Newspaper Page Text
-m. MMH MM Sucsa *Clive *Cil appreciated by connoisseurs for its Belkate placer (No rank smell nortaste, so frequent in some brands of Olive Oil) guaranteed 9ure *?U cf Wives cnlii S. Rae 6* Co. Esta-b-1836 LEGHORN, ITALY *?w?m?m?=?tm se7-eos.6m.42 FROM CHOICESTGRAIJV TO BRAWW AMP BRA/JV. SEE THAT A PICTURE OF THE BATTLE CREEH SANITARIUM IS ON EACH PACrtAGE. ?For health and hunger man, woman and child should eat MIflk Bread. uct of 11 / f. 5c. a ^ ?A delicious himI nutritious |>n?luct clean, well-conducted hnuie bakery loaf. Delivered frtsh dally. (Holmes' J se21-2od ist & E Sts.( 'Phone 1WV4. ) re win ?never liefore readied the perfec tion point that has been attained in the brewing of CULMBACHER There's nothing fiuer in dark beers. Let us send you a case?$1.25 for 24 pts. or 12 qts., delivered in un lettered wagons. 4th and F Sts. N.E. 'Phone 2154. se21-s, I ]OU5E= OLD I NTS That somewhat paradoxical combination of ice cream with hot chocolate sauce grows in popular favor and is often urged on the score of greater digestibility. To make the sauce, put into a saucepan four ounces of chocolate, half a cupful of milk and one cupful of sugar?the brown pre ferred. Stir until the chocolate is melted and cook until It waxes when dropped In cold water. Serve in a pretty pitcher, to be poured over the cold cream. Visitors to the Island of Nantucket, who have been privileged guests in the homes of some of the old residents, will recall that unique dessert, whitpot, which seems indig enous to the island. The secret of its manufacture may not be learned from the up-to-date cook book, nor yet in the cook ing schools, but In a quaint little volume of Nantucket recipes, issued for the benefit of the sanitary commission in 18?J3, specific directions are given for its making. "Aunt Mary" prefaces her directions by the statement: "Some persons like this for a dessert as much as others dislike it." The ingredients called for are one quart of milk, one egg, one taKlespoonful of meal, two tablespoonfuls of flour, not heaped, one-half cup of molasses, and a saltspoon ful of salt. Boil half the milk, and add a little salt. Mix the other ingredients with the rest of the milk cold. Pour this into the boiling milk without stirring. Set it into a mod erate oven, and let it bake till it is a little thicker than boiled custard. At the "country store" table at a church fair, held recently, a supply of lroning I.MPORTANT TO ' Thin Ladies FOR THE PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Dr. Charles* Fflesh Food has lieen used by leading actresses and others who know the value of a beautiful complexion and rounded figure. It will positively do as we claim. PRO Dl't'B HEALTHY F L E S II on the face, neck ami arms, tilting all hollow places, adding gface, rurve anil lieauty. It is positively the only preparation In the world that will DEVELOP THE IH ST and keep the breasts flrui, full and symmet rical It has never failed to accom plish this result, not only for the society lady, the actress and the maiden, but for the mother so unfortunate *.3 to lose her natural bosom through nursing. WRINKLES about the month, eyes, and those of the forehead disappear as by magic leaving a skin texture firm and clear. FACIAL SAGGING, the great beauty de stroyer of middle life, is also corrected by this flesh food. On sale at mostly all first-class dry goods and drug stores, or your dealer will get it for you. Ladies of Washington will find Dr. Charles' Flesh Food at LANSBURG1I & BROS.' ICOICID ?n?> Ik)x CHARIJES' IP \K. IC ILJr FLESH FOOD and our boot, ^- art of massage." If not convenient to the above stores, you can take advantage of our following liberal offer, which puts it within the reach of every tiurse: The regular price of Dr. Charles' ?"lesh Food la one dollar a box, but If you will send u4 $1 we will send you two (2) boxes In plain wrapper; also oar book, "ART OF MAS SA<JE." illustrated from life with all the cor rect movements for massaging the face, neck, arms and bust, end containing valuable bints on health and beauty. Pierre Chapiott. the celebrated French masaeur, says of this i?ook: "It Is the moat complete I have ever seen. Every woman abould have ooe and consult It daily." Write today. A dollar bill, is the aafeat to mall. n?- fhnrlpcfn 239 Broadway, ;ur.wnanesu)., New yortt ct|i board covers went like the proverbial hot cakes. They were made of ticking, the shape of the ironing board, opened on one side and finished with buttons and button holes. From the top came a flap that fast ened down, and in this flap was a pocket for the wax and holders. A stout strap was fastened across the back to hang the board up by. The housekeeper who has long deplored the tendency of the ironing board caver to take into Itself spots and soil of every sort, to say nothing of its predilection for slipping down at inoppor tune moments and tripping up the unwary, will welcome this suggestion, which keeps it clean and out of the way. Another new idea for a sale is sweep ing uniforms. The latest creations in this line are so pretty and picturesque that every woman longs at once to take her broom in hand. The caps are like those of the Moravian nuns, with tabs over the ears. Some have ties and some are with out. The aprons are long and highnecked, cut much like the cooking-school aprons? all in one piece. The long, full sleeves have an elastic around the wrist, and the bot tom of the apron Is finished with a wide ruffle. Two pockets are provided?one deep for the dusters, etc., and the other small for the handkerchief. Made of blue and white calico "or gingham, this sensible and withal most becoming suit goes far to ward removing the stigma of drudgery from the weekly sweeping day. The Infinite possibilities of tea mattings | for decorative as well as utilitarian pur | poses are evidenced in a new direction, and j water colors framed in the delicate green ! matting laid over flat, wooden frames are j now considered both artistic and desirable. Among the luncheons outlined for Sep tember the golf luncheon, when the guests are expected to come in their golf suits, offers great possibilities for a jolly time. If the company is a large one it is sug gested that they be seated in fours at small tables, each of which should have a cen terpiece of salvia. Scotch heather or soft purple thistles. Souvenirs appropriate to the occasion are plaid golf bags with sticks, to be tilled with bonbons, or small plain woolen caps, to be presented to the men afterward for tobacco pouches. There are also the useful as well as pretty plaid-cov ] ered golf score books. Guest cards may I have sketches of girls in golf costume, or little cuts of such figures as may be found in colurs in golf catalogues, and cut out and pasted on the cards. The tables may have plaid ribbon drawn down each side or bows at the corner. The menu may be either conventional or consist of typical Scotch dishes. The menu suggested is: Scotch Broth, Boiled Salmon, Boiled Potatoes, Haggis, Pheasant. Currant Jelly, Scotch Rarebit on Toast. Plum Tart with Cream, Coffee. Scotch rarebit, it is explained, differs from the Welsh, and is made by adding to half a pint of white sauce a tablespoonful of anchovy paste and a pinch of red pepper; cook this for a moment and add six hard boiled eggs cut in rather large bits. Sim mer the whole for three minutes and serve on buttered toast. A bright woman of expedients, who wished to carpet her large dining room with something that would "wear like iron," but at the same time be artistic, de cided upon Brussels carpeting with a bor der to match. Realizing that the border is always the most expensive, she bought a center of "bit or miss" Brussels and then a stair carpeting to match. This last she cut in two, to serve most excellently well as border. A man was employed to make and lay this carpet, and its entire cost was just $18. "I am often so puzzled in writing let ters." confided one woman to another, "to tel! in such words as perceive, conceive, be siege, believe, etc, which comes first the 1 or the e. "I used to be." said the other, "until I heard a simple ride that bears passing on. The syllables that commence with c take ei after it. Other consonants are followed by ie." The very best lotion for tired and ach ing feet may be made at home of mutton tallow and camphor. Cut the clear fat, which may be the trimmings from chops or the kidneys, into small pieces and add to them a piece of raw7 potato, peeling and all. Cover with water and fry out in the oven. When nothing is left of the fat but cracklings, strain, add a few drops of camphor and pour into egg-shells or small jars. Druggists aver that there is hardly a salve in the market but that mutton tallow enters into its composition. A dainty bassinet quilt noted lately was made of white silk and wool flannel, em broidered with rosebuds. The upper end was turned over about six inches, and on it was embroidered the motto that orna mented Oliver Cromwell's baby cap in 1599, "Cry not, sweet babe." The quilt was fin ished with a lining of delicate pink sateen and bound with ribbon. At a wedding breakfast or luncheon the guests are seated about the room, and not at the table, which is simply to serve from. The menu should be dainty and simpler than for a formal meal. The popular English ale passet is made in this way: Melt one tablespoonful of but ter in the chafing di3h, add one table spoonful of Hour, and when melted and bubbly, pour on gradually one cup of milk mixed with one slightly beaten egg. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken, add little by little one cup of ale, stirring con stantly. Season with salt and cayenne and serve with toasted crackers and cheese. For the Cauae of Temperance. Kiwn American Medicine. The effort on the part of the Russian government to lessen the evils of lntem j perance among the working classes by | furnishing a substitute for the dram shop, will be watched by temperance workers on this side of the water with considerable Interest, for Russia, owing to the Ignorant condition of her lower classes and their reputation as heavy drinkers, would seem to be an ideal place to try the efficacy of such methods of reform. This substitute for the dram shop has, in St. Petersburg, taken the form of a large building, or buildings, which include among other halls a theater capable of seating 3(500 persons. The intention is that dramas of historic character, concerts and similar enter tainments of an educational nature will be presented. There will also be "enter tainments designed especially for children. That these advantages may be within reach of those for whom they are Intended the admission charge is but about flve cents for a civilian, two and a half cents for a soldier. In addition to the theater are restaurants where meals are served at correspondingly low prices. The open ing performance is reported to have been a success. The hall was crowded with working men, who followed the play with great interest and delight. To Get l'p Co11 n rn and Cuff*. Prepare some good cold water starch by mixing smoothly about two tablespoonfuls of starch with rather more than half a pint of cold water. Add to this a teaspoon ful of powdered borax dissolved in a little hot water. Stir a piece of yellow soap in the starch water until it becomes soapy, when the piece of soap must be removed. This will help to prevent the starched linen from sticking to the hot iron. The articles to be starched must be per fectly clean end dry before they are put Into the starch Dip them and rub them vigorously in the starch, so that it pene trates them thoroughly. Take them out, squeeze them to remove excess of moist ure and roll them up separately and tight ly in a clean cloth or towel. Leave them for about two hours. When ready to iron them, rub both sides of the articles with a clean, dry cloth to remove any grains of borax or starch remaining on their outer portions. Iron first on the wrong side and finish off on the right, using firm, steady pressure. Dry before a bright fire until all are perfectly stiff. ? ? Loubet Likes Sport. From the I .on don Chronicle. President Loubet, who is at Ramboulllet, flrds the ex-royal chateau dull, while he chafes at the delay in the start of the I shooting season. He has always been an indefatigable sportsman, and he will now I gain time by a difference of dates. Ram boulllet is in the department of Seine-et I Oise, where the preserves are sacred till 1 the 25th instant. On the other hand. Mon telimar is a week earlier, so Its Illustrious | townsman will leave shortly without any show of etiquette. M. Paul Loubet, the president's son, who Is completing his I twenty-eight days' military service in true democratic fashion, will Join ths family party. Table and Kitchen. Delicious Ways of Cooking and Serv ing Fruits. This method of stewing or cooking fruit is much simpler than the name may im ply to the uninitiated. The value of the compote as a delicate and nutritious des sert is much more recognized abroad than it is in t^iis country, although it is gradu ally coming into favor here. Compotes are generally served with boiled rice, toast rounds or stale sponge cake and will be found to be wholesome, appetizing and delicious. The bread used in com potes should be thoroughly dried out before browning. Many fruits can be used in combination; bananas and oranges go well together, al ways using a little lemon with the bananas and having them slightly under-ripe. Peaches and plums are often combined, also apricots and plums, strawberries and bananas, red raspberries and currants, quince and sweet apples, barberries and apples, sweet or sour, pear and barberry, rhubarb, pineapple and cranberries, apples and green ginger. Sample Hecipei. The following recipes which will serve as examples are admirably suited to chafing dish cookery, although they can be readily prepared on the back of the range, care being taken that they cook slowly. The foundation for all compotes is about the same, sugar and water to make a syrup in which the fruit is cooked slowly in order to retain the original shape. The proportion used is generally one cup of sugar to one half or one cup of water; depending upon the juiceness of the fruit used. ? Apple Compote. Cook together until syrupy one cup of sugar, half a cup of water, two inch pieces of stick cinnamon and the thin rind of half a lemon, slicing off the yellow part only. Have ready half a dozen apples pared and cored (the tart ones cook more quickly) and cover with the boiling syrup to harden the outer surface. Cover close ly and simmer until tender, but not broken. If you use the chafing dish cook over the hot water pan, and it is better to cook the fruit in a double boiler after the syrup is made if you cook over the ordinary gas flame, or the fruit will cook too fast and become mushy. Serve each half of apple on rounds of toast. If you wish to serve for a hot dessert cover with meringue and slightly brown in a moderate oven, sprinkling the meringue with chopped nuts. Serve cold with whipped cream. Pineapple Compote. Pare and shred one pineapple, using a silver knife instead of steel; add to a syrup made from two cups of sugar and one and one-half cups of water. Cook slowly until clear, then add the juice of half a lemon and a wine glass of sherry.' Set aside to get cold. Serve on rounds of stale sponge cake with whipped cream. You can bny little penny sponge cakes. Hollow these out and use for cups for the fruit. The crumbs can be dried, rubbed through a sieve and added to the whipped cream or put away for another combine in another dessert. Orange and Banana Compote. Cook together a cupful of sugar and half a cupful of water, six cloves and an inch of stick cinnamon. Stir occasionally ur:iil the syrup begins to thicken, then remove the spoon and simmer gently without stir ring for eight minutes. Add six bananas a little under-ripe, cutting the slices cross wise. When the bananas commence to clear add the juice of two oranges and of half a lemon and half a glass of sherry if you use wine. Serve on rounds of toast or sponge cake with whipped cream. If these compotes are served for breakfast, as they may be, do not use sweet ctke. Serve them with the cooked cereal, pla'n toast or zwieback. Rice Kalte-Shale. Boil together for ten minutes one cup ful of sugar, three cupfuls of water and the thin yellow rind of one lemon. Set aside to cool. When cold add the Juice of two lemons, one bottle of white wine and a quarter of a pound of rice which has been boiled In two waters until tender. Arrange the rice In the form of a pyramid with layers of sugared peaches in between layers of rice, decorate the whole with preserved or fresh strawberries, candied cherries or halved peaches. Whipped Cream. For the whipped cream to serve with these compotes add to a half pint of cream one-quarter of a cup of milk, four level tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, two ta blespoonfuls of sherry or one teaspoonful of vanilla. Whip with a cream whip or wire egg beater until you have a stiff froth, keeping the dish holding the cream In a pan of ice. This cream will keep sev eral days. Chinese Clion Chou. This Is a delicous confection found in many Chinese stores and may be classed with the compotes; this can be made at home. The Chinese are remarkable for their habit of reversing the usual order of things, or, according to our understanding and customs, doing things upside down and backward, and this dainty Is a very fair example, and we must in all honesty con fess that the "heathen Chinee" has Im proved on the Christian (?) chou chou. Merchant Don Sang says: "Melican make chou chou him sour, Chinee, him sweet"? small green and yellow tomatoes, green dates, figs, pineapples and like fruits are preserved in a syrup with green ginger and the combination is delicious with cold meats, especially cold fowl and game. This confection sells for 25 cents per pound, but could be made at little cost. Inquiries Answered. Miss O. R. writes: Will you kindly send me some fruit salad recipes? I have not a good recipe of my own and would like more than one. Waldorf Salad. This Is one of the most popular salads. It is really intended as an accompaniment to the game served at a gentleman's din ner, but is nice for any dinner when poul try is served. The real Waldorf salad is made as follows: Pare and core two large, tart apples and cut into dica half an inch square; cut up an equal quantity of blanch ed, crisp celery and mix with the apples; add a little salt; sprinkle lightly with French dressing and then mix with mayon naise. Do not let stand, but serve at once in cups formed of crisp lettuce leaves. Chopped English walnuts may be added to this salad, or make a salad of equal quan tities of orange dice, nuts and celery and serve in the same way. A Dessert Salad. This may be served as a last course at luncheon or for a dinner dessert. Peel and remove the eyes from a small, ripe pineapple and shred it with a silver fork; peel and slice four ripe bananas; peel and cut three oranges in small cubes; skin and remove the seeds from a cup of white grapes. Arrange the pineapple, bananas and oranges in layers, sprinkling the grapes in among them; spread each layer with the following dressing: Beat the yolks of four eggs until light in colop and frothy; then beat in gradually one cup of powdered sugar; add a pinch of salt. When the sugar is dissolved add the juice of two lemons. Set on ice and chill for an hour before serving. Glased Fruits. Put into a porcelain-lined saucepan a cup of granulated sugar and quarter of a cup of cold water; stir until it is clear, then let boll until the surface is covered with bub bles; drop a little of the syrup into ice-cold water, and if, when cold, It breaks with a snap it is done. Remove from the fire, but keep hot over boiling water and glaze the fruit by dipping them into the sugar and then laying the fruit on a disk or thick white paper slightly brushed with salag oil. While the syrup bolls, wipe down the sides of the boiler carefully with a- wet cloth to remove the sugar crystals and watch the syrup closely that it does not boll beyond the right degree, as it changes very rapidly. Iced Fruit. The above would not answer for apples unless they were first cooked in syrup aa for compote, then Iced. Beat up the white of an tgg with half a cup of cold water; dip the fruit separately in this; then roll separately In sugar ana plac? some distance apart on white paper,and leave undisturbed until perfectly dry, probacy six or seven hours. I m Mejinn. n SUNDAY, it BREAKFAST. rr3t. * Cereal, i* li Cream, Omelet with'^Muslirooms, Grilled TBmat<fes, re.' hy French Rolls, Coffee. dinner. Tomato'fcouiHSn. Roast Ducks, gashed Potatoes, Spiced .pra pes. Brown Turnips. " Sweet Potatoes, Waldorf Salad. Frozen Crushed Peadhes, Whipped Cream, Ooftee. ?>* SUPPER. ^ Cheese Relish, i; Potato Salad, Fruit, 3 Cake, T*'r. i*1 MONDAY. BREAKFAST. Fruit, Cereal. Cream, Broiled Smoked White Fish, Creamed Potatoes, Rolls. Coffee. LUNCH. Corn Chowder. Tomato and Onion Farci, Boiled Rice, Pear Compote, Tpn DINNER. Barley Broth, Macaroni au Cheese, Baked Egg Plant, Duck and Celery Salad, Melons, Coffee. TUESDAY. BREAKFAST. Fruit, Cereal, Cream, Fried Egg Plant, Tomato Catsup, Rice Waffles. Coffee. LUNCH. Liver a la Newburg, Cream Potato Hash, Deep Apple Pie, Cream, Cereal Coffee. DINNER. Vegetable Consomme, Grilled Steak, Baked Potatoes, Corn Pudding. Steamed Peach Pudding, Coffee. KING EDWARD'S SCRAP BOOKS. Eight Big Ones Arc Being Made About His Mother. Written for The Evening Star. Amid all the pother of getting himself properly throned, named and crowned, King Edward VII has snatched time to devise a unique memorial to his mother. Word comes from London that he has ordered, through the leading international clipping bureaus, eight sets of scrap books, each set to contain whatever was printed or spoken of the late queen at the time of her death. The clippings, gathered In every country and in all tongues, and ranging from the highest illustrated week lies to the cheapest provincial prints, fill one hundred volumes, although the pages are of full newspaper size. They are past ed upon light gray bristol board and each page hinged before binding. The binding is of morocco?half the sets red, half green. There will be gold clasps and corner pieces and each volume stamped w}th the royal arms in heavy gilt. The binding would be black were the volumes destined to remain in Great Brit ain. The destiny of all but one set Is to be scattered through Great Britain, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. Each will receive a set as the gift of the king. The mourning color varies so throughout the empire it was thought best to use ordinary book tints. His majesty's loyal colonies will no doubt appreciate the gift?though the odds are that they would be better pleased with books setting forth his own coronation splendors. The children of the late Empress Fred erick have ordered the same bureau to make books about her, but the volumes will be so carefully edited as to be of mod est dimensions?that is, a3 scrap books go. Only kind things and notable pictures are to be included. The clippings are from German, French and English sources. The mount is gray bristol board, the binding dead black morocco, with dull gold clasps. Others besides royalty pay tribute to the scrap book maker. Mr. and Mrs. George Gould are at present mightily interested in one that is making about their new sea born daughter. It begins with the an nouncement of the little one's birth, print ed upon a sheet of heavy cream white pa per and mounted in morocco. These an nouncement cardsi which were sent to friends, give categorically the name of the baby, the names of both parents and the date and place of birth. Already there are more than twenty big pages filled with news of the young lady and her mother, also pictures of her clothes, her basket, her proud parents and pretty well everything else. But the big book, which is to be blue-bound and gold clasped, will be sent home with many vacant pages?to be filled by the newspapers and the clippings man as Miss Edith Katharine Gould is growing up. A New Way to Care Wrinkle*. Written for The Evening Star. In the halcyon days of the south, when time was no object with slaves, and fair ladies scorned even to pick up their own handkerchiefs, there was felt among la haute 8odfcte a common dread. It was that of wrinkles?those inevitable mark ings of Father Time. Then a beautiful complexion was esteemed to be one of wo man's greatest charms. The sunburned golfer had not come flamboyantly into fashion, nor was the "literary wrinkle"? one deep crease between the eyebrows? looked upon with favor; neither had the ruddy coloring, the charm of today, while reddened arms exposed by rolled up shirt sleeves would assuredly have been regarded as extremely vulgar. A delicate skin was the supreme desire of every well born woman, and considered half the battle in winning a lover. In the privacy of her own chamber, therefore, she engaged in such small arts as would en hance this beauty, the most efficacious be ing a strip of white ribbon or a soft hand kerchief tied tightly about her forehead, that it might prevent It from puckering, or falling into set lines as she sat reading or thinking. To further aid in smoothing out the brow the band was dipped in cold wa ter. Often she slept at night with this band tied firmly about her head. In these days of ultra modernness the subject of wrinkles is still one of vast im portance and a new preventive has been evolved. It Is called by the suggestive name of "frowner," and consists simply of a rather stiff bit of white paper about the size and shape of a postage stamp, and having on its back a similar coating of gum. Especially Is it designed as a prevent ive of the wrinkles between the brows or at the corners of the eyes; and in these places, after being moistened, these should be pasted whenever one is about to engage in some occupation that causes the habit of "wrinkling." At the fashionable shops of large cities frowners are now as regularly on sale as almost any other accessories of the toilet. Many, however, prefer to. make them at home, a process simple an<i inexpensive. It has also been found by th<flse who are in genious that it is best to cut them circular in shape instead of square* as they leave less of a trace when removed. Heavy writ ing paper from which to fashion them is available to all and a ltttld dissolved gum arable will stick them, on geod and tight. The Oo,tloo}f. From the Chicago Becord-Harald^ "Will you still love; me^jClara, if, after we are married, you discover me to be full of faults?" i < "Of course, Clarence. I'm'terribly proud; and I never could brihg myself to admit even to you?that I had made the mistake of my life." When the fickle appe tite of the irritable con valescent rejects every thing else you can think of in the food line, try him 'with a cup of beef tea made from LIEBIG Ssr OF BEEF. Odds are that he takes it gratefully gad feels better after. ? Here's another advantage of buying biscuit in In-er-seal Patent Packages: You can keep a variety of biscuit, crackers and wafers on hand all the time without fear of them growing stale. You can have at hand ? different flavor for every whim of a fickle appetite. You can have a suitable change for every meal without constant worry. You can always please an unexpected guest without embarrassment. It's a great convenience to have a supply of delicacies right at your hand. It's a great satisfaction to know they will be as fresh when you open them as they were when they came from the oven. This is only one of the advantages of buying biscuit, crackers and wafers in the In-er-seal Patent Package. When you order Soda, Milk, Graham, Oatmeal, Butter Thin and Saltine Biscuit, Vanilla and Banquet Wafers, Ginger Snaps, Sultana Fruit, and Sea Foam, don't forget to ask for the kind that come in the In-er-seal Patent Package. Look for the trade-mark design on the end of each package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. THE WORLD'S WOMEN Their Social, Domestic and Economic Position in Germany, TAUGHT SUBSERVIENCE FROM YOUTH Little Companionship Between the Sexes. TOLD OF THE EMPRESS Written for The Evening Star hy Mary H. Krout. In ancient times the women of the Ger manic tribes enjoyed a degree of freedom and authority which was a marked con trast to the restricted and narrow sphere of their successors today. They were lead ers and law givers, having a voice in all matters pertaining to the public weal, and it was inevitable that the strong, fearless sons, inheriting the strength and dauntless courage of such mothers, should have been resistless when they confronted the legions of decadent Rome. Today with all her mil itary prestige and material power, the wo men of Germany, except of the very high est classes, are little more than upper serv ants, with no real authority in ordering the affairs of their household, every pfennig cf expenditure, no matter how much of it may have been a part of the wife's own dower, being carefully supervised by the husband, who is literally the major domo. A German girl is taught subservience and humility from the moment she is able to understand anything. As a child, she must obey her father; as a wife, her husband is her master; and, should he die, the son thinks, plans and acts for her. Only in ex ceptional instances is she supposed to be capable of thinking and acting for herself. Her property rights are nominal; from birth to death she is a minor In the eye of the law. Until very recently there was a great dif ference in the education of boys and girls. Boys were required to study with the ut most industry, with little relaxation and few holidays, that they might stand first in the examinations, which are the open sesame to advancement in every field ed ucational. civil or military. The girls, with no such incentive, had a much less varied course, Latin having been forbidden them in the public schools, on the ground that their mental powers were not equal to so great a tax. Mathematics were also cur tailed on the same ground, and an undue length of time was devoted to instruction in sewing and knitting?arts in which girls are so well drilled at home that It would seem hardly worth while to carry It into the precious study hours, which are none too many. The Home Training:. A girl's home training Is indeed the main consideration. A domestic creature above all else, she is grounded in the art of cook ing, In making the queer soups and sau sages and cakes in which the German menu abounds. Compared to her brother, she is of little consequence. Every sacrifice must be made to establish him In life, and all the economies, therefore, fall upon the feminine members of the household. The most Important event of early girl hood is the confirmation, for which the can didate is prepared by being placed under the instruction of the pastor, unless the family should be Catholics, when the priest performs this duty. After weeks of labori ous catechising the candidate is in readiness and, with hundreds of others, presents her self in white gown, gioves, veil and wreath at the chancel, where she Is formally re ceived Into the communion of the church The confirmations begin on Palm Sunday and the church Is usually a bower of flow ers and greenery on the Important occasion. At home there are congratulations, feasting and visiting, the newly made communicant being the center of interest. There is very little social intercourse be tween men and women; nothing, indeed, of that pleasant comradeship which obtains in our own country, which so enriches life and is full of benefit for both sexes. Whatever intellectual training German women may have, few?in the middle class, the bone anu sinew of the empire?make any use of it. Absorbed in "the three K's," in accord ance with the behest of the present rule they could not be intellectual companions to <.ne?r better educated husband and broth ers if they wished to be. Off to the Kiieipe. Husbands and sons take themselves off to the knelpe?the German substitute for the club?where, over their mugs of beer and in clouds of tobacco, puffed from their huge meerschaums, they discuss affairs of state and all other questions of general interest. They do not talk of such matters to wife and daughter, as Americans and English men are wont to do?a means of liberal ed ucation in itself. Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide- "Pfingsten"-are the three great annual festivals, and to these are added the family birthdays, all of which make much work for the women folk in the additional baking and brewing which they necessitate. Not only must the cakes pecu liar to each stated season be prepared but the gifts also, which are very often of home manufacture. Each bride is supposed to be furnished with a supply of linen?clothing, naoery and bed linen?which will last a lifetime and which Is added to gradually until the dower chest is full. This generous supply has led to the establishment of quarterly wash days, when there is a general cleans ing and renovating, with the odors of the laundry filling the house for a week Well to-do residents of cities send the linen to the oountry, and when it must be done at ST,,''1- 1*1 ?f pen,tent*al season, In which the whole family suffer and the haus frau 8 temper Is sorely tried. Bread bakln* being eliminated from German housekeep* lng lessens the work very materially and SEP* absenS display, is the almost universal rule. The KalTee Klatseh. The two solemn social functions are the Kaffee Klatsch-literally. the coffee flght and the formal dinner. At all such cere monials precedence la acoorded the import ed,ct- Upon no considera tion would the hostess yield to the guest of ? v J, Btatlon ?n Mf? the place and honor that belongs to her superior; nor would she shorten the grand personage's brevet title by so much as a single consonant. To the Excelenza?the Fran Generalin?is assigned the place of honor on the stiff-backed sofa before which is planted the small, lace covered table. When she enters all rise, the Frau Haptmann?the wife of the cap tain?the Frau Professorin, the Frau Kauf mann, and, no matter their graces, wealth and virtue, they remain standing until the great lady is seated. All have brought their work, sewing or knitting, in pretty work bags; coffee and cakes are served and the time is devoted to talk?or, rather, the dis cussion of the servant question, the price of veal or beef, with any permissible scan dal, which, however, must be dealt with discreetly, since young girls are present. Men are not invited. Invitations to a Kaf fee Klatsch are usually from 5 to 8. Dinner is a much more solemn occasion, and upon the arrival of the guests the hus bands betake themselves to a separate apartment, where they smoke and talk poli tics?guardedly in these days, with the fear of lese majeste ever present?while their wives in the drawing room gossip and knit ?the knitting occupying them on almost all occasions. Preliminary tea and cakes serve to ameliorate the pangs of waiting for the more formal feast to follow. In the draw ing room and at table the Frau Generalin takes her proper place, the humblest of the guests?fixed by her husband's vocation bringing up the rear of the procession, and being assigned an unobtrusive seat below the salt. Few In Bnslness. There are few opportunities for German women to engage in business independent ly, the law of the land, as in France and elsewhere, giving the husband entire con trol of the wife's earnings. Women carry on small shops, and, in the country, not only work in dairies, but in the actual labor of tilling the soil, sowing the grain and gathering the harvests. In the vine growing districts they also form an im portant industrial factor in the cultivation of the vines, and through every stage of the vintage. In the cities they sell their garden produce in the markets and are fre quently employed as hod carriers and mes sengers?labor necessitated by the absence of men, a large proportion of whom are serving in the army. Midwives and trained nurses are employ ed?the former in every town and city in the empire?and art carefully trained lor their calling. Women physicians have made their way for some time, two of eminence, Dr. Siebel and Fraulein Dorothea Chris tiana Erexleben, having distinguished themselves so long ago as the reign of Frederick the Great. Fraulein Erexleben obtained permission to practice, after hav ing received the doctorate degree from the University of Halle. Professional Pioneers. Two ethers of note ? pioneers in these latter days?were Fraulein Francisca Ti bertius, the daughter of a farmer on the Island Rigus, and Dr. Emily Lehmus, the daughter of a clergyman in Furth. Both settled in Berlin, where they found Dr. Henrietta Hirshfield, a dentist, already es tablished. She had studied her profession in Philadelphia, received her degree and returned to practice in Germany. The objection to German women entering professions seems to be largely theoretical; a prejudice against a class, not the indi vidual, since these women, and others who succeeded them, married Germans of high professional position. Notwithstanding the general policy of repression that has discouraged women from engaging in professional work or seeking broader intellectual culture, Ger many has produced women of notable force and Intelligence. The Empress Augusta, grandmother of the present emperor, pro fessed an interest, as became her rank, in literature, art and science. The present empress, who was the Princess Augusta Victoria of Schleswig, while by no means brilliant, possesses those sterling virtues which are the German ideal of the wife and mother. It has been said that she lacks amiability, but this is the verdict of enemies?for even an empress has her de tractors. At the same time, her simplicity and modesty and devotion to her husband are fully acknowledged. 'A Progressive Empress. But it was the Empress Frederick, the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, that Germany is Indebted for innovations that no German woman would have had the hardihood to suggest. During the lifetime of William II, as the wife of the crown prince, the prospective empress, she wield ed an immense influence, an Influence ap proved by her husband, who adored her, and which had for its paramount aim the advancement of German women. She her self a woman of naturally strong mind had been thoroughly well educated. She was called "a woman of universal attain ments," familiar with international pol itics, interested in art and science, and. like her sister Louise, now the Duchess of Ar gyle, she beguiled the time with brush, pen and pencil, and kept up a voluminous correspondence with the eminent men and women of every country in Europe. It was due to her that the Thlergarten, once a pleasure ground for the aristocracy, was thrown open to the people, and she was also Instrumental In establishing play grounds for children in various open squares about Berlin. Her chief monu ment, however?one destined to have a di rect effect upon the future development ol Germany?was the establishment of the Victoria Lyceum for the higher education of women, and to which not only Germans, but those of other nationalities are admit ted. The tuition, which is the best that the empire affords, is free, and the Empress Frederick gave to it liberally of her own private means. Literary Salons. Among women below the rank of roy alty, George Eliot, in her earlier letters? about 1855?writes of Fraulein Solmar, whose salon In Berlin was famous for many years. At that time she was be tween fifty and sixty, and gathered about her all the great pe-*;)le in the capital, speaking French, English, Italian and Ger man with equal facility. "There wes not," wrote the great Englishwoman, "the slight est warmth of manner or expression in her, but always the same even cheerfulness and intelligence." The Countess Schleinitz also wielded great influence, and her salon was crowded with savants, artists and litera teurs, who assembled every evening until Bismarck, who was then chancellor. Inter posed. They met subsequently once a week. Several American women have married Germans of high rank, the most notable of whom is the Countess von Waldersee. Without radically disturbing the establish ed order of things, they have undoubtedly made their presence felt, and are doing their part to secure a more liberal recog nition of the rights of progressive German women. How to Make Muslin Toast. Written for The Evening Star. Any rather stale bread that cuts into firm slices answers for this delicacy. The writer's first knowledge of this was at a dinner party at which each dish was per fect of Its kind. When the cheese was passed, with it came this crisp, delicious toast, cooked at the moment of serving. The slices were cut, literally, "as thin as a wafer," and spread out to dry an hour or two before needed. They were finally spread out on a hot tin pan, popped in the top shelf of a quick oven long enough to curl up a little and take on a pale shade of brown. This toast is particularly grate ful to people of delicate digestion, but is so appetizing that it has become a fad to lov ers of dainty living. It may be also served at luncheon with fruit. Housekeepers who find themselves at the mercy of a country butcher should call to mind the French method of "improving" tough meat. An impossible beefsteak, for Instance, may be transformed Into one that Is tender and juicy if it is allowed to stand over night Mn a mixture of vinegar and salad oil in equal parts. For a three-pound steak half a teacupful of the mixture should be put In a crockery plate or dish, large enougn to spread the meat out in. Prepare this early in the evening and before retiring turn the steak. What is left of the mix ture should be bottled for the next time. Don't use salt or pepper while it is in the oil and vinegar. His Siuallness of Sonl. From the Chicago Tribune. Dinguss?"Old fellow, can you let me have a dollar this morning?" Shadbolt?"No. You haven't paid me the dollar you borrowed a month or two ago." Dinguss (mortified and resentful)?"Do you mean to say, Shadbolt, that you re member such pitiful little debts as long aa that?" From Punch. ON THE LINE. / Old Lady?"Can you tell me, If you place, where I'll vet the Blackrock tram?** Dublin Car Driver?"Begorr, ma'm, if you don't watch yourself, you'll vet it in til* small of your back in about half a minute."