WANT ED?HELP. MALE. AVAXTKD?A MF.AT CUTTER AT ONCE. WITH ewrify and arliritj. Address Box 127. Star of Itr. Pol5-4t* ! WANTH? W A BI HTL1NO YOLN< I MA\ with good penmanship and accurate at iiguivs, w.ill be offered permanent position; salary to start. S*> per w?*? Apply by letter only, >? HKiH BROS.. 113 4?* st It WANTED AN EXPERT It'K.KKKH'KlI FOR A leading Jewelry house. who thoroughly under stands detail work and ?-an furnish tw?u sth are.. New York city. nol3-s&w-;?ni FEMALE. WANTED?A GIRL FOR GENERAL lloFSE- I w? rk in small family in (J- irg-town; reference | required. ?fcll at 1.?>H 17tb at. n.w. It* 1 WAN TEI>?4XJI.ORED WOMAN lo !>"? C?JOK in* atul general houscwor*. Call between U and 12 a.m.. at 40 Qubxy st. n.e. It" WAXTKU-KXTKBIKXCKK Mil.IJNKUY BODY I H.rkfpt; no other need apply. FAR1.S1.\N I I.oWER i o? 11?<# E n.w. If WANTED- F.XPERI EN< ED SALESLADIES T\ sts. n.w. noie-2t T\ A\TED A TH??ROl ?.i 11.Y C4>MPETENT | white girl for general housework in small family; must be neat and trustworthy and stay nights; references. Address UUl jjhKEEl'EK M.. Star | office. no 17 21>* WANTF.I>?A NORTH GERMAN WOMAN ~AS competent nursery governess. Address II F.X. Star office. nol7-2t* WANTED? YOt'NG LADY TO LEARN NEW style halrdres^ing; g?-??d wages while learning. Full particulars address R. P. C.. Star office. noltVLt* wanted ? country colored girl for housework and to take care of children; must stay nights; bring reference. 15u2 Kenesaw ave. m>15-3t* wanted Lehman ok swiss girl to cook; small lamily: g???d and permanent home, Call J at once at 17:?!# Corcoran -it. nolG-2t* WANTED A ~STENt NJRAPHER AND TYI'E~ writer for several weeks, references required. Anidress in own handwriting, state salary ex pected. X. X. X.. Star oflh e. no 18-lit* WAXTKI> ( OMPETENT WHITE COOK: | reference# required. Apply 1717 P st. nol6-3t* MALE OK FEMALE. WANTED?MEN COOKS. P.AKEKS,WAITERS.VEG ETABLE OUOKS, K ITCH FN AND CHAMBER MAIL^. STORE RMS.. DISHWASHERS. CLEAN ERS. DICK'S HOTEL AGENCY, 013 7TH ST. n??17 tf WANTED AT TOl'LOTTE'S INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, butlers. 2d men cooks, maids, chambermaids, waitresses and general 1mhis#-workers, with referentes. 171S L st. n.w. n??lZ> 1 in* WANTED?SITUATIONS. 31 ALE. WAN I EI? SITUATION BY A RESPECTABLE COL ored man as c*H>a, first-class. in a private family or Utarding house; ??an furnish reference from last phrf. lin K st. n w. nd7-2t* WANTED-'-BY TWO COLORED MEN, sfffX tions. one as eoa-hm in, other as waiter or to at tei.d to invaii'l. or porter in sto;e; good reference; sober and w illing, i a.l or address for three days, 1747 L st. n.w. nol7-2t* FEMALE. WANTED BY A YOl'NG WHITE GIRL. S.T uati< n a* chambermaid or w aitress; n?? objtt tlon to suburbs. Call at 127 F st n.e. It* WANTED PLACES FnR fl GOoD COLORED | c???ks. 4 chambermaids and waitresses. 3 nurses. 5 gen'I workers. 3 hut his. '2 coachmen: each has city refs. LADIES* EXCIL. t?14 13th n.w. no!7-2J?e* WANTED- BY A YOl'NG LADY OF EDl'CA tk>n. a position as copyist or private secretary. Address NORTH. Star office. It* VJLVRD-BY A KKSPKCTAB1.K COUWB) | girl, situation as eoek in private family; i?est refs. Call or address 431 Uidge st. n.w. It* WANTED BY A RELIABLE COLORED WO man. sitnatb n as cook in private family or do general housework; grsni refs. Call ??r address 2323 P st. n.w. It* WANTEI? BY A RESITABLE COU?BED \\?7 inan. place to work out by the day or to take home washing and in>ning or cleaning bo'js>* ? r nn.ins. 1H47 11th st. n.w. It* WANTED BY~0>MPETENT I>RESS.MAKER. FN gagen ent as fitter, desftruer or trimmer: w illing | to take charge ..f establishment; best referen -es. Address B??x llf?. St:ir offin. It* WASTED?BY A (XH/IRB) WOSIAN. A PLACB | t?? or to do lai ndry w?>rk: can give refer ?Mt Can at 212t I ??. It' WANTED N A SETTLE!> WHITE WOMAN, situation as cook in private family. Call, for 3 I day a. 4s7 M st. s.w. Lt* W \NTE1>- PI.ACKS FOR T (IF.ItMAN. 2 EX- | Klish. 3 Irish. 3 American. 4 color^l nurs??s: citv | r? fs.; every capacity servants?white, colored, male. f?*male. LADIES" EXCH., til4 13th n.w. w?n-i.v? WANTED BY COI.oRED WoMAN. PLACE TO | drk. and man to attend furnac or as a companion to a lady. Box 1.'3. Star office. bi>i5-.c* wanted by respect a ble i'?>i>?ian? woT m.tn. lauisirc?s place in first-<-lass family, or 'hits t? ?-lean: best ??f r?*f?-rences from Supreme Court Jsdge. A|.ply to 1211 11th st. n.w. nolo-3t* WANTED?HOUSES. wanted?desired for two years lease. a furnished, or partly furnished house; centraliv l.? ated; a.m i.: inclu ling two baths and aiwmt fourteen ro*uns. For h? t-se from $1.2o0 l?? $1 .."ss> a year?extra for stable on or near property. Address FI RN1SIIED HOl'SE, Star office. n.?17A2??-2t* WANTH? ? A DEBIRABLE PARTY WISH ?'0 | rent for season, a centrally bs-ated house, fur nished simply, or in part. ?.f not less than four teen rooms and a.ni.i. Reasonable rent and | extra for a stable on or near :ae premises. Ad dress for one week. Miss oROSSEN. "The Rich mond." ii" 1 T1V Jo 21 * WANTED OCR SI PPLY OF 11?>I SES FOR RENT | d??es not equal the demon.i. Plai e your "ac int ones on our list. RILEY & TAYLOR. noI6-3t* S??2 F n.w. W\\T1.;? XIX Oft SEVEN-ROOM FIEST-CLAJW bri? k, cellar. g?ssl loraticn. of party who can I offer a bargain; half or more cash down. Ad dr? lft^t* WANTED TO Pl'RCHASE A MODERN DWELI^ I liijr. in go.nl condition. H or 7 r?H?ius. with bath, on East Capitol st.. east of 4th st.. at a reasona Me price; will pay $r>o?eash. balance monthly payments. Address, seating exa?*t location and lowest price. 4TLERK B-. star office. nol5-3t* WANTED?BOOMSl WANTED BY Y'?L'.N<; MAX. l.XFtItMS;i.I> 1 n>om. with board, in house ?Ml j l.s-ality n.w.; not more than #2T? per m>>nih; refs. Address lU>x DJ1. Star office. It* WANTKK BY TOCM! CWfli TWO ri?FCB- | nished nx?ms. with heat aisl ijas: near pension otli?e; state t<*rms. Address II. F. I., Star of fbe. It* WANTED BY PARTY OF 4. PERMANENTLY, suite of 4 rooms, exclusive use of bath, where no j other KUests; iieig'tM>rbood :;2il n.w.; first-class parties only ne?-oe. 24. i Tis is to giv?* notice that the subs? Irber, of the ; Dir-tri?-t of Colum.'ia, lias obtained from the Su pr? iue t'ourt "I km I'lalticl of < tMUIllhia. hoidtlig a Spe.-ial Term lor ' business, lei- . ten of adaMiuatVia on the wonil estate sf | Alice T. Hawk n-. l^t?- of tin- District of Colum bia. d**c?-as-si; all p r>?>ns having .-laiuis against the said 1 ? '\:irne?i to exhil>it I'm* t nsm with the vmchers thereof, to the suhgcrit?er | en or before tne *i j "* .M??em:>?T next; twy may otherw i>c by law \ ?? excluded from all benefit of the said estate. S _'i;ed this Hth daj el November, lS'.l". i THE NA'l'i*>>.*i K 1 'i-a* ?>ll. SAVINGS AND | Till ST ? .?. * F D. C. By ?;i^>l:GE Howard, Tressur-r. ?iIST 1'.L\1U, Pr?v-tor. nolO-law3w iEib-d November 1. 1X'7. J. fl. Y?aing. Clerk.> I IN THE SI'l'REME C.?| RT oF THE D1SIR1CT OF n.l.l MltlA. Th^ 1st day of Noveuitier, IS'.?7. J lia H. Bri..iy vs. D. Louis Brady. No. 18660. Docket 43. Eq-iity. On motion Of the plaint iff. by Mr. Alphonso Hart, aer solicitor, it is ord*r?d that the defendant, I>. Louis Brady, cause his appearance to Ije enier?*?l h.-re?u on or before the first rule day. occurring forty days after this day. otherwise ?he eause will be proce-de?l with as in ease ?>f default The object of this s.jit is for a?jte divorce j from tue bond of uu rriage and restoration of j n aiden name. Provid?d this order le published for three snc cetslve weeks bef?>re Mid rule day in the \\ ash nton law Reporter and Evening Star. y the Court. W. S. COX. Justice, Jkc. A true copy?^Test: J. R. YOl'NG, Clerk. By L. P. WILLIAMS. Assistant Clerk. zsi3-lawSt LADIES GOODS. \VHIT>; ASIl BLACK I.ACKS DONE CP IN Br?t rlans I'*rJ?lnn la.-e curtain* a ?u* ciaitj. irinh point rurtain* like new J50 "-r P-,lr MME. VIBUt l.'S OLli STAND. 713 11th *t. D.w. MAVIN.J G1VKN l-p T1IE FLB BI S1XKSSTI 1? Pleawire .u re.-oiatneuding to my patrons Mrs. R HoRGAN, u?y s;*ter. and her husband, Mr. E. HORGAN. of Snt> K sr. n.w.. who are practical furriers. Miss C. CUNNINGHAM ?el-3 m WANTED - MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-W. RICE, 1832 TTH ST. N.W.? I WILL pay the highest cash pri.-es for ladies', gents' and children's cast-off clothing aud shoes and hats. Address a postal and I will call. nol7-12t* WANTEI>?PIANO LESSONS; KASY AND ACCU- I rate method fur learning brilliant salon pie?vs; don't Kpr>nd half your life on dry exercises. 0> LUMBIA CONS Ell VATORT OK MUSIC, 802 K n.w. no3-l*t* WANTED?FAMILIES* WASHING. 1010 It ST. n.w. It* WANTED?HIGHEST CA8I1 PRICE PAID FOB | OLD GOLD AND SILVER SMALLEST AND LARGEST AMOUNT BOUGHT. OLD AND NEW JEWELRY AND DL\MO,\DS, MUTILATED COINS. TEETH PLATES, watches, spoons, dentist gold and PLATINUM. FERD. LOEWENSTEJN. Gold and Silver Refiner AND BUYER OF OLD GOLD AND SILVER, 615 G ST. N.W. OPl\ PATENT OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1S7.S. nolfi-lm* WANTED ~.\i A RCtS N OTIS. 637 ? LOUISIANA j ave., recognized authority on household effects, says you cau get more for furniture, carpets, etc., now than any other time. Have you any to sell? n??16-tf WAMKD-A FURNITURE WAGON; MUST BE In g?>od condition and cheap. Call or address HA IMS FURNITURE EX.. 1*12 Pa. are. rtlfi-2t? WANTED -It. SELINGER. 1508 TTH ST. N.W.-I will pay highest cash prices for ladies' aud gents' cast-eff clothing and shoes. Old gold and silver bonght. Address postal. I will call. nol6-lm* WANTED A~S\FKFAMILY CARRIAGE HORSE for his feed; best of references. Address HORSE, j Star oSioe. nolfi-3t* WANTED ^fpRIGHT PIANO. IN EXCHANGE for interest in 6-room city house or bhlg. lot on electric line. Address F. Ii. G., Star office. nol5-3t WANTED -CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD. SILVER, watches, diamonds ami jewelry of all descrip- I lions. also watch and jewelry repairing; lowest prices. J. SELLNGER, &1U F. opp. patent office, no 13 1 fit* WANTED-FOR CASH?TWO OR THREE GOOD I collections, and all kinds of U. S. rev., dept. and foreign stamps. F. W. BRADLEY, | i*ol3-lm * 617 14th st. n.w. W ANTEI> -BEST MAINSPRINGS, 75c.; CRYS tais, 10c. We are expert watchmakers. All w..rk guaranteed for 1 year. Silver Chatelaine Watches. $3.00. Gold-tilled Elgin Watches. $10.00. We sell cheaper than any place in the city. A. KAHN. i?35 F n.w. nol3-lm* WANTED^ SAVE MONEY BY LEARNING TO make dresses quickly by correct system at school; dressmaking done, patterns cut to measure from im|M?rted models. MRS. STRATTON, 1100 G. no 12-fit WANTED?PIANO LESSONS; RAPID AND At'CU rate method for learning brilliant salon piecs; don't spend half your life on drv exercises. CO LUMBIA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 802 K n.w. no3-12t* W^VnTED?LA DIES DESIRING TO HAVE FUR garments made or altered into latest styles can save money by consulting Mrs. R. M. EVANS, at her new parlors. 714 7th st. n.w.. 2d floor. no5-lm* WANTED WE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF household goods, office furniture, carets, stoves, bidding. &e. Address BALM S FURNITURE EX CHANGE. 912 Pa. ave. sc30-tf WAN TEI) 11A VI \G CONSTANT DEMAND FOR furniture, carpets, stoves, office and store fixtures, 1 can afford to pay the highest sjK?t cash prices. Apply in person or by postal to I. FRIEDMAN, 422 loth st n.w. Prompt attention. se20-2m* WANTED HOBSB8 TO WINTER; |8 PER MOw best of care. Telephone call 5T4. Horses called j for and delivered. C. H. PARKER. 435 4Va st. s.w.. or Lay Hill. MA oc!4-4.tf WANTED-FURNITURE MOVED: LARGEST 2 borse load, $2.50; 1-horse loads. $1.25; pianos. $2; I experienced handlers. Storage. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. 323 4% st. n.w. 'Phone i960. ap23-4tf PERSONAL. AN IC'K WAfJON COLLIDING WITH A HOII.Kit factory is nothiug in comparison to us and our method of cash exchange for any amount of gents' left-off garments. hats, shoes. &c. Notes by mail. JUSTU S OLD STAND, 019 1> st. n.w. nol7-5tf MARYLAND DETECTIVE SERVICE. 208 N. LIB "erty St.. Baltimore. Md. Nam.- hour (day or night) fo. pr vate interview. References posi tively the best. no8-lm* w7 wiliXa ms7 authorized private detec^ tive agency.?Confidential communications prompt ly attended to; office open all hours; best refs. Established 1880. Supt., 020 F st. n.w. oc-25-lm* LOST AND FOUND. LOST?TUESDAY EVENING. ON 16TH ST. BE tween (Vrntran sr. and the Cairo, black bra; made of < hiffon. Liberty silk and taffeta riblnui. Ri ward for return to Room 815. Cairo. nol7-2* LOST-PI G DOG; ANSWERS TO THE NAME OF Deacon. Literal reward. 1103 Pa. ave. n.w.It LOST A BROWN AND WHITE COLLIK DOG. A reward will be given for its return to 1815 Q ) st. n.w. nol7-2t* U ?sf-ON SUN DAY~ 14TH. 2 SWITCIIES OF hair. Finder will please return to 215 13th , st. s.w.. and receive reward. It* LOST-SMALL GOLD WATCII~AND WASP PIN attached. Finder liberally rewarded if left at 820 C st. n.e. It* LOST? NO\EMBER 9. SK YE TERRIER; NO. OF tag. 7758. Return 1242 10th st. n.w.. aud re ceive reward. nol7-2t* LOST-Ni >VEMBER 15. FROM WAR~~ DEI'ART nent through Lafayette Park to Colonial Hotel, down 15th street to Mme. Payne's, a silver jh>1 isher marked "M. D. R." Reward on return to ls33 Corcoran st. nolfi-2t* LOST $5.00 REWARD?A LARGE BROWN I>OG; short hair; right car slit; tip of tail cut off; common leather collar. Address 714 13th st. n.w. nol5-3t* ji" KK\\ \ni>-r.\WM itoK Kits. ap.tists and | ethers?Miniature Iost--$10 reward for inf uiua ti. n leading to return of unfinish< d small mini i- , tare jx?rtrait of yorng lady, lost Chevy CLase Inn, September 13 1M97; or same reward for j return of miniature and no questions a?kc;l. Miniature of value to owner only. T11E GRAF TON, Conn. ave. and DeSales st. no!5-3t* BUSINESS CHANCES. $15o CIGAR AND NEWS STAND; DAILY SALES | high as ?19: supplies* hotel.bar and 10 pool tables; central BUS. EXCH^ l: u l F st. ool7-3t GR< M'ERY NEAR HiTH AND K STS~nTw. AT inventory ($fio>; Lalf cash. $25 monthly; hand some store: prin<-ijtally cash trade; go-si fixtures: other bnsiness. iti s SSGH., 1321 F st. nol?-3t MILK "ROUTE;"" 25 GALLONS;" FIRST-fLASS trade; horse, wagon, cans, ice boxes, Ace.; owner I leaving city. Price, ?17-1 BUS. EX3-5d 1221 F ST. N.W. FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALF :m liORSE POWER ENGINE. WITH 35-horse toiler; in good order; for sale cheap; j am putting in a larger plant. GEO. A. 5IYERS. I 429 New Jersey are. n.w. nol7-3t" j FOK SALE FoI/K-llORSE STKAM EN<;INK AND | eight-horse boiler; very cheap for cash; will also I sdl on time. W. C. NEWTON Jc CO., fi21? I^a. sve. nolT-fit FOR SALE FINE-BRED MAIJB FOX TERRIER puppy; imi?>rted sto<*k. Apply at stable in tear of ltt?2 L st. n.w. Also tine female collie puppy is?l7-2t* FOR SALE SPLENDID SQUARE PIANOS. ONLY fl weekly. About 44? Bradbury, Knabe. Chieker iug. De- ker. Weber and oilier well-known makes of s?tuare pianos, in excellent condition, at $20 up. on $1 w 'ckly pay men?*. Anylstdy can afford a piano on these terms. F. G. SMITH. 1225 Pa. ave. nolt>-(>t FOR SALE VERY CHEAP- A SQUARE PIANO. Call 17nl N. J. ave.. Saturday, from 2 to 5 p m.. or adilress A. M. E, 815 M st. n.w. noltt-3t* rat wift ? nrrr mwer pianos fuom ?i25 upward: warranted 10 years. My ex{>enses are small# and will s? 11 pianos at half prices. Call and be convinced. F. W. HELBIG, 1742 7th st. oc2!Mm FOR SALE 'SSP.NEE* *. SALE OF THE ENTIRE stock of furniture, stoves, etc., of L. Gesclilck ter. at Kr23 7th st. n.w. H. ZIRKIN, Assignee. au2U3m* FOR SALE A REMINGTON AND SMITH PRE n.ler typewriter ch.-?p: good as new. Address A. L. HU?;iIES. 1KM S st. n.w. no3-tf FOR SALE- UlUNCJB*. $2.5?>; STOVES -COOK, $5; heaters. $2.50. Parlor and b**d room suites. $1 p?-r We-k. REDMOND'S CHEAP CASH AND CREDIT HOU.sE. 313 7th st. n.w. oc30-tf FOR SALE- $60 WILL BUY A LEATHER-TOP phaeton; was painted and lefltted a year ago at an ejpei.se of $;tO, awl not used since. Apply to OWNER. 515 5th ?t. n.w. ocI3-tf FOR SALE AUSTIN S AND SPRATTS FRESH dog cak^s; also Glover's dog medicines. Pamphlet on doss and Mrd diseases free. Birds and ani mals mounted by expert taxidermists. SCHMID'S BIRD SroRE. 712 12th St. n.w. ,? s tf ^COUNTRY KEAL ESTATE FOR RENT - "WALL FARM." BRENTWOOD and Queen's t'hapel roads; Maryland car. Apply 5 on premises. 11 to 2 o'clock. nol7-3t* FARM Roll SALE RENT-OR EXCHANGE?FOR ciry projs-rt\ ; 133^ acres, near llerndon, Va.; 7 room dwelling, large basement barn: stalls for 20 cows and hordes; t; terms moderate; southern family; refer .ces given. 214 New Jersey a ve. n.w. nol7-3a* FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for gentleman only; no children; price. $10. 307 B at. a.e. nol7-2t* FOR RENT?NEAR DC PONT CIRCLE, LARGER bright rooms; single or en unite; with flrat-clasa board; new bouse; ateam heat; convenient to Met, car line; references. 1700 Q. nolO-Ca* FOR RENT?2 NICELY FUR. ID-FLOOR ROOMS, single or ensuite; well bested; anitable for gen tlemen doing light office work; terms moderate; good location. 231 1st at. n.w. nol6-3t* F< >R 1RENT?WITH BOARD, IN PRIVATE FAM~ lly, newly furnished second-story rooms; all con veniences and well-supplied table. 631 East Capitol st., near Library and Capitol. nard, $20 per mo. oc25-24t* Flm KENT?N 1CELY FUR. FRONT ROOM, 2D floor: heat, gas aud all conveniences; also other large rooms. 809 0th st. n.w. noG-l2t* FOR RENT?WITH BOARD?PARLOR. FACING south. 2 persons, $45; sq. room, $25; square room, $23: hail room, $10; home accommodations; everything first class. GOO Pa. ave. s.e. no 13-6* FOR RENT-1914 1GTH ST. N.W.# FOUR GE>T tlcmen can find large and elegant rooms, with private l>ath; excellent cafe near at hand: herdics pass door. nol2-lw* FOR RENT?210 N. J. AVE. N.W. (NEXT TO I *"The Maltby"), half square from the Capitol, convenient to all car liu**s, furnished rooms, neat and new, with or without Itouid. nol2-Ut FOR KENT?715 10T11 N.W., KHXT TO C0NGRE gationil Church, large, nicely furnished rooms, en I suite or single, on first and second floors; private j bath on first floor; small family; refs. exchanged. o< 29-lba* FUR KENT-207-200-211 EAST CAPITOL ST~ nicely turnianed rooms, with excellent table; four j doors from new library; one square from Capitol; near 3 cat lines; transients accommodated, nol 1-oa* FOR~ RENT-AT 717 10TH ST. N.W., NICELY furnished front rooms in new corner house: large closets: steam heat aud good home table; one large room, with two beds; room for wheels, noll-lw* FOR RENT - FURNISHED ? SCRUPULOUSLY clean, sun-bathed, steam-heated parlor suite; beautiful locatlou. 222 New Jersey ave. s.e. First-*lass parties wanted. oc9-tf UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?1921 H ST. N.W.. TWO OR THREE | very pleasant unfur. com. 2d-tloor rooms, with piivute both; desiiabl) locality; .private family. no!5 3t* FL K.MSII ED OR INFI RKISHED. FOR RENT?FU RXISHEO OK UNFURNISHED? | pleasant and comfortable rooms at 1342 Kiggs st., between 13th aud 14th; near 14th st. cars: ulce neighborhood; rent reasonable; private family of I adults. nol7-3t* FOR RENT?727 20TII ST. N.W.. 3 SQS~FROM State Department, 3 furnished or unfurnished room*, for light housekeeping, on 3d floor; very desirable location; beat, gas and bath; rent $15 per mo. nol6-3t* FOR RENT?STORES. FOK KENT?A NICE STOKE AND DWELLING, cor. 3d and I s.w.; house in exeellent condition; $18 per mouth. nol6-31* C. II. PARKER & CO., 4Va and E s.w. FOR RENT ? BEAUTIFUL CORNER "STORE, suitable for any retail business or ofllce; addl- J tioiial rooms ean be rented. 61 New York ave. n.w. Inquire of J. CHESTER, Km. 19, 615 14th st. ii?16-tf FOR RENT -STORES. 1209 and 1211 Pa. ave 1215 Pa ave $1,500 per annum | 452 Pa. ave., whole bidg $135 per mo. 1540 7th St.. store aud dwelling $60 per mo. 1217 P.i. ave $1,500 per annum Blacksmith shop, alley bet. 13&14,W&Fla av.$8.G0 . 2 floors, 50x100 each, large stable and elevator. N.W. cor. Del. ave. and C at. a.w. (coal yard).. Coal yard n.w cor 12th and "D" s.w...$30 per mo. 1817 14th St., will enlarge for good tenant $40 THOS. J. FISHER & CO., nol6-tf 1324 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?STOKES? 467 Fla. ave. n.w $30.00 1848 7th st. n.w 25.50 1846 7th st. n.w., and 6 rooms 46.00 32o 12tb st. n.w 50.00 OFFICE ROOMS. 929 F st. n.w., 2d and 3d floors $10 and $15 THUS. G. HENSEY & CO., nol2-f,m,w,3t 1300 F st. n.w. for""rent-GOOD"STOKE ROOM, WITH CEL lar. In the Stanton, loth near M n.w., suitable for grocery or other business; rent reduced to $20 per month. H. L. RUST. 608 14th st. n.w. o< 20-4 tf FOR KENT-NOVEMBER 1, STOKE AND WAKE- ! house, 220 10th st., corner C st. n.w.; near farm ers' wholesale market; $50; lower floor aud cellar, $40. Inquire 930 La. a\e. oel3-tf FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOR RENT?DESK ROOM. 520 10TII ST. N.W. Railing inclosed. Telephone. Good chance. K. S. DONALDSON, It* 520 loth st. n.w. FOR"RENT?HALF OF OFFICE ON PROMINENT corner in business center; suitable for "real es tate. law or insurance business. Box 125. Star office. nol6-3t FOR RENT?210 N. J. AVE. N.W. (NEXT TO ? The Maltby"), one half square from Capitol, , large, well-lighted and heated room; first floor | fr^ut. nol2-6t FOR KENT- LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED* AND heated rooms; eential location. W. C. DODGE, 700 9th st. n.w. oe20-tf FOR-KENT?TiFE BEST WAY TO HELP YOUR business or profession is to move into ihe largest and best-known office building In the city? THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST BUILDING, OOR. 9TH AND F STS. A few choice rooms now available; moderate rental: no extras; perfect Janitor service; fire proof surroundings; 3 elevators; 10 stories; com modious bicycle stalls aud free telephone service. oc5-m.w&f,tf FOR RENT?OFFICES IN METZEROTT BLDG.; single or en suite; from $12.50 up; electric light, steam heat, janitor service, telephone; no extras. ap30 tf FOR RENT?HALLS. FOR RENT-CARROLL INSTITUTE RALLS. 10th near K st. n.w. The most complete and thoroughly equipped halls In the city for so cieties, banquets, entertainments and receptions. For terms apply st hall. my8-tf FOR RENT?STABLES. VOR R' NT STAULKS? R'r "-!022 I. 3 Halls. 15.00 r" 15HL.nw.2sfl $14 3) R'r 1*27 IU sr.lst 11.5.00 ltr 11-11 iiw,4st'l*25.00 R'r 1000 to 1072 32d R'r 152<> L nw,4 s'ls25.00 at. 20 s'alls......40.06 H'r 1212 F dw.... .10.00 SUhl l 2&4.l> t 15&1U, R'rl230<'*tnn uv.4st's25.00 o\P uw, 3 stalls.1.Y00 R'r 1723 HI aT.-Ut'I?20.00 8ia 3, r'r lleurich'n H'r 1744 Ma-w.2st'is3O.0<> bri-wer.v. 5 stalls.40.00 R'r 1714 N.IO s 'U .V. Wl K.rgil.an's a'.4 ? 'If.. H'r 1324 NYav.2?t'U15.0ll R'r 1200 *i, 3 nt.ilU. 15.00 ltr 121U 12th ?t....6.00 R r 2013 K, 2 stalls.15.00 THOS. J. F ISSUER 4: CO., _nol6-tt 1324 F St. n.w. HORSES AND VEHICLES.. SPECIAL SALE OF BUGGIES, TRAPS, SUR reys, business aud dayton wagons. Cash only. Harness, robe* and whips. nol7-4tf J. J. COOK. 3205 M st. n.w. FOR SALE-VERY HANDSOME AND STYLISH pair of red roan cob-tiullr hordes; 15% hands high; 6 an-1 7 years old; guaranteed sound and kind; are brokiu for tandem driving: one is a perfect saddle horse, and can be driven by the most tiirid person, as they are fearless of all objects; they are acclimated aud ready for immediate I use; also coupe nvkaway, Brewster brougham j and victoria: very stylish mail phaeton, made by j Healy, N. Y., cost $1,400: very tine side-bar j buggy, pole und shafts; stylish ladles' Brewster , trap; seats 2 jr 4 {>ersous; handsomest In Wash- i lngton; set double coach and brougluuu harness, made In Purls; are very handsome. Also surrey an.000 upward. LIER EllMANN A 11AWN, 13'J3 F St. n.w. ocl6-tf A FEW GOOD 6 PER CENT LOANS FOIl SALE at their face, with accrued Interest. JOHN SHERMAN, o<12-lf 610 Hth st. MONEY TO LOAN ON SECOND TRUSTS, LIFE Insurance policies, collateral and other available securities; best terms In city. ATTWELL A STUIEBLEFTELD. Murtz bldx., 11th and F nw sell-tf MONEY TO LOAN IN BUMS FROM 11,000 UPWARD, AT LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, ON REAL ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT. It. O. HOLTZMAN, sel COR. 10T1I AND F STS. N.W. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT LOW est rates or interest. No delays. M A. BAI.LINGER, ?u24 tf 610 14th st. b.w. TO LOAN? ' ON REAL ESTATE? *5,000. $4,000. *3.000. 1 *2,000. *1.000. . *500. THOMAS E. WA OGAM AN. nG"-tf 4 817 F st. n-w. WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO..010 F N w" Will loan J-on any sum you want, large or small, on furniture, iplnnist, horses, wagons etc. without removal or publicity. * Any business with us strlctlv confidential and you can get the money the day you ask tor It Loans can be paid in part or in full at'any tune to suit the convenience of the borrower and any part paid rednces the cost of Carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid WASHINGTON MORTGAGE CO.. jel6-tr BIO F st. MONEY TO LOAN?*1,000 UPWARD AT 5 PER cent; *250, *500. *J5o. etc.. at 0 per cent m D-estate. WM. H. SAUNDERS A CO*., 1407 F st MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at 5 per cent Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Large amounts a specialty. TYLER & RUTIIERFORD, 1307 F sf. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER"ce\T_OV approved District real estate; no delays . M. M. PARKER. _mh9-tr_ 14,s p -f LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. 5, 5^ and ft per cent fe27-tf OASCH BROS., 1367 F st. n.w. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW, LOAN buy OH SELL real estate, let me hear from you I can !wl' "nd money- J- eakin GADSBY. _o-U 1.5th Bt. jj21-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT 5 prR cent, payment on principal In amounts of *500 A^tjL^Aat^T "erlc%iF8*F MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON REit estate security In the District of ColumbufbS delay; charges moderate. 1 "" nolR-tf WASH'N DANEV0OWER, ??18-tf 1411 G at. n w. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY ON YOUR house and pry loan in monthly Installments or tet ? bouse In the nicest locations on Cnpltol Hill by paying a cash payment and balance monthly cell and see JOHN H. O'DOW'fli Pa. a?e. s.e., Capitol Hill. mVS tf MONEY TO LOAN, IN SUMS TO SUIT AT Low est rates of interest on D. C. real ejtate. lirai loans a specialty. Prompt attention ??7 ? WALTER H ACKER. no7 tt 704 14th tttTiB.W. Z, MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM *1,000 UPWARD. REAL ESTATE LN THE DISTRICT aninam HERBERT A. GILL. anlB-am 1819 F st. n.w. 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL fotatri wlthH the District of Columbia ln am^tt ?? ?nit anpllcanu. at 5. 5V4 and ? Sir cent friO-tf GEO. y.lLLN'klNS. n.w. LOANS MADE ON AJJI'ROVED OOI^r atphii ?uch ?s life policies, atocS^bbndTMldln'm! "iIt YERkS' * bak"? jertitlmtes. Ac. No vato? 4 BAKER. 1110 F st. (lake ele myS-tf HAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH a pad Itallst. I can place *75.0W at?^7S5. property and papers are O K i\*tt GADSBY' ? 13th Bt-^r- r ILW. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. sale?Small and large farms near Washington, on steam and electric road chean also lots at BalUtou, 2 miles from city- nrb?' *100 each; terms, *5 down and ll wr w^ nn taxes or Interest; also 5 acres and^.rae tL.P 3 miles from city, on electric rosd ft nuhlf.' suction, Nov. 25. without reserve ckll fo? ?!r tlculars. A map of ntoxrU, uiren to sll ca5? noH?-1t? JAMES E. CLEMENTS. _nol6-3t? 1321 F st. n.w WANTED-200 TO 500 ACRES LAND 0\ B A"vn p., bet. Balto. and Wash., stiSble for mhdw?2 Ion In 10-acre lots; no ol.JecVWto w!?rft?J-T nol5-3f FULTON Jt. &OROnv^'io^p' A CULTIVATED ESTATE OF 11214 aprpc Ar*T? cent to Takoma Park. D C.; dwe1unr 'r,^?H; built, contain. 14 rooms and a.m.l.; ant bouses, barn, carriage houie sheds, etc.; location beautiful and healthful? hfi nearly a mile frontage on Carroll are and il one of the finest country seats In the hood of Washington. Will sell for castor ^ change for rented property In vlclnltTof roTl%t'?? & K' PR - ' ^altom? "^rk, D?& FOR SALE?BICYCLES. FOR SALE?'97 BICYCLES ON *5 MONTHLY payments. We are closing out the entire baUnii of our stock of ladles' an% men" h^h^e"?7 ai-irT'^^.r?*?16-tf FORRBNT?BY R. O. HOLTZMAN, REAL ESTATE and Insurance Broker. 10th and F ata. n.w. FURNISHED HOUSES. O near 20th, 12r. Per annum 1,890 Laf sq, 19r, 2 baths. 175 P near 20th, lOr 125 Q near 22d, 14r,2b...l50 S near 17th, 1\r 125 15th near I, 15r, 3b.225 20th and Wyoming ave, 18r 150 16th near T, 14r....l00 13th near I, 9r,sta.. 83.^3 Ritrgs near 18th. 9r. .55 nol5-tf R. O. HOLTZMAN, loth and F sta. n.w. FOR RHNT^PARTY DESIRES TON ANT FOR handsomely furnished house; close to Dupont cir cle; never before rented; price. $250 per month to careful tenant. Address TRAVELER. Star office. nol 5-3t * FOR RENT?A VERY LARGE HANDSOMELY furnished house on 10th St.?No. 1023?near Scott Circle; 3-story and basement brick dwelling, con taining 14 rooms and bath; heated by steam, and Is in splendid condition; will rent for 1, 2 or 3 years at a reasonable rent, if taken at once. For further particulars apply to THOMAS J. FISHER * CO., no!3-4t 1324 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?FURNISHED 1817 10th st. n.w.. 10 rooms $90 2231 Q st. n.w., 16 rooms $125 1733 P st. n.^v., 12 rooms $150 THOS. G. HENSEY A CO., nol2-3te-. 1300 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?FCRNTSH ED? Per mo. 17th n H,19r&2b.$415.00 Vt av n Q.20r,2b.$375.00 1623 16th, 14r&2b. $333.33 Conn av n 1. 12&3b.$300 Vt av n K,16r,2b.$300.00 Coun ave n N, 16r and 2 b $300.00 Mass av n 18.19r.$300.00 Mass av n 18th, 15rdc3b $291.67 Vt av n K,14r,3b.$250.00 H n 14th, 18rA2b. $250.00 Per mo. Columbia ave. Col Heights, 12rftb. $150.00 Jefferson pi near 18th, llr $125.00 E Cap n 11th, llr & 1 ba $125.00 20th n P, 9r&b. .$125.00 De Sales st n 18th, 12r and b $125.00 K n 21st. lOrAb..$125.00 21st nw nr Q. 9r..$100.00 Corcoran st n 18th, R I av n 15, 12r.$250.00* 9r and b $100.00 18th u M. 12r&b.$250.00 K n 10th, 12r&b.$100.00 Dupont circle n P !L n 13th, lOr&h. .$100.00 F st nr 18th, lOr.$200.00j IUggs n 17,10r&b.$ 100.00 st, ISr and 2b.$200.00. Takoma Park. Car F n 21st, 13r&l>. .$200.00? roll av. 13r&b. .$100.00 Mass av n 17,13r.$200.00 1636 RI av,10r&b.$100.00 \t av n L, 18r&b.$200.00 T n 10th, DrAlb.. .$75.00 P n 18, 12r&2b...$200.00-15th n It, llr&b.. .$83.33 14th n L, 17rft2b.$16Q.*7 Flat No.6, B&O. 7r$65.00 Muss av n 18, 13r.$166.C7 Corcoran st n 19th, N n 20th, 13rA2b.$150.00! lOr and b $60.00 Q n 23d, 13r&b..$l50.00IRiggs n 18. Orib.$60.00 21st n R. 12r&2b.$ 150.00 21st n R, lOr&b... 5 n 18th, 13r&2b. $150.00 _ _ For full particulars apply to THOS. J. FISHER 6 CO., 1324 F st. no!3-tf F< >R RENT?FURN1SHED? 1031 Conn. ave. n.w., 0 rooms $30 00 1631 Conn. ave. n.w., 6 rooms, unfurnished 22.50 R. II. T. LEIPOLD, nol2-6t S.W. cor. 13th and F sta. n.w. FOR RENT?SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED 12-ROOM dwg., with cellar and stable, on Capitol Hill, facing Capitol aud Library bldgs.; rent reasona ble. A bargain if taken at once. See FOl'TZ & JESTER, 1331 F st. n.w. nolO-tf FOR KENT? FI RNISHED HOUSES IN ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY At prices ranging from $000 to $11,000 per an num. APPLY TO J. V. N. IIUYCK. no6-tf 15 121 K ne. 6r 10.50 Store 1328 lltli se.. 10.00 1526 12th ne. 7r 10.00 >12 Sheridan, Sr.brk.0.00 704 12th se. 4r, brk..8.00 It ROBERT 11. STONE, 804 F st. n.w. FOR KENT-STONE & FAIRFAX, 806 F N.W. 1K23 16th, 15r,ba.$100.00; 1117 B se. 7r. ba..25.00 2121 Bancroft, 14r..75.o0 26 N nw. 7r, ba 25.50 510 6th nw, llr. ba.00.00:123 K nw, 7r, ba...22.50 1012 Sundl d pl.10r.60.00; 1230 29th nw. 7r, b. 22.50 1734 Corcoran, 12r,b..50.00 726 4th se, 6r 20.00 1233 H.?rvard.l2r,b.45.00 329 7th ne, 7r. ba..19.45 llth&K se, st&lw. .30.00 013 22d nw, 7r, l>a.18.50 1760 S nw. Or, ba..35.50'41 Myrtle ne, 7r, b. 16.30 1405 29th nw,12r.b.35.00 620 15th ne. 6r, ba.15.30 718 6th ne, 7r. ba. .27.50 1219 I ne, 6r, ba... 15.30 1441 Fla av. Or 25.50 018 22d nw. 6r, ba.22.50 1201 I ne, 7r, ba.. .25.00j2145 I st, 5r, ba... 12.80 126 E ne, 6r, ba...25.50} It FOR RENT? ^ _ . $14.30, new brick; 6 rooms and bath; 320 Oak st., Le Droit Park. Key at 326. CHAS. E. BANES. nol7-3t 14th and G sts. FOR RENT?A BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR A small family; brick house; lot 41x116 feet; 214 11th st. n.e. See OWNER, at 30 6th st. s.e. nol7-w.f.m,3t* FOR RENT? NORTHWEST. 416 6th st, 18r, per y?.?r $1,000.00 1335-37-39 L. 13r. .225.00 6*>0 14th st. 14r.. .200.00 15th bet K&L sts. 14r (fur) 130.00 Sto&dwg 1001&1003 P st nw, 5r $40.00 Sto&dwg 1213 N Y av nw, 6r 25.50 Sto&dwg 1275 25th st nw, 6r 20.00 Sto&dwg 2211 7th 1224 17th st, lOr.. .66.671 st nw 18.00 723 8th st, 13r 65.69 719 8th st. 13r 65.00 lTTH R st. lOr 60.00 525 T st, 12r 50.65 2u31 I st. 14r 50.00 3319 O st. 12r 45.50 1319 Corcorau. llr.45.00 3 Orme flats, 8r 45.oo 919 H st. lOr 40.85 224 N .1 av, 9r 40.Ct? 216 N J av. Or 40.60 2024 I st, Or 40.47 1023 22d st, llr 40.00 901 21st st, llr 40.00 1000 13th st, lOr...35.50 1226 6th st, lOr 35.50 1418 11th st, lOr.. .30.55 508 R st. Or 30.00 Up pt 1800 Oth, 6r.30.00 5 Orme flats, 6r 30.00 1905 4th st, 7r 26.00 13iMi W st, 8r 25.50 1519 P st. 6r 25.00 STOKES. Hall 3d fl 419 10th st nw 35.00 Sto&dwg 1301 1st st sw, 5r 12.00 Sto rin & 1 rm rear 608 La ave 20.00 1614 8th st. 6r 22.50 530 21st st. 6r 22.50 1222 13th st. 8r 21.50 p pt 1603 7th, 7r.20.00 1024 8th st. 6r 20.00 816 N H av, 6r 20.00 1616 8th st, 6r 18.40 515 N Cap st, 6r... 18.30 236" 6th st, 6r 18.00 2008 12th st, 6r... 18.00 47 Defrees st, 6r.. 16.40 607 N st, 6r 15.40 1602 4th st. 6r 15.40 11436 14th St. 5r 15.30 1415 Sampson, 5r.. 15.00 918 3d st. 5r 14.30 209 L st. 4r 14.30 1416 3d st, 5r 14.00 2017-19 E st, 6r. ..13.30 1271 25th st. 6r... 12.80 1412 Sampson, 7r.. 12.50 414 21st st. 6r 12.30 The above is only a portion of the property on my t>ooks. For full list call at office for bulletin issued on the 1st and 15th. THOS. E. WAGGAMAN, no!7-w,f&m 917 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?RENT REDUCED TO $30-BAY window brick. No. 1112 Va. ave. s.w., opp. Smithsonian park; 8 rooms, bath and cellar. Also in Mt. Pleasant, cozy brick. No. 1475 Kene saw ave. n.w.; 7 rooms, bath, &e.; $25. ALBERT F. FOX. No. 920 F st. n.w. no!7-tf FOR RENT?DESIRABLE CENTRALLY LOCAT ed dwellings: Brick, No. 1251 Oth st. n.w.; 0 rooms, 2 baths, &c.; $40. Also brick, No. 614 6th st. n.w., near pension office; 8 rooms, bath. Ac.; $40. ALBERT F. FOX, 920 F st. n.w. no!7-tf FOR RENT?FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A LARGE double bouse on Washington Heights, contaiuia^; 15 rooms; large lot; property overlooks the city and is near car line. Apply to CHARLES W. HANDY, nol7-1 w 610 13th st. n.w. FOR RENT?2801 Q ST.; BEAUTIFUL 9-ROOM corner house; excellent order; modern Improve ments and plumbing; most desirable location; cue square of Metropolitan line; low rent. Ap ply 3040 Dumbarton ave. nol7-3t* FOR RENT? >617 23d. 6r, ml 20.50 1012 17th. 12r&b.aal$50.67l 1527 Oak. Mt P. Or.20.50 714 19th, 12r, mi.. .45.671 1739 T, 6r. wa 20.00 1413 L, sto, w&g.. .40.50 1100 I se, 7r. mi ..18.50 910 23d, lOr 40.50;517 7th se.Sr&b.ml. 18.50 1205 20th, 7r,cel.mi.3J.5J 1925 L, Or&w 18.50 1208 25th, 8r&b,ml.30.50 2111 L, 8r&wa 18.50 2503 M, 7r, ml 27.50 2602 L, 6r, eel, ml..18.50 715 21st,8r,b,cel,mi.25.50 2117-19 H, 7r, wa.. 18.50 612 21st. 6r, cel.mi.25.50 2918 Olive st, 6r, 1210-12 25th, it...25.50 ba, eel, ml 18.50 610 21st, 6r, ceT.ml.25.50 416 18th, 7r&b,ml. .18.50 1123 15tb, Or, w 25.50 2228 G, 7r, ml 18.40 1003 S, 6r, mi 25.50 2046 E. 6r&b, ml...16.30 1128 19th, 6r*b,mi.25.50 2023 L. 6r 16.00 1124 19th. 8r. ml.. .25.50 1031 4th, 5r 16.00 022 24th. 8rArcel.ml.25.30, 814 19th, nail 15.30 919 22d, 7r, ml 25.00 433 20th, ftr. wa....13.50 1020 10th, 8r&w.. .23.50' 127 Va av sw,7r,w.13.30 1515 Columbia st, 2420 N, 6r, wa 13.00 7r. ml 23.50 2100 N Y av, 6r. w. 12.50 508 21st, 6rJcb, ml..22.50 2208 H. 5r. w 12.50 1012 N H av. 6r.mi.22.5o; 1064 80tb. 6r, w...12.35 2431 K, 7r, mi 20.50 408 Franklin, 4r, w. 12.30 25 Q, 6rAb, ml 20.50 1304 11th, 4r, w.... 12.30 2018 L. 8r, ml 20.50' 2121 K, rear,5r,wa. 10.50 1706 Pa av, 4r&b..20.00, 1522 26th, 4r, wa.. 10.30 2620 L, 6r, ml 20.50 1521 27th. 4r, wa.. 10.30 See tomorrow's Star for our other list. For full list apply to WESCOTT & WILCOX, nol2-f.m?w 1907 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. FOR RBNT-DEEBLE & CO.. 1319 F ST. 1317 19th nw, 8r. .$50.00 1715 _19th, 7r (col). 18.00 924 23d, llrfcb 40.00 1923 I nw.Sr.b.sta.35.00 221" 11th aw,8r&2b .32.50 1301 Whitney av,sto.30.00 1410 Pa av nw,llat, Sr&b 25.00 1505 Meridian av, Mt P, 6rftb 20.00 231-27 10th ne,6r&b. 18.50 nol3 1427 L nw, 4rJbb 17.00 1410 Pa av nw, flat, 4r&b 15.75 1208 Ward ct. 4r. .10.00 1247 25th nw,5r,w.. .9.30 R*r 1754 K, 4r (col).aOO 228 F nw, sto&dw. 1319 F nw, offices.. 1420 Kencsaw.Orib. FOR RENT 1706 Goon ave... .$100.00 1009 D ne 10.50 2108 Ward pi. 8r...33.50 1290 Loudoun ct se.4r 1811 M nw.furnished. 125 45S M nw. furnished. .50 2220 Wash dr. lSrftb.$) 1819 Vt st nw. fur'd. 125 813 O nw, lOr 50(1147 Linger'* ct.6r.10.5u 1750 Ore* av, llrJkb. 50 1920 16th. ?r*b 55 1426 Chapin. 8rAb... .30 ?519 6th nw. 10r*b.72.50 1244 Union ct aw. Sr..-7 j 1918 Harew'd av.8rdib.H5 1105 K nw, 12rAb...loo ,618 Maaa av nw, lor.60 931 P nw. lOrftb. .33.50 I 1300 Lydeeker, 10r&b.*k> ae25-48t* TYLER it RUTHERFORD. 1307 F st. | TOR RENT-BY JAR. F. SHEA. 632 PA. AV. N.W. 1!126 R at. n.w., 14 rooma, a.m.l $85.00 I UlOO S nw. at&dw.$30.60 1467 1* nw. stAdw. .25.00 1629 Cx>rcoran nw.6r21.50 1914 Bohrer nw,6r. 18.30 431 4Vi iw, stAdw. 17.75 481 E sw. 7r 17.?? 403 A ne. 6r 15.80 31 Mass av nw, 5r. 15.30 nol3-tf 1804 4V, aw. 6r 13 50 473 I sw, 6r 13.50 K2 F?ntoo ne. 6r.. .11.00 2126 Va av nw, 4r.10.3O 2101 1) nw, 4r 9 54) lo21 N J av se. Sr. .9.00 1386 E sc. 6r 9.09 R*r 227 14th aw, 5r.fc.30 FOR RENT?1711 Q ST.. 12R.. PER YEAR $90it.00 1754 Q St., 15 roon-s. per year l.&ftiOO 1756 Q st., 15 rooms, per year 1.3OO.00 I 1752 Q st., 15r. and stable 1.50rovemeuis; ex?flb*nt order; beautiful lawn and oak rrove; Ideal sub urban and city home: low rant; one square of Metropolitan line. Apply 3040 Dumbarton ave. no-5-3t* FOR RENT? 1002 II, 14r&b $75 67 2320 I nw. 6r. ws . ,14 40 1 1905 <3 nw. 1 OrAb..50.56 2118 E. 6r. water .14 00 2018 H nW.10r.b.cel.40.56 125:; Peach al. 4r .10.50 811 21st. lOrAb 40.00 11 lOLInger's sl.4r.wlo.3ii 1715 Fla av.strAdw.30.00 2003 N Y av. 5r. . .lO.OO I 939 941 N H ave.8r 418 Hayes* ct.4r, walO.oo Ac ba. each 30.50 Large storage room.5.00 I 2306 M. 6rAb 20.301 nol5 GEO. W. LINKTN8. 800 19th st. n.w. FOB RENT?1924 8TH ST. N.W.. CONTAININ*i 5 rooms and bath; rent. $20 per month; key in 1926 8th at. Apply to ROBERT STEAD. U?6 F at. n.w. riolS :;t* FOR RENT-PRESS BRICK. BAY WINDOW, rooms; a.m.l.; concrete cellar; newly pxjM-red and painted; all in beat condition; muerfcet order. Apply I to " HAS. C. DL'XCANSON, cor. Bth and L> u.w. 1 nol-l8t FOR RENT-BY R. O. HOLTZMAX. IIE.U. KS tute and Insurance Bioker. loth and F sts. n.w 1610 R I ave. lor. .$83.33 1346 Itljcgs ?t. Sr.. .3.".on loots I nw. 16r. 4b.8S.ra 712 |l nw. 8r4;s 35 '? 11114 Sundl'd pt.llr.75.iHi 1714 itth nw. lor. .35.00 92J II nw. 12r ?5.'lo 1613 O st. lOr 35.00 1737 17th. llr 65.00 (*.8 ?tb nw, !tr Jt.nl 5o!t 12th nw, IBr.. flo.OI 1211 F nw. 3d fl.6r.3o.4i 711 12th nw. 12r...55.??i 1443 W at. 7r 30.4O 1732 1' at. lOr BT..OO 1451 W ?t. 7r 3O.40 1706 F nw, 12r 50.65 1447 W st. 7r 30.40 ira K nw, lOr 50.00 2o4 I"a nv ae. Or. ,: 7:jo 21st nw. 8r... .30.56 316 2d ne. 7r l.Voo 310 14th nw. 12r..40.00 521 14th ne. ?r 15 .O0 1119 I nw. 12r 75.00 12S5 G nw. 8r 25.00 1353 Souoke, 10r..75.00 1443 Pierce pi. 7r.l2..?J 1029 21st at. 12r...75.00 019 X V av.up pt.6i2U.00 1730 20La uw, lOr. .65.00, 1524-26-28 29th st 1621 21st nw, 10r..65.00 nw, Br, each 20.00 3027 N nw. 12r 65.00 lat 8 720 17th, 4r. .30.00 405 11th nw. 2r ...65.00 UP 019 N ? av, 8r.20.o0 511 13th aw, 20r. ..60.00, Bir II aw. Or 20.00 15-H) 7lU,slAdw,6r. .60.00! 131 1st sw, 6r 20.00 002 R nw, llr ...uO.iO Id floor, 881 Pa ave 1719 15th nw. 9r. .60.0O1 tclnb rooma) 20.00 513 12th st, 12r... .55.70! 4015 8th nw, Sr 20.00 1315 20th nw, lOr. .55.00! 316 1st ae. 7r 18.50 17*) 20th aw, lOr. .55.00' 2133 ? nw. ?r 15.45 1443 Q St. 9r 50.00 ZK> 24 2S lat st aw. 1009 H nw. stAdw. .50.00 Or, ra 12.50 715 14th st. 12r 50.00 224-28 lai aw.6r.-a. 12.50 ?18 ? aw, ISr 50.00 14th st nl. nr Brisbt 1107 Moss av. 12r. .50.00 wood Hotel, 6r... 10.00 1402 Chapin at, 9r .50.00. 1507 Union vt. 4r .10.00 2034 Hlllyer pl,10r.50. ( & 10 Walklnn st. 2235 Q at. lOr 50.00; Cbevj Chaae.5r.ea. 10.00 Tennalljtown rd,10r. 1 NK ror 33d Ik Ppjs 20)4 HUlyer pl,llr.5<).00 pect su 10.00 1038 17th st. lOr. .45.00' 2. 3. 6. 9 Bablwln'a 1744 Corconsa. 9r .45 0O1 row, bet DfcK.latfe 1246 Uth aw, llr. .45.001 2d sts. 5r. each... 8.00 931 S st. lOr 45.00 1714 Corcoran st nw, llr 43.00 Oth st rd. nr Bright wood Hotel, 12r. .40.00 2402 14th nw, llr..40.00 1024 Trinidad av, or 15th st ne O.U) 115 L se. 4r 0.00 11 Gould's al, 4r O.oU 925 Nallor'a alley.bet k A 10. N ft O .5.00 WhS? rURXISH ED HOUSES IX nol3-tf THOMAS J. FISHER ft CO., 1324 F st. b.w. FOR RENT?180# 18TH ST.; GREATLY REDI C ed; only (37.50, Including water; Engliah base ment; 12 bright rooma; bath; hot water heat; will paper; other Inducements. Key aext rto-.r. OWNER. no!3-7f FOR RENT A very desirable 8-room brick booae; modern tm piovementa. 1212 H St. a-w. Apply CHARLES O. THORN, 121$ F st. a.w. ool3-6t FOR RENT? A alee 9-roora boaas Bear Dapoot Olrele: (35.50 month. Apply CHARLES EARLY', aol3-l$t *15 14th st. n.ur. I for REST-1200 8 N.W.. 11R.AB. ft HTA. .$55 00 1180 NH aT.12r*2b$?0 00.449 1st se. ?rftb... .20 00 R near 16th. 14rfth.83.34 713 12th ne. 7rft!i. .20.00 15th nr O nw, 15rftb78 00|2241 12th uw5rftw.l5 !M) 14thAO, llrfto.st'e. 1(0.00 3407 Sherman av.7r.in.oo RALPH W. LEE, 806 14th n.w. ('Phone 2049.) nol*6tt FOR REST? 801 M at aw $150 00 1912 Sunderland place 66.00 1734 Corcoran at 5o.no 1201 I ne 22.50 1226 Undea as 14.00 ae4-s*w-tf R. L. GOODMAN. 80S ISth st. POft RENT?ON AXD AFTER DEC. 1, 1014 12TH St. a.w.; brick; 12 mat and hath; modem and la good order: hot-water heating: very desirable for IwanllBg bouse and room renting; central lo cation. L. M. SAUNDERS, Ohio Bank building, 12th and Q B.W. aolO-lw FOR RENT?HOUSES. tlkllKkltHMl. FOB RKXT- ! $30 <0.210 Arthur pi. ?r W >'?' Half tr, 4r $21 2424 k uw. ?r f5~' ? ? ?"* ?- w- 4r 1?2S...1K2.-. Vt K it, rtr $. .3n. MOtt 2l?t UK, ?tor**. $25 2*3 K nr. ntfc.M ?7.5o..?27 |U?, rmr. 4r. ?th uw. 7r ?? W K !??*. 4r $25 40 71 \ nw. 7r. ' I:<27 L nw. Sr $25 ?S .. 2S13 M or .......1:**. 34 ?w. 4r S27.5o. . . .1227 1* nw. 7r 30 .. .MOM 27 th nw. 4r. $2K.V0.140.< " ol . imn. Mr *??????'1*' 12th i". 5r H > , .:n 5th i"2f- ? '** H*lf :ir $?"*>.Vo H52 ?th n?. Mr 3.30..2 i..liim .1, ?t. K?i .VI . 220 ?? lit V,'?0 '.Hi7 K ??. fir WJ..VI... 4.-14 II nw. Mr I}" i *-1" c n* ?r $35 T . Kr !> I'orrmn. 7r' $111311. .1924 \V*v?.rlr.4r *S7.5c' 3287 N ?t. 12r Jill 50..2421H... M at.(ton>. $40. . .1823 |-|..-l|? i.l. Mr lln.KI., .HI 15th im?. fir. $ Mi....211s I'm av. r'orr $11 S> C nr. 6r $4O0ti. . .11114 22.1 nw. Mr. |!1 2500 K.th tit, 4r $45 . 2021 14t , nw. ?A I $12..233 Man* iit b?\ llr. $45 S2H lltli nw, t* . *12 ."to 511 Mth *<\ Sr $45 'S 513 3.1 nw. Hir. (12.90. .2124 lllth nw , 6r $4". .221 :M1 nw I.V *14 30 919 V nw, fir $45 BS.S2D In I ?< nw .Kti. $14 3 >. .1S4M K:h nw. 5r. $5'i. ..2M03 l.'.th nw . 12r $14.5t>. ,2.3.; tith nw, Hr. JS'>.. aor.t 13th n?. Mr. "24 K nw. hall $Mi Tlir MDMn. tl i.t $1.1.30.. .413 11th ar. fir $5o 2117 tl nw. 12r. $15.30.. .mil 3.1 nw, $."?> 4".. .ism r. nw. 1 > T f!vM 921 34 De- "r $?>?&.2211 \V.:, i .-1, Mr $15 40.8 r> -rrp.'? nw, fir $5*.15 Hm7 \ 11 ?a Mr. ?J;'40 2413 I nw. Or $4111 ..JlSti 12tli n>v 12r J1-'50 44 IlrOvw. MO...425 Mth I w. ?t .rr $1fi... I124i.j Ms?* nw. fir SUV..1353 Kn n k". Mr $14>. .MOO llrl *v nr. ?A'.l $?.'. 415 4tli nw 1 7r. $16 50. .242M1* Mi nw. Itr $75 Mi7 Vt ?. nt-.rr. ?16.83. .. 1143 f?th n?', ... 4*50 Wiwii'n. K n w Kt>K REXT? $.|.imi WII.I. KKNT A \ l.ltV i?$ alraWo 16-rm?iD ltrlck h?>aso; 2 l?nth r??in? l??is If ?f. n.w. Applj CM A feU. FS <; TIIOIKN. ?wl3-6t 1215 F Mt n \r FOR PENT? i 156 an?l 22S Parker *t. n o., 5rs. c.irb $1" ^ 1S40 7th ?t. n.w., ri nmnn 2??."??? 1115 Otli Ht. n.w*.. Ant. 4 ro<>ra* 2-"? ? m? 7o4 T *t. ii.w., V r?M?;ni? :n? ?H? 2imi9 14th st. n w., 12 rmp 4?? tut *42 M ?t. n.w ., 12 nnini* ?>."? <*?? 113 l?t ?t. n.t?., 17 pMiiuR To (M) TllUS. U. HENSFV A i'it. ?v>12-0t F Ht n.w I'OR KENT- Ii. F. SAI L. S K. n iR. Ti ll A I. \ \vT 1012 8und'rd,l^r&h..|6i]1220 Linden ne.Ci.lt.l4.in aul r Ht. lor A l? 4:. U27 NJ iv M-. 7r. ?. I .Thi 2UM lhl st. Or A W.35.SO *22 n. 4r. I?. flat lj 1340 T si. l(?ri b.SZ.'M* 312C 7th Ht. Or. w?.M,.V? 110 N Y ave, 7r & l?. .3?? L nw, Or. wn. . 1 ?? mi 140 1* Ht. Or nn 12Ti3 7th. Htafcdwl... 45 105 F Ht, Hr and h.2T?.r?ii 13S5 7th. hu?. dwell. .35 1700 7th Ht, Or & h.20.50 3C40 7tli nt. nt.^ta . . Our.12tli 6c 1 ne,Sr,b.22.riO 2iKi7 Vt av. 7r,b.roi.2J "?ii 514 1> He, 7r 6i h...22.50 ltiii3 4th. 7r. w. ?43. noli FUIl KENT?1002 M ST. N.H.; NEW7 SIN i\ B front; 14 ruoius; 2 hath rooms and t-ellar; perfect liot water heating; all in Iw-st order; $75 07 |mt month. GEO W. LIN KINS. ael?-tf 000 10; ti at. n.w. F? >R RENT? ! 2012 Ililiver place, ? Brlchtwood?14th ft I 10 rms JiV.OO Park ave 2" OO 707 11 st. llr 5(t3 Sheridan nw . ,10 ?'? | 1H28 11 st nw, 12r.50.t?" 1507 L*ni??n ct. 4r...l?.?? I 1019 17th St, Or....45.0' 15 Din^tnan ct 0.30 80l'J Cambridge, i>r.2vo.) 215 Ball's ct, 4r....4.; only $?2.50. HILL 4 JOHNSTON. 1503 Pa. a*e. i n.w. oel 2m* FUK RENT Tl le h?'?t slK-roorn and !?ath bay-window !?ri'*k dwelling in this city for the prlc**; f 1^.50 per ne.i.i h; |Ki|ier.Mi thn?ugh?mt; li? at?? 1 b> U tn?lH?s; large closet in eH?*h rormi; large ?i?a crete yard; all modem improvement*, and in first -elasH npdr. mf% :i?l st a.sr. llonse op.*n fvr inspection. B F S.\ru K<*al Entat**, nolO-tf 1035 7tl? ?t n w. FOR RENT? 1??0 N .??? 1130 N II av, 12r. .C7.50 225?i 0*-vr nv, 0r..l7.?*? 2100 Pa av. |Or. .45'N? 1011 5th nw. 0r..15.*ai 1325 12th nw. 12r..42.5o 2??15 3d nw. *?r 15 ??? 2140 L nw, cel. 7r. .3?? 45 ir?ls N Cap. Or. 1 4. 1772 "F" ST. N.W.; 11 rooms, bath, ?'tc.; a.ni.i.; rent r?d t?? $5?? per ILTS. | FOR SALE A VERY IIANI?S4?ME CORNER LOT I on \N ashingtou Heights 5o fe?-t .?n 4'?lif<.riila ave. by 1<>. fwt uu Counts ti<-ut ave.; tlie tiuest lot on the hill. CHARLES W. HANI*Y, nel7-3t t>lo 13th Ht. n.w. I FOR SALK I HAVE SOME VERY CHEAP I GROl Nl? IN THE S? M'TIf EAST SECTION F< iR EXCHANGE tilt SALE. l>Krgains for citli T builders or HiMs ulators. CHAS. E. BANES. .? r. 14th and G Hts. n.w. n?>103t TOR SALE?CHOICE BUILDING LOTS OR ACRE age u*i Conduit road and Great Falls Fleetrlc Railway; easy teriu^; inunihly pcyuients; plats, etc. CI^%RK LRUS., 837 D st. n w.. Room 36. o< 21-1 in FOU RAUE-CllKAr-UlTS 197 IT. KISrtVT. O.X park; pav??d; sewer and gas; tin?- site f.ir a row of boaaaes. W. C. DUI>GE. 7oo ?tU st. u w. oc20-tf F?ts n'w'&rS'T; ??K*ER ?f Itrm AND T $ of r JTSJS- r 3 ,,KUcfT^ M FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGB?TRAl>ING REAL ESTATE A SPECIAL FEA'Tl RE OF MY 111 SI NESS Give me a des< ript i??n of y< ur pro|M*rty Mud i*?t me get up a d**al ft>r you. CHAS. E. BANES, oar. 14th and sts. n.w. MkMI F4IR EX'"HANGE ? FINE GlUH \| t | OK A builder--On M st. near 6th n.e.; so>o?i t<- alb*y. Price only 85 cents. Will trade for equitv iu improved pn?perty. CHAS. E. B.-vNES, e??r. Mth aud G sts. nol0-3t F<"?R EXCHANGE ? BEAl'TIFl'L ll???Mi house op{N?Hite the new Library; every ui?xlerii convenience, lot 2nxl<*> to alley. Priee. $1o.?hmi. trust. $5,und* Tin and ?;.0CK P.M . ON THE TWEN TY-SIXTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1*07. nnd opened imnndiat<*ly thereafter, for ail the lal?or aul ma terials re<}Ti|red to place in |x>sitii?n. complete, a tower <-lock for the IT. S. P<*t Office building at Washington. D. C., in accordance with the draw ings and aittcification, copies of which may l*e had at tlds ortiee or the office of the superintendent, at WaHhingtou, D. C. The right is reserved to rej??ct any or all bid? and to waive any defect or iu f< rmality in auy Idd should It In- deemed in 'ht' Interest of the government to do ho. Proposals must l?e inclosed in envelope, sealed and marked, "Proposal for Tower Clock for the C. s. Post * W* ??. Washington. D. C.,*' and addre*i KNOX TAYLOR, Supervising Arehitcct. aa5-f,m,w0t POTOMAC KIYEK BOATS THE WEFMS steamboat COMPANY. Fall schedule ?n effect Oct. 12. STEAMERS POTOMAC AND SUE. Steamer Potoiua*- leave* every Sundu> at 4 p.m. and steamer Sue every Monday at 4 p.m. for BmI tin.ore and rive- landings. The steamer Sue will stop at Colonial Beach going and returning from Baltimore. Paanenger a<-comun>dationK Htri?-tly Orst class. All river ft eight must in* prepaid. STEPHENSON * BRO.. Agents. Office. 010 Pa. ave. Tel(>pliune 745. no4-ll.tr E 8. RANDALL'S POTOMAC RIVER UNI. Steamer HARRY RANDALL will leave River View wharf Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 a.m . landing at Cobaiial B-aeh. Cnapel i'oint, and all wharves as far down as l^ower \lacbodoc. Returning on Mondays and Wednetidays at V p.m., and oo Fridays aUout 3 30 p.m. UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE WASHING H N, D C., TO GLYMONT. MD.. and Intermediate laudings. Steamer SAAl'L J. PENTZ, daily except Sunday, at 0:30 a.m. Returning about 3 p.m. Passenger accoumjdatlons first-class. Freight re ceived until the hour of sailing. E. S. RANDALL, Proprietor aud Viauagev. GEO O. CAR PINTER, Geoerml Agent, Washington. WM. M KEARDUN. Agent. Abaaudria. sel3-2Qtf STEAMER "WAKBVTBLD," FOR I*OTOMAC RIVER LANDINGS, Leaves Wasbington, I>, C. <7tb st. ferry wharf I. Monday*. 7 a.an., for intermediate l?udmg? to CokmlaU Reach, Bushw?iod. R