Newspaper Page Text
FREE MESSENGER NEW ADVERTISING RATES. I cent a word under the following classifies* lions. Smallest charge 15 cents. For Rent-Rooms. Rooms and Board. Boarding. * Wanted?Help. Wanted?Situations. If not convenient to rail at main office with your advertisements leave them at the following STAR BRANCH OFFJCES: fib and T sts. n.w., Cftovrell's Dm? Stor?. 14th and H sts. n.w.. St- Louis Hotel. ?th ami K. Cap. sts., Haley's Drug Stow. 7th and H sts. n.e.. Griffith's Pharmacy. 2d st. and 1*8. aic. s.e., Dobyn's Pharmacy. Wharf f w>t of 11th at. s.w. 15th and VI. ave. King's Pharmacy. 14th and H. I. ave.. Huddleson's Pharmacy. 16th s'nd U st*. n.w., Portner Pharmacy. 14th and Welling place. F.ppler's. 32d and M sts.. O'Donnrll's Pharmacy. 32d and O sts . O'Donnells Pharmacy. Bond bldg.. Cij;ar Stand. Woodward & Lotbrop. S. Kann, Sons A Co. ?IS Pa. ave. 8th and F. D. 8. Capitol ?th and B. City P. O. National. E)>bitt. Rlgga. WANTED?HELP. MALE. WANTED?A WHEELWRIGHT. APPLY TO J. J. SWEENEY. Bladensbiirg. Md. aul0-2t* WANTED?BRIGHT Y'OUNG MAX FOR OFFICE work; must write a good hand and come well recommended. Apply to HECHT & CO., 513-515 7th at. n.w. It WAXTED-GOOO MALE 8TEXOGRAPIIER AXI) typewriter; Underwood operator preferred; st"?ie salary expected. Address Box Xo. 109, Star office. ault>-3t* WAXTED? DEXTIST FOK MECHAXICAL WORK; must lie first-class. Address "DENTIST," Star _ otlice. It* WAXTED ? $100 AXD EXPENSES MONTHLY; one k*hk1 man in every county; permanent light work; wonderful monopoly; just discovered; par ticulars free Address FYROZONE CO., 38, Star bldg.. Chicago. aulo.,24.26.28-9t* WANTED? MEX OF GOOD AI'PEARANCE FROM every department in Washington; chance to double your salary with very little effort. Call between 4 and 5 o'clock any day, 24 Bliss build ing, 35 B st. n.w. It* WAXTED?GOOD SALESMAN TO REPRESEXT out-of-town firm with branch on F st. Address O. T. F., Star office. aul0,13.15,3t* WAXTED ? SALESMAN FOR WASH1XGTOX, thoroughly acquainted with the retail grocery trade; state age, references. Including last em ployer. and salary expected. Address P. O. Box 196. Baltimore. Aid. aul0-2t* WAXTED?BRIGHT YOUNG MAX TO TAKE charge of delivery department; willing to start on small salary, with good chances for advancement; name salary desired. Address Box 82, Star office. It* WAXTEIV-ACTIVE MANAGER, THIS CITY; $1, 50t? yearly salary, payable monthly; extra com missions; old established house: office duties wholly; imist come well recommended; be willing make permanent engagement and furnish $800 cash. MAXAGER, Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. aul0-s.4t WAXTED ? COLLECTOR THAT CAX FURNISH good reference; no Loud required. Apply (Mon day* 621 F n.w. It* WAXTED ? CARPENTERS; TRIMMING OUT. School building, 1' st. n.w. bet. 1st and 3d sts. 1* WAXTED - Ci >MPETEXT, G F. X T L E MANLY guide; must be .thoroughly familiar with In terior* tf public buildings; steady position all year round; state age, experience and references. Address Box 17^, Star otlice. ault)-2t* WANTED?AN EXPERIENCED INSURANCE So licitor, on salary and commission. Apply 1302 V st.. 2d tloor. after 10 o'clock, with references.* WANTED?B RIGHT, INDUSTRIOUS BOY; first-rate speller; apt with i*en and pencil; good chance to learn and advance. Address in own handwriting, stating age, education, etc., Box 74. Star office. It* WAXTED?GOOD CLERK AT SODA FOUXTA1X from 6 to 12 p m. FRANK W. HUDDLESON, 14th and R. I. ave. It WAXTED ? A GOOD MEAT CUTTER; MUST have reference from last employer. Address, stating reference, PROVISIONS, Star office. It WAXTED? EXERGETIC MEX AS SOLICITORS; guaranteed salary S'2 weekly; reliable firm; ref. Call or address JARRETT, Room 8, 631 Fa. ave. au9-3t* WAXTED UNION" BRICKLAYERS AT 55c. PER hour, by Brick Contractors' Association. Call at Room 612, Lewis bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. au9-12t* WAXTED ~A YOUNG MAX IX A REAL ESTATE office with some knowledge of bookkeeping and must be a typewriter. Box 63. Star office. au9-3t WANTED TWO FARM" HANDS. MARRIED; 6 miles trom city; wages, $18 per month, including house, firewood and land for garden; work the year round Call or address to E. BCRGDORF. 416 8th st. n.w. au8-3t* WANTED Til.E SETTERS. APPLY 1835 MAR ket. Philadelphia. BUCHANAN ic. SLOAN. nu8-3t WANTED -CIGAR SALESMEN' EVERYWHERE; experience unnecessary; $25 weekly. EMANUEL CO.. 2t>8 East 106th St., New York. au3-s,4t* WANTED-SALESMAN FOR REAL ESTATE; FX perlence not necessary; men with large acquaint ance preferred; horse and buggy will be fur nished; good pay to worker*. FULTON R. GORDON', 704 14th st. n.w. fe!7-s&tu-tf FEMALE. WANTED - RELIABLE LADY. WELL RECOM mended. to apjioint and Instruct local agents; Halary, $15 and all necessary expenses; perma nent. Inclose self-addressed envelope NA TIONAL. 412 Lakeside building. Chicago. It* WANTED A~REI.I.\BLE Wi'MAN F< ?R GENERAL housework; family of two. Call, with references, Xo. 1503 T st. n.w. It* WANTED- A NEAT fOI.ORKD GIRL FOR GEX eral housework; private family; one who likes children. 162* 14th st. n.w. It* WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HoUSEWoRK. washing and ironiug. 444^ H at. n.w.; refer ence. It* WANTED INTEIXIGENT YOUNG LADY FOK efflce work and wait on customers; 6tate age, ex perience. reference and salary expected. Box 171. Star office. It* \VAVTh.D COLORED WOMAN TO OHtK, WASH an 1 iron; small family; best reference. Apply 1444 V n.w. It* WANTED A REI.IAlilJt: COLORED WOMAN I'oR general housework; small family; stay nights; bring ref. Call Immediately 1639 19th st. n.w. 1* WANTED SALESLADY. fF, A W EEK AND C< ?M inlssloii. Apply nt once NEW YORK TAILOR ING CO.. 608 i4th st. n.w. aul0-3t* WAV1T D A WHITE GIRL FOR IIOI SEWORK ; lui washing. Apply between 11 and 12 o'clock at 119 4th st. s.e. It* WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE-, work, washing and Ironing: family of four; must stay nights; bring your reference; wages, $10 per month. 439 O st. n.w. It* WAN rED~MH.LlNr.RY SALESLADY; ONE WHO understands something about bookkeeping. Ad dress Box 59. Star office. aul0-?Jt W ANTE!? I VdTES~Tt? DO PLAIN SEWING AT hotne; g.?.<l pay; we furnish all material free and send it prepaid anywhere; write for par ticulars and price paid. UNIVERSAL CO., Dept. C. Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. It* wanted a i:i:i.T.\ hT.ifTvomTn~f77r good paying position; chance for promotion. Address W. C. M.. Star office. lt? WANTED Ity- PRIVATE FAMILY, A WHITE woman as cook and laundress; stay nights; good home. Add,ess LANIER, Star office. aul0-3l* WVNTED AN INDUS ITU' U S ANT)~KEUAItLE pantry maid for a public establishment; must stay nights; price, $12; white or colored; refer ence?. Address WEST WASHINGTON, Star office. It* WAXTED - RELIABLE. EXPERIENCED COLr ored nurse for 2-year-old child; one willing to go away; references required. 1232 Mass. ave. n w.* W ANT KD?M A NAG IXTT HOUSEKEEPER. ALSO two cooks, oue to leave the city. Apply 621 F n.w. It* WANTED?CLOAK MODEL WAXTED; STYLISH; 36 bust. 43 skirt; good wag*s. MANN At SCHBOEDER. 42 East 12th St.. New York. It* WAXTED - YOUNG LADY IX BRANCH POST office; must lie courteous, business like and alert to the Interests of the store in which the office Is located; In answering please state reference, experience and salary desired. Address R. G. T.. Star office. It WANTED ? CAPABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; stay nights; before 6 o'clock. 1432 Welling place. It WANTED AX EXl'ERIEXCED MILLINER. AP ply to II. OETTIXGER. 3124 M st. It WAXTED LADY STEM HiR APIl ER AND TYPH writer. Address Box 169. Star office. anl0-3t WAXTED- CASHIER IX RETAIL DRY GOODS house. Address in own handwriting, stating where and how long employed, Box 68. Star office. WAXTED LADY CI.EHK FAMILIAR WITH pension claims; place permanent. Address (stat ing experience) ATTORNEY, care Letter Car rier No. 3. City P. O. aul0-3t* WANTED A GOOD COOK SETTLED COLORTfD woman. Apply evening between 6:30 and 8 1736 0 st. au9-2t* wanted ? a girl for genbral house work; must be a good cook and bring reference. 1415 Bacon at. au9-3t* VANTED-WHITE OR COI.ORED GIRL FOR GFA eral housework In small family. Apply 915 O at. n.w., after 8 p.m. au9-2t* WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTED?POSITION AS AD. WRITER; WILL give part or whole time; first-class work. Ad dress WRITER. Star office. It* WANTED BY A YOUNG MAKRIKD MAN OK 25. neat appearance. not afraid of work, posi tion. where his services will be appreciated; Is handy with tools and has knowledge of electric ity. Address ENERGETIC, Star office. aulO-3t* WANTED?SITUATION BY EXPERIENCED COL ored butler, porter, driver; satisfactory refs. 1013 N. Y\ave. It* W ANTED? 1! Y MAKKIED MAN, ItKSITlON AS iMHtkkeeper, cashier, shipping clerk or general office work; steady and competent; highest refer ences. Address Box 18, Star office. aul0-2t* WAV1M>-BY SKILLED DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOK keeper, small set books to keep evenings; term i reasonable; references. Address Box 71, Star office. It* WANTED-BY SOBER, HONEST YOUNG MAN, position as cigar clerk, cafe cashier or l>ook keeper. Address Box 15, Star office. au9-2t* WANTED - BY STEWARD, EXPERIENCED^ eoN-r, with excellent reference, position; mod erate salary. Address Box 4, Star office. au9-2t* WANTED?BY HOTEL CLERK. BEST OF REF er?'n<e, position, day or ulgbt; moderate salary. Address Box 21, Star office. au9-2t* WANTEI>? BY CAPABLE YOUNG MAN, STENOG rapher, stenographic work outside of government officers. Address W. S. W., Star office. au9-3t* WANTED-BY SOB Kit" INDUSTRIOUS MAN, plai-e as Janitor or watchman. Address 786 Sheridan Rt. n.w. au9-2t* WANTED?BY REGISTERED DRUGGIST OF 10 years' experience, a position. Can give best of reference. Address Box 153, Star office. au9-2t* WANTED?T<> MEET GENTLEMAN INTERESTED In soft coal mining, with view to position; prac tical experience; leference. Address MINER, Star office. au8-3t* WAXTED-BY A YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWL edge of chemistry, stenography and typewriting, a position; will give any one 125 for procuring same; best references. Address Box 62, Star office. au8-3t* FEMALE. WANTED? BY WOMAN, FURNITURE SLIP COV ers to make to order from $7 up; also lace cur taius cleaned; carpet sewing and laying. Ad dress Box 78, Star office. It* WANTED-PLACE AS COOK BY WHITE WO man. In or out of city. 1135 17tii st. n.w. aul0-2t* WANTED-BY A REFINED YOUNG GERMAN girl, place as waitress or chambermaid In a pri vate family. Address F. F., Star office. It* WANTED?SITUATION AS NURSE OR OHAM ltermald by neat, smart young girl. Also places by first-class laundress and cook; references. 1013 N. Y. ave. It* WANTED- BY COLORED WOMAN. WORK BY the day or washing. Address Box 72, Star office.* WANTED?BY COLORED GIRL, WASHING OR housework; go home night. 1920 10th St. n.w. 1* W A NTED?B YKIRSTCLASS COLORED WOMAN, laundry, in or out by the day. Please call three days. No. 1739 Seaton st. n.w. It W A NTED ? BY EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER^ sewing at reasonable rate. 1212 New York ave. n.w. au9-2t* WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER, position as governess; teaches English, elocution, I.atin. German and music; terms moderate; beat reference?. Address Miss ROBINSON, Barstow, Md. au3-s.4t* MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED ? COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS, typewriters mid bookkeepers, who are graduates of the Business High School, may be secured through the Alumni Association of the school. Address, In writing, giving particulars as to requirements and salary, ALUMNI ASSOCIA TION, Business High School building, city. WANTED?AGENTS. WANTED ? AGENTS ? BIG MONEY SELLING latest article out, wonderful double-faced inlrror with picture revealed held to light; good side line; sample mirror (pocket size), 10c.; catalogue free. TRANSPARENT MIRROR CO., 81 5th ave., Chicago. It* WANTED-AGENTS, foo.OO A WEEK AND EX peuses guaranteed good men selling chemical machines for cooling all kinds of refrigerators. Ice boxes, soda fountains, Ac.; guaranteed 75% cheaper tjjau ice; also our chemical Ice cream freeter; requires uo labor; works automatic; 60% cheaper than Ice. Write today for samples and agency. CHEMICAL REFRIG. & FREEZER CO., Station U, Chicago, 111. It* Wa"nTED-RESIDENT SALESMAN OF GOOD AD dress and club connection to represent a high grade Havana cigar factory; want a strictly honoraliie business man; will give exclusive con trol In city to sell private trade, stores, &c.; un disputable proof of Integrity and ability required. Address only facts to VUELTA, 72 Murrtr st., New York. Iul0-8t WANTED - AGENTS ? HONEST WORKERS-! can and will convince at my own expense that 1 have the best thing in. on or out of the earth for the people. A line of articles, absolute neces sities, needed by every one, that have no equal, that sell themselves over and over again. I pro tect my agents, they stay with me because the demand grows and they receive all benefits there from. If you've been nipped by fakirs, frauds and sharks who advertise for quick-money SUCKERS, and want to make an honest deal with an honest man, who never falls to do more than he promises, who has all the money he needs to conduct his business, to credit bis agents, write to me and give me the names of five references that I may know I can safely trust you with goods to start with. No experi ence necessary, no capital required. Men and women, old or young, make more money selling my articles than any others, and stay selling them, making money and friends always. A per manent, pleasant, profitable and growing busi ness. No fakirs need apply. I refer to all mer cantile agencies, to any bank or reputable busi ness concern in Chicago, and before you receive my proposition I must know If you are trust worthy. THEO. NOEL, Chicago. aul0,17,2t* WANTED - AGENTS - NEW LINE HOUSEHOLD S|>ecialtieg, la-lles' goods; sell every house; big profits; samples. H. A. LAURENCE CO., Chi cago, 111. It* WANTED?RELIABLE AGENTS TO TAKE SUB scriptlons for our |>opular magazine In connec tion with new census Atlas. Exceptional oppor tunity. Write today: JOHN WANAMAKER, dept. 162-A. New York. jy29,au3,5&10 WANTED LADIES. ALSO MEN. TO COPY LET ters; address envelopes at home, anywhere, day or evenings: strictly genuine employment. Address EXCELSIOR MFG. CO.. Station B. Cleveland, O. Jy23-tu&s.8t* WANTED?ROOMS. WANTED ? BY ADULTS, TWO UNFURNISHED rooms In modern, well-kept house; no housekeep ing. Address P. A. T., Star office. aul0-3t* WANTED SE1T. 15^ BY YOUNG MARRIED couple, 3 unfur. rooms for l.h.k., between 10th and 15th. H and L; prefer steam or hot water heat. Address STUDENT, Star office. It* WANTED?UNFURNISHED, FOR HOUSEKEBP Ing. 3 rooms, by two adults, on Columbia Heights; references. Address QUIET PARTY, Star office.* WANTED?3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOB 1. h. k.; neat; gas; use of bath; central n.w. Address Box 64, Star office. It* WANTED?BY A LADY, A LARGE, HAND somely furnished alcove room (or 2 smaller rooms), with or without board, In the n.w.; must have southern exposure; permanent 1/ suited. Address Box 69, Star office. It* WANTED-4 (IK SROOMS.IST OR 2D FLOOR, or flat, for 1. h. k.; no children; centrally lo cated; rent reasonable: must be clean and quiet. Address PRO MIT PAY, Star office. It* WANTED-BY REFINED FAMILY OF FOUR adults, 3 or 4 large anfurnlshed 2d-floor rooms. In n.w., with or without board; state price. Ad dress A. B. W., Star office. It* WANTED-BY QUIET, MIDDLE-AGED GENTLE man. In office, a well furnished room, with board; refined surroundings; northwest; within 15 min utes 9th and F sts. Address O. R. M., Star office. aul0-2t* WANTED?IN N. W.. LARGE. WELL-FUR. 2D floor front room, with board, for married couple; iirlce not to exceed $50 per mo. Address Box 90, Star office. It* W ANTED BY TWO LADIES AND SON. THREE large rooms; 2d floor preferred; trunk storage; central; reasonable; privilege light breakfaat; ref. exchanged. Address J. C. D., Star* WANTED SEPT. 15. BY MARRIED COUPLE. 3 unfurnished rooms, with use of bath. In n.w.; moderate price. Address A. P. S., Star office. au9-3t* WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN IN OFFICE, A pleasant room, either with or without board; terms must be moderate; state price and partic ulars. Address W. P. C., 8tar office. au8-3t* WANTED?LOTS. WANTED?TO BUY A LOT So.- of Mass. ave. and west of 13th St.; prefer downtown for doctor. Address Box 40, Star office. anl0-3t* LOST AND FOUND. LOST-FRIDAY EVENING OR SATURDAY MORN lng, pocket book, containing paper money and leases. Liberal reward. JOS. U. LEAR, 75 P at. n.e. It* LOST FOUR LEAF-CLOVER PIN, WITH PEARL In center. Finder will receive reward by return ing some to E. F. CAVERLY, 1310 W st. n.w. an'.>-2t* LOST-ON AUGUST 7. SMALL BLACK LEATHER pocket book, containing sum of money. Finder suitably rewarded. Mrs. LAWRENCE SANDS, 19th st. extended and Woodley road. au8-3t* = PERSONAL. = WHYV WHICH? HOWT WHEN? DONT ASK so many questions; can't you understand we have a big cash exchange for men's worn garments? Send for us to call, which we will do In a hurry. anlo-5tf JUSTU S OLD STAND, 619 D. MORPHINE. OPIUM. LAUDANUM, OOCAINB habit; myself cured; will Inform yon of harmleaa, permanent home cure. Mrs. BALDWIN, Box 1212. Chicago. ACCOUNTANTS. " J. B. BATES, Public Accountant and Auditor, Room 110, Washington Loan and Trust building, del-tf Mb uuf r ata. a.w. Talapfaioa* No. VTi WANTED?HOUSES. WANTED ? TO KENT 8 OH 9-ROOM BRICK bouse with modern improvement!, in northwest section or suburb*, or near C'-ongresslonal Library; rent must be moderate. Address B. M. M., star office. 1*1 ?WANTED - TO RENT FROM SEPTEMBER 1, practically new house; a.m.l.; In good locality; nix rooms and bath; rental not to exceed $25 per uiontb. L. WILSON. 2109 F at. n.w. It* W A NT ED- H OC SES TORENT. 1 offered to find houses to suit tbe public. instead of al>out 25 people to inquire, 1 AM besieged with about 200. Houses from $10 to $75 per mo. I11 ease send me your vacant houses. WILL GUARANTEE TO RENT THEM. R. S. DONALDSON, If 820 10th n.w. WANTED? HOUSE TO RENT, 4 ROOMS DEEP; 2 stories; near Library; not over $23. Address Mrs. II. B., Star office. It* WANTED?TO RENT HOl'SE SOUTH OF O ST. n.w. and between 7th aud 14th sts. n.w.; $40 or $45. Address MERCHANT D., It* Star office. WANTED?HOUSE FOR PHYSICIAN, west of 12th st. n.w., south of q, or a good lot in same location. Address PHYSICIAN P., Star office. su!0-3t* WANTED?TO BUI A ? OIt 7-ROOM HOUSE, with cellar and all modern improvements; price not over $3,500; give street number, which must lie in a good locality. Address E. M. B., Star office. It* WANTED ? FUR. HOUSE, 5 ROOMS, N.W., adults, for year or longer. Address O. R. C., Star office. It* WANTED?YOUR VACANT HOUSE TO RENT. We are having a demand for houses In the u.w. Let us rent yours. MARTIN BROS.. RENTAL AGENTS. 1925 Pa. are. n.w. Established 1880. (It) Telephone 1211. WANTED-TO RENT FROM SE1TEMBER 1 A small bouse, furnished or unfurnished, in Brook land. Address Box 45, Rockvllle, Md. It* WANTED?VACANT HOUSES TO RENT? One for $11.00 (colored). One for $13 50 (white). One for $15.00 (white), CITY or COUNTY. Four for $2o.50 (white). Six for $26.5o (white). Two for $30.50 (white). One for $40.00 (white). If you desire to rent send me your house, I will rent it for you. R. S. DONALDSON, au8-3t* 620 loth n.w. WANTED ? FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED bouses and flats; we have orders for houses, $25 to $100 per month. Favor us with yours. au!0-3t-4 CLARK BROS., 1333 F n.w. WANTED ? FURNISHED HOUSE FOR THE board of one or two persons. Address Box 67, Star office. aul0-3t* WANTED-TO RENT SMALL HOUSE OR 6 roorn flat, n.w. or s.e.; must be new and modern; state price and location. Address Box 155, Star office. au9-2t* WANTED?HOUSE, 7 OR 8 ROOMS; MODERN conveniences; good neighborhood; price $3,000 or $3,500. Address CARRIER 68, Station A. au9-2t au9-2t WANTED ? IMMEDIATELY, 6 TO 8-ROOM bouse BphM Virs. from $2,000 to $3,000; have client who 11.11 buy at once and pay cash; will go n.e. or s.e.; muet l*e a bargain. Send full par ticulars to E. HAVES KAUFFMAN. with Wash. & Suburban Real Estate Co. (Inc.), 1412 G st. n.w. au8-6t WANTED? YOUR VACANT HOUSES YOUR VACANT HOUSES will bring you in prompt returns if placed with us. Our office central and accessible. Applicants dally. Give us a trial. Special attention to renting and selling. What have you to offer? E. LODGE HILL, au8-3t 802 F st. n.w. WANTED?FOR CASH PURCHASERS Two nice houses, n.w. section; good condition, in A1 location; 0 and 8 rooms respectively. Price, $3,500 to $6,500. Renting property a specialty. E. LODGE HILL, au8-St ? 802 F st. n.w. WANTED?HOUSE, FOR CASH; MODERN, 8~0R 9 rooms, with kitchen on 1st floor; $5,000 to $8,000. BEN B. BRADFORD, 713 14th. au8-6t WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE, CAR pets, stoves and office fixtures of all kinds. Fur niture stored, packed and shipped. Address BAUM, 912 Pa. ave. n.w. 'Phone 1254. aulO-tf WANTED?BICYCLE; GENTS LATE MODEL; give description and lowest cash price. Ad dress H. A. R., Star office. It* WANTED ? LOCOMOBILE, NEW OR SECOND hand, in exchange for building lot at Chevy Chase. Address B. R. RHEES, Lighthouse Board, Treasury Department. _ It* WANTED-I HAVE RETURNED TO THE CITY and am at my old place, 719 7th st. n.w., where I have a fine line of new and second-band furni ture for sale. H. ROSENBERG. aul0-6t* WANTED?A. KEBESKY, 1306 7TH ST. N.W. will pay tbe highest cash prices for ladles', gents and children's cast-off clothing and shoes and hats. Address a postal and I will call. aulO-lm* WANTED ?TO RENT GOOD SECOND-HAND IJN derwood or Remington tyepwriter. Apply 201 12th st. n.w. . It WANTED?WE SELL EVERYTHING. IF THERE is anything you want, no matter what, we will sell It to you cheaper than any one else. Drop us a card and our representative will call. FRANK P. L1BBEY & CO., au8-3t* Washington. D. C. WANTED-I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING. ADDRESS A I*OSTAL AND I WILL CALL. R. TARSHES. 1308 7TH N.W. au7-4t* WANTED?FEATHERS: HIGHEST CASH PRICK paid for old feather beds. All orders promptly attended to. Send postal to B. M. WEINSTEIN & CO., 481 Missouri ave. Jyl6-26t* WANTED-OLD GOLD, SILVER. DIAMONDS, old-time watches, dentist gold, platinum teeth Jilates, &c., bought for cash; pawn tickets bought. yl5-tf LOUIS ABRAHAMS. 433 9th st. n.w. WANTED?IF YOU HAVE ANY FEATHER BEDS, furniture, carpets, office fixtures or show cases for sale it will pay yon to drop postal to I. FRIEDMAN. 803 D St. n.w. Jyl-78t*4 BUSINESS CHANCES^ WANTED?ONE DISCREET MAN IN EACH govt. dept. to Invest $100 for $1,000 Interest in safe business proposition; answer If you mean business. Address CO-OPERATION, Star office.* HOTEL FOR SALE-GOOD STANDING, OPPO site B. and O. station; good reason for selling. 828 Camden St., Baltimore. Md. au 10-2t? WANTED?HEIRS TO UNSETTLED ESTATES can obtain loans on short notice or sell out their Interest. J. H. WALTER, aul0-a.tu,th,3m 1321 "F" st. n.w. FOR SALE?A WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS; excellent location; a fine paying Investment. This is an opportunity for man with limited cap ital. Satisfactory reason for selling. Apply MARTIN BROS., Real Estate Agents, aul0-3t 1925 Pa. ave. n.w. FOR 8ALE-RESTAURANT: BEST LOCATION IN cKy; old stand. Address Box 87, Star office. au9-3t? FOR SALE-CHEAP FOR CASH-AN ELECTRI cal engineering scholarship in the International Correspondence School at Scranton, Pa. Apply to 820 4% St. s.w. auO-St STOCKS OFFER A DAILY BUSINESS OPPOR tunlty. One may buy stocks on 2 per cent mar gin through "The Stock Grain Pr?v. Co.," capital, $200,000.00, 10 Wall St., New York. Washington correspondent. The Ferry Commission Co., 1339 F st. n.w. Office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. au8-26t* AT RAMSAY'S? YOUR WATCH CLEANED, $1.00. WATCII MAINSPRING, $1.00. AIJ, WORK WARRANTED ONE YEAR. mh3-5d 1221 F ST. N.W. PROPOSALS. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 73S N. CAPITOL St., Washington, D. O., August 9, 1901.?Sealed proposals will be received here until NOON, SEP TEMBER NINTH, 1901, and then publicly opened, for furnishing Distributing Centers for electric lighting and power circuits for new building for Government Printing Office. Information furnish ed on application. JOHN STEPHEN SEWELL, Captain, Engineers. au9,10,12,13,seti&7 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, D. C., August 8, 19ol.?Bids will be received st the U. S. National Museum until TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON ON THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, to be opened at 1 o'clock p.m. on the same day, for four old tubuldt boilers, now in the boiler room of the National Museum, Including cast Iron fronts, water columns, steam gauges, glass gauges, safety valves and damper regulators and grate bars; also for the pump aud return tank connected therewith. The contractor will be re quired to remove the boilers from their present foundations; also the bricks and debris to the south side of sidewalk adjoining museum on B St.. south. The bricks are to remain the property of the National Museum. RICHARD RATHBUN, Acting Secretary. au9,10,12 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C., August 7, 1901.?Sealed proposals will be received at tills office until TWO O'CLOCK P.M., on the NINE TEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1901, and then opened, for repairs to tbe beating and steam plants In the U. S. Treasury and Wluder buildings at Washington, D. C., in accordance with tbe spec ification, copies of which msy be had at this office. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Supervising Ar chitect. au8-th,s,tu,3t MACHINERY, ETC. MACHINERY. BOILERS. SAFES. ETC.. HAULED^ hoisted aLd placed: estimates given. MER CHANTS' TRANSFER AND 8TORAQE CO., Suc cessors Merchants' P-D. Co., 929 D n.w. 'Phone 859. Je22-4tf FOR SALE?KNOWLES COMBINED PUMP AND boiler. 7x4ftxi0; 2-H.P. Otto gas engine; 8x12 side-crank engine; 40-H.P. low-pressure locomo tive boiler; also 25-H.P. feed water heater. J. E. HURLEY, ?Phone 482. Qc22-Ctf) 1219 Ohio aim. ELECTRIC FANS? NEELY ELECTRIC CO., Electric Contractors and Supplies, Tbone 1863. Qe22-4tf) 1328 Q St. f.w. TWO SECOND-HAND STANDARD CEILING FANB, last year's type; perfect condition: $25. TALLMADGE ft WILSON. Jrftl-tM Boom M0, Star building. FOR RENT?ROOMS. FUmiSHBP. FOB RENT?CHEAP?Ho Q 8.B., NEAR CAP Itol, 4 or 5 furnished rooms lor light housekeep ing; gas range, etc. aul0-8t* FOR RENT?1139 12TH 8T. N. W.. WELL-FU fi nished rooms; porcelain bath; lane closet*; adult family. ' It* FOR RENT-LARGE. BRIGHT BAY-WINDOW room; bath room fk>?r; very large closet; fins square piano; good neighborhood; near cars; ref erences given and required. J127 10th n.w. It* FOB RENT ? LARUE. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with or withoot board; all conveniencea; terms moderate. 126 ?th st. a.e. It* FOR RENT?2D-STORY" BAT-WINDOW FRONT room. 924 1st st. n.w. au!0-3t* FOR BENT?NICELY glttAl.HHF.n ROOMS. 721 East Capitol st. It* FOR RENT-TO LADY IN OFFICE, BEAUTIFUL, bed room and sitting room, furnished; suburban; 2 minutes from electric car; very near city; awn lngs, Bcrtens, shades, porches; J12. REST, Star office. aul0-2t* FOB RENT-FRONT ROOM; NEWLY FLRNISH ed; steam beat; electric light; porcelain bath; screens; references exchanged. Flat 32, Land more, 1133 24th. It* FOR KENT ?TWO COMMUNICATING ROOMS, partly furnished, 2d floor; southern exposure; private family; convenient to cars. 002 B st. n.e. It* FOR RENT?1 FURNISHED ROOM FOR LADY; hot and cold water in room; with board; $20. 1022 9th st. n.w. It* FUR RENT?1018 12TH N.W., LARGE WELU furnished rooms; splendid closets* steam heat; special rates for two In room; good table and service. aulO-6t* FOR RENT-COMFORTABLE, PLEASANT, SBC ond-story room, in clean, well-kept house; |7 per month. 2t>6 6th st. s.e. la* FOR RENT ? LARGE FURNISHED ROOM; southern exposure. 604 M st. n.w. anl0-2t* FOR RENT?935 MASS. AVE. N.W.. FURNISHED room, 3d Btoiy; permanent party; aul0-3t* FOR RENT ? LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED front room. 1010 H st. n.w. aul0-3t* FOR RENT?ROOMS SUITABLE FOR PHYSI clan. 1717 De Sales st. n.w., near Grafton ? Hotel. anl0-3t* FOR RENT?A LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED 2D story front room; bay window and alcove; near librarv, Capitol and 3 lines of cars; terms rea sonable. 314 A st. n.e. It* FOR RENT?814 11TH ST N.W., NICELY FUR niBbed third-floor front bay-window room; large closet; new porcelain bath; all modern improve ments; 11 rut-class, well-kept house; rent moderate. It* FOR RENT-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 17 Iowa circle. It FOR RENT-ROOMS; IDEAL SUMMER LOCA tion, choicest part of Eeklngton; terms moder ate. Address Box 27, Star office. It* FOR RENT?1239 12TH ST. N.W., 1ST FLOOR. 4 rooms, $28. Key at 913 M st. n.w. after 5 p.m. au9-6t* FOR RENT- NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, PRI vate family of adults; beautiful and convenient location; house with all modern Improvements; 13th st. near .oiva Circle. Box 201, Star office. au9-2t* FOR RENT?NICELY FURNISHED SECOND AND third-story rooms, with or without board. 1107 10th st. n.w. au9-3t* FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH PRI vate bath; 834 13th st., cor. I st.; house well heated in winter; sanitary plumbing; porcelain bath tubs. au8-3a* FOR RENT-LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED front room; every convenience; bath on floor; private family. 1113 17th st. n.w. au8-3t* FOR RENT-TWO LARGE. ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed parlors and bed rooms. 1835 14th st. n.w. au8-3a* FOR RENT?FURNISHED-THREE COOL. CLEAN rooms; $5 to $8. 128 D n.e. au8-3t FOR RENT?TO GENTLEMEN ONLY, TWO QE sirable furnished rooms, on very reasonable terms; second door from The Portner and near two car lines. 1449 U st. n.w. au7&10,2t* FOB RENT?TWO DELIGHTFUL COMMUN1CAT lng rooms on 2d floor, with pleasaut surround ings. At 1312 12th st. n.w. au7-Ut UNFURNISHED. j FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED. THREE NEWLY papered rooms, $16. 1836 9tn st. n.w. It* FOR RENT?ONE LARGE ALCOVE AND SMALL room, unfurnished; heat, gas, bath; price $12. 1414 Q n.w. It* FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED, ENTIRE SECOND floor of three large sminy rooms and alcove. In private family; only those with best of reference and permanent need apply; beautiful location, bet. Thomas snd Iowa circles; occupied by owner. 1331 Vermont ave. It* FOR RENT?THREE BEAUTIFUL UN FURNISH ed second-floor rooms; bay window and alcove; heat, gas, bath; vacant September 1. 1414 (j at. n.w. It* FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED, 3 ROOMS, SKC oud floor; heat, light snd gas for cooking; suit able for light housekeeping. 234 N st. n.w. It* FOR RENT?1239 12TH ST. N.W., 1ST FLOOR, 4 rooms, with heat, $28. Key at 913 M st. n.w. after 5 p.m. au9-6t* FOR RENT-IN HOME WITHOUT CHILDREN, two unfurnished rooms; outlook on Lincoln Park. 119 Kentucky ave. s.e. It* FOR RENT?FLAT-4 ROOMS AND HATH; MOD ern improvements; rent, |15.50. Keys 1611 New Jersey ave. It* FOR RENT?4 OR 5 LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; beautiful location and neighborhood; one square from Capitol. 232 New Jersey ave. a.e. It* FOR RENT-TO GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. COZY suburban flat, 2 rain, from electric car, partly furnished; large bed and dressing rooms, living room, Mtcben, summer kitchen, beautiful grounds. City water In house; shade and porches. $15 per mo. Address RAPID, Star office. aul0-2t* FOR KENT?TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, UNFUR nished or partly furnished. 25 9th n.e. It* FOR RENT ? 4 UNFURNISHED 2D-FLOOR rooms; mod. Imp.; l.h. 9o6 .Mass. ave. n.w. oulO-2t* FOR RENT?FREQUENT CALLS FOR UNFUR nished rooms at EWING'S REGISTRY, 54, At lantic bldg., 928 F. It* FOR RENT - 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND private bath, 3d floor, $18; beat and light ln cluded. 1322 W st. n.w. It* FOR RENT?ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, TWO large bay-window rooms; 1 small (all front), and bath, heat and gas; private family. 600 Q st. n.w. aul0-3t* FOR RENT?UNFUR.?LARGE, BRIGHT FRONT and back parlors In corner bouse; south and west windows; cool In summer and well heated In winter. 921 O at. n.w. It* FOR RENT ? TWO COMMUNICATING ROOMS, with bath; auitable for light housekeeping. 136 11th st. n.e. aul0-3b* FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED-1448 Q St7n.w7| three desirable 2d-floor rooms, for 1. h. k.; con venlent, quiet and pleasant. au!0-3t FOR RENT ? TWO BRIGHT, UNFURNISHED rooms, 2d floor; convenient for housekeeping; two squares from War Department. 1905 G at. n.w. au!0-2t* ?- | FOR RENT-TWO COMMUNICATING ROOMS, en suite or single; southern exposure- 805 K st. n.w. __ au9-2t* FOR RENT?TWO OR THREE ROOMS. 8UIT able for a physician; Just Tacated. 1524 14th st. n.w. an9-3t* FOR RENT?2D FLOOR. UNFURNISHED; PAR lor, dining .room and use of kitchen. 1139 loth n.w. au9-3t* FOR RENT?1119 6TH ST. N.W.. 3 DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms. 2d floor. au9-2t* FOR RENT?BY COUPLE' WITHOUT CHIL dren, entire floor, unfurnished; housekeeping; rea sonable. 2000 F st. auU-2b* FOB BENT?SECOND FLOOR 1935 13TH ST., 2 or 3 large, beautiful rooms; hot water heat; owner. au6-5t FIK.MSHED OR UNFURNISHED, FOR RENT?ONE ROOM. FURNISHED OR UN furnished. to a gentleman; excellent location in the n.w.; rent reasonable. Address Box 43. Star office. , au!0-2c* FOR RENT?LARGE, PLEASANT ROOMS, 8EC ond or third floor; board if desired; beautiful location. 1259 Kenesaw ave., Columbia Heights. It* ' > FOR RENT-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, $5 per month and up. 510 E st. n.w. It* FOR RENT?FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED? Bright rooms; large closets; with refined people; comfortable home; corner location. 1114 10th at. n.w. -> au!0-2t* FOR RENT?ROOMS OS 2D FLOOR; PRIVATE home; house ocupied by owner. 1626 14th at. au9-2t* . FOR RENT?LARGE FRONT AND HALL ROOM, 2d floor; also suite of rooms, with private bath. 1132 12th at. n.w. an9-3t* FOR RENT?COMMUNICATING ROOMS, UNFUR. or partly furnished; southern exposure; no olitl dren; ref. 905 M st. n.w. au9-3t* FOR RENT-TWO LABIJE COMMUNICATING rooms on 3d floor, unfurnished, and 2, including a large trunk room, on 2d floor, furnished. 1418 Q at. n.w. au9-3t FOR RENT?SUITE OF 8 ROOMS AND BATH, 2D floor, furnished or unfurnished. Call after 6 p.m., 2146 P st. n.w. au7-6t* FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOR BENT-SEVERAL FINE OFFICE ROOMS, 015 7th at. n.w. Also a large room on main floor suitable for meetings; will seat about UO persons. THOMAS W. FOWLER, 921 F n.w., Zd floor. au!0-3t* FOR RENT- LARGE, WEIArUGIITED, MODERN offices; elevator, elcctric light, steam heat, Jani tor s?rvlee; rent, $12.50; no extras. Metrerott bldg., 1110 F st. n.w. Je4-tf QASCH BROS.. Agts.. 1307 F st. FOR RENT-DBSIRABLE OFFICES IX THE BUSS building; electric light, telephone snd Janitor aervlce free; from $7.50 up. Inquire Room 8, Bliss building. 85 B st. n.w. mh27-tf FOR RENT -MISCELLANEOUS FOB BENT?THE CAFE IN "OLYMPIA" APABT ment House, fnrnlsbed or unfurnished; a anap for a good man; about 20 boarders to start with. It 060AB W. WHITE, 1114 F St. FOR RENT?FLATS. FOR RENT?VERY DESIRABLE 5-ROOM FLAT; a.m. I.; near Lincoln Park; will rent cheap to good party. Addreu F. M. H., Star office. anl0-2t* FOR RENT-FLAT; A.M.L; NEW AND CLEAN; 6 outside rooms; large glass-inclosed balcony; cool In summer; gas cooking range; first-class beating furnished; $30 per mo; 6 squares above Thomas Circle; 1712 14th at. au!0-3f FOR RENT-AT 206-8 D ST. N.W.. UNFUR nlabed fiats of 4 rooms and bath; complete (or housekeeping. Apply to T. E. WAGGAMAN, 817 F at. n.w. aul0-3t* FOR RENT-F. H. SMITH CO., 1408 N. Y. AVE, RENTAL AGENTS. Luzon, 25th and Pa. ate.; Sr. and b.; NEW AWNINGS; gas range; ALL OUTSIDE BOOMS. 616 12th n.w.; 5r. and b.; gas range. 717 11th n.w., 3d fl.; 4r. and b.; gas range; $32.50. 1204 G at. n.w.; 6r. and b.; gas range; a.m.L 1906 Pa. are. n.w.; 6r. & b.; gas range; 2d fl. 2304 14th n.w.; Sr. and b.; 3d fi.; $25. aulO-3t FOR RENT?4-KOOM FLAT IN TIIE 'JEFFEB son," 316 H at n.w $26-00 Also 5-room fiat (new), 1020 9th at. n.w... 45.W aulo-ttt L. S. FBISTOE, 1413 G St. n.w. FOR RENT-HANDSOME 4 AND 5-BOOM FLATS in the Landmore. 1133 24th St. n.w. .$304c$37 50 14th and Blnney sta., 5 rooms and bath.... 32.50 1631 19th St., 6 rooms and bath, 2d floor... 45.00 anl?-3t TMEO. A. HABDING. 1316 G St. n.w. FOR RENT-FLATS-NEW MARYLAND BLDG., 7th and C ats. s.w.; 6 rooma and bath; tiled bath; steam beat; hot water; newly papered; janitor service; corner flat; southern exposure; convenient to all car lines; the cheapest flat in the city for the money; $27.50 per mo. Virginia bldg., 7th and Va. ave. s.w., two modern flats, 6 rooms each; $25.60 and $27.50 per roo. J. HARRISON JOHNSON & SON, aul0-3t 306 7th ?t. s.w. ?0R RENT-450 Q ST. N.W., HANDSOMELY furnished flat of 8 large communicating rooms on third floor; hot water heat; large back porch; silver and table linen; also gaa tor cooking and lighting; $25. au!0-2t* FOB RENT ?LOVELY FLAT; ALL FRONT rooms; 4 rooms and tiled bath; furnished or un furnished; rent $30. STONE & FAIRFAX, au!0-3t 806-808 F st. FOB KENT-"THE FAItBELL," NO. 716 7TH ST. n.w., small apartments of 4 rooms, tiled baths and stor.ige rooms each; steam heat; In good condition. $22.50 to $25. an9-3t A. F. FOX CO.. Inc., 920 F st. n.w. FOR BENT-FLAT OF 8 BOOMS AND BATH, In nice condition; sanitary plumbing; 1608 14th st. n.w., over drug store. Inquire In store. au9-3t FOlt BENT?"FLATS." The "Westover," corner 16th and U sts. n.w. (finest apartment house in .the city); every mod. Imp.; 2, 5 and 6 rooms and bath. $25 to $70 per month. "Princeton," 1430 V st. n.w., 4 and 6 rooms each. $30 to $40 each. _ ! "Northampton" (now), 1405 W st. n.w.; 5 j rooms and bath; every imp. $40 to $45 each. "Aiv*lo?tan," 1718 Corcoran st. n.w. Igas fur nished), 4 rooms and batb. $32.50. I The * Essex," 1422 N st. n.w., 6 rooma and bath. $37.50. The ' Llewellyn," 2224 F st. n.w., 4 rooms and bath. $25 to $30. au9-6t L. 8. FRISTOE, 1413 G st. n.w. FOB BENT?ON 2D FLOOR. HANDSOME FLAT, 3 rooms or more; newly painted and papered. Also large back room, $15. Third-floor back rousn, $10. 1141 Conn. ave. n.w. au7-0t FOB BENT?IN THE LAFAYETTE, 1607 7TH ST. n.w., one of the best flats In the city for the money; 4 rooms and tiled bath; porcelain tub; cabinet mantels; handsome papering; gas range; steam heat; hot water furnished to bath and sink from the cellar; bicycle and storage rooms In cellar; janitor, &c. Open for inspection. Call at office tor further particulars. au6-tf B. F. SAUL, 7th and L sts. n.w. FOlt BENT-"KENOVA," 1ST AND MASS. AVE? and E st. n.e.; 5 rooms and bath; every con venience; rents $30 and $33; will be ready for occupancy September 1; near 3 car lines. aul-tf,5 H. L. BU'iT, 608 14th n w. THE DRISCOLL. 1ST AND B STS. N.W., HAS for rent handsomely fur. and unfur. apartments of 3 to 8 rooms and bath; with or without house keeping facilities; every appointment most mod ern; location facing U. S. Capitol grounds; ex cellent cafe; filtered water; electric light (free). See or write to T. A. McKEE, Mgr. Jy31-12t FOB BENT?DES1BABI.E APABTMENTS IN "THE WINOLA," 1006 MASS. AVE.; flats of 5 rooms and bath each; all outside rooms; $40 to $00. "THE GARFIELD," 13th and I sts. n.w.; "THE BINNEY," 1408 Binney St., Columbia Heights', 1201 WHITNEY AVE, Columbia Heights; "THE ABMY AND NAVY," 814 22d st. n.w. Call for prices and full particulars. jy23-t,th,s,tf MOOBE & HILL, 717 14th st. n.w. FOBTrENT-FLAT. 2D STORY. 1408 14T1I ST. n w.; 5 room# and bath, with heat; yearly lease. Apply to F. B. MARLOW, 96 Corcoran bldg. Jy27-s,tf FOR BENT?"OLYMP1A" APABTMENTS, C<? lumbia Heights; thoroughly fire-proof; army and navy headquarters; three, five and seven rooms; all modern conveniences; moderate rates. jy20-tf OSCAB W. WHITE. 1114 F at. FOB BENT-THE COLUMBIA, 14TH AND BIX ney, overlooking the city; apartment of 6 rooms; southern exposure; elec. light, filtered water, laundry, etc.; special price. Je8-tf JAMES A. CAHILL, 1308 F st. n.w. FOB BENT?IN THE CONCOBD, COB. NEW Hampshire and Oregon aves.. 2 and 4 and 5-room apartments; cool In summer; excellent cafe. my2i-tf FOB BENT-THE ADDISON, 916 14TH ST. N.W.? 8 rooms and bath $30.00 to $35.00 THE AUGUSTA, cor. N. Y. and N. J. aves. 4 rooms and bath $18.00 to $i5.00 THE LOUISA, 216 New York ave. n.w.? New building, 4 rms. and b $20.00 and $22.50 2500 Pa. ave. n.w., 4 rooms and bath $20.50 501 O st. n.w., 3 rooms and bath $18.50 71 P st. n.e., 5 rooms and bath $17.80 73% P st. n.e , 5 rooms and bath $17.80 74% O st. n.e., 4 rooms and bath $15.30 2119 Want pi. n.w., 3 rooms and bath $9.00 Sy5$"ur APARTMENTS TO LET. FOB BENT?IN THE "OLYMPIA," COLUMBIA Heights. 3-room furnished apartment and private bath $37.50 per mo. Also 5 and 7-room apart ments; thoroughly fire-proof and first-class. aul0-3t OSCAB W. WHITE, 1114 F st. ROOMS AND BOARD. PLEASANT ROOMS AND GOOD HOME TABLE; near Capitol and library. 210 1st st. n.e. It* FOB BENT?WITH BOAItD, FOUB HANDSOME ly furnished rooms, suitable for two people each; also hall room; permanent parties preferred. 1629 Q st. n.w. aul0-s,4t* FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OB WITHOUT board; batb, gas and heat; private family; terms reasonable. 3338 P st. n.w. FOB BENT?243 DEL. AVE. N.E., PLEASANT rooms, with board; location very central; tran sients accommodated; terms moderate. It* FOB BENT-LOVELY LABGE FBONT BOOM, 2D and 8d floors; 3 windows; also hall room; first class board. 1012 12th st. n.w. aul0-2t* NICK, LABGE BOOM FOB TWO,'WITH GOOD table board, near Capitol and Library; terms moderate. 105 2d st. n.e. It LABGE, COOL BOOMS; FIBST-CLASS TABLE board; summer prices; references. 1117 I st. n.w. - 1233 MASS. AVE N.W., FIBST-CLASS TABLE board; summer rates; also comfortable rooms, home comforts. _ auio-Jt TWO BACHELOR APABTMENTS FOR RENT, having each sitting room, bed room, large clothes closet with window and bath room; unfurnished, $25 a month; furnished. $35 a month; table board In the apartment bouse for $25 a month. THE WESTOVEB, 16th and U sts. au8-3t? BOOMS. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED, with board, if desired, 1121 10th st. n.w.; ref erences exchanged. au8-3t* FOB BENT?1113 O ST. N.W., WITH OB WITH out board, furnished front rooms; large closets, and In house with modern Improvements. an8-3t* FOB RENT?717 10TH ST. N.W., LABGE, NEW corner house, nicely furnished rooms; Blngle or en suite; large closets, steam heat and good home table. Table board. Booms for transients. Jy29-28t* BOARDING. TABLE D'HOTE AND A LA CABTB. DINNEB all day Sundays and holidays; mid-day lunch for ladles and gentlemen from 11 until 2; electric fans. CAFE ROBINSON. 1602 14th st. n.w. Ie22-tf FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED?PBOPEBTY TO EXCHANGE. Large or small. Incumbered or free. Lots or houses. City or country an!0-8t* 520 10th n.w. FOB EXCHANGE?2 NICE 6-BOOM AND BATH houses; well rented; Incumbrance on both, $1,<00, rented to good tenants; owner wants 6 or 8-room house on Capitol Hill, or might exchauge for lots. Apply afte? 4 P.m.. BOBT. ELLIOTT, 615 14th st. n.w. auy-Ji L.nR FXCHANGE?CLEAR GROUND, IN SOUTH WESTVOSL GOOD EQUITIES IN 1MPBOVED PROPERTY; $8 750. JNO. Y. WOBTHINGTON & CO., 008 lith st. n.w. ana-ot FOB EXCHANGE?OB SALE?l^DTS AT NORTH Chesapeake Beach and HyattsvUle for lumber or first-clast piano or typewriter; <r. house for lots w inter. "CLEAR TITLE," 723 18tb st. n.w. au8-3t* POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. B. 8. RANDALL POTOMAC RIVKB LINE CO. DAILY STEAMERS FOB RIVER LANDINGS. STEAMER KENT?Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day at 7 a.m. for intermediate landings to Colonial Beacb and Wirt's wharf. STEAMER WAKEFIELD?Monday and Saturday at 7 a.m. for Intermediate landings to Colonial Beach, Bush wood. Rock Point, Colton s, Isominl: Wednesday at 7 a.m. for above landings and Lower Machodoc, Stone's, Howard's and Cobruma. UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. WASHINGTON, D. 0-, TO OLYMONT, MD.. and intermediate landings. The new steamer ESTELLE RANDALL, dally, except Sunday, 9:80 a.m. Returning about S p.m. Passenger accommodations first-class. Freight received nntU the boor of sailing. B. S RANDALL, Manager, 'phone 1766 GEO. O. OARP1NTER, Genera! Agent, Washington, 170S. Wit kL B&ARDON, Agent, AlMHUS FOR RENT?HOUSES. FURNISHED. FOR HKNT?13-RO _Al BOARD IN O HOUSE; 10 large bed rooms; partly furnished; near 13th and K; |66 per month A bargain to reliable party. State references. Addrrw Box 22. Star office, It* FOR RENT ? FURNISHED HOUSE IN THE northwest; location the best; on New Hampshire are. near Washington Circle; 11 rooms and bath; modern improvements and conveniences; rent. >60 per mo. MARTIN BROS., 1825 Fa. ave. n.w. It FOR ItENT?NEWLY FURNISHED ESTABLISHED boarding house; desirable n.w. section; owner of furniture to board with tenant for use of fur.; references; southern teuatit preferred. Address SOUTHERN L. Star office. au8-3t* UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT-BY H. L. RUST, 008 14TH ST. N.W. 1314 15th n.w., 8 rooms (furnisbedi 900.00 2212 M n.w., 8 rooms. bath and cellar 40.00 1520 Kingman pi., 7 rooms, bath St cellar.. 26.?6 2213 M n.w., 7 rooms and bath 25-50 2508 14th n.w., 6 rats., ba. and cellar 25.50 601 8d n.e., 6 rooms, bath and c?llar 19.00 686 4th n.e., 6 rooms 12 30 FLATS. 5 room* and bath. 418 11th a.*.... V-uil an!0-8tf FOR RENT-BY W. C. Dm*ALL, 825 F ST. N.W. Ill 11thse,15rAsta.$75.00 1208 0th sw. 8r 18.50 1235 Harvard st.12r.60.00i 1417 Pa av se.6r,b. 18.35 .'?OS 5th nw, 13r 45.75 1421 Pa av se.flr.b. .18.35 301 14th sw. 14r.. .35.75 j 1423 Pa av se.Or.b. .1S.35 100 7th ne, 9r 2S.50|7 Myrtle ne. 8r 17.50 1427 5th nw. llr.. .28.50' Store,cor 5th&P nw.15.50 3015Camb-ge.atn,8c.27.50;70 Myrtle ne, 7r...15.40 65 Mass av nw, 8r. .25.75 1105 Park st ne, 6r..15.30 140 C ne, 8r 25.50 912 1st nw, 4r 15.00 1106 7th ne, Mr 25 50! 1213 Union sw. Br...8.40 1210 6tb sw, 8r. ...18.50 FOR COLORED TENANTS. 2026 Vt av nw, 6r.$16.40; 1636 Covlngt'n nw,4r.8.60 428 Wash't'n nw.Cr.12.50 flUO 12th ne, 5r 10.00 1336 2d nw, 4r 9.00: 1810 Wlltb'rg'r nw,2r.6.50 2117 Chester ct, 5r. .7.50 1837 South Cedar ct nw, 4r 8.00 '"OR RENT-STONE k. FAIRFAX. 806-8 F N.W. $150.Iowa circle, 15r, 3ba $30.50.1910 15th nw,9r,b $80. .1323 R I av nw, 12r $75.75.1733 Q nw. 12r, ba $76.. 1410 20th nw, $75..1307 Clifton, 14r, ba $60.50.2408-10 18th. lOr.b $60.50..1750 S nw.12r.2ba $60..'-..425 9th nw, store g.75.1322 13th nw,12r,b .50.1830 14th nw.stoAd $30.50. .1111 N nw, 6r.i?a $30.50..1903 4th f|30.60..17th&K nw. store $30.50. .47 Qtilncy nw.Sr.b $30.50 331^ Pa av se $28.50.67 N Y av nw,6r.b S7.50 63 N nw. 8r.b 7.50. .815 6th nw, $27.50. .2210 14tb. sto.sta .75.1200 N nw. 12r,bal$25.5O.018 N Yav nw.6r.b .75. .2018 O nw, 12r,b, $25.50. .1117 22d. 8r, ba 75. .1744 N nw. 8r, ba $25.50.2211 14th nw.Sr.b 75.1249 Ken av, 10r,b $25.50. .1104 O nw, Sr. ba .50.1353 Ilarv'd, 12r,b'$25.50. .304 T nw. 6r. ba '.50..3101 13th, lOr, ba $25.50 320 T nw.8r,ba 0. ..1332 R nw, 12r, ba $28 Astoria, flat, fur 17.50.1518 S nw, lOr. ba $25 1706 Pa av. flat (45.50.1419 6th nw.llr,b! ...610 F nw, oft rs $45.50. .1325 T nw, 9r. ha $22.50. .524 12th $45.50..918 8 nw, lOr, ba!$22.60...711 S nw. 6r. ba $45.50.1323 11th nw,10r,b $22.50...610 9th nw. flat $45.50.1326 11th nw,10r.b;$22.50.l928 5th nw, $46.. 1748 Oregon av, llr $20.50 611 F ne, $42.50.3402Morgan av,12r $21...622 Seaton ne,6r,b $40.75.1818 17th nw.llr.b $20.50...714 3d se. Or. ba $40.66.21 H st nw.stoid $20.50. .606 9th ne. 6r, ba *10.50.1143 21st nw.lOr.b $20 HyattsvUIe, Md $40.50..407 G nw, llr,ba'$18.50.007 Mass av nw,5r $40.50..1006 M nw, lOr.b $19.50. .600 M se. 6r. ha $40.50 1811 18th, lor $18.50...78 K ne, 6r. ba ,7.50.1712 Corcor'n.llr.b $18.50.602-6 M se, 6r, ba 7.50.3109 16th nw,9r.ha $1S.50.1706 Pa av nw.flat 17.60.1917 13th nw,llr,b:$18 Randolph, Md. $36.60.221 Pa av nw, sto $17.50..1104 6th sc. 6r,ba $35.50.1304 13th $17.50. ..1230 H ne. 6r, b " $17... 1116-20 C ne. flats $16.50.541 14th se, 6r. ba $15.50...727 L ne, 6r,ba $15 Clarendon, Va. $15,604 F nw, 2 off r.3d fl $15,425 N J av nw.basmt $13.50.1422-24 D V ' I g5.50. .215 12th sw, 10r 5.50.1537 8th nw, 9r, b $35.50 32 Q nw, 9r.ha $35.50.1823 Oreg av,9r,ba $35.50.Sto&cel,7tb&M nw $35.50.3419Morg'n av,9r.b $35.50.3423Morg'n av,9r,b,T $35.50 1517 28tb, 9r $13 2425 15th nw, 6r $35.50.1514 13th nw.9r.b $12.30.1004 4th se. sto.Sr $35.50.-1722 1st $12 1111 G nw, flat $32.50. .406 H st nw, 9r $10. .312 Ford's court, 4r g2.50..1457 S nw, Sr. ba $7.50. .1851 7th nw, store 0.5O..1511 Corcoran,8r,b $7 1319 Wylle ne, 5r $30.50..34-36-40 V, 9r, ba; $6.30.818 St. Paul's court $30.60.. 1806 14th nw, sto $5..709 Q nw, off rooms It FOR KENT-BY D. D. THOMPSON, 1335 F N.W. 1337 H ne.8r.8tBb..$5tM?> 1744 N nw, 9r&b. .$5o.75 1328 H ne.6r&store.25.50 1806 14th nw. store.30.60 1714 Oregon av. I0r.40.50 1330 H ne, 6r.b,sto.25.50 2417 Pa av, 7r&b...25.00 1330 E ne, 7r&b... .25.50 1303 H ne,hall,20x50. .20 Stable r'r 715 1> ne..4.50 aulO-tf FOR RENT?THE BEST FOR THE MONEY-3023 Cambridge St., near 30th and Q sts.. West Wash ington; select location; 3-story, 9-rooni, bay-win dow brick dwelling; NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED; PORCELAIN BATH, ETC.; only $27.50 per month. au!0-3t MOORE & HILL. 717 14th st. n.w. FOR RENT?IF YOU DESIRE TO RENT let me know Just where you want a bouse and the price you can afford to pay. I WILL get YOU Just what you WANT. R. S. DONALDSON. No charges. (au8-3t*) 520 10th n.w. FOR RENT?2031 PORTNER PLACE N.W.; 6 rooms, bath; Portland cemented cellar; m.l.; newly papered and painted; in thorough order. Apply to OWNER. 1452 V st. n.w. It* FOR RENT?CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CITY?9 rooms, batb, large yard, etc.; dwelling part of 1012 D s.w., at junction of D and Ma. ave. Only $15. aulO-3t* FOR RENT?318 C ST. S.E.; 6 ROOMS; EX<EL lent condition; near Pa. ave. cars; $23.50. CEO. F. HARBIN, 319 Pa. ave. s.e. au!0-3t? FOR RENT?HOUSE NO. 1114 5TH ST. N.W.; 8 rooms, bath, closets, modern improvements and furnace beating. Also bouse No. 803 O st. n.w.; 11 rooms, bath, closets, furnace heating, etc. The above houses are newly papered and in A1 con dition. Apply to OWNER, 603 H st. n.w. au!0-3t* FOR RENT? 1411 K st. n.w., 11 rooms, 2 baths, stable.$125.00 1619 S st. n.w., 9 rooms, bath, stable 60.00 716 11th st. n.w., 13 rooms, bath 6O.00 1819 K st. n.w., 9 rooms, bath 60.00 616 H st. n.w., 10 rooms, bath 40.00 730 11th st. n.w., store room 40.00 1508 9tb st. n.w., 11 rooms, bath 35.00 330 H st. n.e., 8 rooms, bath, stable.... 35.00 310 M st. n.w., 8 rooms, batb 30.00 716 7th st. n.w., flats 25.00 612 5th st. n.w., 6 rooms, bath 25.00 938 N. H. ave. n.w.. 8 roeins, bath 25.00 1203 16tb st. n.w., 12 rooms 25.00 6O8 6th st. n.w., 8 rooms, bath 21.5o 716 5th st. n.w., 8 rooms 20.50 1677 Valley st. n.w., 7 rooms, bath 13.00 2034 E st. n.w., 6 rooms 13.00 720 24th st. n.w., 5 rooms 12.50 1833 T st. n.w.. 5 rooms 11.00 611 D st. n.e., 6 rooms 12.50 1227 Del. ave. s.w., 5 rooms 10.00 A. F. FOX COMPANY (Inc.). It 820 F st. n.w. FOR RENT ?6 ROOMS. BATH AND CELLAR brick, in tine order; close to pension office; rent $22.50. P. J. WALSHE, 624 F st. n.w. It FOR RENT?1709 P ST. N.W.; 10 ROOMS AND bath, kitchen on 1st floor, $50. aul0-3t THEO. A. HARDING, 1316 G st. n.w. FOR RENT?WE HAVE JUST 1PUTNEW RANGE and latrobe in and have repapered parlors and fixed up generally 936 P st. n.w. It Is now In good order, and we will reut to a first-class ten ant at $35.50 per month. CAY WOOD & GARRETT, aul0-3t*-7 13th st. and N. Y. ave. n.w. FOR RENTJ?1203 I ST. N.E.; 6 ROOMS AND bath; $15.30. CAYWOOD & GARRETT. 13th st. and N. Y. ave. n.w. aul0-3t* FOR RENT?611 0 ST. S.E.; 2-STORY AND basement brick; 7 rooms and bath; all improve ments; In good condition; half square from cars; rent $26. R. E. BRADLEY, 1303 F st. aul0-3t FOB BENT?1518 S ST. N.W.; 10 ROOMS; IN good condition; rent $45.50 per month; one month rent free. THOMAS W. FOWLER, 921 F st. n.w. aul0-3t* FOR RENT?TO A DESIRABLE COLORED TEN ant, a well located 10-room and bath property In the northwest. Price $40.50 MARTIN BROS., It 1925 Penna. ave. n.w. FOR RENT?1915 18TH ST. N.W., NEW HOUSE, with all conveniences, containing 9 rooms and bath; convenient to all car lines; is a most de sirable property. Rent $40.50 MARTIN BROS., It 1926 Penna. ave. n.w. FOR RENT-JAMES F. SHEA, 643 Louisiana ave. n.w. 1756 M st., cor. Conn, ave., lOr, a.m.l. .$116.66 1818 15th st. n.w., 7 rooms, a.m.l 25.50 1617 10th st. n.w., 6 rooms, a.m.l 22.00 617 Md. ave. s.w., 6 rooms, a.m.l 20.50 620 23d st. n.w., 6 rooms, a.m.l 18.80 12th and V sts. n.w., store 15.00 90 Fenton st. n.e., 5 rooms and water.... 11.00 1307 11th st. s.e., 5 rooms and water.... 11.00 1339 4% st. s.w., 5 rooms and water 10.30 1017 New Jersey ave. s.e., 6 rms. and w.. 8.00 aulO-tf FOR RENT?BY MOORE & HILL, 717 14TH N.W. 1.1441 R I av, 15r. 3b .1200 18th nw.15r.2b (175.. 1322 Vt av. 20r, 3b and stable. $125. .2401 Pa av, 14r, 3b and cafe. mo.1622 P nw,12r,b,sta 76..Mlntwood pi, llr,ba }75.. .1817 10th, 14r, 2ba V75. .1308 R nw, llr. ba 70....1741 Q nw,12r,ba .1742 Q nw, >.1805 Belmont av,llr.b $40 2445 18th. lOr, ba $40. Flats, 1201 Whitney, 5r and ba. $87.60.1917 13th nw.lOr.b $36.50.3221 School, $35.50.1461 Corcoran. 9r,b $35.50 501 T nw.Sr.b 85.50.3423Morg'n av,9r,b 5.50.3419 Morg'n av,9r,b $35.60... 1724'18th, 8r, ba $35.60. ..32 Q nw. lOr, ba $30.50 129 T, 8r, ba $30.50.54-6-8-60 V nw.Sr.b $66 2408 18th, llr, ba $30.50.. .1803 4tb, 9r, ba 1.50.1704 P nw, lor,l?a| $3o.50. .131 T nw, 8r, ba 5... 1708 P nw, lOr, ba $30.50. .1519 28th, 9r. ba ). ..3101 13th, lOr, ba $28 837 T nw, 6r*ba '..1512 R nw, lOr, ba'$27.50.3?23 Camb'te, ? ..1420 15th nw, $27.50.3005 Camb'ge^r.b ). .1363 Harvard, lOr, b;$27.50 611 K, 7r,b .1248 Kenesaw,'lOr, b $25.50. .1617 8th nw, 7r,b ..2520 13th nw, 10r,b $25.50... 1539 29tb, 8r, ba ) 1706 21st, lOr, ba $25 320 T nw, 8r, ba >. .Flat, 1422 X, 5r, ba $23.50.1510 5th nw, Sr.b $50. .1413 N nw, 12r, 2ba!$16.30.1246 Wylie ne,6r,b t50..180S Phelps, 10r,2ba $16.47A51 Pierce nw.6r.w >45.. .1215 E Cap,$13.50.. 1420-2-4 D ne,6r,b $45.50. .2131 N nw, $8 1113 7th ae, 5r, w |46 1323 T, 9r, ba-$8...Rr 8 Grant pi, stab $45...1516 S nw, lOr. b:i $6.50. .609 Browns se, 4r (42.60. .2108 18th, lOr, ba ~ " 142.60.1915 18th, lOr, 2b 40.50... 1305 22d. 9r, ba $40.50.1338 W nw,10r,2b $40.50.1717 14th nw.lor.b $40 1311 Cor, llr. ba STORES. 1214 Carlin sw, 4r ? ltr 2118 10th nw, 4r,w $5. .Stable rr 941 R I av Rear 616 M nw, stab 136 Kendall, Ivy City $76..1141 9th nw, stAdw $60.1141 9th nw, sto only $55.Store. 1218 Pa nv nw $55,229 Pa av se.atnjfccel fixtures. $40.1111 G nw, $15 270! $15.. Store, 162.' $40,901 13th nw, store A fixtures. half store .2701 P, store 1628 11th nw OFFICE ROOMS In the "BALTIC BUILDING. 006 F St., and CAPITAL SAVINGS BANK BUILD ING, 609 F st.: also at 626 F st. and 338 Ind. ave. CAU. AT OFFICE FOR WEEKLY BULLETIN. It FOR RENT?8402 MORGAN AVE. N.W., 12 RMS. and ba., $42.60; 8423 Holmead ave. n.w., 10 rms. and 2 ba., $40.50; 1300 N.C. ave. n.e.. 0 rms. and ba., $18.36. VICTOR ANDERSON, 1828 G n.w. aul0-6t*-4 FOR RENT?HOUSES i^rtRXUHKU. FOR RENT-F. H SMITH CO,14?8 N. t. AVE.. RENTAL AGENTS. 1405 1 nw. 30r,3b.$200.00 1414 1Mb, 14rAb. .$70.00 140* Staugbt<m,9r.b.35.oo 715 lltb nw.llrAb.54i.00 ?? K ne, 8rAb 27.SO. 1714 13tb nw, 9rAb.42.50 24 F nw, hrAb 23.001,1457 Fla a*. 8rAb. .25.00 2X27 15th nw.6rAb..2l.OO|4i.l 4th se. 9rAb. .30 00 1221 H ne. 8rAb...30.00 715 11th aw.llrAb.50.00 2l'13 N nw, 6r 15.50' TO COLOHED TENANTS. 1200 Mad., 4r S8.30 , 1335 B ne. 6r*b.. .$17.00 aulO-St FOR RENT-BY B. F. SAUL, S.E. OOR.7T11AL X. W. 021 7th nw.stA14r$144M*>t 1013 Mb nw, 7rAb.22.30 134)7 Clifton, 14rAb.75.4W 4*7 R nw, 6rAb flat.20.50 1817 Kil'r'*i'.12r2M).M)>lUt 6th nw, ?tore. .13.50 2520 13th aw.10rAb.S0.00; 1008 ttth nw. rtr 18.50 1107 17th nw.9rAb..45.4l0 1707V4 7th,6rt> 0> 1207 ttth nw. lOrAb. 40.55 ?us M ae. 6rAb 17.50 1508 7th nw.sto.c*! .35.00 1108 0th set 6rAb...17 50 1308 Riggs tiw.9rAb.32.5ti 1015 lltb nw,>..'*) 415 K nw, 9rAb.sto.30.50:lS14Vj 7th. stoAlr. .15.5<? 15*10 7tb, 5t?2 Fla av, OrAb.. .15.30 1307 7th nw, stA3r.30.50 821 6th,5r.w. 15.00 2007 H nw, l>rAb.. .30.00 5thAI* nw, stoAcel..15.oO 1427 5tb nw, 10rAb.28.50 11929 8th nw, SrAw.14 SO 916 P nw, 6rAb 2S.OO 1017 7th nw,4r.3d fl.13.00 1025 7th nw.sto. eel .27.50!418 O nw, 4r flat...12.50 1607 7th, 4rAb flat. 27.50 i SO* 11 ne, shop 12.tH> 1+0 U nw,6r,l>AceI. .27.50 1150 Sth nw. a tore. 12.00 19 N nw, 7rAb 25.60 ?2I 7th uw, 3r flat.12.tHI 27 P tie, tirAb 25.50 3128 7tb nw, sto...lo.50 1118 7th nw, at Ad w .25.50 Stab nr 12thAF nw.10.00 1137 7th nw.stAcel.25.54) 456 Franklin. store.10.00 1430 1st nw. 4rAb U.25.00 414 Frankiin.Or (rol).S.50 1503 6th nw. CrAb. .24.50 217 44 nw. ir.basmt.S.tW 814 G ne, 7rAb 23.5o 1035 7th nw, basmt..8.00 1530 10th nw, 6rAb.22.50 235 Pomeroj, store. .8.00 435 N nw, OrAxta. .22.50 452 D nw. off m, $7 A $? 237 2d nw. 8rAb...22.5yi216 11th nw.ahop.2dfl.S.OO 1424 lat nw, 6rAb. .22.50 Office rum. at 512 F at. n.w., steam heat. aulO-tf FOR RENT? r_I?.1315 l?tb nw.fur.8r 'l? 1921 N nw, lOr J??- ? ?? ? ? *1754 M nw, 13r fll.67..JEil E Cap at, llr 61.80... 1000 22d nw. Mr 570...,1?29 K nw. llr 5 48 1314 G nw, lOr 0.50..2600 Univ pi, Hr ? Oipltol, lOr ? The Thomas. apt,5r ???1821 lltb nw, lOr 48.25.... 1923 K nw. lOr fti^f?-1007 N Ilavnw.lOr nw- '* . Sr lor 7r 6r g.85.1522 Klngm'n pl,7f .50 901 4th nw. 8r 2217 H nw. 7r i?.30..1421 Iter*-* pi, 6c 18.50 419 2d ne. 7? 18.30 130S F ne, 6r 18.30...915 14th nw. 8r ? $18.00 56 P nw. 6r $15.50.327 Maaa av ne,?r $15.30.1216 Wvlie ne, tlr ?~ ? uw. wr|il4.r>0.. .1845 8th nw, 6r $45.45.1408 H*pklnanw,9r $14.30 921 V nw. Or $45. .The Victoria, fur. 5r $12.50.1708 Seaton nw.Or ?4ft tv,? t >?? ? . , . ^.v..a, iut, or ?ii.oo.no8 Seaton nw.6r $45.. The Leamington, 5r $12.30. .912S 25th nw. (lr (45 315 Pa at, atore $12.30. .2128 10th nw, 6r $43.10 2201 K nw. 9r $12 1330 15th nw, 4r $42.50 1325 T nw, 8r$12 329 7th ae. storo $40.90...819 19th nw, 9r $10.30..33 Fenton ne, 5r $40 1206 O nw. flat $10.30.. 16 Fenton ne. 6? $40 932 Pa ave. 8r $9 903 12th ae. 5r $37.50... .2148 F nw, 9r $9 22 Jackson ne, 4r $35.60... .1747 F nw, 8r Kn.50 19U1 9Vi nw, 4r t50 1413 Q nw, 9r $8.30 3627 O nw. 4r 1252 10th nw, 7r $8 1000 W nw, 3r The Milton, fir $8 2 Frlstoe ct. 4f ..50....1921 2d nw, 9r f8 501 It nw. offico $30.50.-1409 Corc'n nw,8r $8 2512 15th nw, 4r $80... 1401Vi 14th nw, 4r $6 30 1228 2d aw, 4f $28.50 609 3d ne, 9r ? $5. .. .1136 Cushing ae, 4r For complete llat of property for rent Bend for weekly bulletin. B. ft. WARNER CO.. 916 F n w. F'RRT-930 Pnw,0r$3S.50l303 14th nw. lOr. .$30.50 807 R nw, 7r 20.0o.loll 17th nw, 0r--.17.50 35 L nw. 5r 14.30 421 Wilson nw, fir. 10.00 CAY WOOD A GARRETT. 13th at. A N. Y. av. n.w. aul0-3t* For RENT? Store, 707 9th nw.$45.00 2437 18th nw, 12r.$40.00 1751 N nw 150.00'Office nx>m?, 1307 F nw. 1819 19th. cor Ore*.80.00' 1803 19th nw : .70.00 Flata, 1214 Masa. are. n.w., 6r. A h $50.00 Flats?The Elmore. llthAIl n.w.. $37.50 ea., firAb. 1513 16tb uw, uufurnished. $150; furnished, $.'<00. aulO-flt* TYLER A RlTHERFOltD. 1307 F at. ,1425 Q. lOrAb.....$40.00 .621 H, 12rAb 40.00 1627 Marlon, 7rAb.22.50 FIjATS 1307 17th, 7rAb. .$25.00 | 1915 4th, 5rAb... .$17.50 STORES. 507 F $30.00 I 1438 P $30.00 Oor 17th & 0 30.00 [ Cor 25th A K 15 50 a?10-3t F. W. GRAHAM. 617 14th st. n.w. FOR RENT?BY FLOYD FX DAVIS. 7TH A K S.W. 435 7th aw.atftdw.$35.00 Flat 723 7thsw,2dfl$17.15 610 10th aw, 6r.lm. 18.50 S flat 4<*i A K aw.. 15.50 731 7th aw. atorts. .25.00 824 0th nw, 6r 15.00 434 8th aw, 6r 14.30 1315 C aw. 6r 13.50 317 12th 8W, 5r.lmp.l2.50|613 K aw,5r,wAa.. .10.50 aul0-3t FOR RENT? 920 9th nw, 7r $441.00 1706 KUt, 9r $75.00 237 Pa ar, store.. .44>.0o 1739 Corcoran, 12r. .50.00 1604 Q nw. 8r 80.00 1732 20th nw, Or. ..48.00 1711 Pa av. 6r 25.oo 924 9th nw, llr 45.00 2024 7th aw, 6r.. .20.50 ?1323 T nw. 8r 45.00172O 13th ne. 7r 17.50 It WILLIAM K. ELLIS. 525 11th at. n.w. FOR RENT? 1419 20th, 9r, b...$40.50,1140 lftth, 4r, b. ..$14.00 1027 22d. 9r, b 40.50 1123 2!>th, 5r, b... 13.50 1915 18th, lOr. b...40.50 1121 29th, 4r. b 13.80 1143 Jlst, 9r, b 40.50(91? 25th. 6r. b 13.30 1917 13th, lor, b...37.50 918 25th, 6r, b 13.30 ivkk ? ? ? nn? a ~ FOR RENT? 1164 19th, lOrAb. .$50.00 i.031 H, 8r&b 30.00 2015 N, Sr. b 35.50 1907 13th, 8r, b 35.00 1823 lHth. 8r, b....28.50 822 25th, 8r, b 22.50 1023 26th, 8r, b....20.50 1411 83d, 8r, b 20.50 1058 Jefferson, atre.20.00 1112 26th, 5r, w...17.50, 1214 Linden ne, 6r.15.50 1233 22d, 5r, w....15.50 I" _ "? t "????? JO.tF/ 2311 Va av. Or 12.50 1719 Superior, 6r...l2.00 719 23d, 5r 12.50 3323 S, 4r 10.3O Rear 1132 2oth. 5r. .9.80 ^521 F, 4r 9.30 1215 25tb, 5r 9.00 916 lluchea' al, 4r. .7.30 2116 N, 2r As table.. .5.00 2314 N, 2r 4.00 imii?* | ???%?????? 4>w It MARTIN BROS.. 1925 Pa. ave. 'Phone M. 1211. FOR RENT?709 Kill S.E., L'GB STO.AL>W.$35 00 230 E sw, large store and dwelling, ml 25.00 488 B sw, 9r, ml.$26.50 I 817 4% sw, water... 15.50 45 Defrees nw, 6r. 15.50 j B. LEONARD, 530 4Va aw aul0-3t* FOR RENT-BY C. H. PARKER, 435 4U ST. S.W. 610 4Usw,K'd pool st$25.00,607 4% aw, flrlw..$14.80 8(?8 D aw, 6r&lmpa.l9.00l825 l?th, atoAdw.. .20.30 473 F aw, lOrAlmps.35.65,824 4% aw,6r,ltnps. 19.00 476 M aw, 7rAtmps. 19.00 309 Va av, 6rAw...14.00 41/ " "" "" 028 4U, sw, 5rAw?:i3.'30 <03 4H sw, 6rAw..12.30 350 H sw, 5rAw.. .11.30 1238 7th.barberahop.12.8t) 153 N ae, 5rAw 7.50 411 13th ae, 4rAw..8.30 621 Acker ne,6r,tmpl4.30 1217 3d ae, 4r&w....8.30 aul0-3t 346 H aw, 5rAw...l0.50 507 4U, aw.atAdw. .25 00 346'i B sw, 5rAw.. 12.50 1252 4V4 aw, Cr&w. 12.30 440 6^| sw, 5rAw.. 10.30 401 Sth aw, 5rAw..12.50 332 N sw, 6rAw 12.50 415 2d aw, 5rAw... 12.30 FOR RENT 245 Del avne,12r,b$60.00 2108 18th nw,10r,b.$42.50 305 M nw.llrAb 42.50i 1212 T, lOrAb :i5.50 218 5th ae, 9r&t>.. .28.5011416 1st. 9rAb 18.50 It* GFO M. SLYE, 912 G st. n.w. FOR RENT?J. C. WEEDON i CO., 224 E.CAP.ST. 617 Md av ne.llr. ..$4ti.5o 520 12th ne. Or $22.50 818 A ae, 8r 85 50 822 4th ne, 6r 22.60 310 A ne, 9r 35.50 831 N C av a.', 6r..22.50 11 9th ae, 8r 35.50 005 Masa av ne, 8r.27.00 805 A ae, lOr 32.50 14 6th ne, flat. 4r.. 18.00 611 C 8e, 7r 26.50 0o4 Acker ue, 8r...15.00 244 10th ne, 7r 26.50,330 Sth ue, 6r 14.30 225 F ne, 7r 27.50 411 12th ae, flr 14.00 au!0-3t '1252 11th ae. 6r 12.60 FOR RENT? 1228 13th at. n.w.; 11 rooms, porcelain bath, nice plumbing, stationary wash tuba, Ac.; hand somely papered. In niee order $50.60 1450 and 1454 V at. n.w.; 7 rooms, both and large cellar; near 14th at- cars $30.50 A nice little 6-room bouse, with bath mom, hot and cold water, nice cellar and yard, within a square of 14th st. cars $22.50 Apply at ofljee of the Portlier, 15th and IT ats. n.w. (au9-tf) VOLNEY EATON, Agent. FOR RENT? 1117 9th st. n.w.; frame bouse, containing 8 rooms and buth. Rent only $20.50. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRl'ST CO., au9-3t Real Estate Department. FOR RENT? ' Corner 23d and N ats. n.w.; 3 stories and base ment buff brick; 8 rooms; 2 baths; good condi tion. . Rent, $37.50. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., au9-3t Real Estate Department. FOR RENT? 2439 Columbia road, 12 rms., 2 baths $70.00 2903 14tb st. (Col. Hts.l, 10 rms. aud bath. 60.00 1415 U st. n.w., 10 rms. and bath 48.00 1204 7th st. n.w. {store and dw.) 30.50 89 P at. n.w., 0 rms. and bath 21.50 421 P st. n.w.. 14 tms. and 2 baths 40.00 au9-6t L. S. FIUSTOB. 1413 G st. n.w. FOR RENT?IN MT. PLEASANT, 8-HOOM AND bath cottage; cellar, furnace, large yard, Ac. Rent. $32.50. au9-3t L. S. FRISTOE, 1413 G st. n.w. FOR RENT?R. W. WALKER A SON, 10o6 F ST. 2515 19th, 12r. 2b.$75.00 3475 Morg'n nw.6r.b.27.50 1817 16th nw,14rAb.75.00 163.S 30th nw, 6rAb.27.00 1722 21st nw,lorAb.55.00 3473 Morg'n nw,6r,b.25.50 1408 21st, lOr&b 55.<tO 1510 30th nw 25.35 1720 P at, 9r 5O.O0 1512 30th nw 25.35 2017 19th nw,9rAb. .45.00 19t? 4th nw,9rAb. .25.00 224 Seatou ne, 8r,b.3O.??0 918 Del av ne. Or...10.30 129 T nw, 8rAb 3o.o0, CALL AT OFFICE FOR COMPLETE BULLETIN*. auS-8,tu,th-tf FOR RENT?$25.50?1104 O ST. N.W.; 2-STORY and basement bay-window dwelling; 8 rooms, porcelain bath; open for inspection. au8-7t Apply (OWNER) 2020 12th st. n.?. FOR RENT?1360 YALE ST. N.W.; 12 ROOMS. 2 tiled batha; hot-water heat; white marble front; desirable location, just off 14th at. cars; rent, $53.13 per mo.. Including wuter: possession Aug. 16. Inquire on premises or WEAVER BROS., Agts., 1416 F st. n.w. sn8-3t* FOR RENT?IN MT. PLEASANT. NEW. WIDE brick; lOr.; all m.i.; flrst-floor kitchen: several open fireplacea; large cellar; very desirable. Key at s.w. cor. 15th and Keuesaw ave. au8-3t* FOR RENT? 'PHONE 2417. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., ?EAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. 1453 Mass nw, 10r.$75.4HI| 15241 T st nw. flr. ..82.80 3323 Holin'd av.10r.4o.5o 1010 Sth nw, 7r&b.32.60 1827 Rlggs pi. llr. .40.00 1439 R st nw. 7r.. .;?0.50 1922 16th, flat, 5r. .40.00 1322 Wal'ch pi nw,Sr2X.50 1259 23d at, Hr 37.Wt 1117 9th st nw 20.00 1005 M, store 35.50,1327 L, stable r'r of. 10.00 au8-tf T'iOMAS BRAD1J5V. Real Estate Officer. FOR RENT-BY W.M. H. SAUNDERS 8c CO., 1407 F St. N.W. 601 18th, 14rAba..$90.00 21641 C-al av.12rAb.flno 1721 ltiggs pi,lor&b.75.00 finish, steam heat.75.00 1519 28th. lor Aba. .40.00 P st n?r 15th.lOrAb. 50.00 1326 N Cap. 6r&b.. 25.50 1913 4th. 6rAb. ...25.50 323 C se, SrAb 20.00 308-10 Seaton, 6rAb.23.50 62 Mass av nw, 5r. 14.00 2225 Clev av.flrAb.. .15.30 610 14th, 3rAb 15.00) 457 N Y av (rear). .10.50 au8-3t FOR RENT? ,432 K nw.10r.aml.$30.50 2310 20h nw,12r.ami$45.50 87 E nw, lOr, ami.. 30.50 1451 It I av.l0r.aml.65.00 1001 E Cap, Or.ami.22.50 1335 11th nw.9,ami.40.50! 1614 14th, flat,4r,ba.20.00 1340 Rlggs. 8r, ami.32.50! 1217 1 ne. Or. ami..14.60 416 K nw, 7r. ami..30.50! 2236 7th, 6rAatore.. 16.00 au3 tf R. E. BRADLEY, 1303 F at. FOR RENT-BY L. J. MILLS. 608 6TH ?T. N.W. 1118 7th nw.7r.sto.$22.60 1120 7th nw,stAdw$25.50 1503 6th nw. 6rAb..^4.2S 1826 7th nw,st.8r.b.26.50 134 C sw, 6rAw 18-301910 *th nw.sto&Tr. .20.60 auS-tf FOlT_RKNT^1328 AND 1832 9TH N.W., 8 AND 10 rooms, respectively; also house next door to East Capitol and Sth sta.; good neighborhoods. FRANK T. BROWNING. 422 6th at. n.w. J/22-tC