Newspaper Page Text
FREE MESSENGER NEW ADVERTISING RATES. i cent a jrord under the following classifica tions. Smallest charge 15 cents. For Rent?Rooms. Rooms and Board. Boarding. Wanted?Help. Wanted-Siteations. If not convenient to rail st mala offlcs with your tdvertWuicuts tear* the in at the following STAR BRANCH OFFICES: rtk and T sts. n.w., Criswell's Drug Store. 14th and H ata. n.w.. St. Ix>uta Hotel. ?th and E Cap. ata.. Hairy'a Pro# 3 tor*. Tth and H sta. n.a.. Griffith's Pbsrmacy. 2d at. and Pa. art. s.e.. Dobyn's Pharmacy. Wharf foot of 11th at. a.w. 15th and Vt. svs.. King's Pharmacy. 14th and R. I. are.. liuddlesnn's Pharmacy. 16th and U ata. n.w.. Portner Pharmacy. 14th and Willing place. Eppler's. S2d and M ata.. O'Donnell s Pharmacy. S2d and O ata., O'Donnell's Pharmacy. Pond bldg. , Cigar Stand. W<iodward 4k I-othrop. S. Kann, Sons A Co. ?tt Pa. a?t. 8th and F. D. 8. CapttoL 0th and B. City P. O. National. Bbbltt. Bin*. WANTED?HELP. MALE. WANTED 4100 AND EXPENSES MONTHLY? One good man tn every county; permanent, light work; wonderful monopoly; Just discovered. Par ticulars free. Address FYROZONE CO.. 38, Star bldg., Chicago. au3-3t* WANTED- AMBlTIiH'S YOUNG MAN FOR PER maneut office position paying $20 weekly; must be trustworthy and furnish $25 deposit, with ref erences. BRAMAN, Mooney bldg., Buffalo. It* WANTED - AN INTELLIGENT, ENERGETIC young man. about 18, In real estate office; one who understands bookkeeping and typewriting and who can fiu-nlsh undoubted reference as to character and ability. E. O. BAUMGRAS, 1410 G st. n.w. It* WANTED A REGISTERED DRUG CLERK. AD dreaa Box 226, Star office. au3-2t* WANTED EXPERIENCED PLUMBER'S HEI^P er. Apply 7:30 Monday morulng D. J. MURPHY, 1104 Conn. are. It WANTED AT ONCH. A REG 1STERED DRUG clerk, preferably graduate pharmacy. Address Box 269. Star office. au3-2t WANTED CIGAR SALESMEN EVERYWHERE; experience unnecessary; $23 weekly. EMANUEL CO., 2o8 East 106th St., New York. au3-s.4t* WANTED MAN IN F.LEXTKK'AI, REPAIR SHOP; must have experience In armature winding. Ap ply F. ROBERTS & CO., 7 Harrison St., Bal timore, Md. au8-2t* WANTED - PROMINENT HOUSE. RELIABLE office managers In cities 20.000 upward; $100 monthly, expenses and commissions; state refer ences. experience, financial responsibility. HA ZEN < il.MI'ANY. New York lt? WANTED CARPENTERS. APPLY TO G. W. HE1SLEY. 423 12th st. n.w. lt? WANTED-BLACKSMITH. J. E. HURLEY, MA chlnlst, 121ft Ohio are. au2-2t* ? WANTED AT ONCE, YOUNG MAN TO COLLECT bills. Address, with references; state age and experience. Salary, $3 por week. Box 210. Star office. au2-3t WANTED A FIRST-CLASS TINNER AND FUR nace hand: also two good boys. JOHN MORAN. 2126 Pa. are. an2-2t WANTED - A RELIABLE AGENT TO REPRK sent a manufacturer. Box 248, Star office. aul-th.s.tu-3t* WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO MECHANICAL work and act occasionally as collector; perma nent position and chance for advancement. Ad dress. in own handwriting, stating age, experi ence, and stats references. Box 258, Star office. aul-3t* WANTED 2 HUSTLING STATIONERY SALES men; only those having wholesale experience need apply. SCHROT BROS., 611 La. ave. n.w. aul-3* WANTED - SUBURBAN LOT CANVASSERS. Room 314. Stewart bldg., 8th and D sts. n.w. aul-3t* WANTED-AT ONCE. ENERGETIC CANVAS sers on commission, to do local work' for a lead ing weekly publication of international circula tion. Aildress CANVASSER, care of N. W. Ayer & Son. Philadelphia, Pa. Jy31-w&s.2t WANTED?E NKRGETIC, TRUSTWORTHY young men; salary $12 per week; reference. Ad dress JARRETT, Room 8, Central National Bank bldg.. Washington. D. C. Jy31-6t* WANTED - TRUSTWORTHY P E R S ON S IN each state to manage business of wealthy cor poration; salary |18 cash each Wednesday direct from headquarters; expense money advanced. MANAGER. 328 Caxton building, Chicago. Jy " WANTED SALESMAN FOR REAL ESTATE; EX~ perlence not necessary; men with large acquaint ance preferred; horse and buggy will ba fur nished; good pay to workers. FULTON R. GORDON. 704 14th at. n.w. fel7-sAtn-tf FEMALE. WANTED?YOUNO LADY WITH EXPERIENCE In office, rapid with pen; give age. experience, reference and salary expected. Address Box 144, Star office. It' WANTED YOUNG MAN DESIRES TO BE taught dancing: have one month only to devote to lessons; write at once. Address M. M., Star office. It* WANTED GERMAN GIRL, PART OF DAY. TO keep clean rooms, cook dinner and launder; wages, $8 ;>er month and dlnuer. Address X. Y. 7.., Stsr office. It* WANTED-SERVANT TO COOK, WASH AND Iron. Call, with references, st 8002 4th St. n.e.l* WANTED?BY PENSION ATTORNEY, YOUNG lady stenographer for general office work: state age and salary expected Address Box 234, Star office. It* WANTED \ COMPETENT GENERAL HOUSE worker in small family; wages $12; no washing; references. Address &01 Hartford St.. Brooklanil, D C. lt? WANTED A WOMAN OF INDOMITABLE EN crgy by a business bouse; expense and salary; no canvasser need answer. Address FIRM, Star office. It* WANTKI??GOOD COOK AND TO I>0 GENERAL housework; must be honest and willing, with g'od reference. Call at 2414 Pa. ave. n.w. Ring basement bell. It* WANTED RELIABLE COLORED GIRL FOR general housework In small family. Apply 1743 18th st. n w. It* WANTED ? EXPERIENCED HAND AT DRESS maklng. Address Box 131. Star office. It* WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN TO NURSE AND assist In housework; references. Call at 1744 Ore. ave. au2-2t WANTED COLORED GIRL, 12 OR 14 YEARS old; must stay at nights. Apply 1133 8th St. n.w. G. G. RYAN. au2-2t* WANTED-WHITEGIRL FOR GENERAL HOl'SE work for one; mnst be good cook and laundress and bring reference; good wages, good home. 1821 IStb st. n w. aul-8t* WANTED "EXPERIENCED NURSE TO ATTEND child 5Vi years old st seashore for fonr or Ave weeks. Must He pre pared to start next Wednes day References required. Call Sunday between h:J0 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 1628 Q st. n.w. au2-2t* WANTED ~WH!TB WOMAN TO COOK. WASH and Iron; must have good reference. Apply 317 ftth st. n w. sul-3t* MALE OH FEMALE. WANTED I.ADIBS AI40 MEN. TO COPY LET tera; Address envelopes at homs, anywhere, day or evenings. strictly geualne employment. Address KXrEl^ioR MFG. CO.. Station B. Cleveland. 0. Jy23 tuAs.8t* WANTED?AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS, EITHER SEX. TO INTRO duc* our preserve and jelly labels for household use; quick seller; big profits: luO assorted, 10c.; particulars free. WHEATON A (X)., New Bed ford. Mass. It* WANTKI?" 'HANl'iY" APRON AND SUPPORT er; on and off In a second; adjustable high or l?>w; worn by bookkeepers, cutters, druggists, shopmen, sample office apron complete, 33c. t agents wanted In every town and city; circulars free ROSE * BALDWIN. Minneapolis. It* "WANTED- FIRST rLASS AGENT W HO CAN nruve results. We can offer a proposition you Lave never heard of before, very profitable, sells at sight to every storekeeper. We would not be surprised If yon would p> Into It yourself, when It is explained to yon. Address Y 24, care LORD A THOMAS. Chicago. It WANTED AGENTS -NEW HOUSEHOLD NOV elty; every housekeeper wants oue; profit $3 a day; sample and particulars. 10c. A. PARKER, Wstertown. N. Y. It* WANTED- $461) NEXT FOUR MONTHS SELLINO new style fruit Jar filler; eight useful articles combined In or.e; sample free. CENTRAL SUP Pl.Y CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio. It* WANTED RFJ4ABIJC AGENTS TO TAKE SUB scrlptions for onr populsr magaxlne In connec tion with new census Atlas. Exceptional oppor tunity. Write today: JOHN WANAMAKER, dept. 162 A. New York. Jy2U,au3,S&10 ATTORNEYS. CHARLES S. BUNDY, Commissioner of Deeds for New York and all other ?tats* and territories. FendsU building, cor. 4V4 st o|4>osl(e city Hall. 'Phone 181a. au23-4tf CAMPBELL CARRINGTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, Webster Law building. 003 D st. n.w., Washing ton. D. C. Resides* e. No. 3 Mount Vernon Flats, Hew York are. and ttlh st. a.w. sslA WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTED-BY COLORED MAN. PLACE AS JAN Itor or porter Id a store; city reference. Ad dres? 722 6th at. i.e. It* WANTED - POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR cashier; t>e?t of ret. Will give half of first month's salary to procure uie aame. Address CONFIDENTIAL M.. Star office. an3-2t? WANTED?BT YOUNG MARRIED MAN OF SO, position as cashier. bookkeeper or clerk; best of references and bond If necessary. Addresa Hoc 51, Star office. au3-2t* WANTKD ? SITUATION BY NEAT. INDlSTRI ous colored man (20); experienced porter, driver, houseman. 1013 New York are. It* WANTED? BY REGISTERED DRUG CLERK; graduate Phila. College of Pharmacy; 8 years' ex|ierlence; reference from present employer. Addresa HUNT. 208 T st. n.w. It WANTED?BY YOUNG MAN, 21. ANY POSI tloo with chance of promotion; willing to learn any good trade or business. Address M. J. E., 523 14th at. n.e. It W A.N TED ? BY THOROUGHLY COMPETENT colored man, a position as cook or Janitor. Ad dress RICHARD NELSON, t?!Q N at. n.w. an2A3 WANTED-POSITION ~AS SALESMAN IN A MER csntlle establishment; fifteen years' experience; first-class references furnished; can do ty pewrlt ing. Address Box 138. Star office.' au2-3t* WANTED?EXPERIENCED WINDOW TRIMMER and card writer desires position; S years' experl ence. Addresa H. S., Star office. au2?Zt* WANTED- POSITION BY STEADY AND RELI able double-entry bookkeeper; finest references. Addresa P. C. II.. Star offlco. au2-3t* WANTED?A POSITION BY AN EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; best references. Address J. G. COI.EMAN, 1233 80th n.w. aul-3t WANTED POSITION BY LICENSED ENGINEER; skilled man on repairs. Address Box 257, Star office. ?ttl-3t* WANTED?A CAPABLE YOUNG MARRIED MAN desires a position; has had experience la busi ness collecting, etc., but will take any position. Address POSITION. "Star office. Jy31-4t* FEMALE. WANTED?BY RESPECTABLE COLORED GIRL, place aa chambermaid or general housework. 112V New Hampshire are. au3-2t* WANTED ? BY YOUNG LADY, POSITION AS cashier. Address, by letter only, C. B. M., 110 Md. are. n.e. It* WANTED- SEWING BY GOOD SEAMSTRESS; buttonholes made; best ref. 2224 N at. n.w. It* WANTED?WASHING AND IRONING AT HOME; first-class. 1726 17th St. n.w. It* WANTED?BY RESPECTABLE COI> >RED WO man, place as cook or general housework in small family. Address 434 N St. n.w. It* WANTED-ALL PERSONS IN NEED OF FIRST class. reliable help, to call at the MISSION EM PLOYMENT OFFICE, 1228 N St. It* WANTED?SUMMER GOWNS MADE, FROM $2 to $5; will fit you at home; shirt waists, 75c.; skirts. $1.50. 731 12th St. n.w. It* WANTED-SUSAN ATWELL OF 617 MILLER'S court s.w., old, experienced nurse, Is open for en gagements. au3-2t* WANTED-SITU ATIONS ? FIRST-CLASS COOK (city or away); experienced nurse, chambermaid or general work small family. 1013 New York are. It* WANTED?BY AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER, pi>sltlon as gorerneas; teaches English, elocution, Latin. German and music; terms moderate; best reference. Address Miss ROBINSON, Barstow, Md. au3-s.4t* WANTED?BY AN EXCELLENT LAUNDRESS, work to do at home or by day. 2030 8th st. It* WANTED?BY RESPECTABLE COLORED WO iuan, a place to do general housework; good ief erence. Apply 626 2d st. s.w. It* WANTED BY COLORED WOMAN. PLACE AS chambermaid or waitress. Addresa 114 H st. a.w. It* Wanted- by stylish dressmaker, work. by the day; best reference. Address Box 154, Stsr office. an3-3t* WANTED?BY A COI/>RED WOMAN, WASHING out by the day or at home. Address 1410 12th st. n.w. au3-3t* WANTKD-BY A RESPECTABLE COLORED WO man, wishing to do at home or go out by the day. Call 1017 l?th st. n.w. It* WANTED-BY FIRST-CLASS INFANT NURSE, situation, 15 yearB' experience; can furnish best of ref. C. B. JACKSON, 1804 Corcoran st. n.w. au2-2t* WANTED?BY A COLORED GIRL, A PLACE AS chambermaid. 472 Washington st. n.w. au2-2t* WANTKD BY COLORED WOMAN, LAUNDRY, home or out; reference. Address 472 Washing ton st. n.w. au2-2t* WANTED-BY LADY. A CLERICAL POSITION In office; writes a gdod plain band; can also typewrite. Address Box 102, Star office. aul-3t " MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED ? COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS, typewriters and bookkeepers, who are graduates of the Business High School, may be secured through the Alumni Association of the school. Address. In writing, giving particulars as to requirements and salary, ALUMNI ASSOCIA TION, Business High School building, city. WANTED?ROOMS. WANTED?2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without board. In n.w.. Wash. Heights or Mt. Pleasant, by gentleman and wife; best refer ences; state particulars. Addresa S. R. G., Star office. It* WANTED AUGUST 15, BY LADY IN DEPT., 2 nicely furnished communicating 3d-story rooms with refined, private family, near excellent table board; references. Address NORTHERN, StHr office. It* WANTED-BY SEPT. 1, THREE ROOMS, WITH board, for gent and wife and gent and mother; neighborhood of 12th and M sts. preferred; per manent If suited; state terms. It* HOME, Star office. WANTED ? 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, heat, gas, use of bath, for l.h.k.; central n.w. Box 252, Star office. au3-3t* WANTED -BY SINGLE MAN, COMFORTABLE room, with bath, within six squares of Pennsyl rania station. Address, atatlng price, conveu lencea, etc., A. K. P., Star office. It* WANTED BY SEPTEMBER i, BY YOUNG MAR. rled couple, two furnished or unfurnished rooms, with or without table board; centrally located; with private family; reference exchanged. Ad dresa Box 46. Star office. au3-3t* WANTED A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM BY young man; student and clerk; 2d or 3d floor; eastern or southern exposure; well lighted, bath, and withlD fire blocks of Bond building; state rent. Address Box 223, Star office. It* WANTEI >?PERM A N ENTLY, BY TWO YOUNG ladles, room In n.w.; $10 or $12. Address Box 189, Star office. It* WANTED?2 OR 3 ROOMS. FURNISHED; LIGHT housekeeping; conrenlent pension office; married couple; no children: terms must be reasonable; permanent if suited. Address L O. M., Star office. It WANTED ? BY SETTIJCD LADY IN OFFICE, one large or two ainall unfur. or part unfur. rooms, with a refined family; hoard If conven ient; references. Addresa W. B. L., Star office.1 WANTED-BY MAN, WIFE AND OIIIL (10 YRS. old), for 1. h. k., 3 unfurnished rooms, 2d floor, with heat, gaa and bath; at Mice; not over $20. Addresa V. L. G., Star office. au2-2t* WANTED?ON CAPITOL HILL, 3 OR 4 ROOMS for 1. h. k.; rent not to exceed $15. Address M. B.. 210 3th at. n.e. au2-2t* WANTED?HOUSES. WANTED ? 6-ROOM BAY-WINDOW BRICK house; a.m.l.; within easy distance of govt, printing office; rent not to exceed $18. Address Box 188. Star office. It* Wanted?houses to rent? If you deal re to rent your house, ?eud mo full particulars. Have clients waiting for HOUSES IN ALL SECTIONS. It* R. S. DONALDSON, 820 10th n.w. WANTED ? FOR SEVERAL IMMEDIATE PUR. chasers, neat 6 and 8-room and bath, brick or frame house*. In any good section of city. We have ANY NUMBER of buyers for such houses, and owners will do well to write or call at office and submit properties. Office centrslly located. WE WRITE INSURANCE. E. LODGE HILL, au3-3t 802 F at. n.w. WANTED?BY ARMY OFFICER, A TEN ROOM house in northwestern section of city, north of K street; rent not to exceed $60 per month. Ad dress (X J. P.. Stsr office. au3-3t* WANTED?WE HAVE A NUMBER OF APPLI cants for 6 and 7-room houses in the northwest and northeast st $25.50 per month. If you have any that are vacant now la the time to get A good tenant. au3 3t HUGHES A CHANDLER, 515 14th St. WANTED?IN THE NORTHWEST. ON AUGUST 15. a small bouse or flat. R. S. J., Star WANTED?CITY HOUSE. NOT ABOVE $12,000; will assume $7,000 debt, giving in exchange Maryland land suitable for subdivision Into small farm*, with cash difference. P. O. Box No. 23, Riverdale, Md. au2-3t* WANTEI*?WE POSITIVELY MUST HAVE SOME houses under $30; many tenants waiting to rent. Our central location la everything. Big demand. aul-St* CLARK BROS., 1183 V n.w. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-ON AUG. 8, LADIES' GOLD OPEN-FACB Swiss watch and pin; monogram A. M. 8.; either on Connecticut are. or 9th at. cars to Kann'a store. Reward If returned to au3-2t* 400 1st st. n.e. LOOT?FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. 2. BETWEEN 8t)60 Q st. and 3017 O st. and 31st st, gold stick pin, studded with pearls. Reward It returned to 8O60 Q at. n.w. It* LOST-MASONIC CHARM. RETURN TO DRUG STORE 7th and F sts. s.w. and receive reward-1* LOOT?FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, BLACK AND TAN dog. near Mb and N sts.; pet of a fl re year-old boy. Liberal reward If returned, or Information leading to recovery. 1330 ttth at. n.w. It* LOST-ON FRIDAY. AUGUST 2. BET. 8TH AXD 10th ats. on East Capitol at., lady's brown pock et book, containing owner*a cards and anas of money. liberal reward if returned to 1212 Eaat Capitol st. It* STRAYED-JULY 20. A BLACK AND WHITE setter dog; clipped to the foreshoulder, leaving bush on end of tall; tan around his month. Re ward if returned to 8100 K 0.W* Ml-ft* WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED?A- KEBK4KY. 1300 7TH ST. N.W.. will pay the highest cash price* for ladles', gents aod children's cut-oC cloth lug and ihoM and bats. Address a postal and I will call. au8-5t* WANTED CASH PAID FOB FURNITURE, CAB pets, stoves and office fixtures of all kinds. Fur niture stored, packed and shipped. Address BALM. 912 Pa. ave. n.w. 'Phone 128*. an3-tf WANTED-SECOND-HAND TYPEWBITEB; state make, age and price. Address Box 47, Star office It* WANTED?TO PURCHASE AN UNDERWOOD typewriter. State number and send sample of work to UNDERWOOD, Star office. It* WANTED?I WILL PAX THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOB LADIES' AND GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING. ADDRESS A POSTAL AND I WILL CALL. R. TARSHES, 1308 TTH N.W. au2-8t* WANTED ? FROM $10 UPWARD LOANED ON furniture, storage receipts, unsettled estates, sec ond trusts, life policies, salaries sad other se curities. Apply resilience, 2080 12th St. n.w.; open evenings. Jyl7-28t* WANTED?FEATHERS: HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for old feather beds. All orders promptly attended to. Send postal to B. M. WEINSTEIN A CO.. 481 Missouri are. Jyl6-18t* WANTED?OLD GOLD. SILVER, DIAMONDS, old-time watches, dentist gold, platinum teeth plates, &c., bought for cash; pawn tickets bought. Jyl5-tf LOUIS ABRAHAMS. 433 9th st. n.w. WANTED?IF YOU HAVE ANY FEATHER BEDS, furniture, carpets, offlcs fixtures or show cases for sale it will psy you to drop postal to L FRIEDMAN, 803 D St. n.w. Jyl-78t*4 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED?A PARTY WITH $1,500 FOR % 0R $750 for Vi, Interest in STRONG ROMANTIC PLAY, TO BE PRODUCED NEXT SPUING and following sea Hon, this money to be used In pro duction. An HONEST OFFER AND WILL BEAR INSPECTION. Psrty could act In business ca pacity In company or In dramatic role. For full partlcnlsrs address DRAMA, Star office. It* FOR SALE ?CHEAP. FIVE (51 SHARES OF stock; full paid and non-assessable; strong, well organised company; need of ready money reason for selling. Addreits MONEY, Star office. It* WILL EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL NEW TEN room brick and stone house. In best section north west, for grocery store or a good established pay ing business. DUNLAP. 906 F st. It* ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH, 1 WILL SELL at a GREAT SACRIFICE a good-paying' livery business, In first-class condition; location central: a good class of boarders; rent cheap; plenty of room. A rare chance for a man that wishes to get a well-established business cheap. Address QUICK SALE, It* Star office. FOR SALE-CLAY! CLAY! CLAY!?SUITABLE for bufT and red brick, terra cotta, etc.; also three grades of sand; 700 acres, on Pa. B. B. between Washington and Baltimore. SAMUEL BEALMEAB, 129 Equitable bldg., au3-8t* Baltimore, Md. WANTED-HORSE AND RUNABOUT OR SUR rey; will pay part cash, balance in exchange for building lot on elec. R. R. near city, where real estate Is enhancing in value. Address Box 137, Star office. au2-7t WANTED?TO BUY A DRUG STORE: ONE 1>0 Ing business; have cash to pay for it; business and letters strictly confidential. Address DRUG STORE. Star office. au2-3t* THE BEST GBOCERY AND MABKET STORE In the n.w. for sale at inventory; dwelling with 6 large rooms. Address G. B. W., Star office. au2-2t* WANTED?PARTNER WITH $2,500 TO $5,000 IN 'an A-l paying business; none need answer who do not mean strictly honest business methods. Address Box 113, Star office. aul-3t* AT RAMSAY'S YOUR WATCH CLEANED. $1.00. WATCH MAINSPRING. $1.00. ALL WORK WARRANTED ONE YEAR. mh3-5d 1221 F ST. N.W. HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE?HIGH-CLASS LIGHT-WEIGHT CAN opv-top surrey; leather lined; excellent condition; very cheap; price, $70. Call at DARNES & OF ? pi xT'S STABLE, 3287 M st. n.w. au3-3t* 1* OR SALE?FIRST-CLASS BUGGY HORSE; ALSO phaeton and harness, cheap. Call between 8 and 5, upstairs. 225 Pa. ave. s.e., I?. A. EDWARDS ? FOR SALE ? FINE BREWSTER VICTORIA, also brougham, four passengers, brake; dog cart, village cttrt, single and double harness to match; very low price; will sell separately. DOWNEY'S STABLES. 1622 L St. n.w. au3-?t FOR SALE?VERY FAST PACER; WILL Ex hibit at Brightwood track every morning this week; horse at 485V4 C st. n.w. aul-3t* FOR SALE?AT 214 E ST. S.W., 8 COLTS AND 1 black horse; bay mare, 6 years old, by Prince Orloff; bay colt, 8 years old. by Trnxon; 1 sorrel stallion. 4 years old. These colts off Sorrel Daisy, owned by Gen. Beale; all well broken and nice steppers, and all standard bred. Jy31-6t* VALUABLE HORSES. COWS, 4c., AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Owing to ill-health of the owner, I will sell by public auction, Tuesday, August 6, at 2 o'clock p m., at Fredericksburg, Va., 2 blooded mares, 3 horses, 2 colts, 9 cows, 2 buggies. 1 surrey, 3 wngons, single and double harness, one billiard table complete, etc. At the same time will offer In fee the well-known residence "Lange Place," handsomely Improved; also four dwellings on Cedar li:ne. Sale poaltlve. Terms cash. For particulars address JAMES ROACH, Auct., Fredericksburg, Va. Jy30-6t*13 ALL SUMMER VEHICLES AT COST? New Top Buggies $37.00 New Steel-tire Runabouts $40 00 We are the lowest on Daytons." JAMES K. PROBEY. 'I'hone W. 42 F. 1230 32d st nv Jy24-28t FOR SALE-TO REDUCE. WE OFFER THE FOL lowlng bargains: $185 Canopy-top, Cut-under Surrey $180 $90 ltubber-tlred Runabout Buggy 170 $75 Steel-tired Runabout Buggy $55 $t>5 Side-spring Concord Buggy $83 Best Dayton Wagons $46 We have the largest stock of Fancy Delivery Wagons to select from in the city. We make ? specialty of putting on rubber tires at the lowest prices. S. J. MESKS' SONS, 022 G at. n.w. jy28-tf COGSWELL'S IS THE CHEAPEST AND MOST reliable place to buy new and second-hand har ness, traps, surrles. runabout!, wagonettes and delivery wagons. 209 11th st. n.w. jyl2-24t* FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE? A handsome, high-grade upright piano, almost new, for only $160 cash. To close the account of one of our customers, who has left Washington, and to save storage, thin beautiful piano will bo sacrificed for a quick sale. The biggest bargain in the city. Fully guaranteed by us for 5 years. Don't miss it. GRIMES' PIANO STORE, au3-tf,15 913 Penna. ave. FOR SALE - SLOT MACHINES. BARGAINS. Peanut venders, sale of salted shelled peanuts and candy, very fine. Address Y 24, care LORD & THOMAS. Chicago. It FOR SALE?PAR1/>R ORGAN. PERFECT CONDI tlon; $20 cash. 631 Muss. ave. n.e. It* FOR SALE-LOCOMOBILE. MODEL NO. 02; COST $tMJO; perfect order; will sell for $600. Address Box 174, Star office. It* FOR SALE CENTS' ECLIPSE AND LADIES' Cleveland; both standard makes; Al condition. 1427 Corcoran st. au3-2t* FOR SALE-BRUSHES, STREET BROOMS AND bristle brushes; also all kinds of machine patent brushes made to order. Factories, Falls Church, Va., and 1207 3d st. S.w. J. L. WISE, office, Room 18, 472 La. ave. n.w. It* FOR SALE ? $000, A FINE COLLECTION OF United States departmental and foreign stamps; personally collected between 1881 and 1886; consular, diplomatic and other official sources; owner needs money. Address CONSOL, Star office. au2-8t* FOR SALE?50-FTl LONG, 8-FT. BEAM STEAM yacht, in first-class condition. Inquire at FOSS BERG & MURRAY, 8th and Water st. s.w. au2-3t* FOB SALB ? PAWN TICKET FOB SOLITAIRE diamond ring, lady's or geut'a, cheap. Address T. F. S., Star office. aul-3t* FOR SALE-OR TO BE MARKETED ON SHARES, growing crop of dahlias, asters, gladiolus, chrys anthemums and other fiorlts's stock; house rent free: references required; farm adjoins Clarendon. Apply to W. D. HAYES, Ballston, Va. aul-3t* FOR SALE- BIO SQUARE PIANO OHBAPj GOOD tone. Apply 718 Maryland ave. n.e. aul-3t* FOR 8 AI .E? E LEG ANT. FINE UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO for $185? less than half its worth; 4. ft. 9 In. high; used less than 8 months; fine French walnut case; 3-strlng; 8 pedals, one the eele brsted practice pedal that adds so much to the life of an Instrument; guaranteed and kept In tune one year; hardwood stool and scarf free. A genuine bargain. F. G. SMITH, 1225 Pa. ave. aul-tf FOR SALE-FINE BELGIAN HARES. NOT RE lated, $5 pair; also Cuban parrots at $6 each. SCHMID'S BIBD STORE, 712 12th st. n.w. Jya0-12t FOR SALB?SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT, $128, easy terms; fine square piano, $7B. Pianos tuned, utored and hauled. HUGO WORCH, 923 F st. Sohmer planoe. Worch pianos. Jel3-6m FOB SALE?FINE PIANO, $25; UPRIGHT PIaNO. $60; mabpgany upright, $99; walnut upright, $12S; organ, $20; biggest piano bargain ever offered; pianos tuned. $1. F. W. HELBIG. 1742 7th st. Je29-tf,4 FOB tSAUR?HAIH MATTRESS, TWO PARTS, $8; lounges. $2.70; go-carts, 12.50; parlor and bed loom suites, $1 per week; special for cask. REDMOND'S. 311 and S18 7th st. n.w. my24-tf ' FOR 8ALE?NEW AUTOMATIC SKW1NO MA chines can be bought for $35.00 from WM. STIBBELING, 1751 Penna. ave. n.w. Not rep resented by solicitors. Agency Household and Standard Sewing Machines. de!7-tf FOR SALK-GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHADES, fitted to yonr windows, only 26c.; the beat quality dl opaque shades, B0c.. bung free. Will call with samples. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th and H sta. n.o. BOARDING. TABLE D'HOTE AND A LA CAKTE. DINNER all day Sundays and holidays; mid-day lunch for Indie* aod gentlemen from 11 until 2; electric Isns. CAFE ROBINSON. 1602 UU St. B.W. **** ... FOR KSNT^-FLATS. fob bent-sd flax, aa^MTH srr. n.w. 4 mom^,Podlxth-<30.60. FOR RENT- 1 i*JJt ^Uu^fT ? K??. SDd batk. .$32.90 i?".**!* ?*:? ? *3P u^bftU 37.30 ?^3nfmocW^ ^ FOB MKT?F. H. ?MITB.'CO.. 1408 N. T. A VS., RENTAL AGENTS. RENTAL iflKNTS. ?<^2tk: J^'bcWSfi IdoST i2n? p/*" n w"; * 4: gas rung*; a.m.L 1?* **-. *r? nT - bTT |U range; 2d fl. atSSt 1 ??' A tT?d ?.; $23. *?*L albxandke, imi u ?r. B-w.f beautiful 3-rOom ia|rtm?ot; nntteni tun ny rooms; dtlaUtt furnpThed: finely ippalited; ?Ingle of ea lutts; (uruUtMd or unfurnished. CARLETON B. ttlSS. ?aUth St. n.w. au3-lw ao?-* D st- nw- unfub nlsbed flats of 4 rooms in^ bath; complete for housekeeping. Apply to T. E. WAGGAMAN. >17 F at. n.w. su2~3t* 1/3K'vr-3 TWO-STOBT FLATS; 804 TO 8 Whitney m. n.w.; 3 large rooms and bath: cel lar; popcbea front and back. Price, $18.80 per month. L. E. BRKL'NIXOKH 7? litb. aul-flt*4 FOtt RENT?725 12TH ST.. TWO FLATS; ? rooms and bath; storage room; large and airy roouis; beautifully finished. Bent, $65 first floor. t location. 720 13th st. n.w., L K. BBEUNINGEB. aul-gt'4 FOB BENT-"KBNOVA." 1ST AND MASS. AVE. ana k st. n.e.; 3 rooms and bath; every con venience ; rents $25 to $33; will be ready for occupancy September 1; near 3 car lines. H. L. BUST. 808 14th n.w. THE I>KISCOLXs 1ST AND B STS. N.W., HAS Tor rent handsomely fur. and unfur. apartments of 8 to 8 rooms and bath; with or without house keeping facilities; every appointment most mod ern; location facing U. S. Capitol grounds; ex cellent cafe; filtered water: electric light (free). See or write to T. A. McR^E. Mgr. Jy$l-12t FOR BENT-FLAT. 2D STORY. 1408 14TH ST. n.w 3 rooms and bath, with heat; yearly lease. ^r27 s tf MARLOW, 86 Corcoran bldg. FV.JiJtJ^TTDESIKABU4 ATARTMENTS IN THE GARFIELD." J3th and I sts. n.w.; "THE BINNEY."' Imm Blnney St., Columbia Heights; ?31>? J*'Hf7!"^AVE.. Columbia Heights; ?THE ABMT AND NAVY," 814 22d st. n.w. for prices and full particulars. MOOBE & HILL, 717 14th at. n.w. Ft,)H BENT?OLYMPIA" APARTMENTS. OO^ lumbla Heights; thoroughly fire-proof; army and navy headquarters; three, five and seven rooms; ? L,ra . erD COOTenlence?; moderate rates. jy20*" OSCAR W. WHITE. 1114 F st. FOB BENT ?THE POBTNER ? ABSOLUTELY fire-proof: 13th and U sts.; 3 and 6-room house keeping flats; tiled baths; filtered water and ail conveniences; special rates to Oct. 1. Al*? ?ne 3-room and bath batchelor apartment. jy*-tf FOB BENT - THE PORTNER - ABSOLUTELY fire-proof; 13th and U sts.; delightfully cool 4 rooms and tiled bath, housekeeping flat; southern exposure; special price to Oct. 1. Jyg-tf FOR RENT-THE COLUMBIA. 14TH AND BIN ney overlooking the city; apartment of 6 rooms; southern exposure: elec. light, filtered water. JmSn^r7, etci ? ?P*?*1 Price. Je8-tf JAMES A. CAHILL 1808 F st. n.w. FOB RENT-IN THE CONCORD. COR NEW Hampshire and Oregon aves.. 2 and 4 and 5-room apartments; cool in summer; excellent cafa. my-l-tf FOR RENT-THE ADDISON. 816 14TH ST. N.W.? .P55'.^.!5th $30.00 to$3B.OO THE ADtiUSTA, cor. N. T. and N?J. aves.? * rooms and bath $20.00 to $32.30 THE UipiSA, 216 New York ave. n.w.? New building, 4 rms. and b $20.00 and $22.30 ??Y? P*- aTe- nw., 4 rooms and bath 820.30 5?*? ?*- n.w., 8 rooms and bath $20.30 V?, 55' n'*" ? roon,s and bath $17.80 ]*?* O n ?-. 4 rooma and bath $13.30 oo t* P?- n-w-> 8 rooms and bath $0.00 38 Decatur st. n.e., 4 rooms and bath $9.00 T3-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F St. FOR RENT?TWO FINE 3-ROOM FI.ATS; HIGH and cool; 12 minutes to treasury; $22 and $28: ean t be duplicated. BERWICK. 14tb and Park Sts. Apply 3308 14th St., E. J. WILLIAMS. myz-tf i COUNTRY BOARR " BOARDERS ON FARM; $4 PER WEEK. AD dress NEAR BY, Star oflg.-o. It* BOARDERS WANTfcD-NEW HOUSE; COOL, airy; shady lawn; mineral spring; mall twice 2.. miles from depot; fresh vegetables, etc. u^lt SHOEMAKER, SQcott Springs, Va. WANTED?BOARDERS, BY WEEK OR MONTH at pleasant country residence; good board; com fortable rooms; v??ry reasonable rates. Apply to Mrs. O. E. RUSE,- Dtifflejds, W. Va. it* A LARGE. AIRY ROOit FOR RENT. ON A breeiy hill; nice lawn and long porches; irood t?oard. Address Lock Box. 30.1. UHnchewter, Va. ? FAI QCiBR. CO., VA.?NEAR BLUE Rlilge mts.?Old-fashioned country house; home comforts; shady La.wu.; beautiful country; good table; spring water: two hours from Washington; $3 per week. Address au3.5.fl.7,l<) iTHB MISSES PENDLETON. ELERSIJE FAltM OFFERS FIRST-CLASS Ac commodation to adults for Aup. & S>ipt For particulars address JOS. N. CHISWELL. Buck e>stown. Frederick co? Md. BEAI'TIFUL HOME NEAR TAKOMA. 1 BLOCK from cars; one fare; cow; garden; good water excellent table; one large room for tvro, $25 each' Mrs. D., Star office. ^ BOARDEatS WANTED AT MOUNTAIN VIEW tann; boating, fishing and good table board. For terms apply to Mr. or Mrs. S. P. McDONALD, Box 13. Remington, Va. au2-3t* WANTED?SUMMER BOARDERS; FAMILIES preferred; large fsrm; beautiful scenery; water and air unsurpassed; abundance of fruit; terms moderate; 3 m. from Southern Ry. Address Mrs E. H. DE BUTTS, Linden, Warren Co. Va au2-2t* WANTED?AT GLEN MANOR, FOREST GLEN 13 or 20 adults for balance of season at reduced rates; 2 squares from steam and electric cars large house and groinda. Mrs. PHILLIPS " au2-3t* IN MOUNTAINS, WARREN COUNTY VA SEV eral large rooms on farm; terms. SR oer' iwk JAMES E WALTER, Unden, Yn. aul^ FOR ROOMS AND BOARD APPLY TO MnT THOMAS ^ WATERS. ^ Magnolia ave., Takorna DEl^APLANE. VA.?LARGE. SHADY YVRD7 three long covered porches; good tsble- larae" well-furnished rooms: wire screcn doors and win dows; bath room; all home comforts- terms 120 per month. Mrs. B. M. GOLD, Jy27.29.30.31ai^ FOXWELL'S POINT?DIRECTLY ON BRETON Bay, ft mile from Leonardtown?a resort for those fond of the water; ample porches boa tin* bathing, crabbing, Ac.; ice, oysters, vegetables' poultry; dally mall; Wee ins steamers. Mrs T F* FOXWELL Leonardtown, Md. Jy25-th s'tu lot* SUMMER BOARD AT MT. CHIMBORAZA?FINE boating, bathing and fishing; terms, $1 per dav $3 per week or $20 per month; city reference given If required. For further partlcnlanT drees Mrs BENJ. FOXWELL, Leonardtown Md Jy?,s 13t*,B *?* "RURAL HOME ON WEST BIVER"?NOW ftpwv" Nicely located on West river. In view of Cbeaa peake bay, 8 miles below Bay Ridge; good shadel large lawn; fishing, ciabblng, rowing and JtUni! fruit In season. For descriptive circular addroSa (Mrs.) MATILDA NOWELL, Shady Side Md^ Je3-78t ' ? UNGANORE HILLS INN. NEAR ntEDERICK? Situation high, large lawn, shade, double porches fishing, boating; refs. exch. For booklet addresa Miss E. M. BROWN. Frederick. Md. sp28-104t COUNTRY PROPERTY^ WA NTED?TO RENT, WITH OPTION Of PUB chasing, country home, with some acreage with in easy reach of Washington; give exact lora tlon, lowest price and full description. URBAN Star office. ' FOR SALE?12-ACRB FARM, ONE COW vrnp" tables and feed. Pill 1137 1st st. n w au2 2t? FOR SALE-AT COLONIAL BEACH VA pruT ner lot, 30x130 ft., lmproijd by 4-t^om cottage* fine fence, artealan well, flower garden croouet ground, etc.; a bargain; bollt this sprl'na^nfv $300 cash; title clear. Mr*. JESSIE F SANDERSL XL. FOR SALE-FARM-OF 144 ACRES NEAR MAR shall Hall; fine timber; 1^)00 choice frnit trees new tobacco barn;lather tons and sheds B-roorn bouse; good condition. ^ Will sell cheap or wiU trade for city proptrtjn >'i No Incumbrance sm ns about thla ff! HT E. LODGE HIIL, ?"32t ,? ;))- ? 802 F st. n w A BABE OPPOBTUNITYWR PERSONS DESIR' lng small homes;'on tUa crest of thn rtttw RnXJB MOUNTAIN*, a?*bort drive frwn BIJI& MONT. This proMrty haa an altitude ^ nearR TWO THOUSANuTfEEIL overlooking the LoK DO UN ANO SHENANDUAH VALLEyI Sir ilt? of ten a. res each aril! .*e offered (o, ?u ,1 PUBLIC AUCTION SASWRDAY, AUGUST IT 1901, AT 12 O Oj,<fcat jON THE PROPERTY* CARRIAGES W'nXfTBEAT BLUEMONTSTA TION TO CONVEY!. INTENDING PURCHAOTM TO THE PROPH^TY. one should mias tbf chance to get a aipall Muntry residence at what 5S ALLEN. 1417 G H^ O-w.v a5l-th s FOR 8KVT-FABM^f8 PtfH MONTH; GOOD 8 room house; plenty trait, crops thrown in- laraa stock sp!eudld chickens; horse, bnggy- all verv G^v'P:n rremt ati?? bar**ln: be qi!S. MORRI SON. Berwyn, Md. aul-3t* FOR SALE?7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT $750- IRn down. Iialaoca $10 month. E. W.' PIERCE V lenna, Va. aul-flt* ' PERSONAL. OF COURSE, A BABY 18 A CRYING HV1L, BUT then we'll remedy all that should you send for us to call sn-1 psy yoo full cash value for men's **rF??D'?: ??tea by mall. JU8TH S OIJ) STAND, 618 D. au3-tf5 A LIMITED NUMBER OF SHARES IS OFFEBED In a biking company at $2.50 per share, par value $&. For prospectus apply to ARTHUR G ANDREWS, Boom 113, Columbian bid*, 418 fttb ?t. a.w. 1 m XORPHiNK, OPIUM, LAUDANUM. COCADm fcabit; myself cared; will Inform yon of bamla^a permanent home core. Mrs. BALDWIN; mU4-s,u Bok 1212, Chicago, FOR RENT?ROOMS. FVHIIUHBO. FOB KENT?LAROK FBONT ROOM; NEWLY furnished; convenient to pension and printing officea. 924 1st at- n.w. aa3-8t* FOR RENT - FURNISHED BOOMS ON FIRST. second and third floors. 916 H at. n.w. au3-2t* FOR RENT?THREE NICE ROOMS. SUITABLE for light housekeeping; convenient to government departments. 318 11th at. s.w. sn3-?t*_ FOR RENT?FUR. 907 M ST. N.W., LARGE 2D floor front room, with balcony. au3-8t* FOR RENT?TO SECURE COMPANY FOR WIFE, will rent pleaaant furnished room, beat and light, to a Kilned lady for $8 per month. 2V40 12th at., Brookland. It* FOB RENT?NEWLY PAPERED AND FURNISHED rooms; convenient for government clerks. 213 b ?t. n.w. an3-8t* FOB RENT?ONE FBONT FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen, at 811 18th at. a.w. au$-2t* FOR RENT?IDEAL SUMMER LOCATION. TWO miles north of Capitol; breakfast If de-?lred. Box 140, Star office. It* FOB BENT ? LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. 2D floor; southern exposure; with veranda. 004 M street n.w. au3-2t* FOB BENT?TO ADULTS. FOUB FUB FIRST floor rooms; l.h.k.; near market and three car lines. 1415 Columbia at. n.w., bet. 9th and 10th and O and P. It* FOR RENT-COOL SECOND FLOOR. FURNISHED for light housekeeping; near cars, library Mid census. 814 A n.e. It FOR RENT?A SUITE OF 8 ROOMS AND BATH on second floor. Apply 2446 P St. n.w. It Fv. - KENT?126 9T11 ST. N.E, TWO FINE 2D story rooms; fine location; summer rates. It* FOR RENT?TWO FURNISHED THIRI>-STORY rooms, 806 K at. n.w. au2-2t* FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS; LARtiK OR small; private family; no children; one block from two car lines. 93T French st. au2-3t* FOB RENT?ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR. TWO large bay-window rooms; 1 small (all front), and bain, heat and gas; private family. 600 Q st. n.w. au2-3t* FOR BENT-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; CEN trally located; cleanliness a specialty. 722 0th st. n.w. au2-2t* FOR RENT?NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUIT able for gentleman; convenient to avenue and Metropolitan cars. 1807 H st. au2-2t* FOR RENT?A BEAUTIFUL SUITE OF THREE rooms; partly furnished; new bouse; tile bath; In n.w. Address Bo* 148, Star olflce. aul-3t* FOR HENT?FURNISHE1> ROOMS; SINGLE OR double; $1 to |2 per week. 218 4th at. n.w. aul-6t* FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS. INCLUDING 2d-story front; porcelain bath same floor. 2007 Kalorama ave. n.w. aul-3t* FOR RENT?201. 203, 205 AND 207 KAST CAPI tol St., cool, well-furnished rooms; excellent table and service; near Library, Capitol and car llnea; transient guests accommodated. A few rooms will be rented unfurnished. anl-8t UNFCRNISHED. FOR RENT-THREE BEAUTIFUL UNFURNISHED second-floor rooms; bay window and alcove; beat, gas, bath; vacant September 1. 1414 *4 st. n.w. It* FOR RENT?1119 0TH ST. N.W.. THREE DE atrable unfurnished rooms; 2d floor; light house keeping, If desired. ? au3-2t* FOR RENT?THREE UNFUR. ROOMS, 2D FLOOR; large closets; furnace heat; no children. 155 F n.e. It* FOB RENT?IN HOME WITHOUT CHILDREN, 2 unfurnished rooms; outlook on Lincoln Park. 119 Ky. ave. s.e. au3-8t* FOR RENT?UNFUR., FRONT AND BACK PAR lor, in corner house; south and west windows; would suit physician; rent, $25. 921 O st. n.w. au3-3t* FOR RENT?2 UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping; 2d floor; bath on same floor; rent cheap to right party. 1735 N. J. ave. n.w. It FOR RENT-1448 Q ST. N.W., THREE PLEAS ant 2d-story rooma for l.b.k.; quiet and con venient and good winter beat. It FOR RENT-AT VERY LOW RATES. THREE second and two third-floor rooms, at 610 11th st. n.w. (opposite Woodward & Lothrop's); excel lent location for any light business or manu facturing or for otHces. Apply at the above number. It* FOR RENT?1616 13TII N.W., ONE BEAUTIFUL second-floor front room, unfurnished; fent rea sonable; excellent location. au2-2b* FOR RENT?2D .STORY FLAT OF 4 COMMUNI catlng rooms and 1 trunk room; very reasonable. 911 0th st. n.w., near Mass. ave. aul-3t* FIRKI8HEO OH VNFIRMSHBD. FOR RENT-SINGLE AND CONNECTING ROOMS: all sections. SWING'S REGISTRY. 54 Atlantic building. 928 F. It* FOR RENT?920 N. Y. AVE. N.W., FUR. AND unfur. rooms; singly or en suite. It* FOR RENT?FUR. OR UNFUR., BEAUTIFUL rooms, second or third floors; lioard if desired; ref. exchanged. 1259 Kenesaw ave., Columbia Heights. It* FOR RENT?A VERY ? HANDSOME SUITE OF rooms on 2d floor front; newly papered and painted; will rent cheap if taken at once. 1141 Conn, ave. au3-0t FOR RENT?FURNISHED OB UNFURNISHED?3 rooms for housekeeping. 125 0 st. n.e. au3-8t* FOR RENT?1231 NEW YORK AVE, DESIR able furnished and unfurnished rooms; cheap to permanent party. It* FOR RENT-TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished communicating rooms, extend ing clear through bous*; Junction four wide streets; near car lines; good neighborhood; $10 a month. Call after 5 p.m.. 408 H. I. ave.au2-2t* FOR RENT?THREE ROOMS! FURNISHED OR unfurnished; second floor. 184 P st. n.w. aul-3e* ROOMS AND BOARD. DELIGHTFUL FUR. ROOM; 2 BLOCKS FROM electrics; large grounda; abada; $8. Apply Poat office, Takoma. It* 2428 14TH ST. N.W.?A LARGE FRONT BOOM. 2d floor, with board; private family; one or two gentle men. It* AIItMONT HOUSE; BEAUTIFUL LOCATION IN the mountains; large, shady lawn; dancing pavil ion; all that first-class country boarding house af fords; large, cool, rooms. Address Mrs. H. S. ANDERSON, Alrmont, Londonn co., Va. It 1022 12TH ST. N.W.?IN DETACHED HOUSE; large grounds; lovely cool rooms; excellent table. Ref. exeb. au2-6t* CALL AT 1700 14TH ST. N.W. FOR BEST table board and large, cool front rooms; plaaxa all around house. au2-3t* FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD: ALSO PLEASANT rooms; good home cooking. 1233 Mass. ave. n.w. au2-3t* FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 1224 11TH st. n.w. aul-3t* FOR RENT?717 10TH ST. N.W., LARGE, NEW corner house, nicely furnished rooms; single or en suite; large closets, steum heat and good home table. Table board. Rooms for transients. Jy29-26t* FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOB BENT-LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED. MODERN offices; elevator, electric light, steam heat. Jani tor service; rent. $12.50; do extras. Metxerott bldg., 1110 F st. n.w. Je4-tf GA8CO BROS.. Agts.. 1807 F st. FOR RENT?DESIRABLE OFFICES IN THE Bliss building; electric light, telephone and Jan itor servio free; from $7.60 up. Inquire Boom 8, Bliss building. 36 B st. n.w. mh27-tf FOR RENT?STORES. I FOB RENT STORES? 607 F $30.00 I 1438 P $30.00 Cor. 17th and O.. .30.00 f 1000 25tb 16.60 au3-3t F. W. GRAHAM. 617 14th at. n.w. FOB BENT-STORE BOOM, CELLAR A DWELL Ing, corner 10th and M s.e.; largo store, fine cel lar; 7 large rooms. Good chance for live man. Rent, only $18. Apply to JOHN SCRIVENER, I 319 4% st. n.w. It MACHINERY, ETC. ELECTRIC FANS? NEELY ELECTRIC CO., Electric Contractors and Suppllas, 'Phone 1868. (Je22-4tf) 1828 G st. n.w. TWO SECOND-HAND STANDARD CEIIJNO FANS, laat rear's type; perfect condition; $29. * TALLMADGE & WILSON. Jy81-tf,4 Boom 610, Star building. MACHINERY. BOILEBS, SAFES, etc., hauled! hoisted and placed; estimates given. MER CHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.. Suc cessors Merchants'P.D. Co., 929 D n.w. 'Phone 859. Je22-4tf FOR 8ALE-KNOWLE8 COMBINED PUMP AND holler 7x4%xi0; 2-H.P. Otto gaa engine; flxli aide-eranx engine; 40-H.P. low-pressure locomo tive boiler; also 25-H.P. feed waterheater. J. K. HUHLKi! ?Phone 462. (jeZt-fltf) 1219 Ohio ave. DOGS, CATS, ETC. PBOFE88OB VICTOR, 1389 CORCORAN ST. Ex pert dog washer and flea destroyer. Dogs and cats boarded cheap. Pets called for and de llvered. au2-2t*_ MEADOWBROOK KENNELS-BEST PLACE TO board doga; *4 mile from city: shade; clean quar tets; kind attention; dogs called for and return ed B. L. PALMER, 2ll8 14th n.W. 'Phdne 171. Jy20-2flt FOB 8ALE?PARROTS. DOGS, OATS, BABBITS, pigeona, whits rats and mice. lncobator?^_ag? Lag birds, food. etc. SCHMTD'8 BIBD STOBB, m lltt st. a.w. myaa-tf.4 FOR EXCHANGE. FOB EXCHANGE? ___ Wanted to trad* some western property, well rented, for boos In city or suburbs. Alas Small house n.e. for house near weather bureau. A farm of 144 acrea, all buildings nearly lunteu H.U, be mu. FOR RENT?HOUSEa FCHIUSHED. A WaJQHTFDL SUMMER nOMK, furnished completely, at nominal rent. 1707 t^rooran it. llinRlflSHED. AVK- VE' HANDSOME vtarTb.k ^ br.;_ steam beat WnW *10R 18tb n. w ?ln?> 10r., hath. cellar, br. $42.50 308 M n.w., larva llr., batb. cellar, br.: ?team . .$42.50 M n.w., *"od JOr., batb and cellar br.$32 5o Ctor. Vt. are. and L iw . Urje store $50.00 _? JAS. M. YORE * SON, 812 Q n.w FOR RENT- BY W. C. DUVALL, 928 F ST. N W if?iiSKnW* ,?3rJL"-$7B 120,1 6,tl "W. 8r *? ?> liii ir **i5r*",^f S??1417 p" " "e,6r.b. 18.85 i??5. ?M2r.60.00 1421 Pa av se.dr.b. .18 35 ?01 14tb aw. 14r...36.78 J00 7th ne, 9r 28.00 1427 8th nw. llr...28.50 ?? *Ua, .* nw, 9r. .i?.'75 140 C ne, 8r. 25.50 ? .r"? **?? ? oturr,rw oincr nw.l.i.ou M?a.Otn,8r.27.30'70 Myrtle ne, 7r.. .18.40 1423 Pa *t se.6r,b. .18.35 7 Myrtle ne. Mr 17.50 8tore,eor 5th*P nw. 15.50 1105 Park at ne, Cr.. 15.30 912 lat nw, 4r 15.00 wi ZB.OO;912 lat nw. 4r 15.00 Jm IS Z/Z::::?ffua ????*?? ia!? n.w <* *-<>*?> tenants. nw, *r- $?00 1688 Covingt'n nw.4r.W? S?2I 7?.KT nw. *- -18.4o!2I17 Chester ct. 5r..7.50 oOo^tith1 ?V\ '' JR ^1837 Soutb Critr ct ?? 12th ne. 5r....l0.00| nw. 4r 8.00 'lso' ? F.AIRJrAX- 806-8 f N W. ?15? 1*3 ?^'le' Wr' ^ JS?-5? 1903 4t?? 7\rrj9n aY 12rjW0 50..17thAK nw. atore (75'^3$^r8? }?? *? t?-50..47 Ouiocy nw.8r.b $30.50... .3311* Pa ATM ^?50.-406-10 l8th. 10r.b J28.50.67 N Y a? nw Or b ^S?Q?hnW,12r,2b*',HJn0 -815 R,h *7K is?? ?^KnW' HJ 50' 2210 14th atu.ata mi , nw, 12r.b'$25.50.618 N Tar nw.flr b VS2? x- nw,ate?fcd $25.60. .1104 O uw Sr ha S f23 W..304 T nw, Or' ba !*7H*'itJ2 2 nw.12r b j25.30....320 T ' 73:i2?4KenW.V810^b lli!!" ^ ?SS UthVr^ ?"???!?? **? ba IS: 6 sa.iJJ c ?"??'?*5*8maW' ,?r- baj $22.60...711 S nw. Or.'ba [*'??* ^ nw, 9r. bt $22.50. ..AlO 9th nw fiat JS'an 10r' 1>*I$22 50.1?28 5th nw. ftr.b* >45.50.13L3 11th nw,10r.t>'$20.50. 611 F ne 8r t>a *45.50>.UM111th.nw.lOrb ,|?.5<>.82o' S*aton ne.Ar.b M ? ,1l?'l2? 5w -714 3,1 ?. 6r. ba Ho 7? litiS /^an ?r;12l F? 50 -c,? 0th ne. 6r. ba *4fl'S 91 ?i . nw.llr.b M0.604 K uw. 2 off 0 ' W.W.10^ M ^;^!^^ -Hr.ttaTlU.1 Md. ""50 1811 18th. 10r 50.3109 16th (10.50. .600 M w, 6r. ba 18.50...78 K ne. 6r. ba (18.50.602-6 M aa. 6r. ba ?18.50.1706 Ta a* nw.flat ?18 Randolph. Md. (17.50..1104 6th ae. tl7... 1116-20 C ne. flats !1?.5<>.641 1 tth ae, 6r, ba 115.30..517 9tb at ne, 6r ?15 Clarendon. \'a. 37.50.1017 13th nw.llr.b .^'5^-221 p? ar nw, ?to $3^.50.1304 13tb nw.9r.bai $35.50. .215 12th sw, lOr $35.50.1537 8th nw. Or. b $36-50. ..^.32 Q nw.' t^5"^0.1823 Ores uv,9r,ba >?iu Liar^nuon Va uw'f15-??4 F nw, 2 off r',ad fl Ms'S"fii??org.n ?"?0?,.??|$15.42a N J av nw.basmt $35 W.3423Mor^ n a? !)r.b $13.50.1422 24 I> Si Krt'i'-ii'i th' "'f13 2425 15th nw- ?r $33 50' 17^ l.f n" VrKb iiT^0-51 M st ?w.SrAato ^ it 1 .nw,8r baif12 30 1004 4th se. st?,5r 3-50"f2?7^ no' 0r|il2 1111 G nw, flat Itftn'ii?? rv Uw' 8r. ba $10..312 Ford a court, 4r ^50 1M1 ?<!^0n,n'2r,L,!!i?)1851 7th nw. atore 0 60^^ SLL5STSr*u ^b jJ 50- -1212 L Bt *? 5r 0M"'it^"u.KV ' r- b.a *7 ? ? ? ? ? 1319 Wylle ne, 5r ?>5fl "i^ V n%* lto,$? 30.?18 8t. Paul's curt IK50. .1111 N nw,!$0..709 O nw, off rooms IS*? KEVr~t, I 11229 N Y av, 12r...45.<>0 1706 R TW.'w ^ 0th nw- 7r M-W J7-JU o 1 *T' 0r....75.00|1512 T nw. Sr 83.00 j9r>^or?n. 12r. .50.00 1604 Q nw, Sr 30.00 1732 2oth n\r 9r...48.00 024 Uth nw, ilr 45.00 2S?07hnw< 8r 45.00 9w> ?th nw, at 45.00 It 824 I ne. 9r 27.5<) 1711 Pa a*. 5r 25.00 202^ 7tb aw, 6r...2o.50 720 13th ne, 7r 17.50 WlU.fAM K. KLUS. 525 11th it."'n.w. FOU KENT?IF YOU WANT A 1IOI SE w.m ?>fl3 VV,IAT yOD WANT. Will find you a house at once. urop a imstal Just when you want It and In what location. No charge. H. s. DONALCSON, 11 530 10th n.w. ^ir ^VT-TBKEE-OTORY 6-ROOM HOUSE, NO. zl. J! tu'? n-?- I:,*ar Mss?. are.; onlv $20.50 ^r month. Key at BICJYCI.E SHOP, cor. 9th and " ' au3-2t* 1hH .,U^T--NO- 1615 KlfiNESAW AVE, NEW brick, 10 rooms store room, trunk room, laundry, j??iet- ??ilar; 8t?am hpat- 0 fireplaces; out side blinds, wide south exposure; unrivaled view inquire on prcml*.-s. au3-3t* FOR IlKNT?$18 PKR MONTH; A-ROOM H?)1*SK modern lniprovcmonts; 1 square from Library and <?pltol. For keys apply to OWNER, 1115 S st. n-w- au3-2t* FOR RENT? 9r ? furnace $35 00 1008 K n.w.. 6r. and l>ath . ft3 tio 229 12th s.w., 9r? b ! ! 227 F n.e., 8r., hot water . *"?7 im) n T ' < ? , ?i lIr- b,,t w?t?r 35.00 <25 2d n.e., 6r. b. and bath 2(>3i? 121 13th n.e., 6r. aod bath... 20.00 317 Q n.e,, Cr. and bath 10 30 6<)2 M s e., 6r. and batb. new lA.'jo ??.?? 8?e?, Gr- au<1 bath, new 16.80 1314 11th s.e.. Or., water lo '14 T , STORES AND DWELLINGS. TAi\. ?g u w > b?kery, store and dwell. .$22.30 " 8-e-' 8tore, cellar and dwell.. 18.00 avo* n w" 8toro and cellar 75.00 14J0 f n.w., store room 20 oo It JOHN SCRIVENER. 310'4^ n.w. FOR RENT?1527 N. H. AVE., 20R. & 3B. .$2<X).00 linear 21st St., 12 rooms and bath 07.50 1720 I* st., 9 rooms and bath 50.00 7. ??ear 14th- Or. and b.; fine condition. 50 00 2120 N, lOr. and b.. hot-water beat 45 50 433 M St., Or. and b.. $40; with stable... 45.50 142 A st. n.e.. 12 rooms and bath 37 50 It WALTER A. BROWN. 1423 Pa. uve. FOR RENT?2000 15TH ST.. COLUMBIA HGTS.: 11 rooms, bath, furnace, wash trays, use of awnings, screens and shades free; $50.50 au3-3t* THOS. W. HLNdKRFOHI), 617 14th FOR RENT?517 S ST. N.W.; BRICK HOUSE; 5 rooms; excellent loi-atlon; house In good condi tion; only $13.30 per mo. Kevs at office. It THOS. E. WAGGAMAN. FOR RENT-BY MOORE A HILL. 717 14TH N.W. .1441 R I ar, 15r, 3b .1200 18th nw.15r.2b 175.. 1322 Vt av, 20r, 3b and stable. $125. .2401 Pa av, 14r, 3b and cafe. 110.1622 P nw,12r,b.sta i 175. .Mintwood pi, $40....2445 18th. 10r. ba $37.50.1917 13tb nw.lOr.b $36.50.3221 School, 12r, ha $35.50.3423Morg'n av.tir.b $35.50.3419Morg'n av,9r,b *35.50... 1724 18th, 9r, ba <35.50...32 Q nw, lOr, ba "1.50 129 T. 8r, ba . Jiiniwooa pi, iir.Da *^u.oo 129 T. 8r. ba i?' ;i2i7 18thl 14r> 2ba*30.60.54-6-8-60 V nw,8r.b 75..1308 R nw, llt^ ba $30.50.. .1903 4th, 9r. ba ; 12- ? JXii 9 nw,12r,ba 130.60.. 131 T nw, 8r. ba ^ nw,10r,ba $30.80. .1519 28th, Or. ba . ?-180S Belmontav.llr.b $29 937 T nw, 6r&ba ? -- ? -2408 18tb, llr, ba $27.50.3023 Omb'ge, 9r.l? 60.50.1704 p nw, 10r,ba $27.50.3005 Camb'ge, ?r.b ?6.. .1708 P nw, lOr, ba $25.50. .512 2d ne, 6r, ba 15^--iSiS1-,13"1* i01"' ba $25.50... 1539 29tb, 8r. ba 1512 R nw, lOr, ba $25.60.1336 Wallach. 7r.b ,$9>- \V2l 19th nwV 10r'ba &? -.322 T nw. 8r, ba 150. .1353 Harvard, lOr, b'to.50.1510 6th nw. 8r.b : Keneww, lOr. b $22.1026 lltb.ArAb.atable 50..2820 13th nw. 10r,b $16.30.1246 Wylie ne.6r.b ' S' ".v.1705 !0r, ba $16.47451 Pierce nw.Ar.w $50. .Flat, 1422 N, 5r, ba $15.50. .713 2d ?w. Ar. ba ^ n.w- 12r> 2b? $15-30.Flat 231 Pa av m 4S23 10r,2ba $14.30.. .1839 8th nw. 5r ^ .2804 Unlv pi. 12r,ba $13.50.. 1420-2-4 D ne,6r,b >45.50. .2131 N nw.lOr,ba 111...Flat 207 Va av se *5 - -. .-1323 T. ?r, ba ! 9. .705-7-9 2d se,flat,3r,b i?vX18i,6J* lOr- ba :?....1113 7th se, 5r, w ijo'Sn" ^ . ?r* ^ ,'8-.-Ilr 0 Grant pi, stab 18th, lOr, 2b $6.50. .009 Brown's se, 4r ^?? .o,1^?5,,22<1- ,>r- ,m $6 1214 Carlln SW, ?f HO-50-1M8 W nw,10r,2l. iS.Rr 2119 10th nw. 4r,w $40.50.1717 14th nw.lor.b : 15. .Stable rr 941 R I av if?'?" LP0'1 ^'r. ba $5..Rear 610 M nw, stab Mo. Flats, 1201 Whitney, | 4.. 186 Kendall, Ivy City fir and ba. I STORES. ?75.. 1141 9th nw, st&dw (60.1141 9th nw, sto only 155.Store, 1218 Pa av nw $65,229 Pa av se.sto&cel $40,901 13th nw, atore & fixtures. $40.1111 G nw, half atoro fl8 2701 P, atore OFFICE ROOMS in the "BALTIC IUJILD^a"" 606 F St., and CAPITAL SAVINGS BANK BUIli) ING, 609 b at.; also at 626 F at. and 338 Ind ave CALL AT OFFICE FOR WEEKLY BULLETIN. It FOR RENT 824 4ty sw, 0r,aml.$19.00 824 0th nw, 6r,imp. 15.00 434 8th sw, 6r,lmp. 14.30 317 12th sw, 5r,imp.l2.50 613 K aw, 5r, w&a.lO.CO au9-3t BY FIX)YD E DAVIS. 7th & E S.W. " ' '"^ 435 7th sw, st&dw.$35.00 Flat 721 7th8w.2dflJU.63 1315 C sw, 6r, Imp. 13.50 925 F sw, 6r, imp. .11.00 1221 Union sw,6r,lm. 10.50 FOR RENT?OUR CENTRAL I>OCATION. Q Mar 22d. llr.. .$60.00j 6th mar L, 9r. ...$42.00 N H ar, I6r 125.00 T near 10th, Sr...T35.50 Stanton pi, 12r. 75.00 28th near P 30.60 anS-3t* CLARK BROS., 1383 F at. n.w. FOR RENT? 2310 20b nw,12r.ami$46.50 1451 R I av,10r,aml.6&00 1335 lltb nw,9,ami.40.50 1340 Rlggs, 8r, ami.32.50 432 K nw.lOr,ami.$30.50 37 E nw, 10r. ami. .30.60 1001 E Cap, dr.aml.22.50 1614 14th, 1217 I ne, 6r, ami. .14.50 416 K nw, 7r, ami..30.56'2236 7tb. SrAstore.. 16 00 auS-tf R. C. BRADLEfY, 1303 F at. FOB RENT?f. H. SMITH CO., 1406 N. Y. AVE RENTAL AGENTS. 1408 I nw, 20r^b.$200.00 1414 15th, 14r&b..$75.00 1408 Stanghton,9r,b.35.00 233 R ne, 8r*b 27.50 24 F nw, 8r&b 23.00 2227 15th nw.6r&b. .21.00 2144 I nw, 8r&b 25.40 1714 13tb nw, 9r4b.48.00 1487 Fla ar. 8rAb. .25.00 2918 N uw, 8r 15.50 421 4th ae, 9r&b...80.00 715 11th sw,llr&b.50.00 ? ? - - - ?~Ul Mi IX) COLORED TENANTS. 1209 Mad., 4r $8.30 | 1338 B ne, ?r&b...$17.00 BUo-ot # FOR RENT-B. L. J. MIIXS, 608 6TH ST. N W 619 M nw, lOrAb..$35.5011120 7th nw,st*dw$25.50 2J QuJP'y ne. 6r&b.26.00 1826 7th 1503 6th nw, 6rAb. .24.25^910 4th nw,ato&7r. .20.50 auS-tf FOR RENT-JAMES F. SHEA, 843 Louisiana are. n.w. 1TO6 U at., cor. Conn, are., 10r., .$116.00 lit* ? *?' 10 J00?8' a m l-, 30.60 1818 15th at. n.w., 7 rooms, a.m.! 28.50 617 Md. ar*. a.w., 6 rooms, a.m.l 1016 21* at. n.w? ? roorna, a.m.i:.:::..! ^i2 Bt- ? w.. 7 rooms, a.m.l 620 23d at. n.w., 8 rooms, a.m.l 12tb and V ata. n.w., atore 1829 L at. n.w., 8 rooms and water. 701 I at. 8.C.. 7 rooms and water... au3-tf 20.50 20.50 18.50 18.80 15.00 15.00 12.00 FOE RENT?938 P ST. N.W.; 0 ROOMS: MOD Imps.; new rang*; new latroba: booa* In good order; cheap at $35.80. OAYWOOD ft GARRETT 18tb at. ana N. Y. are. n.w. aoS-3t* * FOR RENT?2108 I ST. N.W.; 8 LARGE ROOMS' bath and cellar; In perfect condition: $25.60 par month. 2108 H at. n.w.: 8 rooms, bath and cellar; In good condition; $82.50 per month. 2 large well lighted office rooms, 2d floor, at 1829 F at. n.w.; price reaaonable. ELLERSON * WEMPLE. anS-St 808 14th at. n?w. FOR RENT?IN NEW, HANDSOME HOU8E." fronting park, second floor: tiled bath; a.m.i.; ^s5fxs~; ^ "?? ^sr FOR RENT?HOUSE& l Wrt'RKISHBn. rOR RENT MARTIN BROS. 1027 Od ?t.. 9 rooms; ?.m l $40 BO 1419 ^>tb St.. 9 rooms; ? m.t 40 Bo 1918 18th St., W rooms. >.01.1... 40 50 1917 13th at., 10 morns. a m.t 87 5o >?15 W ?t, 8 moraa 35 !Vi 19w7 13iu it, 8 nmina. k.n.l Sfc.Bo 1833 ISth at., 7 rooms. am 1 28 50 822 2b'th at., S rooms, a m I 1"23 2Kch st. 8 rooms, a.m l 2n.8?t 1112 26th st., 5 rooms, water 17 So 1214 Linden pi. n.f , 6 rooms, am 1 15 >? 1233 22d st.. ft rooms, <rit?r 18 ?? 1140 19th st . 4 rooms, water 14 tut 1121 29th St.. 4 rooms, water 13.BO 1123 29th Ht, 5 rooius, water 13.80 818 28th St., 6 rootita. water 13. So 2311 Vt. nirw., 6 rooms, water 12 5o 719 23d St., 5 rnomn. water 12 Jo 8323 S st., 4 rooms, water 10 so 1215 25th st. 5 moms 9 i?) 22ihi II st.. 8-roora flat, bath 8**0 014 Hughes ct.. 4 rooms, water 7.80 2116 X st., 2 rooms sod stable ft <*> 124 18th u.e.. 2 rooms 3.0O Large store n.w. suitable for grocery..... 2l?.U? MARTIN BROS.. 102ft Pa. are. (It) 'Phone main 1111. FOR RENT Brick dwg. 1538 9th n.w., 10 rooms $40.oo Brick dwg. 1104 9th o.w., 14 rooms fV<?> Frame dwg. 322 lat B.e., 5 rooms 12 OO Brick dwg 1435 Ohio are. n.w.. 8 moms... 13 4o Store and dwelling 414 O n.w., 7 moms... 2ft 0<) Store and dwelling 1800 PI a. bt? n.w ? Store and cellar 1318 7th at. n w., reduced. 32.50 Store and cellar fc>6 10th st. n w SB.00 au3-6t LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 920 K n w. FOR RENT-NEAT BRICK UOfSE; 8 ROOMS, all mod. Improvements: tile bath mom; tile Tea ttbnle; In perfect condition; small family. SO yulncy at. n.w.; $23 50. au3-3t CHAS. 8. SHREVE. 1007 7th st. n.w. FOR REXT? 1411 K st. n.w., 11 moms, 2 baths, atable.$123 00 1819 8 st. n.w.. 9 rooms, bath, stable.... 80.00 718 11th at. n.w.. 13 rooms, bath So#) 1819 K at. n.w., 9 rooms, bath OO.Oo 1529 Sth at. n.w.. 9 rooms, bath, stable.. 87.80 730 11th st. n.w., store room 40.00 1808 9th at. n.w., 11 moms, bath S3 00 38") H at. u.e.. 8 moms, hath, atahle.... 85.00 310 M st. n.w.. 8 rooms, bath 30. uo 1201 4th st. n.w., 7 rooms, bath 30 00 ?112 5th at. n.w., 0 moms, bath 25 00 989 N. H. are. n.w., 8 moms, bath 2S.<Mt 1200 Md. ave. n.e., 6 rooms, bath ? OO 60N 6th at. n.w., 8 moms, hath *1.90 716 5th at. n.w.. 8 rooms 20 30 418 Q at. n.w., 6 rooms, bsth 20.50 1516 <olumbla st. n.w., 7 rooms, hath... 20 00 1883 T at. n.w.t 5 rooms 14.00 2084 E at. n.w., 6 room* 13.Oo 511 D at. n.e., 0 rooms 12.50 A. F. FOX COMPANY (Inc.), It 920 F at. n.w. FOR KENT BY B.F.SAUL, S.R.COR7n"HAl7v\V 621 7th $140.00 908 9th nw. 4rfth fl.22.2A 1307 Clifton, 14rfth.75.00.1349 Gth nw. store. .18.50 1817 KalVaaT.12r2bOO.So. 1002 Gth nw, 8r 18.50 2520 13th nw.10rftb.50.0oTT07H 7th 18.00 1107 17th nw,Orftb. 45.00|756 Sheridan. GrAb.lSOO 1207 Gth nw, lorfth. 40.55 608 M se, 6rftb 17.50 619 M nw, lOrftb.. .35.50,1108 8th se. 8rftb. ..17.50 1508 7th nw,stn,c*1.35.00l8S Hanorer at.6rftb.17.50 1308 Itlgga uw.9rftb.32.50,1015 11th nw.stftcl. 18.Bo 415 K nw, 0rftb.sto.3o.50 18141, 7th. atoftlr. .13.50 1307 7th nw, stft3r.30.50;824 6th 15.00 1816 7th BthftP nw, atoftcel. 2007 H nw. Orfth.. .80.00 1427 5th nw. lOrftb.28.50, 916 P nw, 6rftb 28.oo; 1025 7th nw,sto,cel.27.50 140 U nw.flr.bftcel. .27.50 27 P na. flrftb 25.BO 192U 8th nw. 5rftw.14.3il 1017 7th nw,4r.3d fl.13.00 418 O nw. 4r flat.. .12.00 SOS H ne. shop 12.0(i 1159 Sth nw. store. 12.00 621 7th nw. 3r flat. 12.oo 1118 7th nw,atftdw.23.60 8128 7th nw, ato... 10.50 1137 7th nw,st&cel.25.50 1430 lat nw. 4rftb fl 25.00 1508 8th nw. Orftb..24.50 814 G ne, 7rftb 23.50 1530 10th nw, rtrftb. 22.50 435 X nw. 6rftsta. .22.50 237 2d nw, 8rftb...22.50 1424 1st nw. GrAh..22.50 Stab nr 12thftF nw. 10.00 450 Franklin, store. 10.00 414 Kranklln.6r (coll.8.50 217 4V? 1035 7th nw, bssmt-.S.OO 238 Pomeror, store .8.00 452 D nw, off ra, $7 A 18 am llth nw.ahop.'idfl.S.Oo Office rrna. at 512 F at. n.w., steam heat. au3-tf FOR REXT? Store, 707 9th nw.$45.00,2437 18th nw. 12r.*40.00 513 II nw 45.50'Office rooms. 13o7 F nw. 1751 N nw 150.00; 1803 19th nw 70.00 1819 19th. cor 0reg.80.00' Flata, 1214 Mass. are. n.w., 6r. ft b $80.00 Flats?The Elmore, llthftH n.w., $37.00 ea., Orftb. 1513 10th nw, unfurnished, $150; furnished, $300. auS-Ot* TYLER ft RUTHERFORD. 1307 F ?t. FOR REXT? .1315 19th nw.fur.8r $95.Wash'n Grnre, fur.Sr $75 1921 N nw, lOr 128.50 809 3d ne. 9r $27.50 1211 B so., Sr $27.50...2313 M nw, lor ~ ~ 50 1917 2d nw, 7r $27.1 0 1754 M nw. 13r $27.50 1227 E nw. 7r 27.5o. . 1110 X H a?, Gr 120.50 907 4th nw. 8r 125 2217 H nw. 7r 121.40. . .1241 9th nw. Sr $20.30..1421 Pierre pi. Or $18.50 419 2d ne. 7r $18.30 1303 F ne, Or $18.30...915 llth nw. 8r $18.OO 50 I' nw. Or $45.60 2203 K nw. Or! $15.3o. 1216 Write ne. Or (45.45.1408 H'pklnsnw,9r, $14.30 921 V nw. G* $45..The Victoria, fur. 5r $13.00. .03 Pierce nw, Gr "45..The Leamington, 5r $12.50.1708 Sea ton nw.Cr $G1.?7. .221 E Cap st. llr $01.80. ..1000 22d nw. 9r' [155.70 1929 K nw. llr (55.45 1314 Q nw. lOr MS0 50..2G00 Untv pi, llr ISO. 1215 Mass ?t se, lOr 150..The Thomas, apt.5r BO 1321 llth nw, lOr M8.15. ...1923 K nw, lOr I 45 315 Pa st, store $12.30. .912% 25th nw, Gr $43.10 2201 K nw, 9r ,$12.30. .2128 10th nw. Gr $42.50 1325 T nw. 8r $12 1330 15th nw. 4r $40.90.. .819 19th nw, 9r $12 32!) 7th se. Horn $40 1200 G nw. Hat;$10.30. .33 Fenton ne. 5r $40 032 Pa ave, 8r"$9 22 Jackson ne, 4r $37.50 2148 F nw. Or $8.50 1901 ?.)^ nw, 4r $35.Go. .. .1747 F nw, Nr $8.30 3627 0 nw. 4r $35.50 1413 Q nw. Or $S loOO W nw. 3r ..1252 10th nw, 7r $8 2 Krlatoe ct. 4r & 35 The Milton, Gr $8 501 I> nw. oiflce 2..50... .1921 2d nw, 9r $8 25o4 15th nw, 4r 30.50..1409 Corc'n nw,8r $6.30 1228 2d sw, 4r $30...140m 14th nw. 4r $5 1130 <rushlug mt. 4r For complete list of property for rent send fur weekly bulletin. tf B. H. WARNER CO.. 918 F n.w. FOR REXT?BY Til OS. J. FISHER ft OO., INCORPORATED, 1414 F ST. N.W. 1822 Vt a*. 2or. .$175.00 1717 I st, 13r 125.00 1812 11 st. 15r 125.00 1901 F at, 17r 125.00 8043 P st nw, 17r. 125.00 2021 Hlllyer pi. 10r.45 00 916 12tb st, lOr 45. OO 1707 O st nw, 14r. .40.88 1523 O st nw, 8r. ,35.??? 1508 R st nw, 7r...35.<M 1645 K st nw, 18r. 100.00 1212 T st nw,' 8r. ...85.00 1632 K st nw lor. 100.00 2410 14th st nw. Or.38.00 1744 M st, lor. ... 100.00 1410 Chapln st, 9r.85 00 1730 g st nw. 12r..75.00 1521 O at nwTrr.. .35 00 1906 N at nw, lOr. .76.?> 1584 29th st. 7r 30.oO 1014 14th st, 14r...75.00 1411 Chapln st, 9r. .30.00 1711 De Salea, 10r..75.00 1205 80th st nw.llr.25.00 1824 13th st, 13r.. .7.>.o0 1346 Wall'h p nw* Gr22 ,"h) 1708 y st nw, 8r...65.63 D17 E st sw, Cr 2O.50 2^2 S \ aT- 1364 4Vi ?t "W. Gr. .20.00 905 E st nw. 13r. ...65.00 516 7th st sw, 8r...l?50 1802 Belmont aT.10r.65.oO 208 7th st se. 5r 15 OO 1803 Belmoat aT.10r.65.00,26 Mass ar ne, 7r. .15.00 2406 18th st nw.lOr.65.00! 1373 H st ne. 5r. ..14 oO 18 Iowa circle, 10r..60.001208-20-28 1st st sw, #02 E st, llr.......60.001 Gr, ea?-h 12 50 1305 Yale at. I2r.. .60.00 !?oo\? I at se, ?r... 10.50 ^33 Q nw, llr.;.. .55.00,1819 Hth nw (rr),4r..8.5<> 720 10th st nw, lOr.50.00 1739 S st nw, 9r.. .50.00 930 N Y aT nw, 14r.50.00 408 T at nw, lOr. ..50.00 2100 14th at nw, 9r.5O.O0 2084 BUlyef pi, lOr.30.00 1920 O at. 9r 50.00 1443 Q at, 9r 45.00 \2U B I ar nw,10r.45.00 1451 N at. 14r 45.00 FLATS 3A6 Baldwin's row, Br, each 8.00 16 Watklna pi. Chary Chase, 2r 5.00 Lot 1, aq 630, Dal aT ft C at sw Offer Lots 19-25, aq 879, bet. MaasftDel ara ft V ne, per an'tn.1.200 The Maury. No. 33. 3d floor, 4r $40.00 1104 14th at nw,2r.20.00 ? b * y. Flat o. m..:?)oo. OFFICES lite Marlon. 4 ft 8 rms. from $32.00 to $ each ink atu. Bldg 8thftD ata...$250.00 612-14 F at, 2d fl.. 100.00 602 E at. llr 60.00 1421 F, 2d fl front- .25.00 1421 F, 3d fl front. .25.00 612-14 F at. 2r 15.00 820 T at. desirable offices 605-7 7th, desirable offices "Century bldg," new bldg, all lmpa, single rooms from $12 to $23 mo. Entire Ooora. 1108 F at nw, No.4.10.50! |12S per mo. F st, 1114 F at, dealrable '>(T 's; 517 14th st nw STORKS. 1423 F at, desirable offca'1344 F at nw. larg* room Bldg 2100 906 E. rear ahop or store room 20.00 1328 10th st 20.00 8thftD ata. ..$25o.oo 14th at nw... .50.00 733 7th at 50.00 2925 M at 85.00 CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE RENT ING AND COLLECTION OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTIES. For full llat of furnished and unfurnlabed houses, ?ata. offices, atom and atablea apply at office. au3-tf FOR RENT?BY J.C. WEEDON ft CO.. 224 B. CAP. 818 A ae, 8r $35.501310 A ne. 9r $35.50 416 A ae, 7r $26.501225 F ne. 7r $27.50 11 9th se, 8r $35.50 52fi 12th ne, 6r S22..VJ 1262 llth se, 6r.. .$12.50;?94 Acker ne, 8r. .$15.50 411 12th ae, 6r $14.00jl354 B ne. 6r $10.00 14 6th at. n.e., 4 rooms and bath, flat $18.00 au8-3t FOR RENT? 1425 Q, lOrftb $40.00 621 IT. 12rftb 40.00 1164 19th, lOrftb. . .50.00 14(?3 17th. erftb.. .$?).? 10 2081 H. krStb 80 00 1627 Marlon, 7rftb. .22.50 Flat 1915 4th,5rftb. 17.50 au3-3t F. W. GRAHAM. 617 14th at. n.w. FOR RENT?709 8TH &Ei,LRG.ST.ftDW.,M.I.$35.00 230 B a.w., large store and dwelling, m.l.. 25.50 488 E aw, 9r, m.L$25.50 j 817 4Ji aw, wa $15 50 854 H sw, 6r, w... 12.50 | B.LEONARD, 630 4ft aw. a?8-3t* FOR RENT? 1869-1861 ft 1866 Mint wood place n.w., ISr., 2 hatha, br? a m i. Each $79.00 1741 Q at. n.w., 10r., a.m l $05.00 911 H at. n.w., llr., bath. a.m.l., atable...$65.09 3006 Kal. aTe. n.w., br., a.m.l $50.00 917 R at. n.w., llr.. bath, a.m.l. atable.. .$60.00 82 Q at. n.w., 9r., br., a.m.l $36.50 1903 4th at. n.w? 9r.. bath, a.m.1 tto.oo 822 T a.', n.w., 9 moms, a.m.l 825.50 404 Sth at. a.e., 6r. and atore $19.40 1020 Klnga court n.w., 5 rooms $7.30 LOCIS D. WINE ft CO.. 1304 F St. n.w. >c25-tn. th.s-tf FOR BENT? 1609 13th, 8rftb...$60.0011728 Cor. at. Orftb.$45 50 1684 T BW, lOrftb. .50.0011754 Madison. Orftb.48.60 Cbestnnt are., Takoma Park, 14r. ft b 40.00 HEI8EELL ft McLERAN. mie-th.a.t-tf 1008 F st. ?.w. FOR RENT-R. W. WALKER ft SON, 1008 F ST. 2616 19th, llr, 2b.$76.00 2017 19th nw.9rftb. .46.U9 1817 l?th nw,14r*b. 76.00 1712 llat BW.10rftb.66.00 1408 llat. lOrftb. ...86.00 1830 14th nw.atftd..66.00 918 Del bt mm. ttr...10.30 1720 i> R gr 60.00 ftAT.r. AT OFFICE FOR COMPLETE BULLETLV. FOR RENT?CNFl'Rj, ON OR BEFORE SfST. 1, S rooms: a.m.l.; $27.60; or owner would keep hall room for atorage and rent for $26.50. Call ?1807 T st. b.w. *al-lt? FOR RENT-BY ROBERT H. STONE, 804 F N.W. 129 T nw, 8rftb 80 00 1638 80th nw,6rftb.27.00 1908 4th nw,9rftb. .26.00 1108 7th .$26.50 1781 Pa bt. .26.00 2009 P, Jtore, dwelling, <11 L at $40.00 328 7th ne,llr,ba.. .28.60 j ^31-tf FOR RENT?1780 Q ST. N.W.. 11 &MS.| 2 BaT 8040 14th n.w., ? rooms and bath .$4?.6o 118 F n.w., 8 noma and hath 27 50 S211 F a.w., ? rooms and hath 28.50 48V4 HanoTer n.w., 4-room flat 1X80 RALPH W. LEE. Real Batata and Insurance, Jy90-0t 1404 G at. a.w. FOB RENT?1828 AND 1882 9TB N.W., 8 AND 10 rooma. reapectlTely; also boase next door to Eaat Caj " FRANK rooms. reapectlTeb; also boase next door to t Capitol and Sth ata.; food Jtelghborhooda. INK T. BROWNING. 4X2 8th St. n.w. vS-tfL.