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APARTMENTS TO LET. >/ ? HJiT?FLAT. 4 ROOMS AMD BATH. 8D ; $16; children. 6flo p at. s.e If #OR RBXT-IM THE HIC.HI.A VPS. A KM ALL. beautifully furnished spartment; unexpired lease, to (October; privilege of renewal; summer rates. Adlresa B. M. 11.. Star office. JelB-tf For rent?excellent r koom hoi sekkbp Ini apartment In *Tt?e Franklin," 191ft 14th at. Apply to Janitor. Jel5-Bt FOR RENT?DELIGHTFUL, COOL 2 AND 3 rcxnn housekeeping spartmenta, 10 minutes' walk to all department* Apply Janitor, MT. VER NON, 9th and New York ave. Jel5-3t F0R RENT?THET;LADST<>Ne7~1423 R STN.W. ? A beautiful B room and bath housekeeping ! apartment, $40. Poaaeaslon July 1. Ask elevator I boy. Jel5 3t? SIR LET?B-Rt* MH APARTMENT IN THK IOWA, | $3"? per month. Apply 519 14tli n.w. Jel5 tf 1 (>lt RENT?6 FCRN1SHED ROOMS, BATH*; awnings. acreena. telephone, roof garden, ele vator, hlgb ground; very cool; excellent loca tion To sublet for auimner at bargain If taken quirk. Jaultor. The Berkshire, 1412 Chapln at. J*13 3t F? >R ItKNT NEW FLAT. 814** 11TH ST N. K. 5 rooma; i*?rc*laln bath; atstlonsry waabatand; j hr.ndaomely paltered; large yard and porch; $20. JelT-tf-4 BARNARD A MARK. 1412' ??. n.w. ri>lt KENT 1IIHI.MV APAKTMKN ??>. .H?NT | rim yvanrif Bp In little stuffy rooma In some of the Inri^er ap< rtmeiita when you can get rooms twice as large for half the money In | aelrct tno family dwellings. [>M?k at these large. light, airy. healthful. ALL HAVE 1'OUCHES ANI) YARDS. 1456 Chapln street, six rooms, bath, atllc and cellar; $'t?? 1448 Til) Chapin street, five rooms, bath find I <*? liar; $27.5<?. 20-28 30 an I 34 Seston street n.w.; six rooms, bath, attic, ^ellnr; $26 5o and $25.50. 14 10 1H 20 22 24 26-28-30 T street eaat, s'x j noms. bath, cellar, attic; each $20 5o and $25 30. l.K'9 11 Is; str?et n.w. Are and alx rooms, bitli* cellars, attics, Iteautlfully deeorated; w'thin wnlkinir distance of the departments; t. nt. $20 5" and J J 5" 13th and I?amar streets, Mt. Pleasant; upper j a i<l lower apartments; fire and six rooms; baths a id eellara; $25 ."?<? and $22 50. STONE A FAIRFAX, 804 806-808 F st. n.w. > 14 :it FOR KENT Jl'LY 1 TO SEPT. 13, COMPLETE !y furiiL*hed room apartment. Drat floor; rates | N IT. Apply No. 2 The Goodwin, Park at., Mt. Pleaaant. Jel4-2t# FoH liKNT - FI RMSHEI>. One of the iii"?t desirable apartments In "The Farragut." Apply any time at 808, THE FAR RA(ilT Je14-3t* Flllt RENT NICK LITTLE APARTMENT II>F 5 rooma and bath; half square from cars; 301 F1&. me. n.w.; rent, $21.5o. Je14-2t MQORE A IIILL (Inc.). 717 14th n w. FOR RENT A FCRN1SHED BACHELOR APART oent, having parlor, two bed rooms and l?ath room; well lighted and ventilated; cheap for summer months; ?-afe In bouse. No. 41, The Chapln. Jel3-3t* FOR RENT DESIRABLE APARTMENTS 2750 14th St.. 5 rooms and bath $35.00 ' 12?>4 O at.. 5 rooms and bath 85.00 1905 Pa. ave.. 4 rooms and t?ath 25.00 ] Apply for key at T. A. HARDING'S, 1310 G *t. n.w. Jell-tf F? ?R RENT?DESIRABLE APARTMENTS I NT HE Cora," 33?I and N sts. n.w. (Just completed); 5 rooms and hath; steam heat; hot water; all con veniences; flr-t and tblr<l floors; rent only $27.50. A. A WILSON A CO., 303 7th st. n.w. J'UGt FOR IS K NT?1 StTTlTAi-IN ST.. 5-R., hTmsk Uei ping flat; large xaid and cellar; furnace heat; handsomely papered; only one left; rent, $27.50. ItARNARD A MARK, 1412 O. Tie Oval Sign. tell tf FOR RENT-BY B F. SAIL CO . 7 I'll A L N.W. 7th and Masa. ave. n.w., "The Home," 4 rooms and bath, all front rooms, elevator, rent low. 1301 7th st. n.w., 5r., 3d fl .with use of bath 30.XH) | 1007 7th st. n.w., "The Lafayette." Br. and bath $27.50 I 1452 Chaoin st.. !st floor. 5r. and b 27.50 20 Seaton at. n w., 5r. an? 1 b.. 2d floor.... 26.50 16 I it n.e.. Sr. and b . 2d floor 20.50 1408 1st st. n.w., 5r. and b , 1st floor 22.50 317 R st. n.w.. 2d floor. 5r. and b 22.50 1440 Howard ave n.w.. 8r and b 10.50 1215 Duncan st. n.e . 4r., b. 15.00 1820 12th st n.w., 3r.. 2d floor 15.00 612lj M st. n.e., 1st floor, 4r. and b 14.50 Jell-tf ?|>K~ RENT "THK I'l.YMOrTH." 1110 TO 1120 j C n.e.; apt. with 4 large rooms and bath; south Croat: $15. Apply at the Plymouth or 'his office. 111y 14 32t * WM A EASTERDAY. 718 14th St. THE WINDSOR APARTMENT HOCSE. 1425 T| n.w. NEW. ?; storv. FIREPROOF BCILDINO, MODERN and UP-TO-DATE?FOR RENT? Apt 105 3 rooms and bath $30.00 Apt. 801 4 rooms and bath 40.00 Apt. 204- ?O rooms, bath and pantry 50.00 Convenient to litli -st. cars. INSPECT TODAY. mh20 sot* WM A. EASTERDAY. Bond bldg. FOR RENT BEAI TIFCL 3 ROOM AND BATH apartment In "Albemarle." Fine condition; $30. Apply A(>arttvent 403 or 704. or nth 19 nut* WM. A EASTERDAY. Bond bldg. FOR RENT -VERY DESIRABLE 4 ROOM AND] bstta front apsrtment In the Virginia, 2120 (I st. only $32.5o. Immediate nosaeaslon. Excellent condition. Car* pass the building. inhlO Mit* WM. A. EASTERDAY. Bond bldg. FOR KENT < OYWOOI), 122:1 L ST.. VERY DE airaMe 4-ro?>m and bath apt.; $3o.00. Apt. 21, $20.00l a 1 so beonttfnl 5 room and bath, |48.00. Immediate possession. my7 :w\* WM \. EASTERDAY. Bond bldg. F??U RENT CHOICE AIT.. 3 ROOMS AND bath. 8nd 1 n*.mi and bath. Ethelhurst. Imme di.tte iMNiaeasion; high-class l?uildlng. my28 lv WM. A. EASTERDAY. Bond bldg. F?>R "KENT - 144.". s Cap. 5r. b...$l? R0 72r. 7th sw, 5r, b.,.15.50 7 15th se, 5r. b. . . . 15.30 727 7th sw. ."r. b... 10.50 71U 7th sw, 4r, b. . . 13.50-7??0 II sw. 5r, b... .20.00 THE PHILLIPS COMPANY. 33o 4^ St. n.w. Jet tf -FoR RENT?THE BEST LOCATED? ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. ONLY $30 AND $32.50 EACH. 2323-25 27 20-31 18TH STREET. * Near both car lines' 5 rooms and tiled bath on 1st floor. f. rooms, tiled bath and attic on 2d fl??or. Separate yazda; cellars; beating plants; porebes. etc. Ready for occupancv about June 15. Je6 lot MOORE A HILL (Ine.i, 717 14th st. n.w. FOR RENT-BY JAMES F. S1ISA, 043 Louisiana are. n.w, 745 2d st. n.w., 4 rooms and bath; heat; a.m.I $30.00 I 112!* loth st. n.w., 3d floor flat, 7 rooms and bath; a m i 30.00 | r.r1j;btwo<*i and Scott aves. n.w., flats con taining 5 room* and bath; a.m.I.; newly finished; pib-ea accurding to location, $2o.30, $18.30 and I $10 30. . Je4 tf FOR RENT-TWO 4 ROOM AND BATH APART uients. ull conveniences; rent. ^5 and $40. LOtIS D WINE Sc CO., Je2-tf 1304 F st. n.w. Tear KENT -KLATS -AN OITOKTt'NITY TU ?ET I t ne of those cool apartments In the "Lowell" (No. 11#**7 14th u w ); 5 ro??tns. hath, a.m.I. Ask for the Janitor. Rent moderate. EDWARDS A REEVES, Inc., my26 tf 614 13tb n.w. Fob RENT JI ST COMPLETED VERY DESIR aMe a part men s. 15th aiul A sts. n.e.; 4 good slz^d riHims. p<?rc?*lalu bath, forebea and back yanla; rent, $13 5o. $14.50, $15.50 and corner, $17.50. 11 L lSl'ST. 8 14th at. n.w. my24 tf 5 lliK (iAHMELD, 13111 AND I STS. N.W., 5 rooma and bath $35.00 and $40.00 The Augusta. N.Y. A N.J. aves.. 4 rooms, b. 32 50 Hawthorn. 1527 I st.. 4 rooms and bath... 27.00 The lojlsa. 210 N. Y ave. n.w.. 4r. and b. 25 00 aj.O tf WEAVER BROS.. No 1416 F st FOR RENT?TIII PORTNER. 15TU AND V STS.. a beautiful flve-room ami bath housekeeping apartment; low rent fur summer. Apply at the oflV*e myl9-tf FOR RENT HAMMOND COFRT, 30TI1 AND Q N.W.. 0 ROOMS AND BATH $40 00 ARKWRICilT, 4TH AND F N.W., 4 ROOMS AND BATII 32.50 NAVARRE. 215 217 E ST., 5 ROOMS AND BATH 30.00 MONTROSE. 1115 9TH ST.. 4 ROOMS AND It A I 11 30.00 ALL MODERN . IMPROVEMENTS. thk Washington loan and tri st CO.. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. mvlflMf FOR RENT 5 ROOM FLATS IN BERWICK. 14TII ami Park st*.: 14 minutes to treasury; elevated site; discount In summer; $22. $24, $2fl. Apply to Jsnitor. my10-tf FOR RENT-DESIRABLE APARTMENTS. Only $25 50 and $20 50 each 5 and C rooms each; cellars; large yards; resr porches, etc . well located. O st. bet. 30th and 31st fts. Dumbarton ave. bet. 30th and 31st sts. g at Iwt. 30th and 31st sts. 'I st Just east of N. Cap. st. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. MOORE A IlIl.L (luc ), 717 14th st. n.w. r.')14tf FOR PENT-$25 25 FLAT. 1ST FLOOR. NO. 132 C st n.w.; 5 rooms, ba'.h. cellar and yard; rooms large, bright an! attractive; neighborhood flrst class GEO J K A ST Kit!? \ Y. 14loO mj.'. tf FOR RENT? THE CARLISLE FLATS. 1213 N ST. 2d floor, 3 rooms and bath, south front... .$35. BO 3d floor, 3 rooms and bath, south front.... 32.B0 2d floor, 2 rooms and bath, middle flat.... 10.B0 Non-housekeeping. Caterer on premises. Apply WESCOTT A WILCOX. 1UU7 l's. ars. sp23-tf FOR RENT APARTMENT8 THK LANDMOBB. 1133 24th st. u *?. Two excellent 2d-floor spartments. 4 and 8 rooms, with reception hall aud bath; light and bright; well Hrrnngetl an I In spleudld condition; convenient to Pa ave. car line. n?> 14 tf THEO A HARDING. 1316 G st. n.w. THE BERKSIHR 1412 Chanln at. To sublet, two r?s>ms snd bath $22.50 8 rnni? bath, p^reft 30.t4 Telephone, awnings, screens, roof garden. sul> tf FOR RENT ? 5 ROOM APARTMENT AT THE Iowa. Apply Flat 4B. my28-tf FOR REN r IIA Mil OND COL'RTT " 0 ROOMS AND BATH. PRIVATE PIAZZA. lfl.Ooo FEKT OF LAWN. NORTHERN, SOI Till IS.\ AND WESTERN EX POSP RES. ONLY TWO LEFT. LOW RENT. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRf'ST CO.. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. n>h2B lod APARTMENTS TO LIT. ? valoh." ino mam. atb.. ornuoino Thorn** Clrcte; oaft B room apartment; oa* 2-roots ?pgrtgjgt tor r?t. Apply t? Janitor. nU-tf TOR RENT?CHOICE 1, I, 4 AMD B-ROOlt APT*. In THE CONCORD; flatly located OS Ni? Hamp er* and Oregon araa.; eaf?. noll-tf HOTEL APARTMENTS. FOR RENT-THE WESTMINSTER, 17th and Q ata. o.w. SPECIAL RATES rOR SUMMER. Suite* of two rooma and bath aod single rooma and bath. Every modern Improvement for tba convenience and comfort of (neat*. v A BAR BEE. Manager. Tha We*tmlo*t*r. Je2 26t WILLARD A REED. Agent*. 1416 F n.w. TUB HIOHLANDS. COR. CONN. AND CAL. ""*? --Sever*I apartmenta ara now a Tillable for rammer montha or by tba year. Cafe (Enropeaa and American) open throughout the year. M*n*ger. Tha Highland*. WEAVER BROS.. Amenta, 1416 P at B.W. tpzatf CHAriN APARTMENTS. NO. 141.1 CHAPIN ST. N.W. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Two to three rooma and b*th; every modern Im provement for the convenience and comfort of *"c?ts: prices moderate. l?25tf H. E. HALL. Manager. FOE SALE?LOTS. Foil SALE?HJTII ST. RARGAIN. Lnwestprlced desirable lot on 16th; reduced to K-irlJL "l ft : worth **>: WEST SIDE OF STREET. BETWEEN .MASS. AVE. Aft It P STS Jelft ?NE * KA1RFAX- 804-?0?-HIW P ?t. n.w. FOR SAI.E?ONLY $1.00 Sy. FT.; NORTH SIDE or Staughton at.. near 14th at.; 50x150 ; 20-ft. aide ami rear alleys. . .. ?TONK 4 FAIRFAX. 804 S0fl-808 F st. n.w. Je1.V3t FOR 8ALK?OMC OF TUB MOST PKSf RARLR frontage* on Wash. Heights; 100 by 112 feet to alley; north side of Baltimore St. between Colum E! ?urt 10th st. Apply to A. A. WIUSON & < P.. 303 <th st. n.w. Jel4-3t ' 1(,'K , s K-AT SPECULATIVE PRICES?LOTS . ?o 29 Inclusive. In square 1035, adjoining Lln v .u ," '0,* h,T,> ?1 frontage on A *t. and >orth < arolin* are. of from 21 ft. 8 In. to 22 ft .."'IS "P,form ?'?'P'h of 143 ft; fine open outlook. If tilceo at once ran be had at low price of 45c. >r foot. FITCH, FOX tt BROWN. 1408 '? " " ?? Jel3-3t K<'If tgALE - LOTS?EVERYWHERE - AT BART nt \ ^ave 1^',? ,n a11 sections that will he sacrificed to sell quickly. THOMAS J. FISUEIt & CO., Incorporated, Jel'st 1414 F at. n.w. FOR SALE? " * WASHINGTON HEIGHTS BARGAINS. Wyoming are.; 100 ft.; aouth front; $1.23. Columbia road; 100 ft. front; about-4125. 18th at., corner lot; east exposure; $1.50. Kalorama ave.; south exposure; 200 ft.: be tween $1.25 and $1.50. $1^0??? ,re': 100 ' ,outh exposure; $1.00 to on* or tw" other lots will he aold In 60 DAYS at these prices or a little less. Act till* Is your chance to speculate. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO.. Incorporated, - J"'-'" 1414 F st. n.w. RED TENT DETAILS SOON. THE GREATEST REAL ESTATE EVENT OF YEARS. Preparation Is slow bnt rare. Result! will be all the better for It. LOOK FOR "RED TENT NEWS." HOWARD F. JOHNSON & CO . jel0-tr.20 1001 G St. n.w. FOR SAI.E ? THE CONNECTICUT AVENUE bridge, coating $1,000,000.00, is noiv under course of construction. You must buy real estate at Avenue Highlands hefore (not after) the construction of this bridge. If you wish to re ceive the great Increased realty values that are acre to follow this magnificent improvement This bridge will unite Old and New Connecticut avenue (Chevy Chase line) at Rock creek, and will shorten the route out Connecticut avenue ex tended over ihe old route along Columbia road and around Chevy Chase loop fully two-thirds of a mile. What effect will this Important im provement have on realty values at Connecticut Avenue Highlands? Site of lota, 25. 50 to 100 feet front. Price* 6<>c. to 70c. ? square foot. Terms, $100 to $200 cash, balance $2o to $25 monthly, or one-third cash, the balance in five annual payments. Money loaned to build, at low rate of interest. For further particulars drop postal, telephone ?*? .! new- handsomely illustrated 20-page "Booklet, plat, etc. On notice one of our salesmen will call at your resluence to convy you In one of our automo biles, to cee the property. FULTON R. GORDON. W2 15t?ne MalD 52U' 813 "th n w FO,K SALE?A VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING ?Lte ?P., M'"?- ?ve near 22<1 st. n.w.; size 2SV,x 100. i iue site for haudsoine residence. . . EDWARDS & REEVES. Inc.. _del!Mf 614 13th (t FOR SALE?LOTS. LOTS LOTS IN ALL SECTIONS." YOU'LL SAVE TIME AND MONET BY GETTING OUR LIST. IN THE FASHIONABLE SECTIONS. ON COLUMBIA AND WASHINGTON HEIGHTS STONE & FAIRFAX. SOC and 808 F St. n.w. myl7-tf COUNTRY BOARD BOARD FOR LITTLE GIRL WITH REFINED IM'ople In country; terms must he reasonable. Box Id. Star office. It* wanted?country board, near city, on Pernio. It.It.: gentleman, wife and baby; private family preferred. Address Jel5-2t* Box 17, Star office. "AIRMONT HOI /sir "lllGII. IIKAI/ni'l I/>OA. tlon, near Bluenioiit station; nice shade. Terms, $.% iht week. Address H. O. ANDERSON, Alr mont, I/Qiidonn , Va. jel5-w&s-2t* RIGHT AT THE FAUQUIER WniTE SULPHUR Springs. Va.?First-class tmard, only $ii |ier week or $20 (ler month. Hath room and sulphur water and all other convenience*, l.ower rales for fami lies or several in the same party. Apply to je!5 lit* 6 j; W. II AN BACK. AURORA COTTAGE: IN THE MOUNTAINS ON W. M. R. It.; Stli season; modern conveniences; large verandas; 2 acre lawn. 1'rlces and viewa on application. Address AURORA COTTAGE Thtir nioiit. Frederick Co., Md. Jel5-6t* ON ROCKVILLE ELECTRIC ROAD ANI>~NEAR Chevy Chase cars and club, large rtsim with ls>ard: gi?al shade: large lawn; artesian water cars pass house. WALSHE'S, BelUesda Md Jel5-3t* COUNTRY BOARD AT WASH'N'S HEALTHIEST sul.urb: cool, pleasant rms., newly fur.: go<sl wa ter. excel t table: special rates to dept. employe*. A'W-^Uock Box 10. Forest Glen, Montg'y Co., .Md! FIRST CLASS COUNTRY BOARD AT CHEVY I base; reasonable rates; all modern convenience*. Atldrn*s l??x 4.'t. Chevy Chase I*. Q. jel-#-3t* SOME MORE NICE ROOMS AT "GLEN MANOR " lorest Glen: reduction lr taken at once for the *e*son: 40(1 feet of r>orrhes; large, c<?l house: 2 riiinii!?*s t<> a team and trolley. jei4-3t* WANTED BORDERS: LADIES OR GKNTI-K.MEN hi offlce; pleasant Us-atiou; large rooms. Mr* IBB. Hymttavllle. Md. Jel4 3t? BOARDERS WANTED?OUT ON FARM. MAPLE HILL, 1 mill's ?-ast Fn?nt Royal; lai'ge airy rooms; abundant shade; table supplied ' from [arm; references exchanged. Box W. Front Rival, la. Jell-ot* the Powhatan, Charles town. w. va. opens June 15; healthy, mountain climate; weli furnlshed rooma; bath rooma on each floor- ma cadam roada; Ashing near by In the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers. Mrs. ROLLING, Annapoll*, Jel4-26t,6 AT DEER PARK. MD.?LARGE. COMFORTABLE riM.nis; extensive, shady grounds; flrsi-clas* 'l.i'r 'I':""1 Vs h"tel?' Apply KAIItVIEW I OI I At.E. Deer Park. Garrett county Md. Jel0-r,m.w.I3t*-4 LINGANORE HILLS INN. NEAR FREDERICK. Jlo.. near the mountains; situated on large farm which supplies the table with vegetables milk' cream etc.; artesiau water; boating bathing' fifhlng; bail room; weekly dances; modern con venience*; references exchrnged. E M BROWN u.yll-78t-6 ' * | "THE INGI.ESIDE"?OPEN MAY 15; BATH; HOT snd cold water; Rockxille anil Georgetown cars pass the lawn. Address FRANK REPP (Prop > Randolph, Md. my7-52t LIGHT MILES FROM WASHINGTON, ON CHES a|s-ake Beach R. R.; Berry sta. ft mln. walk from house; trains convenient for offli-e holders- large rooms, flue shade. Irou water. Ice, fruit ' milk' ref. required; *.*' per week. Address Miss It B MERRY, Rural 1 ree Delivery No. 1, Ueuulng i) C Je7-2(Jt* * * GRAND VIEW HOUSE-PRIVATE BOARDING In the mountains of Md.; bath room, with *11 conveniences; 4U miles west of Washington. Mr*. L. K. IIENKKL. Knoxvllle. Md. je4-26t THROUGH THIS MEDIUM WE AGAIN SOLICIT patronage for our summer hoarding house For further particulars write us for circa sr and terms. Reference If desired. C. J. ZIRKI.E. Prop., "Oak Crest," Fauquier Springs P. O.. Fauquier Co.. V* Je2-20t*,5 ELKltSLIE FARM-PURE MOUNTAIN US; large lawn; porches; cheerful rooms; home com forts. For particulars address JOS. N CHIS WELL, Uuckeystown, Frederick co . Md my21-*& w.8t#-4 AVAUJN COTTAOE. BHADDOCK HEIGHTS. MD" will open Its 3d seacon June I, for boarder*! All modern convenience*, bath; 'phones. For oar tlculars address Mrs. THOS. H. MYERS, Brad dock Height*, lid. myl6-26t THE WASHINGTON COLLEGE. SD AND T "gft u.e., 1* jpen to aumuier ts.anler*; rate* $30 and i up per mouth. Room* may now be engaged: no children. my4-'tf TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS ONLY $10-WE HAVE SOME ?peclsl baigalns In callgraphs. all In good con dition. lour choice for $lo while they last WELLINGTON AGENCY. 509 11th at uw jel4-3t* FOB SALS?HOUSES. FOB SALE GREAT INVESTMENT PROPOSITIONS. Tboae coay two-family booHt on Tcoo. ??. adjoiaftig the corner of K street. JS.250 Rented 930 per month. All rented. Eight (8) sold. Ltrff yards; porches; wood sheds, etc. Pira nbout 20% net on 91,000 lareated. It MOORE * HILL (Inc.). 71T 14th ?t. n.w. FOR SALE?95,000. Reduced from 96,700. Ten room*: tiled hath: four rooms on first floor; large lot; well rented. A BARGAIN. It MOOltE ft H1LI. (Inc.). 717 14th at. n.w. FOR SALE? By cwners. Proper construction, and value for the money are combhied In our bouses. 93.850. Nothing like tbem In the n.w. under 91.500; six rms.: all Improvements; hardwood; furnace. Randolph st. n.w. bet. N. Cap. and First. Open every day and night except Sunday. It MIDDAUGH ANI) SHANNON. OWNERS. FOR SALE-HEATS THEM ALL. 93,750-95,750-93,780. BEAUTIFUL NEW 3-STORY HOUSES. 1456-58-80 Howard ave., a few steps from cars, near 14th st. cars, near new 36th St.; one of the choicest resident sections. I'arlor. reception hall, dining room. pantrT and kitchen on first floor: ALL IN HARDWOOD; 6 lovely bed rooms: BEAUTIFUL TILED BATHS. Rear porches; handsome decorations; elegant mantels. Onen. STONE ft FAIRFAX, Exclusive Agents, Jel53t 804-6-8 F st. n.w. FOIt SALE?O-ROOM HOUSE ON 12TH ST. S.E. near 2 car llqes; mod. Imps.; cheap. Address Box 14. Star office. Jel.V3t* FOR SALE?GREAT SACRIFICE. REDUCED TO 97,230. Positively the best value ever offered In this section; superior to many 910,000 houses. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS IN THE DISTRICT. 1256, 58 and 1262 Columbia road near 1.1th St.; HIGH GROUND; LEVEL, PAVED STREET; CEMENT WALKS; PUBLIC ALLEY. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR 97,250. A beautiful, new, full 3-atory, bay-window brick with stone porch and steps. FIRST FLOOR?Parlor, library, dining room, pantry and kitchen. SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS?Six (6> lovely bed rooms. Many lurga closets. TWO 12) ELEGANT TILED BATHS, porcelain tubs, nickel plumbing, stationary washstand. The bath rtoms are much larger than In most houses. Servants' stairway. Tno-story covered porches in rear. STEAM HEATED. The heating plant Is one of the best ever put In a dwelling. We refer you to the houses that have beeu occupied the past winter. THE PLANT IS NO EXPERI MENT. DECORATIONS MANTELS, &c. A handsome cabinet mantel in nearly every room: ouen fireplace, tiled hearths; AI.L ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED. LOCATION?One of the l>est In Washington; high, healthy, cool; LEVEL PAVED STREET; near cars, schools, stores and churches. 12ti2 COLUMBIA ROAD, ADJOINS THE COR NER of 13th. Open. STONE ft FAIRFAX, jel5-3t 8'f4-806-808 F st. n.w. FOR SALF.-93.00O. RENTING FOR 925 A MO.? " room brick dwelling on lt)th st. For Sale?93,350; 11th st. n.e. bet. A and B; 7 rooms, bath: stone and brick. For Sale?9 '. 150; F st. n.e. bet. lOtb and 11th, 2 stories and basement. For Sale?92.700; 5th st. n.e., 6 rocms and bath: lot 20x100. For Sale?$3,750: 10th st. n.e. bet. B and C, 8 looms and bath; 22x100. For Sale?92,900; bay-window brick; C rooms and bath, on D st. n.e. near 4th. For Sale?$2,650; 6th st. n.e. bet. B and C, bay-window brick; 6 rooms and bath. STUNK ft FAIRFAX, 804-806-808 F St. n.w. jel5-3t FOR SALE?BEST BARGAIN OS THE HEIGHTS. Only 9?.<>00. New; 3 stories, cellar: 4 rooms deep: 2 stair ways; STEAM HEAT; beautiful mantels; many large closets; full-sized lot. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 804-806-808 F St. n.w. Jeir. 3t FOR SALE?OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER. SELL CHEAP. One of the best bouses on the north side of Westminster St.; 3 stories; cellar; back building; remodeled porcelain bath tub; lot 18.0x82.6; wide paved alley. Trice, 95.750. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 804-806-809 F st. n.w. Jel5-Rt FOR SALE-PRICE, $6>s>; RENT, 97?A BRICK dwelling; n.w.; figure this out. jel5-?.t WILLIGK. GIBBS ft DANIEL. 005 13th. FOR SALE?PRICK, $900; RENT. 98 4o? BRICK dwelling on numbered street; n.w.; calculate the profit. J'15-.'lt WILLIGE. GIBBS ft DANIEL, 605 13:h._ FOE SALE- 8 PER CENT INVESTMENT ERICK dwelling: n.w.: rent, 98.40:_ price, 91*15. Jel5-3t W1LI.IGE, GIBBS 4 DANIEL, 605 13'b. FOR SALE ? BELOW WASHINGTON CIRCLE? Fine brick dwelling: 6 rooms; press brick front; situated on terrace; only $2,700. Jel5 5t WILLIGE, GIBBS ft DANIEL. 606 13!h. FOR SALE?NEAR 17TH AND U N.W.; 91.250 cash will buv 6-room brick dwelling, with trust of 91.500 at 4",. Jel5-5t WILLIGE. GIBBS & DANIEL, 005 13:h. FOR SALE?6-ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE OS R I. ave. n.w.; only $2,800; cheapest house In town. Jel5-5t WILI.IGE. GIBBS ft DANIEL. 605 13th. FOR SALE ? $1,1<?? CASH WILL 1!UY NEW press brick dwelling; n.w.; 6 rooms, bath; rented at $21.50; trust of 91,700 at 5%; fine Invest ment. jel5 4t WILLIGE, CIIBS ft DANIEL. 6o8 13th. FOR SALE?9300 CASH, $30 MONTHLY, WII.I. buy flue press brick dwelling; n.w.; 6 rooms, on terrace; price. 92.950. Jel8 6t WILLIGE, GIBliS ft DANIEL. 605 13th. FOR SALE SMALL STORE AND DWELLING, n.w.; In excellent business location; 7 rooms; fine frontage; only $3,2)>0. J. 15-5t WII.I.IGB. GIBBS ft DANIEL. Qo5 13th. FOR SALE ? TO COLORED PHYSICIAN-FINE new press brick dwelling, n.w.; 6 rooms, bath; bath; on terrace; price. $2,950. Jel5-5t WILLIGE. GIBBS 4- DANIEL. 605 13th. FOR SALE? We have three two-story, six-room bricks, near Pa. ave. car line, southeast, that can be sold for $2.rsX>, on terms same as rent and only $100 ' cash. See us about them before It Is too late. BARNARD ft MARK, The Oval Sign. <Jel5-tf-10) 1412 G n.w. FUR SALE? Will be sold at a sacrifice to close an estata. 1228 14th St., 12 rooms, mod. Imp. 1227 15th St.. 12 rooms, mod. Imp. 8<>2 L St.. 12 rooms, mod. Imp. 615 6th St.. 12 rooms, mod. Imp. A. T. COUMBE. Jel5-3t 1425 N. Y. ave. FOR SALE-JUST COMPI.F.TED 95.000 bouses In a 910,000 neighborhood. 1461, 1463 and 1465 Sheridan st. Near the two (2) best car lines in the cltr? 3-MINCTE SCHEDULE. The best constructed and most complete 2 story bouses ever offered In this city. TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. EVEN SHOULD YOU NOT WISH TO BUY. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 804-806-808 F st. n.w. je!4-3t FOE SALE?BRICK DWELLING AND BRICK STABIJS. Reduced to $6,750. Must be sold, owner leaving city. Well located on Maryland ave. n.e. near 6th; 10 rooms; HOT WATER HEAT. Owner paid over 9*.500; it ia worth more now. The neighborhood has Im proved; first-class car service. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST LOCATIONS ON "CAPITOL HILL." STONE ft FAIRFAX. 804-806 808 F at. n.w. Jel4-3t FOR SALE?REDUCED TO 93,280? Near 3d and G sis. n.w., a neat 2-story dwelling; square bay window brick front: 0 risuua and bath. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 804 806 806 F St. n.w. Jel4-8t FOR SALE?96.500? West of 16th st.; nearly new: STEAM HEAT: 4 rooms deep; TILED BATH: PORCELAIN TUB; hard-wood finish; laundry: SOUTH FRONT, on a lettered St. STONE * FAIRFAX, 804 806-808 F St. n.w. Jel4-3t FOR SALE ? THREE STORY AND CELLAR press-brick residence, In .'Irst-clasa condition, in one of the best localities, on N. II. ave. near Dupont Circle; 10 rooms, 2 hatha; furnace, la trobe, range; hot and cold water, etc.; coat 911.000 to build; 98.800 will buy tbia month. OWNER, 615 E st. n.w.. Room 1, Jel4-3t FUR SALE FORCED SALE. TAKES IN UNDER FORECLOSURE. ONLY $200 CASH, BAL. $20 MONTHLY. PRICE, 94.750; WORTH 96.000. STOP PAYING PENT; BUY THIS HOME. NEW; two-story and cellar; press-brick, WITH FIRST STORY OF BROWN STONE; fine furnace; tiled bath; a.m.!.; lot 140 feet deep. FINE LO CATION ON "THK HEIGHTS." THI8 IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY; see us at once. Houae la open, and MUST BK SOLD. Jel4-3t PERCY H. RUSSELL, ?13 U at. B.W. FOB SAI??gOUSES. wit SALE-SFECIAL,#ARt44ANg. Sff M about them. r .ft HOM1W?INVESTMENTS. THIS IS A BAROA?N-$<000? A good, solid. * stify brick dwelling; ft rrom* ,ot< bath; near 14th snd R sts.; formerly weld st'*$5.800. REDUCED TO 34.300?Os* ?q. from Cspltol; formerly bold at $6.t*?; 3 stories; 10 rooms: lot l&ilOO; alley. .1 .,-v THIS IS A FIXE ftOMHf't-OR $#.860-Not far from North Cspltol many houses In this sec tlon belli at $5,000 not so desirable; 2 stories; cellar nmler entire honse; 4 u?imi deep; beautiful TILED BATH; porches. UfcNTS FOR $30. $3,500; RENTING FOR $2R On a lettered at. n.w.; 2 stories; cella^; well built; ?JON VENIENT TO TENSION OPFlPE. $4,200? 9th at. n.w. near "O;" 8 roouia and atable; lot 20i95; alley. $3,500 IS LOW FOR A NEARLY NEW HOUSE ON 13TH sT. N.W.?7 rooms. bath; cellar; lur* nace; ROOM FOR STABLE. $3,250? I/iwext-prlced bouse in Bloomlngdale? An attractive 2-atnry. bay-window lirlck, with cellar; FURNACE. CABINKT MANTELS. $3,500 WILL BIT A 3-STORY HOI'SE on M st n.w.; press-brick front; cellar; furnace; good renter. $3.500?Near Capitol; fronts on a park: nearly new; 2 stories; cellar: reception hall; furna*-e; rents for $25 a mouth. $3.400?I3th St.; 6 rooms, bath; atable; good condition. $3 G00--Near 7th and O; 2 storlea. cellar; a nearly new bay-window lirlck; VERY ATTRAC TIVE. $3.400?sq. from East Capitol st.; stone rnd brick; side alley; VERY PRETTY. STONE & FAIRFAX. J<14-3t 804-806-K08 F at. n.w. FOR SALE?fl-ROOM AND BATH FRAME STORE and dwelling, near 15th and H sts. n.e.; renting for $138 per year. Price, $1,500. Oder wanted. A bargain. A. A. WILSON & CO., 303 7th*n.w. Jel4-3t FOR SALE?$5.300?PREMISES 234 11TII ST. N.K.; 8 rooms mid porcelain bath; stationary wash stand: pressi'd-brlck. bay-window front; cellar under entire house; lot 18 feet 0 Inches front by 110 feet 4Vi Inches In depth. Inquire of OWNER <>n premises. Jel3,15,18-3t* FOR SALE?WONDERFUL BAROAIvZ ' $6,500 buys an $8,500 honse Oo THE HEIGHTS bet. 13th and Ah. 9423 HOLME AD AVE. Handsome round bay window brick. 12 ROOMS?4 ROOMS DEEP. Constructed by one of our rery best builders. IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO RUY A BARGAIN HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. STONE & FAIRFAX. Jell-lOt 804-S06-808 F St. n.w. FOR SAI.E-9%% NET INVESTMENTS: NEW OK. and bath bricks; good section n.e.; $1,900 caah; $2,(XK? easy terms. EDWARD D. TALTY, 1406 N. Y. ave. n.w. Jell-Ot* FOR SALE- ~ l!t35 Cincinnati was sold recently: can again bo sold for $'.>,500; possibly a little leys. This Is without any doubt the best proposition on WASHINGTON HTS. All we ask Is that rou look at It. Kev at office. THOMAS J. FISIIER & CO., Incorporated, Jell-Ot 14H F st. n.w. FOR SALE - COLUMBIA HIS. HOUSE NEAR 14tb St., at $3,000 le?s than value; 11 rrns., 2 baths In main part of house; 'servants* bath In cellar. Perfect hot-water heating plant. Owner, who is leaving country, will take $8,000. Easy terms. Lots are 150 ft. deep to 16-ft. alley. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., Incorporated, Jell-6t ^1414 F St. n.w. FOR SALE?IN MOUNT PLEASANT?ELEGANT brick residence; 10 rooms, bath; reception liall; servants" quarters; tiled bath; furnace heat; quartered oak and white enamel finish; In excel lent conditlou; great bargain at $7,700. Jell-tit WILLIGE, GIUI'.S A DANIEL, 005 13th. FOR SALE?A CHARMING HOUSE, DELIGHT ful new brick residence. No. 121 V st. n.w.; 8 bright rooms, hath; furnace heat: stationary washstand; laundry; finished In hard wood; very modern; cash, $1,600; trust. $3,250, at 5%. Je2 tf WILLIGE. GIBIiS & DANIEL. 605 1.1th. FOR SALE?OR EXUHA NGE?3409 SIT. PLE IS ant ave.; best condition; 12 rooms. large bath room and closets, attic aud cellar; about 10.000 ft. ground; porches aud shade trees. A bargain. Call on premises. my31-14t* FOR SALE ONLY $3,550. 13th st. north of Lydeiker ave.; Cr., bath, cel lar, furnace; lot 17x127 to 15-ft. allev. Terms to suit- W. S. MINNIX, jeStf Rooms 4, 5 aud ?, 1410 F. FOR SALE?TWO-STORY FLATS FOR $3,250; rented $30 per tno.; In' Improving section. 15th and A sts. n.e.; well arranged, substantially built, and will prove a profitable Investment. Several sold to a careful investor. II. L. RUST. 005 14th st. n.w. Je7 tf.5 FOR SALE?TO COI.ORED PERSONS-TWO FINE^ new pressed brick dwellings in fashionable n.w.; 6 rooms, tiled baths, porcelain tubs: $*00 or moro cash, balance to suit, l'rlce, $3,000 myl8-tf WILLIGE, GIBBS & DANIEL. 605 13th. FOR SALE-TWO STORY FLATS FOR $3,150; rented $30 per mo.; In Improving section; 13tii and A n.e.; well arranged; substantially built: and will prove a profitable Investment; several sold to a careful Investor. my21-tf,5 H. L. ItL'ST. COS 14th st. n.w. FOR SALE-IIOW TO HE YOUR LANDLORD ON J Connecticut sve.. wlih $100 to $200 cash and $20 to $25 monthly. For full particulars drop postal telephone or call for new. handsomely illustrated j 20 page booklet, plat. &c., of Connecticut Avenue Highlands. Automobile free to see the property. FULTON R. GORDON. 613 14th St. n.w. Tel. Main 52i>. myl8-26t FOR SALE?NO. 0o V ST! N W.: ONE OF THOSB new 8-room, 3-story, attractive Roman-front houses; cheapest house In Bloorulngdale section; offer ..anted; $.10 cash and $50 monthly; open Snndsy; key at No. 50 V st. W. J. FRIZZELL, Room 16. 802 F st. myl4-tf FOR SALE ?WASHINGTON HEIGHTS-MAG nlficent new 3-story residences, with csblnet man tels. open fireplaces; dining room and library In finest quartered oak: coservstory; gas and elec tric fixtures of colonial brass: nickel plumbing; servants* quarters. Only $10,500. myB-tf WILLIPE. r iBBS & DANIEL 60S IStfc. FOR SALE? For $8.900?Two squares from Dupont Circle, nine-room house. ap2 aftw.27t? 1406 Hopkins at. FOE SALE?APARTMENT HOUSES. FOIt SALE-FINE NEWISH APARTMENT house, n.w.; rented steadily at $90. If sold this week. $10,000. my28-tf WILLIGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 805 13th. FOR SALE?A GOOD. SA~FE INVESTMENT? Fine spartment house, near Judiciary Square; rented at $155 per mo.; will be sold to quick buyer for $18,000. less trust of $5,500 st 4V,7o. mv28 tf W1IJ.IGE. GIBBS & DANIEL 605 13th. FOR SALE?SOUND 10 PER CENT INVEST MF.NT?$5,000 will buy apartment house near 15th and K sts., renting for $95; trust of $7,000 at 5 per cent ni}2S tf WIIXIGH. GIBBS & DANIEL 605 13th. FOIt SALE?3 FINE. NEW PRESS-BRICK AND brown-stone apartment bouses, n.w., rented at $255. To Immediate purchaser for $30,000. irj-28-tf WILLIGE. GIBBS * DANIEL. 605 13th. COUNTRY PROPERTY. GLEN AI.I.EX. ON THE WASHINGTON AND Southern railway, is a charming Bpot for a wood land home?secluded yet accessible. It is three hours from Washington and eight hours from New York, with good train service. A mimiier of handsome villa sites and attractive cottage lots will be sold. For description address the owner. JOHN CL'SSOXS. Glen Allen, Va. Jt-11 -7t FOR SALES?AT BLL'EMOXT. VA.. IX THE BLUE Kidge mountains; ideal villa sites for summer homes; 2 hrs. from Washington; altitude one third mile; pure air and freestone water;* exten sive view of Loudoun and Sbeuandoah vallevs. Special circular. THE BLUEMOXT LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., 1407 F st. n.w. 'Phone Main 1017-M. je4-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE?OR EXCHANGE FOR D. C. PROP erty. a modern cottage at Laurel, containing 9 rooms and bath room; a.m.!.; electric lightf; city water; electric and steam railroad service. For plans and Information see JAY C. HOWELL. 407 Colorado bldg. Jell-tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE-WHY NOT LET US TRADH TOUR HEAL ESTATE FOR YOU? ONR EX CHANGE DEPARTMENT IS STRICTLY UP TO DATE. WE MAKE TRADING A SPECIALTY AND NOT A SIDE ISSUE. ALL PROPERTY LISTED WITH US FOB EXCHANGE RB CEIVF.S THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Of THE HEAD OF THIS BRANCH OF OUB BUSI NESS. STONE & FAIRFAX. 804-6-8 F st. n.w. myT-tf FOR EXCHANGE?OCR LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR TRADE IS TOO LARGE TO PUBLISH. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. STONE * FAIRFAX. 804-6-8 F st n.w. myT-tf DOGS, CATS, ETC. 14TH STREET HOSPITAL FOR AN1MALS-LARG est and most complete hospital In city; surgery humanely performed; visitors welcome; summer boLrdlng; dog ccmetery 2116 14th St., 'Phone North 1?03. my7-tf-4 DR. CECIL FRENCH, EXPERT SPECIALIST. Graduate of McGllI Inlverslty snd Royal Vet arluary High School, Munich. Germany. TREATMENT OF DOG & CAT EXCLUSIVELY. Boarding Kcnne.s, ccr. Lowell and 20th sts. Offlce. 718 12tb st Tela. M. 200 snd N. 1246-K. mbl2-tf,6 FOB SALE-CANARIES, BREEDING CAGES. r.ABlf?w !lM>nhatAP. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SAI.E- BKOOKf.AND. 124# HABTFORP MT. ?Ilaudaome 9-room boose; coocrftf cellar: var n?ce; laundry; vestibule: large rioaeta; modern plumbing: rvery convenience; reduced price If ?old at once; lower Boor rents fot $22.50 per mo. Jinst be ?ecn to be appreciated. OWNER. 720 11 tli u.w.. or on premises. y 18-8t* - FOR SAI.K?A COZY SUBURBAN HOME IN beautiful Illverdale: fln feet front; necessary out Iralldlnga; pump; frolt trees: flower garden; only one square from steam sod electric cars; occupied by owner, who Is compelled to more Into city Immediately and will sacrifice for $2,500. An ex cellent opportunity to get immediate possession of a country bome. BARNARD A MARK. The Oral Sign. (JelS-tf-KO 1412 Q n.w. FOR SALE?8-ROOM DWELLING; NICELY AK ranged; chicken boast* and run; owtbulldlugs; near city; cK?e to electric rars; large grounds: garden; great bargain; a<ljoining land f??r sale at a sacrifice. DLCKETT & DENT, 635 F st. Jel4-3t* FOR RENT?OR SALE?ON EASY TERMS-NEW T-rooir. colonial cottage; lake and boat; porcelain hath, Ac.; spring water uljied through the house; large grove of trees; at Barcroft. Va.; accessible by steam and electric cars; 4 miles from city; garden planted. S. I'. WRIGHT. Barcnift. Va. Je7-12t* FOB KENT?TO PERSON DESIRING A PERMA uent nearby country liouie. i-'or full description and arrangement to fee place please call on owner. CHAS. A. I.ANGLEY. 310 12th St. u w. Je7-12t? FOR SALE?"OHEVY CI!ASK" RESIDENCE AT decided bargain and strictly modern; 05 ft. fnnlage; lot 1iiOxI25: worth $12,500; might ex change for house north of K and west of I0'h sr. Call No. H si.. CheT.v Chase. Jel?-3t? Kilt SAI.K READY Tu OCCUPY- A HAND sonie new couLtry house: large rooina and IO.iiOO sq. ft. of lam.: overlooks city; near car line. Price. $2,104); favorable terms. It. A. PHIIXIPS, 1400 Ci st. n w. Je4-12t FOR SAI.K--1131 ACRES OK I.AND (CAPITALISTS and syndicates tnke notice) only 3 miles from President's house. Washington, on electric ear line: 5-eent fare: situated high: mostly covered with beautiful shade tres: would make a line sub division into building kits snd villa sites: parties shown projierty free: an offer solicited: It must l?e sold. A!so se-ernl large and small tracts for sale cheap and on fasv terms. Jel.t :it* JAMES K. CI.KMKNTS. 1400 O st. n.w. FOR SALE?BROOK I. AND. 1240 HABTFORD St.; handsome 8-rooni house; concrete cellar; furnace; laundry; vestibule; large closets; m>d ern plumbing; every convenience; reduced price If sold at once; lower floor rents for $22.50 per month. Must be seen to be appreciated. OWNE'v, 720 11th n.w., or on premises. Jell-4t* FOR BALE?MAGNIFICENT PLOT OF GROUND at Garrett Park, Md.. facing 500 ft. on main thoroughfares: a real sacrifice; reduced from $.1,000 to $1,000. Jell-4t WII.I.IGK. GiBBS A DANIEL. 805 13th. FOR SALB "FEBNWOOD HEIGHTS." Directly on Connecticut avenue near ''(-"leve ls ml park." Property has already been graded. Streets, sidewalks and alleys paved In the best manner. Sewerage, water and electric lighting. The best 25-ft. lots can he bought for lesa than $1,750. Two or three hundred down, and the balance In monthly payments. We think this ground will double In rain* bv the time the new Connecticut avenue bridge Is finished. It Is bound to advance rapidly?the city Is growing to It. Why not save money by paying monthly notes secured on a lot In this section?at the same time have the value of the secur Itv advance very materially? Send or call for plats and full particu lars. We will be glad to take you to see the property. THOMAS J. FISIlEIt A CO.. Incorporated, jell-U! 1414 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?AT TAKOMA PARK. SOME VERY pleasant homes; all modern conveniences. J. VANCE LEWIS. Tukoma Library bidg.. Takoma Park. Je012f FOR SALE OAK VIEW. Part of Ex-PrcHidont Cleveland's old home property; opposite Hearst School. Economical lots; low prices: easy terms: streets laid out: sidewalks down; sewerage, water, gas and electricity. Call or send for plats with prices. We hare one or two houses in this section. IF YOU PAY" CASH FOR LOT YOU CAN BORROW TO BCILD. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO.. Incor|iorated. Jell-tit 1414 F street n.w. FOR SALE BUILDING DEALS. No money required to pay for lots; can iiorrow on lots enough to build houses or small flats. The best sites for this class of Improvement. 2 or 3 blocks of Iota northeast at 50c. Several good sites In Columbia Heights. A particularly good block In Washington Ilgts. at $1.00 to quick builder. All bnllders should investigate. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO.. Incorporated. Jell-tit 1414 F street n.w. *OR SALE? CHEVY CHASE LOTS AND HOUSES. We have but a few good ones left. This is Washington's "Handsomest Sub urb." Get prices and particulars of other sub urbs and then consider relative merits of our property and our prices. Easy payments. Low prices. All city con veniences. One care fare to center of city. High and healthy. In line of liest Improvements fran city. Note the Improvement la this direc tion in the past two years. Plats and all particulars upon applica tion. An automobile will take you out any time. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO.. Incorporated. Jell Ut 1414 F street n.w. FOR SALE CONN. AVE. PROPERTY for from 50c. to 7?>c. per foot. Small cash payments?monthly notes?low In terest. 2.1 FT. LOT, 130 FT. DEEP TO WIDE AL LEY ? DIRECTLY ON THE AVENUE ? FOR $1,62.'. Call for plat and full particulars. Best car service In District?5c. to center of city?no transfer. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO., Incorporated. Jell-Ot 1414 F street n.w. FOB SALE-TWO-STORY HOUSE; 7 ROOMS, cellar and attic; large lot; overlooking OSty and river; modern Improvements; heated by hot water: fruit trees. 47 Franklin St.. Aoacoctla. ap22-48t* FOR SALE?AT RIVERDALE PARK. A NICE 9 ItOOM HOUSE. CENTRALLY LOCATED, NEAR BOTH THE ELECTRIC AND STEAM BAIL BOA I? DEPOTS. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED PROPERTIES IN RIVERDALE, WITH COMODIOUS HOUSE, GOOD WATER. FRUIT, COMMANDING ELEVATION. MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. A BARGAIN TO A QUICK PURCHASER. APPLY TO WELLS A WELLS, LAWYERS. JENIFER BLDG., COR. 7TH A I> STS. N.W.. Jei>-f.t?-12 WASHINGTON. I). C. FOR RENT?WEST OF CHEVY CHASE CARS, near Grant road, fine bouse; chicken yard, fruit trees and garden; $25.50 per mo. Lot for sale, $.100. II. ... FRISHIK. Station E. Je7-llt? BRENTWOOD. MI).; ONE FARE TO DISTRICT line?Only a few more of those lots at $150; within 6 minutes' walk of the District line sta tion. Forty lots sold since May 15. W. A. BARTLETT. JeG-10t*-0 I,oan and Trust bldg. FOR SALE?"KIRKSIDE." Owing to the failure of the purchaser to carry out his agreement to purchase, we again offer this beautiful country seat, situated immediately north of the "White House," in Maryland, at the head of 16th street, and about one-half mile from the District of Columbia line. The place Is In i>erfeet order. Dwelling and all outbuildings newly .painted, and dwelling newly papered tlrougbout. Sanitary plumbing. Including porce lain tub. Large doulde house, containing 11 rooms and bath, and butler's pantry. Water on the grounds and at the stable. On high hill, gl"ove of fine old trees. 15 acres of land, one-quarter of mile from steam road. Trolley passes the door. Take Brlghtwood car for Forest Glen, and get off at Grace P. E. Church, opposite Woodslde. Man Id churge will show house. Photographs snd all Information ran be obtained from . DEEBI.E A CO., Je4-tf 131i> "F" at. n.w. FOR KENT?COUNTRY RESIDENCE, ? ROOMS, at Glen Ellen Farm on Ridge road, near new Methodist University. Inquire Room 724 Colorado building, coiner 14th and G sts. n.w. Je4-tf FOR 9AI.B ? TEN ACRES OF CLEAN LAND, fenced. In the town of llerndon, Va. Only $50 tier sere; terms to suit purchaser. Address Lock Bel 213, Herndon. Va. my27 26t THE COMING 8UBUBB-MOUNT RAINIER. LOTS 2 TO 10 CENTS A FT.?MOUNT RAINIER. HOUSES. EASY TERMS?MOUNT RAINIER. ALL WANTING HOMES SEE MT. RAINIER. my7-78t,4 FOR SALE?ONE CAR FARE, 0 TICKETS FOB SB eta. to Rogers' Addition to Ut. RalDler. Lota S to 8 eta. per foot; conveyances, recording and abstract free. J. O. ROGERS, owner, FeadaU bldf felfl-lBCt THE MOST PLEASANT RIDE IN THE DISTRICT la on the City and Suburban electric can to Rogers' addition to Mt. Ralner: one car ticket. Polite ageota at District line office. In R. B. sta tion. from 0 to 0 o'clock. Lota 2c. to Sc. par ft mh21-78t PBOIIIB1TIVE PRICES IN N.W.. THE RIVER on the aonth, s.e. and s.w? gov't reservations oa the north, of necessity limit the expansion of Washington (on line or City and Bnbnrban can) to the NORTHEA8T. Rogers' addition to Mt Ranler la high and beautifully located, and whore tired of rent bomeseekera can boy. build aad Ive. ONE OAS FARE III Office. District liaa, t are, extended. mhll-7>t FOR SALE-FINEST LOTS IN TAKOMA PARR, near elec. and steam car ltnea; water, sewer a ad gaa; cheap and on easy terms. A. A. LIPSCOMB and J. P. EARNEST. Truateea. $23 4* St. n.w. a>hlS-104t BRADDOCK HEIGHTS. Desirable lota. $130 ap. j Villa 81 tea from $500 up. { Get booklet ot M-tt GEO. R. HILL. BIB 14th at. a.w. legal notices. InmhiL 22???lBX ltr THK DISTRICT OK Co. n.iTI.J.,' "F. * Pr"lwte Court. X... 1222S All edI2S?'.i L" ' "f Cbarle* C. Walter, deceas fin !,1 hy'n* twn made fo the Supreni ? taXV . District <.f (Vilumhla. hold ng a Pro man t ^y. i .f".r Pn,,'Vp nf ?n l testa Z'J H, *n<1 ,or <??*i?cnta.y Star im! V JJaale M- w?"?r and I.e n To WM ?k > 1* ^ thl* 13tl) d?f ?f J??-. A. I>. W.i;.-,LVl "i ,n'1 hrrcby '? fl?-n to William as Id Willi. 'hV?.kn?"n j"'1" ""d O"' ?t kin of text kin f !lTr,V*n? ,hp nnkn""n hrln anil 'f" "f k,n "f "Id Charles C. Walter, ami 10 all J*? 7i ,rr*V ' "PP?""r In said curt on Sat ?1 L ot A. I>. ll*H, at 10 IV ?? "a01;* !o *botv c*n9t% ^hj such application **??<led. Thla Dot I op l?e m2! , H? ,b.<> Waahln^tnn Ijiw & porter" a.ul MenlBf Star" once in each of three succeaalve I ort\.tbe. return daj herein mention! the flrat publication to be not 1cm than th-"ljr days before said return day .STAFFORD. Jus Att-'t. WM C. TAYLOR. Deputy R-glster of W Ills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of til' Hrohal? Court. LKON TOBKINKR, Attorney. Jcl5 law 3t IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT of Columbia.?Edmund K. Fox, complainant, vi. ojSTi ?" . ?I-? defen4ianta. Equity No. 24591. docket No. 5ft.?On motion of the complain !.Dkh r hJ* ?"'Icltor, P. H. Marshall, It la thla Stli day of June. A. D. 1904. ordered that the i>. ?.w B t??y- Champe n. Thornton, -I li. Itmklnaon. Jnlliia K. Thornton. Flor ence W. Thornton. John T. Tliornton. Ix.ulae I. .ornton, Matilda (1. Thornton, Arthur I' Thorn ton KliraU'th U Thornton. Champ Bracken borough J;'?"'"' i;?v'd B David B. Powera. j". ,, V. <*?, Powers, Roalna G, Power*. Prances II. l owers, Jain-s T. Powera. Jennie T. Powera, ?n in, , au William T. Powera. fiV M Wherry, Julia Wherry Dlck A'loeJr Wherry. Harriet Wherry Utiles. Margaretta Wherry Itaehford. William M Wherrr, jr.. Henry P. Wherry, an Infant; ScboOeld Wherry, an Infant: **nnie Dunklnson. William H. Dunkln * ' Jf ? J""1 M?ry 1 Solllvan, cause their api>ear to entered herein ou or Irefore the for V1"5' "clualve of .Sundays and legal holldaya, K " r. "'e da'' "f ,he fl"t publication of I, order, and .hat the defendanta, tlie iinknonn devisees aud alleneea of Julius K. Crammer. herein1 .,he,r ?l>l???uce to N- entered .frl! ,1! or *f"re the first rule day occurring . "f t'4"1 <>t thn-e months from the llrst publication of the notice under this order casenVrS<i J ,.0a"i-L nl" 1x1 l"w. ed?l with as in tahll.k , Tbo "'"J*"0' "f this suit Is to es tabllsh the title of the complainant, Kdmund K. LlVi I "??"'?lute. I.y the adreTae i?,s of h'tuself and those under whom he ;hf rp?1 estate In the county of Wash ?i i' tolumbla. known and deacrllred ?.? ?"rt,.?' the tract of land known as "KoN rt s in ihl" n for ,h<' ?t a atone planted [' 17 ii"" ?1 U"' 1'lne>' Branch road at w1,'! ,h<> eighth line of a tract of and called ^upgairt. and running thence with mln... e ?f ,M|'1 r,",<l north degrees 44 minutes east 45..i teet to a stone and to the =-r ."a\toe.m'e u'avlnR BH1<1 road, south ?>" a Mton TV" .b"? ? fp,'t- Mi,tl ,h<- '?rammer land to a atone pianteil In the seventh line of said tract ,,f '??I"ed -support" and the Heall land; thence with said seventh line of "Support1 south bLu^T? . minutes west 258.15 feet with the Beau land to a atvne In the eighth line of "Sup SSrt" n .i. -o"^ "l,h H*h,h of "Sup S^r r .i degrees 22l? minutes weat ft!4 4 n p f "f 'winning, containing 4.H2 !? ??"rv ,1or, es" (except so much thereof as Abirti nK2k ie all"l'le ?'* Henry Ould to lK4s in.i S^maker by deed dated June 29. int^i . /fr'! ',1 ",uonK '!?? land records of the Olstrlct of Columbia In l,|l>er X. C. T Xo 6n ?t yeve,l n;f,nU,"lB? 80 n'"rh ?h.-^of .s w.. c?n wfllUm B T* T" e hj t;hr)?l''Pher (irammer .,.,1 llel c I>.n ? r"'s!M's' u"der the will of Oott t ?. 'rammer, deceased, t?? Abner C 1* ^i<?e ?moM ^LdrdidHt<,d Varch 23 m%A- arKl r^'?nlei ' {'Li8v ,ho '"strict of Coluta Whleh !;! er N,:, c- r- ,No- 33. ?t folio 307, aa to tltl^'in*? parcel* complainant now baa a fo L irnt tl K*. sla,I'le hy the record). Tills order months L l n I month for said three months and once a week for three successive W'?*hln?ttou law Reporter and The Kvenlng star. THUS. II. ANDERSON. Justice A crxvivcTi r?J: AJ u YorN'?> * 'crk. By F. E. a ?Asst. < Jeik J?>8.15.22.jy1,ir?,aui,1t% Iuml.{i.R MoiHir?l ???" 1>F TI,K DISTRICT OF CO I t ri ""'d'"K * Probate Court. Estate of Maria A"iioildereased. No. 12197. Adinlnlairatloi.. of Ihe II? ,1Vi"K'"T" ma'1<> to Supreme Court Cour ,"f ' "'""'bla. holding a Probate probate of the last will and testament iald eiral. Ia""f for testamentary on 7?l. ,ff! f I- Jerel"'ah V. Hare, it Is ordered this ; ?f June, A. I>. 1IMI4, that notice b- and h.rel.y ls giren to Mary K. Mention. C. II. Jones. I XL. u-? Darenimrt. Anna I.. Jones, I.aurn K Jones, Kate C. June*. Kliae C. Jonea. Laura C nnS', a"?i P- ?'"H'"' (Infant*. Mary K. Jones helr9 llt lnw of Maria J. I." Dare, ana to all others concerned, to appear in said court on o-cl'^k a'ni l;V," day Jul?- A" " l*? ?t iS clock a.m., to show cause wbv au<h application ,S hn.(,ti i,frail,,,d: ProTided, this iH?tic<. be published In the Washington Law Rejiorter and XwksT^irf r," "!"'e 'Va,'h "f three successive H return day herein mentioned the first publication to be not less than thirty davs be WM "c Wltl,;'1T- Jtwtlce. Attest: thril.,1? r c, i'!ltr Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Prolnite Je5 laJ.1t SS 1,KKKV & SON- Attorneys. l,m1I|.l|',KFillM.C'<H'R^ 1F T,1K DISTRICT OF CO. Ititnbia. Holding a Probate f'ourt. No. 121P<* \i? ministration.?This Is to give notice that the sutl f^n ri ,> ,e District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Coluin ln.?lL-hr\r"I- ad"-iinl?tration on the estate of liimbtr i ? ,1"' of the District of Co lumbla. .Ie<-eased. All persons having claims htV'l."*!ni deceased are hereby warned to et ,n? same, with the vouchers thereof. le fh! kh 1 ted. to I he sulwcrlber on or >?-fore m?v I I T J""T- A " otherwise thev may by law lie excluded from all lanetit of said I?K F*X 4x';,rJI,,"\,ha"1 'S!" ?!"1 day of .l??e. AI.KXANDKR M.KKXZIK. Iihm K Can S,/?V? A/"'st: WM C TAVI.OR, Deputy KegUter ^ '"".("r the District of Columbia. Clerk of ti,. Irobate tourt. S R. Hi .XI>. Attc>rney. JeK-1 aw "t IS THE Sl'PRKMK COI ItT OF THE DISTRICT <t,?h .'.~'Vrt,a, M' K,1,h- ?"ompiainant. agt. <harl.-9 J. Ruth, defendant; Ethel Harris core spondent-No. 23139. Equity m?ket No 52.-The Obje. t of this suit Is to obtain an absolute divorce npjm the ground of adultery. Provided a copv of this order l*> published once each week for three ?n,ir"n,1V"\v'"V'r ln !-?" Reporter ?"d rii?- Washington Star. Rv her solicitor c VM|> ?EU; CARRI.Mjfox. On moll.*, of the cimnlain i Ik 1 sttl day of June, A. D. I91U ordered that the corespondent, Ethel Harris, cause' her an I"- entered herein ou or before ?|? fortieth day, exclusive of Sundays and legal holi days, occurring after the day of the first puhll, a of this order; otherwise the cause will !>.. proceeded with as in case of default It the Test' J Justice. True com* Il\\i Asst nerk 1,y F- F- Cl'XNIX-O. Aast' rk. JoM law-3t?-21 A. B DCVAI.L AXI) A. I.. SINCLAIR *ttoh. fvj.s'~i.i" 'f'./wme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a District Court.?In re the widening of V street northwest; District Court. slonera of thi?*Vill(l'fT ?,bat tl,e Conimls the nrovlslnna i u Columbia, pursuant to Anrl 1 Si luilf ."f' ''""cress approved April ?s. 1jo4, entitled An act for the wHenlnir '.hi. T1 "orthwest, have filed a ^emirni iS UJl ?"rt_ praying the condeuination of land r.eces south of J ',t.,K |. K "f V strwt through s.,uare six iiaaiffr 0f,r'"are twelre '"'"dred and ninety I'jmJ tht! west 8,<io Thirty fifth street west one hundred and twentv (12u? feet to th*? ^ty? ?vn rn,y' 'he fuli wlmh of . * , feet? 118 sliotrn on a i?lat or n?ufi i?pa. pared by aaid CoiiunisaloQers and annexed to* their saul petition and marked "Exhibit D C No " and praying, also, that a Jury of seven (7) V?. ditlous, diaintereated men, not related to anv ner son Interested In the prrK-eediu^ and no I , The the n1|',e,iesi:,I';y ?f, ,lie DIstTt of Columbia or t>e suinmone<l t?y the (Hired States marshal for the District of Columbia to assess the damages such owners of land taken may sustain by reason of such widening of sal,^ V street and the condemnation of lands for the imr J^tlne* theref w|denl"K. ..Id assess ?Se lineVre griss li u Tm%i>S I,r"vlc1'"1 in said act of Con gress It is. by the court, this 7th day of June A. D 1904. ORDERED. That all person." having ar/ l.erelt8' ' ^ Proceedl"gs herein lie. aud tlsey are hereby, required to npjiear in tills court on or before the 5th day of Jub" A. II WlT.od J tiniie in attendance until the court shall iiave made its final order ratifying and confirming the award of damages and assessment of lienetits of the iurv and ,t s FURTHER ORDERED That a cop' of this notice and order be published once In" the I? I? T? vW ,U,'i'?rter. a"d on six secular ? Hi .i The Evening Star, the Washington Tost and the W ashlngton Times, newspapers published in said District, la-fore said Otli .lay of Ju l Jhta " noVlce F,T?f'H ""DERET^hat a^pi- of this notice and order be served by the 1'nlie.l States marshal for the District of Columbia tr his deputies, iqwn such owners of the land to he condemned as may be found by said marshal or fore M?d 5thW<lay of^July^A0 D?' ' fhJ It"" V('>rx'I,L clerk'.' "OL1 "' J"stiCT A. B DU\ ALL AXD A. L. SINCLAIR \TTOIt FumblT Vmi SopreSf ('ourt of the District of Col lunibia. holding a Diatrict Court.?lu re the Con damnation of Land necessary to Extend Euclid place so as to c,,nnect with Erie street. 4c. Xo ill1' J strlct Court. Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia pursuant to the provisions of an act of Congress' ni,",r"r1,;V'rl! ,uo4- en'ltled "An act "o co": ?:.j i place with Erie street." have fil?d a u.Ji " ' 00 rt ?'raJ'ln* the condemnation of land necessary ?xtet:d Euclid place so as to connect with I stre,-t. through lot - A" if lark .odiviston, anil lots fourteen 1141 and fifteen (151. of Hall and Elvan'sZ.Mirll m shown iaD 'I'1,1' W"h " Wldth of flf,v 'V" feet aa sfcowa on * plat or map prepared by said Couimls sinners and annexed to their said rJori, . i VExt,idt- D C" N" and praying that a jury of aeven (7> judiciou8, dialnterea^l m^eeS'in ^ tc any Person Interested In the proceedinp and not In the service or employ of the District of Columbia or the United States he f>T.;Tc?ed,^,tbeKilJnl,ed 'S,a,l'? marSial for the District of Columbia, to assess the damages such owners of land taken may sustain by reason of the tlonDoi?? nH "r"1 El"cl,d P'ace and the condemns* tion of landa for the purpoaea of aoch extenal >n and assesa the benefits resulting therefrom . ? provided ^ In ssld act of Congress' It JI That' al^'netiona' h*' 1"?' A D' ,904' ?"DERED. irV. hs,,ln? snj Interest In the pto cetdlngs herein be, and they are hereby required to appear In this court on or before the'21st day ? <nU^t" A-D- 1904, and continue ln attendance J"?.1' ,the c2?rt shall hare made Its final order ratifying and confirming the award of damages nnd T^KRmoRnFRrA 4?, ?t the j0r''; ,D'1 " >' ft 't rt ER ORDKRED That a copy of this notice snd ontrr be published once ln the Washington Law Reporter and on six sectilsr dsys In The Krenlng Star, the Washington Post and the Washington Tltrea. newspapers published In said District be jRKJL'y ^lst day of June. A.D. 1904. It Is Fl'K TJHl OBDJCBKb. That a copy of this notice and ffTe<l bJ fhe United States marshal for the District of Columbia, or his deputies, upon such owners of the land to be condemned as msy * 'SSfricf of *Columb?a.'' before* saljCzis't LTo" ?u,A "/ !? roexo. Clerk. B, F. W. 8MITH As.Ut.nt C,tTk- Je4.8.11.16,18,20-Ot ' LEGAL UOTICES. SUl'ItKMK OOTET OF THE DISTRICT Of CO Imub.a. holding a Prokat* Court.- No. 1213ft. Ad ministration. TMn |m to fir*, nntlrr that tbe enb *crlb<r, of the IHatrlcr of roltimhfa. baa obtained fr^ui the I'robat** t'ourt of tb* OUtrlet of OlumVa. lot test tcatam?*nrary on tbe estate of Thomaa M Sullivan, lat ? of the IXatr!< t ?>f C .lumb'.a. 4>f**+G All pemona ha vine claltua *galnut the 4*c*ae.^4 ar* hereby Marned to exhibit tbe iam?>, with th* vouch er? tbermf. legally authenticated, to the nab acriber, on or before the 14th (Say ot June. A. !?. 19)*5. otherwise they may by law be eirlnd ?<! Ip>m all benefit of aald estate Ulven under my band tl-is 14th day of June. 1J*?4 MARY VIRGINIA SI LXJVAN. 37 r at. n.e. Attest: WM C. TAY L?K. Deputy Rejnater ??f Wills for the Distrlcr of ? Ylnmbia. Clerk of the I*Tobate t'ourt. SITTINGS ft CHAMUKKUN. Attorneys. J-15 lsw St SCPURMK COl'RT or THK DISTRICT 7>F CO Imtibia. holding a Probate ftwrt.-So. 111218. Ad niinl?trati?>n. F>tate of Su?an Whslen fir WMsii), dcceaeed. Application having W*n made to the Supreme <*f>u!t ?f the Dl?trfet of ('? lumbla. holding a 1'robate Court, for lettera of admlnlntrntion <*i aald e-itaie, by Mark T. Whslen. It is ordered thl? 14th day of June. A D. 1J*?4. that notice be and hereby is glrett to William Wha!en (or Whelanl. re siding at i 13 tith are . Hn?>k!yn. N. Y , and to all others concerned, to appear in raid e<-?i?t on Mon day. the 18?h day of July. A. D. 11*?4* at 10 o'clock a m., to ah??w cause why aueh application should not be grant.*?| Provided, This notice l?e tabltsbed in the "WnMaitn Ijiw Ropi rter" ard Evening Star, once In each of three auccewslre weeks before the return day herein mentioned tlie that pMntln to i?e not |m thsn thlity dsys before aald return ?lay. STAFFORD, Attest: WM. C. TAYLOR. Deputy l("gt titer ?f Wills for the Dlstrct of Coltimba, Clerk of the ?*n?bate Court. jelft-law .It SI FREMK COI'lJT OF TIIK 1I?YsTliTi*r~?K <'?T lumbia. holdiiitf a Probate Court. No. 123M, Ad minlatration, "lhla la to give notice that the sub scriber of the Dlatrlct of ColuniMs ha* obtained from the Prtbate Court of tbe District of Colum bia letter* testamentary on the eatate of Haltha sar KglofT. otherwise lijlt* Rgloff. late <?f the Dis trict of Columbls. decease*! All |M>rm?s having claims airaini*r the defease*! an* hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, le gally authenticated, to the atit*scrlher. ??n or lie Fore the 14th day of June. A. D. lwiT*. otherwise they may by law be exclude! fr?>rn h11 benefit ->f said estate. (il\.-li under my hand this 14th day of June. 11101. IJOONIIARD h>;i.OFF. ?*> 3d st. s.e. Attest: WM. C. TAYIjOR. Deputy Hegtet.-r of Wills for the District of Columbia. Oerk of the Probate Court. IIBRMAN C. GAl'SS, Attorney jelfMaw 3t MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. Ti? LOAN IMMEDIATELY AT ON IMl'KOV e<l rlty rval talati'. a prlrate fund of |lll.<<H? to II5.U00. CEORGE C. GF.BTMAN. Aitomr'ttUir, 321 4>1 at. n.T. Telephone East if. D. ?t.0W>.min TO LOAN ON CITY ItEAL K8TAT*. Any aniMint. I^jweat ratra. I.. O l>F. I.ASIISH'TT. tf,4 Honw Ute hide.. )Mh and O ata. TO IX>AN?9.1.1MK). *4.0<?>. fa.SUO ANI? ffl.OOII ON CITY IlKAL ESTATE at lo?Mt rata of Interval ami commtmlon. tryW tf LIKBKRMANN ft IIAWJT. 1S03 F at. i'WNEY ADVANCER TO SAI.AHIEh IKOPI.K; uo [nortjjsf c; no Indorarra; on atnrka, bottda, warpliou* rrrrlpta. life ln?. jxillrlea, Ac., ite. Waahlnptoa AssigumeDt Co., 62.1 'JA bond Mdg. myl2-tf-4 MONEY TO I.OAN. We have a fund of $40.0<K> to loan on aprclal terms and ut reduced ratea of lntereat. in auma "f *1 ,000 and upwards, on D. C. real estate security. No delay iu passing on oppllcstlons and closing loans. tuyil-tf STONE A FAIRFAX. WM to SO* r n w WE HAVE IN HAND ANY AMOCNT FROM VM TO $.10,000 TO LOAN ON 1ST DKKD OF Till ST ON D. C. REAL ESTATE AT 4 4 AND f?% IN TEREST. PROMPT REPLIES AND SMALLEST POSSIBLE EXPENSE. my3-tf MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 717 14th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SI IT AT CI R rent rates of interest on real estate in tbe Dis trict of Columbls. FITCH. FOX Sl BROWN, Jel tf.r, 14?a? *i at. n.w. MONEY IN SMALL AND LARGE A MOP NTS VO limn on secoud trusts. Indorsed notes, life Ins. pol*8 and otliei* securities at tKfc |?er annum; no delay. ATW/.LL 6c TREADWELL, 13tU n.w., bet. F and O. ap30-78t MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF IN terest oq D. C. real estale. No unreasonable delay. WALTER II. ACKER. ml:21Mf-5 1420 F n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM flu TO $2,000, at lowest rates of Interest, payable back monthly if so desired, on Indorsed notes, life Insurance policies, second trusts and otter securitl ??; ?100,000 immediately available. T. W. STUD BLEFIELD. 11*24 F st. n.w. sp21 3m-G LOANS MADE ON SECOND TRl'STS. LIFE IN surance {?olltles. stocks. Ixuids and Indorsed notes at low rates of Interest G. L. THORNTON, 713 14th st.. second f.oor. mh26 3m-4 TO LOAN ON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE. $10,000. (3.U00. $7,000. $2,000. $4,5o0. THOS. R. WAGGAMAS, mhlO-tf 817 F at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN AT Sty, 4 AND 4*4 PER CENT. In sums of $1,000 to $li>0.<>C0. on D. C. real ?a tate; pay off ft per cent and 6 i>er cent loans ami begin anew at lowest rates of interest; all trnns actions conducted with economical consbWstioo for Itorrowcrs. WM. II. SAUNDERS A CO., JcR-tf 7 1407 F st. n w. IF YOI WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN. RT'Y OR sell on real estate, I can save yon time and cash, as I give personal attention to all deals. deG tf 4 J E A KIN GADSBY. 520 13th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. O. REAL ESTATE? Lowest rates of Interest. Payment on principal in amounts of $5?>o or more received at any 'n ferest period. THE F. II SMITH COMPANY, j Bond bidg.. 1408 N Y. ave. n.w. d??4 tf I.ARdK OR SMALL I>lANS SECURED; STOCKS,, bldg. and oan asso. shares, life Ins. poli cies. syndicate certlfs.. warehouse receipts sud real estate truats taken. C. A. BAKER. 40-42 Metzerott bldg.. 1110 F st. sel6-tf-4 MONEY TO I.OAN ON AP'RnVKD REAL Es tate wltlsln the District "f OotaaMa. In amounts to suit applicants, at lowest ratea of interest. Jal9-tf.4 GEO. W. LINK INS. ?no 19th st. n.w. TO LOAN?ON CITY PK<>PERTY ? $50,000, 4%. $00,000. 4 4 10%. $100,000. 4 4%. $300.0lN). .V7r. Large sums a specialty. seO-tf-S EARi.Y & LAMPTON. 6L% 14th st. n.w. MONKY TO EiOAM on d. c. Real estate. LOWEST RATES. R. W. WALKER A SON. 1006 r N.W. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estste at 4. 4*4 and ft per cent Interest. Soeclal privileges with respect to prior payments. Laree amounts a sj^eclalty. TYLER 4 RUTHERFORD 1307 F st. n.w. fe9 tf-5 11. K. FULTON'S LOAN OFFICE. 314 9TH ST. N.W. ESTABLISHED 1S70. MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. Ac OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. Ja31-tf4l SEWING MACHINES. Sewing Machines Of any make, including the New Home, Domestic, Wheeler & Wil son, Singer and Standard; all the latest styles. Sold on SOc. WeekEy Payments. See the new Oak Drophead Mi dlines, $15.00. Machines repaired and warranted, $1.00. Machines rented, 50c. per week. At Oppenheimer's, Sole Agency for New Iloms Sewing Machine. Knife and accordion plaiting, 2c. yard up. Skirts Sun Plaited. $2.00. _ 1*>-T8t.3? SUBURBAN PEOPEETY. Buy a Choice Lot at White-Croft ?the delightful subrtlvl- Fine nr slon on Bright wood car line, and at terminus of ServiCC new extension of Capital insnrprl Traction Co. out 14th i street. One fare. City .rureatr; water, sewer and gas. ur.fhnut Granolithic walks. Lots wuihj.ii will double in value In COSt. eighteen months. WSflflSge, Qfibbs <& Daniel, Inc., Exclusive Agents, 6H5 13th St. N.W. ^ mjl0-m.w,?-tf > ICX-i BOAEDING. "ROBINSON." 1602 KTH ST. N.W.?MEAI.8 AT all hour*: ererytiilDg la hiiod. Dliiuer all ilajr Sunday! and boUdaya. PALMISTEY. HAVE TOUU HAND HKAD By HUE. HIT A, tb? world'a err a teat palatial and aatroloflat. now hold In* mreptlona at T3~ 9tb at n w. Fw 26e. and 00c. afdU-ttt*