Newspaper Page Text
WANTED?HELP. MALE. WAVTEU ISDI HTKIOUS TOISO WHITE man who uikli-nuudi tl>? oyster bullae*, most hare fmmt reference. Addrew, tor > dmjt, A. B. S.. Mar la* WA-NTU >?OY TO UULN DHl'U BIMLMM. Am J J tu ilAKTMAN A CO., ISM 15th ?t. itw.a* *ANTKL> VWXtt 'MAN ABOUT 18 TO DO cl-rlin! work Is (xiMlaher'a <>L".*r; puaitloo prr Bring written reference tu J. C. IIAIS Itbt. lm)6 h' ?. n.w.. Niturdaj at 10 oVIock. la* .*? ANTED A~?J??ol> COOK; MIST U.NDElb-TA.ND r?.iklB? of?t?-n?. .113 Pa. are. D.w. la* Wasted- DCMtoMM empu>tmk?t bikeaU^ conducted by Isdles?men and women, white and colored. for <11 kind* of domestic labor, city, state a?l ?prime*. with references. 7UJ> L St. oc5-?a* AANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR HAT depart meat. Addr-ss HATTER, Star office. o.-S-2a* WAN! ED AN HONEST, FAITHFUL MAN TO <Hsnil*ute bill*. AMrrtl FlDBJn, 8tar offiee.* WANTED A KOJABLB CULOHXD MAN AS poi te and driver; e*p?'rtence aud reference re Qiihfd. Apply i? EDWARD BAW3KL, at Perry* a. Pa. are. it*. ?th at. la TINTED sMAR'l SALESMAN L\ STORE; BRING r-Terences, whi< h must Iw of beat. WANAMA KKR 3c BROWN. IttW Pa. ar?. ocf? 2a WANTED A WElXr KNOWN FIRM OF UW \ ERS la N>w York want a gentleman of experience in the preparation and prvsecution of applications for Latent* for Inventions, who ia particularly skillful in preparing specltb-ation*; one who ia aiao a lawyer preferr?-d. Address P. O. Box 151. Washington, l>. C., stating qualifications. oe4-3t* WANTED FIRSTCLASS imSEK ON PANTS. Call it 3?n* Trb st. n.w. o?*3a* WAXTKD"- IMMEDIATELY?A GOOD FURNACE workman. Apply at once to L. F. MolU;AN, Roekvtlle, Md. oc4-2a wanrku> salesmen to si-xl baking pow der. We put our good* In Glass Rolling Pins. month aud e&peiaf*, or < oiumuMrion. CUK'AiMI BAKING PoWi'EK CO., 7#7 Yaa Buren at., Cbl caf?x oc4-lm* wanted- at cm intelligence office, cooks, drivers, waiter*, chambermaids, porters, men. women. boys, for all work; piacea tur. till suited. SBACKLtl-OKDa, 427 11LQ st. n.w. _oi4-?ia* WANTED A1 ONCE. FIRST-CLASH TILE SET ters, at Cairo Flata, 0 st. Iwtween 10th ami 17th n.w. C. M. MANNLNG- oc4-?n# wantkd two firstclams plumbers "at once. Call at CHARL1&* G. THORN'S. 1213 F 1. n.w. oc4-2a* WANTED? WU1TE MAN. THOROUGH FARMER^ to work on farm; wages during winter $15 per month and found. Apply H. B. DULEY, 225 Pa. are. n.w. oc3-3a* WANTED- AN EXPERIENCED CLERK IN CH 1NA, glass and housefurulshlng establishment; give reference* where last employed; state age and ?alary expected. Address Box 1 l'J, Star otBie. km* W.VNTED A YOl'NG MAN THAT UNDfKSTANDS plain bookkt'eoi'wc and who can make himself aenerally as^nii In the grocery buslnc**. Ad ilrewa Box M2. Star office. oc3-3a* wAvnFr> >.\i k-smkn . we seni> sami lf^, aC low lli*eral .salary and expeuse* or comudaalon to proper applicant*; ?tapie Mller; three ?tore* out of Itve will ord?*r. Addre**, with *tamp. Lock B ji 420. New York City. 2-eoiy Wanted - sten* h;raphf.iw and remino^ tarn typewriter operators directed to posithms; EMPLOYERS provided competent itenofupheni and Remington operators; no charge for services. WTCKOFF. SEA MANS * BENEDICT, Iteming lorn Typewriter office, 8th and F sta. n.w. se2V-tf FEMALE. WANTED-YOUNG LAD ? BOOK iiEEPEll; llOl HS, 8 to 3; give experience :tud salary "desired. Ad dress V. W. W., Star oOce. lb*. WANTED-A GLUL TO HkJLP VB)TllAIU.\U AT ome. Apply at JuU WiUo.j st. n.w. Miss FISCHER. Lf Droit PaA. lb* WANTKD - A THO?OLGHLY~ EXPERIENCED cook; one capaMe of taking entire charge of kitchen; must couie well recomiiAendcd. l.'Hi2 11 ?t. n.w. ^ lb* WANTED?AN ACCOMPLISHED WHITE COOK; mast have city ref^ieuc-.-s as to character awl capacity. Apply, with references, on Saiuiday morning between 11 .and 1 o'clock, at lt>20 1 kc. u.w. lb* WANTED--GIRL, WHITE OU COLORED, GOING to school, for help In small family ujornings and evenings in exchange for board and siuall wage*. Address Mr*. S. A., Star uihee. oco-2b* WANTED-WHITE C? H ?K . ALSO WHITE 111 AM Ix'rmald and waitress; must have city references. Apply at IJbi Conn. axe. oco -t* WAN 1U > A tlMHirUHLl OUXFIRXT AN P experienced white nirse; uu?ioubted references required. Apply at 12l>7 Conn. ave. oco-2t* antumiu Vikj!t cla.-? 'vlmsuuis oS Vaau. Call at Slrj 7th it. d.w. 0.&-3I1* ^ .V.\TK1>? TWO WHITE lilUl^ToXE TO COOK. the other to do ciuunber^ork. Call at store, 1324 14th it. n.w. lb* WANTED?TWoToLoitED GUlLS, WITH GOOD ref^reevea, to do the work of a private family; a*ages, $12. Apply after ? p.m., 2U24 G st. n.w. lh* W ANTED?A RELL\BLE WOMAN TO M'lLSE aud do chamb-rwork; must stay at night aud be thoro?ighly trustworthy. Apply Saturday, after 1 p.m.. at 131S 2stb st. lb* AN TO?C OO KS^ >1 EN AND WOMEN; GENERAL houseuorkrra, ciktuibermalds, kitchen help, wait ers, bell men; with tef. Uag^age express. Tele phone d50. DICK'S AGENCY, 013 7th St. n.w. Oi-5-tr WANTED?A FIRST-CI ASS WHITE OR COLORED girl as chambermaid and waitress In a small faintly of 3; references required. Apply to 724 17th ?t. IS. w. lb* WANTED- #tIKLtf FOR FINE SEWING IN OCR manufacturing dep<irtment. WANAMAKER He BROWN. 1?W Pa. ave. oc5-2b WANTED VOr.NG GIRL To LEARN TAILORING. 9?*2 121 h *t. n.w. oc5-3b* WANTED ? Sin*TL43> NURSE; WHITE; MIST have eood reference; wages. $12 per mouth. Ap ply 1743 lsth st. u.w. lb WANTED-WHITE GIRL, HONEST. WILLING, active, to cook, wash awl iron for family of two and baby; new house; all convenience*. 1345 T St. n.w. ocl-3t>* WANTED - WELL-RECOMMENDED GIRL TO Cook, wash aud Iron; good wages. Mrs. BLK L1NHR, Columbia road, near 14th st. oc4-3t* WANTED-A WHITE WAITRESS; GERMAN OR Swede preferred. Only those able to furnish the best of recommendations need apply to 1715 Mas?. are. oc3-3t WANTED-A YOUNG LADY TO DO STENOG raphy and typewriting; must bo rapid worker; Salary, $l.Co per day. Address W., Star office. ?NI WANTED?11ELP OF ALL KINDS AT THE D. C. Agency. Places waiting to be tilled; references required. sod register. German help in de mand Lady in attendance. oc2-5t* WANTED- LADIES WISHING EMPLOYMENT AT their homes, send self-addrc-sed envelope for de scriptive 'Areolar and coasmence work at once; giMid wag -s (old. ALFRED KNITTING CO., Win tnrop. M:iss. wl-Ot* MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED-AT BERT IN TOLLOTTE'S INTERNA lloaal Employnent Agency, c?N>ka, butlers, maids, waitresses^ fo?>, coachmen, kitchen help, with ivf.; baggage express &nd room renting. Conn. ave. n.w. gell-lm* WANTED? liOOMS. Wanted gknileman \m> wife, 2 i.v fur. con-, muni eating ruoius, with boaid or near iiiter-r; convenient to Oth police station; must bo reasonable. Address S. D. G., *Jl5 N. J. ave. n.w. It WANTED UOOM AND Pa>ARL> oU lMJlTil WITH priyjlege very liv'ht housekeeping in exchange tor lessons in French, l^nglSsh. mathematics or music; best ref. AiHrtsi M. F. D., Star office. oco-2t* WANTED IIV A~ LAD\",~ A R? ?OM IN SAlAlZ private family; tcruis not to e\.<eed $10; reter Jk -1 A. li. < .. St ir oiii e. ?n^-2t* t\A\,tr? B1 MAN AND W1FBL ONE LARGE nom; fnrt.i^hed, ready for light housekeeping. Address, wit a terms, J., Star otike. ll* WANTTa> roil Tlltt W" 1NTY.R, BY UESFoNSlUl-E icuant. famish ?! flal % wwamm, or part ?>f li-aise with private family; mist W <en)ral and iuo*lerate. Address J. It. F.. Star ollice. oc4-3t* wanted^ by f.ymily of 4 adclts, 4 or 5 uufnr. roou>s for light housekeeping; in private ismily; within lo minutes* walk ot National ll?>*el; refs. exch:iiig??l. Address ADULT'S, Star office. Ocl-2t* WANTED- B?>A1;D AND 2 Rm>MS FOR GENTLE tuna and lady; iu private family; must be within It* minutes ot govt, printing odlce ami near p.?st offi?-e; where lv?i??? comforts can be had. Address, with terms ard location, X. Z. B., Star odlce. or 4-31* Wanted coi i lk giving up iiocsekeep ing wlil allow use of purlor. dining room, bed room and kitchen furniture for use of unfurnished bed room; furnitaro handsome, in best condition; board wan^Nl in house or near by. Addros NHVf AND ? IRKFI'L, Star office. oc3-3f# WANTED?HOUSES T.ANTED?TO KENT. >OTEMBER 1. FOB Tllii wlotf-r, a Ak 1)u<im( uoturciithod. of S or 10 monis; o.w.. or Capitol Hill; rent out to otrol prliat# f.imllj; Ixest rrforMicta. AiUina CO.NSCL, Star It* RTvnTeD l'i K>U><llt4? Pi.AT OK HoTSk; southern ^ip^^'irw; between 12th and 15th, it and S Mi; limit. .?*>. Oc4-3t LAYIMtH Jk NKSRir, 1204 G ?=t. t AfTKD A 1TNK HOi:<OS, LOCATO" litrr. II au-1 M au.l 13th : uU !StU ??., i-.?t al<r;t to $5t>,0o0, to ?xc\ang*? for valuable lot n-tr O jvnt Clr.Jo and c?ik Address CA5D EM CHANGE, Star office. OiZ-Zi ""WANTED--FLATa "JTANTED--FAMILT. * ADH.TS. DK83TIE 1IOL&C keeping fiat. f*iml?^ed or unfurnished, convoisleni to <JoltimM*i Unfvtrtlty. Addrcsi, sU'tlcg t^rrn*, F. C. D.. Star oCW. W-3t? WANTED?BOARD. *A.VTED A TO?"NO IJU)V. rXMAKUJEl?[ rvotu ^r? In norrfcrrest. A ldresa Jtatlcf lowest terma, end Ire. tion, X. Y?, Ffar WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTED BY A K1K8T-CLASS PASTBY COOK and confectioner. portion In botul or confec tionery store ur with a caterer; reference* Al. Adilrea* C. H.. Star office. ocS-St* WANTED II A VOL NO COLOHKD MAN, A SIT natioo aa waiter In private family or restaurant; beat of refa. i'laaa* call or add ma W. F., 1721 T at. a.w. Id' VANTBMUTI ATIUX AS BOOKKEEI'KR BY Spene -rian Hualueaa College graduate; tl>e yearn' (;xperWu*-t>; l*eat city refereocea. Addreaa A. 1*. II.. Star ufflce. oc4-3d* WANTED-BY HOTEL MANAUEK. A FUtfTHM aa rler* or manager fhr the winter; or would li-aar hotel or Uanlillg l*aiae no a percentage of I tLa lacutne. Aitdreaa Bui 00. Coarlea Tnwn. Jelteraon io., W. Va. oc4-8t WANTKl^ITl-ATlON BY A.N EXPERIENCED watchmaker; forty-alx yeara' experieuca In Kwlteerland. Franc". England and America; sal ary reaaounMe. Add rem) WATCHMAKEK. Star office. oc*3d' VKMALB. WANTED-BY A ItKSU'ECTABLE WHITE UIKL, place aa ? hauiberuutid or waltreaa; good refer mc?ja furulalied. I'leaae addreaa E. \. V? Star office. le" WANTED BY A HESl'fcXTABLE COLOltED ! dmainaker, a place to aew by the day or week lu private family or with drexauuker. Please call or addrexa Wllaoo at. n.w. le* WANTED? BY KKSl'Ki 'TAHI.E CUIiOKED WO ii.aa. pUt-e aa ? uuk or lu do general Um?e*ork; pul city reference ?tnd *atii*farti?><i given. I all Jl>r fou.' evenings at E at. n.w. le* WANTED A CAI'ABLeTaDY WISHES A~SITl!A I loci aa helper tu a doctor'a office. Addreaa M. E. 1... Star office. ocIV-3t* WANTED BY A KH'NU 6HUIA.N UlllU SlTI7^ t li*o t?? do general twuarwurk. Apply at llo 3d at. a.e. It* WANTED BY A WHITE WOMAN. PUU'E AS ttmt-clan* Indies' inakl or cainoeriuatd. Addr-aa D. N., Star office. uc5-2t* WANTED AN K.XfKKlKNCKD DUBKUAKKKHY <>< t?i>er a for two weeka' I'u-.t^i-uniil In private family. Addreaa 4<J B at. a.e. m-j Jt* WANTED !l\ A KELJAU1-E. AlTlViTsETTIXD housekeeper. a place Id small family; elty or ruuatry; would teach small children or nurse. Address lu?i 121, Star office. o?-5-2t* WANTED BY A RfcHPEeTABlisCOLORED GIRL, a situation as ehambermaid or waitress; will stay ni^ht if required; best of refs. from laat employer. Call or address la. F., 217 U at. a.w.* W AN! El> BY 11Wi'EtTAHLK COLORED U1KU plaee Mb nurse ami to assiat In housework; ref erence. rail at 3 blmiknmn'i court, bet. 9tli aid 10th, M and N sta. le* WANTEU BY A NEAT, KGUUTABLB CULOR ed country girl, place as ehnmbcriuaUl, waitress, nuise or light housework; good reft. lflOW Cor ?M st. le* WANTED-BY A ItKMtlTM'L COLOUED WOll- | an, u place aa an ea? client took, with good city referent e; willing to uselst in plala washing. Wanted, by a respectful colored man, a place aa waiter, couth man; understand* the care ut horses; and to make hlm*clf generally useful; lirat-class reference. Call 1915 1a st- It* wanted Viti ation by colored woman to | cwk, wash and Iron; good city reterettce. Call at or address 1238 12th st. n.w. oc,V2e* WA> Tli>~B Y AN KX FKU1KNCUD OOLOKUl | nurse, placc to care for infant; good reference, ('all at ll^l* 17th st. n.w. le* \VANTKl>-llWTlON BY KXl'KBT TYPE\VIUT16H. ! l;t?iuir<* or sddreas It. K. IIKU'ENSILNE, 1310 L ??r. n. w. ocl-eo3t* WANTKD -B V A K&U'HCTABLIC COLORED Wo man, piNiitiou in a private family aa cook. i*leaae ??all at llifi* 16th at. u.w. lo* WANTKD^HKMINgTOK Oft'KKATOR 1*0 altion; sp? "d, forty words per minute from dicta tion; reierences. Address KXF?Klfi.\CK, Star j nttee. OLiSv* WANTK1> BY A FBWT CLA.SJI COLOttkU LAtN dres?, washing to do at ia>me; l?est of references. Give us a call. liAUKldO.N, t*2o 1'omeroy at. oe-4-Iie* WANTED-BY A HU'INKD YOUNtA UDY, WELli tducatfd, engagement to read to elderly pera??u; answer correspondence, Ate., during wlwlt or part of earh day. Addreaa L. W. L., ^tar office. w V3e* WANTED?BY AN KXrEKl?NC?l> DlCKNCMAKEK, engagemeuta in familiea by day or week; $1.25 1 per day. aUldress E. B.t Star ottlce, 3 days, glr- i iug uame and address. ocl-3e* w.\n if.i? by a b5a2h5~o55ub> wi?man. with good reference, a place to cook or do gen eral housework without washing. Call at 214 1> st. aw. .v. -. .. ec4-2e* ^Tanthd-by two RESPECTABLE c6u>RED I woru-u, situations; oue to cot?k, wash and iron, other as chamtiermald or nurse; good references. Call at or address D24 L st. oc4-2b* WANTED^bT ENG1JSH DREAt.MAKKR, WORK | at ladles, homes, day or week; beat reference; dr'-*es lctiiiNleled; iepalrs; children's clothes; worked for IauhIou court dressmakers; terms rea sonable. Address A. G., Sta/ odlce. oc3-3t# WANTSD-AT 1L1APITOL, HILL INTELLIGENCE odUce, employers for acrvauls for all work, cooks> i laundresses, uuraes, waiters and chain her ms ids; white and colored. 4th und L*a. ave. s.e. toy p. Dew Masonic Temple). sel-2ui* WANTED? MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED- $25 PAID IS SAVES YOC $1<*J To fJUU I doctor's und drug i?ills; will submit testimony of Supreme Court judges, clergymen, doctors, law yers, &??. Address ik>x 12&, Star office. oc5-tf WANTED EVERYBODY To BUY JOHNSON'S I fried oysters, 25c. do*? u, iu a box, or 3Uc. at the table. 1112 E st. u.w. 0c5-3t* WANTBD XAttl ME, ANONA. lie discovered after they were wed that sue was piiat 25 years of age. Lotus Cream hud made her look "sweet suteeu." The value ot a .'ine complexion ia beyond compare. It gives a youthful look and prevents premature wrinkles. I'nce, gl.5o per i*otLle. Sold only by Airs. JULIA A. FLOYD, sc25~lm At the Calais Koyal, 11th and G ata. u.w. WANTED - WAHT1 ClaEANlNG. 6u0 ; MAIN springs, 54X-.; clock cl.-auing and repairing, 25i-. up; i?cat material used; wora guarauieed. I'll OS. li. UNSWORXT1, 2uu3 7tu st. n.w. my5-Gm* W.VNTED L.U>iES TO LEARN DRES4 CUTTING and making by ihs tailor system; can make their 1 own dress while learning; reduced price for this I week. 11?>7 ti st. n.w., 2d Boor. oc4-3t* W ANTED?A BED ROOM 8U1TE, COMPLETE, 1N ciudiug spriugs, mattress, pillows, sheeting and I voveriuga; must be a bargain. Addiess X. L., I Star office. oc4-2t* | WANTED?A SECOND HAND CASH REGISTER IN , good condition. Address CASH REGISTER, Star office. oc3-3t* 1 WANTED?KOtK bECOND-HAND MA>TKlTlN good condition. Addreaa J. KAiSER, U21 luth st. n.w. oc3-3t* WANTED?HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE EUttNT ture, carpets, stoves and store tUtures, feather beds, Ac. Address or call at THE JUNCTION FURNITURE 110USE, cor. 7th, K. and Mass. ave. n.w. oc3-tf WAN TED-GENTS* FALL SLITS TO CLEAN AT.I *1 a suR; coats, 5uc.; pants and vests, 25 cts. each; geuts' suits dye?l; ladles' dreaaea, shawls, coata and other wraps cleaned or dyed; work I guaranteed; established lsOJ. Send postal; wagon will call. L. H. POSEY, Uli> ltth sj^ n^. o2-tt* 1 W ANT'HD?REMl'aM BKlt, WILL PAY HIGHEST caah price lor ladies', gents' and children's cust off clothing, shoes, &e. Address postal and will | call. R. atXaNirfcll, 1424 Tiu st. u.w. oc2-St* 1 WANTED? FOR CASH FURNITURE, CAJU'ETS, stoves, office and store fixiures. To obtaiu the best prices address liAUM'S FURNlTUitE EX* CHANiiE, :tl4 M hi. u.w. ae2^-tf WANTED-HRill EST CASH 1'RICE PAID FOltl i ladies' and gents' and children's cast-otf clothiug I and shoes. Address postal and 1 will call. W. ltlCE, 1333 7th st. n.w. Se2UtooclO* WANTEL^iT WILL PAY YOU To GIVE ME AI call or send pwtil 1 will paper rooms f2 up; ! llrst-class work or no pay. CiiAS. C. SILENCE, | U37 11 st. u.w se2U-bt? ' WANT ED?O LD OR NEW CARPCTS To I^AY; all work guaranteed and Charges rcasouaide; I dop a p - - - ??.. ? ! a-lSMK* WANTED- CASH I'AID FOR OLD GOLD AND SILVER oK ALL DESCRIPTION i; old and new Jev.sJry, d'-ntist gold, coins, spoons, watch cases. F. 1>'EWENSTEIN, Manuf'g Jeweler, Gold and Si?v?r Retlncr, M5 G st. u.w.v opp. pater., office. ee20-2t&lm* WAN I LD- R(x7)lS PAPERED IN BC29T iSTYLE BY skilled workmen. >3 up. New Papers just ree'd. IIigh?st satisfaction or no charge. Also painting. Lov.tsi prices. F. G. NoLTE, VA)7 11th bt. n.w. I.,-12-1 in* vVANTED?TRV RUBBER ROUFPAINX" WE STOl* ALL LEAKS FREE Ar.d charge oxtly for paint lag; work guaranteed. NAT. RUBBER ROOF PAINT CO., 1U23 5lh a.w. del Ir PERSONAL. WE MENTION NO NAMES; YOUR FRIENDS WILL tell y?ai about us. an?l o.,r great rates for gents' discarded garments; very small quantities wanted. S*-nd postal. Jl STH'S OLD STAND, tilU D st. n.w. o<-5 WANTED?I W1LL G1 \ E 950 TO ANY ONE~SE cviving me a i???sii!ou *s a distant in a llght bouse. AfHlr?*ss l.IGHTHOL'SE, Star office.oc4-3t# PERSONS 1)1 FIRING TO BB CURED OF THE liquor or opium habit will be furnished valuable Information by one who knows from personal ex perience all alout it; n?> charae for answering letters, or will call iu person. Personal interview can be held between ti and b p.m. Address A. W. C., cc4-.1t# 122b J st. u.e. CIVIL "SERVICE-"rlNA MIN ATI ON QUESTIONS AND I ausners. Send IO**. to S. W. FLYNN, A.M., IVY INSTITUTE BUSINESS COLLEGE, orl-loi* S.W. COR. 8TH AND K ST8. N.W. riTMAN-OHAllAM SUOUTHAND TALOUT LV 0 mimtha; diclailonj of spcci&l and general mat ter, 4 to S. < to V "THK DUILLKlt V." uOt 11 tli at. ?ci4-tf WATtJll fui-AUlLVG W OCR SPE JTaLXY; c!o ks ca!lnl for and delivered; wat :h clcaned, $1; "naliuprinj. 7flc ; crjatal,. 10c.: all work gua.-aatwd. A. KAII.V. ii35 f at. n.vr. ael3-tf w. WnSiiir ADtHosnoD nuun de tectlre aj-n.y ? (JonSdrntlal cominualcatloaa |ircraptly a'leaded tu; o?.e ujK'a all i.oara; ?>eat tef., I'HAA t. KLTNDEB. Kuit.. U'JU V at. n.w. ulMa* HAIRDKESSING & M.VNICUEE j MISS WVLES, SEVEN YEARS WITH MVK. Praad*. Is the hair dresser; treatment, 15e. and I up. .Mrs. Smith iu lite manicure parlor; fee, 00c. THE PALAIS ROYAL, corner U and 11th &ts. FOR RENT?ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOIt BENT?1448 CORCORAN ST.. SEVERAL i nicely fur. room*, with heat and gas; to $8 a mo.; gentlemen preferred; good, cheap board near; bet. car and herdic line*. la* FOR KENT?A LADY OWNING HER HOME, I which la handsomely furnished, would like to reut | a suite of rooms, parlor and bed room; bay win dow; northern and southern exposure; home com fort; price for suite, f 15; board If desired. Mrs. J J., Star office. oco-3t* FOR RENT?231 H ST. N.E., THREE BOOMS, first floor; nicely furnished; everything for house- , keeping; $20; or two rooms, second floor, heat | and gas, $12; all modern Improvements. la* FOR RENT^VERY DESIRABLE SUITE; ALSO two other rooms; well fur. and comfortably heat ed; gas, bath and attendance; good location; ??able cars; board near. 1324 L at. n.w. oc&2a* FOR RENT?FRONT AND BACK PARLOR AND kitchen and dining room; furnished for house keeping; will rent all or part. At 64 1 st. n.w. ocS-Sa* FOR RENT?1238 MAW. AVE.?HANDSOMELY furnished front and communicating rooms; 2d and 3d stories; bay windows; southern exposure; other pleasant rooms for pcrmauent boarders. FOR RKNT?WITH FIRST-CLASS BOARD. 1820 | 15th st., nicely furnished second-story soutn-fiout room, bay window; also hall room, thlnl floor; herdic*; cable cars; terms moderate. oc5-8t? FOR RENT?LARGE SECOND-STORY FRONT AND back rooms, eommunicating, with or without board. at 1121) 9th st. n.w.; private family.o5-2a# FOR RENT-LOWER PART OF FURNISHED boose in n.w. section, including parlor. l?ed room, , dining room, kitchen and servant's room; com pletely equipped for housekeeping; terms low to desirable tenant. Address, with refs., B. II. K., Star office. oc5-3t j FOB ~ RENT?TW O HANDSOMELY FURNISHED front rooms, with excellent board, at reasonable rates. 515 L st. n.w. oe5-21* FOR RENT-HANDSOME FURNISHED ROOMS, en suite or single; hall room, $4; 3d floor, $8; gas, heat and bath; references. 1522 9th at. n.w. oc6 3a* FOR RENT 1219 M ST. N.W.?FURNISHED | room; without board; no children. oc4-3t* FOR RENT?MCKLY FlttNWHEb ROOM* ON SI) | ami 4th floors; without board. 206 D at. n.w. oc4-Jft* FOR RENT 017 II ST. N.W.-YERY DESIRAP.IJO, large, newly furnished and unfurnished rooms,with board; newly papered und painted; southern ex posure. oc4-31 ? *OR RENT F1RHT CI.AJW FURNISHED BOOMS | and board in a private family of adulta in Ec king ton; terms reasonable; references ex change. Address ECKINGTON, Star ofll?*e.oc4-3* FOR RENT-1415 Q ST. N.W.?NICELY FUR nlshed third-floor, south-front room for two adults; with board; in quiet private family; heat and | gas; terms reasonable. oc4-3t* FOR KENT HERE'S A BEAUTY?JUST VAC AT- | ed. Handsomely furnished front room; 2d floor; ! takes entire width of house; 2 large closets; $15; | private family; no children. 100b 8th st. n.w. oc4-3t FOR KENT-ltfUD I ST\ N. W, -FU RNlsh ED rooms, with board; references. se27-12a* FOR KENT-AT VI4 8TU~ST. N. W.?FURNISH KD front and back rooms on 1st and 2*1 floors; no ob jection to light housekeeping; cheap; by week or month. oc4-3a* FOR KENT-FOR HOVSEKEKP1NU; TWO XICE ] warm second floor rooms; comfortably furnished, newly papered and clean; beat and gas; $14; references. 1031 N. J. ave. n.w. 0c4-3t# FOR RENT?2 PARTLY FUR. ROOMS; LIGHT housekeeping; heat, gas. bath; large porch: also | 1 fur room; with o.- without board. 1304 9th at. n.w. oc4-da* FOR RENT -308 S. CAPITOL ST.?TWO FUlT nished rooms; all Improvements; gas stove; all conveniences for light housekeeping; man and wife preferred. ik-4 3a* FOR RENT -A PRIVATE FAMILY DESIRKTtO rent their 2d story of oue large alcove room and a desirable back room having southern exposure; other rooms if desired. 1518 P st. n.w. oc4-3a* Foil RENT "AT 2023 1 ST. ? N.W.?PLEASANT I well furnished rooms at reasonable terms; good | table board; on avenue car line; transients ac commodated. oc4-3t* For"KENT -805 11TH ST. N.W., ONE LARGE furnished room. $12; also one large hall room, with large closet, $7; board in same house, $15 per mouth. oe4-3t* FOR RENT 1LAH<ifcTTjlKKK F U L FRONT HOOMi , suitable for tvo gent 1 emeu, $10; also 1 front hall j ns?iu, $5; to gentlemen only. 231 2d at. n.w. oc4-3a* FOR RENT- PLEASANT, WELL-FURNISHED I icorns; conveniently near 16th st. herdics and 14th st. cable cars; terms moderate. 1538 Pierce | pla'-e, l?et. S and T sts. n.w., near 16th. oc3-6t* FOlT KENT?WJI~1i ST. N.W., A LARGE OOM fortatde bed room: board to be had on same | street. oc3-3a* FOR~~RENT--NICELY FUR. 2D-FLOOR FRONT J room; suitable for one or two persons; with heat [ and gus; $12 per mo. 722 loth st. n.w. oc3-3t* FOR KENT -WITH BOARD, AT 707 12TH ST. n.w., nicely furnished 2d and 3d-storir front j rooms; S windows and large closets In eaun room; 1 terms reasonable. oc2-6a* FOR REN T-1233 MASS. AVE.?HANDHOMELY furnished front and communicating rooms; 2d and 3d storks; bay windows; southern exposure; other pleasant rooms for pcrmauent boarders. ocl-5a* FOR RENT?1123 AND 1125 1STII ST. N.W., cor. Mass. are., rooms, single or en suite; line location; highest point In city; table board; reasonable rates to transients. sel-3ot* FOR RKNT^TWO NICEL Y FU RMS H ED CX)M munlcating rwms on second floor; bay window and alcove; southern exposure; private family. 1347 L st. n.w. seSy-rtt* FOR RENT?PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS, two in room, with board, $o5; smaller rooms for one, $16. with g:i* ami bath; near cars and de partments. 9**8 and l?10 12th st. n.w. seS-24t* FOR RENT?121 N. C. AVE. S.E., WELL-FLK nlshed room, with board, for people of refinement, in private family; for gentlemeu or gentleman and wife; convenient to Capitol aud atreet cars. ?e22-12t* I'mRXlSHED. FOR RENT?3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON 2l> aud 3d floors of 913 D st. n.w.; water aud gas; reasonable terms. For further information apply to L. p. SHOEMAKER, 93) F st. u.w. oc5 3t FOR RENT-2 ROOMS ONFIRST FLOOR. AT $10; also 2 on second floor, at $10; l*>th suites front t rooms; newly papered. 1022 7th ilw. Keys in | store. Apply 712 7th st. oc5-3b* FOR~ RENT ?UNFUR. SUITE OF 4 COM. 2D story rooms; bay windows; closet In every room; light housekeeping; sink, gas, heat, bath: rent moderate. 3 F st. n.w. o<-5-3t* FOR RENT?8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SECOND I floor; new house; newly papered; bath adjolulng, and private family. 1913 Vt. ave. n.w. It* FOR KENT UPPER PART OF HOUSE; SECOND floor; unfurnished; 4 rooms, and third floor, partly furnished, 3 rooms; together or separate; heat, gas aud bath; cars and herdics. 517 Eust Capi tol st. oc6-3l* 1 FOR RENT?1000 15TH ST. N.W., DELIGHTFUL unfurnished parlor, on tlrst floor, and furnished buy window room on second floor; southern ex posure. oc5-3t* FOlfRHNT -8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, 1823 12T1I st. n.w., on second floor, suitable for light house keeping, with use of bath. oc4 3b* FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMSTOR ' light housekeeping; beat aud gas; rent, $13. 613 Kasl Capitol st. oc4-3b* FOR RENT?I?22 G ST. N.W. HALF SQl"ARE from State, War and Navy building, 3 tufur. rooms; 2d floor; suitable for housekeeping; gas, water aud bath; $12 per mo. oc4-3b FOR RENT-2 VERY PRETTY COMMUNICATING Moms; modern house; light housekeeping p**rmit- : ted; caterer opposite; bath same floor; shades already in; reasonable to permanent tenant. 1041 10th at. n. w. oc4-3b* - Oil KK.Vr- ONLY *15-4 NICK ROOMS WITU light and heat; fo? light housekeeping; square from Capitol; near tl.l'.O. and pension office. in quire 20/ A st. n.e. oc4-3b* FOR KENT?1210 H ST. N.W., UNFURNIS 1IED parlor, (lining room, kitchen, on tirst floor, suit able for housekeeping; no children; only two> | adults; uear Hues of cars; room over kitchen. oc4-3t* FOR RENT-ALL OF 3D FLOOR; TWO LARGE uufur. rooms; Just papered; big closets; heat, gas, bath; light housekeeping permitted; no chil dren; also staoie for rent. 920 N st. n.w. oc4-8b* FOR RENT-A PRIVATE FAMILY DESIRE TO reut their second story of one alcove room and desirable buck room; southern exposure; other rooma if desired. 1410 N st. n.w. oc4-2c* f< Hi jl?sY?'tn KF.if7.irixjtr ITjjasant .\e\T- 1 ly papered unfurnished rooms, with heat, gas j and use of bath; references. 1434 S at. u.w. oe4-3t* FOR RENT -IN'" FASH IONAKUS NORTH WEST several elegant unfurnished rooms; balcony; out look cn Conn, ave.; bath and modern Improve ments; near street cars; prices reasonable; adults only. 173o 2l>th st. n.w. oc4-3t* rOB RHX'T?TWO UXFUR. OR ONE Fl ItNlsnKU s*coud-t'.oor front tixmis; suitable for light house keeping; new house and paper; near two car | lines; cheap reut. 725 7th st. s.e. oc4-3b* Foit"T:ENT-2 2D-FLOOR FRONT ROOMS; UN furrUhed; beat and ga?; bath on same floor; newly papered; delightful location; to right | parties, low reut. 1727 N. J. ave. n.w. oc3-3b* MHMSHKD OH IKFIRXISUEI), FOlt RUNT -FL'RNIBBED AM) UNFURNISHED | rooms, with or without board; also table board ers; very deairabh rooms, and ieasouable rates. K10 E at. n.w. oc5-3t* FOR lui\T-FUIINISIIED OR UNFURNISII ED rooms, with or without l>oard. 310 Ju st. n.w. o-*5-3t* FOR RENT-ROOMS, FURNISHED AND UNFUR nls!t?d; house in perfect order; southerly expos ure; light and airy; steam heat; term3 reasonable. 915 N st. D.w. oc5-3c* FOR KENT-1219 J1TH 8fr .V.W~TWO ~CO\T munlcatlng second-floor renins, with flrst-class table board; entire use of large porch, with southern exposure; also roams ou 1st and b<l floors. oc5-6t* FORTkENT?451 M ST. N.W. NICE UNFURNISH^ ed flat for housekeeping; front r<x>m has alcove; southern exj>osare; also one nicely furnished back parlor; $15. oc4-3c* FOR KKNT^mtlGHT, CHEERFUL FRONT R.M"s7; second and third floors: furnished and unfurnished; I alcove, aua communicating; heat, light, bath; I prliute family; central location. 224 Ind. ave. n.w. oc4-3c* FOR RENT- FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, very desirable r??oms, with board; private family. 1330 lMn su oc4 Sc* FOR1 ?ROOMS. yiHMUl&tD .'ob UWB-IKKHHRP. fob rent bouuh. ixa. and nam, on 2D anil 3d floors, wlti Jusat. gas and bath; en aulte or alncle; from *0 up; everything new. 1433 14th at. n.w. ? ~ * ocS-Sc* FOB BENT-1, t out.4 BOOHS; FURNISHED OB unfurnlabed; vvry ttaJrabla; 61 N. Y. are. n.w. ocSJc* FOB HKNT?OMJ aouthern e back room; > ftOOE, 8 BOOMS AND BATH; ?? also one large aecond-atory >r fcufsr. 1915 il at. n.w. o3-3o* FOR RENT?FLATS. FOB KENT- a* 1KTH ST. N.W.. OPPOSITE ?Tbe Rlchr? oM," vary de.lral.le bachelor apart tnenta, unturnfebefc uf two or Tour rooua; prl rate bath: ateam heat. Inunire of Janitor, or of or*-6t THOU J. FK1U ft k CO.. 1324 V at. FOB BK.NT?A It ABB OFpOBTt'NITY-THB FLV eat and heat in e?T]r re?|?Tt: 3 rooma and bath; other adjoining ruotna If dealn-d: abadea, arrcena, matting and other pleeea of fu-nlture aulted to thla extraordinarily rheap 2d floor Hat can lie bad reaaonatily If applied tot at once. Boom 0, 2d floor. The lUrilm, 3d and U ata. n.w. oc4-3t* FOB BENT-WEST KND FLATS, 2820 K ST.N.wT, 5 rooua; a.ui.L; 4 roo'iit; aU hav. bath, caa meter, water, iinka, coal vau.t; reduced rents; re fa. required. Jyll-Sm FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOB RENT D1MK ROOM; CHBAP. DAVIS * CO.. 006 7th au.n.w. oc*mt? FOB BENT OFI^cS^*?20F nw. several rs. 1421 F at nw, ilrat ' t*)7 7lb nw, lat fl.J50.tK) floor .148.33 521 14th at nw, de 1423 F nw, nu 1, - - ? > Urat floor. 80.0U 1411 F at nw, eu. alrable office 42.00 SE cor 12th and F nw, 2r, 2d floor. .40.00 1420 I'm are,2d 0. .40.00 | U31 l'a uve tupper tire building 173.00 1324 F at nw. eu- __ _ tire baacment 70.00 parti ."."..30.00 1 lire oawnicut... .70 001 parti B17 14tb nw BS.50 SW cor 11th * E,3r.30.00 " " IW1 |"? are, 2d fl. .25.00 521 11th at. 2d H..2S.00 ?05-7 7th, aeveral ra.? 1213 F nw.aeveral rs? 1417 1} nw.aeveral ra? 1421 F nw, aeveral line offlcea ? 1423 F nw, several tvlobe bide -1 large rm. SB cor 12th and F , au uw, 4r. entire 3d floor 00.00 Pa av and 11th uw, , ?,S?S!P* 60.00 1213 I*a ive nw, 2d ami 3d flours 00.00 > 14th at nw 55.40 fln? udiceii.. S.W. curlier 11th ami E sts., several rooms. _ THUS. J. FISHER * 1X>.. se29tr 1324 K st. n.w. FOB BE?rt?? OFFICB BOOMS AND HALL& with light, heat and all modern convenience*. BLISS BUILDING, 30, 87 and 39 B st. n.w., opposite Capital. Floor plana upon application. ' sell-8 m* FOR RENT?STORES, FOB BUNT?A VKB* YALTAH1.E lU SINVJis | house, ou F Ht. near tbe Ebbltt House; Uiv store and office rooms: rent, I'AX) per mouth. THUS. E. WAGGAMAN, 917 F st. n.w. oc5-3t F??B BK.NT?!'A^ltT*~OF ^'ruKK~AT 1113 O HT n.w.; newly built; best location; suitable for faucy goods, kid gloves or hair diet* lug. Address | or Inquire In store. oc3-3t* FOR~RENT-LaRG*. NEW tfTORE, WITH OR without three rooms, in a growing neighborhood; suitable foi a grocery, notion or confectionery. 1429 <1 St. n.e. ae29-6f FUK KENT?&14 12X11 ST.. STuKE, 18X?. and cellar ,... * .$55.00 | 919 E St., store aud S nootns. *0.00 oc2-lm TIH IS. W Ui NUEUFOlU>. 1219 H st. Ft)H KENT- ^4?M" l4Tul~T.?f)NE~(IF THE FIN- i eat new atoriK of tbe city, Willi cellar anil ware room, eni'h fix UK) feet; llgtit and ventilation per fe't. Apply l.'tsa Vermont ave. orl-<J|? "FOB BENT STOBES ^ 'i 14lF<l St nw 73:? 7th nw (K3.33 17:tt? l'a ave nw...37.So 1411 F at nw 175.O0 ' 72H 17lh at nw 30.00 1214 F at nw 150.00 H24 12tb nw, alore.2;><IO 521 lllh at uw (J3 . Incllihat nw 15.oo *53) $'J0 per n>u 1804 llth at nw 15.U0 THUS. t. F131 IKK * t'O., se?tr 1324 F st. n.w. FOB KENT ?Ttlifts l^KNKU uF HTII AND F.A.sf | t'apltol sts., with dwelliiig above; splciklhl loca tion for drug store. inquire of FltANK T. BKUWNLNU, 410 5th st. n.w. >*25-tf FOR RENT?STABLES, FOR 11KNT CTABLBS? 2, sq 190 25 1212 19th nw ircar>..$41> Tt, wj 195: 25 liet 17th and 1Mb sts . 8, sq 195 25 nw, K and L sts....45 131s 1a st nw irear>...2(3 1441 K I av nw.r'r^2.50, 1301 K st nw (rear>...2t? 1214 19th nw trearU?.K:> 13^4 N X av nw tr'rK.15 1410 1 st nw (rysrrrl.,*U"i 1121 14th st nw <r'r>.15 3. sq 00 .Ta.tT.26' 4. s.t 00,Mass av?t2lnt.25 1, sq 00 3o, 1st sn<l B sts, VV 6c 2, sq 00 tu..a.2&' U K It stables ? ... &UOS. J. FlMIKlt A CO., se29-tr ,f ? 1324 F st. n.w. FUU BkNT-?TABL&, 923 T> ST. N.\V.; f2U ~LV qulre 920^ La. Tlve. sc24-lm FOR BENT^ISCELLANEOUS. tXjH HENT-tt&MlXUTUN' T Y i'K W K1TKKS AT tbe KKMLNUTD.N OFICK; modern *uachLie; per fect conditlou ftoanhitccd, with stand; dtlivered free in dry; one m-nth applies on purchase of ?ew when dirtily loUowlna rental. W ILKOtX SJuLmaSsS 4 14KNEDICT, T ? 1 Cor. Otb and F sts. n.w. BUIAIMSS CHANCES. FUK KALE ? COMPLETELY AND FL'LLY ] equlpiKil real estate office, with Uon nufe, type writer, latest utups, plats, Ac.; central liK-ation. , CVist ?1,500; nlU sell fuc ^750. lk?x 115, Star office. o^5-3t* FOR SALE AN OLD 1>TABL1S11K1? DliHi tf liiUEj n.w.; doiug cash bu?lncss froui |Kn> to f500 a mouth. iHtly tlu?sf with money si>d who tueau | business need apply. Price, &{,<Ki0. Addr^st BTAMLBIUP Ikwounr, .Stsr Uthce. ? Girr TO BE s??u? OFFER WANTED h>u SM.uX I grocery aud provislou store; liou*,- f^?r ?eiit t heap to good tenant. Apply lllh aud t* s.e. mAH* FOR 8AIX KAL4X?N 27 F N.W. KENT, $30. Doing a g?std business. I'riee, $<i00. oc5-3t* Full SA1.E uHmTIN Bl SLNBBI CVNTB of the city: been running twelve years: has good run of custom; owner has good reasons for sell ing; will sell cbeup lor cash. Aadress C. II. K., Star oiiue. oc5-2t* WANTED TO USB SUITABLE QKUCKD lOft small wood aud coal yard; state location. Ad dress COAL, Star office. oc5-3t* FUR SALE AGENCY OONTKOLUXQ MAKT land and District^ aln^ady paving mure than ex penses; assets worth JoOO; will pay hustler Laialsomely; owners have other business. S. S. W., Star otfi?'e. oc5-2t* A RAKE Bl'SlNESrt CHANCE SMALL CASH 1N vestmcnt required, from jj^uo to cash; no risk; u good buslines stand and plentv of dm>iu; locatUai n.w. For all Information apply at V st. and Cbamplain ave. n.w. E. J. McQlEENEY. oc4-2t* FOR S.\LE-A SMALL 110TKL OF 20 ROOMS I and cafe, d<>ing a busiuess that pays. Addnss J. C.t Star <ifflce. w4-3t* FOR SALE LUNCH AND CONFECTIONERY i store; established and paying; excellent oyster ] trade; sai ritice price; owuer 1ms other busitK*ss. Call 415 llth st. n.w. oc*3t* Ft>11 SALE ?CORNER GROCERY, 8.W.; ST1H K and ti^tures; a snap at $205; If sold thla week will take $150. C. BUYER & SON, 214 Ttli st. a.w. oc4-^t FOB 8A1.K ? ClHiAl' ? AN OLD-ESTABLISHED | restaurant; central^ located; d?>lug k?kh1 busi ness; j^Mtd reason ?or selling. For full partlcu lara apply at 483 O st. n.w. oc4-3t FOR SALE RARE CHANCE WHOLESALE AND retail liquor business combined, in the central part of Raltimore, close to the wharf; large stock; big business; owner wishes to retire and will sell entire hunincas for $3,000. Apply or ad dresM I\ FA HEY, 219 aud 221 E. Pratt st., Italll more, Md. oc4-2t* FOB SALE TITeaI' < 1UAB AND fl >NFK' "HON ery store; price, $100 cash, with a very low rent; good reus ?us for selling. Apply 319 4!t st. B.W. oe4-3t* A SINGLE LADY HAVING CIUOD FC UN IT CUE desires lady or ge itleman t?? join her in taking hour*,* for room renting, and to advance her $14(0 iuiiiudiately; good security given; only those mcaL'lug t uslucss need reply. Address M. F. 11., ! Stm dMf* tx'.'t-.'lt* WANTED l*AKTY^~ErtilF.B L\1>Y oil '<KNTI.V; man, with $2,500,1 to go into a mercantile busi ness, from which year can In- realUed; good chance for ex-govt. clerk. Full Infonnaf iou. j Ajdrw gcicii, X, star oElrn. o? :i :it w ant To i"i:iin.t?: a titauVi-ayino" bent list or real entAte ImitliMTni. I'llee not to exceed I $1,000. Will jt.tJT -anti If aatisfactory. Adiln-aa O. O. B? Star^otan-. oc-2-Ul* LOsfA^D FOUND. LOST? A LAUC.E GREYHOUND DUG. MOl'SE color, near Dr. Hammond's Hospital, 14th st. ex tended, on Wtdpeehiy, October 3. Suitable re ward if returned w-919 I?a. ave. oc5-2t? $3 REVvaRD-GUIaD CRUSST" U?fcT IN MAT: opens like a l?ox; contains ndles; n?m?' engraved on side. Flndef return to Star office. oc.VCt* TEtSlIKU: TAU," S3Mk BEW'AKD IF left at 722 17th |J. u.?. NMf FOR EXCHANGE. FOB KXI'IIA.NC.E, JUKT THE LOCATION FOB A handsome hoiu& Kit frxttlng south on Iowa Circle; w>U tratle. for Improved property or ground. Apply /o HjANES dc SIMl'SO.V, 7tH> 14th at. n.w. ; <s-3-3t FUR EXCHANGE?WE HAVE SEVERAL SMALL brick houses, well rented, to trade for ground or large house. Apply to BANES 6t SIMPSON, 700 , 14th st. n.w. oc3 3t FOR EXCHANGE-NEW IIAMI'SHIRK AVE. NEAR I S ST.; 40 feet front; economical lots; will tiade for northwest house or email booses. Apply to I BANES & SIMPSON, 7(H) Hilt st. n.w. oc3-3t Foil EX CI LANCE T? )DI > AND BUOWN LOT OX ] SHERMAN AN li NEAR PRINCETON; 50x132; I fluent speculative ground iu the District: will trade for house, -lpply to BANES & SIMPSON, 7ih? 14th st. n.w. oc3-3t FOlt EXCHANGE ~1F YOU HAVE EITHER I GROUND OR HOUSES WHICH YOU DESIRE TO EXCHANGE COME AND SEE VS. We make a specialty of trading. Apply to BAKES SJMP- i flOK. IN 14th st. n.w. ?>*:i 3t chikopodistsT DON-T Sl'FFEB, WHEN TOtJ CAN BE RELIEVED In flvc minute* of tha moat e*<T?ela<lrg t-unkir, corn, ingrowing or t lull nail. Call and l>e con vinced. Prof. J. 1. CroUtJl* WIN, C)'.tm|>o dl?ta, 1115 l'a. i^c. b to C i>.u. ^i.cdara, y to 1. ac23 FOE BENT?HOUSES. FOB KENT? HOl'SE OK 13 BOOMS AND TWO bath rooms; tu nice order, steam beat. Inquire at 208 F st. n.w. oc5-3t* KUSH1XTBI THO0. a. HEXSEY A CO., iatM.1 F at. n.w. DWELIJXGS. 305 N. J. are. n.w.; I2r.; tine)) furnished.. .(125.00 Corner of 1st and 11 at*. u.e.. opposite the Capitol grounds; 14 rooms and bath; a tine residence 1UU.00 10O1 Mssa. aire. n.e.: two stories and base ment; V rooms awl IwUi; low rtfoer bouse; furnished 75.00 931 G st. n.w.; three stories and cellar; 11 rooms and t>atb 70.00 27 M st. b.w. ; three atorles and basement; 10 rooms and hatb 55.00 1815 10th st. n.w.; 10 rooms; on corner of alley; nearly new 30.00 1817 loth st. n.w.; 10 rooms; corner West minister st.; a tine residence 50.00 1341 Corcoran st. n.w.; three stories and basement; 10 rooms and bath 47.5o 502 T st. n.w.; two stories and cellar; 6 rooms and bath; furnished...., 45.00 946 Westminister st. n.w.. bet. Hth and 10th. 8 and T: three stories and cellar; 9 ruouia and bath; new house 45.00 2100 Ward place i22d. 23d ami M, N); three stories ana cellar; 9 ruouia aud both; heat ed by furnace 40.00 413 Mass. are. n.w.; two stories; 6 room*.. 25.00 237 Elm st. n.w., 6t. and bath, fine condition. 22.30 1420 F st. n.e.; new, O-rtsun house; papered throughout; healed *ty furnace; fitted with shades JO.OO 17 5th st. n.e.,4r. frame, for colored tenant*. 15.50 1008 7th st. a.e.; two stories; 8-r*Jom brick.. 15.00 2 and ts C.reen court (I. K and 'Mth, 27th); 4 rooms each 9.00 i mm. 1840-42-44 7th at. a.w.; La rye, new store rooms ?40.00 | oc5-3t FOR RENT-BY WM. C. NOUKIH. 623 F ST. 1(15 K n.w.; Or.; wster. iri*. latrobe (20.00 318 4th n.e.; 6r.; bi.I.; reduct-d ;?(.5o 004 23<1 n.w.; 7r.; ni.l 32.541 1104 N. II. are.; 7r.; m l 40.0i> Fl'RNISHED- K St. nr. Conn are.) 18r 250.00 ? 5-3t FOR RENT ? T11REE-STORV BAY-W1N1HIW brick; 309 F st. n.e.; 0 rooms ami bath; In com gete order; large yard; rent. $3o.50. J. FltfcD. ] KI.I.EY, Room 20, Atlantic bulldiug, 928 F st. n.w. oc5-.1t FOR BENT?135 MAM. AVE N.K.: 8 ROOMS, bath and cellar; flrst-clasa condition; desirable location; rent. (30. Apply to PERCY ML"l7.?,hH. j Owner, 417 7th st. n.w. oc3-8t* FOR BENT? 1904 11th. 4r. w IS.BO 2100 Pa are. lOr...45.50 831 N H are. Sr. w.14 30 2812 M. 12r 80 92s 4th ne. ?r, w 14 524 22d, ?r 25.50 2226 St Paul's ct.5rl3.3n 1214 25th. 7r. ml. 710 H sw. 5r. w... 13.30 2205-7 L, 8r, ml.. .25 50 2416 N, 6r IS 1335 C. 7r. ml 25.50 1703 Sicca, 6r. w. .12.50 1513 Columbia,7r.ml25.50 902 27th. 5r. w 12.50 033 4th Be. 8r. nil..25 50 4<C-4-?-S 21at.6r,w..12-So 45o Mass are. 7r, ai 125.50 26X5 I, 5r, w 12.30 3036 1'. 8r. ml 25 50 2236 Ya are, 4r, w. 12.30 1H14 K, 8r, w 25.40 1135 17th, rear, 4r,w.l2 2017 K. 7r. ml 25.30 1502 Erie. 5r 12 1518 Kinsman, 6r,ml25 30 924 22d. r'r, 4r. w.11 50 2016-20 L. Or, ml .22.50 2486 Va ava. 4r.w.c.ll .30 1213 80th, Or. ml..22.50 2318 15 Ya a?.4r.w. 10.80 421 9th sw, 9r.wA# 22.50 625 26th. Sr. w 10 50 1410 29th.8rAcel.ml20.50 1144 Litter's al, 4r.lO.MI 2920 Olive, Or, mi. .20.50 48 B aw. r'r, 4r, w. 10.30 515 20th, 7r, cel. w.20.50 1 Poone et. 4r, w..10.30 3)14 L. 6r. ml 20.50 2417 F, 5r 10 417 3.1 ne, 7r. w, *.2u.50;422 Franklin, 4r 10 401 22(1, Sr&store, w. ..17 2422 Ya are, 6r 10 251(7 M. 6r. w. g...16.30 8801-8 M. 6r 10 1219 4th nw, 8r 13,910-12-14 27th, ?r 10 414 * 24 Elm. 6r, iol.l7;i217 E, 8r 10 812H loth, store... 15.301464 Del are. 5r. w 10 814 19th, ball 15 30 1156 Linker's al. 5r.9.80 911 22d, 5r, w 15.3o 3336-38 S, 5r, w 9 2427 N. Br. w 15.30 For full list apply to WESCOTT A WILOOX. 0e5-f,niAw! 11*07 l'?'nus\i\anla sve. n.w. FOB RENT- HOCSES-1218 N. H. AVE.. THK | cheapest house In th* city for the prlee; II rooms; 3 baths; most perfect arrangements throughout; only $125. Ward place, houses wround the corner from above; new; 8 rooms; h.; a.m.!.; only $39. oe5-ttt MEYERS & ANDEUSoN. 1823 G St. n.W. JX)H RFNT 1334 12TH 19t. jTw.; 3-STOHY brick dwelling; m.i.; perfect condition; rent, $50 n month, In advance. Key at 1226 X st. n.w. ocft-tt* Full KENT CHARMING MUK)M NEW HOIHR; just the thing for newly married couple; Oar roll ave? Takoma Park; nut, $25 monthly. Ap ply to MrSi FAVORITE, Takoma Post Office. oc5-0t* FOR IU-.NT- 4'IIKAP? ONLY $25.50 MODERN 9 r<?om house; 1107 18th st. ?lw.; well lot-sted. Inquire 224 1st st. s.e. oe5-3t# FOR RENT?A 6U<M>M 1I< U SE; WATER, LA trol>e and gas; rent, $20; 015 K st. n.w. Apply 1 at 1100 L st. n.w. or5-3t* F( >K KENT IHANDSOME 6E. FR.; WATER IN kitchen; 10S2 12th st. s.e.; I square from Aua costla R.R. Reduced to $10.30. O. L. DU BOIS, 631 F st. n.w. oc5-3t FOR RENT?2S35 15TH ST., MT. PLEAS ant, 10 rooms and !?ath $35.00 ' 2013 O 8t. n.w., 8 r<RiiiM and hath 30.75 1211 11th st. n.w., 9 rooms and l?ath 30.50 | 12H3 W st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath 23.30 1<>30 15th st. n.e., 0 rooms and bath 16.50 j 44>7 5th st. u.e., 0 rooms 15.50 I 317 G st. s.w., 6 rooms 15.0b . 1036 15th st. n.e., 7 rooms 18.30 ] REOFORD W. WALKER A SON. 1U06 F st. n.w. or 5 3t FOR RENT? '1753 I8th st nw. Or.40 40 1017 I st nw, st&3r. .$75'?W L st nw, ?r..:..21.35 2AO M st nw. 8r. .27.50 418 E Csp st. 6r...18.00 tilO 3d ?l ne 23.50 i?24 IM ave ne. 8r. ...15 CIIARLES W. HAXDT, se22-lm 010 13th st. n.w. FOR RENT FI RNI8H El>-?)15 IUllAER PL.\rB; 0 riKtuis and bath; ih^'omtiug aihI cleaning Just finished; ready for oceupancy; excellent neighfior near car line. Apply between 1 and 6 p.m. o?*?-3t# FOR ltKNTntl.l ?TII, OR JIV^iFeR. 8T.t l? I>roit Park; 6 ntoms; j?antry, bath, attic, cellar, latMbos and range. Inquire of T. J. W. ROB- . ERTSON, 0u5 7th st.. or cor. of 6tb and T. o&-2t* | FOR KENT OWNER OF EUCYEN ROOM HOTSIL with all conveniences, in best lis-ution of George town, will take flMMMi n?on] and board in e* cluinge for rent; references given and mjuired. Address J. M. It., Star offlce. It* FOR RENT-FINE LOCALITY AND BIG BARGAIN I ?1444 N st. n.w.; three-story and basement aud j b:i< k-biiil<lirur dweUlug; 16 nnuns and all mod. imps.; $54> and water rent; possession October 1. ('MARINES G. RING WALT, first floor, Atlantic building. '.Clo V st. n.w. mMK rot rent tot svh sr. k.w.z nw 2-story and basi^ent briek; 8 nwius and bath; uiee yard; concrete<l walk. GH18. G. IlING WALT, Atlantic buildiug, 1*30 F st. n.w. oc5-3t VOt KENT H\ HAltNES 4 WEAVER,'621 F N.W. 423 K st. n.w., 13r., m.i $40 50 , 620 and 622 22d st. n.w.; 8r.; m.i 85 50 ] 212 Maple ave., L. D. Park; 8 rooms; m.i... 35.50 j 307 Maple ave., L. D. Park; 8 rooms; m.i... 35.50 1 2214 G st. n.w.: 8 riK'ras: m.i 30.50 i 501 Spruce St., L. 1>. I'ark; Or.; m.i 210.50 1522 and 1524 5th st. n.w.; 8 rooms; m.i.... fto.50 651 2d st. n.e.; 8 rtK>ms; m.i :to.5o 6T?5 S. C. ave. s.e.; 6 rooms; m.i 25.50 151S and 1520 5th st. n.w.; 8 rooms; m.i.... 25.50 227 13th st. s.w.; 8r.; ui.t 25.5o 3;? and 335 Rprat'e st., L. D. Park; Dr.; m.i 23 Ot) 4413 II ?t. n.e.; 7r.; m.i 22.5i? 828 Spruce St., L. D. Park; 6r.; m.i........ 20.30 117 Carroll st. s.e.; Or.; m.i 20.80 3426 P st. n.w.; 6 rooms; m.i 2?>.30 426 Elm st. n.w.. L. D. Psrk; 6 rooms; m.i. 17.<?0 1235 and 1237 K st. s.e.; 6r.; m.i 12 50 1127 Ga. ave. s.e.: 6 rooms; water 10.00 14117 and 1023 13th st. s.e.; Or.; water 10.00 71 L st. n.w.; 7 rooms; m.i 18.30 | 330 Spruc? st.; 6 rooms; m.l 18.30 It FOR RENT- WANTED A 3MAU. FAMILY OF ] mlnlts to slisre rent with a lady ocvupvln* a lurite liouse In Hue Iwstluu uortliwcst. lixiylre at 2114 M st. n.w. o>'4-2t*^ Foil RENT? HOI SES lol3 K 8T. X.W., 12 RMS., all mislern linpnni meuts. $U>.7r> lnr mo - t>15 N J ave. n.w., 10 rms., moili m Imps.. fX AO. ix-41in W. O. JollNSON. l.'s>2 IStli st. u.w. FOR RENT KSir. G ST. N W : A I.AROE AND eteicunt house; 10 rooms; suttutile for Owellin^ or business purposes; tuod. Imps.; In P""1 re(Mir. Apply W. JOHNSON, l."o2 13th st. FOR RENT 1111 K ST. N'.XS*.: 10 RooMS; WKI.I. li.nt'U; southern eii?wure: larce yard to alley; rent low. Inquire of OWNKR. 1213 K st. IH'4 .tt? FOR RENT 0 ROOM IHX SE; FI RNISHEH; eh,'Hp, if tiiken imini'diately. Apply at l'.HKi 3.1 at., Le I'ri'It l'ark. or4 ;ti* FOB "RENT? 1143 .Mb nw, lOrT.TT. *4."f ltlOl Kith nw. 14r...$l.V) 1135 5tii nw, Sr a-) 10 1! st ne, llr 7.1 lf<37 llth nw, 6r 1* g B st ne. llr 7o 47!i"4 O Pt sw. 7r 1? M3 H st nw. I2r SO IU1M VH nw, Br 12 SO 811 ti nw, lOr 01 I2IH Lniuu st. Or 10 JO 2u(i Del ave. fur 90,1022 7th nw, 8r flat 1220 7th at nw 40 VI and laige store S3 se2l.)-Ot* TYt.KR & RITHi;itFORI?. 1307 F sK FOB BENT? RENTING OF H Of SES A PrEClAI.TY. Ft'BNISHEH. 132".) M, ir.rfth ?2i?> 101 11th n?. 15r*b..lS0 17H3 N II av.Hrib. ,2i?i 1S10 Corvi.ran. SrAli.. .45 10T.7 31st, i 3150 r. 17i&li 175 2231 Q nw, llr&b.100.07 j 1200 O. 12rAi> 8.3.33 I'NKIRNISIIEO. 1703 N H aT.14rAI>..?lM Flat (01 X Y ar).flr&b.30 17th and S, 12rfcl. 1<?> Hot <), Sr&l> 2h 1731) Coreomn, llr&l?..70 7th nnd 1} nr. SrA-b.25.50 r>1? Oth, 12riti 75 606 7tb t>?. OrJth 21 2100 13-15 17 O. llr. ..65 Flat sw cor 13th and 1S21 lHth. 'Jrlfcb tl. 4r*l> 21 27 M, lOrAh. new 45 2<l22 I2lb IstArilivfl.. .16 1M2 Rikss pi, !)r&b..,45 Conduit roa<l, 8r&b....",5 1816 C'orr.wsn, 8rAb. ,4"> StaMe (iesr in M S0..10 2020 12th. llr&b 40 >'?< <? rm?. 623 F st .5.50 463 M. SrAh 33.3S 31.VJ r. 17rAb liO 117 E nw, 6rib 32.50 141S 33d. ."-rib 37 se20-6t GEO. T. PARKS. 1410 G st. FOR RENT 1401 31st, 12r*b $45 3302 17th at. Ml Pleasant, 9r and b.40 1506 R I a*. 6rJib.40.3o ? 1503 28th at,10r&b.87.5oi 124 O st nr, 6rAb.. .18.30 I 2t*16 N st. lOri-b...32.50 212-14 V>th lie, flr.w.12.50 1507 28th st, DrAb. .30.10 II116-7 Haivard st. 1505 281b. lOl&b. Woodshle, Md.. llr fr. 1 acre 27 50 H2o nnd 922 24th >t. 2129 l*a ave, 7r&h..27.50l 8r and b. colored.25.3o 616 1st se, 7r4ib.25.50 3134 P st nw, OrJsb.25.301 OEEltLB, DAVIS A CXI.. oo4-tr! 1319 F at. n.w. West Eekln^ton, 12r,w.25 , 514 1st st. 7r & b.2.1.50 1303 C sw, 6rib 22.50 510 1st st se. I ?ol His. Cr, meter.IS 212-14 Oth ne, 6r,w.lft.3o j 2716 l'oplar, flr, rol.12 5u ! WoodsKe, Md., fr It. t!r. 1 acre 12 102S 41b st ne, 4r.w10.SO 1044 Slat at. stoie... 7 17113 N 11 av,14rAh.,153 FOR RENT- 200 9th ne.7t+>,.ml..22.50 3333 X nw. 14rb.mi?50.50 2802 P nw, 7rb IS 3<137 Q Bit, lOrb.tcl. ..50 8421 S st a*. ?rf 18 1409 30th nw,9rb,m140.63 A211 Gr:iee st nw, 6rb. 12 1426 33d 270', N it nw, 4rb....ll 1415 Pierce pi nw,7rb.38 1710 .~ld st nx, 5rf....9 1 CHAS. II. riQKLING A BRO., 1264 u2d St. n.w. Tel. 305. oc4 1406 O st. n.w. Tsl. 1083. FOR RENT -1732 1*TH; V OOOM3; ELECTSC | HehtlUK and bells; s<u-aliii.c lulx-s; tiled bath room; d iiub waiter; vlotats; ilw.t mantels; I llreplaceu; rent, f.C.50. VT. G. I'OND, 1316 P st. ocS-ltn FOR RENT?HOUSES. FOR UKT? NORTH WEST. Ill# O M, llr..9l.ouo.oo 047 ria are. or...$S2 50 213*4 E at. lOr... .30.00* 017 Flea.-!* at. 7r. .27.30 145T 8 at. Or 37 JO 2017 Portner pL 8r 28 30 1015 24th. 6r 35.00 Stable" rear 1125 2324 L at, 6r 30 00 loth at 20 00 NORTHEAST. 101 2d at. llr and I 429 3d at. Or $23 50 (for)...... .190.00 12 Patleraon. Sr...13.50 10.1 2d at DC. Ur...G0.u0 3103 4tb at. Or lu.uu 9101 4th at. Or 15.00 SOUTHWEST. 400 3d. 6r 15.30 102 L at, ?r $7 00 1350 Union at sw.8r.ll.S0 OFFICE ROOMS. 1008 F at $30 00 036 F at $15 00 1224 F at...$10 ta 05.00 711 O at $5 to 15.00 429 7th, room*.$10 to 20 HE1SKELL A McLERAX. wl-U 1008 F at. FOR RO T?101 AND 10* 2D ST. X.E.. FORMER ftirntahwl; latter unfurnished; eleven rouuw and l*ath each; well finished and appointed and In excellent neighborhood ti^ar CapltoL se22 121* rOR RUNT?TWO NLNE-ROOM BRICK HOUSES, 1M# and 151V 12th at. n.w. with n>od.-ra Im rnementa. Ap|?ly to JOHN F. UUEFN. Ulfl at. a.w. ? M l to 27 FOR RENT-NEW, HANDSOME HOUSE; SAIjOON parlor; 7 raoni; cellar: a.m.I.: beater: statlo ary " " car* 800 lor: i rooms; cellar: a.m.i.: neater: statt.ui wash tuba; back alley: stabling If ne.-<i-il. I pass door, WW 11th at. a.e.; $:f2.50. Apply 11th at. a.e. ocl-Ot* FOK RENT?BRICK HOUSE 432 O HT. N.W.; $18.50; 8 rounis; water; jrss: 2 halls; 2-iturf hack hulldiiuc; large yarda: |<arklog; em llent repair: arrauged for J families. se20-tf FOR RENT?825 C HT. N.E.; NEW; 7 ROOMS and bath; Unliitied la natural wood; center stair way; at reel car* pans door; rent, $30. C. D. LIEBERMANN. 13o3 K at. ae22-12l FOB RENT- Brook land, Tr 12 Uulir m? aw. 10r...$35 824 Whitney aTe.4r.13 30 (MO 12th ne. 7r 22.50 Mrooklnnd. 7r 9 800 FU are. 6r 20 30 1001 Q rare land ct ne. 825 Acker ne. 6r 18.30 tr... 8.30 THE McLACllLEN BXAL KB. AM) IvOAN (XX. ae27-tf! 10th and O ata. a.w. FOR RENT-BY GEO. T. l'ARKH, 1410 O ST. 1808 Maw av,10rA2b. 1M8 Cor at. hrfcb 45 uufur $a*0 2U20 12th. llr*t>...'..40 1703 N H av, 14r.li2h.153 4<tl M. 8rAtt> 33.3) 8a cor 17th and S. 117 E tlrAb i2.3? 12r * b 100 11**4 O. SrAh 2s 173? Cor at, 11 rib. .75 1517 Oth. t?t*l< 27 40 518 ttb. 12rAh 75 7thAG ne. 8r&t 26 3n 2100-13-15-17-18 O. llr 6**8 7th ne, ?rAl* 21 * b 85 ISthAU. flat. 4rAb...21 1821 18th. tlrfcli ?HI 21*22 12tll tst>re? 18 1020 22d. lOrfcb 65 (Vniduit rd. 8r*b 15 2108 Q, llrfcb 45.80 Stable r'r 84 M at 10 222 N. 8r*b 45 #130 U, 17rAl* 100 27 M, lOrAh 45 Get cotuplct* llat. 1812 Rlggs pi. 0r*l>. .45 FURNISH BD. 1808 Man ave,19rA2l<3*?< 101 11th ne. !5rAb. .150 1329 M, 17rAb 200 3150 V. 17r*lt 175 170$ X II ay. WrAb.JOO 1200 O. 12rAl* HP :>3 1857 3la*. ir?rAb.,..17S 1818 *>*rruran. hr&ii. .45 *281 C ae28-i 2231_ g. 12rAb 187 1517 Mb. 8r*l 35 l-XJR RENT-BY R. O. HOLTZMA.N. REAL Es tate and Insiiratce Broker, loth and V aU. La. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. 1482 K. 17r and sta.93?? 1837 Mart,? nw, 28 1$H at. l$r, Sb... 100 801 oth na, 7r .28 28 15V* at, 15r. 2t>.183.75 2220 H. 7r 27 2118 O. lOr 125 2210 H, 7r 27 741 ISth nw. lOr 75 221* H, 7r 27 M)0 12th nw. 10r 75 220 D nw. 8r 26.? 80S T nw. 12r 73 788 8th nw. 7r 25 50 711 11th nw, lOr 85 !**! 7th rw. 7r 25 7* 1SU nw. lor 8?l 8 M ne, 7r 22.50 1017 Md ata, OrAato. .80 235W 14th aw. 7r.. .22.30 1848 lftth. lir 50 237 14th aw. 7r 22.50 808 10th. Mr 88 I2S7 Oth nw. Tr 22.50 2020 P. lOr 50 811 Oth M. 7r 22 1537 nth, OrAstore...50 ft>7 Oth aa, Tr 22 431 7th nw, 12r 80 808 Oth ne, Tr 22 618 ISth nw, 18r 50 415 5th na. 8r 20.50 1718 Oth aw. I?r ? 285 4U aw, 7r 20.40 1712 Oth nw. lOr 50 1421 OHi at nw, 8r..20 80 610 2d nw. I Or 42.50 $1 IWreea. V 18 40 617 2d nw, lOr 42.60 025 Oth aa. 8r 15 40 712 D nw. Or >..46 422ft 11th aw. Or...16.39 1348 Rlgtfa, 8r 40 1223 D aw. 8r 15 1210 FU ar, 8riatore.40 1418 A aa, 8r 12 1483 W. 7r 88.40 821 Oth aa. ?r 10 80 1027 ISth at. Or 83.60 010 Oth aa, 10.30 1482 Q. Tr 80 80 FURNISHED HOUSES. K and 18th, 10r oikt S Bear 10th. ISr .900 atal'le, per an. ..$7,300 IT near Slat, 14r 173 E and 15th. 17r and O near S H are. aew atable, per an 3,000 bouaa and fur, 10r..l50 Lafajetta aq. 10rjbl.200 0 Bear 22d. 14r, 2b..150 R I ave Bear 18th, Tt a<( Bear P, Or.... 126 12r,4b.per annum. .2.800 2d near A ne. llr 00 17th near N.24r.Sh.418.08 S Bear 12th, 8r*ata...70 F Dear 20th,18r*sU. Son omrB, Elerant raocna la "Sub" Dealrable room*. "At tmlkHnff. fl reproof, from lanttr One at Una hnlld $20 ta $100 each. i lat." all front and flra 470 L? a r, from $10 to 13 proof, (torn $10 ta 999 880 F at. 9 each. fTORES. 1018 Ontn >**.......975 1537 14th aw, 9r 960 1018 Uona are 75 214 Oth nw 60 1024 Conn av* 75 1017 Md bt?. ?r < 1028 Oonn are 73 1210 Florida tn aa. 1020 Own in 79 M G nw 20.40 741 12th BW. lOr 75 8TABIJX. 1814 R I a?? (rearl. ..900 *<3 U (rear) 910 1020 Coon *T* (rearl. .?5 lu29 Cuon ara (rear). .2T Rear lot 14. aq 247...13 ocl! R. O. HOI.TZMAX. 10th aad F ata. a.w. FOR RENT-BY HARBIN, 910~ PA. AVE. 8.E. S18 C a-e.. Dew brick. 8r? b.. a.m.I $25.60 820 C a.e.. Dew brick, 8r., b., a.m.l 27.50 In renr 1814 L B.w? b. h.. 4r., w. and a.,... t*.V) 1335 11th a.e., aloue at ore house 10 00 ae2?-1m FOR ItCNT -A NEAT OR. BRICK HOUSE- AlX m.l.; 72(1 F at. n.e.: $28. Alan beautiful brown *.(????. l*r.. 813 N. C. are., n<dDced to $28. and S20 B at. a.e., 8r., $13; all open. J. D. CROIS SANT. S21 X. C. are. ae28-lm FOR RENT?THAT BITE.VIMDLY LOCATED furnlrbed botxe. occupied for the paat Bine year* by 8. na:ur Dulph, 8 Uafayette a<|oare; * 111 rent ta March 15, 1W3. lor particular* apply ta R- U UOLIXMAN. Eatatc Broker. )c8'tf loth and F ata. a w. FOR RENT?A FINE HOUSE FIXE LOCATION. 31(*2 N at., Georgetown; 12 large movtia ana bath: hot and <<oM watrr; cbeati fnr $33 per tri.oth. Call and aea owner. 1025 22d at. a.w. ae22^w? FOR RENT-CHEAP: OXLT $46-MODERN 10 room homea, 1V? ?inarva weat of Cuon. ate. and R: 2140 and 21*1 Florida ave.. jnot above Maaa. are.; keya at 21 Vs. uelghlurbuud atrtcily Drat clana; alao 1738 Corc-.raa at., 8 ruoma, $45; alao 2208 Q at.. 0 room*. 850. ae29-lm THUS. E. WAOGAMAN. 017 F at. IX*R KENT?HOUSE 1841 Cf ROOEAX ST.; THREE; fMnta aouth; ten large roouia, clothe* pr-aa, clowta and all uiodetn impn.%omenta; bark tairlor nw*l aa dinlnc room. k of which I* butler'a pantry, mjne< led by dumb waiter with kltcben below; front l?a urate at u??l &a a at ore win. rent, $47.50. TU08. Q. HFNSEY A CO.. 1300 F at. n.w. ae20-tf FOE RENT-?B2 E R. N.E??-R<tOM 88kX; un?l Inipa.; bandy to cara aud acbool: $15 a iuo. Key at 812 K. F. W. TI CKER A PRO , auSl 2m* 100 F at. B *. IXtlT RENT - 1817-1828 Rlna place. JOHN S. LAROOMBE o?-3-4t* NW 17th at. FOR RUNT TO ADULTS?A HANDSOMELY FUR Dlabnl hnoae; 8 room*, bath. Imtler'a imntrv : crystal clmndeltcia; newly |Kit**.red and pnint?*l; Itond atable, with ?-ater. Call 1224 S at. n w. oc3-8t* KOR LENT?DWELLING 810 1^. AVE X.W.; 1 a.,uare from Center nuirket; 7 rr?mi? and Iwtb; all nodcrn lmprxnenienta; rent. $25.50: kev In atore. or? St" EOR LENT?107 M ST. 8.E. HT*?RE AND dwrl'lnf or barker *l?|i and dwvlllBg... .$15 00 1313 8d at. a.e.. 8 room* 0.76 821* Va. ave., 8 ronin?*. atore.............. 15.30 i:k*s I?-l. ave a.w., 8 ro>it:ia 0.3** 1.185 C at- a.w.. atore and d?ettln$ 14.00 <K.1-3t C. ROVER A SON, 211 7(li at. a.w. FOR RENT-A DESIRABLE AND C1<MM<<DI0I s r<'sld<-n<e; 1807 I' at. n.w.; 13 rooma l>eatd<? pMi'try and tath; bet. Iowa Circle and i-al>le cara. Appl) o* the prvmlaea oc$-3t* FOR RENT?712 1:*TH ST.. 1<*R . A M I $0O 1<?<S M at, 10r*l<.$."<2 r?< 824 2d ne. 8:1-Ac. .28 .'<1 K27 W eat minuter. l<*r 45.50 510 lltli. )lata.$18 A 20 1321 8 at. 7r an.l l*. 2N; 832 Elm. L D 1'. 7r..l8 .-?l lr Tllos XV HI NCEitr<*RD. 121:* II at. FOR RENT? 11*11 G nw, 10r&h.amtt*<o 414 Have* et.4r.w.l0 50 2818 N cw. Sr. ml. .2."-.5*) 412 llay<i ct.4r.w. .10.50 11*17 G nw. lor, nil..45 901# 27th. 6r. wa 10.30 1751 K uw. Or, W..2S40 On ClutmplalB ava. 9 M<< 23d. 8r. w. g IN and $lo ner mo. 171S 30th. 8rftatal<le..l8 213 22d, 4r 6 213!> II, 4r, water 15 &torag? room 818 19th 2214 Va ave, 4r.w.12.SOi nw J GEO W UN KINS, oc.t M** loth at. n.w. FOE KENT? 14ti8 L ?L n.w.. furnlahol 910000 307 G at. n.w., 8 r**>ma... 45.5t? 210*3 R at. n.w., 8 r<?nns 2:1.5** <>? L *t. n.w., 8 raoua 22.5o :a*7-309 D st. s.e., each. 18.4" WHITE A El*HHORN, 0.3 3t 1385 K at. FOR RENT- 28 C N E.. FTNB WIDE 4^TORY~ IL rouni bouae |*artly turnah.^L fronting * noitol Park, aullanle for private futnllv or bo? dliig; r. i.t $11**. M. O. TECK. 934 F. MS MB BMt- 1114 10TH ST. X. V.; NEW: *> tooma a 1 Ml bath; $35 tar month; and i:i32 Oth at. u.w.; 11 r<a<u<a and Imtb; n? ..rly new; $45 (<er month; alao, H)1 East < apltnl at., n.-w; T room* atal bath, with atore aid <<ilar. In,oi|.-e of FRANK T. BIUIWMNO. 418 5th at. b w. aeil tf EOR RENT?ONLY 912.50 MONTHLY?NEAT ? :00m house au?1 atable; on ca<- line: few <f;naraa a!?ove Kla. are; 21*20 7th st. n.w.; kcr at 2010. prl<e, 93.000; <-?j*y term*. "?e27-lin FOR RENT?BY J. Q. KROUR,* b22 8TO nTw! 1340 F at. n.e., 0 rma., m.l lh.0? 1377 F at. u.e.. 8 mis., m.l is on 728 7th aL n.e., 6 ruis 27.M 1*131 Conu. ave.. 0 rtu*., fur 90 00 1211 12th st. u.e., 7 rtu*., fur., with sla.. a 100 *e22-2w FOR RENT- ~907 13th ?w. Tr 26 00 Store 415 7th nw.9250.00 2"H'4 13:h aw, 7r. ..26 00 1013 L nw. 15r....150.00 1217 8;!< nw. 7r IS <>o 1220 H nw, 13r 75 <a) 1S21 Oth nw. Cr 15 00 StAdw 1002 7th nw.*H<<0 1U5 |th rw. 8r D ?"> 01C 11 nw. lOr 50.00 12**8 Md a? nr. Or..16 no 1131 Oth 11 \T, 10r... 4?.0?? 8.:*! Oth ne. Tr 14 00 2023 M5?i av nr.Dr.35.00 CIS 4t!> nw. 4r 18 '?> COl Maas ar nw, Sr.33.00 1076 Valley at, 7r..l2 5* 13th a^A T nw. Sr. .06.60 1020 L nw. Tr 12 8122 T nw. Or 80.00 461 N 1* B?,4? 12M 2315 M nw. Or 30?0 10U1 N J a* nw. 4r.l2*W 1*^ L nw. Or 30 ?*) 1700 8th nw, 4r 10.00 ;*S1 I. nw, or 28.00 6*2 K aw, 4r 10**0 If 8th ne. Or 25 *?> 8f7 Mad?? et. 4r ...0O0 11R9 10th nw. Sr...29.00 ifc D'.ngnvan et. 4r...900 1410 D nw. lOr ^ ''0 omc* tma ?7 r nw. .? <KV3t! Al.BERT F. FOX. 02? F at n.w. FOR BENT?1210 H ST NE. OR AND B 9? 60 1852 5th at nw. 10r9S2.eO *0.1 E Cap *L Tr...23.60 621 Oth at ne 8r.,....19 <*>2 Tenn are. OrAh .13 oe4-9t: WRIGHT A STOCKgTr. 611* E at. b.w. FOB-Rl>T - 1110 l$th at. n.w., 8 ronma, at $55 <X< 1457 I. at. rLW., 11 woo*, at TS.fal 42S 4th at. a.w., 12 mo*M. at 60.o<) cc2,."Jc5 3t UORT. L FLEMING, 101$ ttlh *t. n.w. FOR BENT?HOUSES. 1'OK itEXT-MAXIMUM E NK? H<>ME. 16 kin. and 1 bath rooms; central I.?-at too; near Maaa. ?ve.; coovtHilHit to all ?*r lim**; c?r would iciiii rum*. MI suite. 8. 4 ur 5. with handsome t-rlvat* hath room; ac-oud or third story; furnialied sr unfnrnlahed; only tbuae deslrltiit rwiuf.Ml and elegance newl invrr. Addreaj EUDUAM E. war offlce. ___ **?' FUR EKVT 21M O ST. N.W".; IlKUKABIJC 6 room house; completely furnished; m.l-. aaw tr papered. eiccllcot hsatlou. 6, 0 ur 12 ue-utha; rent. *?. _ FOK KENT J? D OT. ?.E. T-BOOM FRAME, lunt- vard. water ia kltckea; desirable uebrhlmr hood: *15. C L. Iiuluillt. 031 F at. a.w. n<-4-3t Ft Ml IUCNT 1428 T HT. N.W., WITH FlItMTI UK; 6 roana and lath; all lo.t.; lar*e >arU; newly paltered; $.fc> i<rr mouth. OWN Ell; iry at On* Store. -or. 14th and T. oc4-kf F"OR KEXT ___. . ... 031 C. st, 12r BT&.60 008 36tb at. 5r til? 13?4 L at, lOr 65.00 2tC2 1 at. 5r I".30 i:tno L. ?t. lor 65.00 1507 1 niou rt, 4T..10 30 1102 Mth at. lur.. .60.00 720 10th at Be. 4r.. 7.00 1732 8th at, 7r 2S..10 728 IMili at ne, 4r . 7 00 824 X H ave. Sr...15.50 Stilik r'r 1414 H..15"?1 lutk Urven'a ct, *r. .12.3n ?ta r'r Cor Art Oal.l2.!8> JAMI> M. OUKEX, oc4-3t 711 14th at Ft tit KEXT? 1141 N H ave, 12r.t67 So MX 4th nr. 8r. uu K M 2>rjo O at nw. 17r 80 415 M tie. 7t.au4.. .is S4? 1131 10th or, llr.alul.55 00 L Dir. Mia 18 SO 124 C ne. 13r. ami 43 311 4th nr. Or 10.30 1020 15tb nw.14r.atnl. 4S 44 L nv. Or 15 80 1430 8 nw. lOr. ami.. .4" 1225 1 ne. Or. ami. .15.30 14<?? Onrcwraii nw. Or. .35 1014 7th nr. fr aal 14 W 811 Mass av X. 420 O nw. 4r Mat 14 1707 ?tb ??. Sr. ami. .35 MS 12th K, 6r 13.50 124 It ne, lOr.auii. .32.5o ?3? Oallaa ue. Or.. .12.10 317 Mo ? nw.litr.arai.3ti 1588 Levis aa.Qr.anllu.50 100 Mb ne. 7r ami .23 SO w-4 MrounmiT * BUAi?Lra. vr. r at._ FOK KENT? 11116 Vermont irr...flW 1826 IHIi at.. ...??...SO B10 Conn are 12# 141T Sort. st 45 2)1 Iowa rltrk 125 1*45 Cnr.?ran at 45 1325 \eruiont are....123 1421 SP'h at ????4? G?r? 1400 C at 62 .56 2 Fayettet. riya... .3? 13II? U at K 4M ?w' 410 ,,k I2U2 g at 55 1700 a ad 171J 4th ?t.lT 2024 i? at VI 327 11th at a* 10 Ala* a larsa llat of daalraMr fumUbed Imm. fitch, rax * bkowx. ap4 i?<w O at. a.w. FOU 11KNT~ THE SCIENCE OF UVIXO COMIXJBTABLV be worked out murb more aaliafa' torlly ? little Ivum all your own tlian In a rrarai?e4 anlta of rooms In ?ttm?-lKXly elae's bouae. We bava iKHiaea of all aiaea lonted to tl* l?t porttona of Waahlaclno. We mar hara Juat what jou want t<*laj or t? ttKwrow -the apil 4ay It uay be rent?I. <527 D at ow ?10n. n?t K. Mill.*, Sr 25 Itai K nw. 12r... M.otl 1533 i-?lniti-ta. w..2:t50 1242 HMh at nw. 12r. .7r.: 4W? Fla *?e nw. 7r.& SO 1121 14th aw. ISr 75 1H2* soli <t nw. 7r.22.? 17:t7 l(tCK? at. llr.. .70, 22.*! K ? nw. Or. 1327 10th nw, llr. tfi'k' ?I15 3d at ue. 7r.? 500 6th nw. llr ?K; ?I* A oe. 7r S' ? 1908 Slat. J*- ?l>'! 317 U ne. 6r an 3} 925 rt at nw. 14r Oo 1K34 Fla ave. Or. .30 99 1014 M?th nw, 13r..55 '.<o 1S22 IWh nw. f.r. .20 30 ??0 y at, llr 55 wiy 7th rw. at ore 20 ltH4 19tb at. Kr..3o ?" 214 F at nw. Mr..16.50 1027 nth at nw. 0r.50.r?o 1H14 7tli nw. 5r...lS35 513 2d at aw. IOi SO! 1N>4 Xtb. Or... ..IS.35 614 17th at. 12r 3o Tukouia Park. 8r m 27 M at nw. lor Ml r.13 H ct ne. 6i. ...17 30 Eeklnrton. !?? Ro H21 V at nw. ?lr ...17.M 1H24 5tb at, lor 47.So 5<? I at aw. #r....17.30 1333 Oil. at nw. Or.45 30 37 L at nw. Or 17 21112 11 nw. f.r 42 K 1141 6tli *t ne. 6r..lti <? 1100 O at nw. 8r. 40 3o Huo K at nr. 6r...l6r? Flat 2. Fred'k. 4r S7 .Vi 114 loth ?t ae. 6r..l6.;t0 ia?2 O at nw. #[..?.? 142S 21et nw. 6r It 1134 K at nw. 7...55.30 HI4 Oth ae. 7r...,14 30 iai2 S at nw. &r...33So 444 Wh at aw. ?r..l4?0 13ti6 ?? nw. 7r 85.4<i 434 It 1 are. 6r..... l* 1514 IStb at nw. Or. .85 4?4 M aw. 6r. IS 30 125 C at ae. lor 81 M5 4V, at aw r*... 13 Jo 1018 30th at. ?r. .SO 50 2315 U J*, jr....13.30 1428 6th nw. 6r..*).SO c.>otlult %? 13 ft 13 SJ av6 nw, 7r.3u 4S 2215 7th wt, 035 A at ae, 7r...8oS3 316 I. ?w. Sr lo.*> k20 I> at ae. Or 85 Mo tirunt a?-e. fc-lo SO 1830 F. ?t. hall ?0 1024 Huron. !>r....W? 5# X V are ne. Or ?? i?2S Kit.* ?t aw,? HC4 ?th k-t. 7r...27.S3 2H Fenton 1>I w. 6r. 10.30 40O Ktth at ae, 7r. .27 So 225 K at lie. 4r......l0 821 Hproee at. Or. .27.50 1?1? bltan Be, 5r ? M 214 B at nw. 6r..25 83 418 ?> aw. rear, 4r..t>30 280 Elm ?w. 6r.. .25 Ho ?M Oonlon r*. 4r.. .*. 1120 7th at nw. 6r 23 1822 L ae. 5r... ... . 153% 6th at aw, 7t..25l mrt OntlaW tttr.TJ c~l tn.wAfJ B. H. W Alt NEK * OO. ?!? T BW. FVX MOT-rXTTTtXIMIETV. 806 12th at nw.24r:OS S3; 1514 I. nw. 10r .... .48 1707 X" T arc nw. 22r.30n 111* 10th at am, 10r..4? 1 Dopont Circle. ISr.lfto 1706 M at nw. ?r ? 1212* at nw. 12r...H5 685 T nw, ?r 45 1825 Vt ave nw. llr.lot'. 1411 Btou?bton at nw 1482 Blnney at nw. I Or ^ ?1?7 ISr <???? ? ????????? 1005 JHb ow, 9r.,,^IOJO 1700 21at nw. ltr.,.10o 2406 14th at nw. Or. .40 1S23 F nw.2dA8d lla. .75 2412 14th at nw. Or. 40 1722 8 at nw. 13r TP 1M1 Oorroraa ?, Sr. JO 1440 W at aw. 12T....75 802 H at iw, Or 40 502 E at nw. llr 78 228 K at ne. iOr.......? *T.r-..7.!iS nth dbw-. w.|S 615 6tb nw. lOr 75 1440 K I ava 712 13th at nw. 12r...70.1^? J *."? T- #r- 2 M3 H11 Iyer pi. Wr...T0 JMT M at aw *^...3 ?06 17th nw (flat?.?r*MB JJ3J JJJ ? t""S 1521 20th at nw lClr. * ".*? Jr "SS 0 !4r:::::S fIAiH*it"-i^:i^<S 40S 11th at nw. tr . 65 "*"w4t ? V? ?121 N t ave BW.l8r 60.s6 182s X H ar? nw* 22 50 1313 20th at nw, lt?r..<0' K at Be. *???"??*? 1116 M at nw, 6r ?> T? I7tb nw. 6au 4r..20 2500 14th at nw. Or...60 2406 1 5tb aw. Orw.,.18 1748 Cor-ormn nw. 10r.55 142u I-a a? aw. Oat 15 042 X T ava nw. 12r. .55 212 lat rt aw. 6r 14 11&4 17th nw 10r....ft5 222 l?t nt *w. fr- 14 1515 O nw, Or 6t) 1M7 14th ? #024 HI liver ave. 12r.60 6*3 Potnerojr 4r. 12.30 1815 18th at nw. 12r .00 In rw of 1225 ?uon 1712 14th nw t*ati,6r .50 ?v aerri*l flata^ea.6.9B 1'rfM 8 at nw, Or 5" 228 lat at aw, ?r ? MM 17th BW !aat).4r.&0 228 lat at aw ?r IS 1523 O rt nw. ?r...5o.S0 1110 and 1112 C rt ?w. eritln bulkUnf. FrKMSHED M nnfir 18th nw.14r.t500 g nw n'r Fla a?w. 18rlj? K near 12th uw. ISr.SUO Maaa av IT Pti^mt F rt nr 2lat nw. l?r 3ia? Clr. 18r X H av n'r 17th nw. K H av and Ooreorwi 14r 16567 at, 18r 166 6T Scott rlr. le. ISr 2fto M n'r Thotnaa Clr,12r 150 M n'r Tlioinaa Clr.l3r.23<' X nr B. Or...MM Maaa av n r l#th nw. O n'r ?nh nw. 1 Or . .123 13r 2? 8 n'r 16rh nw. ?r 75 g a'r l?tb nw,12r.2i*S8 Md av n'r 2d ?e.lOr .AO The atnive ta >>uly a partial llat of the pro^ertlea In our tuuida. For Heut bulk tin. euntalnlnc full 4<wrrlpth?. trailed weekly nud ran lie had upon ap pllcati.? to TlluMAS J. FlMU'.il & CO.. orlm.wAftf 1324 F at. Ft>B KEXT 1783 It at nw (furl. 204 C at nw. Tr 81 rr annum. 12r. tl.SOO 1004 4th a> nw. Or.SOM 1 at nw. lOr.. .125 I MO 1Mb at nw. Vr>i 30 721 8th at nw. ISr...73 :>.W 3iHh at nw. 8r 28.50 1224 17tb at nw, lOr. 73 413 Fla av nw (pua IH2*i 8 at nw, lOr 73 Oct li. 7r 20 50 1100 loth ?t nw. 13r. .73 l"p |>t lnoi K at nw, 212. 14 * 10 X J av tr 23 30 nw. Or 3<i 60 1010 Mh at nw. 6r .23 30 Ills 11th at nw. i<r.50'.3o IS1I 18t3 at nw. 7r.25 SO 1214 X V av nw. 12r..50 827 22d at bw. ?r ? 2106 I "a ?v nw iwlll 2144 I at uw. Or 26 lease tor a term of I 716 0th at nw. Or....25 years, or will I* 1483 W at nw, 7r 25 fitted up for rtorri, 2M23 Vt av uw. Or . .28 14r 30 1(120 Sth at nw. 6r.28.30 1214 X at nw. 7r .V 1343 V ?t nw. 6t .22 36 210 n.1" av nw, :w .'O \<S> 12tb at nw, 6r.3o so I2ii7 1st st nw. 14r. .50 s15 22d H nw, 8r. .2?> 45 1584 15th at uw. 8r.43.S-J 007 \ st ?.*, tr..30 40 M0 11 st nw. 7r .43 50 I2:ts <th at nw. ?tr.a> 86 2140 Fla av nw, 0?.4S50 7*t 2d st nw. Or ,2o? 5.12 21st st nw, l'ir...45 510 X < ap st aw.5r.3i-M 2151 Fia ave nw. Hr 45 l:ll? snh st ow, 5r ?.M 210 X i av nw. 7r.40.60 3374 7th st rt aw. 8'SO 284 F at r.w. llr R3 12*1 : i t st nw. 5r. .20 2181 l> at nw, Or. .35.30 IMS loth st nw. Sr. .^0 2803 g at nw. Or S3 24-'W H st nw. Or 20 1421 Fla av nw. 6r. .83 1014 M at aw, 7r....20 1015 T at aw, Sr 3? li:iH W at aw. tr 20 514 8th st uw. Or. ..,"5 2222 14tli at aw.7r.18.50 1418 llth at uw. lor..;? S17 2^.1 at uw. Rr It Hioo 8th st BW, H*...33 1MI3 loth at aa. tr. .18 011 0th st nw. Or....% aill L at uw. ti . .17 50 '1 lie above ia only a portluu of lis- 1':aa m> l<vwka. For (dll list ??all at uO>e kur t>aitetla IFMied on tl? 1st aad 15th. <??28 m.?4tf T. E. WAtitiAMAX FOR ItEM AN~sTw.3il)WUJJN.Jl AMiLMt'ii grounds, ti.-N! aud otcrlo<>kluy <10s ?-lty; all eua vetileu>v?. $12 |>er r.iouth. Aoply <o R. A. rHIi.I.11'8 * HON. ocS-V* 1422 X. T. ave. FOB REXT-XE6 O UHUK tOOW ASP MATH t>. w. house; etcctric (as lig'itlas and i?lls. alt m.l.; till 3d st. u.e.; nmaknt to penal.m aud C?A>*rnmeot prln'lni o6\'-e. w*-*t* loll UKXT 44 I, ST. N.W., C HOOUS; parkf?)^; larce yard; mnr lort-mut yioilof 4tfh.-??; Amly at BWOiOllIVf * iti(Ai?Li:\'s, \>2i V Rt. n.w. T< >R BENT? \V?? have rf4vr<?1 th^ rwt of 517 and fitt ?t. to per nioath; (hrf ?<ootMin *1J th^ ?ao4 ??m ein?Nit?. mrp ??U Imvlcri iml m<??t at tbt pr;r? !n ptrfc. (Imi 4ally. IS AN EH & KIMIVlN, <?^3 Rt 14th hih! O at?. n.w. FOB RENT IlorsK 17? P ST. X.W., M;aR Cfrrlt*; let ri*?m?; !>?itb; lauinlrr and funa??^. Ir?.;ulr*? <?H or.Vlt* Vo?: ufcvr ? i22i n v w s nw7Tr*t*~.. ?to, llr. htth. .$???.7ft 447 N o*r. ?rJk{?,r. .22.40 1811 U nw.Ur^ 3Ti2S K nw, ? )?4<; 1(1 av, l<trA j.TJ4 ISth few. ?r 'JO I lo4 MI ??, 12JJ2 ?c, 6r.....l2Ht? ldli> Corcorma.0vJLl>.X7 tvj 12101^ :m ae, 4r.... 7.0u ?V'JI tf: II. L HI HT, t*?> 14tl< iu i ?. F?>K REXT? 1227 15th ft. n.w., 12 rm?., \tr\ d^nlrmMa.. .M 1810 Mb et. n.w., 9 ruia., utoil. imp ?0 li*2& l'a. nr*. n.V., 12 ma.. hm<1 tmu ... *.40 1*A?7 11th at. n.w., 8 rma.. in-?d. Imp M otS St A. T. COCMBK, 1435*. T. am. VOU ItKVT NKAR Hf iVrt OlUri*. Well furelabel ac<5 Mast ci*a**?n?*at?.y l *> ai?d. 1227 I5tfc a?, n.w. FofirREXr-XTPW. HAM>S'.>u; HmlkE: 8 RM(L| ail a Kid. Imm. ; Iwek alley; atahle a'-<-ommo6a tlou If re<T2lr?d; cat* r?? door; 012 11th al a.?.; J2o 50 A^dy '.sxi 'lib at. a.a. ae2S t>t? for rext"nfaTt'rwr to~*so pas iKk.?xa# hcase; 1616 22d ?t. n.w.; 22 ft. front; 11 moma; steam heat; f rat-class. OV. >"EK. 18(8! F. or 210 E st. n.w. aul7-8m ft* HD'T'ira Q RT. N.W.; 10 BOOItt AND l?tU; .iea*ui Iceatloa; ie^t rf-saoaalde. U. U. I.TKREKMAXX. IJtoS F at. aa2S I2t F<Jn RKN'T? 2314 ISth at. n.w.; llr. lath Itt.X 2510 ISth at. B.W.; lOr and l?rk Tt.06 Tbaae hooaaa aa ODlums'-a H.-utfat*. avert'** entire city; 4MW; eUf*>tl; paperea; electric (aa V.f''.'.oit. spaaklnf tubaa, steam teat and o(?a grataa. HmM opea all day. *l?o 170'. g at. n.*.; ltr ant t>a?h. 00 1308 13tb at. c.w ? Or. anO bath 45 6# ae22-tf M. A. ULlScn, 147S F rt B.W.