Newspaper Page Text
NEW ADVERTISING RATES. t cent it word tinder the fol Iiihiiik clnsolfl rntlon*. Small ent cliarfif 15 cents. For Rent-Rooms. Rooms and Eoard. Boarding. Wanted-Help. Wanted-Siluations FREE MESSENGER If not convenient to rail at main office with your advertisements leave them at the following STAR BRANCH OFFICES: fth and T sts. n.w., Crlswoll's Drug Store. 14th ami H ?ts. n.w.. St. Louis Hotel. ttli ami E. Cap. sts., Haley's Drug Store. 7th ami II sts. n.e.. Griffith's Pharmacy. 2d ft. and Pa. are. s.e.. Inibyn's Pharmacy. Wharf fiot of 11th st. s.w. ISth and Vt. ave.. King's Pharmacy. 14th and R. I. nve., Huddleson's Pharmacy. 16th and F sts. n.w.. Portner Pharmacy. 14th anil Welling place. Kppler's. 32d and M sts.. OT'onnell'g Pharmacy. 32d and O sts.. O'Donnell's Pharmacy. Bond Mdg.. Cigar Stand. Woodward & Lotbrop. S. Kailn, Sons & Co. ?12 Pa. ave. Sth and F. D. S. Capitol, fith and B. City P. O. National. Ebbltt. Rlggs. WANTED?HELP. mam:. WANTED?ENERGETIC MEN AS SOLICITORS: guaranteed salary $12 weekly; reliable firm; ref. Call or address JARRETT, Room 8. 031 l'a. ave. aul?-3t* WANTED?CXION BRICKLAYERS AT 53c. PER hour, by Brick Contractors' Association. Call at RiHini 012. Ia'wim bldg.. Pittsburg. Pa. aul)-12t* \ANTED-A YOUNG~MAN IN* A REAL ESTATE sffice with some knowledge of bookkeeping anil must be a typewriter. Bos 0.'?. Star office. au9-3t Ranted colored young man to care for doctor's horse, buggies and offices; refercn es; wages |12. 1313 14th St. It* WANTED? VOl NO MAN FROM COUNTRY FOR store; permanent place. Call POST EMHANOl 515 12th n.w. It* WANTED?BRIOHT, ACTIVE. ENERGETIC MAS', between 25 anil 30 years old, as a traveling col lector: state reference and experimce. Address Box lO, Stat office. It* IrANTED ? Vol NG MAN FOR STORE; ALSO one for picture machines. 510 F n.w., second floor. It* 4aNTEI>-TWO FARM HANDS. MARRIED; 0 miles from city; wages. $18 per month, including house, firewood anil land for garden; work the year round Call or address to E. Rl'RGDORF. 416 8th ?t. n.w. au8-3t* WANTED-AT ONCE. AN UP-TO-DATE Cl'T ter: must be well known In Washington; n good position for a first-class man. T. E. GILBERT, Importer anil Tailor. SIS F st. n.w. au8-2t* ANTED TILE SETTERS. APPLY 1835 MAR kct. Philadelphia. BUCHANAN & SLOAN. au8-3t VaNTED ? A YOI'TII WHO HAS HAD SOME experience in feeding steam-power job printing pres>?es. Address Box 1ST, Star office. au7-3t FEMALE. WANTED?GIRL To COOK AND DO GENERAL housework in small f.imily of adults. 432 M st. n.w. It* WANTED?COOKS. chambermaids, WAIT ri sscs. nurses, laundresses, general houseworkers. All kinds plui e8 secured. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 014 13th. It* WANTED A good ci (OK, SETTLED OlUHflCD woman. Apply evening between 0:30 and S 1730 Q st. auU-2t* WAX 1 ED?AT ONCE. FIRST!'TTass STARCH ers FRAZKE S LAUNDRY, 1214 D st. n.w. 1* WANTED - A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOI'SE work; must be a good cook and bring reference. 1415 Bacon st. aul)-3t* WANTED "white OR COLORED GIRL FOR GEN housework in small family. Apply 9)5 O st. n.w., after .1 p.m. aui*-2t* W.\ VI 1 D^PAN l RV. LIN EN ROOM \V? i.M EN ; also chaiuliermaiils, for summer resorts. 510 F n.w., second floor. It* WA N'T I'D- EXPERIENCED MILLINERY PRE parers: also experienced millinery saleslady. Mrs. C. STIF.BEL. 1113 G st. n.w. au8-2t WANTEI EBUSINESS WOMAN PAST .311, Al7 reaily profitably engaged; none unemployed need answer. Address Box 84, Star office. au7-3t* MALE OK FEMALE. W A NT ED?A N ENERGETIC, TR USTWt ?RTI IY young man or lady; $12 a week. Apply COOK, !?17 G st. n.w. au7-3t* W A N TE D?ROOMS. WANTED?2 COMMUNICATING ROOMS ON 21) fii*?r. by 2 young gentlemen, with or without board, bet. L anil O and 12th and 14th n.w. Ad dress V. B. W.. Star office. It* WANTEI? SEPT. IS. BY MARRIED COUPLE, 3 unfurnished rooms, with or without use of bath. In n.w.; moderate price. Address <j. 1*. S., Star office. aul)-2t* WANTED BY Yol NG \UN IN OFFICE! A pleasant room, either with or without board; terms must he moderate; state price and partic ulars. Address W. P. C.. Star office. au8-3t* WANTED--LAIUiK 2D STORY FRONT ROOM (bay-window preferred) for two ladies, between Mass. ave. and o st. and !?th and loth sts. n.w.; private family desired. Address MAY JASPER, General Delivery. au7-3t* WANTED?BY A SINGLE LADY, FRONT ROOiL fur., and hall room, uufur.. In private family, so. exp, centrally located, near car line, for l.h.k.; reasonable. Address It. B. A., Star office. au7-3t* WANTED?HOUSES. WANTED TO RENT SMALL Ilol'SE OR 5 room flat, n.w. or s.e.; must be new and modern; state price and location. Address Box 155. Star office. auD-2t* WANTED SEl'I'EMBER 1, BY NAVAL OFFICER, houx>: six chambers; modern improvements; n.w. between I anil S. west of 10th. Rent, $40 to $0u. All particulars to SANTIAGO, Star office. it* WANTV.D VACANT HOUSES TO KENT? One for (11.00 (colored). One for >13.5o (white). One for $15.00 (white). CITY or COUNTY. Four for $20.50 iwhite). Six for $25.5o twhlte). Two for $30.50 (white). One for *40.00 (white). If you desire to rent send me your house, 1 will rent it for jou. R. S. DONALDSON, auS-2t* 520 10th n.w. WANTED?furnished HOUSE, centrally located, near car line. Address Mrs. J. B. A., aus-2t* Star offlc WANTED HOUSE. 7 oR s ROOMS; MODERN conveniences; g<>mi nelghlsirhood: price $3,ink* or $3.5<Mt. Address CARRIER 08, Station A. aul)-2t auV-2t WANTED - IMMED1ATEIA\ 0 To 8 room house near cars, from $2,(mmi to $3,000; have client wiio will buy at once and pay cash; will go u e. or s.e.; must l>e a bargain. Send full j?ar ticulara to E HAYES KAl', with Wash. & Suburban Real Estate Co. (Inc.), 1412 G st. n.w. au8-6t WANTED - YOUR VACANT HOUSES Yol'R VACANT HOUSES will bring you In prompt returns if placed with tie (mr office central and accessible. Applicant* daily. Give us a tual. Special attention to renting and selling. What have you to offer? E. LODGE hill, anfc-3t 8??2 F st. n.w. wanted for ?\\sii purchasers - Two nice houses, n.w. section; good condition, in A1 location; 0 and 8 rooms respectively. Price. $3,500 to $0,500. Renting property a specialty. E. i.ODGE hill au8-3t 802 F st. n.w. WANTED HOI SE. FOR CASH; MODERN'" 8 OR !? rooms, wltli kitcheu on 1st floor; (5.000 to $8,000. BEN B. BRADFORD, 713 14th. auS 6t WANTED -TO BUY A HOUSE. CENTRALLY LO cated, with about 7 rooms and minlem Improve ments; terms cash for moderate price. Address CASH 11.. Star office. au7-3t* WANTED? MISCELLANEOUS" WANTED NOW IS THE TIME TO capon1ze? Me. per bird, icductloii on large lots. R. It. ( TYLER. Branchvllle. Prince George's Co., Md.* WANTED* TEN CARTS, WAGES *2 25 PER flay; tomorrow morning. 7 o'clock. 12th st. Iiet. G and II u.w. It* WANTED CASH PAID loll furniture, CAR. pets, stoves and office fixtures of all kinds. Fur niture stored, packed and shipped. Address BAUM. 1)12 Pa ave. n.w. 'Phone 1254. auS-tf U'A NTED-W E seliTe V ERY'l'H I NG. IF THERE la anythiag you want, no matter what, we will sell It to toil cbea|M>r thau any one else. Drop us a card and our representative will call. FRANK P. LIBBEY & CO., au8-3t* Washington, D. C. WANTED 1 WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHIM; ADDKK8S A POSTAL AND I WILL CALL. It. TARSHES. L"hj8 7TI1 N.W. ou7-4t* wanted-feathersT HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for old feather beds. All orders promptly attended to. Send postal to B. 11. W EINSTEIN ft CO.. 481 Missouri ave. Jyl6-26t* WAN'TED-OLD GOLD. SILVER. DIAMONDS, old time vat< hes. dentist gold, platinum teeth plates, Ac., bought for cash; pawn tickets bo-ight. frl.Vtf l^H IS ABRAHAMS. 433 t?th at. n.w. WANTED IF YOU HAVE ANY FEATHER BEDS, furniture, carpets, office fixtures or show cases fcr sale It will psy you to drop postal to I. FRIEDMAN. I) St. o.w, |y 1-781 *4 WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALIC. WANTED-BY <X>LORED MAN, PLACE AS DISIl washer or waiter In private family. 606 2d s.w.* WANTED?BY SOBER, HONEST YOl'NG MAN. positlou as cigar clerk, cafe cashier or book keeper. Address Itox 15, Star office. au9-2t* WANTED ? BY STEWARD, EXPERIENCED, soW-r, with excellent reference, position; mod erate salary. Address Box 4, Star office. nu9-2t* WANTED?BY IIOTEI. CLERK, BEST OF RF.F erenee, position, day or iiiielit; moderate salary. Address Box 21. Star office. au9-2t* WANTED-BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN, POSI tlon of any kind; chance for advancement. Ad dress Box 79. Star office. It' WANTED-BY CAPABLE YOUNG MAN. STENOG rapher, stenographic work outside of government officers. Address W. S. W? Star office. au9-3t* WANTED? BY SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS MAN, place as Janitor or watchman. Address 7S6 Sheridan st. n.w. au9-2t* WANTED?BY REGISTERED DRUGGIST OF 10 years" experience, a position. Can give best of reference. Address Box 153. Star office. au9-2t* WANTED ? DAY'S WORK* WASHING DONE home or out. 709 1st n.w. It* WANTED?BY DllUG CLERK, REGISTERED, A No. 1 reference, relief work two evenings a week after 0 o'clock. Address RELIEF WORK, Star office. It WANTED?TO MKT GENTLEMAN INTERESTED in soft coal mining, with view to position; prac tical experience; teference. Address MINER, Star office. au8-3t* WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWL edge of chemistry, stenography and typewriting, a position; will give any one $25 for procuring same; best references. Address Box 62. Star office. nu8-3t* FEMALE. WANTED?SITUATION BY GOOD. RELIABLE women cooks, houseworkcrs, white and colored chaiu'iermaids, waitresses, house girls, nurses; first-class help fur. Address 1032 11th st. n.w.l* WANTED ? BY EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, sewing at reasonable rate. 1212 New York ave. n.w. au9-2t* WANTED?BY A RELIABLE SETTLED WHITE women, work; can do dressmaking and plain sewing, assist with light work, be a maid for an aged lady or a half-grown child; willing to travel any distance. Address 11. M., 632 Mass. ave. n.w. It* WANTED-BY A COLORED GIRL. PLACE AS nurse, chambermaid or help around the house. Call at 2220 11th st. n.w. it* WANTED ? BY COMPETENT YOUNG WHITE woman, place In private family. Address Box 103. Star office. It* WANTED - SEWING IN FAMILIES; HOURS from 9 to 5 o'clock; making over, repairing. &c.; $3 per week, with 2 meals. Address Box 80, Star office. It* WANTED?SITUATION BY EXPERIENCED COL ored nurse?chambermaid; laundress; refs. each. Place as driver, hostler, porter, by young man. Address Box 35, Star office. It* WANTED ?BY WHITE WOMAN, PLACE AS laundress by day or wtek. Call 1629 5th st. n.w. It* WANTED?BY A GOOD SEAMSTRESS. SEWING and button holes; best reference. 2224 N st. n.w. It* WANTED?I HAVE A GOOD WHITE HOUSE girl who wants a home in city or Georgetown. Please call 16X5 Valley St., Georgetown. It WANTED?WASHING TO DO BY DAY AT HOME or to do cleaning out. 1512 loth St.. upstairs. It WANTED?BY A REFINED LADY FROM THE country, a position as housekeeper for a bachelor or widower, or nurse to invalid; no objection to the country. Address Mrs. B. A., Star office. ai'S-2t* WANTED-BY A SETTLED WHITE WOMAN, work by tbe day, such as sewing carpets, mend ing or cleaning house. Address Box 57. Star office. au8-2t* WANTED?FLATS. WANTED?6-ROOM FLAT OR PART OF DWELL ing, convenient to 13th and ave. Address, giving location and terms, It. F. It., Star office. It* FOR KENT?FLATS. FOR RENT?"THE FARRELL," NO. 716 7TII ST. n.w., small apartments of 4 rooms, tiled baths and storage rooms each; steam heat; In good condition. $U2.50 to $1:5. au'.t-.'tt A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-FLAT OF 8 ROOMS AND BATH, in nice condition; sanitary plumbing; 1608 14th st. n.w., over drug store. Inquire In store. au9-3t FOR RENT?"FLATS." The "Westover," corner 16th and U sts. n.w. (finest apartment house in the city); every mod. Imp.; 2, 5 and 6 rooms and bath. $25 "to $70 per month. "Princeton," 1430 V st. n.w., 4 and 5 rooms each. $30 to $40 each. "Northampton" (new), 1405 W st. n.w.; 5 rooms and bath; every imp. $10 to $45 each. "An ilostan," 1718 Corcoran st. n.w. (gas fur nished!, 4 rooms and bath. $32.50. The ' Essex," 1422 N st. n.w., 5 rooms and bath. $37.5o. The "Llewellyn," 2224 F st. n.w., 4 rooms and bath. $25 to $;?). an9-Wt L. S. FR1STOE. 1413 G st. n.w. FOR RENT ? NEAT APARTMENTS IN "THE Farrell." No. 716 7th st. n.w.; 4 rooms, tiled baths anil storage rooms each; $22.50 and $25.00. A. F. FOX CO.. Inc., 920 F st. n.w. au7-3t FOR RENT?ON 2D FLOOR, HANDSOME FLAT, 3 rooms or more: newly painted and papered. Also large back room, $15. Third-floor back room, $10. 1141 Conn. ave. n.w. au7-0t FOR RENT?SPLENDID 6-ROOM FLAT; ABS0 lutely private bath, etc. 900 Oth st. s.e., cor. I. S CAltR. 1335 F n.w. au7-3t FOR RENT?IN THE LAFAYETTE, 1607 7T1I ST. n.w., one of the l?est flats In the city for the money; 4 rooms and tiled bath; porcelain tub; cabinet mantels; handsome papering; gas range; steam heat; hot water furnished to bath and sink from the cellar; bicycle and storage rooms In cellar; Janitor, &c. Open for Inspection. Call at office for further particulars. au6-tf B. F. SAUL, 7th and L sts. n.w. FOR RENT-THE ALEXANDER, 1511 U ST. n.w.; beautiful 5-room apartment; southern sun ny rooms; daintily furnished; finely appointed; single or en suite; furnished or unfurnished. CAItLETON B. HAZARD, 612 14th st. n.w. au3-lw FOR RENT-"KENOVA," 1ST AND MASS. AVE. and E st. u.e.; 5 rooms and buth; every con venience; rents $30 and $33; will be ready for occupancy September 1; uear 3 car lines. aul-tf,5 H. L. RUST, 608 14th n.w. THE DRISCOLL 1ST AND B STS. N.W.. HAS for rent handsomely fur. and unfur. apartments of 3 to 8 rooms and bath; with or without house keeping facilities; every appointment most mod em; location facing U. S. Capitol grounds; ex cellent cafe; filtered water; electric light (free). See or write to T. A. McKEE, Mgr. Jy31-12t FOR RENT? "OLYMPIA" APARTMENTS. C<> luinbla Heights; thoroughly fireproof; army and navy headquarters; three, five and seven rooms; all modern conveniences; moderate rates Jy20-tf OSCAR W. WHITE. 1114 F st. FOR RENT-THE PORTNER?ABSOLUTELY FIRE proof; 15th and U sts.; 5 and 6-room house keeping fiats; tiled baths; filtered water and all conveniences; si>cclal rutes to October 1. Also one 3-room and bath bachelor apartment lyO-tf FOR RENT -THE PORTNER-ABSOLUTELY FIRE proof; loth and U sts.; delightfully cool 4 rooms and tiled bath, housekeeping fiat; southern ex posure; special price to Oct. 1. Jy9-tf Ft>It RENT-THE COLUMBIA, 14TH AND BIV ney, overlooking the city; apartment of 0 rooms southern exposure; elec. light, filtered water, laundry, etc.; spe< lal price. JeS-tf JAMES A. CAIIILL. 1308 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?IN THE CONCORD, C? )R. VEVV Hampshire and Oregon aves.. 2 and 4 and 5-room apartments; cool in summer; excellent cafe my21-tf FOR RENT THE ADDISON, 916 14TI1 ST. N.W.? 3 rooms and bath $3u.00 to $35.00 THE ALG1 STA, cor. N. Y. and N. J. aves. 4 rooms and bath $20.00 to $32.50 THE LOliSA, 216 New* York ave. n.w.? New building, 4 rins. and b $20.00 and $22.60 2506 Pa. ave. n.w., 4 rooms and bath $20.50 5ol O st. n.w., 3 rooms and bath $2o.5o 71 P st. n.e., 5 rooms and bath $17.80 73V-t P st. n.e , 5 rooms and bath $17 80 74Vj O st. n.e., 4 rooms nml bath $15.30 2119 Wa d pi. n.w., 3 rooms and bath $'.i 00 38 Decatur St. n.e., 4 rooms and bath $9 00 iny3 tf WEAVER BROS., 1416 F st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST?AUG. 5. ABOUT 10 P.M.. AT GLEN Echo, black silk-lined cheviot Jacket. Reward If returned to 1418 L st. n.w. LOST?A COMBINATION COM MANDEItY AND 32'* Scottish Rite Masonic watch charm, attached to Idaek ribbon. Suitable reward If' returned. WILLIS L. MOORE, Weather Bureau. It* L> 'ST?RED LEATHER POCKET BOOK AND EN velope, containing $23 in bills and two small checks. $5 reward. H. II. GLASS1E, Stewart building. 6th and D sts. It* LOST FOUR LEAF-CLOVER PIN, WITH PEARL in center. Finder will receive reward by return ing same to E. F. CAVERLY, 1316 W st. n.w. au9-2t* LOST-A YOUNG PARROT. FROM 923 H ST. n.w., on Tlursday evening. Liberal reward If returned to above address. It* LOOT?AUG. 5. GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH, with black ribbon fob and charm, with K. of G. E. on chnrm. Reward of $10 If returned to 6O8V1 13th st. au8-2t* LOOT-ON AUGUST 7, SMALL BUCK LEATHER p<M-ket book, containing sum of monev. Finder suitably rewarded. Mrs. LAWRENCE SANDS, 19th st. extended and Wood ley road. au8-3t* STRAYED OR STOLEN. FROM 813 1STH ST. n.w., a "Dachshund dog;" answers to name of "Jonas." Reward If returned to aboTe address. Tag No. 212. J. GEORGE KAISER. au8-2t* PERSONAL. ?AIN'T" WE GENEROUS? WE'LL HELP YOU to take a summer outing, tf you hare us caR for those men's worn ge-meuts, and par you full cash value for same. Shoes, hats, etc. Notes by mall. ?u?-ta JUSTH'S OLD STAND, 619 D. FOR KENT?ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR KENT?1230 12TH ST. N.W., 1ST FLOOR. 4 rooms, $28. Key at 913 M st. n.w. after 5 p.m. au9-6t* FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM." PRI vate family of adults; beautiful and convenient location; house with all modern improvements; 13th st. near io\va Circle. Box 201, Star office. au9-2t* FOR KENT?NICELY FURNISHED SECOND AND third-story rooms, with or without board. 1107 10th st. n.w. au9-3t* FOR RENT? 814 11TH ST. N.W. NICELY FUR nished third-floor front bay-window room; large closet; new porcelain bath; all modern improve ments; first-class, well-kept house; rent moderate. It* FOR RENT?TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. 608 3d st. n.w. au8-2t* FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH PRI vate hath; 834 13th St., cor. I St.; house well heated in winter; sanitary plumbing; porcelain bath tub*. a?8-3a* FOR RENT?LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED front room; eSery convenience; bath on floor; private family. 1113 17th st. n.w. au8-3t* FOR RENT?TWO LARGE, ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed parlors and bed rooms. 1835 14th st. n.w. au8-3a* FOR RENT?FURNISHED-THREE COOL, CLEAN rooms; $5 to $8. 128 D n.e. ^ auS-3t FORIRENT?TWO DELIGHTFUL CO Mill'NIC AT lng rooms on 2d floor, with pleasant surround ings. At 1312 12th st. n.w. an7-0t UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?TWO COMMUNICATING ROOMS, en suite or single; southern exposure. 805 K st. n.w. au9-2t* FOR RENT?TWO OR THREE ROOMS, Sl'IT alile for a physician; Just vacated. 1524 14th st. n.w. au0-3t* FOR RENT?21? FLOOR. UNFURNISHED; I'Alt lor. dining room and use of kitchen. 1139 loth n.w. au9-3t* FOR RENT?1119 6TH ST. N.W., 3 DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms, 2d floor. au9-2t* FOR RENT - BY COUPLE WITHOUT CHIL. dren, entire floor, unfurnished;; ria sonable. 2006 F St. au9-2b* FOR KENT?TWO UNFURNISHED SECOND* flonr rcwims; one large front and one rear; bath adjoining; private family; fine location; l.h.k. 13 4th s.e. It FOR RENT?THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; light housekeeping; desirable location. 5o9 51 st. n.w. au8-2t* FOR RENT ? UNFURNISHED, 3 ROOMS, EN tire second floor; newly papered; light housekeep ing. 1219 H n.w. au7-3t* ?oit RENT?SECOND FLOOR 1035 13TH ST.. 2 or 3 large, beautiful rooms; hot water heat; owner. au(!-5t FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?ROOMS ON 2D FLOOR; PRIVATE home; house ocupled by owner. 1625 14th st. aug-2t* FOR RENT?LARGE FRONT AND HALL ROOM, 2d floor; also suite of rooms, with private bath. 1132 12th st. n.w. au9-3t* FOR RENT-COMMUNICATING ROOMS. UNFUR. or partly furnished; southern exposure; no chil dren; ref. 905 M st. n.w. au9-3t* FOR RENT?TWO LARGE COMMUNICATING rooms on 3d floor, unfurnished, and 2, including a large trunk room, on 2d floor, furnished. 1415 Q st. n.w. au9-3t FOR RENT?SUITE OF 3 ROOMS AND BATH, 2D floor, furnished or unfurnished. Call after 6 p.m., 2146 P st. n.w. au7-6t* ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR RENT - CAPITOL HILL, FURNISHED rooms and board; reasonable rates. 203 B n.e. ? ROOMS! FURNISH E D AND UNFURNISHED^ with board, if desired, 1121 10th st. n.w.; ref erences exchanged. au8-3t* FOR RENT?1113 O ST. N.W.. WITH OR WITH out iKiard, furnished front rooms; large closets, and In house with modern improvements. au8-3t* TWO BACHELOR APARTMENTS FOR RENT, having each sitting room, bed room, large clothes closet, with window and bath room; unfurnished, $25 a month: furnished. $35 a month; table itoaril in the apartment house for $25 a month. THE WESTOVER. 16th and U sts. auS-2t? FOR RENT?717 10TII ST. N.W., LARGE, NEW corner house, nicely furnished rooms; single or tn suite; large closets, steam heat and good home table. Table board. Rooms for transients. Jy?9-26t* FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOR RENT?DESIRABLE ROOMS IN NO. 637 F st. n.w., on 1st and 3d floors; $8 to $15. Just papered and painted. It A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?LARGE. WELILIGHTED, MODERN offices; elevator, electric light, steam heat. Jani tor scrvlce; rent, $12.50; no extras. Metzerott bid jr.. 1110 F st. n.w. Je4-tf GASCH BROS.. Agts.. 1307 F st. FOR RENT-DESIRABLE OFFICES IN THE BLISS building; electric light, telephone and Janitor service free; from $7.50 up. Inquire Room 8, Bliss building, 35 B st. n.w. mh27-tf FOR RENT?STORES. FOR RENT?NEAR PALAIS ROYAL, STOREROOM No. 73<> lith st. n.w., with workrooms in rear; steam heat; occupied by ladles' tailor for some years. $40. It A. F. FOX CO.. Inc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?1423 N. Y. AVE.; VERY DESIRABLE store room and cellar; one of the best locations In the city. A. T. COUMBE, au7-3t 1425 N. Y. ave. HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE-BAY HORSE; GOOD DRIVER; weight, 1.100; price reasonable. Call bet. 12 and 3 o'clock. 822 1st st. n.w. au9-3t* FOR SALE?A LARGE BAY HORSE, 7 YEARS old; weigh between 1,200 and 1,300. Call 517 18th st. u.w. au9-2t* FOR SALE-A SIX-YEAR-OLD BAY MARE, GOOD traveler, gentle and easy to handle. Also good phaeton and harness. Will be sold cheap. ED WARDS, 225 l'a. ave. s.e. au9-3t* WANTED-GOOD SURREY HORSE FOR HIS feed: light work. 2d floor, 7o4 14th n.w. au8-3t FOR SALE-BY GENTLEMAN LEAVING CITY, elegant bay horse; six years old; perfect condi tion; guaranteed fearless. Rubber-tire runabout and harness. Inquire at OXFORD HOTEL. au8-3t* FOR SALE?BAY HORSE; AGE, 8; WEIGHT. 1,150; perfectly sound and fearless; left with me to be sold, as owner has left the city. Dr. C. F. HADFIELD. 110 M st. n.w. au8-3t FOR SALE-HIGH-CLASS LIGHT-WEIGHT CAN opy-top surrey; leather lined; excellent condition; very cheap; price, $70. Call at DAItNES & OF FL'TT'S STABLE. 3287 M st. n.w. au3-0t* FOR SALE?AT 214 E ST. S.W.. 3 COLTS AND 1 black horse; bay mare, 6 years old, by Prince Orloff; bay colt, 3 years old, by Truxon; 1 sorrel stallion, 4 years >ld. These colts off Sorrel Daisy, owned by Gen. Beale; all well broken and nice steppers, and all standard bred. Jy31-12t* FOR SALE - JUMP-SEAT SURREY, $35; TOP buggies, $45 up; surreys. $60 up; Dayton wagons, $42.50; runalsiuts, $37.50; business and ladles' <phaet?ns. $62.50 up; $20 harness, $14. II. W. ROBINSON & CO., 201 12th st. u.w. au5 6t FOR SALE - TOP BUGGY, $15; 3 HORSES, pony trap, rubber-tire runabout, 2 top buggies and cai?opy-top surrey. These goods must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. 1305 G st. n.w. au5-6t FOR SALE ? FINE BREWSTER VICTORIA, also brougham, four passengers, brake; dog cart, village cart, 6ingle and double harness to match; very low price; will sell separately. DOWNEY'S STABLES. 1622 L St. n.w. au3-0t ALL SUMMER VEHICLES AT COST? New Top Buggies $37.00 New Steel-tire Runabouts $40.00 We are the lowest on Daytons. JAMES K. PROBEY, ?Phone W. 42 F. 1230 32d st. n.w. Jy24-26t FOR SALE-TO REDUCE, WE OFFER THE FOL lowlug bargains: {185 Canopy-top, Cut-under Surrey flflO HO Rubber-tired Runabout Buggy $70 $75 Steel-tired Runabout Buggy $55 $85 Side-spring Concord Buggy $65 Best Dayton Wagons $40 We have the largest stock of Fancy Delivery Wagons to select from In the city. We make a specialty of putting on rubber tires at the lowest prices. 8. J. MEEKS' SONS, 622 G St. n.w. Jy23-tf BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE?RESTAURANT; BEST LOCATION IN city; old stand. Address Box 87, Star office. au9-3t* FOR SALE-CHEAP FOR CA8H-AN ELECTRI cal engineering scholarship In the International Correspondence School at Scranton. Pa. Apply to 820 4Vh at. s.w. au9-3t TO SELL OUT AT ONCE FOR CASH, FIR8T class grocery and provision business; fine horse and wagon; excellent chance. Address Box 39, Star office. It* STOCKS OFFER A DAILY BUSINESS OPPOR tunlty. One may buy stocks on 2 per cent mar f ln through "The Stock Grain ProT. Co.," capital, 200.000.00, 10 Wall St., New York. Washington correspondent. The Ferry Commission Co., 1339 F st. n.w. Office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. au8-26t* WANTED?HORSE AND RUNABOUT OR SUR rey; will pay part cash, balance In exchange for building lot on elec. R. R. near city, where real estate Is enhancing In value. Address Box 137, Star office. au2-7t AT RAMSAY'S? YOUR WATCH CLEANED, $1.00. WATCH MAINSPRING, $1.00. ALL WORK WARRANTED ONE YEAR. mh3-5d 1221 F ST. N.W. ATTORNEYS. CHARLES 8. BUNDY, Commissioner of Deeds for New York and all other states and territories. Fendall building, cor. 4V4 at. opposite City Hall. 'Pbooe 1810. au23-4tf CAMPBELL CARRINGTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Webster Law building, 60S D st. n.w., Washing ton, D. C. Residence. No. 8 Mount Vernon Flats, New X?k 8Tt. ut ?tb sk a.?w MU FOK RENT?HOUSES. FURNISHED. F?? ??NT-r?BWI.Y FURNISHED ESTABLISHED boarding bouse; desirable n.w. section; owner or furniture to bMrd with tenant for use of fur.; references; southern tenant preferred. Address SOUTHERN L.. Star office. au8-8t* '_f VKFIRXISHED. FOE RENT? 1228 13th st. n.w.; 11 rooms, porcelain bath, nice plumbing, stationary Wash tubs, Ac.; hand somely papered, in nice order $50.60 1450 anil 1454'V st. n.w.; 7 rooms, bath and large cellar; near 14th st. cars 130.50 A nice little 6-room house, with bath room, hot and cold water, nice cellar and yard, within a square aT 14th st. cars $22.5u Apply at offlc?r of the Portlier, 15th and U sta. <fn9-tf) VOLNEY EATON, Agent. for rentwf you desire to rent let me know Just where you want a house j? the price yon can afford to pay. I WILL get YOU Just what you WANT. R. S. DONALDSON. No charges. (au8-2t*)) 520 10th n.w. FOK RENT? 1117 9th st. n.w.; frame house, containing 8 rooms and bath. ___ Kent only $20.50. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., _ao9-3t Real Estate I>epartment. FOK RENT? Corner 23d and N sts. n.w.; 3 stories and base ment buff brick; 8 rooms; 2 baths; good condi tion. Rent, $37.50. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., an9-3t Real Estate Department. FOR RENT-NEAR FRANKLIN PARK, FINE frtone-fr< nt residence, No. 1411 K st. n.w., 11 rooms, 2 baths, furnace and large brick stable. In first-class condition; handsome hardwood fin ish. $125. 1t A. P. FOX CO.. Inc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?CENTRALLY LOCATED BRICK, NO. 616 11 st. n.w., 10 rooms and bath, $40; and part brick No. 710 11th st. n.w., 13 rooms, bath and stable. $50. - It A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 020 F st. n.w. for rent?handsome stone-front, no. ism K st. n.w., 9 rooms and tiled bath; large yard; In good condition. $5". It A. F. FOX CO.. Inc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT HANDSOME RAY-WINDOW FRONT, No. 1019 S st. n.w., 9 rooms, bath (open plumb ing) and large brick stable. Nicely finished and in A-l condition. $60. It A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 920'F st. n.w. FOR RENT-N.W. SECTION?BRICK NO. 150S 9TH st. n.w., 10 rooms, bath and large yard, $35; and brick No. 307 M st. n.w., 8 rooms, reception hall and bath, $3o. Also brick No. 1529 Sth st. n.w., 9 rooms, bath, cellar and stable; $37.50. It A. F. FOX CO., Inc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-NEAR WASHINGTON CIRCLE, BAY window brick. No. 939 N. 11. ave. n.w., 8 rooms and bath; $25. It A. F. FOX CO., Inc.. 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-SMALL HOUSES. N.W.?BRICK NO. 413 Q st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath, $20.50; and brick No. 608 6th st. n.w., 8 rooms and bath, $21.50. A. F. I'OX CO.. Inc., 920 F st. n.w. It FOR RENT?N.W. SECTION?SMALL H&USES Frame No. 716 5th st. n.w.. 8 rooms, $20.50. and brick No. 612 5tli st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath, $25. It A. F. FOX CO.. Inc.. 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-EASTERN SECTION?NEAT 1U.Y window brick. No. 330 II st. n.e., 8 rooms, bath and good brick stable: $35. It A. F. FOX CO., Iuc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR RENT? " 2439 Columbia road. 12 rms., 2 baths $70.00 2903 14th st. (Col. Ilts.), 10 rms. and bath. 50.00 1415 U st. n.w., 10 rms. and bath 48.00 1204 7th st. n.w. (store and dw.) 30.SO 89 P st. n.w., 6 rms. and bath 21.50 421 P st. n.w., 14 ims. and 2 baths 40.00 au9-6t L. S. FRISTOE. 1413 G st. n.w. FOR RENT?IN MT. PLEASANT. 8-ROOM AND bath cottage; cellar, furnace, large yard, &c. Rent. $32.50. au9-3t L. S. FRISTOE, 1413 G st. n.w. FOR RENT?$25.50?1104 O ST. N.W.; 2-STORY and basement bay-window dwelling; 8 rooms, porcelain bath; open for inspection. au8-7t Apply (OWNER) 2020 12th st. n.w. FOR RENT?1360 YALE ST. N.W.; 12 ROOMS. 2 tiled baths; hot-water heat; white marble front; desirable location, just off 14th st. cars; rent, $53.13 per mo.. Including water; possession Aug. 15. Iu<iuiix> on premises or WEAVER BROS., Agts., 141lt F tft. n.w. an8-3t* FOR RENX?IN JUT. PLEASANT. NEW, WIDE brick; lor.; alt m.i.; first-floor kitchen; several oi?en fireplaces; large cellar; very desirable. Key at 8.w. cor. 15th and Kcnesaw uve. au8-3t* FOR RENT- 'PHONE 2417. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., iEAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. 1453 Mass nw, lOr.$75.00' 1526 T st nw, fir. ..32.80 3323 Holm'd. av.ltlr. 40.50 1439 It st nw. 7r...30.50 1827 Rlggs pi, llr. .40.00 1322 Wal'ch pi uw,8r28.50 1922 16th, Hat, 5r. .40.00 1117 9th st nw 20.00 1259 23d st.-8r 37.50 1327 L, stable r'r of. 10.00 1W6 M, store. . . ..'55.50! au8-tf TMOMAS BRAP1.EY, Real Estate Officer. FOR RENT-BY ' WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., 1407 F St. N.W. 601 18tb, 14rAba. .$90.00,2156 Cal av,12r&b.fine 1721 Rlggs fil,10r&b.75.00 finish, steam heat.75.00 1519 28th, lOr&ba..40.(.M) Pst nr 15th,10r&b.50.00 1326 N Cap, Orttb. .25.50 1913 4th, Or&b 25.50 323 C se, ffr&b 20.00 308-10 Sea ton, 6r&ti.23.50 52 Mass av nw, Sr.14.00 2225 ('lev av,6r&b.. .15.30 610 14th, 3^&b..15.0y.-457 N Y av (rear).. 10.50 au8-3t 1 FOR RENT?DESIRABLE HOUSES? 1312 9th st. n.w., V rooms, mod. imp $45.50 1504 1* st. n.w., 10 rooms, mod. imp 45.50 1310 9th st. n.w., 9 rooms, mod. imp 4O.50 au7-3t A. T. COUMltE, 1425 N. Y. ave. FOR RENT-BY ROBERT II. STONE. 804 F N.W. Store, dwelling, 611 Store, dwelling, 1731 L st $40.00; Pa, 7r, ba 50.00 727 L ne, 6r, ba... 15.30:1104 O, 7r, ba 25.50 j>31-tf FOR RENT? NW, 1527 N II av (fur- NW, 809 1st, 11 r&b.35.00 nished)20r&2b.$3.000.00|N'W. 1418 llth,9r&b.30.55 NW, 1527 N II av (unfur- NW, 1221 1 lth,8r&b.25.50 nished) 20r&2b. .2.500.00 NW. 3572 7th,sto,Sr.25.00 NW. 912 1,17r&2b.$ 100.001NW, 3535 O. 8r&b..22.90 NW.14O9Maxs.lir.bl0o.00 NW, 1400 D, lOr...16.00 NW, VI2 I, 17r&2b. 100.00 NW. 1828 E, 6r 15.30 NW, 1402 L. Or&b. .83.33,NW, 517 S, 5r 15.30 NW, 1009 9th,14r,2b.S3.33 NW, 1510 Erie, 6r..l5.oo NW, 1207 lst,13r&b.75.00 NW, 1247 35th, 6r.. 12.30 NW, 1221 17th,9r,b.66.66 NW, 1809 6th, 4r...12.30 NW, 1119 U, llr&b.55.00 SE, 1102 9th, 12r...l'^.?0 NW.2308 20th.12r.2b50.00 SE 140 M. 6r 9.30 NW. 1332 R st, lOr.50.00 SW, 914 Va av,8r,b.22.90 NW, 917 II, llr&b. .40.00 SW, 925 Md av.6r,b,18.30 NW, 2132 13tb,8r,b.35.00 SW, 241 13>/&, 5r 8.30 FLATS-N. W.-UNFURNISH ED. 208 D. 4ritb $27.5<?,llo7 G, 2 rooms.. .$20.00 206 D, 2d 11, 4r&b. .25.50 1107 G, 3d tl, 2r... 15.00 208 D. 1st 11, 4r&b..25.6oi 1107 G, 1st A, 2r...15.00 UNFURNISHED FLATS-SOUTHEAST. 809 Pa. ave., tir & b $25.00 STORES?N.W. NW, 810 9th $50.00 3572 7th 25.00 *39 20th 40.0011115 14th (shop Id rr)20.00 OFFICES. NW, Gunton bids, offices. ]NW. 468 La av. offices. NW. Central bldg, offices. JNW, 6o0 6th, 2 rms..$11 ASK FOR WEEKLY BULLETIN. u5-6t THOS. E, \\ AGGAMAN. 917 F st. n.w. FOR RENT? 432 K nw,10r,ami .$30.50 2310 20hnw.l2r.aml$45.50 37 E nw. lOr, ami..30 50 1451 It I a?,10r.aml.65.00 1001 E Cap. 6r.aml.22 50 1335 11th nw,9,ami.40.50 1614 14th, flat,4r,ba.20 00 1340 Rlggs, 8r, ami.32.50 1217 I ne. Or, ami..14.50 410 K nw, 7r. ami..30.50 2230 7th. 5r&store.. 16.00 au3-tf R. E. BRADLEY, 1303 F at FOR RENT?BY I.. MILLS, 005 6TH ST. N W 1118 7th nw,7r.sto.$22.50:1120 7tb nw,8t&dw$25.60 "503 Otl "??'?? ? 34 C b< an3-tf FOR RENT-JAMES F. SHEA, 643 Louisiana ave. n.w. 1756 M st., cor. Conn, ave., 10r., a.mi.. .1116.00 714 A st n.e., 10 rooms, a.m.! 30.50 1818 15th st. n.w., 7 rooms, a.m.l 25.50 017 Md. ave. s.w., 6 rooms, 20.50 1015 21?t st. n.w., 6 rooms, a.m.l 20.50 812 4% st. s.w. 7 rooms, a.m.l 18.50 620 23d st. n.w., 6 rjjoms, a.m.l 18 80 12th and V sts. n.w., store 16.00 1829 L st. n.w., 5 rooms aud water 15.00 701 I st. s.e.. 7 rooms and water 12.00 au3-tf FOR RENT? ~ * Brick dwg. 1538 flth n.w., 10 rooms $40.(V) Brick dwg. 1104 9th n.w., 14 rooms 70.00 Frame dwg. 322 1st s.e., 6 rooms 12.00 Brick dwg. 1435 Ohio ave. n.w., 8 rooms... 15.40 Store and dwelling 414 O n.w., 7 rooms... 25.00 Store and dwelling 1800 Fla. ave. n.w ?? Store and cellar 1315 7th st. n.w., reduced. 32.50 Store aud cellar 306 10th st. n.w 35 00 au3-6t LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 820 F n.w. FOR RENT-BY B.F.SAUL. S.E.COR.7TH&L N w" 621 7th nw,st&14r$140.00[90S 9th nw, 4r&b fl 2*? 25 1307 Clifton, 14r4b.75.00 1349 6th nw. store..1850 1817 KalV?aT.12f2b60.80 1002 6th nw, 6r 1S.50 7th nw,st,6rbl8!e0 750 Sheridan, 6r&b. 18.00 608 M se, 6r*b 17.50 1108 6th se, 6r&b. ..17.50 33 Hanover st,6r&b.l7.50 1015 11th nw,st&cl.16.50 1814% 7th, sto&lr. .15.50 824 6th nw,st,5r,w.15.00 5th&P nw, sto&cel.. 15.00 1929 Sth nw, 5r&w. 14.30 1017 7th nw.4r.3d fl.13.00 418 O nw, 4r flat... 12.50 308 II ne, shep 12.00 1159 Sth nw, store. 12.00 021 7th nw, 3r flat.12.00 3128 7th nw, 8to... 10.50 Stab nr 12th&F uw.10.00 456 Frauklin. store. 10.00 414 Franklin,6r (col).8.60 217 4% 1035 7th nw, basmt..S.OO 235 Pomeroy, store..8.00 452 D nw, off rs. $7 & $8 216 11th nw,shop,2dfl.8.00 ***" * **" ' ' t ? 111 ??? ,?IU.U w fMl.UVf 1503 6th nw. tir&b..21.25; 1826 7th uw,st,8r,b.25.50 134 C bw, 6r&w.... 13.30! 910 4th nw,sto&7r. .20.50 2520 13th nw.lOrAb.50.00 1107 17th nw<9rtM)..45.00 1207 6th nw, lOr&b.40.55 619 M nw, lOrJtb.. .35.50 1508 7th nw;sto,<*1.35.00 1308 Rlggs nw.9r&b.32.50 415 K nw, 0e&b.eto.3o.50 1307 7tli nw. st*3r. 30.50 1816 7th 2007 II nw, 9r*l>.. .30.00 1427 Sth nw, lOr&b.28.50 916 P nw, tlr&b... .28.00 1025 7th nw.Bto.cel.27.50 140 U nw,6r.b&c?..27.50 27 P ne, Orftb.. X. .25.50 1118 7th nw,?tfaftr.25.50 1137 7th ntv.atftrel. 25.50 1430 1st nw. 4r&b fl.25.00 1503 6th nw. 6r&b. .24.50 814 G ne, 7rAb.J.. .23.50 1530 10th nw, 6r.kb.22.50 435 N nw, flrAata. .22.50 237 2d nw, . .22.50 1424 1st nw, OrAb. .22.50 uu mu un ,suop,^an.9.uu Office rmfc ?t olJ F st. n.w., steam heat. au3-tf FOR RENT? V Store, 707 8fb n*.$46.00,2437 18th nw, 12r.$40.00 613 H nw .46.60i Office rooms, 1307 F nw. 1751 N nw....... 150.00 1803 19th nw 70.00 1819 19th, cor 0reg.80.00' Flata, 1214 Mass. are. n.w., 6r. * b $50.00 Flata?Tbe Elmore. UthAH n.w., 987.80 ea., 6rAb. 1613 16U> nw, unfurnished, $150; furnished, $300. au8-6t* TYLER A RUTHERFORD. 1307 F^L FOR RENT?1328 AND 1332 STH N.W., 8 AND 10 rooms, reapectlvely; also houae next door to Raat Capitol and 8th ata.; good neighborhoods. FRANK T. BROWNING. 422 6th at. n.w. Jy22-tf FOR RENT?BY D. D. THOMPSON, 1836 F N.W. 1387 H ne,8r,stab..$50.00 1228 Roanoke, 0r. ..40.65 1714 Oregon av. 10r.40.50 2417 Pa ar, 7r4b.. .26.00 802 1 ne. 7r*b 22.50 Jjr?-tf 1744 N nw. 9rAb. .$60.76 1808 14th nw, store.30.60 1330 H ne. 6r.b.sto.25.60 1820 E ne. 7r?b. ...26.60 Stable r'r 716 D ne. .4.00 FOR REST-BY H. L. RUST. 60S 14TH ST. N.W. 1S14 16th n.w., 9 rooms (fnrnlahed) $00.00 2212 M n.w., 8 rooms, bath and cellar 40.00 1620 Kingman pi., 7 rooms, bath * cellar.. 26.86 2218 M n.w., 7 rooms and bath 26.60 2606 14th B.W., 6 noa., ba. and cellar 26.60 FLATj^ S cooma and talk, HI UU M..., 20.06 FOR RENT?HOUSEa ISFIRXISHED. FOR RENT-BY M. A. BALLING ER. BOND BLIH>. 1739 8 St., 10 room* $50.00 1809 4tli St., 8 rooms (Urge porch) $30.00 Flats, 3 and 6 rooms $7.50, $10.50 and $21.00 au6-tf _____ FOR RENT?BY R O. HOLTJSMAN. REAL KSTATK and Insurance Broker, loth and F sts. n.w. 1527 N H av,20r,2b.$2,000 1622 R I ar.12r.2b. 175.00 1513 16th. 14r 150.00 309 13th nw, 21 r...83.33 1861 Mlntw.d pl,14r.76.9i 1863 Mlntw'd pi. 14r. 75.00 1866 Mlntw'd pl.Ur.7B.tt0 1667 Mlntw'd pl,14r.76.oo 911 I, 12r, 2b, sUb.70.00 131 C ae. 7r 40.45 1522 16th nw, 7r...35.38 1327 14th nw, 6r...35.00 1327 14th nw, ?...35.00 1445 W, 7r 30.40 1443 W, 7r 80.40 1441 W. 7r 30.40 *27 R, 4r S0.00 409 In a av nw, Clr..25.00 1321 M, 5r 55.00 1434 Fla ar nw. 6r.22.96 2504 14th nw, 12r. .52.50 227 Q nw, 2 flats. 807 L nw, 9r 50.63; each $11 and 1*!.B0 1227 15tb nw, lOr. .50.00 1211 K ne, 4r 10.00 1537 14th nw,9r*sto45.U0: 1317 1 ne, 4r 9.30 OFFICES. ' Atlantic Coast Line (470 La ST..$10 * $15.00 bide." from $10 to $35:631) F nw $5 to 22.50 Con bid*. {406 7th nw, each. ...8.00 STORES. 1245-7 11th se $50.00.40?Vi 9th nw 30.00 1327 Hth. eel,23x76.-<5an? 227 Q uw 12.00 1587 14th 45.001 STABLES. Rear 1612 R lav...$30.00|927 R I it (rear).. .12.50 Rear 1614 R 1 w... .30.00123 P ne (rear) 12.00 _ an5-t( FOR RENT? H!<5. .^u7-!?-ll E Cap. 3?ri$35 The Victoria, 4r ?1?! 07. 21?t nw. fur. 15r $35 1252 10th nw. 7r $100.00.SOS 7th nw, store $30.50... .425 9th nw. 8r *>5 1006 N 11 a*. 14ri$30.60 44 V nw, 9r $88.34.227 Pa ar $3?t 300 C ne. 8r $80 327 Pa ar, st&dw $30 1408 17th nw. Or $75 1009 0th nw, 14r$^7.50 713 13th aw. 8r $75 1206 O nw, office $27 2139 I nw. flat $75 220 E Cap St. llrl$25.50 613 3d ne. 9r $?5.S5 911 II nw, UrUj5.5o.. 1227 E uw. store 100 800 H nw, offlce $25...1631 Marlon nw, Or $60.... 107 l'a av, st&?lw (25. .14U5 14th nw, store $60 425 9th nw. store *25 630 O nw. Cr $60,432 9th nw, up'r fl'r $25 2120 I nw. 9r $."?5.65 12 B ne, 9r $22.85.1305 Wallach pi,Or $55.05 2207 K nw, 9r $20.40 214 F nw, !ir $56 917 15th nw, 9r| $18.40 410 N J av, 6r $56 1229 21*t nw. l?r $17.30.. .329 13th sw, 6r Ml .50. ..<010 22(1 nw. 9ri$10.30. .1240 Wylle ne. Hr $50.05. .2543 13th nw, lOr $15.30 1830 E nw, 6r $50.65 917 It nw, llrl$15 615 F nw. office* *50.55 1720 P nw. 8r $15 601 D nw. offices $50.. 1839 Vernon uw, 12r $13.30.. .2229 Clev av, 6r $50.. 1350 Kenyon nw,12r'$12.60 929 12th, shop t50 The Thomas, 5r $12.30... .1004 W nw, Cr 45.85.. .1416 R I av, Urj$12... .323 7th se, store $45 1206 G nw, Gr $10.30..25 Kenton ne, 5r $45 1121 10th lw, 14r $9 213 Wilson nw, 4r $46 The Victoria. 5r-$8 1336 15th nw. 4r $40 1023 15th uw, 12r!$G.3<). .313 7th se, renr,4r $37.50 209 D nw, 8r|$6. ..1119 Trinidad ue, Cr $35.60 225 3d nw, llr For complete list of property for rent send for weekly bulletin. B. 11. WARNER CO., au5-m,w,f-tf 916 F n.w. FOR KENT?BY THOS. J. FISHER & CO.. INCORPORATED, 1414 F ST. N.W. 1322 Vt av. 20r. .$175.00 2021 lllllyer pi. lOr.45.00 1717 I st, 13r 125.00 916 12th st, lOr 46.n0 1812 II st, 15r 125.00)1707 G st nw, 14r.,4o.88 1901 F st, 17r 125.00:1523 O st nw, 8r. .35.00 3043 P st nw, 17r. 125.00 1508 R st nw, 7r...35.(H> 1645 K st nw, 18r. 100.00 1212 T st nw. Sr. ...35.00 1632 K st nw, lOr. 100.00 2410 14th st nw. 9r.35.00 1744 M st. 16r 100.00 1410 Chapin st, 9r.35.00 1730 Q st nw, 12r. .75.001621 O st nw, 7r. ..35.00 1905 N st nw, lOr. .75.00; 1534 29th st, 7r 30.00 1014 14th st, 14r...75.00 1411 Chapin st. 9r. .30.00 1721 De Sales. lOr. .75.00; 1205 30th st nw,llr.25.60 1824 13th st. 13r...75.0011346 Wall'h p nw.6r22.50 17o8 Q st nw, 8r...6o.03 940 N Y av, 14r 65.00 905 E st nw, 13r. ...65.00 1802 Belmont av,10r.G5.00 1803 Belmont av,10r.65.00 2406 18th st nw,10r.65.00 18 Iowa circle, lOr. .60.00 602 E st. llr 60.00 1305 Vale st. 12r...60.00 2233 Q nw, llr 65.00 720 10th st nw, lOr.50.00 1739 S st nw, 9r.. .50.00 930 N Y av nw, 14r.50.o0 408 T st uw, lOr...50.00 2100 14th st nw, 9r.50.00 2034 Hlllyer pi, lOr.50.00 1925 O st. 9r 6o.00 1443 Q st, 9r 45.00 1213 R I av nw,10r.45.00 1451 N st, 14r 45. FLATS. The Maury, No. 33, The Morion. 4 A 5 rms, 3d floor, 4r $40.00 from $32.50 to $50.00 1104 14th st uw,2r.20.00 each per aio. It 4 y, Flat o. >?r..?) <??> OFFICES. 917 E st sw, 6r....20.50 1354 4% st sw, 6r. .20.00 516 7th st sw. 8r. ..16.50 20S 7th st se, 5r. ...15.00 26 Mass av ne, 7r.. 15.00 1373 11 st ne, 5r... 14.00 208-20-28 1st st sw, 6r, ea?-h "12.50 900% I st so, 6r...l0.50 1819 14th nw (rr),4r..8.50 3&6 Baldwin's row, 5r, each 8.00 16 Watklns pi. Chevy Chase, 2r 5.00 Lot 1, sq 636, Del av & C st sw Offer Lots 19-25, sq 679, bet. Mass&Del avs A F ue, per an'in. 1,200 Bids SthftD sts. ..$250.00 612-14 F st, 2d fl. .100.00 602 E st. llr 60.00 1421 F, 2d fl front..25.O0 1421 F, 3d fl front..25.00 612-14 F st, 2r 15.00 1208 F st nw, No.4.10.50 i4Ii3 F st, desirable offes 620 F st, desirable offices 605-7 7th, desirable offices "Century bldg," new bldfr, all imps, single rooms from $12 to $25 rer mo. Entire floors, 125 per trio. 1344 F st nw. large room 1114 F st, desirable o(TcV517 14th st nw STORES. Bldg Stb&D sts. ..$25u.oo uo5 E, rear shop or 2100 14th st nw....60.00 store room 20.00 733 7th st 50.00,1328 16th st 20.00 2925 M st 35.001 CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE RENT ING AND COLLECTION OF BENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTIES. For full list of furnished and unfnrnlshed houses, flats, offices, stores and stables apply at office. nu3-tf FOR RENT-BY WESCOTT & WILCOX. 1907 Penna. ave. 1704 P.lOr.b.cel,ml.$60.50 911 19th, lOr,2b,mi.55.50 1012 17th,12r,2b,ml.50.75 2313 Pa av, lOr 45.50 1748 Oregon av, llr.45.00 600 21st, 12r, b. ml.40.50 1332 T. 2319 Pa av, 9r, 902 27th, 5r, w 12.50 2147 D, 6r, w 12.50 2402 Va av,6r,cel,w. 12.30 1304 11th. 4r, w...12.30 1136U, 17th, rr,4r.w. 12.00 2223 St Pnill's ct.5r.ll.50 414 18th, 5r, w 11.30 , 912 20th, 4r, w 10.50 910 23d,10r,b,cel,mi.35.50 12 W Alex ct, 4r,w. 10.50 1120 18th, Or.sto.cel.SS.SO'2222 E. 5r 10.00 2421 Pa av,9r,b,ml..30.50 FURNISHED. 607 22d, 9r, b. ml. ..30.50 1815 16th. 14r.2b.$150.00 2211 F, 8r, ml 25.50 FLATS. 3225 N, 7r, ml 25.50 1731 20th. 3d fl,Cr.b$55.00 1918 M. 9r, b, cel..25.50 1731 20th, 6r, .40.00 1128 19tb, 6r, b, ml.25.50 1907 l'a av,6r,b,ml.35.50 1007 S, Or. b. ml...25.50 914 23d, 5r. b 30.00 2135 l'a av,6r,b,ml..22.50 722 17th, 4r, b, w,g.20.50 2413 Pa av, 8r,b,mi.22.50 830 20th. 4r. b. ml..18.50 1416 30th, 6r, b, mi.22.50 OFFICE ROOMS. 822 B ne. 6r, b, ml.22.50 486 La av, heated.$15.00 1609 1st, 6r 20.50 482 La av, heated. .10.00 617 20th. Or. w 20.50,1731 2423 K. 8r. b, w, g.20.501 STORES. 924 22d, 7r, w, g.. .20.50.1708-10 E, warerms$50.00 2013 K, 7r, w, g.. .20.40 1902 Pa av, sto, 4r.35.50 617 22d. 7r, 1). ml. .20.35' 1900 H,large rm.,&c.35.00 1022 20th, 7r, b 18.,M)! 1357-59 3'-'d, lge rm.35.00 624 22d, 6r,mi 18.50,1917 Pa av,lr.eel,w.30.42 418 18tli, 7r, ml 18.50 Blacksmith shop, bet 2920 Olive av, 6r,b.17.50; 19&20, L&M 30.00 922 22d. 7r. w. g. . .17.50 2210 14th,lr,sta,w,g.25.00 2119 Pa av. 4r, ml..16.50 1810 M, 6r 16.50 ,1144 21st, Or, w 16.40 605 20th, Cr, w 15.50 1510 Erie, 7r, w 15.30 940 24th, Cr, w 15.30 1154 15th, 6r, w...15.30 1524 Rnsedale,6r,mi. 14.50 818 24th, 5r. w 14.30 1064 30th, 5r 12.50 413 22d, 6r, w 12.50 408 Pomeroy, 6r... 12.50 2909 M, sto&2r 20.00 1755 L, sto. eel 15.50 1918 M, lr, cel. w..15.00 1306 17th, shop 10.00 STABLES. 1912 G, 28,ch,l,w,g..15.00 18th, 19th, L, M, 10s and side lot 15.00 1226 26th. r'r, 4s, wr, 1. yd. w 15.00 1829-31 L. 5r. w 7.00 Jy27-tf FOR RENT-BY GEO. W. LINKINS. 800 19TH ST. 1612-14 H nw,20r.$125.00, 728 Whitn'y ov.8r,b.20.50 1903 F nw, 19r, 2b..60.00 2204 I nw, 6r&b 20.50 101 Uth ne, 14r, 2b, iFlat 24% 0 nw,5r,b.l8.50 ?table 55.00,68 Defrees. 6r, wa. 15.30 2201 P, Or. b&store.40.00 Flat 1440 32d, 4r&b. 15.00 Flat, furnished, 1918 11125 23d. 5r&store. .15.00 Pa av. 7r 35.00 2236 Clev'l'd av,6r,wl3.30 1030 26th nw.lOr&b. 30.50 2420 N, 6r, wa 12.50 2147 L nw, 8r.b,cel.25.50l229 22d nw. 5r, wa. 10.30 Flat.809 H ne.7r&b..22.50 1029 13th se, 6r, wa.8.30 2206 I nw, 8r&b...22.50 237 22d nw. 4r. wa..8.30 STORES 1913 Pa av nw, fine large! 1915 Pa av nw,sto.$20.00 new store A cellar, of- 2201 P nw.opp mkt.20.00 fer wanted. '1125 23d. st&dwl.. .15.00 Jy27-tf FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED? 716 12th st nw $00.00)1710 L st nw 60.00 1704 L st nw 60.00 1728 18tb st nw 60.00 1708 L st nw .60.00 810 18th st nw 20.00 Also a large list of deslrsble furnished homes. FITCH. FOX A BROWN. Je?-tf 1406 G st. n.w. FOR RENT? 1315 22d $25.60 | Offlce rms., 1406 Pa. av. THE McLACHLEN REAL ESTATE A LOAN CO.. my33-tf 10th snd O. FOR RENT-I" EBLE * CO.. 1810 F 8T. 1621 N H av x&\>.$30.60 1410 Pa av jat4r&bl5.00 1819 F. or .ee rs,$5&10.00 my 18-tf 8103 K nw, 6r. w. ..6.30 3215 Cherry Hill nw, 4r. w 6.30 2705 P St. 9r&b 33.00 907 French st,8r,b. $28.00 1823 18th, Sr. ba....30.50 3023 Camb'ge pi. 9r.28.00 1219 G, Sr. b flat..20.00 1405 11th st. Sr 16.00 1420 D ne, 6r&b 13 30 Offices in Metzerott bldg. FOR RE T 1217 Nil av,13r,b.$116.66 1624 1> st. 12r&b.. .75.00 1423 Chapin st.lOr,b75 00 1760 S st, 12r. 2b...65.50 1307 P st, 12r, ba..65.00 461 Mo av, 12r, ba. .35.50 1815 Q st, 7r. ba...85.50 JyO-tf GaSCH BROS., 1307 F st. FOR RENT?WEAVER BROS.. 1418 F 8T? 415 4th st. n.w., 16 rms., 2 baths $60.00 1356 Yale st. n.w., 10 rms. & 2 ba., Sep. 1. 63.13 1360 Yale st. n.w., 10 rooms and 2 baths.. 63.13 1211 Q st. n.w., 10 rooms and bath 40.63 1932 6th st. n.w., 6 rms. and b. (side light). 27.50 8432 P st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 25.50 1124 23d st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 16.30 8860 A 3354 M st. n.w., store 16.50 67-69-73-76 Decatur st. n.e.. 6 rooms, each. 11.60 704 14th st. n.w.. entire 3d flr. office 80.00 FOR RENT?NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE, 1735 20TH St.; brown stone; 13 rooms, reception hall, cellar, laundry; 2 tiled baths; $60. fe5-tf D. D. THOMPSON. 1333 F St. . . PROPOSALS. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 735 N. CAPITOL St., Washington, D. C., August 9. 1901.?Sealed proposals will be received here until NOON, SEP TEMBER NINTH. 1901, and then publicly opened, for furnishing Distributing Centers for electric lighting and power circuits for new building for Government Printing Office. Information furnish ed on application. JOHN STEPHEN SEWELL, Captain, Engineers. au9,10,12,13,se6&7 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON. D c.. August 8. 1901.?Bids' will be received at the U. 8. National Museum until TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON ON THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, to be opened at 1 o'clock p.m. on the same day, for four old tubular boilers, now in the boiler room of the National Museum, including csst Iron fronts, water columns, steam gauges, glass gauges, safety valves snd damper regulators and grate bars; also for the pump and return tank connected therewith. The contractor will be re quired to remove the boilers from their present foundations; also the bricks and debris to the south aide of sidewalk adjoining museum on B st. south. The bricks are to remain the property of the National Museum. RICHARD RATHBUN, Acting Secretary. au9,10.12 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE 8UPER vislng Architect, Washington D. C.. August 8, 1901.?8eal*d Proposals will be received at this offlce until TWO O'CLOCK P.M., on the TWENTY THIRD DAY OF AUGUST. 1901. and then opened, for Repairs to Buildings, Ae., Coast and Geodetic Survey (Richards' property, south of Butler buUd ing), Washington, D. C. Copies of the specification nay be bad at this office. M11ES KNOX TAY faOB, Soffwrtotei Architect. FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOU SALE?A DESIRABLE DWELLING AT A buxalu. by ?niu'r, who will bo In the city for n?-xt ten days. and can be teen ou premises, 1528 T st. n.w. auV 3t? FOR SALE-TV SETTLE AN ESTATE?7-ROOM frame house, 914 1 at. s.e.; lot 23.2x91 to 30 foot paved alley; sewer and water In yard. 1'rlce, 92,000. JAMES TIN D ALL, Atty. for Heirs. au9-3t* FOR SALE^-$2.?5o-CHEAPER THAN RENT ? $200 CASH. BAL $20 PER MO.; 6 ROOMS. CELLAR, PANTRY; OPEN PLUMBING; Fl R NACE; HOUSE NEARLY NEW AND WILL KENT FOR $2*'; G ST. N.E.; U)T 16xl4o TO 20-FOOT PAVBI) ALLEY; BEST CHANCE IN TOWN. CHAM. A. SHIELDS. 1405 F ST. N.W. sut?-8t FOR SALE?$1,000?A 11-ROOM BRICK ANl) FRAME STORE AND DWELLING ON LOT 1.x 117U IX) 30-FOOT ALLEY ON 11TH ST. St.; ELECTRIC CARS PASS I>OOR; RENT PAIS OYER 9 PER CENT. CIIAS. A. SHIELDS. 1405 F ST. N.W. au0-3t FOR SALE?S3.CS0?RENTED AT $25.SO-A NICE 7-ROOM AMI CELLAR HOUSE ON 2D ST. N.E.; A STEADY RENTER AND CHEAP, GOOD YARD. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 140& * ST. N.W. nut?-3t FOR SALE?*3,700 ASKEI>?OFFER WANTED? ABSENT OWNER WANTS ME TO SELL NEAR LY NEW tt-ItOOM AND CE1J.AR BRICK ON F ST. NEAR 6TH ST. N.E. THIS IS A RARE CHANCE TO GET A BEAUTIFUL HOME. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 1405 F ST. N.W. nuO 3t FOR SALE?$2. Wo?AN 8-ROOM BRICIC BAY WINDOW HOUSE ON FU>R11>A AVE. N.E.; SOUTH FRONT; IN SPLENDID CONDITION; ADAPTED FOR 2 FAMILIES; CELLAR UN DER WHOLE HOUSE. A SNAP. CHAS. A. SHIELDS. 14<i5 F ST. N.W. mi'.t 3t FOR SALE?CHOICE HOUSES. N.W. AND HEIGHTS, ALL UNDER RENTALS TO GOOD TENANTS. 1719 OREGON AVE $11,000 1*00 CONN. AVE 25,000 WYOMING AVE., WASH'N 11TS 25.0W 2111 S ST 15.000 2100 S ST 15.000 1821 19TH ST 14.0*10 1709 17TH ST S.?Kt0 2117 BANCROFT PLACE 14.000 2110 G ST. A 12.?00 1S03 PHELPS *. 9,000 19TII ST.. COR CAL. A\E 12.000 2023 KALORAMA AVE 12.000 1710 S ST. AND STABLE 15.000 903 M ST O.mH) ALL EXCEPTIONALLY DESIRABLE PROP ERTIES. WOULD EXCHANGE INTO SMALL W ELL-TEN A NTEI?, I N1NCUM ltK REI > PIE' ES FOR EQUITIES OR WOULD DISCOUNT TO CASH PURCHASERS. J. B. WIMER, REAL ESTATE, 1220 G ST. N.W. au8-3t FOR SALE NEW lo ROOM, 2 BATII HANDSOME STONE FRONT ON PHELPS PLACE. 1 S(J. OF CONN. AVE. AND OF FRENCH LEGATION SITE. BEAUTIFUL SECTION. fit,000. EASY TERMS. THE BEST ALL-YEAR-ROUND LOCATION FOR A HOME IN TOE CITY. CHEAP# J. B. WIMER, REAL ESTATE. 1220 G ST. au8-3t FOR SALE?SPACIOUS BRICK RESIDENCE, G st. bet. 19th and 20th n.w.; lot 23x122; 15-foot alley; brick stable; VERY LOW PRICE; must sell. Inquire particulars S. M. JONES. 1427 F st. n.w. nu8-3t* FOR SALE-NEAR KENDALL GREEN?A BAR gain?Corner house; 7 rooms and tiled bath; mod ern plumbing; hot-water heat; electric bells. Ac.'; handsomely decorated throughout. Only $4,750. au8-3t It. W. WALKER & SON, loop F u.w. FOR SALE-IN NORTHWEST, 2 DWELLINGS and store, corner; rented at $55.30 per month; trust $3,500 can remain at low rate of interest; price, $7,500. GASCH BROS.. 13o7 F st. au8-3t FOR SALE?BARGAIN?A FINE 4-STORY BRICK, containing 4 llats; rented to excellent tenants; situated on Maryland ave. s.w.; rents $45 per month; price, $4,500. GASCH BROS., 1307 F st. au8-3t FOR SALE?$192 RENT, FOR $l,80O?2 FIVE room bri.-ks, in good locatiou. JNO. Y. WORTH INGTON Ac CO.. 60S 14th st. n.w. au8 ot FOR SALE?$150 RENT, FOR $1,300?6-ROOM brick; always rented. JNO. Y. WORTHINGTON & CO., tiOS 14th st. n.w. FOR SALE?$288 RENT, FOR $2,600-4 FIVE coom frames; never vacant. JNO. Y. WORTH INGTON & CO., t*>8 14th st. n.w. au8-31 FOR SALE?CHEAPEST HOME IN THE CITY? Northwest section; ntar electric car line; press brick; bay-window front; 8 rooms and bath; cel lar and fiirnace. To quick purchaser, $3,800. JNO. Y. WORTHINGTON & CO., 608 14th st. n.w. auS-ot FOR SALE $660 RENT, FOR $5.800-FOUR houses In northwest section, occupied for years by same tenants. This is a line speculation as well as big investment. JNO. Y. WORTIIING TON & CO.? 608 14th St. u.w. au8-3t FOR SALE?1350 YALE ST. N.W.; WHITE MAR ble front; 12 rooms; two tiled baths; steam heat; In first-class condition, and contains all improvements. PRICE ONLY $8,600. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., au,V3t Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?3323 HOLMEAD AVE. N.W., ONE squnre from cars; 10 rooms; two baths; steam heat; all modern improvements. Purchased un der foreclosure and ottered at cost. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., au8-3t Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?NEVER BEFORE OFFERED. Chance to secure a Hue house cheap; near Cap itol; 3-story bay-window brick; llrst floor, large double parlor and kitchen; 2d floor, 3 large bed rooms and large bath, with porcelain tub and stationary washstand; 3d floor, 3 lied chamt>ers, closets in every room and halls; fur. heat; con crete cellar; front and back yards; lot 18x90 to alley; nicely papered throughout; speaking tubes, etc. If sold this week will go for $5,750. Apply to E. LODGE HILL. au8-3t 802 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?WHY PAY RENT. WHEN YOU CAN buy one of those pretty new two-story and cellar brick houses, cor. of 3d and Seatou sts., Ecklng ton, half square from Washington College; 0 rooms and bath; a.m.l.; a small cash payment and balance in $25 monthly notes, including In terest. Price only $3,500. Open for inspection. For further particulars apply to au8-3t WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F st FOR SALE?BARGAIN?FOUR 2-STORY. CELLAR brick dwellings; 6 rooms and bath; a.m.l ; all rented; situated on G st. bet. 12th and 13tli sts. n.e. Apply to FRED C. GIESEK1NG, Real Es tate and Insurance, 627 E st. n.w. auS-Ot FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?FOR 7 OR 8-HM. house in Washington, corner residence in Brook land near monastery; 9 rooms and bath; built by day labor for present owner; valued at $6,000, which is aliout cost. Let us show you this prop erty. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., 1414 F n.w. au7-3t FOR SALE?NOS. 27-33-35 QU1NCY ST. N.W.; the very best houses In the city for the price; the only houses In this section that are 20 feet front; 20-foot paved alley; 6 large rooms; tile bath; porcelain bath tub; nickel plumbing; hard wood finish; Sexton furnace; concrete cellar un der the whole house; very fine gas fixtures; handsomely decorated; very heavy Ilummelstown brownstone trimmings and steps. Open evenings until dark and all day Sunday. Price, only $4,750. Easv terms. FRED W. REEVES. 617 14th n.w. 'Phone 691-3. au7-4t FOR SALE?$6,500?SUITABLE FOR BOARDING house?near B. and O. depot and convenient to City Hall?4-story brick; 13 rms. and bath: $2,600 cash. D. D. THOMPSON. 1335 F. au7-4tf FOR SALE^BUY A HOME IN OLTl NORTHWEST ERN SUBURBS and be in line with the growth of Washington. You will then make something on your Investment and have a high and healthy residence in the meantime. Exclusive agents for Chevy Chase, Oak View, CllfTbourne. New sulwllvlslons are being made by us on Chevy Chase car line. Watch their progress. au3-6t THOS. J. FISHER & CO.. 1414 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?1358, 1360 AND 1362 N.C. AVE. N.E ; each 6 rooms and b.; handsomely decorated; all new; 45-ft. parking; $3,250. Small cash pay ment, balauce to suit. VICTOR ANDERSON, 1323 G st. n.w. au3-6t* | FOR SALE?HOUSES. ~ No. 1453 Mass. ave. n.w.; eleven rooms and tiled bath; good location; first-class condition; lot 22^x70 to alley. PRICE $13,000. THE WASHINGTON IX?AN & TRUST COMPANY, Jell-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?HOUSES. , . ... .. No. 2143 N st. n.w.; 8 rooms and bath; nil modern improvements; tiled both room; recently remodeled. Can sell at a bargain price. THE WASHINGTON LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, lell-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE-A VERY PRETTY OR. BRICK RESI dence; heated by steam; handsomely papered; 1st floor parlor, dining room and kitchen; 2d floor. 3 chambers and tiled bath; concreted cellar throughout; situate on Qulucy st.; price, $3,500. GASCH BROS.. 1307 F st. mh30-tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE?2 NICE 6-ROOM AND BATH bouses; well rented; incumbrance on both, $1,700; rented to good tenants; owner wants 6 or 8-rooin house on Capitol Hill, or might exchange for lots. Apply after 4 p.m., ROBT. ELLIOTT, 615 14th ?t. n.w. au?-3t FOR EXCHANGE-CLEAR GROUND. IN SOUTH WEST FOR GOOD EQUITIES IN IMPROVED PROPERTY; $8,750. JNO. Y. WORTHINGTON & CO.. 008 14th st. n.w. au8-3t_ FOR EXC11ANGE-OR SALE-LOTS AT NORTH Chesapeake Beach and Hyattsrille for lumber or first-class piano or typewriter; 7r. house for lots or lumber. "CLEAR TITLE." 723 ,18th st. d.w. au8-3t* POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. EL & RANDALL POTOMAC RIVER LINE CO. DAILY STEAMERS FOB RIVER LANDINGS. STEAMER KENT?8unday. Tuesday and Thurs day at 7 a.m. for Intermediate landings to Colonial Bcach and Wirt's wharf. STEAMER WAKEFIELD?Monday and Saturday at 7 a.m. for Intermediate landings to Colonial Beach, Bush wood. Rock Point, Col ton's, Nomlnl: Wednesday at 7 a.m. for above landings and Lower Machodoc, Stone's, Howard's and Cob rum's. UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE, WASHINGTON, D. a, TO GLYMONT, MD., and Intermediate landings. The now steamer ESTELLE RANDALL, dally, except Sunday, 9:80 a.m. Returning about 8 p.m. Passenger accommodations -first-class. Freight received until the hoar of s&Ulag. E. & RANDALL, Miaagc.r 17?5. GEO. O. CAR PINTER, (toners! Agent, Washington, 'phone 17<B. WM. U. MJtAtt&S. Agent, Alexan ?feT'fiNN?fc W&U FOR SALE?LOTS. FOR MALE?THE HAXDSOME8T AM> MOST BEAUTIFUIXY IjOCATED I.OTS IN TIIK CITY ok Washington, connectici t avk. HEIGHTS. SPECIAL lUSCiU NTS ON SOME OK THESE LOTS To QUICK BUYERS J. B. W1MKR, REAL. ESTATE. 122>? G ST. an8-3t KOU SALE?CHEAPEST LOT IN BUOOKLANI? Lot 2. block 32; Jollet st.; 50xl&0 feet; south front; cheap If sold at one*. GKO. U. UNKINS, Atty., S)<7 K st. n.w. au8 8t* FOR SALE?LOT ON 2<?TH ST. NEAR CONN, ave.; 21 ft. front to 80-ft. alley: ground in neighborhood offered at $2 an.I $2.5o |kt font; this lot ran protwbly bo tonight at th- assessed value; tuake u* offer: will Ik- sacrificed. qu7-3t THOMA8 J. FISHER & CO . 1414 K n w. FOR 8ALE?L<ITS IN ALL SECTIONS. A1J, ?Ufa arul at all price*. Parties wishing to pur chase f;>r building i>un>oses or for a future ad vanoe In value should write or see us. THOMAS J. FISHER A- Q>.. 1414 K at. n.w. J)Itti lm FOR SALE-LOTS. On Huntington Place n.w.. north side of street: 60x145: Just off 14th at.; I'll ICE. $1 PER WARE FOOT. THE WASHINGTON LOAN * TRUST (.'OMPANT. Jell-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?SACRIFICE?NORTHWEST CORXKU 17th and M sta.; slr.e 50x?>U 2. Bargain for some one. GASCH BROS.. ap26-tf 13il7 F at. n.w. FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-ONLY A FEW LEFT OF THE FINE Sowing Machines Selling So Rapidly At $.*> Each. Come Quick. C. Al'KRBACH, 7 A II. auti^t FOR SALE -CHOICE LOT OK NEW. DESIRABLE furniture, including piano, at groat sacrifice, lt? piece or lot; parties leaving city, fx>,ri 2d st. n.w. au8-3t* FOR SALE?AT A SACRIFICE?1 UPRIGHT PI nn?, $100.00; 1 square pin no, $25.oo: 1 organ. $12.(Hi, and others. All Instruments fully guaran teed. STEIKK PIANO WAKE ROOM. 521 lltli at. n.w. uuS-.1t* FOR SALE?BIGGEST PIANO BARGAINS EVER offered: New uprljht pianos from $125 upward; $5 monthly payment. Organs. $2i> upward. Plants tuned. *1. HELBUi'S MI SIC STORE. 1742 7th. au~-tf,4 KOR SALE? LOW-PRICED. QUICK-SALE PIANOS. Handsome Upright, slightly used $1S5 Elegant Upright Grand, nearly new (225 Magnificent Emtnerson Square Grand $150 Beautiful Full-slie Square Grand $1<>0 Fine Vose Square I'lano $75 Small Square for beginner $35 New Parlor Organs, worth $100. only $05 GRIMES' PIANO STORE. 913 I'enna. ave. FOR SALE?ELEGANT, FINE UPRIGHT CRAM) PIANO for $185?less than half Its worth; 4 ft. 9 In. high; used less than 3 months: fine French walnut case; 3-string; 3 jK-dals, one the cele brated practice pedal that adds so much to the life of an instrument; guaranteed and kept In tune one year; hardw?*.d stool and scarf free. A genuine bargain. F. G. SMITH, 1225 Pa. ave. aul-ti FOR SALE-FINE I'.EI/GIAN HARES. NOT RE lated. $5 pair; also Cuban parr> ts at $5 each. SCHMID'S BIRD STORK. 712 12th 6t. n.w. Jy30-12t FOR S ALES?SECON D-II AND UPRIGHT. $125, easy terms; tine square plnno, $75. I'ianos tuned, stored and hauled HUGO WOltCH. 923 F St. Sohtner jdanos, Worch pianos. jel3-6m FOR SALE?HAIR MATTRESS. TWO PARTS, $ti; lounges, $2.75; go-carts. $2.50; parlor and lied loom suites, $1 m-r week; special for eaah. REOMONP'S. 311 rnd 313 7th st. n.w. my24-tf FOR SALE?NEW AUTOMATIC SEWING MA chlnes can be bought for $35.00 from WM. 8T1EBEL1NG, 17M I'enna. ave. n.w. Not rej> resented by solicitors. Agency Household J Standard Sew'ng Machines. del7-tl FOR SALE?GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHADES, fitted to your windows, oul?> 25c.; the best quality ell opaque shades, 50c.. hung free. Will call with samples. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th aud H sts. n.e. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR EXCHANGE-.'VT FALLS CHURCH, VA., A line 8-rootn cottage; stable, fruit, shade; I'-j acres of land; 1 block from steam and electric R. ft.; will exchange for city house and assume trust. W. S. MINNIX. 1427 F st. n.w*. auSMf FOR SALE?AT CHEVY CHASE? 10-room house, with every convenience; on the lest street; newly papered and painted; cost owner $0,500; will sell below $8,im?>. R. S. DONALDSON, anS-2t* 52i? loth n.w. FOR RENT STORE HOUSE AND STABLE ON railroad: 20 miles from Washington i*>st office; ticket and freight office in store; long-distance telephone; established trade; stock of uoods for sale; terms eusy; small capital ivquired; no liquor. Address Box !?>. Star office. ?uH-3t* FOR SALE?MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE; TWO acres land; forest shade; garden, good water; ideal home; one-third mile from station; price low. Address OWNER, Box 227, IlerndoO, Va. au3-7t FOR SALE-NEWLY COMPLETED HOUSE AT Kensington; mod. con.; beautiful location; largo lot; great bargain; very easy terms. GEORGE PETER. Owner, B. & O. station, Kensington. aul-26t KENSINGTON. FOR SALE CHOICE NEW RESIDENCE PROPERTIES, never occupied; city conveniences; LARGE GROUNDS; low prices; easy payments. Will furnish money to build aecordiug to your deslgu and accept monthly payments in return. W. M. TERRELL. With B. II. Warn?r Co., Jy27-12t 916 F st. n.w. OWN A LOT AT THE NATIONAL CAI'ITAL On trolley; 5 miles from White Honse. Cash or easy payments. $15o up. Write for Beautiful Braddock Heights booklet,&<*. Reliable Agents Wanted Geo res R.Hill. Real Estate,61514tbSt-N.W., Washington,D-C. jy6-tf LOTS FOR SALE IX HyattEville. Takomi, Woodside, Tenleytown, Kensington. Arlington Heights. Get one on easy terms. Several farms for sale. W. M. TERRELL. Je26-tf With B. n. Warner Co.. filfl F st. LOTS AT SOMERSET BEACH. $25 TO $250. A delightful resort for summer homes; 3 hoar*' ride by boat from Washington; plenty of shads right down to l>each; fishing. salt water bath ing, boating. Regular boats to city. Lots going fast. Easy payments If you wish. Circulars and information at SOMERSET BEACH CO., 623 F st. n.w. jy'6-3m-14 FOR RENT?CHEAP?AT BRIGHTWOOD. D. C.. ? good dairy farm; 38 acres; plenty of water; new dwelling and barn and other outbuildings; wind mill; accommodations for 40 bead of stock. jelB-tf B. F. SAUL. 7th and L sts. n.w. FOR SALE-SEVERAL DESIRABLE PLACES. 4 and 6 acres each, near Brookland, I>. C.; Im proved with dwelling. In good condition; will ?ell at bargain for quick sale; easy terma, or would trade entire 28 acres, unincumbered, anil rive difference In cash for desirable city property, inyll-tf STONE & FAIRFAX. 806-808 F n.w. COUNTRY BOARD. RIGHT AT THE FAUQUIER SULPHUR SPRINGS ?First-claw country board, only $T? per wk- or $1S per mo.; special rates for young men and laities until Sept. 15. Mr. & Mrs. J. W. HANBACK. au8-3t* WANTED-TWO SMALL BOYS. FROM 3 TO 10 years, in u pleasant home. 18 miles from Wash ington. A mother's care, with b st school advan tages. Terms reasonable. Mrs. MILSTEAI), Xewlngton. Va. auP-2t* THE LOUDOUN* CAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW more from August 12. New hotel, molent con veniences. For terms. See., apply to auS?-6t* JNO. I>. CHAPIN, Illuemont, Va. -THE EVERGREENS." FAIJ.S CHURCH. VA.. 3 sqs. electric and steam cars; beautiful shade and grounds; pure water: flrst-class table; i>osl tlvely no malaria; special terms Aug. and Sept. au8-3t* GLEN MANOR, FOREST GLEN-15 OR 20 adulta for Aug. and Sept.. $5.00 per week, two In room: two squares from steam and electric cars; pleasant house. Mrs. PUILLII"S. au8-3t* WANTED?BOARD FOR 3 ADULTS ANI? 2 CHII^ dren, convenient to oleetrlc or Metropolitan road, within 30 minutes' ride from Washington; state location, distance from station aud board. Ad dress Box 77, Star office. aui-3t* BO\RDERS WANTED AT MONT REY. 2 MILES from Marshall, Va., near Blue Ridge mountains. Apply to Mrs. N. HUME. Marshall, Va. au7-3t* PLEASANT COUNTRY HOME KOR SIMMER months* Mt. Pleasant farm; good table; shade; excellent water and lieautiful scenerv; terms. $4 per week. Apftly to Mrs. i: SMITH DAVISON. Strasburg. Va au7-3t* ? RURAL HOME ON WEST RIVER -NOW OPEN. Nicely located on West river. In view of Cb?M Deake bay. 8 miles below Bay Ridge; good ahads; large lawo; fishing. ct?bblng, rowing and Balling: fruit In season. For descriptive circular ad<1r?M (Mrs ) MATILDA NOW ELL, Shady Side. Md. e3-7St LINGANORE HILLS INN, NEAR FREDERICK? Situation high, large lawn, shade, double porches, fishing, boating; reft- exeb. For booklet address Miss E. M. BROWN. Frederick. Md. ap2?-104t MACHINERY, ETc77~ TWO SECOND-HAND STANDARD CEILINO FANS, last year's type; perfect condition; $25. TALLMADGE * WILSON. JySl-tf,4 Room 610, Star building. MACHINERY. BOILERS. SAFES. ETC.. HAULED, hoisted aud placed; estimates given. MER CHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., Suc cessors Merchants'P.D. Co., #23 D n.w. 'Phon* 659. )e2*-4tf FOR SALB?KN0WIJS8 COMBINED PUMP AND boiler. 7x4^x>0; 2-H.P. Otto gas engine; 6x12 side-crank engine; 40-H.P. low-pressure locomo tive boiler; also 23-H.P. feed water beater. J. E HURLEY, ?Phone 452. (Je22-6tf) l2\i Ohio ave ELECTRIC FANS- " . NEELY ELECTRIC Electric Contractor* and ^ _ 'PhuM ISM. UtZZ-l'J) ICi G it. B-W,