Newspaper Page Text
the Sleep of De.ith. A IIKI.KM 1.KSS DISEASE It llii* Slrailllj f*?r Tn? ) i'iii'r 29ti<1 llf \\strn<*?l lit Tfcffl TiMr of Hi* ?>???*". Surr# ???*?I ??! b? ii!?-ii.t*ra of hi:?* family and by the ,.i *1. i-.?r- ??? ijini" ' "M await* the if 1/v.??'??:?, In '??. i'rfa**3. Armies at*l ?-f |??lbe pr**?e. : him from tb. \i liilM*. '??" ?H? nmrfsl |nm?*r ?an nanl off the Kin:,?.|? ? . t '?:??* .!?ta?***d hU '?!?? lit I'K ?:?%????!? IhmIT tli* t.rfl'i:?l btille!it;* hive M.,, , | i . Hi"v ;t<l?wii ; T the ?*":??r lee* ? !,- ? ?? ??f the I.?>'* ?n an mlvaw*.^ ?.r , .? ;i ?i? in Iu-im' for him. '11m far-* }-j?: .? aa\s bit t'v fin*' -?i?rns of thH rfrer.d d Hi:?!.**!> >' ?" d: ? 1 '? last. i ? . .?-;?? rtr?.. iW> ymrs im-? Hi* J! aj# o * ?k h ? Mtu ( ' >irs lliat | Mt?*>-i l?? lVu; ;? ii?| b- % ?* ratiH-ti I bat n* ' a I ue-r> ? :i" ?> '> ? II. r. ii.libift'l of :?;? ii* ?lu.**ly oro*; !??*? iit-:**r was pile had :i 1 look. The slrin i*t ?l*,r his < .V',V v:! g.nfT. .1 :r?*l >?} ?'+ tai-ki 'l lusfei mi*I animitio.i. If:* aui-iit' v.js ? his slf-p ?lmlurl??il. awl IK nil. 1 w. , -i oiHT. .Villous' a of eno: n?o:js nto*. ..i^r -i igib. i!.?* </.ar had fr.ijneir faIn; ap**>l* ;?i <1 >iiuiiiK* al |?:I ?>l Ili?* *t?m tin' tb- ?/ dl*r-ipink-d all warnings until f?#> In.. |;t, i- ?; ?? too 1;?t? for !!??? Iin";**???!-* of p v. \ . I ??? the stnx s?.U*mu warnliu;- ;h v:uoe tn>(.ulii)^ ms. If ? m. i.. !i.ivi* fei. :im the <V?r felt. d?? ?>M| ki-n thai ?l mean*'' |*? yon realize yonr d.<ii t--r. Ar. vm tluit nj:n|?t?mtH ?rt i.Ti .jf . .T'? i i>t- . f ????? jjrr;it?*t A:ii?*rk-an mal Thar it ? 'in.-xiw, i. ?Uy. .,i ... k . : m-n nod ?k*?n?-n. ami ?!? * M??n? *:n?l-?? it*d ni 11? it i<* la t?? ' l?n? ??n?* r*nMi1y for tlilt* ?r? :ii i .-i-.ii .. |:r?i;l.l s Thn r?-ni k w an I aiiin*l?il|?l I't tin* I.***' tfstH ami |.? \ <i. ia:iH ..f 11?.- world ? oiu?l nbriKt'i ;t!?! l-.i-.r^t rt 1.?? ? i i fai-f, th?* n>. .W-m s>r th*? |?r?-v^nii?*t? .????* ??f !?'? ? I n Is W tr:i -r's N!f?l * ???"?* Tli:?? u ? |*?>| al>?r r??n?*tl,? '.iuiW n?*v?*r havi- i?o?>n a.* f?a mm H i: 4M bM n lw Vkr ttkrya a hrili>.\ tk+r+itT r<-li? > Imjt th?' |>r?'s-ur?' ??n tti** ???!?? ?? r?**??r> ??rvnn-?. I* ? n?v* th? that !????. *>1 a liftstr**ii^th ?*v^ry ?lij , ?? V.-tt?t I'nr- sabl a distin^nUli^l l?a?hf?bn:,*?' i;i :? r??- Iwtnro. "Is a mljlity l>*i! wari i4| m:.|. u ? invt-u Hm lh'?Hfti?l antl ti??* ra'a.v Hrljslit'a du^-aN**." X#? >r - ?*. it*?" ?-iln ar.\ ii??r ?n af r . ? fr??m ltri^l i Im' mnl -r any am! -it im>t in< *) i sn-it rrni***l.? JiihsI ?li*- i^aiH*' ??f th - f4t<r?t? Hti Hi-'t qwif^l. WHAT A RELIEF. MRS I i \ lo\ n?l \|? A ? TUB row IIKR Ifcid ItlJ? AKIKit SK \ Kit AL YEA IIS M'*. .Irri'l-* IVy? n. |H?? wift* ?>f Mr. A. JVytoo. an ? ?.f lli.* \\. ainl <1. -il?!?- lin*?. who re rNW \ :"J7 N nt t?'Hs an In h?*r I5f v f i.-ii ;?t first fas -s dark ?l???al. bnt h*w *???????! ? t* It u sit\? r lit ir.?. Sfj.* I Iwva tioJit?I?-?l ufth an affT? !i??n of ii:. '? ...t i.?i alwHit fiutit jrt*ara. It t**it t v tirvl ?*???:t?i' lit !u* I :t s* nsati? n a* ??f a l?nr.j? in t?n? 't %vi h ffiriiM almost m.?. n.A f I* |?r?? ??k'- t?f 4-ou^-liins |^-r-.- ? a?t? u:j??h jt ihti^ it. unt?I at ??>?' ' a 1 iib{> ? ? :. .n? a<niM d:*I'?tiiiv?l. an*l wi*!' its . r?*nw ?;?' v .* 1 ? ?? .i t. i. i?>r;r t?'?*llt:^ ??f r.-I ? f to u. ii ; i. -u.'d m a n| .M-r lino-. It *v? ? ft- I tr m^lv >>n ?i<\ ai.d niv lif-* ! Bt?l??. I ! : ??--??ii tifut?'?l l?y i;li\sbiaua ?v.l.i.j Li'!?? or ?. t !. i ? >r :! ?u ? f I?:". J?>rdan -i si: > itr- i' - ' f?' '.iMy i: 5 . ? >'. a< t?? !ii< .. ". find t ?.? of 1 r. .1 i.? i> ui'li lii.a. II* jslv ti n. u ?t i-lU-f. V> t' i*r . .. #iov. ? ? 1.1 ?i?? ? ?n |?hl* u:-'. ' '? - f i 1 . -f. and I do -?t I tvf to .-r I*. ' I r. I'M- if N Idintom, :?lrl I kr.oVT i! to ! .? %tfi> 1 - - II !uu-?t sir 1 i' I am I'-rv m* ? I I ;|s?l| ? l? '??UlIH*. Dr. C. IA. J3"R0AN, A jri'i i' nf BtAal AfartBHit of the I . 1 \- ?.f 11:fi'y 4.f >?-w York, V mi n? . 6jm -bisasta "f th?* N?v, Throat, I. in.N asid liar. i ? ?\>ri.TATI* ?\ FREE. (xfi' . iio:,ra- ;> iu 11 a.m . 2 to 4 . ti to # j, iu. > hI n? lo 111 111. t MAN. hiis Afflictions A^d Disabilities. V.'z Doctor Should Be A S>-;C:2lip.t. Ar; Expert. Ii- \ ?. Iw.'iii to rt-ali/- that you arc not ho ii: ' . ; :??-rljr, L^v, u ?t old-'.itne ? iiew.v Dor thai -< 1'^iQK your /> i|>. aud !a? k of %|n* of o :i?-i ?? *\hi -h ?*naM' J yo?i to tlirust trirt.-?i a"?: !?* a-?: !i ouaard to s . s? If s*?. you. |. N t'? n>iwaU 1 tr. i irM rn. If y< law t? \V.:?kn?*SH. N?*r o|j.|!?h, It- *.?iity, 1? ^ .1 . S^lf-dis?ni-t. l>*-(t-?'tivt* Memory. Viir ?? ? I.uf Ambi im. l^t k of IZihmxy. T1 *?'????.aiii>"*a. I?-?|.oi:?l. n- y. M? ! ijh 'io!y. I'a ka %\ . f?M-| that Iif?- Is I??sfu? Its fhjrms t ? v 1 |?r^?ion.-? tint** <*on.??ulT i?r I .rl?-t?u ' I one r?*sbl?-n?*p in this rify and hl? I .. 1: l of rur*-H ?fT. i.?*l in a|ij?ar?*ui!y j-1 ?. ?? 1 nfltb him to your ?*ortld#*Dr?'. |ti'??i ?? 1 ? i Skin I?is?'as?*s. l?b??i rois*>n, afT M tln^ Jh?* l-?!? i i r?at. ski:i and l???nes; Mu?*on> K?*ih. - t:i 11.?- i2i4#uth, I b'-ra, S*ir?*s, Warty I * II i- - Tumor*. 1'ib's, 4k'?., radfcally lur-1 K ; ?. ! r.!add*T A!lrn?nM. ss |mlnful. dittl cu'v t ?? , -.-uf. uiilky ??r t?b??l*' urlo**. an?l ail ?.afters r .' iikr to urln;?ry laaMff, prompt I \ eur-1. Dr. Carlleton, THIRD YEAR AT Soy nth St. i4.VV. YEARS* F.\rKKlKN< E. ITINSI LTATION free. H.vjr*. '? a tt?. to a p.iu. and T lo S pn. Fun ?aj. 1?> t ? iK-9-tatf Liet ?: COHPANY'5 An invaluable prod.j?*t, made f mi the finest In-of the frorld Extract of Beef. this week. ??r.V f.? I'lvirlant. b-althy so-t of I "aim-* !i? 1 ?? ai?d we im \ ci sllonr tl.em to bf d In d?*<-*?ra'Tj.!> ntvk *? Wlii -?** r tin" I '??*! J ill! s -it 50c. & $D. t ?"Ev#*rv day wo ire rteclfiag thip >ft? of Cnr>>antbeni?nnM P. W. Bolgiaoo, 14th and 717 15th St. AFFAIRS IN GEORGETOWN An Old Man Without Money. Home or Friends. I llrrnklnK fironnd for the Xew laloa *<nl<oa?A linn* Pix-krllxHik I *n?lcher (might. An oH white man, sickly. crippled and ! w. ak. wax brought to the station last i He whs aflllcted with rheumatism, j dw.ble rupture and frequent attacks of the ; heart. He moved along with more of a shamble than a walk, being assisted by a 1 hit kory stick. He was without friends in J this section and has been obliged to do as h-.pest beggars do. namely, beg. The old i Ilow did not look as if he was addicted t ' the use ,>f It.'i'ior. He appeared to he a r< -p. . table being in hard luck. The police f'Min i him Sleeping under a bridge that a small str-ani in the country. There was n.? covering over him and he was ilcsti t tie ol warm clothes, His rheumatic joints were protected from the wet an.l injurious *,'.1:11.1 i.niy by ?-me old newspa|?ers, w hich .?>' had spread out. The bridge above par tial!;. kept the dew fr.,m falling upon him. I he i ltic.'is. on <|uestioning him. found that h was desirous of reaching Cumberland, w.<? re he could tind. he thought, a friend, and in the hope of having him sent there at the court's expense he was taken in and ! charged with vagrancy. Kven a cell was niore comfortable than the accommodations I he had been enjoyinjf. I'ofkci Snatching;. ! Nace Belt, jr.. was* arrested yesterday and i the t harge of highway robbery entered j against his name. His offense is alleged to | have be*?n committed some weeks ago, Marie Buzorque being the victim. Belt is said to have snatched her pocketbook forci bly while on -#4th street. It is aiso charged J that he alienated to wrest a pocket book f/om Miss Moil hone of P street near 27th. | I P to the time of this offense Belt was thought to be a model colored boy. His parents are respectable people, highly ' thought of and are property holders. ! 1 iiion Station. Bids lor the excavation of the hii: at the j northeast corner of >*4ith and M streets, | v here is to be constructed the union rall | roai station, were opened yesterday, and l tiie lowest one lound to be This ! provides also fur the construction of a re I iuinmg w-ll to hold back the high ground in the ,yir. it is said by one interested t!>a.t. the n - \t iowest bid was Mi. At I thi* Hnt the V ashing ton and treorgetown ; Kailroad t'omiwiiy, the Ureat Kails and the j projected \ irgmia electric roads will have t.'Jtir lieor^etuua terminus. The sit** to be ivated wa.s purchased from <ieo. W. Kin*; f.jr 4^1.0*10, irom Prof. B. T. Janney r..i a?j >ir < *has. A. Krause for the three pieces aggregating over s?|uare ie?-?, and having a frontage :' bridge, .\1 street, ot l.sij and on Pros 1 a over 1 i'he trontage on iWith street it j?o feet. NoH-r. larow-s Kitchen has sold to Solomon r'owier, for *!.???>. part of lot 4*. in Hol mea i's additfc n, corner 2Mb and Dumijar- , ton avenue. At th?- Arij'i;tt.?n stock yards Monday i t attle writ- up and s #ld. Best. I to 4 1-4; I 1 : to -l .1; medium, 11 t.?> ;{ \-'2\ 'i ?n, j i, j ,,-i. ^tieep ami iambs: - i;- i ' ?. *?uecp, 1 1-.' t., calves. ' 1 ' i a . iit> -five cows arid caives. ?'??. Market -. <w. K?? i Bui i-> . i\i;.iin. This time h* is <?! witii tf:.- larceny of a cap from ? ?tilt \ 'ii t-l,.jiHl dealer, iini claims ?t ?? i* lai- i> .ucased, an 1 thai his first ?? ? n *i lijss, is tie* guilty on?*. IH?lice are iiisj>os?*l to believe the : ? >-?n r, a- J tcA>-jn, a.ias Bill, never de-I : >?- hi^ obelises. I n?e JM-.W SnM'-r which was to hav?' Ln*en I rmeiitri with >esterda> afternoon on Ua^hiii^i ui .iii.j tieorgt-town iin? de 1 i i ?'? rne r.*ectl?>n at the start and v .. tunu'.i ia i- i iiiiprov?*iiients. .'?! May hew i later was r*p?>rt?d weaker p. 'flung, and iiope fur his recovery lias t" abandone?i. ; infant s.ui of Air. J. \\\ Bider of ?? ; >hr-j !;*:<( evening. i he iMmiwrlun M. K. literary Society ni'Hs t- nigtit. J % (o\vi iuLk; i:ii. !i.- M.oi aa \Malor ?f Ia?w, \Vli<? |{e Mi.nletl Arrmt. i Biaden, *_ no of the most prominent di>pen>-ary constables in S.^uih 1'arolina, I w:i - shot the lirst man killed for violation ?f it. d.?iwn! law, a negro, in Spar ! i:.n.-1 oig county, last April, has been found j.'i.ity and M-nit-.ue-l to bo iianged Janutry i& li-i att?*inpte.l to arrest the n**gro, who j .1 1. When ltu.ien ?h.?t and kilb-.j him. ...ilea had 1.-.11 shot in the li^ht which i>reo-ded the ai.est by one ol the negr .s fiieiei.-. .s.ilce the deed HL.den has be.-u r. u-i.-l ,,n the force and took part in the I'-i-iiiu;. n r..?t. His sentence will probablv 0. . II,III .-i t> imprisonment by (iovcrtior Tiiin.aii. in Whose tstitnutton Bladen stands Well. . ?. i.iiw and 1.) iiclilnii. 1 ?? li.r L?ht?>r ol The jfcai-iiiog Sfar: li s" rns to me that some except!>r..i, as the lawyers v.ouid fay, might be taken to the letter of K AI. iluri haril in last night s .juii -r. l-feidin'? the trime ccmnilttcii |y i:ie of itie citizi-na of Prince (Je.)ig...-Jj canty. Aid. in the ri cent lynehlog of a .legro lor rape. The fundamental principle | of jos i. e is that a n an should have a liiaie ? to defend himself, arcl that tne wr ?ii. I lor ills I rime should be rende.-.~J hy a d?-l-?s;.,i" ?*? and Jury. How can a lie: zied mob nr.?-te out such Justice? is it ?l it true that sometimes the lyncher* are iniat iken. ami do i ot the e\ems ot the last twelve months prove that the innoccnt are sacrilked to tlie desire for vengeance against the | ? ne>tiator of a crime? jf be il.?- , how t in any man uphold the pra> ti< >? oi i> uchiiig.' Th.-re might have 1. ? ii circimstui iea in the prest ,it (JSO heinous as It Is. which would have some what mitigated the crime. The white men ? ?i An,erica have much t*? answer for in re xard im the low morals of s<>m?> of the lie. :... .. There 11.,ws the blood I.f the <"au hi .11 the erstwhile flave from Afni a li- the white ,,.an had |hi?<t over him' I' IS II., u aider that ?|th the moral train ing the negro has had. his oas.-r pasdohs <-*ortro".-d him at times. The punish ment tor r^pe should surely be death, but lie law sh .uM take Its course. |f ,he |aWH ai. III.-P mate. ?r not properly enforce In ; rill '--"rge -i loiuny. a |, thl. fau|t of . .. pe .| l -. ' hey elect their judg.-s and and 11 it Is not possible for them !?- flame laws < overing the ease thtv sure y Ute not the tight to lake the law |n their own han-i,. Air. Hutchard s argument . ?r i> lu lling as economical" Is. of course pi cpi.sterous, and not worthy of a moment's i sid, ration Hut 1 think your corres !??>. I- lit gets Very near the truth when he speaks of the part whisky has to plav in the -as-. 11 ? tells us that the whisky which 111. obtained at the store al" Wood Iiior; was Ihe primary of the deed arousing the brutal paysiun. Now. I t n,? .-k Air. Hurchard a iiuesticn. Was not that -t .!-? K"eoe.-. i.t ^ oodmore licensed by ths 'Ln< ' ''"nee Ceorge's to sell that same whlsk>. whe.-i they knew, and all k iow dui - i "r'.'i ii,; Ar" "0t ,h"se b>u . ItU. ns. 1,si. ally, I?s j ui.slble for that ?L ru'T A" ^e sale of ihe dtvll In solution ? Uovernm.-nt p. rmlts the sal- or ltq..or, krcw lng the cons. - juen.e of ,ts v.-e, and the people vote for the .--Jo.n when they see the wre.-k and lewi.-litlori ot the burning floo<l of hell is fore their very eye* The argument con dusive that nil who aid ot sud ;nrt the saleon are parties to the fact of e\er> rime 4,1,1 Sorrow causel b* the Mino taur of modern limes. Our own city U "censes to make criminals and .Ibels on manhood. It Is a partner in crime with the criminals, the debaucher of our }oai\g men and women, and the instl K?JorIof ~ry vile practice, and every Indl vldual who does not opi?ose the Issue of th' ?e li ?nsea is In the same boat with the corporation. Jultlrtabie hln* in rrince Ge?rge s w as un C. 11. fct. Indlnw Agrat Detail. Capt. Constiint Williams, seventh ln fantry n?w- at Fort I^ogan, Col., has been detailed as acting Indian agent at the ?Navajo agency, N. M. AFFAIRS IN ALEXANDRIA Ran nit of the Late Trials by Court-Mar tiaL National t.liardsmea Fined anil Dla honnruhlr IHarklircnMlliirr \otr* of l.oeal anil (irnrral latrrml. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the city council will be held tonight, when it la expected bualre.cs of importance will be transacted. The bill for the election of the city engineer has precedence over all other matters in the lower board. There is a va cancy In the police force to be tilled. The regular weekly meeting and drill of the Alexandria l.ight Infantry was held at the armory las. i;lght. There were about twenfy-flve men present, under command of ideut. Samuel I.. Monroe. A surprise was givt n to those present by the reading of the lin.llngs of the court martial held on the ttth instant. As has been stated In The Star, the court was j composed of I.ieut. Samuel L. Monroe president; Sergts. Harper and I{. M. Green. Corps. Burke and J. J. tireen and Privates Acton. Koblnson and Gorman. In all but one case the charge was insubordination. In having failed to attend the annual in spection of the company by Inspector Gen | eral Joe i,ane Steam, after having received j orders tf do so. The tines an i penalties as sessed by tli? court are as follows: Private . H. Atkinson, lined and if the same is not paid within thirty days to be dis honorably discharged; Privates Win. Bav llss, acquitted; A. Fisher, acquitted; A. I- I.yles. fined Jin and dishonorably dis charged; J. W. l.ambert. fined $10 and dis honorably discharged; George H. Nugent, tlned Jin and dishonorably discharged; Thomas J. Nugent, fined the amount to be paid per man by the state of Virginia for attending inspection, and if not pall w 'thin thirty days affr notification, to be dishonorably discharged: H. E. Smith, do.; J. M. l>odd, do.; P. J. Murphy, do.: .1. Harry Staunton, do.; W. G. Kimball, do.; W. H. Mulr. acquitted; YV. R. Nicholson, ac quittal; H. B. Richards, acquitted; William J. Shuler, fined $lo and dishonorably dis charged . s. H. Moore, fined $i, and it not paid within thirty days after notification to be dishonorably discharged. The results of the court-martial seem to Sive gent-nil satisfaction, nnd it is the opin ion of the m< t ib^rs that it will have a good effect hi the discipline of the company. The court, as ah. v? mentioned, will hoid monthly .nt clings in the future, in order that any charges that n:a> be presented may b* Investigated. In a face between F. i t Washington ?r.d Marshall Hall the stiam yacht A.nerlri:s of tliis city heat the steam yacht Ca-rle X. of \\ ishtngU>i>. Miss M li Mlnnegcrode l-i.s returned from Faltfax Coert Houre. v. here she has been visiting the Misses Moore. J. Cooke Proad'is and family formerly of this ity. luit now of Newark. Ohio, are the guests of bis Mother, on Queen Mret l. Dr. It. M. Slaughter left this morning for | Rtchm ?n 1 to attend the state medical con vention. , II 'ii. K. E. Meredith, tne democratic can J di late Congress from the eighth cen [ gre-si .nal olstil.t, was in the city to-lay and had a corferei ce with the members of the ?"ity democratic conrmlttee. 'harl -S H. Appl< h is u nfined to his room with to attack of malaria. J. 1> I .an non lias returned from a visit to friends in Baltimore. I 'i s. > libson and Puivis and Justices \\ hl*ln_; and Whittlesey on yesterday held an exam' ntion as to the mental condition of .Mrs. May McKennty, an inmate of the alms hous -, and found that siie is insane, rie |: !p'?rs iii tli ' case have been turned over t.? .1. T. Beckham. president ;.f the \\ "4i , r Stat ? Hospital, who has seni them to Staunton for examination. Mrs. McKen [:ey ?ill ti-ol ably lie went to Staunton the latter part of the week. She is now confin ed In tli" city jaM. The poll,, hat" been requested to look o it fi.r two Italian Ih>\ musicians, about .sixteen years of age. who Wandered away front I'hiladetphia about two weeks ago and are supposed to l>e in this section of | the ci nntry. Rev. T H Riee. pastor of the Second i Piesbv t i i m Church, has gone to Fr.-d i trickster ^ 1.1 attend the s> nod in session th re '1 11" steam lire t ncine W. A. ha* thoroughly overhauled and will be put in s-rvic ? in place of the Columbia, which is to have a new nickel jacket put o... The Work oil ImiIIi t is being done by hngireer Will \\oo.l of the Columbia com pany. who is a practical machinist. The funeral of Mrs. Harriet Mc.V Smoot, Who die.! yo.-t rday morning, will take place fiom the residence of Mrs. C. c. hrnoot this afternoon at i o'clock. .l imes Kelly an engineer on the \ irginia Midland division of the Southern railway died yesterday. Wilbur It. Kent is in Wythevllle, Va to attend the marriage of his brother. .laV" t'orI",ratl"" courl *as session to Whlle attempting to answer some one who was knocking at his front .lour on Saturday night Clarence N. Moor stuck his h'ad through a pane of glass in the win thought the window was hoisted Ills fa. e and neck Were quite badl> cut George I,. Summers of Harnesvllle Ga who has been visiting friends in this citv' fins returned to his home. Miss Mary Stringfellow of Baltimore is the guest of Miss Kate Stuart. ?1. r. Hraln was admitted to practice In the county court yesterday. Ed Meade was taken suddenly 111 while on his rounds Axing the electric lamps yesterday. * Killed a Kite* Home. "I.archmont," Fred. Miller's race horse, was killed on the l>mg bridge Wednesday! and the colored boy -Turn Blanum -whose cart killed the animal, was given a hearing In the Police Court yesterday. The charges against him were driving across the bridge faster than a walk and reckless driving. The boy was driving a twenty-year-oll mule for Mr. W. T. Walker, and the animal was drawing a cart filled with bricks. It was claimed on behalf of the prosecution that the boy was racing and ran into the horse One of the shafts entered the breast cf the race horse and it soon became necessary to put the suffering animal out of misery Mr Walker claimed that his aged mule c&uld not rare 1\ imball heard th** case an?l Imposed a tine of r-'i In one case and $10 In the other Mr. Walker asked for u new trial saying he could get witnesses to prove that" his driver v. as not racing. The Judge told him he would have four days in which to file a motion. HIcjtIm for Military Purposes. In his annual report. Gen McCook, com manding the Department of Colorado, makes some pertinent remarks in regard to the use of bicycles for military purposes. He thinks they could be made specially use ful in the signal service. He says such use of the bicycle has passed the experimental stage, and that most, if not all. of the Kuropean armies have adopted the silent steed for certain of their forces. The W illl:im*?n Assault Case. Bernard M -Qi ade. alias Barney McQuade, and Edward McQuade were on trial yester day In Criminal Courl No. 1 charged with assault with Intent to kill Joseph William son. on September 4 last. The jury return ed a verdict of guilty of assault and bat tery. Judge McCoinas sentenced the con victed men to six months each in jail. I kit mage of a Tornado. A tornado at Geuda Springs. Kan., Sat urday night destroyed $100,01)0 worth of property. I>r. Hutfleld and Mrs. Bookwalter were injured. SWAIM1 ?PANACEA "CURES-1 DISEASES OF THE BLOOD Bcrofula. Rheumatism. Ecrenia. Tetter, Ulcerous Sore*, Bolls, Carbuncles, and all forms of BLOOD POISON. Each bottle 1a lalieled with a portrait of Wm. Swairn. mSoatk 7IAi St.. near Hansom. Phlla., Pa 8ral?*1 Hook* Mat1"?1 F-*?v DIKAND JAQ1/ETT, Mamsfsr. For Snle toy F. A. Tsrhlfclf, Jr., 475 Pesos. s?c. Jjl9-tH,s.tu42t LATE SPORTING NEWS THRKB FAVORITES WOX. Excellent Allrnilnurr at the Alex ander Inland Track. There was an axcellent attendance at the Alexander Island track yesterday, and three out of fire favorites won. The fifth one had no chance of winning, because Presiding Judge Oyster, who started the first race In place of Starter Cassldy, who was late In reaching the track, left the fa vorite and another at the post. After The Star's report closed the results mere as follows : Second race, six furlongs. Time. 1.18 3-4. Mask. 105 (Clare). 0 to 5 1 Frolic Lass. 1<"> (Konrad). 6 to 1 2 Jennie T.. 96 (Stalt). yo to 1 ... 3 Third race, half mile. Time no Rufus (Murphy), 2 to 1 ' 1 Hen (Foster). 2 to 1 "!!"]!!! 2 Ashland Kclipse (Donnelly). 3 to 1 3 Tlfmertlh-4raCe' S'X a"d a r,alf ruri'"'Bs Grand 1'rlx (Murphy). 4 to 1 Kentucky Lady (Konrad), H to l!!"""" ?> PottowHttomle (Congdon), 10 to 1 3 Fifth race, live furlongs. Time i 01 i'-:> Forest (Parsons), 3 to 1.. ' " . Ponce de Leon (H. Lewis), 7 to 5 ?. McGarrigle (Yetter), 5 to 1 ?VARSITV ATIILKTK K, Projected Tennis Tournament at VrorgPlowa Given 1 |??Comtnn I ??i Hit 11 (Jiiiiies, *The projected tennis tourrament at the | Georgetown College Is not to com > of. The lector disapproved of It. the boys sav in the 11.-st place, and In thi second.not enough contestants showed up at the practice games. All Interest seems to be entered in foot ball, and it s almost useless to at tempt to slletrack th- enthusiasm. This will deprive the public of a sight of Nasi s playing. He s the champion at the college. During the past summer he did much racket handling at the Atlanti. resorts, and J patrons of the sport patted him ..11 the back for his scientific manipulation. ThJ next public foot ball game which the college eleven will participle in will come oft on the 2Tth. The Swarthmore boys will be their opponents. Four days later, on the :Jlst, the Maryland Agricultural team will buck up against the Georgetown boys. November 1 is an open date. On the 3d an eleven trom the t nlversltx of North Caro "na nieet the college; on the 14th a Athletic Club I Will antagonize them; on the loth the 1 frhnnT r," t,f' T"' on November ?i (Ihanksglvlng) the championship of the 1^ contestedfor ?,U Two games will be played with the Cm vemty of Virginia, on November 1. an. '4 Ihe tlrst w.ll come off In ChariottesvllTe." \'i," second in Washington. Ail the Others. With the probable exception of u,e thanksgiving game, will be -kicked out" on the (Georgetown's new field The I'ni versitj of Virginia and Georgetown are the | candioates for southern supremacy in athl letlcs, and every contest they engage in I creates the deepest lnteresi. Immense irowds are expected to be present it the scheduled games That Nth.,. > ? i, ?. ine reason whv the Washington game won t be played the college n.-l.l The spectators couldn I be accommodated. 1 about sixty llrst class players reiMy enter on the Held at Worthv" 7 : CZ" ,U 'H.isitlons are ten uorthj ot jiarticuiar mention. l>;nis ?. last years cenur cn the Notre Dame t.'ain ls now play ing right guard here, and Hariev H'*arJU" ,iaik' Wh" r, ,ir"'l fr.,in tlte ' ? httH f*ren persuaded to again don the canvas Jacket. He is one of the very best men on the Georgetown force Stone. (,ld half back at liav< rford Col li 1 <'losyivanUi, 1^ am ther new cne for ? e r r ")* ? *r:,y H i ^ r' 'last ye;,r pUving through the keyst.w-,-tate. Tie himViaYly ''U ?>r;n<"to" both wanted There's a big 200-pound man from North ^arolina now at the Georgetown liw s. !i.h,I ! W'M soon lie one of the eleven pitted against the colleges who have Georgetown s van.p.ishn.ent at heart. Car a^ain an?l playing center. This is 1 new s|,S,l,t!"1 M?r h,m' bl" n" """ouKhK under stands all points of the game. Hull Ivan is to play left guard. hey are against profession.,|i?m Jlt ,ho 1 e Jh*' Introduction ot Donovan under the name of ]>ugan at last Thanks giving s game was the last straw.and Father Klc hards has intimated that another such trouble BU' ca,fe nio,t' than ordinary . ?The ?V rl:l-ss ;'t Get rgetown Is larger this y.-ar than at any ether time in the niV 'V 1A >>r,'?t hoi.Se of learning riie gle ? club has now forty-live novices nf .'"n, r th*" ljvst cotne from the clubs of Huston, St. l.rtuis and Holy (Toss col leges. in ten days the members go ?,lo aitue training for public work. At Ka-ter ' "V',1' VJU,r, of n"r,h*>rr; rtllej will be made, and probably some of the southern ones. I lie mandolin and banjo clubs ate we jk this season, havlig but ten and lifutn members, respectively. "uetn Gi-orgetown, like the rest of Catholic col ' ??*? has secret Ureek letter societies Met rearj. late of the Y. M. C. A. will pitch this year on Georgetown's ball team svl -an??.e" <>f ' "Iversity ot" p^l but \ e - n X'?"S be ?f lh- players, but does not want to take a full course at Ee InvT,,?^ "lies of the university, though. TALE.\T HIT H tRI). GrilHii'M Poop Hiding <l.e T?lk at the Aaaph's Truck. The talent had much th? w.irse of It at the St. Asaph's track yesterday, but two favorites catching the eyes of the Judges llrst. it was a day. too. of manv and un pleasant surprises, and those who were so unfortunate as to be on odds on favorites will not soon forget the occasion The at tendance was large and speculation was brisk, the big betters burning up thousands on Kennel and i,ady Violet. The tatter's race was by far the most unsatlsfactory vet run on the track, and Griffin's ride on the mare was about as poor an exhibition of jockeyshlp as couid well lie imagined I.eailing easily by a length to the last turn the young man either took or allowed the mare to run out far and wide, which not only permitted Derfargilla to take the rail but which caused Lady Violet to run con PIERCE?. CURE ?B moNEv is hi:u ndi d. Disease follows a run-down system with the liver inactive and the blood disordered. Pimples, Boils, Sores, Carbuncles, Ulcers, and lika manifeMwtiops of impure blood, should lie driven out of the system with Dr. Pierco's Golden Madical Discovery. Mrs. Kfft.v, of 61* H. kith Street, Aew fork City, writes as follows: " It pleases me to ?Uto that I had a run king *or? upon ni7 ?eci, and bad it oper ated upon three times, and still It was not oured. 1 was also run down very much. There was a deckled change after using ' Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery,' 1, took a few bottle* and was _ . Boon cured. Later my Mho Know busbaud had a lump _ * behind his ear; be trieS Jour medicine, and one bottle cured blm. J ?hall always recommend your Medicines. GRATEFTb?COMFOHTINO Epps's Cocoa. BRk.tKF.lST?SlTPEIt. By a (borough kuoirlcdge of the aatural Uw* jrlilch govern the opttratlon. of dlgestloo and nutrl tloo, aud by a careful ti pllcatlou of ibe fin* pron. ertles of wcll-aelectrd (Vxxxa, Mr. Kt>pi hn .,r?I r'djd TOR OUB BREAKFAXT AXtfst lTElT. delicate)/ Devoured be re rage wblcb mir UT. mmnf hf.rr doc tors' bill.. It is by the* Judk W dm of su<h articles of diet tlist a cowtttotS fraduallybullt up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hurnlrl/. I! s?M 1* maLidles are floating around us i-faa* tn attack wherever th-re Is a weak jil" wVVf esa.p? many a fatal sbart by keVplu well fortified with pure blood and a DroLri^ilT Ubed fra;n,.''-ClrirXirvW ^ ^ Mads simply with bolllag water or milk. Sold London. KscUad. d2-a?.Mhr* ?Iderably more dlatance, allowing Dofftrett to take a short cut far the wire, heetlng the 2 to 5 favorite rather ea*41j. although Oriffln made a strong play for the race af ter it was |pau The boy was called Into the stand, and apparently convinced the stewards that he was unable to prevent his mount from losing. It was a piece of rldlnf which will bear considerable explaining, horn-ever. Kennel'a defeat was a costly one, and It appeared that he waa unable to ne gotiate the turns. In the first race Fannie B. fell, but her rider, Bheedy, escaped with a slight Jar. After The Star's report closed the results were as follows: Third race?8lx furlongs. Time, 1.1& lola. lOS 1-2. 7 to !V (Ooggett) t Mclntyre, 1-2, 7 to 1 (Sims) 2 Warlike. Wp, 25 to 1 (Mldgely) 8 Halton. 114 (Griffin), 11 to 5; Gov. Shee han, l?iK 1-2 ?E. Tribe), N to 1; Factotum, 102 (Keefe), 0m to 1; Black Hawk. WR (Car ter). lo to 1, and little Tom, loB (Nacey), 10i> to 1, also ran. Fourth race?Five and one-half furlongs. Time. 1.W1-2. Mldgely. 111. 8 to 1 (Mldgely) 1 Sally Woodford, H*5, 2T? to 1 (Penn) 2 Cockade, lOB, lo to 1 (Itoggett) 3 Brambaletta rtlly. SMI (Oriffln), to I; Ella Reed. 1SJ (K. DogB^tt). to 1; Kennel, 113 . (Sims), even; Harris. 11?? (E. Tribe), ft to 1, ! and lJttle Ella, i>8 (Keefe), 1UU to 1, also ' ran. Fifth rare?Seven furlongs. Time, 1.2ft 3-4. Derfargilla, 110, 2 to 1 cf>?ggett) 1 I?ady Violet, lir?, 2 to ft tOrlttin) 2 Sixth race?Seven furlongs. Time, 1.30 1-4. Prince George, 1-8, 2 t<? 5 <simsi l Kilkenny, 112. 23 to 1 (I^endrum) 2 Heynard. KW. s to 1 (E. Tribe* 3 lllackfoot. Ulft ?'arter>. ftO to 1; I-orimer, 100 1-2 (I'enn), fto to 1; Emma S.. 1(N? tarif fing, 1ft to 1: White Wings. 1??T? <Keefe?. 10 to I; (Jrampian, WO (Coudrler), and Hona venture, 106 (Doggett), 12 to 1, also ran Bontl t'yrte Heeor?l*. The following records have been allowed by the Century Uoad Club of America: H. P. Searle, UUO miles, 15 hours 30 min utes. August ft. 1WH, Illinois state record. J. A. Pal lister, 9) miles, 3 hours 31 min utes. July 22, 1N1M, Iowa state record W. S. Furman, 15 miles, 42 minutes 38 seconds, July 4, 1W4, Ohio state record. T. S. Jensen. lw miles. S hours 15 min utes. September 17, 1K!?I, rtah state record. ' F. W. Know land, lo miles 27 minutes SO seconds, September 22, 1*!?*, New York state record. I Alfred C. Smith and A. L. Blanchl, Bos ton to Chicago, 1,158 miles, 14 days 12 hours. September 9 to 24, 1 SIM. E. A. (trath, '0 mibs 28 minutes 41 sec onds, May 30, 1804, Missouri state record. ! A. L. Proul, 15 miles, 44 minutes 38 1-2 seconds, June 18, 1804, Missouri state rec | ord. A. L? Jeal. 20 miles, 1 hour 5 minutes 55 seconds, September (?, 18S?4, Pennsylvania ! state record. J. A. Weaver, St. I^ouls to I>e Soto and re turn, 00 mlU's, o hours, October 7, 1SJ?4, course record. (ionxiimi ColW'tte Eleven. Tli? (ionzaga College foot ball team would like to hear from some clubs whose average weight Is not over 125 pounds. All challenges should be addressed to L.. Moser, , manage-", 32 K street northwest. A game | with the huirels will be play**d this after noon at Capitol Park. AdilretiNeN on PomIjiI Curds. The Post office Department has Issued the following order in connection with the matter of addre>. s on postal cards: No printing ??r writing other than the address is allowable on the address s:d?\ nor may anything except a address la lei be pasted or attached to any postal card. The ad dress label, however, may be pasted on thi message side as well as on the address sid? of the card. ? ^-4? Sioux Kenervation Allotment*. In the case of Black Tomahawk against Jane S. Waldron. growing nut of the Sioux reservation allotments, the Secretary of the j Interior has directed ihat a special agent of | the Indian office shall make an investiga tion and report. OXJS ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act* gently yet promptly on the Kidneys iviver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Svrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the moss healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and hare made it the most popular remedy known. cyrtip of Figs is for sale in 50o and 91 bottles b) all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishei to try it. Do not accept any substi :ite. CAL TORN I A FIG STRUP CO SAN Fk*Ncl$C0. CAL. LOU VILLf. KY Ht.V YORK. H.V. Folks Get Thin. Dr. Edison's Famous Obesity Pills and Bands and Obesity Fruit Salt re= duce your weight without dieting; cure the cause of obesity, ?urii as <i\sjwi^u. mmatlBB, BervaaaM. ?-a l&rrli, kiduey troubles; keep you healthy and oeuu tlfy the ??oiuplexiou. Onr supportlug and special Obesity Rands will wash. Call awl examine. Twenty varieties. All genuine Uauds Lave our name slumped ou them. Pr. l>o;lng & Co.: Dear Sirs: No<v that I hare given yonr Obesity Pills and Salt a thorough trial, I am free to writo that In less than niue woelu I have lobt sl\tv-four pounds of surplus fat, and now have no kidnev or rhtuiuatic tiouble. No fleahy (M-rson can afford to go without your Pills and Salt. 1 have not known for ttve yea re what It wu to be able to walk btlf a mile: now I walk mile* every pleasaut day. iieapectfully yours, Mrs. FUESCOTT WIXTUROP. Peun. avenue. Messrs. Ixjilng 6 Co.: Gentlemen: I beg to say that four bottles of yc-ur Obesity Fruit Salt completely cured my stcmach troubles, bloatiug and dyspepsia. and redu< ed my weight thirty-four pouuds. Then I wore an Obesity Supporting Baud for comfort, and found that it further reduced my weight seven teen iH>uuds In three weeks, and produced a more shapely form and afforded great i-umfort. I have bad to Lave all my drettaes altered. Siiuereli yours. M is?j? CATUKIU.NE LE UOV FLSU. reouxylvaula ave. Oar goods tnsy be obtained from C. G. C KTMM% ?Cor. New York ave. and 14th It MKUTZ'S MODERN I*H ARM ACY, Cor. 11th and F sts.. Keep a full Hue Ot?ealty Bands, rills aod Fruit Salt Jn stock. Indies will find a saleslauy here to explain the tr?'atmont to them. Bent by mall oo receipt of price. Tb? Baitls cost $2.00 up; the Fruit Salt, $1 per bottle, and Pills $1.50 per bottle, or 3 bottles for (4. iddr,-* ijOniNG a 00.. 42 W??t 22d ?t.. rvp?rtm<-nt No. 74. New Yort, or 22 UaMlltoa yUcc, Depart meat No. 4, Boitoa. WATT COAl< BILLS. =5 ta IirrrtiM A??m? of P?rL Aeeonlln* to Commodore Chadwick. chief of th? bureau of naval equipment, the coal bllta of the navy are steadily Increasing owing to the greater consumption of coal modern high-powered vessels. The an* reP?rt of the bureau shows that there will be a deficiency of WVWO In the appro priation for equipment owing to the fact mort wa* for coal Th^r ir' >;ear?,h?" ,h' previous. ~ i purchased at home 42.W0 tons ~??ln* I1T8.1?3. of which 9.50R ton* e purchased on the I'aclflc coast, at an a\erage cost of J7.02 per ton, and 32.1m ?? ilH . A''*ntlc coast, at a cost of J?T, .T W" "~nt abroad for tkJ ?? ?n average cost of SR?V ine report shows that during the year a |?reat improvement has been made in nljfht a Jle* bo*t compass has been adopted and aluminum has been success fully substituted for bronie In binnacle fit tings I nder the head of the naval ob ?h^ T' a,"*n,1(jn ts called to the fact ??" ,th<* corps of professors of mathematics 1.; reorganized the observatory *111 have but one astronomer available for duty In the course of a Tew years. Jualsment Creditor's Rill. Joseph Redfern and Samuel Edward Red fern. doing business under the firm name of Joseph Redfern & Son. yesterday filed a Judgment creditor s bill against James A. \\ illiamson. Richard U\ Tyler and Robert O. Rutherford, to satisfy a claim for KITCHEfl. Tis always a picture both quaint and bo wltcliin' That lurks In my mind, of my grand mother's kitchen: White wood-work, bright tinware, blue plates in a row. That great spotless kitchen of long, long ago. But The things in my kitchen are many timet brighter. My floor, with less lahorexi>ended, is whiter, Since GOLD DUST?the Powder for cleansing you know. Improved on the methods of lone, long ago* Goifir WASHING POWDER. Is used in thousands of homes to-day. Bright women every where appreciate its usefulness. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago, St. fronts. New York, Roiton. Philadelphia. s Red Noses ( are often a source of? mortifying and annoy-' ing criticism. We re=' move the disfigurement painlessly?quickty. ( oily ski". red rein*. l.lrthmn.k- ,ind f <?%.ntlaii,K ? ilk., i-bamrier m.iiir ll l!l!? tlnisles or esper> it, 111. I.-.1 II|_.|| you. Sl|.'. .-*s in (XINS1 I.TA'I1<I\ t'UEK. Urslnai.. j,rr,~. ?on Me?l. ??!.. Mill* . arwl H..v al I'ui.. Vieuua. m *-??*-?? lusiawr, t^Dr. Hepburn, j ( ? _ Jlovely, plain and the .Exquisite Designs \ IIa19 to Impro7e the ; J in , v.#, i-uiu ?mi intf (classically beau tlful 063 Ji t S f 11! ?faces. Our display .. UJ.'J'i.lJ 19 ;lh:t..flD"t 10 Hats and ( Children's Hats, were Bonnet*; SJ..MK alit't'i.'lllc nrlruil ut I2J0, specially priced at 'fl.ML A lot of Felt flats?all colors-all shapes, 68c., were l*8c. I (TVi^p FHEXCR FELT HATSheat qualify tb? leading shape* -reduced from $1.50. All kin-Is of Dainty Mlllia ery Creations as pleasing sod at tractive as the styles themselves. jTlhe Moo u mental,; "Fashion leaders In Fine Millinery." 939 F Street. BOd Hurry Up Lao Hid ry Work A specialty with us. But, whether wanted in one day or three?it will always be Immac uiate?irreproachable. lessons? Experts fiod employment with us do others. Machinery none finer in town. More dell -ate and finer the artl'-te -better the teat of our *klli. Trust your laurdry to tia. 'i?iu>ae 8M, GODFREY'S ,5team Laundry,1 33?7 F Street. ' -?y l*a TUXEDO Will be ready In a few days. Do not . ^1"' >':u seen the (Mcest lutTTtv ottered to Wartilinrtonlans for $5<> ?nd up sr. i ?!f Z J grouud*. Particulars at uth.-e. ^?22-tf Umlbrelflas For Ladies and Men. ? We know whereof we speak wlien we ?.'?*?? lis re the largest line of fai brrllas snd t'anes In Waslii:urTi?n Prle**s ?"tslk" Utr tliemselres. SI. K IMBRRI.US Sin nil rollers gUIn sod nwanted nsinrnl w..*l han Sit;.*251.4' M S0 ? ??J ?? Th. ?*3 AO trade has ? rib. instead of 7 as initially fcold. ?,UiiORJ.^ t'MBHH-US. *1. $1 50 and ? J^sU Ju-rJl W U 50 ?t, U" CANB8 frtnn 50e. to 918 We hir.> James Y. Davis* Sons, HATnata akd fibrieiw. 201 i*gyy. Ami k ^ OOT1. RHCTMAnm Rh-naurv root, or ?ar tootT ?? fWmaflc lion wbatwr. hu If. ?ur??t r?mr?j la tha ("WrWf bad Sj.rud. l (Hit. TborVa BMhlaf M ? i ?X rlMkrlaf not tb? m-?h of nrlr ?.-M ta tba blaadi Tb*t l,u Imvb pro?M la kandradi at r?n Ml M Ibounali of at CltrW>i4. S. Kith au; of tb* allodia lil?a?tt aa bf aai dmtary hat'lt* draprpala. ladlffaatloa, >analaj oulrtllna. rowtlpatlon. Carlsbad ceraa rur?a tlwm i-rm.n.otlr But t b? twat tray la to prp??-?t C?[U1.?,I Df>rudrl Halt iikra wbra foe will krrp yojr atnaaark twwHa aa.1 ktdn.ra In |*ff?-t ord?r. 1 Take uolT th? (Miular Inporttd r^rl?t.?4 Half aad U-tll-d at tkr Sj.mdcl Kprlt*! wit* ?lgii?nir? ..f ? KIKNEK * MBMNEUKHt CO., M# Ac-aim. \r* York," oa rrrry )?ttla. thna A. UttM rou |gi aad llrar ill >???h We've had to) Work nights! All this a.a~.n ft l lac out (ha FIR.MTl'UK - DKAl-KllIES aad 8TOVKH and cuttln* tb* CAR- ? rrw that bar# l*~~a bought Jar. j, Inn ib.- til. That will |1 ?? yau U B ^ Idfjt of bow mau; (rt*uda oul v4IHI Equitable Credit System tutu ffot and bow ? popular par J? methoda are. There la many aad i ti.auy a rb^ rful home that Wool? ? btvc ln?on empty of eomfort If It wasn't for um and thla aooomiuo dating "Equitable" ayateai of cndlt. Thw'f a biff dlffereaea lifU^n apatinff a f?*w dollirt out of riNir v?H?fcly or monthly ln<oma and "phinkinc d-wn" (ha full iiroiint la a lump. You wouldn't ?mi \ ?' a r?nH"T l?y pay inn a*h. Mwi what you wani -w* eaa ?mince tin- payto??nt to our joint ?at.?f:i<tl??n. 4i House & Herrmann, 917, 559, 921 and 923 7th St. 636 Mass. Ave. MoostroM-s When vkir?l from ?h? atand|?>lnt of atrt< tl/ legitimate t?ui*lu*'ft? ia.?m1??*1#, HigiftSy Amusing ?to thrtw ?b<t are c.n th?- tn?hle. ?Mark tb?* ?*Kasf?-rat???? of the hr loader*! lien ' hey howl. and toap. and ?nnrl. Itk? a p*?k of hungry aulm! IIuh ibfj wrltbr kimI* lik~ a ue?t of ai'-r-y a*-~pettta It.-, miw *? b> Tlo ?r i?*u la.k ???' aldltty to ?*'<? thiiur*> a* tb?> an-, anl t?tk?* ?dtaufu.:** ol ? idtualKm. fb*-ir d?m pcrat<* ??flort? !?? r**?*?*up aft. i lb * KKY ??r ihr po alfl'tn hu* Im-hj tftk. n nnd IIKIJi l?Y lilt t\h.\lY. WK t*Ik.-al tariff at Tht- lN-|rlru?iua. WE u?ad?* uu r?-t of thv t.ict that prU-ea kit ST Ik ndwtd. WK did n.?T wall for tn?> law to fo Into WE luirknl down ett-rjr artt<-l?* of Ready-made Clothing -In our entire ato<-k MAKKKI? th.-m ao |o?r in prl???* that It 1a utterly |iii|mminIM* f??r au> man or any tirin to nndeDwdl ua *?r wnw witiitn tearb of <?ur prl<'?? w it Unit na<-rid< inc hnuiu-if or themaHr?w. p?-rtia|N? tb an- tb??^e who ?r?* Wii.L 1N?1 to make th?- M'ttt'T, but UAN tb. ) d.? it T "That'a tlie <|u?*?tloo." THE SLITS ut Full MEN ahi- t? ?? aell at $7-S? -a an!t ara la?-om| in every parti-jlar( a4 the pel. ?Tboae at $io.oo - hare a value In eioeaa of the prW named ful^ double Men's Overcoats OB. r^l by u? at $5.98, $7.50 and $bo.oq ?bare ao parallel here or rl>? arbere. AT $2.00 ?we bar* a lino of Boys' Suits ?all alz?*a, fn>m f??ar to fourteen yeara We mould Ih? pl?*a?ted t<? 4?ar?' y>M look owf ua thry ar* r?*al ?H-anllen ?-\??ry o??^ of them ^ud the bi^g'-ui l?arfjlua you ever aaw in l*-'j?' Suit*. 10 PER CENT OXITOIXG HOI &E. 927 acd 929 7th at. n.vr., eoruer Ma??a u'UM tta avenue. fmutTLY use nuct Open E*enii?g> until 7. Saturday until 11 p.m. loud -? aoutb of ritllad*>l|?Ma la here It Includes all truaaea of nay n^putatioa Id etStene*. If we fan not tit yon. Dm ? I tody In Wiiiiliiug* t??n can. Full line of eln?ti<- ImhW) at low prl^ii. Kit, w m<mev lack. rii.. al <lan In ? har?c? Lady attenaant Bedin Truss Co., F& B2th StS., Ttkr VJZr.t* 174 You Have Seen No dotal>t th^ other at ! dlvb>t.?iB Well, all W' f\afc of you ia tM>t to por< baae a lot an.\ where until you hare seen the rlioi.-e aaea w?? will offer %?*a at T?ie?b> for $T?o nod upward St4tl??n ??n tlio arouuda. I'a at o??e. U2M I at. n >% tf iiFimie Horses ii i ;Need Every .Care:: 4 > nnd at teat Ion. That ? the r?dy way * ' to keep th<*uj lu brat <laa* ?-oudltioU. W- hare a perfeef entablf<?tiri?*rit per fe?*t *n every way Klre proof thna^li y <?it. No ainmonftn. draoKt ta. rata or * uihe. Erer.\ Lc?i?- i? carefully fed and \ * ydl<won4. f7sUny v ? their own find It cheaper and a^>re aatUfat toty to t?oard their tea DOWNEY'S Hotel for Horses, | | 1622-1628 L St. N. w. | auy j?^r-.?na ha One a?atden of ^ SOd