and devoted him self to hotel keeping, because he said there was no singer before the public whom he believed possessed the same drawing pow ers as his late star. His hearing of Madame Tavary was an accident, as he was passing through Cincinnati. But, having heard her, his keen Judgment at once recognized in hep the possession of those qualities which would attract and hold the public regard. An Interview with her determined Mr. Pratt to again enter the operatic field, and to surround Madame Tavary with a com pany in every way flrst-class. This he has done, and his organization Includes Helen Vandoehndorf, the well-known contralto; Gullle, the phenomenal tenor; Payne Clarke, the English tenor, who has made such a success In this country; William Mert*?aB, the baritone, and Mr. Shuester, a basso, said to possess a voice of unusual sweetness and power. The cTCTub will be a large one, and will be composed of fresh, young voices, which have been carefully drilled for some time. Not since Miss Abbott's death has there been an English cpera company suitable of producing grand opera up to Ihe standard which :he established. It Is believed that this troupe will fill the void created by her death and the aban donment of her company, and that rhe pub lic *111 have an opportunity of hearing grand opera excellently sung in English, and at moderate prices. Everything is now arranged for a series of concerts in this city by Seldl and iiis ex cellent orchestra, and the lovers of good music may be sure that he v.ill present some excellent programs. He has engaged quite a number of soloists to assist in these concerts, and among the-n Is Miss Lotta Mills, who will play at one of the concerts here. Miss Mills has only recently returned from Europe, where Bhe stu lied for three years under the renowned I^eehitiszky, the teacher of Paderewskl, and her appearance with Seidl will be the tirst opportunity her friends lr. this city will have to determine the excellence of her work. It Is under stood that Mr. Seidl Is inthusl istlc over her playing, and predicts for !>er remark able success as a solo pianist. The Carroll Institute Orchestra Is making gcod headway In Its rehearsals and prom ises to take a high rank among the local musical organizations. President William H. I.epiey is taking a deep interest in the matter and is securing the best talent ob tainable. Prof. Sol. Minster has been en gaged as musical director, and under his baton there can be no doubt of the Im provement of thla orchestra. Mr. Minster had quite a sueceas as an orchestral leader on the road last season and had a good many flattering utters to go out this year. Hut his friends in Washington believed that there was a good field for him in his native city, and so he had concluded to remain here. The development of the Car roll Institute Orcheatra will be a test of his ability as a conductor. This orchestra will give a concert In October, and It Is In tended to present a program that will be unusually attractive. Miss Carrie Cottrell of thl? city, who has been spending the last two months In Lynchburg, Va? aang at the Young Men's Christian Association Hall In that city re cently at an entertainment given by Prof. Eeo Wheat, the well-known pianist. Of Mr. Wheat's excellent1 work It Is, of couree, unnecessary to speak, but It may be stated that Miss Cottrell rang excellently and completely captivated the large audience that was In attendance. Each of her num bers were obliged to lie repeated, and she will always be sure of a warm welcome whenever she visits I.ynchburg again. Dr. E. 8. Kimball, who was so long a resident of this city, and to whose excel lent Instruction a good many singers owe their su?--r-s, has recently returned from a trip to Europe and is now at his home In Baltimore. Mr. T. Williams-Peatman, the English tenor, who made such a favorable Impres sion by his work at the concert at the Academy of Music for the benefit of the fam ilies of the victims of the Knox fire, has de cided to take up his residence In this city. He will be a welcome addition to musicA! circles here. Besides being an accomplished musician and vocal teacher, he Is a gentle man of pleasing address and engaging man ners. It Is probable that he will sing the tenor role In the oratorio of St. Paul, which will be the first production of the Choral Society this season. Prof. Malna,at whose muslcale last spring the third act of "Faust" and the prison scene from "II Trovatore" were so suc cessfully presented, has now In contempla tion the production of "Don Pasquaie," with a cast that shall include Miss Mary Helen Howe, soprano; Mr. W. D. McFar land. t?nor, and Mr. M. 1). Meems, bass. It Is likely that Mr. Malna himself will sing the l?rltone role. This charming opera will not be given as a recital, but with all the accessories of scenery and costume. The last time this oi>era was heard In Washing ton was at the last concert given here by the great tenor Brlgnoll, only a few months before his death. Mr. Malna also contem plates bringing out Florin's "Martha," with Mrs. John Seager, Mrs. Malna. Messrs. McFarland and Meems as the cast. There is forming a ladies' club, which will be limited to thirty, and the moving spirit of which is Miss Hit a de \ ecchi, the daughter of Col. de Vecchi, the object of the members being to perfect themselves in part singing and female chorus work. It will have a social side as well as Instructive work and Its musical course will be directed by Prof. Maina. All the members are to be accom plished musicians, and when once fairly un der way the club will bi; ready to tender its services to deserving charitable objects. I his Is a unique idea, for no female organ ization of an.* fuch magnitude has ever been formed here, 'x here is a good field for its work, however, for there are many good compositions written for female voices, and besides, Prof. Mama has arranged several well-known operatic choruses bo that they can be effectively sung by this club. He Made n Mlatnlce. From the I'hirjijco Tint. "The giving of passes has actually be come a crying evil In this country," said the man In the ameklng car, as he laid aside his paper. "It Is dreadful," acquiesced the man with the novel. "I was thinking particularly of the Carroll D. Wright case," *414 the man with the pa per. "Absolutely ln?*c*?able," asserted the man with the novel. "But, then, nearly all our public officials do the same thing,!' persisted the man with the paper. "Our Senators and Kepresenta tlves nearly all travel on passes, I am told. It's an outrage!" "I agree with yo?, air," returned the man with the novel. "It Is threatening our in stitutions." Then the man with the paper went up to the other end of the car to talk to a friend, anc1 a few minutes later the conductor ap peared. "That pass Is not for Uiis road. Senator." he said, as the man w|i a novel handed him a piece of cardboaru. "Why, of course not!" exclaimed the man with the novel. "Just hand me that big bundle from my valise, will you? I must have taken out the wrong one, but yours is somewhere In the pile." AUCTION SALES. FtTl'KG DAYS. THE DIHEOTOItS OF THE ANNAPOLIS WATEK Company will offer at public tale, at the court house door, in the city of Anna|M?llH. Md., ou Tu.^lay. the 18th day of fleptfber, 1M?4, at 11 o'clock, seventy 5 per cent first mortgage coujmui tminis of the face value of $.^00 each. to l?ear interest from July 1, 1804, and to be re deemable aa follows, viz: $r>.000 at the expiration of 5 years. $ri.00<? at the expiration of 10 years. at the expiration of 1ft years. $r>.t fc t at the expiration of 20 years. $r>.#? at the expiration of 25 years. $10,000 at the expiration of 30 years. For particulars apply to J. HAKWOOD 1<;L?1IART. Secretary and Treasurer, ?eft, 12416 10 Church circle. A una polls, Md. "AUCTION SALES. itTBM DATS. C^wS&L0pWHtmB?r MAY^ouscEBxf08 ?* 11 *?Uatwml note, and by direction ?L. liJi?. thereof, we win sell at public auc ni&LJS oar **!*? rooms. 020 I**. ave. n.w.. on 1XBJDAY, UfBIH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D. ISSH, at TWELVE O'CLOCK M.t the eollat^ t0 wlt: c>ne ^rtttcmte. win %ea*e taJke notk**1'' A" Teruia cut KATCLIFFK, DARR ft 00 *<*>"0t Auetloneera. UATCLIFFE, DARK ft CO., AUCTIONEEIiS. VE,MHi??ifSI.R??.V?, I^O-STORY AND CELLAR WIT" SEVEN ROOMS AT AV.TloV E 8TttEE'r SOBTHEA1JT, RiS!rmi3SD^'nTHI! THIRTEENTH DAT OK \i ,D- 1NW. at FIVE O'CLOCK P. M., we will wll, in front of the premis.-a, LOT 1?, SQUARE 754. f* ?J0*6', *?J conveniently looted to Stat** tj|ipltol, 1 nited State* pension ??fflce, government printing urn] new Congressional Library. Sold subject to truMt of *2.6oo, payable at mill, bearing interest at per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Teims (over and above trust): $000 to be paid in cash in fifteen days from day of Kale, of which *JOU must be paid as a deposit on the day of sale balance to suit purchaser, or all of the eouity of rcdt'Uiptlon in cash, or all of the purchase mouev can l?e nald In cash, at the option of the pur chaser. If terms are not compiled with in fifteen days, the rlgttt to resell the property, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, is reserved. All conveyancing, recording, &c., at purchaser's cost. _se8-d*dbs HATCHFFE. DARR ft CO., Aucts. DUNCAN8UN BKOH~ ARTIOMXR& ADMIXLSTItATRIX SALE OF FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term as Probate Court, I will sell on TUESDAY. SEP TEMBER ELEVENTH, A. D. 1804, <V>MilENC IXG AT TEN OTLOCK A.M., at the auction rooms of Duncausoii Brqp?., 0th and D streets northwest, a quantity of Household Furniture, Carpets, ftc. CAROLINE STEWART. Adinr of estate of John M. Stewart, deceased. aeK-2t R?tcliffe,Darr& Co., Aucts., 920 Pa. Ave. N. W. Announcement Extraordinary. The Entire Con= tents off the Cor. njth <& Iowa To Be Absolutely Sold At Public Amctflon uses on MONDAY, Sept. 17, 894, BegSnnnng at no O'clock A. M. The Iwisc on the aliove well-ap|iotntcd premises having ?x pi red, the owuer has directed us to dis pose of Nil the contents thereof, prior to ttegiuning the work of thoroughly renovating ihe entire bouse before re-leasing the premises. The furniture, which is iu first -clam condition, consists of Parlor Suites and <Md Pieces, (-handier Suites and Odd lbMlstcuds, etc.. Mattresses and ltetlding. Pillows aisl Bolsters, Folding Beds Toilet Ware. Pier and Mantel Mirrors, Carpets throughout t Ik* bouse. I .ace Curtains, Window Hangings and Draperies, Dining Room Furniture. i rockery. Ulasx and Plated Ware, Kitchen Fur niture and requisites, and everything usually found iu a well-appointed liotel, to which we invite gen eral at tent iou. Terms cash. scfr-dA-dln RATCIJFFE. DARR k CO.. Aarts. RATCUKFE, DARK ft OU., AUCTIONEERS. TRU.STKES SALE OK THAT HANDSOME RES IDENCE. No. Isok || STREET NORTHIVfXT Bhl'W KEN 1 M l I AND 1DTII STREETS CON TAINING ABOUT TWENTY ROOMS. AND ALL MODERN IMI lto\ EMKNTS. By Mrtue of n deed of I runt, recorded In the laud n. t.nlo of the District of CoiuiuMa. in Lilier No. writ, folio 2N7 et *e.|.. to Francis B. Mohuu. deceaMsl, and John J. Johnson, an joint tenant*, bcause in default In pa] mcnt of the debt tlierebv s. cured, ami In the payment of taiea, and at the request of the turtles secured thereby, I. the sai.l John J. Johnaon, as the aaid survhiug truatee will sell, at public auction. In front of tlie iireui Iwa. ou SATURDAY, the TWENTY-SECOND DAY ..^ITEMItKR, I MM, at HALF-PAST FOUR O i IAH K 1 .M.. the following described real etr tat., situate and lying In the city of Washington Olstrkt of Columbia, namely: All that i?rt of original lot numl>ered fift.-en (15) In aquarv num l-ercd hundred and forty-one (lUi, deacrtiied as fallows, vl*.: Rcginniug on the aouth line of I! atreet north one hundred clOOi feet weat from the nortbeast corner of aaid miiiare, and running thence west on said line twenty O) feet, thence aouth one hiMMlrcd und four (1041 feet alx i?i inchea, thence in.t twenty (20) feet, theuce north one hundred awl four (104) feet six ?ii iwhea to the liegiiinlng. Subjm t. never!heicn. to a deed of ,.ru*t. IV A ah ford and Aidia B. Browne, dated March f>, 18U0. securing imvuicnt of $13 000 to the Ani. Security and Trust Company, with Interest from Scptemlier 5. 1MM. Said real estate .s iinproviil by the atxive iui dwelling T.rma of sale: *5.000 eash and the assumption of alsive dee<l of trust by the |Mirchaacr, and the residue in three year, from day of aale. for which the note of the purchaser, with Interest from day of sale, aecureil on said real estate, will I* taken. All conveyancing ami ret ordlng at the coat of the pur.lms.-r. A iWimsit of $.'iUI will I* re<iulred at the time of aale. anil If (he terina of sale are not complied with within fifteen dava from day of sale the trustee reserves the right to reaell said property at public auctiou. after lire days' pre vious advertisement, at the risk and coat of the dclaulting purchaser. JOHN* J. JOHNSON. Trustee, aeH-.IAda .No. 33o 4<4 at. n.w. DUNCAN SON BROS.. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SALE OK IMPROVED PROPERTY SITUATE ON" KRAMER STREET BFTWKEN SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH STREET^ NORTHEAST. CONSISTING OF TWENTY TllREE FRAME DWKiaJNGS By virtue of a deed of trust to ua bearing date r"n<> V-o . ' *. duliv fc?orded in IJIwr 1727. folio S73let acq., of the land re<-ords of the Dis trict of Columbia, and at the request of the nartv secured thereby, we will aell at public auction, in front of the |>reinis<'s. on THURSDAY. TlIK THIif TIETH DAY OF AUOI ST. A.D. BEG V MN? AT FOUR OTUK'K P.M.. the followi^de jcriln-d parcels of land, situate in the countr of Washington. District of Columbia, and i?ing" de ?'rilied as all of lots numbered 130 to 142. tioth inch alve, of Wm. H. Manocue's ami the American Security and Iruft Company's sulKlivislon of cer tain lota In bliK'k numbered 27. In Job Barnard trustee, and others' sutKlivlslon of part of Long Meadows, Slid first named aulidlvlslon being r? corded In the office at the survevor of the IHstrlc* of Columbia, in county Insik 8. "page 28, aaid lots being improved by frame dwellings. Each lot will lie sold separately. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance In one and two years, for which notes of the .purchaser liear Ing Interest at the rate of 0 per cent |ier annum Interest |?yabie semi-annually, ami secured upon the property sold, will l?e taken, or all caah. at purchaser's option. $100 deposit will lie required at time of sale. All conveyancing and recording at Brchaser'a cost. Terms of sale to be complied with fifteen days of day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to ren.ll the property at risk and coat of defaulting purchaser or purchasera. MAHLON ASHKORD, ALOIS B. BROWNE m Tnisteea. aul?-eod rarifle building. 622 624 K at. n.w. ?7THE ABOVE SAI.E IS POSTPONED UNTIL MONDAY. SEITEMBER TENTH. 1*?4. same hour *AHLON ASnFORD, AIJ>IS B. BROWNE Trustees. au20-cod raclfic tiulldlnc. 622-624 F St. n.w. WALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OK ONE BAY HORSE. ONE SORREL IloltSE ONE CAB. ONE SURREY AND TWO SETS OK HARNESS. By virtue of a chattel d<-cd of t'tirt, dated Au gust 4. A.D. 1S1M. ami duly record.-.! In HImt No. ll*.'t(i. folio 261. et se.|., one of the Ixml m-onls of the District of Columbia, ard by direction of tlie p-*rty MH-uml the-ebv, I shall sell at ptihli- ;m. tlon to the Mglii-st bidder. In fnmt of tlie auctiou rooms of Walter B. Williams A- Co, corner lotli and D street, northwest ffaeing Pennsylvania ave nue northwest), ON WEIO KSIl\Y. SEITEMBER TWELKTll. A.D. 1W4. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK A.M., the following |*-rsonal pro|K-rfy. nanu-d. men tioned and dcscrtticd in schedule marked "A" an u.-z?-tl to said trust. ONE BAY HORSE. ONE SORREL HORSE ONE CAB. ONE SI'HREY. TWO sin's OK HARNESS Terms of sale: Cash. UEORtiE T. GIBBONS. *'^41 Trustee. C. G. SLOAN fc (?., AUCTIONEERS. J407 G ST (Su.vessora to Ijitlmer & Sloan.) ASSIGNEE'S SALE OK UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS. ORGANS. VIOLINS, BANJOS. MAN DOLINS, GUITARS, SHEET MUSIC. T"!M MINUS KOIt ALL INSTRUMENTS, ACOOR DEONS. MOSLElt COMBINATION SAFE8TOHI FIXTURES. *C. By virtue of a d. <-d of assignment to me, whlcl has been duly recorded, I will sell at public auc tion, to the high st bidder for cash, at atore No 719 7th atreet. between U ami II it.eeta notfhl west, on TUESDAY, SEITEMBER ELEVENTH 181)4, COMMENCING AT HALE-PAST TEN A M ' the above well selected stock and fixtures. Dealers and private buyer* respectfully Invited. Terms cash. JOHN W. HESS. Assignee C. G. SLOAN ft OIL. Auctioneers. se7-dts AUCTION 8ALE8. dau TH0MA8 DOWUNO * CO.. Auction?, ~ ?Z eTCZw. %188Sn3SSEF& ELBtJANT VPRKJHT PIANO AIJ* <7?vVYfv. AND ?mNm fkh*?u. 1M1 AM> IS* H STREET NOnHWUT. By virtue of a deed of trust to us l?earln* dat? No lM8rfnl^ iL'T1, "nd du'7 re<-?rded !?U& fir* J.. ' foll? 1M rt seq., of the laud rnw^-T# the District of Columbia, and at the iMgnt of t?f {*rty .eoured thereby, we?the Zi?3K2d teen. *111 .ell at public auction ~ TC-VBEj^ai; ^ KIKTEENTH DAV ok SEP OXxSS* A M JS"*', ,AI HALK-PASl ELEVEN ? *11 *??1 singular the (roods, chat ! If w *. fixture? and household furniture now staudlnc and beluc la and upon the ni?mmCe ?* tenement and appurtenan< <?s known ns tbe HO .t^et^hweic' '">d Dum^ ?d 13^ II t2?2",*,12i,: *3.712 20 and Interest from Sep I tl??L ,aiMl **|W?W Of sale in cash, snd balance pavahle In two e.|uai paymeuts In 0 and 12 yth*- ??l. 6 per cent Interest. and secured upoj the property sold. or all cash. at the oi.tton of the I?r.Wr A de,*slt ?f W1II 'beT^Sl^lM time of aale. All conveyancing and recording at CKhTrit 2? .Trnus ot ,u,l?'?? ?" <-.m7.ned with In six day. from date of aale. otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell at risk and coat of defaulting purchaser or pur-chasere. WILLIAM W. DANEN'HOWER Jr I ajiA. ia .1 Wam?LN?TO.V DAAENHOWER * Trustee.. RATCLIFFE. DARK * CO., Auctioneer* A* AUCTION FOR . WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. J iiJkfL .k* note and by direction of the bolder thereof, we will wll at public auc tlon. within our sales rooms, 920 Pa a? n v ftn HAY OF SEPTEMBER. AI). 1W4, at ONE O (XOCK P.M. the collateral mH **-? * vt: ***tor ".sou. secured by seeond deed of trust on lot 86, block I EES? c*rt- RATC3JTTE. DARR * CO.. ' Auctioneers RATCUFKE, DARR * CO., Auctioneers. ? ^vTwf ,SKEAL BA? B) rlrtut of a deed of trust riven to us and dulr recorded In utier No. 1733. folio 24 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at 2|i ,h* n*?r secured thereby, we will ?t nubile auction, in front of the premises on "P??V. MCHTEEXTH I.AY OK xE^HER. iJ?' i U HALF-PAST Font O'CLOCK, the following desrrllied real estate, situate In the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit* All that certain piece or pan-el of land and premises known and dlstlnrulshed as and Itelnc the south twenty-four <241 feet s?x <6? inches front by one hundred (160) feet ten and one-half <10W> inches deep to a thirty <3t?i foot alley of lot seventeen <17?. In square numl>eeed nine hundred and aUty the south l?oundary being a public 15-foot alley on the south side; Mid lot tielnc subject to a d**ed of trnst for $3.4JUU and Interest. All cash above the trust. A deposit of SJ0<> re<|uired upon acceptance of bid. If the terms of sale are n<?t compiled with within fifteen days from the day of sale the trustees assume the ripht to resell the prooerty at the risk and cost of the defaulting Mrchaser after Are dars* ad rertislnx of such sale iu some news|?|M>r isiMlshed in Washingtou, I?. c. All couveyauvim: aud re cording at purchaser's cost ? .... 1<?.\ T ARMS. Trustee. _seS-d*ds W. CLA'{E.V>; I.I VAU. Trustee. UATCUI-'KE. L'aRK ic Co., ALCI'loNEEltS, Wu l'ENN. AVE. X.W. COUNTER A I, SECCRITIES AT AUCTION FOR ACCOUNT OK WHOM IT MAt CONCERN By virtue of a collateral note aud bv direction of the liolder thereof, we m 111 sell, at public auc tion. at our sales muu, DIM IVimsylTanla aveuue SSCSSSLv-i"0 "P1'-41. ELEVENTH l.AY OF hEITKMBEE. A.I?. 1(CH. AT HALK-I'AST TWELVE O'Cl/Hjk P.M., the collateral attached to ^id note, to wit: Twenty-fire (25? shares of VP. 5?"^ Company of the state of Virginia. ?. *iUr * interested will please take noticc Tcruis cash. RATCUEKE. DARR * CO., _,,v> 5t Auctioneers. THOMAS DOWUNU * bo., AlCTIONEElUi. TRI'STEES- SALE OK ONE NICE TW??-KIORY AND CELUAK 1UUCK R*>1DENCE. No. MKs N STREET NORTH WEST. B> virtu-- of a deed of trust, dated Julv 1. 1HS<2. and duly iec?vled In Lll?r 17u?, folio 154, of the liuid ri-cords of the District of Columbia, and by dlrectlou of the party s>-cured therein, the undersigned trustees sllf sell, on Tl IfiiDAY. SEI* TLMHE1I EIGHTEENTH, 1K>4, AT HALK-I'AST I-Nil U "CI>n'K l'.M., In front of tbe premises lot Ml, In square 613, tu(ethcr with the improve ments. as above stated. Sold subject to a trust of due June #. 1W7. ? Terms of sale: All over and altove said trust will be very easy, aud made known at time of sale. \V.\I. MA1XE. JOHN McIL\ EEN, *e^ dA4ls Trustees. TRIOTEBT SALE. IN IXINti MEAIM i\VS, OK DE SlKAItU; IMl'KOVED nt? ?I*EltTV. gOL'Tll SIDE OK Mi Ileitis PLACE BETWEEN aCTU AND 2?TH STREETS NORTHEAST. By virtue of a deed of trust. re>wdcd among 'be '?O'l re.?rds ol tlie District of Columbia. Inllber i' 'olio ltfi!. we shall mil. at public auction, .n ?T'1'' premises, on MONDAY. THE SEVEN V.A\;KrK>,"wt- ,,<w- at nvi O * UK K 1 . M , the followlug des?*rilied real es tate, situated iu the couuty of U'ashliMrton. in said District, und dlstlt^rulsiied as lot 22. Iu bUx* IS Mortis subdivision of Loti? Meadows, as jier plat r\-corded In tlie surveyor ? olll.-e of said llistrb t. In i-ouuty iiook 7. i??e I3!?, together with tbe 1m proveuieuts. Ac., conslstint; of a two-story frann ?w<" Morris pUce between 2?th and 2?tli streets northeast. Terms: thie third caali; residue In two equal pav merts at one and two years. <J per cent lnterrat. payable s.<ml-annually, aei-ured by tls- notes of the l?ir. baser und deed of trust on the ITopertT sold or all caali at <H'tl?o of pur,.-has.r. fits' dei^sit at time of sale. All < Ac., at purchaser s cost. Tctuis to be compiled with In ten dars or tiuetcea reserve the tialit to readvertlsc and 'sell at defaulting purchaser S ,ost and risk CIIAKlJiS H. CRAtJIN. WILLIAM McK tiSb(IR\ Till*. DOWLING A CO.. Aucts. Trusted set>-dAds THOMAS DOWLINQ A CO.. AI (-ri7.\t-j.??~ VIS E at. n.w. "Wesley Heights/* 1ST ROVED AND t'NIMPRi ?\ FD RtXIDENCE JROTEKTY. THE MOST I?y|RAl"lJE SCU tRKAN PBOPEKTY IN THE DISTRICT CORNER OK 44TH AND LOWELL. ' ?rw ? STREl-TTS, AT Al'CTION. On W EDNESDAS . SEITEMIiElt i ?nnu isu AT THREE ..CLOCK I". M . we al.ll^er .The premises at tbe polat al?ve mentioned, tbe foliow lus d* scrlticd profierty: An elegant ? room r.?i deme K-olonlal style), with every modem ?unTenl rT.i ,r"<1rtbin hall, spneloui |niclies, l?st beatiw fa< littles: tlnUVd tlmmgt?sit In lirst-class natutal rrt\ frunL #< c water. ; lot .V>xlN>. Also at same time, ami adjoining the ahoTc, the Old house; 6 rooms: fair repair: Dew <vi. lar and recently built stable; lot auiiau Tills prop erty is <ons:dered one of the most valuable suiHir l*n properties in the iHstrlet. and is only three st/iares from the Methodist t'nlversllv. Tei rns will I* made known at the time of aale'. All .-.mrev anclug. A-e., at c?t of pur>-hai<er. katiu dcuosit cacii propertv" at the tlm- of sale _se?St Thomas dowijno a co.. Aucts. DUNCAN80N BROS., AUCTIONEERS. " Titt STEES' KALE OK THE TWO-WORT RItICK DW i:iJ.INi; NO. 1224 IJMIKX 8TRKFT ur TWEES' TWELFTH AND 'THIRTEKNTH A^,T) U AND II STREETS NORTIIKaSt ..??J Virtue of a de.-d of trust dated February 1R '^??tMl "'forded a using the lawl records of the District of Columbia, In Lllw-r No. issfi folio 27? et seq.. we will sell at public auction. In fnmt of Lb*.I,r,'ml',0?- KRIDAY, SEPTEMBER IMrit TLLNTH, A.D. 1MM, AT FIVE O'CIXJCK !? M !^e if0"0*ln* land ami premls?-s situate ,h*' Washington. District of Columbia, aud designated a? lot numliercd tsa hunorcd ami seventeen (2171 In Bill!,*- kHvIsIoS ?f 2i.i^ uutuiieri-d ten hundred and four (10041. t??.-ther with all ami singular the l*npm\ements wav* eaWmcnt.. rights, privilege. .,k1 appur^n,^ to the same lH.|,.nglng or In anvwlse apiiectnlnlng. i? fUli *?'*: <'nethird of the purchase money to be |uild In cash, and the t>nlati<-e in one anil two years, to I* represented by the notes of the Iiurchaser. hearing interest at the rate of ? per centum per unnnm from day of sale, payable seml ?'T d?-d of trust u ihi r?P erty sold, or all cash, at the option of the pur chjiscr. A deposit of $2(H> required at time of sale All .-on._ey.mlng and reeling at co?t of wlr ATrrny of J"1* Co ^ complied With within flftwn days from day of sale, otherwise the trus i.?? rl|fht L? rwl1 mi th* rlHk ?**! ??t of the defaulting purchaser after ten dsrs' notice W^.JTd. 10 ?om# """l-l"' ot JOnx B. LARNER. WILWOX O. REED. ?u2S-dAd? Trustees. 1335 F at. n.w. T. E. WAOCAMAN. Real Estate Auctioneer. trvstees- sale of i/vt. improved rt thifestory it rick dwkllin; No "41 north CAROLINA AVFNI E S.MTHEAKT x . * dwI of trust. re.H.rdcl In Uh-r No. 1S?7. folio 11*1. of the land re<-ords of the Dis trict of Col?Mn. and at the re<iue?t of tbe imrtv thereby secared. wo will sell. .t auctl.m, m front TlllltSDAY. SEPTEMBER TIIIRTT-ENTH, 1NH4, at FIVE (I'n^iCK p \| lot numbered 80 In L S. Frlstoe. trustee et ai' suMivislon of square nutnliereil T35 Washliurt.Vn Tr I" '??* IS. folio ,?? of the rv..,Mls of the surveyor's afflee of aald in. trlct, with the Improvements above stated Tlie SS&rt{?.'5i!!. ^ *o1J ,ul'J,'ct to ?' <n?t^ ~ Terms ? One-third cash, of which a denn?ir I *100 must be made at time of sale, and the^alance , "w'-'lliuents. In oih* a nil two years fj .Vhleh notes of purchaser, l-earing interest uavable .juarterly, fro,., day of sale. b, d,^ of trust or. property sold, will I*. tak,.n '?r'i cash at opt loti of inirehaser It 1 compiled with in tei davl^ r J'j "Z proiierty will be resold at the risk and a." faulting purchaser, after eight da.s" advertise;:.ent. J- ?. PIL1.INO. 1RV1NU WILLIAMSON. _*_?? WAOC.AMAX. Aft. ,?3Su F. WARKEX JOHNSON, ALCTlOXEEiL I wilT^n r.f NttEI>EEMEI> PIsETKSGi. K Fulton aTth?* at fl,? *x,tr" "f H pi i? ? ?L J V?,*y 1 vanla avenue north weft. SrWv!* ^ i;i^:ve\tii. nbd^e- A.M., all the unrrdecni"d Upon which the Interest is due \fLtli SLOL <-"nst*ti?- ?f <b.ld. Silver an.: r?.wr o atches. Cluilns. Charms. |>N-kets. ^u11ons, <^jff |,lrkn. r<illar Itutt?*is. S*a>f 1 Ins btuds. f^ace Pins. Earrings, Rra<-elcts. Plain afM*.Kian, Coins, Medals. P.a?U?>s, S.1U1 Mlver and lilted Ware, larjrc lot of I>laiu?f?d? and other prccious stoR.*s. liookM. Guns. Itifl?>s. iu.. vol vera. Clocks, Cmtirellss. Vallies. Violins. I>r?*ss Goods. Shawls. Sen I skit; Wraps. Field and 4?i?-rt wiasses tnd otler articles, too numerous to men . "J* to ??ntlnue morninf at 10 o'clock, even " o'clock until all the lots arc sold llcket holders please take notice. F. w A Hi;EX JOHNSON. H. K. FFLTOV ??4-7t* Auct tnnsar. Pawnbroker. AUCTION SALES. rtmnui date. WALTER B. WILLLAMS * CO., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY AND DWELLING NORTH WESJ (XU NEK OF TWELFTH AND a STREElf north west. at auction. By virtue of ? deed of trust duly recorded la Liber 14.'*. folio U. oh of the land records of tba District of Columbia, and la pursuance of an order pasaeel by the Suprenir Court of tbe District it Columbia, holding an BjuJtr Court, paaaed on tha 5th day of September. A. D. 18M. In equity eausa "Tft No. 12042. I will offer for sale, on the |>rviii on MONDAY, THE SEVENTEENTH DAY 8EPTBM BEU, 18*4, AT FIVE O'UMX P.M., tlx- following deacrlhed ml estate, situate In tba city of Washiugtew. Dtatrict of ?oluinbla. to wit: All tliat certain piece of land and promises knowa and dlitlngulsbeef aa and l?elng lot numlicred *5. In Ttiema Arnold ? subdivision In square num bered 275, aa per plat reewdi'd In Ulie-r 14, folia W of the nronh of the of the surveyor ?t the District of Cedumhla. with the imiifoe emcn'a thereon, consisting of a brick store and dwelling. The property wUI I*, aold subjact to a prior d.-ed of tnwt for t3,35u aud Interest thereon frota January 1?, 1MM0. Terma of aale: One -half eaah, the balance In ale months, with Interest at ? per cent per annua from date of aale. secured hv deed of trust ?? property aold. or aU cash, at the optle* of the pur chaser. If terms of sale are not <-omplled with within ten ilOi days from date of aale the trus tee reserves the right to resell said property at the risk and coat of the defaulting |Mirrhaeer after five days' readvertiseewent In aome oe?si?i? i isil IIshed la the District of Columbia. A deiawit at flOO will be required at time of aale. WILLIAM B. TURPLN, Surviving Trustee. setl-dAela 142* X. V. aee. RATCUFFB, DAKR ft CO., AUCTION EEiUi. TRUSTEES' RALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED REAL ttTATE. OX SOUTH CAPITOL D AND CANAL STREETS SOITHWEST. AND ON C STREET BETWEEX DELAWARE ATEM1 AND SOUTH CAl'ITOI, STREET SOUTHWEST. By virtue of a deed of trust given to aa. aal daly receuded la liber No. 15S0. at folio 48R et set;., one af the land records of the District of Ooturn. bla, aad at tbe request of the party secured titers, by, tbe und rilgaii will offer far aale at putdla auction, la frxiat of the prrariaca, aa MONDAl. THE TENTH DAI OF SE1TKXBEK. A. D. lfiM, AT HALF-PAST POUR O'CLOCK P. M. tbe fol lowiag described (aad and premise*. situate la tl* city af Washlactem. District of Colombia, aad des ignated aa part of a<|uare all hundred and tblrty aloe (?a?i. Iiegtaalaa fab tbe aame at tbe aortbwett corner of said aquare. lelnf tbe latersectloa 4 South D aad Gaaal streets, aal running thence east waidly along the line of South D street two hua dred aad tlitythre- aad elcbt-teatbs <2?I.6| feel <? h* tith Capitol street: thence aoath along South Cap itol street aevcaty-three and forty-hundredtba (7*.40i feet: tbenee west at right angles with South Q pltol street one hundred and elgbtr-sli and forty Bve hundredths (lWt 45i feet U> Canal street: then-a aloug the line of < anal street ooe hundred and slK and forty-nine-linndredths (106.4P> feet to the pis '* of beglunlog. '-ontalnlng 10.517V square feet, aad beiug parts af lots two (31 and three (Si In laid 3(tare, together with tbe lmprovenxi ts. cnatlstinf a brick dwelling, known as No. all South Cap itol street southwest, with frame stables and ? l reels. Immediately thereafter we will offer for sale At public auction. In front of tbe premises, lot aiaa K la square six hundred and thlrty-acvea (<E?7). Part of square numlxr all hundred and thirty -ulna <?3HI will lie sold sabjee-t to an Incumbrance of 13.000 and Interest. Said I le-umbra n.-e Is pa.eabla la Bve (51 ycais from January 17, IW7. bearing In terest at the rate of t> |er per annum, pay able semi annually, stored by deed of trust on t'ta premlacs. said trnst 1. tug record.-J la liter Na. 1233. at folio 75 et seq.. ooe of tiie land records sC tbe District of Columbia Lot nine (Hi. aqua re ?37. will be sold rahjert to an Incumlirance of fS.oio and Intecst. s-ild ta cunbrsnce being loyalde la S years from Mat 27, 1WU, with Interest at tbe rate of a p.r rent pe( ri Lum. payaide semi-annually, ahd secured by de?4 of tri rt. recorded In lll?-r No. 148M, at folio 440 et acq., one of the laud records of lbs District of Oa hiuihla. Terma of aale: On each piece, one third of tha ptirchrae money to be |<sld In cash. the residue la two equal payments. In ooe and two years fr??i tha day of aale, tbe deferrM paymenla to he secund by a died of trust on the property told aud te t*ear Irtereat from tl>e day of aale at the late of C per rent per anui m until paid, payable aeml-aanually, or all csah. at th- option of the parchaaer A depuslt of |25o on each piece will lie required wuen tha pr"1"'"?. T, rvu. aale to 1* K.mplled with wltliln l.fteen dsv? from the day at aale. otlierwlae tlie trustees reserve the right ta "sell tbe property at tlw risk aud coat of tbe da "haaer. All cnavey?ncla(. roxitdlM ?oat of the purriiaser W-M R WOODWARD. Trustee. LEW IS HOPFENM A1ER. Truataa. , ,,M ,uu in n*e ue* faulting aarrimarr. All coaveyaaclas. recordlaf, Ac , at the coat of tbe nureliaser. Wll. B WilODWARD. Trustee. su2n-dAdl C C. SLOAN A 00.. AUCTIONEERS. 1407 O Street. (Successor* ta Latimer * Sloan.i Well-Kept Furniture In the Handsome Residence, No. 1309 Conn. Ave. (opposite the British Legation), at Public Auction. ON MONDAY, SEITEMHER TENTH. 18W. A? HALF-PAST TEN A.M., AT HEMPEN**E. NO. law eoNNBrriciT avenue northwest. ?E WIU SELI. FOR A I AM1IA LEA VINO THE CITV A (lluHl OOtJJSCTKIN (? FI RN1 TURE AND EFI>:<TS. ?I'H AS OAK ANp CHERRY CI1.AMBER SI ITW. HAIR MAT TKESS?. 1'ILM'WS AND B<<IJ<TERS BI.ANK rrs. sheets and t*iMi"<<rts, wiim: EN AMEL1XI IU<JV AND BRASS BHWTCAM, fancy i.kathkr seat and other r<*-k ERS. mrtlltt CHAIRS, FANCY tames AND CHAIRS, HANGING* Tl RKfrll OKI <TL BOX IXiUV.E. MIRROR BACK OAK < IIIF FKMEItS. JAP. S<-REENS. FINE BIIIWHU CARPETS AND R! OK ODD ME<"ES OF PAR LOR FURNITURE. TOII.ET SETS. OAK EX TENSION TABLE. DINING CHAIRS AND SIDB TABLE. ICE CHEST. CHINA AND CLASS ware kitchen RjaQi norm, rrc.. k-ixv ALL Di IWKtiA CONDITION AND WORTHY OF ATTENTION. TERMS CASH. C. G. SIjOAN A CO . ae4-dta Aactloaeera. RATCUFFC, DARR * 00.. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' KAIX OF TWO-STORY BRICK DWELIJNO. NO. Ida MASSACHUSETTS AVE NUE NORTHEAST. BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS. By virtue of a <<ertaln deed of trnat to us. bear ing date tbe Both day of January. A D liai, and dulv recorded in Ul*r 1545. foil,. 456 et seq , of tbe "land rcord* of the Dtatrlct of Ctdunibte. we. the undersigned trustees, will aoll at puldlc auction. In front of tbe premisea. on MONDAY, THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF 8EITEM BF.K. A.D. ltrn AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. all that certala piece or parcel of land and |<remlaes Situate la the citv erf Washlufton. Dlatrtct af Columbia, and known aad designated as and bHac lot nam lie red eighteen <|S|. In John T. Leo mac s sul-di V'.sioa of part of aiiuare numlier-d seven hundred and tweaty-three <T2SI. the aald lot lielag Improved by a two-story brick dwelling boons coo la mine modern improvement*. Terms of ssle. One-third of the purchase ama . to 1* |laid la cash, snd tbe balance la two <<quU Installments, payable In .me, two aad three years, with Interest at sli (?< per cent per annum until paid, payable, from day of sale, secured hy deed of truat u,?<n tbe penpertt sold. ?r all caali. at lbs option of the purchaser A deposit of $300 Will be required of the pur.baaer at the time of aale Terms of aale to he compile* with within ten days from tbe day of salc.othcrwtss trustees reserve tbe right to resell tbe pnifa-rty at the rl* and cunt of tbe defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing. *c? at the coat of tbe pur. chaser. MAHL0N ASH FORD, WM. REDIN WOODWARD, se6-dfcds Trusteed. BY DUNCANSOX BROS.. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' sai.F. OF VALUABLE UMWROVTO PROPERTY ON srooDERT STREBT. GSkM'GE TOWN. D.C. H, virtue of a deed of truat duly recorded la tllier No. 10S.S folio 2T.7, et seq , of tlie laud rec otds of tbe District of Columbia, we will eel I. ta front of tlie premises. 00 l'UK*DA 1. tbe WK IITM DAY OF Sfil-TEMBER. A. D. 1S04. AT EIVH O'CLOCK P. M.. tlie following dencrttied real es tate and premises, altuate. Iviac and being In tba city of Gmirgetown. District of Oolumlda. to wit: Beginning for the samr at a point on tbe aoutl> alda of Stoddert atrect. dbtant one hundted and tseni (1301 feet w<-st from the southwest corner, formed by tbe Intersection of Washington and Stoddert attetda. aad runnli? tlience with aonth aide of stod dert street. 130 fi et; thence south 13u feet; tlieaca eust 13u feet, and thca-e north to the pla.e of l? *la nlnc. togeth< r with tlie lm|iravea>mu. ways, eaaa m< nts rights, privileges si:d appurtenances th. reto Ik longing or la any wise a|.i-rtalrlng T< nua (Hie--l.lrd rash: I?la nee in aae and iwa j.ars. notes to bear tnteraat at ? ?ar ceot per aa num. pavahle aeiul-annually, and lo he secured l<y deed nf truat on tlie property aold. or all eaah. at tbe ontloa of the purchaser Defnalt at >300 ra quired at time of sal-. Conveyandua. 1"^ rl.aser'a cost. Terms of as Is to I* coa*>lled with In fifteen days, otherwise trustees reserve the riant to reaell the property at the risk and ceat of da fsultlag pnniiaser. after five daya' advertleeme* of aufX resale In aome newa|iaj?er ijtdi.lslied la Waahlngtoa, D. U (WCSOiA c. OREEN a ngtou. WILLIAM A. GORDeIN, a til 7d Ada Trustee*. tTTHE ABOVE SAl.K ? V^S?' WEDNESDAY. SHTE.MIIER TWBJTM, 1W, au ue hour and pUe-a.?(vrwI.A C CRETN. WILLIAM A. GORDON". .4dM DUNCANSON BROS.. AUCTKiNEEKS Tt-i-STEES' SVI^ OF X FRAME DWEU.INC. Of hJjhtii STREET BETWEEN O AND D STREETS NOKTHEAS1. Itv virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated De ' <1 Iteal. and recoreled among the land rec ords of the District of Columbia. In lll-er No 1541. folio 870 et SOI., we will sell at jmtdlc auction la frit eft" or! ...ISO. on MONO 4 V THE TENTH KAY OF SEPTEMBER, A D. 1S:<4. AT SIX oVI/x'K P. M nil that piece or parcel of rround and nremlaes a'tuate. lying and U lna in the city of Wnsliinctem. In the Dlstrl<-t of Colnnilda. ami known and dl*ttnenl>hcd as and belns |*rt of lot numbered fourteen (14*. In square nnmtiend eight hundred and ninety-four (??4l, Is-glaalaa twenty-se vea (27< feet south from the north line of said lot: ninninc thence south alone MIt street t?-n (1<? f'-et threa Ri in-h?-s: th.-nee west one lutndr<>d and nine il?!? f<*t one (11 In. h; thence north ten <1?< feet threa Cii Inches, and th.-a.-e east one hundred and ntno 11001 feet one (II Inch, to the lH<ginninc. together with all tlie Impro-enionts. wava. easements, rights, privileges and aprortenancca thereto belonglnc or la anv manner a|>|ic(i!ilning. Terms- One third cai-h; l<alanee In erne and twa veara. notes to he-nr Interest at ? per cent per an num. pavnlde semi ann-.ially. and to lie secured by deed of truat e.n the profierty aold, or all eaah. at ' ?lie (Hition of the purchaser. Deposit of 1100 re quired at time of sale. Conveyancing, dtc at pur chaaer'a cost, lertna e.f aale to lie compiled with In fifteer daya. otherwise trustees rrwerve the rlrtl to re*se*ll the firopertv at the riA and_ eeiat of de fault lia purliaser. after five daya advert \sew?? of sucti resale la aome newspaper published Waihlnrton. D. C WlUJJUi OrBTAPT, m u bergmann.