Newspaper Page Text
ITomorrow Begins Our Annual Remnant and Stock Cleaning Sale of Shoes. The greatest Shoe event of the year. Bar - gains in every kind of High and Low Shoe. The -- very best footwear that is produced in this coun try enters the bargain lists. We always make this event the star event of the year's business. The idea is to close out all remnants and summer shoes and not carry any over into the next season under any circumstances. We figure that we have made the necessary profit on the shoes up to n6w, and that sacrificing them now doesn't mean the loss that it shows on its face. This year the sale means more than ever be fore-the goods are fresher, better, more up to date and finer in every way than the remnants of previous years-and also we have never before ignored cost so completely. Study these prices and pick your shoes from the list: Every Shoe in the House is Reduced. LADIES' LADIES' SHOES.OXORDS ReImna In Lalies' Boots-btton and One 10 made up of six styles la th k id and patent leather tips. of Oxford. In black only all exepio o aid.Sckbe.&O,' f$"e si"i, o sl fahand at ~.~~)1II Z",te tt sold i0~6tfrd tht00 .41Y: for fr- =~5-. to 162. 1:Pgo I$ILg0 $4.49 to gfo .. .for Everyo r e Bne lt f Patent Leather 0- i ho-s - lbott,'n and tIs'- - with the fine o a ol ae t Lahr CX exceptiolk Of .Atrl %'h 'eber A Ow-'a fole Ia a f Welt sile Kid xtt-h ad th Ile ht aol for4YlO * that $3ldX frup to, for ..... Ideal Patent idealLeather Oxt; lth~aiPaten ~,1'~a'.u warrantednt wairranted nob '. o~j~jtcak ieua break. l 2o( J $4.0 Tie $2o9 for.............. MEN'S SHOES. Men's Ba.ek and Tan High and Men's $5 CO lwet ather Black Vici Kid Oxford. that iold Oxford. made for .50 to go by Jotar,.Adam. c o f..........----- &I ot ofr The Children's Shoes Are Reduced as Well. Watch for Ads. 1334 F Street. "flechts' Greater Stores," 513-515 Seventh Street. See Wednesday evening's papers for announcement of the most startling sale ever held by any store in this city. Of all underwear offerings this one leads. From the leading muslin underwear maker in the land, whose name is time and time again advertised by other department stores, we have secured the sample garments turned in by his twelve traveling salesmen, together with what he terms his "factory seconds." We need scarcely explain to you what "samples" are. Each salesman carried one garment of a kind from which he took or ders, therefore there are no more than twelve of a kind-from the unpretentious garments to the most elaborately trimmed lingerie. The "factory seconds" are those garments which became oil spotted in the making, which are not quite up to this maker's high standard in workmanship, which show a drop stitch here and there. Aside from the oil spots, which can be readily eradicated, the im perfections are not noticeable only to the eye of the expert and in nowise injure the worth of the garment. These are the muslin garments which we have secured so enormously below worth prices, enabling tfie maker of them to clean up his stock, and which we put on sale tomorrow morning, and without hesitation pronounce as the greatest bargains at the prices we have marked them that have ever been offered by any local concern. We have divided them into three lots--piled them on three separate tables for easy choosing and buying. Lot I-- Lot 3 ~5l for muslin un- Qg for muslin un-. D7 ev derwear *7',~. derwear worth up to 49 cents, worth up to $2.00. Lot 2-crst ftiaea..rt ,v maselt nii h as a nde kitng and ftor-mmn n'e smninti o am ery on e radtrainsu.k andh d o o o hniean-o h faaa e aaoer C ~fib mk~ 5 r13 - Sev nh Stret. Wtet3 whteebdbe =m le,iea n tIt eso Safet *e *h * *i wort Dup tor $1.25 .-- th "" te ema S. KANN, SONS & cO. I S. KANN, ANS & cO. ALWAYS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING F THE LEAST MONEY! Our After=Stock=Taking SafI Receives a Spirited Start. It is needless to say that such an event at "The Busy Corner" meets with no other than tremendous response. It's a good cause for the good of our patrons. With all of the benefits in their favor. The direct good this sale does for us is clearing stocks. Some time at losses, then again at clear cost. Continuing the most favored bargain. Wash Goods. 350 sec of a vey oo qslty Pique-also 4. 1,000 pl=e of eTra fine imities and Ratiates n of lne mit and Bates-the very beat all the no les p rdced this season-quality often designa and values that are of a advettd by others a. th impo r 1t I sual 10 and 12%e. grade - afte- 54 ran from 2 to il'. '0 stock-taking selling ............... --after-stock-taing se/g. 150 Piecea, of the celebrated Frere's Koechlln .f ,rgandies and Belfast Dimitles--the beat line Im ported this seaon-many styles. well adapted for choice of 200 pices. of Andemon-a Gingbams and recetion costunmes-and the line we are showing Madras. fine Linens. Fancy Silk tloussellnes and outs vals anything we have had at the opening Mercerized Sateen - tin season*s choicest of the .a-son 25c. upward to9 c. 50e. In valne -afier-stock-tan to COW v alues f er m -akd39 g a............................... 15t~C. It t, a1ad9C.trstktan selling ............................ . Women's Wear. 100 superior Figured Marseilles Wash Skirts. 50 superior Brilliantine Waist* made with tinished and felled Pear98 full accordion-pleated front-former and fine quality_ goods-former price. price $3atrsoktkn el$2 025 $2.48-after-sto-kttaknug selling ....... 157 superior Linen and Fancy Pique Skirts - 50 H1gb-grade Black and Colored Taffeta Silk former selling price. $2.00. $2.48" Waists-former Prices Of which d $2sel-after-stock-teking sell- were$3.6. $3.98 and $40-after- $2.98 lng------------------------------------------stock-taxing selling--------------.$2.9 100 Fine Linen Skirts. with knife-pleating 67 High-grade Colored Taffeta Silk Waists. In flounces-also nobby polka dot and high-grade eluding satin. in black and colors, and many beau FnxWhite Goods.=T Enlih m ne-o pie s $3 -ir ~ Iful designs - former prc, $3 49 and . alt mi ok an e ri 2D. $ e. and $9.f ok-after s at st sellng-----------------..uv~o~z taking selling-------------------.$309 About 4(0 of the Fiunt Imported Silk Waists the very eat grades and s'yles-''-F Colored Lawn Dresses-wahl former prices. $8.98. $10. $12.4 an former prices. $15 and, $16 50 $13.yd -after-stock-takng selling......., after-stock-taking selling ... White Goods. White Figured and Striped Pique. Mercerized 2tlc. to 40c. values of Figured and Striped Mad ,quj"~,ring 27c. "il ~M 19C. Mul tikw-stied te lae effc ing h qr - a.Mreie tripe tasn adSti-rie er-stocktaking lng ......:. after-stocktaking sellig . ... .- ..- - - - Etxtra line sheer quality of In Elegant gra-le of White Organdy Lno. in a 40-inch width. veysheer--*)-inch width-regular 25c. :~ad well worth' i ayad- f gde-after-stocktaktng selling a fter-stocktaking s lling A very fine sheer grade of pe. value of Spin Spot Hand-made N ran e awu-i2 pieces only of woh 2c bg lyadrd-afterstockt dthe 20c. quality-afteratoektak selling ellinga... .. .... Ing selling, p ..... Embroideries. - 8ten values of neat o - --taking Selling... stocktakig seling per yard - - - .- .. - -- B y15t. and c. values of Cambric and Theis Anseman Co., arey fI S. values of Showy cambric n qu o dging-after-stocktakIng selling.t patterns-ater-sktIng selling, per u: G2c. values of F Pne and Showy yar... . ................. ....... . Swiss eaing nod a fter .. .. . . .. 1 lot of Valenciennes and Point de Paris Ckn ell idg Str ................... . . . . . . . . :c, stockting sellish, oc., a s- artd pattep.. . In s..endid 6..c. Chow ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Chow rocabttlsat. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. 4c. c al l t of C a pbrico Sw iss and ainsook . . . g elling .. Ergi and Inserting, new coetio of choice White and a .. ttt.r-...o. Wave neat and openwork patterns- .~q1/ Laces-choice patterur of Ifi se. r yd-fter'strnk- co-Aeriand oualty-at..toc.... c. herres C a 's extra he na g selling, eat.. ...........15c.k taking selling per4cbotsyt.... 2 8th and Market Space. Everything at Half Price. Th-e Ailmca Co., 318 9th Street N.W., Corner D. Groceries, Wines and Liquors.t tRead our price list and see if you can beat us: Soaps, Laundry, 5c. size, at ................ 1C Star Soap, 5c. size, at............................... 2kc.~ Olean Soap, 5c. size, at ............................. 2 c. Gold Dust Soap Powder at5........................ Pearline Soap.Powder at........................... . CeuOid Starch at e..............................3c. Silver Polish, ioc. packages, at................ ..... . Chow Chow, ioc. bottles, at.......................... 4c. Ham and Tongue, potted, at ......................4c Rice, sound, slightly broken, at ...................... 4c. Rice, whole head, at ............................... 6c. Van- Camp's Soups at............................... &. Armour Snyder's Franco-American Soups -at ........... I5c.t Cherries, California's, extra heavy syrup, at............. I5c Oil, Imported Lucca, 4ioc. bottles, at................. 23c./ 0Wines. Claret, Rhein, Sherry, Port, Catawba, Black berry-all pure 1.=year goods-18c. per qt. bottle. Same as above-75c. per full gallon. 8=yeCaoid Whlskies-75c. per full quart-ciaw othel4c beh onert.. Olda R Barmley 27t.pebote $173 erfl Ordwers fo i rorde for uwarddlvrere P TehadWa ae Anth ilma Get --- urPaer ad urWokandDsInwness of eA reS, .40oud'tdsev it.L eqire w. l..w August d.e..1. I. a.eihflysft~ .:'INi rus teon ic, s an. Afvrt eh el-s 3.ah R.OUGHTON, 2 0 7th 1eO444. Your{rMost CoPlee a - But we now wendodeserve i.lThe of wPaint hat e e dyh W siater "LUTTTE" i a____ paitfr__r IsEhe C"ia &it. :'.".*' h _. Pod* Comnfort. c.AnerbachebgJ7&rut Smoot,Coffer&flcCalley 1216 F Street. 'Phone 725. After Stock-Taking Reductions. We've completed our in ventory. The closing out of the small lots of goods is the next move-through reductions, of course--reductions on the high est class of goods-the goods that make the real bargains after all. SHIRT WAISTS. All our White and Colored Shirt Waists that sold for $1.00, $3125 anl $1.50, reduced to 75 CENTS. WHITE SKIRTS. Six Plain Wite and White Trim med Skirts. In P. K.. that soid far $5.00 and $6.00. reduced to ..$2.50. COLORED SWISSES _1A rich line of Colored Swisse. of our own importation-the exclusive styles that are o desirable. Goods wrh65c., 75c. and 90ei. a yard, .. reduced to 50 CENTS YD. LADIES' TIES. Ladies' Silk. Pique and Madras Tles-15O of them eft. Sold in sea son at 25e. TV close, 12/c. EACH. Early Fall Arrivals. pproach of fall is already being felt here. The arrival of a dainty line of new Fichus. Boleros, Yokes. Revers. Collars and Ties herald the season. We have always bel: a leadership in such lines. It's a well known fact that we are always looked to for the dainty ex elusive things that center interest in a store. .Smoot, Coffer & McCalley, it 1216 F Street. We Make It. Is the price of a trunk that we are show 'sg and are not $ 7 backward In fully recommendlin. The reason for this i that we make it and know just how It is put together and the materials that enter into it. Riveted throughout, iron bottom. tumbler lock, heRY bolts and roller, two trays, cloth lined i Sthrough l. QTopham's, P'...d JY30 Dt. SIEGERT'S ANGOSTURA BITERS, INDORSE D by physicians and chemists for purity and whole someness. jy27-tf A MILITARY RESERVATION. Deputy Sherif Denied Permission to Make an Arrest. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. ROCKVILLE, Md., July 29, 190. Armed with a warrant sworn out by W. G. Brown of Kensington. a member of the Montgomery County Anti-Saloon League, Deputy Sheriff Frank Gaither yesterday morning visited Camp Ordway. near Gaith ersburg, for the purpose of placing under arrest William T. Nicholson upon the charge of violating the local option law of this county by selling intoxicating liquor on the camp grounds. He gained admission to the camp and located Nicholson, to whom he read the warrant. Nicholson asked to be permitted to consult with the military ofi'cers, and with the deputy sheriff went to their headquarters. Gen. Harries informed Gaither that he could not take Nicholson, and stated that the camp was a govern ment reservation and was not subject to the laws of the county. He also stated that if any member of the guard should be guilty of any wrongdoing he would be punished by a military court. Gaither concluded not to attempt to take Nicholson by force. It is stated that fur ther attempts will be made to prosecute those responsible for the sale of intoxicants at Camp Ordway. The quarterly conference of the Free Methodist Churches of the Philadelphia district closes this evening, after a three day session at this place. All of the meet ings were interesting and were largely at tended. Today was the big day of the con ference. At 9:30 this morning a love feast was held, followed at 10:30 by preaching. A children's service was held at 1:30, and there was preaching at 8 and 8 p.m. Included within the Philadelphia district are several churches In Pennsylvania, one at Dover, Del., one at Alexandria, Va.. and the Rockville and Avery churches -of this county. Reports from the various churches show the denomination in the Philadelphia district to be in a healthy con dition. Rev. George Bowman of Washington oo cupied the pulpit of the Rockville Baptist Church this morning. Baltimore and Ohio engine No. 805 caught fire at an early hour yesterday morning on the siding at Boyd's. and the entire cab was destroyed and the machinery consid erably damaged. The engine was attached to train No. 40, preparatory to hauling it to Washington, but was cut loose before any damage was done to the cars. Mrs. C. B. Pierce and children Bessie and Frank, residing near this town, left a few days ago for a trip to Boston by sea. They sailed from Baltimore with the intention of stopping at Newport News, Norfolk and Fortress Monroe. They will visit friends in Massachusetts and will return by rail, stopping at Newport and Asbury Park. The funeral of Mr's. Annie Collier, wife of John W. Corner. a former sheriff of this county, took place at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the M. E. Church at Dick erson, and was one of the moat largely attended ever held in that section. The in terment was in the demnetery at Bealisyilie. Within a few weeks work on the Rock yille and Georgetown turnpike will be com pleted. Contractor Blunt, who has the con tract to complete that portion of the pike from Bethesda ot where the original con tractors left off when they were ordered by the county commissioners to quit because of alleged repeated breaches of their con tract, says that he will complete his part of the road within the ninety days specified in his contract. In a few days the county commissioners wHil begin work on that por tion of the road turned over by the original contractors as completed and will place it in excellent condition. The work will ha done under the supervision of an experi enced road buider and will he completed by the time the other portion of the road is finished. It was the original intention of the commtisiners to do no work on that portion of the pike from the District line to Bethesda. but it has been decided to re pair that also, and it wll he tgle with smaR'stone. When completed Te road will be a dna one from Rockville to the District of Columbia line. Assaetted by Unkaswn Man. Leonard W. Guy, sixty-four years old, a Ponsinner, who Ulves at 112 1st street north west, was tabs to the Honmeopathic Hos pital Saturday night in the police anm--. lance. Ba csainea that he wanassanit ed by an unknona man on a let near North Capitol and O streets. . slight wound on the back o his head wa- the anly iajury he rcve.After belig given medical treatment the injured man was removed to his bon. gatiaaedit.e HMes=iE Prespet. The r-P-aub-== t the District of Calm.. ia aesaga ta e r M Nemaa sa S"**e9taStoUn met.g to e siea either in convenitiemon -gn i&mna the esrganenwhere one was beld un.. erst veers 'of *teme - THE WORLD OF SOCIETY MESS WILOON ENJOTING PARIS so CIETY AND EXPOSITION. Washluagtn Folks Heard ot In May Places-The British Squed ree-Persemals. Miss Wilson. daughter of the Secretary of Agriculture. who sailed late last month for Europe, is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh and returned with her host and hostess and Miss Cockrell last week from a short tour In Belgium. While at Ostend Mr. Waish sat next the king of Belgium at a dinner. and the latter having heard of Mr. Walsh's wealth derived from his copper mines questioned him closely about many details of their management. The king was so impressed with the Infor mation that he has Instructed his agents to report on the copper deposits known to exist in the Congo district owned by the Belgians. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh. who came back to Paris for a social function. will re turn again to Ostend. to escape the heat. At a recent dinner given by them covers were laid for 120 guests, and after dinner Mme. Nevada sang, a noted violinist played and two dancers gave a performance. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sharon of Nevada gave an automobile fete last week at St. Germain when 'their nieces, the Misses Newlands of this citty. were present. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Anderson have joined the mother of the latter. -.r3. Perkins. at Lake Champlain and the party will go soon to a camp in the Adirondacks. The Brittish squadron will be at Bar Har bor September 4. which will prolong the season. Another event which will add to the attractive lengthening of the gayetles there will be the marriage of Miss Bessie Davis and Mr. Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grayson Dulin are at Narragansett Pier for the past fortnight and will extend their visit through next month. They are accompanied by their family. The early summer was spent at their place at Cambridge. Mass., where they will return for the autumn. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Welch. who left the city a few days ago for a trip to Alaska and Yellowstone Park. are enjoying a stay an Banff In the Canadian RockIes. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herman and chil dren are at Atlantic City. Miss Gussie E. Conradis and Miss Irene Sherwood are spending a few weeks at Mrs. Hartig's cottage at Colonial Beach. Mrs. W. A. Rafferty, wife of Colonel W. A. Rafferty. 5th Cavalry. United States army, and children are at Fort Myer await ing the arrival of Colonel Rafferty from Mayag. Porto Rico. Colonel Rafferty is to be stationed at Fort Myer. Miss Loretto Hannan left this morning for Greenbrier White Sulphur, where she will be the guest of her uncle. Judge M. F. Morris. for the remainder of the season. Mr. Walter D. Wilcox, who left Washing ton last week for the Pacific coast, has stopped off en route at Banif, in the Ca nadian Rockies. Miss Lula Crim of Atlanta, Ga.. is visit ing Miss Sexton at 24 3d street northeast. Mr. W. G. Lee sailed for Europe Wednes day on the steamer St. Louis. He will go directly to Paris, after which he will visit friends in England and Scotland. Mr. Jacobus S. Jones left today on an extended visit to his brother. James C. Jones and his sister, Mrs. Elias F. McCul ley. at Blanquette. Brown county. Texas. His outing is to include two weeks of fish ing and camp life on the Concho river. Mr. Wm. D. Baldwin has gone to Rich field Springs for a month. Mr. and Mrs. IR. W. Arnold and Miss Georgie Arnold and Mrs. Lollie E. M., Tompkins have gone to Atlantic City for a stay of seevral weeks. Miss Eva M. Waugh of 1705 New Jersey avenue has returned after a two weeks' outing at Piney Point, Md. Mrs. Lloyd Keleher of New York. for merly of Washington. has recovered from her recent dangerous illness. Miss Ida Root, daughter of Mr. G. Root. has gone away to spend the summer with her aunt. Mrs. J. Fisher of Milwaukee. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herman and children are at the Isleworth, Atlantic City. Capt. J. P. Megrew of the Capitol police fwce was given a pleasant surprise party Saturday morning, when a number of his friends, among them several ladies. assem bled In his offee in the Capitol building to congratulate him on the sixty-third anni versary of his birth. The captain's desk was literally covered with choice flowers and plants, of which the captain Is very fond. and the middle watch appeared In full uniform to wish the captain many returns of the day. Mrs. Jos. E. Luckett, accompanied by her little daughter, has gone to Arundel-on-the Bay. The Misses Mabel and Anna Johnson are at Beaver Creek, Md., for the summer. Mrs. Nora C. Southwick has returned after an absence of many months spent in the south. Mrs. Southwick was called to her former home last January on account of the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Lenlhan, who died recently in Montgomery. Ala, with whom she stayed until the end. TUE BA ER WEsE. Program of Emteraansments at the New Chmutanqua. Speelal Orepondene of The Evetalg Star. CHAUTAUQUA BEACH.Md.. July 28, 1M& This has been a banner week at the New Chautauqua. Every afternoon at 3:30 and every evening at 8 o'clock there has been either a concert or a lecture or an enter tainment of some sort at the Auditorium. Wednesday evening the Chautauqua School of Music, under the direction of Prof. Barthold Meyer. principal of the Elite School of Music of Baltimore. gave a con cert. The professor was assisted on this occasion by several of his pupils, who came over from Baltimore for the purpose. Chancellor McLean has secured the ser vices of Rev. Dr. C. W. Gullette, a plat form speaker of Dayton, Ohio, who last Thursday lectured on "The Dead Iron Devil;" yesterday on "America's Greatest Orator." and this afternoon oa "What is a Man Worth?" Dr. Gizilette posessnes a wonderfully magnetic personality, and at will moves his audience to laughter or tears. Last Monday and Tuesday even ings and Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day afternoons, the Chautauqua Amuse ment Comnany and Prof. J. A. Loose of Maryland gave aost enjoyable musical and liteary enter-tainments. Mrs. Elea nore -Newton Buckler's Shakrespearean readings and recitals were specially nasa mended. Tuesday evening Mrs. Bucker gave the "mad scene" from "Hamlet," in costume. Mr. Fred High. B. S., wit, humorist, ven triloquist and impersoa=or, tonight gave one of his original and popular monologue entertainments before one of the largest crowde that has yet been grathered in the Auditorium. 'This gentleman Is an actor, lecturer, preacher, ventriloquIst and singr. A great many people came fromn Annapolis and Arundel-on-the-Bay. as well as from Baltimore and Washington, specially to hear him, He gives aesther entertainement Monday. Rev. Dr. Robert Nourse and wife have arrived. Dr. Nourse will lecture Tuesaa on **FooMA Vr ''s. He s hile a "-h world's greatest dramaesc orator." Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Harris of Evanston,- Ill., sang several beautiful duets previous to Dr. Gullette's lecture. Mr. asse Mrs. Harris are evangelistic sin gers, who camsn down from Summit Grove camp grons for a days outtng. Their smusic was highly appreciated. At the close of the eturs Dr. Mcr-en, in a humoross speech, presented Mr. and Mrs. hsarris with a diploma, the eirst ever Issued froe the new Chautanqua A=ssemly, It was awarded to Mrs. Harris as the chamapion crah ca-cher end disper. she baying that dey caught and dipped un=amsed amore erahs than any other on the tier, and to Mr. Haris as thie 4ammploe <b ester. he havtag eanwht thawee spen at eme. r-mi= hotel .arivals are: H. D. Uriver of Hanover. Pa.; Rouse Spioer of mie, Md.; W. Gibrti, Snmunst Grove. Nd.; 3. Wr . PHamat ia; d E.d amm and lotteavie, M. Netle C, ery lheagela. AIhl Mr. ad Ma.A as .bs, -ente 13E.. san L NM. r 8m Ma.a Geses.U N.z ahuts, . 3 Maar %sL Is WasM,.3. me eB.o W LL OF UARY 1. 5L WUIAON. mto Beqmeateted o Ee - Mamba and Citsdlren. The will of the late Mary H. S. Wilson, wife of Mr. Jeremiah M. Wilson. dated the 31st of December. 118. was filed today for 'probate. The tes!atrix made a bequest to her husband. Jeremiah M. Wilson. of a farm in Fayette county. Ind.. and to her daughter. Anna W. Haywood. sublot 1. square .M. known as 1#:M. Jefferson place, and lot .*w. l.quare 2441. known as 1627 14th street. The remaind,-r of the estate is to be converted into a trust fund and the Income divided between the daughter mentioned and Charles S. Wilson. a son of the testa trix. In the event of the death of Anna W. Haywood .r Charles S. Wilson their portions are devised to their children. Jeremiah M. Wilson is named executor. DIVII5ON OF LADORS. Chair'saa. Gould'. Action to ntter ot Code Revlaloen. Mr. Ashley M. Gould. chairman of the special committee of the Bar Association appointed to examine and receive sugges tions relative to a revision of the proposed code of law for the District of Columbia. has allotted the work among the members of the committee, as follows: Walter D. Davidge. Jr.. chapters 1 to S. inclusive. which treat of the organization and power of the different courts of the District and the Supreme Court of the United States; Alonzo Hart. chapters 7 to 12, real estate. arbitration and award and Insolvent debt ore; D. W. Baker. chapters ti3 to 1. at tachments. bonds and undertakings. con veyancing and institutions of learning; Ashley M. Gould. chapters 19 to 24. crimes and their punishments. offenses against persons and property, the public peace and morality, divorce and ejectment: Charles W. Darr. chapters 25 to 30. evidence, execu tion. exemptions and the fees of o0ficers; Conrad Symme. chapters 31 to 36. guardian and ward. husband and wife, habeas cor pus. interest and usury and contracts: Jesse H. Wilson. chapters 37 to 42. judg ments and decrees. liens. limitation of ac tions and mandamus; T. L. Jeffords. chap ters 43 to 4. marriage. negligence causing death and partnership; W. J. Miller. chap ters 49 to 00. pleadings and practice. quo warranto, replevin and uses and trusts. Marsigame Licenee. Marriage licenses have been Issued to the following: White-William T. Spencer and Gertrude Laird; William R. Harr and Martha B. Harvey; Charles A. Moulden and Agnes T. Webster. Colored-Thomas R. Brooks and Nancy Mullen; Joseph Magruder and Selena Car ter; Marshall Berry of Manassas. Va.. and Martha Johnson of this city; James H. Young and Bettie Harvey; Charles Mar shall and Lula Carey; Henry J. Kent of Philadelphia. Pa.. and Mary Dent of this city. Removed to Pe iteothary. George R. Davis. the former messenger in the employ of the Southern Express Company. convicted of a"sault with intent to kill committed on Mr. Herman Baum garten, has been removed from the District jail to the West Virginia penitentiary, at Moundsville. By reason of the exercise of executive clemency Davis will be released the 1st of next month. It has been an nounced from the office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia. how ever, that he will then be held under a charge of alleged embezzlement of funds being transported by the express company. Judglo Veentiom. Justice Hagner. who has been presiding in the Supreme Court of the District of Co lumbia for a fortnight. will be relieved Wednesday morning by Justice Barnard. The vacation term of service of the latter will expire the 15th proximo. when Justice Clabaugh will assume the Judicial chair. DIED. BUKEY. At her fathers asidence. Viense. Va., O Sunday. July 29. 1101. VtRIA. only daughter of Jobs S. and Roberta Rukey. serIces Tueeday. July 31. at 10 am.. at the Epluacoai Church. Vienna. 0 FINNEY. On Sunday morning. July 29. IS". at Warm Springs. Va.. LK~Wl lislARVIE. Jr.. a.. .f Lewis Harvie and Minna H. Fimey of 142 21st street. Wa-hisgtn, 1). C. Fseral from St. Jobe's turch. 1th and H streets. Tueedar. July 31. at 4:30 p.m. tRich mend papers Plese cupy.) 2* FIRES. Departed this life, em July 9. 190e. as his way from Manla t. San Francisco. EDWARD L. FRIE1. taited 1tates 4th Cavalry Regiment. Troop o, am of Charles H. and WbLUe Fries. May be rest in amens. Fsmeual saewiees will he heM at Auigem at Ug o'elock Tuesday m-soing. GATE WOOl. At her hene Is I.Aade. Va.. on Friday. July 27 1901, at 4:0t p.m.. MS. MAEI( WEIBY GATEWOOD. GA'TWOOD. At her home in LJdea. Va.. at 12:35 ennuir. llmaday runing. JUlY 29 lutint GRACE MASEY, dasabter et Ms. if. W. Gatewood. MARDIG. On satuesday. July 2. 1940 JANIW LYNN. infant daughter at Dr. and Mrs. H. 9. Harding;. MUnlTHt. At amam. Va.. an . July 21. 100. at 2 p.m.. i.MA Z .MK . aged afty-ne years. Funeral froum his late maldsmee. Mamma, Va.. Tuesday. July 31. at 8 p.m. MUIR. At Betevue form. an Saturday. July 3K le0. MARIE. Iste. dausset James a"d Miss. Muir. Emine moth. Fmdal Momiy. 30. at 3 p.m. . PINNK. Suidnly em . Jaly 2. OLe, at io o'cllc a.m., Mrs. ANh M'N. degsited thin life in Warman Va. RUPPERT. Suddenly, em Saturday. July 28. 1950. JOSEPH D. RUPPERT, aged twenty-fear years. late al or Compay E. Disrat et nalma. us . . oteere, who served in the Spesa.& American war. "May be tort in peace." F1meral from phay ,apel. 13th and C atteste sothwest. . Jo31, 2 p.m. FWteds and relatives Invited. SAGAR. O Meaday. July 30. 1900. at 330 am.. A. JoTEON 6AGAR. in the seventy-arat oear We his age. Intermet at okten. Va.. Wedasday. Asgmst 1. at I a.m. THOMP8ON. Departed this ife. ..dely. en aS day. July 23, 1900. at 8:15 o'clock, St'AN C. TUOMMIl.N, the daughter at the late Julia Branch. the belowed wife of Capt. W. T. Tm ansd the deveted m-et.- et Arther. Rutetfd.Manate. Mahie and Maude Themp som and loving mbser ot Luey E. Draueh, in hee Desse.t meather, thou hat left us; Sad it was from thee to pert, But thyg image aball be mette In a corner of oar hearts. Dearest wit. the. shaD sitp set fassyer, There will bie a glerieus dawn; We shall all meet to part mm msag On the resctio. moern. Funeral will take froe Bm Thiug B-ameis (uer Tuesday. July31 at 2 e'eloeh p.aS.e 3m Memen.Gm. MONABAN. who Sed twa yer age temrmee July 31, 1mb. antig at 6:20 o'cloek. * BY HE USBAND ANbD LBN BGAGGR. 'This triheute of aeetime t my daar he. 1oved am5r. ade nly ehiM. AIRCE U. WRITMOR SCAGOS. uho fek sa i Jesm s----ee years g andar July3. . Sdear dauriag daughn.r. I ads gum as. thragh the day wherever I .. AR themag the sight hew isdyitsma. Ea- us amsfam anss awabas ma eat et my bamos. I alam yea .n the~ihse weary hean. I mebs ye. Gad ho.nbews mny sad ham; Dlay tase eraih whessser I ge. Mydear. sweat Anre, imia gueame. Carter's Little Liver Pis. SiCK HEADACHE - am e sme En u sam. Pees