Grip Shattered My Nervous System. -Stomach Deranged, Liver Dormant. - Or.Mites' Nervine Cyred He Completely. A plight irtlj in the winter, with fever. h??ad a< h?\ ba? kaebe; when the nose runs and the eyes water ami a soreness seems to permeate the mar row (.f the bon?s; this Is the iH'ginning of Grip's d* ad'.y grasp. The danger follow s iu the shattered liervous system and the derangement of the h'-art or the digestive organs, as in the following case: "The last week In January I contracted La Clrlppe ami was confined to my bed for Are weeks. Jdy nervous system was completely shattered, stoma<-h badly deranged and liver in an almost dormant ccndltion. I took treatment dally from my family physician, bnt could get no relief. My condition continued to grow worse, and aa I had often heard of Dr. Miles* medicines I decided to try thnn. 1 purchased a bottle of Dr. Miles' j Restorative Nervine and Nerve and Liver l'llls. When 1 began taking the medicine 1 had no appe tite, couldn't sleep and was scarcely able to get around. My weight at this time whs one hundred and twenty-four pounds. At the end of the second week I was a changed man, my appetite was be yond control, my sleep was refreshing, my strength renewed and my weight was one hundred and forty two pounds. I never felt better in my life than I do at this writing. I take great pleasure In rec ommending Dr. Miles' Remedies to the afflicted. If any one doubts the above statement I am ready to confirm It."?D. C. WALKER, U. S. Treasury Dep't, Washington, D. C. All druggists sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Miles* Ken edies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Klkbart, Ind. UE * | Only a PirnpHe ^ Yet that tiny bit of eruption. If ne 5[ sleeted and allowed to run Its course. Is apt to disrupt the entire system and In t'ine destroy whatever facial at ? traction one might otherwise possess. ? Pimples, blackheads, eruptions and |jj all unsightly, humiliating disorders af 2* fectlng the skin and scalp are speedily, permanently and safely cured. Thirty year,' practical aiparianc, an able me ta fnarantaa perfect reanita in all caaaa. Maura, I ta I. Call *r erita personally ta JOHN H. WOODBURY D.I., 602 I Ith. Cor F St. N.W., Washington, D.C. A|>[i'.y tn^snengiT di'pertment. POST A I. TKLF.UKAPH COMPANY, 134b Fennel reala are. n w. ee?4M FOR SHAVING The antiseptic, emol lient, healing, cleans ing and purifying properties, indepen dent of its incom parable lather, ren der CUTICURA SOAP Vastlv superior to all other shaving soaps for tender, irritated and humory skins. J "I had trouble with mj bowels which made my bfeod impure. My face was covered with pimple* wtticii n?? external remedy could remove. I tried your Cascarets and great wan ray joy when the pimples disappeared after a month's steady use. 1 hare recommended them to ail my friends and quite a few nav?? found relief." C. J. Pusch, 907 Park aye.. New York city. N.Y. Beaf For i ? The Dowels ^ KXKQMto CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do f**?d, Never Sicken, Weaken or Grip**. l?>c.. 25c.. 60c. Nev*?r sold In bulk. Th*? genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y. 600 Annual Sale, Ten Million Boxes. J The daintiest globes and y> shades ? suitable for any ^ room in your home?are used with the genuine Wels bach light All Dealers. * / Th? V Weljb?ch ^ Store y V This Shteld is /. ~a R WtlSBACM )J N o ^ W///////iXt\\\\\\\\\N Coal! Coal! Reading Lehagh White Ash Stove $6-75 White Ash Egg $6-75 White Ash Furnace $6.50 White Ash Chestnut $6-75 White Ash Pea $5.25 Coal Thoroughly Screened, 2.240 Pounds. Win. J. Zettn, ?Pl-tf.40 T0111TH ST. N.W? ?TH & E 8TS. N.W.. 1312 14TB ST. N.W.. 13TI1 A D STS. 8.W. WITH DYSPEPSIA KA=SA=QEN WILL CURE YOU. Do not delay, but start taking this grand dis covery at once. Tho reason that Kasagen always cures la that It acts direct upon the glandular structure, stimu lating the formation of digestive fluids, nnd gives tone and new life to the weakened orgms. Here Is proof that Kasagen cures: Mr. Elmer B. Wood 1 in, 200 Townsend street, Cfcoster, Pa., says: 44Three bottles of Kasagea cur?*d me of a very bad case of Indigestion, after eight months of severe suffering. During that time I was treated by four doctors with no benefit. The first bottle >f Kasagen did me more good than all their treatment." Sold on a guarantee at 50 cents a bottle by HENKY EVANS, 920-22-24 F St. N.W. P. P. WALLER. 8th & I Sta. S.E. & 3534 M St. N.W. Send to Allaband Drug Co., Wilmington, Del., or call on above druggists for free famplt* bottle. S0Z0D0NT Tooth Powdor \ *' Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth" Gives the Teeth ? Peerly Lustre BIG BOX 25c (Ooprrifht. 1013. tlM Bewna-Meirlll Company.> CHAPTER ZZm. The Dwarf Makes an Early Call. From one of the watch towers of the town rang the clear note of a trumpet, a tribute ?>r me|.?dv. occasioned by the awakening In the east. As the last clarion tones re re hoed over the sleeping village a crimson rim appeared above the horlson and soon ] the entire wheel of the chariot of the sun K'kI rolled up out of the Illimitable abyss and began Its dally race across the sky. The stolid bugler yawned, tucked his trum pet under his arm. and, having perfunctori ly performed the duties of his office, tramped downward with more alacrity than he had tolled upward. About the same time the sleepy guard at the town gate was relieved by an equally drowsy-appearing trooper; here and there windows were tiling open, and around the well In (lie small public square the maids l?'i(aii to congregate. In the tap room of the tavern the landlord moved about, setting to rights tlie tables and chairs, or sprinkling fresh sand on the floor. The place had a stale, elose i>dor, as though not long since vacated by an inabstlnent company, a sup position further borne out by the disorder of ? ti: furniture, and the evidence the gather ing had not been over-nice about spilling the contents of their toss-pots. The host had but opened the front door, permitting the. fresh, invigorating air from without to enter, when the duke's plaisant. his cloak ov-T his arm. descended the stair, and, ad dressing the landlord, asked when he and 1 5s companion could be provldefl with breakfast. "Breakfast!" grumbled the proprietor. "The maids are hardly up and the iires must yet be started. It will be an hour or more before you can be served." ? The Jester appeared somewhat dissatis fied. but contented himself with requesting the other to net about the meal at once. "You ride forth early." answered the man In nn aggrieved tone. ' The plalsant made no reply as he strode > to the door and looked out; noted sundry signs of awakening life down the narrow street, and then returned to the tap room. "You had a noisy company here last night, landlord?" he vouchsafed, glancing around the room and recalling the laughter and shouts he had heard below until a late hour. "Noisy company!" retorted the Innkeeper. "A goodly company that ate and drank freely. Distinguished company that paid freely. The kind's own guards who are act ing as escort to Kobert. the Duke of Frled Witid. and his bride, the princess. Noisy company, forsooth." The young man started. "The king's fcuards!" he said. "What are they doing here?" The other vigorously rubbed the top of a table with a damp cloth. "Acting as escort to the duke, as 1 told you." he replied. "The duke is here also?" "Yes; at the chateau. The princess had become weary of travel; besides, had sprained her ankle, I heard, and would have it the cavalcade should tarry a few days. They e'en stopped at my door." he went on ostentatiously, "and called for a glass of wine for the princess. 'Tis true she took it with a frown, but the hardships of Jour neying do not agree with grand folks." These last words the Jester, absorbed in thought, did not hear. With Ills back to the man, he stood gazing through the high window, apparently across the street. But between the two houses on the other side of the thoroughfare was a considerable open space, and through this, far away, on the mount, could be seet; the chateau. The sunlight shone bright on turret and spire; Its walls were white and glistening, its outlines, graceful and airy as a fabric of Imagination. "And yet it was a handsome cavalcade," continued the proprietor, his predilection for pomp overcoming his churlishness. "The princess on a steed with velvet housings, set with precious stones. Her ladies attired in eastern silks. Uehlnd the men of arms; Francis" troops In rich armor; the duke's sokiiers more simply arrayed. At the head of the procession rode " "Have the horses brought out at once." Thus brusquely interrupted, the innkeeper stared blankly at his guest, who had left the window and now stood In the center of the room confronting him. "And the break fast?" asked the man. "I have changed my mind and do not want It." was the curt response. The host shrugged his shoulders disagree ably, a* the plaiaaat turned and ascended GROWTH OF DRUG HABIT RECENT ENGLISH COURT CASES SHOW ITS DIRE EFFECTS. On Incurable Disease ? Sufferings of Horphine Victims When De prived of Their Potion. From the London News. Public attention has recently been drawn to the drug habit by cases in the courts Some time ago a man and woman were placed in the dock together. Their condition of nervous distress was pitiable, and they Implored the magistrate to allow them to have morphia. Their sufferings were so acute that the request was eventually agreed to. and the immediate result was marvelous. Their misery and dejection dis appeared, and for a lime at least they seem ed perfectly restored. More recently a man charged with dishonest dealing told the magistrate that he was a victim to cocaine, and while under the influence of the drug did not know what happened. Inquiries show that the vice is much more common than is generally imagined. Naturally it is Intended to be a secret sin, but the victim of the habit quickly becomes mentally and physically demoralized to an extent which renders the services of the doctor impera tive. On this subject Or. Forbes Winslow speaks with the authority of one who has made a close study of the disease for many years. To a reporter he entered into the matter at some length, and during the In terview quoted from a number of works which he has written on the subject. "In my opinion," he said, "one of the chicf causes of degeneration in the human race is indulgence in opium, or the drug habit. In China there are upward of three mil lions of opium eaters, and the number is gradually Increasing. In one year the value of opium which was sent into Kngland was over 1400,000. One curious thing lit refer ence to the drug is that It takes hold of the individual absolutely; It degenerates h'm, and makes liim quite unfit for the ordinary duties of life. The first symptoms are feei ng* of content and slight excitement, fol lowed by laughter of an Involuntary nature. . .. . flrst staK? t,le smoker has feelings of delight, while the temperature Is Increased ( irc.uinstances which happened long ago present themselves In all I heir orlgi nallty, and the future appears bright. As the hal*t increases this feeling of exal tation is followed by depression. At flrst the complexion, and particularly the eyes, present a brilliant appearance, but after ward the face becomes intensely pale and generally Insensibility supervenes." Victims of Cocaine. "Do these conditions apply also to those who are addicted to cocaine?" "Yes. entirely: When I was in New York some time ago I spent a good deal of time in the Chinese quarter, and it was a most ordinary thing to see Kuropean women there who had become fascinated by the habit hanging out of the windows. They had become Its victims to such an extent that they were Incapable of leaving the quarter. Many of them were ladles." "Does the drug habit assume serious proportions here in England?" "Yes. it is a very common thing, chiefly among the ladles. Usually It Is taken in the beginning to allay pain. Without doubt a large amount of laudanum is consumed by the upper classes In conjunction with alcohol. It is a hard and fast rule that a dipso maniac is also addicted to the morphia habit, but not vioe versa." "You mean that a dipsomaniac who is deprived of drink would try to get drugs ! >?Mt that a victim of the drug habit does | not care about alcohol?" "Exactly." "Is the habit increasing In this country?" "Very much. As long ago as 1872 no less than :??,211 pounds of opium wen? Im ported into Kngland, and if the indulgenco was measured by this standard the decline and fall of the social system might be con fidently predicted." Drug Visions. "What about the effects?" "Well, they are many. As I have already stated, in the early stages the drug produces beauti ful feelings and visions. The feelings of the eater are not merely pleasurable; he experiences great delight and brilliant fancies, which transcend all real and healthy impressions. Without doubt many painters have done fine work under the in fluence of opium. At first only h small quantity Is taken, but as the fascination takes hold of the victim the size of the dose is Increased, and amung the most fre quent effects are hallucinations of hearing The Idea of being in communication with 8atan Is most common in these cases. But eventually the victim becomes degraded in mind, physically demoralized and mentally diseased. In some asylums in America 83 per cent of the patients were opium eaters There Is no doubt also that It stimulates to crime. Frequently it happens that the vic tims of drugs will steal things when there is no Inducement to do so. In Singapore 80 per cent of those confined In the house of correction were opium smokers, and the offenses of which they were guilty were nearly all against property." "And fhe cure?" "The usual method the stairs. "Unprofitable travelers," mut tered the landlord, following with his gaze the retreating figure. Hastily making his way to the room of the young girl, the Jester knocked on the door "Are you awake, Jacqueline?" "Yes," answered a voice within. "We must ride forth as soon as possible. The duke Is at the chateau." "At the chateau!" she exclaimed In sur prise. Then after a pause: "And Trlbovi let saw us. He will tell that you are here. I will come down at once. Walt." she add ed. as an after thought seized her. He heard her step to the window. "I think the gates of the chateau are open." she said. "I am not sure; It Is so far." "Do you see any one on the road leading down?" "No." came the answer. "Nor could I. But perhaps they have al ready passed." Again the Jester returned to the tap room, where he found the landlord polishing the pewter tankards. "The horses?" said the fool sharply. "The stable boy will bring them to the door," was the response, and the Innkeeper held a pot In the air and leisurely surveyed the shining surface. "The reckoning?" Deliberately the man replaced the re ceptacle on the table, ana, pressing his thumbs together, began slowly to calculate: "Bottle of wine, ten sous; capon, twenty sous; two rooms " when the Jester took from his coat the purse the young girl had given him. and. selecting a coin, threw It on the board. At the sight of the purse and its golden contents the countenance of the proprietor mollified; his prlcie forthwith varied with his changed estimate of his guest's condition. "Two rooms, fifty sous; fodder, forty sous"? he went on. "That would make-" "Keep the coin." said the plalsant, "and have the stable boy make haste." With new alacrity, the innkeeper thrust the pistole into a leathern pouch he carried at his glrdie. A guest who paid so well could afford to be eccentric, and If he and the young lady chose to travel without breakfast. It was obviously not for the pur pose of economy. Therefore, exclaiming something about "a lazy rascal that needed stirring up," the now Interested landlord was about to go to the barn himself, when, with a loud clattering, a party of horsemen rode up to the tavern; the door burst open and Trlboulet, followed by a tall, rugged looking man and a party of troopers en tered the hall. Swiftly the Jester glanced around him; the room had no other door than that before which the troopers were crowded; he was 'airly caught in a trap. Remorsefully his thoughts flew to the young girl and the trust she had reposed In him. How had he rewarded that confidence? By a temerity which made this treachery on the part of the hunchback possible. Even now before him stood Trlboulet, bowing Ironically "1 trust you are well?" Jeered the dwarf, and with a light, dancing step began to survey the other from side to side. "And the lady?is ahe also well this morning? How pleased you both were to see me yes terday !" assuming an insolent, albeit watch ful. pose. "So you believe I had run away from the duke? As if he could get on with out me. What would be a honeymoon without Trlboulet t The maids of honor would die of ennui. One day they trick me out with true-lovers' knots! the next, give me a Cupid's head for a wand. Leave the It ITI N 7 FOR FASHION'S LATEST FADS FOR BRIGHTEST FICTION What is being made abroad is told in our letters from London and Paris, and what is to be worn here this Winter is fully pictured and described in detail. Many pages are devoted to illustrations of fashion able hats, creations of the beSt houses, and the newest dress fabrics, trimmings and accessories. The Dressmaking and Needlework depart ments are invaluable to the woman who would be well gowned. "Household Helps" is a trite expression. Far from trite are the helps continually offered in The Delineator by able writers who suggest new thoughts in cooking, happy arrangements in furnishing and short cuts in aO branches of housekeeping. For Children's Stories and Pastimes FOR HOUSEHOLD HELPS r? The cleverest Story writers assist in making The Delineator's pages entertaining. In November Lillie Hamilton French tells of "An Inter rupted Honeymoon"; Minna C. Smith of "The Little Mail Carrier"; William MacLeod Raine of "An Unpremeditated Engagement"; and then the serial Story, " The Evolution of a Club Woman," about which everybody is talking, is continued. FOR WOMAN'S SOCIAL DOINGS Woman's clubs, her entertainments, her obligations to society, and her various occupations, are delightfully treated from various view points. FOR ATTRACTIVE ILLUSTRATIONS The Delineator's juvenile Stories can be really enjoyed by children who read or are read to. The many suggestions offered keep little hands amusingly occupied, and teach while they amuse. The world's beSt illustrators make the Delineator's pages attractive. The second of J. C. Hemment's remarkable photographic articles, an uncommon Story of Mr. Hemment's uncommon doings, is in the November number, and the work of Guerin, Rosenmeyer, Keller, Ashe, Lowell, Ay 1 ward, Leyendecker and Eaton appears monthly. FOR THE COMPLETEST MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN ^Ofyournew FREE newsdealer or any Butt crick agent, or of the publishers, at 15 cents a copy, $1.00 for an entire year. THE BUTTER1CK PUBLISHING COMPANY. LTD, 17 Wat 13th Street. New York A beautiful black and while mimature reproduction of a 50-cent f(25 cents to nibicriben) four-sheet calendar, printed in colors. artiftkaBy mounted, representing BABY HOOD, CHILDHOOD, GIRLHOOD and MOTHERHOOD, wifl be sent free to any one writs* a postal for it and mentioning this paper. WRI1E TO-DAY. taken l>y doctors is to reduce the amount of the dose by a sliding scale. The victim deprived of the drug Is often in a state of mania, and without relief would frequently lose his reason. It Is a well-recognized fact by all the leading authorities that In asmuch as Inebriety rail be dealt with by suggestion, so the same applies to the drug habit. That Is the only effective treatment for what Is really an incurable disease." "How do these people manage to get hold of the drugs?" "They make all sorts of excuses. Of course, they have to get a doctor's order, but they reveal very great cunning and resourcefulness in securing their ends." duke!" he repeated, bombastically. "Trlbou let could not be so unkind." "Enough of this buffoonery!" said a de cisive voice, and the dwarf drew back, not without a grimace, to make room for a per son of soldierly mien, who now pushed his way to the front. Over his doublet this gentleman wore a somewhat frayed, but embroidered cloak; his broad hat was fringed with gold that had lost Its luster; his countenance, deeply burned, seemed that of an old campaigner. He regarded the fool courteously, yet haughtily. "Your sword, sir!" he commanded, In a tone of one accustomed to being obeyed. "To whom should I give it?" asked the duke's Jester. "To the Vlcomte de Grulse, commandant of the town. I lutve a writ for your arrest as a heretic." "Who has lodged this Information against me?" "Trlboulet. That Is, he procured the duke's signature to the writ." "And you think the duke a party to this farce, my I^ordT' said the fool, with as sumed composure. "It has not occurred to you that before the day is over all the vil lage will be laughing at the spectacle of their commandant?pardon me?being led by the nose by a Jester?" The officer's sun-burned faoe became red der; he frowned, then glanced suspiciously at Trlboulet, whose reputation was France wide. "This man waa the duke's fool," screamed the dwarf, "and was imprisoned by order of the king. His companion who is here with hjm was formerly Jestress to the princess. She is a snroereas and bewitched the monarch. Then bar fancy seised upon the heretic, and, by heo dark art, she open ed the door of the del* Dor him. Together they fled; she from!. tt>? court, he from prison." e The commandant looked curiously from the hunchback to th*:aeotsed. If this were acting, the dwarf wai die master of the art. i! i: it. "Besides, his hasten* cleave the village,'' eagerly went on TrtBoulttt. "Why was he dressed at this hour*? Ask the landlord If he did not seem und*ly-fhurried?" At this appeal thfc Innkeeper, who had been an interested spectator, now became a not unwilling witness. "It Is true he seated hurried," he an swered. "When he'"ftrsi came down he ordered breakfast, f 'liaripened to mention the duke was at the:dhat?au. whereupon he lost his appetite with suspicious sudden ness, called for Ills horses, and was for riding off with all haste." From the commandant's expression this testimony apparently removed any doubts he may have entertained. Above the heads of the troopers massed in the door way the duke's plalsant saw Jacqueline, standing on the stairs, with wide-open, dark eyes fastened upon him. Involuntar ily he lifted his hand to bis heart; across the brief space glance melted Into glance. Persecuted Calvin maid?had not her fate been untoward enough without this new disaster? Had not the kins wrought sufficient ill to her and hers in the past? Would she be sent back to the court, the monarch? For himself he had no thought but for her, who was nobler even than her birthright. He had been thrice a fool, who had not heeded portentous,warn* lngs?the sight of Trlboulet. the clamor of the troopers?and had failed to flee during the night. As he realised the penalty of hla negligence would fall so heavily upon SARDINES ARE SCARCE. Unfavorable Report From the Maine Fisheries and the French Coast. From the New York San. Reports just received from all along; the Maine coast show that the small herring which we cure under the name of sardines are unusually scarce. The factories say that not enough flsh are caught dally to supply the Immediate demands of the trade. Not a case of sardines has yet been put away for winter or spring supplies. 91mllar reports are coming from the her a cry of rage burst from the fool's lips, and he sprang toward his aggressors. The young girl became yet whiter; a moment she clung to the baluster; then started to descend the stairs. A dozen swords flashed before her eyes. She drew In her breath sharply, when as If by some magic the anger faded from the face of the duke's fool; the hand he had raised to his breast fell to his side; his blade remained sheathed. "Your pardon, my lord," he said to the commandant. "I have no Intention of re sisting the authority of the law, but If you will grant me a few moments' private au dience in this room I promise to convince you the Duke of Priedwald never signed that writ." "Let him convince the council that exam ines heretics," laughed Triboulet. "I'll war rant they'll make short work of his argu ments." "I will give you my sword, sir," went on the Jester. "Afterward, if you are satisfied, you shall return It to me. If you are not, on my word aa a man of honor, I will go with you without more ado." "A Calvinist, a jester, a man of honor!" cried the dwarf. But narrowly the vlcomte regarded the speaker. "Pardleu!" he exclaimed gruffly. "Keep your sword! I promise you I can look to my own safetly." And, in spite of Trlboulet's remonstrance, be waved back the troopers and closed the door upon the plalsant and himself. Outside the dwarf stormed and stamped. "The jester is desperate. It is the noble count who is a nonny. Open, fool-soldlers!" This command not being obeyed by the men who guarded the entrance, the dwarf began to abuse them. A considerable in terval elapsed; the hunchback, who dared not go into the room himself, compromised by kneeling before the keyhole; at the foot of the stairs stood the girl, her strained gaze fastened upon the door. "They must be near the window," mut tered Triboulet in a disappointed tone, ris ing. "What can t$iey be about? Surely he will try to kill the commandant." But even as he spoke the door was sud denly thrown open, and the vlcomte ap peared on the threshould. "Clear the hall!" he commanded sharply to the surprised soldiers. "If I mistake not," he went on, addressing the duke's jes ter. "your horses are at the door." "You are going to let them go?" burst forth Triboulet. "I trust you and this fair lady"?turning to the wondering girl, who now stood ex pectantly at the side of the foreign fool? "will not harbor this Incident against our hospitality," went on the vlcomte, without heeding the dwarf. "The king will hang you!" exclaimed Tri boulet. his face black with disappointment and rage, as he witnessed the plalsant and the jestress leave the tavern together. "Let them go and you must answer to the king. One Is a heretic, who threw down a cross; the other I charge with being a sorceress." A terrible arraignment In those days, yet the vlcomte was apparently deaf. Hat In hand, he waved them adieu; the steeds sprang forward, past the soldiers and down the Btreet. "After them I" cried the dwarf to the troopers. "Dolts! Joltheadst" Whereupon one of the men, angered at this baiting, reaching out with his Iron .boot, caught the drawf such a sharp blow he staggered and feU, striking his head so violently he lay moHowl? on the walk. At the same time, far above, a body of troop Mi might Jhaxft faoea ama laming from Ui* French coast. The sardine fishermen or the coasts of Brittany and Vendee are In great distress, and say that their Industry for this year Is ruined. When the first news was sent through Prance on May 10 that the sardine fishery of the year was likely to prove a failure the chamber of commerce of Bordeux appointed a commit tee to Inquire into the condition of the in dustry. The committee has made a pre liminary report, in which, while confessing its Inability to explain the scarcity of sar dines, It says that, in its opinion, the sad condition of the fishermen is partly due to themselves. They have never adopted Improved mod ern appliances for catching sardines, but gates of the chateau and leisurely wending their way downward. CHAPTER XXIV. An Encoontcr at the Bridge. Some part of the Interview with the com mandant which had resulted In their re lease the jester told his companion as they sped down the sloping plain in the early silvery light which transformed the dew drops and grassy moisture Into veils of mist. Behind them the chateau was slowly fading from view; the town had already disappeared. Around them the singing of the birds, the cooning of the cushat doves and the buzzing of the bees mingled In dreamy cadence. On each side stretched the plain, which, washed by recent heavy rains, was now spangled with new-grown flowers; here, far apart In sequestered beauty; there, clustering companionably in a mass of color. "Upon the strength of the letter from the emperor the vlcomte took the responsi bility of allowing us to depart," explained the fool. "In It his majesty referred to his message to the king, to the part played by him who took the place of the duke, and what he was pleased to term my services to Francis and himself." So much the plalsant related, but he did not add that the commandant, with Trlbou let's words in mind, had at first demurred about permitting the jestress to go. "Vral Dteu!" that person had exclaimed. "If what the dwarf said be true? To cross the king!?and yet." he had added, cynically, "it sounds most unlike. Did Aladdin flee from the genii of the lamp? Such a magl clon Is Francis. Chateau, gardens?'tis clearly an Invention of Triboulet's!" And the fallacy of this conclusion the duke's plalsant had not sought to demonstrate. Without question the young girl listened, but when he had finished her features hard ened. Intuitively she divined a gap In the narrative?herself. From the dwarf's slur to Caillette's gentle look of surprise con stituted a natural span for reflection. And the duke's fool, seeing her face turn cold, attributed it. perhaps, to another reason. Her story recurred to him. She was no longer a nameless Jestress. An Immeasur able distance separated a mere plalsant from the survivor of one of the noblest, if most unfortunate, families of France. She had not answered the night before when he had addressed her as the daughter of the constable. Motionless as a statue had she gazed after him, and, remembering the manner of their parting, he now looked at her curiously. "All's well that ends well." he said, "but I must crave indulgence. Lady Jacqueline, for having brought you Into such peril." She flushed. "Do you persist in that fool ishness?" she returned, quickly. "Do you deny the right to be so called?" "Did I not tell you?the constable's daugh ter Is dead?" "To the world! But to the fool?may he not serve her?" His face was expectant; his voice, light St earnest. Her answer was half sad. If bright, as though her tragedy, like those acted dramas, had its less somber lines. And In the stage versions of those dark, mournful pieces were not the softer bits introduced with cap and bell? The fool's stick and the solemn inarch of irre sistible and lowering destiny went hand in have clung to antiquated methods and out fit. If they had been up to the times the committee l>elieves that the catch would have been sufficient, ^t least, to avert the almost complete failure of the season's work. The committee suggests that better appliances be at once Introduced and also that fishing be stopped on the banks that are favorite resorts of the sardine during the spawning season. The sardine fisheries along the coasts of Spain and Portugal are said to be yielding well. These sardines are regarded as inferior to those of th? French coast, but they may prove to ?*? very useful this year In eking out the diminished supply of the French and American fisheries. hand. Everywhere the tinkle of the tiny bells. "Poor service!" she retorted. "A dis-> credited mistress!" "One I am minded for," he replied, a sud den flash In his eyes. She looked away; her Hps curved. "For how long? she said, half mockingly, and touched her horse before he could re ply. What words had her action checked on his lips? A moment was he disconcerted, then riding after her he smiled, thinking how once he had carelessly passed her by; how he had looked upon her but as a will ful child. A child, forsooth! His pulses throbbed fast. Life had grown strangely sweet, as though from her look, when she had stood on the stairs, he had drawn new sest. To serve her seemed a happiness that drowned all other Ills; a selfish bond of subordina tion. Her misfortunes dignified her; her worn gown was dearer In his eyes than courtly splendor; the disorder of her hair more becoming than nets of gold and coifs of Jewels. He forgot their danger. The broad plain lay like a pleasure garden be fore them; fairer In natural beauty than Francis' conventional parks. And she, too, had ceased to remember the dwarf's words, for the Joy of youth is strong, and the sunshine and air were rarely Intoxicating. There was a stir ling rhythm In the movement of the steeds. Noiselessly their hoofs beat upon the soft earth and tender mosses. The rains which elsewhere had flooded the lowlands here but enliv ened the vernal freshness of the scene. The air was ? full of floating thistle-down; a cloud of insects dancing In the light, parted to let them pass. At the sight of a bush, white with flowers, she uttered an exclamation of pleasure, and broke ofT a branch covered with fragrant blossoms, as they rode by. Out of the depths of this storehouse of sweets a plundering humming bird Hashed and van ished, a Jewel from nature's crown! She held the branch to her face and he glanced at her covertly; she was all Jestress again. The cadence of that measured motion shaped itself to an ancient lyric In keeping with the song of birds, the blue sky and the wild roses. "Hark! hark! Pretty lark! Little heedest thou my pain." He bent his head listening; he could scarcely hear the words. Was It a sensj of new security that moved her; the reac tion of their narrow escape; the knowledgo they were leaving the chateau and all dan ger behind them? "Hark! hark! Pretty lark!?" Boom! Far In the distance sounded the discharge of a cannon?Its Iron voice the antithesis to the poet's dainty pastoral. As the report reverberated over the valley, from the grass innumerable insects arose; the din died away; the disturbed earth dwellers sank back to earth again. Tho song ceased from the young gill's Hps, and, gazing quickly back, she could Just distin guish, above one of the parapets of the chateau, a wreath, already nearly dissolved In the blue of the sky. The Jester, who had also turned in his saddle, met her look of Inquiry. "It sounds like a signal of some kind?? salute, perhaps." he said. "Or a call to arms?" she suggested. mm4 he made no answer. "It means pursuit!** (To be continued tomorrow.)