Newspaper Page Text
? XX XX coupon. Cat oat and mull thia >mi|x>n to the Palais Royal ? lnc(|>*tiig 2c tramp ? and receive with our com pliments a Souvenir Album of Mr. V O. ?;<x>dwlu Kin) Miss Maxine Klliot sise tfxl2. -xx % I I- The I v ???????? y ! Palais Royal f i I Y ?> ? News: =for= ? -v ? i -Y 1 y f ;? ?-i y 4'The Cop Races." | Bclnic a history in picture* of the .? V winning and defense of the America's ??? X Cup. Sl*?? !Mx24. Published liy K. H. V ?J? Kussell at $7.50. V * Special, 75c. % ? ?? Oar Modern Authors' IJbrary of Paper ?J. Novel* represents what la best in En- V gllsh Action?4?>0 titles to select from. ? 'k Special, 3 for 25c. f i i ?J? Chambray Shirt Waist Suits. J ?? Y JSl.iNi Black I?nn Shirt Waists. Special, 69c. x You know the satisfaction that goes with.Onyx 151.u k H.-slery. Here's some thing extra s|iecial? 5.*- Quality I.AIUKS- MSI.E THItKAD ?> HoSK. in 111iv effect :tti<l dropstitch pat- ^ tern (don't ask for too many pairs)? Y 29c Pair. | ? ! Linen Department, i hi lien lluck Towels Kc ^ t I 12*?[V Linen llurk Towels 4oc Muslin Sheets, size Mx!*! 32c 15c IM11..W Cases. size 4."?x.'W. ....... 12c !!!>?? Turkish Bath Towels lUe 71?i- Satin Oamask Table I.inen, 88 inches wide. Special, 63c. Umbrella Dept. All our tine Parasols-that have Iieen selling nt S-'t.oo, $ ami f5.i*t. The chiffon-trimmed ami hemstitched, in all colors- are offered you at Special, $1.99. ! z V ?m!i. Z i x ?RogersAI Silver Platef A K.ieh piece stamped and guaranteed. ?$ V $1.0t> Teaspoons iset of slxi tile V Jl.'sl Ilessert Spoons (set of six I S3e ^ \ J 1.75 Tablespoons iset of six) !>3e A A $1..%o Dessert Forks (set of sixl SJte A ?X $1.75 TkHr Fnrta (set ?>t six' tte 4? %? >i "<i Table Kahm cset of ^i\- fl.M y V initials Mifrnvil KltUl V t X | Small Wares f Priced sp.*clal for a day. A *1' Royal Waist and Skirt Sup- J gp V V porter. 2T-- value II ?5C O Y V Kini.-ev's Waist Former, fl Sc. Y ?:* 25. value 11 ? *?* Y Silk Klastie Hose Supporters, fl w I'.tc vi lue uw a ?'? ? J. Best Horn Hair I'ins. "Majes tl A tie." liv value 13C Y C.iliinKl Twilled Tapes laswirt- X It. 1.x- value A Uolx-its* Perflation ^'ollar 11 Oc ? Forms !.?? value X 33 i?-r cent discount on Bathine Caps \ and Shoes and Knulisii and French Frilled I tiarter Klastie. A I The follow in i; liartcallia are in limited ?luantities and are priced for quick sell- JT int We would advise early chopping to ? the appreciative housewife; ? V TWO l.i>TS Austrian China and En- / A ? A clish I'on-elaln? JL *1' l-?- IioiiMe Kjtg Cup* 5c y ??? 11> A 1>. r.,ffee I'ups rind Saucers... i>c V V I'oered Butter 1 Msiies !>?C Y ? ? ? ? 1^- <?atmeal l?*?\\ls tn4 A UK- lo liK-b Mint IMatler 1l!?* A 12-iii?*h Mfjit riatt??r 1.V A v Tie 1 Meat Pltl ter 19c V 1T?* S>up IW V V Sn^ar Im?u1m 2m* t ? ? _ ?!?<? Teaj??!s- K>xsl stia|M-s ^Tic ' A ?* We will also close out on Wednesilay J A .mr entire line ..f "Sl ransky s" CBLK BKATKO STKKIj FNA.MKI. WAKK AT ,K IIAI.F l'Uli'l. original prices are on ?j* each piece voe can see your saving it's *.* *j* north a-oiislderlnj;. ^ ? a Ladies' Neckwear. I V 75. T1KS in lawn an<l silk Auto and V T? Ice-ari'iind styles plain and lace _l t rimmed. A Special, II9c. % ?> IS.- IIAM?KFJ:rillKFS a new lot. V lace trlniioe.l s.-allojietl and enil.roldere.1 *J* edge. i Special, !2J4c. i > $l.fa? "The nwrfm" Veiling newest '?* and ne *t effective for street wear all Special, 75c Yard. I S On Fourth Floor. A ;?Sc pair I.'ce Curtains 4S><? $1 !?s j?alr Ij?ce Cnrtains 9H. ??? lis pair Ij?.-e Curtains .$1.41) $ pair I.ace Curtains t- -MJ fT.'.is pair l.ace Curtains $.'J 1)H .t "si |u<ir Ta|ie?try l'..rtieres $1.2U A >4 ."s> pair Ta|?-stry 1'ortieres J- -'?* $?'> ."s? |??ir Ta|?-stry Portieres y 1U?- value Sllkoline IK' 15c value Deiilui B*<* 12* value IX'tte.1 Swiss lit.* $'J value M.m.|ult<> Canopies $1 :fit $1 .25 value Porch lto.-kera t)8c Zih- value Table Covers 3!>c $l.2'> value Oak S?-reens UNc "_?.%< value Jap. Matting llic $.'! value t-jiamel Beds $2.2M 2o per cent discouut Baby CaiTiageg. Palais Royal, A. MSN KB U and 11th Sta. At the Big Hardware Store. Preserving Kettles. The resources of onr H<m?efurnlshlng Department are wonderful. No matter what you call for. you will find It here in the Iwst (trade and at a much lower price than you'd expect to pay. We hare an ele gant line of I*re?ervlng Kettle*. In_all the different w ares- some good ooea as low a* 20c. Jelly Bags, 45c. Thin la the time of year for putting tip S jellies irru[ies and damsons are coming in. ami yo-i ought to nave your winter's 3 slock of Jelly made l?efore they yl P _ get scarce. Jelly Baits as low aa Fruit Presses, A handy thing for preserving time, and If you l?ny one now for the preserving sea son. reineiiil>er it doesn't wear out very quickly, and you'll hare it for many another season. Only.... Julep Shakers, 25c. For making mint Jnlejw or mixing any fancy drink these Shaker* are IndlKpensab'e. Complete with strainers, only 25c. Water Coolers. We hare those excellent Galvanised gi lined Water Coolers as low $1.65 $3 Ami the Porcelain-lined Coolers as low as Arctic Ice Cream Freezers, $1.50. i i 8 a 5 * I 6 This Is the 3-<juart sine, convenient for family use. and It is a wonder- tl Rfk fill freezer for 4* U .5? V Ice Cream Dlshers. H5c. Wire Pish Covers 15c. Alcohol Stoves 23c. Food Choppers $1 SCREENS. Perhaps some of yonr Screens are i a bit the worse for wear?have "leaks' In them that provide an easy entrance for flies and mosquitoes. Won't cost much to replace them at the big Hardware Store. Splendid Adjustable Window fl e~ Screens 1 %7V. Screen Doors, complete with AKr spring hinges, hook, eye and knob v,u ? Fancy Oak Screen Doors, complete with spring hinges, hook, eye, and ? tl knob H Screen Frames, ready to pot together, 2?K*. Screens made to order by- expert screen makers. Lawn Mowers. $2.25. Fully guaranteed Mowers, sharp blades, easy-running mechanism, high <C T) "Tl E gear, fnlly guaranteed <P*'. Ijiwn Mowers called for, repaired and returned for $1. Hose, $1.60. 25 feet Watering Ilose, complete with latest improved uoxxle fl Afl) and couplings, only v ? Hose called for. repaired and returned for 28c. Best Blue Flanie Oil Stoves, $5.75. The most wond'rful lnventle?,of the past decade. Saves an Immense amount of drudgery In your every-day life. Cooks, I takes and broils as perfectly as a gas rang? ano burns the cheapest fuel known, the ordinary kero- SJg sene oil. Only 0 a/ Gas Stoves. Excellent 2-bumer Gas Co??k- ffi-il era. with oven, only 2-burner Gas Stoves. $1.25 G AH DEN TROWELS 5c. TO 25c. GARDEN RAKES GARDEN HOES 20c GARDEN SPADES 75c. GRASS SICKLES GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS 50c. It *2 I i I 1 y f Furniture Factory, 14th and B. Storage Warehouse, 22d and M. jr Mattress and Couch Factory, 452 1'a. ave. ale of New Rings in our Tliird Floor Rug Department at special low prices. I Lot Russia Rugs, 6x9 ft.?at $12.50, $15 and $8.50 1 Lot Russia Rugs, 7.6x10.6 ft.?at $15.50, $17-5? an<^ $io-5? 1 Lot Russia Rugs, 9x12 ?t.?at $20 and $12.50 1 Lot Smyrna Rugs, 6x9 ft.?at $12.50 and $8.25 1 Lot Smyrna Rugs, 7.6x10.6 ft.?at...$17.50, $19.75 and $I2-5? 1 Lot Smyrna Rugs, 9x12 ft.?at $22.50 and $15 1 Lot Smyrna Rugs, 9x12 ft.?at $32.50 and $20 1 Lot Smyrna Rugs, 9x12 ft.?at $44-50 and $22.50 1 Lot Scotch Wilton Rugs, woven in one piece?at.$35 & $22.50 1 Lot Best Grade Wilton Rugs, 9x12 ft.?at $27.50 1 Lot Axminster Rugs, 9x12 ft.?at $32.50 and $22.50 1 Lot Axminster Rugs, 8.3x10.6 ft.?at $27.50 and $18 1 Lot Sarak Rugs, woven in one piece, 9x12 ft.?at. .$40 & $32.50 ? 1 T ? ? v i i 1 Worth. Best Grade Smyrna Rugs, 3x0 ft $0.25 Best Grade Smyrna Rugs. 30xti0 in 4.23 Best Grade Smyrna Rugs. 20x.*V4 111 3.50 Now. $3.15 2.75 2.25 New Carpets at New Prices, Extra Ingrains, yard, for worth Tapestry Brussels, worth 65e yard, for - 32c. 0c. 5-frame Body Brussels, worth $1.25 yard, for 85%c. 9754c. All Porch and Lawn Rockers, Chairs and Benches at ONE-HALF OFF I W. B. MOSES & SONS, F St., Cor. nth. ? X"X"X*X"X~X*X~X**?X~X-X~X*X~X-X"X">"X"X~:~X"X"X"X~X"X"X"? Close at <> p.m. Saturdays during August. T o K a 1 on White Brandy has a peculiar flavor es pecially adapted for l?ra:.dying (teaches ? the most delicious of preserves. Only 75 cents full Quart. CT'tTaret for punch and sangarees, 5oc. Vi gal. T0=IKAL0N Wine Co., fill 14th st. 'Phone y?8. aul9-20d x-x~x~x?x~x?x~x~x~x~x**x**x~ A, t Store closes 5 p.m.; Saturdays at 1 p.m. i Final Refrigerators, Baby Carriages, Mattings, Go=Carts, Rockers, On Credit Every article of Summer Furniture must go, and prices will be made to insure their clearance in short order. We offer you a chance to buy GUARANTEED Furniture at the usual price of ordinary grades. Credit is free, and payments will be arranged in weekly or monthly amounts to suit your convenience. | Qrogae': X Mammoth Credit House, X 817-819-821-823 7th St. N. W. ? Between H and I Sts. ANT A TENT? We have It?any else you want and at the very lowest price. All !n first class condition. Complete Mosquito Net, 25c. No. 5 Govt. Shoes. 5?>e. pair. Two-ply Best Quality Roofing, 75c. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR METAL AND SCRAP IRON. S. Bensinger & Co., Ilth and B Sts. ?ul?-tf.l4 Burjujirag Jlooey, COKE. TJiat la what JI Tc#* y 0 11 d 0 when you use Coal Instead of Coke. Coke costs only a fraction of the amount of Coal and It makes a Quicker and hotter Are. 25 bushels Large Coke. dellv'd.$2.00 40 bushels Ijtrge Coke, delivered..12.90 6f> bushels 1-arse Coke, delivered $4.10 25 bushels Crushed Coke, delivered $2.50 40 bushels Crushed Coke, delivered $3.70 60 bushels flushed Coke, delivered .'."$5.30 Co., 413 aul7-28d St. N. Never put off until tomorrow what should be done today! Better not wait until too late to get some of those bargains in Tal cum and Toilet Powders, Syringes, etc., that Jennings is selling. Jennings' Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail, 111142 Conn. Ave. aul7-tf,2S For Telegrams, Cablegrams or Messengers use the Postal Telegraph Service. 40 branches in Washington. Telephone, Main 458, or ring Postal Messenger call box. ?nl0-42d 87c, 87c. For set 12 Handsome Metal Furniture Handle*. For tha best Curtain Stretcher on tha market. TOE BAILEY $1 SAW-WARRANTED, Josiah R. Bailey, aa!7-I0d 820 7th at. AND j ' 1 Lothrop, New York?Washington?Paris. ^ $ 7 During the summer store closes at 5 o'clock; Saturdays at IJ o'clock. Our September Booklet?"The Student"?now in press, win be of great assistance to parents in'prepar ing their sons and daughters fof school or college. If of interest to you, leave or send us your address, and we will mail you a copy. The Present Opportunities For the excrcise of economy at our counters have probably never been equaled. Exceptionally low prices prevail and the assortments are grandly complete, amply large and in every way most attractive. We are bonfident that we can meet every want and need most satisfactorily. Special Sale of Summer Night Gowns (Second floor.) Delightfully soft and cool gowns of soft nainsook and thin cambric. The nainsook ones are made with square neck, back and front, and trimmed with narrow beading edged with bias fold and ribbon. The cam bric gowns are made in two styles, square or V neck, with yoke of fine tucks, and trimmed on neck and sleeves with torchon and Valenci ennes lace-edge. A special lot of fresh goods just received and offered at the special price of $11.00 Each. Regular Price, $11.25. Second flour. Women's Shoes (Third floor.) ^ \ About 300 pairs Women s Ox fords and Juliettes are offered at midsummer clearance prices. The lot is composed of Tan and Black Patent Leather and Patent Leather Krt.1. Some have welted soles; some turn soles. Styles for dress, for walking, for general out ing wear. A great variety of kinds, and in the combined lots all sizes are represented, thus affording ^n op portunity to suit almost -everjp taste. We offer them for quick clearance $2.00 a Pair. . Formerly $2.50 and $3.< Also a miscellaneous broken lot of Women's Tan and Black Oxfords and Boots, in a score of different styles, and all this season's make. \\ liile the line of sizes is not com plete in every style, about all sizes are represented in the combined lot. Tliev are marked * $11.50 a pair. Formmerlly $2, $2.50 $3. Third floor. Special Sale off Trunks and Suit Cases (Equitable Bldg., Basement.) We offer another special purchase of low-priced Traveling Trunks for short trips and packing purposes. Made well and in the most conven ient sizes for handling and packing. Exceptionally good values. Good Traveling Trunks, mailt* of thoroughly sea soned WMod, piotected on outside bjr fifteen slats; heavy steel corner and slat (lamps; tirass lock; three strap hinges: good lock bolt*; deep tray, with hat box. Three sizes; 28-inch. Each $11.95 30-inch. Each $2.45 32-inch. Each $2.95 Good Traveling Trunks, made of thoroughly sea sonal wood, hardwood slats, eorner slat and clamps; brass lock; sheet iron l>otlom; de??p tray, with hat 32-inch. Each $2.95 Low-Priced Suit Cases (For vacation trips.) Made of good, strong, waterproof material; brass Jock and catches; steel frame; reinforced leather corners; strong handle; cloth lining; inside straps. 24-inch. Each. $1.75 1 runks and Suit Cases marked free. Strap given with each trunk. Basement?Equitable Building. Linen = Department 2 Offers, as special values, /f 100 dozen % All-linen Napkins, w*th fulPBelvedge. $11.00 a Ooz^n. n. * il : - - WO dozen Austrian Napkins, beamed-tercel lent valiu?. :J1 $1.25 a Dozen.:i 60-lnch Pull-bleached Damask, very ser^ceable. 50c. a Yard, < nfc T 64-kich Cream-bleached Damask, Mtra value. 56c. a Yard. Second floor. Patterns for School Girls. Just at the time when people are beginning to think of school again, The Designer for September has a special article regarding Aprons for School Girls. It is for sale in our Paper Pattern Department. First floor. Eleventh at. Woodward & Lothrop, CENTRAL LABOR UNION AMALGAMATED ASSOCIATION AC KNOWLROOBS OFFER OP AID. R^MiatlMa AdoptH iRdeniag the Appeal of (be Clerks* Calra. The weekly meeting of the Central Labor Union held last evening was largely at tended, delegates representing forty-seven of the allied unions being present. After the consideration of reports of various committees under the order of communi cations, a letter was read from John Wil liams. secretary of the Amalgamated Asso ciation of Steel, Iron and Tin Workers, acknowledging the receipt of a copy of the resolutions recently adopted by the Central Labor Union indorsing the strike of the association and tendering the moral &nd financial support of the Central Labor Union. In the communication referred to Secretary Williams expressed, "on behalf of the Amalgamated Association its most sincere thanks for kind words of assurance; also for the attitude of the Central Labor Union toward the association in its strug gle." It was decided to make a thorough <*an i vass of che local labor organizations for funds to aid the striking iron workers, and the delegates were instructed to bring the matter t? the attention of their respective unions. It was also decided to devote '1 per cent of the receipts derived from the Labor day excursion to Glen Echo to a strike fund for the association. Delegates from Columbia Typographical Union announced that at the last meeting of that organization it was decided to solicit contributions for the strikers during August, and that during September an as sessment of 1 per cent would be levied on all members whose earnings exceed $50 a month. Alleged Discrimination. The delegates from Bridge and Structural Iron Workers' Union rej^jrted that the company which is constructing the iron roofing at the Capitol building refuses to employ union iron workers. It was also stated that this discrimination is known ajid passively agreed to by those who are supervising the work. It was decided to enter a formal protest against the action of the company, and a committee, consisting of Mil ford Spohn, H. T. LeClair, John H. Brinkman. C. W. Wlnslow and William Silver, was appointed to bring the matter to the attention of those having charge of the repairs at the Capitol. The iron work ers also reported that the members of their organization throughout the United States will refuse to handle any Iron which is the product of non-union iron workers. A number of delegates who were in at tendance at the convention of the Garment Workers' Union recently held in Balti more, paid the union a fraternal visit and were accorded the privileges of the floor. The visitors were: Miss Martha Alkee, Detroit. Mich.; Miss Lizzie Riley, Bing hamton. X. Y.: Miss Zora Poore, Racine, Wis.; John Stapleton. Detroit. Mich., and F. K. Kennedy, Binghamton, X. Y. Mr. Kennedy, who is an organizer for the American Federation of Labor, spoke for the delegation. His remarks were con fined to the subject of the union label'and the support and encouragement of the label unions which is made possible by or ganized workmen of all crafts using only the products of union workmen bearing the union label. Statement of Clerks* Union. A statement and a series of resolutions submitted by the delegates from the Clerks' Union were Indorsed. The state ment recites that the Retail Clerks' Union Xo. 2t?i. has expended time and money In an effort to ameliorate the conditions that surround the men and women of their call ing. with the aid and co-operation of affil iated unions, and that their efforts have been crowned with success, as a vast num ber of stores have agreed to close at 6 o'clock every evening except Saturdav. and at 9 o'clock that evening, benefiting a large army of tired and worn-out clerks. It was further stated that while many have appreciated the untiring efforts of the Clerks' Union In their behalf, and have demonstrated their appreciation by ally ing themselves with that organization, many have refused to become members "for many alleged reasons, among which is a fear of losing their dignity in becom ing members of a trade union. "When union purchasers call for a union clerk to wait upon them." the resolutions recite, "they observe in many instances a scarcity ^of such clerks in a few stores of this city, and are compelled to wait until a union clerk is called from another de partment. A submission to this practice only entails a hardship upon union clerks while lightening the burdens of those not members of the Clerks' Union." It was therefore declared to be "the sa cred duty of every member of organized labor, as well as nil lovers of humane re form. to co-operate with the Clerks' Union in the commendable and exalted efforts to create better and healthier conditions under which the large army of their calling might live and work." AFFAIRS IX GEORGETOWN. Delay in Improvement!) on Curtis and Addition School*. Owing to some unforeseen difficulties the construction of the new heating and toilet rooms for the joint use of the pupils of the Curtis and Addison school buildings will hardly be completed by the time the school term commences. The contract called for the completion of the work in seventy-five working days and was awarded to the firm of James Xolan & Sons, at a cost of $15,000. The heating apparatus will be partly un derground, and above this will be located the toilet rooms for the use of the pupils, the whole plan being drawn with a view of obtaining the best sanitary conditions. Kate Briscoe, colored, aged thirty-seven, who resides in Masonic Hall alley, became mixed up in an altercation with Sandy An derson on .'K!d street near the canal about 1 ::U> o'clock this morning. The man, it was alleged, knocked the woman down and jabbed her six times in the back with a pen knife. The blade was not shoved In very far, and the woman escaped serious Injury. Anderson was arrested by Policeman Lint ler and Hess on a charge of assault and battery, while the woman was removed to the Georgetown University Hospital for at tention. Morgan R. Goddard has begun the im provement of the store at the northwest corner of :10th and M streets. A new front will be put In and attractive show wondows arranged. The outlay will be about $2,500. The Washington Poultry, Pigeon and Belgian Hare Association will hold a meet ing this evening at 1204 32d street, at which will be considered the matter of the premi um list for the exhibition to be held the week of Xovember 15) at Masonic Temple. It Is expected to embrace nearly 2,000 ex hibits of poultry, pigeons and Belgian hares. Mr. 'William P. Hanlon left yesterday for a stay of some days at Atlantic City, after which he will visit Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and other places. Miss Katie du Fief of 1422 35th "street, accompanied by her nephew, John L. du Fle-f. will spend the balance of the summer In Maryland. Miss Margaret Kellher of 1514 32d street has left for the mountains of Virginia for a stay of several weeks, joining her sis ters, Misses Mamie and Annie. Mrs. Webb Smallwood of 1319 33d street, accompanied by her son, Is spending the summer at Warrenton, Va., where Mr. Smallwood will Join her next week. Policemen W. H. Harrison and Isaac Ward are off duty on leave. Policeman M. E. Furr Is on the sick list. PawenKer* Glvea a Scare. Passengers on the Pennsylvania railroad train from Atlantic City, due here shortly after 7 o'clock last night, were given a shake-up and scare when they reached the vicinity of Maryland avenue and Cth street southwest. About the time the train ar rived at the point mentioned two empty cars that were being sent to a siding crashed into the passenger train. The empty cars were derailed and somewhat broken. The passengers were, naturally excited, but none of them received injury. The bag gagemaster's ankle was sprained. Traffic on' the road was delayed until the wrecked cars were removed. The Best Prescription for Malaria Cbills and Fever la ? bottle of QROVK'8 TACTS IJS3S CHI Lb TONIC. It la aim ply iron and gutoine Is a taatcleaa Conn. No cute?do pay. Trice, 00c. j THE WORLD OF SOCIETY JOYS OF THE DBBUTAKTE ARK PRLT AT NBWPORT. Of tor Tom of Pleasare >>?) Re of ObarrTalioa at tile Paa Awfrif Pfrwl*. Last night was a gala one at Newport, with Mrs. Astor entertaining at dinner and the Burden ball for Miss Gwendolyn Burden s debut. The Misses Wetmore were among the guests from this city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I*. Morton and lit tle son. Harry, of Norfolk. Va.. are visit ing Mrs. Morton's sister. Mrs. Milford Spohn of No. 1318 8th street. W. E. Waters. Mrs. Stanley Searles, Mr. Stanley Searles. Mrs. Thomas Lucas. Sis ter Dorothea. Miss Sadie E. Edwards. Au brey Page, Lee Jewett Cox, Miss Helen S. Lincohn. M. E. G. Corey. Mrs. F. E. Richards and Mr. Perkins Moseley are recent arrivals at the Glenmore, Ocean ( it> . Md. 4 Mrs. M. Jueneman Hird has gone to At lantic City to join Mrs. John L. Vogt and Mrs. F. Martin Brandt at the Chester inn for two weeks' stay. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pyle are at Atlantic City for a stay of two weeks. Miss Josephine Martin of Baltimore is visiting relatives on Capitol Hill. Mr. and Mrs.'c. E. Young and Mrs. H. B. Smith left today for Atlantic CHy for a stay of two weeks. Miss Nettle Jacobs of 2704 K street left Sunday for New York, where she has gone to visit friends for several weeks. Miss Mabel Jacoos has gone with her aunt. Mrs. Nettle Overly, to Havre de Gra<?e, Md., to visit her aunt, Mrs. Lixzie Davis. Mrs. M. B. Lysten. Mrs. M. E. Lyddane. Miss Clara Birch. Miss Jennie Kerr and Miss Anna H. Taylor are at Atlantic City. Miss Leonora V. Seybolt and her sister, Miss Luclle Davis Ergood. are summering in the Blue Ridge mountains. Miss Kathreyne Kaiser, accompanied by her uiece. Miss Eleanor Costelo, is spend ing several weeks on the lower Potomac. Mr. G. A. Thornton and daughters. Misses Vance and Mattye. left yesterday for Old Point Comfort, Va., and Ocean City. Miss Helen McCarthy of Georgetown has as her guest at Montview, Frederick, Md., Miss Smith of I street. Miss Alma Bosse. Miss Katherine Canfleld and Miss Ethel Miller have gone to Monro via, Frederick county. Miss Mayme Lee. Miss Clara Rapp, Mrs. < A. P. Lee and Mrs. P. C. Garden left to dav for Atlantic City. Miss Mary Lee of Capitol Hill has just returned home, after spending several weeks with a camping party at the W e tumpka club house. Falling Waters. W. \ a. Mrs. E. M. Tillman of No. !>22 :5d street southeast and little son Howard have gone to Baltimore for a few weeks. Miss Annie Gawler is spending the month of August at Block Island, R. I. Miss Elizabeth Prosperi left Saturday for Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Drew of New Jersey avenue left this morning for Buffalo, Ni agara, the Thousand Islands, Montreal and other places of interest in Canada. Judge and Mrs. Alphonso Hart and daughter, Marjorie Hart, have returned from an extended trip through New i ork and northern Ohio, visiting en route friends in the Catskills and Cleveland and the Pan American. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Laing of No. 35 R street are stopping at Ix>cksley Hall on the Potomac, near Point I^ookout. Miss Nellie Lowe, 05 Randolph street, and Miss Norman of Brookland are spending their vacation at llda? Fairfax countj, V a. Among the recent arrivals at the Colonial Beach Hotel from this city are; J. H. Small and wife. Miss Downs. Miss Whelin. C. Johns. S. I^ewis, Mr. Burns, J. A. Long. Edward Schneider and wife, D. W. Ander son and family. Miss F. M. Allen and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dotson. W. R. Birch. Frank R. Davis. Henry J. Bleslen, H. R. Bird S. G. Pulliam, John F. McCaulley, Geo. T. Wells. J. H. Croxeday. Hugh Far ley. Walter De Atley and wife, F. E. Mol kow Mrs. C. W. Holl of North Capitol street has gone to Watertown. N. Y.. on a visit to relatives, and on her return trip will visit Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Miss Edna Sawyer is spending the sum mer with Miss Gillie Murray at "The Plains," Va. Miss Lillie Keyes and her brother Wil liam are visiting relatives in V\ aterford and Oatlands, Va. Miss Annie ^Johnson of Kinsale. Va.. who has been vis'ltlng friends in the city lor the past month, was given a pleasant fare well partv at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beavers on K street southeast last evening. Games were played, after which refresh ments were served. Those present were Mrs. Jos. Johnson and daughters Beatrice and Mary of Georgetown. Miss Lizzie Beardsley. Miss Addle Speiden. Miss Schultz, Miss Hattie Kesterson, Miss Annie Beavers, Miss Annie Johnson, and Messrs. W H Pembroke, Jos. Gough. Jas. Beards ley, C. Ashlon and B. C. McDonald. Miss Johnson leaves today for her home. Miss Lizzie Ball of Capitol Hill is home after a four-weeks' sojourn at Fauquier White Sulphur Springs. Miss Kate Lawn of this city, and her niece. Miss Noma Thompson, of Rockville. have gone to Ephrata Springs, Pa. Mrs. Granville Hunt of 409 F street south west is rapidly recovering from her recent severe illness, and has gone to the moun tains of Virginia for the remainder of the season. Miss Sallle Ruth Weeks of Baltimore. Md., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. Dallas Ervin, at her residence in Hyattsville. Mrs. C. R- Smith of 013 Q street north west has gone to the Pan-American ex position and will visit friends* at Niagara Falls and Canada before returiting. Miss Grace Kent has returned from her vacation, which she spent with Mrs. M. Luddy of Nokesvllle. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Hutton and daughter. Miss Grace, left this morning for Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Canada and on their return will stop with relatives on Keuka Lake. Miss Hattie Coder, with her aunt, Mrs. White, and son. left today for Oklahoma by way of Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Chicago and Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Steckney, accompa nied by their daughter. Miss Katharine, and son, F. L. Steckney. returned Satur day from a month's sojourn at Montague. Mass.. where they visited Mrs. A. M. Rice. Miss Idah Robertson of this city, who has been spending a fortnight at Old Point Comfort, will visit her sister. Mrs. C. H. Ruth, at Virginia Beach, before returning. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Zeh and Master Realino are at Chevy Chase Inn. where they will remain until October, POLICE CHIEFS* PENSIONS. MaJ. Sylvester Submit* a Proposition to the A??oclatlon. Major Sylvester, president of the Asso ciation of Police Chiefs of the United States and Canada, has submitted a propo sition to the association having for its ob ject the relief of its members, as well as widows and orphans of those who die while In the police service. It is Major Sylvester's idea that when chiefs are re moved from office for political or other reasons which do not affect their moral character the association should assist them in a substantial way until they get employment. In this connection the presi dent of the association realizes that many men who are really excellent policemen lose their positions, and In such cases their services in the same line of work may be in demand elsewhere. This, as well as the plan for assisting widows and orphans, has been approved by the board of governors, and the propositions have now been sub mitted to the Individual meqabers of the association. ' Mary Newman, a young woman claim ing to be from West Virginia, arrived at the Baltimore and Ohio depot last night in immediate need of medical aid. The police took her to the Washington Asylum Hos pital. PARKS OF THE DISTRICT thky kmrrack a* augrgoatr Of OVKR 3.000 AfHKS. i Thin Series to Be ro?l4erH hy thf Park I ?? CmhInIm la the 'or laprovrMfnt*. The public parka of the District of Co lumbia embrace an aggregate area of .ViV? acres. This large quantity of public land la scattered all over the District of Columbia and is In twenty-five distinct tracts. llock Creek Park is the largest single park, with 1.00# acres, Ihe next pubUc space .?elng Potomac Park, with a little over 7."E? acres. The Soldiers' Home grounds, which is In effect a public park, has 302 acres, and the Zoological Park contains an area of 17U acres. What Is In a general way known as the mall is officially regarded as several parks. Th#- monument grounds contain 7X5 acres, the Smithsonian grounds! acres. Presi dent's Park 63.7 acres, Kxecutlve Mansion grounds IK.5 acres. Othsr publit5*spaces are Henry and Hel ton Parks, H2 acres; (tarried Park. 2UH acres; Howard University Park. 12 acres; Judiciary Square. 19 acres; Mt. Vernon Square. 2 acres; KrankUn Square. 4 acres; Lafayette Square. t$ acres; McPherson. Far ragut and Rawlins Squares, each 1 acre; ^Lincoln Park. 0 acres; Stanton Park. 3 acres; Folger and Marion Parks. I acre each; Washington Circle, 1 acre; Dupont and Iowa Circles. 2 acres each. The above does not Include the Capitol grounds, which contain about 30 acres. There are also CI02 small reservations, com prising 407 acres. This is the series of parks that will be considered by the park commission in their general scheme of Im provement. DKATH OF RDWARD M'HWKITZKK. Popnlar Man Pauses Away ? Funeral Services This Afternoon. The announcement of the death of Mr. Edward Schweitzer, which occurred early Sunday morning at his residence. No. 1? 6th street northwest, caused profound sor row to a large circle of friends, who regard ed him highly. Mr. Schweitzer was forty three years old and a native of Germany. He came to this country In his early youth. He was given employment by Mr. A. l>isner of the Palais Royal many years ago. and by his diligence and enterprise gained steady advancement until at his death he occupied the responsible position of buyer for the linen and domestic goods depart ments of the business. Mr. Lisner and the entire Palais Royal force were devoted to Mr. Schweitzer, anil he was held in high esteem in business and social circles alike for his high character and personal traits. He was a member of the \\ ashington Saengerbund and of the Royal Arcanum. His wife survives him. The funeral services will be held at his late residence at 3 p.m. today. UNACY PROCEKDIMUS. Inquiry Into the Mental Status of Twelve Person*. Lunacy proceedings have been instituted in the Supreme Court of the District by A. L. Sinclair, assistant attorney. District of Columbia, against the following: Frank Kachelskl, Edward L. O'Dowd, George E. McCubbin. Mary J. Baker. Katie M. Mc Crystal and Lizzie Hartz, all white, and Alphonso Wells, Charlotte Brown. Florence Dines, Lula Blacknell, Adeline Wedg-; and Emma G. Thomas, colored. The petitions tiled with the clerk of the court cite that all of the persons are b? lleved to be of unsound mind and not proper subjects to be at large in the community. It Is also stated that the parties are indi gent and without means to pay for care and treatment-at the Government Hospital for the Insane. After considering the petition Justice Barnard passed the usual orders appoint ing two physicians in each of the cases to examine the alleged lunatics, and directing them to appear in the room of Equity Court No. 1 Friday, the :EJd instant, at 1 o'clock p.m.. and testify regarding the mental status of the unfortunates. Will of Thomas llyttes. The will of Thomas Hynes was filed to day for probate. His estate is left to hts wife, Jessie P. Morris Hynes. who is named executrix, without bond. MARRIED. II ALLEY?GREEN. On August HI. 19ftl, by the Rev. Father I*. J. O'Cunnell. nt the parsonage ? ?f St. Stephen's f'hurch. KltlCltEUIl'K HAL LEY of New York rlijr ai.d JENNIE F. GREEN of Washington, 1>. C. * DIED. DONOIIOO. On Tuesday, August 2ft, 11*11. PAT RICK II., son of the liit?- John himI Harriet Don ohoo, aged sixty-nine years. Funeral fmui his brother's residence. 72tf Sth street northwest. Wednesday, August 21, at 3 o'clock UUl. ? ENGLISH. On Thursday, August 15. 1801. at OM ham's, Westmoreland eonntv. Va.. suddenly, BENJAMIN AIGI'STI'S ENG'LISH, aged seven years, son of Thomas I.. and Ella M. English. * FITZGERALD. On Tuesday. August 20. llJOl, at. 1:3ft o'clock a.m.. F.I.IJEN FITZGERALD, the beloved wife of the late John Fitzgerald, a na tive of the County Limerick, Ireland. Funeral from her late residence, 441 I street north west. on Thursday. August 22. at a.iu. Ite<]ulem mass at St. Patrick's Church. Rela tives and friends invited to attend. 2* FURLONG. On Monday. August 19, 1001, FRED KHP'K. beloved son of Anna Furlong, in the twenty-ninth year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his sister. Mrs. A. Pinkney, 1225 G street northeast, Wednesday. August 21. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends re spectfully lnvinsl. ? LEE. Entered into rest, on Sunday. August IK, 11101. at 1 o'clock a.m., at her residence, 1322 O street court. ELIZA I.EE. Dean>st mother, thou hast left us; We thy l<iss most deeply mouru; ltut 'tis God who hath bereft IIS ? He can all our sorrows heal. 11Y CHILDREN. Funeral W.-dnesday. August 21. at 11 o'clock a in., fn?m St. Augustine's Church. ? LYNCH. On Monday. August 10. lOftl, at 10 o'clock a.m., JOSKPH F. LYNCH. In the twenty-sixth year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, J. T. Wright. 4WS Maryland avenue southwest, Wednesday. August 21. at 9 o'clock a.m., then-e to St. Domtuic's t'hrircli, where services will be held. Friends invited. 2* McCRELLIS. At Chatham, Mass.. August 18. 1001, JAMES BRADFORD Mct'REI.LIS. I?el,>ved husband of Adelaide F. McCrellis, in the slxtjr thlnl year of bis age. Intermeut iu Walpole, Mass.. on Tuesday. August 20. RAGAN. Suddenly, on Monday evening, August 10, lftol. at lier resilience, i22o 0th street northwest. MARY It., widow of Michael Pagan. Funeral private. (Indianapolis and Greencastle, Intl., papers please copy.) " SI! ELTON. On Monday. August 10. lOftl. at 2:30 a.m.. at 322u O street northwest, JOHN THOMAS, son of Edward and Barltara Shelton. Funeral Wednesday, August 21. at 2 p.m., froin above residence. Friends Invited to attend. ? la Meaiorlaai. Gl*EST. In loving but sad remembrance of my dear son. WILLIE OF EST, who died two rears ago today?August 20. lt*N). My darling son. can It 'be Two years I have mourned for thee? And yet I feel so fresh the pain I count them o'er aud o'er again. Loved In life: reniember<?d In death. ? BY HIS LOVING MOTHER. Tutt's Liver Pills Keep the system in order and pre vent morbid conditions of the liver which precede disease. A Preventative of Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Dizzi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Heart burn, Coated Tongue, Loss of Ap petite, Constipation and All Bilious Diseases.