DECIDEDLY DUTCH Queer Phases of Life on the Island of Curacao. SPANISH INFLUENCE IS STILL FELT Was Formerly the Haunt of Pirate and Privateer. SOLID AND SUBSTANTIAL Written f?-r Tlie IvTcniuj? Star. 1ST WHEN. AND J why. and how, the Dutch became pos sessed of their hold ings in the West In dies nobody seems to know. They were never much at col onizing. save in a desultory way, and they seem to have taken over what the English, Spanish and French did not think worth keeping. Since the time of Martin Harpetzoon Von Tromp, that brave admiral who lashed a broom at his masthead in token that he had the English channel clean, the Dutch have not done much in the West Indies cxcept to hold the small islands they somehow acquired when their sailors were a power on the sen. They now own Saba, an island less ac cessible than any other in the world; Saint Eustatius. where the American flag was first saluted by a foreign power; half of Saint Martin, and Curacao and its depend encies on the north coast of South America. Curacao was discovered in the year 141)0, by the galh'.nt Spaniard, Alonzo de Ojeda, whose remains were interred In the now ruined convent of San Francisco, in Santo Domirge. He had with him on that voy age one Americas Vespucci, whose name has become more famous than that of the captain of his ship, and the twain extended the discoveries of the third voyage of Co lumbus, and found, not far from the point where Columbus left off. an is.and so rich in pearls that they loaded their vessel with tntin and went back to Spain rejoicing. Worth Million*. These ill-gotten gains were claimed by Columbus, who was entitled to a tithe of everything found, by his kings patent: but Ojeda and Vespucci went on the principle that "findings Is havings,** and net a sin gle pearl did Christopher get from them. They didn't find anything worth m7 per cent ol it is that deposit; and if the Dutch fathers of Curacao were not constitutionally un able to perform the operation they wou'd be "kicking themselves" to this day. ft?r the poor Cornish miner has long since be come a millionaire. He runs a yacht, the wonder of those seas; the steps to his landing pier are solid mahogany, he enter tains lavishly every friend and stranger who visits him. and he or his company (it j is ail the same) pay into the island treas ury |r.<> every year their mines are worked. The steady-going Dutchmen who committed their government to the con tract whereby Curacao was deprived or her only treasure-trove still meet nightly on the shore of the tranquil Skattegat. and smoke and sigh and shake their heads whenever they look toward the mountain whence the necromancer's wand has ex tracted the millions their poor U?t>.? i^ian?i ought to have and needs so much. Nobody knows just how much has been taken out, nor how much there Is left to mine; but all agree that this phosphatlc deposit is one of the world s biggest bo nanzas. No stranger is admitted within the gates of the works, nor allowed to get a glimpse beyond the portal. He is hos pitably received and entertained, feasted on the choicest viands, .flooded with the rarest wines; but no blandishments avail to serve as an open sesame. A nnvKfil Inle. Curacao, the little Island discovered iho last y?-ar of the fifteenth century, so long in possession of the Dutch, an.l recently visited by Admiral Cervera. 4?jO years after his countrymen first landed here, U less than forty miles long and from three to seven miles wide. It is merely a volcanic fissure forming deep harbors, with rims or rock around them, the coast everywhere rent and rugged. From the highest hills on a clear day the blue mountains of that stretch of Venezuelan coast known as the I'araguana are distinctly visible, and it seems to have been created expressly as h haven for Venezuelan revolutionists?the unsuccessful ones?w ho plan ami pl.u here and escape hither after their schemes havt failed. Those who have succeeded?such as Bolivar?are now known as hero?s, and the places of their residence here still points out. Coasting the southern shore in a steamer of the **Ked ID l.ine"?If it has not been purchased bv our government?and sailing par t the phosphate region, a town suddenly springs to view, and then a narrow inlet appears, as though some Hercules had rent apart the bare brown hills that form the backbone of the Island. It Is straight, hut ,H*P. and leads into a capacious harbor ]?? rhaps a mile In length?the Skattegat? beyond which is another natural lagoon, called "Spanish Water." capable of float ing a navy. Perched above the latter is a line old castle of Spanish times, and on each side the inlet giving entrance to the two lagoons is an old fort, one ealled Fort ?*her Fort Amsterdam. Their cannon are old and rusty, dating back to pre-Columbian times, apparently and their garrisons of dumpy Dutch sol diers are so quaint and funny that one al most laughs |? their faces as the steamer sweeps by. So narrow Is this entrance that the sentries of either fort can haii those of the other; and when well within it is discovered that a pontoon bridge spans the harbor mouth. The deep bass of the steamer's whistle Is answered by a shrill "toot from a diminutive launch, and soon one end of the pontoon is seen to move slowly toward the opposite shore The strip of blue water grows wider and wider until at last the bridge of boats lies parallel to the shore, and another "toot" tells the stranger that she may enter. A few mln th! Ilttle Iarfnch ,ues her pon toon back to its original position, and long before the steamer is tied up to the dock heInterrupted traffic between the people In the two sections Is resumed. A Hit of Old Holland. If one were not quite sure of his bear ings and positive that he had not sailed Into the Zuyder Zee he might be pardoned fcr imagining himself within the confines ?f some Dutch settlement; for the town of TVilhelmstadt. which surrounds the lagoon, Is filled with fine houses unmistakably Hol landlsh in architecture. They are solidly built, with stone and mortar walls, quaint dormer windows and balconies, bricked courts and tiled roofs; Spanish "casas," In fact, with Dutch trimmings, and modified to suit the climate: the windows broad and open, but with glass Instead of Iron bars, and both balconies and corridors shielded from the sun by green "Jalousies." They arc bright and cheery, too, for the roof tMrs are red and the walls are yellow, plr.k or blue. . The lagoon in which the steamers lie and W her* ?11 traffic centers la In three sec tions. like a clover leaf, the central leaf Crl-in* straight to the Island's center, and the others lying parallel to the shores. The most populous town on the right as you enter Is divided into Pietermaay and Sehardo, while across the lagoon, reached by th" pontoon, is Otrabanda, literally the "other side." This mingling of Spanish and Dutch is most pronounced, and, In fact, the prevailing speech is a patois call ed the "Papiamento," which is structurally Spanish, with an overlay of Dutch, a little Knglisli. seme African, and perhaps a fev.' aboriginal words. In illustration, the writer may mention that one day, befng out with a native negro hunting, he saw a very pretty plant having a soft rilken lringe. and-asked his guide the name of it. "Eso se llama barba de ycong maan," he n nswert-d?"They call' it young man's beard:" his reply being composed of five Spanish and two barbarously mutilated English words. Papiamento is a pntnts. or language in its nascent state, not yet crystallized. Any one speaking Spanish can understand it, but it is always detri mental to one's speech to condescend to speak a patois, and hence should be avoided. A Curious Patois. Both Dutch and English, as well as Ppe-i Ssh and French, are spoken here in their purity, but the speech of the negroes is the pj.pianiento. These last arc- most numer ous, and comprise the greater portion of the :!0,ot?> inhabitants of Curacao. It Is a long tim ? since slavery existed here, and the blacks have been so shiftless and also so prolific that poverty is well nigh uni versal. It is the only disease endemic in the island, the islanders claim; but It Is deadly. When the slaves were emanci pated. about thirty-five years ago, their owners received !fSO a head for every one manumitted, but today he Is worth scarce ly more than his food and clothing. The fair average wage of a day laborer is an English shilling, or a "quarter," and skill ed labx* goes begging at twice that amount. The natives are honest and hard working. and have so good a repiitatlon that they are in some demand outside as sailers. As the steamers of the-"Uc-d D Liny" touch here coming and going, on the Venezuelan voyage, their crews are re inforced by gangs of Curacaoans every trip, who load and discharge cargo at La Guayra and Puerto Cabello, where the na tives are unreliable. The land throughout the island Is very loor, even sterile, as there are no streams or springs and the people depend for water upon the infrequent rains. It is very tan talizing to the native to see the phosphatlc rock, so rich in the elements of fertility, being transported to other lands, and yet unavailable at home. Wherever water can be had, vegetation is abundant, luxuriant, as in a few private gardens, where it has a purely tropic cast. All the tropic fruits may be grown here, such as pines, paw-paws, mangos, guavas, soursops and custard apples; all the citrus family; and the island Is locally noted along the Spanish Main, for Its "nisperos" or sapadillos. The nispero tree grows vig orously in the stony soil of Curacao, .and its green bulk is a refreshing sight, in this dry and barren ccuntry. Scanty Vegetation. The dry fields are chiefly covered with cactus and spiny shrubs which are so much prettier a' a distance than near at hand, and. as the vegetation Is scanty, so is the fauna. Sailing up the inland lagoon, you may find lizards and iguanas, herons and other water birds, basking on its shores, and 011 the old plantations rabbits, turtle doves, trouplals, curlew and humming birds. The "hummers" and the trouplals dart by 011 green and golden wings, anel light up the shade of bre>ad-sprcadtng silk-cottons and nisperos. The government of this little Dutch Para dise is paternal and btneiicent--so far as its poverty will allow it to be?and the gov erning classes are housed in spacious build ings of lioliandesQue architecture, modified to suit climatic conditions. One should see and visit the old forts and the fetrtrcss on the liiil. the church, the synagogue, the Masonic lodge, and the government build ings. as well as ramble through the various streets. There are good roads throughout the island, and a one-Jackass tramear makes an hourly trip areiund the- Schardo and through the Pietermaay. The motive power consists of a donkey ?tot muoh lar ger than a Har'.err goat, anel anent tram car and donkey they tell a story in Pieter maay. which is supposed to reflect upon the intelligence of a small party of ladies who visited here not many years ago. It seems they walked ashore from the gang plank, and seeing the rear end of the "tram" they stepped aboard. The dash board was so high, and the beast so small, that they did not see the motor, and when the car be-.,an to move they were filled with wonder and delight. They made the circuit of the luge on. and the car came back to its original starting place, where fares were collected by a small black boy. How lovely it all was," they exclaimed ecstati cally; "what a most charming ride! And to think such a bit of a place as this should have an electric car!" "l"nd all der dime," said the Dutchman w'no related the story to the writer "dot poy vos on der vront sead of der elegdrto gar' und bunching mit a sdick dot leetle yackass!" In the Capital. There Is hardly room for a car to run be tween the buildings on either side of the main street of the town, and from the bal conies of some of the principal buildings their occupants can shake hands across, as in some Castilian cities. But Curacao Is a free port and business is often brisk. One vast bookstore here, the ' Libreria Bi tancourt," Is said to supply the whole of Venezuela and the north coast of South America with Spanish books. A deal of the business here is also contraband, anl smugglers flourish as aleing the Mexican border. You can buy pure "Hollands" for three dollars a case that never fell tile touch of customs ofHcial nor saw his frown, and as for the beverage which bears the island s name. "Curacao." made in Holland from orange peel imported from other isles and taken back here again, it is the favor ite tipple. The Dutch still control the wholesale trade, it is said, but the retail is mainly in the hands of Jews. The one bonanza other than the phosphate business is that pontoon bridge, and it should be a cause for American congratulation to know that it was built by a down-east Yankee, Cap tain Smith, our consul at Curacao. He is a living witness to the beneficent climate of this island, for he came here an invalid many years ago and soon recovered suffi ciently to e-stablish a flourishing ice busi ness. which he still conducts. But his great achievement and the monument to his in ventiveness Is the pontoon bridge which spans the Skattegatt. Before he construct ed it those who wished to cross the lagoon were absolutely dependent upon the negro boatmen, nearly two hundred in number, who charged for ferriage five Dutch cop pers, equal to a penny or two cents Amer ican money. Now the toll on the bridge is but two cents (American) for "quality" people, and only a copper for those who go barefoot. Once u lienor! for Pirate*. As to the inhabitants of Curacao, It !s surprising to find people resident hero many years, and families descended from the first conquerors, who have preserved that freshness of complexion for which the Dutch at home are noted. There is but one other place where they are sur passed in this respect, and that is in Saba, whel-e. at an elevation of between 1,500 and S.tHW feet above the sea, reside de scendants of the Dutch, who have com plexions marvelously clear and delicately tinted. The old residents yet tell tales of the buccaneer times, when Curacao was the haunt of pirate and privateer, as well as of "contrabandista" and political refugee. Lying right abreast the famous Spanish Main, its snug harbors offering secure shel ter for all sorts of small craft. Curacao was once infested with as lawless a popu lation as any Island In West Indian wa ters. That great Inner lagoon known as the Skattegat. deep enough and large enough to hold the Spanish fleet. Is entire ly landlocked, and above it towers a fertress built In Spanish times, before the Dutch came into pe>ssession, in 1634. It is extremely picturesque, though useless as against modern cannon, and Is used now as a signal station Beneath and behind the beetling cliff on which the fort Is perched the pirates of the Spanish Main were wont to lie in wait for prey, their vessels' masts completely hidden from sight of craft at sea, and their spies watching from the rock. When a galleon was sighted, richly freighted, bound for Spain, with cargo of silver or gold, the buctfaneer craft would slip warily through the narrow passage, bear down upon the ship, murder its crew, and bring Its treasure back to their eyrie on the era* above the lagoon. Many a million, the old Inhabitants say. has been broucht here to be divided; but they add, with a sigh. It ia many yaara since the good old buccaneer times; Curacao isn't what It uMd to be. . F. A. OBER. THE FREAKISH RIO GRANDE. Two Illustrations In One Day of the Queer Tlilnjc* It Can Do. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. "To give you some idea of what sort of river tlie Rio Grande is, I'll tell an experi ence I had In getting across It with a der rick," said a mining man from New Mex ico. "If after that you don't agree with me that it is a freakish river you're hard to suit. I was a contractor in rock work in those days, and was taking my derrick from the east side of the river to the Mag dalenas, where I had a contract to sink a mine shaft. The derrick was on four wagon wheels, and four mules were haul ing It. I had my two helpers along, and one of them, a man named McCartney, drove the mules. He was an old-timer, which was lucky, for I was new to the country, and If I had trusted to my own judgment I might have made a mistake that would have cost me my mules and derrick, if not my life. "We came to the Rio Grande an hour be fore sundown, and I saw a wide river bed, but no water, only dry sand, from one bank to the other. That was a new kind of river to me, but McCartney said it was all right; that it was a way the Rio Grande had of doing in places for five or six months in the year. The water was there, only it was flowing through the sands un der the channel instead of in it. I, being a tenderfoot, was for camping on the nearer bank, where the grass was good, but Mc Cartney said that would never do unless I was willing to take my chances of staying there a week or two: that water sometimes came down the'channel, a good deal of it, and it would be well to get across while we were sure we could. "YVe started across over the dry sands and 1 was thinking what an easy way it was of fording a river when of a sudden the two lead mules were floundering in a quicksand and the whole outtit came near being drawn in. We got the two leaders clear of the harness and then the other two mules drew them out, one at a time. We hitched them up again, and by making a long circuit got past the quicksand and to the other bank. By that time it was 10 o'clock and the moon had just risen. The mules had just begun to climb the bank, when we heard a roaring noise up the channel. It came from a wall of water that stretched from bnnk to bank, and was traveling toward us fast. It looked in the moonlight to be four feet high, and there was higher water behind sending it on. "\\ e didn't need to holler to the mules. They heard wnat was coming and clawed up the bank like cats. We got out all right, der rick and all?and there were not three min utes to spare. Before we had finished our supper the rive." bed was full, bank high, with a current that eddied and roared as It rushed past our camping place as if it had been sorry to miss us and would like to get up where we were. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, or sign of rain anywhere, and the flood may have come from a cloudbust in Colorado 200 miles away. But it came near getting us. I had learned one lesson, and that was, in traveling by wagon, al ways to camp on the further side of a stream. And I had learned to put no trust in the Rio Grande." ELECTRIC LIGHT I\ ITALY. The 1 *y the roadside in a 1 way to remind that wheeling is a hot.j and dusty occupation. Her white duck ! skirt, pin'; shirt wftiAtind broad, light gray slouch hat offerjjujUj'ng distinctive in the ' telling; but add.M|iiit>( eyes, a cool skin of 1 wholesome tints mnd'ia firm-set chin, not 1 too square, anfl you get a personification of early summer, byigfrt" breezy, good to look at and wholly uiis^Jifijra.ehtnl. Another sumny-r picture Is the girl who is coming up the ^iatltjimong the trees from the river, the )ong stems of pond lilies hanging from lij^r ttt^h. She is a slighter figure than the othur, a branch hid?j her face, her white woolen dress hangs as straight and close ut her as If it wore heavy with water. She has a broad, soft green sash at her side, and her fiat, white sailor hat is swathed In green. The girl may be pretty, she may be piquant at close acquaintance; 1 like her best where she is, a naiad coming up from the stream. Sustentive of Summer llrnf. There is something in the muslins more languorous, more suggestive of the heats to come; something that belongs with the warm, sweet scent of clover and the rattle of the mowing machine. There Is a white, vaporous cloud overflowing a hammock, swung Just in the edge of the grove; a tall figure is approaching it. There ought to be laws against disturbing a person in muslin. White "muslin?all white?belongs to the dolce far nlente of the drowsy days; to the lapse of personal identity In the sunshine and the earth hum. For a permit to con versation some color must be worn, some sharp accent put Into the monotone. I have seen a woman In muslin conducting herself most energetically* but she knew how to make thi appearance congruous; how not to violate the proprieties. Her pale green and white transparencies subordinated them selves to the rcyal blue that ruled at throat and waist and permitted any sort of vivaci ty, even dancing. Blue and white is merry; pink and white, girlish. Golden yellow and white or lemon color and white requires more particular consideration: neither combination is abso lutely inconsistent with action, but they are more sultry, more suggestive of tropic heats anu thunder storms than white alone. There is a delicacy about heliotrope and white or black and white properly handled ?a great deal of white and a very little black, but used boldly?that fits with a va riety of summer purposes; but the muslins that chime best with the summer gayetles, that have the joy of the season without its droop, are the new-old Watteau patterns, with their little bouquets or baskets of flowers thrown upon a cream-white surface I and tied together by blue ribbons. Next to these for daintiness, lightness and hints of ( airy freedom. I reckon the other floral mus lins with indeterminate cloud designs be hind the flowers, scarcely visible except in certain lights, but giving a misty effect, when the fabric is not too much snipped up In flounces. Combination* of Color. It is a wholesome symptom, however, that we are not bothering so milch as usual about color" significance or the sub tleties o( combinations; rather we dash for ward as boldly as in the early ' sixties, whose fashions we Continue to copy, with any set of tints lUa.:. gature Has set us the example of appi??iaar, At the first largely attended meet oMtf sfcmmer club 11 faw days ago the positivtj-cMbrs of yellow myrtle with its green |, turquoise blue and the old-fashionech ptoks and reds that re mind one of th-aoVSSeeet Williams" of New England gaidemAonfcrs were more in evl donce than any Jit hear hues. A blue and \MiJtd mrslin, for example, was made up owr anaeparate- foundation of grass-grejn gjllcillndrtrimmed with a trellis work of block* Qhantilly insertion. A shoulder rosette' otfi' deep crimson was added. >t> - A cream-colorai lMwn, almost as fine as muslin, was drajiedliover yellow silk and flounced with cAanflace run with narrow yellow and blackeribhons. The long sash of Hack chiffon wte pressed with yjllow. A pale green'^fcndtwhite" muslin had a foundation of rtoieldif pink silk and many frills and insertions'?f fine cream lace; the j-ash of pink ehiffBn finished with black vel vet ribbons was fastened with a large paste buckle. ? - Of India Moulin. ' An elaborate costume and one suggestive of crinoline was a beautiful India muslin faintly cream-tinted and made up over India yellow, at once deep and soft. The skirt was arranged in a style familiar thirty or forty years ago, with six or eight flounces forming a sharp point in the front and back, but rising high on' the sides. The flounces were frilled with lace and headed with rows of openwork and insertion. The waistband was of green ribbon. The bodice was arranged with lace and muslin frills to form a fichu drapery over a chemisette of muslin finely tucked and ran with green and cream-colored ribbon*. If blua Is the color of the season green la almost as popular, and the changes rune I upon the two with each other and with gray are past counting. In New York I have seen within the week a silvery gray canvas made up over blue glace and trim med with three narrow black lace ruffles. Green velvet ribbon was applied upon the skirt in such wise as to produce the illu sion of a double overskirt, open in front and hanging in long points down each side. The bodice was a blouse of the canvas with a pointed chemisette of muslin and with ribbons simulating a small bolero. A gray and white foulard worn at a race meet wss flounced with gray chiffon. The bodice had a puffed yoke of curiously min gled gray and grass-green chiffon, from which floated long chiffon scarfs like stole ends. Straps alternately of green and sil ver velvet came from under the arms and fastened in front with clasps of green enamel and gold. The sleeves were of sil ver chiffon, striped up and down with green velvet libbon. ELLEN OSBORN. KILLING RATTLESNAKES. An IngenitinH Method of Raiding; the County Treawury. From the Glens Falls Star. John Lamb of Bolton was arrested on Saturday afternoon on a warrant issued by Justice S. M. Pratt on complaint of j Supervisor Taylor. Lamb is charged with : an attempt to defraud the county y Su I ptrvisor Taylor, has been to tak'j the rat I ties from a snake, divide them into pieces, leaving#two rattles on each piece. Then take a piece of fiesh front a snake and in sert it in the upper end of the seveted por tion of the rattler, thus giving the appear ance of having been cut off from the tail of a snake, and get the bounty of $t on each piece having two rattles. Affidavits were presented showing that on last Tues day Lamb obtained seven snakes' tails fiom two boys who had killed the reptiles. Lamb then presented an affidavit swearing to the killing of twenty-three snakes, pro duced twenty-three pieces with two rattles on each, and obtained an order for on County Treasurer Packard. Un Friday night l^amb received of the same parties fourteen snakes, and on Saturday mornirg presented* an affidavit to the killing of seventy-one sr.akes and asked for an order for $71. producing seventy-one pieces with two rattles on cach piece. Supervisor Tay lor caught on to his plan and swore out a warrant. The county has already paid al out $t>Kl upon orders, and now the ques tion is, How many snakes have really been killed? In Washington county the bounty on rat tlesnakes is fifty cents. It is claimed that quite frequently snakes killed in that county are brought to Warren county, where the bounty ptiid is just double, and that the amount fraudulently collected on Washington county snakes during" the last year or two is quite an item. LenioiiK in Hot Weather. We know in a dull sort of way that lemons are useful, and if we didn't we might easily find this out by looking over the papers, says the Louisville Courier Journal. But just how valuable they really are few of us realize. They are of very Ei'tpi mrdicinal value, anJ are better than patent medicines and nostrums put up in bottles and boxes for the benefit (?) of the human family. A teaspoonful of lemo.t j':ice In a small cup of black coffee will drive away an at tack of bilious headache, but It is betur to use them freely and so avoid the attack of headache. A tlice of lemon rubbed on the temples and back of thi* neck is also good for headache. These facta help In beauti fying one, for who cull be beautiful and ailing a' the same time? The dtys are past when the elellcate woman with "nerves" was the heroine of all the novels and the 'clinging \lr.e" supposed to be admired by all the men. Lemons taken externally, or rather used, will aid in beautifying any e-ne. There is nothing more valuable for the toilet table than a solution of lemon ju'-ie; a little nib bed on the hands, face and neck at night will not only uniten but soften the skin. A paste mad; of mignesl i and lemon Juice appiied to the face and hmd.; upon lying down for a fifteen minutes' rest will bleach the skin beautifully. For discolored or stained finger nails a teaspoonful of lemon juice in :i cup of warm soft water is invalu^b.c; tins is one of the very best manicure acids. It will loosen the cuticle from the linger nails as well as remove discolorr. lions. Lemon Juice in water is an excellent tooth wash. This is about th; only thing that will remove tartar. It will also sweeten the breath. A Gupkh. From the Cbicigo Record. "What are his stenographer's hours?" "Nine in the morning till 4 In the after noon, with an hour and a half for luncheon." "Goodness! She must be a remarkably homely girl:" "No, dearest, It would not be at all tiarht to take dollies to church." "But, mamma dear, it would not matter if I only took the one who shuts her eyes, would It T"?Punch. Cleveland's Baking Powder does the work just right every time. That's why all the leading Teachers of Cookery use and recommend it. HAHIKS 1\ (lll>\. Little Oncii in the Celeatliil Km III re Recrlve Marh Attention. From the Ladies' Pictorial. Babies are made much of all the world over, but In China especially they are sur rounded with a host of mysterious super stitions and practices. They are very comical to look at. these children of the celestials; from the day they are born they are put Into a little coat and trousers, with a wee cap to keep the head warm, and little shoes on their feet. In fact they are the exact counterparts of their parents In miniature. A child Is not bathed till the third day; it is not considered lucky to do so before. When this has been done, charms, consist ing: of lucky cash (smallest coin) and small silver toys, are attached by red cord to the child's wrists, and worn for many months. This _ie to keep away all evil spirits. Red strips of paper, with certain charac ters written on them, are also nailed up outside the door of baby's room, to ward off all evil influences. These strips are kept up until after the eleventh day, and it is usual for no stranger to enter until tliey hav; been removed. When a Chinaman has lost several chil dren, on the birth of another he is especial ly careful to guard it from evil spirits, who evidently have a spite against him. He therefore Invests in a sword made out of cash, aid strung together with red cord. This is hung up by baby's bed as a charm, and is considered very effective. The child generally leaves the room at the end of the month, and on that day the head is shaved for the first time. 1 canr.ot learn that any great importance Is attached to the giving of a name to the child. It is, as a rule, the grandfather or grandmother on the father's side for choice who names it, but If they are dead It de volves on the mother's parents or some elderly relation. When baby has arrived at the mature age of four months, the maternal grand mother makes it a present of a most elab orate chair with a table attached. There is generally a feast on this day, and many friends are invited. A curious custom Is observed when the child is a year old. Again a party is given to celebrate the event, and a large sieve is placed upon the table with various articles laid upon it ? books, writing Implements, gold, silver, fruit, etc. Baby, attired In new red clothes, with red cord braid-d in his lialr, is placed in the center 'jf the sieve, snd according to what articles he seizes first will his fortune be told. If he takes up the money, of course, he will be come a merchant and rich; if a book, why ne will be learned and distinguish himself in literature. In every household there Is an image of the goddess of children, who is supposed to have the care of the little ones till they grow up. Many offerings are made to her, especially on the child's birthday. When a child reaches the age of sixteen years he is supposed to pass from the control of this particular goddess, and a ceremony is gone through called the "going out of child hood." Afterward thank offerings are made to the goddess of the children for the care bestowed. But to return to our babies. As 1 min tioned before, the head is shaved when a month old ? som'times entirely?but very often a small patch is left at the crown of the head, and the hair plaited into a stiff little queue, which stands out straight from the head through a little nole in the cap. If it is a little girl, her head Is ift^-n not shaved, but her hair plaited into two plaits above the ears. Red cord is plaited in >vith the hair as a charm, for spirits carnot face red?hence baby's red clothes. Seen Willi 111m \o*e. rrom the London Telegraph. An extraordinary case is reported by a French medical man named Domlot. A man who had lost his right eye some years be fore, whue still a child, fell from a cherry tree, his face striking upon a sharp stick in such a way that the nose, the cheek an l the left eye. with the eyelids and the eye brows, were horribly mutilated. The at tendant surgeon believed the eyeball had been completely torn away, the i>atient, of course, being left -Ightless. A year after ward the man was surprised to notice thai he could distinguish daylight and the col ors of flouers through his nose, and his vision improved until he was able to see all objects below, though still insensible to light frooi above. A simple explanation is found- The blow, falling obliquely upon the eyeball, must have permitted the es cape of the humors of the eye, and pierced the orbit, but without injuring the mem branes, particularly the retina. On heal ing, there must l.ave remained In the bony case behind the closed lids a small opening putting the eye cavity in communication with the nasal foshal, thus permitting the light to reach the retina through the nose. It is pointed out that this ser\es as ex perimental proof of the theory comparing the retina to a dark-room screen, on which images of outside objects are formed, even without refracting lenses, when the light ?ays come through a very narrow opening. ??? Where It Came In. From Puck. Hardfuct?"Well, I must confess I don't see much poetry In a moonlight excur sion." Oberheintz?"Gott in himmel! Haf you seen dose nine kegs of beer?" A CI RIOt S At STVIAV ClflTOM. Emperor Ir??cl. J.,.eph M o.he. the Ff" Twelre Old Men From the I-all Mall Gaiette. The Emperor Francis Joseph, a, the heart of the must ceremonious court In Europe the ceremony of washing the feet Th#. r* twe^'oM men ^ "* I ^ ,he eame number of agt-a dames. This v..a .< w.shtn? 1 k . he ceremony of washing the feet of the old lad lea was omitted, owing to the absence of the em bUt U,t ancWnt J??" majesty and the whole court ,li ;~ri" ~ ^?r^V?n; l?^rdlertn,r)ip1omItUu an'd^thelr?w"vea ^ ^P?",'he ?c"n< from the rnT^hVr"hd,^"ra?'^ generate 1 of ,heeHu^H?.W- Thr *"""dld untfor^r i r?~?? - asMs aaa & war3TS srs rs x-ss? xszvx placed them before the infirm old peouii The ceremony of washing the feet ^iX-h " of the old men and placed a towel ,a;"T thT}': kn^s- The court <'hap*aln"n! id hi hat toa?nBV''U"?'" lh" mora:' h 1 ??'ad b,'on reached the monarch fell on liia knees and formally washed and A prelate rVL'^i Jh* ""''V0 nu*" ln ,urn A prelate poured the water over the feet and a papal house prelate held the ewer mLl^K c?K,iUf'lon of the ceremony the monarch w.Liked to the lower end of the estrade and washed his hands, a page hold Ing the ewer and the lord chamberlain hanuing h;m the towel The imperial bur ton ??e'iS\,vPOn har'd,,,i |,urR,'s' <-a< h> contain ing .10 silver crowns, to his majesty who hung them around the necks of the old homes!1 Were thtn drlv<-n to their - Trampa Frarfally rnalahrd. From the Chftigo News. Tramps unlucky enough to fall Into the dutches of the hard-hearted authorities of Berks county. Pennsylvania, are put through such a course of sprouts that they wish they had never been born. They have to march up and down in the prison yard for eight hours a day. carrying seventy five-pound boxes of sand, while a grim overseer stands ready to prod them if they falter. Edward Lawrence Is the man who besses the operations for (AO a month and the tramps ihtnk he Is a Tartar. His sal ar> Is one of the best Investments the ctunty ever made, for no hummer, after sprung under him for a term, has ever come hack and 'he warden's board and lodging bills are growing lighter. riilirt4e,rILf fence's system the tramps are *>,d?J two gangs, each assigned to a th*v tit I B/t, ? the word of command they till their boxes and with military pre cision pick them up and march to the op Fn Jif the yard' P^'ng each other In the center. The boxes are emptied on the opposite piles and refilled, after which !. n m^.h back to the starting point be gins This operation is repeated without inter\al of rest for. four hours each forc cr?nv r ..a ",kt tlmc ln ,he afternoon. No ccn\ersation Is permitted. ? K.-ed of Oiivrriaa l)urluK Sleep. Fiob the Kvenlu* Wlaconain. The reason It Is necessary to be well covered while sleeping Is that when the body lies dt wn It is the intention of nature that It should rest, and the heart especial ly should be relieved of Its regular work temporarily. So that organ makes ten strokes a minute less than when the body is in an upright posture. This means ?M ftrokes ln sixty minutes. Therefor*. In the eight hours that a man usually spends in taking his night's rest, the heart Is raved nearly five thousand stroke* As It pumps six ounces of Hood with each stroke. It lifts ounces less of blood in this night's session than it would durir.g the day, when a man is usually in an upright position. Now, the body is de pendent for its warmth on the vigor of the circulation, and as the blood flows so much more slowly through the veins when one is lying down, the v.annth lost in the re duced circulation must be supplied by extra coverings. Three miles an hour is about the average speed of the gulf stream. At certain places however, It attains a speed of fifty-one mil38 ao hour, the rapidity of the current giving the surface, when the sun is shining the appearance of a sheet of fire. (Copyright, 1898, Life PuMieking Company.)