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No. 15,968. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1901-TWENTY PAGES. TWO CENTS. ^ " "thi msmg stal published pailt, ixospt Sunday. Basin*?s OSm, Utt ?mt ul PtMsylTaaia Atmm. The Evening SUr Niwspsper Company. B. H. IAUTFMARR, PTMltel flew York 05*: xriWns iwildiaf. OUasga Qfl?" ?aOto< The Evening Stir la ?er?ed to .ab?crtb?r? tn tb? city t.J . iirriert. on their own .ceoun^ at 10 cents ner week, or 44 cent# per month. Copto* ?t tM Snnter 2 cent* etch By In e. or C?ntd??po?t?i* prppatd-80 cents per monin. BatiinUy Star 3t D?|?t, I1 P* year* W** ^fS0r^"t^Ivi?omce at WaaMu.ton, D. a, *V^Air!u?n"nScrlpTioM mint be paid In P?te* of advertising made known on application. ImMM Admiral Yeszen Returned From Korean Coast Exploit. TflEGOYO-MAEU AFFAIR RUSSIAN VERSION OF ATTACK AND SINKING OF SHIP. japs Kept Up Fire After Discovering Futility of Escape?Tokyo's Story of Disaster. (VLADIVOSTOK, April 29.?The squadron Sbmmanded by Rear Admiral Yeszen has returned here from Its recent operations off the Korean coast. The squadron, consisting of the armored Cruisers Russia. Rurlk and Gromobol and the protected cruiser Bogatypr, put to sea at daybreak, April 28. The Rurlk returned the following day, but the others proceed ed to Won-San (Gen-San), Korea, and hove to off the town during the morning of April 25, about five miles from the en trance to the bay. Admiral Yeszen sent Into the bay two torpedo boats, commanded by Lieutenants Poehl and Maxlmoff. As they ran In to wards the shore they found the Japanese trading steamer Goyu-Maru at anchor, "With a crew of about twenty men on jboard. The latter were ordered ashore. Lieutenant Maxlmnff boarded the Goyo Jlam. took possession of her papers and Baron Stackelburg, Cilef ~.f the Russian Fleat at Vladivostok. flag and then sent her to the bottom with tt torpedo. The torpedo boats forthwith re joined the squadron after four hours' ab sence. , There wns no sign of troops ashore .ma the ba> was empty, but It was learned that {our Japanese torpedo boat destroyers had put out to sea at dawn April 25. Sighted Ship at Night. The Russian squadron returned to Vladi vostok and late during the night of April ?6 started on another expedition. At fl !n the evening of April 27, when 300 miles out, the squadron sighted a Japanese steamer, with war stores on board. Her crew, consisting of fifteen Koreans and twelve Japanese, were placed In safety find the steamer was sunk by a pyroxylin car tridge fired from the Gromoboi by Lieut. Bolotnikoff. The same night, at about 11 o'clock, when the squadron was twelve miles off Piaksin bay, Korea, a large Japanese transport, the Kinshiu-Maru. was overhauled. Her commander mistook the Russian for a Jap anese squadron, and signaled: "I am bringing you coal." The Russian commander promptly sig naled In reply: "Stop instantly." Recognized Their Mistake. The crew of the transport then recognized their mistake and began to lower boats and steam pinnaces with the greatest haste and endeavored to escape, but the Russian Bteam cutters captured them all. On board the transport were four Hotch Kiss guns of 47 millimeters. At the out let it looked as if no unc was left on board, t>ut on examination it was found that the cabin was locked and barred. Therein the Russiins found six infantry officers, who surrendered without insistence ar.d were taken on board the^ Rurlk. In another part of the ship 130 infantry men who refused to surrender, were found. Admiral Yeszen, whose vessel was about 1,600 yards away, ordered his nion to leave the transport. The Japanese soldiers then Opened tire and wounded a Russian cox swain. Afterward the transport was seat ^0 tho bottom by means of a mechanical mine and a few shells. Jays Kept Up Firing. The Japanese on board did not oease firing and made no attempt to save them selves, although they had a launch in which they eould have left the transport. The flre of the Japanese actually continued un til the waves closed over the whip. Tho transport had on board not only ammunition, but 2,000 tons of coal for Ad miral Makamura. The prisoners number 183, including sev enteen officers. Altogether 210 prisoners ?Were taken by the Russian squadron, land- j cd at Vladivostok, and Immediately dis patched by train to Is'ikolsk. It was reported at the time the Russian cruisers were returning to Vladivostok that a Japanese fleet of ten vessels was also making for here, but it failed to reach Vladivostok owing to the fog. A wireless telegraph message was pick ed up by the Russian ships while at sea. It was In code and unintelligible, but was evidently passing between the Japanese Hhips. Among the Japanese prisoners are a colo nel and an officer of the general staff, while the soldiers include a number of Japanese who before the war worked as artisans at Vladivostok. Cruise Regarded Daring. ST PETERSBURG, April 28, 3 p.m.? The details of Rear Admiral Yeszen's raid chow that It was entirely successful. The admiral safely brought back his ships to Vladivostok, after Inflicting material and jnnral damnge on the enemy. The cruise was most daring The enemy's squadron was known to be In proximity, which necessitated the prompt sinking of the Japanese transport Klnshlu-Maru. The conduct of the 130 troops remaining on board the Kinshiu-Maru In refusing to surrender and firing upon the Russians ^ven while the transiwrt was sinking, evokes unbounded admiration. "The Japanese are Jealous of our Chemulpo heroes," Is the popular comment. At the same time t&a action of the heroic ISO men did not leave the Russians any alternative. They were obliged to sink the transport, but means of escape were left at the disposal of the 130 Japanese. Puts Japs on Their Guaid. The ability of Admiral Yeszen's ships to reach Gen-San, 300 miles away. In twenty two hours, as they did on the second ex pedition, is certain to compel the Japanese to be on their guard. The raid shares editorial honors with the arrival here of the survivors of the Varlag and Korletz. The papers point out the mendacity of the Japanese claims that Gen-San was strongly garrisoned, and believe that the Russian advance from Plaksln bay will not meet with strong resistance. The Klnshiu-Maru evidently was convey ing reinforcements to Song-Jin. Geo. Kuropatkin. Experts here severely criticise the care lessness of sending transports without a convoy. While the naval men agree in praising the new commander of the squadron. Vice roy AlexlefT's defenders claim credit for the viceroy, who kept the cruisers At Vladi vostok and selected Admiral Yessen to command them. It is expected that the Russian activity In eastern Korea will retard the opera tions on the Yalu river. HONORS TO SURVIVORS. Enthusiastic Reception Accorded Sea men From Russian Ships. ST. PETERSBURG, April 29, 2:05 p.m.? The oldest inhabitant of St. Petersburg does not remember such an outburst of pop ular enthusiasm as was witnessed today on the arrival here of the survivors of the Vartag and Korletz. Undeterred by the raw, rainy weather, as many as a hundred thou sand persons crowded the three-mile Nevsky, from the railroad depot to the palace square. The roofs and windows were black with people waving naval flags. The whole route was lined by soldiers, sailors and cadets of the military school. Every regiment was represented, as if the emperor wished all his fighting men to see how the brave are honored. Entrance to the depot was only obtained by special ticket, but no one was admitted after V a.m., In view of the Impossibility of pass ing through the crowd. As the column of heroes approached the portals of the winter palace the emperor and empress came out on a balcony, greet ed them and then retired to receive the visitors in the magnificent Nicholas Hall, which had been converted Into a church. There a special te deum was sung. The service was attended by a brilliant assem blage, rendering all the more conspicuous the tarnished uniforms of the noble Jackies who fought at Chemulpo. After the service all the sailors remained and were banqueted as the emperor's guests, going later to entertainments at the city hall and at the people's palace. TOKYO REPORTS 73 DROWNED. Jap Story of the Sinking of the Trans port. TOKYO, April 29, 6 p.m.?Seventy-three Japanese were killed or drowned as a result of the sinking of the Japanese transport Klnshiu-Maru, which was torpedoed by the Russian armored cruiser Rossla at mid night Monday last. The Klnshiu-Maru parted from the con voy of torpedo boats in a fog on Monday, and at 11:30 p.m. met the Russian fleet. 8he was ordered to stop and the Rossla steamed alongside, summoned her navigating officers on board the Ro?sia and sent a searching party on board the transport. This party discovered two companies of soldiers con cealed below Hnd reported the fact to the Rossla. The latter discharged a torpedo which struck the Klnshiu-Maru amidships and broke her In two. While the transport was sinking the sol diers on board of her rushed on deck and tired volleys from their rifles Into the Ros sla. and as the Klnshiu-Maru sank several of the soldiers committed suicide. Three boats which floated free from the wreckage were the means of saving forty five soldiers and nine of the KInshiu-Maru's passengers and crew. Two captains and three lieutenants were among the soldiers drowned. The survivors succeeded in getting ashore and were con veyed by steamer to Gen-San today. Gen-San Confirms Report. loiter advices from Gen-San confirm the reports that the Japanese soldiers killed or drowned at the time of the sinking of the Kii.shiu-Maru refused to surrender to the Russians, preferring death. One non-com mlssioned officer committed harlkari (sui cide) according to the ancient custom, and the others used rifles to kill themselves. The official reports agree In placing the number of men lost at seventy-flve. It i# not known here how many Japanese the Russians took from the ship or rescued after she began sinking. It Is possible that more survivors will be found, as one of the Klnshlu-Maru's boats is still missing. Captured Russian Steamers. NAGASAKI, April 29, 1 p. m.?The case of the capture of Russian steamers taken over by the naval court of appeals at Sasebo has been dismissed. M. Masujima, a leading members of the Japanese bar, who represented tht owners, urged that the antiquated laws bearing upon the case were unsulted to modern conditions of life, and now was an opportunity for Japan to establish a precedent for the benefit of civilisation. The captured Russian officers now held In detention at Sasebo will not be released. The Japanese steamer Klnshiu-Maru. which was sunk by the Russians near Gen San. resulting In the drowning of 200 Jap anese" troops, was attached to the fleet as a dispatch boat. To Enforce Martial Law. PEKING, April 29.? It is asserted on the best authority that the Russians are about to enforce martial law west of the Llao river. The government is worried and the dowager empress has ordered the provin cial governors to abandon her birthday celebration and to use the money collected for that purpose to equip 72,000 troops Im mediate!/. Cabinet Discusses Measures Passed by Congress. THE PANAMA. CANAL NOW VERTICALLY IN THE NAJttB OF THE UNITED STATSS. Preparations for Opening the St. Lorn3 Exposition Tomorrow?Mr. Dal zell's Bad Luck. The cabinet session today touched upon a number of matters of no great consequence. There was some discussion of measures passed by Congress, and reference was made to the fact that the Panama canal is , now virtually in the frands of the United States. The payments are to be mad within a few days. ' Postmaster General Payne attended his first meeting In some tin*^ tovtajj^>*en tion^f the affairs of the Post Office De fsrsMatssr^-^B starting a new Investigation of the de s?rr*>tarv Wilson reported that tne uv Venezuelan cattle. Of w ,/^n ihp cattle, duties will have to be paldon the cattle. They will be shipped ^ NewJTork^^ signed to an rbat.^ " lrnbBr imported, the ere to be among the number 1 p ? y jsa srss.s.'.oft esuela will be rigidly Inspected. Secretary Shaw D dent the port of Charleston, gSSSSS1. "? r?UoT ? O. President ?riven yesterday. srsnsr;--; time the President will press a Key of a rcrsa-s ?si iss* S: 3 rTqul^ed^to ?operate the Cascade^ E SS! .""r^ ?? ceremony will take place in the <east room and will be witnessed by a number of per sons including some of the representatives of the exposition and a number of "e^?" caper men. Following the action of the President In formally opening the exposi tion he will send a congratulatory message to President Francis and the world s fair officials, a reply will be receWed and the ceremony will have been completed except for the firing of a national salute of twenty one guns on the monument grounds, just, south of the White House. The Marine Band will be in attendance at the White House during the ceremonies, and the Postal Telegraph Company will furnish the President with a golden tele graph key for his use. TVTr Dalzell's Bad Luck. Representative Dalzell has had many ex periences during the session of Congress that he will not forget, but one of them was more painful to him than any other Mr. Dalzell had a friend in Pittsburg named Charles F. McKenna, a lawyer. Mr. Dal gell went to Attorney General Knox to see If he could find a place for his friend Mc Kenna. Mr. Knox thought for time, and finally concluded that there was a va cancy In a judgeship in Porto Rico. That was just what Mr. Dalzell wanted. The name was laid before the President by the Attorney General, and It was transmitted to the Senate a day or two before adjourn ment. Eut Mr. Dalzell had forgotten the most Important part of the whole affair. That was to get the consent of the Penn sylvania iterators to the transaction. He never thought of it at all. but Senator Pen rose, the tall, hard-thinking senator from Pennsylvania, wondered who the man was w hen he saw the name come to the Senate. Being entirely unacquainted with Mr. Mc Kenna and knowing nothing of the facts, he gave a quiet word, and the nomination was not confirmed before the Senate ad journed. Thus was the power of a senator demonstrated to one of th6 leading men of the House. Mr. Dalzell was at the White House today to see the President about the matter, but It is not known what will be done. The President did not know that Senator Penrose had not been consulted, otherwise he would probably not have sent In the nomination. It Is undecided whether he will appoint Mr. McKenna during the re cese, but if Mr. Dalzell makes things all right with Senator Penrose everything may be fixed. In Behalf of Gov. Atkinson. Senator Scott of West Virginia called on the President today. He desired to say a good word for ex-Gov. George W. Atkinson for a Judgeship, preferably the one that will be vacant on the supreme bench of the District within a few days, and which has Just been settled. A good many member* of Congress called on the President before the cabinet meet ing this morning to tell him good-bye. There were numerous otlier callers. CARRIED AWAY ON THE ICE. Disappear ance of Baron Toll's Polar Expedition. The story of an Arctic tragedy is outlined in a commmlcatlon received at the State Department from the Russian ambassador, Count Casslnl, today in which he Inclosed the notice of the complete disappearance of a polar expedition from which nothing has been heard for the past two years. The Russian government has asked the State Department to give the fullest pub licity to the notice, which is as follows: "The Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. ? "A reward for finding Baron Toll s ex pedition party or any traces of it "Baron Edward Toll, chief of the Polar expedition sent out by the Academy or Sciences, left the Bennett Island, lying north of New Siberia, on October 26 (Nov ember 8), 1SXT2. taking a southern direction. He was accompanied by the astronomer Seeberg and two Jukoots; Vabsily Goro khov with the surname Chlchak, and Nico las Protodiakonow, with the surname Omook. The party seem to have been car ried away by the ice, as the searches here tofore have been in vain. "A reward of roubles 5,000 is offered by the Academy of Sciences for finding the whole expedition pirty, or any part of It. and a reward of roubles 2,50o for giving the first exact Indications of tracing th? party." Senatorial Office Building Commission in Session. HAS WIDE DISCRETION SITE TO HB JUNV2BED BY PUR CHASE OB. CONDEMNATION. Structure Will Be in Harmony With the Office Building for Rep resentatives. Senators Culiom, Galllnger and Cockrell, the commission create* to acquire a site and to recommend plans for an office build ing for the Senate, held Its first meeting at the Capitol today in Senator Cullom's room. The provision of the sundry civil bill au thorizing the construction of this building provides that It shall be erected on tlie square north of the Capitol grounds bound ed by B, 1st and C streets and Delaware avenue, for which I7MMW0 is appropriated. The cost of the building Is limited to |2,2M),000. The commission is given very broad au thority, as it is provided that the "build ing shall be constructed in accordance with ( architectural plans to secured by the commission in such a way as they may deem advisable." The construction of the building Is to be under the control of the superintendent of the Capitol building and grounds, subject to the direction of the commission. The commission may acquire the site by purchase or condemnation proceedings. Office Buildings to Harmonize. Senator Culiom, when seen by a Star re porter today, said the commission would doubtless seek to secure a building to be In harmony with the office building of the House. It would not tie so large ae the House building, so that the square of ground which forms its" site will allow a tasteful setting for the?structure. The commission will wck to have at least two rooms for each senator when this office building Is completed", and may decide to provide for an audlsnoe room similar to the floor of the House building for use of committees holding hearings. Commit tee rooms are inadequate for such gather ings when any important question is up for discussion. Tlie commission remained In session until after 2 o'clock. The Conferences. During the first hour of the meeting Sen ators Allison and Hale were present and took part in the discussion as to the nature of accommodations that should be pro vided in the office building. After they left Mr Elliott WoodSj s lptjJntendent of the Capitol building and greJrflflB, was called In, and the plans were discussed with him. Members of the comnMssion expressed a preference for obtaining plans for the office building in the some manner that plans have been procured fo* the office building for the House of Representatives. Under that general plan Mr. Elliott Woods has had charge of the-entire matter, calling in such expert assistance, both architectural and otherwise, as ho has deemed necessary. The commission to get plans for the Sen ate building will directly pass upon the vork of designing the building as the com mission of representatives have passed upon the House building. No Details of Plane Adopted. No details of the plans were decided upon. It is likely that another meeting will be held tomorrow, as enator Culiom la de sirous to have the work of acquiring the land and the beginning of the plans deter mined in a general way before he leaves the city at the end of next week. He will return again in thr&e or four weeks, when other meetings will be held In order that tne commission may keep in touch with the progress of the work. Ownership of Property. It has been discovered that the ground on which the building Is to be located is owned by about forty individuate, and the first step taken will be is the direction of securing the property. It is the intention of the commission to proceed as quickly as possible, as all the memoers realize the anxiety of senator* to secure better quar ters than some of them now .have. TO PAY PANAMA. Secretary Shaw Signs a Warrant for $1,000,000. Secretary Shaw this afternoon signed a wi-rrant for ?1,000,??0 to the Panama re public, being the first payment of J10.000, 000 to that government for concessions granted this country a I ; the zone of the Panama canal. The warrant, which was countersigned by Controller Tracewell, was sint to the State Department, which will tinnsmit it to J. P. Morgan & Co., fiscal agents of the Panama government. The Secretary of State will Indorse the warrant to Morgan & Co. as fiscal agents. 1 he re gaining J9.000.000 will not be paid to Pan ama until that government directs who is to receive the money. Though sympathizing with the efforts of the European holders of Colombian bonds to induce the state of Panama to assume some share of the foreign indebtedness of Colombia, the State Department has made no move in that matter since the retire ment from Washington of Mr. l?unau-\ a rilla, the Panama minister. Before he left Washington, Stcretary Hay took occasion to impress upon hlin the fact that consider ation* of equity should move Panama to an assumption of some part of the national debt, but the minister was not particularly Impressed and no effort was made to bring any pressure to bear upon the new govern ment. Senator Quay's Condition. Friends of Senator' Quay at the Capitol this afternoo'n stated that the senator is Improving decidedly and that there is noth ing alarming in his condition. He had in somnia, but recently he has had refreshing sleep at night and in'every way has im proved in health. It is said that his com plexion is good, and Ms friends believe lie has now passed the critical stage of the ailment from which he has suffered. Work of Italian Women. Ambassador Meyer, at Rome, has inform ed the State Department that In response to an Invitation addressed to the women of Italy by the board of lady managers of the Louisiana purchase exposition there has been formed under the direction of the royal minister at agricultural industry and commerce, a committee of sixteen Italian ladies with Countess 8pallette as president, to prepare a report giving particulars In regard to the conditions and needs of '.he women of Italy and their future possi bilities. and to display at St. Louis speci mens of their work .\b evidences of tlieir activity, manual, mental, scientific and artistic. American Group of Interpar liamentary Union, MEETING AT CAPITOL SUBJECTS TO BE DISCUSSED AT ST. LOUIS. Preparations for Receiving Foreign Delegates to the International Arbitration Congress. A meeting: of the American group of the Interparliamentary Union for International Arbitration was held today In the rooms of the lobby of the House of Representatives. The American group of the union is com posed of senators and representatives in Congress and former senators and repre sentatives. The chairman of the group Is Representative Bartholdt of Missouri, and he presided at today's meeting, which waa quite largely attended. Earlier In the ses sion of Congress a meeting of the American group was held at the C&pltol. At that time the chairman was instructed to com municate with the executive council of the union regarding subjects to be discussed at the conference to be held in St. Louis the coming autumn. Representative Bartholdt reported this morning that he had carried out the In structions of the group. He had trans mitted to the executive council the recom mendations of the American members re garding topics for consideration at the St. Louis conference, and it was intimated that the discussion would probably be con fined In great part to three propositions, as follows: Subjects of Discussion. First. The desirability of calling together another International conference on arbi tration similar to the gathering at The Hague a few years ago, to be participated In by the official representatives of all the powers. Second, a discussion of the best means of providing for the gradual disarmament of the nations of the world. Third, to devise means for an early agree ment exempting private property of bel ligeranls at set. Of course the program of the St. I.011IS conference will embrace on the whole a more elaborate range of individual topics, but the principal speeches and the main discussion will be along the lines of the j three general subjects indicated above. To Receive Foreign Delegates. One of the principal purposes of the meet ing of the American group today was to make preliminary arrangements for the re ception, entertainment, and transportation of the foreign delegates to the St. Louis conference, which will be held September ft to 10. next. Chairman Barthold was authorized to ap point a reception committee of ten members of the American group. This committee will be charged with working out the de tailed arrangements for caring for the rep resentatives of foreign groups One of the features of the reception pro posed today was to have a battle ship go down the r.arbor to meet the delegates on their arrival in New York. This has been a feature of similar receptions in other countries, the naval vessel being typically the representative vessel of the govern ment. Secretary Moody of the Navy De partment wiil be requested to co-operate with the- group if it be decided to have a naval feature to the welcome. The members of the reception and ar rangement committee to be appointed by Chairman Bartholdt will meet the incom ing delegates at New York and escort them to this city for a call upon the Pres ident, and thence accompany them to St. Louis. This program may be altered so as to have the delegates proceed directly from New York to St. Louis and stop off In Washington on the return trip after the conference. Congress has appropriated the sum of $50,000 for the expenses of the confer ence and the entertainment, housing ajid transportation of the foreign visitors. Letter From Abroad. Letters of congratulation from foreign groups were read this morning by Repre sentative Broussard of Louisiana, secretary of the American group. One of the letters was from Mr. E. St. Clair, member of the British house of commons, and secretary of the English group of the Interparlia mentary Union for International Arbitra tion. A second letter was from M. d'Es tournelle de Constane, a member of the French group, and a third from Mr. Fred erick W. D'Evelin of San Francisco, presi dent of the British-American union, which Is not affiliated with the International Union, but which is working along th? same line. All these letters congratulated the members of the American group upon their organization and the enthusiastic manner in which they have entered upon tholr work. Much good. It Is predicted, will result from the forthcoming St. Louis conference. TO ASSIST THE CAESAR. Three Vessels Sent to Pull/Off the Grounded Collier. Rear Admiral Barker, commanding the north Atlantic ileet, has informed the Navy Department that he has sent the Nevada, Casiine and Potomac from Pensacola to the assistance of the collier Caesar, aground off Tortugas. The Caesar. which is commanded by Naval Captain Frank Wright, was built In the 189B at Stockton-on-Tees, England, by Ropner & Son. She is a collier of 5,016 tons and of 3,500 horse-power and was bought by the government from John Hol man & Sons in April, 1808. The amount paid for her was $175,11*4. The Caesar was for merly named the Kingtor and was bound from Pensacola for Lambert's Point when she grounded. RICHMOND WANTS CONVENTION. Virginia State Democratic Committee Meeting to Issue Call. Special I >1 spa till to The Kveninif Star. RICHMOND, Va? April 2S.?'The state democratic committee members are coming In slowly. So far only half the members are in the city. It Is understood that the question of a state convention will be first taken up. Twenty-flve of the fifty dele gates have been polled, seventeen being pledged to Richmond as the convent on city. The Norfolk city and county factional fights are being ulred by a large following. MYSTERY SURROUNDS SUICIDE. Letters Left by Victim Say She Was Driven to Deed. NEW YORK, April 29.?Leaving letters saying that she had once been a woman of wealth, but had lost her money aVid had been driven to suiotde, Mrs. S. J. Kelm, thirty-two years of age, killed herself with poison yesterday In the Vendome Hotel. In one of the letters the woman requested the coroner to notify her brothers, 8. 8. and J. Frank Page of OberMn, Pa , of her death, and another short note asked that word be sent to E. O. Shafer of 817 Broad street, HarriSburg, Pa. Very little Information concerning the wo man could be obtained at the hotel. It wan said she had come to the place from another hotel about six months ago and that she was believed to be an actress. DIED FROM INHALING GAS. Unknown Woman Committed Suicide in Baltimore Last Night. Special T>l*j)?trh to Tbe Evening Star. BALTIMORE. Md.. April 20.?An un known woman, about thirty-live years oid, was found dead this morning at r>20 Wesl Saratoga street, having committed suicide by turning on the gas. The woman is supposed to have been a stranger in the city. She applied last night for lodgings ?t the house. Her features are regular, her hair and eyes dark, height five feet six Inches and weight about 130 pounds. FOUR LIVES LOST. Fatalities in Fine That Destroyed Michigan Hotel. LANSING, Mich., April 29.?Pour lives were lost last night in the burning of the Bryan House, a three-story brick structure on East Michigan avenue, the first floor of which was used as a machine shop. The dead: Jerome C. Stiles, Grand Rapids. John Volland, Lansing. Ransom Dlngman, Lansing. James Ray, Lansing. Stiles fell from an upper window soon after the Are broke out, and died from his Injuries at the hospital. The other three victims were burned to death, their charred bodies not being found until daylight per mitted a search of the ruins. Several other boarders and two firemen were cut and burned during the progress of the fire, but their Injuries are not serious. A large tank of gasoline in the basement exploded a few minutes after the fire broke out, scattering flames all over the build ing and making it Impossible to render as sistance to the inmates. The financial loss Is about *5.000. AGAINST STRIKERS. District Court Judge Makes Far-Reach ing Decision in Injunction. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., April 29 ? Judge B. S. Banker of the district court has issued an injunction i:pon the request of the Santa Fe railroad against machin ists, boilermakers, their helpers and ap prentices and metal workers, now on strike, restraining them from In any man ner lnterferring with the agents and em ployes of the company In the management, movement or operation of the company's engines, cars and all other machinery and appliances. They also are enjoined from Interfering with the men who are taking the places of the strikers and are restrained from en tering upon the company's right of way and other grounds and property. The in junction Is the most far reaching ever Is sued by a court In the territory. The strike situation has assumed larger proportions by the action of the metal workers coppersmiths, pipemen, with their apprentices and helpers, the boilermakers and their apprentices and helpers walking out. An effort is being made to have the blacksmiths Join the strikers. TRAGEDY IN MAINE. Traveling Man Kills Wife and Then Commits Suicide. AUGUSTA, Me., April 29.?H. E. Osgood of Hiram, Me., shot and mortally wounded his wife on the St. John express on the Maine Central railroad last night, and then shot himself, dying shortly after being re moved from the train here. Mrs. Osgood expired today at the Augusta City Hospital. The tragedy was due to domestic diffi culties. The couple boarded the train at Rich mond. and were observed quarreling a few minutes later. Suddenly Osgood arose, and, drawing a revolver, fired point-blank at his wife, the bullet entering her head Before any one could interfere he sent another bullet Into his own head^ Both died with out "regaining consciousness. Osgood had been a traveling salesman for the Portland branch of John P. Squire & Co. and for Boston beef houses. In a letter found on Mrs. Osgood's body the woman said her life had been threat ened and that she did not expect to reach home iillve. BEQUEST FOR DISTRICT CHARITY. Will of Pittsburg Decedent Leaves Much to Church Societies. PITTSBURG, April 29,-The Common wealth Trust Company filed for probate to day the will of Jane H. Reamer, who left an estate valued at several hundred thou sand dollars. Much of the estate Is given to various religious and charitable institu tions, among them being: The Aged Women's Home of the Luth eran Church of the General Synod, at Washington. D. C., $1,000. The Women's Home and Foregn Mission ary Society of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheian Church of the United States, The board of church extension In the Lutheran Church of General Synod, situat ed at York. Pa.. J2,0U>. Bethany Lutheran Church, North High land and Kirkwood streets, Pittsburg, 11,000. The trustees of the Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg. $2.1*10. tills sum to be used to educate young men for the ministry of the Lutheran Church. The Women's Home and Foreign Mission ary Societv of the Pittsburg Synod of the Lutheran Church of the General Synod, *2.000. . , The Deaconess Home of the Lutheran Church at Baltimore, Md.. $1,000. Tressier Orphans' Home, Laysville, Pa., $1,000. TO SILENCE PRETENSIONS. Appeal for Authoritative Information About First Monitor. CHICAGO, April 28.?Senator Knute Nel son and Representative f,lnd have been ap pealed to by the Swedish National Asso ciation of Illinois "to determine authori tatively and finally where the honor of hav ing designed the first monitor belongs." In the letter to Senator Nelson and Rep resentative Lind It was said that the "en tire American people, as well as the whole world, have believed that 'from turret to keel plate, from rudder si>oe to anchor well, every distinctive feature of the moni ?r waf the creation of Ericsson's brain, every detail was stamped with evidence of his handiwork.' " It is said the request for a decision Is made to silence "the Impudent pretensions of false claimants to the honor of the in vention." Two Children Burned to Death. WILLI AMSPORT, Pa.. April 20?Mar vllle and Constance Allen, aged twelve and eight years, respectively, were burned to death by the destruction of their parents' home at Austin, Potter county, late last nght. The parents of the children wore absent. the cEeapesf, quickest easiest way to convey useful l?t* formation to the citizens of an$ community Is by the use of columns of a widely circulate^ local newspaper, like The ing Star. FOR DISTRICT JO? President Selects Justloe Pritchard's Successor. WENDELL P. STAFFORD, NOW OF VERMONT, THE MLUf CHOSEN. Bar Association Meets and Passes Resor lutions of Commendation for Retiring Justice. President Roosevelt and Attorney General Knox agreed at the cabinet meeting today to the appointment of Wendell Phillips Stafford, a Vermont judge, as Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Co lumbia to succeed Justice Pritchard, who has been nominated and confirmed as Judg* of the fourth circuit of the'United States. Attorney General Knox announced th* action of the President at the conclusion of the cabinet meeting. He said that Mr. Stafford's name had been seriously consid ered for the District bench at the tlm* Judge Wright of Ohio was appointed. Mr. Stafford at tliat time was energetically pushed for a Judgeship by Senator Proctor, who immediately began work at the White House a day or so ago when it was found that there would he a vacancy on the su preme bench. Senator Proctor was at the White House this morning, accompanied by lils colleague, Senator Dillingham. Th?y urged the appointment of Mr. Stafford and the President Agreed upon him. The District Bar Association had been called In session to make a recommenda tion to the President of a local man, and the announcement completely foiestalled any action by that body. Judge Stafford's Career. Judge Stafford is from St. Johnsbury, and has been an associate Justice of the su preme court of Vermont for a number of years, having been elected to that position upon the election of Jonathan Koss to th* unexpired term of the late Senator Morrill In the Senate. Judge Stafford Is about forty-two years old, and is described as one of the brilliant lawyers of Vermont. In addition to his fine legal attainments he Is of a literary mind, and is th* author of "North Flowers," a work that has attract ed attention. Judge Stafford was at first undesirous of coming to Washington, it is said. His po sition at present is a high and honorabl* one, but the salary is only ?11.500 a year, much less enticing than that paid to th* su preme justices on the loeal twneh. Judge Stafford read law many years ago with Henry C. lde the vice governor of the Philiptitnes and later graduated from Boston University, lie then entered Into partnership with Mr. Ide. but soon sev ered this 'Connection and practiced lair alone. In politics he was of an independ ent disposition, although a republican, and was at one time an unsuccessful candidate for Congress from the second district, or rather for the nomination. Judge Stafford Is a man of family and of social inclinations. lie has a wife and on* child. Judge Pritcbard to Remain H*r* Awhile. After a conference with the Attorney General Justice Prltchard has decided to remain a member ol the District Suprem* Court for at least a month longer. It is understood that the Department of Jus tice desires that he should continue to serve here for a short time at least. Th* most important matter to l>e called to hi* attention, probably, will Involve the set tling and signing of the bill of exception* in the Machcn-Groff-Ixtrcnz case. Justly* Prltchard will also preside during the trial of Ty'ner and llarrett, and perhaps throughout the trials of several other im portant cases on the calendar of Criminal Court No. 1 prior to assuming his n*?r duties as a United States circuit Judge. Tl.e room of Criminal Court No. 2, city hall, was crowded late this afternoon by m? mbers of the bar. who assembled In re sponse to the call Issued yesterday for a meeting to puna on a proposition that ttie President he asked to appo nt a local matt as Justice Pritchard's successor The meet ing was called to order shortly after 1 o'clock, and was In progress when this re port closed. Announcement was made that Justice Stafford of Vermont had been ap pointed to succeed Justice Prltchard, so tne meeting merely considered resolutions com mendatory of Justice Prltchard. Bar Resolutions on Prltchard. Among the resolutions presented was on* offered by Mr. Henry K. Davis, to the eSeOt that the chairman of the meeting appoint a committee of fifteen, tin-lading himself as chairman thereof, to prepare and report to a further meeting to be held Saturday, May 7, at 11 o clock a.m., suitable resolu tions expressive of the sense of the bar of the District touching the coining retirement uf Justice Prltchard. A resolution prepared by Mr. D. W. Baker set forth that as Justice Prltchard, by reason of ills appointment to the circuit court bench. He will be compelled to re sign as an associate Justice of the Su preme court of the District of Columbia. The members of the bar of the District of Columbia, while extending to him their congratulations, fe.el the keenest and most Blncere regret In the event which necessi tates his resignation. The resolutions point out that Justice Prltchard has won the ad miration and esteem of every member of tiie bar, and has endeared himself to tr,o** who were so fortunale as to have his per sonal acquaintance; that while lie cam* to the bench of the District of Columbia a comparative stranger to a majority of th* members of the liar, he departs a friend t* them all, and each considers his departure a personal loss, and that his kind and courteous manner to at'orneys who hav* appeared before him, his strength of char acter and sterling integrity and. above all his fair and Impartial rulings have placed him among the most esteemed Judges Of the present day. Mr. Baker's resolutions provide that a committee of <even be appointed to pre sent the views embodied in the foregoing to Justice Prltchard. Commended in His Home Papers. Justice Prltchard todiy received copies of editorials published In influential demo* cratic newspapers of North Carolina rela to his new appointment. The Raleigh News and Obseiver said: "When ex-Senator Jeter C. Prltchard was appointed to a position on the bench In the District of Columbia, It was understood that It was a temporary assignment, and that he would succeed Judge Slmonton upon that gentleman's retirement from the circuit liench. The expected has happened and yesterday President Koosevelt sent Judge Pritchard's name to the Senate. H* will no doubt be promptly confirmed, for his former aanoclato* in the S-ni'.e will b* glad to give a vote of confidence to him. "Judge Prltchard hss mnde a reputation In his short experience as criminal Judge In Washington olty. The bar and the peo ple unite In oominendutlon. He has held he sci.lea of Jus'ice evenly and known no favoritism. In two or three Important j.ises be hss particularly shown capacity ind Judicial firmness thai huve Won !** ii,*ct and popular approval. His course 1ft