Newspaper Page Text
FREE MESSENGER NEW ADVERTISING RATES. I cent a word under the following classifica ticns. Smallest charge 15 cents. For Rent-Rooms. Rooms and Board. Boarding. Wanted?Help. Wan ted?Sitnatlons. If not convenient to call at main office with your advertisements leave them at the following STAR BRANCH OFFICES: fth and T sts. n w., CrlsweH's Drue Store. 14th anil H ?ts n.w.. St. I?ula Hotel. 8U) and E. Cap. ats., llaley a Drug Store. ith and IT sts. n.e.. Griffith's Pharmacy. 2d *t. and Pa. ave a e., I>obyn's Pharmacy. Wharf foot of 11th at. *.w. 15th and Vt. aTe.. King's Pharmacy. 14th and R. I. ave., lluddleson's Pharmacy. 16th and U ?t?. n.w , Portner Pharmacy. 14th and Welling place. Eppler's. 32d and M sts.. O'Donnell s Pharmacy. 32d and O sts , O'Donnell'a Pharmacy. Bond bldg., Cigar Stand. Woodward & Lothrop. S. Kuan, Sons & Co. ? 12 Pa. ?t?. 8th and F. C. 8. CapltoL ?th and 11. City P. O. National. Ehbitt. RISKS WANTED?HELP. MALE. WANTEI? YOUNG MAN. 16 YEARS OF AGE. living with Ills parents, to learn the shoe bus iness. Apply lu person, F. CROCKER, 939 Pa. J*?; it* WANTED ? BOY ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD TO learu diug business. Address Box 19, Star office au7-2t* WANTE1>?MALE STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE writer. Answer mail. Address "WORKER," Star office. Wanted yoi'mi man as dishwasher; ala" one for shop work. 510 F n.w., 2d floor. It* WANTED ? A YOl TH W HO HAS HAD SOME experience in feeding steam-power job printing presses. Address Box 157, Star office. an7-3t WANTED A YOUNG MAN IN A URAL ESTATE office with some knowledge of bookkeeping and must he a tyj>ewrlter. Box 63, Star office, -t WANTED RELIABLE YOUNG MAN FOH BOOK store; also la-ight boy from country. 621 F n.w. lt. WANTED?4 COLORED MEN TO CONCRETE; report 7 o'clock Saturday morning. BARBER & au7-2t* WANTED MEN OF GOOD APPEARANCE AND address, energy and ability to Interview adver tiser*. Special inducements offered when ability ts demonstrated. Gall bet. It) and 12 MAT THEWS NATIONAL advertising CO., War der l>!dg.. 9th and F sts. lt# WANTED A THIRD HAND ON CAKES. IN qulre BAKERY, 318 King St., Alexandria, Va. au6-2t* W A NTED?A STEADY. ACTIVE AND EXPEBI eneed clerk, preferably married, to assist In of fice and to act as shipping clerk; steady posi tion. salary $50- $w> per month. Address, stat Ing references. Box 02. Star office. au6-3t* WANTED ?A GOOD BAKER; STEADY EM ployment. THEODORE KREISEL, Warrenton. *a nu6-3t* WANTED ?A REGISTERED DRUG CLERK; must he competent and well recommended; per position; salary, $60 per mouth. Address PHENOL, star office. au5-3t* WANTED COMPETENT MALE STENOGRAPHER and typewriter. Address. In own handwriting, giving age, exjnirleuce and machine used Box *!2- 11 "? au5-3t FEMALE. Wanted an experi en<*ed cook at 1502 H n w.; stay nights. Tall at once. It* WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN PAST 30, AL reudy profitably engaged; none unemployed need answer. Address Box M, Star office. au7-3t* WANTED ? A YOUNG LADY AS stenogrv pber and typewriter with a knowledge of h.M>k keeping. Address LADY STENOGRAPHER Star office. au7-2t* WANTED?GOOD COOK. J15; HOUSEMAID, *12: assistant laundress. *15. Also five general housu Workers. LADIES' EXCHANGE. 614 13th. It* WANTED A LADY To RUN A VERY PROFIT S''''' business In conjunction with advertiser must be Intelligent and have at least Jl.itoo; will be required to deal with ladies only; this Is a good chance for the right person. Address ?. M. star office. au7-2t* W"VN"1'K1' -SKTTLED WHITE WOMAN TO COOK vash and iron for family of two in country; go,?i hone and fair wag?s. A. F. M., Galthersburg, -Ji? au7-2t* WANTED SEVERAL WOMEN FOR OFFICE AND ?tor.' work; fr> to $12- 51o F n.w., 2d floor. It* WANTED A REFINED WHITE WOMAN FOR keep^ng^ Apply l3ia Columbia road. au7-2t* WANTEI*?A 8BOBT "DISTANCEIn THE CoI% try, on the B. and O. It. R. and within six luln ?i ? "f a colored cook to as ?1st with washing and Ironing In a family of two Address, stating wages and where to be seen! Hox 45. Star office. It* WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework refs. required. Call 1323 It. I. ave. n.w. It ' WANTED MANAGING HOUSEKEEPER- ALSO three bright girls for special work. Apply Thurs day. 621 F n.w. it. W'ANTED- EXPERIENCEI> SALESLADIES FOR the millinery dept. In a large Baltimore house permanent position and g.u.d salary to competent hands. Address MILLINERY, 2116 Bolton ave., Ba"ln">r*- an6-3t male oh female. Wanted?an energetic, trustworthy young man or lady; $12 a week. Applv COOK J'Tji st. n w au7-St* WANTED?AGENTS. AN TED AGENTS To SELL "ROUND-POINTED pens the new kind of pens. Thev do not scratch nor spurt the Ink. the points being round ed by a uewly Invented procesa. They glide over , ^'UKhest paper and write smoother than a gold pen, and will outwear several times the ordinary steel pene. Put up in patent boxes at popular prices. Liberal commission. Write for terms. *c. to O. HOWARD HUNT CO.. Camden N J., the finest and most modern pen factory in lue w?>ri<l. ^^ WANTED?KCX)MS. WANTED 4 TO ? ROOM FLAT; HEAT, GAS T ki J ? i rtUt to ?*<*?<! *20 Address fv?x m. star otno*?. ? W.tNTKV 2D STORY FRONT rTnTm (bay-window preferred, for two ladles, between Mass ave. and O st. and ftth and 15th sts n w ? private family desired. Address MAY J \SPEr' General Delivery. au7-3t* WANTED BV A SINGLE LADY, FRONT ROOM Tvr., and hall room, unfur., iu private familv' to. exp . centrally located, near car line, t,r au7 ?t*rM,#<"1* Address R B. A.. Star office. Van TED PLEASANT ROOM, WITH BO \RD by gentleman musically Inclined, within walking distance Interior Impertinent: price not to ex ceed fa>. Address GOVERNilENT CLERK. Star Ottke- lt. WANTED?HOUSES. ^;V>3,K1> ?TO BUY A HOUSE, CENTltAU.Y LO cat eel, with about T ruoniM and modern luibrore .rrtS8 t,,T Iuod?r*te price. A ldress ??A.Ml H., Star i>ffice. au7-3t* HOUSE, ABOUT $100 monthly n w of lflth and K. Also have yearly tenant for $?<> fur. bouse. Many applicants for ? oall unfur houaes. CI^\RK BROS, 1333 F n.w, auf>-oT Wanted-house of ? or 10 ro<jms nice ^."^*1^ed near government printing office, for which 1 will pay aU cash, price Dot more than AddreaaW^B. M-. Star office au5-3t? WANTED?MLSC E L LANEOUsT WANTED?I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PIHCES FOR LADIES' AND GENTS CAST-OFF CLOTHING. ADDRESS A POSTAL AND I WILL CALL. R TARSHES, 13i?8 7th n.w. au7-4t* WANTEl??FEATHMtS; TlliJllEST CASH PIHCK paid for old feather beds. All orders promptly attended to. Send postal to B. M. WEINSTEIN m CO.. 481 Missouri ave. Jyl6-26t* W ANTE3? - CASH PAID for furniture CAR peU. atoves and office fixtures of all kinds. Fur niture stored, packed and shipped. Addraaa BAUM. t>12 Pa. ave. n.w. 'Phone 1234. au?-tf WANTED?A SECOND-HAND MODERN FIRF proof safe; size about 3o by 40 inch?*s; state size and prlca. Address SAFE, Star office. au6-2t* wanted ? a good second hand t y p e . writer for cash; give full description, make and m TYPEWRITER t) . Star office auo-at* WANTKD-A. KEBEKKY. 1306 7TH ST N W l'Vi \ r*?h prices for ladles", gent a' and children s cast-off clothing and and hata. Ad<lrg? a postal and I will call. au3-5t# ? FBOM U0 UPWARD LOANED ON furniture storage receipts. unsettle<I estates seo ond truata. life policies, salaries and other se curities. Apply residence, 2020 12th st n w ? 0P*n evenlugs. Jyl7 26t?" JRjjrTED??LX> OOLX>, SILVER, I)IAMO.\D3T old-time watches, dentist gold, platinum teeth F ,or c,,b; Pawn tickets bought. jylg-tf LOUIS ABRAHAMS. 433 ?th st. n.w. Wju^T.??r L9P_ tTAJ'K ANY FEATHER BEDS. dtura. raraata, office fixtures or show cases PfJ 7ou to drop postal to I. EEIEDMAN. 803 D at. n.w. Jyl-78t*4 WANTED?SITUATIONS. HALE. WANTED?BY AN HONEST AND INDUSTRIOUS colored uiau, a plate to work lu a hoime or drive or do laborer's work or work In a delivery stable. Please call or address H1LKV JACKSON, 11113 R ?t. n.w. It* WANTED?AD. MANAGERS POSITION; WILL, give part or whole time; references. Address AD.. Star office. au6-2t* WANTED-BY EXPEItlENCED DOUBLE-ENTRY bookkeeper and office uiau, competent and reli able, posltlou; No. 1 references. Address Box 2oo. Star office. au6-3t* WANTEI>-POSITION BY REGISTERED DRUG clerk with experience; can give best of reference. Address Box 15*v, Star office. auti-2t* WANTED?BY YOUNG MAN, A PLACE AS ALL round Job work or day work. Call at 1423 11th ?t. n.w. au5-3t* FEMALE. WAN'IM)?BY NICE COLORED GIRL. S1TUA tion?nurse or chambermaid; work, anything, by man. Address Box Wl, Star office. It* WANTED-BY HIUHLY RESPECTA BLE COL ored girl, place as chambermaid or to do general housework. Address 32 Defrees St. n.w. It* W ANTE! v?BY A SETTLED WHITE WOMAN, situation In small family to cook, wash and iron; best city references. Address Box 170, Star of flce. If WANTED?BY COLORED GIRL, WORK BY DAY or place as chambermaid. 1305 S st. n.w. aui-2t* WANTED?BY NEAT" RESPECTABLE COLORED girl, place as nurse or chambermaid. Address 13.13 V st. n.w. au7-2t* WANTED BY COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN, also colored help, general work or chambermaid. 1H35 11th st. n.w. It* WANTED ? BY COLORED GIRL, PLACE AS chanilH-rmald. NANNIE PATE, 223 C s.w. It* WANTED-BY COLORED WOMAN, WASHING; tiist-class rough-dry work. 2037 9th St. n.w. It* W A NT ED?SEWING IN FAMILIES; FINE UN derwear. children's clothes mending, assist with dressmaking; references. Box 141, Star office. 1* WANTED?POSITION BY AMBITIOUS YOUNG lady stenographer and typewriter; moderate sal ary. Address 311 F st n.e. It* W A NTE1 >.SITUATION BY A GERMAN GIRL, with reference, in private family, for general housework. Address Box 100, Star office. It* WANTED- BY COLORED GIRL. PLACE AS cook In private family; references. 1719 20th at. n.w. it* WANTE1?? HOMES FoR A NUMBER OF GOOD white and colored help, cooks and general work ers. Call 1WT. Valley St.. Georgetown. It WANTED PI ACE BY' GIRL, 16, TO DO WORK of any kind. Cull 2014 Florida ave. n.w. It WANTED - BY A FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS, laundry work at home, far or near; clothes called for. 1*837 11th Bt. n.w. 11 WANTED ? WASHING TO DO AT HOME OR out by the day; good laundress. 410 L st. n.w. a u6-2t* WANTED?BY A LADY OF 40, WITH A GOOD business education, a place of any kind; respect able, willing and obliging; ref. Address D. K. S., Star office. au6-2t Wanted by a colored girl, place to nurse. 014 T st. n.w. au5-3t* FOR RENT?FLATS. FOR RENT ? NEAT APARTMENTS IN "THE Farrell." No. 716 7th st. li.w.; 4 rooms, tiled baths and storage rooms each; $22.50 and $23.00. A. F. FOX CO.. Inc.. 92o F st. n.w. au7-3t FOR RENT?ON 2D FLOOR, HANDSOME FLAT, 8 rooms or more; newly painted aud papered. Also large back room, $15. Third-floor back room, $10. 1141 Conn. ave. n.w. au7-Ut FOR RENT?SPLENDID 6-ROOM FLAT; Abso lutely private bath, etc. 900 9th st. s.e., cor. I. S CAltlt. 1335 F n.w. uu7-3t FOIt RENT?IN THE LAFAYETTE, 1607 7TH ST. n.w., one of the best Hats In the city for the money; 4 rooms aud tiled bath; porcelain tub; cabinet mantels; handsome papering; gas range; steam heat; hot water furnished to bath and sink from the cellar; bicycle and storage rooms in cellar; janitor, &c. Open for Inspection. Call a't office for further particulars. autt-tf B. F. SAUL. 7th and L sts. n-w. FOB RENT?FLATS?THE BERTHOLDT, NEW, 6 rooms; hot-water heat; tiled bath; fronts a public park; $35. W. P. LOCK WOOD, cor. loth and G sts. n.w. au5-3t* FOR RENT?THE ALEXANDER. 1511 U ST. n.w.; beautiful 5-room apartment; southern sun ny rooms; daintily luruished; finely appointed; single or en suite; furnished or unfurnished. CARLETON B. HAZARD, 612 14th st. n.w. au3-l w FOR RENT?3 TWO-STORY FLATS; <104 TO 8 Whitney ave. n.w.; 5 large rooms and bath; cel lar; porches frout und back. Price, $10-50 per mouth. L. E. BREUNIXGER, 720 13th. aul-6t*4 FOR RENT?725 12TII ST., TWO FLATS; 6 rooms aud bath: storage room; large and airy rooms; beautifully finished. Rent. $05 first floor, 2?1 floor $5o; central location. 720 13th st. n.w., L. E. BREUNINGER. aul-6t*4 FOR RENT?"KENOVA," 1ST AND MASS. AVE. and E st. n.e.; 5 rooms and bath; every con venience; rents $3o and $33; will be ready for occupancy September 1; near 3 car lines. aul-tf.5 H. L. RUST. 608 14th n.w. THE DR1SGOLL, 1ST AND B STS. N.W., HAS for rent handsomely fur. and unfur. apartments of 3 to 8 rooms and bath; with or without house keeping facilities; every appointment most mod ern; location facing U. S. .Capitol grounds; ex cellent cafe; filtered water; electric light (free). See or write to T. A. McKEE, Mgr. jy31-12t FOB RENT?"OLYMPIA" APARTMENTS, Co lumbia Heights; thoroughly fire-proof; army and navy headquarters; three, five aud seven rooms; all modern conveniences; moderate rates. Jy20-tf OSCAR W. WHITE. 1114 F Bt. FOR RENT ? THE PORTNElt ? ABSOLUTELY fire-proof; 15th an<J U sts.; 5 and 6-room house keeping flats; tiled baths; filtered water and all conveniences; apeclal rates to Oct. 1. Also one 3-room and bath batchelor apartment. jyg tf FOR RENT - THE PORTNEB ? ABSOLUTELY fire-proof; 15th and U sts.; delightfully cool 4 rooms and tiled bath, housekeeping flat; southern exposure; speclsl price to Oct. 1. Jj#-tf FOB RENT-THE COLUMBIA, 14TH AND BIN ney. overlooking the city; apartment of 8 rooms; southern exposure: elec. light, filtered water, laundry, etc.; special price. Ie8-tf JAMES A. CAHILL. 1808 F st. n.w. FOB RENT?IN THE CONCORD. COR. NEW Hampshire and Oregon avea., 2 and 4 and 5-room apartments; cool in summer; excellent cafe. my21-tf FOR RENT-THE ADDISON. 016 14TH ST. N.W.? 8 rooms aud bath 830.00 to$.i5.00 THE AUGUSTA, cor. N. Y. and N. J. aves ? 4 rooms and batb $20.00 to $32.50 THE LOUISA. 216 New York ave. n.w.? New building, 4 rma. and b $20.00 and $22.50 2606 Pa. ave. n.w., 4 rooms and bath ?20.80 601 O st. n.w., 8 rooms and hath 820.80 71 P at. n.e.. 8 rooms and bath $17.80 74V4 O st. n.e., 4 rooms and bath $15.80 2119 Ward pi. n.w., 3 rooms and bath $9.00 38 Decatur st. n.e., 4 rooms and bath $#.00 my3-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F st. FOR RENT?TWO FINE 5-ROOM FLATS; HIGH and cool; 12 minutes to treasury; $22 and 828; can't be duplicated. BERWICK. 14th and Park sts. ADply 3308 14th at . E. J. WILLIAMS. my2-tf HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE? HIGH-CLASS LIGHT-WEIGHT CAN opy-top surrey; leather lined; excellent condition; very cheap; price, $70. Call at DARNES Sc OF FUTT'S STABLE. 8287 M st. n.w. au3-0t* FOR SALE?AT 214 E ST. S.W., 3 COLTS AND 1 black horse; bay mare, 6 years old, by Prince OrlofT; bay colt, 3 years old, by Truxon; 1 sorrel stallion, 4 years >ld. These colts off Sorrel Daisy, owned by Gen. Beale; all well broken and nice steppers, and all standard bred. Jy31-12t* FOR SALE?FINE LARGE SORREL HOBSE, 8 years old; suitable for carriage, wagon or coach; weighs 1,250 lbs.; price low. Owner, 14 Seaton st. n.w. au6-3t* FOR SALE ? JUMP-SEAT SURREY. $35; TOP buggies, $45 up; aurreys, $60 up; Dayton wagons, *42 .50; runaliouts, $37.5o; business and ladles phaetons, $<>2.50 up; $20 harness. $14. H. W. ROBINSON & CO.. 201 12th st. n.w. au5-6t FOB SALE ? TOP BUGGY, $15; 8 HORSES, pony trap, rubber-tire runabout, 2 top buggies and canopy-top surrey. These goods must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. 1305 G St. n.w. v' au5-6t FOR RALE ? FINE BREWSTER VICTORIA, also brougham, four passengers, brake; dog cart, village cart, alngle and double barneaa to match; very low price; will sell separately. DOWNEY'S STABLES, 1622 L st. n.w. au8-6t ALL SUMMER VEHICLES AT COST? New Top Buggies $87.00 New Steel-tire Runabouts $40.00 We are the lowest on Day tons. JAMES K. PROBEY, 'Phone W. 42 F. 1230 32d st. n.w. Jy24-2flt j Foil SALE-TO REDUCE, WE OFFER THIS FOL lowlng bargains: ! 185 Canopy-top, Cut-under Surrey $160 StO Rubber-tlivd Runabout Buggy $70 (75 Steel-tired Runabout Buggy $53 ! M5 Side-spring Concord Buggy MB test Dayton Wagons $45 We have the largest stock of Fancy Delivery Wagons to select from in the city. We make g specialty of putting on rubber tires at the lowest prices. S. J. MEEKS* SONS, 622 G st n.w. Jy2S-tf COGSWELL'S IS THE! CHEAPEST AND MOST reliable place to buy new and second-hand har ness, traps, surrles, runabouts, wagonettes and delivery wagona. 209 11th st. n.w. Jyl2-24t* BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTNERSHIP?WANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE MAN to buy whole or part Interest In dairy lunch and restaurant making $75 to $100 weekly net profit; trial allowed. Address G., 171 Church at., Nor folk. Va. a?0-3t* WANTED-HORSE AND RUNABOUT OR 8UR rey; will pay part caah, balance la exchange for building lot on ele?. R. R. near city, where real estate Is enhancing In value. Address Box 137, Star office. au2-7t AT RAMSAY'S YOUR WATCH CLEANED. $1.00. WATCH MAINSPRING. $1.00. ALL WORK WARRANTED ONR YEAR. mh3-6d 1221 t ST. N.W, FOR RENT?ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR RENT?WANTED?A RESPECTABLE COI^ orvd party to take rooms with family, hoine; no others need apply- ISO* ^ t. ,ve- n-w' FOR RENT?TO GENTLEMEN ONLY. TWO DE sirable furnished rooms. on very reasonable terms; second door from The Portner and n two ear lines. 1*49 U at. n.w. au.AlO.^t FOR RENT?TWO DELIGHTFUL COMMl NICAT Ing rooms on 2d floor, with pleasant surround lngs. At 1312 12th st. n.w. au7-Ot FOR RENT?HANDSOME $30 PCJR FLAT RE duced to $25, If taken this month; 3 rooms and bath: adults only. 1128 Oth ?t. n.w. an6-3* FOR KENT?FURNISHED ROOMS; SINGLE OR double; $1 to $2 per week. 218 4th St. n-W. aul-flt* - UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED 3 BOOMS. EN tlre second floor; newly papered; light housekeep ing. 1219 H n.w. au7-3t FOit RENT?TWO LA ROE UNFURNISHED COM munlcating rooms; near car lipea; moderate rate. 4o8 R. I. are. FOR RENT?SECOND FLOOR 1935 13TH ST., 2 or 3 large, beautiful rooms; hot water heat, owner. ?oq-8t FOB RENT ? LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT room; second floor; southern exposure. 1113 a st. n.w. au5-3b* FOR RENT-ENTIRE SECOND FLOOK. TWO large Imy-window rooms; 1 small (all front), ana bath, heat and gas; private family. WW U st. n.w. au2-5f FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?SUITE OF 3 ROOMS AND BATH, 2D floor, furnished or unfurnished. Call after 6 p.m., 2146 P st. n.w. au7-6t FOR RENT?NICE AIRY UNFURNISHED O R furnished rooms; cheap to right party. 633 C at. n.e. au6-3c* ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR RENT?1424 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W., nicely furnished room; north and south exposure, excellent table board; reference exchanged. au6-3t 243 DEL. AVE N.E, LARGE. PLEASANT RMS., with board; tPTms very modi-rate; transients ac commodated; location very central. a ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board. 27 Iowa circle. 1229 O St., c"r 13th st. au63f 1018 I ST.?FOR RENT. WITH BOARD. FUR nlshed rooms, 1st end 2d floors; rooms for tran sients. au6-3t* FOR RENT ? LARGE A N D COMFORTABLE rooms with board; acre of ground surrounding house; very reasonable terms during summer. 1120 Vermont ave. n.w. au0-3t 1022 12TII ST. N.W.?IN DETACHED HOUSE; large grounds; lovely cool rooms; excellent table. Ref. exch. au2-Ct? FOR RENT?717 10TH ST. N.W.. LARGE. NEW corner house, nicely fnrnlshed rooms; single or tn suite; large closets, steam heat and g?ott home table. Table l)oard. Rooms for transients. Jy29-26t* " ~FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOB RENT?LARGE WELL-LIGHTED. MODERN offices; elevator, electric light, ateam heat. Jani tor service; rent, $12.50; no extras. Metserott bldg.. 1110 F at. n.w. _ _ JM tf GASCII BROS.. Agta.. 1807 F at. FOR RENT?DESIRABLE OFFICES IN THE Bliss building; electric light, telephone and Jan itor servlc* free; from $7.60 up. Inquire Room 8, Bliss building. 35 B st. n w. mh27-tf FOR RENT?STORES. FOR RENT?1423 N. Y. AVE.; VERY DESIRABLE store room and cellar; one of the best locations In the city. A. T. COUMBE, au"-3t 1425 N. Y. ave. FOR "RENT?NEAR~ PALAIS ROYAL. OLD Es tablished ladies' tailor stand. No. 730 11th St. n.w.; work rooms in rear; steam heat; $40. A. F. FOX CO., Inc.. 92o F st. n.w. It FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE?BIGGEST PIANO BARGAINS EVER offered: New uprijht pianos from $125 upward; $5 monthly payment. Organs, $20 upward. Pianos tuned. $1. HELBIG'S MUSIC STOltE, 1742 7th. au7-tf,4 FOR SALE? LOW-PRICED, QUICK-SALE PIANOS. Handsome Upright, slightly used $183 Elegant Upright Grand, nearly new $225 Magnificent Kintnerson Square Grand $150 Beautiful Full-siae Square Grand $100 Fine Vose Square Piano $75 Small Square for beginner $35 New Parlor Organs, worth $100, only $t?5 GRIMES' PIANO STORE. 913 Penna. ave. FOR SALE?I TviLL SELL PAWN TICKET FOR handsome solitaire diamond ring and stud, cheap. Address TICKET!'. Star office. au6-3t* FOR SALE?16-FOOT TANDEM CANOE: OR WILL exchange for rowboat. 2728 Pa. ave. n.w. au6-3t* FOR SALE?ELEGANT, FINE UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO for $ls5? less than half Its worth; 4 ft. 9 In. high; used less than 3 months; flno French walnut case; 3-string; 3 pedals, one the cele brated practice i>edal that adds so much to the life of an Instrument; guaranteed and kept In tune one year; hardwood stool and scarf free. A genuine bargain. F. G. SMITH, 1225 Pa. ave. aul-ti FOlt SALE-FINE BELGIAN HARES, NOT RE lated. $5 pair; also Cuban parrots at $5 each. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE, 712 12tb st. n.w. Jy30-12t FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT, $125, easy terms; fine square piano, $75. Pianos tuned. Stored and hauled HUGO WORCH. 923 F st. Sohmer planoa. Worch pianos. Jel3-6m FOR SALE?HAIR MATTRESS^ TWO PARTS, $6; lounges, $2.75; go-carts. $2.50; parlor and bed loom suites, $1 ter week; special for casta. REDMOND'S. 311 and S13 7th st. n.w. roy24-tf FOR SALE?NEW AUTOMATIC SEWING MA chines can be bought for $30.00 from WM. 8T1KBEL1NG, 1751 Penna. ave. n.w. Not rep resented by solicitors. Agency Household and Standard Sewing Machines. del7-tf FOR SALE-GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHADES, fitted to your windows, only 25c.; the best quail tv dl opaque shades, 50c., hung free. Will call with samples. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th and H sts. n.s. PERSONAL. WILL PAY $lt0?$50 CASH, BALANCE MONTH ly?to any one securing ine permanent govern ment position. Address Box 31, Star office. Ab solutely confidential. It* HA! HA! HA! HE LAUGHED WITH DELIGHT as wo paid him a large roll for his men's worn garments, shoes, hats, shirts, &c. Would be pli-axed to call on you if you send us postal. au7-5tf JUSTH'S OLD STAND, 619 D st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-TWO $10 BILLS, BETWEEN 14TH AND E sts. n.w. and B. and O. dopot, on Monday, Au gust 5. A suitable reward will be paid for their return to OWNER, at 412 14th st. n.w. au7-2t* LOST-JULY 20. BETWEEN FORT MYER AND Falls (!hurch. or In that vicinity, carpenter's lob bing book. The Under will be well rewarded If returned to 1742 8th st. n.w. au6-2t* LOST?AUGUST 3, BET. 9 AND 10 A.M., POINT er, white and liver colored; answers to name of "Dash." Liberal reward If returned to 1312 New Jersey ave. n.w. au6-2t* LOST-LEFT IN TOILET ROOM, CABIN JOHN'S Hotel, August 3. a diamond and emerald ring. Finder please return to Star office and receive a liberal reward, and no questions asked. au5-3t* LOST-SUNDAY. AUGUST 4. BET. 15TII AND V and 1339 Q, small black silk bag, containing spectacles, $1 bill and handkerchief. Return to 1339 Q st. n.w. Reward. au5-3t* COUNTRY BOARD. WANTED?BOARD FOR 3 ADULTS AND 2 CHIL dren, convenient to electric or Metropolitan road, within 30 minutes' ride from Washington: state location, distance from station and board. Ad dress Box 77, Star office. au7-3t* AIRMONT HOUSE.?BEAUTIFUL LOCATION IN nits.; large shady lawn; dancing pavilion: all that a first-class country house affords; Blue mont station. Mrs. H. G. ANDERSON, Alrmont P. P., Lsudoun Co.. Va. It BOARDERS WANTED AT MONT-REY, 2 MILKS from Marshall, Va., near Blue Ridge mountains. Apply to Mrs. N. HUME, Marshall, Va. au7-3t* PLEASANT COUNTRY HOME FOR SUMMER months; Mt. Pleasant farm; good table; ahade; excellent water and beautiful scenery; terms. $4 par week. Apply lo Mrs. J. SMITH DAVISON, Btraaburg. Va. j au7-8t* DELAPLANB, FAUQUIER CO.. VA.-NEAR BLUE Ridge mts.?Old-fashioned country bouse; homa comforts; shady lawn; beautiful country; good table; spring water; two hours from Washington; $5 per week. Address au8,5,6,7.10 THE MISSES PENDLETON. blue ball houses, with ITS FINE BUtr phur and chalybeata water, la now reopened for summer boarders; one of tha beat locatlona In the Shenandoah valley; altnated between the B. and O. and 0. V. R.R.; 10 mlnutea' drive from atatlona; It la 1.200 ft. above aea level; a healing balm to consumption a ad malaria: beautiful scen ery; 8 mountains in fnll view, via.: Blue Ridge, North and the famous Massauutten; para breesa from all. _ _ Address 0L R. SMITH EY, Jea4-w.m.f.HK*.ia Brncetown, Va. "RURAL HOME ON WEST RIVER"?NOW OPEN. Nicely located on Weat river. Is view of Cbeaa paake bay, 8 mllaa below Bay Ridge; good shade; large lawn; fishing, crabbing, rowing and Balling; fruit In aeason. For descriptive circular address (Mrs^ MATILDA NOW ELL. Shady Side. Md. LJNGANORE BILLS INN. NEAR FREDERICK? Situation high, large lawn, ahade. double porehec, fishing, boating; refs. exch. For booklet address Miss TP. M. BROWN. Frederick. Md. ap3?-104t FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED?TO EXCHANGE $80 WORTH OF PA per hangings and labor for wood and coal. Ad I draaa O. B. A., Star offic*. " FOR RENT?HOUSES. RS1SHKP. FOR B1BNT?eastern Sk6tION, PAT-WINDOW brick, No 330 H st. n.e.: 8 iwma, bath and ?table; $30. A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 8UU F st. n.w. lt FOB RENT-NEAR FRANKLIN SQUARE, HAND some stone-front residence. No. 1411 K it. n.w.; 11 rooms, 2 baths, furnace and large stable; handsome hardwood flnlah; In flrst-class condi tion; *125. A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 920 F st. "?w- It FvB ??N.T ~ WKLL LOCATED. N.W.-BRICK. No. 616 H ft. n.w., lo rooms and bath. $4o, and ?o!t , "Jn.w., 11 rooms and bath, "? t ^rlck, No. 716 Llth st. n.w., 13 rooms and bath, $60. a. F. FOX CO., Inc., WO F **? ""? lt FOR RENT?HANDSOME BAT-WINDOW BRICK, i o* 1W? S st. n.w.. it rocans, bath, furnace and if1** stable, $00: also brown-stone frout, 1 o. 181# K st. n.w., 9 rooms, tiled bath, fur nace etc. In rood condition, $60. A. F. FOX C?-. Inc.. 920 F st. n.w. lt * vU *T..~ SMal1- HOUSES. N.W.-BRICK. ?Stfc ?t. n.w., 6 rooms and bath, $25, and brick. No. GQ8 6th st. u.w.t 8 rooms and*bath. Just papered, $21.50; also brick. No. 413 Q st. ? rooms and bath, $20.50, and frame. No. 718 5th st. n.w., 8 rooms, $20.50. A. F. FOX CO.. Inc.. 92o F st. n.w. lt FOR RENT?MEDIUM-SIZED HOUSES, N.W.? Neat bay-window brick. No. 1201 4th St. n.w. (corner M st.?, 7 rooms and bath, $30, aud bay window brick. No. 310 M st. n.w., 8 rooms, re ception hall and bath. $30; also bay-window brick. No. 939 N. H. are. n.w., near Washington Circle 8 rooms and bath, $25. A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 92o F st. n.w. It ?!S? RENT?By MOORE A IJIIJj, 717 14TH N.W. ^ ' 1 ?T- *?r. 3b $40.Flats. 1201 Whitney, T^o18^11 nw l5r.2b 6r and ba. $175..1322 Vt ay, 20r, $37.50.1917 13th nw.lOr.b .it? ,SlStfble' $.{(150.3221 School, 12r. ha j ? l a *T- l*f. 3b $35.50.1431 Corcoran,9r,b !iin$35.50.3423 Morg'u av.?r.b J'0''?,22, p nw,12r,b,sta $35.50.3419Morg'n sv.9r,b (5. .Mlntwood pi. *85.60.. .1724 18th, 9r. ba 4* ;l2!7T?6th' 14r- -'?? $35.50...32 Q nw. lOr, ba ' lr. ba $30.50 129 T. 8r, ba i? lili 9 $30.50.54-6-8-60 V nw,8r.b Ki ,*<lJ742. ** nw.10r,ba'$30.50.. .1903 4th, 9r, ba f218(* 5?l?pontav.llr.b $30.50.. 131 T nw. Sr. ha f?? -,18th. 1'r, ba $30.50. .1519 28th, Or. ba $00.50.1704 1* nw, $29... .937 T nw, 6rAba SS - i'?? ?? n*"- 10r. ba$27.50.3023 Uamb'fte, 9r.b ,0r. ba $27.50.3005 Camb'ge,9r,b SS ", ?.!?,? nvv' 10r- bai$25.50. .512 2.1 no. Or, ba f?.i?th $25.60... 1539 2?th, 8r, ba "arv*"l. 10r. b$26.50.1336 Wallach. 7r.U r^ .i? K,'lD*sa,T. 10r. b $25. . .320 T nw, 8r. ba IS;" *",rS?i3tl1 nw- lOr.b $23.50.1510 Oth nw. Sr.b ?0....1705 21st, lOr, ba $16.30.1210 Wylle ne,6r,b bm * *i .5. N. 5r, ha $16,474.11 Fierce nw.6r.w $%"}?? ?wn,,v' 12r- $15.50. .713 2d sw, Or. ba fiX'-jSP3 Phelpg. 10r.2ba $14.30... 1839 8th nw. 5r P1' $13.50 .1420-2-4 D ne,6r.b *45.50. .2131 N nw, $11...Flat 207 Va av xe {TV-'W.Vy*3 T' Ur- ba!$9..705-7-9 2d se.flat.3r,b 10r- ba $8.... 1113 7th se, 5r. w ^lv*l)a *8---Rr ? Grant pi, stab JT.'Si- .5 JMh> l?r. 2b $6.50. .809 Brown's sc. 4r Hr- ha !? 12,4 0,11,11 "w- 4r ,W nw>10r,2bi$5.Br 211'J 10th nw. 4r.w ?40.&0.11171 14th nw.lOr.b;$5. .Stable rr 941 R I av flJi llp' ba;$5. .Rear 610 M nw, stab $40 J446 18th, tlOr. h?l**. .136 Kendall, Ivy City STORES #I? v.1A4l.?th nw*' stAdw. $40,001 13th nw, store & fixtures. $40.1111 G nw, half storo $15 2701 1>, store .$15..Store. 1628 llth nw OTOB ROOMS In the -BALTIC BUILDING," V''v. * JLt*V.and CAPITAL savings BANK BUILD n.fT09 * "' a,?'80 ?t v St. and 338 Ind. ave. CALL AT OFl'ICE FOH WEEKLY BULLETIN. It FOR RENT?STONE & FAntFAX. 80G-8 F N.W. $60.1141 9th nw, sto onlyl $55.Store, 1218 Pa av nw $55,229 Pa a? se.sto&ce] B150.Iowa circle, 15r, 3ba $80.. 1323 It I av nw, 12r ~75.75.1733 Q nw, 12r, ba I $30.50..1111 N nw, $30.50..1903 4th nw, $30.50..17th&K nw, store 75. .1307 Clifton, 14r. baj$30.50. .47 Qtilncy nw.Sr.b <10.50.2108-10 18th, $30.50 331Vi Pa a* se $00.50..1750 S nw.12r.2lta $28.50.67 N" V av nw.Or.b J00 425 9th nw, store $27.50 63 N nw. 8r,b 55.75.1322 13tli nw,12r.b $27.50. .815 5th $55.5<). 18.'{0 14th nw,8to&d'$27.50. .2210 14tl>, sto.sta $5<J.75.1200 N nw, $25.50.618 N Yav nw,6r,b $">0.75. ,2t)18 O nw, 12r,b $25.50. . 1104 O uw, Sr. ba {50.75. .1744 N nw, 8r. ba $25.50..301 T nw, 6r. ba 50.75.1249 Ken uv,lOr.b1 $25.50 320 T $50.50.1353 Harr'd. 12r.b $25 Astoria, flat, fur $50.50-3101 13th, lor. ba $25 17o? Pa ar. flat fSO. ,.13:?2 R nw, 12r, ha $23.50. .1117 22d, Sr. ba 17.50.1518 S nw, lOr. ba ...610 F nw, off m $46.50.1419 6th nw.llr.b $22.50..524 12th ne.6r,ba $45.50. .1325 T nw, 9r, ha $22.50.. .711 S nw. Or. ba $45 50. .918 S nw. lOr. ba $22.50.. .610 9th uw. flat $45.60.1323 llth nw.lOr.b $22.50.1928 5th nw. $45.50.1326 llth$20.50 611 F ne, $45..1748 Oregon av, llr'$21.. .622 S?-aton ne,6r,b !!0.50...714 3d se, 6r. ba $45..1748 Oregon av, llr $21 $ 12.50.3402Morgan av,12r $2<J $10.75.1919 17th nw.llr.b $20 ,b $2t?.50. .605 9th ne. 6r, ba $40 50:21 H st nw.sto&d $20 HyattsvUle, Md $i0.50.1143 21st nw.lOr.b $19.50.-600 M se, 6r. ha $40.50..1006 M nw, lor.b $18.50.. .78 K ne. 6r. ba $40.5U 1811 18th, lOr1 $18.50.602 6 M se, 6r, ba $37.50.3109 16th nw.Or,ha $18.50.1706 Pa av nw.flat $37.50.1917 13th nw.llr.b $18 Randolph, Md. $.';0.50.221 Pa av nw, sto $17.50..1104 6th se, 6r,ba $35.50.1304 13th nw.9r.ha $17.. .1110-20 C ne. flats $35.50..215 12th sw, 10r $10.50.541 llth $35.50.1537 8th nw. 9r, b $15.50. ..727 L ne, 6r,ba $.{5.50 32 g nw. Or.ha S15 Clarendon, Va. $.'{5.50.1823 Oreg av,9r,ba $15.Oil F uw, 2 off r.3d fl $35.50.Sto&cel,7tb&.M nw $15,425 N* J uv uw.basint $35.50.3419Morg*n av,9r.b $13.50.1422-24 D $35.50.3423Morg-n av.'jr.h $13 2425 15th nw, 6r $35.50 1517 28th. Or $12.30. luo4 4tli se, sto,5r $.'{.'> 50.1514 13th nw.Or.b $12 1111 G nw, flat $35.50..1722 1st nw,8r,ba $10. .312 Ford's court, 4r $32.50..406 II st nw. Or $7.50. .1851 7th nw, storo $32.50..1457 S nw. Sr. ba $7 1319 Wylle ne, 5r $30.50.. 1511 Corcoran,8r,b' $6.3<?.9l>? St. Paul's court fciO.M). .34 30- KJ V, Ur, ba $5. .709 G nw, off rooms $.'!o,50. .1806 llth nw, sto It FOR RENT-DESIRABLE HOUSES? 1312 9th st. n.w., 9 rooms, mini. Imp $45.50 1504 P st. n.w., 10 rooms, mod. imp 45.5*1 1310 9th st. n.w., 9 rooms, mod. Imp 40.50 au7-3t A. T. COUMUK. 1425 N. Y. ave. FOR RENT?BY ROBERT U. STONE, 804 F N.W. Store, dwelling, 611 11106 7th ne.8r,ha .$25.50 L st $40.00 1731 l'a av, 7r. ba.25 00 727 L ne, 6r, ba.. .15.30 1104 O, 7r, ba 25.50 Jy31-tf FOR RENT? NW, 1527 N H av (fur- NW, 809 1st,llr&b.35.00 nlshedt 20r&2b.$3.000.0*)'N W, 1418 llth,9rAb.30.55 NW, 1527 N U av (unfur- NW, 1221 llth,8r&b.25.50 nished)20r&2b..2,500.00 NW, 3571 7tb,?to,Sr.25.00 NW. 912 I.17r4.2b.$l*j0.<j0;.\w, 3535 O. 8rftb..22.90 NW,14O9MasK,l4r.l>lOO.*l0tXW, 144HJ D, 10r... 16.00 NW. 912 I, 17r&2b. 100.00 NW, 1828 E. Or 15.30 NW, 1402 L. Or&b. .83.33 NW, 517 S, 5r 15.30 NW, 1009 9th,14r,2b.83.3^{ NW, 1510 Krl?-, ?r. .15.00 NW, 1207 lst,13r&b.75.00 NW, 1247 35th, 6r..12.30 NW. 1224 17th.9r.b.66.60 NW, 1119 U, llr&b.55.00 NW.2308 20th.l2r,2b50.00 NW, 1332 R st, lOr.50.00 NW, 917 H. llr&b. .40.00 NW, 2132 13th,8r,b.35.00 NW, 1809 6th. 4r.. .12.30 SE, llo'-i 9tti, 12r.. .l^.uo SE, 140 M. 6r 9.30 SW, 914 Va av,8r,b.22.90 SW, 925 Md av.0r,b.l8.30 SW. 241 13>4, 5r 8.30 FLATS?N.W.?UNFURNISHED. 208 D 4r&b $27.50,1107 G, 2 rooms.. .$20.00 Sw D. 2d fl, 4rAb.T26.50 1107 G. 3d fl. 2r... 15.00 208 D, 1st fl, 4rAb..25.50jll07 G, 1st fl, 2r...15.00 UNFURNISHED FLATS-SOUTHEAST. 800 Ps. **?.. Or & b $25.00 STO RES-N.W. NW 810 9th $50.00:3572 7th 25.00 48U "oth 40.0011116 14th (shop In rr)20.00 OFF1CE8. NW Gunton bids, offices. |NW. 408 La av, offices. NW Central bldi offices.|NW, 600 6th. 2 rms..fll ASK FOR WEEKLY BULLETIN. u5-flt THOS. E. WAGGAMAN. 017 F at. n.w. Foil RFVT 1432 K nw,10r,ami.$30.50 2.310 20h nw,12r.aml$15.r)0 37 E nw, lOr, ami.. 30.60 1451 H I av l0r.aml 6.j 00i 1001 E Cap. Or,ami.22.50 .1335 llth nw,9 ami.40.50 1014 llth. flat, 1340 ItlftK!*. 8r, ami.32.50,1217 I ne. Or. ami..14.60 416 K nw 7r, ami..30.50 2230 7th. 5r&store.. 16.00 au3 tf ' ' It K BRADLEY, 1303 F St. rolt RENT-BY L. J. MILLS, 605 CTII ST. N.W. nit! M nw lOr&b. .$35.5011120 7th nw,st&dw$25.50 21 Qulucy'ne. Or & b. 25.00 1820 7th nw,st,8r.b.25.50 1503 6th nw, Or&b. .24.281910 4th nw,sto&7r. .20.50 an3-tf KUK RENT?JAMES F. SHEA, 643 Louisiana ave. n.w. 1750 M st., cor. Conn, ave., 10r., .$116.00 7t 4 A st n e., 10 rooms, a. m. 1.30.50 1818 16tb st. n.w., 7 rooms, a.m.i 26.60 in7 Md are. s.w., 6 nwrns, a.m.l 20.60 1015 2lit st. n.w.. 6 rooms, a.m.! 20.50 312 st. s.w. 7 rooms, a. m. I........... 18.60 23d st. n.w., 0 rooms, a.m.l....?????., 18-80 llth and V >U. n.w.. store 15.00 i?9? I. st n w . 6 rooms and water 15.00 701 I St. 7 rooms and water 12.00 au3-tf ^RrlckS 1538 9th n.w., 10 rooms $40.00 Brtck dwg 1104 Oth n.w., 14 rooms 70.00 Frame dwg. 322 1st s.e., 6 rooms 1200 Rrlck dwir. 1435 Ohio sve. n.w.. 8 rooms... 16.40 Storo antf dwelling 414 O n.w., 7 rooms... 2500 Storo and dwelling 1800 Fla. ave. n.w Store and cellar 1316 7th st. n.w., reduced. 32.50 Storo and cellar 306 10th st. n.w 36.00 S LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 920 P n.w. FOR RENT-BY B. F. SAUL, S.E. COR.7TH&L N W ?... . ? . <. <a /1A1 (UU> n.L * r J ? 621 7th nw,stA14r$140.00 1307 Clifton, 14r&b.76.00 1817 KalVaaT.12r2M?.S0 2520 13th uw,10rAb.50.00| 1107 17th nw.OrAb .45.00 1207 Oth nw, lOrib.40.55 619 M nw, lOr&b.. .35.50 1508 7th nw.sto.cel.35.00 1308 Rlggs nw.9rAb.32.50 415 K nw, 9rAb.sto.30.50 1307 7th nw, atA3r.30.50 1816 7th nw,st,5r&b.S0.50 2007 H nw, 9rAb...80.00 1427 6th nw, lOr&b.28.50 916 P nw, 6rAb 2? 00 1026 7th nw,sto,c?l.?.50 140 U nw.Cr.b&cel..27.50 27 P ne, BrAb 26.50 1118 7th nw,st&dw.2S.50< 1187 7th 28.50 1430 1st nw, 4rAb fl.2S.00 1503 0th nw, 6rAb. .24.50 814 O ne, 7rAb 23.5o 1530 10th nw, 6rAb.22.50 435 N nw, OrAsta. .22.50 237 2d nw, 8rAb...22.50 1424.1st nw, 6rAb-.fc.50 900 Oth nw,'"4rAb fl.22.25 1349 Oth nw, store.. 18.60 1002 6th nw. ?r 18.50 17077th 18.00 796 Sheridan, OrAb. 18.00 aM se. 6r&b 17.60 6th se, flr&b. ..17.50 83 Hanover st.6r4b.17.60 1015 llth nw.stAel.16.60 1814% 7th. sto&lr. .16.50 824 Oth nw,st,6r,w. 16.00 6thAP nw, stoAcel..15.00 1929 8th nw, 6rAw.14.30 1017 7th nw,4r.3d 11.13.00 418 O nw, 4r flat. ..12.80 SOft H ne, shop 12.00 1159 8th nw, store. 12.00 021 7th nw. 8r flat. 12.00 3128 7th uw, sto... 10.50 Stab nr 12th&F nw.10.00 460 Franklin, store. 10.00 414 Franklln.Or (col).8.50 217 4% 1035 7tn nw, basmt..S.00 238 Pomeroy, atoro..8.00 462 D nw, off rs, $7 A $8 216 llthnw,shop,2dfl.8.00 Office rms. at 512 T st. H.%., steam heat. au3-tf FOB RENT? Storo, 707 8th nw.$46-00*2437 18th nw, 12r.|40.00 613 M nw 45.50; Office rooms. 1807 F nw. 1781 N nw 160.00)1808 19th nw 70.00 1819 19th. cor Oreg.80.001 Flats, 1214 Mass. ave. n.w., Or. A b $80.00 Flats?The Elmore, lltbAH n.w., $37.50 ea., 5rAb. 1813 10tb nw, unfurnished, $150: furnished, $300. au3-0t* TYLER A^tTTHEHFOltD. 1307 h- it FOB RENT? 1S28 AND 1882 9TH N.W., 9 AND 10 rooms, respectively; also boose next door to Kast Capitol and 8th its.: good neighborhoods. FRANK T. BROWNING. 422 5th st. n.W. jy22-tf FOE RBNT-4SY D-_D. THOMPSON, 1880 F N.W. 1387 H ne.Br.stab..$50,001 1228 Roanoke. 9r.. .40.05 IT14 Oregon a v. lOr. 40.60 2417 Pa ar. 7rAb...28.00 802 1 ne, 7rAb 22.60 Jr?-tf (1744 N nw, 9rAb. .$50.75 1806 14th nw, store.30.80 1830 H ne. Sr.b.ato.25.50 1820 9 ne, TrAb....20.00 Stable r'r 715 D ne. .4.M t ..80-?? l>?rTvrr-^srC^? oo\ Vo'h st ?? * * ;SS:oo ^.ool iTrflStb rt **.''a'ies " ^rrcH *** FOR RENT?HOUSEa INFIRHI9HBD. FOR RENT?443 M 8T. N.W.; 0 ROOMS AND bath; hot and cold water; latrobe stores. Rent, $21.50. Keys at 441. Apply to ED. J. HAN WAX. Plumber. 517 11th at. n.w. ao6-3t? FORREKT? BY M. A. BALLING ER, BOND BLDG. 1739 S at., 10 rooms CSO.OO 1800 4th at., 8 rooms (.large porch) $30.00 Flats, 3 and 6 rooms #7.60, $10.50 and $21.00 au6-tf FOR RENT?1248 11TH ST. N.W.; 12 ROOMS, 2 batha; good condition; only $45 per month; open from 9 a.n?. to 5 p.m. Applr to W. L. FARN HAM. 1103 M at. n.w. an6-3t* FOR RKNT?BY C. H. I'AKKEH, 435 4?A ST. S.W. 423 aw, atAdw.$30.30.403 4W aw,ato*dw.$20.00 610 sw.g?d pool at 25.001607 4V4 sw.stoAdw. .25.00 465 G sw,5r,wAg... 16.30 SOS D sw. 6rAlmps. 19.00 227 Va a* sw,6r,w&al4.00 928 C aw. 6r,wAg. .14.:*) 350 H aw. Sr.wAa. .11.30 346% B aw, 5r,wis.12.50 824 4H aw.6rJclmpa.ltt.00 708 4%, 5rAw 12.30 346 H aw, 5rAw 10.50 1219 0 nw, 6r.wAg.18.00 909 3d - 507 4V 440 6rAlmp. 16.30 312 McLean, 6r.lmp.13.30 stAdw.25.00 447 6>4 a>v, 6rAw.. 12.30 aw. 5rAw.. 10.30 630 4ft aw, SrAw.. 13.30 aw, 6rAw. 12.30 309 Va it aw.6rAw.14.00 ... se,4r Aw. .8.30 1217 3d ee,5rAw 8.50 476 M aw. tr.lmps. 19.00 625 9thfstoA7r 22.50 473 F 35.65 1238 7th aw. g'd barber. Stand 12.30.153 N se, 4rAw 7.50 Au5-3t FOR RENT?BY R. O. HOLTZMAN. REAL ESTATB and Insurance Broker, loth and F ata. n.w. 1627 N H aT.20r.2b.S2.000 131 0 ae. 7r 40.45 1622 R 1 aT,12r,2b. 175.00 1513 16th, 14r 150.00 309 13th nw, 21r. ..83.33 1861 Mlntw.d pl.14r.75.00 1863 Mlntw'd pl.14r.75.00 1805 Mlntw'd pl.14r.75.00 1867 Mlntw'd pl,14r.75.00 811 I, 12r, 2b, atab.70.00 1522 16th nw, 7r...35.38 1327 14th nw. ?r.. .83. HO 1327 14th nw, ttr...35.00 1445 W. 7r 30.40 1443 W. 7r 80.40 1441 W. 7r 30.40 i27 R, 4r 30.00 .409 Fla ar nw. 6r..23.00 1321 M. Sr 55.00 1434 Fla ar nw. ?r.22.96 2504 14th nw. 12r. .62.001 227 Q nw, 2 Data, 807 L nw, 9r 60.63 ' each $11 and 12.50 1227 15th nw, lOr. .60.00 1211 K ne, 4r 10.00 1637 14th nw.9rAsto45.00! 1317 I ne, 4r 9.30 OFFICES. ' Atlantic Coast Llna >470 La at..$10 A $16.00 bldf," from $10 to $351639 F nw $6 to 22.50 Cun bldg. j406 7th nw, each. ...8.00 8TORES. 1243-7 11th ae $60.00i406V4 9th nw 30 00 1327 14th. eel,23x76.45.0(i 227 Q nw 12.00 1537 14th 46.001 STABLES Rear 1612 R I a*...$30.001927 R I it (rear)... 12.50 Rear 1614 R I w 80.00|23 P ne (rear) 12.00 au5-tf FOR RENT? flub. .Aii-.t-ll E Cap. 34r,$35 The Victoria, 4r fiKft.67. 21st nw. fur. 15r!$35 1262 10th nw, Tr $100.00.808 7th nw, store1 $30.60 425 9th nw. 8r 1806 A H a*. 14ri$30.30 44 V nw. 9r 83.34.227Pa it uw,st.dw;$30 300 C ne. 8r #27 Pa ar. stAdw $30 140S 17th nw, 6r |76 1009 9th tw, 14r 75 1206 G nw, office |75... .225 E Cap at. llr 165.86 911 If nw, llr (00 800 H nw. onica |60 107 Pa ar, stAdw ) 426 9th nw, store >.432 9th nw, up'r fl'r $27.50 713 13th aw. Sr $27 213!) 1 nw, flat |29.50 613 3d ne. 9r *-5.00. .1227 1<; nw. store $26...1631 Marlon nw, 6r $26.. 1405 it::: nw, store (26 630 G nw, #r $26 2120 I nw. 8r $55.68 12 B ne. Or $22.83.1305 Wallach pl.flr $55.65 2207 K nw, 9r $20.40 214 F nw, ?r $56 017 15th nw, 9ri$16.40 416 N 1 aT, 6r $66.....1229 21st nw. ur|$17.30.. .329 13th aw, 5r $51.50.. T016 22(1 nw. 9r $10.3Q. .1246 Wylle ne. 6r $50.66. .2543 13th nw, 10r$15.30 1830 E nw, 6r $50.66 917 R nw. llr $16 615 F nw. offices *"?0.58 1720 P nw. 8ri$16 601 D nw. offices $50. .1839 Vernon nw, 12r $13.30.. .2229 CleT aT, 6r $50.. 1350 Kenyon nw.12rS12.50 929 12th, shop $50. ...The Thomas, 5r, $12.30 1004 W nw. 8r $45.89...1416 It 1 ar, llr|$12 323 7tb se, store $43 1206 G nw, 6r $10.30. .25 l-'enton ne, 5r $45 1121 10th L-w, 14r $0 213 Wilson nw. 4r The Victoria. 5r,$3 1336 15tb nw. 4r $40 1023 15th nw, 12ri$6.30. .313 7th se. rear,4r $37.50 209 D nw, 8r $6. ..1119 Trinidad ne, 6r $35.50.. .225 3d nw, llr For complete list of property for rent aend for weekly bulletin. B. H. WARNER CO.. au5-m,w.f-tf 910 F n.w. FOR RENT?BY THOS. J. FISHER A CO., INCORPORATED, 1414 F ST. N.W. 1322 Vt ar, 20r. .$175.00;2021 Hlllyer pi, lOr.45.00 1717 1 st. ISr 125.00 916 12td st. lOr 46.00 1812 H at. IBr 125.00; 1707 G st nw, 14r..40.88 1901 F at, 17r 125.00 1023 O st nw, 8r. .33.00 3043 P st nw, I7r.125.00 1508 11 st nw. 7r...35.00 1G46 K at nw, ISr. 100.00 1212 T st nw. Sr 35.00 1632 K st nw. 10r. 100.00 2410 14th at nw. 9r.35.00 1744 M st. 16r 100.00 1410 Chapln at. 9r.35.00 1730 g st nw. 12r. .75.00:1621 0 st nw, 7r...33.00 1905 N at nw, lOr. .75.00 1634 29th st, 7r 30.00 1014 14th st. 14r. ..75 00 1411 Chapln at. 9r. .30.00 1721 De Salea, lOr. .75.00i 1205 30th at nw.llr.25.60 1824 13th st, 13r.. .75.00,134(1 Wall'ta p nw.ttr22.50 1708 Q at nw, 8r.. .e5.fi3 917 E Rt ?w, 6r 20.50 940 N Y ar, l?r 65.00! 1364 4% at sw, 6r. .20.00 905 E st nw. 13r. ...65.00; 516 7th st sw. 8r. ..16.50 1602 Belmont av.l0r.t>5.00!20S 7th at se. 6r 15.00 1603 Belmont ar.lOr.65.00'26 Mass ar ne. 7r.. 15.00 D4/U1 104U ... Ifk- or <|A' ?nnn 11 _ . m _ ? . 8406 18th st nw.lOr.65.00 18 Iowa circle, lOr. .60.00 602 E st. llr 60.00 1306 Yale st, 12r...6o.i?0 1373 II st no, 5r... 14.00 2OX-20-28 1st st sw, 6r, each 12.50 900% I st se, 6r...10.50 2233 Q nw, llr 55.001819 14th nw (rr),4r..8.50 720 10th st nw, 1 Or. 50.00'3&6 Baldwin's row, 173'J S st nw. Or...50.00 5r. each 8.00 93o N Y ar nw, 14r.5o.o0; 16 Watkins pi, Chery ?""" "" "*? "" "" Chase, 2r 5.00 Lot 1, sq G35, Del ar & C st sw Offer Lots 19-25, sq 679. bet. Maxs&Del ara A F ne, per an'm. 1,200 406 T at nw, lOr.. .50.00 2100 14th st nw, !)r.5u.00 2u34 Hillyer pi, lOr.50.00 1925 G at, 9r 50.00 1443 Q st, 9r 45.00 1213 B 1 it nw.lOr. 45.00 1451 N at. 14r 45.'Hi FLATS. The Maury, No. 33, \ I he Marlon, 4 A 9 rmi, 3d floor, 4r $40.00' from $32.50 to $50.00 1104 14th st nw,2r.20.001 earn per mo. b A (J flat o. !,i . .<ii hi| OFFICES. 62u F st. desirable offices 605-7 7th, desirable offices Century bldg." new bldg, all lmpa. single rooms from $12 to $:? rer mo. Entire floors. 125 per mo. 1344 F st nw. large room 517 14th st nw Bldg SthAD *ts ..$25(>.t 612-14 F st. 2d fl..100.00 602 E st. llr 60.00 1421 F, 2d fl front. .25.00 1421 F, 3d fl front. .25.00 612-14 F at. 2r 15.00 1208 F at nw. No.4.10.50 i423 F at, desirable offos 1114 F at, desirable off * STORES. Bldg Sth&D sta. ..$250.00, uo5 E, rear ahop or 2100 14th at nw....60.00i store room 20.00 733 7th at 50.00 1328 16th at 20.00 2925 M at 35.001 CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE RENT ING AND COLLECTION OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTIES. For full llat of furnished and unfurnished horn Oats, offices, storea and atablea apply at office. au3-tf FOR RENT-BY WESCOTT A WILCOX. 11)07 Penna. are. 1704 P,10r,b,$00.50 911 19tb, 1012 17tb,12r.2b,ml. 50.76 2313 Pa ar, lOr 45.50 902 27th, 5r, w 12.60 2147 D, 6r, w 12.50 2402 Va ar,6r,cel,w.12.30 1304 11th, 4r, w... 12.30 1748 Oregon ar, llr.45.00 1135(4 17th, rr.4r.w.12.00 800 21at. 12r, b, ml.4(?.00:2223 St Paul'a ct.3r.ll.50 1332 T.'414 18th, 5r, w 11.30 2319 Pa aT, 9r, ?12 20th, 4r, w 10.50 910 28d,10r,b,cel,ml.35.50 12 W Alex ct, 4r,w.10.50 1120 18tb, 6r.ato.cel.35.60 " 2421 Pa ?r.9r,] 607 22d, 9r, b. ml. ..30.V) 2211 F, 8r, ml 25.50 3226 N, 7r, ml 25.50 2222 E 5r 10.00 FURNISHED. 1815 16th. 14r.2b. $160.00 flats 1731 20th. 3d fl,6r,b$56.00 1918 M, 9r. b, cel. .25.5011731 20tb. Cr.b,ml. .40.00 1128 10th, 6r, b. ml.25.50.1907 Pa ar,6r,b,ml.35.50 1007 S, 6r, b, ml.. .26.50;914 23d, 6r. b 80.00 2136 Pa aT,6r.b,ml..22.50'722 17th, 4r, b. w.g.20.50 2413 Pa ar, 8r.b,ml.22.60 830 20th. 4r. b. ml.. 18.50 1410 30th, 6r, b, ml.22.50 822 B ne. 6r. b, ml.22.50 1609 lat, 6r 20.50 617 20th. 9r. w 20.50 2423 K. 8r. b, w. g.20.50 924 ffld. 7r. w. g...20.50 2013 K. 7r, w, g.. .20.40 617 22d. 7r. b. ml..20.35 1022 20th, 7r, b 18.50 OFFICE ROOMS. 486 La ar, heated.$15.00 482 La ar, heated. .10.00 1731 20th1office. beat. 15.00 STORES. 1708-10 E, warerms$50.00 1902 Pa ar, sto, 4r.35.50 1900 H,largerm.,Ac.35.00 1367-60 32d, Ige rin.35.00 624 22d, 6r,ml 18.50 1917 Pa ar,lr,cel,w.30.42 418 18th, 7r, ml 16.50: Blacksmith shop, bet 2020 OUre ar, 6r,b. 17.50 19A20, LAM 30.00 922 22d. 7r. w, g. ..17.50 2210,w,g.2S.00 2119 Pa ar, 4r, ml..16.50 2909 M. stoA2r 20.00 1810 M. Sr 16.50 1144 21at, Or, W....16.40 605 20th, 6r, w 15.50 1610 Erie, 7r, w 16.30 940 24th. 6r, w 15.30 1154 15th. &r, w... 15.30 1624 Rosedale,6r,ml.l4.50 818 24th, 5r, w 14.30 1064 30th, 6r 12.60 413 22d, 6r. w 12.50 408 Pomeroy, flr. ..12.60 1765 L, ato, eel 16.50 19ltt M, lr, eel, w.. 16.00 1306 17th, shop 10.00 STABLES. 1912 G. 2s,(.'h,l,w,g.. 15.00 18th, 19th, L, M, 10a and side lot 16.00 1226 26th. r'r, 4a, wr, 1, yd, w 16.00 1829-31 L. 5r, w 7.00 Jy27-tt FOR RENT-BY GEO. W. LINK INS, 800 19TH ST. 1812-14 H nw,20r.$125.00 1903 F nw. 19r, 2b..60.00 101 11th ne, 14r, 2b, stable 66.00 728 Whltn'y av,8r.b.20.50 2204 I nw, 6rAb 20.50 Flat 24% Q nw,5r,b.l8.50 68 Defreea, Or, wa. 16.30 2201 P. 6r!'bA'store!40!00i Flat 1440 32d.'4r&b.l5.00 Flat, rnrnlshed, 1918 11125 23d. 6rAstore.. 15.00 Pa aT. 1r 36.00 2236 ClerTd aT,6r,wl3.80 1080 26th nw.lOrAb.30^0 2420 N, 6r, wa 12.60 2147 L nw, Kr.b.cel.26.50 229 22d nw. 6r. wa. 10.30 Flat,809 H ne.7rAb..22.50' 1020 13th ae, 6r. wa.8.30 2206 I nw. SrAb...22.501237 22d nw. 4r. wa..8.30 STORKS. 1918 Pa ar nw, fine Iarg<-(1915 Pa ar nw,sto.$20.00 of-[2201 P nw.opp mkt.20.00 new atore A far wanted. Jy27-tf cellar. >1126 23d. atAdwl... 15.00 FOR RENT-BY H. L. RUST, 608 14TH ST. N.W. 1314 15tb n.w., 9 rooms (furnishedI ,..$60.00 1620 Kingman pi., 7 rooms, bath A cellar.. 26-89 2213 M n.w., 7 rooms and bath 29.60 2608 14th n.w., 6 rms.. ba. and cellar 26.50 1519 Pierce place, 6 rooma. bath, cellar... 22.90 94 Jackson at. n.e., 6 rooms 7.00 FLATS, 6 rooma and bath. 418 11th n.e 10.00 Jy20-8tf FOR BENT?DEEBLB A CO., 1819 F ST. 1621 N H ar.flrAb.$80.60!$103 K nw. 6r. W...8.88 1410 Pa AT, flat4rAbl6.00 8216 Cherry Hill nw, 1819 F, office ra,$9A10.UOl 4r. w myl8-tf FOR RENT? 1217 NH ar.lSr.Mll*.06 1624 P at. 12rAb...76.00 1428 Obapln at.10r.b76.00 1790 Sat, 12r, 2b. ..66.50 1807 P at, 12r. ba. .69.00 461 Mo aT, 12r. ba..86.90 1819 Q at. 7r, ba...85.90 Jy8-tf 2706 P at. 9rAb 88.00 907 French st,8r,b.$28.00 1828 18th. 8r, ba....80.60 3023 Camb'ga pi. 9r.28 00 1216 G, Sr. b flat. .80.00 1403 11th at. 3r 16.00 1420 D ne, 6rAb....18.80 Offices In Metaerott bldg. GASCH BROS., 1807 F at. FOB RENT?WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F 8T 416 4th st. n.w., 16 rms.; 2 baths 1366 Yale st. n.w., 10 rms. A 2 ba.. Son. 1 1360 Yale at. n.w., 10 rooma and 2 baths.. 1211 Q at. n.w., 10 rooms and bath 1932 6th st. n.w., 6 rms. and b. (aide light). 8432 P at. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 1124 28d st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 8880 A 8884 M 87-89-78-76 Decatur st 704 14th st. Ky8-tf ~ a.e., 8 roans, n.w.. entire 3d flr. office $60.00 6313 63.18 40.03 27.50 86.90 16-30 16-60 11.60 30.00 FOB RENT? 1816 22d 126.60 | Office rms., 1406 Pa. sr. THE McLACHLEN REAL ESTATE A LOAIT CO.. my28-tf 10th and G. FOR RENT - ! 'PHONE 24lf. THE WASHINGTOl* LOAIT AND TOCST 00.. REAL BSTATB DEPARTMENT. 1488 Mass nw.10r.f76.00 1827 Blags pi. llr. .40.00 1922 16th. fat, flr. .40.00 1288 28d st. 8r 87.60 1008 M, store 85.60 1628 T st nw, 8r...82.80 1489 B st aw. 7r..-30.60 1822 Wal'eh pi bw,8t28.60 1117 9th st nw.....86.00 818 10th ae, 8T....18.60 ny28-tf THOMAS BRADLEY. Real Katate Officer. FOR BEMT-NJ8AB DDPOXT CIRCLB, 1786 80TB St.; brown ston*; 18 rooms, reception hall, cellar, Sstf' , ? at FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE?FOR 7 OR S-KM. house in Washington, corner residence In Br*>k land Bf?r monastery; 9 n?nu ami bath; built l>y day labor for present owner; rallied at $6.0t*>, which Is about cost. Let ua show you thi* prop erty. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO , 1414 F n w. au7-3t FOR SALE?NOS. 27-33-35 Ql'lNCY ST. N.W ; the very best house* In the city for the price; the only houses In this section that are 2u feet front; 30-foot iwred alley; 6 large moms; tilt bath; porcelain l?th tub; nickel plumbing; hard wood finish; Sexton furnace; concrete cellar un der the whole honse; very fine gas fixtures; handsomely decorated; very heavy Hmnmelstown brownstone trimmings stei*. Open evening* nntll dark and all day Sunday. Trice, only $4,750. Easy terms. FRED W. REEVES. 617 14th n.w. 'Phone 691-3. au7-4t FOR SALE-|e,500?SUITABLE FOR BOARDING house?near "B. and O. depot and convenient to City Hall?4-story brick; 13 rtns. snd bsth; $2,500 cash. D. D. THOMPSON. 1335 F. au7-4tf FOR SALE-BUY A HOME IN OUR N<UCTHWEST ERN SUBURBS and be in line with the growth of Washington. You will then make something on your investment and have a high and healthy residence in the meantime. i Exclusive agents for Chevy Chaae, Oak View, Cllffbourne. New subdivisions are being made by us on Chevy Chase car line. Watch their progress. au3-6t TllOS. J. FISHER & CO.. 141* F St. n.w. FOR SALS-HOUSE AT CHEVY CHASE, NEARLY finished. Lot 00x125 ft.; 1st floor, 4 rooms; 2d floor, 5 bed rooms and bath; unfinished attic. All modern improvements. Will be sold at cost? about $6,400. Within one car fare limit. Call for key. This Ls a beauty. su2-6t THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. 1414 F at. n.w. FOR SALE?1358. 13?0 AND 13?2 N.C. AVE N.E.; each 6 rooms and b.; handsomely decorated; all new; 45-ft. parking; $3,250. Small cash pay ment, balance to suit. VICTOR ANDERSON. 1323 G at. n.w. auS-6t* FOP SALE?4 NEW HOUSES, KE.VTINO FOR *878 year, for $'.>.900. These are NOT 'old shacks" needing two-thirds of rent spent in repair, but SPAN-NEW 8-ROOM, BATH AND CELLAR BRICKS, WITH PORCH FRONT AND REAR. AND SIDE YARD, in a rapidly improving section, ou an avenue. iu2-tf W. S. MINNIX. 1427 F at. n.w. FOR SALE-HOUSES. No. 1453 Maaa. are. n.w.) eleven rooms and tiled bath; good location; flrat-class condition; lot 22^ix70 to alley. PRICE. 113.000. THE WASHINGTON LOAN * TRUST COMPANY. Jell-tf Real Batata Department. FOR SALE?BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSES ON U ST. n.w.;. 7 rooms and reception hall; well built. Call on owner, 144 U St.. for inspection and get bene fit of commission. Will sell at lowest figures for the next two weeks. aul-6t* FOR SALE-HOUSES. No. 2143 N at. n.w.; 8 rooms and bath; all modern improvements; tiled bath room; recently remodeled. Can sell at a bargain price. THE WASHINGTON LOAN ft TRUST CO MP ANT. jell-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?A VERY PRETTY G-R. BRICK RESI dence; heated by steam; handsomely papered: 1st floor, parlor, dining room and kitchen; 2d floor, 3 chambers and tiled bath; concreted cel lar throughout; situate on (Julncy at.; price, $3.500. QASCH BP.OS . 1307 F st. mh30-tf MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN. $1,000,000 TO LOAN ON CITY REAL EST ATS Any amount. Lowest rates. L. O. DELASHMUTT. au7-4tf 1421 G St. n.w. 1 WANT $.itio, PAYABLE IN SIX MONTHLY payments, for which I will give a reasonable premium and Interest; security value up to eight thousand dollars. Address Box 37. Star otliee. - au6-2t* MONEY ALWAYS IN HAND TO LOAN ON D. C. real estate, in sums to suit, at lowest rates. Nominal charges. No delay. au3-tf A. F. FOX COMPANY. Inc.. 920 F n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CUR rent rates of Interest on real estate in the Dis trict of Columbia. FITCH. FOX A BROWN. aul-5tf 1406 G st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON STOCKS, BONDS, IN*a policies, second trusts, indorsed notes, &c., at legal rates of Interest. T. W. STUBHLEFIELD, Room 2, 6u2 11th st. n.w. Jy26-78t DO YOU NEED MONEY? ON YOUR D. C REAL ESTATE? Frlvate funds; lowest rates. Liberal loans. 2d trusts. fr/c. Address CASH. Star offl. e.Jj24 18t? MONEY AT 4%, 4^% AND 5% On Real Estate. Builders' Loans. Prompt Decisions. WEAVER BROS., 1410 F st. n.w. Jy20-s.tuAth-39t SIX-TEN F. All roads lead to our office. Follow the crowd and secure some of the money we are loaning on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal, publicity or delay and at rates you can afford to pay. All business strictly confidential. Private offices. WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 1yl2-12d 610 ? F ? 610. You can borrow money on your furniture or piano and keep It In your possession? DO A new plan has hern arranged by us. Loans made to people working on salary YOU on their simple note. No one knows of any transactions you mar have with us. Ths KNOW oldest company in Washington. Isn't this a good reason why you should call on ua When you want a loan? 602 F st. n.w. CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Jy8-12tf MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. LOANS negotiated. Amounts to suit. Lowest rates of Interest. B. H. WARNER CO.. Je28-tf 918 F at. n.w. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL estate at LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST! Small expense to borrower. Je20-tf MOORE ft HILL. 717 14th St. n.w. MONEY TO LEND " On Furniture and Pianos. LOWEST BATES. JelS-tf MABTERS A CO.. 84 Warder Mdg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT 4% and 4V4%; payment on principal in amounts of $600 or more received at any Interest period. THE F. H. SMITH CO.. 1409 N. Y. AVE. Jel8-tf HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PROCURE a losn on your furniture or piano from a private party at a low rate. Address Box 180, Stsr office. Jel2-tf TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE? $10,000. $2,000. S3.000. $1,000. 5,000. $000. T. E. WAGGAMAnT myll-tf.T 917 F ST. N.W. SEE US IF YOU WISH A LOAN ON YOUR D. 0. real eatate. We lend at LOWEST INTEREST? 4% and 4%%, and our charges are nominal, as the funds we bsve MUST BE INVESTED VERT SOON. Any sum desired from $500 to $90,000. my9-tf STONE A FAIRFAX. 806-808 F n w. MONEY AT 4% AND 4V4% On D. 0. Real Eatate. Prompt answers Small commission. fe9-tf LIBBER MANN A HAWN. 1303 F St. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL ESTATE within the District of Columbls, In smounts to suit applicants, st lowest rates of Interest. Jsl9-4tf GEO. W. LINKINS, 800 10th st. n.w. H. K. FULTON'S LOAN OFFICB. 814 9TH ST. N.W., ESTABLISHED 1870. MONET LOANED ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. ETC. OLD GOLD AND 8ILVER BOUOHT.Js81-8tf Loans on real estate- " 4, 4tt and 0 per cent. QASCH BROS.. feTT4tf 1307 F st. n.w. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON STOCKS. BONDS, bldg. snd loan saso'n shares, syndicate certlfs. ana other approved collateral; old line life poll ciea bought and loaned upon. No ebattels taken. Reliability and promptness assured. 0. A. BARER. Rooms 40-42. 1110 F st. Take elevator. del-8tf MONEY TO LOAN. IN ANT SUMS DESIRED. AT LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. Incorporated. sn2ft-tf 1414 F st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at 4. 4^4 snd 0 per cent Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Large smounts s specialty. TYLER A RuTHERFORQ. 1807 F st. n.w. w#-8tf IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN. BUT OR sell, on real estate. I can save yoo time and cash, ss I give personal attention to sll deals. deO-4tf . J. EAKIN GADSBT. 02* 18th st. n w. MONET TO LOAN IN STMS TO SUIT. AT LOW est rates of Interest, on D. C. real eatate. Large loans s specialty. Prompt attention. WALTER H. ACKER, noT-Stf 704 14th st. n.w. $10 AND UPWARD LOANED ON FURNITURE PIAN08, Ac., on the Building and Loan Associa tion plan, which makes the coet of carrying loans much less than you pay elsewhere, and allow* yon to pay It off In any slsed notes you desire, running from one to twelve months. Loans with other companies paid off ant mon money advanced If desired. Strictly confidential Front room, first doer. NATIONAL MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 6el6-18tf 820 F st. a.w. MONEY TO LOAN AT SH. 4 AND 4H PER CWTpT la sams ef 81,000 to $100,000. on D. C. real es tate; pay off 0 per cent and 8 par cent loans and begin anew at loweet rates of Interest; all trans actions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS A 1407 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AND RE TAIL MERCHANTS upon tbeir own names, with out security: easy payments. TOLMAN. Boom 48. 908-814 G st. oc2S-4tf_ DO YOU NEED MONET? WE HAVE IT FOB TOO. Ton need go 4o no trouble to borrow from friends. Be Independent of aaking favors. We will lend yoo on yoftr furniture and piano* or any household goods or personal property. Win charge yon lssa and make the most lenient terms; la Ian, you can make your get oar rates before you mm. Private offices. Strictly own terms, decide aall-14tf oar rates before you ? offices. St COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO.. 813 F st. a.w. ATTORNEYS. Oommlntoi & BUNDTi er of Deeds tor New York and an other _ territorisa. Fendail building, cor. 4fe st. eppoeltf City tUU. 'Pheoe 1819. an23-4tf tN'GTON, ATTORXET-AT-LAW, Wag, 005 O st. n.w.. Washing D. O. BaaMeotg^Ko. 8 Mount Vernon Flats, FOR SALE?LOTS. FOR SALELOT ON auTH ST. NEAR CONN, ?v#.; 21 ft. front to SO-ft. alley; ground in nelghlmrhmMl offered at $2 and V) per f???t; this lot can ? prolmbly be bought at tbr jnwtw J val.:e: make un offer; will ho incrMrfd suT-.'it 1 liiiMAS J. PIStlKK A CO . 1411 F n w. FOR SAI.K S K. CllliXKR 11TI1 AND HAIt altall sts.. Mount Plessant; lift tijr 150 feet, -vill elrhiugr for liu|>itivnl p[?p?i t]r. Til''M VS WAlJvKK. S(KI Mli at n.w. aii6 St* Ft>R sai.k iTrrs in all skttionsI all else* and at all price*. Part tea wishing to pur chase for building purposes or for a future ad vance in value should write or see ua. THOMAS J. P1S1IKit .V C*>.. 1414 P at. u.W Jy30 lui roil SALK-Lt ITS On Huntington Place ?.?.. north aid* of street: B0xl4fi. Just S 14th at.; PRICK, (1 I'Ell RJI'AKE Ktxrr. THE \VASiiI\';TON LOAN A TRUST ?.t>MPANY. J?ll-tf n^tl Estate Impertinent. rou SAI.K -SACRIFICE-NORTHWEST COR.XKft 17th and M sis.; alia 50xflU 4 Bargain for aoma ?M. GASCH BROS.. ipM tf 1307 P at. n.w. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for ILLINOIS property. 8 lota <02.106 aq. ft.) lu Takoiua Park; 8-room houae and fruit trees; stable etc. (fronts 3 streets). Lock Box 41. Takotua Park. auG3t* FOR SALE MODERN 10 ROOM HOUSE; TWO acres land; forest ahade; garden; good water; Ideal home; on* tliird tnile from nation, pries low. Address OWNER, box 227, He radon, Va. au3-7t FOR SALE-NEWLY COMPLETED HOUSE AT Keuslngton; mod con.; beautiful location; ln:?r?? lot; great bargain; very easy terms. OEOROE PETER. OSrner. B. A O. atatlon. Kensington. aul-26t FOR SAI.K? "?S.?OTON, CHOICE NEW RESIDENCE PROPERTIES ?>PiTr.tTv?IXU,ll<''1' rlty conveniences; LARUE I?w prices; easy payment*. >>i ill furnish money to build according to your design and accept monthly partnenta In return. W. M. TERRELL. 1*27 i?h Wlth B" H" w>rm,r Co.. J?27 12t #18 F at. n.w. OWN A LOT AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL On trolley ; 5 miles from White Hoqm>. Cash or ea?T iPATlnh71,JLi,.Bl.) i'P .W.rtt<* for dutiful Bradd K? Heights booklet, Ac. Reliable Agents Wanted jn B..1*111.. RealEstate.OlB UtbSt. VW.. Washington DO lyo-tr LOTS FOR SALE IN Hyattevllle. Takom*. Woodslds. Tenleytown ),2?-tf With B. B. Warnlr Co",t LOTS AT SOMERSET BEACH. 929 TO $200. A for summer borne*; 3 hour*" rl^tit Jw!f ? i? t>,'*DtJr ot shade ?? to?,H,";h; flying, ?*'t water bath fSft *' Be*ular u>?"? to <?lty. Lots going Easy payments If yon wish. Circulars and Information at SOMERSET BEACH CO.. 623 F at. n.w. | jytmn-14 FOR RENT?CHEAP?AT BRIOHTWOOD. D. 0. A good dslry farm; 88 acres; plenty of water; new dwelling and barn and other outbuildings; wind mill; accommodations for 40 head of stock. Jclfl-tf B. F. SAUL. 7th and L ata. n w. FOR BALE-SEVERAL DESIRABLE PLACES 4 and B acres each, near Brookland, D. 0.; im proved with dwelling. In good condition; wUl ?ell at bargain for quick sale; eaay terms, of would trade entire 26 acre#, unfcocu robe red, and (Ire difference in cash for desirable city property. jcyll-tf STONE A FAIRFAX. 806-808 V iT?v LEGAL NOTICES IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DlSTKIiTT of <. olunibla, holding a special term for Gnhaus' Court business.? In re estate of Mary T. McCarthy, deceased; No. I(i2".t5; administration dockut, L'S ? Application having been made to the Supremo Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term for Orphans' Court business, for letters of administration on said estate, by James F. Mc Carthy, It Is ordered this 6th day of August, lift*1 that notice is hereby given to Jeremiah McCarthy of the city of Indlsuapolls. In the state of Indiana, and to all others concerned, to apiiear in said court on Tuesday, the loth day of September, A. D. 16 o clock a.m., to show cause why su~h application should not be granted. This notice shall be pu blished In the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star once In each of throe suc cessive weeks before the return day th.Twirl men tloned?the first publication to be not less thau iilroD5aiw bX"r': return day. By the court: IIAKin M. CLABAl'GH, Justice. Attest: JOHN RO?!/.ER, Acting Register of Wills. 8HEEHY A MIEHin, Attorneys for AppIlcanV ao7-law3t A. II. DUVALL AND ARTHUR H. O'CONNOR, Attorneys.?In the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a District Court.?In re Exten sion of 3th Street, Lo Droit Park; No. 554 District Court.?Notice Is hereby given that the Commis sioners of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provisions of the act of Oongress approved March 8, 1KW, entitled "An act for the extenslou of I ennsylvania avenue southeast, aud for other por p?s?>s, ' U1(hI a petition In this court praying the condemnation of a permanent right of way for the public over all the land n<*cessary for the extension of 5th street, Le Droit Park, between Elm street and \\ 11 Hon street, a distance of one square, as shown ou a plat or map prepared by said Onu missioners and annexed to their said i>etltton marked ? Exhibit D. C. No. I." And then-after the said Commissioners filed their supplemental iietl tion herein, lu accordance with the act of Congress entitled "An act for the extension of Columbia road east of 13th street, and for other purposes," approved June C. 1900, praying that a Jnrv of seven Judicious, disinterested men not related to any person interested lti the proceedings, and not in the service or employment of the District of Co lumbta or of the I lilted Statin, to by the marshal for the District of Columbia, to assess the damages each owner of land taken may sustain by reason of the extension of said street, and the condemnation of lands for the purpose of such extension and assess iteiiefits resulting there from against those pieces or parcels of ground sit uate and lying on each side of said 5th street lw tweeil I'omeroy street and Spruce street, including the lots abutting on the said 5th street as extend ed according to the provisions of the said acts of Congress.?It is ordered this 6th day of August. A. D. 1U01, that all persons having any Interest In the proceedings be, and they are hereby, required to attend this court on the 2t>th day of August, 1901, at 10 o'cl?K'k a.m., and to continue in at tendance until this court shall have made Us final order ratifying and <*oiitirmlng the award of dam ages and assessments of benefits of the Jury. I'ri> rided, a copy of this order be published once In the Washington Luw Reporter, and in The Evening Star and Washington Post newspapers on secular ays at least six times Itefore the 2t!th day of August, 1001, and the marshal is directed to cause a copy of this notb-e to be served upon such own ers of the land to be condemned as may be found within the District of Columbia. By the court: HARRY M. CLABAUUII, Justice. A true coupyj test: J. R. YOUNG, Clerk; By R. J. MEIGS, Jr., Assistant Clerk. au7-wAs-Gt BARNARD A JOHNSON. SOLICIT*>RS.?I.N TUB tnpreme Oourt of the District of Columbia, John pauldlng et al., complainants, vs. John Law et al., defendants; No. 22432. In Equity, Doc. 00.?On mo tion of the complainants, by Barnard A Johnson, their solicitors. It U this 7th day of August, A. D. 1901. ordered that the defendants, John Law. Notley Maddox, Clarissa S. Maddox and William M. Maa dox, and their unknown heirs, alienees and devisee*, cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring forty days after this date; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as In case of default. The object of this suit is to quiet the title of the complainants in and to the original lots Xos. 11 and 12, lu the square numbered 881, In the Cltv of Washington, District of Columbia, and that the title of the complain ants therein may be declared of record and decreed by the court to be perfect, clear and complete In fee simple. Provided, a copy of this order be pub lished In the Law Reporter and Evening Star once a week In each of three successive weeks prior to said rule day. HARRY M. CLABAUGH, Justice. True copy. Test: J. R. YOUNG. Clerk; by J. WIL MER LATIMER, Assistant Clerk. au7-lawSw BARNARD & JOHNSON, SOLICITORS FOR Complainant.?In the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia.?Kate F. Steele Complainant, vs. Wm. M. Masl et al., Defendants. No. 21010. Equity.?Guy II. Johnson and Wilton J. Lambert, trustees, having reported to tbe court the sale of a portion of the real estate Involved In the above entitled cause, being tbe lot numbered eighty-four (84), In Moses Kelly's subdivision of lots In square numbered two hundred and twelve (212), as said subdivision Is recorded In Liber W. B. M., at folio 263. one of the records of the surveyor's office for said District, improved by the three-story brick dwelling, numbered 1418 N street northwest, to Charles W. Handy for the sum of Seven Thousand dollars ($7,000), and the purchaser having ten dered hlmseU ready to comply with the terms of tale: It Is, this 23d day of July, A.D. 1901, or dered that upon compliance with the terms of sale, the said sale be ratified and confirmed unless cause to tbe contrary be shown on or befors the 23d day of August. A.D. 1901: Provided a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks before said day In the W ashing ton Law Reporter. A. C. BRADLEY, Justice. A true copy?Test: J. R. YOUNG, Clerk. By B. J. faggS, Jr., Assistant Clerk. Jy24-l*w3w POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. B. S. RANDALL POTOMAC RIVER LINK CO. DAILY STEAMERS FOR RIVER LANDINGS. STEAMER KENT?Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day at T a.m. for Intermediate landings to Colonial Beach and Wirt's wharf. tmsAMBR WAKEPIELD?Monday and Saturday at T a.m. tqr intermediate landings to Colonial Beach. Bushwood, Rock Point. Colt on'*. Nonunt: Wednesday at 7 a.m. for aoov* landings and Lower Macbodoc, Stone's. Howard'* and Oobrum'a. UNITED STATES MAIL ROUT*. WASHINGTON, D. C , TO QLYMONT, ia>? and Intermediate landing*. The new steamer EST ELLS RANDALL, dally, except Sunday, 6:90 a.m. Returning about 8 p.m. Passenger accommodations first-class. Freight rscelred until the boor of sailing. K. S RANDALL, Manager, 'pboae 1TW. GEO. O. CARPINTER, General Agent ? me 174ft. WM. M. RKARDON, 'phone drla, ' 'phone 00. BOARDING. a Lmrna> WANTED?WILL ACCOMMODATE number of table boarder* at |4 per 1018 14th n.w. WANTED?BY A PRIVAT* FAXfLf, TABIM boarders. <8 H at. n.w. anT4t? TABLE D'HOTE AND A LA OARTR. DINNER all day Sundays and holidays: mwtfiy lunch far ladles slid gentlemen from 11 an til S; electric tans. CAFE ROBENSON. 1KB Mtk St. n.W. fatt-tf