Newspaper Page Text
Part 2. 'gjje ^ WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, fat Pages 117=20, FEBRUARY 12, 1904-TWENTY PAGES. THE EVEN1NQ STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAT. IUieu Offlee 11th Strwt isd Peaniy' %ai? Artraa, Tim ETuning Star Newspaper Company. ?. H KACTMANX ProfiioV Hew T?rh OHe. Tribom Builiing 0!uc*g? Offle* . Tribune BsUiiag. Tb# Erenlng St?r la K-rrrd to mibserib-rs In the *lty by carriers. ??n their ??wn account. at 10 cent* per week, or 44 cent* per month. Copies at toe counter. 2 cents ea^b By mall anywhere In the U. B. >r Canadw- poatage prevald?fiO cents per m^nth. Saturday .*4tar. 32 pares. $1 per year; witb for* elgr. p?>*tagre ?dd*d $3 #0. ?Entervd at the Post Office at Washington, D. GLt a* snnind rlnin rr?fl nutter.* CTAl) mall s t s rlptlons must be paid in adraaefe CstM uf advertising made known on application. TIE IW MO Uff President and Mrs. Roose velt's Guests Last Night. A BRILLIANT EVENT A LONG LINE OF GALLANT MEN IN UNIFORM. ?11 Uranchns of Official Resident So ciety Enjoyed the Occasion. The last of the White House levees for the season went off in the blaze of glory that has usually marked the end. The spe cial guests last night, the officers of the army and navy, made a splendid showing In numlwrs and importance. The reception was perhaps the shortest of the winter, for the major portion of the company had as sembled long before ? o-clock. The corridor was hung with the stars and stripes and the flags of the President, the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy. This brilliant note of color brought back recol lections o? the old days before the White House was reconstructed. The mantels in the east room were also adorned with piacques of white flowers and ferns. The usual detail of officers escorted the President and Mrs. Roosevelt down to the blue room. In the procession with them were Secretary Taft. who escorted Mrs. Shaw in the absence of Secretary Shaw in New York; the Postmaster General and M?s. Payne. Secretary and Mrs. Hitchcock, Secretary and Miss Wilson, Secretary and Mrs. Cortelyou and the Secretary to the President and Mrs. Loeb. The diplomatic corps was well represent ed both by ambassadors, ministers and sec retaries. As each group arrived it was es corted to the blue room by the corridor door. A similar distinction awaited the Su preme Court families, although in nearly each instance these favored guests stepped out at once to the red room and took places in the line to be presented to the President and party. Both the Russian embassy and Japanese legation were rep resented by secretaries. Miss All<?e Roosevelt spent much of the time in the red room and shared in the attention of lookers on there the interest displayed in the person of Miss Susan B. Anthony, whose eighty-fourth birthday is due February 15. The now venerable in years, but noi in alertness, leader of wom an suffrage was handsomely dressed in black silk, with point lace fichu collar and cuffs. Everywhere she rested she was the center of a handshaking group. Mrs. Roosevelt was richly dressed in a heavy white satin, brocaded in a large pattern of roses and trimmed with lace. Mrs. Shaw wore white lace. Mrs. Payne gray satin under black lace. Miss Wilson silver-spar.g'ed white lace, and Mrs. Cor telyou white lace, trimmed with rosebud appliques and a tiny wreath of rosebuds in her hair. Admiral Dewey was the first presented to the President, and was followed by Lieut. Gen. Chaffee and Mrs. Chaffee. Mrs. Chaffee was gowned in blue velvet and point lace Mrs. Dewey was not present because her health has not permitted her to accept any invitation this winter. The company invited to the blue room, In addition to the cabinet families and staff of the executive office, included: Tin* Chief Justice. Justice Harlan, Mrs. Harlan, the Misses Harlan, Miss Kdlth Har lan Child. Mr. Justice Brewer, Mrs. Brewer, Mr Justice Brown. Mr. Justice White, Mrs. White. Mr. Justice Peckham. Mrs. Peck liam. Mr. Justice McKenna. Mrs. McK'enna, the Misses McKenna, Mr. Justice Holmes, Mr Justto? Day. Mrs. Day. Mr. Luther Day, Mrs. Day, Mr. Rufus S. Day. 8 nator William P. Frye, Miss Emme Frye White, Miss Caroline Frye Iiriggs, Mr. William Frye White. Mrs. White. The Speiker of me House, Miss Helen A. Cannon. Mrs. Fort. Mr. Robert Shaw Oliver, Mr. Charles H. Darling, Mrs. Darling. T.Ieut Gen. A. R. Chaffee, Mrs. Chaffee, Miss Ch (Tee. Dr. Thomas H. Rockwell M.I re-!. G. I.. Gillespie Mrs. G Ile-pie, Mr. Ai r ?! !-:? ;:'er, Mrs Kc-l-r. Mis* A Colgite Brig. G.-n. T sker H. Bliss. Mrs. Bliss, Miss B ;ss Brij. G.-n. J. P. Story. Maj. Gen. We-'. \ .\t:rrltt. Mrs. Merritt, Brig. Gen. J. M Miss Wilson. Miss Waller. Brig. G.-n. W F. Randolph. Mrs. Randolph, the Misses Randolph. The a.liniril of the navy. Commander Na t n .; irgen;. Mrs Sargent, Miss Sargent, Li.ut. Frank Marble, Mrs. Marble Lieut. J W. Crawford Mrs. Crawford. Rear Ad miral H. C. Taylor. Mrsfl Taylor, Miss Tay lor. Burgeon General p. m. Rixey Mrs Rix ev. Mrs. English. Miss Taunt, Mrs. G. F. Elliott. Miss Flliott. Mr. Wayne M eVeaglj, Mrs MacVeagh. Mr. John W. Foster. Mrs. Foster. Mr. Rob ert LI Mrs. Lansing. Mr. Hilary A. Herbert. Mr. H-njam n MIcou, Mrs Micou Mr Corn:us N. Bliss. Mrs. Bliss Miss Bliss. Mr. Cornelius N. Bliss, jr.. Mr. Jam's Albert G. rv. Mrs. Gary, Mr. William E. Chandler. Mrs. Chandler. Mr. Dinlel S. La mont Mrs l.amont. the Misses Griggs Mr Ghailes Emory Smith Mrs. Smith. Mr. Ly man J Gage. Mr. R. A. Alger. Mrs. Alger. Capt. F. M. Aleer, Mrs. Alger, Mr S B Elkins. Miss Emily Bird. Mr. S. B. Elkins! Jr.. Mr. Davis Elklns. Mr. Richard Elkins' Miss {Catherine Elkins, Mr. Redfleld Proc tor. Mrs. I'roctor, Miss Emily D. Proctor. Mr. John D. T,ong. Mrs. Long Mr. J. C. Bancroft Davis. Mrs. Davis, Mr John A Kasson. Mr. W. W. Rockhlll. Mrs. Rockhill! Mr. Thomas B. Ferguson Miss Ferguson On. W F Draper. Mrs. Draper. Mr. Han n:s Taylor, Mrs Taylor. Miss Taylor Mr Augustlnt Heard. Mrs John Russell Young .Mr. Berkeley R Young. Mrs. Sample. Mrs. T. F. Bavard. Mrs She-Ida n. Uie Misses Sheridan Mrs' Garret A. Hohart. Mr. Garret A. Hobart jr rol I. Mirkbrelt. Mrs. Mirkbrelt Miss i Le.i ned. Mr. F. H. Whrelan. Mrs. Wheelan, Mr George W. Perkins. Mrs. Perkins Mr. John R l'egeman. Mrs. Megeman Gen Av ery D. Andrews. Mrs. Andrews Col. John J M.-rook. Mrs. McCook. Mr. Albert Earllng. M s. K.rling, Mr. J. C. Shaffer Mrs. Shaf fer. Mr John E. Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt Gen. St-wart E. Woodford Mrs Woodford! Gen. Fitzhugh I>?e. Mrs. Lee. Capt. Wood bury Kane. I.:eut. Gordon Johnston. Mr. Frederick Nathan. Mrs. Nathan, Mrs. R. \v Johns in. Miss Julia Johnson Mr T H Watklns. Mis Watklns, Mrs F. M. Fish! Mr. S. B Chapin. Mrs. Chapln. Col. John W. Vrooin in. Mrs. Vrooman. Mr. William L Swan. Mrs Smmii Gen. Thomas Shryock Mrs. Shryock. Mr Edward W Scott, Mrs. Scott. .Mi. Frederick T Morris. Mrs Mor lis. Miss Morris. Mr Karl von Mayhoff Mrs. Vor May!,off. Miss Jane F Tucker nian. Miss Emllv Turkerman. Mrs Georg% ' ahot Ward. Mr. Nelson O'Shaughnessy. Mrs. O'Snaughnessy. Mr. Julian II Kean Mr Colgate Hoyt. Mrs. Hoyt. Miss S isan p Anthony. Mr. Adolph Chrlaub. Those invited to the reception were: A Maj. an 3 Mrs. Charles W. Abbot, jr.. Maj and Mrs. Frederck V. Abbot Miss Ellinor K Abbot. Maj. I-emuel A Abbott. Assistant Surgeon F. Q. Abeken. Mr. Henry Adams. Gen. and Mrs. Felix Agnus. M sg Agnus. Jits. G C. Ainslee. Brig Gen. and Mrs F C Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs Allen D Albert Mr. and Mrs Charles S Albert Maj. and Mrs. Jamea B. Aieahlre. Col. and Mrs Charles T. Alexander, Miss Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander. Col. and Mrs. William L. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Rus Ell A. Alger. Captain and Mrs. Frederick Alger. Lieut. Col. and Mra Charles J. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. L. Allan. Mr. Philip L. Allen. Mrs. Robert W. Allen, Mrs. John J. Almy. Mss Almy, Miss Lily Almy, Capt. and Mrs. Benjamin Alvord Capt. and Mrs. Thales L. Ames. Mrs. Ed win A. Anderson. M-s. Frank Anderson. Mrs. R. Andeison the Misses Anderson. Mrs. R. H. Anderson, Mr. Adolphus An drews. Gen. and Mrs. Avery D. Andrews. Mr. Byron Andrews. Col. "knd Mrs. George L. Andrews. Mrs. K. H. Andrews. Mrs. W. H. Andrews. Miss Andrews Miss Susan B. Anthony. Mr. James R. Ash Capt. George A. Armes, Mr. George D. Amistead. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ogden Armour. Mrs E. F Arnold. MaJ. and Mrs. William H. Arthur, Mrs. H. P. Ash. Civil Engineer and Mrs. P. C. Asserson Miss M. Aiice M. D. Asser son. Miss Agnes C. Asserson Mr. and Mrs. Addison B. Atkins, I,ieut. Commander "?nd Mrs. Charles N. Atwaler. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell H. Auhere. Mis.. J. C. Audenreid. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Austin. Mrs. Chester Averill. Miss Averill. Maj. and Mrs. Frank L. Av erill. Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Averill. Miss j Margaret R. Axson Mrs. Ayres. Miss Ayres, Mrs. Daisy Ftshugh Ayres. B Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Babbitt. Capt. and Mrs. Edwin B. B ibhitt, Mrs. L. S. Bab bitt. Mis. Florence II. Bicon. Mrs. Anna i M Baden. Mrs. Adelaide Worth Bagley. the | Misses Bagley. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bailey, Mrs Margaret M. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. R O. Bailey. Miss L. T Bainbridge. Miss Baird. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George W. Baird, Capt. and Mrs. George W. Baird, Mrs. Abhy G. Baker, Capt. and Mrs. Chaun cey B. Baker. Mrs. D. W. Baker, Mrs. E. P. B; ker. Mr. George F. Baker, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. F. D. Baldwin. Mrs. Isabel Worrell Biill. Mrs. Lucy A. Ball. Capt. Charles C. B.tllou. Mrs. II. H. Balthis. Mr. Hermann Balz, Mr. and Mrs. John Kendrick Bangs, Maj. and Mrs. William B. Ban'ster. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bannin, Miss Bannin, Mrs. S. N. Barker, the Misses Barksdale, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Barnes. Mrs. J. K. Barnes. Miss M. F. Barnes. Mrs. O. H. Barnes. Capt. and Mrs. William J. Barnette, Capt. and Mrs. George C. Barnhardt, Mrs. Bar rett. Miss Barrett. Mrs. Gregory Barrett. Commander and Mrs. H. H. Barroll, M". and Mrs. David S. Barry, Lieut. Paul A. Barry, Mrs. H. L. Bartlett. Rear Admiral and Mrs. John R. Bartlett. the Misses Bart lett. Miss Merle Barton, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Alfred E. Bates. Mrs. F. H. Bates. Litut. Col. and Mrs. James A. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Baton, Rev. Walton W. , Battershall. Miss Battles. Mrs. J. H. Bax ter. Mrs. L. D. Baxter, Mrs. T. F. Bayard, Commander Warner B. and Mrs. Bayley. Maj. and Mrs. William D. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Beacham. Miss Florence Bean, Mrs. Frank E. Beatty, Col. E. B. Beaumont. Miss Clara M. Beckley, Mrs. E. G Beckwlth. Miss M. Beckwith, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Beecher. Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Beer. Maj. Joseph Beeson. Capt. and Mrs. W. S. Belden, Mr. Howard Belden. Maj. and Mrs. James E. Bell, Mrs. Belknap, Lieut. and Mrs. Reginald R. Belknap. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George Bell. Miss Bell. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. James M. Bell. Maj. and Mrs. Ji hn B. Bellinger, Mr. August Belmont. Rear Admiral and Mrs. A. E. K. Benham, Miss Benham. Dr. and Mrs. Marcus M. Benjamin. Mr. and Mrs Ira E. Bennett, A'rs. J. G. Benton. Mr. John Bermingham, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. John B. Ber nadou. Mrs. E. M. C. Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. James Berrall, Mr. and Mrs. William Ferrl, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Berry, Miss K. V. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Berryman. Medical Inspector D. N. Bertolette. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney I. Besselievre. the Misses Bes selievre. Naval Constructor and Mrs. J. 1). Beuret, Maj. John Biddle, Miss Biddle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Biggs, Miss Binckley, Lieut. Ernest G. Bingham. Col. and Mrs. T. A. Bingham, Mr. William T. Bingham. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Charles Bird, Miss Emily Bird, Maj. and Mrs. W. E. Birk li'mer. Maj. and Mrs. Henry P. Birming ham. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bisbee. Maj. H. L. Biscoe. Dr. Frank Biscoe, the Misses Bis coe. Commander Joshua Bishop, Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Bispham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S Black. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Z. Black. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Tusker H. Bliss, Miss Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bloomingdale, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bloomingdale. Miss Blt.odgood, Mrs. C. E. Blunt. Miss Blunt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. * Blythe, Mr. and Mrs. Bocock, Miss Ruby Bo de ker, Miss Bogart, Mr. W. Brenton Boggs. Miss Virginia Bohrer, M'ss Mary Boiling, Mr. and Mr#. Henry Carrlng ton Bolton. Mr. Ira M. Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Bone. Major and Mrs. William C. Borden, Major Henry D. Borup, Miss C. Bosley, Lieut. John R. Bosley, Mr. T. Ster ling Bottome. Mrs. John G. Bourke. Mrs. W. S. Bouscaren. Mrs. Clifford J. Boush, Col. and Mrs. Edward Bowditch. Mr. John R. Bowie, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Alpheus H. Bowman. Commander and Mrs. J. M. Bow yer. Medical Director and Mrs. J. C. Boyd, Mrs O. B. Boyd, Mrs. J. W. Boyd, Mr. John Boyle, Miss Fannie G. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boynton, Miss Boynton, Gen. and Mrs. H. V. Boynton, Miss Boynton, Mrs. A. G. Brackett, Mrs. Royal B. Brad ford. the Misses Bradford. Medical Director and Mrs. G. P. Bradley. Miss Roberta V. Bhadshaw. Miss Bradstreet. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Brandt. Mrs. John Bratt. Col. and Mrs. George M. Brayton, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Joseph C. Breckinridge, the Misses j Breckinridge, Mr. J. A. Breckons, Lieut. I Herbert J. Bices. Mrs. E. H. Breitung, Miss I Brennan. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Lloyd M. ' Brett. Miss Helen Brewer. Justice and Mrs. Brewer. Miss Brewer. Mrs. J. W. Brewer, the Misses Brewer. Lieut Christian Briand, Lieut. Allan L. Brlggs, Miss Caroline Frye Briggs. Lieut. Mark L. Bristol, Miss Bar bara Brodie. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Bromfleld, Mr. George G. Brooke. Mrs. John Brooke, Mrs. E. C. Brooks. Lieut, and Mrs. William H. Brooks, the Misses Brown. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Brown. Assistant Surgeon H. L. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shroff Brown, Justice Brown. I.leut. Orvllle G. Brown, Capt. Phil ip S. Brown, the Misses Brown, Mrs. W. Du V. Brown. Mrs. J. Mills Browne. Mi's. William Henry Browne. Mr. and Mrs. Will iam L. Browning. Miss Browning, Capt. and Mrs. W. II. Brownson Miss Brownson, Major and Mrs. Lawrence L. Bruff, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brush. Lieut. Commander and Mrs. Benjamin C. Bryant, Mrs, A. Bryson. Miss C. H. Brvson. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Buek. Mrs. Bull. Miss Bulian, Mr. K. R. Bullens. Lieut. Roscoe C. Bulmer, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. W. L. Burdick. Mr. Frank Burford. Mr. J. H. Burford, Miss Burgess. Mrs. George C. Burgwin, Miss Anne Burgwln. Mrs. Robert Burks, Lieut Charles Burnett. Mrs. W. Burns. Miss Burns. Mrs. Edward N. Burns. Mrs. W. W. Burns', Miss M. A. Burns. Major and Mrs. Edward Burr, Mr. Harry R. Burrill. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Andrew S. Burt. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George H. Burton. Miss Kathro L. Burton, \ Mr. and Mrs. L. White Busby, Mr and ' Mrs. E. T. Bushnell. Lieut, and Mrs. Henry ' V. Butler. Miss J. C. Butler. Capt. Archl- ! bald W. Butt. Mis. Joshua W. Butt Miss Bynner. Col. C. C. Byrne. Miss Byrne. Major John Bvrne, Miss Byrne. Major and Mrs. Joseph C. Byron.. C Cart Julian M. Cabell. Mr. Francis Ca dy, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Call, Mr. Ed ward W. Callahan, Mrs. J. B Callahan, Lieut. F. II. Cam'-ron, Mrs. Frank K. Cam eron. Mrs. W. S. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Campbell, Assistant Surgeon and Mrs. F E. Campbell, Mrs. W. 3. Campbell, Miss Campbell, Commander and Mrs. Al fred B. Canaga. Mrs. H. (\ Candee. Speaker of tiic House Cannon. Miss Helen A. Cnn- 1 non. Mrs. W. B. Caperton, Rear Admiral i W. L. Capps, Mrs. Ailyn Capron, MissV.ap- ! l-on. Mrs. Allvn IC. Capron. Mrs. Natalie i Capron. Brig Gen. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Card, the Misses Card. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. i Carlin, Miss Carlin, Mr. J.-sse L. Carnil- | chael, Mr. Ottc Carmichael, Mr. Francis J. Carmody, Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle C&r mody. Paymaster and MrB. John R. Car mody, Miss Carmody. Mrs. Robert E. Car mody. the Misses Carmody, Assistant En gineer and Mrs. Robert E Cui ney. Mrs. J. S. Carpenter. Capt. and Mis. Thos. H. Car penter, Mrs. M. K. Carpenter. Miss Car penter. Lieut. Wade H. Carpenter. Mrs. W. L Carpenter, Mrs. Clnrk E. Cair, Capt Denlel J. Carr, Mr3. Carrlck, Mrs. C. Car rick, Lieut, and Mrs. James Carroll, Mr. I and Mrs. John M. Carson, Mrs. J. Armi- i stead Carter, Capt. ar.d Mrs. Robert G Carter, Miss Natalie P Carter, Miss Emma Dent Casey, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Silas Casey, Miss Casey, Mrs. T. L. Casey, Mrs. Edward Cassatt, Miss Florence Cassel. Miss Chadee, Lieut. Gen. and Mrs. A. R. Chaffee. Miss Helen Chaffee, Mrs. L. A Chamberlin. the Misses Charoherlin, Mr and Mrs. Merrltt O. Chance, llrs. J. O. Chance, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.? E. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Chapln, MIsa E. M. Chapman, Miss Chase, Miss Annie E. Chase, Mrs C. Chase, Miss Chase. Mrs. J. V. Chase, Lieut, and Mrs. V. O. Chase. Mrs. B. S. Chase, Mrs. Chatterton, Mr. John L. Chatterton, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Chatterton. Rear Admiral and Mrs. C M. Chester, Mrs. Walter Scott Chew, Miss Edith Harlan Child, Mrs. E. C. Warrington Chubb, Mrs. Frederick Chunn, Mrs. Churchill Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Clark, Mrs. M. M. L. Clark, Capt. Sidney E. Clark, Mr. W E. Clark, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter* E. Clark, Maj. and Mrs. William Hancock Clark, the Misses Clary, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon S. Cllne. Colonel and Mrs. Henry W. Closson, Miss Closson, Brigadier General and Mrs. John W. Clous, Mrs. Rich ardson Clover, Mr. Robert C. dowry, Mr. W. T. Cluverius, Mrs. E. M. Cobb, the Misses Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Myer Cohen, Mrs. Annie A. Cole, Major and Mrs. Eli K. Cole, Miss Adele Colgate. Mrs. Edmund R. Colhoun, the Misses Colhoun, Mrs. Anita L. Collins, Mrs. G. La T. Collins. Mrs. J. B. : Collins. Mr. T. E. Collins, Miss Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Colman, Mr. E. F. Concklin, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Concklin, Miss I Concklin, Mr. Arthur Concklin, Mrs. An toria Thornton Jenkins Converse, Rear Ad miral and Mrs. G. A.-. Converse, the Misses j Converse, Mr. Thomas Conway, Captain i | and Mrs. C. Fred Cook. Mrs. I. H. Cook, j Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cook, Miss Cook, Miss j Mary A. Cook, Mrs. H. N. Cooke, Miss ? Cooke. Mr. L. Cooke. Miss Tyler Cooke. Mr. and Mrs L. A. Coolidge, Mrs. R. H. Cool idge. Miss Coolidge, Colonel and Mrs. Mi chael Cooney, the Misses Cooney, Brigadier General and Mrs. Charles L. Cooper, Miss Copmann, Brigadier General John J. Cop pirger, Mr. Nathan D. Corbln, Mr. Ruther ford Corbin, the Secretary of Commerce and Labor and Mrs. Cortelyou, Pay Director Frank C. Cosby. Mrs. C. M. Cosby, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cottle, Mr W. S. Couch, Mrs. R. F. Couch, Mrs. Elliott Coues. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Courts, Miss Courts, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cowie, Commander and Mrs. Walter C. Cowles. Miss Cowles, Captain and Mrs. William S. Cowles, Miss Rosalind Cox, Mr. Edward E. Coyle. Mrs. William R. Coyle, the Misses Coyle, Captain Joseph T. Crabbs, Mrs. J. N. Craig, Mrs. J. N. D. Craig, Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Robert Craig. General and Mrs. David J. Cragie, Mr. Morton E. Crane, Miss Crawford, Lieu tenant and Mrs. John W. Crawford, Mrs. C. E. Creecy, Mr. Harris M. Crist, Mrs. M. F. Crist, Miss Croghan, Colonel and Mrs. W. H. Crook, Rear Admiral and Mrs. B. J. Cromwell, Mrs. Pierce Crosby, the Misses Crosby, Lieutenant and Mrs. Walter S. Crosley, Colonel Enoch H. Crowder, Mrs. B. Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Croxall, Briga dier General William Crozier, Mr. and Mrs. William Cruikshank, M?- and Mrs. S. A. Cuddy, Lieutenant Clarencc C. Culver. Mrs. Andrew C. Cunningham, Mrs. M. K. Cun ningham, Mrs. J. Cusack. Miss Cusack. Mrs. S. T. Cusliing. Miss Cushing. Lieutenant Herbert Cushman, Miss E. B. Cutler, Mrs. Cuyler. D Lieut, and Mrs. Frederick A. Dale. Mrs. A. J. Dallas, Miss Dallas, Mrs. W. B. Daly, Capt. and Mrs. N. J. T. Dana. Mrs. Alfred L._ Dana, Mrs. David Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Daniels, Miss Frances Danner, Capt. and Mrs. Jeremiah Z. Dare, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Darling, Miss Flora A. Darling, Mrs. T. W. Darrali, Rev. H. Merle d'Au bigne, Commander R. G. and Mrs. Daven port, Maj. W. D. Davidge, the Misses Dav idge, Mr. F. Davidge, Mr. John W. Davidge, Miss Davis. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George B. Davis. Miss Davis, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Geo. W. Davis, the Misses Davis, Mr. and tors. J. C. Bancroft Davis, Mrs. J. H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harding Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Daw son. Miss Day, Justice and Mrs. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Day, Mr. Rufus S. Day, Capt. James H. Dayton, Mr. and Mrs E B Dean, Assistant Surgeon F. W. S. Dean, Medical Director and Mrs. R C Dean Assistant Surgeon J. P. De Bruler, Mrs.' George A. Deering, Miss Katherine Deerlng Mr. and Mrs. P. V. De Graw. Mr. E. B. De Graw, Miss M. B. Dehon, Mrs. Sidney De Kay, Miss De Kay, Miss F. B. De Krafft, Mme. De Missner, Mr. and Mrs. Phlneas J. Dempscy, Col. and Mrs. Frank L. Denny, Mr. Hal P. Den ton Mrs. H A De Russy, Brig. Gen. and o ? 1?aac D- Russy. Assistant Surgeon tV . v, Desse,z- Mlas Dessez. Capt. George A. Detchemendy, Mrs. Ellen Appleby De Va Mr. rf' evi"' Admiral of the Navy and Mrs. Dewey. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Calvin p6 Tir fi M'ss De Witt- Mr. and Mrs. Stan f'an t ?F Mr' Rud?lPh De Zapp, ? tm F 1 ?e8n0la' Miss <11 Cesnola, Dickens, Capt. and Mrs. Joseph T. Dickman, Mrs. S. H. Dickson, Capt and Mrs. Tracy C. Dickson, Dr. M. A Dlgman Miss Digman. Col. and Mrs. Eugen^ D Dimmick, Miss Estella Dlraralck nJ Mrryo?V Mrs" kelson Dingley* Mrs WSnxn^ri ,Me,d.icaI Director Vnd Dixon, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. F S Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Howeli Dodge, the Misses Dodge, Miss Dolliver Mr. and Mrs. Walter Donaldson Mr and Mrs Edward B. Doran. Mrs A Dor^v Assistant Surgeon B. H. Dorsey Miss F r ' Dorsey Mr. R. M. Douglas M^w ? Dove, Capt. and Mrs. Wilbur f tv,?? N. Dovilllers, Mr. M. A Downin^Mr^? m H. Henderson Doyle Ml?i M. Henderson Doyle, Gen. and Mrs WF Draper, Miss Emma G. Drayton Mrs H & 5-"a? jx Mrs. Beckman Du Barrv H Du Barry, Lieut, and Mrs!Richard c'^Du Mr<T'w R DuSose ^al inspector and i Vv u Bose. Mr. and Mrs M DnH ley. Gen and Mrs. W. W. Dudley Mrs T lap" Mr and Mlss Henrietta Dun! lap, Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur W nimn SamuelI W. Dunning, Col. and Mrs H^y ?,Mithe **lssps Earl, Mr. Charles Robert L. Eastman Mrs T w f*', MrS the Misses Eastman. Mrs.'j. G Eafon M^' f" w FHEa,t0VMi88 Marcella laton Mrs E W. Eberie, Mrs. A. R. Eddv Mr. nr Edes, the Misses Edes, Mrs J r* ittiia* Mrs Edmunds. Miss Edmunds. Mr. Thomas F. Edmunds. Miss Edson. Mr ?nrt m,. Charles A. Edwards, Col. and Mrs Clar ence R Edwards. Maj. and Mrs. Eaton A Edwards, Miss Edwards, Commander and Mrs. John R. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. W H Edward, jr.. Dr. and Mrs. Maurice F Egan, Miss Patrice Egan, Mrs William A Egerton, Prof, and Mrs W. S ElrtelwUr l/Wkins5' Ml Eql"dv, Mr and Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins Mr. Stephen B. Elklns, Jr., Mr. Davis Elklns, Mr. Richard Elkins Miss Katherine Elkins. Mrs. John M. Ellicott Mrs. George H. Elliott, Brig. Gen. and Mrs George F. Elliott, Miss Elliott Mr UsC M?n-inViEMli0ttv'MrS Margaret Dy'e El lis, Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Ellis Mr and Mrs. William K. Ellis. Assistant'Surged and Mrs. C 1<. Ely, Miss Henriefte Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Ely Mr and Mrs Walter C. Emerson. MrsaDEmory KmrvS? Mr' Pred A' Emory, Mrs. HM o ! Emory, Mrs. Charles R. Em cott Mrs" M T- Endi %? ? i.he Mi-"ses Endicott, Mrs. English Miss Meyra English, Mrs. T. C English' H h* lJn t 8' English, Mrs. W. L. ling ofwi" m 8 ,?.sephlae Eppes, Mrs. Estes, Mr. and Mrs. W arren B. Esty. Ijr and \fr? pU^v-,.nsH Cor;ln8'iM?J' and Mr8 Wlllam . . E\.ins. Col. and Mrs. Ezra P Fw.-rs Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Exley, Mr C M Ex ley, Jr., Mr. Thomas M. Exley. F \fr!eUv ^ Falconer. Rear Admiral and lifIFarS.uhar', Mr- ?nd Mrs. N. S. Faucett. Miss Fauntleroy, Mr. and Mrs Ualdtm Fawcett, Miss Agnes Fealy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard l^ee Fearn, Mrs. E O. F?ch?t, Miss Feehet, Mr. and Mrs S M Feltor.. Medical Director and Mrs N McP Forehee, Miss Fere bee, Mrs. A. M. Fergu son, Naval Constructor and Mrs H L Fer|uson. Mrs. R. V. Fwfu-son, Mr. Thomai fb .^?r|U',on' M,ss EerKuson, Mr. Marshall Fleid. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Wells L Ejeld, Mlas Mabel Finch, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fish. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Flshback, Miss Lucy O. Pishback, Mr. and Mrs. A. B Fisher, Surgeon and Mra. Henry C. Fisher' Judge and Mrs. Robert J. Fisher, Flskc, Miss Flake, Chief Engineer and Mrs. Henry W. Fitch, the Misses Fiteh^ Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald. Mr John Fitzgib bon. Miss Annie Fltzpatrick, Lieut. WU liam C. Fitzpatrlck. Miats Agnes E rla herty. Miss Florence Fletaher Mr. and Mrs Robert I. Fleming. Lieut, and Mrs Arthur H. Fletcher, the Misses Fletcher Chief En gineer Montgomery Fletcher, Capt. and Mrs. William Fletcher, Medical Director James M. Flint. Miss Mtnrue Flummer, Mrs. Alfred Foot, Capt. and Mrs ^orge F. Foote, Capt. and Mrs. Stephen M. Foote. the Misses Force. Lieut, and Mrs. Joseph H. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. James Forgan, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Foster Lieut. Col. and Mrs G6ors6 A.. Forsyth, Mrs. L. C. r syth, Mrs. Fort. Lieut G. R Fortescue, Brig. Gen. and Mrs WiU'a^r?I AFRWp?g: the Misses Foster. Mr and Mrs. A. R. F\>s ter, Lieut, and Mrs. Charles L Foster Mi. and Mrs. John W. Foster V eu' Silvie de Grasse Fowler Mrs. 'Ctarto E. fe. BrS?: and Mrs." Royal T. Frank Rear Admiral and Mrs. S. R. Frank m. Mr. and Mrs^ Ja^ cob Freeh. Miss Freeh, Mr. D. A. r reaer ick Mrs. J. C. Fremont, Miss Fremont, Maj. and Mrs. John T. Fwsnch,v c William F. French. Mr. and Mis. Frick Mrs N. C. Friend. Prof, and airs. FrUtiv Miss Frisby, Lieut. Commander A. b! Fry. Senator William P. Frye.M^. and Mrs. Frederick Fuger. Miss A. T. Fuger. Lieut. Commande^r^iind Mrs.^ ^ FuUer; MWs F M. Fuller. Chief Justice and Mrs. FuUer Miss Fjiller. Miss Marguerite Pul ler. Mrs. F. M. Furlong. G Mr. and Mrs. T St. LieuL and mS' eft. Oahowiy Mr. and Cans Mrs. Elizabeth A ^rs H Gifson GardnerGMrsneRuthr'K?mball Gardner, Mr. LouhT Garthe, Judge Edward J Uarvan Mr and Mrs. James Albert Gary, Airs. ( Richard D. Gatewood. Miss Gatewood - and Mrs. H. C. Gauss. Mr. J. W Gavan. M ss Celia A. Gavan, Capt. and Mrs. n drew Geddes, Miss Geildes, A^.stant Si mander and Mrs.' John H. Gibb?ns C^,,t. ind Mrs George S. Gibbs, Col- and ? Horatio G. Gibson, Lieuten lit Commander and Mrs. John Gibson, Lieut, and M s S imue! H Gibson,, the M.B*e:< Gibson. Di. C. R. Gilbert, Miff Gilbert, Assistant Sur geon J. E. Gill, Mr. and M:s. F. F. Gillen. Major General and Mrs. L. G nes pie, Capt. and Mrs. E Gillette Mrs. James Giliiss, the Misses Gllliss, Mr. A. K. Oilman. Mr. Hugo A. GHmarttn.Col and Mrs. John C. Gilmore. M?s Gilmore, tenant Commander and Mrs. Albert Gleaves. Major James D. Glennan Miss Glennan. Mr and Mrs. John M Gbdden. the Misses Glidden, Capt. J. W. 01 dden, Major and Mrs. George W. Goethils, Mrs. H. Goodfellow. Co!, and Mrs. Green < la> Goodloe. Miss Goodloe, Capt. and Mrs. \V al ton Goodwin, the Misses Goodwin, M ss Er mina B. Goodyear. Col. and Mrs. Dav a fe. Gordon, Miss Gordon, Rev. Dr. and Mis. Thomas Gordon, Mrs. Gouverneur, MIfs Gouverneur, Lieutenant Commander ant Mrs. C. A. Gove, Lieut, and Mrs. J. W. Graeme, Miss A. Graham. Brig. Gen. Law rence P- Graham. Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Graiiger, Lieut. Homer B. Grant. Mr. and Mrs U. S. Grant, jr.. M'ss C. Gray, Miss Emma Gray, Acting Assistant Surgeon C. 1. Grayson, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Greely. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. A. W. Greely, the Miss?s Greely, Mr. Green, Mr. E. H. Green, Miss F. M. Green, Mrs. H. D. Green, Gen. and Mrs. F. V. Greene, Lieut. Col. and Mi s. Henry A. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gregg, Mrs. Thomas J. Gregg, the Misses Gregg, Rear Admiral James A. Greer. Miss Greer, Major and Mrs. John C. Gresham, the Misses Gresham, Medical Director Will iam Grier, Assistant Surgj^n and Mrs. C. C. Grieve, Mrs. R. 8. Griffin. Lieutenant Com mander and Mrs. T. D. Griffin, Mr. W illiam H. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Griggs, the Misses Griggs, Mr. John A. Gross, Mr. P. S. Grosscup, Mrs. Cuvier Grover, the Misses Grover, Capt. and Mrs. Edward 1. Grumley, Mrs. A. G. Gmnwell, Miss Flor ence Guernsey, Capt. Jehn Guest, Lieut. Gov. and Mrs. Curtis Cutld, jr.. Major and Mrs. John F. Guilfoyle, Medical Director and Mrs. F. M. Gunnell. Miss Bertha Hacker, Capt. and Mrs. Theo. B. Hacker, Miss Katherine Hagar, Miss Isabella L. Hagner, Mrs. I. T. Hagner, Mrs. R. Hagner, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Peter C. Hains, Capt. and Mrs. Harry C. Hale, Mrs. V. E. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hal ford, Miss Halford, Maj. E. W. Halford, Mr. Henry Hall, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Rob ert H. Hall, Col. and Mrs. Wllliam p- Hal1 Mr. H. C. Hallam, Lieut, and Mrs. Walter F. Halleck, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halstead. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hamilton, Miss Hamilton, Mr. Emmett Hamilton, Lieut, and Mrs. James Hamilton, Mr. J. O. Ham mitt, Miss Hancock, Col. and Mrs. John Hancock, Mrs. Hancom, Miss Hancom, Mr. E. P. Hanna, the Misses Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hanna, Mrs. John A. Harbach, Mrs. W. T. Harban, Mrs. J. G. Harbord, Mrs. F. S. Hardesty, Capt. and Mrs. Ches ter Harding, Justice and Mrs. Harlan, the Misses Harlan, Hear Admiral D. B. Har mony, Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, Mr. March Harper, Dr. and Mrs. William R. Harper, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George H. Harries, Mrs. F. H. Harrington. Mr. Cicero W. Har ris, Mr Edwin Vawter Harris, Rear Ad miral and Mrs. H. T. B. Harris, Mrs. Sal lie Vawter Harris, Mr. Walter E. Harris. Mrs. Harrison. Prof, and Mrs. W. S. Harsh man, Maj. William H. Hart, Capt. J. H Harvey, Lieut. Henry S. Hathaway, Mrs. Richard Hatton, Mrs. Frank Hatton, Mra. J. A. Haughey, Mrs. M. Townsend Hawke, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Hamilton S. Hawkins. Miss Harriet Hawkins, Mrs. John M. Haw ley, Lieut, and Mrs. Charles E. Hay, jr., the Secretary of State and Mrs. Hay, Capt. and Mrs. George B. Haycock, Mrs. Hayden, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. E. E. Hay den, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hazard, Mrs. G. ?M. Hazard, Dr. and Mrs. William P. C. Hazen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wentworth Hazewell, Col. and Mrs. John F. Head. Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Healy, Postmaster S. L. Heap, Mr Augustine Herd. Mrs. Clem ent D. Hebb, Miss Hebb, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hegeman. Capt. and Mrs. E. R. Heiberg, Mrs. R. G. Hekier, Miss Heiner, Mrs. A. H. Helnleln, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Heiss, Col. and Mrs. Charles L. Heizman, Miss Lucy Helms, Lieut. John E. Hemp hill, Mrs. Joseph N. Hemphill, Miss Hemp hill, Maj. and Mrs. George Henderson, Miss Dorothy Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hendley, Mr. and Mrs. J. William Henry, Mrs. Kate Kearney Hetirv, Mr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Henry, Capt. Charles B. Hep burn, Miss Hepburn, Mr. Hilary A. Her bert, Mr. and Mrs. J. Whit Herron. Miss Herron, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Hersh ler, Miss Hershler, Mrs, H. Heth, Miss Nannie Randolph Heth, ' Lieut. James D. Heysinger, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Charles Heywood, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo C. Hlbbs, Naval Constructor and Mrs. Philip Well born, Capt. and Mrs. Howard R. Hickok, Rear Admiral ;md Mrs. F. J. Hlgginson, Mrs. B. S. Higley, jr., Lieut, and Mrs. F. K. Hill. Mr. anil Mrs. George Grlswold Hill, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Elbrldge R. Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lamport Hill, Miss Hinds, Capt. and Mrs. Ernest Hinds, Mrs. J. W. Hinds, Maj. and Mrs. Charles B. Hinton, Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Hitch cock, the Misses Hitchcock, Capt. and Mrs. J, Murray Hoag, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Charles Hobart, Mrs. Garret A. Hobart, Mr. Garret A. Hobart, jr., Mrs. M. A. Hockaday, Maj. and Mrs. Harry F. Hodges, Maj. and Mrs. Frederick G. Hodgson. Med ical Director and Mrs. A. A. Hoehllng, Miss Hoehling, Assistant Surgeon W. S. Hoen, Chaplain and Mrs. R. R. Hoes, Brig. Gen. Samuel B. Holablrd. Mrs. Joseph Gales Holcombe. Miss Lucy Holland, Lieut. Mil ton G. Holllday, Mra. b. Holm. Justice and Mrs. Holmes, Miss Hones. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hood, Miss Hood, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hooe, the Misses Hoop#r, Brig. Gen. Moot Hooton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Dickinson Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hornaday, Mr. George Horton, Mr. and Mm. Frank H. Hoiford, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 8. Hosklns, the Misses Hosklns, Mai. arid Mrs. John D. C. Hosklns. Mrs H. Hi Hosley. Capt. and Mrs. T. W. Hourlgan, Maj. and Mra. James B. Houston, Miss Lucy How, Capt. and Mrs. Deaus C. Howard* Mrs. A. W. How*, Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Howe, the Misses Howe, Lieut, and Mrs. Park Howell, M:ij. and Mrs. Seymour Howell. Mrs. E. C. How land, Mrs. R. L. Howzo, MaJ. and Mrs. EH D. Hoyle. Miss Imogone Hoyle, Mrs. Char'es H. Hoyt, Miss Edith Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. Colgate Hoyt, Mrs. E. M. Huck- I Ins, Lieut, and Mrs. John M. Hudgins. Mrs. | John M. Hudgins, Lieut. John B. Huggins, Rear Admiral and Mrs. A. K. Hughes, j Miss Hughes, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. John A. Hull. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Charles F. Hum phrey. the Misses Humphrey, Lieut. Evan H. Humphrey, Miss Humphres, Mrs. L. E. Hunsaker. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hunt, Mrs. Sarah J. P. Hunt, Mrs. H. J. Hunt, the 1 Misses Hunt, Dr. P. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mi's. | W. H. Hunter, Mr. Logan Ashley Hunton. Capt. and Mrs. C. T. Hutchirs, Mr. and Mrs. Stilson Hutchins, MaJ. and Mrs. Wil liam P. Huxford, Miss Huxf'.rd, Mr. and I Mrs. Thomas W. Hynes. I Mr. Robert A. Inch, Mr. anl Mrs. Robert Iredell, jr.; Ma.i. and Mrs. Merritte VV. Ire land. Major and Mrs. James A. Irons, Mrs. i Leslie Irving, Mrs. D. A. Irwin, Mrs. N. E. Irwin. Commander and Mrs. W. M. Irwin, j Mr. A. R Israel, Paymaster W. B. Izard, j Lieut. Robert F. Jackson, Medical Dl- | rector and Mrs. Samuel Jackson, Miss ; Jackson, Paymaster V. S. Jackson, Lieut. j Ccmmander and Mrs. J. L. Jayne, the i Misses Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jer- i mane, Lieut. E. Alexis Jeunet, Capt. and j Mrs. Thtodore F. Jewell, Mr. Alfred W. | Johnson, Mrs. Edward Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson, Miss Julia Johnson, Mrs. M. V. Johnson, Mr. A. C. Johnson, | Mrs. Philip C. Johnson, Miss Isabel Lind say Johnson, Mies R. A. Johnson, Mrs. R. W. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Johnson. Miss Virginia T. Johnson, Lieut. Edward N. Johnston. Lieut. Gordon Johnston, Capt. W. T. Johnston, Miss Jones, Mrs. Clarence W. Jones, Mr. George A. Jones, Miss Georgi ana Jones, Lieut, and Mrs. H. \V. Jones, Miss Louise V. Jones, Miss Margaret Jones, Miss Martha C. Jones, Lieut. Percy L. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. David Starr Jordan, Miss Elizabeth G Jordan, Lieut Com mander and Mrs. J. N. Jordan, Mr. Axel Josephsson, Capt. and Mrs. William V. Judson, Lieut. George F. Juenemann, Mr. Ewan Justice. Mrs. E. F. Justice. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kalk, Mrs. F. G. Kalk, Mrs. H. P. Kane, Miss A. F. Kane, Capt. Woodbury Kane. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Karger. Mrs. Lincoln Karmany. Miss Kar many, Mrs. F. D. Karns, Mr. John A. Kas son, Mr. 8. H. KaufTmann. Miss KaufT mann, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph KaufTmann, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kaultmann, Major and Mrs. Jefferson R. Kean, Miss Kean, Mr. Julian H Kean. Mrs. D. M. Kearney, Miss Elenor Kearney, Col. and Mrs. John W. Kearney, Miss Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Keen, Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Keene. Mr. and Mrs. McB. Randolph Kelni. Major and Mrs. William Kelt, Miss Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kelley. Lieut. Col and Mrs. Sanford C. Kellogg, Miss Julia A. Kelloerg. Mr. William Pitt Kellogg, Miss Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly. M ss Kelly. Miss J. C. Kelton, the Misses Kelton. Mrs. F. M Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kendall, Major and Mrs. Henry M. Kendall. Mrs. W. L. Kenly. Capt. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy. Mrs. Beverly W. Kennon. Pay Director A. S. Kenny. Lieut. Franklin R. Kenny. Mr. W. T. Kent, Miss Kent, Mrs. W. A. Kent. Miss Adelaide Kenyon.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kerl. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kern, Dr. and Mrs. James Kerr. Miss Kerr. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. James T. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kesler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Keyser. Lieut, and Mrs. Henry S. Kierstad. Lieut. Henry S. Kllbourne, jr.. Commander and Mrs. William Kilburn. Mrs. H. E. Kim ball. Mr. John H. Kimball. Mrs Harry Kim mell. Mrs. B. M. King, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Kingsley, Mrs. T. W. Kinkaid, the M'sses Kinkaid, Miss Louise Kinsey. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. David H. Kinzie, Chief Engineer and Mrs. Absalom Kirby, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Joel T. Klrkman, Miss Adrienne Kirk man, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. J. J. Knapp, Mrs. W. P. Knowles. Attorney Gen eral and Mrs. Knox, Lieut. Colonel and Mrs. Egon A. Koerper, the Misses Koerper. Capt. and Mrs. Francis J. Koester. Assistant Sur geon and Mrs. Otto Kohlhase. Dr. and Mrs. J. Kornblum, the Misses Kornblum, Mrs. I. A. Kress, Miss Krumbholtz. Mrs. J. E. Kulin, Capt. and Mrs. Charles W. Kurtz, Mrs. Harry Kuykondall. Major and Mrs. Louis A. La Grande. Miss Marie Lahens, Mrs. C. Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Lamont, Lieut, and Mrs. Theodore Lamson, Miss Lancaster, Capt. and Mrs. Edwin Landon. Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Landon, Mrs. Clara S. Landon, Major and Mrs. R. H. Lane, Mrs. W. B. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Langenbeck, Lieut. Harris and Mrs. Lanning, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lansing, Miss Emma Sterling Lansing. M ss L'Armoureux. Major Daniel R. Larned. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Larner, Mrs. Lasar, Lieut, and Mrs. J. L. Latimer, Mrs. J. A. M. La Tourette, Miss Lawton, Lieut. Harry R. Lay, Miss Learned. Miss Victoria Le Compte, Gen. and Mrs. Fitzhugh Lee. Mrs. S. P. Lee, Mrs. William Pitzhugh Lee, Mrs. G. K. Leet, the Misses Leet, Mrs. L. B. Leitch, Capt. and Mrs. Henry R. Leml?\ Capt. and Mrs. S. C. Lemly. the Misses Lester, Mrs. E. X. Lesuere. Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Leupp, the M sses Leupp, Mrs. E. H. C. Leutze, Miss Leutze. Miss Lewis, Miss Lewis. Mrs. R. Byrd Lewis. Brigadier General and Mrs. G. Norman Lieber, Miss Lieber, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lindsay, Naval Constructor J. H. Linnard, Prof, and Mrs. F. B. Littell, Major and Airs. Isaac W. Lit tell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Little, Pay Inspector Charles W. Littleiield, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Littlewood, Mrs. L. L. Living ston, Miss Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Rob.n son Locke. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. I?ck wood, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Daniel W. Lock wood, Secretary to the President and Mrs. Loeb, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Loeffler, Capt. and Mrs. Chas. D. A. Loeffler, Miss Loeffler, Mrs. John A. Logan,Miss M. E. Ixigan, Capt. and Mrs. L. C. Logan, the Misses Logan. Mr. Harold Lomas. Mies Ethel Lomas, Mrs. A. K. Long, Mrs. H. D. F. Long, the Misses Long, Capt. and Mrs. James W. Long, Miss Long, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Long, Major and Mrs. Oscar F. Long, Capt. and Mrs. Henry B. Looker, Pay Director Thomas H. Looker, Miss Looker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Loree. Major and Mrs. John S. Loud, Miss Loud, Lieut. Robert C. Loving. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maurice Low, Rear Admiral and Mrs. John Ixiwe, the Misses Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Luck ett. Surgeon George A. Lung, Mrs. Charles Huntington Lyman, Capt. and Mrs. Charles Lynch, Capt. and Mrs. Edward Lynch, Miss Frances Lynn, Mrs. John Lyon Mrs. M. L. Lyon. , M Mr. Wm. G. McAdoo, Misr; McAdoo, Mrs. Henry P. McCain, Mr. and Mrs. James I. McCallum, Miss McCallum, Mr. John Y. Mc Cann, Lieutenant and Mrs. C. M. McCart ney, Miss lle<ena McCarthy, Mrs. D. P. Mc Cartney, Major Walter D. McCaw, Major Charles L. McCnwley, Mrs. J. B. McCleery. Mrs. Charles McClure, the Misses McClure, Medical Inspector W. A. McClu.g, Mrs. E. R. McComas, Colonel and Mrs. John J. Mc Cook, Mrs. R. S. McCook, Miss Elizabeth F. McCook, Mrs. Alexander McCrackin, Mrs. Adele McCrea, Miss Nellie McCrea, Com mander and Mrs. Henry McCrea, Lieutenant Newton A. McCully, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. McDermott, Miss McDermott, Lieutenant and Mrs. W. McDowell, Mrs. T. B. McFalls, Mr. John McElroy, Mrs. J. C. McFerran, Miss Louisa McGec, Reir Admiral and Mis. John McGowan, Miss McGowan, Paymaster S. McGowan. Mrs. H. L. McGowan, Captain and Mrs. James F. Mclndoe, Captain and Mrs. Frank Mclntire, Mrs. D. Mcintosh, Chief Engineer and Mrs. Frederick G. Mc Kean, Miss Emma J. McKelden, Justice and Mrs. McKenna, the Misses McKenna, Briga dier General and Mrs. Chambers McKlbhln, Miss McKibbln, Mrs. Eva McKinney, Lieu tenant Richard I. McKenney, Mrs. J. B. Mc Laughlin, Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Will iam H. McLaughlin. Asaiptant Surgeon A. D. McLean, Mrs. N. H. McLean, the Misses McLean, Lieutenant R. McLean, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. W. McLean, Captain John E. McMahon, Major and Mrs. James McMillan, Mrs. Daniel McMurtrie, Lieuten ant Colonel and Mrs. Valentine McNally, Mrs. E. 8. McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McQuade, Mr. and Mr*. Angus McSween, Lieutenant and Mrs. James I. Ma bee, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Macbrld*. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. F. Macfarland, Lieutenant H. G. Macfarland, Mrs. I. F. Macfarland. Mrs. Robert Macfeely, Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Mac G.dre, the Misses Ma*.Gulre, Mrs. Oacar A Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay. Colonel Alexander Mackcnsie, Lieutenant Willltm E. V. McKir.Iay, Miss Mc Naughton, Major Montgomery M. Ma comb. Mrs. J. N. Macomb. the Misses Macomi), Miss Margaret B. Ma comher.Mrs. Mary B. Mncomber. Mrs. Kditli B. Macon. Sir. and Mrs. Waynfe MacVeagh, Miss MacVeagh, Maj. and Mrs. L. J. Ma gill, Mr. Chits. E. Magoon. Surgeon and Mrs. A. F. Magruder, Miss Magruder. Capt and Mrs. Alfred T. Mahan, the Misses Ma han, Mr. Lyle Evans Mahan. Mr. Harold J. Mahln. Chief Engineer and Mrs. Herschel Main. Miss Main, Mr. N. Main. Mrs. Major, Mrs. G. Mallery. Mrs. C. Malloy. Maj and Mrs-. John S. Mallory. Assistant Surgeon J. P. Manchester, Mrs. D. L. Manchester. Gen. and Mrs. B. F. Manderson, Mrs. J D. Mann, Mrs. D. Pratt Mannix, Lieut, and Mrs. Frank Marble. Capt. and Mrs. Peyton C. March, Col. and Mrs. L. Markbreit. | Lieut. Edward M. Markham, Miss Frances I E Marlow. Medical Director and Mrs. R. ! A Marmlon, Mrs. Annie G. Marshall, Col. land Mrs. J. M. Marshall. Miss Marshall. I Mrs. W. P. Martin, Mrs. Rosa H. Martvn. Miss B May Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. U. , Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop L. Marvin, Mrs. J. S. Mason. Mrs. N. E. Mason. Mrs. Susan H. B. Mason, Miss Sarah O. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mason. Miss Dor othea Matthews, Mr and Mrs. George E. Matthews, Mrs. Stanley Matthews, Maj. and Mrs. Washington Matthews. Miss Francina M. Maxwell, Mrs. Edgar Hale May, Lieut. James T. Maybee, Mrs. J. H. Mavo. Miss Gertrude Mayo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Mead, jr.. Civil Engineer and Mrs. A. J Menocal, Capt. and Mrs. Charles T Menoher. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Henry C. Merriam. Pavmast^r John H. Merriam, Capt. and Mrs. T^wis Merriam. Mrs. J. C. Merri'l Mr. C. H. Merrillat. Miss Merril lat, Mr F. L. Merritt, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Weslev Merritt. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Mes senger, Mrs. L. R. Messenger, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. W. Metzgar, Gen. and Mrs. L. 1. Micl'.ener. Mrs. P S. Michie. Mr. Frank Michinard. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Micou. Mr. Arthur E. H. Middleton. Mrs Edward Middleton. Mi's Emeline V. Middleton. Lieut. Gen. and Mrs. Nelson A. Miles. Mrs J. D. Miley. Capt. and Mrs Edward A. Millar. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Alexan der M. Miller, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Crosby P. Miller, Lieut. Edgar W. Miller. Lieut. Commander and Mrs Freder ick A. Miller. Miss Miller. Capt. and Mrs John Miller. Mr. and Mrs J. Martin Miller, Miss Miller. Assistant Surgeon J. M'ller. jr . Mr. and Mrs. .Tnt>n P. Miller. Miss Miller. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Marcus P. Miller Mrs M. L Miller. Miss Miller. Lieut, and Mrs Reuben B Miller. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Wilbur G. Miller. Capt. and Mrs. William \ Miller. Miss Mills. Col. and Mrs Albert L Mills Brig. Hen. and Mrs. Anson Mills. Col. and Stephen C. Mills. Miss Mitchell. Mrs James Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mitchell Mrs. M. P Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs I Horace J. Moc!:. Mrs. C. H. Mohun. Miss Mohtin Miss Moncure. Mr. John E Monk. Miss Ella M. Monk. Mr and Mrs A. P. Montant, Col. and Mrs. Benjamnl F. Mont gomery. Mr. Percy F. Montgomery. Mr. Harry G. Montgomery. Mr. Frederick E. Montgomery. Capt. George Montgomery. Maj. and Mrs. Robert H Montgomery. Mrs. T. J. Montgomery, the Secretary of the Navy, Mrs. K. U. Moorhead, Mrs. G. D. Moore, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. John Moore. Commander and Mrs John H. Moore, Mrs. Sarah Moore. Miss Rhea Moore. Mrs. W. G. Moore. Mr R. M Moorman, M'ss Lillian Moppln. Col. and Mrs. Alfred MordecaJ. Mr. Alberto Moreno. Mrs Evelyn Clirk Mor gan. Mr. and Mrs. Fre ler^k P. Morris. Miss Leila Morris, Mrs L. T. Morris, Miss Mor ris. Capt. and Mrs. J. J. Morrow. Capt. Ch-ir'.es E. Morse, the M'sses Morse. Mrs. Jefferson F. Moser, Mr. Robert McD. Moser, Miss Moser, Maj. and Mrs. Theo. Mosher. Miss Marian T. Moss, Mrs. A. S. Moule, Mrs. M. J. Mount, Mrs. J. A. Mower. Capt. and Mrs. Charles H. Muir. Lieut, and Mrs. Stephen J. Mulhall, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mulry. Mrs. Margaret F. Munday. Mrs. C. E. Munn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Munroe. Miss Munroe, Mrs F. H. Munroe. Mr. Frank A. Munsey. Ass'stant Surgeon and Mrs. J. A. Murphy. Mrs. Alexander Murray. Mr. Oscar G. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murray. Mrs. Theodorus B. Myers, Mrs. W. Myers. N Dr. and Mrs. Francis S. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nathan, Mr. Pickens Nea gle, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nesbitt. Maj. and Mrs. Edwin H. Neumeyer. the Misses Neu meyer, Lieut. Edwin H. Neumeyer, Jr.. Mr. William G. Neumeyer. Capt. and Mrs. W. C. Neville, Maj. and Mrs. Charles Newbold. Miss Rachel Newbury, Prof, and M:s. Si mon Newcomb, Capt. and Mrs. Henry C. Newcomer, Mrs. John Newton, Miss New ton, Maj. and Mrs. William A. Nichols, Aliss Nichols, Miss Nicholson, Maj. A. S. Nicholson, Mrs. J. J. Nicholson, Mrs. C. T. Nicholson, Commodore Somerville Nichol son. Mrs. John G. Nicolson, Miss Nicolson, Miss Nicolay, Lieut. Robert E. Noble, Capt. and Mrs. Dennis E. Nolan. Mrs. N. Nolan. Miss Nolan, Lieut, and Mrs. Edward P. Nones, Mrs. C. E. Nordstrom. Miss Nord strom. Commander and Mrs. John A. Nor ris, Lieut. C. R. Norton, Miss Dorothea D. Norton, Mrs. Charles J. Nouise, Miss Em ma J. Nourse. Miss Irving C. Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby S. Noyes. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. W. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Noyea. 0 Brig. Gen. and Mrs. James Oakes. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan J. O'Brien. Miss O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L- O'Brien, Col. and Mrs. J. J. O'Connell. Miss Lillian O'Connell. Mrs. Marian Longfellow O'Donoghue, Mrs. Julien S. Ogden. Mr. and Mis. J. A. O'Gor iran. Miss O'Gorman. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Old. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw Oliver, the Misses Oliver, Rear Admiral Charles O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Orcutt, Maj. and Mrs. James C. Ord, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Robert M. O'Reilly, Miss O'Reilly, Miss Margaret Orr, Mrs. W. H. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson O'Shaughnessy, Mr. and Mrs. R. V*. Oulahan, Maj. and Mrs. Charles H. Ourand. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Samuel Oven shine, the Misses Ovenshine. Mrs. E. S. Overby, Mrs. C. Overton, Miss Frances Overton. Miss Christine Q. Owen, Mr. Fred D. Owen. P Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Paine, Mrs. Palazotto, Lieut. Fred W. Palmer, Miss Margaret Parham, Mrs. Parish, Miss Parish, Capt. and Mrs. Andrew Parker, Col. and Mrs. Daingerfleld Parker, Miss Marion Harwar Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert E. Parker, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. W M. Parks, the Misses Parks, Major and Mrs. Henry H. Parmenter, Mrs. Charles Parrish, Miss Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Parsons, Capt. and Mrs. E. H. Parsons, the Misses Parsons, Mr. Robert Halsey Patchin, Miss Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson, Miss G. P. Patter son. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Patterson, Prof, and Mrs. H. M. Paul, Mrs. Leonard Paulding, the Postmaster General and Mrs. Payne, Rev. and Mrs. Endicott Peabody, Mr William C. Peachy. Mrs. William D. Peachy, Miss Peachy, Miss Virginia Tat nall Peacock, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Sey mour Pearse, Civil Engineer and Mrs. R. E. Peary, Assistant Surgeon T. N. Pease. Justice and Mrs. Peckham, Lieut. Ernest D. Peek, Mr. T. J. Pence, Capt. and Mrs. E C. Pendleton, Mr. W. Leon Pepperman, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Perkins, Com mander and Mrs. J. H. Perry, Miss A. Peter, Commander and Mrs. G. H. Peters. Miss Peters, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Peters, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. James S. Pettit, Mrs. Phelps, Miss Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Phllbin. Major and Mrs. D. C. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Phipps. Capt. and Mrs. George E. Pickett, Mrs. Pickett, Chap lain and Mrs. Charles C. Pierce, Mrs. M. E. Pierce, M'ss Pierce. Lieut. George B. Pills bury, Capt. and Mrs. John E. Pillsbury, Mr." Gifford Pinchot, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pinchot. Mr. and Mrs. Amos R. E. Pinchot. Lieut. Henry F.. Pipes. Command er Robert Piatt, the Misses Piatt. Surgeon F. L. Plendwell, Dr. I. Plenge, Mr. Charles Kennedy Poe, Mrs. O. M. Poe, Miss Poe, Major and Mrs, Otis W. Pollock, Miss Pol lock, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Qeorge E. Pond. Mrs. Samuel Hartt Pooke, Miss H. Evelyn Pccke, Lieut, and Mrs. Charles L. Poor, Mrs. J. W. Pope, Lieut Col. and Mrs. C. P. Porter, Miss Porter, Mrs. Charles Porter, Major and Mrs. John Blddle Porter, Mrs. Aadrew Port?r, the Misses Porter. Mr. aaC 3 When you get a "special fig ure" or "cut rate" on advertis ing space, it is safe to assume that some competitor in your business is getting still more favorable terms. The only safe rule is to deal where the same rate is chargcd to everybody for the same service. Mrs. W. H. Posey. Mr. J. E. PosUethwalte. Mis. W. M. Postlethwalte, Alias Postle thwaite. Commander and Mrs. \V. P. Potter, Miss Potter, Chief Engineer and Mrs. Rob ert Potts, the Misses Potts, Commander and Mrs. S. Potts, the Misses Potts, Miss Powell, Capt. and Mrs. W. C. Powell, the Mioses Powell. .Mts. R. R. Powell. Miss J. E. Prattler, Air. \V. A. Premleigast, Miss Prentice, L.eut. and Mrs. C. F. Preston. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Price, Miss Priddy. Civil Engineer dnd Mrs. F. C. Prindle, Mr. ' and Mrs. Haron Proctor. Miss Pioctor, Sen atoi and Airs. Redfleld Proctor, Aliss Proo tor. T>r. and Mis. Cluiries N. Prouty. As sistant Surgeon VV. 8. Pugh. jr.; Lieut. Col. John \V. Pullman, the Misses Pullman. Aliss Maude I,. Purlnton, Mr. Kufus S. Putnam. Q Mrs. Walter VY. gueen, I)r. and Airs. Francis J. Quinktn. R Rear Admiral and Mrs. 0. W. Rae, Rear Admiral and Mrs. F. Al. Ramsay, Miss Ramsay, Capt. Frank I)e VV. Ramsey. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Rand. Miss Grace Ran dall. Assistant Surgeon J. A. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Randolph, Aliss Randolph. Airs. John Randolph, Brig. tJeu. and Mrs. Wallace F. Randolph, the Misses Randolph, Air and Mrs W. H. Rapley. Mr. R. C. R.ithhone, Airs. R. C. Ray, Rear Admiral John J. Read, Commander and Airs. I,. L. Re.imey, Alts. P. A. Rearick, MaJ. and Mrs. Samuel Reber, Capt. and Mrs. A. V. Reed, the Alisses Reed, Lieut. and Airs. M. E. Reed, Airs. W. Reed. Miss Reed, Paymaster G. W. Reeves, jr., Assistant Surgeon and Alsr. I. S. K. Reeves, jr.. Mrs. I. S. K. Reeves, the Alisses Reeves, Col. and Mrs. G. C. Re id, Mrs. H. J. Reilly, Miss Reilly, Capt. G. C. Relter, Rear Admiral and Mrs. George C. Remey, the Misses Remey, As sistant Surgeon W. H. Rennie. Mrs. H. H. Retinoids, Aliss Rennolds, Capt. Frederick P. Reynolds. Mrs. J. J. Reynolds. MaJ. and Airs. W. Fred Reynolds, Capt. and Mrs. Chas. I'. Rhodes, Mrs. S. 8. Rhodes, Mrs. Thomas B. Rhodes, Air. R. A. Rice, Mrs. Delhi P. Rich, Mr. C. T. Richardson, Air. and Mrs. W. \V. Richardson. Dr. Charles E. Riggs, Capt. and Airs. Edward F. Riggs. Assistant Surgeon and Airs. R. E. Riggs, Alaj. and Mrs. Benjamin F Rittenhouse, Aliss Rittenhouse, Capt. and Mrs. Wright Rives, Surgeon General and Mrs. P. M. Rlxey. Capt. and Mrs. Alfred P. Robbins, Air. and Mrs. N. A. Robblns, Mrs. Robeson, Miss Robeson. Chief Engineer and Airs. E. D Robie, MaJ. E. R. Robinson, Lieut. Jas. P Robinson, Commander and Airs. J. M. Robinson, Airs. Moncure Robinson, MIkh Robinson. Air. Norborne Robinson, Jr.. Brig. Gen. and Airs. Wm. B. Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. VV. W. Rockhill. Miss Katherlne Eng lish Rockwell, Dr. Thos. H. Rockwell. Mrs. J. F. Rodgers, Paymaster. R. B. Rodney, Aliss Lavlnla Rodney, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Charles F. Roe, Airs. F. A. Roe, Mrs. F. VV. Roe, Rear Admiral and Mrs. C. R Roelker, the Misses Roelker. Lieut. Commander C. C. Rogers, Mrs. Clara J. Rogers. Aliss M. A. Rogers. Brig. Gen. W. P. Rogers, Miss I,ouisa M Rollins, Capt. and Mrs. Henry Romeyn, Aliss Romeyn, Mr and Mrs. John E. Roosevelt, Miss Emeretta Root. Mrs. J. AI. Roper, Airs. Preston Le Roy Roper. Air. and Mrs. Clifford Rose, Miss Belle Rose. Airs. H. Schuvler Ross, Miss Ross. Medical Director J. VV. Ross. Assistant 8urgeon and Airs. P. S. Rosslter. Mr. and Mrs. George VV., Miss Rouzer, Mrs. J. P. Roy, Aliss Roy, Maj. Gen. Daniel H. Rucker. the I Alisses Rucker. Mrs. Annie Ruff, the Misses ' Ruff, Lieut Franeis A. Ruggles. Lieut. Col. and Airs. George Ruhlen. Mrs. Howard M. RumJlett. Mr. Norman Rupp, Miss Rupp, Capt and Mrs. Richard Rush. Miss Rush, Air. and Airs. Thomas T. Rushmore, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. B. R. Russell. Miss Martha I>e B. Russell, Lieut, and Mrs. R. L. Re sell, Lieut, and Mrs. Robert G. Rutherford, Capt. James A. Ryan. Capt. and Mrs. John J. Ryan, Assistant Surgeon C. E. Ryder. S Capt. and Airs. William N. Snge. Mffl. W. S. Sampson, Miss Sampson. Mrs. W. T. Sampson. Mr. and Mrs. Sandoe. Miss San<l>. Mrs. James H. Sinds. the Misses Bands. Brit? Gen. and Airs. Joseph P. Singer. Miss Sanger Air. and Airs. William Cary Sanger, Air and Mrs. Grange Sard. Miss Sargent, Commander and Mrs. N. Sargent. Miss Sar gent. Mr. Milt H. Saul. Mrs. T. M- Saun ders Brig. Gen. and Airs. Charles G. Saw telle Miss Sawtelle. Mr. and Mrs. George Sawter Air. Henry D. Saxton. Miss Saxton. Brie Gen. and Airs. Rufus Saxton. Maj. andTMrs. John C. Sc antling. Miss Virginia Schaeffer. Mrs. Charles Schaeffer, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John M. Schick Mr Jn^nesP Schick Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Schlff. Rear Admiral and Mrs. W. S. Schley. Mr. and Airs Fred. F. Schrader, Capt. and Mrs. Harman Schreiner, Air. and Airs. Reginald Schroder, Capt. and Mrs S. Schroeder. Miss Schroeder. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Hood Schultz. Aliss Schultz. Mr. H. W ScJuulz, the Misses Schuyler. Capt. and Mrs. r. J. Schwable, Brig. Gen. and Mrs Theo. Schwan. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sco fleld Miss Scofleld. Mr. and Airs. Ed ward W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T Scott, Mrs. M. Scott. Mrs. R. N. Scott, the Misses Scott. Assistant Surgeon and Airs. S. L. Scott, Aliss Scovllle, MaJ. and Mrs. George P. Striven. Mrs. I hoebe Hamilton Seabrook. Aliss Katherlnp H. a-a brook Mr M. G. Seckendorff. the Alisses Seckendorff, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur George Sedgwick. Chaplain John S. Seibold. Mrs. A. G Seibold, Miss Seibold, Hear Admiral ana Mrs. T. O. Selfridge, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac N. Seligman, Lieut. David F. Sellers. Mrs. A. 4 Semmes. the Alisses 8emmes. Airs. Sem ple, Chief Engineer G. W. Senser, Aliss den ser. Capt. and Airs. John S Sewell. Mrs. Charles Seymour, Miss Elsie Seymour, Mrs. rp Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. John Charl?*b Shaffer. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Charles Slml-r. Dr and Mrs. A. R. Shands, Lieut. Com mander and Mrs. Alex. Sharp, Jr., the Sec retary of the Treasury and Mrs. Shaw. Miss Shaw. Mr. Earl B. Shaw. Mr. and Airs. VV. B. Shaw, Dr. Danjel W. Shea, Miss Marlon Shearman. Rear Admiral and Airs. D M. Shepard, Miss Shepard, Mrs. Sheri dan the Alisses Sheridan, Brig. Gen. atid Mrs Alichael V. Sheridan. Lieut. Clarence 0 Slierrill. Mr. and Mrs. C. M Shlnn. Aliss Flora Shinn. Lieut. Commander and Mr?. T H Shipley. Passed Assistant Surgeon E. M Shipp. Chief Engineer W. H. 8hock_ Airs. Wilton G. Shook, Lieut. Jay R 8hook. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Showalter. Mr John S. Shriver. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Shriver, Gen. and Mrs. Thomas Shryock. Mr. and Mrs. William AI. Shuster. Mrs. F. W. Shu gert Gen. D. E. Sickles. Lieut. Jostpli F. Siler, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Abram Simon, the Misses Simpson. Mrs. G. VV. Simson, Pay Inspector G. VV. Simpson, Air. Hendree Simpson. Lieuten^nt Commander W. S. Slmms, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. W llliam Sinclair. Mrs. Belle Sinclair Mrs^ L. Slt greaves, Aliss 81 tgreaves. Prof and Mrs. A. V Skinner. Miss Skinner, M ss al lughter. Capt. and Airs. Thomas H. Siavens, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Small. Capt. and Mrs. Alfred T. Smith, Air. and M-s. Charles Etn orv Smith. Mr. Charles 8 Smith Mr. Kd wln B. Smith, Aliss Elizabeth Smith Brig. Gen. and Airs. Fr nk G. Smith,, Lieut Col. Fred. A. Sm th. Mr. Hal H. Smith. Mr. H. H. Smith, Passed Assistant Surgeon John T. Smith, M jor and Al-s. Lewis Smith, Lieut. Lloyd L. Smith. Mrs. M C Smith, the Misses Sm th, Mrs. 1. Smith. Miss Smith, Assistant_ Surjcon W. B. Smith, Mrs. R. E. Smith. Mr. W. H. H. Smith Mrs. M. B. Snrth, Maj h<. Smith'. Mr. and Airs. William M Smith. Miss Ellen K. Smyser. Mr. Hubert fen..w den Mrs. Thomas Snowd n, Mr. Jonn Snure Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Sr.yUfr. Lieut. Craig R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs fcd gar C. Snjder. Mrs. J A ? njger M Snvder. Commander and Airs. VV. H. li. Southerland. Miss Southerly Ueut. Geo. R Smlding Miss Alanon Sn^iks. Dr. Ray mond Spe.r. Miss Hallle O. Speed. Dev Dr. ,1 Qnensely Mrs. Wm. Soencer. Mr. Maurice Splain, Mr. Henry L. ^ 'gue lirjg. Gen and Mrs. Wm. F. Spurgin. M:ss Spur*.ln. Mr and Mrs. Corry M. St dlien Cart and Mrs Henry W. Stamford. Mr. H. T. 8 an cl'ff Mr O G. Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Fretf. Starek. Mr. John K. Stauff r. tommanlcr 1 A. Staunton. Mr. Robert Ste-'d Mr._and Mrs. O. O. Stealey. M ss 6 ealey. Mr Vat terson Stealey. Mr. an 1 M?- c- VV Stearns. Lieut. Ches'er J. S. dman, Alta Lucy Page Stelle. Medical Inspector ana Mrs F B Stephenson, Miss Stephenson, Brig Gen. and Mrs. George M. Sternberg. Mr. W H. Sterne, Miss Sterne, Miss Rachel L Sterns Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stevens Mr and Mrs Charts W7 Stewart. Mr and Mrs. Williim Rh nelan ler 8tewart. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. gliekney. Mr. aud Mrs F. II. Stlckney, M'ss Stickney. R#v. and Mr?. Ernest M. 8tlres, Surgeon and (Continued on Twentieth Pa?fe)