Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL MENTION. AMISEMKXTS TOXIGHT. Cabin John Bridge? Motion Pictures. Chase's New Grand?Hoyt's "A Day and ? Night." Chevy Chase Lake?National Guard Band ?dancing. EXCI RSIOXS TOMORROW. Steamer Macalester for Marshall Hall at 10 a.m.. 2:30 and 0:30 p.m. Indian Head, 0:30 p m. Steamer Pentz for River View at 10 a.m., 2:1.1 and 0:45 p.m. Steamer Macalester for Mt. Vernon at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Steamer Harry Randall for Colonial Beach at 8:45 a.m. Steamer Esteiie Randall for Glymont and Intermediate points at 9:30 a.m. Steamer Washington for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk at 0:30 p.m. Trains for Chesapeake Beach leave Dis trict line at 10:3O a.m., 2:30 and 5 p.m. Trains leave 1$. and O. depot for Chau tauqua Beach at 9:10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Steamer Emma Giles?Bon Ton Excur sions. Chesapeake bay via B. and O., 9:10 a.m. daily. Trains leave Pennsylvania avenue and 13l2 street for Alexandria and Arlington every forty-live minutes. Mount Vernon hourly, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cars leave Aqueduct bridge for Arlington and Fort Myer every half hour; Falls Church hourly. See schedule. OF COl'RSE WE DO FINEST WORK. Our up-to-date carpet-cleaning process takes out dust and grit?makes colors as fresh and bright as new without injury. Wagons call. M. R. THORP, 488 Me. ave. For iced tea use Kenny's ?,Cheon." The best Soc. Mixed Tea in America Pure Sugars sold at cost. C. D. Kenny Co. 50 stores. Thomas Christian, colored, forty-seven years old. of 3331 S street. Georgetown, he ram.- ill while he was standing on the steps of the patent office about 3:30 o'clock yes terdav afternoon. He was taken to the Emergency Hospital, where he received the necessary treatment. "QUEEN OF SUMMER TRIPS." BOSTON BY SEA. Complimentary excursions Old Point Comfort to holders tirst-class tickets. Bal timore to Boston. For particulars and Tour Book address Pass. Dept.. M. and M. T. Co.. Baltimore, Md. Try Reisinger's Ice Cream. $1 gal.: 50c. % gai. Fancy Cakes. 'Phone 2458-3. 235 G st. DANGLER Blue Flame Oil Stoves. $5 up; Gasoline Stoves, $3 up. A. Eberly's Sons, 71b 7th. CITY AND DISTRICT. Concert by Murine Hand. Following is the program of the concert to be given by the band of the U. S. Marine Corps at the Marine barracks this after noon, beginning at 5:45 o'clock: March. Under the Double Eagle. .Wagner Overture, The Merry Wives of Windsor, NIcolal Selection. The Burgomaster Luders Duet for flute and clarinet, Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark Sax Musicians, Robert E. Seel and Jacques Vanpoucke. Grand Fantasia. Dinorah Meyerbeer Waltz. The Debutante Santelmann Paraphrase. Loreley Nesvadba Serenade, Gypsy .Nehl Patriotic hymn. Hail Columbia Pyles Wm. H. Santelmann, director, will be In charge. ? Hem; J If nl Iron nnd Ilras* lied*. Largest stock of rich, exclusive designs in the city. Stumph Bedding Co., 7th and K.? Advertisement. Special Sleeper for Deer Park via B. and O. R. H., on train leaving Wash ington 1:10 a.m. Saturday nights, and re turn on train leaving Deer Park 12:54 a.m. Sunday nights.?Advt. Dr. Rone in Mexico. The Mexican Herald of July 10 an nounces the arrival in the City of Mexico of Dr. Joseph N. Rose, "the eminent bot anist" of the National Museum, this city. It quotes from his last book on the possible use of the Mexican agave for tex tile purposes, and states that Dr. Rose is traveling hundreds of miles across Mexico, examining the native plants, their soils and under what circumstances they are most productive, with a view to the profit able introduction of some of them into the United States. Dr. Rose will visit Oaxaca, Ja'esco, Vera Cruz. Morelos and other states before his return to Washing ton. At Heantlfnl Chevy Cliase I.nUe. Dancing this evening. Marine Band con cert tomorrow evening, 8 to 11. Always cool. ?Advertisement. $0 Seashore Week-End Trips |U Via B. and O. R. R. Beginning J-uly 5 all trains Fridays and Saturdays, good to return until following Tuesday, to Atlantic City. Cape May. Sea Isle City and Ocean City, for the round trip.?Advt. Concert at S??ldier?' Home, The Unit<d States Soldiers' Home Band will give a concert this evening at Sol diers' Home, beginning at 0:13 o'clock. Following is the program: March. "Stars and Stripes" Sousa Overture, "Romantique" Keler Bela Selection, "Wizard of the Nile".... Herbert Spanish dance, "La Rose de Castello." Reiter Potj>ourri. "Musical Tour Through Europe" Conradi Grand march, "Coronation" Meyerbeer "Star Spangled Banner" Arnold Special Saturday Xltrht Trip 9.1.50 to "Old Point," Norfolk, Virginia Beaofi, Ocean View and Newport News via superb Norfolk and Washington steamer Saturday, 0:.",0 p.m. Round trip tickets to "Old Point" and Norfolk, good to return until Monday night, inclusive, $3.50. Schedule this page. ?Advertisement. Proponed to Make n "Happy Time." According to testimony given in the Po lice Court this morning John Carter, col ored, was under the influence of llqior last night when he entered an alley in the rear of 17th street. John sent a message to a young woman In the alley, it was al leged, and when he was called to account f.?r what was regarded us objectionable conduct he remarked: "I'll get my gun and show you a happy time." John denied the "happy time" allegation, as he did other things that were said : bout him. Five dollars was the amount of line imposed. IM. <H? to Harper's Ferry nnd Win chester and return, via B. and O. R. It. Leaving Washington 8 a.m. August 4. Re turning, leave Winchester 7 and Harper's Ferry 8:15 p.m. same day.?Advt. Mor.ey to lend at 4. 5 and 0 per cent on real estate. Frank T. Itawiings, 15U5 Pa. a v. ?Advertisement. Cliiinite of Officer*. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Chesapeake Beach Railway Com pany. on Tuesday last, the resignation of Mr. John L. McNeil ns vice president and treasurer was accepted. Mr. Fred W. Mof fat was elected treasurer and Mr. Chas. Popptr vice president to til 1 the vacancy. $ 1to Haltiiuore and Retnru via H. and O., Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4. Tickets good to return untd follow ing Monday. Good on all trains except Royal Limited.?Advt. 1 HI ?]ii e?Ilea lit if ul?Expressive. You can trust Gude to properly execute your order for funeral designs. Gude, 1224 F/ ?Advertisement. THE STAR RY MAIL. Persons leaving the city for any period can have The Star mailed to them by ordering it at this office, in person or by letter. Terms: 13 cents per week; 25 cents for two weeks, or BO cents per month. Invariably in advance. The address may be changed as frequently as desired. Always give the last address, as well as the new MM. GREEXLEAF GARDEN WORKERS. VACATION SCHOOL Novel Closing Exercises of a Sucoess ful Institution. THE 6REENLEAF BOYS AND GIRLS Practical Illustrations of What They Were Taught. OVATION TO MR. RIORDAN A score of youngsters occupied the cen ter of the platform in the commodious hall of the Jefferson School building last night and alternately puffed out their cheeks and blew sweet sounds from bright brass horns. They composed the zoba band of the vacation school. The performers did not occupy chairs like Sousa's or Santel mann's musicians do, nor did they stand while tooting their tunes. They occupied a see-saw that tilted up, first one end and then the other, in rhythm with the mel ody. This unique performance was only one incident in the altogether novel enter tainment that was embraced in the exer cises with which a novel institution?the vacation school?culminated Its successful session of 11)01. There was a largo and appreciative as semblage to witness the exercises. The scholars and their parents, school officials and friends crowded the hall, which was tastefully decorated with a profusion of American .flags and pretty flowers. Noth ing of the sort in the way of school com mencements was ever before given in this vicinity. When the gathering had been seated several of the boy pupils fitted up telephone and teltgraph line3 at the rear of the platform and messages were sent back and forth by girls and deftly type written by recipients l>efore being deliv ered. A cheery little girl talked the even ing's program into a phonograph, and this instrument in turn told the audience what was coming next at the proper time. The instrument was made to sing, too, by the pupils, who accentuated this by singing themselves, and singing well. They per formed calisthenic and military drills with the precision that illustrated the effects of perfect discipline, and to an observer the exercises were as Impressive as they were interesting, for they denoted that the chil dren had been practically taught in every respect. Another striking thing was the affection that was shown to exist between the chil dren and their teachers, whose relations have been so cordial and sympathetic. This was manifest every time Principal Raymond Riordan's name was mentioned, and was as emphatic whenever one of his devoted corps of assistants was prominent during the evening. It was fitting that the close of the exer cises should have been made a sponta neous ovation to Principal Riordan, the originator of the vacation school, who in augurated it in spite of obstacles that would have thwarted a less determined or devoted man. He gave it his time and his substance, and with the loyal support of a noble little band of women secured for it the recognition it deserved and made it one of the most valuable adjuncts of the public school system of the District of Co lumbia. All present joined in the tribute, and all knew it was deserved. The scene was most affecting as school officials, j ar ent3 of scholars and guests alike pressed around the young man and told him how much appreciated were his devotion, his enthusiasm and his self-sacrifice. Approval of the Community. Previous to this outburst, however, one | of the three men who direct the municipal dt-stinies of the nation's capital had voiced in no uncertain sentences the official com j mendation of Mr. Riordan and the vaca tion school. It was Commissioner Macfar ! land who did this. He said: "At the close of this third season Princi I pal Riordan knows that he has the ap i proval of the community for his vacation < school. It passed the experimental Mage j two years ago, and having become recog i nized as successful by the Commissioners ; and the board of education, received the : substantial recognition of Congress in an | appropriation made at the last session. ; It has therefore become a well-established part of the public school system of the j District of Columbia, and we may expect to see it increase and Improve steadily. Already the example set has been followed by an enterprising principal and a staff of teachers in the colored schools, and with good success in this their first season. It may well be that other experiments of the same kind will follow. So that Prin I cipal Riordan and his staff have not only done much themselves, but they have stirred others to do likewise. "They certainly merit the appreciative support which they have received. It is no small thing for these teachers, after doing tiwir full duty throughout the long school year, to work for six weeks more in the heat of summer; but we can well believe them when they tell us that they feel repaid by the success of their en deavor and the approbation of their fellow citizens. The happy faces of these < hll dren and their parents, reflecting the af fection of the teachers, tell the story of the vacation school better than any worjis. A Spirit to Be Stimulated. "Learning has been made lovely by a loving presentation of it in natural and simple ways. Shakespeare's picture of the pupil going 'toward school with heavy j looks' is too true, unfortunately, for the I great majority of school children the world I over; but here, if the principal and teach | ers couUl do without vacation altogether, the pupils would come eagerly all summer long. *And 1 believe that, while we must have more drill and more discipline, per haps, In the winter schools, the spirit of these teachers, which is, after all, the spirit of the Great Teacher, ought to be manifested by all the teachers in the regu lar schools, as it is by very many of them, and it ought to draw the pupils In with irresistible attraction. To stimulate this spirit may be the larger service of the va cation school." Other Features. The Commissioner was introduced by Mr. George H. Harries of the board of educa tion as "the man who was the true friend of all; the man who trod on the bad, pointed out the good, and who stood for what was best and good, and in that stood for the vacation school." Previous to the Commissioner's remarks there were other interesting exercises, showing how the children had been train ed to do and what they did, and present ing some of the teachers who guided them to this envied plane. Kernan Boyer led the boys In fixing up the telegraph and tele phone equipment, and Beulah Jones? "Dimples" Is her appropriat nickname was at the head of the girls, all of whom were bright, too, in everything they did. Mr. George O'Conner gave some of his refined funnylsms. Mr. De Moll manipulat ed the Apollo In assisting m piano to render classical as well as ragtime melodies, and May Taylor sang a coon song like that other and bigger May, whose last name is Irwin. Then Miss Ida Stutz recited. The children sim ply whooped for Miss Stutz, and the grown folks joined in. She was Inimitable, as al ways, and perhaps a reporter was not far wrong when he was heard to say: "She could make a million in vaudeville." After Commissioner Macfarland conclud ed the Y. M. C. A. Mandolin Club ren dered several selections. FIok .March nml Dumh Bel in. A well-executed flag march by sixteen girls was applauded and enjoyed, and the musical dumb bell drill by forty young sters, part of the time on the floor and part on their feet, was unique and ap | plauded to the echo. The Indian club swinging was fine; it was simply marvel ous how such little girls could manipulate clubs so well and with so little self-con sciousness. All the children were given much praise for their part in the entertain ment, which was practically all of it. In fact, no teacher aided the youngsters one bit. They just ran things for themselves. Only four afternoons after school had been utilized in teaching these drills, and no great stress was laid on them. Admirable Advice. Mr. Riordan concluded the evening with a few informal remarks to the audience of parents, all individually known to him. He said: "You have ten minutes more and of that ten I want five. I'll have to play teacher and make you be still and hear me, so be good children. I want each parent to take home a copy of this program, because on it are the names of these ladles who have so faithfully served you during the past six weeks. No need of my saying what the school has done for the children; yrfu know that. First of all, it has made them supremely happy?that's the greatest thing; made them properly happy. Then it has taught them a million little thing- they could not possibly have learned in the win ter term, because there is no time for teaching these things. "The greatest lesson we want to teach is to do for others, ;:nd they have u living ex ample before them daily in these devoted, faithful, intelligent, beautiful-spirited lady teachers. My mother is older and more broken down today because she carried too often coal hods that I should have car ried. You know how it is. John says, 'Wait, I'll carry it,' but he doesn't move, for he knows the mother will go get the hod. Mothers always do. Now, you let John carry it; I didn't carry it for my mother, but I'll try teach the boys and girls to prolit by my mistakes. I can't do it unless you help :ne. You will help, won't you? (An answer cf yes was heard.) You are under promise, then, to let John carry all the water on wash day. "Am I right? "Yes and laughter.) "I was so pleaded that the teachers had been to see you all. I know you were glad to see them. (Interruption by many with "We were.") "And I know it was better for all of us? children, parents and teachers?to have seen you, wasn't it? (And the response was "Yes.") "If they came again, even if you were house cleaning In an old wrapper, or with a duster around your head, or in the wash tub with your sleeves rolled up, or bathing the baby, you would hurry to the door and let them in as you did before, wouldn't you? Now, don't forget, we want these boys and girls of yours to do for others. Take ofT the hat to the ladies, grab for the handkerchief the girl has dropped; do for others in all things, little and big. You have had a good t'me for two hours, now go home happy by getting out carefully. Men, all look out for these youngsters that they get out easily and comfortably." A Falthfnl, I.ojnl Band. Then came the ovation alluded to in the foregoing. After his hand had been nearly wrung off and the gathering was departing Mr. Riordan said to the reporter for The Evening Star: "Now. I have been bobbing up and down here all evening, as if I were the whole of this Institution, whereas I realize my smallness; but I hope to grow. Out in that audience, among the children, were eighteen patient teachers who have just made this thing go, and not even being seen or getting much popular credit for it. They are the stage hands, the scene paint ers of this school. The parents know this. They know who has done for their 'kids,' and they know that but little of that doing was mine." The accompanying cut is a reproduction of a photograph taken in the yard of Greenleaf School, where the vacation pu pils cultivated a garden in the spaces be tween the brick walks and the fence. Principal Riordan is pictured with his foot on the wrong side of a garden spade, showing a little girl how "not to use" that implement. The one great virtue of Burnett's Vanilla Extract Is purity. It Is real vanilla extract* and nothing but vanilla extract.?Advt. Both I'lead Guilty. Samuel Clements pleaded guilty, before Judge O'Donnell, in the Police Court to day, of assaulting Estelle Randolph by knocking her down with a stick, and he was fined $10. Failure to pay caused hla commitment to jail for thirty days. Samuel Harris also pleaded guilty of stealing two iron columns valued at $14 from Wilbur F. Nash, and he received a similar sentence. The Sheldon. * A direct car line to the exposition grounds and to Niagara Falls is near the Sheldon, 5">8 Niagara street, Buffalo, N. Y. Meals at the Sheldon are served a la carte, and rooms are from $2 a day up. MutclilcHM Carpet Cleaning. Finest work. No Injury to fabrics or col ors. Wagons call. Stumph Bedding Co.,7 & K. ?Advertisement. Real Eitate Bond Required. Lavlnia Neal, oolored, inmate of an ' alleged disreputable house near 10th and C streets northwest, was a prisoner in the Police Court this morning on a charge of violating a District ordinance. "We admit that she lives In such a house," said her attorney, "but It Is the first time she has been arrested." "Let her give real estate security in tha sum of twenty dollars," Judge Mills said, "or serve thirty days on the farm. I'll not Impose a fine in the case." Lavinia stepped back and her attorney went In search of a bondsman. fl.25 To Baltimore ami Return $1.25 Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Tickets on sale Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4, good to return until Mon day, August 5. All trains except Congres sional Limited.?Advt. Sent to Ilia Home. John D. Perry, fifteen years old, who ran away from his home at Fredericksburg, Va., and who said he had been stopping with relatives In Maryland, was sent home this morning. The boy. it Is stated, has run away from home several times. An Event That's Caualn* Men to Tallc. Genuine clearing sale at Teel's, 1829 F. Finest grade Negligees. Underwear and the like at a sacrifice.?Advt. ? " - 11 . MM SPANISH WAS VETERANS. National Army tmAflBemble at Baffalo Aa0Q9?i23. The second assenablynof delegates to the National Army of?*Spaaish War Veterans will be held at Buffalo^ N. Y., the 23d and 24th Instant. It Is expected that the Dis trict of Columbia wlH be represented by 8. Clifford Cox, tfce Burgeon general; M. Emmet Urell, manbtr of the national council of administration;, Lee M. Lips comb, corps comatander of the District, and the following tifcletffttes and alternates: Delegates, Charles W. -Parker, Daniel V. Chisholm, J. Llgoa King". L. C. Dyer and Charles O. Paxto?i; automates. Anthony Holmead, Isaac ,N. -Dolph. chaplain of Miles Command, No. 1; Herbert W. Myers, J. R. Quade and El. Cfcgan. The Spanish War Goard, commanded by F. S. Hodgson, will accompany the dele gates, and give exhibition drills at the Pan-American exposition. Corps Commander Lipscomb has called a meeting of the District Corps Assembly for tomorrow evening at Elks' Hall. The Hotel Raleigh, Atlantic City, N. J., has now 300 guests, with a large booking for August and September. It also has its own electric light, cold storage and ice Punt' 11 's ,ocated on St. Charles place, the most desirable section of the city, and only about two minutes' walk from the ocean. ~\\ ith an addition of eighty fine rooms. Just completed, giving it in all 395 sleeping chambers, with every appoint ment and convenience to be found in a first-class seaside resort. Under the lib eral management of Mr. John B. Scott this house has gained an unprecedented popu larity during the short time it has'been opened. The service and cuisine are *iid to be second to none on the island. It is enjoying a very liberal patronage from \V ashington people.?,Advt. ???? Disturb Quiet of Hall'* Alley. Mack Abraham, colored, and Amanda Abraham, his wife, were in the dock of Judge Mills' court this morning charged with having disturbed the quiet of Ball's alley last night. Policeman Garratt in formed the court etf the trouble in the al ley, and said he made the arrests after he heard bad language. ' Judge, your honor," said the male de fendant, "how could I make a noise when I was asleep?" The judge confessed he could not answer the question. "Well, your honor," said Mack. "I was sitting on a chair sound asleep when the officer came up and shook me." "Mack had been drinking before he got home last night," his wife said, "and I ad vised him to come into the house. He said he wouldn't come, and the police arrested us for nothing." The court thought the arrest had been made^for something and fined the prison ers $5 each, and in default to spend two weeks on the farm. $2.30 to Luray Caverna and Return, Including admission to caves, from B. and O. R. R. station, 8:00 a.m. August 4; re turning, leave Luray 6:00 p.m. same day.? Advertisement. Given Ten Dnyii for Confederation. Action was taken today by Justice C!a baugh of the Supreme Court of the Dis trict of Columbia In connection with the affairs of the Anglo-American Savings and Loan Association of New York, which op erated a branch office in this city, and which went Into the hands of receivers some time ago. iJustice Clabaugh an nounced that unless cause to the contrary be shown within ten>Jdays the court will approve a recommendation of the receiv ers that they be authorized to accept a pro posal of the Empire State Realty Com pany for the purchase of all the assets, save cash, of the Anglo-American Savings and Loan Association. SI? To Buffalo and Return SI? Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Pan-American exposition excursion will leave Washington 7:."*) a.m., Tuesday. Au gust 6, arriving BufTalo 7:40 p.m. Tickets good returning on all trains within seven days, including date ;of sale. Similar ex cursions August 15, 21,. 27, 81, Sept 1, 2, !>, 11, 17 and 2G.?Advt. Justlee Clnhaujch on the Ileneh. Justice Clabaugh reported today for a two weeks' ternj of duty, and will be the only member of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia in the city until the 15th instant. He relieved Justice Bradley, who had been holding court since the mid dle of July. A new a la carte lunch room has been opened in the Hygeia, Old Point Comfort, which will be a great convenience to trav elers arriving on early boats.?Advu Dies at the Age of Kiglity-Eig h t. Mrs. Lavinla Bassett, eighty-eight years of age, who has lived with her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Sperry, for the past fourteen years, died Tuesday night last. She was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church In this city and among the early settlers of the Western Reserve in Ohio. Her re mains were removed to her old home in Ohio for burial. CITY ITEMS. A Good Companion for Your Summer Trjp?"Old llraddoek" Maryland Rye. Put a bottle of this pure old medicinal whisky in your grip; 'twill come In handy At grocers', cafes, clubs. Jas. Clark Distill ing Co. D. P. McCarthy, Mgr., 610 Pa. ave. 1 "Haienner'n Waferettes" Are Baked In Wauli Inert oil's Palace Bakery. Of course they're delicious and Inviting; Of course they're always fresh and crisp; Of course they're the finest of crackers. At your grocer's, In the red 5c. pkgs. Albert Lewis, colored, became 111 at Maine avenue and 6th street southwest about 7 o'clock last night. He was taken to the Emergency Hospital, where he soon recovered and was able to return home. Not Exceeded by Any Other In the District is the output of National Capital Brewing Co.'s Beers. Moreover, the demand Is always increasing. 'Phone 222 for "Muenchener" and "Diamond." 2doz.,$1.23. Roaches, bedbugs, f.les, fleas and all in sect pests are killed by DEATH DUST. 10 and 25 cents. All dealers. Orange ?a ^e"c'0UB wmmw beverage. When diluted It makes the most refreshing orangeade. Send for a 65c. Cjlt. bottle. CHRIS XANBER,S;'0rlbutor' Jy31-12d 9 909 AMUSEMENTS. CHASE'S, KWwn. LAST TIIKEE EVENINGS! LAM? MATINEE SATURDAY! These Closing Performances the Most Enjoyable of the Successful Season CHASE'S MUSICAL COMEDY STOCK COMPANY Presenting Hoyt's ' "A Day and a Night." All the Popular Favorites In the Big Cast. Players Especlelly Engaged fcr Their Original Boles A Stupendous Production. Evenings. 25c, and 60o.' Matinee Saturday. 25c Don't Miss These Last Great Chances of the Theatrical Year. jy29-6t,20 PALM GARDEN The popularity of the new motion pictures at the Palm Garden is unprecedented. Large audi ences are entertained at the several dally exhibi tions commencing at 8 p.m. This week, by spe cial request, Cinderella. Beautifully colored by band, In twenty acts. This Is a masterpiece In realism. See it and be convinced. Several additional films. Through trains made up at the bridge on both line*, same fare. Finest resort near Washington. Splendid cuisine. Band of 21 pieces. 10 cents admission. Jy2B2Sd CHEVY CHASE LAKE. Section of D. S. MARINE BAND, Tuesday. Fri day and Sunday evenings, 8 to 11. National Guard Band furnish music tot dancing other evenings. iyft-fid PAnrFETLY" IRJtREA, Frederick Ford Struck by B. and O. Train. Frederick Ford,- colored, thirty-?!?ht years oldi whose home Is in Norfolk, Va., was struck by a Baltimore and Ohio train near Sandy Hook, M?L, a "short distance this side of Harper's Ferry, about 9:80 o'clock last night and was painfully In jured. He was brought here on a train and the police of the sixth precinct took him to the Emergency Hospital. Ford was walking near the railroad track and was struck by an. engine. The doc tors found his Injuries were ojot seriousV although the patient will probably have to remain under treatment several days. Chonaprnke Beach "Department Lim ited" leaves District line station, week days, 5 p.m. Fast train. No stops.?Advt. Keep Out of Temptation. George Davis, a boy about fifteen years old, was today charged in the Police Court with stealing bananas, valued at 12 cents, from Joseph Passo. The mother of the boy pleaded pitifully for her son and Judge O'Donnell released him, with the admoni tion to keep away from banana carts in th_? future. Hnlr Mattreaaea Remade Good as new. Furniture upholstered and re covered. Stumph Bedding Co., 7th and K.? Advertisement. Coatly CliicWena. Hattie B. Keys and Edwin R. George were today charged in the Police Court with the larceny of three chickens from Joseph Burrill. George forfeited $5 collateral and the charge against the woman was dis missed by Judge O'Donnell. Chantaaqua Ilenoh and Return only 50c. See special notice under Excursions.? Advertisement. One Stole a Dok, the Other a Rinsr. Thomas Witler, colored, pleaded guilty today in the Police Court of stealing a dog from Wm. Shires, and Judge O'Donnell fined him which was paid. A sentence of fifteen days was imposed on Rosa Gross, colored, who was convicted of the lar ceny of a gold ring, valued at $W>, from An tonio Sousi. $1.25 to Baltimore nn?l Return via B. | and O., Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4.?Advt. Mot Leeks was today charged in the Po lice Court with assaulting Ray Martel by ! striking him with his fist, and Judge O'Don | nell fined him J10, with the alternative of thirty days in jail. croftmfla, Few are entirely free from It. It may develop so slowly as to cause little If any disturbance during the whole period of child hood. It may then produce Irregularity of the stomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh and marked tend ency to consumption before manifesting Itself in much cutaneous eruption or glandular swelling. It Is best to be sure that you are quite free from it, and for its complete eradication you can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilla. The best of all medicines for all humora. EXCURSIONS, ETC. Boston by Sea. A delightful sail of nearly 700 miles from Baltimore to Boston by one of the tine 3,000-ton steamers of the Merchants and Miners Line. "The queen of sen routes" for those visit ing the New England coast, and makes close connection uud through tickets issued to Yarmouth, Halifax, Tape Breton and l'rince Edward Island. Steamers leave for Boston every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Tickets, Baltimore to Boston, $12.50, Round-trip Ticket $22.00 Including meals and state room berth. Berths reserved, tickets issued and sailing lists furnished by all steamship lines. W. P. VAN WICKLE, Bradbury Building", 1225 Pa. Ave. Jy31-6t 'PHONE 747. EXTRA. EXTRA. Randall Outings To Chapel Point. STEAMER HARRY RANDALL FROM RIVER VIEW WHARF, 8:45 A.M.? MONDAY. AUGUST 5. MONDAY. AUGUST 12. MONDAY. AUGUST 19. MONDAY. AUGUST 26. SFECIAL FAMILY EXCURSION. FARE, ROUND TR'P-Adults 25c. STEAMER ESTELLE RANDALL EVERY SUNDAY AT 8:45 A.M. NOTICE!! Good board and room at Hotel Bell view, Chapel Point, $5.00 per vv.ek for remainder of the season. A. F. K RETCH MAR, Prop. Jy31-28tf ? FAMILY EXCURSION. calbees to River View, Friday, August 2. Take steamer Samuel J. Fentz 10 a.m., 2:15 and 6:45 p.m. Members will obtain their tickets from the Hive and Tent recorders. Tickets for sale at the wharf, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Jy31-2t SPECIAL EXCURSIONS TO Ocean City, Maryland, FRIDAYS IN AUGUST, LEAVING WASHINGTON AT 3 P.M. Three Whole Days at the Atlantic Hotel, DIRECTLY ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. Excellent menu. Finest bathing on the Atlantic coast. Fishing, crabbing and sailing. Fare, round trip. Including l>o.ird and lodging at the Atlantic Hotel, $10. ?C7'For full particulars, call or address Jy30-3t JOHN F. WAGGAMAN. 700 14th st. Marshal!! Indian Head TRIPS. 10 a.m., 2:30&6:30 p.mJ Evenings. 6:30 p.m. (Every Week Day.) Sundays to Marshall Hall, 11 a.m., 2:30&fl:30 p.m. Sir. Charles Macatester. All Amusements. Prof. Schroeder's Band. Fare (Round Trip) 25 cents FOR MOUNT VERNON. HOME AND TOMB OF WASHINGTON. Dally, 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (Sundays excepted). Fare (Round Trip) 60 cents Admission to Grounds 25 cent* Jy27-21tf A NEW ONE FOR WASHINGTON SEVEN HOURS ON SAI/T WATER. CHESAPEAKE BAY and WEST RIVER VIA CHAUTAUQUA BEACH. Annapolis harbor, the Naval Academy, the white cap sail down the bay. West River. Galesyille, Chalk Point, Shady Side; and the salt air makea thousands of people come home happy and speak In the highest terms of this trip. How to get there?Leave B. & O. Station daily at 9:10 a.m. to Chautauqua Beach, then transfer to the popular steamer Emma Giles at 10:50 a.m.; return to the Beach at 6:00 p.m. The finest trip ever offered the people of Washington. Tickets to Chautauqua, 60c., and only 25c. extra for boat ex cursion. Jy22-26t I? The Salt Water Resort oip the Bay. Haley's Full Concert Band Trains Leave District Line Station Week Day a?10:30 a.m., 2:80 and 0:00 p.m. Bondaya?9:80, 10:80, 11:80 a.m; 2:30, 8:40, 8:15 and T:4S p.m. Returning, leave the Beach Week Daya-3:80, 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. Snndaya?2:00, 8:00, 6:00. 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. Only 50 Cents Round Trip. Colombia electric ears, bearing red signs, ran through to District Lino Station without tranafer. Jria-tx EXCURSIONS, ETC. Chautauq tuia Beach (Formerly Bay Ridg*>. Round Trip, 5<k\ Sea Bathing. Crabbing. Music, Amusements. FREE CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM. Building lots for sale and tents for rent. Jysi, on the pqtomms mm. To River View There's where the cool breezes blow. 1 STEAMER SAM'I, J. FENT7. DAILY. rnMirnMr1 /-the little river. Ly II Lv THE TOM THUMB RAILWAY, r THE PLEASURE CAN A Lb J lis [THE WATER CHUTE, t AND ALL TIIR OTHERS. Personally conducted trips every SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Steamer Pents leaves wharf, foot 7th St.. week days, 10 a.m., 2:15, 6:45 p.m. Sundays, 11 a.m.. 2:45 and <5:15 p.m. Dancing week days only. Special concerts 8nn dsys. FARE?Adults 25c. Children * 15c. Except on the Saturday family day trips, at 10 a.m. and 2:15 p.m.. when tickets are 10c. to all. Stops at Alexandria Wednesdays and Saturdays. -TO Colomnal Beach. Steamer Harry Randall Dally, except Monday and Saturds- from River View wharf, foot 7th St.. at 8:45 a.m. Home again 10 p.m. TICKETS. ROUND TRIP 80c. CHILDREN 25c. Special Saturday Night Trips, STEAMER T. V. ARROWSMITH, From River View wharf, foot 7th 6t.. at fl p.m. Returning, leaves Colonial Beach at 5 p.m. Home, 10 p.m. FARE. ROUND TRIP 7flc. Enjoy a Cool Rath and a Cool Ride. To Chapefl Poinit. Every* Sunday during the season at 8:45 a.m. Home again at 10 p.m. Fine Crabbing, Fishiug and Bathing. FARE. ROUND TRIP WV. CHILDREN 28c. SPECIAL MONDAY TRIPS?Str. Harry Randall, every Monday in August. Fare, round trip, 25c. HOTEL BELLVIEW NOW OPEN. TO THE PICTURESQUE & HISTORIC LOWER POTOMAC. Steamer T. V. Arrows mm 5th, EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Commencing July 1. Monday and Wednesday at 4 p.m. for Colonial Beach, Colton's, Piney Folnt. St. George's Island, Miller's, and Coan and Yeocomleo River Landings (Tuesdays up only, stopping at Nomlnl Creek, St. Clement's Bay and Wicomico River Landings). SPECIAL EXCURSIONS SATURDAYS, C P.M., For Colonial Beach, Colton's, Piney Point, St. George's Island and Smith's creek. Saturday round-trip excursion tickets to Colonial Beach, good to retupn Sunday, 75c. TO THE WEU LAHDMGS, Steamers Wakefield & Kent Daily, except Friday, from the 8th street wharf, at 7 a.m. Returning next day. Tickets, Including meals and state rooms, on these DELIGHTFUL TWO-DAY OUTINGS Will be sold during the summer months at a re duced price. Jy31-130tf fill n Steamer EstelSe Randall Every Sunday during the Reason, 8:45 a.m. Only three hours' ride. Only forty-five miles. Bathing, fishing, crabbing. Plenty of shade. The Ideal family trip. Fare. 50c. OFFICE: 023 F ST. N.W. Jy25-th.f&s-33t Balloon Ascensions at Engagement Extraordinary THE BEAUTIFUL AND DARING MISS RJTTA DANZELLE. See Her Flight to the Clouds and Descent In a Parachute. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, SUNDAY, AUGUST 4. Exhibition Absolutely Free to All. Take Str. SAML. J. PENTZ Wednesday or Satur day at 10 a.m., 2:15 or G:45 p.m. Sundays at 11 a.m., 2:45 or 6:15 p.m. TICKETS (Round Trip)?ADULTS 25c. jy27-20tf CHILDREN 15c. Queemi of Trips. QUEEN ANNE'S RAILROAD. From Pier 10, Light St., Baltimore. Md., every SATURDAY. 2:20 p.m. Good through Monday. Express train, chair car attached. ROUND TRIP From WASHINTON, Returning, leave Cape May Sunday, 5 p.m.; Mon day, 6 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. Enjoy a trip on the Chesapeake bay and one hour's sail on the ocean. Tickets for sale at Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Ticket Offices. Jyll-th&f,tf,21 ? ALEXANDRIA AND ARLINGTON. ELECTRIC TRAINS, STATION 13Mi A PA. AVE. For Alexandria and Arlington, every 45 minutes. For Mt. Vernon every hour from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., ON WEEK DAYS ONLY. ROUND TRIP to Mt. Vernon, 50c. Round trip to Alexandria, 25c. Round trip to Arlington, 20c. Round trip to Mt. Vernou, including Arlington and Alexandria. 60c. WASH.. ALEXANDRIA & MT. VERNON RY. jyl-12d The Weems Steamboat Co., BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Leave Baltimore every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from Pier 0, Light street, at 5 p.m., arriving In Washington early Monday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Leave Washington every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 4 p.m., arriving In Baltimore every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings early. These steamers are new and first-class in every respect, with delightful state rooms and excellent table. The trip from Baltimore every Saturday at 0 p.m., arriving in Washington early Monday morn ing Is especially commended. State rooms can be engaged in advance from Stephenson & Bro., 7TH STREET WHARF. Telephone 745 Arlington, Myer, Falls Church, FROM AQ. BRIDGE. Schedule In R. R. column. je25-5.f "Ericsson Line Excursions." Attractivo Water Route from Baltimore. "Through the canal to Philadelphia." Fare from Washington by B. & O. to Baltimore, thence by Ericsson Line to Philadelphia?Single, $2.70; round trip, $4- Round trip, returning all rail from Phil adelphia (B. A O.), 96. Steamers sail dally except Sunday at 6 p.m. Day Boat, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 7:30 a.m. Tickets to Philadelphia ou sale In Washington at B. & O. ticket offices. Tick ets for sale In Baltimore office only to Atlantic City, Cape May, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove. Long Branch, New York, Albany, Tray and points north. Write for guide of the route and great fishing grounds at Betterton to CLARENCE SHUIVEK, U. P. A., 204 _Light St.. Baltimore. Md. jel8-tf orfolk & Washington Steamboat Company. ? Every day in the year from foot of 7th st. ?? for Ft. Monroe, Norfolk, Newport News and all points south by the superb, powerful steel ? palace steamers "Newport News," "Norfolk" ? and "Washington." Lt. Washington..6:30 pm|Lv. Portsmouth.5:00 p.m Lt. Alexandria...7:00 pm Lt. Norfolk 6:00 pm At. Fort Monroe..7:00 am Lt. Fort Monroe.7:00 pm Ar. Norfolk 8:00 am Ar. Alexandria. .8:80 a-m Ar. Portsmouth.. 8:18 ami Ar. Washington. .7:00 am S7For further information apply at general offices, 7th st. wharf, Washington, D.~C: 'Phone 750. JNO. CALLAHAN, General Manager. apl-20d RAILROADS. ARLINGTON?MYEH?FALLS CHURCH. STATION. AQUEDUCT BRIDGE. To Falls Church ? x6:15, *6:60, x7:2?. *8:30. Xfl:30. 10:80. xll:80, 12:30. xl:30, 2:30, x3:30. 4. x4:30, 8. x5:A0, 6. x6:30, 7, x8, x8:30 xll. xl2. Sat. and Snnday night, bonrly after 8 P.M. Hourly to West End on Snnday. xTo West End. To Myer and Arl.-f8:18. fT. t7:50. t8:45. 8:18. t9:45 t7:45 P.M., t8:48. t?:48. fl0:48. tll:80. yTo Nauck. Coach across bridge. 8 a.m. to 8:80 P.m. { N RAILROADS. BALTinORE & OHIO RAILROAD. Leave Washington. New Jersey Ave. and C St. (%tc?(n and northwest, M0:5o a.m.. *8:0ft p.m. Cincinnati, St. Ijouls and Indianapolis, *10:05 a.m., *3:10 p.m.. *1:10 night. Pittsburg and Cleveland, *10:50 a.m., *8:30 p.m? and *1:00 night. Colu'nbus and Wheeling, *8:05 p.m. Winchester. 88-35 a.m., ;,3:45 and 5:30 p.m. Luray. *3:45 p.m. Anna polls, 57:15, **8.30 a.m.. 112:15. ??4:35 and 54:30 p.m. Frederick, j8:35, ??9:00, ?10:50 a.m.. ??1:15, [4:30 p m Hagerstown, !!10:05 a.m. and 15:30 p.m. Boyd and way points, *:35, ??o:<H) a.m., ??1:15, J4:3o. 5:.'U' and *7:0f> (ialthersburg and way points, S:3S, ??0:00 a m.. 12:."*). ??1:15. 3:1.1. 4:30, *5:00, .5:30, *7:o5. ??10:15 aud 11:25 p.m. Washington Junction and war points, 8:35, ??0:00 a.m., ??1:15. t 5: So p.m. Baltimore. week days, *2:35, 5:00, 0:30. *7 :0ft, x7:15, *8:80, 8:35, x9:3o. *10:00 a.m.. xl2:lo ui . 12:15, *1:10, *3:00, xt:00, x4 :.HO. 4:.'C?, *5:05, *5:10, *5:80. x?:20, 6:?t. *S:0?>. *10:00. *11:30, 11:35 p.m. Sundays. *2:35, *7:05. *7:15, h:8o, X9:00 a.m., *12:10, *1:10, 1:15, *3:00, *3:30. 4:;c>, *5:oG, *5:10, 0:30, *i:00, *10:00, *11:30, *11:35 p.m. v For Chautauqua Peach week days, 0:10 a.m., 4:30 p.m. Sundavs, V:lo a.m., 1:45 p.m. HOY A I, BLUE LINE. All trains Illuminated with l'lntaeh light. ltultim >re Philadelphia, New York, Boston and the east, *2:35. *7:05 (Diner). ,8:3o tBufTeti, ??'.COO (Dinert, lo:oO <l)lner> a.m., *12:10 (Dluer), *1:10 (Diner), *3:00 f'Koyal Limited," l?iner>, 4:00 t Buffet). *5:05 (Diner). *h:0O and *11:30 p.m. (Sleeping ear open at 10:(*) o'clock.) l'arlor ears on all day trains. Atlantic City, |.lo:w a.m., 12:10 noon and 1:10 and 3:00 p.m. ?Dally. i E*ret>t Sunday. **Sunday only, x uprriw trains. Baggage called for aud checked on orders left St ticket offices, tilt) Pennsylvania a ventre northwest. New York avenue and 15th street aud at depot. Telephone ticket offices for It. and O. Electric Au tomobile Cabs. D. B. MAKTIN, Mgr. l'ass. Trattlc? Jy-31-SO SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedule corrected to June 1, 1901. Trains leave from Peuusyi>auia Station. 8:01 a.m. Daily. Local for llarrisouburg, War renton, Charlotte and way atatlous. 11:15 a.m. Dally. U. S. lust Mall. Sleeping cars to New Orleans. Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville, uniting at Salisbury with sleeper for Asheville, Chattanooga and Memphis, aud ai l>au vllle with sleeper for Birmiugbam aud ai Char lotte with sleeper for Augusta. Solid train Wash ington to New Orleaus. liming car service. 11:37 a.m. bally. Local tor M amnion and Charlottesville. 4:01 p.m. Week Days. Local for Front Royal. Strasbixg and Harrlsouburg. 4:30 p.m. Dally. Local for Warrenton and Char* lottesvlile. 9:50 p.ul. Dally. Washington and Chattanooga Limited tvia Lynchburg). bleeping cars to Roa nuke. Kuoxvllle. Chattanooga, Memphis and NelC Orleans. Through coach to Memphis. Diuiug cat service. 9:55 p.m. Dally. N. Y. and Fla. Expri ss. Sleep ing cars to Augusta, with connections tor Aiken and Charleston, aud to Savannah. Jacksonville aud Port Tampa. Through coach to Jacksonville, unit ing at Danville with Puilmau sleepers from Rich mond and Norfolk for Charlotte. Tourist sleeper Washington to San Francisco Mondays, \\ ednea days aud Fridays. Dining car service. 10:45 p.m. Daily. Washington sud South wester* Limited?the only exclusively Puilmau train be tween Washington and the South. Sleeping car* to Ashevllle, Kuo*vllle. Chattanooga and Naah vllle. and to Atlanta, Macon, Birmingham. Mem phis, Montgomery, Mobile aud New Orleaus. CluO car Washington to Atlanta. Dining car service. TRAINS ON B LI' KM ON T BRANCH. I>eave Washington 8:10 a.m., 1;00 p.m., 4:35 p.m. and 4:49 p.m., week days, and 9:01 a.m. aud 6:25 p.m., Sundays only, for Bluetnout, aud 6:25 p.m., week days, for Leeaburg. Returning, arrive Washiugtou 8:24 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.. daily, and 8:34 a.m. and 2:45 p.m.. week days, from Bluemunt, and 0:57 a.m., week day*, from Leesburg. Through trains from the 8- uth arrive Washington 6:42 a.m.. 6.52 am., 7:35 a.m., daily, 2:15 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. dally. From Harrisonburg. 11:37 a.m.. week days, and 9:40 p.m., dally. From Charlottesville. 8:28 a.m. and 9:4U p.ui., daily. Tickets, sleeping car reservations and other In formation furnished and baggage called for and checked from hotels and residences by C n U'n Transfer Co.. on orders left at Ticket Office, 704 15th st. n.w.; 511 1'a. ave. n.w. and at Penua, Station. 'Phono 1441 for P. R. R. Cab Service. FRANK S. GANNON, 3d V. P. and Gen. Mgr. S. H. HARDWICK. General Pass'r Agent. L. 8 BROWN. General Agent. STATION CORNER OF SIXTH AM) B STREETS. i:50 A.M. daily. PITTSBURG EXPRESS.?Parlor and Dining Cars Harrlsburg to I'lttsburg. 10:50 A.M. dally. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED Pullman Sleeping. Dining. Smoking and Observa tion Cars Harrlsburg to Chicago, Cincinnati. In dianapolis, St. Louis, Cleveland and Toledo. Buffet Parlor Car to Harrlsburg. 10:50 A.M. dally. FAST LINE.-Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrlsburg. Buffet l'arlor Car Harrisburg to Pittsburg. 3:30 P.M dally. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EX PRESS. Sleeping Car Washington to St. Loula end Washington to Toledo, and Sleeping and Dining Oars Harrlsburg to Indianapolis, St. Loula. Lrulsvllle (via Cincinnati) and Chicago. 7:15 P.M. dally. ST. LOUIS EXPRESS.-Pullman Sleeping Car Uarrisburg to St. Louis. T:45 P.M. dally. WESTERN KXPRESS?Pullmaa Sleeping Car to Pittsburg and Chicago. Dining Car to Chicago. 7.45 P.M. dally. CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EXPRESS.?Pullman Sleeping Cars Washington to Pittsburg and Harrlsburg to Cleveland and Nashville (via Cincinnati and Louisville). Dining Car 10:40 T.M. ("ally. PACIFIC EXPIIESS.-Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg. 7:50 A.M. daily. BUFFALO DAT EXPRESS, with through Parlor Car. Dining Car and Coaches to Buffalo, via Emporium Juuctlon. 7:50 A.M. for Kane, Canandaigua, Rochester and Niagara Falls dally except Sunday. 10:50 A.M. for Elmira aud Itenovo dally, except Sunday. For Willlamsnort dally, 3:30 "P.M. 7:15 P.M. daily. BUFFALO NIGHT EXPRESS, with through Buffet Sleeping Car aud Coaches to Buffalo, via Emporium Junction. 7:45 P.M daily for Erie; for Rochester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls dally except Saturday, with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester. 10:40 P.M. for Erie. Canandaigua. Rochester. Buf falo and Niagara Falls dally. Pullman Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester Saturdavs onlv. 4:00 P.M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED." "dally for New York, all Parlor Cars, with Dining Car from Baltimore. FOR PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK AND THH EAST. Express, 7:00 (Dining Car), 7:20, 8:15. ft:00. 10:00 (Dirlng Car), 10:25 and 11:00 (Dining Car from Wilmington) A.M.. 12:45, 3:15. 4:5o (Dining Car from Baltimore), 6:50, 10:00 and 11:50 P.SL On Sundavs. 7:00 (Dining Car), 7:20, 8:15. 9:00, 10:25. 11:00 (Dining Car from Wilmington) A.M., 12:15, 3:15, 4:50 (Dining Car from Baltimore), 6:50, 10:00 and 11:50 P.M. For Philadelphia only. Express, 7:45 A.M., 12:15 P.M. week days, 2:01. 4:10 and 5:40 P.M. dally. For Boston without change, 7:45 A.M. week days and 4:50 P.M. dally. For Baltimore, 0:13, 7:00, 7:30, 7:45, 7:50, 8:15, 9:00. 30:00, 10:25, 10:50, 11:00 A.M.. 12:15, 12:45. 1:25. 1:28, 2:01. 3:15. 8:30 (4:00 Limited), 4:10, 4:20, 4:33. 4:50.5:40, 6:15. 6:50, 7:15. 7:45, 10:00, 10:40, 11:35 and 11:50 P.M. On Sundays. 7:00, 7:20. 7:50. 8:15, 0:00, 9:05, 10:25. 10:50, 11:00 A.M., 12:15. 1:15. 2:01, 3:15. 3:30 (4:00 Limited). 4:10, 4:20. 4:50. 5:40. 6:15, 6:50, 7:15, 7:45. 10:00, 10:40 and 11:50 P.Sl. For Pope's Creek Line, 7:45 A.M. and 4:33 P.M. week davs. Sundays, 9:05 A.M. For Annapolis. 7:00 A.M.. 12:15 and 4:20 P.M. week davs. Sundays, 9:00 A.M. and 5:40 P.M. Express for Florida and points on Atlantic Coast Line. 4:30 A.M.. 3:12 P.M. dally. Express for Florida and points on Seaboard Air LI i<*. il:01 A.M. dally. "Florida and Metropoli tan Limited." 6:55 P.M. dally. Express for Richmond only 9:05 A.M. week day*. 5:00 P.M. daily. Accommodation for Quantlco, 7:46 A.M. daily and 4:25 P.M. week days. SEASHORE CONNECTIONS. For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route). lf:00 A.M., 4:10 and 11:50 P.M. dailv, 12:45 P.M. week days. Via Market Street Wharf, 9:00 (Saturday only), 10:00 and 11:00 A.M., 12:45 T.M., week days, 11:50 P.M. daily, 12:15 P.M. Sundays only. "Atlantic City Special." 1:25 P.M. week days. Solid vestibule train, Pullman Buffet l'arlor Cars. Combined Car, and coaches through to Atlantic City. For Cape Jay. 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 12:45 P.M. week days, 11:50 P.M. daily. For Anbury Park. Ocean Grove and Long Branch, 11:50 P.M. daily, 8:15, 11:00 A.M. aud 12:45 P.M. week days. Ticket offices, corner Fifteenth and G streets, and at the station. Sixth and B streets, where or ders can be left for the checking of bag^ago ta destination from hotels sud residences. Telephone call "1441" for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD. General Mauager. General Passenger Ag?nt. Seaboard Air Line Railway. CAPITAL CITY ROUTE. LEAVE WASHLNGTON, P. B. R. STATIOX: 11:01 A.M., FLA. AND ATLANTA FAST DAILt MAIL?Through Pullman Sleeuer to Jacksonville, connecting at Hamlet with Puilmau Sleeper U Atlanta. 6:55 P.M.. TLA. AND METROPOLITAN DAILY LIMITED?Through Pullman Sleepers to Tamp* and Atlanta. These trains offer excellent schedules to Petersburg, Raleigh, Southern I'lnsa (Plnehurkt), Camden, Columbia, Savannah, Jack sonville and all Florida points; Charlotte^ Athena* Atlanta, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Naahvllls^ all polnta west and southwest. 4:80 A.M. DAILY. LOCAL?To Petersburg. Ral eigh. Southern Pines (Pinehorat), Hamlet and In termediate polnta Office: 1434 N. Y. are. and Penna. ticket oIBcm, R. K L. BUNCH. W. U. DOLL, Qan. Pas* Act. Gen. Aft. Chesapeake <& Ohio Ry. Trains leave from Pennsylvania Station. 8:00 P.M. DAILY -Cincinnati and St. Ix>uis Spe cial?Solid train for Cincinnati. Pullman Sleepers to Clnclnnstl. Lexington. Louisville. Indlanapollp and St. Louis without chauge. Connection for Virginia Hot Springs dally. Observstlon Parlor Car Washington to White Sulphur and Hlnton week dajs. Dining Car. Parlor Cars Cincinnati to llTp.K. DAILY-F. F. V. Limited ?Solid train for Cincinnati. Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati. Lexington and Louisville without change. Connec tion for Virginia Hot Springs dally. Dining Gar, Sleepers Cincinnati to Chicago and St. Louia. Reservation and tlcketa at Chesapeake and Ohio office, BIS Pennsylvania avenoe; 609 Fourteenth atreet, near F, and at the station. Telephone call. Main 1441, for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab services H. W. FULLER. Telephone Mala 1066. General Paaaenger Agent,