Newspaper Page Text
WANTED?HELP. ?l II K. 1VA\TKI> IT ll.MT, KXPKICIK.M'KD HKI.PEli.-l ? m ri?nu>-ii. iixl zuarM** til** work. C. >1. MAN* MM.. c.iirv Fi.ifi. V k?. l*th and 17t!i Ma. R.?. <? I.V.Ul * R%V!>D >l.o!l ED MAN to O* M EKS ? ' ' aIf *h?dl ,:tu 1 to do t:- r.?-ral work iit tr\ . .n - ? ?<-, rfDi!'-r.4t:.r?N I'N Suninm. Il"i Kl, 4'HAMRKMIJN. it* ~w \nt::d * 1 r\v 7T'w.i? sj?i httow for tiik iV9|k-4( and hr*t lire ?f?*'k taruir.inee in AnieTW*?*; t\- ? (iPBdr^i datU rhliui ?n VV ?j*b.nrr<? r|ty; ??-t<>rliMr; ** rwir^-u (rtt- to H?* ml terma t.? j5??d in i I: ? . ? ||, ??!.*? K at. W. E- kka>'EK. Mmmi .? i:? iv* v.txTtji \ riai ?-> aIumman r<? i til tin.. J _ i?' l?Mrr* Ho* 117. Star .411-. U' WAV* I'D \ >TRo\?; AM? RELIARLK WHITE l? v t.. in.'k liltiwlf ??-? ful .irtMiud in-tin iiihIi r 17 n<-?il nfif?U . *"*ll isli lirh ?t. B.w. la* \\ AMI I' I lli> i ? '1.AV l'AFEll ilANC.E.iS AT H i KEIIS. JO* *' m.n. w IWi* WANCED A V'?l Vi MAN Will! AHO| I' TA'O j*a: ? vp-.itnra In flw* drug Aifcln'n, a . S'ai ??.li'?? ?f 1." ;'u* WAVrtJI \ ? ? \ i!IM I MALLK A I WI KDKWAN jt . #? h ?;'?? tJI'? at. ? ?. lu* waxtfd ? ? iMVfca I n I EXPKiUENt"KD whits i,? t ? .urfcv of ? r ???rt ?*t w nn* a \ii i i.inrH'i.; irfcren.f* re AJ. f .. irll-y W AN II I' A Roy AIWU I 14 YEARS OF AGS fc" ?' >'k glmtftvlw but^M*. ? Mil at TtJ 1.1th it. n.w. VA\TU? X ^il m; man For 1HK l. i- - A.Mr?m Kill ItAKR. Star oflb e.oci.I 2n W \ NT' I? I f ISSI i'I.AS"' I Nl'EKIENCED KAKEIL 3HI Sik ?(. ia trU 9m* \v %N"| Fl* %OENT> KYER1 WIIEImT~FoK iiTe i.r'ij ? le t, iii*|or>u^l i?y wIiitIdu'Ii; ?*? Mt.; r?-tuil'?l for fl; ion diauiouui. tin ??a|*i i Aim the r??t. Ar uufKr^ o|?p>r (??r live u??n arqiuuttii anion;; wU?- ?iu? tt. Sn ii.,'i b?r ii.mI1 to 75 (Mflt.t. M(?l?hK.N iv Kl TV ? O., 32 N. T?Vi nt., l'bilaJrli'init, i'a. ?? i:;-::i VAVTMi -l\ CAXVAMm WITH MOMS know !? ?U?* of mwd'-nl anllfn. Addr. v*. with ref ??r ana, KM I. afl o? l.'i J;?* W A N i i ?? F\rukM KJ? M Fn"TU CAaV ASS a tk*M* ?| k artl? if. Fu? p.irt i? ulurs, Jp|Tv 1) St - OtlS ol* i vNIHt 1?? ?X>AT IfANHS AT KfcKX S, I.1I2~T* i. (v.T? .'?a WAN, ll> 1.1 NlwiKKS KM1M>?VMKNT Rl UE.U'. i-fwii I I t !:<Ut *h mm ;hm1 women, ?bilt> aini ? (>? u!l klrxl- ? ?. i * i. Itfiftr. rlty.ntati' ?ihI >| j.Ui;*. r?*f? m ??-? - Til** I. ?t. <M*r?-l,it* WANTf !? a FEW l'Klf??NS IN CAt'il I'l At E to ?!?> wriilmc. stai.ip tor 15Upi^e IK*-k of jaru.*. J. \VUUl?l'>l UY, Ut W. 4;M ?U. P \ ??? 11-ljr r vntm? at crrv inir:i/i.i<;E>CK offiits^ -lr?.?r*. .? :imtnTtm1i?. in? m. ? -n. Ihvk for .ill ???rk: |?lair# fur. till s i S1IA4 KI KHMil'S. *21 11th *t. n.vr. ?rFiai* Wan i 1 ? S \U>.ME.\ TO SELL BAKI.VI I^MV ?!? v j it "t r la tiuuw li4?lhu^ l'ius. $?'4? In .'1 > r ? ? Miiai<*!?iOli. I'llll'AtjO HAKiMi lV\V??tK ? ??., 767 Van buivn st . Cbl <K-4 lui* \\ \ \ I I.Ii \..F\ rH T*? 1AKK OKUfcllUS^ BY imimij... ?t *m>iii<* or tra\?*l; f?(?< a<x>? au?l ^ >u?l m).i , . , <-0111111.?.>???.! to rixlil |Mrlj; s*"nt < . i|?|-I'-.ifi Hi A'Mnv, \?itb btamp. L?n-k IV>s 4tm. St ? T?vi City. 4-roly W AMI K STUM N ill \rj] Kits ANI> liEVlNO ton t'? i- writer nimifors ?tlr?*<-1?-<! to |->Mt|o?n; fc ' I I'l.* ?VE1:S ft -t vltlt-il ?*oui|?'tttlt ?teDO'. i :l|?:i?T? at. I U? .li?i?*-rat??r?. no ?*ha:ig<> f??r k-tiIiti W \ ? :v ?l i >i: \ l \>s a HEN EDM'T. I:-imIii? ?. v' .t 1 W a. w. v - ?' FEMALK, W%N i r > > \!.? I^\l?ll.> 1 ? ?U l'1.0.\KS ANl> ii i._ ? rfn -m. I'.Xl.AiS Ki?V \L It J V VM?'? \ MKL Foil i.ENEICAL ll?H.>EUOUK ai**i v-U'i?.!?? sti a tani;)v ?>f Oail at i: ??u i . -^tay. bet*ei-U the Uuurs oi 0 .iu?i ti P m WJ V\MK1? \ >EFILE1? \X.Ui'E WmMAN T?> lalh In jii! 1...1 N V V.N'I |J? MEN and kVOMKA; tiE> FK-\L b-.'i- ? k- - < luiiu fnn.i.?!?>. kiulu*ii b. .p, uaa ? - 1- i ; -n; 'v 'n r?-: I'.-Tele I '0?>. l>Rh. .> A'Jt.Ml, t?13 #tii ^t. n.w. iiUlf I \S A . 1.1? hXl'UUKNl'rJi MILLLNCKY KALU J. t. HlTl'ilLNSON ? . 1-. :?.? IXt$ Y at. I V ?M!:i? M \VMilMI MIDI?LK AGEI> 1D?I SE | .in oi i.? an 1 v% lf*?; on*? <hil?l. Hi 'tioip-'l' ii' .v, ?<?Ri:r??n ia?-tfa il- t ? ?t of r*'!- : -iii \? ni|j r?*U. Ail?lr?-?* 1; ?. _>?. r .-.?ti 1;?* V IMKD \ I ON % E %ri*KFNTl* E; A1>?> -k, I . <i>t I.aid . n.i bit HmI ??! is* ii- ?-J ? MTA1 i >. 71ft lllh -r. n.v 1* xt \ ied \ \.ii.u.nw: \r aj4 4'- sr. sTvvT; u. a Crs?t i iriiutQer ainl nfil r?*? % iu ?:. Ml I ?- H?>* A\ \ . i t ?? \ M.i. !an I-? ?ii ti i? k fm fan :lv t i ?75 L bt. n.w. WAMLD V ? Kl. Wllo 1 ?1.>I KES A ?a?oD li 1.1.? !. I '.s ' ?t" ua^?-s iu rrt rii for v ? . h. tli '.n l\ o? 2 ; '! ill.-; ii;U-t ow:ui? W#*ll r..", .?;.???.! N. L liAlUUl'V, F?>rt St., Bm D ? ?; ? WAM ?? \ ri!!sT?r.\? ?*ooK: i;eicman l A| - i mt1. I2SI N. J. n\tv i?.v. arl2 .* ?.? WAN li D \i HEKTIN r??|T.oirK*> INTh ?:>X fi'.-i 1 (?? M iit Ajc^n? >. i'Utl?T>. a ait; ? -fm iUijo. i i>.irluiii'ii. wltto r**f.; ba? jr ._ . vi. ro> iu rt-u'.iu- lUiiV* C??un. uxe. u.w. #??11 MM f: oh if>mi,k. WAVIID \T ON? E 1 X'-l MIKLMAN AND 2 1 IIMIllMW. Aj'i'iv at E. W. ZEA'S. CM llUi a.w. o? l WANTED l.ADV <?R ?; I'.Ml.K. m7\\ ?t<? ?K ixk.irO^ ??r wiih In nt.-aa? tmk?Ty. fair aalary. Ad ?lr.? lr\Ki:?:Y ll orll-* fftll* W A k El> M.I. I El;>ON> l?k>lKlS\i O ? II*k> x^nt -?*r.ant.4 of an* ku.<l, ?itb r?*fi-r? will ^???1 it a?l?an* ?u-= to .all ?? or n i?lrr>a at on.-e t . * AFflAL E ll'l>?\ MENT A?iE.\C*. ?k1 De frw-!* u.*f , ?^rt. 1 >t au?l N. C*p.. 11 and I ^ta. * W ANTED?HOUSES. WAMIIi TO I'l If mst (XYriUM.r UK intnl Ii '43^, withotil l*a? :u?nt; Ca^ r?>| Hiil; UiU"t ? ii, ui for ta-i , uo a^r:.ta. A?Mr?-??> A*. J Li 8 III It* WAN KED H? TWO MNiil.E LADlBl. THE t'AKE vf a f;?rni? .<^1 U?^iiw* fr.?iu Nouiu-*r I; can k???* t of rvfrr?'tK"e. Ail?ire?a H. CE?TL. St..r of m \T. 3f_ WANTED WE WANT AT oNCE. Foil CT.IE.MS~ a i-...'- of it*- ttt aalc and t*nt. n?iifr?. m-?- iM? wnhtiu* *biay. O.-*; sn KiE> A MMIKK, 60* F nr. n.*r. WANTED KAHiTaINS IN ?TTY 1'HoFEHT\'. "iM pr?>r. .1 n<l uiitf:T?ri.r?-?l. f..r KoKElON CLIENT'S. Ca-.'? %al?i%*- r*-i?ili?-?l. AiMr****, *ltti fllll partic ular It" IIA Kl* F. EV ANH. At iorn*-> jt la#. tU- F m. n.w ortt-8t WASTED KooMS. ? ? RS i v MBI I PARI V. X I. \ I "r 4 or % ?n.furui>t ?-il r?H.ti."? in n.w. or |?art ol ulttr ho*t^-, Ut fl?Air pr?*f'. rr*-d. statr teiuia an<J *:tu atloii Addr?'*j? It. S II.. Star orlkf. wl5?t* WANTED I I KNISIIED. HY TWO AD1 I/IX TAO Ih-?1 ruNtw aud a Miffing loom; rohUi^tlii^ pr? f*>rrrd: would Iik?* ^rai*- ure iu miKiii^ nmiu; ?tut?* i?ri-?*. A?ldr??> X. H. V.. Mar ouii v. lw* WANTED BY A L\DV. AND 1-m.mcD IN ??ni..II prD.i'i* tamlly la: n ?t ; t*r>:ia n> ' to tx ?????d |Ji, irfereui ca. AtlJ ?v> X. T., Star ??f fltv. wl-t-iit* w a nt i.i * ?two ok iii.:i;e fi i:\piii.h r? for i ?-r*. * bo ?-p!a?. by fatally of Ion.. ^ 1" I -I ? : ??. t a*t I'l .-f? : rfd. A M . S ar o.*t-?? o*13 .'t# WAN!!' T'Ao oi iMI NM'ATI.Vi l:?*??vs! Bi-?t rt.d?r. onf'iiahtMil; fat tt ??n?i l^ht; bet 1II" l> .i ii<i l.'.tb aial 1 ;?tid l\ ?f > . t- rts ?? iijcd rial*- AMtl <*s ?' S 1?.. is* i: .tli ?? >>? I., tt* WANffcD 1*\ TWO Kl y IN ED INDIES. K?I*>M iini ? id m a i? ?pr? laid.- pri.atr tabiilv. Ad <1RM 11 W.. ?va atti-r. .M l.THt* WAMIJ* :? "K 4 lita?\;v Willi || i.A 1 A.|? |a?.' In n.n , r*-ut n:od**rate; i?-fH ?*.-!i^r ? -d, at?lu<'a otil;.. A?klr?-s? t; ll , Mat tillliy ?o L WANTED t K?NI\|S ON .sr.???\D FL* a ?K >OK llg i l*>a>'i-k.t*i',i*. Iu ai.iu^i-il or <>u Captiol 11 :> AdJ.-.?^ r i .V?, senate l*i?t otbre. eitj. v u :u* FOB EXCHANGE. rOK t.X'iianoe FA/IITV IN 11I(?h*n| ||i?i sR m ! i . ?l n w , i?fHr ll ?t . nt*t aaL-. f ?r aaul! r li*i.v. iii'n uiulnrnd. TUEO. A. IIAiii>i\tlt tm i? ?? nw i?.:, .ii FoK K.\| UWiH mi fTV IX XCW !? K?H?x: bouse* In u-v., n.M 1.. Mpiri.did ik lgh?H?rh??<d, t venient to two Utter* oi ram; u ill rt nt ?.o?:j?e untH Bell ? \ lure-! for lot In n. . or Mt. IM.a?ii?t. Adiluvs J. I. M., Slur ? rB . U.1J ? iN?lt EXl llAViE A M? E OK?x?\| ||?i\ yt IIENTLNIJ I OR |?? .'<?> Wid trad.* if f*>r b?M "**? la Taioina or ltr*H>klaiMl. A|?j.l> to #il.T3t lt\N*>? A MMIIUn. 7*l*t?? *1 n.w rot i xi n wk u %vr hums riNE fi ?; . To TRADS l?dt OH.I .MHIA 111 Hill.> ? .KoCnD Will put ioah lu a ???**! tr..d?-; <att baialN i itb#?t *?-i'jra*?* lot or a la rice fuuitafio IIANl.S a Sl\l1*SON, 7uO till ?t l?. V.. FoR F.N* 1IAN?;E HE\l TOTT. IHd >E IN * ?<?kv: 1'AKK 6 niotus ami kt?:.; -pfiwnaHy w? 11 built: will trad -, untn. umlwivil. f??r * ?m !> r*??m ho:iH?' worth not *r ? ijotol ItUI prffrrrfd. Apply to HA.NES A SlMl'NiN, wH-t 7t?** I4tfa st. n.w. FoK EXniANr.K ?Uf".UM SW IN Till: ?TTT; wall r,nf.<j nn unln?-:ia*afr>t] t..rui Appi\ to wlS3t HAND* 4 SIMHSoN, 7u*> I4ti> ?t. n.w. CHIROPODISTS. Don t si ffek. when tou ca.x hk iu.u;:vr.(> Is lit. m,i,.,|.. or lb# hm?i i?tin? ihu.Iw rorn. lunxtii or ilul> Mil. C&ll .ad I* ,oo %1B.nL Prof. J J. UEOIUIKH * SI?N. Oilr..|.? COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. roR mii; ..u Exi-iiA.v ie ra cm n r ?rtj-OB. at lb* awl |.-rtlW f irm* In < ? I ? 5hi> arrvs; hair 'l?r.^l. lulf w.. I -.1. ?Bin *? U ?cr?. r. U. O.. Btm- ??c.. W ANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTKD liY STRBTLY TKMPKKATC. t'NMAJt rb?d white man. posltlos; wgtrtiwi, n>e**enser. ilrlver or fu a Mare; well acquainted in 'By; first-class references. AAlrvsi W. W. H., Star tifflce. Id* HANTfJ? BY ATlXl*)mTn<lWJ lOiMi orrd inan, work to do for :t private fatnilr; Is* a i g?*?l plain rook, with sober and diligent habits; timt ca&s? ref. Address T. B., Arlington. Va. I arl WAXTU) MTlUTloT BY itiCXQ OnUNUD man us waiter in private family. general store ^wk or reataurant* I jest rpfcrrnm. Call or ad ? ; m W. M. F.. 17-t '1 Mt. ? tt-fc* wantm? nv 'a Vorxif iyhahikd m.\x[ a as butler In pri-.ate family or waiter; ran irl?e city ref. If repaired. Address H. M., 1?i4 fifl sr. n.w. m c? M* w \ntfo i-.y vung man ok iTITiiaim at? I*i Itioif us stenographer and tyia? writer: small saarj to cnum-ruc. Address H. J. 1... Slur of fice. ocl.V&l* WANTED B1 \ \ o| \?; OOLOUKD MAN, FLACK to do housework. refe?"i n ?( s. llease rail 1115 Kt. n.w. Id* \V ANTFf? BY A Y'HVIJ MAX. EMPLOYMENT )n groeery and meat store: 3 y??ars* experience; or to drive wagon. Call or address C., 635 L ft. p.w. ocl5-l!d* VANT0) A MTI mux an trrCWAlOl AMt waiter, by a man with is years' experience; ib-st cIuks rei-ofnJii'-ndat lot's. 11. II. JACKSON, 1!S>1 L at. nv.. Ml i i * WAVIFl' htsrn<>\ IN URl'U STORE BY YOt n?; tuau of aUMit two years* experience; not regis tered; b**st of nfirin?M given. Address at oace. V. B. D. G. sr. JoHN, P28 N. V. ave. n.w. tell M* KKMAIiR.' WANTED A PLACE BY A *"OIjOKKD WOMAN as i-wik in private family, with no washing. B32 iMh sr. ii. * Hjr? !?? V ANTKl ? l:V~~A ~i ol7mTwV \YOAL\nT~A~i7I.ATE as ehamK'ru.'tid; gissl references. Call 1411 1st at. a.?r. li* WANTEi? BY LADY OK K\!7KKIUXCE, In WI Hon ms companion to e'alerly lady or hou^yfHT or nursery gincrnesa; g?>od home and small eom |W?iitiou u>k<d. Add less Box <30, s>lar otIl>c. ? WAN i LD BY A F1BST-CLASS DKLSSMAKLIL ait nation t?. s:o ont to sew by the day; price, pn Aiy, AiHrni Box l'?i.\ ttttr tfke. lit* WAN ! KD SOLDIKH*S WllNUV IN NLI.D WILL give y? aisl $3 monthly f??r chart\-oui;*n'? plaeo In tiny dx*pt.. or S- cash and $2 monthly for ?M*aaher a placv. Rati ?t. n.w. wir* L't* I W A NT W >--SI 11 ATI t >.\S BY A 1 HIST-r LASS ClM ?K~; al-o two ihauilxjrmaids and waltrea^ea. Apply taii si* >t. i \VANTi:l? 1*.Y A BX3JABLE COlXHtSD WOMAN* I with fxeellent n fer?n*??. a plaee as eook In pri vate family. Pha^o call at 1454 lihodc l-niaud n.w^ It** w A .N T a? ITitITatIONH by two ijem-wt a I {LK folo.. ii iris. io do ??gffcl hotsevork; K,,fxl Hfniiii fVnc ft! mi 2B2 O St. ? w. It* VA S5T BY an BxhtKlkNCUD TfiACUOTi po<lt fou to tt*arh Kn^lUh and music; beat refa. trlvcn. Addresa Miaa, ia?l M *t. n.w. WAaTUI l:\ \ ihiAHLM GKItMAN WOMAN, a lace aa cook in a first-, la** private family; l?eat city referec?ea. C-ali l^th at. n.w. I <v*ir?-2e* \V ANl'KI * WASHING TO IM? AT IIOMK, OK day'a ??rk ?.( any kML s-4 2-ltli it ? .w. 1, * WA.?lUl B1 CuUliifcji WOMAN, i'l ICR WITH private family as chaml>crin.iid; p^nl refferom-es. 1 Api>ly at or addrvsa -<<?".? l*a. a\e..n.w, lo* WANtn? BY A vol Nil C1KU AHKH 10, A sltuauon as rhami?criua:d or iiurse. Apply L. w .1! i i??n. |12 3d *t u.w lc* WA.NTU> m KKUABLfi YOCSG CoCottOl glri, place a* aean^*rcaa or cumjiosltor; refer ences if required. I'lcaae call at 311* Oelawjtre ave. n e. 1e* vva T. i>- by a klliablk r??i7?iai> \v7?>i.\v situation to nmk, wash ;?inl lion, or general house..?>rk In |>ri\at?' family . \\ p reiu-i-s if re quired. Call or addri-y* 1K!U Kig?4 at. n.w. ?rU? -V* W A NT la? BY A O ?I>?UK1> C.IHU A 11?A4*fl TO do cent ral Inmaewurk in a small family; n ?t stay ! at Adtiri'ss 44> ki?Ig?* st. n.w. oc15-2e* WAXtijkP ii ? ?1."UL1? l'|.\ii; as' cateivr. ^'>od refereuevs. Call at or atldresa 451 I .T. N ... I,.* U A n II.Ii l^Y_YOl'NO LA1?V. S'lTiNimiltAIllnTl and ty|M?wrIter. graduate of SjM?n<-? rian Business i <*?lieg?-. of Irt, position: i:iod<Tate salary, i > I?' I 1 ir. BAUNLS, 11 Hi Muss. av*jclW Wa.nTKH l it IH K rit;ST 4 LASS I OAT H.\M?S. ol.LNHTLM . YKWK A CIL'HTiT. Norf- fk. \a. ? has. Mkk.lXK. r?ju r. o< i: .'." Wa.VILP BY A I?1HL?M VKLK, ONK >Pd;|; |;.V , gag* lin iit by th?? day in a ui?-*' family; lit goar uoi. il; <?:-a give referenee. Addi B. 1'., Mar full ii.tiM'in 1. WAMLU BY AN INMAItltIKO Bl?l T.VTW> lady, in middle life, a pla*e as nurs?-ry gov- 1 | eue-s.-. ho i>' n ???!??-r ??r ladies' companion; pb-as- | miii di ]*o>t ion; ilrst-claaa refercta-s- Address Boi Jm, star oiBei*. o?T2-3e* | \\.Wkt.D AI ?:a!TToIT HILL INIKLLIGKM K I ? ili< ?. ? ii.??;oy*?rs for e -rvaata fo- all work, cooks. II aal;nurses, waiters aud chamiieriu.iids: hami*er^].i ids; i?eH Ma>oule Teuipba, ael '.u/ - ' ?w? lUiilU alnl r;?J.>M ?J aZlj j.K a ^ ?Opp. MiSCELLAN J :<) L S \\A.\kkJj - P.nLI MATIC BlCi*'LK. SK?'ON|> L>ii<i; niUit i?<- gi;e tteearate d ?erip l?o.i. y? mi Mi'i-^ul, i..ake, ai/o, pri?*e, el?*. Aodi ?< r. M. M.. Byir ? Mi. -. If* ! H VA.fJJ A IIANI> fUUL TikLK; I u.w>v w in g.Rni order; stale pri?-?* and where it ? all In? Aii?lir*s i'??? ij I'aiil.K, Mar oUl? e.* WAaTU) nt 'M A >M ALL 1MUM SAIL; auait -b?i lt?H.; must be cheap. H. ULi.m.MiKK. P-4 Fiornia ave. n.w. It* [ ll.AllK I.lit lilmir SAI K'IV 111 ' cy?le, an elegant dcaiiile-osrrel shotgun, or will *-?.! Miiiie. UiiiJd BIIOW.n, 11U0 innidad aie. ba o?ir>-2t* rt A i'u? VOIA Mi. r?. VOLLNTkJiK~AUMV ItKvi later toiuo and Aln iiljan>. J. C. 1?., O. l."> -f Bo* 375, City I*. O. | MAiiut Mtl, I'.kJSSIIL in**- sut facing ?-a**h other at a table In the 1?? creaut pa\inoa. Althuu*(h there was api?ar cuii) a d?-al of looini'ss t?etwe?n, t!,????? hearts were warm for each other. She liked Ice civuiu, out Loins Cream biie worshiped, for it Lud ^acn her a iiauMcenJt-ijily heMiiinui com plex.! u. L<?tu^ Cream will make any fate hand Ho;ac. Soid i iny Uy Mrs. JI LI A A. FLOYD, I se^5-lta At the Calais lloyal. 11th arid O sts. n.w. ?VA.>iu>~iiUu.St;i TO WlNTKit; BOX STAL1.S; gnu ii and iiay twice daily; caroiul attention; fui'iu ou *th st. road, h utiles out. U H C I LAitK. flUflO. Md. VA.MKU Jo MJ1 A Bl KUV1K; WILL pay t cash for right kusl of route. Address, giving particulars, CASH A iv. Star office. ocl3-J# I W A.\ilO>- llliilltST I'ASH I'ltK K I'A1I< Kilt Udien' ut.d K? ui? aud ciaslrea a ca?t-ot7 clothing Mu.l ?ho? a. Adtlrevt postal and 1 will call. W. ..... I9JU in m. B.s. is j.'.toiiopr* WAN I kJJ I Oil CASH FL UMTLKE. CAIH KTS, ?tuies. oiine and store Uxtures. Ta ohtain the Le-t pii. ca Mildresa BAl M'S? t LilNll Lilt t\* t il AM.K. 3a* Utb fct. u w ocl.1 tf A'A.> iU? -A YoC.NH, ?nl NI) IfOllSK. TO uclju from ten to twelve hundr*Hl iH>nnds; will trade a mire foi tne sam?- or buy outright. Briug tne same ;a ii. W I LmjLH & S? >.N, cor. 3l!d and N m > u >v oelMl ui uft Men CAtrni to lay; all ors Muaranteed and charges reasonable; diop a iamuI. J. A. TAllUY, lUtH E st. n.w. a .v irii U v% ILL CA V voi; TO UIVK MK A call or s< imI pk^iaL I will pap< r r<a>ins up; i. Iass .*o.* oi no pay. lliAS. C. BflJ&NCK* Ilia li s?. n.e. selTJ-lHt* MA Itil i' MAM. v I WANT All. kioo> ol ud c. S. and fo:i ign stamps, and will |?ay i.U.i ? asn puce for tke-iu; will jsi> well for o?m- p.o>.f aet Mi?a; mil caii ou request. A. C. Tov\ .nsi?Np II1T I2th it. ?elS-St* T\A >11J? a U,'Vj "IN A 1*11 IVATE 1AMIL\ Foil ?u?r. .' . AdiloM fcToUAi.F, Star e. 13 ^t ?VA.MK1> l". S. lt<S!A'.K MAMIT4, IlKl'AUT UK at and rt siuuqin and < oiled Ions of C. S. a .d L&. e.gii btauip..; i..siir^t p,'ie?*H paal for pr?*of s. ,ft o> I . >. stauip>; at amps l^iugiit iiud sold. . W. Uufht'tl it-". J'? no. aie. o^ iiilit* ri.. Ii.? U?.i.f.'lL.t.lIi WILL. l'AV UlliilKST *"M-^h j. . f lor , genta' aud children s ca>t oCf cioiUiug. ?Lo? ?. die. Addnsa postal and *v|ll K. MJUNGICII, 1424 7th *t. n.w. rt'AVi?A? KuoMtf i- vri.!;i:n in bi->i mvlk BY ?kUlvd woikiaeu, $it up. New Papers just ree'd. liigiie t oatiatactlou or n?> ? harge. Also i*:ilntlng. Ui viv, piuca. F. U. NOLltl, '.VT llth at. n.w. o IJ il.i V? A *?L1> bP-~:dO ?KY PAU>~Foil nUMTtUR Atv.; entile ?ontents of bous.-a; mer ciiitutji' ?toeks a apeciMity. Call or ud>lrcsa Ai. NOl*>, aud G bla. n.w. No trasii bought, otd- ifu* WAMLO'iU> AND UPVHX MUM tare. ? arpt-ta, stores and store nxtures. feather Aci . Atklntai or call at Tilt JL'NCTiuN Ft o.siiLitri uuiak, cor. J in, k. and Aiass. ave. ?LS. OciO-tf . . glnts i all mm to cua.n at #1 a anil; eoMla, oOi.; pants aud icfcts, i*k. each; k>vnt?* nulls dv?d, ladies' dres-u?. ahawls, coats Mbl wth i wra^ai cleaned or d>.d; Work guaran t? >1. ? labin-n.d Is*a>. Send p>??tal; wagon will k4,1. L 11. l*OSEY, lllti l-*tn at. u w. w^-U't* \\ -V?- t &a> iO iULXT CHL.vP-GUOli i?i'ANIl.V111? b<?ono-tiau l biv>eie( with privilege of buying. n.t.Uer nutlU.i.g, iith ai.d F ats. n.w. oc'>-U WAllli IVAiUi cleaning. hnc.;~ A1A1N ?i'ioi^ Z**chak tW-amng and repairing. u.V. up, ? est ?..a u rial tad; *\ork guarauieed. Ill OS. ii t >\\ ? ni at. -o >.l Tin st. n.w. ?ny5-ttm* WANl'VJ> CASH PAID FOB OLD GOLD AND MLVLll OF all l*hAJKlPT10.\ 4; old and new j. ..?? !/, d- aliM M^ d, cvMiis, Kpoons, ?at? h cases. F IJ ii - W KNSTFIN, Mauuf'g Jeaeler, Gold uud S: \er ili-urn r, J*li G at., opp. patent offiee. i. ??U?A1n ? WA.\TH<Ti:y lU JIBKlt KIV'K PAINT >W. Vltll- AIJ. l.KAKa l-'Ufc? AnU <aar?v ? ulj for paiatiu*; murk <uriilw4 >AI. 1(1 UliEK HitJK I'ALM' CO., loli blb Zw irltl * FOR SALE-PIANOS. .S V;K; "akdmax i i kight caStvct - 1 13 wtitc piano; rood u mw .r.i _ ? UU b,t. l? &o4 Md"W?oT? "?-* KV'?S^ At "'iVfS'8 FOR BENT?ROOMS. Ft RMSHKO. FOR RKS'f \ KHV DE8IRAHLK SUITE OF ROOMS on parlor ftt*>r in a small family of adulr? own In* their home; ref? rcnce required. Apply to 0\VN i Jt, 1'Cs Yer'iiout atcniie n.w. It* FOR RENT H,GQAVn<T IH'RNMIKD ROOMS, with first-?-la<s Istard, with Viiginla lady. 1341 L st. n.w. 1a* Full RKNT 11jTm?!M?\IK*V( U. ROOMS AT KK dqc?l rates; 2d finer; *10; nultt* tuodaonielj fur nished: iir*?*, etc.; $2?; private family; refs. IMS MA st. n.w. ccwMb* FOR KKYT 2 LAMB. BRIGHT MTOBT looms; very to responsible parly; flrst clnMi Im..i r?l itfkt <b?or; references en 11123 lotii sr. B.V. la* FOR i:km mi iitji ST. K.V., ITK. QB T V fur., nil*** double parlors; private faintly; beat, g*s ami l*tl>; ni'ely furnished balls; suitable r> r plyltlan or specialist <* wmtM towy. la* FOR I K\T LOT M Pff7, 7 ROOMS*. INCLITHNO Mean hat niHl pa*. $50; Kul'able for housek??ep )ng. ocl.Vtf F<fit UK-NT \ U. OK t*AKT <?F 84 I 8T~N. W~ furnlslufl for housekeeping. rvlS-.Ta* FOR KKM l.'Kto l.VI'll ST. \7\v.# FURNISHED second floor communicating r???nis, with l*w?rd; all ronTHitono*; hooic <*omf??ris. o<'lii-3t* worn MBCT IMS it. I. a \ E. MT~ NKSLY MIL room on 2d tioor; no housckct ping, good Inmrd In nHghlsirhood. ocl.V3t for rkni i? h i m m n w . nicely fur nished P.d-tWr front room; furnace heat. oc13-2a* I'd; RKVT 2 FKAI'I'll I L OOMM(^K'A1TM] furnished rooms: b?;at, gn* hii?1 iuith; on lid floor; also me oa 3d tloor; single or en suit". J&KJ IJ sf. n w. - oc13-i!a* FOR REM UDI OXL1 Mf 11TH 9T. N.w . one large, nkfly furnished front room; 2d floor; heat ami light; no other nwimrs; use of piano if desired; |12 per nio.; 1h*s1. table board next door, $ir?. ? o<13 2a* RKNT 1SR M ST. N.w . 4 NKXL1 FUR nisbed rooms; rent. $10, $h and $5 per month ?.! (>: heat and light. ocl3-2a* WW RENT A larti* WELL-nfLMSHB) 2b story room. fronting south, with large, well ligh??-d closet and adjoining Oath; family private. 457 M st. n.w. ocl3-3a* KC>K KENT 1 'LEAS \ NT FVItN1Smen ~HO? >MSf~2 In room, with board, $35; smaller rooms for one, $4 per week; heat and gus; near cars and denart lili. 988 12th st. n.w. oc13-3a* Ft Ht ItKXT I?A1?V * iWNTmT UKft UOMK II AS handsomely furnlshel eomi nun tea ting 2?lstory rooms for party of x ?ntlemon ??r gentleman and wtfc; bwi Mar. im i lltk ?*?. a.w. oel3-2a* FOR IfK.n 1 ONI UKOR FRONT DOOMU CX>M pletely fitted for 1mm>>dlate u*o; small room ad joining; suitable for 3 adult:*; with board. 1330 UNb sr. n u. telMI* FOR KKNT 1336 1 1ST. N.W.. Op(?osite Fmnkllii Park. Lan?', nbely furnished rooms. ortSSt Trb-os reasonable. ' V," "KN,'' ;"l M XT. NW., IX l-KIVATF FAM "Tth".' T 1"lr",rh'.K!.H"d l"'l- " <1 ai ?l?ry rcKnus. _ I"'tr** or Jtli oixi 11th st. ears. oel3-3a* I '-c W ] mi:\. mil ? tini1 ? J.,,',- l'?n<tvime n.-wly furalshp.1 'front iT-,i t,r"i rt i" r""!n house o,-.? K!. li?-at. J wlillin 2 blocks of War cm!v " ,luU' AddrtiM IVIIITK. Star ? -?l <*"13-2a* *?hlwKfi^T N,, ,:''v tr,t- J I?'.\T RoojTiisi it: h -it ' ? '"> flr?t-, la? I,oar,I. Jriou Vt. Tl Uv''' for *?'* !"'r . -TuinJi. %r,,?r'i3.ftsi,,|Sr?!=,_ for S. nil, i?. ? ?r arutleinao " "i ,1't t-uovfulent ?? Cafltol .nj ?. cars. ? 5?r HUMWMP TWO lamb mSh or Ulturw I.?,u> an.I ImhI roo-u ?'rlt-"<' family, l-no.. $lv ,;1, ^Vu'ro'-'V * SSoIIx rv\(l HAMWtMU,Y iSS t l*ror?. ?,u, yra,?, a.m.I. '.ja/'v Jt.: r-.-m*; '"wim'Vu" SI , k"vi s*?5i v.;">r.:s: _.?*!L?t J;io^pr|?. ? " A'SU ft ""k,1.:;!:" K'l! BKNT W4 M K.W.; SMIIMT FRONT A\i? . SSUtS* Zu*n^'a*H 1v MEWK.uHi: KltViwiSTu!',,, ? ? ? ' ? 1M r month, in Tin* ll.-xn<!.?n ?? i >i-. _?&?r ,^r'1 K'l: WBVT WITH Hu.utl. T*<, I I i" u.nn . ssr arsa tr a? j .^asSHS?^i _?ule rat., to'tranV-maV^ ' ' ?om.'ff V.'.r ' prlraf.. iwiisA; ruble en "i util^l lot atl<'ri: refs. 1304 jjj ?' urKj fc?"d board near by; V:"vr ?'??ms'U' with folding ,;?<N ..ih -r.""'-? ., ro"n:: m' " n ?t V"lith """" rt'it lucvr mi iifii ? ???r13 KIMJNT K.H.MS; ? wl,?i:,i.- ?,,l?'t,|i'l^rASAN,T &gy "??? <??? <?m ^ ?5?2keJSUK2 *. nil.-.uan and v?lf,. 'prlMto^^ "r to Capitol, library ail n i. ">n%.ii|,?t 112 ?1 st li.- T? . il? . , ; "f ?-?'uariK..| ? two Uomi car. atal h?-nll.-? on .T ?ultat'f^ V|!i,U, 1N),U """Vs 'Wo a.l'.lls. ISM HtH.tpw ' Jjrtj Of Mnlfl'v 'or^to^iiVr TrVv^' V' SrnE: m.^rr.7.r,a,,r"' wu" or FOR It K.N T 723 lNTH ST v iv?V/.r^?^ Hve., opp. Bais roft; largo' bM. ffl! IiF.PA rooms, en suite or ilHr Liu, i frwnt Clli HI to, ?r ******* bat.i;^,..t?,Jt. ton it i-at 2D htoky ? \T\V(V?rrvr , ? ? " "V "? "? o<12 3 i ? Foit itk\t io oiia.vt iTatf r~,v?. ,, south front suite of rooms 2d and *^1 n " \T papere<|, p.4,?tM| an!lr?r Ufl 9"?tr^' ^ITood l^, table; refrrenre, ?f P*2T2;.iiU FV,!n,t"^Tfr.a,T f:L 'X "1, N W rMCH.V ^ aiai ^ S'C"' PgL^TrrJgg^*^'** [ "T W.W., WW a""-U" t..r?.Ul^,?.,,if.,r^r .r ?ri3 I'.lt Iti .NT IIAMJSOMU.V Vl'ltMSHKii jumiK" isairu. IJII) \eraont ?i?. orlo-tia* .I'L UKy' , Wn ,i MOAHU AT 707 |iTu kt" n.w., okely furulati.-il ad aurl 3,J?t,r,vr. rooajn; 3 ivliajowa aud larae cloj-t. ln ^ h '""" term* rea?oiuti le ??*???w uj eatn room; li>H KK.N'I I.AIUiK t)KUU.\D-im>Uy ruiUiiuiui tr& lUnR.VIHHED. FOIt UEXT- TWO I'NFritMMIL'K It<llIMS. WITH bath; suitable for light housekeeping; n<? chil dren; prb-e, N;? iH*r month. 17t>7 7tn kt. n.w.l,V3* FOR RENT I NFL ItN ISMU? FLOORS OF I AND 4 connecting rooma on 14th *t. i?et. N st. and K. I. are.; beautiful house; reasonable price to reliable parth'?. ln?|iiiro Plj? 11 st. n.w. oelTi-Oii* KOK RENT?408 12TII 8T.~N.~W., I OOirMlLVf cating rootiw, unfurnished; 2d floor; In first-class condition; bath, ht*at and light; suitable for dentist or neat party for light housekeeping. oc!3Sb* Km: ULVl A1X OF TUlltD FLOOR; 2 iauoe unfurnished rooms, with large closets; newly pa pered ami polntetl, heat, gas, bath, Arc.; house keeping permitted; rent reasonable. i*2o N n.w. oc1S-2t FOR RENT 2 I'NFFR. HOO.M8 OS 2D FLOOR, with alcore and large cloeets, in small private family, lor adults ouly; moderate teruis; ? n he' die line 1<A?? u at. n.w. * FOR RKNT THRKE BRlOHT, SUNNY UNFL'R nished rooms: second floor; private bath; within one s^uar^ of the Capitol; rent, |H.SU. 118 Car roll at., bet. 1st and 2d, II and 0 sts. a.e.oi'13-2u* FOR RENT?L'NFC RNI8H U>^X OR 4 N1CB CLEAN rooms; third floor; with heut, water and gas; suitable for light housekeeping; to adults only; central location 718 K at. n.w. oclS 3n* FOR ~RENT^r?48 Q ST. N.W.; UNFURNffiltiaS 8d floor; 4 rooms In flat or on suite of two no objection to light housekeeping to adults; con venient to 14th at. cara; private family. ocl3-3t* FOR RKNT?UNFURNISHED?8. W. COR. 10T1I and Mas?. are. n.w.; 2 large communicating 2d toov was; newly papered and tmlntsd; two eieaata; bath same floor, electric bells; refavencea. ?citti FOR RE^T?ROOMS. brtikirhiKD. FOR BF.VT INFCILMSmD-UII'IS WONT mom, with alcove Miki Eu^e pantry; 3W story: With board. jS'tu 1 mil s{. n.w. ctl3-3f FUK KKNr-tNrilKN I Skit!* HOOMH-C1 | KA1' TO permanent U-aauU; ?thioe front and two rear r?,om?; second floor, teuttally located. Apply Ulti K ?t. u.w. ? i FOR RKNT--12U# &. N.W., t, 8 OR 4 pieusaut ro- uu on qecead floor; good house and neighborhood | icUUy FOIl KK.nT -PaRTLV PCTtNISHBD *D VU* W: 3 rooms; heui, gas rind With; ltght housekeeping; cars and lieriltcs pass. 517 East Gapitoi ?t. oc 12-3b* Foil KENT -431 M ST. KM'., 4 LAKUF. KOOM*; private family; suitable for llgnt housekeeping; will (livid*; to suit; southern exposure; i.-.ige clothe* closets; baih.adjoining. oc!2-3f yon Burr-with itnilU). s uxfummmhud roo**w? ou mtoim] floor of corner liouse; also 2 furnished rooms on third floor; references ex changed. Fa. avc. ocl2-3f F*7ll itt.VT i.N rill V * l'E FA-ilLY - T WO L.AKUU unfurnished ro??ius, or partly furnished if desired; Uewly papered; hi'ge closets; bay window; no objection to light housekeeping; uo children. 308 M st n.w. Oel2-3f I Ut^lMlKU Oil l\HK\h?ibi<. HOB UMXT HJKKttHMD AXD CSWBMS?HKD iiind.>ouie alcotu rooms, on tirst, stcond and third (lows (no bouwleeping); refercn?tH. l.i-1# lvtb st. u.w. tcWk* FOB i;i .\i 1 l IIMSHf.ii A.Mi UNkliilMKIiHU n?oin>, #ltb tiKtrd; house thoroughly ivpaifcd; mw plumbing, p^per, paiul, etc.; steam heal and <<|Kii Urea. i'.*a> A s.e. wtmt* PTm h^t, rviLvttiUD ok umfi'E uisbed, with or without boaru; terms reasonable. 1014 loth Ht. u.w. __ oei3-3c* Ft>K ItE Vl~ lit >o\ IS Foil 1JU1IT IIOI'SEKEKP ing; fu.nished aid unfurnished. Inquire. betore # p.m., Ml F Ht n.w. oei3-je* rott KENT .tsi MAA AVE., PABLOM^ BED rooms, dining room, mt *ben and ?*atn, or fewer rooms; uuiuri.isued or partly furnished; refer enres. oc!3-3f Foil KENT- COKt?KAN ST., NEAK 1*TM, 3 suites of rooms, 1st, ild and 3d luwtogctuer or t>ii giy, for light Housekeeping; re is. required. Address M. Y., Star utlk-e. ocl3-3c* FOll Kls-AT?FLli. OU IM'I U., O.N SI> 1 'Iah.HL 3 rooms it lid bath; also large lul story ba?k room. IlOft 11 st. n.w. oclMc Foil KENT - Fl'ItMSlIKD OK UXFUKNLSHFO rooms, with board, at oc'J-TJc* 1111 M st. n.w. li L bl.N l.bS CJ1AJN K)It SALK-liUvCliltV AM) WtOVlSl'J.N' IU .SI ttrnH, with btiK-ic, IlxT tin's, foors*' ami wagim; uit 111 iho iK-at oruer, ai*lh> tu .(aa.l^a VV. * li' SI7 0 HI. *.c. wia-Jt* NK BAUS?AT ONCB-MNJUK AND HMUKfe ot g'oeery, meat and pro%isiou store, iu u.e.; busintss street; i>ariy iea\iug iity; t^od cuance for casn purrtias**r. M. ii. &., ?iar OiLce. WW-A* Foil SAia>?Kl\KJK OF CHINA WAUh AND Fl'Il ia lure of it rooms; g??o?l trade; retiring from bUMuess; good cnaUce to ligut party; ^?o>yO umi. Call aud juvestigaie. 210S iitb st. u.w. oci3'?it* Full KK.m - Bl Hi Wk>WfiKTY, With private resideue*-; ltiu aini y u.w.; laige plate giu?s show windows; suilui?ie for auy t?usi Ue^; store room, Xoito. Apply 1015 lytb st. Oe 13-31* ItAiUJ nriuKTlNlTl'-FOK KKXT-BUli-IMNO cont;tilling 34 rooms; centrally iocated; suitable tor boanuug bouse *?r lot renting rooms; lit-ated by steam. Will lease for term oi years at ^1(A? per mouth. jPIXNEY At lilLVOi'OAlO, 4?. 13-lUt UUi !?' It n.w. >N~ANThlI -TO III V A SAI> h7.N (>11 Ki.N 1 I?OUSE lor one. Address 1?A.\ ACAil'l i", Star office. o?13-ai ? Full SAi I. HAbUON, ii!i liWKiXINU; DOIXU go.?d cash trade; satlsJactory reasons lor st-iiiiig. L :ili at J-i Va. live. .n.w. oel."<-3t* Fuit SAI.i. fktJJ HTOKK, Wuii IIK.iL AN1? fee?l null attained; g?xKi stand for wood and coal jrsrd; ui aealtt^ ol owmr came ?C Mte; price, easy tvias. J.l .lf jAJito i). I I.MIATS, 1321 r St n.w. WAN 11.0 r:.Ul\ i<> INVbi Ft&OfiC |2,UUU TO 93,000 in a ceruiinty thai will bear t.ioiough inv 'stigation; pr<xn.-i over luo per cent. Ad dress t<?Ui'il.\iK', Star ufflce. ocl2-3t F'?i! 5aLB 3<H>-UOWE^WhU (WAlKHl OKIST and n iil, iu m ??d running oidcr, 11 acres and luiiler'a Ihkis??, <#io,t8^?; cash, nat. to suit. F. 11. OidlOOfv, Hotel ImoxIoii.* FOll SAI-K .VlloKSii: Kia-,'". M<?TOK; C<iM i'rice n??w, ^l3o. fc'. il. iiOltlHJ.N, Th?j 0??rdou, 10th and il sts. oelz 3i ? F'.K >AI.K ST I. AM mklMi A.M? CI.KA.\i.\G eHtabUsuuient. in c<'iiter of city, d ung g?M.i t.usi ness; rea>on. ow^er leaving city. For particulars address i>i?K, >'ar olBce. oc!Mil* FOK SALi: A hrst-cluss MILL rtn W. an<l O. Ft. It., 2?? miles from Washington; X-story-aud-i?Msc*ment brick and frame, engine and. boiler house brick, about Io0i30, built in a su!*stautial and worknkinilkc ujiiiiii-r, n i i t*<l with loo ii,?rs'-ir.w er S<-ot?-h |.?,j i?t, cajiaMe of carryiug* l.u i:?s. sieatn-working press ure, with Ken*iDgwn atvr,- Worthiugton pump, Inj'ctor and all llttlnjts for a , flrst-ciass outfit; \ alley iron works triaiferte ralve high-fSpeed 4,s? II.-P.* engine, doii!>le fly wh . Is, ail gearnl aini in gtxrfl order to line shall; Cyclone pulverizer, Klake crusher, shafting, bens, elevator* (chain), Eurcku pa i kers.ail iu lirst-class coisliliiai; couipiete black smith emlit and all uec.usny t?Mils; a 2-ator> brick stable, to bold 1?? hom-s. mid about 2 acres land; U.K. siding to d<??>r of mill, l'arties retiring from business offer this mill at a low price; a bargain to any one in waut. il. It. H., Taylor, l.arford county. Aid. oct?-Gt* OFFICIAL NOTICEa OFFICE OF TUB CX1H.M ISSION KIW OF TBB Dis trict <,f Odumbia, WHshlngtt'ii, OiMober 13, 1?'.?4.? To whom it may concern: Application having been made to tlie Commissioners ol the l>istrict of Co lumbia that a street and alley be opened lu Square 6i?, In the city of Washington, the Com missioners will b'>id a session at their office at I'LKVKN O'CLOCK A.M.. on TIT-SHAY, THE TWENTY-TH1KO INSTANT, to bear any state ments that may I*- made tor or again-t said pro p^.-d op. rdmr . JOHN W. Hoss. GE? ?K<?E Till ES L)ELL, CHAltUES F. POWELL, Coiumlf?j?loners, D. C. o<T3-3t LOST AND FOUND. kou yau .\I;i k tkia.nule, vt. AVE .it and 12th sts., running l>s?% 134 ft. on 12th St.; 7-room house aud bath*; large drug store; cellar; extra wide terrace and parking: cheap at $2f?,0U0; will take $2o,000 if sold at u&ce. Address C. K., Star office. oe8-12t LOST SUNDAY EVENING, A IHAMOND FOI K leaf clover stick pin. Reward if rclurued to 1)19 M st. n.w. If L??ST ON 14TH KT. OAK HA IT" It DAY, BET. 3 and 4 o'clwk, i pcs*ket l?o??k. A liberal re wind to tinder If left at is I? loth st. H* LOST SATI'KDAY, A DAitK HKINDLR AM) white bull pup; had on bell collar and tag. No. 4sii?. Liberal reward if returned to M. E. UlED I.LK. ill7 1-a. ave. n.w. If i.os-r MATritDAY MilllNINO. OCl'OltKIt IS. niuall lilatk ami ?Utte il 'K. with name "Bronto" (iu collar. LIIktuI reward If returued to U23 Miua. ?v?. li.w. It' 1/iST SUNDAY EVENING, ON M ST. BETWEEN lull ami loth, or loth from M to K, four leaf clovi-r iiln, with itiani<?><i reuti-r. itewani If re turned to Ul>J. T. tX>\. 1 Ul F at. u.w., east liaaeuieDt. U* | LOST ~NOTE - AI.I, PERSONS ARE WARNED ' amilnst iiurihaains or nexotlatinx a jiroinlnaory note niaile by Ttiomas Hfm. pujahle. 3 year* after date, to the order of Sallle B. Ash. dated August 7. for the suiu of *!,.'?<*>. secured bjr a deed of frust on lot 12. ?.|, 1WS8. In the city of Wa^MllK'on. D. C. Tills note has not been In dorsed l>v the payee thereof. If found, please return to 1 238 North Capitol ?t. PAIXIB B. ASH. ocl3-8t? I i7>S-t A SMAl.l. Bl-ACK AND TAN MAIJS PlIF. Iletttrn to V. I'. MU.LS, tiOM 11 gt. n.e., and re ceive reward. oct3-3t* T.oS'r ON TIU'USDAY EVEN1NU. A FOX Tk.ll rler nun. RlJ months old: female; duff tag number 23f2. *5 reward If returned to 1&25 Ititb st. w. ocl2-3t i osr ~oer. T.~ smau, bi.m k aud TAM ixxj (mtlef answeta to name "Jack;" lad collar and ta? No. 606. Reward oo return to 110 U ?t. s.e. c.I2 3t? PERSONAL. IT IS NOT NBFBSSaRY TO CARRY AN UN ftehtly bundle t rou*l> the streets. We call in our carriage and pay you bl* cash eichuage for auv amount of Keotn' tltacardod esrmeuts. Write for us. JUSTU S OIJ> STAND. G19 I> st. cs l5 WILLIAMS'"VuTilOUIZED hU?*M |f tV-tive aaiucf - Couudcutial cotnmunliatlou prompt 1 j attended to; olUce open all hour,; t>e?t ref?. eilAS. t. kU.NKti. Supi.. UJU ? at u.w. alO-lm* [ 1 OWL SEHVIi E EXAMINATION QTESTION8 AND answers. Send Itw. to R. W, FLYNN, A.M.. IVY LNsnITl'Tfc Bisinbw COU.EOE, ocl-lm* 8.W. (^-R. ?TH AND K SfW. N.W. i PITMAN-ORAHAM^HORmAND TALGUT Pi 6 mouths; dictations of spevlal and general mat ter. 4 to &. < to "lUb DUILLERY." 604 11th st. n.w. . . ae24-tf WATCH REPAIRV?1, B <MR SIKJIaLTY; clo>ks called for and delivered: wat-h cleaned, tl: mainspring. 75>- ; crystal*. 10c.; all ?ork cuarauteed. A. KAHN, 935 F St. o.w. ael3-tf PROPOSALS. FKOI-OMALS Ft>R SIU'FLIES FOR THE NAVY yard. Washlugtoo. D. C., October 1. I?u4.- Sealed proposals, ludorseil l'n^ioMils for Supplies for the Navy Yard. Washington. D. C., to lie openeit October 16. 18W," will be recelied at ths bureau of supplies milt aecouuts. Navy Department, Wash ington: I>. <?., until TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, OCTOBER SIXTEENTH. ltfl>4. and publicly ojient^i lu mediate!' thereafter, to furnish at the nary yard, WaK.nngton, D. C? fonr Planing Machines; also a quantity of Steel. Hardware, Lamber, Alco hol and Tools. The article* must conform to the navy standard and pass the usual taval tnspwtloo. Blank proposals will he furnUhed upon spplp-atfon to the navy jard. Washington, D. C. The atten tion or manufacturers and dealers la Invited. Tie Idds,' all other things being equal, decided by lot. The department reserve* the right to waive de fects or to rehx't any or all bill* not deemed ad vi utageous tl. tlie government. EDWIN STEWART, Paymaster Oeiacrml. C. S. N. oefV-2aw^w "PROPOSAl.s WILL BE RECEIVED UNTTL OC TORER THIRTY-FIRST, 1WM, AT NOON, for Physical Apparatus, Cltealiala snd a uanakin. The right to reject any and all blda Is naerved. J. K. RANKIN, President Howard I'nlrerslty. FOR RENT?FLATS. IT>R RENT- TN "THE HARRISON," orm. nn AND G ats. n.w., pbaaunt room* ami ai?artmcnts; also will b? rctd.r shoot Nov. I. In the fire-proof sec tion, a targe Bomber new apartment*. secure from f're and with abundant light. 11ARVBY SPALDLNG. ?cS-la 1 OR EEMT?OFFICES. FOR KENT?TWO V AM a Hi* ON 1ST FLOOR; suitable far offices or any kind of business. At ?ft L at. a.w. neUM* ^FOK EICVT-OrrTrE?- , oo r IV, several rs. 1421 F at nw, first tiul 7th u?i, iat n.$50.00 floor $*3.&t 521 14th at nw, tie 1423 F nvr, rm 1, slrablc office 42.00 lirat 0oar. 80.00 SE cor 12th ami F 1411 F at nw, en- nw, 2r, 2d floor. .40.00 tiro building 175.00 1420 l*a ave,2d U..40.00 1324 F at uw, en- 1431 Pa ave (upper tire basement... .70.0^ parti 50.00 517 14th nw 0K.5O SW c*.r Uth * Ur.< ?K> Globe bltlg 1 large rm. 1221 I'm ave, 2d J..25.'JO SE cor Uth and V 621 11th at, 2d ti. .25.UU sts nw, 4r, entire 605-7 7th, several ra. 3d fl?K>r 60.00 1213 F w-rsl ra Ptt a? and 11th nw, 1417 G nw,s??vtml ra ?^<TCV? 55.00 1421 F uw, several 121o ra ave nw, 2d 1 fin?- oflbes and Ikl 11*aim 60.00 1423 F nw, aereral 510 14th at uw 65.40. flu- utt-ea S.W. cofoer 11th and E sts., several room*. THUS. J. FISH EH A CO., sc20 tr 1324 F at. n.w. FOR KKVr-40 OFFICE KOOMS AND HALL& with light, heat and ah iot?J?-rrj conveniences. BLUS BUILDING, 35, 37 and 30 I* at. n vr., opposite Capitol. Flour^plans up??o application. a?'i i -3Ui* FOll RENT?STORKS, Foil KENT A NICE STORE ROOM AND CEL lar, 425 i?th at. n.w.; Hiiitalde for any <-b-an businev*; good location; rent low. B. H. WAR NKR ? CXI.. Ml K at. KlW FOR RENT-SToRKS- 1421 F nw (w lwae ti.75 733 7th nw $*2.33 1730 I'a ave nw...37.5U 1411 F at nw n" <?> 7Ho 17th at nw 30.0O 1214 F at nw 150.00 S24 12th nw, store.25.oo 521 11th at nw (23 I IMJ2 11th at nw lo.'ai *53; $00 per in** Uso4 11th st nw 15.00 Til OS. J. FISHER Ac CO.. oclS'tr 1324 F at. n.w. F.?R KENT STORE V*.V? 1' ST N.W. APPLY C. T. HA VENN Ell, Rooms 0 and 11, Atlantic building. oc12-3f Foil RENT-Si ORES. 1S2I 14th uw 40 922 0th nw $15.50 1330 H ne, Sr 32.5o Ooft-bih uw 40.00 1530 Levis ne. 7r.. 12.50 920 0th nw 40.00 737 0th i-w 35.00 od^M SWORMHIBDT ?v BRADLEY. BP l FOR KENT ?STORE CORNER OF fcTH AND EaST Capitol sts., with dwelling ai?ove; splendid loca t lota for drag store. inquire of FttANK T. BROWNING, 416 6th St. U.W. J*25-tf ^ FOR RENT?STABLES. FOR RENT-STABLES? ?2, 1*5. I?e! O Mod 1212 10th nw <rear>..$45 F. 15iu ai.d ltiiu...25 Ret 17th and 1Mb ata ,5, aq 1:?5, Oei o and nw, K aud L *ts....45 1*, 15tn and ICtw...25 1441 It I av uw,r*r.42.5i? 3, sq li?5, bet o and 1214 10th nw (rear). ...*?5 P. l^tu and ltitii...25 141H I st nw (rear).. .35 1319 L st nw trear|...20 2, s-j 6t?, bet 2iat, 1 13ol K st nw (rear)...20 Max- ave & l'ia ave.25; 1324 N Y av nw ^r'r>..15 1, s?i 66, bet 21st, 1121 14th at nw jr*r?.)5 Mass ave ?<: Fia ave.30 4, ag 66,Maaa a\&JlM.2o S, si 06, t?et 21st, lat aud li ats, W 6l Mass ave & Fia ave.25 U H K s I aides ? TllOS. J. FIS11EK & CO., ocl3-tr 1.124 F at. n.w. vob Sent stablest ^23 d sr. n.w.. iV guire 926Va La. ave a?-24-ltn F() 11 I{ 1: NT-MI8CELL \ NIA U s FOR KENT PARTY CIVINO LP HOt SFKEEi' iag will rest handsome npright plsas to ??arefnl faiviily for $1 p<-r n.outh; piano iti u?kmI <-ond'.t K?n; ?tool included. Address Una 58, Bur riB?v.oU4t Foil Ub.M HEN.iNv. ION lVF^WIUiE?taf it tli^ KEMINCTON OF ICE; mtvderu 'UaeUi'ie; per fect condition guaranteed, witii stand; d? tivered free n *l'v; one Rwnta applie?. on purcuaaw oi Bew when dlre< tly following rental. V\ ICKOFF Si>A.0A.\f? A ilENEDKTF, nlU-tf Cor Mth atul V ma n w BOA1 UHNtt FOR RENT Vb El V AM? NEWLY I TRMSllEIt roouiH on se<-on l and third tio? :s: ;?Uo a;ood taole I*oard; ref. et.; New Eu^luud cooking. ll#3 li H. u?*15-3i* TttANiilENK AWtMNODATKD ~ WII li iKtaul aud plcav.uit riouu* at 11 a day; taar .'apitol und two lin?*s of ea'o, |Hrn?anent l?.?a:d ? v h?s rates. 231 M;.-- n.e. FIRST-CLASS 'I'A RLE ROAitl* AT 1220 O Si7. n.?v.; uIm? large b:iy-window ft??sit roo i, fur ntsbed, with lent im snn. nrlT-2t* RENT ^PLEASANT"ROOMS, WITH BOAluT iu private family; best of references rc?iufr?t|. I404 16th st. n.w. oelO-c.a* {620 15TH r^i. FI ROT-CLASS BOARD; U AN19 soin?'ly fur. 2d tlo .r south-fiont rtiom, with b.t,\ window; hall r?*oxn, 3*1 flot^r, aud, Nov. 1, lnr<?? utiinr. east-front rn?ii. acl^ft* WAN rffi ? GEVi LEMEN BOARDERS; PrT\ \ 1 E family; ni'-?*ly furnish-d rt??i?s-*; prr.ate i.atb ajitl balls; eaide ? jus j?ass d<?#r; t?p!endid h* at'on; i/< li.w. section; $20 jn r uio. Address S. L. A., Star I ? . ?s l2 3t * TO OLTAIN BEAiniFl L BOOMS AND F1BST lass table board, apply at HIE AFRI'KN, Pa. ave. nt'd 22'1 ft. n.w., which hrts undergone thor ough renovation, uud is under new ntanagetuent. oc0 6t* W. W. WAKFIEUJ, Prop. FX) 11 SAL0LMI8( J -LEAN ?C) US I'Oll Fl RNTSIUNOS OF 6-R?m?M II ?t Si'. ptrior, dining r?n?iu, l?ed rootn and kitchen tnini tnre; carpets, draperies, etr. Also carriai-c. har ness, roUs uial stable fixings, nearly i?ew; par ties leaving city. tJall until Thursday 35 R st. n.w. idUP FOR SALE RATHER THAN RLN THE RISK OF shipping my Fiwher pi:tno west will ?'?s|?om' t#f ha mo to nspouhible party for $<>;>; $5 do^u; $;> monthly; cost $30o new; batalsouie ruoenuud case; richly carved; In perfect condition; sto>?l nisi embroid?'red csver Included, l'lease a<ldr?si Itamedftately i >< >x UMf SUr utter. atll FOB SALE |SM, BEAI T1FI L GRAND UIHKiMI piano, usevl 3 m<?utha; first-* lass make; 3 |K-tlals RtnJ ail the latest Improvements. $135. Warrants 7 years. 1742V** Tti? at. n.w. ocl3-3t* Ft ?R SALE-A FINE 7-t>T. Gil AND LPltlOllT piano; 3 full unis<?us; ouiy $75. To be seen at IM K st. n.w.. betKM 3 and 5 p.m. ocl2-3t* FOR SALE - CUKAI'?1 ? H.-P. Ituul sontal, Taylor Mfg. Co., <ngine; 1 OO-horstvpower 12*20 horizontal Atlas engine; also 1 ftVlmnif power 11*16 Buckeye automatic engine, and 1 12x20 60-borse-power Frick upright engine; ail as g<?>d as new. Address REL'TER & MAIJ^oKY, 22 Light at., Baltimore, Md. 6clO-eo3l FOR SALE ? tJil EAP?ONE COMFLETE % STEAM laundrv outfit, with or wlthoat tKilter aud engine. Addrt s* RE ITEU 6i MALLORY, 22 L?gnt m., Baltimore, Md. oelo-eoSt FOR SALE^TllE DANGLER GAS RADIATORS. The iuimrna*.' demand iaai season fully demou nt rates that any rtsirn can be heattnl in 15 min utes at small expense; dirt, ashes and coal avoided; few soiled ones at discount of 20 per cent. NATIONAL CAS RADIATOR CO., 817 l'euu. ave. s.e. Send for catalogue. oclO-ltn FOR SAI?? FANCY I'P EONS AND POt'LTRY, goldfishes, aquariums, t.nging canaries, mo<-kiug birds, monkeys, parrots, Angora and Maltese kit t?*ns, rabbits' nod Cuineu pigs, etc. SCUMID'S BIRD STORES, 1221 Pa. a\e., aud 712 12th st. n.w. oe?-3u? FOR SAIJH -FOR TIIIS WEEK ONLY?4,'LT THIS advertisement out and bring it with you to se cure lo per cent discount on all purthaaes. I will lay g(M?ds aside for tho holidays by leaving a small deposit. It will pay you to buy now. A. KAllN, 1*35 F st. n.w. au7-3m FOR SAEE-LOl'.M:E, $2.50; COOK STOVES. $5;" oak desk, $5; $1 per Week for !*?d room and par lor sult<s; low prices. Call REDMOND'S CHEAP CASH AND TIME HOI SE. 813 7th st. nw.uiy4-tr FOR 8ALR?"OTTO" GAS ENGINES. BOTH liEW and s<ioud-hand; any size. Send for circular or call on nl2-tr D. BAELAI'F. Agt.. 731 7th st n w HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE FROM VIRGINIA?AT SACRIFICE -A couple of roan horses; 1,200 pounds; sound; work anywhere, or will exchange for sore horses, terms to suit. STABLES, rear 912 F st. ocll-4t? FOR SALE- A GOOD HORSE, HARNQ8 AND Dayton wagon, cheap. Call, 2H feth at. n.e. ol3-3* WANTED CARRIACE AND IIORSL FOR jp* the b?-si coupe, carriage or Jagger that $40 will buy; n ?.st b> great bargain; might buy gentle horse and harness tor $40 If \cry cheap; total. $&o; Immediately. ocl3-2t? W. E. P., 916 8th at. n.w. FOR SALE-4 HEAVY DRAFT HORSES; SLTT nble for farm or cart w<irk. NATIONAL CAPITAL BREWING CO., ocl3-2t* D st. bet. 13th and 14th ats. s.e. FOR SAIJ&- St'RREY AND HARNESS; ALMOST ucw; high back; cost $250: now $125. Call at TYLER'S LIVERY STABLE, 422 Sth st. n.w 0.12 3t# FOB SAI.B?FOB LADY OR GENTLEMAN, young bay trotter; i?erfectly broken; single or double; standard; gentle, fast, fearless, beauti ful, sound; bred by owner; ready for use. Refer to Gen. J. A. Smith, navy yard; S. H. Bouck, Ivy City track. Address C. G. WATERS, c.?r niantown, Md. ocl0-6t JUST A R RIVED FROM LEXINGTON] kY., 25 head of fine hotses; not afraid of electric or cable cars; 1 pair of bay horses, 16 hands one Inch I high; 1 pair of brown horses. 16 hands; 1 pair of 1 bla?*ks. 16 hands high; 4 coupe horses, 10 driving horsea; 1 bay, can trot a mile in 2.40; 1 tirown, 1 can trot In 2.50; 1 brown mare, can trot mile in , 2.60; 1 bay mare, tan pace mile In 2.60; 2 com bination saddle horses. All to be seen at JOHN SIMMONS' STABLE, 1210 Ohio avn., D.C. oclO 2w FOB SALE-M> WAGONS, CARRIAGES AND buggl?*s at cost fir cash: open Tuesday and Thursday nights, 6:30 to 8 o'clock. COOK A JARBOE, 32$5 M St., W. Washington. oc3-3m FOB BALE-WAGONS, WAGONS, WAGON'S. " . Largest stock in the city. Wagon to suit every kind of business. Largs bargain for cash. 1 JAS. K. PROBEY. T>bwe So. 22ft. (sel6 1?n) 1230 32d sL FOR SALEU BICYCLEa FOU SALE-A GRRAT BABUAIN?FLVE VICTt IB, 'U3 tuodel; ranpl?te sod In beat condUtou; onli >TO o?h. MA?J. HOP E ?t. ?.w. (tt?i?liilr,>.wll (?OB 8ALE-MW 88 CAPITAL*; PNEUMATICS; n*ii,i rrs. wKk Mt! fall/ innMNf AJ ....... t ??? ??? 1 ihu/ miuieca. AJ ? lta X. *. tn ??>, Hl U FOR RENT?HOUSES. F<?K HENT NO. 1S1? K *r.; LOCATION I'NM'K 30 rumu,,? ?.rtok *tat>l? Id rear; nui ?mm Mr. FJTrSi&ttvT V&ST |Fmt kkvr air uissoiiti am:, n ? m i,, | II IBM. part mi. $35. Aim 44 I. ?t. o w.; m.t.- ? Dxnw: rr?t. (IV*) Awli bWOitM-SlKDr * KHAIK.K). oclS-ln* ? ' . FOB KKNT-UNFURNISHED. I*w 12th .t n?r.2?'t.m -a ISM ?. n* '.Or *4.1 1707 N Y ?ve n?r.22r.lNM 1119 10th *t nw, lur .C 1 fftupont Cirri*. l.V.15o 7UH M <*t nw, 8r 45 17*5 \ H are nw. 14.130 517 lis are nw. 12r 45 1212 K *t nw. 12r 115 1005 Oth nw. 9r 4O.50 J4.12 Pinney *f nw, 24?* 1 *th *t nw. 9r...40 l-v lot* 2412 14th st nw. Or...4O 17?r? 21*t nw, l^r... l?si 1331 i ??re??ran at. $r...4?* 131S L st nw, llr . .!?>? S?nl li ?t nw. *?r 40 9 2 X \ av nw.!9r.26.85 T *? i Stoa#tilon uw Qr. V) 1325 F nw.2d*3d Ss...7.?v 1514 <.,b ?t nw. ttr ..85 17-2 S at nu. I3r 2^5 K it ih*. t)r 3% 144H X fit nw. I2r 7% 12??* Uth nw. fir. . .25 5o 5<??: K st nw. llr ;& uui h 1 avo i?w.i*r 2-*. 4?> SHOO If Hirer ave Bw, 1 496 HI avr nw. pr..25 12r 75 15X7 V at nw. fcr 25 510 0rh nw. I Or 7*. ?526 20th st nw. Pr...25 7'2 131 ?i st iiw, 12r ..70 HW* l?th *t nw. ir. 25 2023 HJIyer pi. H>r. ..70 I?"?24 S?ih st i,w. Or 25 **: 17th nw ttlu'i,4rAt>03 1491 II st nw. I8r.160 07 Ij21 2otn st aw. I0r..65 1328 X II n\e nw,fr22.Sii 1513 Q Kt nw. 1 ??r O.V CM K ?t ne. t?r 1? 405 llth vt nw. 2r....6."> 720 17th nw. flat, 4r..I>? 1*42 X V ave nw. 12r. .60 422 5th st ne. 7r. .18.80 1**13 20th st nw. lOr . ,0o 2406 15th nw. >?r iH 1110 M *<t iiw. Kj- 1 i20 l't EiC nw, flat. 15 25<*? 14tli M nw. 212 l?t st sw. fir 14 l?25 14 ?t. l?r V. ? 1st ?t nw. Or 14 17is (Vr(s>nn nw, 10r.55 1H17 14Tli nw,r'r,5r. 1154 17th nw, tWr... .Y? <iii5 I'oQyrujr *t. 4r.12.5t? 1515 (? n't. fr Q>i In n*ur t?f 1225 i'<<iiu 2024 IIT71\t*r *v#?. 12i.0<> i?v.s??o?al 1815 13th st nw. 12r. .<*i 220 1st st iw, 6r. 15 1 ??1 Mrtn^'lr ?n st. 12r..0l> .'?17 N J are m\ 7r....l5 l?fl It -t nw. llr R5 22^ 1st ?t *w. Or. 15 1712 llth nw i2*t*M*r.!V> 111?* an J 1112 C pt nw. 1N?4 S *t nw. '.?f U\ cDtltv tmlldinc. 806 I7ih nw ?,4r. .5o Ci? vir i imr, Cuttl|? 1523 U st pw. <ir. . .50.50 Xo. 10. 4r 10 :ni N \ a\,. nw. ?r.4?? 1512 M ?t nw, Sr 6 0^5 T nw. 8r 45 FI'K? 18HKD. M n^ar l^th nw.14r.$5d? Mua *r n*r 16th nw. K ii? Hr 12th nw. 1>*f.:Hit? i5r 225 F st ur 21st nw, i;ir.2U0 Cor 20th and y nw. Msss m-v n't l?ui^?ii \2r .. 2?i^.53 Or. ISr 900 N II nv j;??1 ONtordfi N II ate n'r S nw. ?t, |3r I?i?;.?7 U* I0?; 67 M ??> In'Mtui H:.12r 150 I st n.-ar llnh nw. 14iI50 X t'ai# n'r It. 2*>l? liallycr |?l, l??r..!50 O n'r 20th nw. UW...125 So?>ft o!?:io. Ihi 2jO s n'r 10th n*r. Or ... 75 M u*r 'Ihtiinia rir.l5r2TiO M?I ar n'r 2?1 n?-.10r.. .5o Q uw i?*r '"la ure. IJtlVi The ahi>re ts ??nlj- a (mrrlnl list of th* nroi^rt'^w In wr haisls. For lUitt Bullftio, oi?n*itnliuc full <2<*Nrri|)tlon. l?su(il vr^tly atul ?-mu I* imd iiimki ap 1?; ittiun u. Xlio.MAS J. KW11CK ft t*r. ocl5 m.w4ftf 1.124 F at. FOtt RLNT r.v j??iix n wioiit, 1410 o ftr. Huntington f?la<-o, 10r an<l atat?lo $110 00 2t*<5 IJilijrfr (dace, fur., lur. and t*ath luft.oo 14*<I L tit. n.w., furnl-ht-d 1?M*? llli l<?t M. n.??.. ?#pp. <Japitul. 12r. on?1 t?asv. JKJ.tW 100 15 hi. u.v., <?|*|?. Caiillul, llr. attd t?aih.. tor. 17th and S n.w.. L3r. awl Uath, new... H0.??i 2117 O at.. 12r. an?l l?ath. n?*w 65 oil 2115 O st., 12r. mihI l-ath. n**w 65.?io :.:n M sr. n.w., lor. and l.atb ftS.ttl 154.1 (3olunihia st.. 7r. and 1?ath 25.?> 12th and U n.w.. .Id floor, 3 na?m* 2??.00 Lni^ fct??re ??Uil otlivo ruutus. 702 9th at. n.w., o|?|?. patent suitable for eaf?* and b?iardinir house 125.00 Offlcp rrsMna, '.Ul floor, 0th and ii n.w.$12 to 15.0t? A tin?? unite ?-f <?tti'-.. nn ins. uialn floor. Amen tu?thliu?;. 1410-1412 <i at HO.00 It F??K UfiAT I XFl UMMIFli. M0 C<?in five $125 H45 Cmi ami at 45 2'i Io?v i .-ir. le 125 1421 2f??h st. 48 ortl<e *. M/ii ?? at tS2.? 2 Fayette terraee 2?? 17"* ll?!ti ht 50 4<?* and 4lO 7th s?*.18.5o 1202 g at 55 1706 and 1712 4th at.17 2*?24 N at 56 527 lith at ?* IH 1826 iith st 5<? 533 llth st ae 16 1417 20th *t 45 m cmsii ed. Si-ott elr?*le l>?wa elrole....... .208.35 ltl*in?? Maur*i??n. Duo Iowa clrele 2??) flnl.' h-t; .It M;t*n :?v?? near 16ih...2"0 Utf.ty tte k. i j a re. ..OOi.tfl M<*I*herw?n Kqimre.. ...175 K ??t* near 10th 025 Conn av nr Far Aj.160.00 It 1 and Con ave*.583.33 15th st n.'Str Iv 150 Mass av<> mar 18tl?410.0?l Vt ave ur low a llr...125 4'onn .?v nr )>up(,ir^3.3'i VJlh at n>?;tr It 1<<0 10th vf and <'orroratl.?o0 I- near 14th 1??? K st near 10th .250 It st n*-ir 14th 8?? Aiao u tarsw Itat ?jf d*>airabie furnlMh?*d hcNi??a. FI'ICU. FOX A HltOWX. oi*15! 14<*0 C at. n.w. Foil UtX'i XK'EI.Y FI KXIS: | Kl? 12 H? h ?m hoaj-e on loth st. n?*nr Oii|?'tit t'ircle; 2 t*attis. o-15 3t THWI. A I1AUIMX4S. 1264 G at. VOU IUD I FL'HXI ItB) "v?'. OT THE XtGBRT hoii..?-s in Mt. Tiea^ant; 12 io<?iiia; stat ic iu nar; mod iuijts.; lar^r** y ml. oel5-2t TUlsXl. A. IIARWXO. 1304 Q at. tVU KKNT 1111 K NT. X.W.; lo K?(U\ftl$; H1XL locati-U; aoutn?rn ti injure; larg** *ard to alley; rent U?w. lt? t.u4e of art.vtit, l-i3 K. st. o?-4 1-t* rOK KKNT I" POM I Utt LB tXD Ml ltk.V, Very desirai le cornet i> ?t'?ry and i?aseui *nt lirlea dwHhiu;, c<nil.itiiiii|{ 12 room* and l>ath; funtiiee. raxiu<. o|*-n grat?*s; all cuu\enieiMyi aial liuproieiueuts. hoaM* ui? ?dy iiiu^tied aud lu k<mm1 $l,5<to jn-f u;tuaui. ilio.MAS J. FlMltU U CO., 1324 F Bt. n.w. o?'15-3t fOtt ltKNT A LAKliS, TllOltol <;HLY AND hai;ds<>ia?-ly fnrni>htd house ou li at. .tear Farra t;ut a?4. i?y j ear cr o< i5 3t It. 11. llOltFttTSOX, 1410 (} ^t. ftfXNK Ki . N I LA 111 OOIXU IXTit OmtV H'Ol'li) rent boiiM.' eefltrally l<Mrated; ra) o- eui' ints of roouia will r? main if ta??'U try Xov. 1. Addresa, f??r ?ne week. Hoi 50. > olflcc. oel5-3t# fuSTkkvt a nlneTkoum iikick iioi'sis wrni luodem iiupntvtuutes, on M (tear 5th ??t. n.w.; rert. $35; L*y at U>/0 O.h n.w. ??*15 3t tOIt KEXT- HY BAItVBS k WKAVKR, 020 F ST. X.W. 423 K st. n.w.. 13 <?om3. m.t $40 r?0 022 22<1 St. n.w., 8r.. ut.l 35.50 -i2 Maple ave., L* l?. I'ark, 8 rooms, m l,., 35.50 .'<??7 Maple ave., I,. Ii. I'ark. 8 rooms, m.t... 35.5?? 02?i 22<I st. n.w.. Sr., m.l E2.74J 2114 O st. n.w.. h rooma, m.t ... 3??.r?o 501 S)?niee nt.t L. D. I'ark, 0 rooms, m l.... 3ii.Su 15J2 and 1524 5th st. u.w., b rooms, m.l.... &0.50 051 2d at. u.e., 5 roi?ms, m.l 3o.r?<i 653 S. C. IVC. 0 ??.. 7 MMMi MLl L'.' .r^i 1518 and 1520 5th st. n.w., b roorat, Ui.I.... 25.50 227 13th st. s.w.. 8 rooms, m.l 25.50 353 aisl 335 Spruce at.. L* D. l*^rk. Sr., m.t. 23ami 4?t;< II at. n.e., 7 ro??ms. m.l 22.fH) 117 Carrol) st. a.c., 6 room^, m.l 2n.3<> 411 lsi at. n e., 8r., m.l 2n.?m 3.W Spruce at., L. I>. Park. 6 rooms, m.l 18.50 71 L st. n.w., 6 rooms, m.l 18.90 420 Kim st.. L. I>. Park. 6 rooms, m.l 17.??0 32s Spruee *t., L. I>. Park, 6 n*>ms, m.l 10.90 510 Tenu. ave. n.e., 0 rooms, m.l 16.90 1 35 ?:hI 1237 K st. s.e.. Or, m.l 12.50 1127 iia. ave. s.e.. Or., water arxl aewer.... 10.00 1017-1019 and 1023 13th st s.e.. Or., w lo.OO It Fi?R RKVT- 12022 I st. 5r $10.50 13<H Is st. lor $05 oo 1-417 |'nh?n ct, 4r . 10.30 13?W L *t, I Or 05.00 7?i ItlMi st ne. 4r...7 00 1102 13th st. lor...?M*> 728 10th s? ne. 4r.. .7.00 8 4 X II ave, 8r...15.r?0 Sia r'r 1414 11 st..l5.?a^ 2016 I st. 5r 12.50 Sta r'r Cor Art <*al. 12.50 JAMES M. GUKRX, orl.VJt 711 14th st. F??lt KEVT-HY R O. HOLTZMA*. RKAL tate and Insnraiee Broker, loth and F sta a.w. UXFL'RXISHKD HOI'SES. 1432 R. I7r and sta.$M 1027 !5tb at. f?r $5.50 2^ 15?4 ?t. l*r. Sli...l9(i 2140 Pa nve. llr 35 23 15>?j, st. I5r. 20.183 75 1617 Marioo nw, 7r.lU 3<> 2118 O. 10r %.125 fi.0 JHk n#. 7r 28 741 13th nw 10r 7^ 2210 fl. 7r 27 0r>3 F nw. 12r 75 T.I* II, 7r 27 711 llfh aw. lor 65 22o D nw. 8r 25 03 609 12th nw. lOr 00 73? Oth nw. 7r $5 50 lOlt Md a?e. OrAsto ??> OoO 7th nw. 7r 29 IJMh. lOr 55 nth aw. Tr...22 50 1?'?43 loth. I2r V)W 11th ?w. 7r....22.50 20-SI P. lOr ?WV 1237 l>th nw. 7r ?? VI 431 7th nw. 12r ......50 "11 'nn ne, 7r... ...22,ftO M3 13th nw, lOr 50 fin5 Oth ne. 7r 22.50 1716 Oth nw. lOr 50 8 M ne, Ir 20 50 1712 Oth nw. lOr. VI 235 4?A sw. 7r 20 40 71! I? nw. Or 15 '421 Oth nw, 8r 18 519 2d nw. lOr 42 V) St l? fr.*es. Or 10.40 517 2d nw, lOr 42.5*1 422\& llth sw. Or... 15..35 1146 Q. Hp . 40 50 1.V?0 15th nw. 6r 15 12 4th ?e, lor 40 >53 C sw. 5,-... ... 14 1340 RIk^s. 8r 40 41* A ae. Or 12 1219 Pla nv, 6r&stor* ?0 l?lo ISt'i, Or 12 1453 W. 7r... VI ??* ?e?| f?rh ?#, 4r lo 90 FURNISHED HOim K snd 10th. lOr sin| ? 7tb N.24r.9f?.416 60 stable, per sn... $7,500 F ma. 20th. llrAsta. .3oo K ?od 15th. 17r and S and 19th, I5r 250 stalde, per an. . .5.000 U ne^r 31st. 14r 175 Mtt'll elr. 13rAata.5.00iJ Q near 22?t I4r. 21?..1VI 1 near 17th. 15r and Vt see near P. I>r 125 statd<?. \m t an 3,600 2d m?sr A ne. llr 60 H I ave near 16th, S near 13th. 6:Atsta. G5 12r.4h.per unnutu..2 4irf> t.irayotte so. I9r.2tl.200 ^ OFFICES. Kierant moms Is ??Sun" Desirable moms. "At bnlld?nc. tire proof, from lantle Caist Line hnlld $20 to $100 eaeh. In*.'* all front and fire 47<> \m av.froin $10 to 15 proof, from $10 U $35 ?*9 F at 5 eaeh. _ STORES. 10^6 Coon nve $73 741 13th nw. lOr T5 iota Conn nve 75 214 Otl* nw 50 J024 Conn are 75 1017 Md ar#. 6r 61 !25 JEon? 1219 -*0 1020 Conn are 75 .V>5 G nw 20.40 8TARf.ES. 1014 R I nve <r*art. ..$30, l??t 14. 247...15 15ni1 lw lmi,i 2 m M trmr> >o 1028 Ifflm iff (fur*. 25 orl?! R. Q. HOl.rZMAN. loth find F ,t>. o.w. Foil KE*T?BY OBi r PABKi 1410 u S~ FVttXlSHEn. ITS M st. 15r*h.. *J00| l?I llth iw. ISrAb. fiao 1703 N H ?T,>' I3? <? ?t. 12r*h.. .83.S4 lfi.%7 Stst ,r. t5rAb. .I3T? 3151, |T ,t. 7rA' 175 2231 Q St. llrft'i. l(l'V(i7 < 1818 <**orcuraii ,1 45 UNFURNISHED. 1703 V H ?T.14rfc!>.$150 1 IT B ?t. ?rftl. SI.W) 3150 VJ ?t. 17i*h 1?*> 11U4 O ?t. hrih ? 51 ? fill, ?t. 15r**> 75 Ttb *(}?>., 8r*!>..25 50 2K??13 O ?t. 11 riil). . .fiTt 2022 l?t|, ,t (?t*dwl. .l? 1?21 18lh ,t. Klal>l<* Irfir IM M .11 .10 1818 Corrornn. 8r*l...4'i ?HBc in.mii (?J3 F 1418 33d ,t. Kr4b.. .!?* ,tl ,?4..VI (f. 5 50 4Ua M Ht. 8r*b 33.34 ocl3-3t FOR KKNT 1813 ?riH. OR JUNIPER, ST.. I.K Droit P*rk; ?t rnonn; iwBtry, l?tli, ?ttk-. <vllar, IfltroI'M ami range. lB>inlrr of T. J. W. ROB ERTSON. 005 7tb ,t-. or our. of 6th and T. nrl5-lm FOR RENT? n-nvisllfn 1IOIKKS ix vorthwbbt sucriojf or TH* '-TTV. AT nucn RANorVO FROM tl.UOO TO tl?.000 PER AXNUM. Apply to j t. jc. Hrrcit, <Ki3 3t lyn r.c Avk FOB RENT?1319 Q STBEITf. VKRV f.RSIRABIJt jMory kwt of 11 noma nod l*th: In momA <? l",W# e^?- ulf? I wrwt OrI3-Jtp FOB RKNT-NRW KLK?J.\NV IIOCHS; OOOO LO <*"??; r-arlor, dlrldH by pnrtkm: s imm: <H Ur; H'Wt; ,U nr,I. In>l?., ?Utlnaur ?Mb. ?U?T: <*? w ?arm. m4 ct?. hrrdlr, **??. M liu M. ?.? : $3tM. Apot/ m B wli4l< FOB KENT?HOI'SKS l\>R REXT - . WK ARB ALWAYS mtxim '? la MM f.w Itr rwlort u>, hill*.*.. ..f mar OiNM. TV aa w rewt ll?t ar. k.-fti |a (i??l repair pn4 aaaltar. ?oadJ't.* ).? mar ?ert rramaM.' a?<urt<1 that ?** ?*'<?? ywta may frwwi awr lt>l will autt In other nifnu If the turattus. alar and prbe arr to your likiiit ?: *0 1 AH CnnetamMr fcsi ||J# Tth aw. Br J* _, ? - I. f-r ES M.. Kim mm. ?r. Is i 7??!?*** "*? * i*. a?2! ;2H L "*? ?*?*.??? ?-T ??> loth ?... Tr. ?1,Miu li, .?"*?*' t-T w. !??? Mk, 7r. a! ? 1 ?* r,r- *?*' ? J* K V ??r tie. br. *! ! ? U.Vt'H.1'"*- i" ?*' '*?" K hall ?V''?r KTtO 5i3 \ J a> aiw.Tt "i.. **? *" *-"* I"?to nw. ?t lli? ?' ?>* *3.. 533 .'la a. ?*-.*, ? m- . "*? ,lr ???.:*? S>nh. t" tx. ?> ,..l:tmt v? aiw. ?r. *u f. u<i .'.is r:r F* ?'" ?? * a*. ?r. I J S *r * '"? '?? .< I.'. Or i!?*i ? ii i'tat - ?r !,a ?- ... J^r K ??> " li.?< ?? mm, *r Ji.. i! !?!* Lf l ,v 9? ? SJHS- ? ? Mh *'*? Hr $4:. ??i il.? llftj ?>, tir *4 7.Mi >1*1 *#?... 1 1 41 Olli |M>, III . !!!??: 57 I- ?* ?* $3o.'.! $1'.??0 tflfi II IN., rtr. # 21mt nw. Hr tt*\ <ki f 12 7WI f t2iWl. #12 . |1U?. f i.'>;?? 111. .. .Tak<'Ui? I'.iifc, nr. #*?.V ls??4 2?Hb. nr. IVUI mil BW, fkr. ?JtT7 W?i n*. ftr. 1H24 f?tb. I Or. I*r. ? .27 M un . |<h ?U 1 Till. I2r. .?|R K Mr. Hr. ... .MW? g. I lr. .t*a (i DM. 11 r .214 V um. ?t $4?> itS7 O nw. D? n. 7r. Mttn T ||M 2<t Of. <?r $?? USft M HW. 14t ..SIT 4; u**. Hr luitf 2lm. Mr niM A D?*. Tr . .22?iT K nm. l?*i ...WIS W ?i#, Tr MV ... ?;? it ii?. Mr lMj* Hh nw. Tr. Mth mm. flM .'iO. . $2?? .... ?-?? .:?S.. f2?..V? ? 2i?.V . $22 hft. I?i2? fth h?, Tr l?Mh nw. 11r. $22 W?.?IW n? n\ nw.Tr $7?l. . IT''T Ilr. <V4umMfl.Hr. 9^ I 21 14- . u?. I.V. fSft.a.riK K. MlMott Sr. $?*?. . .1242 H?Ti, n? 12, I.ViH tilt, uw, Tr $T.r. 1 !*-< 1 K u?. I2r. h ii wahnkh & ?\? *u\ v u * ?->?K KtNT CHKAI' li\ WM C NOKA1M. ?2A F M. MX K. nr. ml $1H| 17ST N J 22 K?4 2^W. hr, ami. . .a2.'*?| ????? A *?'. 1H. ? rut 411 jkM FOR lUAT 4 rHKsSHUI?*K IMI^K M.AK \\ -v n^Tt.n < trcil . i? ? rrnt. $11'*w? iiM.uih v'llAIC1.I> KAKI.r. iftl-Tt 4M I4ll? ??. ?.?. htM KENT IM jmiin gi J\\. 4?; ;i: .v #M IIUl *Ao 21T 4MU ??'. Tr.flml 22 ?' aw, Cr..iuil .17 Ch? 221 M ??.Mi 1*? fW? 42 J S lit!. *?r A ??1:<5 M2 4S aw. 4r ?ail 2?? l?*3 4?^ ?w. At rro. 10 JM I ?* . 6r. aoiI . .I4.&4 l^iM 3d AO, ruA.?TM 1? W II Mr, for nti. A I flfr.iOMJM i5?2 4't *w, lir.Hf.' 1?? *?<*j \:un* 4*^ flw.fii tin i*? vi 21? I* iir,6r.Mii...lHU 1?14 F* ?w. .%(*?? .14 .VI tijo 'M kit.fir A Ihi. .14 341 212 Fin atve.7r.arui 1* .> W2M <' a? GrA a a. .!?; *> S4<? M< I/tn h?> ,4r.w |.*. .4 tf I. li'Av* |o ?l rU ? l>? KKVT 107 f.TH ST N U, ? ? v K t^Ukl i: t up ?!.; ? nmiuM aud Ifltiii. \*t lirrt fw?-U|?Wt|; |?l. aNaiit lix atiou. I?>4 at It Key* at i??i hi K"K IMCVT i IIMH* 6H ormiijj; 1-?1 u N I " hall. KM**, ram;*-, latrub.*; mil) . . . ^)4?m> nr. l?t at. ; tfr.; 1'fe.lU 'KtT OKI?Kl( K.-iu. .-U ivat. 827 T at. ?.w.; Vr $:?*.?at II* Fla arr. n.w.; l*r $.12 ;*o N v**ml Htiui 11 Imuh' f*?r *-*?U?n??i tiiMtU $?* t?* |ik 0.-13 U. h. MIWIX, 1427 F ? *. l-XHt IIKNT 4-44KAI' 123. 12.'.. 127 AM? 133 JA< K a??n at., Ai..?< t*iU. Iw-aIhmi 4**lia.4r. i?. l>?, 910 Ii. n?v|rt Ul, w l.irli It. J Ah. k. IIAU.KI . l it Jiai'ir ???., A;i;t< ??>i 1a. I*, t. ....I...17 .i,# fiiu ttkvr M NKTIIWDfr. 421 at.. Z\ $130 14 43 I. at., jo rraima !.'*?? 732 Slut ?*t.. 12 (ihwi? 03 1734 at., 12 n*i?uii( fW"? I.VO M at., 14 nmtnm {*? Hi UtTU KAkT. 411 F at.. K r<H>utM !-.??? 04T* A<*ker Kt., 7 ftpima lo .'a# (Vl7 Arkcr at.. 7 lC?..r*o ?>?h K ?t., ft t" 1244 I.IimI* n at., II r?ti>ui? I2..'i" .h 13 U. L IH* I'M XV M IM mi \*M 11KM MAI.HAL M U\ 14XlKAIll>. I KAMK 1.t?,.s.-*. **itti ' r.?-*H"* mid ?vat**r. ?*ti I3tk nr. ?* t.-tal 'd. N?ts. tftTt J** 31, at i'? *W? jff ni -fiili. hnn> llur h?Ni^fs lu u?-UtUtrti<x<d r?nt f?.r >11. aril ;;>? K II. \> a i\KM A < ??. F??K RFNT TUo" t ||o|?>; 4 ??tt\EK ll??r^> mN H-liii ^l.?n nr> l? ; t*r*.w .<ih1 t.H?'k Im.u? 10 M"iiwt; all r:M?d*-rti |m|?T' %??m?-iitit; ulnuihtu cuii Trak?t flitd 4nUr?tilr ; r? ut. <?Hi. or!3-3t* B. II WAK.M3K A (*? . Mir. F n w. Fi?H ItKVT HV W r 1m \ AfJa. f?23 F ST. N W . ' 1134 Ki nw. 14r. .. $?C 7% * ?; i.vr. Itr T**. 73 31T. fttti **-. br ,T. Vi Fit |(t ?1J( IN fix,-, !*t#?3 B1 Mum art aw. Hi .33 "t?? T211 IHth tiw. i*r. . .ST. 142* ?Txa|tln **? nw, *?r. 4" 3t!? Ur 3.% 223 !? nw, 14r .Vl 1133 oth aw. *1 ... 23 T>12 I" u?*. 7r ....... 1** r*?? 7tl2 7r*i nw . 7r. .. . 22 V) 2U8 Ii nw. 7r .22 VI 4yo \ J avr ow.Tr 2?? 3?? 1H44 2d Kt *it. 7r. ..21 3o 7 ' M< ill,* u* . ?r. . . tr. 4'? H?*tH I** ?%#. 1?*r si? 4.1*1 F ik. 7r 1322 Marimi at l>r.t*? 14JO F.a a?**. Tr . .22 ?*? 222 Fla a?f aw, 7r... 19 2112 II1I1 uw. tfr .ia.#?i l4o 3d nt?, 7r b.,Vi "(Jl 13th uw. fir . 1* 4* *12* I. nw. 7r 22 firt'i I. nw. 7r .... 2?? *? IK'MJ ? nw. 7r :-i 1722 4'h nw. Tr. .22 ?Vi M P nw. fir HV'4> 1 234. tfr t?< l*Lotcara|>!i fsa.'l*-ry\ I5 ? ?iid IOI l*u are ow.jar>3 33 <? 13 3t 0? MOT- M4 Ktl n*. C? $13 :?*? r.rjo 13m UW. I4r.$4.Y??t 1|iC. N .1 at. k.. lir loiat 143o s nw. lor . 4?t.i?i 7?r.i ltttl. B* .tbt,3r. H tat 1711 Pa ar. f1a:.3r. 3.Y??? Joi \ m-. Sr.. ... * no I.VCt 2**Th nw. 10r. 32fttf 717 nil -y n#*. 4r... ^ M Tl*? t*.U i.< . lit 2.. 5*? ltilo Ku'u: w. 4r . tf 00 4i*? II tit'. IH. .. 91 h 9th t*?. Ar. 12.Hi M ni\ rtr. 00 Mynl... f.r s.. ?i:i> IT 3?? 1K21 14th it* $40<*? 17.4<* m* i?tli nw 44* tai lfi.4?? :,?ai \ %+ Kim ot U<St: rial IS A * IIAITFU 323 11 Hi M. n w. F?>K ItLNT HY WASllIMiTON !?A\KMI"W| K. r?tr. 13th and (i ?ta. n.w. 3f>.? 1st at nw. lOr.$37 4?i 213fi Ward |*1 nfl.f"^2?ir-? 1129 24th ?.t nw. tfr.3i .3ii ft* 1? ?t nw. lir .!?? 1o\6 Tih Kt no. f?r..l?v7I? 13iai4 K *t nw. Gr ,.l?i.w? f?h 2T.ih a? nw. I'.i . . 1*4 3ij 2tCtA3 F flt IH-. tfr. .13 *U? h2M 13th Kt n#>. Ill 13 3i? 22143 E *t nw. tfr.. 12 3?? 1123 24tli M uw. Or.lo 30 1222 and 32. r*+r 22d 122 Ctttltacr al lit* Kt nw, 4r . ......1O.30 (aUMH. 3r 9.SO 71H St Marv'e i-l oa, 132H and 30 klarrimtii 4r s 3' ?va f, 4r a.3A 3 Mr?\tl!n?ffc nw.4r.7 3M 1137 tJinricla avr be, tf nutiua. wal-r 5 00 ?rlS-lt! vim REN; |NO ! ,1 1 N * hath; m.ft.; 927.Ao |?* r ui.tnth. o*-l3~3t WIUXI.V 4 11 -tf K'40IC8 AND 623 R at. a ar. IS N C ar ar. ml.7r 21 .v? o?m 1. ?*>. ftr. 917 F nw. ml, 7r...22.N? An3 11th n*. ftr 1117 9th nw, rul. 7r. ..21 1244 I n#\ 5r 1422 T nw. ml. tfr .AJO 333 9th na. ftr . 1324 Madl^tn nw. ml, |?.4?? Summer rOK RENT 174T lHth $8511219 D nw, tnl. 7r.$ltf.37 1701 l? nw.iul.l3r C7 tf?h22T I t?a. ml. tfr 13 30 212 13th kw.iui.13: .4Ti| TIT Rlanarrl nw, 7r .13 1422 13d nw.inI.l0r.S3.fio l*<3d Kii|M-rhw nw. 9r IS 1133 tnh nw. ml. 9r.. 3T? ota 2A n*-. tfr 14 3o 44* K nw, nil, Tr. .2*4.50'924 Whltn.*j nr nw.7r 14 723 lrrln iiw, nil. 9i . .23 10l?2 N J are nw, tfr..14 Cor 9th & II ?.'v,tr!.9r.2.** 114 ISth aw. tfr 14 400 4th ne. ml. 7r.22.fiO) ISIS C aw. tfr 1S.30 1740 nth nw. ml,7r.22 .'OlO H nw. 3d ?uor.3r 13 Sol E aw. mi. 7r...22 fio 121 K ne. tfr 12 fto 2319 Tth nw. ml, Tr.22^9 924 F aw, tfr 12 433 lat ae, lul, 7r..21.SA 414S 11th aw, 3r 12 .? M ?* L. ne, 9r. 12 ...12 ..12 II 30 IO 39 tfr ?.?>! 1G2S4 12th ne. fir U*SH) 933 G aw. ml, tfr 20, llafif.# d at. b BnaA SOf* i: nw, 2*1 lanl, tfr 10 tfo3 I. ih, nil. 9r 1> 261* tftli uw fir 1?? 920 I la ave 1? I I2h F ne, fir 10 Cor 9th and K at* nw, unfurn^hed rootna. ft' < IRKS 920 Whltncj ire nw $33 212D tfth nw $? KIABUBR Rear ISIS 13th nw. . .$lo St nlde Water at aw. . .$4 R??ar 349 Wils??n aw. .4 R*?ar 213 4'^ nw.......S - Hit*! A. H. CAVWiMifi. :iS3 ?h M. ?.nr. ros rarr nxu FTsmshu)! vnr i? alrahle 11-luJI h*Hi?*'-. Unatton n w.. n*xr I4iti at. rara; prlre on!y $T* 1f tikon by No ?niUr 1. Addrnna X. II. H.. Star tiffl'v. wlS-St* JOE RUNT BY J AMI* JESTFH, tf8** F at. n.a.? L"2t> A at. lor. ir,jru1?h.<l |ft'. no (IM Md. are. u..., Ilr. I?.. m.l 4S >t I.1*7 I' at. O.W.. Or h. ?lth ataMr *11 E al. s.?., Tr. b. >1 ?' 7tll A at. ?.r.. 6r. h., ?n.l. ?a-t. 151 25'?? SU30 Vt. ave., atur. .imI d<rolliu( S5.*" IH P at. R.W., fir. l>. talth abo|.t R..Vt ?SO S. I. are. a.r.. ttr. t>.. m.l gii IV. <117 A k--r ?t. o.*., ?r. I... a l I' '?? 14U4 Md. a.a ? ... ftr. b. (r.llar> 17X *18 M at. a.a? ttr. b U.? u-13 J! ? . ro* rbnt? 1111)1 Itttk ?*. 1?r...?1!W> 11* #th at ??. *r ?? 1? B at nr. Ilr ?.'> 1K17 ll.h ?t nw. Cr. ..11 H B at ae. Ilr t?.' <7'.>V4 ?J ?t .w, 7r M 613 H at nw. I2r.. . ,!10 t?18 aw. 6r ..l!": Ml O at a*. lOr fit ijin t'nios .t. ttr...WSC 2t<6 Del ?*<?. fur !?? ocU-'im*'. TVI.KK t JtrrHEHFUH). 1-XT r m. FOR RENT? I'M. K nr. 7r ?? ?? 8t<.r?. 415 7th i*.Ji5n.?l 1717 llth n?. Or...a><K 11*15 I. nw. 15r I.Vmm 1115 *?? mm, hr 1? 50 lSSW It nw. ISr O'. iO 71. Oth o., ir lh.X Kt&dw Itlui 7tb l*;i 6th ew. Or 15.54 610 II uw. lOr *?-?'?' ISWi ?>'? ?' "f. Or..15.10 II.31 ?.h DW. l?r .37 r.. Drfrva nw, 7r..l5UC 2itJS Mai. a* 'iw.w.X'' ar, 7r I*.?C ?M Maw ax- uw,sr.3?A?> <-IS *th aw. ?r 1*<W ? 13 T ow. Vr S?|.U? \all?j av 7r..l2.5t (til t n<r. ur 1ui9 L nw. 7r 12Jm 2*1S M nw. Ur ? "> ? ?r.,451I v * ?f.*r 1* 50 15 ftth rf-. br r?0 .? lotbar. ttr 1I<? 1139 lOitt air. ttr.-.r.'*? 1<?1 N J a. aw. 4r.l2<?t 1.10 r> nw. lOr , I7'a ttth aw. ?r Hi ?A)7 13th aw, Tr T> <*l 1? U.iicnuia r*. *r.. ,T.??) au;.'. 13th .?. 7r...??) Olllt* rua <37 T nw..? 1125 *ili ?. 'Jr. n <?! Ai.?eitr r. rox. ko r at. a.w. riiK ut.NT numsii hiivrs? 2153 1. ?t. n w.. 12 nw. a m l *v> nn ??>1 r at. a..., T rw?ns. a.m.I *r. <n ;?i IS'j at. a.?.. tt rwHaa. a m I ?M E rt. a.w.. T room., water. Ike ?>7 6th at. a.?.. tt n>?a>. water. *e ??t*? 121 li at. ?.w , & ruuaaa, w.ior, Ac... 1021 New Jeraey ave a..., S ii>4n. wa 1351 C at. a.w., mm. J r.ioa>. 216 Teun. ar*. a.*., 4 rmtna 211# L at. ai.w . 4 raiai. arl3-3t 1V'? f *11KA. 6B2 Pa roR rent 8T oscar w. wii rrfC~itto r MCl I'th nw. Ilr ft:. 312 Klia. LDP I 1U<>* SCa?raa.l?..X OlOaw.i MO f nr. It... 20 and dwg, lirr.ataMe M 236 Oak at. LDP. ttr.l* 1735 lam ? tirT ? 621 tth at ae. ttr 16 ?U7 Mm at ae. *...? ?el2->t I I me tttk at mm. Tr 31 ?ater.*4 FOR UtrvT -?-STi >ltY 11 -BOOM ft HI oa tttk hHimi II a ad I; a.| ? rrat. quire ttuv Tth n. a.w.. DtMaaatlr bewbw Mar-htai inka. nris-st 931 K. CI ?*%. rao b 9A NT.