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In sympathy strike
One Thousand Tubs Workers Quit
Work This Morning.
The Men Belonged to American
Federation of Labor.
Sj>ecial From a Staff Correspondent.
PITTSBURG, Pa-, August 20.?An idea
is afforded of the'attitude which allied
labor is assuming toward the strike in the
action last night of "00 men in one mill
and 3?"0 in another, not a man of whom be
longs to the Amalgamated, but who quiet
ly left th-dr work and joined the strikers.
Ti?y did it because their mills were hand
ling iron skelp made by non-union men.
They themselves are members of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, and. therefore,
unionists. Their action was entirely unex
pected. no whisper of trouble or disaffection
having reached their employers. They were
under no obligations to the Amalgamated
and had not bet* asked to strike. But at
? o'clock these 700 men made up their
minds that in the fight between the steel
trust and the workers they were being used
to the disadvantage of organized labor and
they would not stand it.
This was at the Pennsylvania Tube Com
pany's plant, and a delegation of the
strikers went to the Continental mill, where
."U<o more tube workers were at work, and
got them out.
Wlint Tlielr Action Indicate*.
All of this indicates one thing clearly. It
shows that the workingmen of this section
are accepting the statement of the Amal
gamated leaders that labor is having a fight
to the death with the trust, and that every
man of them must bear a hand in the
struggle." It shows a very dangerous senti
ment in the community, that in the e\ent
of extreme measures being taken to put
down the strike resistance of a most for
midable character may result.
Manufacturers are very much worried
over the situation, as no employer knows
where the strike f**ver will break out next.
Within a week it has extended into quar
ters believed to be immune. The business
interests of the community can only stand
by and see the industrial progress of the
section halting by rapid and perceptible
degrees. In fear and trembling all eyes
are now turned upon the great Carnegie
plants, where the leaders of the Amalga
mated Association have been working
steadily to effect organizations that may
lend aid to the strike. Heroic measures
are being taken by the steel trust mana
gers to checkmate the strike leaders. The
mills are full of spies and detectives, and
any man suspected of leaning toward
unionism is immediately discharged. Ten
workmen were put out of the Duquesno
mill yesterday because they had secretly
Joined the union. No one knows how many
are left whom the managers did not find.
President Shaffer, when asked his inten
tions with regard to the Duquesne mill,
said: "When we are ready that mill will
be attended to without any difficulty. There
will be plenty of trouble for the trust."
Shaffer Flraiied With the Situation.
He is delighted with the progress of the
past ten days, and says the fi^ht has hard
ly begun yet; that the Amalgamated will
continue to get out men In increasing num
bers and that there will be no further
overtures from his side for peace.
The return of Secretary Tighe from his
wt stern trip with news of the Chicago dit
uation has still further encouraged the
strikers. Tighe voices the belief that the
great steel works at South Chicago will be
idle before the close of the week.
Seven hundred more men went out at the
Pennsvlvanla Tube W orks this morning,
making nearly 1,400 men on strike in that
mill since last night. These are all Federa
tion of Labor people and are striking in
Tube Com bine Iladly Crippled.
The Amalgamated Association and its
sympathizers have now tied up three out
of the eleven plants of the tube combine,
and these being of the largest production,
about 45 per cent of the total capacity is
crippled. The Pennsylvania plant is one
of the largest of the tube combine's works
and makes annually about 'JO.OOO tons of
finished pipe.
These works have been known as the
Standard Oil plant, as much of the pij>e
used by that combination was bought from
the Pennsylvania. Much of the same
trade is still handled from this plant, and
it la believed that the oil operations in
West Virginia and other fields near Pitts
burg and even in Texas will be affected by
the strike.
One of the trust's big mills in Allegheny,
which has been barely limping along, was
cl med down this morning.
The trust, with great effort, is keeping
two of the Carnegie mills In Pittsburg go
ing. but with reduced tonnage. Wages as
high as $ir> a day are offered skilled work
ers to go into these plants, as the Carnegie
people do not want to let the strike get a
foothold in any of their mills.
An agent of the German government is
here Investigating the possibility of a
strike in the mills which make armor
plate for foreign contract.
Reports from Duquesne this afternoon
Indicate considerable restlessness among
the men in the Carnegie mills at that
place. N. O. M.
Steel Trunt Official Predict* That It
Will Soon Collapse.
By Associated i'ree*.
PITTSBURG, Pa., August 20?An offi
cial of the steel trust, when told of the
strike at the Pennsylvania tube works last
night, said: "Let the good work go on.
Brother Shaffer Is very rapidly getting a
topheavy strike. The larger his army,
the quicker It will break up. Just wait
until he begins to hurtle money for strike
benefit*. I hope Chicago does go out. The
more the merrier."
The steel managers announced that an
other mi l was on today at the Clark mills,
and that the property was now running in
full. The other properties, they said, were
running today as they were yesterday
They denied the story that there had been
a break at Duquesne during the night.
The strikers claim that they have again
crippled the Lindsay & McCutcheon mills
by taking some of the non-union men, and
also capturing several skilled men on the
way into the plant, but the managers say
they are working one mill as usual, and
that they will have a couple more mills on
before the end of the week.
The expioslon of some railroad torpedoes
at Monessen early this morning created
some excitement, and large crowds gath
ered on the streets and near the steel
mills. There were large crowds around
the newly crippled tube works in this city
today, but no disorder.
Wellsville reports indicate a critical sit
uation, but the cry of the wolf has been
raised so often as to disorder there during
this strike that this latest announcement
attracted little attention.
The organized strikers at McKeesport
plan a general strike headquarters, one
feature of which will be a press bureau.
The leaders say the latter will give out
strictlv truthful strike reports and stop
the exaggerated tales which, they say, are
injuring the town and Mayor Black.*
The local strike leaders express them
selves as being fully satisfied with the
progress of the strike and confident of
Gompern In Pennsylvania Yet.
President Gompers of the American Fed
eration of Labor has not yet returned from
Pennsylvania, where he has been for sev
eral days, and the only Information at
the headquarters of the federation concern
ing the strike of the federation men at the
Pennsylvania Tube Works is contained in
a telegram from Organizer Schwartz, say
ing the men were going to strike.
Under the organization of the American
Federation of Labor the president has no
power to order a lodge to strike. The lodge
Itself must take a vote on the question,
and it is presumed that that has been done
at the tube works.
?Mueh Depend* In the Steel Strike on
Their CoarNe.
CHICAGO. August 20.?"South Chicago
and the great steel works located there
have become the vital center of the steel
strike now hanging over the country," says
the Tribune. "This was shown in two new
ways yesterday.
"In the first place. Organizer and Vice
President Davis, who failed nine days ago
to influence the steel workers there to
strike, sent an urgent telegram to Presi- j
dent Shaffer of the Amalgamated Associa
tion appealing to him to come here and use
his powers to force a reconsideration and a
strike. In the second place, the four lodges
of the Amalgamated Association in Jolie-t,
wno voted last week to strike, seem now to
be wavering on the verge of a return to
work. Their action, as they freely avow, I
Is now to let their policy hang on the de
cision of the South Chicago steel workers I
" the latter decide to strike the Joliet men
will remain out; if the South Chicago
brethren remain at work the Joliet workers
will resume their tasks.
"The appeal to Shaffer was sent in the I
afternoon by Vic? President Davis, who
nail received no answer last night. '
Developed 1?>- the Confession of One
of the Plottem.
CHICAGO, August 2;).?Details of an al
leged plot by which two Chicago stone
yards were wrecked by dynamite on Au
gust 1J in order to deprive 200 members of
an independent stonecutter's union of em
ployment are believed by the police to be
cleared up in the arrest and confession of
Frank Hardy, formerly an employe of the
Chicago Athletic Association.
In\oh ed with Hardy in the confession
and alleged plot, and also under arrest,
are Michael Fitzgerald, a teamster, and Joe
The two stone yards which were wrecked
employed stonecutters who broke away
from the old Building Trades Council dur
ing the strike of last year. These stone
cutters belong to an independent union and
are pitted in trade rivalry against seventy
five other stonecutters who still belong to
the old union. This rivalry has led to fre
quent assaults upon members of the In
dependent union, according to the police.
? ? ?
Steamer J. G. Kimball Brings Netri of
ProMpectlve Hard Luck.
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., August 20.
The steamer John G. Kimball, from Nome,
August 8, has arrived here. Passengers on
the Kimball bring hard-luck stories from
Nome, and say that when winter sets in
there will be the usual number of destitute
men who will have to face starvation or
be given transportation to Puget sound.
Most of these had money when reaching
Nome, but through their efTorts to reach
reported strikes have expended their last
dollar, and are now seeking work, but the
labor market is already over-supplied.
A third man has been found to be among
the victims of Unamik Island murder of
June 2?J. P. Rooney of Seattle.
Two suspects are under arrest at I'na
laska as murderers of the Sutherland
brothers. Their names are Hardin and
Rich strikes are reported from Rampart.
Iron creek, on Tanana. and the Koyukuk
district. In the Kougarok district there is
much disappointment. Many claims are
proving blanks.
? ? ?
Great Interest In the Western Open
Golf Championship.
CHICAGO, August 20.?Play in the west
ern open golf championship tournament,
open to Jsoth amateurs and professionals,
-began on the Midlothian Country Club's
links at 9:80 a.m. today with a field of
forty-two starters.
The contest calls for thirty-six holes,
medal play, the first half to be played dur
ing the morning and the second half be
ginning at 2:.f0 p.m. Despite wet grounds
and promises of rain a large gallery fol
lowed the players, as the tournament is
considered the most notable of western
golfing events.
David Bell (Midlothian crack), paired
with Harry Tuipie of Edgewater, teed off
with a mighty drive for the second hole
Turpie following immediately. The other
pairs followed at intervals of three min
Court* at Newport Were In Poor Con
dition This Morning;.
NEWPORT, R. I., August 20.?The card
for today in the national tennis tourna
ment Included the unfinished Ware-Larned
match of yesterday and the other semi-final
between Wright and Little. The crowd
which had been disappointed yesterday ap
peared in even greater numbers, for the
one set that it saw then was the fastest
kind of tennis, and the prospects for today
were excellent.
Though clouds still obscured the sky in
the early morning, they began to break
away shortly after ? o'clock. The courts
were still soaked from the heavy rain of
yesterday, but the rollers were put to work
and the prospects were that they would be
in good enough condition to play at 11 the
scheduled hour.
He Will Spend a Few Days at Summer
CLEVELAND, Ohio, August 20.?Senator
and Mrs. Hanna, accompanied by their two
daughters, the Misses Mabel and Ruth,
left Cleveland today on the steamer North
west for Hay lake, near Sault Ste. Marie,
Mich., where the family will spend a few
days at the Hanna summer cottage.
Mr. Hanna will take an active part In
the formal opening of the republican state
campaign, which will probably take place
at Delaware on September 2L Among the
speakers will be Senators Foraker and
Hanna, Governor Nash and Carl L. Nip
pert, candidate for lieutenant governor.
Pierce City, Missouri, in the Hands
of a Mob.
Arsenal of City Militia Company
Seized and Appropriated.'
SPRINGFIELD, Mo., August 20.?Pierce
City, where William Godley and Gene Car
ter, colored, were lynched last night in
connection with the murder of Miss Caselle
Wild, is today in the hands of hundreds of
armed men, who are intent on driving all
negroes from town.
All negro houses In the city are being
fired by the enraged whites. One negro,
Peter Hampton, is said to have been cre
mated in his home.
The mob broke into the arsenal of the
local military company and is now in pos
session of improved rifles. So much ex
citement prevails that It is almost Impos
sible to secure over the wires a connected
story of the outbreak. Correspondents have
started from here for the scene.
Most of the negroes have left Pierce City
and abandoned their homes, which have
been burned.
A report was sent out that two negroes
in addition to Godley and Carter were
lynched early today. This is denied.
Railway Porter Aoenseil.
George Lark, a porter on the St. Louis
and San Francisco railroad, whom Carter
charged with being Miss Wild's murderer,
was arrested in Springfield this morning
and Is in jail here. Lark declares his in
nocence and says the man who committed
the crime boarded with him and fled.
Bloodhounds put on the trail at the scene
of the murder went directly, It is said, to
Lark s house.
Eugene Barrett, a negro suspect, has
stated that a man named Flavors, who
formerly boarded with Lark, was the real
Flavors is said to be under arrest at
Tulsa, I. T.,' over the territory line from
here, and Barrett is under arrest at Mount
Vernon, twenty-five miles from Pierce
Flavors undoubtedly will be lynched If
brought back.
It is not believed Barrett will be mo
Excitement which led up to the lynching
of the Godleys continued all night, and
morning found the enraged white people
determined to rid the city and vicinity of
negroes. After stringing young Godley up
t d a pole and riddling his body with bul
lets the mob went to the house of French
Godley, the young man's grandfather, and
shot him to death. They then bombarded
Ike Carter's house, in which were Peter
and Robert Hampton, all negroes.
Old Kiepjro Burned to Death.
Peter Hampton, who was seventy-five
years old, was burned to death when the
house was set afire. His wife and Robert
Hampton escaped through the flames. The
mob then marched from place to place
burning negro houses and firing into them.
The negroes fled In all directions, many
taking refuge In the woods, while others
are coming as far as Springfield to find
places of safety.
The authorities telephoned Monett and
Aurora, near-by towns, for help, but at 10
o'clock this morning the city was still In
the hands of the mob, which finally broke
into "the arsenal of the Pierce City nviiitla
company and abstracted all the state rifles
stored there.
Every train to Pierce City is bringing in
excited crowds that add to the general con
The report sent out last night that a boy
was shot is denied today, and the name of
the man shot to death is given as French
Godley instead of Gene Carter, as previous
ly stated.
The Lrni'hinx of La*t Night.
Will Godley and Gene Carter were lynched
at Pierce City, Mo.,last night by a mob com
posed of 1,000 armed citizens, who charged
him with the murder of Miss Caralle Wild,
whose dead body was found yesterday in
the woods near there. The mob went to
the Jail about 9 o'clock and battered down
the doors and threw ropes around the necks
of Godley and Gene Carter, a suspect.
Godley was hanged in front of the Law
rence Hotel and his body riddled with bul
lets. Carter's guilt was not clearly estab
lished and he was taken back to Jail.
Miss Wild was attacked on her way
home Sunday. The crime was committed
at the 'Frisco railway bridge, half a mile
from the railway station. The girl was
crossing the bridge, when the negro, who
had been sitting on the rail, attacked her.
A farmer In an adjoining field witnessed
the assault, but heard no outcry and did
not Interfere. Later, when the negro was
seen running down the track, he gave the
alarm. The girl's body was found lying In
the weeds under the bridge.
Gene Carter was afterward taken out by
the mob, riddled with bullets and left dy
ing in the street.
Slate for Penimylvanla Republican
Convention Tomorrow.
HARRISBURG, Pa., August 20?The
republican state convention, which meets
tomorrow in the Harrisburg opera house,
will nominate Judge Wm. P. Potter of
Pittsburg for supreme court judge, and
State Representative Frank G. Harris of
Clearfield for state treasurer. There are
no other candidates, and unless there is a
decided change of sentiment among the
delegates their nominations will be made
by acclamation. Owing to the absence of
contests the customary meeting of the
state committee to make up the roll of
delegates and select officers of the conven
tion has been dispensed with.
Mr. Harris opened headquarters today at
the Lochiel Hotel, and he will be joined
this evening by a train load of shouters
and a brass band from his home. Judge
Potter has no headquarters, and will not
attend the convention, his candidacy being
looked after by Gov. Stone and other party
leaders. The indications are that the con
vention will dispose of its work in short
order and that It will be a quiet and peace
ful gathering.
Former Belgian Minister a Sale Me.
BRUSSELS, August 20.?M. Nyssens, for
mer minister of Industry and labor, com
mitted suicide this morning by shooting
himself with a revolver In the right tem
ple. Domestic trouble la assigned as the
cause for the aoU
Contract Laborers Will Sot, However,
Be Admitted to the States
or Hairall.
Kogoro Takahlra the Japanese minister
called at the Treasury Department today
and had a talk with Mr. Taylor, the as
sistant secretary, regarding several mat
ters in which the Japanese are interested
One of these was the question of Japa
nese immigration to Honolulu. Some time
ago when there was a great hue and cry
on the Pacific coast about the heavy inrmi
gration of Japanese to this country, the
government of Japan Issued an edict for
bidding immigration to the United Stales
The consequence was that there have been
comparatively few arrivals from Japan
Efforts were made .'n Hawaii to have the
Japanese government change Us edict so
that Japanese could go to Hawaii to work
in the sugar plantations.
Ko Contract Labor Permissible.
Mr. Takahira today asked Mr. Taylor if
Japanese going to Honolulu would be re
fused admission, saying that his govern
ment had been considering the matter of
amending its edict so as to let some of its
citizens come to this country and Hono
lulu. Mr. Taylor informed the minster
that if the Japanese went to Honolulu un
der any kind of a contract, either verbal
or written, they would be detained and de
ported, but if they sought admission in
the ordinary way they could not be de
tained if they were desirable pepple.
Sugar Planters Want japs.
It is understood that in the near future
a number of small parties of Japanese
will go to Honolulu, where it is probable
that they will be immediately employed by
sugar planters, who are eagerly seeking
labor of this kind. The sugar planters are
now taking Porto Ricans to the islands
but would much prefer the Japanese, who
clean fcHiKent' haFd worklng:? thrifty and
Air. Takahira also conferred with Mr
Taylor as to an official of an important
Su^Thu Th? 16 detalned at Hono
iu.u. This official was on his wav to this
t(i ,nsPect some of the branches
of the bank, but was held at Honolulu.
death op sex oh vicuna.
The Minister of Chile Expired at
A dispatch was received at the State' De
partment at noon today announcing the
death at Buffalo of Senor Don Carlos
Maria Vicuna, the minister of Chile to the
United States, and one of the best known
and most capable of South American states
men. The notification came from Senor In
fanta, first secretary of the Chilean lega
tion, who has been with the minister at
Buffalo, and gave no details beyond the
simple announcement that Senor Vicuna
had passed away. He has been ill for tome
time with pneumonia, and after throwing
off the first attack suffered a relapse, from
which he was unable to rally! Owing to
Ohiie^nSt?1t2lVd-fI^nLatlc representative of
wrui ?!, U nited States the govern/iient
will show every consideration of respect
and honor to the deceased. Besides being
S?l?i p trT C^Ue he was commissioner
L An Jm,erican exposition, and lately
the Chilean delegate on the Chilean claims
thrio?LVI?Una Came to Washington about
three years ago succeeding Minister Gana,
who was transferred to London. The Vi
cunas have been prominent in South Amer
himsfiM minister soon endeared
wTfh? ,? ? of"c,aIs a"d diplomatists in
and abifitv" He farming personality
? I J' was accompanied by his
wife and family, who have been an Inter
Of kft*aCthiisJtionflto 'he diplomatic circle.
Of late the legation in Washington has
been closed, the minister and family and
the entire official establishment being re
the lead of South American republics in the
magnitude of its exhibit.
As jet no word h<is been rer^iv^d as to
to^he'dVaH0' arranKements. Owing
to the distinguished position of Senor Vi
cuna in Chile that country will undoubtedly
tf?pnt?n p'mi remains returned for m
LT, i??. K KleanuSo11' Whether the re
mains will be brought to Washington is yet
nf m?, ^ermined. Soon after the receipt
of the dispatch announcing the minister's
death Secretary Hay sent a mSsage of
friends*?* t0 thC bereaved relatives*and
Contracted Death Illness on Trip.
Minister Vicuna went to BufTalo from
Washington July 18 to attend the cere
monies incident upon the formal opening of
the Chilean building at the Pan-American
exposition. He took to bed the day after
his arrival, the result of a cold contracted
on the journey. This developed Into pneu
monia, which had since become further
complicated. Senor Vicuna was believed,
however to be Improving, but during last
night suffered a relapse, from which he did
not rally.
Conference on the Measure Expected
Before Congress Meets.
A report that a conference was recently
held in Maine to discuss the profepects of
the ship subsidy bill at the next session of
Congress Is generally discredited here, but
It is known that some time in the fall a
somewhat formal conference is contem
plated. It is said that republicans, regard
less of their views on this question, believe
that an understanding and agreement
should be reached out of Congress, If pos
sible, and before submitting any subsidy
bill as a party measure to the overwhelm
ing republican majorities of both Senate
and House. The opinion Is general that
whatever measure can secure the party
trade mark can be passed at the coming
long session of Congress^ it Is desired, It
is said to devise a measure that win be so
generally acceptable to nepubllcans as to
prevent any breaks In the rauofcis* either In
at 1pol,R The ttrestam and
P?vn* pvtfwa8 ? opposed the fianna
Snn ^rosv,enor bm in *??? l??t ses
sion must be reckoned with in trvftis to
settle upon a bill that to colder* wise
fh * P^dent, but the oplnioSTls avowing
men wm agr"'?* ?'
P?tatln* Shamrock XL t
NEW YORK, August 20.-A# soon ma the
sun dissipated the fog today a gang of
painters began work on the topstdes of the
Shamrock II. a dark shade of green paint
was used and by noon they had fttlshed the
stem and part of the port side. They ex
pect to finish the painting by dark. The
crew of the Shamrock have been ftusv all
morning overhauling thT Jn^gS
L^nfa!o^bleeady t0 bend the weather
Engine and Kest WW
CLEVELAND, Otyo, August *0.?John
Eugtae and Adam K&t, the s? who were
rescued from the waterworMP*unnel yes
terday. after having been fcajrjoned near
ly six days without food, are imported to
be in a precarious condition tMay at the
hospital where they were takeiL They are
Jn a stupor or delirious of 4W.
The physicians, however^ m*n) t>elieye the
men will ultimately recov^
j Remit of Explosion of Benzine Tank
I at Philadelphia.
Were Fighting Flames Which Had
Started Previously.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. August 20.?Five
persons are known to have been killed by
the explosion of the big benzine tank at
the Atlantic Refining Company's oil
works at Point Breeze at midnight. The
dfad are: John McCullom, engine company
41); James Ealls, engine company 40; John
Dougherty, truck company, No. 0, and a
fireman and an employe of the refining
company, too badly burned to be recog
When the explosion occurred the fire
men of engine company 40 and employes
of the Atlantic Refining Company, in all
about fifty men, were at work in the
pumping house drawing off oil from the
burning tanks. The flames shot high in
the air and the pumping house was almost
completely demolished. The firemen who
had been playing streams on the other
tanks then directed their attention to the
rescue of the men who had been impris
oned in the pumping house. It was nearly
an hour before the men could be reached.
Meanwhile a score of streams of water
were pouring upon the ruins of the pump
ing house. The promptness with which the
firemen turned their attention to the res
cue of the men undoubtedly saved a score
of lives. As quickly as the men wefe res
cued from the ruins they were sent to the
hospitals in the lower section of the city.
Five bodies were recovered and sent to the
morgue, but only three of them could be
identified. Two bodies were roasted to a
crisp, and so blackened that it was al
most impossible to tell whether they were
those of white or colored men.
Injured Xot Serlonnly Hurt.
None of the seventeen injured men taken
to the hospital Is seriously injured. They
were suffering chiefly from burns and
bruises, and after having their wounds
dressed, nearly all were able to leave the
The pumping house where the explosion
occurred was midway between the two
rows of burning tanks, and the firemen
were endeavoring to confine the flames to
one row by drawing off the oil at the time
of the explosion.
There are one hundred tanks In the big
oil plant, and more than a dozen of thjm
were on fire. At the time of the explosion
the wind was blowing strong from the east
and carrying the flames directly toward
the other tanks, but early this morning the
wind shifted to the southwest, and thefe is
a probability of saving the other tanks
from destruction.
The lire was burning fiercely at 10 o'clock
this morning, the wind, blowing in a direc
tion that carried the heavy, stifling black
smoke directljr over the central section of
the city, almost obscuring the sun's rays.
Tank Steamers Saved.
At the time of the explosion two big
German tank steamers, Gut-Hell and
Marie, were loading petroleum at the At
lantic oil wharves, but they were towed
down the river to a place of safety.
Various theories are advanced as to the
cause of the explosion tn the pump house,
where the firemen lost their lives. Accord
ing to a fireman of Engine Company 46,
which was pumping out the oil from a
burning oil tank, the fluid was allowed to
get too low and drew the fire with it. The
explosion occurred as the men were pump
ing, and wonder is expressed by the men
that every one in the building did not lose
his life.
Another theory is that the oil In tank No.
80 overflowed and the burning oil spread
to the pump house, where the firemen were
at work, causing the oil there to explode.
There was* rumor early this morning that
a large gang of employes of the company
were buried when the explosion occurred.
Fire In Round Houae at Herkimer,
LITTLE FALLS, N. Y., August 20.?The
bodies of all the victims of the Herkimer
lound house explosion last night have been
Identified. The names are: John Deck,
Levi Gilbert, Lewis Jackson, Harry Stan
sel. James Wagle, Joseph Keller. Stansel
was a student at Syracuse University, tak
ing a course of architecture. Jackson,
Keller and Nagle were laborers. They
lived near the scene of the fatality.
It Is believed that the list of dead as
given above, and numbering six, is com
plete, although it is possible that some of
the railroad bridge gang may have been
The vicinity of the wrecked round house
was a scene of wreck and ruin today.
Twenty-five houses are practically In ruins,
several of them having been turned around
completely on their foundations. It was
generally reported that the building con
tained GU0 pounds of dynamite, a thousand
pounds of giant powder and a quantity of
The property damage by the explosion is
estimated at $30,000.
The Mohawk and Malone round house at
Herkimer was discovered to be on fire a*
10:30 last night. Watchman Gilbert and
an engine tender named John Deck, assist
ed by residents of the vicinity and members
of the bridge building gang, attempted to
extinguish the flames. While they were
battling with the fire a large quantity of
dynamite stored In the building exploded
with terrific force, killing Gilbert and Deck
and four others.
Information Aaked of the Attorney
General as to Steel Traat.
Attorney General Knox yesterday after
noon received a letter from the joint com
mittee of the American Anti-Trust League
and District Assembly 06, Knights of La
bor, requesting Information from Mr. Knox
regarding the United States Steel Corpora
tion. The letter, which is signed by H.
B. Martin, chairman, and William L.
Dewart, secretary, is as follows:
"We have the honor to request that you
afford us/all information that you are pos
sessed. dr or can obtain concerning an
agreement or agreements made between
the constituent companies and individuals
who organised the United States Steel
Corporation, commonly known as the steel
"The trust or syndicate agreement which
we especially desire is the one which Pres
ident C. M. Schwab of the United States
Steel Corporation refused to furnish to the
United States industrial commission when
on the witness stand before that body.
"Our request Is founded upon Informa
tion and belief that at the time this con
tract or these contracts was or were made
you were in some way officially connected
with the Carnegie Steel Company, which
institution is one of the principal com
panies in the United States Steel Corpora
tion. As this information is doubtless in
your possession or conveniently at hand
jou will greatly oblige this committee by
giving us the substance thereof in your
own language, or, if possible, a copy
"This request is to cover any other con
tracts of a similar kind with which you
are acquainted or which you can obtain
for us. Our object is to prevent the fail
ure of justice in certain legal proceedings
which we contemplate in the near future."
Mr. Knox will send an answer t+ the
committee probably this afternoon. The
answer will be brief and business-like, and
will probably give the committee to un
derstand that if there was any information
in his possession of the kind wanted he
would decline to give It, because it would
violate a confidence.
Surprise at the Cpniments of German
There was an entire absence of develop
ments on the Colombian-Venezuelan situa
tion at the Navy and State Departments
today. Some surprise and amusement has
been caused by the comments of the Ger
man press to the effect that the United
States had ulterior motives in taking pre
cautionary measures relative to affairs on
the isthmus. Such expressions show an
entire lack of knowledge of the plain pur
poses of this government to take no hand
in the southern troubles except for the pro
tection of American interests or in execu
tion of the requirements of our treaty with
Colombia. However, these comments re
ceive no serious attention from those in
authority, as they are expressive of indi
vidual opinion. It is noticeable, however,
that the South American countries most
concerned have no such concern as to
American purposes as those expressed in
some of the European newspapers.
The Navy Department this morning an
nounced that the battle ship Iowa, which
has bee? undergoing repairs to her boilers
at San Francisco, will leave that port
some time today on her trip southward to
Atlanta Man Twice Offered Trea?ury
Place Making; a Year.
The officers of the Treasury Department
today had a strange experience. A few
months ago in making a selection from
one of the eligible registers of bookkeepers
at the civil service commission their at
tention was attracted by the most excel
lent papers of a young man from Atlanta,
Ga., and as they were so business-like and
presented such a neat clerical app?arance
he was selected and tendered a position at
a year. In due course of time the de
partment received a communication stat
ing that at that time he was so
busily engaged that he very reluctantly
declined the position. A few months after
ward his name was again certified, and
he was again selected and tendered a po
sition at the same salary. He again, in a
very courteous and business-like letter,
declined the position for business reasons.
He appeared at the department today and
called -on the proper officers, and after
paying respects and thanking them for
their selection he stated that the reason
he did not take the position at the times
tendered was that he had a business* posi
tion that was now paying him $50,000 a
year. He stated that he was born in
Pennsylvania and drifted from there to
Wilmington, Del., where he entered the
Technical Institute at that place and com
pleted a four years' course. He obtained
the means for his college course by sell
ing newspapers in the mornings and after
noons before and after classes. After
finishing his course at the institute he
went to Atlanta, Ga., and engaged in his
present business. Being In a position to
enjoy a rest from his hard labors he
stated that he was taking a vacation,
which included a trip to Halifax. Nova
Scotia, the Buffalo exposition and other
places of interest in that section of the
country, and being on his return home
and passing through Washington he called
at the department to express his thpnfca
for the twice-offered appointment, which,
under the circumstances, he thought he
very wisely declined.
The veterans in the Secretary's office
speak of this case as the most unique that
ever came under their observation.
Secretary Hay to Consult With Presi
dent McKinley.
Secretary Hay leaves today for Canton
for a general conference with the President
on subjects which have engaged attention
of late. The length of his stay is not cer
tain, but he will probably return to Wash
ington before going back to his summer
home at Newbury, N. H.
"Will Have No Effect on the National
The State Department has not been ad
vised of the reported action of the British
authorities in deferring the withdrawal of
their troops in China until satisfaction is
given for the Chu-Chau massacre. But in
any event this would have no bearing on
the national questions under consideration
at Pekin, as the Chu-Chau affair occurrcd
in the south and was not directly connected
with the more general disturbance.
Capt. Emory to Command Indiana.
Captain W. H. Emory has been detaohed
from duty In command of the Monongahela
and ordered to his home, where he will re
main until the 29th instant, at which time
he will take command of the Indiana.
Lieutenant Commander C. B. T. Moore,
Lieutenant B. B. Bierer, Ensigns C. E. Gil
pin and F. T. Evans have been detached
from the Brutus and ordered home on wait
ing orders.
Commander C. P. Rees, from the torpedo
station to command of the Monongahela.
Commander A. B. Speyers, from Cavite
station to command of the Monadnock in
stead of the Brooklyn.
Chicago to Be Dry Docked.
The cruiser Chicago has left Southamp
ton for Portsmouth, England, where she
will go into dry dock. After leaving dry
dock she will proceed to Genoa, where she
will rendezvous with the cruiser Albany
and the gunboat Nashville.
Mr. Bryan's Cruise.
The United States minister to Brazil, Mr.
Bryan, has gone aboard the cruiser At
lanta, now cruising along the Brazilian
coast. It is probable that the trip is one
of pleasure and general inspection.
Government Recetpts.
National bank notes received today for
redemption, $895,567. Government receipts
from Internal revenue, $279,710; customs,
1826,300; miscellaneous, 164,940; expendi
tures, *1,180,000.
Site fur Seattle's Public Bui Id la
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Tay
lor today selected the site for the public
building at Seattle, Wash. The site Is the
one offered by Crawford and Canover, and
Is the southeast corner of Union street and
Sd avenue. Its dimensions are 184 by 240
feet, and the price to be paid is 1174.750.
Fourth-Class Postmasters.
The following fourth-class postmasters
were appointed today:
New York?C. 6. Rice, Gtiilford Center;
L. A. Baker, Purdy Creek; F. V. Hoose,
South Kort right.
New Hampshire?C. Carleton, Stewarts
town. , .
Persons leaving: the city for any
period can have The Star mailed to
them by ordering It at this office, in
person or by letter. Terms: 13 cents
per week; 25 cents for two weeks, or
BO cents per month. Invariably in
advance. The address may be
changed as frequently as desired.
Always give the last address, as well
as the new one.
He May Not Sit on the Schley Court
of Inquiry.
If It is Authentic He Would Be
* ,
Admiral Schley and his attorneys today
instituted action at the Navy Department
aimed to ascertain the qualifications of
Rear Admiral Howison as a member of
the Schley court of inquiry. Admiral Schley
filed a letter with Mr. Hackett, the acting
secretary of the navy, inclosing a clipping
from a Boston newspaper which purports
to give an interview with Admiral Howl
son reflecting upon Admiral Schley. When
seen today in relation to the subject Mr.
Hackett announced that such a letter had
been received, but declined absolutely to
divulgl any of Its contents or to discuss
it in any phase whatever.
It was learned, however, that the com
munication aims to elicit from Admiral
Howison either a confirmation or a denial
as to the authenticity of the alleged inter
view. The letter will probably be forward
ed to Admiral Howison by the department
with a request that that officer rej ly as to
whether it is correct or not.
A few days ago. however, when the at
HliiKei on HoitIiob'i Iteply.
tention of the department was directed to
this interview, it was stated in an unof
ficial way that Admiral Howison had de
nied its authenticity. In view of this fact,
therefore. It seems probable that when Ad
miral Howison replies formally to the com
munication to be sent to him he will record
an official denial of the statements accred
ited to him
The object of Admiral Schley and his at
torneys In learning absolutely whether the
interview Is authentic or not is to secure
Admiral Howison's relief as a member of
the court of inquiry in case it is proven
that the Interview is correct. I'nder the
provisions of the regulations of the navy
Admiral Howison's qualifications as a
member of the board in the event that he
has been correctly quoted may be question
ed and his relief from service on the court
effected. The provision of the naval regu
lations having applicability to the case Is
contained in section 2. paragraph 7, chap
ter 40, which says: "A member of a court
of inquiry may be challenged for cause by
either party."
May Be Challenged.
There can be no doubt that the interview
with Admiral Howison, if authentic, offers
ample provocation for such a challenge.
The practice In the past in sueh Instances
has been for attorneys for accused officers
to make challenges. In the event that Ad
miral Howison acknowledges the correct
ness of the statement attributed to him
Admiral Schley's attorneys may demand
that Admiral Howison be summarily re
moved by the Secretary of the Navy from
service on the court. If such a request Is
made, however, it is more than pr.^bable
that the whole matter will be referred to
the court itself for disposal. The history
of such affairs In the past leads to that
A court of Inquiry, according to naval
regulations, is the judge of the qualifica
tions of its own members. In all proba
bility, therefore, it will devolve upon this
court, if it is called upon to determine the
matter, to decide as to whether admiral
Howison is qualified to serve or not. In
case the court concludes to consider the
subject it will devolve upon Admirals
Dewey and Benham to decide whether Ad
miral Howison shall serve as their col
league on the court, Captain Lemly, the
Judge advocate, not being a member of the
court and therefore having no authority to
participate in the consideration of such a
subject. Admiral Howison, in case the af
fair reaches such a stage of development,
will be asked in open court whether the
statement attributed to him is correct or
not. He may answer either in the negative
or the affirmative. In such event disposi
tion of the case would be a simple and easy
matter. If, however. Admiral Howison's
answer should not be so categorical the
opinion of the two members of the court
deciding the matter might be divldtd. thus
causing a tie. Such a situation is unprece
dented in naval history and is not likely
to occur, but If by any possibility it does
the Navy Department will be called upon
by the two members of the court for fur
ther instructions.
Admiral Howison. however, in the event
that the interview is acknowledged to be
correct, may simplify matters by asking to
be relieved from duty on the court.
Capt. Parker'* Visit.
Captain Parker of counsel for Admiral
Schley called upon Mr. Hackett this morn
ing and held a conference with the acting
secretary of about fifteen minutes' dura
tion. When he emerged from the Secre
tary's office ne seemed to be somewhat ex
erclstd, but upon being questioned declined
to divulge the nature of the consultation.
A formal request for a list of witnesses
to be summoned by Captain Lemly before
the court was made by Admiral Schley's
counsel today. It will be complied with as
soon as practicable. Captain Lemly will
return to the city from Canada next Mon
day, when he will compile the list asked
for and forward it to the admiral and his
Lleat. Wells to AmmImI Schley.
Lieutenant Wells, who was flag secre
tary for Admiral Schley during the West
Indian campaign, has been detached from
the Kearsarge and ordered to Washinjjton
to assist Admiral Schley in the preparation
of his case. This action was taken at the
request of the admiral, who said he de
sired the assistance of Lieutenant Wells
because of his familiarity with all the cor
respondence during the time he (Schley)
was in command of the "flying squadron."
While the request of the counsel of Ad
miral Schley for a list of witnesses will be
submitted to Judge Advocate General Lem
ly, as a matter of form, it has already been
determined at the department that the re
?[uest will be complied with, and the list
urnlshed Admiral 8chley's lawyers. Pos
sibly this will not be done until after the
return of Captain Lemly to Washington.
Porto Rlcaa Merchant* Refuted to
Haadle the IbtoIcc.
NEW YORK. August 20.?The steamer
Maracaibo. which arrived today from San
Juan, Porto Rico, brought 23H sacks of
coffee. This shipment is the same coffee
sent to San Juan on the steamer Fonce,
which the merchants of Porto lUco agreed
to boycott. The tariff laws as they now
stand, permit coffee to be shipiied t<. Porto
Rico pnd undersell the local product. Tho
producers of coffee in Porto Rico became
alarmed and will ask Congress to give them
Steamship Arrivals.
At New York?Friesland, from Antwerp;
Minnehaha, from London; Kaiser Wilhelm
der Grosse, from Bremen; Manltou, from
At Plymouth?Pennsylvania, from New
York for Hamburg, via Cherbourg, and pro