OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, July 24, 1896, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1896-07-24/ed-1/seq-8/

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- f<
F St., cer. 11th. I Storage, 22 anId M. o
Storing, Hauling, Mov- si
ing and Packing are spe- c;
cialties with us. Best of s,
service, smallest of charges.
We're Hunting c
-with the most tempting bar
gains a furniture establishment
ever put out. Every day is a spe
cial day now. We're preparaing a
to receive fall stock, and are clear
ing out goods on hand at ridicu
lously small prices.
Dressing Tables.
$19 C'urly Wtrch ................... 2
$R, Solid M'.ahogLany .... ...... 2
$19 Btrd's Eye Map!................
$ Bird's Ey- NMaple.................. 9.25
$"i 1 rly lIirc' ..................... 10.30
$19 i'urly tlrch .... ................ 14.25
$L 1lrd's Ioye 1ple................ 14.75
4- iurly ltirch...................... 14.75 6
$32 'arly I rch. ...................... 15 1 1
32 Mahogny.......... .............. 15.00
Q Quartered I4....................
.4l1.1 al orany .............. ..1. . .x
$44- fila)id 14id 3 Mahogarny..............t.. . 25 Sl
- S. .lid fuho-nny................... 10.2
$2 .4 Ml Niahogany .................... I .M 11
X.V: Quart.-rel 4asik..........%..... 19.00
5441 '.ild - M Lho.any ................... 20.4) b
4 QuaoruI. 4ak.................... 20.50 t}
$:Z .,1.1 Anar-rany................... 20.50
K In itIM Ey, 3aple................. . 1 ti
5 Solid laharny................. 25.00
lah-riny, ino!l d.................. .9.46
-72 Noli.i abhommny. brass trimmed.... M0.
$. NSoi fahogany, b.rassq trimmed .... tiop)n
it W. B. 314 0ES & SONS.
-are made so by using GAS to cook
with I n the summer. It is a clean,
labor-aving fuel--and makes the
cok's life less burdensome.
hal t the 'a& Stof or Range here.
We've made big reductions on all Gas
Gas Appliance Exchange,
1424 New York Ave. N.W.
Grany Hyanr
A thin.- of the -ast when Nnttan' Crystal Dis
han r t st lor ines t 1 ray
,,t rrs-I .druf n mak the ni est dressng
h a ot an h; . i on. .se a
1 HI~.WY SLE AGN. 438 TTH . .
-nt. expr.-As prepaid, to ny part of the country
on r-eipt of pri-e. myT;-tf
P ail Ti esolg ae
-with pure gas or by applica
ti..n of Z0%NO to the [u....
Highest class dental oeain
by experienced experts at one
half the charge o r Bo r of slt
class dentists.
Painless fillings. 75e. up.
Very best teeth. $8. 2
Solid gold crowns, $5.M
U0 S Dental Ass'n,
* o Cor. 7th &D Sts.
Saturday@. during July and
Augus- our store close@ at 1 p.m.
is I ONE t 11 ItI
.You can take your piek from our
.s stck of Bed Rtoom Sulte*-at a
. rice that Is loss than actual
of e . -to1t i y a
are mle ai our allur of rpets
frAn littrleor wse or manth-y
is ustas cc ta toI js
"Uccrasdon." mak1s byfar
gt re Roo ut leaane
Sol th e is ya r wn cr
W ie teme an y alltyb ca cr
Sf ns 'on urg btte for st f the
. uret MAMouTH cRDT it OUodnest
. 51E-l2c-r: Levenhteg Co,
S1toret CPoel7.
thea stredoub cti y-bye
21 1t 'St. 'Ph .3. o e 7. a 0
100witches, 13.OO, fornmerly 17.00.
GrySnitches,. 3.50, formel 0.00.
raSwitches. 4.510, fornerl 0.50.
First class attendants In Hairdressing, Sham
300116, etc.
Try our "Cirlette" for retaning earl.
720 ath Street N.W.
o Cae oPy
Private Duapensry.
Meatropoelan Hoe, 61o i lPe.Ave. N.W.
IAdeleea. 4, Q.. 3ntal.h
~Ulbaty~y Examina ~ bkem,
926928 7th-706 K Sts. .
This "clearing sate is bringing
>rth many reductions-many extra
rdinary values. It is the proper
ay to get ready for the arrival of
.uffs for autumnal needs-to obviate
irrying over stock to another sea
It is of big advantage to you, too,
>r it gives you fine seasonable mer
,iandise for about half regular
rices. And so the benefit is
9000 $iWaists
gc. each.
We have bunched all of our Laundered Per
cale and Inwn Shirt Waists, which mold up
to as high as $1, in one lot at 39c. each.
The se waists are in the most stylish pat
terns, and are thoroughly made and perfect
fitting. The collars and uffs are just right.
This Is one of the biggest values ever oX
Best laundered Percale, Lawn and Linen
Shirt Waists, with detachable collars, and
with plain, fancy and Persian patterns, extra
large sleeves. Reduced from $1.50 to -
89c. each.
kfrts and Suits.
We are making quick work of the
irts and suits. Every single gar
lent in the house has been cut way
eyond recognition. Judge not by
ie present prices, but by the prices
tat were.
Plain Black and Brocaded Mohair Skirts,
extra wide. Iteduced from $4 to
$2.49 each.
Extra fine qunlity and very wide Brocaded
and Plain Silk-fished Mofair Skirts. Ile
du-ed from $5 and $6 to
$3.98 each.
Navy an- Black Duck Skirts. Reduced from
81.60 to
89c. each.
Best Quality White Duck Skirts, very wide.
Reduced from $2 to
$1.19 each.
All-wool Black and Navy Blazer or Reefer
Serge Suits. Reduced from $10 and $11 to
$6.98 each.
Plain and Striped Linen Suits, and Navy
and Black Duck Suits. Reduced from $3 to
- $1.69 each.
Fine Quality White Duck Suits. Reduced
from $4 to
$2.25 each.
3athing Suits.
Women' All-wool Twilled Navy Flannel
Bathing Stits, trimmed with white braid.
Redoaced from $3 to
$1.98 each.
Black Mohair Bathing Suits, trimmed with
whit- braid, large balloon sleeves. Reduced
from $5 to
$3.49 each.
g.5o Wrappers.
)oC. each.
Tomorrow we shall place on sale 800 Best
Percale and Print Wrappers-in a large va
riety of patterns: smne with yoke; some with
ruffies and trimmed with braid-all' Watteau
8oc. each.
3-inch Taffeta Ribbon in all the scarce
121c. yard.
4-Inch of same
i9c. yard.
5c. up-to-date skirt and
aist supporter, 19c.
130 doxe. M-n's Cheviot and Madras Neg
1ie Shirts, 1lght and medium colors-never
sold for 50r.-for
33c. each.
145 doven Men's Iaundered Percale Shirts,
all sizes and in splendid styles-separate pair
curs and 2 collars--price at men s stores is
75e.-here at
50c. each.
25 dozen Men's Imported Wool Outing
Shirts--well made and perfect ftting-$1
65c. each.
It 92&928 7th-7o6 K Sts.
Close 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 p.m.
-onl1y a:
len a n ithity
delicious thirst
quenching Claret,
which we are en
abled to offer at
t h e extraordinarily
low price of
15c. per bottle.
14 14th St. 'Phone 998.
ake a Camera With You
hen you go on your vacation outing. No pleas
ter souvenir of places visited than "snap shots.''
isy to work- and we "do the rest"-4f you wish it
SLowest prices. BROWN, 1010 F it. n.w.jy28-8
Pu're Rye Whisky
Is distilled especially for medicinal purposes, al
is highly recomn ended by the leading phsclam
f ts m ecinal virtues. Sold only in fulQuart
uy1-Sm.14 1*09 V st. a.w.
Big and little-indestructible, uamasha
bie-possess every convenience. No lower
p rices-anywhere-than ours. Bags and
nuit Cs--fine ones for little money. Re
pairing by experts.
Lutz & Co., 497 Penn.Ave.
etsfor the famos "Concord Harness."
V'ade et Butcher Razors.
Torrey Razor Strops.
.0W. & Razor, hollow ground.........93c.
.5V. *. Razor, hollow ground.........50c.
. our-sided Torrey Strop..................3c.
Swing Strop. S. & A. Special..........49lc.
S- lt.rrop. combination...............1.
Very comlet l i Brbers Stpplies, stuch a
one Hones. all sizes; Cosmetics, S9having Soaps,
& S. Clippers. Safety Razors, Bay Rum, etc.,
lowest prices. KOLEt PHAlCMACL 387h t
w. jy21-17d
Ask for
An Absolute and Tasteless Cure
or Diarrhons, Dysentery. Colic, Cholera Morbus
and Cholera Infantum.
dil Druggists, 15c. a Vial.
3els-sm -
The "toga e ae
E ison compact; cleany and
Ii meograph ne'0inr"r*io" " ot
ohn C. Parker,
jy2-164 617-19 ITH R. N.W.
VWn Baby Suffers
- eases. Plato e perfumed. 100. ben.
w:n' Drnnr Store 9M8 FRSt N
Cor. x ith and G Sts.
Enough hot weather ahead
to buy a gas stove, and the
discotpifort that you will save
In only this time will justify
you in buying one.
For a dollar
-here you can buy a two
burner gas stove that is
large enough to do ordinary
cooking for a small family.
Is full nickel-plated. Same
stoves bring much more
An excellent and most convenient or
tide i Heller's Hot Water Gas Heater,
which fastens beneath the kitchen hoiler
and heats from 18 to 24 gallons for bath
or other uses In 30 minutes. Ask to see
it. $6 each.
Never too late to screen the house.
Sereens last for years, anyhow, and are
"in season" the biggest part of the year.
If you want something little different
from the ordinnry, or odd-shaped screens,
we'll make them to order.
Adjustable Window Screens, which
close narrow enough for any window and
open quite Wide, for 17c. each.
Screen Doors-complete with spring
hinges, hook and eye and bandle-75c.
Window Screen Frames, 1&,. each.
We guarantee to save you a big part
of your money in Freezers, for we are
quoting the lowest prices in town. Best
freczcrs, too-those which freese the
cream perfectly Ir. shortest time.
3-qt. Blizzard, or Arctic, $1.35.
4-quart "Gem," $1.05.
We've a 12-inch Lawn Mower we of
fer for $2, and guarantee it. We've one
at $2.50 which is like those at $8 about
Your old Mower sent for, repaired and
sharpened and returned for $1. Tcle
phone or drop a card.
HOSE, $1.40.
25 feet Garden Hose, complete with
- patent nozzle and coupling, $1.40.
Better grades at $2.25, $2.75, $3, $3.25
up to $6 for 25 feet.
Hose Reels, 75c. each.
971f the old hose has burst we will
call for It, mend and return It for 25c.
The "Barber & Ross" Shears and Scls
sore are positively the finest that is or
can be made. The strongest guarautee
Is given with every pair, and new ones
are given if they break.
iLadies' Scissors, 4 to 7 in., 60e. up.
P Cutting-out Shears, 6e. up.
An old Bathtub CAN be made to look
like new by the use of a can of our En
amel Paint. The defects In a porcelain
bathtub, which are b'und to occur, may
be covered over with a little of this
paint. 60e. pint can; 25c. small jar.
45c. a hundred square feet In full
rolls of 150 running feet for Poultry Net
Oc. a hundred feet for less than a
Rakes, 20c.; Spades and Shovels, 40c.;
Hoes, We.
4-gallon Garbage Cans, 50c., with cov
er, both nide of heavy galvanized iron.
A 4%-gallon can for 75c.
B arber & oss,
arber 0oss,
Cor. G and iith Sts.
18th and F.
8 Days
~More wllbup
I And our time
I This store must be vacated
Sby the end of the month.
\V re determined
*Everythi ng
IIf low prices can do it. Low
prices. Yes, so low that it
cost the manufacturers more
to make the goods than we
are selling them for. If you
Shave use for anything in the
shape of
You should investigate this
Clearing Sale. The goods
are not cheap trash, made to
sell cheap, but honest, well
made, substantial goods. We
~Furniture & Carpet Co.,;
13th & F Sts. N. W.
Our up-to-date methods are not necessarily
rough and painful. Far from It; they are
just the reverse. Our Painlessly Pleasant Er
-tracting-no anaesthetlcs-4s an aot illustra
-tlon of how We do businass. ExtreetIng, 50
-cents. Artiflelal Teieth, per set, $8.00.
nEvans' Dental Parlors,
1127 Penna. Ave. N. W.
The rapidity with which
You have been coming here fo
"needables" has had no visible el
fect on our stock, as we are coni
stantly receiving new goods, an
will continue to show the mo:
complete assortment of Artists
Architects', Draughtsmen's an
-Painters' supplies in the city. Ou
prie ill suityu.
Ge.P. th & CoelJ.,
B. Rich's Sons, ten-two F St.
"if they're Rich's
The third offering in
n. our series of special
e. sales will be a lot of
ladies' tan, wine, choc
olate and black kid Ox
fords, both welted and
turned soles - elegant
for much walking at
seashore, mountains or
re bicycle wear-Oxfords
rk which have been $2.50,
$3 and $3.50 for
$8 Pair.
, it Ten-two F St.
E7If Schneider makes it, it's good.
We Have Stands
In All fiarkets
* -now. Just opened new ones in
Riggs and 0 street markets. These.
as well as our stands in Cnter
and K strect markets, will i.e filled
* tomorrow with all kinds of Bread.
4o **, B, B alts, Cake and Pastry,
fresh from our ovens.
* ** EDelivered to homes promptly.
. - * Drop postal.
lChas- Schneider's
odel Bakery, 4.3 1 St.
And All Markets. It
Kt* t 1 1*"*+*4444 44 441.
Most Valuable Ilementos
Of The C. E. Convention
-- LI-7rE S1r OF VIEWS of this great meet
- ing-the ILteresting places, gatherings and
are the on tographers who
- wad COMP~tE S'WrSOn sale here'.
- Come in and see them.
W. H. Stalee, 1107 F St.,
Suecekor to M. B. BRADY. jy24-16l
Very few
dogs or cats
-that don't have fleas on them
this hot weather. THOMP
is the most effective remedy. j
10, 15, 25 and 4oc. can. t
w. Thompson,703
S. 5th 4
The "Eddy" Refrigerator
has NO EQjUAL. $5.85 up. I
Crystal Fountain
Filter, $6 up.
-ce It In operation on our first floor
g~erm rof - self-cleaning - capacity
fr m 25to 1,500 l os daily- a0
century wonder, up.
Ice Cream Freezers.
first to Its class-will freeze creani in -
H reezer is second to
the White Mountain, freezes cream In
7 minutes. 2-qt. ie 1 .25
E7Book Of chol-I free
"L Beveridge,
1,2B5 F St. and 1214 U St.
about the house, that's worth mending? No
matter what the material-so It's not tin-i
new" again. Heat or cold has no
7Always ready to use. Only 1Ec. bottle.
We Clean Wheeling Costumes.
Do it lots better than you yourself can do the
A work. Clean Suits, l1ats, Hose, Sweaters, etc.
De sweaters a beautIful red, blue or black.
Reasonable chargs
Telephone 1442. 1y22-8d
x Miss Della tdtevens ef Boston suffered for years
frmhereditary scrofula, whkh the hest phsicians
4 failed to ,elieve. 8. S. 8I. cured her soond ad well
and saved her fromt ' df,. of untold agony.
-4 and suse that old and well-tred remedy, Mr.
4Winsloit's Soothing Syrup, for children teethitig.
4It soothes the child, softens the gum, alla. sli
4 ain, cures wind colic snd is the best remedy for'
diarrhoea. M cent, a bottle. 'se10-1y
tonic is Angostura Bit ters, the world reinowned
4tonic of Dr. J. 0. B. Slegert & Sons. Ask your
druggist. jy2t4
Killed at the End of a Long Fight.
SgWicial Corr. New York Berald.
4SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba, July 12, 1896d.
The most important Incident of the last
Sfew days Is the death of the rebel leader,
Jose Maceo, in an engagement between his
and Periquito Perez's forces on the 5th in
stant, in Loma del Gato, and the Spanish
- columns of General Albert and Colonel
Vara del Rey, numbering 1,500 men. The
engagement was a severe one, lasting six
hours, both Spaniards and Cubans showing
great courage.
The insurgents, owing to the splendid po
sitions they had on the heights of Loma
del Gato, defeated the Spanish. who lost
more than eighty killed, among them a
commander and 100 wounded. Among the
latter were one captain and two lieuten
ants, very seriously wounded. The rebels
had Jose Maceo, Brigadier Cartagena and
ten men killed and fifty-nine wounded.
A great many Spanish wcunded were
brought to this city last night in the train,
many others having beeh left In Songo.
The body of Jose Maceo was exposed in
state for a day in the coffee plantation Bi
cocas, and was burled on the night of the
6th In the same place where Victorian Gar
zon lies, between Santa Maria Sabina and
_La Ysabela.
Large Feet and Malt Drinks.
From the Norfolk Virginian.
O. It has been discovered that all women
who partake to any extent of malt drinks
have large feet! The women of Holland,
Germany and even England are quoted as
examples, while the women of the wine
countries, France, Spain and Italy, are, on
thie other hand, famed for their small and
shapely feeot.
Connpanions in Misery.
From the Atchison Globe.
The parrot had been naughty and hurt
the baby. This made the mistress so
mad that she thr?w the bird under the
bed, where It remained in disgrace. When
the husband came home he inquired for
the bird and was told that it was under
the bed. As he erawled in after It the
*bird inquired:
__"Well, what have you done?"
ert Fromn the Pittsburg Catholic.
"That woman over there looks as if she
B were painted."
"9h:, that 1* my wifer'
"I had not finished my sentence. She
.looks a if she were painted by BRaal
and h~a Jnst sepnped at 01 tese frae,
f L:
-- -:
Let this list s est something
and yet we've einsof other de
cious things for qnick lunch or di
ner'without having to light the fiu
amported and Dndetie Surdi.,
Potted Tongue. , 1
Pdtted Turkey. Iii
Boned (Cicken. -
Pate do Poulet.
Patn do Becasse;
Pate doeLievre.
Chipped BeeL
Sliced ngue.
We are sure there isn't a mo
complete variety south of New Yoi
than is here.
$1.25 dozen for finest Jmport
'nger ale--others ask $1.40 ai
1.50. Many other excellent summ
drinks, such as unfermented gral
juice, lime juice, root beer, apol
naris, &c.
Elphonzo Youngs Co
Wholesale and Retail Grocers. -
428 9th St., bet. D and E.
P. 8.-We close daily at 6 o'clock, including S
Tomorrow we will n eke a special
Sugar day-we meno by this we'll slash
the price down still further-i% cents
get pound is our price for Saturday on
B eat Franklin Granulated. Leave yor
Sugar order on Saturday to be delivered.
NOw is the tine for preserv and can
ning fruits-the fruit crop Is , and
no one should leave the prgent oppor
tunity pass for buying supar supplies.
We have Just received
F 2,000 large Decorated Two
quart Majolica Pitchers,
which we are going to give to our cs
tomers tomorrow.
To each purchaser of one pound of
50-eent Gunpowder Tea, Oolong Tea
Best Mixed Tea, or three pounds of
30-cent Java and Mocha Coffee, we
will give either one of the (above nam
ed) large Decorated Pit(hers, a large
Decorated Vase or a Gold-band China
Cup, Saucer'and Plate.
Any purchaser preferring the special
psent of 5 pounds of Best Granulated
gar with the same quantity (above
A mentioned) of Tea or Coffee instead of
china ware will be accommodated.
Tomorrow we make a special
and unprecedented cut in the
price of Lard -5 tents per pound
Ibumys it Saturday--luy it in 10-pound lots
-20-pound lota--0-pound lots- 100-pound
lotsbut don't mis this chance. We'll
sel you any Ipautity, down to one
0 8.000 pounds of the good,
od-fashioned Arbuckle's Cof
fee will be sold by us tomor
row for 20 cents per pound package.
8,500 pounds of 28-eent Maricalbo and
La Guayra Coffees will also be included
in our special coffee sale at 20 cents per
pound tonhorrow.
1.000 lHalf-bushcl Baskets, with dou
his handles, at 5 cer.ts each.
We would call your
attentlcn to our spe
clal raid on the prices
of Smoked Auganded Shoalders tomor
row. We'll sell 5.000 pourds at the as
tonishingly low .price.. A% cents per
und. The 6reast strips of Breakfast
con will bh 8 cents lb.
r Star Soap, Boraz Soap, Brown
Soap, Rose Leaf, New Tariff, for
8 cents per crke tomorrow.
These are all regular 5e. size cakes, and
the beat-known brar.ds in the world. The
special in the Toilet Soap department is
a box of three cakes, Honey, Rose, Gly
cerine, 7 cents per box.
In the Cake and Cracker
depart mitt we are cutting
the price of bNst Miand Cakes
to 12 cents, and Cream Crackers to 5
cents per pound tomorrow. In the meat
department we will sell Best Large
- Fresh Eggs for 12%c. per dozen. Large
Watermelons on ice for 15 cents each.
A The Baby Brand Condensed
Milk is best for infants;
price, 10 cents per catn, or
$1.10 per Lay in a supply of
Matches while we are cutting the price;
12 cents dozen tomorrow for the large
boxes. The special in Flavoring
Extracts is 10 cents for the
A 25c. bottles of vanill a. Also
in Spices, 8 cents for one-fourth pound
?of Pepper, Cinnamon, Ghager. Allspice.
Q( loves, etc. In Fruit Department the
I Extra Large Sweet Prunes go for S
7cents per pound.
*Johnston's, 729 7th St.
CE7Prompt delivery every day in the year.
All the ICEB
Delivered by our white
Gie0 wagons is harvested on
drvrour own ice fields on
dro the Ken nebec river. It's
~et. the purest, hardest ice
her hewold
Independent Ice Co.,
910 Pa. Ave--31o8 Water St.
KNEESSI, 425 7th si
Club bags, $'
-genuine alligator skin. Won
derful, indeed, how we can sell
them for so little.
pTelescope Cases, 85e.
Grain Leather Cbin Bags, $2.50.
Best $5.75 Trun made.
~Kneessi, 42p5 f5eventh St.
We are now selln a few 1896 wheels,
to $6. Also whe~! ',0 to $25, that we
1)ays taken in trada.
Admiral Wheel, $57.50.
(One ~ar urnte.)
WSer Light.........................80
R)tb entingm....pert ....
Conn. Ave. Cycle Co.,
IIL0 and iiu2 Conn. Avi
t The peculiar feature of these Stov~
(Th lGs an Gasoline Stoves I sell) is that tl
Sare not the kInd to giVeou any trouble or both
See the . prieR.M. HARROvR
Us JMaurer's RAT and ROACH PASS
8 N th'st H tp
Delightful Weather Favors Visitor to
Atlantic Oity.
Nell Known Washingtonians Who
Promenade Upon It.
ipecial Corrmpoidence of The Evening Star.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 23.
As the torrid, sultry neonth of July nears
to close and the.approach of the dreaded
log days draws nearer and nearer the pop
ilation of the cool and pleasant city-by-the
sea becomes more and more summer-like in
ts proportions and aspect. The weather here
ias truly been delightful. The thermome
er has not exhibited any undue aspira
tions skyward, and there has been no en
leavor made by the sun's rays to see how
ruicksilver. can jump either by a 16 to I
ratio or anything else. The evenings are
particularly delightful and the bathing.
boating and fishing are at their best. So
>ool has it been, in fact, that several times
luring the past week spring overcoats at.d
tight wraps have been desirable accompani
ments to a boardwalk promenade. on the
other hand, from all accounts, the heat of
the larger cities has been something awful.
go, given these two conditions, it is not to
be wondered at that Atlantic is enjoying
the patronage of the heated and want-to
be-cooled-off thousands.
All week the trains have been bringinhg
in large consignraents of human freight,
and the hotels have all a prosperous air
LbOut them.
Along the Walk.
The population numbers many Washing
tonians, a fact which is made apparent by
the long list of familiar capital city nam-s
upon the hotel registers. Washington Is
;ending an unusual number of guests here
riow, and this seawa.rd exodus from your
:ity will, in all probability, continue, and
even increase, as the season grows stronger
and the summer waxes warmer.
A salk %long the esplana-te reveals the
presence of a number of well-known Wash
iugtonians there and many pleasant social
meetings take place. The wooden railing
erected by the city as a temporary guari
for the new walk is being torn down, an]
the ornamental iron railings are being put
up. The work was ba-gun Wednesday an i
will be con'Pleted in a short time. Witwin
it is finished Atlantic City will rejoice in
the possession of what is undoubtedly the
linest walk or esplanade of its kind in the
The craze for novelties along this seaside
bculevari continues unabated. One might
think that ingenuity had been exhausted
and invention d1ullal in the. thousand anel
Dne devices for entertaining the phlkasure
sAeker strewn along the walk, but the de
sire for 'something new" has even again
been gratilied. Death and its terrors ar
reproduced for the delectation and delight
of the novelty-seekers right at tke sea's
edge, almost.
A Gruesome Novelty.
Many readers of The Star will remember
the descriptive titorles which came from
Paris not so long ago, concerning the fa
nious and somewhat gruesome "cabaret de
la more," which held forth on the Loule
vard. This was the Cafe of Death, and it
has been reproduced on Atlantic City's
board walk. A building, which somewhat
resembles a church on its exterior, and
which is simply a long, black hall inside.
offers to the jaded traveler the novelty
sought. On entering he is confronted by
grinning skeletons and fantastic arrange
ments of cross-bones, which he dimly sees
by the light of lamps, which are constructed
of skulls. Attendants garbed in somber
livery serve refreshments upon tables which
are coffins, and the stage entertainment
consists of the transformation of a member
3f the audience into a corpse and back to
the quick again.
When the visitor leaves he whistles a long
aote and says: "What next?"
The board walk amusements, until Wed
sesday night, have included three some
what doubtftil attractions, which were
known as the Turkish Theater, the Grecian
rheater and the Living Picture Show. They
were all notable for the rather risque per
formances given therein. On Wednesday
aight, however, Mayor Stay and the licenqe
and police committee of the council made
a tour of the walk to pass judgment on the
"shows" thereof, and after a severe inves
Ligation decided that the three mentioned
should go. And, accordingly, go they will.
Nunmed After McKinley.
Marshal George F. Senft, city chief of
Egg Harbor's police department, is a hap
py man. Upon the day of Maj. McKinley's
nomination a baby boy was born into the
genft household, and when the news of the
Dhio Napoleon's nominration c-anme to hand
the liattle fellow was named "William Mc
Kinley." isith all due pomp and ceremnony.
rhe f'aiher sent a letter to the candidate,
telling him the story, and Wednesday's
mail brought the followirng autograph re
"I send my best wishes to your boy and
his parents, and n'iake grateful acknowi
edgme~nt of the compliment paid me ly
givilng thc little fellow my name. Yours
v'ery truly, WILLIAM McKINLEY.-'
Washington Visitors.
Senator "Joe" Blackburn will visit Atlan
tic City during August. The Senator is
very fond of the fishing here.
Senator Vest of MissourI will be here for
several days next month.
Joseph Wedderburn, the patent attorney,
arrived at the Garden Htotel Wednesday
for a few days' rest and recreation.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wine are guests of
the Grand Atlantic Hotel.
Leroy M. Taylor, jr., is located at the
Luray, where he is greatly benefited by
the sea breezes.
Mrs. H. M. Cook and Miss H. Cook are
ocated st the Garden Hotel.
Mrs. J. D. Gaillard Is enjoying life at the
At the Pennrhurst are Mrs. R. H. Clarke,
Miss H. Clarke and Miss M. Clarke, a
pleasant little family party.
R. F. Cromelin is at the Traymore for a
long sojourn. He is an enthusiastic fisher
G. G. R. Simpson is a guest of the cozy
Wellington, where he will probably remain
for some time.
Miss S. Marshall is enjoying life at the
G. L. Morton is :ocated at the Welling
C. D. Legrand is making the St. Charles
lhis headquarters.
0. G. Seelman Is registered at the St.
Charles, with his wife.
Miss M. F. Mcore finds seashore life at
Park Cottage vet y agreeable.
Dr. Kaley is among the Pitney's many
J. G. Woodworth is at the Osborne,
Among the Washington people who are
snjoying life here are William J. Wallace
and wife. They will remain for a week or
A pretty Washington belle here is Miss
IEmma Stanley. She is greatly admired.
T. T. Ellis is at the Cordova for a pleasant
S. C. Smoot and wife were recent Wash
ington arrivals at the Cordov'a.
M. W. Bond was a recent arrival here.
He will remain for some time to enjoy the
line fishing and the pleasant bathing.
William Fristoe is here for a short sojo irn.
A pleasant party of Washington people
at the popular Luray includes W. E. Hal
lock and wife and Mrs. Joseph Gliii and
Miss Inez Johnston has arrived for a
month's sojourn..
Mrs. J. D. Morgan is registered at the
Beachwood, with her three children and
Thomas Shields is a visitor.
C. L. Steel of Richmond. Va., a gentleman
well known socially in Washington, is
among the recent arrivals. He will remain
for several weeks.
J. H. Small, jr., came down to the sea
shore Wednesday for a stay of some dura
One of the prettiest seaside belles of the
season is Miss C. H. Graham of the capital
city, who arrived WVednesday for a pro.
tracted stay.
TPhe Edison ts entertaining a larg= mnen
One DiseaseandoneRemedy
--ne art Of peintag,-.. ei m KIOt. ..e.t i
-e4eStg the right -ouha a st pttlit thea e th
right pl --'Ette way to win. a battle," mid
Nepater. "e to arms yer tmeops at the critile
m100t aatant the weakent spot to the earmy's
line. '-"ne way to ere many aiments," mid the
great Dr. Abeuable, "18 to purity the ptoisoed
prinag in whikh they arse., generally the torpid end
in0ftmed digestive syatmun."
Thus Wladon Mind experieace simlify and eoe
'se. ITees the okee of Mofunt t4ams reas,=
ed when they nsuight, and maally fauad, & remedy
for indigesticn and dyspelpia. Where on, pea e
ha SO)ME3KLjajN EEEE, they argued. a thoudsad
have THIS. T eure THIS ALONE will almost rid
the world of sistaers. Why obald we veK car
Selvev with cvOnfiusing desitIens? A good digestion
1% life and health; a bad one disease and death.
Hence, from the healing and stimulating rnountain
heriu. they extracted the princiles which make
the thaker lIge-tive Cordial the 'arept and nsset
effertive of mediciss Iit ONE DfEA$E. AND
ONE ONiV-- indigestion and dyspepala.
Do 300 suffer from any of these miseratsle feel.
hinP -pressuion of qpirits, heavlnss and tain ta
the st'-mach after meals, had taste In the mouth,
wind in "1K hoWels. irritctte deposji-en, nerVous
weakusssa and a'arm. worry and niarirtess, cootive
ess or irregularity of the ho-sela. naiusa. pali*ita
tion, skt headache, benrthrn, loss of aei.the
atal sleei, dry akin, etc.?
lIon't inluige In ffty fK.1sh fan,+s. You have
uidigelsn and dysalegwia and amtiilnig -hlie. iet
the-, dsiardered stomach right with the s1n, n-dicise
which %til sur ly do It, Nuker I Iig. se Cw.tdil,
and theme F njst1m01 will vanish ityh t1ir inuse.
A row4 efreet will follow ithe first does. Even
chroul- eseaB rmn yleid.
Test the cordial. at prac'tieliy no -st, bey tak
Ing a tsn-ent trial tottle. For tate loy neutly all
di uggist.
ber of Washington pteople, anorg ihem be
big W. L. Irving awl wits . Miss 1. E. Irvung,
Miss M1. A. Irving and A. G. lrviag.
N. T. Theeqle came here Wedn. sdiar.
Dr. G;eorge Bains was a ri-cs-nt Ar! ival at
the Dudl y Arms. The samse hous-- is en
tertailig Mrs. A. F. Munford ar:d fanily,
also of Washington.
J. 14. Mackenzie and wife are at t he -terke
Mrs. M. E. Bcyle is a popular W. .ihing
ton visitor at the Bosobel.
J. E. Hall is located at 4*ht-Im r inn.
A tiuo of prtty Washingtos bliss i.nhy
ing life by the sea are MIss Ai.na L.. Dietri-h
awid Mss Mae Newcomle. Thy will it
main until A'ugust.
J. N. Carr is enjoytig life pt the Columbia.
Mrs. A. A. Humphrey atii Miss lHinphwry,
two well-known Wasthingtn g orte? y latiles,
are at the Chalfonte for a lirthoned stay.
Wash isisom Gueta.
Albemarle-M. E. Friber, Miss Dungan.
Algonquin-J. If. Me;ijl.
Arondak-A. B. C(oppes and wife, W. B.
Atglen- P. Sebhalhut. W. It. Brightwell, J.
Bteck. H. W< x. E. J. W,x, Mrs. E. t
Crook. M. E. Vrcok.
lHerkstilre Inn-S. C. Smrnot ald wfe. W.
W. Chance, F. C. Gi-sking. 4'. J. Graff, 11.
H. M4-lis. Mrs. F. S. Arnoii. Dr. L. Wood
ston anl w Ife Mrs. (;. F. Peck. H. . Its -
side, wife. h Id and uinra. J .. . MIh-n
r.y. #I. ('ol said wife, Mis. it. V. ielt,
1IrF. L. It1.ler't~y.
Boch wood--Aliias I. F. Milb--r. Mrs. J. D).
Morgan. hiree childr-tn ansi maid.
ik~ley--S. 'T. Br( wn, A. Van Dpachen
SauSn. J. -. Fl-Ilemn, W. it. sutton, J.
B. Ma-k.- zie ami wifv.
Bscrjl--Msrs. M. E. B le Mrs. K.
Nk-ah Mirs. M. 'asd. r.M. Iti-hmonj-1.
Bryn is wr--Mrs. L. llabisiris.
Cord.n'a--S. C. Stmoo: and wif, Miss R.
Kir. o.2,1d T. C Mas-. M. Brw. Mrs. H.
Foshsury, I. Douglas, A. liouslas, T. T.
kCihster Inn-J. E. Hall, Mrs. E. Wight
man. E. B. Wadleigh.
Colunbia--4. E. Huts ,hns, J. N. Carr.
Chalfonte-Mrs. A. _A. Humphrey, Miss
DeVille-F. Fowler. Ms. I. PEughton.
Fresiinia-Mrs. J. W. Conrad, It. W. Cox,
H. Shan~klin and wife.
Garden-Mrs. It. IM. Cook, Miss H.' Cook,
J. 'Wed-rturin.
Grand Atlantic-K. Craige, Mr. and Mrs.
L. D. Wine.
Grand Union-Miss Wells.
Heckler-C. G. Lederer, Miss 31. Leds-rer,
J. Cooper. E. Rothschild.
Hoffman-C42. P1. Miller.
Hygeia-J. F. Smoot ani wife.
Idaho-J. T. Daily and family.
Kuehnite's-F. It. WooJbtry, 0. Witmer,
A. S. Pa#4hs y, J. Ebaugh.
Kenilworih inn,-<. Auerbach and wife,
G. M. dlb r.
Koopman-Mrs. J. Lansburg.
Luray-L. M. Taylo)r, jr., W. R. Soipp.
Linds-n lal!-li. Sonmmers, It. Harris, C.
C. Goldsmit .
Louella-Mrs. C. Strauss.
Metropole-E. M. Smith, Mrs. J. B. Thom
as. Wm1. Engel.
Melox-Mrs. L. 11. lBolts.
Norwood- s. J. D. Gaillard.
Osbortne-W. L. Carntey. J. 4. Woolwr~rth,
W. W. Cos. T. Power, L. Lahot. Mrs. E. V.
Ocean Queen-A. H. Fuller, Mt. C. Fuller,
R. A. Fuller.
Pitniy-Dr. Kolty.
Park Cottage-Miss M. F. 11core, Mrs. J.
1). Gaillard.
Pennhurst-Mr. I. II. Clarke, Miss H.
Clarke.. Miss 31. Clarks-.
Sticknei:y-W. H. TCope. tsife an,1 son, ..
Curtin, G. it. Shsest. WV. S. Geni: our and
wife. Mrs. Hiowefl. Miss M. Hlowsell. Mrs.
Baitn, F. Bi. Bain, F. 0. McNs'w.
St. Chlarless . D). lsgrandl, A. L. Hiughes,
0. 0. 5sellman an11. wile, C. Hi. Ws-aki-y.
Sebisatirs-Dr. WS. It. King and wife, F.
TC. Sc'ncidier.
Str: atford-F. Wijler.
Tray mere--R. F. 'rozmetin. F". Nuppan.
WIs8eii-i-J. P. Clarke, Miss. Ariimrong,
Wellington-G. G. Rt. Simleon, G. L. Msiar
ton, WV. Ht. Ridigemore, Sr., anid wife.
No. CIa.a of People More Addie-ted to
the Writing iit.
From the5s' rhwagor Trilsune.
There is no class xlhich is more~ suas it
to that common malady, the uss-Ihi'ling
mania, thtan royalty. Thse troublle asr!..a inl
this case from an abusndatnce of Iiis-ir' and
money. The sovereIgns, princes or princess
es have noticed the attention which ordi
nary persons attract to themselvec by thse
puliicationl of books, and feel tb:t loyali
millions are yearning to hear fromu themr
When they see themselves in print they
are thrilled. The result is almost ine-vitabhle
that they repeat the offense. In v-ery few
cases have these royal piulicsationis the.- ex
ctuse of any literary muerit. Ps'-has the
Queen of Roumuania, the poetess "Carmen
Sylva," is an exception to this r.l, but it
is safe to say that her werks have not
given joy to a very large reading psublic.
The most cotnspicuous examph-ls of royal
literature have biesen furnished hsv hssr ma
ji sty the queen. Her first work was ''Early
Days of His Royal Highness, the Prince
Consort." The next, pubtlished in 1Iss1.- was
"Leaves From the Journal of slur Life In
the Highlands." This is unudoubtedlly her
chief work. In 1885 she publIshed "More
Leaves Prom the Journal of Our Life in
the Highlandls." She also edit.-d the 'Life
of His Royal Hig:hness, the Prince Con
sort," which was written by Sir Theodore
Many of her majesty's numerous descend
ants have had fancIes in the same direc
tion. The Princess of Walesetis. of course,
an exception. The Duke of ('lar-nce anid
Duke of York wrote a journal of their voy
age around thme world in the cruiser lBac
Found a Pet Full et Gold.
From the New Yott Journal.
Daniel Wandell, a farmer, has lived for
sixty years In the old family homestead on
the Richmond road, in Concord, Staten Is
land. He was well-to-do bsefore last Sat ur
day, but on that day he becamne' wealthie~r
by some $10.003l In gold, which he found in an
old Iron pot, at least so he hImself says.
That day workmen on the Midland rail
road trolley line hatted In front of hIs house
to dig a hole for a pole. In the evening
Farmer Wandeil, moved by curiosity, went
out to the open hole and looked down into it.
What appeared to be an Iron pot showed on
the side of the clay in the hole. He secured
a shovel, and, after a little iabor, excavated
the pot, which he took into the yard and
It was a veritable pot of gold. Then he
turned t-he pot over and pured out a large
sum. The colns ween sted thirty years
ao. Their condition and that of the pqt
showed that the treasur had been hidden
for mnaye as.

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