Newspaper Page Text
FREE MESSENGER NEW ADVERTISING RATES. i cent a word under the following classifica tions. Smallest charge 15 cents. For Rent-Rooms. Rooms and Board. % Boarding. * J Wanted?Help. W anted?Situations. If not convenient to rail at main office witb your advertisements, leave them at the following STAR BRANCH OFFICES: 7tb and T sts. n.w., criswelps Drug Store. 14th and h sta. n.w., St. Louis Hotel. 9th and E. Cap. sts . Haley's Drug Store. 7th and H sts. n.e.. Griffith's Pharmacy. 2d st. and Pa. ave. s.e., Dobyn's Pharmacy. Wharf foot of 11th st. s.w. 13th and Vt. ave.. King's Pharmacy. 14th and K. 1. ave., Huddlesou's Pharmacy. 15th and 1" sts. n.w., Portner Pharmacy. 14th and Welling place, Kppler's. 3-d and M sta.. O'Donnell'g Pharmacy. 3?d and O sts.. O'Donnells Pharmacy. bond bldg., Cigar Stand. Woodward A: Lothr >p. S. Kami. Sons & Co. 912 Pa. ave. 8th and f. D. s. capmol 6th and B. City P. o. National. Kbldtt. Biggs. WANTED?HELP. MALE. WANTED?DRUG CLERK. FIRST-CLASS MAN, who Is willing to hustle; salary. $65 to start with. Address Box Star Office. au20-3t* wanted^Col.oRKD M AN W ITH KNoWT.kd'.lk of handling scaffolding. Apply manager. Saks a Company. au20-2t wantei? FIltST CI.ass PH?lt?igkapiiic PUT nt - er; good wages; permanent plaie. LEET BROS., 1*33 l'a. ave. it* WASTE! i-Col.LEt TOR FOR insurance; bond required. applv bet. 7 and ii a.m., A. jw wltxi MAN, 623 P. it* WANTED- A FIRST CLASS COIXECTi ir; ONE thoroughly aniuainted with city; none other need apply; give reference and experience. Ad dress ii. T. A., Star office. it* WASTED h?>YS f< >R MES-ienuer SEHVP'E" Apply MUTl AL DISTRICT MESS. CO.. 14ol F st. WAVITH i- will T E WAITER lilt el NCH COIN - ter man. Apply 530 15th st. n.w., between 6 and 7 o'clock it* U'A NT el ??w11eeew uu.IIT A ni? BLACK SMITH ? Immediately, tine wheelwright and one black smlth. Address ^ . Z. X.. Star office. au20-2t WANTED THOROUGH MACHINIST; ONE WITH knowledge of experimental work preferred. Ap ply to Mr. WILSON, at Boteler & Stott's, 8th and D sts. s.e., this evening after 7. it WANTED-u\ RGE BOV, WITH BICYCLE, TO run errands and be useful; $3.50 per week. scllrot BROS.. 611 La. ave. it WANTED" AN exi-EIHENCED OCTSIDE MAN by local firm; must have good address and be well acquainted; good salary right party. Ad dress. giving full particulars. Bos 175, Star office. it* WANTED?DRIVER FOR LAUNDRY; SALARY, $ln w.ek to right party; must ik- good solicitor and careful driver. Address Box 136, Star office.1* Wanted?c<impetent pharmacist. regis tered or qualified; light work; no cleaning. Ad dress ALEX., Star office. it WASTED-an experienced it'>v FOR CAKE baking, at once. BLAIR'S BAKERY, 653 H st. n.e. au2o-2t W a nt ED? B RE A D BAKER. 1275 11TH st! b e. aul9-2t* "w vNTED?a STOUT WHITE BOY TO DRIVE horse and cart; wages $3.50 per week; no lost time. 416 8th st. n.w. aul9-2t* WANTED AMBITIOUS MEN FOR PERMANENT jh'sitinn with old firm; chance of advancement; $12 weekly guaranteed. Apply jarkett, Room 8, 631 Pa. ave. aul9-2t* WANTED - COLORED BOY TO DRIVE CARRIAGE and attend around house; reference. Apply 1310 F st. n.w. aul9-3t wanted-a yocng man thTTjh school graduate preferred! who is a good {icmnan (Spen ceriani for office work; good position for right party. Address S. B. J.. Star office. anl7-3t* wanted union bricklayers at 55c. pf.u hour, by Brick Contractors' Association. Call at Room 612. Lewis bldg., Pittsburg. Pa. au9-12t* wanted?salesman for real estate; ex perlence not necessary; men with large acquaint ance preferred; horse and bug^y will be fur Dished: good pay to worker*. FULTON b. GORDON. 704 14tb st. n.w. fel7-s&tu-tf FEMALE. WANTED-WHITE LADY WAITRESS. APPLY between 1 and 2 o'clock 537-539 15th n.w. it* WANTED COMPETENT LADY stenographer and typewriter. Address, stating salary desired, C. L. ie, Star office. it* WANTED?a WHITE WOMAN" FOR GENERAL housework f<>r family of two; must be neat, good ci>os and mruish tirst-class references; three-quar ters of an hour on ear from city; good home for rlnht person. Address D. H., office. it* wanted a settled woman to do general hoiuu'w >rk; must come well recommended. Apply 642 G st. n.e. it* WANTED--RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL h'??isework. Call 1900 13th st. n.w. au20-2t* W AN1 ell?three FIRST-CLASS M AN ICC RES, with a1 reference. Apply before lo a.m. M. C. WHELAN, 1014 G st. n.w. it* WANTED?GIRLS IN OCR SHAMPOO DEPT.; only experienced ?with reference, need apply. M. C. WHELAN. p'14 G st n.w. it* WANTED YOl'NG LADY CASHIER; $4 WEEK; short hours. Call 10 to 4. 515 12th n.w. it* WANTED-A WOMAN FOR GENERAL 1IOUSE work; family of two; no washing; go home nights. 1138 8th st. n.w. it* WANTED?REFINED WOMAN. OVER 28. TO leave city for permanent engagement; one having Some knowledge of nursing preferred; salary and expenses. Address box 182. Star office. * it* wanted-a white working hocsekeep er Apply No. 1 B st. n.w. au2o-2t* WANTED- woman as cook AND LAUNDRESS; bring references. 1624 P st. n.w. it >WANTED experienced miixineky SALBSLA ^dies, very liberal salary; none but experienced salesla lies need applv. Applv at once to Man as-r of 1IECHT a CO., 513 and 515 7th st. n.w. au20-4: wanted A COMPETENT housemaid AND laundress. Apply at 2030 Hlllyer place. aul9-3t WANTED?a respei TABLE COM HIED WOMAN to cook, wash and Iron; must stay nights; bring references. Appjy 1608 q n.w. aul9-2t* WANTED NEAT white NT USE TO TAKE care of child 3 years old; slate refereuces and age, also wages expected, which must be mod erate. Address Box 147, Star office. aul9-2t* wanted?io s.\leslai>ies, 4 ~demonstra tors, ready for work; salary, $0. 402 6th st. n w., room 211. aul9-2t* WANTEIV LADY, PLAIN. RAPID WRITER AND accurate at figures. State salary and exi>erlence. SOHRoT BROS.. 611 la ave. n.w. auli?-2t m A t.i: OH fgnalr. wantei>?LADIES AND gentlemen FOR CHO ru? work; must have good voices and nice api>eap aii'-e. Call or address JOHN GRIEVES. BlJ?u Theater. au!7-tt WANTED?HOUSES. WANTED?to RENT HOI'he, 6 to 8 ROOMS. Sept in, city or suburban; one with CELLAR, fartiace and large lot preferred; must be cheap; give in-lee and full particulars. Address Box 236, Star office. it* wanted-why let Voi r house lay idle? When you ean hare it placed ON our Lfc*T, where special attention will be given the same. DROP A POSTAL OR PHONE MAIN 1902. au?'-#t-6 HENRY WELLS. 1410 G ST. WANTED l'NFI'R. HOUSES, $15 TO $7u. oit ders waiting Wanted Fur. bouse, $85, by Sep. Wanted -Fiats immediately. N<?te our new ad dress! clark BROS., 1833 F. au20-3t* WANTED-to RENT HoUKE is N W. SElTION, 8 or 9 rooms; a.m.i.; furnace; with stable pre ferred. Address M. J. F., Star office. aul7 9t* WANTED- TO bi Y s R?rim"BRICK HOUSE BE tween II and I, 6th and 12th sts. n.w.; price atsmt $h.t*<0. Address Box 118. Star office. a'?17-3t* WANTED - hou4se suitable FOR private boys' school, between K and S, 13th and 16th sts. n.w.; three or ore years' lease. Address bex 383. Bar Harbor, Me. ?ul5-6t* wanted-we have a steady d^and for bouses to sell and rent- We aiv handling prop erty successfully for others, who express their satisfaction Send us particulars regarding your property; personal attention given to all branches of the businea*; every facility; liberal advertis ing. GIVE US A TRIAL. Telephone Msln 1150 (L. D.). au!2 tf MOORE & HILL. 71T 14th st. D.w. WANTED?FLATS. WANTED?by responsible TENANT. NO CHIL dren. a flat of 5 or 6 rooms and bath; permanent 1/ suited and rent reaaouable. Address S. E. B., Star offiee. aul7-3t* VaNTED-BY QUIET FAMILY OF ADULTS, un furnUhed flat or 4 rooms; bsth, gas and beat; b.w.s not ovsr $20. Address, giving particulars, C. a E.. Star office. aul7-3t BOARDING^ (able D'HOTB AND A LA CARTR. DINNER all day Sundays and holidays; mid-day lunch for (adits and gentlemen from 11 until 2; electric fails. oatg ROBINSON. ims 14th at. a w. WANTED -SITUATIONS. MALE. WANTED?TY PEW KITING AND SHORTHAND evening work by printer-stenographer; rapid, cor rect, confidential. ACCURATE G., Star office. au2o-tu,th,s,3t* WANTED-BY RESPECTFUL COLORED YOUNG man from country, position a* porter, work around house; is willing to tearn any bus I new; l?est reference. Apply 517 21at St. n.w. It* WANTED?SITUATJON BY EXPERIENCED COL ored porter, driver, cook; refs. Address Bo* 148, Star office. It* WANTED?BY YOUNG MAN, I-OSITION AS As sistant bookkeeper or helper io an office. Ad dress Box 180, St<ir office. au20-3t* WANTED-l'OMTlON BY A1 BOOKKEEPER, mercantile or hotel office, or to represent manu facturing firm; 18 years' experience; finest ref erences. L C. K., Star office. au20.22.24.3t* WANTED-BY A COMPETENT COLORED youth, a position In house, store or office; rcfa. W. I- L. B.. 1024 21st st. It* WANTED-I W1IJ, PAY TO ANY ONE $25 PER mouth for one year to secure roe a position in the government service. Address BONA FIDA, Star office. au20-3t* WANTED A POSITION BY EXPERIENCED business uinn with good address and executive ability. Address JONES 8., Star office. au!5-6t* FEMALE. WANTED?SITUATIONS?NEAT, EXPERIENCED colored nurse, housemaid, cook; good rets each. Address Box 75, Star office. It* WANTED?WASHING TO DO AT HOME OR OUT by the day; good laundress. 410 L St. n.w. If WANTED -BY toLoRED WOMAN. PLACE AS cook in small family. Apply 1210 12th st. n.w. 1* WANTED?BY A NEAT COLORED GIRL. PI-ACE to do plain cooking or chambermaid. Call 234 L st. s.w. It* WANTED?BY C< >LORED GIRL, PLACE AS cook; no washing; go home nights; references. 4.H6 L st. s.w. It* WANTED?SITUATION BY A REFINED GIRL, up to date, in a refilled family. Inquire 828 6th n.w. It* WANTED?BY RESPECTABLE COLORED Wo man. work by the day; references. Call 1519 15th st. n.w. It* WANT ED--BY COI>>RED WOMAN, PLACE TO do general housework; stay nights. Address 350 L st. s.w. au20-2t* WANTED--BY 2 RESPECTABLE COLORED girls, places as chambermaid or general house work in small family. Apply 1922 10th st. It* WANTED-BY A WHITE WOMAN, CHAMBEH work. waiting or sewing. 2807 Olive are., George town. It WANTED BY YOUNG LADY GRADUATE WASH lugton Business High S<'liool, position as stenog rapher, typewriter or bookkeeper; have had prac tical experience and am dead In earnest; satis faction assured. Address Y. L. G., Star office. aul9-2t* WANTED?ROOMS. WANTED?ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family by yenng married couple; centrally locat ed; state price. Address Y. M. C., Star office. au2o-3t* WANTED-5 UNFURN ISHED ROOMS, BATH, heat and light, for l.h.k., bet. M and R and 14th and 20th sis.; family 3. Address W. U. R.. Star office. It* WANTED?NE< 1(ND-STORY FRONT ROOM BET. 9th, 14th. H, M northwest; permanent. Address Box 163. Star office. au20-2t* W A NTEI > G ENTLEM A N AND WIFE WANT four unfurnished rooms with private bath, or small house near Congress. Llbr'y; rent not exc. (25; ]M-rmanent. Address Box 54, Star office. au!9-2t* wanted - three or four unfurnished rooms, second floor; light housekeeping; for cou ple; near Capitol; state price. Address F. I. G., Star office. aul9-3t* WANTED WITHIN ONE BLOCK OF THE CAI'I tol. th -?-e furnished rooms, on second floor, for light housekeeping. Address Box 414, New Lon don, Conn. au!7-3t* WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE, CAR pets. stores and office fixtures of all kinds. Fur niture stored, packed and shipped. Address BAl'M. 912 Pa. ave. n.w. 'Phone 1254. au20-tf WANTED?A. KEBESKY. 1306 7TH ST. N.W., will p.i.v the highest cash prices for ladies', gents' and children's cast-off clothing and shoes and ?hats. Address a postal and I will call. au20-18t* WANTED ?TO PURCHASE USED UPRIGHT pianu. anv make; will pay $60 cash. Address Box 184. Star office. au20-3t WANTED?A DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN IN an apartment or room renting house. Address Box 174. Star office. It* WANTED?OLD FEATHER BEDS FOB CASH. Box 115, Star office. au20-8t* WANTED?I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING. ADDRESS A POSTAL AND I WILL CALL. R. TARSHES. 1308 7TH N.W. aulO 22t* WANTED?FEATHERS; HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for old feather beds. All orders promptly attended to. Send ]>ostal to B. M. WEINSTEIN & CO.. 481 Missouri ave. aul6-flt* WANTED-LOUIS ABRAHAMS?HIGHEST CASH prices paid for old gold, silver, watches, dia monds, platinum, teeth plates, dentist gold. etc. Pawn tickets Iwmght. 433 9th at. n.w. au!6-tf WANTED?IF YOC HAVE ANY FEATHER BEDS, furniture, caipeta, office fixture* or ahow cases for sale it will pay yon to drop postal to L FRIEDMAN. 803 D St. n.w. Jyl-T8t*4 FOR RENT?FLATS. FOR RENT-FLAT?520 10TH N.W. 3d floor, 4 rooms and bath, $20.60. R. S. DONALDSON, au20-3t* 520 10th n.w, FOR RENT?F. II. SMITH CO.. 1408 X. Y. AVE., Rental Agents, Bond bldg. "Luzon," 26th & Pa. ave.. 6r.Ab.; all outside moms; elev?tor; steam heat; large lawn $40.00 1005 Pa uv, 4rib. ..25.00.1204 G nw, 6r&b...40.00 616 12th nw, 5r&b..4o.0o'717 11th nw, 4r&b..32.00 23Q4 14th nw. 5r&b. 25.00 au!7-3t FOR RENT -2-STORY FLAT, NO. 1205 G ST. n.w.; 5 rooms and bath; occupied many years by dentist. L. M. SAUNDERS, cor. 12tb and G cts. n.w. aul7-3t FOR RENT?FLATS. The Jefferson, 815 II st. n.w.; fiat 4 rooms and bath; mod. imp.; $23. The Princeton, 1430 V st. n.w.; 6 and 6-rootn flats; mod. imp.; $30 and $40. The Essex. 1422 K st. n.w.; S rooms and bath; mod. Imp.; $37.50. The Llewellyn, 2224 F st. n.w.; 4 rooms and bath (new); $30. Westover, 16th and U; finest apartment house In the city; 2 to 6 rooms; $25 to $70. The Northampton, 1405 W st. n.w. (finished Oct. 1); 5 rooms and bath; $37.50 to $45. Flats, 1020 9th st. n.w.; 6 rooms and bath; $45. L. S. FRISTOE, aul7-0t 1413 G st. n.w. FOR RENT?HANDSOME 4 AND 6-ROOM FLATS in the Landmore, 1133 24th St.. $32.50 to $40' 6 room tlHts. 1631 19th St.. $37.60 to $45; lst-iloor flat, 2750 14th St., $27.50. THEO. A. HARD ING. 1316 G st. n.w. aul7-3t FOR RENT?TWO OF THE CHOICEST APART ments in "The Valjean," 913 I st. n.w., second floor. See JANITOR, en premises. aul7-3i* FOR RENT?FLATS?NEW MARYLAND BLDG., 7th and C sts. s.w.; C rooms and bath; tiled bath; steam beat; hot water; newly papered; Janitor service; corner fiat; southern ex|M*jure; convenient to all car lines; the cheapest flat in the city for the money; $27.50 per mo. Virginia bldg., 7th and Va. ave. s.w., two modern flats, 6 rooms each; $25.50 and $27.60 per mo. J. HARRISON JOHNSON & SON, aul7-flt 306 7th st. s.w. FOR RENT-DESIRABLE APARTMENTS IN "THE W1NOLA," 1006 MASS. AVE.; flats of B rooms aud bath each; all outside rooms; $40 to $00. "THE GARFIELD," 13th and I sts. n.w.; "THE B1NNEY." 1408 Blnney St., Columbia Heights; 12ol WHITNEY AVE. Columbia Heights; "THE ARMY AND NAVY," 814 22d st. n.w. Call for prices and full particulars. jy23 MOORE & IIILL, 717 14th st. n.w. FOR RENT?"OLYMPIA" APARTMENTS. Co lumbia Heights; thoroughly flre-proof; army and navy headquarters; three, flve and seven rooms; all tnodern conveniences; moderate rates. Jy20 tf OSCAR W. WHITE. 1114 F st. FOR RENT THE COLUMBIA, 14TII AND BIN ney, overlooking the city; apartment of 6 room*; southern exposure; elec. light. Altered water, laundry, etc.; special price. 1*8 tf JAMES A. CAHILL. 1308 F at. n.w. FOR RENT-IN THE CONCORD, COR. NEW Ilatrpshlre aud Oregon aves., 2 and 4 and 0-room apartments; cool In summer; excellent cafe. my21-tf FOR RENT?THE HAWTHORN, 1527 I N.W., 1 suite, 6 rooms and hath $47 50 THE EMERY. 1812 G St. n.w.. 5-room apartments (new) $36.00 to $42.00 THE ADDISON, 916 14th at. n.w.? 3 rooms aud bath $26.00 to $36-00 THE AUGUSTA, cor. N. Y. and N. J. aves. 4 rooms and bath $18.00 to $27.60 THE LOUISA. 21fl New York ave. n.w.? New building, 4 reus, and b $20.00-and $22.60 25o6 Pa. ave. n.w., 4 roonfa and batb 820.60 71 1* st. n.e., 6 rooms and bath $17.SO 78Vb P at. n.e , A moms and batb $17.80 741*, O st. n.e., 4 rooms and bath $16.80 2119 Wa.d pi. n.w., 3 rooms and bath 10.00 88 Decatur st. n.e., 4 rooms and bath $9.00 myS-tf WEAVER BROS., 1410 F at. APARTMENTS TO LET. FOR RENT?C ST. N.W. BET. BOTH AND 81ST sts., five rooms and batb; steam beat; all mod ern improvements: ready about September 1; renta $26 and $22 50. THE WASHINGTON 1X3 AN AND TRU8T CO., REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. aul4-tf ATTORNEYS. CHARLES 8. BUNDY, Commissioner of Deeds for New York and all other states and territories. Fendall building, cor. 4<o> ?t? opposite City Hall. 'Phone 1819. a"S* CAMPBHX CARRINGTON- ATTORN BY-AT-LAW. Webster Law building, 605 D st. n.w., Waahlng ton, D. C. Realdence, Ko. 8 Mount Veraoa Flats. New York ave. gad 9th at. jlw, ni( FOR RENT?ROOMS. FiRMSHEO. FOR REXT?COUPLE OWNING WELL-KEPT, modern borne, would rent 2 or 3 nicely for. room; $6 and up. Call 71 N st. n.w. an2u-8t* FOR RENT?TWO FURNISHED OOMMUNICAT lng front rooms. Call after 6 p.m., 613 12th at. n.w. au25-4t* FOR RENT? WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. In new bouse; terms reasonable. 243 Del aware its, n.e. au20-2t* FOR RENT?623 4TH ST. N.W., A NICELY FUR. front room on 3d floor; also fur. front hall room on same floor; private family; ref. required; Vents preferred. It* FOIt RENT?1228 15TH ST. N.W., FlTtNISHED rooms, single or en suite; all conveniences. au2QJu!4-2t FOR RENT?TWO COM. ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR doctor; also single rooms; ref. No. 819 New York sve. n.w. a ill 9-31* FOR RENT?LARUE FRONT AND OTHER rooms, newly papered and painted; 6 porcelain bath tubs; electric appliances; central location. 410 6th st. n.w. aul9-3t* FOR KENT?1248 1UTH N.W., LARGE BAY-WIN dow front room, well furnished; private family; references. aul9-<Jt* FOR RENT?1B14 K ST. N.W.. ELEGANT APART ment of two large rooms and private bath; whole 1st floor; recently occupied by member of Ger man embassy; also. desirable rooms on 3d floor, en suite or single. aul9-6t* FOR RENT?ly<>4 11TH ST., WELL-FURNISHED communicating rooms, en suite or single; '.urge closets; moderate rates. aul7-3t* FOR RENT?2 ROOMS ANI) HALL ROOMS. NICE ly furulshetl, with use of l>ath; near Capitol, cen sus otn.-e and depots; for gentlemen only. 221 B st. n.w. anl7-3t* FOR REXT?LOVEI.Y BAY-WINDOW 2D-FLOOR front room; smaller one adjoining; also medlum sized back room; reasonable. 1250 10th n.w. aul7-3t* FOR RENT?COOL, PLEASANT. FURNISHED OR unfurnished room; southern exposure; steam heat; private bath and elevator. Montrose Flats, 1116 9th n.w. aul7-3t* -FOR RFNT?A LARGE 8D STORY FRONT ROOM. furnished. 1320 G n.w. aal7-8f I'KFIRNISHEO. FOR RENT-TWO CHEERFUL. UNFURNISHED, communicating rooms on second floor in private family of three adultsr all modern conveniences; two doors ftoni cars; reasonable. Address OWN ERS I,., Star office. It* THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH for light housekeeping. 70S B st. s.w. au20-2t* FOR RENT?THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping; no children. 20 Kth st. n.e. au20-3t FOR RENT-THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms on Lincoln Park. 1214 North Carolina ave. n.e. It FOR RENT?1211 9TII ST. N.W., THREE NEW ly papered rooms, second floor; bath, heat and gas for cooking; $22. aul7-3t* FOR R ENT?I ?A RG E, HANDSOME, SECOND etory front room; also otlter rooms, unfurnished. 1401 II ?t. n.w. au!7-3t* FOR RENT?AT 1010 8TH ST. N.W., TO ADULTS only, rooms on 1st, 2d and 3d floors; suitable for light housekeeping; premises occupied by owner; references n quired. aul6-6t* FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?TWO FRONT ROOMS, 2D FLOOR; western exposure. 1517 5th st. n.w. au20-3t* FOR RENT?FUR. OR UNFUR., 2307 PA. AVE., several large, cool, pleasant rooms; north win dow. au20-5t* FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms. 522 2d st. n.w. a?20-3t* FOR RENT?3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON SEC ond floor; one nice furnished room. 705 8th st. n.w. aul7-3t* FOR RENT?FUR. OR UNFl'R., 2 CHEERFUL 2d-story front rooms; elegant location; tmth, beat, gas; l.h.k. 413 B n.e. aul7-3t* ROOMS AND BOARD. CHEERFUL ROOMS WITH GOOD BOARD FOR (25 a month. At 1414 N st. n.w. It* 1205 M ST N.W.. LARGE SECOND-STORY south-front room, with excellent board, for two; gentlemen preferred; $45. au2o-3t* NEAR CAPITOL AND LIBRARY. WELL-FUR nished rooms with good home table. 210 1st ?t. n.e. au20-tu,th,s-3t* FOR RENT-1311 CONN. AVE., OPPOSITE BRIT Ish legation, furnished apartments, with or with out board; references. au20-3t* THE BURTON HOTEL, 310 C ST. N.W.?PER roanent and transient guests accommodated; rates reasonable; new house; hot water heat; porcelain baths; electric elevator; telephone; good table; excellent service. aul9-6t* 1200 S ST. N.W., LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED front room, suitable for two young men or married couple; good table; nice neighltorhood; references. aul9-2t* FOR RENT?717 10TH ST. N.W., LARGE. NEW corner house, nicely furnished rooms; single or en suite; large closets, steam heat and good home table. Table board. Rooms for transients. Jy29-26t* FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOR RENT-LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED, MODERX offices; elevator, electric light, steam heat, Jani tor s?rvlce; rent, $12.50; no extras. Mctxerott bldg , 1110 F st. n.w. Je4-tf GASCH BROS., Agts., 1307 F St. FOR RENT-DESIRABLE OFFICES IN THE BIJSS building; electric light, telephone and Janitor service free; from $7.60 up. Inquire Room 8, Bliss building, 35 B st. n.w. mh27-tf FOR KENT?STORES. FOR RENT?1423 N. Y. AVE., VERY DESIRABLE ?tore room and cellar; one of the best locations in the city. A. T. COUMBE, aul9-3t 1425 N. Y. ave. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SAIjE?RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE IN ONE of best locations of city; may be transferred. Address Box 214, Star office. It* FOR SALE-MEAT AND PROVISION STORE, DO lng good cash business, located In northwest; reason for selling, have other business. Address PROVISION. Star office. aul9-3t FOR SALE?HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WITH license; good location. Address W. R. P. Star office. aul9-3t* FOR SALE?CIGAR AND NOTION STORE, 901 8d st. s.e ; satisfactory reason for selling. aul6-th.s,tu,3t* WANTED-HEIRS TO UNSETTLED ESTATES can obtain loans on short notice or sell out their Interest. J. H. WALTER, aulO-s.tu,th,8m 1821 "F" at. n.w. STOCKS OFFER A DAILY BUSINESS OI'POR tunlty. One may buy stocks on 2 per cent mar gin through "The 8tock Grain ProT. Co.," capital, $200,000.00, 10 Wall st.. New York. Washington correspondent. The Ferry Commission Co., 1339 F at. n.w. Office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. au8-26t* AT BAMSAY'8? YOUR WATCH CLEANED, $1.00. WATCH MAINSPRING, $1.00. ALL WORK WARRANTED ONE YEAR. mh3-5d 1221 F ST. N.W. PERSONAL. WILL GIVE $10 PER MONTH TO ANY ONE securing me a gov. position paying $60; can fur nish congressional indorsements. Box 61, Star office. au20-3t* "BYE, BYE BOYS! SEE YOU ALL NEXT FALL I" Don't forget to send for us and our generous cash rates for men's worn garments before you go. We'll make your heart light and your pocket heavy. We are prompt. JUSTH'S OLD STAND, 619 D. au20-tf-5 WILL PAY $60 CASH TO ANY ONE GETTING me jK>8ltlon in government paying $60 per month; strictly conflientlal. Address Box 235, Star of fice. au20-2t* A~~LADY HAVING FURNITURE WOULD MEET elderly gentleman or lady who would assist her in taking a house for room renting. Address Box 108. Star office. aul7-3t* A YOUNG LADY WILL GIVE $50 CASH TO any one procuring her a government position pay ing $40 or $50; strictly confidential. Address Box 133. Star office. aul7-8t* NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, AUTHOR lxed and bonded, 603 15th at. n.w. 'Phone Main 2626. Open day and night. Strictly confidential. Brauch in Baltimore, Md. aulS-tf HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE-BAY MARE AND SURREY, EITHER together or separately. Inquire at BYRNE'S 8TABLE. bet. 3d and 4th and D and E sts. n.e. aul&-2t* COME ONE, COME ALL, AND SEE THE BIG bargains In Buggies. Surreys, Traps, Depot Wag ons. Ruuatouta, Delivery Wagons, Ac., feo., of fered for sale at actual cost by THOK. E. YOUNG, 464-466 Pa. are. n.w. This special offer will last for next 80 days and no longer. I guarantee everything sold at my repository to be *s represented at time of sale; make a special note of this Important fact. au10-30t ALL SUMMER VEHICLES AT COST? New Top Buggiea $37.00 New 8teel-tire Runabouts $40.00 We are the lowest on Daytona. JAMES K. PROBEY, 'Phone W. 42 F. 1230 32d st a.w. jy24-26t LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED?A WHITE FOX TERRIER WITH brown spots on each ear, with collar and tag No. 8416. Suitable reward If returned to 610 I at. n.w. It* ? IjOST-MONDAY, SEAL CHARM. WITH CREST; broken from watch fob. Finder please return to 606 N st. n.w. and receive reward. It* LOST-AUGUST 16. MEDAL INSCRIBED "R. 8. Smith," and on reverse side, "Presented by O. W. Edwards." Finder return to No. 715 2a st. n.w. Liberal reward. It* LOST?THIS fTUESDAY) MORNING. A GOLD breastpin, old style, with two tasaels attached. Reward Ir returned to No. 10 I at. n.w. It* LOST?BLACK SWAN STILL MISSING; $10 RE ward If returned alive. SCHM1D'8 BIRD STORE, 712 12 th tU UMHt* FOR RENT?HOUSES. FIR.VRHBD. FOR RENT-NICK 12-ROOM HOC8E, DESIRABLE location, and aeveral suites of furniture, includ ing parlor and Dearly new upright piano; party would boird In bouse if deaiaed; beat reference*. Addreaa Box 101, Star effice. b au2o-2t* FOR RENT? FURNISHER HOUSE IN THE NORTH - wwt: loc.itIon the best; on New Hampshire ave. near Washington Circle? 11 rwuns and bath; mod ern Improvements and *?nveni>nies; rent, $00 per mo. MARTIN BROS.. vy2f> p#. ?Te. n.w. au30-6t IXKIHJJISHED. ? _?_iu. . for RENT-arroNE ft Fairfax soe-s f n.w. !ISO.Iowa circle, 15r. 3ba'$3O.50..17th&K aw, store 75.76.1783 Q nw. 12r. ba $30.80. .47 Qulncv nw.Hr.b 75 Mlntwood place .. 1309-11 H ne,6r,ba 75.. 1410 20th' <30.50. ...831ft Pa a* as [75. .1307 Clifton, 14r, ba! $27.50 63 N nw, 8r,b J? j.'50.240^ld i8tb,"iOrThlirr.SO.".'i2l'o 14th, sto.sta .50.. 1750 S nw.12r.2t>*1 $25.50.2211 14th nw.8r.b , 200 Ind av, llr, ba f J5.60. .1104 O nw. Sr. b? 155.75.1322 13th aw.Uir.b* "D. 75..2018 O nw, 12r,b .75.. 1744 N nw, 8r, ba .75.1240 Ken av.lOr.b .50.1853 Harv'd, 12r.b _J.50..3101 13th, lOr, ba $22.60.614 13th nw, office 50... 1332 R nw, 12r, ba $22.60.-524 12th ?7.60.1518 S nw, lOr. ba'$22.50.. .711 S nw. 6r. ba $40.60.1419 6th nw.llr.b $22.50.1928 6th nw. 50 820 T 26.40..415 Q nw, 7r, ba V6 901 U nw, flat ;25 1706 I'a av, flat ...610 F nw, off ra $4.'.60. .1325 T nw, 9r. ba $45.50. .918 S nw, lOr, ba $45.50.1323 lltb nw,10r,b $45.50.1326 lltb nw.lOr.b $45..1748 Oregon av, llr $42.50.3402Morgan av,12r $40.75.1919 17th nw.llr.b $40.56.21 H st nw.stoftd $4<>.S0.1933 15th nw,9r,ba {40.50.1716 17th nw,8r,ba 40.50. .1419 20th nw,9r,b $40.50.1143 21st $40.60 1811 ISth, lOr $40.. Monmouth Chambers $37.50.1712 Corcor'n.llr.b $21...622 Seaton ne,6r.b $20.60.. 447 N Jit se. 6r $20.50..406 K nw, 6r, ba $20.50 608 7th aw $20.60...714 3d ne, Cr, ba $20.50. .606 9th ne. 6r. ba $20 Hyattavllle, Md $19.60. .600 M se. 6r. ba 518.50.C02-6 M se, 6r. ba $18.60.1706 Pa ai nw.flat $18 Randolph, Md. $17.50.. 1104 6th se, 6r,ba $17.50. ..1230 H ne, 6r, b $17.30.125Heck st se.flr.b $10.50.541 14th se, ?r. ba $37.60.3109 16th nw.9r,Uat$16 1606 N J aV, 6r $37.50.1917 18th nw.llr.b $15.50.. 1116-20 C ne, flnts $35.50.1000 Md av ne.flat $15.60.. .727 L ne. 6r,ba $35.50. .215 12th sw, 10ri $35 50.1537 8tb nw. 9r. b $35.50.1823 Oregav, $35.50.Stoftcel.fthftM nw $35.50.3419Morg'n av,9r.b $35.50.3423Morjt'n av,9r.b $35.60 1617 28th, 9r! $35.60.1514 18th nw,9r.b *35.50.. 1722 1st nw, $32.50. .1457 8 nw, 8r. ba $15 Clarendou. Va. 15.e04 F nw, 2 off r.Sd fl .15.425 N J aT nw.basmt 13.60.1420-24 D ne, $13.30..:.2010 2d nw, % $12.30.1004 4th se, sto.iJr $12 1111 O nw, flat $10.50...61 Fenton ne, 6r $10 Astoria, lr, fur $10..312 Ford's court, 4r $30.60. .1106 Yale nw,8r.b |w.30. .211 Fenton ne, 4r 'J6 'A 0t-9fi-?;"0?0B$i$7.50..1851 7th nw, store $3o.50. .1806 14th nw. sto!$7. .1319-21 Wylie ne, 6r g0.50.1910 15th nw,9r.b $7 1319 Wylle ne. Or 0.60..1111 N nw, 6r.l?u;$5. .709 G nw, off roomB $30.60..1903 4th] It FOR RENT-BY M. A. BALLANGER. BOND BLDG. 1739 S ?t. n.w., 9 rooms and bath $50.00 1809 4th st. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 30.00 700 T st. n.w., 8 rooms and bath 25.50 702 X st. n.w., 9 rooms and batb 25.50 184G and 8 7th st. n.w., store 25.00 8 and 0-ioom flats $7.50, $10.50 and 21.00 au20-tf FOR RENT-NO. 1750 S ST. N.W., A VERY DE sirable 8-story 12-room brick house, with two baths; in good order and splendid neighbor hood; rent, $C0. aii20-31 B. H. WARNER COMTANJf. FOR RENT?HOUSE NO. 1327 UTH ST. N.W.; 10 rooms, bath and 2 storage rooms. Apply GEORGE W. E. SLATER, 14o6 Pa. ave. au20-tu,th.s,6t* FOR RENT-BY THUS. J. FISHER ft CO.. INCORPORATED, 1414 F ST. N.W. 1322 Vt av. 20r. ..$175.00 1707 G st nw, 14r. .40.88 1717 I st, 13r 126.0Ci.934 N Y av nw. 9r.35.50 1812 H st, lfir 125.00! 1523 O st nw, ?r...35.00 1901 F st. 17r 125.00 1508 R st nw, 7r...35.00 304fl P Bt nw, 17r. 125.00 1212 T st nw, 8r...35.00 1645 K st nw, 18r.100.00 2410 14th st nw, 9r.35.00 1632 K st nw, lOr. 100.00 1410 Chapln st. Or. .35.00 1744 M st, 16r 100.00 1534 29th st, 7r 30.00 1614 P st nw, llr. ..75.00 1411 Chapin st. 9r. .30.00 1780 (J st nw, 12r. .75.00 12<io 30th st nw,llr.25.00 1906 N st nw, lOr. .75.n011346 Wall'h p nw,Cr22.50 1014 14th st. 14r.. .75.00 917 E st sw, 6r 20.50 1721 De Sales, lOr. .75.00 1354 4Vi st sw, Or. .20.00 1824 13th st. 13r...75.00 619 N Y av nw. 6r.. 15.00 170* Q st nw, 9r. ..?5.03l208 7th st se, 5r. ..15.00 94<l N Y av, 14r... .65.00 26 Mass av ne, 7r..l5.00 IK? E st nw, 13r.. .65.00'1373 H st ne, 6r... 14.00 1802 Belmont av,10r.65.00l 208-20-28 1st st sw, 1803 Belmont av,10r.6.~.00i 6r, each 12.50 2406 18th st Iiw.l0r.65.o0 1733 2oth st nw, fir.12.00 18 Iowa circle, 10r..60.00jl819 14th nw (r'r),4r.8.50 602 E st, llr 60.00,3A6 Baldwin's row. 1305 Yale st, 12r...60.00 6r, each 8.00 2233 Q nw, llr 55.00-2319 Cbamplalne av 1725 DeSales nw,llr.60.00i nw, 2r 6.00 720 10th st nw, 10r.60.0(?ri6 Watklns pi, Chevy 1739 S st nw, 9r...60.00' Chase, 2r 5.00 408 T st nw, lOr.. .50.00> Lot 1, sq 635, Del 1925 G st, 9r 60.00 av & C st sw Offer 1443 Q st, 9r 45.00; Lots 19-25, sq 679, 1451 N st, 14r 45.00 bet MassftDel avs 2021 Hlllyer pi. 10r.45.00j ft F ne, per an'm.1,200 916 12th st, lOr 45.00 FLATS. The Maury,No.24,6r$45.00,1104 14th st nw, 2r.20.00 The Maury,No.33.4r.40.00f-Tfce Marlon, 4 & 6 rnm. The Maury,No.34,4r.35.ixi| from $32.50 to $50.00 B ft Q, Flat 6, Or...30.ool eacTJ per mo. OFFICES.? Bldg 8th&D sts. ..$250.(hi 620 F at, desirable offices 612-14 F st. 2d fl..100.00 Go5-7 7th, desirable offices 602 E st, llr 60.90'"Century bldg," new ? ?i???ig floors, 1208 F st nw. No. 4.10.0o| )l2fi per mo. 1423 F st, desirable offcs 1844 F st nw, large room 1114 F st, desirable offcs 617 14th st nw STORES. Bldg 8th&D sts. ..$250.00 905 E, rear shop or 487 I'a av nw 75.00 store room... 20.00 733 7th st Oo.OO 1328 16th st 20.00 2925 M st 85.00 CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE RENT ING AND COLLECTION OF RENTS FROM AIX, CLASSES OF PROPERTIES. For full list of furnished and unfurnished houses, flats, offices, stores aad stables apply at office. auliO-tf FOR RENT? 1222 N. H. ave. n.w., 15r., 3 l*ths $84.08 1813 Corcoran st. n.w., 12r., bath, a.m.l... 60.00 70 M st. n.w., 9r., bath and cellar, a.m.l.. 82.50 429 P at. n.w., 8r., bath and cellar, a.m.l.. 28.00 1144 N. J. ave. n.w., 4 rooms 13.30 auU'-3t* EDW. T. KAISER, 810 F it. n.w. ?*** .ou.'jir "Xentury diuit i 1421 P ^ fl ^ W<1?' al1 Ri5i.lV ? O t"25-00t "J"1"8 from $lj to 612-14 I st, 2r..... 15.00 [r per mo. Entire flo FOR RENT? NW, 1527 N H av (fur nished) 20r&2b.$3,000.00 NW, 1527 N H av (unfur nished) 20r&2b. .2,600.00 NW. 912 1,17r4t2b.$100.00 N W,1409Masa,14r. blOO.OO NW, 318 Pa av. 22r. & 2b 83.33 NW, 1402 L, 9r&b. .83.33 NW, 1009 9tb,14r,2b.S3.33 V11T ? ?ut'V 1 1 O-P V. TK iV\ NW, 3&i5 O. Sr&b. .22.90 NW, 1245 31st,5r4b. 18.30 NW, 1303 V, 6r&b..16.80 NW, 1828 E, 6r 16.30 NW. 1510 Erie, flr. .15.00 NW, 617 S, 5r 18.30 NW. 1247 85th, 6r..12.30 NW, 1809 Oth. 4r...12.30 NW, 1320 29th, flr. .11.60 NW, 804 23d, or 10.00 SE, 1102 Oth, 12r... 15.00 NW, 1207 lst,13r&b.75.00 HE, 128 E. 7rib 22.92 NW, 1224 17th,9r,b.0C.0fl SE, 426 5th, 5r 12.30 NW, 1119 U, llr&b.55.00 SE, 313 S C av, 4r...7.00 NW.2308 2Oth.l2r,2b50JJ0,SE, 847 2d, 4r 6.00 NW, 1332 R st. 10r.5o.u0!sw. 941 C, 8r&b 22.92 NW. 2132 13th,8r.b.35.00 S\V, 914 Va av.Sr.b.22.90 NW. 1418 lltb.9r&b.30.55iSW. 1 E. 4r 12.30 FLATS-N. W. -UNFURN1SH ED. 108 D. 4rftb $27.50iNW, 1107 G (4th fl'r), 200 D. 2d 11, 4r&b. .Z5.50j 4r&b 27.60 298 D. 1st 11. 4r&b..25.50| STORES?N.W. NW. 810 Oth $50.00;(>>r 32dftWater aU.20.00 489 20th 40.00] 1116 14th tabop la rr)20.UO OFFICES. NW, Gunton bldg, offices. |NW, 468 I>a av, office*. NW, Central bldg, offices. 1NW, 600 6th, 2 rm*..$ll ASK FOR WEEKLY BLU.ETIN. au!9 6t THOS. E WAGGAMAN, 017 F at. n.w. FOR RENT?BY R. O. HOLTZMAN. REAL EOT ATE and Insurance Broker, 10th and F sts. u.w. 1527 N H av,20r,2b.$2,oOJ! 131 C se, 7r 40.46 1622 R I av.12r.2b. 175.00 1622 16th nw, 7r. ..35.38 1513 16th, 14r 160.00 1327 14th nw, 6r. ..86.00 809 18th nw, 21r 83.33 1445 W, 7r 30.40 1861 Mlntw'd pl.14r.75.00 1443 W. 7r 30.40 1863 Mlntw'd pl,llr.75.00 1441 W. 7r 30.40 1865 Mlntw'd pi. 14r.75.00 927 R I av. 4r 30.00 1867 Mlntw'd pl,14r.75.00 409 Fla av nw, 6r. .25.00 911 I, 12r, 2b, atab..70.00 1434 Fla av nw, flr..22.96 1821 M, or 55.00 535 6th se, 6r ,13.28 451 G, 12r 65.00 308 13th, 9r 12.60 807 L nw, Or 5o.?3 227 y nw, 2 flats, 1227 15th nw. lOr. .60.00 each $11 and 12.50 1637 14th nw,9r&8to45.00! OFFICES. "Atlantic Coast Line i470 La ar..$10 ft $15.00 bldg," from $10 to $35 639 F nw $5 to 22.50 Sun bldg )405 7th nw, each....8.00 STORES. 1245-7 11th se $50.00il537 14th 45.00 1327 14th, cel.23x75.45.00' 227 Q nw 12.00 STABLES. Rear 1612 R I nr. .$30.00j927 R I av (rear)).. .12.60 Rear 1614 R I av. ..80.00'23 P ne (rear) 12.00 aul9-tf FOR RENT?245 DEL AVE N.E; 12R.t 2 BATHS and cellar brick; steam heat; $60. 1331 U ?t. n.w., flue 12 rm. and bath br? |46. 2108 18th n.w., elegant 10-rm., bath and cellar br., every modern convenience, $42.50. 806 M n.w., desirable 11-rm. br., steam, $42.60. 1917 18th n.w., 10-rm., lb. and cellar br., $37.50. 1212 T n.w., 10-rm. and- bath,''very nice, $35.50. 218 6tb s.e., nice 9-r. aad bath br., $28.50. au!7-St JAS. M. YORK ? SON. 912 G n.w. FOR RENT? jw 2106 I st. n.w., $26.50 per m?. New furnace, new range, porcelain bath tub. 6 rooms and batb; In thorough condition. \ul7-3t ELLERSON ftiWKMl'LE. 603 14th at. FOK RENT?NEAR DUPONT (!4rCLE 2002 N St.. 10 rs $42.60 1765 Madison St., 10rs. ? 42.80 1915 18th St., 10 ra? ? 40.50 au!7-8t* McC-LELLANQ.ft IrV^ISlGEIt, 1406 F at. FOR RENT? 428 (J ST. JfeW.;>t! ROOMS, CELI.AR and bath and all modtirn lia|>rovemeuts; healed by furnace; or an apartment suite of 6 or 7 room** at less rent. Rent of 4X8 0,425 per month. In quire at 1548 N. J. ave.3 cor.;?f Q n.w. au!7-3t? FOR RENT?BY FLOYD^E. I>*X"IS, 7th A E S.W. 817 12th ?w,6r,w,a.$l2.50|.B10 Wth sw^ flr.aml. 18.60 1815 C aw, Or.w&s. .18.60^456 K aw, 6r, ami..17.00 Flat 4^AK BW,6r,mll5.3q|plO U sw, 6r, awl..15:30 ?aul7-3t _iL 1XJR RENT-BY JOHN 447 7TII 8.W. 1526 16th at. n.w.; atore and dwelling; 8 nwina; a.m.l.; tine location; $6o. aul7-8t* FOR RENT-BY B. F. SAUL. S.E,, COR.7THftL N.W, 621 7th nw,atftl4r$140.00 1807 Clifton, I4r*b.76.00 1817 Kal'r'a av.12r2b60.80 2520 18th nw.10rftb.50.00 1207 6tb nw, lOrirb.40.55 1608 7th nw.ato.cel.35.00 1202 N Cap, &rftb...38.60; 1808 Blgga uw.9rftb.32.50i 416 K nw, 9rftb,ato.30..V): 1816 7th,6rftb,store.80.50 1807 7th uw, atft3r.30.501 2007 H aw, tfrftb.. .30.00 1427 6th aw. lOrftb.28.60 1026 7tb aw,sto,c?1.27.50 140 U aw,6r,bftcel. .27.50 19 N aw, 7rftb 26.60 27 P ua, ?rftb a6.50 1118 7th Bw.stftdw.29.50 1137 7th aw.stftcel.2S.60i 1430 1st aw. 4rftb fl.26.00' 1008 4th aw. Qrftb. .24.60 1606 Marion,8r,b,col.23.80 814 O Be, 7r*b 23.50 1680 10th aw, 6rftb.22.50 485 N aw. 6rftaU. .22.601 1424 lat aw, 6rftb..22.601 0Ac? rma. 612 F ?t. n.w., (turn beat ' 1018 8th nw, 7rftb.22.80 67 R nw, 6rftb flat.20.50 1002 6th nw. 6r 18.60 1707ft 7th 18.00 008 M se. Orftb 17.60 1108 6th *e, 6rftb... 17.60 1243 H ne, 4r flat.. 10.60 1016 lltb nw.atftcl.16.50 1814ft 7th, atoftlr. .16.50 Rear 927 R I av. lge 2-story atable. 16.00 1849 6th nw, atore. .16.00 6tbfttt nw, ttoftv.^..16.00 1011 7th aw.4r.8d fl. 13.00 41& O nw. 4r flat... 12.60 1160 8th aw, atore.12.00 621 7th aw, 3r flat. 12^)0 737 Del ar ae. 6r. ..10.60 8128 7th aw, ato...10.60 Stab ar 12ttaftF aw. 10.00 466 Franklin, atore. 10.00 414 Franklla.Or (?ol).8.60 1085 7tb nw, basmt..8.00 286 Pomeroy. atore. .8.00 462 D aw, off ra, $7 ft $8 1216 11th uw,sbop,2dfl.8.00 FOR RENT?HOUSES. uxrrRXKHKn. FOR MNT-DESHUBLE H0V8ES iKf5 u n w- 9 mod. imp $45.00 i*in o??, ?Un'W"' 10 "od- !mp 48.5? 2ni??? D'7"J? room*< n**l- ?mp 4O.50 *ul7'8t A. T. OOUMBE. 1425 X. Y ave. FORRENT?709 8TH 8 E. LARtiF STnttK pst% Kik. % .2. 'j-bjsu"~.?'ur ?1? M. ?. USQSA Jg St & .' TV. ?.*1T*,. h^T^?438K,15THJST- BET KHNBBAW fl?t f?? "Sd; new br,ck' 10 room*; ant-Boor kitchen; cellar; steam heat; several Jaft-i '*? wld?; laundry. Key next door. For rent? lnF'iF"*?* 0w-fS!2i2487 18th nw- i2r-Wo.oo iftio io*k * "All* 1^*00; Office rooms, 1307 P nw. nlta 1214''m.?"*-800011808 ,9tb nw 70.00 ***??, 1214 Muss, ire, n.w.. 6r A b maaa lfii?rSr Eamorei llthAH H.W., $37.s6 mlV Mb. DW( UnfuPDithfd 11KA* fill i.lihM *?|W| aul0-12t? T1UB 4k RUTHERFORD, 1307*F at. 14,10r$30.50,1011 17th nw, 6r....17.60 421 \r?ne' Callan ne, 5r. ..10.30 mwnnn *.WA?l?'o?2?, (i<)rdt'n av, 4r. ..6.30 tuU^t* GARRETT, 13th at. A N. Y. av. n.w. FkU 1203 1 ST. N.E., A 6-ROOM AND bath bay-window brick bouse, in good order: near car line; $15.30. CAY WOOD & GARRETT. 13th at. and N. Y. ave. n.w. aul7-3t* ??OR RENT? BY C. H. PARKER, 436 4U ST. S.W. S* t^',5 i/***1 ,t*'S-S2l824 4V? aw.6r.Imps. 19.00 i7? v? 1(>rAimp* 36.(55 300 Va av sw,6rAw. 14.00 il8^7!;<Ein,p,, M34? H 8W- SrAw.... 10.50 ftiui 8W? ^r^w-?'13.30)233 13th sw,10rtftm.28.40 iw *!,?*'? 10.501238 7th.barbershop. 12.30 1252 4^ sw, fir Aw. 12.30 ? -- ? 401 8th aw, BrAw...12.50 707 7th sw,stoA2r. .10.30 027 Del av Hw,6r,w. 12.30 1100 4',-i sw.ctoAdw. 15.50 007 4Vfr bw, OrAw... 14.30 440 6th aw, 5r&w..10.30 415 2d aw, Or&w.. .12.30 475 H, 5rAw 13.30 153 N se, 6rAw 7.50 437 Del av aw,6r,w. 10.30 aul7-3t FOR RENT? 2?4i Columbia road, 12r. and 2 bathe $70.00 2108 19th at. n.w., lOr. and bath 66.00 JSL'S? Bt- D w*? 10r. and bath 50 00 :9v2 B?aD?ke at., lOr. and bath 50.00 1415 U at. n.w., 10r. and bath 48.00 t?l E *t- D w"? 14r- and 2 b?tb? 40.00 H8?F *t- nw., Or- and bath 22.50 89 r at. n.w., Or. and bath 21.60 ?u17-6t L. 8. FRISTyE. 1413 O at. n.w. FOR RENT?IN MT. PLEASANT, COTTAGE;-? rooma, bath, cellar.and mod. lmpa.; large yard, shade trees. Ac.; rout, $32.50. L. 8. FRINTOK, 1413 O at. n.w. aul7-3t FOR RENT-NO. 1310 MD. AVE. N.E.; fl ItOOM?; a.rn.l.; $20. Keys next door. W. M06BY WIL LIAMS. Columbian bldg. 'Phone E. 107. aul7-3t FOR RENT-R. M. J. ATWEIJj, 204 E CAP ST ?i!i0^ap'\(*F<tuT-$70.00,300 Pa av. store.. .25.00 004 E Cap, lOr,... .60.00 612 loth ne, flat... .25.00 <06 A ue, (r, Al.. .27.50; 1229 EX 5r 10 30 l^K^av. 8r 22.501541 14th se. Or:.:::!^ FOR RENT?BY JAMES F. SHEA, 643 Liovilsinnu ave. n.w. JJf!? ?i8t" nvw" cor- C0""- ave- 10r.,a.m.l$166.66 . d<"n8burg rott'1- 8tore an<J dwelling. 25 00 !t- , w-. 6 rooms, a.m.l 20.00 kou oo. 8V n e-' 6?r<K'ra8- a m-1 18.30 ?"^1/ fi 6 n)<,m8. a m ' 18.80 joou, 4^ 8t. b.w., store 15.00 12th and V sta. n.w., store 16.00 io^o ^?ri?D rt- n-w- 5 rooms, water I5!(t0 I^n- .8 W" 6e^0oln,,? 13.30 130i 11th at. s.e., 6 rooms, water 11 00 fSooi5!/011.81- Dei 5 n,<,,na. water 11.00 4% st. s.w., 5 rooms, water 10.30 awl7-tf f'P" Rf;NJ?uv L. J. MILLS, 605 6TH 8T. N.W. PlaV ri :? 1120 7th nw,st&(lw$25.50 f*97 H ne.4r b.16.50 1826 7th 1337 H ne, br&stab. 40.00. 910 4th nw,stoA7r. .20.50 auiJ*t f FOR RENT?111 7TH N.E.. PRESSED l'.KiCK rront, i rooms, bath; all conveniences; close to car linea; rent. $25. ALLEN O. CLARK. 605 * 0-w- au!4-lw FOR RENT- $27.50...2313 M nw. lOr ??.WIS H>tb nw.fur.8r S27.50 1227 E nw. 7r *7S 1921 N nw, lOr $27.50. .1110 X H ay. 6r $70..... .1764 M nw, 13r $26.W.1522 Kincm'nDl7r $61.67..221 E Cap at, llr$2<>.50.. .toOT 4th nw 8r $t>1.80. ..1000 22d nw, 9r $25.50 2106 I nw' Or Im IS- ? ^ . 1421 Pie roe pi', 6r I too.4o.... 1314 Q nw, lOri ?18.50 41?> 2d ne 7r V.n,V. PJ* Ur I18 80 1303 F ne! 6r -i?1SJ5 Capitol, lOr $18.30.. .915 Hth nw, 8r ^ ,^,'omaa, apt,5r $15.80.1216 Wyiie ne. Or *4ftnw' J?r fl^ SO.. .1846 8th nw, 5r ^?^?10?7N Havnw.iOr $14.30 921 V nw, Hr nw- kr !13-30- ?12% 25th nw. 6r . Pkins nw.Sr $13 65 Pleroe nw, Or VC . ' 'ur-5'f12.50.1708 Seaton nw.6r $45..The Leamington, 5r #? 316 Pa ar, store f? 10 2201 K nw. 9r $42.60 1325 T nw. 8r $40.90...819 19th nw. 9r $?*0 1206 U nw. flat " ?t>32 Pa aTt>. 8r $37.60 2148 F nw, 9r $35.50.... 1413 Q nw, 9r $35 1282 loth nw, 7r $55 The Milton, 6r $32..60 1921 2d nw. 9r $30.50. .1733 12th nw, Br 12 1330 15th nw, 4r J12 329 7th se, store $10.30. .83 Fenton ne, 5r $lo,30..16 Fenton ne, 0r $0-60 322 C ne, 6r $9 22 Jackson ne, 4r $8.50 1901 9^ nw, 4r $8.30 3027 O nw, 4r $8 1000 W nw, 3r $8.......2 Frlstoe ct, 4r 8 601 D nw. office .'8 2512 16th nw, 4r $5 814 F nw, office $-8.50 .609 3d Be, Or $5....ii36 Cushln'g se, 4r For complete llat of property for rent send for weekly bulletin. aul7-s, B. H. WARXER CO., 916 F n.w. FOR RENT? 2^22 Hoi mead ave., 10 rooms and 2 baths. .$40.50 f?? Morgan ave., 12 rooms and bath.... 12.60 ?o^ iati\ "t-' 9 rooms and bath 4O.60 i860 N. C. ave. n.e., 6 rooms and bath, new 18.35 au!7-0t* VICTOR ANDERSON. 1323 ? n.w. FOR RENT-BY WESCOTT A WILCOX, ? 1907 Penna. ave. 1704 P, 10r,b,cel.mi.$00.50,1135'A 17th, rr,4r w.12 00 l?th,2223^t Paul's ct er.lLW 17th.12r.2b,ml.5t?.75i FURNISHED. a,r, l?r; -.46 60 1815 16th, 14r, 2b.$160.00 1748 Oregon av. 11 r.46.00i FLATS. 82021st, 12r. b, ml.40.50 1731 20th, 3d fl,0r,b$55.00 2 T, llr,b,cel,m1.40.50|1731 20th, Or.b,mi. .40.00 714 19th,12r.b,cel,nii35.83j 1907 Pa av,6r,b,ml. .35.50 ^,1? ta 0av- ?r,b,ml.35.50 914 23d, 5r, b 30.00 22" F, 8r, ml 25.V) 722 17th, 4r, b.w.g.20.50 i ii,.K9rJ,bVc*1*.-25-50 630 20th- 4r- b- mi..18.60 1128 19th, 6r, b, ml.25.50 OFFICE ROOMS. oWJ 6r' b? ml....25.50 480 La av, heated..$15.00 av- 8r,b,ml.22.50 482 La av, heated.. .10.00 822 B ne, Or, b, mi.22.50 1731 20th,office,heat.l6.00 J2d, 6r, ml 20.50 STORES. 1S09 1st, 6r. 20.50 1800Pa av,2r.cel,ml$66.00 w? g.20.ft0 1708-10 E, warerms..50.00 Jr' i-* *? .20.50,1902 Pa av, sto. 4r.35.60 ^'3?K, it, t. g...20.40 1357-69 32d. lge rm.35.00 S08^ 21st, Or, b, ml..18.50 1917 Pa av,lr.cel,w.80.42 ?J20 L, Or, b, ml. ..18.50 Blacksmith shop, bet oSo2.,.^th4 7r- b.... 18.501 19&20. LAM 30.00 ?22 22d. 7r, w, g.. .17.50 2210,sta,w,g.26.00 2119 l'a ?v, 4r, mi..16.50 2909 M, sto&2r 20.00 1810 M. 5r 10.50 1756 L, ato, eel 15.60 1-j*1 JSHb, 6r, w....15.50 1918 M, lr, eel, w.. 16.00 ?r, w 15.50 1300 17th, shop... ..10.00 1610 Erie, 7r, w 16.30 STABLES. 940 24th. Or w 16.30 1912 G,2s, ch,l,w,g.$15.00 JJ54..15Lth'.6r' w....15.30; 18th, 19th, L, M, 10s 24th, 5r, w 14.30 and side lot 15.00 21J0 II, 5r, 13.3o 1226 25th, r'r, 4a, IYjt f?11^ 5r 12.50, wr, 1, y<i w 15.00 P,' ubr,.w 12.50 1829-31 L, kr, w 7.00 1304 11th, 4r, w....12.30i au!4-tf FOR RENT? 1750 Q n.w.; 12 r. and 2 b. 8?40 14th n.w.; 8 r. A b $45.00 120 F n.w.; 8 r. A b 27.60 2211 F n.w.; 6 r. A b 26.60 1432 I'lerce pi. n.w.; 7 r A b 22.50 2214 Cleveland ave.; Or 13 60 au!4-tf It. W. LEE, 1406 G n.w. FOR RENT-BY GEO. W. LINKINS, 800 19TH 8T. {812-14 H n\v,20r.$125.00; 2310 H. 8rAb 25.60 19r.2b.60.00 FUt.806 H ne.7rAb.22.50 101 11th ne. 14r, 2b. 11123 4th nw, 7rAb. .22.50 o'-".J? .55.00] 58 Defrees, 6r, wa. .15.30 2217 Pa av, 16rAb..55.00 1126 23d. 6rAstore. .16.00 ?W1 P, Or, b&store.40.00 2320 I nw, Or, wa...l4.40 Hat. furnished, 1918 I 2236 Clev'I'd av,0r,wl3.3O .la av- 7r. .35.00 2420 N. 6r, wa 12.50 1030 25th nw.lOrAb.30.50, 229 22d nw, 6r. wa.10.30 2147 L uw, 8r,b,cel.26.60 237 22d nw, 4r, wa..8.30 STORES. 1918 Pa av nw, fine large 1915 Pa av nw,sto.$20.00 new store A cellar, of- U201 P nw, opp mkt.20.00 Ranted. |ll25 23d, stoAdwl. .16.00 FOR RENT?BY U. L. RUST, 608 14TU ST. N.W. 1314 15th n.w., 9 rooms (furnished) $60.00 328 T n.w., 8 rooms and bath.. 25.60 2213 M n.w., 7 rooms and bath 25.50 26?8 14tb n.w., 6 rooms, bath A <;ellar... 25.60 BLATS, 5 rooms and bath, 418 11th n.e... 20.00 au!5-tf-7 ' FOR RENT? I 432 K nw.lOr ami S30 50 2310 20hnw,12r.aml$45.50!87 E nw, lOr.'ami..80.50 1461 R I av,10r.aml.68.00; 1001 E Gap, 6r,ami.22.50 JtS )}.th n^-?.am}.40.50 1614 14th, flat, IfjO Uiggs, 8r, ami.32.50 1217 I ne. Or, ami..14.60 416 K nw. 7r, ami..30.56, 2236 7th. 6rAstore.. 16.00 au3 tf R. E. BRADLEY, 1803 F St FOR RENT-BY ROBERT H. 8TONE, 804 F N.W. ill6.0 ne, 6r,b,cel.$15.00(1104 O. 7r, ba 25.50 727 L. ne, 6r. ba....16.30|2609 P, 8r, ba 22.00 915 I se Or, brick. .12.60:611 L, store A dwelling. Jy31-tf FOR RENT? 1228 13th st. n.w.; 11 rooms, porcelain bath, nice plumbing, stationary wash tuba, Ac.; hand somely papered, in nice order $50.60 146o and 1464 V st. n.w.; 7 rooma, bath and large cellar; near 14th st. cars $30.60 A nice ltttle 6-room house, with bath room, hot and cold water, nice cellar and yard within a square of 14th st. cars $22 50 Apply at office of the Portner, 16th and Ust?. n w. (auO-tf) VOLNEY EATON. Agent FOR RENT? 'PHONE 2417 THE WASIIIXGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., 1453 Mass 8323 Holm .. - ? ...? vu> ubv.iu.w 143?VR ?t nw, 7r. ..30.50 --? ? 1822 Wal ch plnw,8r28.50 lS9 ffld at, 8r 87.60 1117 9th st nw.T.'fTaoioo ltKJS _ML>U>re.._. .35.50J327 L, stable r'r of. 10.00 vEAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. "w. 10r.$75.00 1526 T st nw, 6r. ..32.80 d**'l0r-40.50 loiojth nw, 7rAb.32.50 1827 Rlggs pi, llr. .40.00 ? 1922 10th, flat, 6r. .40.00 1289 28d at, 8r 87.50 1006 M, store. .*... .35.50 u, staoie r'r of.10 ( auK-tf T'lOMAS BRADLEY, Real Estate Officer. FOR RENT?1828 AND 1832 STH N.W., 8 AND 10 rooms, respectively; also bouse next door to Kast Capitol and 8tb sta.: good neighborhoods. FRANK T. BROWNING. 6th at. n.w. jyWti FOR RENT? " 1609 11th. UrAb.. .$50.0011728 Cor. st. 9rAb.$45 60 1684 T ow. lOrAb. .SO.uOl 1784 Madison, 9rAb.4S B0 Chestnut a**., Takotxia Park, 14r. A b 40.00 ^ ^ HBI8KELL A McLERAH. mlO-th.s.t-tf 1008 F st. b.w. FOR RENT-R. W. WALKER A SON, 1006 F ST. 2616 19th, 12r. 2h.$75.00,3475 Morg'nnw.6r,b.27.5Q 1817 16th nw.14rAb.75 00; 1638 80th nw, 6rAb.27.00 1722 21st bw,lOrAb.65.00 3473 Morg'n nw,6r,b.28.60 J40H 21st, lOrAb.. ..66.00j 1610 80th nw 26.86 17A> P st, 9r 60.00 1612 80th nw 28 88 2017 19th nw,9rAb. .48.00! 1903 4th nw.OrAb. .28.00 m artb ??? ?au?s"tJthtf1^ P?R COMPLETE BULLETIN. FOR RENT-F. H. SMITH CO., 1408 N. Y. AVE., , _ _Rwctal Agents, Bond bldg. 1406 I nw, 20r,8b.8180,00(1414 18th nw 14r 70<m 71611th nw, UrAb.56.00 1H4 18th nw' OrAblS w %'Abtn0?' 21tM l?7 Fla aT, 8rAb. n? 8r*b-21op!2.^ R ns, 8rAb 26.00 ffllSNVtr .V.V.15.5011221 H M> 8r*b - a0-00 ulf^l FOR RENT?HOUSES. mpimiiiuEi). FOR RENT? * 1MB *'otwood place ?.w.t lit., rnicftt ?*? aiX:1- fTs.oo IJf t?.*L ??? .*"??. je? ? Im.uo ?it ? !3" ?? Ur- baU,? *?l. ?uwe...iw.? II rP.?^' b*th> *??*?.!, stable. ..*80.00 ?t?- dr- br- ????* 1M? 14th St. n.w., (toe* 130.00 ian^'p lll n Wo ?r" b*th' JSO.00 820 T st. n.w.# 9 roomi, a. n.l Ea 50 uaf'mS.'ZiZ'uT PSm:::::: ::???*$? *?.*?!?? D-W,SE *00 ? FOR RENT? UNFURNISHED? ? 1?th ?f "*??? fjO.UOilTlO L at nw 60.00 }2?* \> ? 00.00 1728 18th at nw....80.00 "2* L "J nw .?0.00!810 18th at nw 20.00 Also a large list of desirable furnished bouse*. ?... FITCH. FOX * BROWN. J?-" 1406 O st. n.w. I i*s?? RENT?BY DD. THOMPSON. 1338 F N.W. n ,52J?,lii? N nw> ?rAb..$60.75 ! }?? ? ne.5rfa.tere?.?y 1806 14<h nw. ?twe.3o.8o H]t Sr*f?n 2v^lOr.4??.5o.ina? H ne. 6r.b.ato.28 50 ??411 Pa a*. TrAb.. .28.00 1320 E ne 7rlrh ? !U? 1??i(MfI,e'ball'a0x80^- aO StaWe r'r 718 D ne.4.80 FOR RENT? Tttfr2*? V rms., 14O0 Pa. a*. mv^ Vf * LOAN CO.. *?' " 10th aud G. FOR RENT-DEERLF. A CO.. 1319 ~FST S V H P? F- office rs.*.->?in.oo io^i A 11 av, tirAb. 30.60 3108 K nw fir ?? a tn 111 ?}'" aT ,lj?t.4rA?>.lS.(tO 3218 Cherry' Hill nw ' 811 18th nw, 6r&b.20.80i 4r. w '? so niyl8-tf ,^V? (2705 1' st. Or&ba. .33 00 1524 p JfaiV lsth- *r. ba-.-aoino iS* ?h\ 2r: it'dW7 French st. Sr.b.28.00 }-t? ^"P1" st.10r.b78.00 3023 (".anih'frc pi <?r "8 00 }? f. ?V V?' 2Kb* S ?0 ,21? C" 3r,^aPiat ?:0O 4A1\L h ,2o' b1?''*HW 140B Hth ?, Sr.... 10.00 iftin A ?\12l bs..35.50:1420 D ne. ArAb. ...13.30 iJa?# ...3.?.80' < ?(11< es In Metierott bldg. jy? tf GASCH BROS.. 1307 F st. RE.VT?WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F ST.? t n w-A? rn,e' 2 baths *60.00 w.lo ?.u'? n w ? 10 roouia and bath 40.63 n ? U Wo 8 rs- "n<1 b- ("lde "*bt). 27.50 ?* l*8*. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 22 80 bqiCT 2i *at n w'* 6 r^"118 ?nd bath iK.Ko 83ou M st. n.w., store 10 ftu 57^7.1""5. Dw a,ur ?t- n e.. 6 rooms, each. lT6o mv3 tf " n'W" eDtlre 3d flr" offlce 80 00 FOR SALE?HOUSES. *4,000, A VERY LOW PRICE: *5desired; owner must leave town on ?> i S8i.a 8ulwt?ntial, separate-built in ji iSV ^L"ar; furnace heat: water and ?n>HY BiM^ir to pnved a,h'y: A Tw?>" S'lXJia BIU( K STABIJJ; will reut for *30. au2oJI & KA1HFAX- & 808 F st. u.w. FOR SALE?PRICE. *l,85o. " Itenta *14.60. Stamon^a^k & ***"'' * 0"r,>Om br,ck near ai.20-3^rUNE & FAIRFAX- 806 & 808 F at. n.w. FOR SALE-NO. 117 I) ST. N.W.; RltK'K; 6 rooIU8j^0t .^*108; alley; very cheap at *.'{,400. au20-^? & FAIRFAX, 806 & 80S F at. n.w. FOR SALE?A SACRIFICE TO SF7ITIJB ESTATE? A ,nt'w 8-stor}', H-room brick dwelling on 13th at. surrounJlugs.' OOSt *8,5?0; hanJs?""e front; good au20-3?>ONE & FAUtPAX' 806 & 808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?HERE'S A BARGAIN?OUT-OF-TOWN owner will 8acrld<*e a nearly new house. *3,750 will buy It. This is Just *2,000 less than cost. *4,000 was loaned on It. Beautifully situated ou a through wide st. west of 13th. 8 rooms; 4 bed rooms stairways; furnace heat. A FINE I>\ &.TMENT?CHEAP HOME. ? THERE ARE ?<*?> ^EA?)NS FOR SUCH A SACRIFICE? WILL fcAi LAI.N. (.all. au20-3tr?XE & FAIUFAX- 806 & 808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?A CHOIGB HOME. OONSISTINtJ OF a new brick dwelling, within one square of the United States Library on Capitol Hill, containing 7 rooms, large cellar. Price only *3,280 All modern Improvements. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 920 F *t- au2o-Ht FOR SALE?6-ROOM FRAME, RENTING FOR *10.28; price, *l,25o. lo-room brick, nearlv new; cost *7,00o; can sell for *5,800. Bay-win dow brick, 6 rooms, rents for *14; price, *2.100. t?-room brick; side entrance; a good chance for a home; price, *3,200. Nice cottage on Conduit road; <9 feet front. Cottage on Wisconsin ave. near Loughborough road, *2.900. an20-3t J. A. HENAN, 1237 32d st. FOR SALE? One of the most attractive properties In the northwest. Located on 20th street near the Blaine mansion; ^ square from Conn. ave. cur line. Magnificent residence property. 9 rooms and bath. Price, *8,000. J ?uls BK?iooikD1 Eelato an<1 In8urance Agts., auA)-6t 1928 Pcuna. ave. u.w. FOR SALE ? A BARGAIN ? G ST. NEAR 6TH S.e., 3-story, preased-brick 9-room house; rented to good tenants; lot 21x100, with parking; *2,000 ^or|?iai?T0nT,pr.operty at *2.360. au!9-3t H. R. HOWKNSTEIN. 910 G St. n.w. FOR SALE?4TH ST. NEAR R ST. N.W., 6 room and bath brick; good, convenient location: for inspection. Don't fall to see It? <o,000. au!9-3t H. R. HOWENSTEIN. 910 G at. n.w. FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE? ,UvV. 'e?*r(llu8 some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. kXCIUNGED for 1'ROPERTIES in any GOOD LOCATION, Improved or unimproved. A rare opportunity to secure a home In these moat desirable localities. ot B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul73t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE ? TO AVOID FORECLOSURE. AN elegant new house in one of the best nelgnbor 'lu JL1. "ortl;we8t; could not be duplicated i?? i ' }f 8ol,(1 at once, owner will take ?ii j ,' as al1 mo?ern conveniences; steam heat tiled bath, porcelain tub; front and back etair ways; 4 rooms deep; 6 lovely bed rooms; room ror stable. au!7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 806 & 808 F st. F?R SALE - REDUCED TO *10,850; FULLY *3.000 below value; that hauds^.me stone and .3welllng. 1717 Q st. n.w.; without a doubt the cheajtest, handsomest and best located house in the fashionable n.w.; all large, light, cheer ful communicating rooms; LARGE PARLOR and A very large reception hall, dining room and pantry on let floor; 7 bed moms; lot 20x100 to a 16-ft. alley. This Is one of the most attractive squares In the city; near the most expensive Improvements. THIS HOUSE SHOULD BE ItE S<JLD AT SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS AIM AACIl#. au!7-3t STONE A FAIRFAX. 800-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?YOU CAN'T DO BETTER. CHOICEST LOCATION. LOWEST PRICE. SPLENDID ARRANGEMENT. An 8-room brick; 2 parlors, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor; 4 bed rooms, modern bath on 2d; sanitary plumbing; porcelain tub; sta tionary washstand; large lot; wide alley; on a lettered st. west of 16th st. Only *8,200. aul7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 806-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE-HERE'S A BARGAIN FOR YOU": Choicest location west of 14th, very near Scott Circle. MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE. Offered at *7,600. Could not be duplicated under *12,000; a 12 room brick dwelling; 4 rooms deep; lot 20x140; wide alley. Owner says *6.000 can be borrowed on It at 4% per cent. Call at once. an!7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX. 8O6-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?WITHIN HALF SO. OF McPHER son Square, near the Arlington Hotel, a substan tial 12-room brick dwelling; lot 19.3x92; can be purchased at a great bargain; trust coming due, owner must sell- suitable for a physician. au!7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 806-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?*1,660. RENTS *13.60. New brick; 6 rooms and bath; one square from East Capitol st. au!7-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 806-808 F St. n.w. FOR SALE?BY JOHN QUINN, 447 7TH S.W.-ON F near 6th st. a.w.; 6 rooms; a.m.I.; fine loca tion; price. *2,760. On 4^ st. near M e.w.; store and dwelling; a.m.!.; near public school;?price, ?8.000. aul7-3(* FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE? See us regarding some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can be EXCHANGED for PROPERTIES In any GOOD LOCATION, Improved or unimproved. A rare opportunity to secure a home In these most desirable localities. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, au!7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FEW 6 and 7-room bouses will be commenced in a few days In the most desirable part of Le Droit Park. The ground adjoins the homestead of the late Hon. BenJ. Butterworth. and is very high and beautiful. The surroundings aro exceptionally pleasant. Both lines of street cars are within one and two blocks, respectively. An opportunity will be given homeseekers to have Interior ar rangement of houses changed wltbotrt additional cost. Present plana may be seen at the offices of THEO. A. HARDING, 1316 G st. n.w., and H. W. COFFIN, Waah. Loan and Tru8t bldg. aul7-3t FOR SALE-OWNER. COMPELLED TO SELL A ?ery attractive new 2-story and cellar brick, heated by furnace and having all modern Im provements. offers the same, located in Eckins ton, at only *3,160. The terms can be arranged to salt. au!7-3t WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F st. FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE? See us regarding some NEW HOU8ES ON ?WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can be EXCHANGED for PROPERTIES In any GOOD LOCATION, Improved or unimproved. A rare opportunity to secure a borne In these most desirable localities. B. H. WARNER COMPANY. au!7-3t 016 F street n.w. FOB SALE?A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON 218T ST. n.w. between O and P sts.; splendid neighbor hood and convenient to street cars. The house contains 11 rooms, besides laundry In basement ?Dd S bath. A bargain. Call at or add?5i B. J. M., 1414 21st st. n.w., city. anl7-3t* FOB SALE?OR EXCHANGE? ! See us retarding some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can be EXCHANGED for PROPERTIES In any GOOD LOCATION, Improved or unimproved. A me opportunity to secure a borne In tfceae most desirable localities. B. H. WARNER COMPANY. 916 F street n.w. FOR 8AL?-NEAR KENDALL GREEN?AT A SAC RIFICE?Corner house, 7 rooms and tiled bath; mod. plumbing, hot-water beat, electric bells *c.; handsomely decorated throughout. MUST oft BC/lil/v B, W. JTAUOB * 0OK, 1009 T a.*. for sale?houses. ee ?old 10 ??*-; 2-story and basement. 6 room* ??>bstb; rented at $26 36. Price. *4.000. 32 and 34 8th st. n.e.: 2 story and Imscment, 8 ?n'l b?th; rented at $2u.85 each Price, #3f(ioo each. 1O24-2S-28-80 15th at. n.e.; 2-storr and bsse ? ras ?* '""tb; )ou i7x95 to 12 ft. ? ' f* H8-70 each. Price, $2.t*t0 each. Reasonable terma can be made on any of the ?bore houses. _aul7-St_ R. W. WALKER A SOX, 1006 F n.w. FOR SALE? A detached HOUSE In NORTHWESTERN SEC TION. Lot 40\96 to lfl-fwt alley. Contains eight rooms and bath; concrete cellar; heated by furnace; attic; all modem Improvements; (jU.N VENIENT TO STREET CARS; granolithic aide walk. TRICE ONLY $3,53u IK SOLD AT ONCE. B. H. WARNER COMPANY. aii!7-3t t>16 F atreet n w. FOR 8AIJ3- WASHINGTON HEIGHTS- NtiS. 1828 and 1?32 Cluclnnatl at. n.w.; 8-otorv and base ment; parlor, reception hall, dining room, butler'a pantry and kitchen on 1st floor; 6 sleeping rooms and two baths; billiard room, laundry and heater room lu basement; hot-water heat; bent modem plumbing; finished In oak; handaome mantels and combination gas and electric lighting; lots 2D* 112 to paved alley. Price. $12.fx*) each. aul7-3t R. W. WALKER A SON, 1006 F n.w. FOR SALE- " NEIGHBORHOOD of S and ltlTH 8TS. N.W.j ? handsome property; three stories and cellar; eight room* and bath; stone and brick front. PRICE. $6,260. B. II. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?2 NEW B.W. UltOWN PRESS-BRICK fronts; 6 rooms; a m i.; beautiful homes; 9H't Investment; rear Lincolu I'ark; $1,900; $330 cash, balance monthly. 60 houses In East Washington, bargains for borne* and Investments, from $> to $1,100. Csll and see us. R. M. J. ATWKLL, Heal Es tate. 2(?4 E. "ap. st. aul7-3t* FOR SALE- ~~ HOUSE ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS on your own terms; one of the HEALTHIEST and HIGHEST locations in the city. Three sto-les and cellar; nine rooms and bath; reception hall; cabinet mantels; steam heat; laundrv tuba; t?eau tlfiilly decorated; granolithic sidewalks. THIS PROPERTY WILL PLEASE YOU. WILL EXCHANGE. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 91Q F street n.w. FOR SALE?A FINK RESIDENCE IN PES lit ABLE part of Georgetown, 1314 3t?th St.: about 13 rooms; large parlor an<l diulug ronm; 2 baths; all In good order; large lot; side windows; a bargain. Inquire of H. L. RC8T, 6<>8 14th n.w. aul6-tf-5 FOR SALE?THIS IS A BARGAIN?A VERY I?E Slrable residence near N. H. ave. aud S St.; 9 rooms and bath; modem, up-to-date house. Price, $9.0UO. D. D THOMPSON, 1335 F. aul6-tf.4 FOR SALE? ~~ " Five small brick houses ON AN AVENUE NORTHWEST; two stories; six (thuds and bath; ALWAYS RENTED to first-class white tenants; food neighborhood; street cars at corner. WILL iXCHANGE FOR ONE LARGE HOUSE. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, au!7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE-ONLY 3 LEFT? " ' Nos. 27. 33 and 35 Quincy st. n.w.; 6 large rooms; tiled bath, porcelain tub; marble wash stand; hardwood finish; cellar under entire hous->{ Sexton furnace; Roman brick and heavy brown stone trimmings; stone fcteps; lot 2ox9u to 20 foot paved alley. Open all day 8unday. Price. $4,750. Easy terms. aul4-10t FRED W. REEVES. 617 14th n.w. FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE? " See us regarding some NEW HOUSES ON WASHINGTON AND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Can be EXCHAXGED for PROPERTIES in any GOOD LOCATION", improved or unimproved. A rare op|M>rtuuity to secure a home lu these most desirable localities. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR SALE?1350 YALE ST.nT W~IVHITE MAR ble fr>nt; 12 rooms, two tiled baths; steam heat; In first-class condition, aud contains all modern Improvements. PRICE ONLY $S.fl00. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., aul3-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?3323 HOLMEAD AVE N.W.; ONE square from cars; 10 rooms; tiled bath room; porcelain lined tub; open, sanitary plumbing; steam heat; purchased under foreclosure and of fered at cost. THE WASHINGTON LOAN A TRUST CO.. Real Estate Department. auI3-tf FOR SALE- " In the FASHIONABLE NORTHWEST near New Hampshire aye. Home or Investment. Three stories; ten rooms; hot air heat; kitchen on first floor. CAN BE BOUGHT AT $2,5ou BELOW COST. B. H. WARNER COMPANY, aul7-3t 916 F street n.w. FOR 8AI.E^HOUSES. No. 1453 Mass. ave. n.w.; eleven rooms and tiled bath; good location; first-class condition: lot 22^x70 to alley. PRICE, $13X100. THE WASHINGTON LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. Jell-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE? BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. LARGE DOUBLE MANSION, constructed la the most thorough manner of brick and stone. In the COLONIAL style of architecture, contain ing sixteen rooms and four bath rooms, numer ous large aud convenient closets and large BIL LIARD room. DRAWING ROOM. LIBRARY, DINING ROOM aud large RECEPTION HALL, with wide and ATTRACTIVE STAIRWAY on first floor. A well-built brick stable on rear of lot; haa coachman's room and accommodatlona .for four horses and several vehicles. Dimensions of lot, 92x185, a large portion of which is In beautiful lawn, also a variety of fruit trees, shrubs and flowers. This property Is In every respect one of the most desirable on Washington Heights. Will accept other Improved property In part payment. For permit to Inspect apply to or address, J. V. N. HUYCK, aulO-tf !6o5 Pa. are, n.w. FOR SALE-HOUSES. " " No. 2143 N st. n.w.; 8 rooms and bath; all modern Improvements; tiled bath room; recently remodeled. Can sell at a bargain price. THE WASHINGTON LOAN * TRUST COMPANY, Jell-tf Real Estate Department. FOR SALE?A VERY PRETTY 6-R. BRICK RESI dence; heated by steam; handsomely papered; 1st floor, p.-rlor, dining room and kitchen; 2d floor, 8 chaml era and tiled bath; concreted cellar throughout; situate on Qulncy aL; price, $3,500. GASCH BROS.. 1307 F st. mh30-tf FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE?MOtiUETTE RUG, 14x10 FT., AND ?lx smaller rugs, $M>; one new Detroit Jewel gas range, $12; divan, $18; refrigerator, $3.50; portieres. $2; all nearly new. 1821 18th st. n.w. su20-3t* FOR SALE-ST. BERNARD PUPPIES. 3 MONTHS old, registered stock; great bargaiu; males aud females: short aud long haired. R. R. ASH WORTH. 110 M at. n.w. au20-3t? FOR SALEJ-ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING THE city will sell pswn tickets for magnificent ladles' ana gents' diamond rings. Box 213, Star office. au20-3t? FOR SALE-LUNCH R<X>M FIXTURES, TABLES, chairs aud linoleum cloth; all In good condition. WALL1S CAFE, 617 12th n.w. aul0-4t* FOR SALE?JEWEIjER'S WALL CASE; SOLID walnut, plate glass, raising doors; about 40 feet long and in 8 sections. Call or address U. SCHUSTER. 628 G n.w. aul9-8t* for Sale?cheap-grocery and provision store, doing cash business; also new Ice box. 1001 Kraemer st. n.e., city. aul7-3t* FOR SAI.E?LOCOMOBILE. $760 MODEL, IN PER fect order; extra tire, tank and many fixtures; must be sold; owner leaving city. F. P. AVERY, 2148 Penna. ave. n.w. aul7-3t* FOR SALE?A INMOST NEW UPRIGHT PIANO. $175; one Ma6on A Hamlin, $25. $3 per month: aquare pianos. $25 up; 2 slightly' used Stleft pianos at great reduction. BTIEFF PIANO WAREROoMS. 521 11th st. n.w. au!7-3t* FOR SALE HANDSOME UPRIGHT PIANO, SACRIFICED FOR CASH. One of onr customers leaving the city will (ell. In order to close their account with us, their magnificent upright piano for only 9175 cash II ?old at once. Finely finished dark mahogany? 7% octaves?full, aweet tone. Only uaed six months. Fully warranted by us. Cost them $400. GRIMES' PIANO STORE, aul4-tfl5 913 Pa. ave. FOR SALE On $1 weekly pay men ta? One square piano, $15; Oue Chlckerlng square piano, $2S. aul4 F. G. SMITH, 1225 Pa. are. FOR SALE?CHICKERING SQUARE PIANO. IN good condition, for Immediate nae, will be sold for storage. Come quick and get a bargain. At 1014 7th st. n.w. aulS-lm FOR SALE?$750 STEAM CARRIAGE FOR $460; nearly new; good condition. Address P. O. Box 283. au!2-K IX) R SALE?BIGG EST PIANO BARGAINS EVER ofTered: New upright pianos from $126 upward; $6 monthly payment. Organs, $20 upward. Pianos tuned, $1. HELBIG'S MUSIC STORK, 1742 7th. au7-tf,4 FOR 'BALK-SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT, $185, easy terms; fine square piano, $75. Pianos tdned. Stored and hauled. HUGO WORCH. 928 F st. Bohmer pianos, Worch plsnos. Jel8-6m FOR SALE-HAIR MATTRESS. TWO PARTS, $?: lounges, $2.7B; go-carts, $2.50; parlor and bed room suites, $1 per week; special for caah. RED MOND'S, 811 and 813 7th st. n.w. my24-tf FOR SALE-NEW AUTOMATIC SEWING MA chines can be bought for $80.00 from WM. STIEBELING, 1751 Penna. are. n.w. Not repre sented by solicitors. Agency Household and 8tsndard Sewing Machines. del7-tt TOR SALE?GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHADES, fitted to your windows, only 25c.; the best quallt -M opaqu- " ?- r " mples. nt teu to your windows, only 20c.; the best quality oil opaque isdes SOc. hung free. Will call with temples. KLEEBLATTS, llth and H sta. n.e. ACCOUNTANTS. *. m. ba Public Accountant and Auditor, 10, Washington Loan and Trust building, del?tf 9th nd 9 sta ?.?'Nfphos* No. 971. 110. DOGS, CATS, ETC. FOR SALE?PARROT8. DOGS, OATS, RABBITS, pigeons, white rats and mice, incubators, nock. Ing birds, food. etc. SCHMID'S BIRD STORK, TU llth st. ?.*, ajK-tuT