Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE?LOTS. For SALE OX tiie ground floor Desirable lots m PKTWOHTH. A splendid chance for a bnlMvf. B. H. WARNER COMPANY. nn)7 916 F street n.w. T'^lI SALE I'. A H?i A INS B I I LI ?ER'S I ?PPOltTI'N Ity 16i? ft. front on M st. hot. X. Cap. and 1st sts. by loo feet dcvp to alley; part or all at KTV^c. Also n.w. cor. 4th and D u.e., 24,770 so. ft.. 31* ft. front, Rood alleys. Price Will sell part. *'tl7^t U. W. WALK Kit A SON. 1000 F n.w. FOR SALE TWO VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING lots; 21st #t. near R; 20 ft. each; price, $3,900 a?17-3t R. W. W ALKER A SOX, 1006 F n.w. FOR SA LE BEFORE YOU BUY IXVESTIGATK lots and villu sites at Braddock Heights; on tfol lor. only 5 miles out; a few choice lota still In original hands, and these very cheap; easy pay ment*. Fur booklet, 4i'., GEO. It. HILL. 615 14th st. n.w. au8-th.s&tn-tf FOR SALE- LOTS IN AI.L SKtmO.NS, ALL sizes and at all prices. Parties wishing to pur chase for building purposes or for a future ad vance In value should write or see us. THOMAS J. FISHER & m. 1414 K st. n.w. jy3o-lm FOR SAI.E-LOTS. On Huntingtor. pla^e n.w.. north side of street; 5o.\145; just off 14th St.; PRICE, $1 PER SQFARE FOOT. THE WASHINGTON' LOAN A TRUST COMPAXY, jell-tf Real Estate Department. TOR~SALE? SACRIFICE? X<>BTHW-.ST CORNKR 17th and M sts.; size 5ux6t?.2. Bargain for some one. GA8CH BROS.. ap26-tf 1307 F st. n.w. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. A LARGE LOT OX GRAYELRD AVEXITE. 100x130 to an alley; $lo cash. $T> monthly; one block from station on trolley; will loan Sff-r of cost to help you build cottage nearlng completion^ for snL?: ample ground; price, $2..">00. GEORGE R. HILL. 010 14th at^u.wr. au20-tf FOR SALE ARTISTIC HOME; 6 ROOMS, BATH; a.m.i ; lot 25x150; well located In Brightw*iod Park, few steps from cars; one fare from and to all parts of the rity. Be sure to get permit to lnst*>ct this elegant little home. Will rent for $18 U). Price. WASHINGTON ANI> Sl'Bl'RBAN REAL ESTATE CO. (Inc.). 1412 G st. n.\v. au!7-3t FOR SALE 2 LOTS. 5<>x225 FT. EACH, AT Bethesda P. ??.. Md.; very low if sold at once. tt-rooin house at Bethcsda P. O.; lot 5oxJS)0 ft. an!7-3t* J. H. MILLER. 1304 F at. FOR SALE?5, 10 AXI* 20-ACRE LOTS. FRONT lng ou TVnnally town and Rockvllle E. R.R.I cheapest ground bet. the D. C. line and Rock ville. J. H. MILLER. 13Q4 F st. au!7-3t* FOR SALE?AT BROOKLAND, 9-ROOM CORNER house; mod. imp.; near cars and school; $3,000? $.Ti?t cash. !>al. to suit. GRACE M. THOMAS, foriiiran bldg. au!7-3t* FOR SALE?AT FAIRVIEW HEICHTS. LOT 50x 170; alley, water, electric lights; beautiful build ing site. Make an offer. BLACKWOOD A TALI-.MAX. 711 14th st. n.w. au!7-3t* /OR SALE?OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP ERTY-VERY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY RESI DES*'K AT NORTH CHEVY CHASE?Built In colonial style; tf rooms and bath; attic and cellar; water and sewer; large grounds; tine shade; beau tiful view; within one square of electric cars. An Ideal home offered at a bargain. au!7-3t R- W. WALKER & SOX. 1006 F n.w. FOR SALE A GREAT BARGAIN? AT NORTH CHEVY CHASE. ONLY $3.25<>; $100 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY. New house; 7 rooms and bath; furnace and range; water and sewer; electric cars; cheap fare; beautiful location. au!7 .It R. W. WALKER A SON. 1006 F n.w. FOR SALE?AT BIt< tOKLAND? STOP PAYING RENT? $ll)0 CASH, BALANCE $30 PER MO., INCLUDING INTEREST? Nli-e 7-room house; cor. lot; beautiful location; only $3,000. aul7-3t It. W. WALKER & SOX. 1006 F n.w. FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE? A beautiful country residence; healthy loca tion; porches, shade and tine water; within 15 minutes' ride from city; clear of Incumbrance; will exchange for city property and pay cash difference. Addresss Room 4, 631 Pa. ave. aul5-6t* KENSINGTON. FOR SALE CHOICE NEW RESIDENCE PROPERTIES, never occupied; city conveniences; LARGE GROUNDS; low prices; easy payments. Will furnish money to build according to your design and accept monthly payments in return. W. M. TERRELL. With B. H. Warner Co.. Jv27 211 916 F st. n.w. FOR EXCHANGE? AT FALLS CHURCH, VA? A fine 8-rootn cottage; stable, fruit, shade; 1H acres of land: 1 block from steam and electric R. R.; will exchange for city house and assume trust. W. S. M1NNIX. 1427 F st. n.w. au9-tf FOR SALE?NEWLY COMPLETED HOUSE AT Kensington: mod. con.; beautiful location; large lot; great bargain; very easy terms. GEORGE PETER. Owner, B. & O. station, Kensington. aul-26t LOTS AT SOMERSET BEACH. !?2T> TO $25<l. A delightful resort for summer homes; 3 hours" ride by boat from Washington; plenty of shade right dowr to beach; fishing, salt water bath ing. bolting. Regular boats to city. Lots going fast. Easy payments If you wish. Circulars and Information at SOMERSET BEACH CO.. 623 F st. n.w. Jy6-3m,14 FOR RENT-CHEAP-AT BRIGHTWOOD. D. C., a good dairy farm; 38 acres; plenty of water; new dwelling and barn and other outbuildings; windmill; accommodations fur 40 head of stock. Jel.Vtf B. F. SAUL. 7th and L sts. n.w. FOR SALE SEVERAL DESIRABLE PLACES. 4 and 5 acres each, near Brookland, D. C.; im proved with dwelling, in good condition; will sell at bargain for quick sale; easy terms, or would trade entire 28 acres, unincumbered, and give difference in cash for desirable city property, mvll-tf STONE A FAIRFAX. 806-808 F n.w. COUNTRY BOARD. BOARD CAN BE SECURED AT MRS. DANCE'S cottage. Virginia Beach, at $1.00 per day. Ad dress Mrs. DANCE, Box 78. Virginia Beach. au2lMit* SI MMER BOARDERS WANTED - LOCATION high and airy. In town of Warrenton; rooms pleasant; lawn and shade; pure water; terms moderate. Address Box 154, Warrenton, Vs. au2o-2t* BOARDERS OX FARM VERY REASONABLE FOR the rest of season. For particulars address QUIET. O'Donaell's Drug Store. 32d and O sts. aulH-2t COUNTRY BOARD?I WANT 5 OR 6 FAMILIES TO board; pleasant rooms; good table l??ard: good milk and butter. Ice and chickens; moderate terms. Mrs. LIZZIE DUNBAR, Gainesville, Vs. aul7-3t* HOME WOOD FARM. AMONG THE MOUNTAINS of Maryland; open until the last of October; terms, $5 per wi?k; $2?t per month. For circular atldn-ss W. E. BOTELER, Brownsville, Washing ton o??., Md. anl7-s,*,4 ELERSLIE FARM OFFERS FIRST-CLASS AC i-oniinflation to adults for Aug. A Sept. For particulars address JOS. N. CHISWELL, Buck eystown, Frederick Co.. Md. IX HoME OF l'HYSICIAX, TWO DELIGHTFUL, cool rooms, suitable for 4 adults; city conven iences; table first-class; four dally mails; quiet and restful; terms moderate. Address Mrs. X. I.. G.. WalkersviUe. Md. aul7-8t" '?RURAL IloME ON WEST RIVER"?NOW Ol'EX. Nicely located 'in West river. In view of Chesa peake bay. S mile* below Bay Ridge; good shade; large l??n; Ashing, crabbing, rowing and sailing: frilt in season. For descriptive circular address Olrs.t MATILDA NOWELL, Shady Side. Md. Je3-78t IJNGANOKE HILLS INN. NEAR FREDERICK? Situation high, large lawn, shade, double pori-hes, fishing, laiating; refs. exch. For Nioklet address Miss E M. BROWN, Frwlerick. Aid. ap2i?-10+t OCEAN TRAVEL. ~ American Line NEW YORK-SOUTHAMPTON?LONDON ?/????land. Aug. 21, noon Fbllad'a. .Sept. 11, 10 am St PauL..Aug. 28. 10 am St Paul .Sept. 18. 10 am St I?uis. .Sept. 4. lo am Haverf'd.Sept. 21, 10 am Red Star Line XKW YORK-ANTWERP?PARIS ?/??eland?\og. 21. noon Southwark. Sept. 4. noon Frtesland.. Aug. 28, ni?>n j #Vaderland.Sept. 11, noon (?New Twln-ncrew Steamers l ulllug at Cberboorg.) INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Piers 14&15. N. It OflV c. 73 Broadway. New York. WASHINGTON OFFICE. 13o6 F ST. N.W., ap24 Or G. W. Moss. 1411 G st. n.w. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. CHERRi >1 RG SOUTH AM PTOX?BREMEN Kaiser Win. Gr..Aug. 27. Kaiser Win. Gr.Sept. 24 Kalserin M. Th.Sept. 10|Kn>nprlns Wm....Oct 1 *I^hu Sept. IT I Kalserin M Th...Oct. 8 Sailing at 10 A.M. ?To Southampton-Biemen only. TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER SERVICE. SOUTHAMPTON- LONDON (PARIS)?BREMEN*. Fr. der Gi>?t?e.. . Aug. 22 Bartxirossa Sept. 12 Or. Kurfui-rst....Aug 2V Koen. I^ulse Sept. 19 til. 11. Mi-ier.... Sept. ft Fr. der Grosse. .Sept. 211 Sailing 10 A.M. ({To Bremen only). MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. G1 BR A LTA R?N APLES?G EXOA. 1 rave Aug. 31. 10 am Aller S<-pt. 21, 11 am IlobensoH'u.Se|jt. T. msni Trave Oct. 5, 11 am Werra . .. .Sept. 14. 10 am Hoh'soll'n. .Oct. 12,4 pm OKI.R1CIIS A C?).. NO. 5 BROADWAY, X. Y. Apply to E. F. DROOP. 025 Pa. are.. feg 312t Agent for Washington. TO EUROPE " With Safety and Speed. Average voyage less than T days. BOSTON TO QUEEXSTOWN AXI) LIVER POOL. Take one of the Palatial .New Twin-Screw Steamers of the DOHSNSON LINE. COMMONWEALTH. IX.-iXEW ENGLAND. l'.6'? 0"0 tons. Aug.28&Sep 25 tons. Sept. 11 A Oct. ? Saloon passage. $'?? A up, 2d cabin. $4"; 3d class at lowest rates. For passage, plans and Illustrated folder apply to the company's otttce, 77 State at.. Boston, Mass.. or GEO. W. MOSS. 1411 G st. n.w. sp2-tu.th4s-78t-14 LADIES' GOODS. Sewing Machines Rep'd,$l. AH work warranted. Orders by mall promptly attended to. At UPPEXHEIMER S. 514 ?th St. a.w. " Ja23-5tf MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN. WANTED?APPMCATIOXS FOR $1,500. >11.000 end $23,000 on residences. W# want private party to consider these. First trusts. au2Q-3t* CLARK HKOS-. 1333 F n.w. You can borrow money on your furniture or plauo and keep it In your possession? DO A new plan baa been arranged by us. Loans made to people working on salary TOU on tbeir simple note. No one knows of any transactions you may have with ua. T?? KNOW oldest company in Washington. Isn't this ? good reason why you should call on aa when yon want a loan? 602 F st. n.w. CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE (X). Jy8-12tf MONET LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. LOANS negotiated. Amount* to suit. Lowest rate* of Interest. B. H. WARNER CO.. J?28-tf 916 F St. n.w. MONET TO LEND On Furniture and Pianos. LOWEST RATES. Jel8-tf MASTERS A CO.. 31 Warder bldg. MONET TO J.OAN ON REAL. ESTATE AT 4% and payment on principal in amounts of $300 or more received at any interest period. THE F. H. (SMITH CO.. 1408 N. T. AVE. Jel5-tf HERE IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PROCURE a loan on your furniture or piano from a private party at a low rate. Address Box 135, Star office. Jel2-tf TO I A) AN ON REAL ESTATE? f10.000. $2,000. $8,000. $1,000. $5,000. $500. T. E. WAGGAMAN, my21-tf,7 917 F ST. N.W. MONET AT 4%, 4%% AND S% On Real Estate. Builders' I.oana. Prompt Decisions. WEAVER BROS., 1416 F St. n.w.*th-3flt SEE US IF TOU WISH A LOAN ON TOUR D. C. real estate. We lend at LOWEST INTEREST? 4"r and 4Wlr, and our charges are nominal, as the funds we have MUST BE INVE8TBD VBRT SOON. Any sum desired from $500 to $95,000. my9-tf STONE & FAIRFAX, ft>6-808 F n.w. MONET AT 4% AND 4W? On D. C. Real Estate. Prompt answers Small commission. feft-tf LIEBERMANN A HAWN. 1303 F st. MONET TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL ESTATE within the District of Columbia, In amounts to suit applicants, at lowest rates of Interest. Jal9-4tf GEO. W. LINKINS, 800 19th st. n.w. H. K. FULTON'S LOAN OFFICE. 314 9TH ST. N.W.. ESTABLISHED 1870. MONET LOANED ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. ETC. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. Ja31-6tf LOANS ON REAL ESTATE? 4. 4Vj and 5 per cent. GASCH BROS.. fe2T-4tf 1307 F st. n.w. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON STOCKS, BONDS, bldg. and loan at>s'n shares, syndicate certifs. and other approved collateral; old line life poli cies bought and loaned upon. No chattels taken. Reliability and promptness assured. C.A. BAKER, Rooms 40>-42. 1110 F st. Take elevator.- del-6tf MONET TO LOAN, IN ANY SUMS DESIRED, AT LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. THOS. J FISHER & CO., Incorporated, ati25-tf 1414 F st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITT REAL estate at 4, 4V? and 5 per cent Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. I.arge amounts a specialty. TTLER A RUTHERFORD, 1307 F st. n.w. fe9-5tf IF TOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN, BUT OR sell, on real estate. I can save you time and cash, as I give personal attention to all deals. de0-4tf J. EAKIN GADSBT, 526 13th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT. AT LOW est rate* of interest, on D. C. renl estate. Large luans a specialty. Prompt attention. WALTER H. ACKER. no7-5tf 704 14th st. n.w. ?10 AND UPWARD LOANED OX FURNITURE, PIANOS. &c.. on the Building and Loan Associa tion plan, which makes the cost of carrying loans much less than yju pay elsewhere, and allows you to pay it off in any sized notes you desire, running from one to twelve months. Loans with other companies paid off and more money advanced If desired. Strictly confidential. Front room, first door. NATIONAL MORTGAGE LOAN CO., del6-13tf 625 F st. n.w. MONET TO LOAN AT 3V4. 4 AND 4Vi PER CENT, in sums of $1,000 to $100,000, on D.. C. real & tate; pay off 5 per cent and 6 per cent loans and begin anew at lowest rates of Interest; all trans actions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS A CO., 1407 F st. n.w. Je8-7,tf MONET LOANED SALARIED"PEOPLE AND RE TAIL MERCHANTS upon tbeir own names, with out security; easy payments. TOLMAN, Room 48. 908-914 G st oc23-4,tf MONET ALWAYS IN HAND TO LOAN ON D. C. real estate. In sums to suit, at lowest rates. Nominal charges. No delay. au!7-tf A. F. FOX COMPANT. Inc., 920 F n.w. W ANTED?$2,000 ON MARYLAND PROPERTY near city; good security; $25 com. FARMER, 922 C s.p. au!7-3t* MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON PER sonal security, collateral or real estate, for long or short time. JOHN C. DAVIS, Att'y. 505 E st. n.w. au!7-3t* WE HAVE A SPECIAL Fl'ND-$40,000-THAT must be loaned at once on approved real estate security. 4Wc INTEREST. Nominal expense to borrower. APPLY AT ONCE. au9 MPORE A HILL. 717 14th St. n.w. $l,000.00o TO LOAN ON CITT REAL ESTATE. Any amount. Lowest rates. L. O. DELASHMUTT, au7-4tf 1421 G St. n.w. MONET TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CUR rent rates of interest on real estate ia the Dis trict of Columbia. FITCH, FOX A BROWN. aul-gtf 1406 Q st. n.w. MONET TO LOAN ON STOCKS. BONDS. INS. {wlicles, second trusts, indorsed notes. Ac., at egal rates of interest. T. W. STUBBLEFIELD, Room 2. 6?"t2 11th st. n.w. Jy26-78t SIX-TEN F. All roads lead to our office. Follow the crowd and secure some of the money we are loaning on furniture, pianos, etc., without removsl, publicity or delay and at rates you can afford to pay. All business strictly confidential. Private offices. WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Jyl2-12d 610 ? F ? 610. DO TOU NEED MONET? WE HAVE IT FOR TOU. Ton need go to no trouble to borrow from friends. Be Independent of asking fsvors. We will lend yoo on your furniture ana pianos or any household goods or personal property. Will charge you less and make the most lenient terms; In fact, you can make your own terms. Call and get our rates liefore you decide who to borrow from. Private offices. Strictly confidential. COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO.. 613 F st. n.w. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT of Columbia, holding a special term for Orphans' Court iHwiuess.?In re estate of Wllilam Parker, deceased. No. 4044, Administration Docket 16.? Application having been made to the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a spe cial term for Orphans' Court business, for probate of the last will and testament of said William Parker, as a will of real estate, by Travus Ross, it is ordered this 12th day of August, 1901, that no tice is hereby given to the unknown heirs at law of said William Parker, and to all others con cerned, to appear In said court on Monday, the 16th day of September, A. D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a.m., to show cause why such application should not be granted. This notice shall be published In the Washington Law Reporter anil The Evening Star once In each of three successive weeks before the return day therein mentioned?the first publica tion to be not less than thirty days before said re turn day. Iiy the court: HARRY M. CLABAUOH. Justice. Attest: GEO. E. JOHNSON, Acting Reg ister of Wills. W. C. PRENTISS, Attorney for Applicant. aul3-law3t PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, AUGUST 16. 1901.?Sealed proposals will be received at this department until TWO O'CLOCK P.M., AUGUST TWENTY-SIXTH. 1901, and then opened, for Electric Light Fittings and Materials for the In terior Department buildings, Washington. D. O.. In accordance with specifications, copies of which may be obtained upon application to the chief clerk of this department. E. A. HITCHCOCK, Secretary. aul9-6t PROPOSAL FOR STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES and HEATING and VENTILATING APPARATUS. ?Office of the Commissioners, D. C.. Washington, August 16, 1901. ? Sesled proposals will be received at this office until TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON. AU GUST TWENTY-FOURTH. 1901, for furnishing aud erecting, complete snd ready for use, at the Curtis snd Addison School Buildings, between O sue! P snd 32d and 33d streets n.w., two Steam Boilers, one Engine, one l'ump. Steam-heating and Ventilating Apparatus, and connections and attach ments ss specified. Specifications, blank forms of proposal, and all necessary Information, may be obtained at this office. By order of the Board <4 Commissioners of the District of Columbia. WILL IAM TINDALL. Secretary. aul6-6t MEDICAL. 0 317 6th St. N.W. OLDEST GERMAN SPECIALIST. X>DflVC for Examination, Diagnosis and Treatment In Skin and Blood Dis eases, Cancer. Rheumatism, Piles, Stricture. Rupture Cured or Injection. * Private diseases and Vitality of both sexes la old and so-called incurable cases cured. Urine ex amined. Daily, from 10 <o 6; lues, snd Satur. till 8 p.m. au3-tf Dr. Reed, Specialist, Treats successfully Catarrh. Kldaaar and Stomach Troubles. A>. CUBES special diseases without the use of mercury. Ac. 0?c* boon. 10 ta I, $ S.'b&'S: SrV? 11 coNM"3Jbox SShl3-#tf Dr. Leatherman, Expert Specialist in the cure of all special Sf men sod womer Consultation free. Daily, 9 p 1Z " to A; Tues. Thurs. aad Sat. erntoa f tel. an r a.w. Owe* sa Sunday. ?el*?cf EDUCATION AIx IN WASHIN6TOX. TANNER'S BUSINESS Loan and Trust bldg., corner F and 9th. COLLEGE, Eat a Mis bed SO reus. The principal was official court ste Dognphtr, also public accountant. t'OlHSES: Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Civil Service, and all branches of Business. Students in Short hand may take, without extra cost. Bookkeeping and the Business and Eng lish Courses. Practically private In structions. Join at any time. We find positions for all full-course graduates. Day and night sessions. Catalogue. Call and see us. aa20-tf W. P. DALES, PH. D., 322 C N.W.. CLASSICAL teacher; especially successful In coaching for col lege examinations; 14 years* experience; highest local testimonials. Je20-7bt KW quarters, s.w. cor. 11th and N. i. are. n.w. Every room lighted. Special drills for rirfl sonrico SHORTHAND. TYPEWRIT ING, TELBGHAPHY, ARITH METIC. Five assistants. MILES FILLER, A.B.. LL.M., ?Principal. The Drillery, 11TH AND N. Y. AVE cm <L> U,s,14 VENABLE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ! School, 600 F at. n.w.?Best methods; experienced teachers; students qualified for positions; day and night sessions; reasonable terms. aul7-tf Education for Real Life 18G4. For Sons and Daughters, at 1901-2. SPENCEBIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Academy of Music building, 9th and D n.w. Beautiful, spacious balls. Entrance, 403 9th St. The thirty-seventh scholastic year opens Monday, August 20, 1901. Day and night sessions. The leading business men of Washington were educated In this institution, and send tbeir sons and daughters and candidates for employment here for training. Rapid, Legible and Beautiful Writing. Thorough English, Correspondence. Shorthand and Typewriting. Book-Typewriting. Mimeographing, Hektographlng, Letter-Press Work. Rapid Calculations, Hook-Keeping and Business Practice. Science of Wealth, Commercial Geography, Civics, Laws of Business, Ethics, Moral and Social Culture, Art of Expression (Delsarte Method),Physical Culture. Night classes: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6 to 9. For new catalogue or further Information call at office or address Mrs. SARA A. SPENCER, Principal and Proprietor. _ . LEONARD GARFIELD SPENCER. au!2-tf Secretary. Wood's *?JS5. EV"M8lGi Commercial 311 kast capitol sr. f. 'PHONE, KAST 38. 1/OII.ege. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. (Incorporated with power to grant" degree of j M. Accts.) Pleasant rooms and electric fsns. More than 1,100 students in two years. All full course students placed In positions. College njw in session. Fall term begins Tues day, September 3. Remainder of August free to full-course pupils. Certificates Issued each month to pupil making greatest progress. Great reduction in rates for evening sessions. Prof. Word, in '.'barge of business department, has had 20 years' experience in teaching; I*rof. Gibson of r.horthand department. 14 years; Prof. Hudelson of English department, 10 years. Three assistant teachers. $1,000 worth of material has been added to our civil service department. Call for catalogue, or write to sul6-tf COURT F. WOOD. LL.M., President. The Catholic University Of America, Washington, D. C. Schools of Theology, Philosophy; Physical, So cial, Political and Biological Sciences; Law?Pro fessional and University courses; Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering. Open October 2, Address THE GENERAL SECRETARY. au8-tu.tb,s-23t The Bliss Electrical School Offers a practical course In applied electricity, complete In one year. Students are taught tha actual construction of electrical Instruments, dyna mos, motors, etc., and fitted for good positions In the electrical Industries. Opens September 30. Catalogue on application. LOUIS D. BLISS. Principal. Day and Evening Courses. au3-tf 614 12TH ST. N. W. FRENCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL. Private lessons and classes now; all grades. Easy, quick, attractive method for adults. Mile. V PRUD'HOMMB, 307 D st. n.w. (car lines). jy22-26t,4 French, German, Spanish, etc. Method awarded two gold and two sliver medals at the Paris Exposition of 1900. Its author deco rated Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Summer terms. Electric fans in class rooms. Ti XT "O T TT7 Ability in conversing acquired UJ2.fv.L,i J. L, j? B time. crunni Prof A. GONARD, Principal. 723 14th Etmy terms. Jei4 ?Banwv ?K1?\?[E French and English School for Girls. Suburb of ashlngton. French the language of the bouse. Mile.L. M. Boullgny, Prla., Chevy Chsse P. O., Md. my2l-312t,8 MISS BALCH'S CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE AND BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1340 Q st. n.w. Higher mathematics, stenography, typewriting. up3-4,tf OUT OP WASHINGTON. $133 TO $190 YEARLY, BOARD, TUITION, SKM inary (girls), military academy (boys); thorough instruction; best care; large farm; healthy. Ad dress EPISCOPAL SCHOOLS, Haddonfield, N. J. anl7-3t* ROCKV1LLK INSTITUTE?A HOME SCHOOL, 12 miles from Washington, for girls. Pleasant homo Influences. Thorough Instruction. 10th year be gins September 18. Miss LDCY S. SIMPSON, Principal, Rockvllle, Md. aulfi-lin* MAPLEWOOD, CONCORDVILLE. PA., PREPARES 40 boys for business or college; gymnasium, ath letic field; location beautiful, elevated, healthful; every year boys failures in other schools become with us successful students; we all work, then play; no tobacco; best care to small boys. au7-28t*-7 J. SHORTLIDGE (Yale). A.M.. Prin. FAUQUIER INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, WABRENTON, VA. The forty-second session opens on Sept. 19, 1901. Situated at Warrenton, In Piedmont re gion of Va., on Southern R. R., 55 miles from Washington. A limited home school. For cat alogue address GEO. G. BUTLER, A.M., Principal. Jyl3-s,tu&th-26t CHARLOTTE HALL SCHOOL, Charlotte llall, Md. (St. Mary's Co.) Founded 1774. A thoroughly established Mill, tary Academy in proximity to Baltimore and Washington. Estate of 325 acres. Healthful loca tion. Safe home for boys. Board, washing sod tuition, $100 per scholastic year. aul-28t GEORGE M. THOMAS. A.M.. Principal. ROCK VILLE. MD.?ROCK VILLE ACADEMY FOB Boys. Home life and Individual care and In struction; terms moderate. Address Jyl(V-52t* W. P. MASON. 0. 8. !f. A. POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. K. 8. RANDALL POTOMAC RIVER LINE CO. DAILY STEAMERS FOR RIVER LANDINGS. STEAMER KENT?Sunday, Tuesday snd Thurs day at 7 a.m for.Intermediate landings to Colonial Besch snd Wirt's wbsrf. STEAMER WAKEFIELD?Monday and Saturday at 7 a.m for intermediate landings to Colonial Beach. Bush wood. Rock Point, Colton's, Nomlni; Wednesday at 7 a.m. for above landings and Lower Machodoc. Stone's, Howard's snd Cobra in's. UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE, WASHINGTON. D. C., TO GLYMONT, MD., and Intermediate landings. "The new steamer ESTELLE RANDALL, dally, except Sunday, 6:30 a.m. Returning about 3 p.m. Passenger accommodations first class. Freight received until the hour of sailing. E. S. RANDALL, Msnsger. 'phone 1766. GEO. O. CARPI NTER. General Agent, Washington, 'phone 1788. WM. M. REARDON. Agent. Alexan dria, 'phone 90. ap8-28,(.f MACHINERY, ETC. MACHINERY. BOILERS, SATES, ETC.. HAULED, hoisted SLd placed; estimates given. MER CHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.. Suc cessors Merchants' PJ>. Co.. 929 D n.w. 'Phone 659. Js2S-4tf FOR SALE-KNOWLES COMBINED PUMP AND boiler. 7x4V&x*0; 3-H.P. Otto gas engine; 6x12 side-erans engine; 40-H.P. low-pressure locomo tive boiler; also 2S-H.P. feed water beater. 'Phone 402. 0e04tf) ' 1219 Ohio*are. ELECTRIC FANS? NKELT ELECTRIC 00.. Electric Contractors and 8upptlaa. 'Phone 1**. Oe22-4tf) INTO*. *-w. TWO SECOND-HAND STANDARD CEILING FANS, lsst year's type; perfect condition: $28. TALLMADGE & WILSON, jy31-tf.4 Boon 810. Star building. UNDERTAKERS. " W. R. S pea re, Undertaker & Embalmer, M0 F STREET NORTHWEST. Everything strictly first-class sad oa Dm moat can MA. )rt4Mf SUMMED RESORTS. ATLANTIC Cm, H. J. HOTEL "IROQUOIS, So. Carol! nt' ave.iand Beach. Elevator, private b*?m, r\r. Strictly fir?t-cla*? hotel at moderate rates. Special rates last week of August and Septembefy Booklet. W. F. SHAW. au~-26t.6 ; HOTEL BERKELEY, ON TUB BEACfi, KENTUCKY AY?. Main corridor leadajto fcpanl walk and ocean front sun parlors. Capacity^400. All modern con veniences. Dally oroJ?e?tral concerts. Long-dis tance 'phone 211. Special September rates. Write for Mustnted bookletJy , my 10-104.10 AjfrD GEORGE BEW. ~~ THK RjfcTTENteOUSE. Positively the coolcM rooms and best cuisine In Atlantic LltT. Refine*!, braTid-new hotel, strictly erst-class. Location. Xc? Jersey ave. and Beach. Bedorcd -ates latter part of August and September. au3~28t.6 H. G. HAfJiTXOElt. THE ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA AVENUE NEAR BEACH AXD PIERS. This elegant, modern hotel, new throughout, ca pacity 400. offers large, cool rooms, with high-class table and service, at $10.00 to $12.50 weekly. Also specially reduced rates for last week of August and during September. Contains elevator, private baths and every ctmvenlence. 4,000 ft. of porches. Booklet. J. P. COPE. an!3-18tl0 MILLER cottage and annex, t North Georgia ave. Capacity, 250. $1.25 si day: $7 and $8 a week. JelB-flOt-4 Mrs. I. H. MILLER. HOTEL ALTAMONT, PENNA. AVE. NEAR BEACH. Few minutes from - eel pier, bathing grounds, amusements. Modern with every convenience. Including elevator from atreet. . D. E. GAITHER. au8-26t-6 Formerly of Hotel Mt. Vernon. ~~ BERKSHIRE INN. Virginia ave. and Beach. Modern and comfortable. Elevator, baths, etc. Terms greatly reduced for last of August and September. Table unexcelled. Booklet. Jy2P-26t.6 J. 0. A J. E. DICKINSON. HOTEL SCARBOROUGH, BEACH FRONT AND MARYLAND AVE. 100 ocean rooms. Opposite famous Steel Pier. Write for "Booklet and 'rates. Moderate prices. ALFRED WYMAN. LITTIJ5 BRIGHTON HOTEL, Ocean end S. C. ave.; Am. and European plans; restaurant and buffet attached; full ocean view; steam heat; open all year. S. A. SCHWEISFORT. mhl6-lMt,4 . Hotel Imperial ? at ^loderafe 'ww? Full Ocean View from wide Three-story Porches. Maryland ave.; 100 yards of Beach. Boardwalk and finest bathing grounds. Excellent table, quick and efficient service. Artesian water. $2 tott per to, $10 to $18 per week. L O. KENDRICK. j'ell-3m*-i HOTEL LA MASCOT, 2119-23 Pacific ave., facing ooeHn; one block from Reading dipot. Accommodations complete. $1.3J afi-sys.*"" V" Je8-78t-5 = . HOTEL RIO GRANDE, New York Ave. and the Beach. Seventy ocean-view rooms. Several with private balconies overlooking ocean and piers. Bathing robes and rooms attached, exclusively for guests. Elevator. Cafe. Rates. $10.00 to $15.00 per week. Per day, $2.00 to $3.00. Special rates to families and those making prolonged stay. Booklet on re quest. Ix>ng-dlstance Boll telephone 0-42. jel2-12tf J. PAUL KILPATRICK. The Jackson. Bench Front, Virginia Ave. New fireproof hotel of brick and stone. Private baths Elevator from street. R. J. SENSOR tt CO. je21-78t-5 HOTEL OSBORNE. One square from Beach. New 75-room aunex; $1.50 per day and upward and $8 per week and upward. R. J. OSBORNE. my27-78t,4 HOTEL AtDINE- Homelike. Pacific ave. near OblO. Ocean view. Reputation for good table will l>e malntAlned. Terms, $1.50 to $2 50 per day. Special weekly rates. Bend for Booklet. H. 1). EASTMAN. Prop. Jel5-78t-fi HOTEL RICHMOND. Three doors from Beach on Kentucky ave. Elevator, etc. M. H. MAGERS of Balto. ap5-13?>t-5 PORTER COTTAGE. Vlrgluia avenue, near Beach. Elevator to street level; telephone In every room. Capacity 200./. New management. Jel-78t.t> A. jR.. SANK. Tekm. and Pacific avee.; If central location; capac ity 250; booklet; rates, ?8 to $12. Jel-78t,4 R. B. LCDY. M. D. The THE 'ORIOLE. IL je2?-52t-4 2120 Fael:.c ave.?ORen all the year; terms, $7 to |9 week. Mrs. 0. T. BUZBY of Baltimore. BOARI) IN PRIVATE OOTTAGE. SELECT Lo cation. Ocean view. $9?$15 per week. 120 So. Rhode Island avenoe. jy22-2tft,4 O. S. WRIGHT. IX THE MOUNTAINS. Deer Park HoteJ, DEER PARK, MD. On the crest of the Alleghenies; highest altitude; purest water; excellent golf links; delightful sur roundings. Special sleeper leaves Washington, via Baltimore and Ohio R.R., 1:10 midnight every Sat urday (open for passengers 10:30 p.m.). Returning, arrives Washington <1:41 Monday. W. E. BUR WELL, Manager. ly!6-tuAa-14t-14 Deer Park. Md. ROOMS IN A STRICTLY PRIVATE FAMILY FOR PAN-AMERICAN VISITORS: ten minutes to ex: position. Terms moderate. References exchanged. R. F. MORGAN. an8-th.sAtu-12t-S 436Marten at.. Buffalo, N.Y. FIRST-CLASS BOARD IN THB MOUNTAINS. Address FAIRVTEW COTTAGE,,s.39f Deer Park. Md. Buena V-ista Spring Hotel, Frankiin County, Pa., In the heart of the Blue Ridge, oo the Western Maryland railroad. Orchestra, Golf Links and Swimming Pool. Only 3 hoars from Washington. For booklets, rates, etc., address GEO. A. MILLS, Jr.. Manager. je!5 th.s.t 10 WARREN WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL.? One of the most healthy resorts on the Massanut ten mountains; good fishing, bathing and boating. Address A. HOWELL, Waterllck Station. Va. Jy27-26t* AURORA-in-the-Alleghanies. THE AURORA HOUSE. Elevation. 3.000 feet; al ways cool. Beautiful grounds, with fine shade treea and flowers. I^irge, airy rooms; excellent table; "Crystal Rock" spring water; new baths; good music, For Illustrated booklet address my25-8tf 3. H. SHAFFER, Prop.. Aurora, W. Va. HILL TOP HOUSE, In the Mountains. Noted for Its table. All mod ern Improvements. Telegraph direct to house. T. 8. LOVBTT. Harper's Ferry, W. Va. myl7-104t,8 THE LOCK WOOD AND ANNEX, HARPERS FERRY. W. Va. Now open. Shady lawns; healthy locatlin; table and service excel lent; terms moderate. A. P. DANIEL. Proprietor. ap27-104t,4 -DOUBLING GAP" WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, NEWVTLIJ9. PA. WWTE iMIMM 3IPRIMIS8 MTIL AN IDEAL MOUNTAIN AND SUMMER RESORT. Twenty square miles of mountain, lake and foreat. Refined patronage. Moderate rates. No extraa. Nearest mountain resort for southern people. De scriptive circular and terms mailed upon applica tion. GEORGE ALBERT FREYER, Prop. le<J-tf,10 VERY ACCESSIBLE,!!.*) V. FROM WASH.. VIA Bluemont; mt., valley and water scenery, bicy cling, drives, shades grounds: spring beds; no children taken; fisting, (boating, swimming; 2 dally malls; first-class fare; fresh meats, fowls, milk, fruits, $5 per week. Procure circular. MAURICE CASTLBMANi Castle man's Ferry, Clarke Co.. Va. V T' Jyl?-62t ? ? ? .*"1 11 ' "* SPRINGS H AND BATHS. MT. CLEMENS TrrTr FAMOUS MINERAL SPRINGS. These springs relieve and cure rheumatism, neu ralgia, eczema and kindred diseases. Tbelr merits are attested by hundreds at physicians and other prominent people In 7*11 parts of the country, to whom reference may jM bad. on request. The location, on Clinton river, near Lake St. Clair and Detroit, aid th*, facilities for boating, fishing, driving and cycling, leave nothing to be desired by vial tors ?t?tng rest and recreation. Aboet 200 hotels aftd boarding houses at the Springs afford sccommodatrons and rates to snlt all tastes and purees, f Write for handsome "and interesting booklet, with photo views and full descriptions of lbs baths, bath bouses, hotels, etc.. mailed free. Address F. R. EASTMAN. Chamber of Commerce, Mt. Clemens. Mich. Jp2-t,tb.s.26t.20 Saratoga, The Grand Union, For terms u| circular address Woolley & Gerrans, PROPRIETORS, Saratoga Springs, New York. SPRING LAKB, ?. J. WILBU BTON-BY-TH E-SEA. DIRECTLY ON OCEAN ?Hot sad cold sea water baths; opens June 3CK; n?W 0^B, E. LBTCHWORTH. PC KAN CITY, MP. THK GLENMORS, OCEAN CITY. MD. OCEAN FRONT. Lara* new bo?e; fine view; broad ptsnasMod ftte terms. MISS MARX A. BENNETT. SUMMER RESORTS. CAWt MAT, W. i. THE ALDINK. Cap* May, H. J. Open aU the year. An partor*. CvWm unexcelled. Fwr yanla fn* tk* beach. Jyl-6214 THKO. MUELLER. HOTEL LAFAYETTE. Beat Beach Front Location in Cap* May. Rate*. $3 par day; $15 per week and upward. Je29-5tf JOHN TRACT & OO. QM THE POTOMAC. COL.TOVS HOTEL, ? MILES DOWN THB POTO mac; food flab lag and caabbing; caiatne excel lent; dan~lng. fecial ratea for August and Sep tember. Address H. W. IX)VR, Je7-7SLS Colton'a, St. Mary's co.. Md. "M>r,KSI.ItV H1I.L" (FORMERLY RALEIGH'S), renovated and improved; on Potomac river near Point Lookout; Am beach; good air; |6 per week. Address Q. ROGERS. Ridge, Md. Jy30 .Wf COLOM1AL BEACH, VA. COLONIAL BEACH. VA. JOHNSON HOUSE; River front; terms moderate. au>-12t* Mr*. O. E. JOHNSON.. Proprletreaa. Colonial! Beach Hotel, Va. IIOLTZMAN, RANDALL * CO. OPEN JCLY 1, 1801, FOR SEASON. Randall Line steamers daily. Special rates to fa mi Ilea. Board, ?2 per day; ?7 to $12 per weak. Excellent far*. Good fishing and crabbing. Ac. O B. SMITH, Manager. Jyl?-2m 1821 9 n.w.. or Colonial Beach. Va. BUFFALO EXPOSITION. W ANTED?R<X)MERS- - MRS. WM. G. PARMELEE, 35(2 WoodM-ard ave.. Buffalo. N. Y.. would lika to corn**pond with parties attending Pan-American Exposition desiring rooma; easier accessible by trolley cars, or a abort walk. It HOTEL ORIZABA, CORNER SWAN AND MICHIGAN STS. If you are coming to the PAN-AMERICAN EXPO SITION, write or call on us for ac<-ommodatlona. All newly furnished, large rooms. Batha. Direct electric cara. Rooms, $1 and up. Special rates to families and largo parties. aulQ-l-t.7 VISIT THE PAN-AMERICAN. The ParksSde Homes. We offer you the best accommodations to b* bad In Buffalo; elegant rooma in twenty-live of Um beat Private Homes and three large Apartment Houses. These places are modern and up-to-date permanent buildings. Free bath; direct line to Pan-American; 3 min ute)*' ride; car* every minute; 8 minutes' walk through Park-Wooda and Zoo. Accommodation* for 1,000. Ratea. $1.00, $1.25 and $150 per day each person; meals. 60 cents. Washington office, 614 13th at. n.w., Jo*. W. Trimble, Mgr.. or Boom 204. Bond bldg. W. E. ILA4NGWORTH. 276 Summit ave., Buffalo. Jy29.30,an 1,then tu,th.a,12t HOTEL FORNES, Corner Court and Pearl Sts. Modern, fireproof, central; surrounded by all princi pal hotels and theaters. _ EUROPEAN RATES, $1.50 UP. Write for Kxpoaltlon Map and Guide. au!0-7St-T MISCELLANEOUS. Loch Lynn Heights Hotel, MT. LAKE PARK. MD. On tb* crest of th* Allegbanies. Open until September 30. Writ* for booklet. jalitoael.10 FOREIGN POSTAL SERVICE WASHINGTON. D. C., POST OFFICE NOTICE. Should be read daily, as changes may occur at any time. . ^ . FOREIGN MAILS are forwarded to the porta of sulllng daily, and the schedule of closings is ar ranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. For the week ending August 24, 11)01, the last connecting closes will be made from this office as follows: TRANSATLANTIC MAILS. TUESDAY?(b) At 7:15 P.M. for EUROPE, per I.I. Oceanic, from New York, via Queenstown. (c) At U:?5 P.M. for EUROPE, per a.s. Zeeland. fmm New York, via Oierltourg, Southampton and Ant werp. Mall must be directed "Per s.*. Zeelund WEDNESDAY?(b) At 7:15 P.M. for EUROPE, per s.s. Columbia, from New York, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. Mail for FRANCE must be directed "Per s.a. Columbia." (c) At 9:15 P.M. for FRANCE, per a.s. La Cascogne. from New York, via Havre. Mull for other parts of EUROPE must be directed "Per s.s. La Gaacogne." (c) At 11:05 P.M. for ITALY, per s.s. Loinbardia. from New York, via Naples. Mall must be directed "Per a.s. Lombatdla." FRIDAY?(ci At 11:05 P.M. for NETHERLANDS direct, per a.s. Maaadam, from New York. Mail must l>e directed "Per s.s. Maasdani." (c) At 11:05 P.M. for EUROPE, per a.s. Lucanla, from New York, via Queenstown. <e) At 11:05 P.M. for SCOTLAND direct, per s.s. Furneaaia, from New York. Mail mmt be directed "Per s.s. Furnossia." (e> At 11:05 P.M. for DENMARK direct, per a.s. Hekla, from New York. Mail rnuat be directed "Per s.s. Hekla." MAILS FOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA, WEST INDIES, ETC. TUESDAY? (k) At 12:00 M. for JAMAICA, per s.s. Admiral Farragut, from Boston, (e) At 11:05 P.M. for JAMAICA, per a.s. Barnstable, from Phil adelphia. (c) At 11:05 P.M. for INAGUA and HAITI, per a.a. Mt. Vernon, from New York, (c) At 11:05 P.M. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per s.s. Silvia, from Ne? York. <c) At 11:05 P.M. for CAMPBCHE, CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCA- | TAN, per s.s. Havana, from New York. Mail for other parts of MEXICO must be directed "Per s.s. Havana." THURSDAY?(k) At 12:00 M. for JAMAICA, per a.a. Admiral Schley, from Boston, (c) At ll :05 P.M. for MEXICO, per a.s. Yucatan, from New York, via Tamplco. Mail rnuat be directed "Per a s. Yucatan." FRIDAY?<d? At 9:15 A.M. for ARGENTINE RE- ! TUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a.?. Arabiatan, from Ne v York, (c) At 11:05 P.M. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a.a. Corean, from Philadel phia. (c) At 11:05 P.M. for PORTO RICO, via i San Juan. CURACAO and VKNEZUELA, per j Maracaibo. from New York. Mail for SAVANILLA and CARTIIAGENA must be directed "Per a.a. Maracaibo." (c) At 11:?5 P.M. for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHA GBNA. per s.a. Athoa, from New York. Mall for COSTA RICA muat be directed "Per ?.a. Atho*." (c) At 11:05 P M. for HAITI and SANTA MAR THA, per s.a. Alp*, from New York, (c) At 11:05 P.M. for MAT AN* AS, CAIBARIEN. NUEVITAS. GIBARA and BARACOA. per a.a. Curityba, from New York. (Ordinary mall only, which muat tie directed "Per a.*. Curityba.") (c) At 11:06 P.M. j for BERMUDA, per s.a. Trinidad, from New York, (c) At 11:06 P.M. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and OIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s.s. Maracaa, from New I York, (c) At 11:06 P.M. for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANILLA and CARTHAGKNA. per a.a. Athoa. from New York. Mall for COSTA RICA muat be directed "Per a.a. Atho*." Maila for NEWFOUNDLAND, by rail to North Sydney and thence * ia steamer, close here dallv, except Sunday, at 12:00 M.. and on Sundays only at 11:30 A.M. (d) (h> Mail* for MIQUEL0N, by rail to Boaton and thence via steamer, close here dally at 3:15 P M. (d) CUBA MAILS close here via Port Tampa, Fla., Mondays, WeJneadaya and Saturdays at 2:20 P.M. (f) Maila for MEXICO overland, unless specially ad dressed for dUoatch by steamers sailing from New York, close here daily at lo:25 A.M. and 10:00 P M Maila for BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA, by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer, close here daily at 10:25 P.M., the connecting closes for which being Mondays. Mails for COSTA RICA, by rail to New Orleans and thcnce via steamer, close here dally at 10:00 P.M., the connecting closes for which being Tues daT9' TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. MallH for ?CHINA, JAPAN, HAWAII and tPHIL IPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 P.M. up to August 22, inclusive, for dispatch per s.s. (o) Mails for HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here daily at 0:30 P.M. up to August 26, inclusive, for dispatch per s.s Mariposa, (o) Malls for ?CHINA. JAPAN. HAWAII and JPHIL IPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close her? dally at 6:30 P.M. up to August 30, Inclusive, for dispatch per s.s. Hong Kong Maru. (o) Mails for ?CHINA and JAPAN, vis Vancouver, close here daily at 6:30 P.M. up to September 3, Inclusive, for dispatch per s.s. Empress of China. (Registered mail must be directed "Via Vancou ver.") (o) Malls for AUSTRALIA (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe). NEW ZEALAND, FIJI, SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 P.M. after August 18 and up to September T, Inclusive, for dispatch per *.s. Ventura, (o) ?Mails for COCHIN CHINA are forwarded to New York for connection with European steamers. (PHILIPPINE ISLANDS (military mail), dis patched to San Francisco at all close* for that of fice, to connect with government transports, the sailings of which at* irregular. (b) Registered mails close at 1:00 P.M. same day. (c) Registered maila close at 8:00 P.M. same %') Registered malls close at 8:00 A.M. same day. (f) Registered maila close at 1:00 P.M. previous *(t) Registered matte close at 12:00 P.M. previous Saturday. (k) Registered maila close at 8 KM) P.M. previous da,7o) Registered malls close at 6:00 P.M. previous day. suit JOHN A. MERRJTT. Postmaster. AUCTIOM SALES OF* REAL ESTATE, Ac. Today. Jaa. W. Ratcliffe. Auct.?Executor's sale real es tate at the corner of P it. and Fla. ave. n.e., on August 20, at 5 p.m. Duncanaon Bros., Ancta.?Trustees' sal* of 761 ave. B.W., on August 20, at 5 p.m. Doacanaoo Bra*., Aueta.?Trustees' sale of three three-story brick dwellings. No*. <32. 635 sod 637 4th st. n.e., on August 20. at 4:80 p.m. Tsa*rr*w. 3mm. W. Ratcliffe. Auct.?Peremptory sale of a complete printing office. In Rooa:a C and D, 031 Pa. ave. nlw., on August 21, at 10 a.m. Took an Overii Miss Bessie Hunt, twenty years okl, who lives in Baltimore tod who Is stopping at the St. James Hotel, took an overdose of strychnine tablets test night. She became tU, and about 3 o'clock this morning a physician was summoned to attend her. Under the doctor's treatment the young NATIONAL HALL OF FAME AN ARTIST THINKS ONE SHOULD BE CREATED IN WASHINGTON. A Noble Building Ought to Be Erected at the National Capital. Prom the Boston Herald. We are permitted to quote from a private j letter of an artist who has lately visited for the first time the "Hall of Fame." so called, that has been erected as an ori: . ment to the University of the City of N ,w York, and given national importance by the labors of the Jury of distinguished scholars and statesmen who selected a number of historic Americans for such honor as a tablet there may confer or assure: "I visited the "Hall of Fame* a day or two since, and oonfess to great disappoint ment in It as a structure. It is a colonnade circling around the back of the library building of the university, not of propor tions to be impressive. I call it a colon nade, but the columns are square and not of the proportions of graceful columns, be ing shorter. The whole work Is severely plain, which is not objectionable if asso ciated with noble proportions, so as to give an idea of greatness. It seems to me to lack this adaptation for such a work with such a title. Then, the tablets are within a foot of the pavement, and one has to stoop to read them easily. Worst of all. one looks down upon them, which is con trary to our mental attitude toward the great men whose immortal names and sen timents we have learned to revere and look up to. Should Be National. "It seems to me this 'Hall of Pamo' Is not enough of a structure to command the respect which should be due to the purpose for which It Is designed. A hall of fame. Instead of being accessory to a university, should be a national affair, as It Is to per petuate the names, memories and senti ments of national men. There is no objec tion to ?having a hall of fame in every town, upon which the names of our greet men shall be inscribed for the youth of the coun try to see dally. But a hall of fame that is to stand as a national memorial should have the stamp of national authority. I do not feel that this one will command the unqualified respect of the nation. "My idea for a hall of fame would be to found It on soma such national basis as the Valhalla or the French Academy and the Legion of Honor. Such an Institution should be at the national capital. The hall of statues In the Capitol suggests a scheme for a hall of fame. The same hall of stat ues could be converted into a memorial of broader scope for our greatest men in every department of thought and action. In this sort of national recognition full hon or could be done to the subjects selected for the place. It would exalt national pride in their achievements. Washington would mean more to us then. Let us have a na tional hall of fame worthy of the great re public." Washington the Place. This Is all highly suggestive. Whether or not his ideal of a national hall of fame, a pantheon of heroes and benefactors, will ever be realized is doubtful. The old hall of representatives in the Capitol, now known as the hall of statues, is unlikely to be changed from its present purpose. If it should be a considerable part of Its con tents would be out of place. The difficulty In respect of a national hall of fame would come, as it has In the New York Institu tion, in the selection of the famous ones worthy of such distinction. The number should be limited. But there would always be a fear that Congress would increase the number in order to take in the waiting list. We question whether there is any better way of selection than the one which was adopted. Almost any Jury similarly consti tuted would select substantially the same list, so far as selections have been made. The real question raised Is whether the list should be repeated substantially in a more noble hall erected In the city of Washington. OHIO RIVER BOAT SINKS. City of Goleonda Goes Down With About Twenty Passengers. The steamer City of Goleonda, plying be tween Paducah, Ky., and Ellzabethtown, 111., was struck by a squall during a storm about 7 o'clock last night as she was en route to Paducah. She turned over In ten feet of water six miles above the city as she was going Into Crowell's Landing. Six teen persona are reported drowned. The disaster occurred as supper was served and many of the seventy-five pas sengers were in the cabin. The wind struck the boat without warning and there was no time for those on the Inside to es cape. Capt. Jesse Bauer and Pilot E. E. Peck were the last to leave the boat and swim to shore. They saved several persons struggling in the water and left the sur vivors In a house near the bank and went to Paducah. Captain Bauer, who arrived there two hours after the catastrophe, said: "The boat was getting ready to land when the squall struck her and she listed. Sev eral passengers who were inside Jumpc-d overboard and were caught by the boat. The ladies, all of whom were In the cabin, could not be reached. The boat settled down in ten feet of water over a reef and two of the men who were In the cabin?H. E. Worten and N. S. Quartermouse of Hampton?broke through the glass and were saved. Three colored deck hands saved a woman and child, and I think she was the only woman saved. A yawl that had broken loose was caught by some of those struggling in the water and taken to the bank. We returned to the boat on this, but could find no signs of life and re turned to shore." The boat was valued at about $2,500 and had been In the trade for several years, be ing owned by Capt. Otto Bauer of Gol eonda, 111. There Is no way to determine the number of dead and their names until the boat's books shall be found. Captain Peck places the number at sixteen. The steamer Mary N. left soon after the sur vivors reached the city for the scene of the accident and returned at 11:30 o'clock last night with those saved. They reported that ten women were drowned, and the total number of those who perished would reach seventeen or twenty. None of the bodies was recovered, as the rescuers could not get into the cabin. The only woman saved was Mrs. Hayden, wife of the engineer. A partial list of the persons drowned follows: Miss Lizzie Graham, Grahams vllle, Ky.; Miss Trixie Grimes, Grahams vile, Ky.; Colonel Turner. Smithland, Ky.: Chaylon Gordon. Smithland, Ky.; William Webb, Smithland. Ky.; Watts Davis, Livingston county, Ky.; Mrs. David Adams. Smithland. Ky.; Miss Lucy Bar nett, Smithland, Ky.; Clarence Slayden, Lola. Ky.; Mrs. W. A. Hogan. two sons end daughter. Paducah. Ky.; Will Woods, Gol eonda, 111., deck hand; Horace Rondeau. Goleonda, deck hand; Dee Jackson. Pa ducah. deck hand: George Strausberry James McAllister of St. Louis, partially paralyzed in his lower limbs, swam ashore. ? ? * PORTO RICAN FRANCHISE. President Advised to Withhold Ap proval of a Council Concession. The Secretary of State has received from the Attorney General an opinion in which he advises the President to withhold his approval from the' franchise granted by th? Porto Rican executive council to a railroad company for an extension of Its lines, on the ground that In granting this franchise the executive council exceeded Its powers in allowing at the same time an exemption from taxation of the work for a period of twenty-five years. The Attor ney General holds that such an exemption can be granted only by the legislature of the island, and that the franchise embody ing such exemption as a condition Is for that reason void and illegal. The State De partment will forward the opinion to Can ton. Framing * Uniterm. Divorce Law. A national committee of commissioners on uniform state laws, made up of com missioners created for the purpose by the different states, met In Denver. Col., yes terday to consider an act to establish a uniform law relative to divorce p:?cedure. The conference also will discuss a change In the Insurance laws with a view to uni formity. Judge Lyman D. Brewster of Danbury, AUCTION SALES. TI11S AFTEHTOOH. DUNCAN SON BROS.. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SAIJ5 OK THREE THREE STOBT BRICK DWKLLINUK. M MIIKM C.15 ANI? 637 KOURTH STREET NORTHEAST. WASH INGTON. D. C. By virtue of three d>"eds of trust, osch dated March 2u. A.D. IMM, and nntnltrf, respectively, tn Liber No. 2103. at folios 388 et s.-q , 391 ft seq. anil 31H5 et s?>q., of Uio land records of the District of Columbia. and at the request of the bolder of the notes secured thereby. We will, at public auction, UN TUESDAY. T11K TWENTIETH UK AUGUST. AT HALK-PAST KOUR P.M.. aril the following i?nr.-?ln of land, situate In the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: Ijot* aumliered twenty-seven. twenty-eight au<t* twenty nlue. In John C. Davidson ct al.'a subdivision of hits In square eight hundred and tea. as recorded In the office of the surveyor of the Dlst rlct afore said In Liber 18, folio 154, together with the Im provements. Ac. Terms of sale: Each parcel to b? sold sepa rately. One-third of the purchase money to b-> paid in cash, balance In two payments of equal amounts, to be represented by notes, bearing In terest at 6 l>er cent per annum, payable semi annually, and secured upon the property sold, or cash, at purchaser's <>ptl->n. $100 depoait at time of sale on each parrel sold. All conveyancing and revenue stamps at purchaser's coat. Terms to be complied with iu ten daya from day of sale. EUGENE CARVRI, GEORGE E. EMMONS. anCeoAds Trustees. JAMBS W. RATCLIKKE, AUCTIONEER. EXBCCTOR'S SALE OP VALUABLE REAL, ES TATE AT THE CORNER Of P STREET AND FLORIDA AVENUE NORTHEAST. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term for Orphans' C< nrt business, passed In the matter of the estate of Justlna lilt*. No. 92oR of the ad ministration do.-ket* of the office of the register of wills, aiul of the aatborlty to me therebv given and also vested tn me by the last will and testa ment of said Just Inn Rita, I will offer for sale by rubllc auction, In front of the premises, on the ?IETEENTH DAY OK AUGUST. A.D. 1801, AT EIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow I tut real estate, situate In the ?lty of Washington. District of Co lumbia, to wit: Lota namtrrid < ne (1) and two (2) In Edward Clark's subdivision of square numl?ered six hundred and sixty-eight <6A8t as said subdi vision Is recorded in Plat Book B at folio 63 in the office <>f the surveyor of said District, together with all the righ's thereto ltelonglng. Terms of sale at prescrltx-d by the decree: One third of the purchase money to be paid In cash and the balance in equal Installments st one sml two years from day of sale, and for the deferred payments Hny purchaser shall give his or ber notes, bearing Int-rest at the rate of Ave per centum per annum, payable In equal semi-annual Instsllments, the said notes to be secured by a deed of trust, which shall !>e a first lien upon the property sold, or all cash, at purchaser's option. All conveyanc ing. recording, notarial fees and revenue taxes at ptrchaser's cost. Terms of sale to I* compiled with within fifteen <!ays from day of sale, other wise the undersigned reserves the right to resell the property at the risk snd cost of the defaulting purchaser, after such previous public advertisement as he may deem necessary. $200 deposit required at time of sale. DAVID MOORE. Executor. au3-d&ds No. 717 14th at. n.w. ?7THE ABOVE SAI.E IS POSTPONED. ON AC count of the rain, until TUESDAY. THE TWEN TIETH DAY OP AUGUST, 19ol. at the same hour and place. DAVID MOORE, Executor, aulft-d&ds No. 717 14th st. n.w. DUNCANSON BROS.. AUCTIONEERS. " TRUSTEES' SAI-B OK NO. 751 SHERIDAN AVE NUE NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded la Liber No. 2476, nt folio 344 et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, we shall sell. In front of the premises. TUESDAY, THE TWENTIETH I>AY UK AUGUST, A.D. 1901. AT HALT-PAST K1VE O'CLOCK P.M.. eaat half (e. Vil of lot seven (T?, of block ten (lot. of TVhM and Brown's sulsllvlslon of Mount Pleasant or Pleasant Plalua, together with the Impruvcmenta thereon. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance In one and two years, with Interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. $100 required at time of sale, and the purchaser allowed ten days from date of sale to complete the purchase. CHARLES K. BENJAMIN. WILLIAM II. DUNCANS)IN, aul3-d&ds Trustees. TOMORROW. JAMES W. RATCLIKKE, AUCTIONEER. Peremptory sale of a complete printing office, including 4 Job Presses, Paper Cutter, Electric Motor, BeBting, Shafting, large quantity of assorted Type and Cuts, 4 Imposing Stones, GaiEeys, Racks, &c., contained in rooms C and D, 63H Pa. ave. n.w. On WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-KIRST DAI OF AUGUST. 1901. AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M., I will sell, at public anction. the entire contents of the above printing establishment, being a com plete outfit In excellent erudition. Terms cash. au!7-d&dhs JAMES W. RATCLIKKE. Aucrt. FITIRK DAYS. THUS. J. OWEN 4 SON. AUCTS.. 913 K ST. N.W. TRUSTEES' SALE OK VALUABLE BUILDING I/T ON G ST. BETWEEN NOIETH CAPITOL AND 1ST STS. N.E., KBONTINU 25 KEET ON TUB NORTH SIDE OK G ST. BY A DEPTH OK S4.IL WITH SIDE > LLEY. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly record ed in Liber 2152. folio 67 et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbis. and at the re quest of the parties secured thereby, we will Fell at Eiiblic auction, in front of the premises, on TUE8 AY. SEPTEMBER THIRD. 1901. AT KIVB O'CLOCK P.M., lot IS, square 677. subject to the right of way over the north three and one-half feet of said lot. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance In one and two years, with Interest, secured by deed of truat on the proi>crty sold, or all rash, at the option of the purrh?!.er. A deposit of $100.00 required at time of sale. Conveyancing, tvordlng and revenue stamps at purchaser's cost. JOHN S. SWORMSTEDT. Trustee. EDW. P. SCHWARTZ. au20-dts Trustee. JAMES W. RATCLIKKE, AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE OK VALUABLE BUIIDING LOTS ON G STREET. GEORGIA AVENUE. lffTH AND 17TH STREETS SOUTHEAST By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 2293, folli 240 et seq.. one of the land records for the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party se<-ured thereby, the under slimed trustees will offer for sale, by public auc tion, In front of the premises, on KRIDAY. THH THIRTIETH DAY OK AUGUST, A. D. 1901. AT KIKTEEN MINUTES PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following dcscril>ed real estate, situate In the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: All of the square designated and numbered square south of square numbered ten hundred and ninety one <1091), according to the original plat or plan of said city of Washington, together with all the Improvements, rights, etc. Terms of sale: One-third cash, the bslance in equal installments, at one and two yeara, with In terest from the day of sale st the rate of six per cent per annum, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the pur chaser. A deposit of $200 required at the time of sale. If the terms <f sale are not compiled with within fifteen days from the day of sale the trus tees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement in some newspa{ier pub lished in Washington, D. C. All conveyancing, re cording, stamps, etc , at purchaser's ooat. JOB BARNARD, Trustee. su2o-d?da JOHN W. SCHAEKER, Trustee. JAMES W. RATCLIKKE. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE OK THREE KRAME DWELL INGS, NOS. 320, 322 AND 324 POLK STREET. ANACOST1A. I). C. By virtue of three certain deeds of trust, record ed, res|>eelively, tn Lit?er 2058. folio 4 et seq.; Liber 2UM. folio 9 et seq., and Liber 2338. folio 103 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the reouest of the parties se cured th?*eby, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale, at public auction. In front of the prem ises. on THURSDAY. TWENTY-SECOND DAT OK AUGUST. A. D. 1901. AT HALT-PAST KOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described la: 1 and {>remises, situate tn the county of Washington, Ustrict of Columbis, to wit: All of lots 151 and 152, In Uniontown. now known as Anai-oatla. as shown ni>on the official plat of said Uniontown re corded In the surveyor's office of said District, to gether with all the Improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance of pur chase money In two equal instsllments, naysble la one snd two yesrs from dste of sale, with interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, secured by deed of trust on property sold, or all cash. All conveyancing. revenue stamps, record ing, &e., st purchaser's cost. A deposit of $200 required st time of ssle. Terms to be complied with within IS days from date of aale. GEORGE M. EMMERICH, DOUGLASS S. MACK ALL. an!2-d&da Trustees. THUS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTS.. 913 K ST. N.W. TRUSTEES* SALE OK BU1IJUNO LOT ON ILLI NOIS AVENUE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND OMAHA STREETS. I'ETWORTH. By virtue of s deed of trust, duly recorded la Liber 2i>36. folio 388 et seq.. one of the land rec ords for the District of Columbia, and at the re quest of the party aeewred thereby, we will aell, at public auction, in front of the premise*, on MONDAY. AUGUST TWENTY-SIXTH. 1901, AT HALE-PAST KOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. all of snblot 30 la square 78 in Petworth, D. C. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance In one and two yeara, with Interest, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or sll cash, at pvr rhaaer*s option Conveyancing, recording, etc.. at purchaser's cost. A deposit of $100 required at time of sale. ALLEN W. MALLERY. Trustee. HARRISON CROOK. Trustee sul5.20*24 Conn., is president of the conference and also chairman of the uniform laws com mittee of the American Bar Association. The conference is a body distinct from the bar association, but all the members are affiliated with the latter organisation and will attend Its convention, which be gins there on Wednesday next. It pays to read the want columns of The Star.' Hundreds of situations are filled Ihrcugh them.