FREE MESSENGER MEW ADVERTISING RATES. 1 pent h word under the fol lowing; ciiiKKin rnlionN. Sninll ent charter 15 cents. For Rent-Rooms. Rooms and Board. Boarding. Wanted?Help. Wanted-Situations Tf not convenient to rail at main office with jour advertisements, lea\e them at the following STAR BRANCH OFFICES: 7th and T ?ts. n.w., Cris well's Drug Store. 14th and II sts. n.w., St. I.ouls Hotel. 9th and K. Cap. sts , Haley's Drug Store. 7th und H sts. n.e., Griffith's Pharmacy. 2d st. and Fa. ave. s.e., Dobyn's Pharmacy. Wharf foot of 11th st. s.w. 13t!i and Vt. ave.. King's Pharmacy. 14th and It. 1. ave.. Huddlegoii's Pharmacy. 15th and I" sts. n.w., Portner 1'haruiacy. 14th and Welling place, Eppler's. 32d and M sts.. O'Donnell's Pharmacy. 32.1 and O sts.. U'I>oiiuelt'a Pharmacy. Bond blilg.. Cigar Stand. Woodward tc I/otbrop. S. Kami. Sons & Co. ?12 Pn. nve. 8th and F. D. S. Capitol, fith and B. City P. O. National. EMdtt. Rlggs. WANTED?HELP. .11A I.E. "W V NTED?BREA D BAKER. 1215 11TH ST. s.e. aul9-2t* WANTED FIRST-' LASS CHKF AND SECOND cook at 1008 Pa. ave. It* WANTED WHITE BOY, IMMEDIATELY. 1635 11th st. u,w. It* WANT Kl??A SHUT WHITE l'.oY To DU1YE horse and cart; wages $3.5o per week; no lost time. 416 Sth st. n.w. aul9-2t* WANTED BHEAD AND CAKE BAKEIt FOIt 12 weekly guaranteed. Apply JABUETT. Boom X. 631 Pa. ave. aul9-2t* WANTF.1? A VOl NO .MAN FOB STOCK liOO.M; oue having some knowledge of shoe business pre ferred. Apply at FAMILY SHOE STORE, .'ilO and 312 7th st. n.w. It Wanted?a young white man as dbivhii at 631 I st. n.w.; nmst lie recommended. It* WANTED ? EXPERIENCED BUNDLE WIIAP jiers. "boys." from 14 to 16 years old. A. LIS NEIt. Palais Royal. It WANTED-2?? BRICKLAYERS AT Itl'PPEltT home. Anacostia. and also 10 CARPENTERS FOR trimming. Call at Kentucky ave. and B st. s.e. Monday morning. aul7-2t* WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO represent a well-known house among the retail grocery trade in Washington, D. C.; apply In own handwriting, stating age and experience; useless to apply unless character and ability will stand the strictest investigation; . a liond of a thousand dollars will be required. Addrtss 11. J. ilEINZ CO.. 112 S. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. aul7-2t* WANTED?$100 AND EXPENSES MONTHLY? One good man in every county; permanont, light work; wonderful monopoly; just discovered. Par ticulars free. Address FYltoZONE CO., 3S, Star Mdg.. Chicago. aill7.1i).21.24.2(i.2S.31se2&4* WANTED?A YOUNG MAN (HIGH SCHOOL graduate preferred) who Is a good penman (Spen ceriau) for office work; good position for right party. Address S. B. J.. Star office. aul7-3t* WANTED?A BOY WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE In a Nokbiiulery. Address BOOKS J, Star office. aul6-3t* WANTED- STENOGRAPHER ON SMITH PRE mier., stating exiierletice. In own hand writing. Salary $3IEfT 4 DEMONSTRA tors. ready for work; salary, $6. 4. Address Box 118, Star office. aul7-3t* WANTED- BY A CAREFUL AND PERMANENT tenant, an 8 or 10-rooui house. with cellar and furnace heat, and In jierfect condition, in the northwest section or Capitol Hill; reut not to ex ceed $4?i. Address C. II.. Star office. aul6-3t* WANTED TO RENT 6 OR 8 ROOM MODERN 2 atory house; furnace; near Capitol preferred: for 3 adults. Address T. 8. H., Star office. aul6-3t* WANTED IU GENTLEMAN AND?WIFE, SMAIX house or flat, partly furnished, at reasonable rent: poksosslon October 1; state price; Capitol Illll preferred. J. It. B., Star office. uul6-3t* SrANTED - HOUSE SUITABLE FOR PRIVATE buys' school. between K and S, 13th and 16th ?ta. n.w.; three or five year*' lease. Address Box a.*<. Bar Harbor. Me. aul5-6t* IWANTED-WK UAVE A STEADY DEMAND FOR kotises to sell and rent. We are handling prop erty successfully for othera. who express their satisfaction Send us particulars regarding your property; iiersotial attention given to all branches of the business; every facility; liberal advertis ing. GIVE US A TRIAL Telephone Main 1150 (L. D.). _?nl2:tf MOORE * HILL. 717 14th st. n.w. BOARDING. SABLE D'HOTE) AND A LA CARTE. DINNER All da/ Sundays and holidays; mid-day lunch for ladles and gentlemen from 11 until 2; electric fans.^CAFg ROBINSON. 1MB 14th st. n.w WANTED -SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTED?POSITION AS WAITER IN DINING room or restaurant. Address 213 Pomeroy et. n.w. It* WANTED?SITU ATION BY EXPERIENCED COL ored jiorter, driver, cook; refa. Address Box 75, Star office. It* WANTED - BY COLORED MAN, PLACE TO drive or work Id stable. Address A. B. Star office. anl6-3t* WANTED?IN WASHINGTON. BY AMPLY ltEC om mended white family without chlldreu. situa tion in charge of ai>artinent house, with four rooms. Address for personal call, RAILWAY, Star office. aul6-3t* WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN, PHOTOGRAPHIIC or artistic work of any kind; at home or In store. Add res* I IIOTOGRAPHS. Star office. anl6-3t*' WANTED-A POSITION BY EXPERIENCED business man with giM-d address snd executive ability. Address JONES S.. Star office. au!5-6t* FEMALE. WANTED?A PLACE TO COOK, CHAMBERMAID or general housework in private family; can stay nights. 1421 8th st. n.w. It* WANTED?BY YOl'XO LADY GKADl'ATE WASH iugtoii Business High S/bool. position as stenog rapher, ty|?ewriter or IsKikkeeper; have had prac tical experience and cm dead In earnest; satis faction assured. Address Y. L. G., Star office. aui0-2t* WANTED?BY AN APPRENTICE. TO SEW WITH a fashionable dressmaker. 1813 K St. n.w. It* WANTED-BY EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID and waitress, situation; two seasons last place. All capacities help supplied. LADIES' EX chnnpe. 614 13th. It* WANTED - BY WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE IN Institution work, position as teacher or care taker; reference. Address M., 818 Conn. ave. nniO.E21.2t* WANTED-BY COLORED GIRL. PLACE TO clean or housework; no references. Address MENDING. Star office. It* WANTED?BY WOMAN. WORK TO DO OUT BY the day. t>41 N st. n.w. It* WANTED-A PLACE AS CHAMBERMAID OR nurse or general housework; stay nights. 2014 Rt!i st. n.w. It* WANTED? SITUATION BY FIVE GOOD COOKS, three chambermaids, two nurses. Address 1632 11th st. n.w. It* WANTED-BY WHITE WOMAN. PLACE AS laundress or housecleaning by day or week. Call 1829 5th st. n.w. It* WANTKD-BY Font COMPETENT WOMEN., places; flrst-class cook, general worker, laundries .and nurse. Inquire 1211 loth st. n.w. It* WANTED--BY C(>77)ItED ~~GIRL PLACE AS plain cook or general housework; small family; no cards. 1520 L n.w. It* WANTED? SITUATIONS -NEAT. EXPERIENCED colored nurse, housemaid, cook; pood refs each. Address Box 148. Star office. It* WANTED-BY A COIilRED GIRL. PLACE AS chambermaid or nurse; stay nights. 1224 12th st. n.w. It WANTED-BY COLORED GIRL. PLACE TO DO general housework. 12 Chester court n.w. It WANTED- BY A NEAT COLORED GIRL. PLACE to do general housework or chamherwork In small private family. 1425 Madison st. n.w. It* WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED?I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING. ADDRESS A POSTAL AND I WILL CALL. It. TARSHES. 13o8 7TH N.W. au!9-22t? WANTED?TREASURER'S OFFICE, U.S. Soldiers' Home, Washington. D. C.. August 1", 1001. Wiuit ed?Three (3) Durham and ten (10) Iiolstein mlleh cows, from four to six years old; sound and healthy; full blind or high grade; f. o. b. in Wash lugtotl. For further particulars apply to CIIAS. W. TAYLOR. Captain, Oth U. S. Cavalry, SPcre tary and Treasurer. * It WANTED-TO PURCHASE A SECOND-HAND rolling chair for invalid. Apply 1534 Oth st. ^ n.w. It* WANTED-A. KEBESKY. 130(1 7TH ST. N.W.. will p.iy the highest cash prices for ladies', gents' and children's stal and I will call. aul7-2ot* WANTED?CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. CAR pets. stcves and office fixtures of all kinds. Fur niture stored, packed and shipped. Address BAUM. 012 Pa. ave. n.w. 'Phone 1254. aul7-tf WANTED?FEATHERS; HIGHEST CASH PRICE |?ld for old feather beds. All orders promptly attended to. Send |>ostal to B. M. WEINSTEIN ti CO.. 481 Missouri ave. aul6-6t* WANTED--LO"."IS ABRAHAMS?HIt?IlEST CASH prices paid for old gold, silver, watches, dia monds. platinum, teeth plates, dentist gold. etc. Pawn tickets l?>ught. 433 Hth st. n.w. aul6-tf WANTED?IF YOU HAVE ANY FEATHER BEDS, furniture. cai|>ets. office fixtures or show cases for sale it will psy you to drop postal to I. FRIEDMAN. 803 D st. n.w. Jyl-78t*4 FOR RENT^FLATS7 FOR RENT?F. II. SMITH CO.. 1408 N. Y. AVE., Rental Agents, Bond bldg. "Luzon," 25th & Pa. ave., Gr.Atb.; all outside rooms; elevator; steam heat; large lawn $40.(?o 1905 Pa av, 4r<. ..25.00.Li04 (i nw, 6r&h. ..40.00 01? 12th nw. 5r&b..40.(H T17 11th nw, 4r&b..32.00 2304 14th nw, 5r&b.25.00 au17-3t FOR RENT?2-STORY FLAT. NO. 1205 G ST. n.w.; 5 rooms and bath; occupied many years by dentist. L. M. SAUNDERS, cor. 12th and G sts. n.w. aul7-3t FOR RENT?FLATS. The Jefferson, 315 H st. n.w.; fiat 4 rooms and bath; irnd. imp.; ?Z">. The Princeton, 1430 V st. n.w.; 5 and 6-room flats; mod. imp.; $30 and $40. The Essex. 1422 N st. n.w.; 5 rooms and bath; mod. Imp.; $37.50. The Llewellyn, 2224 F st. n.w.; 4 rooms and bath (new); $30. Westover, 16th and U; finest apartment house in the city; 2 to 0 rooms; $25 to $70. The Northampton. 1405 W st. n.w. (finished Oct. 1?; 5 rooms and bath; $37.50 to $45. Flats, 1020 Oth st. n.w.; 5 rooms and bath; $45. L. S. FRISTOE, aul7-6t 1413 G St. n.w. FOR RENT?HANDSOME 4 AND 5-ROOM FLATS in the Landmore, 1133 24th St.. $32.50 to $40; 5 room Hats, 1631 10th St.. $37.50 to $45; lst-iloor flat, 2750 14th St., $27.50. THEO. A. HARD ING, 131(5 G st. n.w. aul7-3t FOR RENT-TWO OF THE CHOICEST APART uients In "Tiie Valjean," 013 I st. n.w., second floor. See JANITOR, on premises. a?17-3i* FOR RENT?FLATS-NEW MARYLAND BLDG., 7th and.C sts. s.w.; (J rooms ami bath; tiled bath; steam heat; hot water; newly papered; janitor service; corner flat; southern exiK*urc; convenient to all car lines; the cheapest fiat in the city for the money; $27.50 per mo. Virginia bldg.. 7th and Va. ave. s.w., two modern flats, (i rooms each; $25.50 and $27.50 I>er mo. J. HARRISON JOHNSON & SON, aii 17 (it 306 7th St. S.W. FOR RENT?FLATS?ONLY TWO OF THOSE iK-autifnl flats left: 5 rooms and bath; large and airy; porehea front and rear; the most comfort able flat In the city for the price?$16.50 per mo. 606 Whitney ave. L. E. BREUNINGER. 720 13th st. n.w. anl6-3t* FOR RENT?NEAT APARTMENTS IN "THE Farrell," 716 7th st. n.w.; 4 rooms, tiled baths laid storage rooms; $22.50 to $25.00. aul(i-3t A. F. FOX CO. (Inc.). 020 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?A VERY MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT, with all up-to-date conveniences; tiled bath, gas range, hot-water heat and handsomely decorated; will be leased to responsible tenants at a mod erate rental. Apply 233 1'a. ave. s.e. aul4-wAs6t FOR RENT? -OLYMPIA" APARTMENTS, AN AND TRUST 00., REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. aul4-tf HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE?BAY MARE AND SURREY, EITHER together or sepasately. Inquire at BYRNE'S STABLE, bet. 3d and 4th and D and E sts. n.e. aul&-2t* FOR SALE-A NO. 1 FAMILY OR WORK HORSE; perfectly sound snd fearless; 8 years old. HOOVER A DENIIAM, 106-111 Center market. aul6-3t COME ONE, COME ALU AND SEE THE BIO bargains in Buggies. Surreys. Traps, Depot Wag ous. Runabouts, Delivery Wagons, Ac.. Ac., of fered for sale at actual cost by THOS. E. YOUNG, 464-446 Pa. ave. n.w. This special offer will laat for next 80 daya and do longer. I guarantee everything sold at my repository to be ns represented at time of sale; make a special note of this Important fact. aul0-30t ALL BUMMER VEHICLES AT COST? New Top Buggies $87.00 New 8 tee Mire Runabouts ...$40.00 We are the lowest on Daytoas. JAMES K. PROBEY, 42 *? 1290 sad at a.w. FOR RENT?ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR RENT?LARGE FRONT AND OTHER rooms, newly papered and painted; 5 porcelain bath tubn; electric appliances; central location. 410 6th at. n.w. sul?-3f FOR RENT- 3 FRONT ROOMS, WITH USE OF bath, Ac.; good order; light housekeeping allowed. 1008 6th at. n.e. Rent. <7 per month. It* FOR RENT ? 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for three persons. In private family; with or without board; gentlemen preferred. 409 9th st. s.w. It* FOR RENT?1248 10TH N.W., LARGE BAY-WIN dow front mom, well furnished; private family; references. au!9-6t* FOR RENT?1514 K ST. N.W.. ELEGANT APART inent of two large rooms and private bath; whole 1st floor; recently occupied by member of Ger man embassy; also desirable rooms on 3d floor, eu suite or single. aullMSt* FOR RENT?1004 HTH ST., WELL-FURNISHED communicating rooms, en suite or single;_ '.urge closets; moderate rates. au!7-3t* FOR RENT?F'JR ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, nice fur. room. 2d floor, front, with private fam ily; conv. to bureau eng.. National and Medlral museums. Address Bo* 227, Star ofllce. au!7-2t* FOR RENT?2 ROOMS AND HALL ROOMS. N1CE ly furnished, with use of bath: near Caultol. cen sus ofllce and depots; for gentlemen only. 221 B st. n.w. au!7-3t* FOR RENT-LOVEI.Y BAY-WINDOW 2D-FLOOR front room; smaller one adjoining; also medium sized Itack room; reasonable. 1250 10th n.w. anl7-3t* FOR RENT COOI? PLEASANT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished room; southern exposure; steam heat; private bath and elevator. Montrose Flats, 1115 9th n.w. aul7-3t* FOR RENT? ELECANTLY FUR. ROOMS AND 18T dass table board. 27 Iowa circle nnd 1229 O st. n.w. . anl7-2t* Foil RFNT-A IjAROE 3D-STORY FRONT ROOM, furnished. 1320 G n.w. au!7-3t* FOK RENT?2D-STORY FRONT ROOM, $7: GEN tleman only. 3(?4 C st. n.w. aul7-2t* FOR RENT-TWO ("LEAN. COOL, FCRNISHED bed rooms; price, $5 and $6. 128 D st. n.e. aul6-3t UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT-TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED communicating rooms near departments, half square from Washington Circle. 910 23d M. n.w. It* FOR RENT?TWO COM. ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR doctor; also single rooms; ref. No. 919 New York ave. n.w. aul9-3t* FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED?ENTIRE SECOND floor, three rooms and hail room; excellent con dition; private family; near Iowa Circle; very de sirable. 1223 O St. It* FOR RENT-THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms ou Lincoln Park; 1214 North Carolina ave. n.e. It FOR RENT?1211 9TH ST. N.W., THREE NEW ly pa|iered rooms, second floor; bath, heat and gas for (-(Hiking; $22. aul7-!K* FOR ItKNT- LARGE. HANDSOME. SECOND story front room; also other rooms, unfurnished. 1401 H ?t. n.w. au!7-3t* FOR RENT?COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. ON 14TH St., 3 communicatiug rooms; bath same floor; new stone house; steam heat; modern improve ments; private family of adults. Address M. P., Star office. au!7-2t* FOR RENT-TWO PLEASANT UNFURNISHED rooms in new house; modern Improvements; fum lly three adults; no other roomers. 635 C st. n.e. aul7-2t* FOR RENT-AT 101G STH ST. N.W.. TO ADULTS only, rooms on 1st, 2d and 3d, floors; suitable for light housekeeping; premises occupied by owner; references r< quired. aulfi-Ct* F< ?R RENT? UNFUIl NISII ED. 2 LARGE COM munlcatlng rooms, 2d floor; use of bath; no chil dren. 1404 6th st. n.w. aul6-3t* FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON SEC5 ond floor; one nice furnished room. 705 8th st. n.w. au!7-3t* FOR RENT?906 M ST. N.W.. ROOMS, 2D AND 3d floors; everything strictly first-class; will rent reasonably. aul7-2t* FOR RENT-FUR. oil UNFUR., 2 CHEERFUL 2d-story front rooms; elegant location; bath, heat, gas; l.h.k. 413 Ii n.e. aul7-3t* ROOMS AND BOARD. THE BURTON HOTEL. 310 C ST. N.W.?PER manent and transient gu ." 936 K st. n.w. It* FOR SALE-MEAT AND PROVISION STORE, DO lng good cash business, located in northwest; reason for selling, have other business. Address PROVISION. Star office. aul9-3t FOR SALE-HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WITH license; good location. Address W. It. P., Star office. aul9-3t* RECEIVERS' SALE OF ONE OF THE BEST DI.N 1NG ROOM, AND SALOON BUSINESSES IN THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. UH'ATEl) AT 414 AND 416 TWELFTH STREET NORTH WEST. By virtue of the decrees passed in Equity Cause No. 22420, the undersigned, receivers, here by offer for sale the dining room and saloon bus iness of Charles C. Wbelan, including the good will, lease, license, stock and fixtures, and nil other property in and uj?on premises Nos. 414 and 416 12th street northwest, and wlll^recelve sealed bids for the sale of said property, to be opened on the 9th day of September, A.D. 1901. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $100. and the balance paid in cash within ten days from acceptance of bid, otherwise property to be resold at risk and cost of defaulting pur chaser. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. The above property will be sold free from all incumbrances. To a responsible party a liberal loon will be made, secured by deed of trnst upon the said property. ALEXANDER WOLF. Jenifer bldg., JAMES B. GREEN. Lenman bldg., JOSEPH A. BURKART, Corcoran bldg., aul7,19,24,28.31, se3,4,5.6.7 Receivers. FOR SALE-LUNCH lt?>OM FIXTURES, TABLES, chairs and linoleum cloth; all in good condition. WALL1S CAFE. 617 12th n.w. au!6-3t* STOCKS OFFER A DAILY BUSINESS OPPOR tunlty. One may buy stocks on 2 per cent mar gin through "The Stock Grain Pror. Co.," capttal, $200,000.00. 10 Wall St., New York. Washington correspondent. The Ferry Commission Co., 1339 F st. n.w. Office hours, 8:30 a.m. to S p.m. au8-26t* AT RAMSAY'S? YOUR WATCH CLEANED, *1.00. WATCH MAINSPRING, $1.00. ALL WORK WARRANTED ONE YEAR. mh3-5d 1221 F ST. N.W. PERSONAL. DO YOU TAKE THE EARLY TRAIN WHEN YOU go away on your vacation Well, we can call the day before and exchange solid bard caah for men's worn garments. Send postal to aul9-tf-5 JUSTH'S OLD STAND, 618 D. A LADY HAVING FURNITURE WOULD MEET elderly gentleman or lady who would assist her in taking a house for room renting. Address Box 108. Star office. aul7-3t* "C".- WRITE TO ME. I WONT BOTHER YOU. "K." . aul7-2t* A YOUNG LADY WILL GIVE $60 CASH TO any one procuring her a government position pay ing $40 or $60; strictly confidential. Address Box 133. Btsr office. aulT-8t* NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, AUTHOR iied and bonded, 603 15th st. n.w. 'Phone Main 2525. Open day and night. Strictly confidential. Branch In Baltimore, Md. aul5-tf MACHINERY, ETO. TWO SECOND-HAND STANDARD CEILING FANS, last year's type; perfect condition: $25. TALLMADGE * WILSON, JySl-tM Room 610. Star building. MACHINERY, BOILERS, SAFES, ETC.. HAULED, hoisted SLd placed; estimates given. MER CHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.. 8oc c?sow Merchants' P.P. Oo..9g> D a.w. 'Phooe Wi FOR SALE?KNOWIJBS COMBINED PUMP AND boiler. Tx4ttxi0; 2-H.P. Otto gaa engine; 6x1) aide-crank engine; 40-H.P. low-pressure loco? the boiler; also K-H.P. feed water beater. J. B. HURLEY, 3 1813 CorcoraMit. B.W., 12r., bath, a.m.l... 50.00 70 M it. n.w?. 9r., bath and cellar, a.m.I.. 32.50 42V P ?t. n.Wi. Sr., Jfcath and cellar, a.m.l.. 23.00 1144 N. J. ave. n.w., 4 roorna 13.30 au!9-3t* gDW,^T. KAISER, 810 F ?t. n.w. , FUK RENT? Xt ?NVV, 3535 O. SrJtb. .22.90 NW, 1527 N H av Jfor-INW. 1245 Slat.Sr&b. 18.30 1 " 6rA-ft.. 10.30 .15.30 .15.00 13 30 i NW,' 1247 85thj 6r." .12.30 .NW, 1800 6th. 4r... 12.30 I NW, 1320 29tb, 5r. .11.50 SW, 804 23d, 5r 10.00 , SE. 1102 0th, 12r. ..15.00 l 8E. 128 E, 7r&b 22.02 USE, 425 5th. 5r 12.30 > SE, 313 S C av, 4r...7.00 --??-)".?wv.w?|SE, M7 2d, 4r 6.00 NW. 1332 R aV 10r.60.00 S\V, SHI C, SrAb.. ..22.92 N W, 2132 13th,8r,b.85.00 SW, 014 Va av.Sr.b.22.00 NW. 1418 11 tb.OrAb.JiO.531SW. 1 E, 4r 12.30 _ ^ FLATS-N'.W.-UNFURNISHED. JOS D. 4rtb $27.50i NW, 1107 O (4tb fl'r), ?6 D. 2d a, 4r*b. .25.50 4rAb 27.50 ?>8 D. lat 4 4rtb..25.50| v-?, ? STORES?N.W. ^?810 9th $50.00 ;Cor 32dAWater sts.20.00 430 20tb 40.00 1115 14th (abop In ri)2O.O0 OFFICES. NW, Gun ton bids, offices.IN W. 408 La ar. offices. Central bldg. office*. I NW. 500 Btb, 2 rma..$ll ASK FOR WEEKLY BULLETIN*. aulO-Bt THOS. E. WAGGAMAN, 017 F at. n.w. FOlt RENT? J,"?-.207-9-11 E Cap. 34r;$35.50 225 3d nw, llr ?VI?-67*-21st nw, fur. 15r $39 The Victoria. 4r *100....sos 7th nw, store.fSS 1252 10th nw, 7r &?????? 1806 N H ar. 14r!$S0.50 2108 II nw, 8r $Jvf.34.22tI*a av nw,st.dw!$30.30 44 V nw. Or $80. ...327 Pa av, stAdw!$30 300 C ne, 8r $75 loon Vth nw, 14r $30 1408 17th nw, fir fl? 1206 2f>.50. .1227 E nw, store $60. ...425 0th nw, store $25.. .1631 Marlon nw, Or $00..432 0th nw, op'r fl'r 630 G nw. Or fj*<* 12 B ne. Or *25 2120 I nw. Or ft**05 22i?7 K nw, Or $J2.85.1305 Wallach pl,6r $65.....1220 21nt nw, ?rj$2o.50 420 H nw. 7r $51.50. ..1010 22d nw, Or $SS.40 416 N* J av, 6r $>>0.05. .2543 l3th nw, 10r:$18.30 1432 T nw, 6r 017 It nw. llr $10.30. .1216 Wylie ne, 6c fV^*5^ *-: -1720 1' Hw. Sr $15.30 1830 E nw. Or $o0..l839 Vernon av, 12r $15 615 F nw, offices $jO-.135o Kenyon nw,12r $15 501 I) nw, offices H? The Thomas, 5r $13.30. ..2220 Clev av, 6r 12ofi ? nw, Or $12.30 1004 W nw, 6r >45. ...1121 loth nw. llr $12 323 7th se, store The Victoria, 5r $10.30. .25 Fenton ne, 5r 40. ...1023 15th nw. 12r!$8 1336 15th nw, 4r *2 . 200 I? mv. Sr $6.80 1224 'M aw, 4r $30-...The Cambridge. 4r$6..1110 Trinidad ne. Or ?For complete list of property for rent send for weekly bulletin. B. II. WARNER CO.. aiilO-in.w.f-tf 016 F n.w. FOR RENT?BY It. (?. HOLTZMAN. REAL ESTATE and Insurance Broker, 10th and F sts. n.w. 1527 N* H av,20r,2b.$2 in) ) J31 C ee, 7r 40.45 1622 It I av.l2r,2b. 175.00,1522 16th nw, 7r.\ .35.38 1513 16th, 14r 150.00 1327 14th nw, Or.. .35.00 300 13th nw, 21r *3.331446 W, 7r 30.40 1861 MIntw'd pl.14r.75.00 1443 W. 7x 30.40 1863 Mintw'd p1,l4r.7f?.00 1441 W, 7r 30.40 1865 Mintw'd pl.14r.75.00 927 R I av, 4r 30.00 1807 Mintw'd pl,14r.75.00 409 Kla av nw. Or. .25.00 011 I, 12r, 2b, stab,.70.00,1434 FJn av nw. Or..22.06 1321 M. 5r 55.00,53o 6th se. Or 13.28 451 G, 12r 55.00 308 Llth, Or 12.50 807 L nw. Or 50.03 227 Q nw, 2 flats. 1227 15th nw, 10r..50.00| each $11 and 12.50 1537 14tb nw,9r&sto45.00l OFFICES. "Atlantic Coast Line 470 La av..$10 & $15.00 bldsr," from $10 to $35 039 F nw $5 to 22.50 Sun bldg 1 405 7th nw, each 8.00 STOKES. 1245-7 11th se $.->0.00 1537 14th 45.00 1327 14th, eel,23x75.45.0i>'227 Q nw 12.00 STABLES. Rear 1612 R I av. .$30.00 927 II I av (rear)).. .12.50 Rear 1014 It I av.. .30.00'23 1* ne (rear) 12.00 aul9-tf FOR BENT?245 I?KL. AVE. N.E.: 12K., 2 BATHS and _?el!ar brick; steam heat; $60. 1331 I' st. n.w., tine 12-*iu. and both br., $15. 2108 18th n.w., elegant 10-rm., Imth and cellar br.. every modem convenience, $42.50. 305_M n.w., desirable 11-rm. br., steam, $42.50. 1917 13th n.w., lo-rin.. b. and cellar br.. $37.50. 1212 T n.w., 10-rm. and bath, very nice, $35.50. 21? 5th is.e., Bice 9?r. and bath br., $28.50. a\i!7-3t JAH: Xl. YORK & .SON. 912 G n.w. F? IR KENT 2106 I st. n.\t/, $00.50 per mo. New furnace-, new-range, porcelain bath tub. 9 rooms anathr in thorough loialitlon. iul7-3t EI.LEKSOS & WEMl'IJC, 603 14th st. FOR KKNT-JCfeAR t)L*l'ONT CIRCLE 2002 N* St., Ut r?.-, $42.50 1705 Madiwt^ ft., -JOrx 42.50 1915 18th stt, 10 ? 4O.50 anl7-3t* M &? WE1SIGEK. 1405 F st. FOR RENT?428 Q ST. N.W.; 7 ROOMS, CELLAR and bath anf all [modern improvements; heated by furnace; {ft au apartment suite of 6 or 7 rooms at less rent.- Kent of 428 0, $25 per month. In quire at 154S^N. i. ave., cor. of Q n.w. aul7-3t* FOR RENT-BX:.FTi$yi> E. I>AVIS, 7th & E~S.W. 317 12th sw.6r.w,g.H2.50 610 10th sw. Or,ami. 18.50 1315 C sw, 6r,;?v&s. .J3.H0j450 K sw, 6r, ami..17.00 Flat 4V.'&K a\V,6r,nill5.5U>610 G sw, Or, ami..15.30 aiil7-3t * KOK RENT?-ItY JOtlN 01"INN. 447 7TII S.W. 1526 15tli st. n.w. y- store and dwelling; 8 rooms; a.m.l.; ttne fcv-atlota; $50. 8ul7-3t* VOK KENT?BY G. H. BARKER, 435 4U, ST. S.W. 610 4'^, g'd pool st.$25.00 824 4Vi sw.?'>r,impa. 19.. .8.00 435 N nw, OrAsta. .22.501452 D nw, off rs, $7 & $S 1424 1st nw. 6r&b. .22.501216 11th nw.ahop.2d fl.8.00 Offii-e rms. at 512 F st. n.w.. steam beat. au!7-tf FOR RENT?F. II. SMITH (XI., 1408 N. Y. AVE., Rental Agents, Bond bldg. 1405 I nw, 20r,3b.$150.00 1414 15th nw, 14r. .70.00 715 11th nw. llr&b.55.00 1714 13th nw, 9rAb.42.50 1408 St'gbton. Or&b.35.00 1457 Fla av, 8r&b..25.00 1526 O nw, 8r 35.00 233 R ne, 8r&b 25.00 2227 15th nw, 6rAb.21.oo 1221 II ne, 8r&b.. .20.00 24 F nw, Sr&b 23.00 2913 N nw, 6r 15.50 au!7-3t FOR RENT?DESIRABLE HOUSES? 1312 9tb st. n.w., 9 rooms, mod. imp $45.50 1504 1' ?t. n.w., 10 rooms, mod. Imp 45.50 1310 9tb st. n.w., 9 rooms, mod. Imp 40.50 an!7-3t A. T. COUMBE, 1425 N*. Y. ave. FOR RENT?709 8111 S.E., LARGE STORE dwelllug, ni.i., $35.(K?; 604 3d s.w., large ?tore dwelling, $15.50; 477 E s.w., 6r. and cellar, heated by furnace. $25.30 ; 45 Defrees n.w., 6r.. $19.50. B. LEONARD. 530 4Vj st. s.w. au!7-3t? FOR KENT ?2938 15TII ST.. BET. KENESAW ave. and Columbia road; new brick; 10 rooms: flrst-floor kitchen; cellar; steam beat; several fireplaces; 20 ft. wide; laundry. Key next door. aul7-tf FOR KENT? Store, 707 9th nw.$49.00 2437 18th nw, 12r.$40.00 1751 N nw 190.00i Office rooms. 1307 F rw. 1819 19th, cor Oreg.80.00i 1S03 19th nw 70.00 Flats, 1214 Mass- are. n.w., 6?. & b $90.00 Flata?1The Elmore. Uth&U n.w., $37.90 ea., 9r*b. 1918 lOtb nw, unfurnished. $190: furnished. $300. au!0-12t* TYLER A RUTHERFORD, 1307 F St. - ?? ^ | avvi *? Bit ForRent?308 14,10r$30.50 loll 17th nw, ?r 17.90 1203 I ne, 6r 15.30j614 Callan ne, 5r... 10.30 421 Wilson nw, 5r. .lo.ool630 Gordon av, 4r. ..8.30 CAYWOOD & GARRETT. 13th at. A N. Y. ar. n.w. aul7-3t* FOR RENT-NO. 1203 I ST. N.E., A 6-ROOM AND bath bay-window brick house, In good order; near car line: $16.30. CAYWOOD & GARRETT, 13th st. and NV Y..?ve. n.w. anl7-3t* FOR RENT?44. JSel'UIJ-OUGH ST.; 4 ROOMS' and cellar; >w?ter;ln yard and kitchen: in good order; rent only $10. Apply R. E. BRADLEY, 1303 F n.w. au!7-2t* FOR RENT?' 2441 ColumbJ*-?*4, 12r. and 2 baths $70.00 2108 19th a^n-w., lOr. and bath 95.00 2903 14th at. o.w.. lOr. and bath 50 00 1363 Roanoka at?>-lOr. and bath 90.00 1419 D at. niW.,H0r. and bath 48.00 421 P at. n.yr.. Wc. and 2 baths 40.00 118 F at. n.tev, 6r- and batb 22.50 89 P at. n.w., ?r.-j|nd bath 21.60 aul7-6t ' FRISTOE. 1413 G at. n.w? 6i2 loth ne, flair: ::s:oo 1229,0. 6r 10.30 641 14th ae, 6r 17.00 FOR RENT-IN MT. PLEASANT. COTTAGE; 7 rooms, l>ath, ??Uw and mod. imi>a.; large yard, ?bade trees, 4c.; tent, $32.90. L 8. FKISTOE, 1413 G at. l?.w. aul7-'Jt FOR RENT- NJO. 11B6 MD. AVE. N.E.; 6 ROOMS; ami.; $20. Keya next door. W. MOSBY W1L LiamA, ColttmhUn bldg. 'Phone E. 107. aul7-8t FOR RF.NT R. M. J ATWELL, 204 B. CAP. ST. 1016 E Cap,10r,1135^4 17th, rr,4r,w.12.00 811 Ifttb, 10r.2b,ml.55.50 2223 St Pauls ct.Sr. 11.50 1012 17th,12r.2b,ml. 50.751 FURNISHED. 2313 Ta av, lOr 45.30 1815 16th, 14r. 2b.$150.00 1748 Oregon ar, llr.45.00! FLATS. 800 21st, 12r, b. ml.40.50 1781 20th, 3d fl,6r.b$35.00 1382 T. 40.50'1731 20th. Or.b.mi, .40.00 714 19th,12r,b.cel,ml35.83 1907 Pa av.5r.b,mi. .35.50 2319 Pa av, 9r,b.mi.a,?.00 914 23d, 5r, b 30.00 2211 F. 8r, ml 25.50 722 17th, 4r, b,xr,?.20.50 1918 M, Or, b, cel. .25.50>30 20th, 4r. b, ml.. 18.50 1128 19th, 6r, b. ml.25.50! OFFICE ROOMS. 1007 S. 6r, b, ml....25.50 486 La a*, heated..$15.00 2413 Pa av, Sr.b,ml.22.50 482 La ar, heated.. .10.00 822 B ne, 6r, b, mi.22.50!l731 20th,o31ce.heat.l5.00 524 22d, 6r, ml 20.50i STORES. 1509 1st, 6r 20.50 1800 Pa av,2r.cel.mi$65.00 2423 K, 8r, b. w, g.20.50 1708-10 E, warerms .50.00 924 22d, 7r, w, g...20.50 1902 Pa av. sto, 4r.35.00 2013 K, 7r. w, g.. .20.40 1357-59 32d, lse rm.35.00 508 21st, Or, b. ml. .1S.50 1917 Pa 2020 L, Cr, b, ml. ..18.00 Blacksmith shop, bet 1022 20th, 7r, b 1S.50 19A2<>, LAM 30.00 922 22d, 7r, w, g., .17.50 2210 14th,lr,. Or, w 12.50 1829-31 L, 5r, w 7.00 1304 11th, 4r, w....12.2(0! aul4-tf FOR RENT? 175o y n.w.; 12 r. and 2 b. 3040 14th n.w.; 8 r. A b $45.00 126 F n.w.; 8 r. & b 27.50 2211 F n.w.; 6 r. A b ?> 50 1432 Pierce pi. n.w.; 7 r & b *.... 22.5'J 2214 Cleveland ave.; 6 r 13.50 an!4-tf It. W. LEE. 1406 G n.w. FOR RENT?BY GEO. W. LIN KINS, 800 19TII ST. 1812-14 II nw,20r.$125.00 2:110 H, 8rAb 25.50 1903 F nw, l'.ir. 2b.00.00 Flat.809 II ne,7r&b.22.50 101 11th ne, 14r, 2b, ;H2;t 4th nw, 7r&h. .22.60 stable :...55.00 58 Defrees, Or, wa.. 15.30 2217 Pa av, 15r&b..55.00 1125 23d. 5r&store.. 15.00 2201 P, Or, b&store. 40.00, 2320 I nw. Or, wa... 14.40 Flat, furnished, 1918 ; 2230 Clev'I'd av,0r,wl3.,!0 Pa av, 7r 35.00 2420 N, Or, wa 12.50 1030 25th nw.ldr&b.30.50 229 22d nw, 5r, wa.10.30 2147 L uw, 8r,b,cel.25.50 237 22d nw, 4r, wa..8.o0 STOKES. 1913 Ta av nw, fine large 1915 Fa av nw.sto.$20.00 new store A cellar, of- 2V01 P nw, opp mkt.2(i.OO fer wanted. 1125 23d, stoAdwl. .15.00 nnl6-tf FOR RENT?2400 15TH ST., COLUMBIA HGTS.; 11 rooms and tiled bath; 4 rooms deep; In per fect condition; reduced to $50.50. aulO-3t? THOS. W. HUNGERFORD, 617 14th st. FOR RENT?BY H. L. RUST, 608 14TI1 ST. N.W. 1314 15th n.w., 9 rooms (furnished) $60.00 328 X n.w., 8 rooms and bath 25.50 2213 M n.w., 7 rooms and bath 25.50 25u8 14th n.w., 6 rooms, bath & cellar... 25.50 FLATS, 5 rooms and bath, 418 11th n.e... 20.00 au!5-tf-7 FOR RENT? 1432 K nw.10r.aml.$30.50 2310 20h uw,12r.aml$45.50:37 E nw, lOr. ami. .30.50 1451 R I av.lOr.aml.OS.OO11001 E Cap. tir.aml.22.50 1335 11th liw,9.aml.40.50 1014 14th, tlat.4r,ba.20.00 1340 Riggs, 8r, ami.32.50 1217 I ne. Or, ami..14.50 416 K nw, 7r. ami..30.50 2236 7tli. 5r&store. .16.00 au3-tf R. E. BRADLEY. 1303 F gt FOR RENT?BY ROBERT H. STONE, S04 F N.W. 1415 G ne, Or.b,cel.$15.00 1104 O. 7r, ba 25.50 727 L ne, 6r, ba.. ..15.30 2609 P, Sr. ba 22.00 915 I se. Or, brick. .12.50 Oil L, store A dwelling. Jl31-tf FOR RENT? 1228 13th st. n.w.; 11 rooms, porcelain bath, nice plumbing, stationary wash tubs, Ac.; hand somely papered. In nice order $50.60 1450 and 1454 V st. n.w.; 7 rooms, bath and large cellar; near 14th st. cars $30.50 A nice little 6-room house, with bath room, hot and cold water, nice cellar and yard, within a Equare of 14th st. cars $22.50 Apply at ottice of the Portner, 15th and U sts. n.w. (au9-tf) VOLNEY EATON. Agent. FOR RENT- THONE 2417. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., .EAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. 1453 Mass nw, 1 Or.$75.00 1520 T st nw, 6r...32.R0 3323 Ilolm'd av,l0r.40.5oi 1010 8th nw, 7r&b.32.50 1S27 Itlggs pi, llr. .40.00 1439 R st uw, 7r...30.50 1922 llith, flat, 5r. .40.(J0< 1322 Wal'ch plnw,Sr28.50 1259 23d st. 8r 37.50'1117 9th st nw 20.00 1005 M, store 35.50,1327 L. stable r'r of. 10.00 au8-tf T'lOMAS BRADLEY. Real Estate Officer. FOR RENT-13*8 AND 1332 ?TH N.W-, 8 AND 10 rooms, respectively; also liouse uext door to East Capitol and 8th sts.; good neighborhoods. FRANK T. BROWNING. 422 6th st. n.w. jy22-tf FOR RENT?BY M. A. BALL1NGER, BOND BLDG. 1739 S St., 10 rooms $50.00 18o9 4th St.. 8 rooms (large porch) $30.00 Flats, 3 and 6 "ooms $7.50, $10.50 and $21.00 au6-tf FOR RENT-BY THOS. J. FISHER A CO., INCORPORATED, 1414 F ST. N.W. 1322 Vt av. 20r. .$175.00 fil7 I st. ISr 125.00 1812 H it, 16r 125.00 2021 Hlllyer pi. lOr.45.00 916 12th st. lOr 45.00 1707 G st nw, 14r..40.88 1901 F st, 17r 125.00 1623 O st nw, 8r. .35.00 8043 P st nw. 17r. 125.00'1508 R st nw, 7r...35.00 1645 K st nw, 18r.100.00 1212 T st nw. 8r....33.00 1632 K st nw. lOr. 100.00,2410 14th st nw. Or.35.00 1744 M st. 16r 100.00.1410 Chapln st, 9r.35.00 1730 Q st nw. 12r. .75.00 1621 O st nw, 7r.. .35.00 1906 N st nw, lOr. .75.00 1534 29th st, 7r 30.00 1014 14th st, 14r. ..75.00 1411 Chapln st. Or. .30.00 1721 De Salea, lOr. .75.00 1205 30th st nw.llr486.OO 1824 13th st. 13r...75.00 1346 Wall'h p nw.6r22.50 1708 Q st nw, 8r...65.03 917 E st sw, 6r 20.60 840 N Y av, 14r 65.00 1354 4ft st sw, 6r. .20.00 905 E st nw. 13r. ...65.00 510 7th st sw. Sr...16.50 1802 Belmont av,10r.65.00 208 7th st se, 5r 15.00 1803 Belmont av,10r.66.00 26 Mass av da. 7r. .15.00 2406 18th st nw.lOr.65.00 18 Iowa circle, lOr. .60.00 502 E st, llr 60.00 1306 Yale st. 12r...60.00 2233 Q dw, llr 65.00! 720 10th st nw. lOr.50.00 1739 S st nw. 9r.. .50.00 930 N Y av nw, 14r.50.00 408 T st nw, lOr.. .50.00 2100 14th st nw, 9r.5O.O0 2034 Hlllyer pi. lOr.50.00 1925 G st. 9r 60.00 1443 Q st, 9r 45.00 1213 R I av nw,10r.45.00j 1451 N st. 14r 45.% FLATS, 1373 H st ne. 5r... 14.00 1)08-20-28 1st st sw, 6r, each 12.50 OOoU, I st se, 6r...10.50 1819 14th nw (rr).4r..8.50 3&6 Baldwin's row, 6r. each *. 8.00 16 Watkius pi. Chevy Chase, 2r 5.00 Lot 1, sq 635, Del av A C st sw Offer Lota 18-25, sq 679, bet. MassADel avi A F ne, per an'm. 1,200 The Maury, No. 33, 8d floor, 4r $40.00 1104 14th st nw,2r.20.00 b & y. Flat o. wr..:?>"o! OFFICES. The Marlon. 4 A B rms, from $32.50 to $50.00 each per mo. Bldg 8thAD ata. ..$260.00 612-14 F at. 2d fl.. 100.00 602 E st, llr 60.00 1421 F, 2d fl front. .25.00 1421 F, 3d 11 front. .25.00 612-14 F st. 2r 15.00 1208 F st nw, No.4.10.50 i423 F st, desirable offes 1114 F at, desirable offes 620 W at. desirable office* (105-7 7th, desirable office# "Century bldg," ne* bldg, all Imps, single rooms from $12 to $25 er mo. Entice floors. IS STORES. 126 per uo. 1844 F st nw. large room 517 14th st nw 906 E, rear ahop or atore room 20.00 132S 16th st 20.00 Bldg StbAD sts. ..$250.00 2100 14th st nw....60.00 733 7th st 50.00 2925 M st 86.00 CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE RENT ING AND COLLECTION OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTIES. For full list of furnished and unfurnished houses, flats, offices, stores and atables apply at office. au3-tf FOR RENT?UNFURNISH ED 716 12th st nw $60.00 1704 L st nw 00.00 1708 L st 11 w 50.00 Also a large list of desirable furnished bouses. , ? . FITCH, FOX & BROWN. Je6-tf 1406 G st. n.w. 1710 L st nw 50.00 1728 18th st nw 50.00 810 18th st nw 20.00 FOR RENT?BY D. D. THOMPSON. 1335 F N.W. 1337 H ne.8r.stab..$50.00 1328 II ne,6rAst ore. 25.60 1714 Oregon av. 10r.40.60 2417 Fa av. 7r&b.. .25.00 1803 H ne,hall,20x60. .20 aulO-tf 1744 N nw, 9rAb. .$50.75 1806 14th nw, store.30.60 1330 H ne, 6r.b,sto.26.60 1320 E ne. 7rAb.. .25.50 Stable r'r 715 D ne..4.60 TlIE McLAOM*' 10th 8nd o. niy23-tf FOR RENT?DEEBLE A CO., 1319 F ST. 929 R I av, Orttb..$50.0011319 F. office rs,$5A10.00 1521 N H av, 6^.30.50,3103 K nw, 6r, w.,.6.30 1410 Pa av.flat.4r&b.l6.00|8215 Cherry Hill nw, 811 18th nw, 6rAb.20.60J 4r, w 6.30 myl8-tf FOR RENT? 1217 N H av,13r,b.$116.00 1524 P st. 12r. ba..75.00 1423 Chapln st,10r,b75.00 1760 8 st, 12r, 2ba..65.50 1307 P st. 12r, ba..65.00 461 Mo av, 12r, ba..35.50 1815 Q st. 7r, ba....35.60 2705 P st, OrAba...33.00 1823 18th, Sr. ba...30.50 907 French st, 8r,b.28.00 3023 Camb'pe pi. Or.28.00 1216 G. 3r. ba flat. .20.00 1406 11th st. 6r 16.00 1420 D ne. tirAb....13.30 Offices In Metrcrott bldg. JyO-tf GASCH BROS.. 1307 F St. FOR RENT?WEAVER BROS., 1416 F ST.? 415 4tb st. n.w., 16 rms., 2 baths $00,00 1211 it st. n.w., 10 rooms and bath 40.63 1932 6th st. n.w.. 6 rs. and b. (side light). 27.50 8432 P st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 22.50 1124 23d st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 1K.30 8360 M at. n.w., store 16.60 67-69-73-75 Decatur at. n.e., 6 rooms, each. 11.50 704 14th at. n.w., entire 3d flr. office 30.00 my3-tf FOR RENT?NEAR DCPONT CIRCLE, 1735 20TH St.; brown stone; 18 rooms, reception haU, cellar, laundry; 2 tiled baths; $60. fe5-tf D. D. THOMPSON, 1835 F Ht. LOST AND FOUND. LOST?NARROW BLUE TIE, WHITE DOTS, tied over fastener; tie contains pin, two small diamonds, emerald; gift of mother. Reward for return 228 2d st. s.e. ? If LOST?SILK UMBRELLA. OX SATURDAY, AUG. 17, about 8 o'clock, la car from Cabin John, River road. Finder please send postal to Room 96, War Dept.. C. M. 8. ? lt? STRAYED?TWO DOGS; ZIP DWARF COLLIE; E. O. Joyne engraved on collar; tag, bell and blue bow; short white fox terrier with black and brown spots; collar, tag and blue ribbon. Re ward for return to 1802 Yale st. It LOST?POOKET BOOK WITH B. * O. R.R* ticket; nam* J. W. Crist and $8 cash. Reward If left at KANN'S, Market space and 8th. It LOST-AUGUST 6, 8:80 A.M., 15TH AND O STS., brown purse, ring, glasses, etc. Reward. Re? turn to OHIKF CLBRK, Pension Office. aulT-2t* LOST-BLACK SWAM STILL MISSING| $10 RE ward if returned alive. SCHMID'S BIRD 8TOREL 712 18th st. n.w. sul8-4t* ACOOUNTANTS. 3. a. BATES, Pnfcllc Accountant sad Aodltov, FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE ? A BARGAIN - G ST. NEAR 6TH S.e., 3-atury. pressed-brlck 9-r??m bom; rrntrd to good tenant*; lot 21x11*), with parking; $2,<*0 can remain on property at On. l'rice, *2.350. au!9-3t H. R. HOWENSTE1N. 910 G st. u.w. FOR SALE?4TH ST. NEAR. It ST. N.W.. 0 roem and lms; lot 20x100 to a 15-ft. alley. This is one of the most attractive squares in the city; near the most expensive improvements. THIS HOUSE SHOULD BE RE SOLD AT SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS ADVANCE au!7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX. 806-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?YOU CAN T DO BETTER. CHOICEST LOCATION. LOWEST PRICE. SPLENDID ARRANGEMENT. An 8-room brick; 2 parlors, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor; 4 lK*d rooms, modern bath on 2d; sanitary plumbing; porcelain tub; sta tionary washstand; large lot; wide alley; on a lettered st. west of 15th st. Only $5,200. anl7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 806-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?HERE'S A BARGaYn"FOR YOU: Choicest location west of 14th. very near Scott Circle. MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE. Offered at $7.5t?0. Could not l;e duplicated ui:der $12,000; a 12 room brick dwelling; 4 rooms deep; lot 20x14o; wide alley. Owner says $6,000 can be borrowed on it at 4^ per cent. Call at once. anl7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX. 8OG-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?WITHIN HALF' SQ. OF McPHER s?>n Square, near the Arlington Hotel, a substan tial 12-room brick dwelling; lot 19.3x1)2; can be purchased at a great Itargaln; trust coming due, owner must sell; suitable for a physician. au!7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 806-8O8 F st. n.w. FOR SALE- $1.C5<7 RENTS $13.50. New brick; 6 rooms and bath; one square from East Capitol st. aul7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX. 806-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?BY JOHN QUINN. 447 7TH S\V.?ON F near 6th st. s.w.; 6 rooms; a.m.I.; fine loca tion; price. $2,750. On 4l* st. near M s.w.; store and dwelling; a.m.!.; near public school; price, $3,000. aul7-3t* FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE? See us regarding some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can be EXCHANGED for PROPERTIES In any GOOD LOCATION. Improved or unimproved. A rare opj?ortunity to secure a home in these most desirable localities. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 91? F street n.w. FOR SAI.E-THE CONSTRUCrioN OF A FEW 6 and 7-room houses will be commenced in a few days in the most desirable part of Le Droit Park. The FTotind adjoins the homestead of the late Hon. Bcnj. Butterworth. and Is very hljrh and beautiful. The surroundings are exceptionally pleasant. Both lines wf street cars an' within one and two blocks, respectively. An opportunity will lie given homeseekers to have interior ar rangement of houses changed without additional cost. Present plans may be seen at the offices of TIIEO. A. HARDING, 1310 G st. n.w., and H. W. COFFIN, Wash. Loan and Trust bldg. aul7-3t FOR' SALE?OWNER, COMPELLED TO SELL A very attractive new 2-story and cel'.ar brick, heated by furnace snd having all modern Im provements. offers the same, locatcd In Ecklng ton, at only-$3,150. The terms can be arranged to suit. nu!7-3t WM. II. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F st. FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE? See us regarding some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can be EXCHANGED for PROPERTIES in any GOOD LOCATION, improved or unimproved. A rare opportunity to secure a home in these most desirable localities. B. II. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON 21ST ST, n.w. between O and I' sts.; splendid neighl>or bood and convenient to street cars. The house contains 11 rooms, besides laundry In basement and 3 baths. A bargain. Call at or address H. J. M.. 1414 21st st. n.w., city. an!7-3t* FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE? See us regai ding some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can l>e EXCHANGED for PROPERTIES In any GOOD LOCATION, Improved or unimproved. A rare opportunity to secure a home in these most desirable localities. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOB SALE?NEAR KENDALL GREEN?AT A SAC RIFICE?Corner house, 7 rooms and tiled bath; mod. plumbing, hot-water heat, electric bells, , Ac.; handsomely decorated throughout. MUST BE SOLD. au!7-3t R. W. WALKER & SON, 1006 F n.w. FOR SALE-BARGAINS?MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE AN ESTATE? 719 A st. n.e.; 2-story and basement. 6 rooms and bath; rented at $25.35. Price* $4,000. 32 and 34 8th st. n.e.; 2-story and basement. 6 rooms and bath; rented at $20.35 each. Price, $3,000 each. 1024-26-28-30 15th st. n.e.; 2-story and base ment, 9 rooms and bath; lots 17x95 to 12-ft. alley; rent, $15.70 each. Price, $2,000 each. Reasonable terms can be made on any of the above bouses. au!7-3t R. W. WALKER & SON, 1000 F n.w. FOR SALE? A detached HOUSE In NORTHWESTERN SEC TION. Lot 40x99 to 16-foot alley. Contains eight rooms and bath; concrete cellar; heated by furnace; attic; all modern improvements; CON VENIENT IX> STREET CARS; granolithic fide walk. PRICE ONLY $3,550 IF SOLD AT ONCE. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?WASHINGTON HEIGHTS?NOS. 1828 and lf-32 Cincinnati st. n.w.; 3-story and base ment; parlor, reception hall, dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen on 1st floor; 6 sleeping rooms and two baths; billiard room, laundry and heater room In basement; hot-water heat; best modern plumbing; finished in oak; handsome mantels and combination gas and electric lighting; lots 20x112 to paved alley. Price. $12,500 each. au!7-3t It. W. WALKER & SON. 1006 F n.w. FOR SALE? ~ ~ NEIGHBORHOOD of S and 19TH STS. N.W.; a handsome property; three stories and cellar; eight rooms and bath; stone and brick front. FR1CE, $6,250. B. H. WARNER COMPANY. aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?2 NEW B.W. BROWN PRESS-BRJCK fronts; 6 rooms; a.m.I.; beautiful homes; 9V*% investment; rear Lincoln Park; $1,900; $350 cash, balance monthly. 50 houses in East Washington, bargains for homes and investments, from $1,500 to $1,100. Call and see us. R. M. J. AT WELL, Real Es tate, 804 E. ?'ap. st. au!7-3t? FOR SALE HOUSE ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS on your own terms; one of the HEALTHIEST and HIGHEST locations in the city. Three ato-les and cellar; nine rooms aid bath; reception hall; cabinet mantels; steam heat; laundry tubs; beau tifully decorated; granolithic sidewalks. THIS PROPERTY WILL PLEASE YOU. WILL EXCHANGE. B. H. WARNER COMPANY. aut7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?A FINE RESIDENCE IN DESIRABLE part of Georgetown, 1314 30th at.: about 13 rooms; large parlor and dining room; 2 baths; all in good order; large lot; side windows; a bargain. Inquire of H. L. RUST. 608 14th n.w. aul8-tf-5 FOR SALE?THIS IS A BARGAIN?A VERY DE sirable residence near N. H. ave. and S St.; 9 rooms afld bath; modern, up-to-date bouse. Price, $9,000. D. D. THOMPSON. 1335 F. au!6-tf,4 FOR SALE? Five small brick houses ON AN AVENUE NORTHWEST; two stories; six rooms and bath; ALWAYS RENTED to first-class white tenants; good neighborhood; street cars at corner. WILL EXCHANGE FOR ONE LARGE HOUSE. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?ONLY 3 LEFT? Nos. 27. 33 and 35 Quincy st. n.w.; 6 large rooms; tiled bath, porcelain tub; marble wash stand; hardwood finish; cellar under entire bouas; Sexton furnace; Roman brick and heavy brown stone trimmings; stone steps; lot 29x90 to 20 foot paved alley. Opeq all day Sunday. Price, $4,700. Easy terms. au!4-10t FRED W. REEVES. 617 14th n.w. FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE See us regarding some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can be EXCHANGED for PROPERTIES in any GOOD LOCATION, improved or unimproved. A rare opportunity to secure a bome in these most desirable localities. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-8t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?1850 YALE 8T. N.w.: WHITE MAR ble front: 12 rooms; two tiled baths; steam heat; in first-class condition, and contains all modern improvements. PRICE ONLY $8,000. THE WASHINGTON L0AN AND TRUST CO., aulS-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?33S3 HOLMEAD AVE. N.W.; ONE square from cars; 10 rooms; tiled bath room; porcelain liaed tab; open, unitary plumbing; ?team beat; purchased under foreclosure and of fered at coat. THE WASHINGTON LOAN & TRUST CO.. Real Eatate Department. aulS-tf FOR SALE? I In the FASHIONABLE NORTHWEST near New Hampshire are. Home or investment. Three stories; ten rooms; hot air heat: kitchen ou first floor. CAN BE BOUGHT AT $2,800 BELOW 006T. ? B. H. WARNER COMPANY, ?nlT-St 816 F street n.w. FOB SALE-HOUSES. No. 1488 Mass. are. n.w.' eleven rooms and - tiled bath; good location; first-class condition; lot 22^4x70 to alley. PRICE. 818,000. THB WASHINGTON LOAN * TRUST COMPANY, 1 FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOK SALE-OB EXCIIANGE BEAimriL RESIDENCE on Washington heights. LARGE DOUBLE MANSION. pooitrortM In the roost thorough tuauDor of brick and atone. In the COLONIAL style of architecture, contain ing sixteen rooms and four bath room*. nuroer oua large and convenient clHtt* and large MIL LIARD room. DRAWING ROOM, LIURARY. DINING ROOM and large RECEPTION HALL, with wide and ATTRACTIVE STAIRWAY on first floor. A well-built brick atable on rear of lot; bil coachmau's room und accommodations for font horse* and several vehicle*. Dimensions of lot. V2xlS5. a large portion of which la In beautiful lawn, also a variety of fruit tree*, shrubs and flow-era. This property Is In every respect one of the icost desirable on Washington Heights. Wilt ?crept other Improved property In part payment. For permit to inspect apply to or address, J. V. N. HUYCK. aulO-tf lftoft I*a. are. n.w. FOR SA LE? HOUSES. No. 2143 N st. n.w.; 8 rooms and bath; all modern Improvements; tiled lw?th room; recently remodeled. Csn sell at a bargain prl<-e. THE WASHLNGTON LOAN A TUUST COMPANY. Jell-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SAl.E?A VERY PRETTY 6-R. MUCK RF.SI dence; heated by steam; handsomely papered; 1st floor, p.rlor, dining rwm and kitchen; 2d floor. 3 chamler* nnd tiled hath; concreted cellar throughout; situate on Qulncy at.; price. *:? :.<*>. GASCII BROS., 1307 F st. tnh30 tf FOR SALE?LOTS. FOR SALE - ON THE GROl'ND FLOOR-Deslralde lota in PBTWORTH. A splendid chance for n bnijd-r. B. 11. WARNEIt COMPANY, au!T-3t H16 F street n.w. For sale bargains hi iijikics uriMinT.v Ity?ItiO ft. front on M st. bet. N. Cap. and lat st*. u.w. by 100 feet deep to alley; part or all at ti7?*c. Also n.w. cor. 4th and D n,e., 24,770 *q. ft.. 318 ft. front, good alleys. Price <2>*c. Will sell part. anl7-3t R. W. WALKER A SON. lOOfi F n.w. FOR SALE-TWO VERY* DES1RAKLK BUILDING lots; 21st st. near R; .20 ft. each; price, $3,1HA> ^ach. aul7-3t R. W. WAIJCER A SON, 1000 F n.w. FOR SALE?LOTS IN ALL SECTIONS. ALL sites and at all prices. Parties wlsblug to pur chase for building purposes or for a future ad Tance in value should write or see us. THOMAS J. FlSHEIt & CO.. 1414 F st. n.w. Jy30-lm FOR SALE?LOTS. On Huntingtot: pla-e n.w., north side of street; 60\14.V just off 14th St.; PRICE, $1 PER SQUARE FOOT. THE WASHINGTON LOAN A TRUST COMPANT. Jell-tf Ileal Estate Department. FOR SALE?SACRIFICE?NORTHWEST CORNl it 17th and M sts.; slice 50x69.2. Bargain for soma one. GASCII RROS.. a|i26-tf 1307 F at. n.w. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE?JEWELER'S WALL CASE; SOIJD walnut, plate glass, raising doors; about 4M<>1UI-K. $75o MODEL. IN PER fect order; extra tire, tank and many fixture*; must be sold; owner leaving city. F. 1*. AVERY, 214S I'enna. ave. n.w. aul7-3t* FOR SALE-ALMOST NEW UPH1GHT PIAN'n. $175; one Mason tc llamliu. $25. $3 per month; square pianos, $25 up; 2 slight !y used Stleff pianos at great reduction. STIEFF PIANO WAREROOMS, 521 lltli St. n.w. aul7-3t* FOR SALE?TWO-HP. ACME ENGINE AND boiler, $75. A. F. MKEM, Gaithersburg, Md. aulti-3t* FOR SALE?CHEAP?60-FT. STEA M LAUNCH, in first-class condition; Roberts boHcr, compound engine. For further information address A. F. JOISS. Ornamental Iron Works, 315 13th st. n.w. aul6-3t* FOR SAI.E-FEW ONLY IXIT OF THOSE FINE Sewing Machines Selling So Rapidly At $5.0s octaves?full, sweet tone. Only used six months. Fully warranted by us. Cost them $4u0. GRIMES' PIANO STORE, ftul4-tfl5 013 Pa. ave. FOR SALE?PAWN TICKET FOR MCE WHITE diamond ring; ticket cheap. Address A. N. O., Star office. au!4-3t* FOR SALE? On $1 weekly payments? One square piano, $15; One Ciilckeriug square piano, $25. anl4 F. G. SMITH, 1225 Pa. are. FOR SALE?CHICKERING SQUARE PIANO. IN good condition, for immediate use, will be sold for storage. Come quick and ^fet a bargain. At 1014 7th st. n.w. aul3-lm FOR SALE?$750 STEAM CARRIAGE FOR $450; nearly new; good condition. Address P. O. Bos 233: au!2tf FOR SALE?BIGGEST PIANO BARGAINS EVER offered: New upri ;ht pianos from $125 upward; $5 monthly payment. Organs. $2o upward. Pianos tuned, $1. HELBIG'S MUSIC STORE. 1742 7th. aa7-tf,4 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND I'FRIGHT. $125. easy terms; fine square piano, $75. Pianos tuned, stored and hauled HUGO WORCU. 023 F st. Sobmer pianos, Worch pianos. Jel3-6m FOR SALE-IIAIR MATTRESS. TWO PARTS. $0; lounges, $2.75; go-enrts, $2.50; parlor and bed room suites, $1 per week; special for cash. RED MOND'S, 311 and 313 7th st. n.w. my24-tf FOR SALE-NEW ACTOMATIC SEWING >lX chines can be bought for $35.00 from WM. STIEBELING, 1751 Penna. ave. n.w. Not repre sented by solicitors. Agency Household and Standard Sewing Machines. del7-tf FOR SALE-GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHADES, fitted to your windows, only 25c.; the best quality oil opaque 'lades, 50c., hung free. Will call with samples. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th and H sts. n.e. my3-4, tf PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. AUGUST 16, 1901.?Sealed proposals will be received at thl* department until TWO O'CLOCK P.M.. AUGUST TWENTY'-SIXTH. 1991, and then opened, for Electric Light Fittings and Materials for the In terior Department buildings, Washington, D. C.. in accordance with specifications, copies of which may be obtained upon application to the chief clerk of this department. E. A. HITCHCOCK, Secretary. au!9-6t UNITED STATES SENATE, OFFICE OF THE Secretary. Washington, D. C.. August 19, 1901.? Sealed proposals will be received at this office until TWELVE O'CLOCK M., SEPTEMBER SEV ENTEENTH. 1901, for furnishing Stationery for the use of the United States Senate for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902. Blank forms of pro posals, showing the quantity and quality of each article and the form of bond to be signed by the bidder and sureties, will be furnished an applica tion to this office. Proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for Stationery for the United States Senate," and be directed to Charles G. Bennett, Secretary of the United States Senate, Washing ton. D. C. Proposals and specimens must be de livered at this office, free of charge, before the hour named above. CHARLES G. BENNETT, Sec retary. aul9-law-4w PROPOSAL FOR STEAM BOILERS. ENGINES and HEATING and VENTILATING APPARATUS. ?Office of the Commissioners, D. C.. Washington, August 16. 1901.?Sealed proposals will be received at this office untU TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, AU GUST TWENTY-FOURTH. 1901. for furnishing and erecting, complete and ready for use, at the Curtis and Addison School Buildings, between O and P and 32d and 83d streets n.w., two Steam Boilers, one Engine, one Pump, Steam-heating and Ventilating Apparatus, and connections and attach ments ss specified. Specifications, blank forms of proposal, and all necessary Information, may be obtained at this office. By order of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia. WILL IAM TINDALL, Secretary. aul6-6t COUNTRY BOARD! BOARDERS ON FARM VERY REASONABLE FOR the rest of season. For particulars address QUIETT, O'Donuell's Drug Store, 32d and O sts au!9-2t . COUNTRY BOARD?I WANT 5 OR 6 FAMILIES TO board; pleasant rooms; good table hoard; good milk and butter, ice and chickens; moderate terms. Mrs. LIZZIE DUNBAR, Gainesville, Vs. au!7-3t* IN HOME OF PHYSICIAN. TWO DELIGHTFUL, cool rooms, suitable for 4 adults; city conven iences; table first-class; fonr dally malls: quiet and restful; terms moderate. Address Mrs. N. L G., Walkersvllle. Md. aul7-St* COME TO GLEN MANOR. FOREST GLEN. FOR good board; reduced to $5.00 per week for bal ance of scison; large bouse; porches; two squares from steam and electric cars. Mrs. PHILLIPS. au!3-6t* A FEW MORE BOARDERS WANTED AT A BEAU tiful country seat lu Maryland, three minutes from ststlon, half boor from Washington; loca tion high and healthy; fine shade; bath; excellent table; abundance of fruit, milk and vegetables; reasonsble terms. Address Box 129, Star office. au!6-3t* HIIGHT AT THE FAUQUIER WHITE SULPHUR Springs; first-class country board. $4.50 per week. Apply to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HANBACK. au!6-3t? "RURAL HOME ON WEST RIVER"?NOW OPEN. Nicely located on West river, In view of Chess Kake bay, 6 miles below Bay Ridge; good shade; rge l"?n; fishing, crabbing, rowing and sailing; fruit in sesson. For descriptive circular address (Mrs.) MATILDA NOWELL, Shady Side. Md. je?-78t 1JNGANORE HILLS INN, NEAR FREDERICK? Situation high, large lawn, ahade, double porches, fishing, boating: refs. exch. For booklet address Mtss E. M. BROWN. Frederick, Md. a|fl9-104t FOB exchange! FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE?10-ACRR ORANGE grove; 6 acres bearing orange trees, 4 acres 5 year-old grape fruit trees. In fine condition; In suburbs of Tampa, Fin.; population, 25,000. - Price. $8,000, or will exchange for residence In Washington. Address X. X>. 1, Star office. IV