Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL MENTION AMISEMEXTS TOXTGHT. ('abin John Bridge?Motion Pictures. Chevy Chase I^ike?Section United States Ma rtne Band. Kcrnan's?Clark's Royal Burlesquers. Sacred Heart Church? Lawn party and Cakewalk. EXCl RSIOSS TOMORROW. Steamer Pentz for River View at 10 a.m., 2:1.1, 4:.'lo and ?>:45 p.m. Steamer Macalester for Marshall Hall at lo a.m.. 2:^0 and 0:.'i0 p.m.; Indian Head, 6:30 p.m. Steamer Harry Randall for Colonial Beach at 8:45 a m. Steamer Macalester for Mount Vernon at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Steamer Estelle Randall for Glvmont and Intermediate landings at l?::w a.m. Steamer for Colonial Beach. Colton's. Piney Point and river landings at 4 p.m. Steamer Norfolk ror Fortress Monroe and Norfolk at 0:3o p.m. Randall line from 8th street wharf for Colonial Beach and lower river landings at 7 a.m. Trains for Chesapeake Beach leave Dis trict line at 10:3U a.m.. 2:.'l0 and 5 p.m. Trains leave B. and O depot for Chau tauqua Beach at 9:10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Steam? r Emma Giles?Bon Ton Excur sions. Chesapeake bay via B. and O., 9:10 a.m. daily. Trains leave Pennsylvania avenue and 3street for Alexandria and Arlington ewrv forty-live mimnes. Mount Vernon hourly lu a m. to 3 p.m. Care leave Aqueduct bridge for Arlington and Fort Myer every half hour; Falls Church hourly. See schedule. For iced t^a use Kenny's "Cheon." The best ,V>c. Mixed Tea in America. Pure Sugars sold at cost. C. D. Kenny Co. 50 stores. Joseph Price, colored, was today convict ed in the Police Court of assaulting his Sister, Ida Price, by slapping her, and Judge O'Donnell sent him to jail for three months. "QUEEN OF SI MMER TRIPS." BOSTON BY SEA. Complimentary t xcursions Old Point Comfort to holders first-class tickets. Balti more to Boston. For particulars and Tour Book address Pass. Dept., M. and M. T. Co.. Baltimore, Md. Try Reisingei'3 Ice Cream. $1 gal.; 50c. V, gal. Fancy Cakes. 'Phone 2458-3. 235 G st" Walter Posey, aged sixteen years, was today convicted in the Police Court of being idle and Incorrigible and at the re quest of the board of children's guardians Judge O'Donnell sent him to the reform School. Gas Stoves. 15c.up. Blue-flame Oil Stoves. I5.U0 up. Gas Ranges. $5.00 up. A. ERERLY'S SONS. 718 7th. BEFORE YOU CLEAN HOUSE have us clean the carpets. We do the work right. Take out all dust and grit. Make Colors fresh and bright without injury. M. R. THORP, 488 Maine ave. CITY AND DISTRICT Sementi# Browne am a Life-Saver. Miss Caroline Jarboe of this city nar rowly escaped losing her life a few days ago while bathing near Leonardtown. A friend of the young lady missed her from the party of bathers and immediately in formed Police Sergeant Browne of the first precinct, this city, who was In the vicinity. The sergeant saw Miss Jarboe when she came to the top of the water and heard her call for help. He promptly Jumped in the water and rescued her. Sergeant Browne is at Leonardtown spending his vacation, and was at the bath ing beach with a friend. ??? Headquarters for Deddinff. Our prices are always lowest for reliable gr.des. Stumph Bedding Co., 7th and K.? Advertisement. Death From Xatnral Cannes. An autopsy was performed last night at the morgue on the body of Anna M. Brooks, colored, thirty-three years old, who lived at 0o4 0th street southeast. Yesterday the woman died after an illness of two days. Because her death could not be definitely accounted for an autopsy was performed, ?which showed that death had resulted from natural causes, and Coroner Nevltt gave a certificate accordingly. The woman's husband took charge of the body, and it was removed to the family home, from where the funeral will take place. Oliineri at Cabin John Bridge are famed for their delicious cuisine and superior service. Band concerts evenings.? Advertisement. Mr*. HndMon Sdfi for Divorce. Proceedings for divorce have been Insti tuted in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia by Christine Hudson against Charles B Hudson. The latter is said to be in Hawaii at the present time. The I parties were married in this city in Oc tober. 18,s!?. and have two children. Mrs Hudson Informs the court that her hus band deserted her In November. 18S?8. Mrs. Hudson, the 8th of last January, filed suit for divorce, but yesterday that cause was dismissed and the new petition filed. Wn?h Init ton In nn on Their Way Home from the north will find a stop at Bueni Vista Spring. Pa . delightful. Hotel open until October I. Geo. A. Mills, jr.. manager. ?Adv ertisement. Dlntrlet Made Defendant. Suit at law to recover damages In the si;m of $2.>.<Mi has been Instituted by Annie E. Sejbold against the District of Columbia. It Is alleged by the plaintiff that she slip ped on the sidewalk at the northwest cor ner of 7th and B streets Apiil 13 last, fell backward and struck the pavement with force. As a result of the accident she claims to be permanently injured. Negli gence on the part of emploves of the Dis trict In allowing the sidewalk to be In a dangerous condition Is charged. Attorneys ^ olf and Cohen and H. H. Giassie reure sent the plaintiff. fl4MH> To Buffalo and Return flO.OO Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Pan-American excursion will leave Wash ington 7:50 a.m , Wednesday. August 21 ar riving at Buffalo 7:40 p.m. Tickets good returning on any train within s^ven days. Including date of excursion. Similar excur sions August 27, 31, Sept. 1. 2, 5, 11, 17, 20. ? Advertisement. Will of Kltsnheth Byrd Ntcholaa. By the terms of the will of Elizabeth Byrd Nicholas, dated the loth of November, 11X10, the testatrix disposes of a portrait of Thomas Taylor Byrd to Richard Evelyn Bvrd of Winchester, Va., and certain West over furniture and silverware to William Byrd of New York The balance of the estate is left to a niece. Elizabeth C. Nich olas. In the event of the death of the lat ter her share of the estate is to be divided equally between three other nieces. Corco ran Thom is named executor. Exqaidte Floral Denlmta ? splendidly conceived, and composed of the choicest blossoms. Order of Gude? 1224 F. ?Advertisement. Hla Denial Saved Hint. PInkney Hawkins, colored, was charged In the Police Court today with assaulting Jennie Hawkins while he was drunk. He denied that he ever used liquor in any form. Judge O'Donnell said he was glad to meet a man who did not get drunk and released Hawkins <>n personal bonds. ' THE STAR BY MAIL. Persons leaving the city for any period can have The Star mailed to them b^ ordering it at this office. In person or by letter. Terms: 13 cents per week; 25 cents for two weeks, or 80 cents per month. Invariably In advance. The address may be changed as frequently as desired. Always give the last address, as well as the new one. Contention Over Provision of Law Regarding Water Rents. QUESTION BEFORE COMMISSIONERS ProtestAgainst Interpretation Made by the District Registrar. STATEMENT IN DEFENSE Two interpretations of the schedule of the water rents fixed by the District Com missioners, March 17 of this year, have just been laid Defore that body. One of these Interpretations Is in the nature of n strong protest against the practice of the water registrar, alleged to have been In augurated under ihe new schedule. In treating every pri'.'ate dwelling as a tene ment house, where one or more rooms ma> be rented by the tenant or owner, and u charge of 50 cents ridded to the water bill for each room alleged to be rented. The protest is filed b> Messrs. Britton & Gray, attorneys. In answer to this. Water Registrar Green has submitted in writing his understanding of the schedule, embrac ing his right to make such a charge. The subject of the protest by Britton & Gray has also been a cause of individual complaint on the part of many tenants and owners, who have been charged additional amounts this year to cover rooms rented by them. The schedule of water rates under which the charge is .made, is as follows. "The rate for domestic purposes will be charged according to stories and front feet. On ail tenements two stories high, with a front width of sixteen feet or less. ?{.50 per annum. For each additional front foot, or fraction thereof. 23 cents. For each additional story or part thereof, one-third of the charges as computed above "Boarding and tenement houses will be charged at a rate in accordance with the stories and front feet, and in addition thereto 50 cents per annum for each and every room over and above the number of three rooms in said boarding house or tenement." Term Tenement House Defined. The definition of a tenement house is given in the communication of Britton & Gray. It Is taken from the American and English Encyclopedia of Law, which is de clared by them to be the legal interpreta tion. as follows: "Tenement houses, French fiats, apart ment houses: The word 'tenement* in the sense here used signifies 'a house or home stead,' or 'rooms let in a house.' The com pound word tenement-house' must, there fore. signify a house with distinct tene ments or homes which separate, and dif ferent families or persons occupy as ten ants. as distinguished from boarding houses or hotels where the occupancy is not one of tenancy, but that of boarders or guests." In commenting on this definition Messrs. Britton & Gray say: "This practical and settled definition has apparently hitherto controlled in applying the foregoing sched ule of water rates, until the present fiscal year, when a new and novel departure therefrom has been inaugurated. ? ? ? This has resulted in individual injustice In many thousands of cases, some of which are now brought to our attention, where many private families occupying small dwellings have rented one or more rooms, not as distinct tenements or homes which separate or distinct families or persons occupy as tenants, but as part of the same family occupation, and where there is necessarily common use of the water fa cilities for which the 'domestic rates' are charged and paid. Held to He TCot Justified. "This innovation Is not justified, first, by the language or meaning of your regula tion; nor, second, by the legal definition thereof, nor. again, by any consideration of simple justice. Its enforcement against ten previous years of directly opposite practice will injure many persons of lim ited means, whose occupation of modest dwellings is made possible in thousands of instances by renting one or more rooms to individuals, whose occupancy and use of the water facilities of the dwelling Is wholly in common with the family of the tenant or small owner, and in no possible manner a separate tenement or home. "The regulation should hence be applied now as it has always been hitherto, and we respectfully submit that the water reg istrar and the collector of taxes should be immediately so advised, in order that bills may be properly correcteel and this plainly unjust charge upon dwelling house occu pants may not be imposed." Water Registrar's Position. The communication of Water Registrar Green, which defines his position in impos ing the charge, is as follows: "1 have the honor to report that a clause in the act of June 2. 185ft, of the legislative assembly, prescribed as followsw: 'Hotels and boarding houses shall. In addition to the regular annual water rate for private families, as prescribed in the twenty-fourth section of this act. be charged for each 1 bedroom for boarders e>r lodgers within the same the sum of 50 cents.' It would ap pear from this act that the intent was to charge for each and every bed room rented out. "This regulation has since been varied to cover a broader field, and we find the fol lowing language in the last revision of the schedule of rates adopted by the Commis sioners December 2<>, 1800: 'Boareling, i apartment and tenement houses shall be j charged at a rate In accordance with the stories and front feet and In addition there to 50 cents per annum for each and every room over and above the number of three | rooms in the said boarding, apartment or tenement house.' "The practice of charging for rooms has ! been in vogue since the inception of the water department, but until the re-exami nation of the entire District was begun. No vember. 1000, the department was without knowledge of a majority of houses which rented out rooms. At this period the ques tion was ralse*d as to whether or not, where a private famiiy rented out a room or more, the regulation should be enforced to the letter, and such houses charged for all rooms above three, or only charged for the actual number sublet. The matter was referred to the Engineer Commissioner, who directed the office in such cases to ! charge only for the number of rented rooms. "The words 'boarding, apartment and ten ement' in the schedule are broad enough to cover each and every case where rooms are sublet, and the only point remaining in doubt is whether the office shall continue to place a liberal construction ,upon the said regulation or take it as found and charge for all rooms above three." Low-Rnte Tour to tlie l'aciflc Coast. Another opportunity to visit California under the Pennsylvania railroad personally conducted tour system. On September 23 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will . run another low-rate personally conducted ] tour to the Pacific coast, covering a period of thirty days. The party will travel by special "train of Pullman sleeping, dining and observation cars, and on the going trip will pass through the famous scenery of Colorado, stopping at the principal points of Interest, including Salt L#ake City. A stop of five days will be made in San Fran cisco during the general triennial conven tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church. On the homeward trip the route will lie through southern California, via the Grand Canyon, to Arizona, thence across the southwestern plains to St. Louis. Bound trip rate, covering all the essential ex penses while traveling on the special train, $185 from Washington. For further infor mation apply to C. Studds, Passenger Agent Southeastern District, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passen ger Agent, Philadelphia.?Advt. Expression of Thanks. At the regular monthly meeting on the 12th instant of the German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity congregation, corner of 4th and E streets northwest, a resolution was adopted, and the secretary directed to transmit the same to The Evening Star, pro viding "that we tender our rincere thanks to The Evening Star for services rendered our congregation on its fiftieth anniversary, 1ML" AXtBBMEm KERNAN'S LYCEUM THEATER.?If fternan's Lyceum Theater maintains for the remainder of the present season the high standard set by the show that opened the house last week and Clark's New Royal Burlesquers which are fulfilling an engagement this week at that cosy play house Its success for this year la not hard to predict. Clark's New Royals are a thoroughly up-to-date aggregation of un usual excellence, and the entermalnment put up by them drew two packed houses yesterday afternoon and evening. All of the turns In the olio are above the average, while some of them are of such unquestion able merit as to call for special praise. Lew H. Carroll and Maude Elllsten, well known In this city, open the olio with a curious mix-up of song, rapid-fire talk and dancing. Both are clever, and the act goes with a rush. Burgess, Smith and Burger display their prowess In an acro batic turn, with a whirlwind finish that took the house by storm. Llllie English, billed as specially imported from England by Manager Clark, sang a number of bal lads that pleased her auditors, and Fields and Wooley, the well-known German dia lect comedians, gave vent to some new German "loose talk" that proved .entertain ing and humorous. Leslie and Rhlnehart in troduce some of the new songs of the sea son in a decidedly clever way, and dance with spirit and skill. Coulter and Starr, who are as well known, perhaps, as any other team on the vaudeville stage as black face comedy artists, presented a turn that abounded In good songs and excellent dances, and Bedinl and Arthur, another English im portation of Manager Clark's, put up a juggling turn that has not been equaled on Kernan's stage for many seasons. A comedy element Is added to the more diffi cult work of Bedinl by Arthur, and the latter's antics were sufficient to keep the house in a roar during most of the time he was on the stage. The burlesque which brings the show to a close is a new one by Lew Carroll. It Is most effectively staged and handsomely costumed, while there are a score of pretty girls, half a dozen good comedians, new songs and dances and. In fact, almost everything that goes to make the successful modern bur lesque. It Is entitled "Off to Buffalo," the first scene depicting the gay company In the Grand Central railroad station in New York, the second carrying them to the Pen-American expostion. The fun furnish ed Is of an unusually clean variety, and there Is enough of it to keep the skit going with a rush from the time the curtain rises until it falls again. The one great virtue of Burnett's Vanilla Extract is purity. It Is real vanilla extract and nothing but vanilla extract.?Advt. Tournament at River View. The fifteenth annual tournament and dress ball which will take place at River View tomorrow promises to be one of the most enjoyable affairs of the kind that has taken place in this section of the coun try for some time. The outlook is for a large attendance, both of people from this city and those from the nearby country. The committee in charge of the affair has been busy today erecting the arches, deco rating and preparing for the contest, which will be spirited. About thirty knights will enter the lists, and they with their horses and paraphernalia will go to the View on the morning boat, leaving here at 10 a.m. The riding will begin at 2 p.m sharp, and the crowning of the queen and her attend ant maids will take place in the big danc ing pavilion at night. The coronation ball will follow, and dancing will be kept up until an early hour Wednesday morning. To accommodate the large throngs that will attend the steamers Samuel J. Pentz and Estelle Randall will make trips at 1<> a.m., 2:15, 4:30 and 6:4."i p.m., and the last boat will leave River View at p.m. Stops will be made at Alexandria on all trips ex cept at 4:30 p.m., and no advance will be made in the price of tickets. Onr Stork of Iron nn?l nrn*? Itedn is the largest in the city.' Exclusive designs, too. Stumph Bedding Co., 7th and K sis.? Advertisement. Striken* Senrolilnn for Work. Fitzhugh L. Weems, nineteen years old, and Janus H. King, seventeen years old. whose homes are in Pittsburg, were locked up this morning at 10 o'clock at the Ana costia police station by Officer J. F. Rea gan. charged with vagrancy. They were discovered by the officer in the Baltimore and Ohio freight yards at Anacostla. When questioned at the station house the young men fia!d they had lost their em ployment In mills In Pittsburg as a con sequence of the great steel strike. They were engaged as helpers in mills and went on strike with the other workers They finally concluded to leave Pittsburg and seek employment elsewhere. They left there late Saturday night and made their way on freight trains to the District, reaching here early this morning. It was their Intention, they stated, to try and reach Baltimore, where they expected to secure work at some of the docks. Both the young men have good homes, they stated, and before leaving them they informed their friends of their intentions. They will be given a hearing in the Po lice Court tomorrow. Marine Hand at Chevy Chawe Luke This evening, 8 to 11. Dancing tomorrow.? Advertisement. WhiNky I'nuKeii Death. Dolly Brown, a colored child, died at the Children's Hospital about 2 o'clock this morning from the effects of alcohol. Yes terday the child drank about a gill of whisky, which Its mother left within reach at the family homx. No. 801 Grant avenue northwest. When the mother, Mrs. Jessie Brown, dis covered the seriousness of the little one's condition she had her taken to the hos pital. The doctors pronounced her to be in a dying condition and were unable to save her life. Coroner Nevitt made an investigation of the case and gave a certificate of acci dental death. Money to lend at 4, 5 and 0 per cent on real estate. Frank T. Rawllngs, !5u5 Pa.av. ?Advertisement. Inquiry Ilenurdlng Plumbing. Edward W. Dunn, who contemplates building an apartment house for colored people on 8th street, half a block from Grant avenue northwest, has written the Commissioners regarding the arrangement of the plumbing. The building is to be two stories in height and contain sixty rooms. Mr. Dunn suggests that two bath rooms should be sufficient for the whole building. The plumbing inspector. In his report on the matter, differs with this, and suggests that the bath rooms, one for each apart ment. together with water closets, be ar ranged In a separate building in the rear. A new a la carte lunch room has been opened in the Hvgela, Old Point Comfort, which Will be a great convenience to trav elers arriving on early boats.?Advt. Lawn Fete ToniKht. Two entertainments will be given for the benefit of the Church of the Sacred Heart. The first, which will take place tonight, will be a lawn fete and cake walk at 3340 14th street northwest, and tomorrow night at the same place there will be a progres sive euchre party. This afternoon there will be no charge for children. Tonight, besides the cake walk, there will be a good Program of musical and literary numbers, f the weather proves propitious there should be a large attendance. If it rains postponement will be made until the first fair night. Branch OMce, ISth it. and Xt. ave. Advertisements are received at The Star's branch office. King's drug store, corner lOth street and Vermont avenue, at regu lar rates. No charge for messenger. Vlaltlnff State Commander. State Commander Terpany of the order of the Maccabees of Rhode Island is in the city on business connected with the order. Mr. Terpany organized the first tent in this city, National, No. 1, In 1880, and la well and favorably known to many of the sir knights of the capital city. He visited National Tent last night, and exemplified the work, closing with an address. The entertainment committee provided re freshments and cigars. Mr. Terpany will visit Brlghtwood Tent tonight, Anacostla Tent tomorrow night, and Thursday will visit ML Vernon Teal NEW SPEED:-REGULATIONS i BIGHT OP COMSMSIOfERS TO MAKE EXCEMPTIOSS. Opinion bj Attorney Oavall Approv* lng Exemption of Aobalancei and Street Cnr Eme^genciea. In response to tha^ recant request of the District Commissioners for a legal opinion on the proposed new speed regulations for municipal vehicles, Attotney A. B. Duvall has responded with an approval of the regulations with two slight amendments. The new regulations provide that: "\ ehlcles of the police, fire, health and water departments and hospital ambulances shall have the right of way in the streets over all others, and the sounding of the bell or gong thereon shall constitute a warning and direction to other vehicles and pedestrians to clear the road. In cases wherein the emergency Is so great that more than ordinary speed is required to save human life or to prevent great Incon ?'enA^nce to the public, the regulations limiting the speed of vehicles shall not be deemed to apply to the vehicles above named nor to those of the street railway companies called to make urgent repairs." ? Attorney Dnvall's Views. The attorney's comments on the matter are as follows: "You direct my attention to the pro visions of section 12 of the act of Congress approved July lKni, commonly known as the 'peace and order act,' suggesting that therein Congress appears to have leg islated upon the general pubject." The section referred to is the general pro vision against excessive speed. "I am of the opinion that these (munici pal) vehicles are not and were not intended to be within the purview of said act of Congress. By act of Congress approved June 2t>, 18S7, the Commissioners were au thorized-to make police regulations (arrtong other things) 'to regulate the movement of vehicles on the public streets and avenues for the preservation of order and the pro tection of life and limb.' "By its joint resolution approved Febru ary 20, 18SI2, CongTess authorized the Com missioners to make and enforce police regu lations necessary for the protection of 'lives, limb, health, comfort and quiet of all persons, and the protection of all prop erty within the District of Columbia." "Our Court of .Appeals, In Railroad Com pany agt. District of Columbia, sustained the police regulation requiring steam rail road trains to be stopped before crossing other railroads operated by steam, cable or electricity, and held that while railroad lo comotives and cars were not vehicles with in l..c meaning of the act of June 2i!, 1887. that the Commissioners nevertheless were authorized to make the regulation under the grant of powers contained in the Joint resolution, saying, among other things, 'that it was clear that Congress intended thereby to increase the powers of the Com missioners to the full extent of those fre quently, if not generally, intrusted to mu nicipal corporations.' A SnppoHeil Difficulty. "The difficulty suggested in your com munication, I take it, arises from the fact that the 'peace and order act' was enacted after the joint resolution, and that there fore Congress has apparently chosen to ex ercise Its undoubted right to legislate itself upon the subject. This supposed difficulty, however, in my judgment, is more apparent than real. Did Congress legislate upon the same subject matter? It is true the lun guage ?n said section Is general: 'That It shall not be lawful for any person or per sons to ride or drive any animal of the horse kind at a greater speed than eight miles per hour.' But was Congress legis lating upon the subject of the speed of mu nicipal vehicles and vehicles of the kind described in your proposed regulations? "It is a well settled and elementary rule of statutory construction that .a thing which is within the letter of the statute is not within the statute unless it be also within the meaning of the legislature. "It seems to me that this section of the CITY ITEMS. For .Sick Folk and Convnleaeent* liny "Old Braddock" Mnrylmid Rye. It's an ideal medicinal whiskey. Pure and old. B*est for making milk punch. At gro cers', cafes, clubs. Jas. Clark Distilling Co., D. P. McCarthy, mgr., 010 Pa. ave. It "Havenn^r'M Cream Hin<-ultM*' Are Favorite* Everywhere. Best homes use them. Deeding clubs and hotels serve them exclusively. Always fresh, crisp, inviting. Put up in 1-pound packages. Also sold in bdlk. At grocers'. It Joshua Smith, colored, was today con victed in the Police Court of Btriking Ida Scott In the back, and Judge O'Donnell sent him to Jail for thirty days. F<innl to All Other*. The output of National Capital Brewing Co.'s Beers is not exceeded by any other In th? District. Phone 222 for "Muenchener" and "Diamond." 2 dozen, $1.25. It AMUSEMENTS. BASE BALL TODAY. CHICAGO VI. WMHIKCTOH. GAME CALLED AT 4:30 P.M. ADMISSION, 25c. G It AND STAND. 50c. Take H St. cars direct to American Lsague Park. NEXT- Milwaukee, August 22, 23. 24. It Mirth and Magic. TAKE A THROUGH RIDE TO CABIN JOHN BRIDGE AND THE The finest exhibition this week In Animated Pho tography ever seen In ashiiigtou, Entire change of program from a Trip Around the World to a FULL PROGRAM OF MAGIC F1I.MS, nearly all of them executed by MELIES OF PARIS, and Im ported direct to Washington. Admission. 10 cents. Last week the largest business In the history of the theater A trip out to Cabin John and the Palm Garden a delightful excursion. For another week Prof. Dunkle and his perilous slide for life, from the top of Cabin John Hotel on 1,000 feet of wire. Free exhibition at 'J o'clock p.m. dally. aul9-2Kd K EIRN AN'S It ? 25? ^ TELEPHONE MAIN 234-5. CLARK'S NEW IR(WALS. NEXT WEEK?THE' INNOCENT MAIDS. aul9-6t-15 FOR BKJlEFl? OF ~ Sacred Hearts .Church, LAWN PARTY AND CAKE. WALK, AUG. 20. GRAND/ Lawn Progressive Euchre, WEDNESDAY, AU0U8Th21. AT 8 P.M. TICKETS, 50 CENTS. <840 14TH ST. N.W. In case of rain, wllli be postponed until flrat clear night. au!7-8t* mm, 14TH AND B. CAPITOL 8T8. Wed., Aug. 21, 8 p.m., Last Grand Circuit Meet ilajor Tay!or, CHAMPION OF THE WOBLD. Iver Lawsoh, Kramer, Cooper and 20 other*. Admission, 25e.; Grand Stand, 50c.; Box Beats, 75c. aul7-4t,80 CHEVY CHASE LAKE. Section of U. 8. MARINE BAND, Tuesday, Fri day and Sunday evening*, 8 to 11. National uuard Band furuUbee ocoaic for deaclng other evening*. I HM4 'peace and order act' would not receive a 'sensible construction' it It Was held to be without exceptions and Intended to em brace vehicles of- the class described In your proposed reflation. "I am of the opinion that the Commis sioners have the authority to make this regulation. "I would suggest that line three of the regulation be amended so as to read 'In and upon highways, streets, avenues and alleys over all other vehicles,' and that there be added to line seven the words *to preserve property or prevent its de struction.' Otherwise the draft seems to be in good form." HANCOCK REGIMENT, Enthusiastic Meeting of the Union Veterans' Union. Hancock Regiment, No. 1, Union Veter ans' Union, held an unusually interesting meeting at its hall, corner 6th and Q streets northwest, last night. Col. Franklin T. Howe presiding. After the muster the commander-in-chief and his staff were an nounced and were received with due honor. Under the good of the order Gen. R. Q. Dyrenforth. the commander-in-chief of the order, made an address, telling of his re cent trip through the Btate of Illinois and the enthusiasm of the veterans of that state, who are forming regiments in al most every town. He spoke of the rapid increase of the order, particularly in the city of Chicago, in which it is expected ten regiments will be formed by the date of the national encampment, which will be held there the latter part of October. He also referred to the growth in Ohio and of the Invitations he had received to attend re unions of veterans in that state. He was followed by Capt. I*. L. Street, former commander-in-chief, who has Just returned from the Philippines, where he has served for two years as captain and commissary of subsistence, who said that even while he was far beyond the seas he had kept in touch with his comrades here, and he'rejoiced at the great growth of the order. He said that the idea of the old soldier being a back number was refuted by the fact that all the prominent leaders in the army, such as Otis, MacArthur, Lawton, ^Vheaton and a host of others were veterans of the war of the rebellion and how well they had performed their duty in the Spanish-American war the country knew. Addresses were also delivered by Gen. J. F. Meacham, division commander; Gen. A. M. Legg, pa?t division commander; Mr. E. W. Oyster, Capt. D. W. Beach and Capt. D. W. Glassie. We Onicht to Clenn Your Carpet* if you want the work done thoroughlv. Wagons call. Stumph Bedding Co., 7th & K. ?Advertisement. Licensed to Wed. John Rogerson of 513 13th street north west, this city, and Ida Estella Tuttle were yesterday granted a marriage license in Baltimore. Will at Are H o m ors? They are vitiated or morbid fluids coursing the veins and affecting the tissues. They are com monly due to defective digestion but are some times inherited. Ili v do they manifest themselves? In many forms of cutaneous eruption, salt rheum or eczema, pimples and boils, and in weak ness. languor, general debility. How are they expelled? By which also builds up the system that has suffered from them. It Is the best medicine for all humors. Largest Stock of Call for niia Wines ? ? South of New York?finest qualities?34 va ? ? rietirs?from 10 prominent vineyards?afford ? ? leg 8D unsurpassed selection. CHRIS XANDER, ?g No Branches. (aul4-12d) 'Phone 1425. EXCURSIONS, ~E~TC. Indian Head Trip EVEKY WEEK DAY 6:30 O'CLOCK, Steamer Charles Macalester. Fare, Rodiod Trip, 25c. au!9-2t-14 RjvCf 1 Grand XV View. and Dress Ball, Wednesday, Aug. 21. Gallant knights will tilt for prizes. Coronation Ball and Crowning of the Queen of Love and Beauty and her attendant malda in the evening. Tilting will begin at 2 p.m. Thirty-five riders In the lititB. A GALA DAY AT RIVER VIEW. Take Steamers Sam'l jf Pentr and Eatelle Ran dall at 10 a.m.. 2:13, 4:30 and 0:45 p.m. Re turning. leave River View at 12:15, 6. 8 and 10:30 p.m. Fare (round trip). Adults, 25c.; Chll dren. 15c. anl7-3t,30 The Weems Steamboat Co. BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Leave Baltimore every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from Pier 9, Light street, at 5 p.m., ar riving In Washington early Monday, Thursday ani Saturday mornings. Leave Washington every Tuesday. Thursday and Sunday at 4 p.m.. arriving In Baltimore every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning early. These steamer* ere new and first-class in every respect, with delightful state rooms and excellent table. The trip from Baltimore every Saturday at 5 arriving In Washington early Monday morn ng. Is especially commended. State rooms can be engaged In advance from Stephenson <& Bro., 7TH STREET WHARF. Telephone 745. * Je7-25,tf "Ericsson Line Excursions." Attractive Water Route from Baltimore. "Through the canal to Philadelphia." Fare from Washington by B. & O. to Baltimore, thence by Ericsson LlDe to Philadelphia?Single, $2.7(1; round trip, ?4. Round trip, returning all rail from Phil adelphia (B. & O.), ffl. Steamers sail daily except Sunday at 5 p.m. Day Boat. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 7:30 a.m. Tickets to Philadelphia on sale in Washington at B. & O. ticket offices. Tick ets for sale In Baltimore office only to Atlantic City. Cape May, Asbury Park. Ocean Grove, Long Branch, New \ork, Albany, Troy and points north. Write for guide of the route and great fishing grounds at Betterton to CLARENCE SHRIYER, G. P. A., 204 Light St.. Baltimore, Md. JelS-tf N oKolk <& Washington Every day In the year from foot of 7th ?t. for Ft. Monroe, Norfolk, Newport News and all points south by the superb, powerful steel palace steamers "Newport News," "Norfolk" and "Washington." Lt. Washington..6:30 pn Lt. Portsmouth..5.00 nm Lt. Alexandria. .7:00 r-m Lv. Norfolk 6:00 pm Ar. Fort Monroe.7:00 am. Lt. Fort Monroe.7:00 pm At. Norfolk 8:00 am! Ar. Alexandria...6:30 am Ar. Portsmouth..8:15 ami Ar. Washington. .7:00 am CT'For further Information apply at general offices, 7th at. wharf, Washington, D. C. 'Phone 750. JNO. CALLAHAN, General Manager. apl-20d The Salt Water Resort on the Bay. Haley's Full Concert Band Trams Leave District Line Station Week Days?10:S0 a.m.. 2:10 aad 0:00 p.m. Sundays?0:30, 10:80. 11:80 a.m.; 2:30, 3:40, 8:18" and 7:45 p.m. Returning, leave the Beach Week Day??8:80, 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. Sanday*?2:00, 8:00, 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. Only 50 Cents Round Trip. Colombia electric earn, bearing red signs, ran through to District Una Station without transfer. Way Tratna for local atatlona leave Dlatrlct Line Station week dajra 2:80 km. and 8:80 p.m. | Son ?*0 a.m. aad feU *n, aottf Ordered by Commissioners. The District Commissioners have ordered: That a Are hydrant be erected at the alley entrance on D street southeast between 18th and 14th streets, at an estimated cost r . ~ o? |77i that the time for completion of con tract No. 2892 with Meads & Reynolds for the construction of No. 10 police station Is extended to August 27, lt*>l, without pen alty or cost of Inspection; that sewer on Keneaaw avenue between Park road and 18th street be repaired, at an estimated cost of <800, chargeable to the current ap propriation for cleaning and repairing sew ers and baslnsL that trees be planted on the west side of 12th street between Dover and Concord streets, on the south side of Dover street between loth and 12th streets and on Lansing street between 10th and 12th streets and eastward from 12th. and on 10th street between Lansing and Hart ford streets, at a total estimated cost of (384. ITCHING Burning Scafly HUM01RS Complete External and In ternal Treatment $1.25 Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP (25c ). to cleanee the skin of crusts and io?Im iiiwl soften tb? thickened cuticle. CUTICURA Ointment (5f>c.t. to allay itching and inflammation and sooth* and be*l. and CUTICURA RESOLVENT (ftOc). to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is often sufficient to cure the mort torturing, disfiguring and humili ating skin, scalp and Mood humors, with kiss of hair, when all else falls. POTTER DRUQ AND CHEM. CORP.. Hols Props., Boston. "How to Cure Itching liumors." tree. <x) EXCURSIONS, ETC. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO Chesapeake Beach, FOREST LODGE, No. 41, fl. O. O. F., Wednesday, August 21. 50c. ROUND TRIP. CHILDREN HALF FARE. Trains leave District Line Station 1(1:5*) a.m., 2:30 and 5:00 Returning, leave the Beach 8:30. 7 and 10 p.m. It ?S8 TM? POTOMAC IIVBL To River View There's where the cool breezes blow. STEAMER SAM'L J. PENTZ DAILY. ON J 5 rTHE LiTTIJC RIVER. THE TOM THUMB RAILWAY. THE PLEASURE CANAL* THE WATER CHUTE, AND ALL THE OTHERS. Personally conducted trips every SUNDAY. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDA*. Steamer Pentz Iesves wharf, foot 7th St., week days, 10 a.m., 2:15, 6:45 p.m. Sundays, 11 a.m.. 2:45 and 6:15 p.m. Dancing week djya only. Special con -rts Sun days. FARE?Adults 29c. Children. .15c. Except on the Saturday family day trips, st 10 s.m. snd 2:15 p.m., when tickets are 10c. to all. Stops at Alexandria Wednesdays and Saturdays. -TO Golomal Beach. Steamer Harry Randall Daily, except Monday and Saturds- from River View wharf, foot 7th St., at 8:45 a.m. Horns apilu 10 p.m. TICKETS. HOUND TRIP. 80c. CHILDREN 23c. Special Saturday Night Trips, STEAMER T. V. ARROWSMITH, River View wharf, foot 7th St.. st 6 p.m. Returning, leaves Colonial Beach at 5 p.m. Home, 10 p.m. . FARE. ROUND TRIP 75c. Enjoy a Cool Bath and a Cool Ride. To Chapel Point. Every Sunday daring the reason at 8:45 a.m. Home again at 10 p.m. Fine Crabbing. Fishing snd Bathing. FARE. ROUND TRIP MV. CHILDREN 28c. SPECIAL MONDAY TRIPS?Str. Harry Randall, every Monday in August. Fare, round trip, 25c. HOTEL BELLVIEW NOW OrEN. TO THE PICTURESQUE A HISTORIC LOWER POTOMAC. Steamer T. V. Arrowsmath, EVERY MCNDAY. WEDNESDAY snd SATURDAY, Commencing July 1. Mondsy snd Wednesday at 4 p.m. for Colonial Beach, Col ton's, Plney Point, St. George's Island, Miller's, and Coan and Yeocomlco River Landings (Tuesdays up <>nly. stopping at Nomlni Creek, St. Clement's Bsy and Wicomico River Landings). SI'ECLAL EXCURSIONS SATURDAYS, 6 P.M.. For Colonial Beach, Colton's, Plney Point, St George's Island and Smith's creek. Saturday round-trip excursion tickets to Colonial lieat'h. good to return Suuday. 75c. a?10-tf-114 ChautauiquaBeacIhi (Formerly Bay Ridge). Round Trip, 50c. Sea Bathing. Crabbing, Fishing, Amusements. Building lots for sale and tents for rent. B. & O., 0:10 a.m., 4:30 p.m.; Sundays, 9:10, 1:45. aul'-tf A BIO DAY. G. A. R. and Red, White and Blue Club. Chautauqua Beach (Bay Ridge), Wednesday, Aug. 21. Special Program and Amusements. Round trip, 50c. Children, 25c. Everybody In vited. Bathing and crabbing superb. Also Grand Labor Day Outing, Sept. 2. Trains, B. & O., 9:10 a.m., 4:30 p.m. aul7-3t Arlington, Myer, Falls Church, FROM AQ. BRIDGE. Schedule In R. R. column. HarsInaSfl \ 10 a.m., 2:30 & 6:30 p.m. Head TRIPS. Evenings, 6:30 p.m. (Every Week Day.) Sundays to Marshall Hall, 11 a.m., 2:3069:30 p.m. Str. Charles Hacalester. All Amusements. Prof. Schroeder's Band. Fart- (Round Trip) 25 cents FOR MOUNT VERNON. HOME AND TOMB OF WASHINGTON. Dally, 10 a.m and 2:30 p.m. (Sundays excepted). Fare (R)und Trip) CO cents Admission to Grounds 25 cents 1)27-21, tf FOR nOUNT VERNON, ALEXANDRIA AND ARLINGTON. ELECTRIC TRALNS, STATION 13*4 * PA. AVE. For Alexandria and Arlington, every 45 minutes. For Mt. Vernoa, every hour from 10 s.m. to 8 p.m., ON WEEK DAYS ONLY. BOUND TRIP to Mt. Vernon, 60c. Round trip to Alexandria, 25c. Round trip to Arlington, 20c. Round trip to Mt. Vernon, including Arlington sad Alexandria, 80c. WASH., ATJVtxtwii * MT. VERNON ST. ' |yl-12d IT'S AIXi RIGHT. TRY IT. CHESAPEAKE BAY and WEST RIVER VIA CHAUTAUQUA BEACH. Annapolis harbor, the Naval Academy, the white cap sail down the bay, West River, Ualesvllle, Chalk Point, Shadv Side; snd the salt sir makes thoussnds of people come boms happy and speak In the highest terms of this trip. How to get there?Leave B. ft O. Station dally St 9:10 a.m. to Chautauqua Beach, then transfer to the popular ateamer Emms Giles st 10:80 s.m.; return to tbs Beach at 8:00 p.m. The finest trip ever offered the people of Washington. Tickets to Chautauqua. 50c., and only 25c. extra for beat a cnzsloo. List trip, Sept. ft. RAILROADS. 'F&flHtiran Hi AO ILI&<S)AIB> STATION" CORNER OK SIXTH AND n STREETS^ 7:80 A.M. dally. PITTSBURG EX PR KSS-Par log ?q<1 Dining Cars HarrNhurg to Pittsburg. 10:50 A.M. dally,. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED.? Pullman Sleeping. Dining. Kmoklug and Obaerva tior Cars HsrrUburg to Chicago, Cincinnati. In* dlanapolta, St. Louis, Cleveland an J Tolodo.. Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisbntg. 10:50 A.M. dally FAST LINE.-Pullman Buffet . Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Buffet Parlor Cat Harr.stmrg to Plttaburg. 8:80 P.M dally. CHICAGO AND ST. IvOlIS EX PRESS. Sleeping Car Washington to St. Ixxila and Sleeping and Dlnlnc Cars IlarrWburg to In dlanapolla. St. Loula, LoulavUle (via Cincinnati) and Chicago. 7:15 P.M. daliy. ST. LOC1S EXPRESS.?Pullman 81eeplig Car llarrlsbiirc to St. Louis. 7:46 P.M. dally. WESTERN EXPRESS -Pullman Sleeping Car to r ttaburg and Chicago. Dining Car to Chicago. , 7:4ft P.M. dally. CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI EXPRESS. - Pullman Sleeping Can Washington U Pltt?b?irg and IlarrUburg to Cleveland and Nashville (via Cincinnati and Louisville). Dining Oaf. 10:*' r M. rally. PACIFIC EXPRESS-Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg. A *T dally. BUFFALO DAT EXPRESS, with thronrh Parlor Car Dining Car and Coacbea ta Buffalo 'la Emporium Junction. 7A.M. for Kane, Canandalgua. Rochester and Niagara Falla dally cxrept Sunday. 10:50 A.M. for Elmlra and Renovo dally, except S>indr.y. For Wllll?m?riort dally. 3:8<) P.M. 7:1K PM dally. BUFPALO MO I IT KX Pit ESS. with thfoagk Buffet Sleeping Car and Coaches ta Bnffalo, via Emporium Junction. 7 4ft P.M dally for Erie; for Rochester. Buffala and Niagara Fall* dally except Saturday, with SUepIng Car Waahliyrton to Rocbeater. 10 40 P.M. for Erie. Canandalgua, Rocheater. Raf fs k> and Niagara Falla dally. Pullman Sleeping Car Waahlngton to Rochester Satnrdaye only. 4:00 P.M. ^CONGRESSIONAL liMITfcD," dally for New Tork, all Parlor Oars, wltb Dining Cat from Unit) more. FOR PHILADELPHIA. NEW TORK AND TH| EAST. Erpreaa. 7:00 (Dining Carl. 7:20. 8:15. ?:???. 10:00 (Dining Car). 10:25 and 11:00 (Dlnlnc Car from Wilmington) A.M.. 12:45. 3:15. 4:50 (Dining Car .from Baltimore). 6:50. 10:00 and 11:50 P.M. On Sundae*. 7:00 (Dining Car). 7:20. 8:15. 0:00, 10:25. 11:00 (Dining Car from Wilmington) A.M., 12:15, 3:15, 4:50 (Dining Car from Baltimore), $:50 10:00 and 11:50 P.M. Fbr Philadelphia only, Expreaa. 7:4# A.M., 12:15 P.M. week daya, 2:01. 4 10 and 8:40 P.M. dally. For Boston without change, 7 :45 A.M. week day* and 4:50 P.M. dally. For Baltimore. 6:15. *1:00. 7:25, 7:45. 7:50. 8:18, #.00. ?0:00. 10:i!8. 10:50, 11:00 A.M. 12:18, 12:45. a :25. 1:28. 2:01. 3:18. i:30 (4:00 Limited), 4:10. 4:20. 4:88. 4:50. 5:40. 8:18. 6:50. 7:15. 7:48. 10:00. 10:40. 11:35 and 11:50 P.M. On S indaya, 7:00, 7:20. 7:50, 8:15. 8:00. 9:08. 10:25. 10:50. 11:00 A.M.. 12:15. 1:15. 2:01. 8:15. 3:30 (4:06 Limited). 4:10. 4:20. 4:50. 5:40. 8:15. 0:50. 7:18, 7:45. 10:00. 10:40 kxI 11:50 P.M. For Pope's Creek Line. 7:45 A.M. and 4:33 P.M. week daya. Sunday*. 0:08 A.M. For Ann.ipoila, 7:00 A.M., 12:18 and 4:20 P.M, vrcck dare. Sundays, 0:00 A.M. and 5:40 P.M. Express for Florida and polnte op Atlantic Coaat Line. 4:30 A.M.. 8:12 P.M. dally. Bxpress for Florida and polnta on Seaboard Ale Liu*. il:01 A.M. da'ir. "Florida and Metropoll tan Limited." 6:55 P.M. dally. iropoil Express for Richmond only 9:08 A.M. week dava. 5:00 P.M. daily. Accommodation far Quantlco. 7:46 A.M. dally and 4:25 P.M. week dam. SEASHORE CONNECTIONS. For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bride* all? rail route). 11:00 A.M.. 4:10 and 11T.0 PM n?.,,r,?12A45rtPVodajr*" VU Market Street Wharf, 9:00 (Saturday only), 10:00 nnl 11:00 A.M.. 12:45 P.M., week daya, 11:50 P.M. dally. 12:15 P.M. Sunday* onlv. "Atlantic City Special,*' 1:28 P.M. week daya. Solid vestibule train, Pullman Buffet Parlor Cart. Combined Car, and roaches through toAtliinticCltr. For Cape iay. 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 12:45 P.M. week daya. 11:50 P.M. dally. For Asbi'rr Park. Ocean Grove and I/>ng Branch. 11:50 P.M. dally. S:15, 11:00 A.M. und 12:4$ P.M. week daya. Ticket offices, corner Fifteenth and G street*, and at the atatlon. Sixth and B streets, where or ders can be left for the checking of ba^*sage to destination from hotel* and residence!. Telephone call "1AAV for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service. J. B. HUTCHINSON. J. R. WOOD. General Manager. General Tasseigor Agent. BALTIHORE & 0H20 RAILROAD. Leave Washington. New Jersey ave. and C at. Chicago and Northwest, *10:50 a.m.. *.S:05 p.m. Cincinnati, St. Loul* and Indianapolis. *10:00 a.m.. *3:45 p.m.. *1:10 night. Pittsburg and Cleveland, *lo:50 a.m., *8:30 p.m. and *1:00 night. Columbus and Wheeling. *8:08 p.m. Annapolis, t7:15. **S:30 a.m., t!2:15. **4:35 and f4:30 p.m. Baltimore, week days. x2:35, 5:00, 6:30. x7:08, *7:15. xS:30, 8:35, xl?:30, xlO:00 a.m., xl2:10 m.. 12:15. xl :10, x3:00, *4:00. x4:30, 4:35, x5:08. *5 10. *5:30, x6:20, 6:30. x8:00. *10:(?0. *11:80. 11:35 p.m. Sundays, xL*:35. *7:05, *7:15. 8:80. x9:00 a.m.. *12:10, xl:10. 1:15, x3:(*>. x;v.3<?. 4:38. *5:itfi, *5:10. 6:30. *8:00, *10:00. *11:30, *11:85 p.m. For Chautauqua Beach week dayi, 9:10 a.m., 4:30 p.m. Sundays, 9:10 a.m., 1:45 p.m. ROYAL BLUE LINE. All tralna Illuminated with Plntacb light. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Tork, Boston and the East. *2:35, *7:05 (Diner), tS:30 (Buffet). ??9:00 (Diner), fl0:00 (Diner) a.m., *12:10 (Diner). ?1:10 (Diner), *8:00, "Royal Limited," (Diner). f4:00 (Buffet), ?S:?) (Diner), *8:00 and *11:30 p.m. (Sleeping car open at 10:00 o'clock.) Parlor cara on all day tralna. Atlantic City, fl0:00 a.m., fl2:10 noon and tl:10 and t3:00 p.m. For Chautauqua Beach, week daya. 9:10 a.m.. 4:30 p.m. Sunaaya, 9:10 a.m., 1:45 p.m. For schedule of local tratna, call at ticket efflcm. ?Dally. tE*<ept Sunday. **Sunday jnly. * Express tralna. Baggage called for and checked on order* left at ticket offices, 619 Pennsylvania avenue northwest, hew York avenue aud 15th street, and at depot. Telephone ticket offlcea for B. and O. Electric Au tomobile Caba. D. B. MARTIN, Mgr. Pass. Traffle. au3-50 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedule corrected to June 1, 1801. Trains leate from Pennsylvania Station. 8:01 a.m. Dally. Local for Harrlaouburg. War. renton. Charlotte and way stations. 11:15 a.m. Dally. 0. S. Fast MalL Sleeping cars to New Orleana, Columbia, Savannah and Jackaonvllle. uniting at Sallabury with sleeper fog Asbevllle. Chattanooga and Mempbla, and at Dnn> vllle with aleepef for Birmingham and at Cha> lotte wltb sleeper for Augusta. Solid train Wash ington to New Orleaita. Dining car service. 11:37 a.m. Dally. Local fur Warrent^o and Charlottesville. 4:01 p.m. Week Daya. Loeal for Front Royal, Strasburg and Harrlsuuburg. 4:30 p.m. Dally. Local for Warren too and Char. lotteavQle. 8:50 p.m. Dally. Washington and Chattanooga Limited (via Lyocbbnrg). Sleeping cars to Roa noke. Knoxvllle Chattanooga, Memphis and New Orleans. Through coach to Memphis. Diulng car service. 8:52 p.m. Dally. N. T. and Fla. Exprcaa. Sleep, lng cars to Augusta, wltb connections for Aiken and Charleston, and to Savannah, Jacksonville and Port Tampa. Through coach to Jacksonville, unit ing at Danville with Pullman sleepers from Rich mond and Norfolk for Charlotte. Tourlat sleep** Wssblngton to 8an Francisco Mondays, Wednen dajs and Fridays. Dining car service. 10:45 p.m. Dally. Washington and Southwestern Limited?the only excluaivelv Pullman train be tween Washington and the South. Sleeping car* to Ashevllle. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga uud Nash ville, and to Atlanta. Macon., Men* phis, Montgomery, Mobile ana New Orleans. Clan car Washington to Atlanta. Dining car service. TRAINS ON fcLUEMONT BRANCH. Leave Washington 8:10 s.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:85 rm. and 4:49 p.m., week daya, and 9:01 a.m. and 25 p.m.. Sundays only, for Bluemont, and 6:25 p.m.. week days, for Leesburg. Returning, arrive Washington 8:24 a.m. and 8:00 .m.. daily, and 8:84 a.m. and 2:45 p.m.. week ays. from Bluemont, and 6:57 a.m., wet* daya, from Leesburg. Through trains from the 8 nth arrire Washington 6:42 s.m.. 6.52 a.m.. 7:35 a.m.. dally. 2.15 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. dally. From Harrisonburg, 11:87 a.m.. week days, and 9:40 p.m.. dally. From Charlottesville. 8:28 a.m. and 8:40 p.m., dally. Tickets, sleeping car reservations aud other In formation furnished and baggags called (or and chocked from hotels and residences by Union Transfer Co.. on orders left at Ticket Odice. 708 15th st. n.w.; 511 Pa ave. n.w. and at Penna. Station. 'I'bone 1441 for P. R. R. Cab Service. FRANK 8. GANNON, 3d V. P. and Gen. Mgr. 8. H. HARDWICK. General Paas'r Agent. L. 8 BROWN. General Agent. ARLINGTON-MYER-FALLS CHURCH. STATION. AQUEDUCT BRIDGE. To Falls Church ? *6:15, *6:50, x7:2<?, x8:30. *9:30. 10:30, *11:30, 12:30, *1:30, 2:34), x3:30 4, *4:30. 5. *5:30, 6, *6:30. 7, *8, *9:30. *11, Sat. and Sunday night, hourly after 8 P M. Hourly to West End on Sunday. xTo West End. To Myer and Arl.?16:15 f7. t7:50. t8:46. 9:15, t9:45 f7:45 P.M.', t8:45. t9:45. tl0:45. tll:B0. tTo Nanck. Coach aci^aa bridge. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Seaboard Air Line Railway CAPITAL CITY ROUTE. LEAVE WASHINGTON. P. R. R. STATION: 11:01 A.M., FLA. AND ATLANTA FAST DAILY MAIL?Through Pullman Sleeper to Jacksonville, connecting at Hamlet with Pullman Sleeper to Atlunta. 0:55 P.M., FLA. AND METROPOLITAN DAILY LIMITED?Throngh Pullman Sleepers to Tarupa and Atlanta. Tbese tralna offer excellent sched ules to Petersburg, Raleigh, Southern Pines (Plnehurst). Camden, Columbia, Savannah, Jack* son vllle and all Florida polnta; Charlotte. Athena, Atlanta, New Orleana, Chattanooga, Nashville, all polnta west and southwest. 4:80 A.M. DAILY, LOCAI^-To Petersburg. Raleigh, Southern Pines (Plnehurst), Hamlet and Inter mediate polnta. Office: 1434 N. Y. ave. and Penna. ticket offlcea. B. E. L. BUNCH. W. H. DOLL, Gen. Paaa. Agt. Gen. Agt. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Trains leave from Pennaylvanla Station. 8:00 P.M. DAILY?Cincinnati and St. Louts Spe cial?Solid train for Cincinnati. Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville, Indianapolia and St. Louis without change. Connection lor Virginia Hot Springs daily. Observation Parlor Car Washington to White 8ulpbur and U ntoa weak daya. Dining Car. Parlor Cara Cincinnati to Chicago. 11:10 P.M. DAILY?F. F. V. Limited?Solid trala for Cincinnati. Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati Lexington and Lonlavllle without change. Connect tlon for Virginia Hot Springs dally. Diulng Car. Sleepers Cincinnati to Chicago and St. Lou!a. Reservation and tickets at Chesapeake and Ohio office. 518 Pennaylvanla avenue; 009 Fourteenth street, near F. and at the atation. Telephone calL Mala 1441. for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab servica! H._W. FULLER. I