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Not the Deliberative Body It Was. ton. VINSON'S SPEECH V. THE LIGHT t/N STATUTE OF LIBERTY. Mr. Grow Favors Election of Senators by Popular Vote?Mr. Heitfeld Opposes Oleomargarine Bill. Tli-- House of Representatives today re s med consid- ration of the sundry civil ap propriation bill with the understanding that g-tieral debate, which formally closed yes t-rday. should bo extended to permit Mr. Robinson (lnd.> and Mr. Grow (Pa.) to ad dr. ss the House. Mr. Robinson discussed the "passing of :ii llouse" as a deliberative f>ody, to which Mr Hell <CoI.> had addressed himself yes i ? r.l y. The Senate, which now perfected !? Kislation. he complained, was dominated by thirty senators, representing fifteen t-t s with less population than either New York or Pennsylvania. The presenit condi t ? of affairs in the House, he said, was i! ?? to the concentration of all the power th. House in the hands of the Speaker ? ?! the committee on rules. Mr. ?'.row discussed the question of elect s; s> r.ators by popuhir vote. He favored a ? ".^titiition?l amendment for that purpose. At the conclusion of his remarks the bill was read for amendment under the five nilmite rule. Light on Liberty's Statue. \u amendment providing $50,000 to keep the light burning in Liberty statue in New York harbor created a diversion in tie- proceedings, which was thoroughly en j >. ed by the members present. I'll' amendment was presented by Mr. S:ilzer, who supported it in a flowery > >.. eh. with patriotism as its basis, and .t s.? a poem along tlie same line. After he had concluded Chairman Cannon arose and" asked demurely, "Does the gen tleman now withdraw his amendment?" Mr. Sulzer replied that he was advocating th-- proposition in all seriousness. 'O well," continued Mr. Cannon, "the g-ntleman has got his speech in?and we h ive all enjoyed it. as well as the poetry? and I think he ought to be satisfied to withdraw the amendment, but if he insists on coming back from the realms of senti ment to cold business. I will state that the light house board, which has this light in ch irge, has made an investigation and finds this light is not needed to commerce." on a rising vote, however. Mr. Cannon w <s beaten and the amendment was car ried 4:: to 3.". as but few republicans were in their seats. This was another cause for nierrini'-nt on the part of the members. Some New York schoul teachers in the gal 1-ry applauded vociferously. The laugh ? as repeated as Mr. Cannon came down the aisle to make the count in a vote by tellers, which he had demanded, as he de clared with an emphatic gesture. "You will have lo beat me by tellers and by a yea arl nay vote, too. before you get that liuhr " lie then sent the assistant ser g-ant-at-arms scurrying for republicans, and after a count Mr. Cannon defeated the amendment by six cotes?07 to 61. THE SENATE. A' tin- . ? nclusion of routine business to me tin Senate resumed consideration of th- 1 >1...margarine bill. The debate of the <: 1 was opened by Mr. Heitfeld (Idaho) in opposition to the measure, the real intent ? ?1' w. . h. he said, was to destroy the oleo ir.argarir.e industry. BHlg a f irmer himself, he said, liis sym p.thies naturally were with the dairy in t> rests, but iie r? alized that all of his con stituent- vv. re not farmers and he felt it w.i- only just that he should present the fact-. He did not believe that oleomarga < ever W<?!jl'l displace butter in the mar k-1. as those who Could affor.i it always would purchase butter, but he charged, notwithstanding that fact, that an effort being made to drive the oleomargarine ii .lustry to the Wall. - 11.- strongly advocated the enactment of the substitute offered by the minority, maintaining that it would eliminate abso I tely all possibility of fraud in the sale of ?>1 .margarine. Mr. Gallinger tX. H.) declared that the pending bill simply was "a protest against fraud and a vindication of one of the slm pU st principles of common Integrity?a protest against an industry which depended !.>r its success upon duplicity and dishon esty." lie denounced vigorously renovated, pr > c. ss and adulterated butter, and advocated tii-- adoption of the Harris amendment, which proposes the taxing and regulation of tho->e products which he considered even ? grr-ut^-r evil than oleomargarine. Mr. Spooner for-the Bill. It: advocating the passage of the bill. Mr. R;>.H.iier (Wis.) admitted that oleomargarine wis a healthful product, and therefore a legitimate article of commerce. If the bill w-re enacted into law. he believed that the production of oleomargarine "under the fl ig of fair play'' would increase rather t>..m diminish. He maintained, in the course of a legal and constitutional argu ment. that Congress was Justified in the enactment of the proposed legislation. tie maintained that Congress had the cor. s itutional right to tax oleomargarine, and he supported the measure because he be ll. ved such a tax was in the interest of the people. IHsoussing the coloring of oleomargarine he said: "The most imprudent proposition I ever h.-ard is that of the hog and stour 1.utter makers that they discovered the I. it 1 ?*r odor. You may color butter as you pl- as- and it is still butter, and you may ? ? 'lor oleomargarine as you jdease and it is Mill t ot butter." BAD RACING WEATHER. Big Crowd at Benning in Spite of That Fact. F *4 I'Upat.-b to The Evening Star. UENNING RACE TRACK. I). C., April 1 Today's bad weather cut down the at tendance at the Benning track, but never theless there Is a big crowd present. The wind has dried out the track considerably ami the going can be classed as good. To day's card has a good look about it as tap as sport is concerned, but the betting talent w ill probably find the picking difficult. Fol lowing are the scratches announced at P tn.: Mistress. Himself and High Carnival In the tirst: in the third. Essene; Chamblee in the fourth, and Locket in the fifth. The Entries for Tomorrow. Following are the entries for tomorrow: First race; selling; six and a half fur longs Klngleader. HM; Jack McfSinn, 105; Ginkl. 102; Fonsoluca. 100; Imperialist. 10"; Bat yah. lot; Hampshire. 10.": Gwynne, 101; Tu Man. tl; Astery. h<i; Gold Fox, 10T; ?Hendricks. N; *The Rogue. 95. Second race; maiden two-year-olds: four and a half furlongs. Weirdsome. 104; First < "bord. 1?>7: Aurifer, 104; Agio. 107; Royal Ensign. lo7, Blue Miracle, 107; Adele Hard ing. MM. Third race; hurdle handicap; mile and a half. Gould, 152; Tankard, 152; Tamarln. Farreil. 144: J. A. Warner, 143; Hand vice, 142; Tireless, 188; The I.ast Chord. l:iit; Cheval D'Or. 135; Prince Plausible, I.e.; Fabius, 134: Idle Ways, 130. Fourth race;" maidens; seven furlongs. The Blue Coat. 107; Florad, 107; Wile. 107: A lline Abbott, 105: Fabius. 107; Biff. 107; < 'aUtaray, 100: Inkling. 96; Pigeon Top. 97; Toxey Curly. 97: Buck Lodge, 97; Wood chuck. 100; Rendezvous, 95. Fifth rare: selling; six furlongs. Im perialist, 108; Carroll D., 101; Trump. 101; Rlghtaway. W: Tax Man. 91; High Carni val. x?l. *The Bandit, 94; ?Meistersinger, 8U. Sixth race; handicap; mile and a hundred yards. Himself, 12fl: Handlcapper, 102: orontas. 123; Woocttrlce, 122: Lou Ray, 113: lamp o' Lee, 119; Ohnet, 115. ?Apprentice allowance. < 'ouple Himself and Handicapper?Daly entry. Couple Woodtrlce and Lou Rey l.vle. entry END OF CONFERENCE THE MEETING IN BALTIMORE TO CLOSE THIS AFTERNOON. Bishop Galloway Announces the Ap pointments for Washington Dis trict for the Next Year. BALTIMORE. Mil.. April 1.?The Balti more conference. Methodist Episcopal Church South, which has been meeting in Trinity Church, this city, since last Wed nesday. will adjourn this afternoon, after Bishop Charles B. Galloway, who has pre sided over the sessions, announces the appointments for the ensuing year. It is thought that Bev. J. A. An derson of the Baltimore district and Rev. J. E. Armstrong of the Rockingham dis trict will exchange places, and that the four districts the terms of whose presiding elders expire at this conference will be filled as follows: Baltimore district. Rev. J. E. Armstrong; Rockingham district. Rev. J. A. Anderson; Roanoke district. Rev. Dr. \V. Or. Hammond; Moorefield district. Rev. T. G. Nevitt. It is thought that there will he but few changes in the Washington district. The ministerial alternates to the general conference were chosen this morning on the first ballot, as follows: Rev. J. W. Duf fey, presiding elder of the Washington dis trict; Rev. B. W. Bond, presiding elder of the East Baltimore district, and Rev. David Bush, presiding elder of the Roanoke dis trict. Reports in all the districts were completed today and show an increase both in membership and collections. These re ports follow: Foreign Missions. Baltimore district, 51.759; increase, ,$112.75. East Baltimore, $1,22*5; increase. $137. Washington. $2,142; increase, $117.50. Winchester, $1,528; decrease, $S5. Rock ingham. $1,028.30; decrease. $150. Roan oke. $1,220.76; increase, $2S.ti(!. Lewisburg, $1*14; decrease, $10. Moorefield. $&S5; in crease, $55. Total, $10,832.15; net increase, $.154.41. Domestic Missions. Baltimore, $1,2*2; increase, $00.75. East Baltimore. $*)2ri; increase, SS7. Washington, $1,374: decrease, $66. Winchester. $l,00!i; decrease, $41. Rockingham, $732; increase, $S. Roanoke. $ss0.32; increase. $53.52. Lewisburg, $?U5; increase, $5. Moorfield, $6.55; decrease, sit;. Total. $7,566; net in crease. $121.27. Comparative Disbursements. Bishops, $2,247; decrease. $174. Superan nuated fund. $12,221; increase, $2,725. Edu cation, $1,786; increase, S3. Bible, $45.3; in crease. $100. Memberships by Districts. Baltimore. 5.001; East Baltimore. 4,332; Washington. 8.480; Winchester, 7,452; Rock ingham, 0,:>3!?; Roanoke, 7,710; I.ewlsburg, 6.030; Moorfield. 0.601. Total, 52,283. To tal increase over last year, 250. Memoirs of ministers who died during the year were read as follows: Rev. S. M. Bow man of Parnasstis. Va.. read by Rev. J. M. Ilawiey; Rev. Ji. H. Kennedy of Charles town, \\ . la., who was killed by being struck by a. Baltimore and Ohio railroad train, read by Rev. W. F. Locke; Rev. J. M. Eavy. Crab Bottom. Va, read by Rev. I). M Brown: Rev. Francis A. Mercer of Bal timore, read by Rev. J. I J. Davidson. The conference decided to meet next year at Fredericksburg. Va. Major Thomas G. Hayes and his sister. Miss Julia Hayes, gave a reception last evening to members and delegates of the conference at their residence, 2SH>1 St. Paul street. May-.r Hayes' father was a well known minister or the Virginia conference, Methodist Epis. ..pal Church South, and was known to the older members of the Balti more Nearly ail of the mem bers of the conference called during the evening. Amo? g those present were: Bish op C. R. Galloway, Bishop A. w. Wilson and Bishop W. A. Candler. Deacons and eiders were ordained Sun day. The ordu.ation of tne deacons took place at Trinity Church in the morning. Pis ,op Galloway officiated, assisted by Rev. Dr. t. E Canon of Vinton. Va. The eld ers were ordained at St. Paul s Church, Bishop Galloway officiating and Bishop Warren A. i anol-r preaching the sermon. I nose ordain.-.I v. ~re: Deacon?B. D. Harrison. R.-thel, Va. Local deacons?James H. Haley, Wood stock. Va.; Charles W. Sti.rnp, Stanesvilie, }\ Va.. and George W. Yost. New Creek, W . \ a. Elders?Grayson D. Kidner, Eagle Rock, va.. Henry \\. R .rri.s. Easton. Md., and Seymour Grady, Rockbridge, Va. Local elders?Frederick f?. Stier, Wash ington; Benjamin A. Shreeve. Sterling, Va., and Louis H it iasiil, Catawba, Va. i iiree members of the conference were grunted superam.'iat. 'i relations at their own reijuest TJjey are. Rev. Dr. Rumsey Smithson, pastor of Trinity Church, Roan oke. \a.; Re-/. Dr. John P. Hvde. formerly president of the Valley Female College, ? mchester. Va Rev. J. C. Sedwick, pas tor of the church at Rileyville, Pa. Clerical alternates to the general confer ence were elected as follows: Rev. J. W. DufTey, presiding elder of the Washington district: Rev. It. \\ . Rond, presiding elder of the East Baltimore district; Rev. David Bush, presiding elder of the Roanoke dis trict. Appointments Announced. The appointments of the preachers for the ensuing year were announced by Bishop Galloway earlier today than was expected. While there are r.o changes in Washington city, there are quite a number in Wash ington district. The new presiding elders appointed are as follows: Baltimore dis trict, W. II. D. Harper, pastor at Roanoke, Va.; Rockingham. David Bush, formerly presiding elder of the Roanoke district; Roanoke district J. E. Armstrong, former ly presiding eld-r of the Rockinghajn dis trict : Moorefield district, J. T. Williams of Keyser, W. Va The appoint in : for the ^Vashington district follow: Washington district. Washington city, J. W Duffey. presiding elder: Mount Vernon Place. F. J. Preittyman; Epworth, W. S, Hammond; Marvin. W. I.. Dolly; West Washington, F. I. Day; Del Rav, "supplied by Homer Welch: Al-xandria, J. P. Stump; Fredericksburg. G. T. Tyler; Falls Church! V\. H. Woolf . Letsburg, S. G. Fergesson; Loudoun, J. L. Kibler, L. H. Kincaid; Mid dleburg. J. H Kuhiman; Hillsboro', Wm. M. Waters; Hamilton, C. Sydenstricker; Warrenton. W H. Ballanger; Rethel, J. W. Smith; Marsha!!. W. P. C. Coe, G. W. Sta ples; Fairfax. 1>. I.. Blakemore, J. F. Peak; Sterling, S R Dolly, S. K. Cockrell; Occo quan, J. W. Bain; Fauquier. W. T. Gover; Remington, W. H. Marsh: Sndlev. J. K. Gilbert; Manassas. W. G. Hammond; Staf ford, C. L. Potter; Morrisville, J. M. Haw lev. NAVY AS WELL AS ARMY. Desired That Anatomical Science Bilf Shall Include Both. A resolution for the withdrawal from the President of th_> bill for the promotion of anatomical science in the District of Co lombia was introduced in the Senate today. This action was taken in response to a U tter from the Secretary of the Navy, who stated that the President had requested that the bill be withdrawn and amended bo that, its benefits be extended to the medical ccrps of the caw. Th-re is no objection to the bill, but it is desired to have the navy as well as the army benefited by se curing under the bill subjects for anatom ical study. , Bank Note Circulation. The monthly circulation statement Issued by the controller of the currency shows the total circulation of national bank notes on March 31, 1!02, to have been $337,476, 407. a decrease for the month of $958. 460, and an Increase for the year of $7,375,001. The circulation based on United States bonds amounted to $317,400,382, a de crease for the month of *2.014,542, and a decrease for the year of $3,380,074. The amount of circulation secured by lawful money was $40,016,025, an increase for the month of $1.656.082. and an in crease for the year of $10,755,078. The amount of United States registered bonds on deposit to secure circulating notes was $31?;5;?>vc:*>. and to secure pub lic deposits. $ll'i.7tt2,ld0. Opposed Sale of Danish West Indies. HIS PLAN OF CAMPAIGN CIRCULATED THE REPORT OF CAPT. CHRISTMAS. Was Sent to This Country to Lay the Statements Eefore Congress and the Public. The investigation of charges made in con nection with the Danish West Indies pur chase was begun today before the special committee appointed by Speaker Hender son. Beside the members of the commit tee there was present Niels Gron, who brought the charges to the attention of Representative Richardson, and quite a number of interested spectators. Mr. Gron was the first witness sworn by Chairman Dalzell. The witness spoke in good fcnglish, with a slight Danish accent. He said that in February last parties in Copenhagen who opposed the transfer of the Danish West Indies to the United States conferred with him and brought to his at tention the Christmas report. t hairman Dalzell asked who these per sons were. The witness said they were members of the Danish upper house, but he did not think it proper to give their names. Mr. u. or said he was at present the represen tative in this country of these parties. Representative Alexander's Denial. Mr. Gron gave way temporarily to Rep resentative Alexander of Buffalo, who de sired to make a complete disclaimer of any knowledge of Christmas or the Danish transaction. Mr. Alexander said he had never seen Christmas, had never spoken to any one In or out of Congress as to the Danish treaty and never heard it discussed aJH", 6 or any p,ace b>" an>' until after tlie recent presentation of the matter to the House. Why Gron Came Here. Continuing his statement, Mr. Gron ex plained how the Danish parties opposing a sale of the islands had persuaded him to come to Washington and place the Christ mas report before Congress and the public so that the facts would be known. He told of having obtained a note of introduction to Gen. Grosvenor of Ohio, of arranging to beine- h Washington, his purpose th.' n' .t f V to carry out assurances th? ? 9p?nhaf?en that he would place br ne e. nn"-entlal me? and thus g \,.to the a"ention of Congress and of^brinsH Gron told in great detail v-L r l"S papers before (Jen. Gros Mr r??.aH ' seemed Quite indignant, m'tiSkf 'uand 8,>oke of la>'ing the that snlfnh?re pr?Per Parties in order LitL'I" ^e.1acti"n tn,s:ht bu taken. The ^ that later Gen. Grosvenor con mnft that it would be proper to lay t tv; matter before the Secretary of State This tT?t ( Hne ?and Mr- Gron saiJ he learned ?n i t Department held that it Hes hlr ?ction and that the author seives to Chrfstmal? Wa>' comffiitted ^em Prepared Statement for the Press. ?G!?SaW that after Gen. Grosvenor had decided not to proceed with the matter he (Gron) had prepared a statement for the Associated Press and had asked Mr Crane a newspaper man. to send some one from the Associated Press to him for the state ment, and also to Gen. Grosvenor for as surances as to Gron's standing. He learned venor p/m ' hh v'""' Crar'" that Gen. Gros venor eaid he knew nothing about it He said he was informed the dav after he sub mitted the statoment that the Associated I ress could not use it. Afterward he said he submitted his statement to several news papers and more or less of it was pointed /f*?? witness then detailed how he had p.aced the matter before Representatives ove? theSmpe?s. rnderwoo<3< had gone ' \\ hat was your purpose in brine-in" ,r before members?" asked Mr. Dalzell ? , J?.grt u in,t0 the House and before the American people," answered the witness In response to inquiries the witness took up various branches of the case ^ he represented those constituting the " sale party in Denmark. Denies Christmas' Statement. He referred to the reports that he (Gron) had himself been trying to obtain a com mission for the sale of the islands and that the whole matter was a quarrel between Christmas and himself over the commis sion. This Mr. Gron denied, and In sup fia^Lr<td. a ,etter s,aUn& that an old al Ilance between certain Danish m^n and Americans in the fall of 1W was declar"<i off eighteen months ago. He mentioned the names of H. H. .Rogers Charles R Wmt and himself as the Americans Inter sffiaa*"",n ???<???.??? s. Asked specifically regarding a statement Wnl Christmas report to the effect that Rogers had agreed to accomplish the ?ale "f ltle islands for 10 per cent of the pur chase money, Mr. Gron declared that there ih n a^repment. He described how tees in Df^"ducted by the commit tees in Denmark and in America had progressed almost to a successful conclu thev iUSt tJTflr the SpanIsh war when they were declared off in Denmark Mr. Gron said he undertook to reooen the negotiations after the war. The commit tees in Copenhagen and America had not rifi? * a,BOJ ?" Christmas came to the l nited States in December. 1SIKI. a hlr;h?T?n was , closely questioned as to w hether a proposition was made for Christ mas and Rogers and himself to divide the commission. He replied that there were \arious propositions. Threat Attributed to Rogers. to the threat attributed to Rog ers in the Christmas .report (in which Rogers was made to say that he had twen ty-six votes in the Senate and could defeat the negotiations), Mr. Gron said he was never present at an interview between Rogers and Christmas. He had never heard Mr Rogers make such a threat. He ?Cr..n. ha^0'Vtelyi ,hfc statement that he (Orun> had signed a contract with Christ mas by which he (Gron) and Rogers were to have two-thirds of the commission. He had never made any contract of any char acter with Christmas, but the latter had ??. ?.ver a power of attorney to him, which later he (Gron) repudiated Mr Rogers saw Christmas, he testified, but that R?Sers refused to see Christmas or answer his letters or tele grams. e As to the Christmas Interviews in which Christmas was made to say that he had had negotiations with Abner McKlnlev which Christmas, in his report, declared' ?u?M th6? A^t'sated by Gron, the witness said that he had no connection with them. Mr. Hitt asked him specifically if he knew what press associations were re ferred to in the Christmas reports. "I do not know." replied Mr. Gron At this point the committee took a recess until 2 o'clock. Representative Dalzell of Pennsylvania chairman of the tpeclal committee in vest i gating charges in connection with the Dan ^ .fMt lnd,es Purchase, has written to all the persons whose names were brought Into the matter, with a view to securing all Information they may be able to give to the committee. Statement by Gen. Grosvenor. When the Investigation was resumed af ter recess Representative Grosvenor ap peared and made a statement concerning the subject. He spoke of receiving the note Introducing Mr. Gron and of going over the papers with him. At that time Grosvenor felt that the matter should be looked Into with a view of ascertaining if there was any Irregularity. With that end In view he conferred with Chairman Cannon of the appropriations committee, and asked that If an appronrla tion bill for the Danish purchase came in action on It be deferred until Mm Grosvenor returned from a western trip xxxv, -i4 u xioi/rv 1, ii_i ivo_u and had an oppirtunity to go over the papers. On his return to the city Mr. Giosvenor saw Secretary Hay In relation to the matter. It was the view of the Secretary of State that there was nothing in the dhqrves of which cognizance should be taken. ? - Mr. Qron Resumes. Resuml^ his |fcstlmony, Mr. Gron related his connection With the Scandinavian de partment of thd| national republican com mittee In 1886,^to which place, he said, ?Senator HannaVlad appointed him. Later, he said, Senatqt*Jianna gave him a letter of recommeijdatiQnj to the two Massachu setts senators?Messrs. Hoar and Lodge? and the Tatter turn joined In a letter recomraeifilng" ^ron to the President for appointment as minister to Slam. Mr. Gron said he was a republican; had canvassed ,/ar.that party In 1W2 and 1890, and in 1897 hid been a candidate for the Danish mission. He produced a letter in favor of his candidacy, signed by Senator Cullom of Illinois, and indorsed by the late Senator Davig of Minnesota. In reply to Specific questions, he said he knew of no senator or representative who had been bribed or whom any one had at tempted to bribe. At the State Department he had Only personally seen Mr. Kasson. Mr. Gron was then excused. Chairman Dalzell announced that he had summoned Abner McKinley, - Colonel Brown and Fischer Hansen, and that they would ap pear Thursdav. BOT COMMITS'SUICIDE DELIBERATELY BROWNS HIM SELF AT THE BATHING BEACH. Body Recovered by the Crew of the Police Boat?Conveyed to the Morgue. A boy, supposed to have been an Italian, jumped into the river in the inner basin of the tidal reservoir, near the foot of 10th street, about 11 o'clock today, and was drowned. His body was recovered before 12 o'clock, but there was quite a long delay in removing it from the bathing beach to the morgue. Persons who saw the boy go overboard are .satisfied that he did so with suicidal intent. His strange conduct along the river front prior to the time that he ended his life gave the impression that his mind was probably affected. A number of per sons, including several boys who were fish ing in the basin, noticed him when he ap proached the river front walking in the direction of the bathing beach. A few minutes before he went overboard he climbed a tree on the river bank, and moved about as if he intended to make a long dire. The boys watched him walk along the shore until he reached a point near William Taylor's boat house. Then he went out on an old scow and disrobed. He was In the water in an Instant, and those who had witnessed the act rushed in the direction of the boat house, shouting "There's a man overboard." Mr. Taylor got out in time to see the un fortunate youth splashing about in the water, although he was making no outcry. He went beneath the surface of the water before Mr. Taylor could reach him in a boat. Policemen Creagh and Kenny were at the bathing beach, and they notified the crew of the police boat of the occurrence, and It was not until the crew reached the basin that the body was recovered and placed on a float at the bathing beach. RECEIPTS FOE MARCH SURPLUS FOR THE MONTH OF OVER $8,000,000. The comparative Treasury statement is sued today shows that for the month of March the totaj receipts from all sources were $4(1,50.1,418, and the total expenditures $38,102,437, a surplus for the month of $s. 398,970. For the nine months of the fiscal year the total receipts have been $419,002, and the expenditures $."57,844,901, a surplus for the first three-fourths of the year of $01,158,978. This is an average surplus for each month of about $0,795,442. Should this continue to the end of the fiscal year the surplus for the entire year would- fall below the estimates of some of the treasury officials, it would reach only about $81,000,000. The chances are that the surplus will go beyond this, however, as the last three months of the year show smaller ex|>enditures than the first of the yeas. The first three months are usually the heaviest. That is the time when disburs ing officers are drawing heavily for bal ances. During the last month or so the appropriations have been nearly expended and there Is little or nothing to draw. This makes the expense account comparatively small in the last part of the year unless there are extraordinary expenditures or heavy deficiency expenditure. It Is not regarded as probable that the surplus for this fiscal year will go to $100, 000,000, but somewhere around $90,000,000. The members of the finance committee of the Senate are really hesitating about what cut to make In the war taxes until they get some idea of what the surplus for the year will be. The receipts from the different sources during March were as follows: Customs, J21.010.040; internal revenue, $21,093,621; miscellaneous, $2,897,\4<V So far during this fiscal year the internal revenue re ceipts have been $203,805,911, as compared with $226,391,594 during the former fiscal year, a decrease of nearly $23,000,00O. Government receipts from internal reve nue today Were $243,065; customs, $84*4.428; miscellaneous, $110,IO>; expenditures, $1,020, 000. SOLDIERS' HOMES BOARD OF MANAGERS IN SES SION IN THIS CITY. Members of the board of managers of the soldiers' homes maintained by the govern ment throughout. the United States are holding their regular .quarterly meeting in this city. The first session was held at the Arlington -Hotel, beginning at It o'clock this forel oon. The nw>st important business before the mectingtat thi* time is the apportioning of the appropriation :by Congress for the sev eral insttturtowfc. -The work may take sev eral days. Before; adjourning the mem bers 'wfflncall St the White House and pay their ^eSpects'Jto President Roosevelt. Tomottow'thfey will go to Hampton to visit- tt# Soldiers'' Home. - It is also their purpose'to pa? a visit to -the new home at Johnson"1^City-' Tenn. Members of the board of manttgecs who were present at today's 'fcessipiSs were: President General M. T. McMahoh of New York, Gen. A. L. Pearson'bf Pittsburg, Gen. T. B. Hender son of Pirindetcffi. 111.; Gen. Charles M. An derson t?f Greenville, Ohio; Col. Bldney Cook of Kansas, Gen. J. Marshall Brown of Portland, Me.f Col. Walter P. Brownlow of Jonesbosa?<?Tenn.. and Col. George W. Steele of Marlon, Ind. The Mtimat^ of expenditures for this year aggregate more than $3,000,000. "iNine Soldiers' Homes. Nine natlonfcl soldiers' and sailors' homes have been erected In the United States and are in charge of the board of managers. One of the homes Is in Washington and the others are located at the following places: Dayton, Ohio; Milwaukee, Wis.; Togus, Me.; Hampton, Va.; Leavenworth, Kan.; Santa Monica. CaL; Marion, Ind.: Danville. 111., and Johnson City. Tenn. The homes were erected; in the order named. The one at Johnson City is incomplete. Besides having control of these homes the board ' of managers has supervision of twenty-six state homes, to which the gov ernment pays an annual allowance of $100 for each veteran. About 29,000 men are living In Un&-national homes, and the gov ernment pays for the support of about 19,000 veterans who are in state homes, maUne a total of about 44,000 men. The largest national home Is at Dayton, where *1.000 veterans arecared for. The homes at Santa Monica, Cal., and Marion, Ind., are ?matter thatt any of the other rational homes, each having about 2,500 members. L, 1QU6 XU X ilUJiO. REVENGE OF A NEGRO Kills His Employer's Wife and Little Girl. BADLY WOUNDS THIRD HEARD THAT HE WAS TO BE DIS CHARGED. Tragedy at Philadelphia ? Murderer Caught After Brisk Chase by the Police. PHILADELPHIA, April 1.?William Lane, aged thirty-five, a colored servant, em ployed by Charles F. Furbush, at 652 North l."ith street, today ehot and killed Mrs. Ellen Furbush, aged forty-two years, and her daughter, MadaMne H. Furbush, aged ten years, and probably fatally wounded Elolse Furbush, aged seven years, another daughter. The latter is not expected to live. Lane made his escape. He had been sus pected of stealing money from his em ployer, and today fi warrant was sworn out for his arrest by Mrs. Furbush. Lane learned this and committed the crime in revenge. Mrs. Furbush and Elolse were on the third floor of the house and Madaline was on roller skates in front of the house. After killing the mother and fa tally injuring one child. Lane called Mada line into the house and she followed him up stairs to the third story where he shot her dead. He then ran down stairs and made his escape. The bodies of Mrs. Furbush and Madeline and the injured child Elolse were found by a policeman who had gone to the house to serve the warrant on Lane. There was a colored servant In the kitchen ironing when the murders were committed, and when the policeman ques tioned her she said she had not heard the shooting and did not notice the departure of Lane from the house. The coroner has taken charge of the house. Mr. Furbush has not yet been located by the police and, it is stated, that he has gone to New York. Lane had been em ployed by the family for about two years. His home is said to be in Trenton. N. J. Lane, the murderer, was captured in Camden, N. J., at about 2:35 o'clock this afternoon as he was leaving a ferryboat on which he had escaped from Philadel phia. He was immediately brought back to this city and locked up in a cell In the city hall. ANOTHER PHILIPPINE BILL. Differs From Measure Framed by Senate Committee. The Philippine civil government bill, as framed by the republican members of the House insular committee, was presented to the full committee, at a meeting today. The bill difTers in many respects from the bill Just completed by the Senate Philippine committee, chiefly in the following points: A complete plan of civil government, with a legislative assembly, including a lower house, elected by the people Is pro vided by the House bill, to go into effect when permanent peace is certified by the governor to the President to have been established and after the completion of a census. The house measure also adopts the coinage plan recommended by the Philippine commission, and by Mr. Co nant, who investigated the subject for the War Department, making the gold dollar the unit of value. In addition the bill provides elaborate, timber and franchise sections, and also sets forth a declaration of rights as a basis of citizenship. The committee meets again tomorrow, and Chairman Cooper expects to hold continu ous sessions, so as to report the bill by the end of this week. HELD FOR A HEARING. ( ! Young Man Arrested on Charges of Larceny. A young man whose name is given as Clu.rles King, alias Robert Cohen, was ar resttd today by Detective Home and locked up on charges of larceny. It is alleged tl:at he has been answering "lost" adver tisements in the local papers and obtaining small sums of money. The prisoner, it was charged, would send a note by a boy, or de liver it himself, telling the loser of the article that he had been the lucky finder. In each instance lie gave the information that he did not want any reward, but sug gested that the bearer of the note be paid thirty or forty cents for his trouble. The writer also gave a fictitious address, and when persons who had been induced to part with their small amounts of rash would e.all at the number given they would be in formed that the writer of the note did not live there. Mr. Charles G. Harris of 170S R street, who recently lost a dog, brought the facts to the attention of the police. The note he n celved was signed "James L. Hill." It reads: "Dear Sir: I wish to inform you that 1 have your dog. and I wish you to call for him. I am afraid to send him by this small boy. He is a large white bull terrier, and answers to the name of Pat. I want really nothing In the way of a reward for return ng the animal, but please give the boy 35 cents as pay for delivering this message." The address of the signer of the foregoing note is given as WW 11th street northwest. No such person lives there, the police are Informed. Mr. Harris paid the sum suggested, and when he learned he had been swindled he reported the affair to Capt. Boardman. Detective Home was detailed on the case, and he advertised the loss of a dog. Today Cohen (or King) appeared at his house as the messenger with a note giving the infor mation that James Cornish had found the dog. He suggested that ?}<? cents be paid for the messenger's service. His arrest fol lowed. and he was taken to police head quarters. He there stated to the police that he follows the races for a livelihood. His home, he said, is in New York. The pris oner's picture was found in the gallery. He was photographed at Cincinnati, where he was arrested two j;ears ago as a "sneak" and sentenced to one month tn prison. His name was given as Robert Cohen at that time, and his occupation that of a "tout." He is held at the first pre cinct station for a hearing in the Police Court. _ , . YACHT DIANA OWNED HERE. I Harry Norment Buys Craft From Hartford, Conn., Man. The Diana, a motor yacht, belonging to A. W. C. Williams of Hartford, has been sold to Harry Norment of Washington. The Diana, which was built at Morris Heights, N. Y., In 1890, is now In winter quarters at New Haven. She will be fitted out at once and will be delivered within a week to her new owner. The Diana Is about sixty feet in length, twelve feet beam and draws three and a half feet of water, which en ables her to navigate the shallow rivers in the south. 8he is finished in mahogany and Is equipped with masts. INVESTIGATION ORDERED. War Department Will Know Facts Re garding Richter'a Death. The War Department has ordered an in vestigation of the charges made by the Ma nila American to the effect that Private Rlchter, 29th Infantry, was tortured to death by a lieutenant of his company by dropping ice water on his face while bound and gagged. It is said this investigation was ordered at the request of Representa tive Drlscoll of Syracuse, N. Y., Richter's home. By, Not On. From the Chicago Tribune. This talk about Mr. Bryan "standing by the platform" may mean that the platform h, too rotten to eland on any longer. THE ANTI-SMOKE LAW HEAKING BEFORE JUDGE SCOTT OF THE POLICE COUBT. Test Case Against the Washington Traction and Electric Company ?Hotel Pays Fine. I-iindley E. Sinclair, superintendent ?nd general manager of the Washington Trac tion and Electric Company. Is on trial be fore Judge Scott and a jury In the Police Court today, on an information alleging a non-compliance with the antl-smoko law at the power house of the I'nited States Electric IJghtlng Company, on 14th street northwest. February 25 last. Mr. Sinclair was recently convicted by a jury of a violation of the smoke law as occupant of the building at -13 14th street northwest. The Information on which he Is being tried today contains two counts, the first charging him with being the oc cupant and the second the aftent of *<iuure No. 259. no street number being given. Messrs. James I*. Fufjh. jr.. and K. H. Thomas, assistant city solicitors, repre sented the government, and former Judge C. C. Cole appeared as counsel for the de fense. There remain thirty-three informations alleging failure to comply with the anti smoke law against Mr. Sinclair at different power houses of the company on various dates. Ten of thrm allege a violation of the law at the electric lighting plant, and the attorneys reached an agreement that If Mr. Sinclair shall be acquitted of the charge now being heard the remaining ten cases would be dropped, but if cmvictcd they would be continued until the Court of Appeals renders a decision, as it is Intended to carry the case to the higher court if a verdict of guilty is returned. Pays a Fine. Ellery C. Benson of the Metropolitan Ho tel pleaded guilty in the Police Court today t i a charge of failing to comply with the anti-smoke law. A tine of $10. which Judge Seott imposed, was paid. The trial was still in progress when this report closed. CHAPMAN ON TBIAL. Is Accused of the Murder of Ida Simms. Elijah Chapman, colored, was placed on trial yesterday in Criminal Court No. 1. un der an indictment alleging the murder the 1st of last January of Ida Simm*. a woman with whom he had been living at 4,">7 Arm ory place. Shortly before 3 o'clock In the afternoon the Introduction of testimony was begun after th?* following had been Impaneled as a jury: Messrs. William E. Elnkins, John C. Collins. George W. Zim merman, Frederick Hex. Archibald M. Me Lachlan. Wilbur \V. Uelano. David J. Of futt. Willis E. McNulty, Cliarles F. Plitt, Samuel Artz, James H. Mcliil 1 and John Mitchell, jr. It Is asserted that Chapman and the Simms woman had a quarrel New Year day, the climax being the stabbing of the woman in the heart by the defendant. When arraigned recently Chapman plead ed guilty under the Indictment, but the court directed that a plea of not guilty be entered. Attorneys Fugitt and Plumley appear for Chapman, the government being represent ed by Assistant I'nited States Attorney Taylor. Building Permits Issued. Building permits were issued today as fol lows: Washington Sanitary Improvement Com pany, to build thirteen two-story and cellar brick flats at 416-440 Warner street north west; cost, $W.<too. Washington Sanitary Improvement <"oni pany, to build eight two-story and cellar brick flats at to 7t> Bates street north west; cost. $20,000. Eugene G. Jtfferies, to build three three story and cellar brick dwellings at 312Ti to j 11J7 Gales street northwest; cost. Alexander SehafVr. to build two two-story and bas?-ment brick dwellings at !'ls to '.Co Maryland avenue northeast; cost, $."> Charles and Win. C. Brunger, to build two two-story and cellar dwellings at tW to To P street northwest; cost, Geo. R. Hill, to make general repairs to M)1 to $11 2d street southeast; cost. S:tUo. Henry Ushaw, to build four-story pri vate stable in the rear of 1022 4th street northwest; cost. $ T. J. Brown, to build a two-story and attic and cellar brick dwelling at lt',22 h northwest; cost. Knights of t'olumbus. to make general repairs to 000 E street northwest; cost, ?Hto. David Moore, repairs to 1141 S?th street northwest; cost $l6o. Wm. H. White, repairs to 501 I street' southeast; cost. $7,"i. B. F. Bradbury, repairs to house on Nay lor street. Twining City; cost. $r>o. Washington Stock Exchange. Sales -Regular call, 12 o'clock noon?Capital Trac tion. 20 at 11214. 2i> at 112V,. lu al 112V4. 1m at 11214. 5 at 112**. Washington (Jas. 2? at *2. Mer feuthaler Linotype. 10 at 1S7V*. 10 at 187^, 10 at 87%, 5 at 187%. 1" at 187%, 10 at 187%, 10 at 187^a. Lanston Monotype. at 14^. 8 at 14\. 20 at 14%, 100 at 14%. lOO at 14%. 100 at US. 100 at 14%. at 14'4. 100 at 14%. 100 at 14%. After call?Capital Traction, 20 at ll&4. Greene Copper, 5 at 20. Washington Gas. 1O0 at 83. 117 at S3, 100 at 83, loO at 88. loo at 83. Lanston Monotype. 100 at 14*4, 100 at 14%. Railroad Bonds- Capita! Traction 4s. 106 Wd. 108 ask<*d. Metropolitan 5s. 118^s bid, 121 asked. Met ropolitan Cert. Indebt. 5s, A. 104 l?id. 107 asked. Metroi>oiitan Cert. Indobt. 5s. B. 107 bid. 108** asked. Columbia 6s. 117 bid. 120 asked. Columbia 5s. 105 bid. 107 asked. The Washington Railway and Electric Co. 4s. 7S bid. Miseellan<Hnis Bonds?Washington Gas Co. 0s, se ries A. 113 l*id, 118 asked. Washington Gas < V*. f?*. series B. 114% bid, 118 asked. I'. S. Electric Light Deb. Imp. Os, 10G bid. I". S. Electric Ught Cert. Indebt. t?s. lo4 bid. <'hesnf>eake ?nd P?Ko mac Telephone 5s, 1<*2 bid. 105 ask**!. American Security and Trust 4s, 1??o bid. Washington Mar ket Co. 1st tis, 10S% bid. Masonic Hal] Associa tion 5s. 104 bid, 1??7 asked. American Grapho phoite Deb 5s, 1*3 l?Ul. Safe Deposit and Trust Stocks?National Safe De posit. and Trust. lflO bid. Washington Iioau ami Trust, 105 bid, 200 asked. American Security ami Trust. *217 bid. Washington Safe Deposit. 7o bid. I'nion Trust and Storage. UH'rjtt bid, 107^ asked. Washington Savings Hank. lt?0 bid. Railroad Stocks?Capital Traction Co.. 112% bid. 112% asked. The Washington Railway and F.l?^ tric Co. Pref.. 34 !>id. The Washington Railway and F.iectric Co. C?tn.. 12 bid. National Bank Stocks Bank of Washingt??n. 385 bid. 425 asked. Metropolitan. 725 bid. 8*?0 asked. Central 275 bid. Farmers and Mwhank-*', 200 bid. Second. lt>H bid. 105 asked. Citizens", 175 bid. Columbia, *188 bid. 20u asked. Capital. 150 bid. West End. 120 bid. Traders', 140 bid. 1<W asked. Lincoln, 125 Wd, 135 asked. Riggs. 725 bid. M05 asked. Insurance Stocks.?Firemen'a, 25 bid. 28 asked. Franklin. 48 bid. Met**i*ttlitan. 75 bid. 85 asked. Corcoran, 62 bid. Potomac, ?2 bid. AG asked. Ar lington. 28 bid. 20 ask4-d Gennan-Afneriean, 2G5 Wd. National I'nion. 7*4 bid. CoinmMn. lo bid. 12 asked. Rlpp?. TS Md. TV? aski-d. IVoplfV. 54 Wd, 0^ asked. Commercial, 4^ bid. Colonial. 100 bid. Title iBSur&nce Stocks.?Real Estate Title. 00 Wd. Colur'bia Title, 44 Wd. Waahlegtoe Title, 2 bid, *2% ast<?d. Telephone aud Graphophone St?siks. Chesap<^ak'4 and Potomac. 40 Wd. 5s ask*d. Anierh au Grapbo phone com., 3*4 bid. 4 asked. American Grapho pohne pfd., 7Vsr Wd. 8^ asked. Gaa Stocks.-Wasbiugt4?n Gas, 82 bid. 82% asked. Georgetown Gas, 75 bid. Trpe Machine Stocks. ? Mergenthaler T4? ?type. 187^ Wd, 187% asked. Lanstou Mtmotypc, 141* Wd, 14% aaked. ? ? ^ Miscel la neons Stocks.-<3 re^ne C<m. Copper Com Bny. 10% Wd. 20 asked. Washington Market. 15 d. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat. 100 bid. 210 asked. ColumWa Sand Dredging, 51 asked. ?Er. dirideud. Baltimore Markets. BALTIMORE* Md.. April 1.?Fio?r quiet and prices unchanged receipts, 11,108 barrels; exports, h 007 barrel*. Wheat very dull?contract, spot and the mouth, 77^TTV?; No. 2 red. 70*4; May. 7i%a 77%; J?ty. 77 asked; steamer No. 2 red. 4?a?GK. meipta, *7.560 bushels; exports, none; southern l?y sample, 70*70; souUkern oa grade. 75s7U. C*?ru steady?mixed, spot and the month, 34av. steamer mixed, 61 ^^atil^; receipts. 12 f?30 bushels; exp<?rts. none; southern white corn. esVfca64; southern yulW ?orn, ?2a<i2W. c?ats st -ady ?No. 2 white, 40s4i?4: No. 2 mixed. 47%a4?: re ceipts, 0.870 bushels; exports, none. Rye dull sud eusy -No. 2 nearby. 60a?l; N<?. 2 sresteru. 62*-_.a?3: receipts. l.I?T bushels; exports, none, llsy ttf? No 1 tlmothr. 15.00a 15.90. Grain freights quiet ? steam to Uwrpool. per lwi?el. 1!^.. April; <Vfk. for orders, per quarter. 2s.. AnrO. Butter ttrm an*i higher-fancy imitation. 22*2 V fancy creamery. 5S5; fancy ladlr-. 2?a2t; tmSj roll. KH21: mil. 17alS; store pa<-ked. lHa20. Kggs irm. un clianged- fiesh. 15. tlieese Arm. unchanged-Urge. l2al?V?; medium, 13al3^; small, lSalJ^- Snear Arm, unchanged Une and coarse gramilatsd. 4.86%. Hew York Cotton Market. SKW YORK. April 1.-Cotton: ~ - "'flL j u a AST MT Ot?n. HW>. M? 8.81 K%1 1.T3 jJv- S.ft! 8<ffl ft.78 *7? -- -- ?" ? The Stock Market Was Rather Sluggish Today. LONDON BOUGHT LITTLE SOME OF THE WESTERN ROADS IN DEMAND. Southern Shares Lower Probably on Account of Damage by Recent Floods. S|?e.-l?l h to The Evening Stir KKW YORK. April 1.?Amer. in rall*:iv shares In the London market today were <iuirt, with prices at about parity with our closing figures of y?tonl.ty, aiih the ex ception of l"nIon l*a.cific, common, which showed a shade advance. In the local block marked Ihere w:is more of a holiday appearance thHii that which characterized speculation yesterday. Af> there was tio encouragement to s| il lation offered l>y the London quotationa the local clement still seemed Inclined to re main inactive pending something dHlnite in the way of crop news and the return of the more prominent speculators who at present are out of the city. In the railroad list most of the little interest shown was centered in ?> few is sues. such as Minnesota. St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie, Canadian I'acific, ?'lil cago and Northwestern and Fran cisco and St. Josepli. The common st.?-k of the first nam?-d road gained ^ per cent on further absorption of the floating sup ply. Canadian 1'aclflc sold es-subscription rights and its price, add.-d to the price at which the rigtus fold this morning, r- pre sented a slight gain over last night. The quotation for these rights this morn ing was per cent There was a re newal of the buying In Chicago and North western common, which advanced that stock yesterday afternoon. It looked Ilk- Invest ment purchases, us there was no attempt to hid up the price of the Mock. Hocking Valley was rather a strong f. a ture In the early di alings, the slot k ad vancing 1 int cent on small transacti n? 1'nion 1'adlic and St Paul common st.s ks lield well the advances they !>oth scored In the afternoon trading of yesterday. Willi* not so active toda> . the held very near the best figures of yesterday, and the buying was said to be for Investors lather than for speculators. Southern railway preferred showed a lit tle heaviness at the start, the price shading off about 1; per cent, presumably on ac count of the damage done by the floods re ported throughout the south. At the con cession. however, buying orders were met and a rally lw ck to opening figures ensued. Louisville and Nashville acted In about th? seme manner, but supporting orders were under it. not withstanding the poor state m< nt of earnings for Febru;ir> . which showed a decrease in net earnings of JU7. 52o; since July 1 net figures show a de Ctease of rJ3,W. in the industrials the tips a- .1 rt-.wna v.-fre noted In Colorado Fuel and Iron, the price going up or down 1'^ to i points at the will of the manipulators handling that isiue. Sugar reining stock acted heavily fiom the start, on the theory that all will not be smooth sailing for the Cuban re duction ?dea in the Senate. The price of th" stock reacted mv. _?? 4'ent. from yesterday's highest figures. In Distillery stack there was in advance of over a isiiiit on go.?d trade reports. Amalgamated Copper advanced over ft point on rumors of an Increase in the price of that metal. It was also Htated that the Calumet and He-la Copper Company win out of the market as a seller of copper un der 14 cents This company was said to be a large st Her of the metal around 11 cents The present market quotation for c.?pper is understood to be slightly under 121- cents. In the steel shares, after the first half hour's trading, there was an inclination to ward betterment; and the sani. disposition was also shown by the leather stock*, both the common at.d preferred gaining nearly 1 per cent on a revival of the iiimots in regard to a settlement of preferred bad dividends. Tow-ttd noon tli? re was* r^ .ililnr In the coal shares, the prices of th' lead ing yielding for a point or Mara The market. l:..w< ver. was r t a. live and r> cessions ii: the g<-neral list were ouly| nominal. In the early afternoon trading the t':..l-| era became a little more aggressive in Bell ing the market, Influenced by the lna< tivityl of the bullishly inclined operators, and als.if b>- a rumor**! strike on the Erie railroad.j The latter stock, however, was about the dullest of all the railroad issues, and itj looked as if the report was gotten up ??i help some of the shorts in that stock t?i cover their outstanding contracts !oss I?ndon was not a fa. tor in our marl ket, the arbitrage houses acting for f u r elgners having very few orders to execut here. Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific'. leport for February showed a surplus alieH charges, of |82I.2Ml an increase of $.".3>.4?>l.| Monev, per cent. ? ? ? New Tork Stock Market. Furnished hv W. B Hlbbs & Co.. banke.l and brokers, 1410 F St.. members New Tonl stock txchange. Washington stock cx ] change and Chicago board of trade. Open. High. Low. Close.! Amalgamated Copper... <?>' ? f-'< Am. ' ar * Foundry.. ... HK Rl'4 HO W Am. < ur .v Koundrv.ptd yl'4 1H'4 yi'4 M'.| American lee - - . ... American Smelting 4tc? 47 4??? 47 Amer Smelting, pld.?- - - Atnerloan s-ugai. 13:;% I3tt7, Anaco >da_ - 1H'> IMS "?*'? Atchison,Top. * S. Fe_. 77s, 7".'4 A ten..Top. A: 8. Ke, pfd- 97'. t'7', ?7 X7 1 altimore A i'nio . - K#1, 10 > ? 10* Haltimore * (?hio. pfd... Hti'4 t*1'? Brooklyn Knp. I rausit- *IT? <s'c? '**'? (anadian Pacific il3"? 118r^ U2'4 Central of Sew Jersey? ; - Cheaa|>eake * Ohio?4..', 4 4 i'4 4..'% Chicago a Alton? ? ...? -?? - Chicago * Alton, ufd? - - t hicago<>real Western -t'4 '-'4'4 . --j.? I'tiicago, Mil. 4 SL I'aul aV?'4 lti4' j 1*^4 N ?Chicago. Kock I * I*. - 1HU INi 4 17V 17K t olora<lo Fuel and lrou~ lttt'; lo.*. ? 1'1 ?. I02,'4 Consolidate.! 1 .as 2*5 "^^4 Delawareand Uudson... 172 17J i71 Id trie common S7'4 X7l? Erie. 1st pfd ?>**? t,xlr O*"'. Erie. 2d pfd - a* ^*4^* >4i* uenerai Electric??^ Illinois <k"ii(ml - 141"? 14lTB W] \ 141 Louisville a KaahylUe? 10?S Itt. t Maubatuin Elevatetl _ UW4 l?'< rv?1. lS2?j Metroiiolitan St. Kr..._. 161}^ 1W'8 1H2^ 16X Mo.. K. and T.. ?.M - **':* ??S Missouri Pacific if7* W'? ? S*"7? National i^eail ? Sew York Central l?>t Wi K Y.. Ontario a Weal.... ?2!i S2!? S2^4 Norfolk and Western ... M'/i X>'. t S?i.S Northern Pacibr Hd Psciiic Mail Steamship- 44 4:iJ4 4S'4 Pennsylvania K K Ia6 l.iB 14S"1, i4ie'^ People's <ia? of Chicazo 1 1W* ltt2-*r Pressed Steel car 42*? 42^ 42 42'^ Reading &<?? M'i Heading, lat pfd? M', keading,2d pld.? ? <*?*?? ? <;?S Kepublic Steel * Iron.. IS IS J7*4 Rubber troods 30*^ -?j SI J. and s ?rancisco- U7S 67'. fcc*'. ?t E andS traa,2d|?r.l "4Jt tiS? <4^ Kt. Louis South a estera- - St Louti P. PH - - - ??? southern Pacific 4>4^i '"4% Southern liaiiwav *2V. 32S *? ? t2'? Southern Hallway. pM_ M1* W *t Tenn t.aaland Iron?? 71*-k 7134 71)1. 7ll*i lexas Pacmc ? 4^4 4?, 4U1, 40C, 1 nion Pacific W. Cnios Pacifie pfd t* ?7', L h. Leather- ? 13 1* 11*4 U ?? I-eat her pfd ? *2], ?6 KJ-, ?4 C S huhber ITS KJ* l*1* 0 S steel 42 ?2', *2 4^4 U s. Steel, pfd w W5* i*4 * abash. '-^a ^ ? Wabart.^d St Vl estern t nion.? ? "0 . , Wiacoaaiu 1 entra. Atner Locomotive -"2 32 31'4 ?i'4 Amer. laK-omotlve pfiL. W'i M'4 SJ41* W'j Corn Prtxiucts 37 ?7'4 S7 ... Cora Producta, pM_ - Government Bonds. " ?id. Aait-4. 2 per cents, r-gistered J2) 2 m??r cpalu, 1 MmF S per ee?it?. r.?i?terf?i :l?a*v_l*2a. . ? S prr eent*. '""UP"" J* < 4 per cents. l*(Wel*4. lSMi lit jj'Jj 4 per rents. 4 per ceiHM. regis!eiMl 1*26 ?? 4 perceats. .tMiyai ; Ig ' \*!\ 5 per <-eat?. tagiaterwl. l?4. 1 per ceata. nap* I* ' " * * 07